#fave lees lers and switches
giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Out of curiosity, do you have like an all time favorite lee or a ler? Dont have to be from the same anime etc. just someone you really really love writing for or reading about👀
Ooo, that's a fantastic question! Unfortunately I don't think I can give you a proper answer though? Thing is- my all time faves change up a lot depending on what anime/series/game/etc. I'm really into at the moment. I can give you a more or less current faves list though!
Fave Lees As Of Right Now:
Chigiri Hyoma (Blue Lock) ~Granted this one will probably be a fave forever lols~
Dabi (My Hero Academia) ~This man is moreso a ler but I THRIVE for Lee!Dabi kjrjajrkejkarjekjrakj Something about breaking down such cocky bastards is just *chef's kiss* delightful~
Akaza (Demon Slayer) ~TICKLISH STRIPES!~
Grusha (Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet) ~I'm having terrible brainrot over him right now akjerkajrjejr I'm sorry- he is my BOY (brassie is a close second though!)~
Dazai (Bungo Stray Dogs) ~Need I say more? Cause I will if prompted- no joke. I ADORE him as a lee akjekjrjakrjkajkr~
Fave Lers Of Right Now:
Tengen (Demon Slayer) ~Just: YES. Team Ten-Ren is always a blast to write; throw in Mitsuri and you've got yourself one terrible trio of entertainment~
Sagiri (Hell's Paradise) ~Not to be bi on main but ✨Women✨; I just adore writing her as a Ler. She's got the best of both worlds: the strength of an executioner and the secret playful side you get bits and pieces of when she's interacting with others.~
Sidou (Blue Lock) ~I don't write him enough. God my Ryusai heart is hurting, I need to make more fics of him absolutely destroying Sae (and getting kicked in the face ala retalliation) akjekjajkrjejr But no seriously he DRIPS ler vibes~
Geto Suguru (Jujutsu Kaisen) ~LISTEN...y'all can't tell me this man isn't a ler. Even when he goes all JJK 0 on us, he reads such ler vibes karjkajkrjke I still love him as a lee but something about Ler!Geto is just EVERYTHING~
Douma (Demon Slayer) ~He's just- so fun to write wrecking people akljerkjarjejjk~
Fave Switches Of Right Now:
Hawks (My Hero Academia) ~Literally BIRB. I love writing Hawks so much; while I usually make him a ler, ticklish wings are just *multiple chef kisses*~
Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen) ~Season 2 has made him a proper switch in my eyes. Like- he kinda was already but now we get more SatoGuru moments and I'm pleased :) It's just so FUN to write him getting wrecked akjrekarjkeajkr~
Chuuya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs): Another one I don't write nearly enough of but my god it's so fun all around aakjerjkaejkje Especially when Dazai's in the mix!~
Gabimaru and Yui (Hell's Paradise) ~My soft OTP! I could write them all day everyday! It's a perfect 50/50 split on how I like write them- though I really do wanna write more Lee!Yui cause she's beyond cute.~
Bachira Meguru (Blue Lock) ~Literally a tickle monster- I love him getting tickled and I love him doing the tickling! It's a great time all around when I get to write for him ajrjaejrjkejk~
I'm absolutely missing characters in this little list but these are the ones who immediately come to mind! Of course if you'd ask me in a month or so who my faves of each group were they'd probably be different (except Chigiri- he stays lols) but yeah!
Thanks for asking! :3
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ticklystuff · 16 days
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giggly-toybox · 4 months
Haiii! I absolutely ate up your one piece tk headcanons! Could we get some more? 👉👈
Hiiiii! Of COURSE you can have more one piece headcanons! I am so in love with this show but Netflix WON’T PUT THE NEXT SEASON ON UGH so unfortunately I am still on pre timeskip. This time around we’ll be doing the more main characters, since I did my faves last time! If you want a specific character let me know!
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Monkey D. Luffy:
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The biggest switch in the entire show
He loves tickling people and being tickled
CANONICALLY ticklish as we’ve seen
Def weak everywhere, but his worst spots are his feet and sides
Good luck catching him though, he can use his devil fruit powers to escape
VERY squirmy, but it’s just reflexes. He’s enjoying it
When tickling you he’s constantly switching the spot he’s tickling so you can never guess
He will laugh along with you
Roanoa Zoro:
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Hard to catch off guard
He's always on guard and can easily catch you even if he's sleeping
He’s ticklish mainly on his torso, like his sides, belly and hips
His neck and shoulders are pretty bad too
He’s pretty lazy but will not give up a chance at seeking revenge
A VICOUS ler, but will only tickle you if you tickled him first
Can tell when you’ve had enough and will just leave or go back to sleep when he’s done
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If you’re a man you’re getting kicked across the room
Don’t bother
But if you're a girl you can just tell him not to move and he will try his best not to
Has very ticklish palms, they’re soft since they’re never used in fights
Legs are easily his worst spot, inner thighs and behind the knees will make him squeal
His hands are very skilled so he will have no trouble skittering his fingers all over you
A SUPER sweet and gentle ler to girls, but vicious to men
If you’re a girl he will blush so hard while tickling you, and will apologize profusely if he feels like he went too far
But if you’re a dude he dgaf
Has wrecked Luffy more than once for stealing food
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Don’t bother, if you even think about it she'll set you straight
Very ticklish on her belly and underarms
But as I’ve said her worst spot is her ears
If you’re SUPER close to her she’ll take it for a little
But she will punch you when she’s had enough
Immediate revenge after she punches you off
Her fingers are quick, but she’ll stay in the same spot mostly
Not very skilled in tickling, and it ends pretty quickly since she’s just tickling you to blow off steam
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Definitely the most ticklish strawhat
Poor dudes ticklish everywhere
Claims he isn't ticklish and tells lies about it
Tried to distract you and change the subject immediately
He’ll lie even when you’re wrecking him
Surprisingly good at tickling
Has everything planned ou and knows how to get you down
While tickling you he tells you a story about how he took down a monster with this “tactic”
Backfires on him 60% of the time bc he’s distracted with the story
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A SQUEALER when tickled, he gets so loud
He honestly doesn’t mind them that much, but he can’t handle rough ones
He only lets people close to him tickle him, like Helmeppo or Luffy
His worst spot is his belly, mainly his belly button
His ears are pretty bad too, he’ll scrunch up and squeak
He gets really red and cries easily, but don’t worry he’s not in pain just listen for when he tells you to stop
Like Luffy he likes tickling people, he finds their reactions fascinating
An unintentional teaser, he asks how much it tickles out of pure curiosity
Low key is more embarrassed and flustered than the actual lee
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I've been thinking about birthday twords 🙈🙈🙈🙈
One of my friends has a birthday today, and my own birthday is less than a week away, so here is my brain dump of birthday tword ideas 🤭🤭🤭
For Lees/Switches
- Birthday Raspberries! one raspberry on their tum or neck for each year of the age they're turning 🙈🙈
- on that same note, twording the shit out of them for the same amount of minutes as the age they're turning (ex. turning 23 years old = 23 minutes of getting tworded)
- twording the lee to the time of the birthday song??? 🙈🙈🙈 aaaaaaaa?????
- mentioning the twords as a "birthday gift from the tword monster" 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
- audio teases of what exactly the ler wants to do to the lee 💕💕💕 (bonus points if it includes the lee's favorite tword spots 🙈)
For Lers/Switches
- the lee letting the tword monster get them for as many minutes as the age the ler is turning (ex. ler is turning 24 = lee gets tworded for 24 minutes)
- pretending that the lee's most twordish spot is the ler's birthday cake (or fave dessert for lers who don't like cake 💕) so that the ler nibbles all over it 🙈🙈🙈🙈
- spamming them with teasy pics and vids of the ler's most favorite spot on the lee 💕
- teasing a ler via audio of the lee's twordish giggles as they try to record a happy birthday message 💕💕💕 (I may or may not have done this one before 🙈🙈)
- maybe try twording the ler first 🤭 role reversal is soooo fun 🙈🙈🙈
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trrickytickle · 25 days
coming back from momentary grave for 1 sec to say ID BE SO DOWN FOR A TK THEMED DRESS TO IMPRESS SERVER 💀💀
fave lee, fave ler, switch duo, lee/ler mood (pretty broad, just fits that are reminiscent), fave/first tk scene (characters in the scene (lees and lers can duo- like dressing as, say, Applejack and Trixie), April oneil fit would be so servetastic), feathers (fur items, soft fit like fur gloves, fur skirt, vip dress etc ), shit like OMGGGMGMGM i wanna slay w yall
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chaoticklefics · 1 year
Ahhh! Always a pleasure to meet fellow ATLA trash!! 😭 Eventually, I’ll post some head cannons and such. But to answer this ask…
Aang isn’t a stranger to starting tickle fights but it’s typically because he wants to be wrecked. He will provoke other members of the Gaang to tickle him by pestering them or actually initiating tickle fights. As an Airbender, he’s pretty ticklish himself.
Katara can be ticklish at times (and believe me, no one is spared in Gaang tickle fights), but she’s typically more inclined to tickle others than be tickled herself. (Like tickling her boneheaded brother for being an idiot, or tickling Aang because he likes it, or tickling Zuko because Zuko is a grumpy/moody little shithead).
Sokka is definitely more of a Ler, but he’s also ridiculously ticklish. He often is one to start tickle fights with other members of the Gaang but can also dish out some pretty ruthless tickling despite being wickedly ticklish himself.
Zuko is more Lee leaning as he doesn’t start tickle fights by tickling others. He’s ridiculously ticklish and after the rest of the Gaang found out… *shudders* Zuko may be ridiculously ticklish but he’s also a very skilled Ler. (Absolutely ruthless, don’t tickle him unless you can handle the revenge). Secretly, he used to love when Lu Ten would tickle him long ago but hadn’t had much other experiences with it until he started traveling with the Gaang. He’s definitely happy to be included (even if being tickled may make him grouchy at times).
Toph isn’t really sensitive to tickles as she uses her sense of touch for Earthbending. (Most Earthbenders aren’t really ticklish anyways). Toph enjoys helping the Gaang tickle whoever the current victim is and she holds no loyalty either, as she’ll always try to tickle everyone. (Especially Zuko).
Despite being a badass Kyoshi Warrior, Suki is super ticklish. Sokka frequently tickles her. Of course she does get him back at times but she doesn’t mind their playful tickle fights. (Even if she can hand Sokka’s ass to him in sparring matches, she’s still susceptible to tickling).
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franklyshipping · 1 year
Today is Chase Brody's Birthday! He's 6 years old! Time flies fast. I don't remember if you've been asked this before, but do you have any tickle headcannons for Chase you would like to share? And just in case if this was asked before, I'm also curious...hmm, what is your favorite Chase focused video? I know many of them are sad but I'm curious what's your favorite Chase moment. (Jameson/Marvin Anon)
AAAAA HAPPY BDAY TO THE BOIII! My fave Chase moment is the just the whole tea bag trick shot shenanigans, it will forever be so iconic to me 😂 In terms of hcs, I'd say Chase is a lee-leaning switch who reeeally likes running his mouth to his ler and generally being a brat. He'll act all tough but just the sight of wiggling fingers makes him blush, and intimidating teases I think fluster him more than babying ones. His favourite thing is a tickle fight though, because he thinks it's really the most fun way to bond with his loved ones aaaaand his worst spots are his ears, ribs and the backs of his knees! 😆💜
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unnamable-lee · 7 months
You got any headcanon's for Snorpy or Chandlo? Both, if you're feeling up to it? Either or, we need them HC's for either one of the gays~ uwu
~ 🌸
Chandlo ~ Ler Leaning
SAYING RN he gives comfort tkls to snorps when he's not feelin well SHUT THE FUCKUP
he's usually gentle with his lees due to his strength but can get a bit rougher
picks up the grumpus he's tkling
def uses his teeth in some way,, nibbles mayb i think
he just likes seeing the people he loves happy :[[[ i love him
when he's the LEe tho, he absolutely snorts when he laughs
tklish palms,, yeaj
squirms a LOt do NOT get hit you will DIE!! /silly
he does try his best not to squirm too much
snorps love to see him laughing n stuf he finds it cute,,
Snorpy ~ Switch
he's my fave im gonna go a bit crazy, a bit silly
as a lee, he has a very hiccupy and wheezy laugh when it's genuine, basically when he's getting wrecked havhevwh
doesnt let many people tkl him, only really allowing chandlo, floofty, and the journalist maybe
gets rlly flustered wjen chandlo tkls him and goes full tkl fight mode with floofty
weak to teases and baby talk
a bit self indulgent, but his worst spots are his tum, ribs, shoulders, and foot paws
secret spot under his chin too,,
now LER- this man is a literal engineer. who builds different contraptions. dud e
has probably built something in order assist him when tkling someone
it was probably smth simple like robotic arms, but it worked soo- he usually tests these on floofty hahvshsha
absolute tkl monster with floofty, so mea n
probably gets flustered with chandlo tho since he finds his laugh so cute
tkly kisses for chandlo,,
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kasey-writes-stuff · 9 months
AEW anon here- i’m glad I found you too! I love your headcanons for OC and Kenny. Thank you for writing them :) I love the idea of Orange being the most unbearably casual ler ever. like just wrecking your shit and not saying a word just smirking down at you as he puts in the least effort possible but you’re still dying. He’s one of my faves at the moment so I was delighted to hear your thoughts about him! I think it’s so adorable to think of him as a lee too. I feel like he’d have one of those silent laughs where you can’t tell he’s laughing at first especially with his sunglasses on. His shoulders just bounce and he’s all squeaky until his true laugh comes out. What are your thoughts on Danhausen? And who are some of your other favorite AEW wrestlers? Thank you again for taking the time to post hc’s!
Aahhh yes yes yes so true he really would but he’d have the biggest smile on his face and he’d like still be trying to act sooo casual like nothings happening even though he’s literally shaking with laughter
He gives me ler vibes for sure maybe ler with just barely some switch but mostly ler
He will only let a very small group tickle him but even when he does they never get away with it
Said group is best friends, OC, Kris and Ethan page (my beloved)
Dan is ofc a very very silly ler he definitely leans playful ler but can be rough when needed or wanted
He definitely makes a lot of silly noises when tickling his lees
He’d use teases like “oh yea I can tell you’re definitely not ticklish here at all” when the lee is denying being ticklish
He’s definitely one for sneak tickles at anytime anywhere
But he does keep the more drawn out tickles to more smaller settings like between you and the group mentioned above
But he’ll definitely still sneak up and give some squeezes or pokes or maybe even a quick scribble just as he’s passing you no matter what you’re doing
When he does do the more drawn out tickles he definitely is asking as its starting “hmm should I be very nice danhausen or should I be very evil danhausen?”
Sometimes he’s genuinely asking what you’d like other times it’s a rhetorical question and he’s most definitely picking and just using it as a tease
Hmm I feel like he’d like hips and sides a lot because of like how jumpy they usually make people
As for himself he doesn’t have a favorite spot to be tickled really but if he had to try and choose one it would be his ears cause they’re not really bad they just get a few giggles
Worst spots umm hmm see since I can’t really picture him being tickled it’s hard to get an idea for his worst spots
I’m gonna say ribs
Some other faves of mine are
Jon moxley
Wheeler yuta
Sammy Guevara
Britt baker
Adam cole
Jack perry
Bryan danielson
Hangman Adam page
There’s probably others I’m forgetting but those are the first to come to mind
Aahhh I’m so glad you’re enjoying the HC’s if you have any requests I’m totally open to it and to discussing your thoughts on them
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Switch tk hcs:
I wanted to start dumping my enstars hcs and ofc I had to start with my fave unit ajdhsjdhksdh
My hcs are usually all over the place so read at your own risk lmao
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Natsume was probably the first character I fell in love with back when I started playing. And he must love me back 'cause I got his 5* very early on. I remember thinking 'it would be cool to get his card' and then BAM he just showed up in my next pull lol (same thing happened with Tsukasa, I must attract redheads or smth lmao).
AnywaYS, Natsume is a ler-leaning switch... no pun intended lol. He is the definition of a ticklish ler. I can imagine he enjoys being tickled but would rather be nice to Tsumugi than admit it out loud.
He prefers being the ler, always enjoys messing with people by tickling them... *cough* *cough* Tsumugi. Like srsly when he found out fuzzy hair was ticklish it was like he hit the jackpot 'cause now he can easily make him crumble with just a few wiggly fingers.
Natsume's tickles are pretty playfull and he makes sure to never take it too far... unless he's tickling Tsumu, then he shows no mercy lmao (someone pls save him).
As much as he likes to mess with others, he also likes to help those in need and is willing to give cheer up tks as well.
Now if anyone dared to tickle him, he can and will put a curse on you lmao. Unless it's Tsumugi since he doesn't get affected by Natsume's magic (lucky bastard).
Natsume is pretty ticklish in the common spots like his tummy, sides, feet, etc. But he's pretty good at holding in his laughter when tickled in those areas (he will start to break if you keep going at it for a while or if you catch him by surprise).
Now I'm gonna self project and say that his worst spot is his armpits. He just cannot handle any tickles there for dear life. Definitely gets him all shrieky when tickled there.
His neck is also pretty bad. As much as he tries to surpress his giggles he just can't. He let's out the cutest 'lil giggles and he gets all bashful and uaghdhfjdhhnsjdjshd💖
I swear the more Tsumugi content I see the more relatable he becomes. I just wanna give him a hug 🥺💖
He has one of my fave singing voices in the game and if I remember correctly in his wiki it said that this was his va's first singing gig so I was pretty surprised.
Ok but like Tsumugi is cannonically ticklish in the anime and it's so freaking cute!!!
He's a pure switch. He doesn't deny liking being tickled, but also doesn't admit it (we all know he likes it lol).
He's constantly bullied by Natsume, but he much prefers getting tickled to death than getting punched so he takes it as a sign of improvement.
Overall he's ticklish pretty much everywhere
His worst spot is his tummy for sure, because I said so lmao. He cannot handle raspberries nor nibbles there, they're both instant killers for him. His tummy is so ticklish he can't even handle a belly rub without giggling.
As a ler oof he might seem all nice and innocent but oh god can he be a tease. He's the type of ler that pretends to be clueless of the whole situation while just tickling you to pieces with that stupid, pure smile plastered on his face. He knows exactly what he's doing!
His main victim- I mean lee is obviously Natsume. Once he learned about the magician's weakness ofc he had to use it against him. Natsume gets hella violent whenever Tsumugi tickles him, like he will throw punches, kicks, might even bite him if he's in close range. He'll say every curse word imaginable all while laughing hysterically (that just makes Tsumu wanna tickle him even more 'cause it's just so funny lol).
His specialty would be cheer up tks since he enjoys helping others, including Natsume (even if the bastard denies it, Tsumu can just TELL).
I've grown very fond of Sora recently, he's so freaking adorable!!!
Another pure switch. He has 0 issues admitting that he likes being tickled. He'll even ask the other two to tickle him from time to time. His laughter is very bubbly and squeaky, very addicting to hear. It definitely makes the others wanna tickle him more and laugh along with him. His smile is as bright as the sun, who wouldn't wanna tickle him?!
He's ticklish everywhere, but if I had to pinpoint a bad spot it would he his neck. Even at just the lightest touch he'll scrunch up his neck and his giggles get even more high pitched.
Now you'd think Natsume would be the tickle monster of the group, but it's actually this 'lil guy. He loves running up to the other two and tackling them in hugs and going to town on their weak spots. He loves making them laugh and finds it fun to tickle them.
Natsume is a lot more forgiving when Sora tickles him and tries his best to stay still, but will end curling up into a giggly 'lil ball.
So y'know how Sora can see people's auras, now imagine if he could also pinpoint people's tickle spots based on their aura. Idk how that would work but it's fun to think about lol.
He teases his lees unintentionally by pointing out how cute their laugh is, or how ticklish a certain spot is, etc. Definitly works on the older two.
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ghostymallows · 2 years
as much as I swear that darius is a ler-leaning switch (and he is), i always daydream him as a lee. why? i have no idea, but hey! more content for he <3
anyway the most flustering position for him is when he's on his front and the ler is sitting on his hips. because he can't see them!!!
or he can rather, but the abomination eye in his bun isn't that good at seeing (please imagine that it has a monocle) so he can conjure as many as he likes, but he can't predict what the ler is going to do!!!!!
and they also have access to literally all of his spots: his shoulder blades, his back in general, the back of his ribs, his ears, his neck... raine did this thing once where they leaned down as they were wrecking him, and whispered (hah!) right in his ear to tease and he almost combusted on the spot
he <3
you know i’m starting to think your fave might be darius /s /lh
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ticklishpeter · 5 years
things i want lers to say/do to peter
“oh, i’m sorry! does that tickle? — no way, really?? i had no idea.”
"k, you tell me when you want me to start tickling.........i'll wait”
“keep being that cute and i’ll never stop”
“what? i can’t understand you because you’re giggling so much”
call him an itsy bitsy spider or sing it while tickling him IUHKSJFKBD
“what are you laughing at? i’m trying to talk to you!”
“awww is this a tickle spot?”
"what tickles more this armpit or this armpit?"
counting ribs or armpit hairs hjfbdks
looking him in the eyes and just saying the word over and over
"shh!! you'd better be more quiet or they'll hear you! you don't want anyone to know how TICKLISH you are, do you?!"
just coo at him like the BABY BOY he IS 
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toweroftickles · 3 years
Research Project AZ9-B
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- In midst of multiversal study, noticed emerging patterns in subject reactions in relation to birth dates.
- Service enacted at personal request of @infinitystocked. Data cross-referenced among hundreds of experimental procedures.
- It must be noted that there are many, many exceptions to this pattern. Despite this, confident that within parameters, pattern maintains 80-85% accuracy.
Parameters for study: assume that this applies only to those with some interest or familiarity with tickling beyond the standard societal interaction.
♈️ Aries - March 21-April 19
Evil ‘lers. Take great pleasure out of using tickle torture as a form of interrogation, persuasion, or simply dominance. Aggressive, rough ticklers that will ignore begging. Display skill at intense scratching tickles. Despite this, can’t stand being tickled themselves…can’t handle what they dish out.
Fave Tickle Tools: Hair Brushes
Fave Tickle Spots: whatever their lee’s most ticklish spot is
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Belly Button
♉️ Taurus - April 20-May 20
Switches who like being tickled. Extreme tendency toward gentleness and soft-dominance. Playful, good at finding a person’s most sensitive tickle spots. Frequently tease and use baby talk. Always start with poking.
Fave Tickle Tools: Feathers, Fingers
Fave Tickle Spots: Sides, Back, Ribs
Most Ticklish Spots: Everywhere
♊️ Gemini - May 21-June 20
Go back and forth in terms of being lee or ler, extreme or gentle. The most literal definition of “switch” there could possibly be. Most likely of the signs to have a specific interest in feet. Use tools more often than other signs, enjoy coming up with unique ways to tickle. Spidery fingers.
Fave Tickle Tools: no consistency/very flexible
Fave Tickle Spots: Feet
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Armpits
♋️ Cancer - June 21-July 22
Often playful ‘lers. Not usually super ticklish themselves, but still react very physically, with lots of kicking and flailing limbs. As is befitting of a symbol with claws, they like to sneakily pinch when no one is looking. Think it’s cute when people are ‘lees.
Fave Tickle Tools: Fingers
Fave Tickle Spots: Sides, Toes
Most Ticklish Spots: Tummy, Knees, Armpits
♌️ Leo - July 23-Aug. 22
Absolute ‘lees. Excited by tickle fights and love the attention and affection. Imprecise, frantic hand movement. Often gravitate toward raspberries on the occasions when they retaliate. Love being teased more than any other sign. Intense blushers.
Fave Tickle Tools: Fingers
Fave Tickle Spots: Armpits, Sides
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Tummy, Sides
♍️ Virgo - Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Usually very serious and display an intense dislike of being tickled. Tend toward ‘ler position, often as a flex of control or dominance. Will methodically try to find the best way of making their victims laugh. Not fans of tickle talk.
Fave Tickle Tools: don’t really “like” any of them; it’s more about using what they have
Fave Tickle Spots: Tummy
Most Ticklish Spots: Everywhere
♎️ Libra - Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Switches who are often mistaken for ‘lers, because they almost always initiate. Most frequently use tickling as a form of “payback” or retribution (at least, that’s the common excuse they use). Never resist having the tables turned on them…very fair when it comes to equal punishment.
Fave Tickle Tools: Long Fingernails
Fave Tickle Spots: Ribs
Most Ticklish Spots: Feet, Upper Back
♏️ Scorpio - Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Curious, excitable, eager to get involved with tickling if it’s brought up. Definitely ‘lers. They’re the most skilled of all signs at experimenting and finding out their victims’ tickle spots, and love to do so. Can get a little wound up when they’re on the receiving end.
Fave Tickle Tools: Feather Stems, Pens, Long Fingernails
Fave Tickle Spots: anywhere, everywhere
Most Ticklish Spots: Arches, Belly Button
♐️ Sagittarius - Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Will definitely get revenge, but more likely to seek out ‘lers than be them. Actively encourage others to launch tickle attacks, either subtly or directly, and try to come up with new ways to goad friends and family into poking them. Don’t like feet, in general.
Fave Tickle Tools: Backscratchers
Fave Tickle Spots: Ribs, Thighs
Most Ticklish Spots: Tummy, Arches
♑️ Capricorn - Dec. 22-Jan. 20
Generally enjoy being tickled because they can take it. They’re tough and can have fun with the activity since they have high tolerance levels. Big fans of challenges or contests, to see who can go the longest without laughing or handle the most torture. Fast-talking teasers.
Fave Tickle Tools: Toothbrushes
Fave Tickle Spots: Ribs, Toes, Abs
Most Ticklish Spots: see above
♒️ Aquarius - Jan. 21-Feb. 18
Don’t like tickling other people unless they know for a fact that it makes that person happy. Not typically ones to seek tickling out, but usually willing to be tickled for someone else’s sake. Tend to treat the subject pretty casually and with open-mindedness. Not aggressive ticklers but have fun with it.
Fave Tickle Tools: Fingers
Fave Tickle Spots: Thighs
Most Ticklish Spots: Tummy, Thighs
♓️ Pisces - Feb. 19-March 20
Very squirmy switches. These tend to be very physical and awkward in how they move, on both ends of tickling. Easily flustered and embarrassed and will often deny that they’re ticklish no matter how obvious it is that they’re lying. Won’t admit how much they like it either.
Fave Tickle Tools: Feather Dusters, Teeth/Tongues
Fave Tickle Spots: Armpits
Most Ticklish Spots: Toes, Tummy, Neck
Conclusion: Fascinated by results. Potentially categorize files of other humanoids from differing solar systems to determine impact of stars on tickle sensitivity, if any truly exists. This may in fact be a giant-ass coincidence.
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
HELLO IT IS I (impulsively-made-tickle-blog) and i thank you for your note once aGAIN <333!!! that‘s my favorite part too lol :D i‘m happy you keep enjoying my stuff!! ^^ <333
tickle asks if you want:
how would you hc the bakusquad‘s relationship with tickling? think they‘d have tickle fights? :'D (i love this thing by happyandticklish where kiri tickles any of the squad who Need To Calm Down Right Now) do you have a favorite tickle technqiue (as lee and/or ler)?
ofc!! ur fics are my fave i cant not <3 here i’m gonna tag u since ur on anon LMAO @impulsively-made-tickle-blog
alright SO i went overboard with this request bc i just really wanted to write abt bakusquad tickles and this gave me the PERFECT excuse, so this is basically my hc for the first time they ever had a tickle fight!!
and before i get into the bakusquad thing, i do have my personal fav tickle methods >:) (my mood has drastically switched to ler after writing this so that’s where im at with this method LMAOO) i would love to have a lee with their arms over their head, bound or not, and just. hover. my fingers over their torso. i love good old fashioned anticipation, it really gets the nerves goin LMAOO so just any kind of tickling that involves teasing and anticipation is 100% my favorite, hands down.
okay SO back to the squad :)
when they first became a Friend Group TM, tickling was not yet apart of their relationship
the first time it was introduced into the group was during a hangout where sero and denki were playing video games while the others were with them doing their own stuff
but denki is a little fuckin cheater when it comes to games, and sero is not someone who’s just gonna let that slide without consequence
so without hesitation sero just pushes denki down onto his back (since they were sitting on the floor anyways) and just digs into his ribs like there’s no tomorrow
denki is a LOUD squealer and cackler, and quite the kicker, so this immediately caught the attention of everybody else in the room (which was just the squad but still)
kirishima was SO excited pls, this boy has been WAITING for tickling to finally make its way to their group, cause i personally hc that he’s very nervous abt making others upset with tickling so he Has to make sure they like it or are at least okay with it before he can tickle someone
he starts shoving at bakugou excitedly, who’s just looking down at the cackling mess that used to be kaminari with a fake annoyed look on his face, but eventually kiri just cant take it anymore and has to join in by launching himself over there and lifting denki up to a sitting position, locking his arms under his so he can’t fight sero back
at that point, mina really wanted to get involved somehow, it just looked like sm fun!! but sero and kiri already had denki, and she didn’t wanna overdo it…..
….and then she saw bakugou…sitting there…now alone
was he going to kill her? yes. definitely. absolutely.
but god was it gonna be worth it to just hear him fucking laugh for once
but she’s gotta be subtle. she’s gotta plan this out…
..fuck it shes too impatient
mina hops over excitedly and plops herself right down next to bakugou, grinning at him like last nights supper, and bakugou…
…bakugou feels himself get…nervous
it’s only for a second. but he felt it, and goddamnit if he’s gonna let some extra who is definitely not his fucking friend make him feel like that again
“don’t fucking try it, pinky! i’ll blow your ass all the way to timbuktu and back!”
she thinks for a moment.
then she giggles.
then she strikes
mina moves fast and rough, like one would in a fight because it’s bakugou and she has to, and she was able to get in three good squeezes to his sides when she heard him wheeze
he wheezed!!
she revelled in her accomplishment…but her victory didn’t last long
bakugou pushed her off him immediately, her back landing on the other end of the couch with a surprised gasp, quickly crawling over her and immediately digging his fingers into the sides of her belly
mina SCREAMS, like she’s trying to fight back the laughs with pure loud unadulterated sound, before his hands move down maybe three inches lower to her hips and she just crumbles into a fit of wild laughs and squeals
“thought you could get the upper hand on me, huh, dumbass?! think again!!” bakugou sneers, his heart racing because oh shit she got really fucking close to making me laugh for a second. “i’m not even ticklish, but it sure looks like one of us is”
mina is screaming through her cackles, and at this point the three boys on the floor had already stopped their tickle fest to watch them because holy shit. bakugou is tickling mina right now.
bakugou katsuki is in a tickle fight
and he’s winning. of course he’s winning. he’s fucking bakugou, he wins at EVERYTHING
but then they hear a tiny bit of coherency through the screams and cackles of mina ashido, and it changes fucking everything
bakugou doesn’t stop tickling, he cant, his whole fucking life is at stake here!! or- well- at least his dignity, but that costs about the same as a human life in his books
but sero kiri and denki are all overcome with the most powerful feeling they’d ever felt
they’re gonna take bakugou down. together.
they jump up and rush to bakugous sides, all internally trying to decide how to go about it first, before kirishima just gets impatient and shoves his fingers up into bakugous exposed armpits, thanks to him tickling mina
bakugou practically barks, lurching forward trying to shove his arms down to his sides as he starts squirming and twisting to get those fucking hands out of there damnit!!!
he tried to stay stable, he tried so hard to be strong, but..
..but jesus fuck it tickled so much
sero and denki grin at each other when they realize mina was right, he’s fucking ticklish, and sero latches a hand onto bakugous side to pinch and squeeze, while denki shoves all his fingers right into bakugous neck, making the blonde screech and scrunch up
bakugou was down in seconds
pinned on his back against the couch, squirming and writhing and cackling despite himself
he couldn’t help it!! there were fingers EVERYWHERE, poking and prodding and squeezing and scribbling god the scribbling was going to make him fucking combust
not the mention that they were all TALKING. no. no, not just talking.
they were teasing him
“awww, looks like we’ve got a little liar on our hands, huh guys?” mina coos, scribbling those EVIL nails against his bare foot, her whole body weight against his shins so he couldn’t even kick out and stop her
“dude, you’re so ticklish!! you should’ve told us before, it’s so manly!” kirishima beams, his praise turning bakugous cheeks and ears a deep shade of red
“oh cmon, kiri, you know kacchans ego is way too big to admit he’s weak to a little tickling,” denki used a baby voice when he said that stupid fucking word and bakugou thought he was going to die
“n-nohoho!! i-it’s- ahaHAHAA GAHAHA NOHOHO!! I’M N-NOHOHOT!! STAHAHAPP!!” he knew he sounded like an idiot, he was fucking incoherent for christs sake, but he had to try to defend himself
“dude, seriously, did you not expect us to tickle you when you got mina? that���s like, the main rule of a tickle fight; you tickle someone, and you’re gonna get tickled, man,” sero chuckled, his fingers wiggling into bakugous ribs, making the blonde throw his head back with a guffaw
“you know that means i’ve totally gotta get you back, right?” denki side-eyes sero with a grin, his fingers now scribbling against the shell of bakugous pink ears
“yeah yeah, in due time. right now, we’re on a mission,” sero could feel his heart pick up at the threat, butterflies being born in the pit of his tummy just at the thought of being in bakugous position
“heck yeah we are!! mission title: make bakugou snort!” kirishima laughed as his finger spidered over bakugous bouncing belly
“n-nohohoho!! ahahaa gohohod-!! i ca-ahAHAaha-!! i c-cahahan’t!! nohohoho!”
“you cant? cant what, blasty? cant snort, or cant take the tickling?” mina smiled, basically just playing with his toes at this point because he very clearly couldn’t stand it and it was just too cute not to watch
“kk-kahAHAHA!! i dohon’t knohahaha-!! it tihihickles!! f-fuhuhuck y-yOHOHOO g-guhuhuys!!” bakugou was flushed all the way down to his chest in embarrassment and fluster, the noises he was making only adding to his torment now that his friends were openly laughing at the sounds
kirishima chuckled, giving him one good vibrating claw into his belly to make him howl in laughter, before backing off
everyone else backed off with him, smiles etched into their faces as they watched bakugou curl into himself, giggling as he caught his breath and protected his poor belly and sides with his arms
denki giggled, patting him on the shoulder and only giggling harder at the fact that it made him flinch
“aww, poor kacchan. did the tickle monster getcha, buddy?” denki teased, now feeling zero fear when he heard the boy growl under him
“cmon, cutie, you’ve gotta get up now! me, you, denki, and kiri have to tickle the snot out of sero before he gets away!” mina poked him in the side, smiling when he jumped with a giggly whine
once bakugou recovered, both sero and kirishima were properly tickled like the rest of them had been, because fair is fair <3
sero is quite the begger when he’s being tickled, constantly bargaining and pleading for them to either stop or move to another spot
“pleheheasee!! ahaaha- shihihit! ahahanything!! i-i’ll- ahahaa- i’ll gihihive y-you ahahny-THIHIHAHA!! nahahaa-!!”
and when they were tickling kiri, they found out pretty quickly that he is far more sensitive to gentle tickles than rough squeezy ones
so they pretty much murdered him with soft tickles, their nails scribbling all over his body in a way that had his voice screechy and pitchy and downright fucking adorable
“EHEHEEeheheee!! gaahahaha nohoho!! it tihihickles!! guhuhuyss-!! ohoho gohohod-!!”
so YEAH that was longer than i intended it to be but that’s pretty much how i think their first tickle fight went :) and trust me after this it was basically daily tickles from there on out, SOMEONE in the group is gonna get tickled at any given point
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happyandticklish · 3 years
Being a switch is awful, because I’ll be in a ler mood and wanting to tease someone about how ticklish they are, before realizing that I can’t even say the word “tickle”. Or I’ll be writing fanfiction and putting my faves through it and a lee mood will hit and suddenly I’m too flustered to continue. And of course the constant moment of being a teasy little shit and not being sure whether it’s because I want to fluster someone or because I want them to turn the tables on me. 
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Schmidt and Nick from New Girl for the (br)otp asks?
1. Who’s more ticklish?
SCHMIDT SCHMIDT SHMIDT! I’m a little biased cause he’s my fave but like. C’mon. He’s so damn sassy, snarky & funny he just has the bubbly personality of someone crazy ticklish. & look at that dazzling smile! How can he NOT be devastatingly ticklish?
2. What kind of tickles are they sensitive to?
Rough tickles work best on both Nick & Schmidt. Softer ones make Nick all twitchy & giggly & a little whiny & they make Schmidt turn into a happy puddle of goo (especially if it’s from a pretty lady like Cece)
3. Which role (lee/ler) does each of them hold?
Neither of them are capable of holding the braincell for more than 10 minutes so it just makes sense that they’re both switches. Their mood swings also heavily contribute to their alignment cause these dudes can flip on a dime. But Nick just feels more like a ler, ya know? His whole personality & sarcasm & the l mean streak he has… grade A ler material. Schmidt is more of the lee spectrum cause he’s bratty & likes to provoke people, but he has a softer side in general. & when it comes down to it, Schmidt is just a little intimidated cause Nick knows all his worst spots & is a lot more merciless than Schmidt
4. How did they discover each others’ ticklishness?
Nick found out that Schmidt was ticklish when they were rooming together in college. He liked to tease him a lot & he found out when he was jokingly “choking” him when he pissed him off. It took Schmidt a little longer cause he didn’t even try for revenge until he gained more self confidence. But it was a full on sneak attack that came with no warning & caught Nick completely off guard
5. Who’s more likely to instigate a tickle fight?
Nick us so damn confrontational form I reason. Need I remind you of the whole cookie incident? Man makes a mountain out of a mole hill & finds any reason to tickle the shit out of his friends. He even makes up reasons to start shit
6. How often do they tickle each other?
Do you know how chaotic the loft is? That’s an every day occurrence son!
7. Who’s the least likely to ask for tickles?
They are equally matched in their stubborn ways & neither of them are immune to toxic masculinity so they refuse to ask for it. But being such good friends, they can pick up on each other’s moods. But even tho they won’t outright ask for it, they kind of have a code. If they know the other one wants to get wrecked they will indulge them: but not before teasing them to hell & back
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