#faz ent
fazbear-ent-archives · 8 months
Hello? Hello hello?
Hello and welcome to the one and only definitely entirely official and only-avoiding-being-sued-by-Faz-Ent.-because-they're-worse blog/archive! We here are dedicated to preserving the past of Fazbear Entertainment, much to their dismay! We cannot be stopped!
So, what exactly do we do?
The internet is a powerful tool, it's filled with all sorts of news articles and conspiracies about Faz Ent. and we use that power to the best of our ability!
We accept any submissions (pictures, news articles, leads on info, etc.) via asks.
We have a museum in progress with artifacts and info about this strange and tragedy-riddled company. We hope to open by the end of next year!
Anything we can to spread the truth about Faz Ent. and avoid getting sued.
So then, are you ready to step into this strange world of accidental murder, not-accidental murder, false identities, zombies, ghosts, computer viruses and otherwise mysterious happenings?
Meet the staff:
Chosen to stay anonymous for legal reasons.
Chosen to stay anonymous for legal reasons.
Chosen to stay anonymous for legal reasons.
Chosen to stay anonymous for legal reasons.
Chosen to stay anonymous for private reasons.
Michael Afton
{OOC: unlike @3-star-fam this blog is connected to, takes place the same time as, and in the same continuity as @themalhare . Both also run by me.}
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genuinely so so so so happy about Ralph's apparent semi-close friendship with totally not William Afton you don't get it. That's so funny. They've gotten dinner together enough times for Ralph to note how Dave never pays. How he's good at bowling. How he has the tendancy to answer his own questions and be a bit snarky. They have BANTER. Ralph has BANTER with this serial killer in hiding and it's fucking amazing.
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gavalaa · 7 months
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Two Faced Hare
Vanny/Vanessa from my fnaf au (dont be fooled guys, she’s actually quite nice.)
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yogurthoopsart · 7 months
How about Staff and Vanessa hanging out?
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you said vanessa so you get awkwardness. i love identity shenanigans. I should play with the fact Staff trusts Vanny more than vanessa more often
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radioroxx · 10 months
i think everyday about. how, as a robot, freddy fazbear would experience emotions differently from people. and how, as a robot, his whole perspective on the three star family situation would be wild. like… you’re programmed to be an entertainer, a dancer, a singer, etc., until suddenly youre not. he probably cant dance without a head- wouldnt have a reason to sing anymore (except maybe to his family. which is VERY cute to imagine). and its just… he’s not really freddy fazbear anymore, is he?
theres also a point to be made about, how robots feel. bc bc ai blah blah i wont go into it, his feelings arent going to be expressed or understood in the same way peoples’ are. theres going to be part of him that doesnt fully understand what its like to be part of their little family, to fully understand why and how he came to care sooo much about these two for taking him in.
i need to organize my freddy thoughts but. oooughhg. do you understand? please please pl
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fazbear-ent-official · 9 months
So update on the flushed Monty mystery mix, the toilet exploded and the men's room on the third floor is filled with water and green and purple foaming sludge. I've already got some wet floor bots blocking the restroom. I don't know what else to do
close the whole bathroom and announce we're moving on to gender neutral or something
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I don't know about Monty being an understudy cuz I've never heard that before, but I think this lads on the right track.
In addition, when you bring Freddy into the Endo area, he muses about how easily they could replace him and would he still be the same, that kind of existentialism. He isn't replaced in the ending where you escape with him, but 1. That's not canon, and 2. I assume remaking his casing from scratch is way more expensive than just fixing destroyed casing.
So, if Bonnie was still mostly intact and was found by someone working for Faz Ent, why wouldn't they just fix his casing and replace his Endo. Why go through the trouble and fan outrage of replacing Bonnie with Monty?
Also, it's shown that even with no head or lower body, the animatronics are still very much able to move around and are even extremely dangerous. So why wouldn't Bonnie make his way onto the bowling rink where he would be found quickly and fixed? And clearly, his head being crushed isn't a problem since Ruined Freddy is still up and kicking.
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dykevanny · 9 months
Can i talk abt cassie’s dad protag or would y’all crucify me,
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horrorfcb · 1 day
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I absolutely loved the new importance given to Phone Guy, now called Ralph. I finally had the opportunity to read the book FNaF The Week Before, and Ralph became one of my favorite characters, simply adorable and I want to bring more of him.
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melanodis · 11 months
Desperately want to learn more about pizzaplex owner michael AU but I do not have coherent thoughts more than “bark bark chewing on drywall” so I guess I will just ask: how does he become the owner?. Is Fazbear Ent. Already building it and he takes it from them? Does he build it himself? Can you imagine these construction workers are like “we’ve not seen the guy who ordered this building to be made but it’s finished so now we get to meet the guy” and then . Then they see . They see Michael
My timeline for it isn't entirely hammered out just yet, but it jumps from SL straight to Security Breach. The events of Pizza Simulator still happen, but just without Michael's direct involvement (nor molten freddy :)). The puzzle pieces sort of just fall into place, being blood related to one of the original founders and all. "Did you really think this job just fell out of the sky for you?" Yes, actually. Michael, due to his physical condition, often opts to use a middleman in physical communications, or a phone call in place of face to face meetings. This middleman, although the position has shifted hands multiple times and still does depending on the day, is none other than Jeremy. It's worth noting also that at some point, in the amount of time between 1993 and SL, they got married :3. I try to silently include mentions of this in their designs. In my "canon" timeline, however, Jeremy's design takes a major depressive shift with Michael's ring hanging on a necklace :( But to properly answer your question, Fazbear Entertainment was already building the place, and Michael offered to run the whole place since they hadn't found a proper manager yet and not many others would step up to take on a project so ambitious. He much prefers to keep to the shadows, avoiding social interaction if possible and will often remain in tucked away offices, far from the public eye to watch over cameras. Optimally, he leaves just before night shift; the place is closed, no patrons about, so Michael can freely roam about without the fear of someone seeing him that isn't supposed to. This also coincides with the end of Jeremy's shift, so that they can leave together.
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paigelts05 · 29 days
"Olive B." [FNAF Renegade AU, TalesVRWorld]
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Published: Aug 25, 2024
Prior to Fazbear Entertainment releasing a series of stories set in the megaplex, several of Mike's contacts had managed to infiltrate a VR environment that Faz Ent had been running.
That was at the begining of the year. Mike had not heard from them since.
Then, Fazbear Entertainment started releasing books about the megaplex, chronicling events that could never have happened in the real world, which made sense as these tales were peddled as fiction.
But Krasnyy begun to spread a code word among investigators.
A code phrase that quickly informs investigators and journalists alike of the theory that the events chronicled in the books that Fazbear Entertainment released about the megaplex are part of an elaborate cover story to cover up the experiments that Fazbear Entertainment had been running within that VR environment and conceal what the moles had found.
If the contents of the stories were based on events from the VR environment, it would offer an explanation as to why the moles have not yet returned.
It would not be the first time Fazbear Entertainment has attempted a cover up on this scale, and it makes sense that they would: missing persons reports had been filed for the MIA moles prior to the release of these collections of tales. It would make sense that Faz Ent would be proactively discrediting the moles. Especially considering that Faz Ent knows that even death cannot silence whistleblowers. So they have to be keeping the moles captive somehow.
After Mike infiltrated the VR environment to try and find his missing associates, Fritz had also sent out VR headsets to a handful of other people, as he knows Mike can't investigate the whole digital world alone, and Krasnyy received one of those headsets.
Now using a defunct AI assistant as his character for this infiltration and switching its main "job" to journalist, Krasnyy Guy can begin investigating the dark mysteries that Faz Ent intends to hide.
Digital infiltration, a tie-in game for Renegade Interference, this game chronicling Krasnyy's investigation into Faz Ent's VR environment will be released when I have the art for it and have the fic completed.
I'm uploading this as a part of phone guy month under the prompt 19 - scavenger because he and Mike become information scavengers during the events of RI/DI and this would not get posted out of my backlog otherwise.
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fazbear-ent-archives · 8 months
Favorite animals?
Wolves :3
Dogs, I think.
I've always liked rabbits!
Foxes are cool
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Bweirdoctober Day 5: relationships
Cassidy and Misha were the first couple I made. They work with each other and help deal with any shortfalls, whatever they might be.
I kinda went over my head for this so it is still technically a work in progress, but I still have two other pictures to finish. Also they have a ton of pillows lol, I just noticed that.
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sparklerzii · 2 months
ok so in broken parts, michael is like uhh DAMN IT FORGOT THE DAMN WORD FUCK but he's like good and bad?? but overall he has a good intentions
think of a line and from left to right it's henry to william!!!
michael leans towards henry but henry isn't necessarily good a person, despite having good intentions!!!!
sammy leans towards william even though he thinks he's leaning towards his dad!!!
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toringo · 10 months
FazEnt really saw some pet shrimps and went: fucking, idk, put Bonnie's face on it.
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chipistrate · 11 months
I feel like Vanessa and Gregory would make fun of old fnaf lore for being confusing and unrealistic, and then they learn that it all actually happened and're kinda just like "well fuck"
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