#fe leo imagine
z-1-wolfe · 9 months
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shout out to conquest for being the first fe game i played 8 years ago
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moe-broey · 1 year
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ALSO I WANT EVERYONE TO CONSIDER. My sister's big brain take (and honestly the direction I was expecting for Alcryst's Forging Bonds anyway, unsure if it would be too much to ask to hope for. Takumi......)
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In the Hoshido!Verse there is a young girl that seems to be stuck to Maria's side.
Her name is Ushi and she is Maria's main attendant.
She was a normal palace servant, but Maria recently promoted her. Ushi does things like preparing Maria's clothes and toiletries for the day, bringing her her meals, making the bed, etc.
Maria is kind to Ushi, but sometimes has her do dubious things like eavesdrop on other people. Ushi is cute and unassuming, so that usually works.
Why did Maria pick a child instead of a grown woman? Well, a woman has the chance of seducing her husband, and Maria doesn't want to roll the dice.
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astro-vogue · 5 months
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● They're 12 and each of them is characterized by 3 things: element, quadruplicity & polarity. They represent one of the basic components of a chart along with Houses, Planets, Angles, Degrees and so on...
⎯ They can be described as 12 different characters in a movie, and embody specific traits and characteristics as well as different ways of seeing and interpreting reality.
⚠︎ dates highlighted may vary yearly according to planet's transits
♈︎ ARIES (Fire, Cardinal, Yang) ⟶ March 21- April 19
active, bold, independent, courageous, energetic, purposeful, lively, athletic, enthusiastic, restless, competitive, ambitious, goal-oriented, headstrong, assertive, commanding, dominant, always striving for the better, individualistic, impulsive, adventurous, "I'm the first/number one/want to be the first", passionate, motivated, confident, determined, a leader, straightforward, straight to the point, impatient
♉︎ TAURUS (Earth, Fixed, Yin) ⟶ April 20 - May 20
calm, reliable, trustworthy, charming, slow, comfort-oriented, patient, persevering, relaxed, serene, comforting, pleasure-oriented, sensual, material, deeply physical, hard working, focused, resilient, silent strength, romantic, security-oriented, loyal, steadfast, consistent, stubborn, obstinate, devoted, faithful, dislikes change, grounded, money-oriented, dependable, solid, realistic, sensitive
♊︎ GEMINI (Air, Mutable, Yang) ⟶ May 21 - June 20
flexible, mental, scattered, rational, multifaceted, multitasking, playful, intellectual, curious, constantly juggling with new ideas, friendly, have a huge variety of interests, quick-witted, funny, seeking change, short term memory, forgetful, distracted, inquisitive, communicative, social, natural chameleons, fast-moving, adaptable, charming, cheerleading, having fun, seeking dopamine, chatters
♋︎ CANCER (Water, Cardinal, Yin) ⟶ June 21 - July 22
sensitive, intuitive, nurturing, introspective, caring, soothing, can read a room's energy, gentle, compassionate, self-protective, may hard to get to know, defensive, motherly/fatherly behavior, loyal, devoted, empathetic, dreamy, moody, imaginative, quiet, passive-aggressive, family/home oriented, receptive, guided by emotions, may seem aloof, impressionable, defensive
♌︎ LEO (Fire, Fixed, Yang) ⟶ July 23 - August 22
charismatic, bold, independent, courageous, playful, confident, determined, ambitious, individualistic, self-centred, seeking recognition, strong, willful, theatrical, extroverted, loves the spotlight, leaders, commanding, seeking luxury/pleasure, full of life, stable, loyal, dedicated, consistent, passionate, "I put my heart into everything I do", prideful, exuberant, noble, fierce, entertaining, headstrong, affectionate
♍︎ VIRGO (Earth, Mutable, Yin) ⟶ August 23 - September 22
organized, dependable, practical, grounded, intellectual, logical, structured, systematic, perfectionist, nervous, detail-oriented, analytical, meticulous, helpful, supportive, good at problem-solving, realistic, hard-working, committed, modest, nurturing, focused, efficient, easily worried, can see things from a lot of different perspectives, high standards, critical, judgemental, selfless, natural healers
♎︎ LIBRA (Air, Cardinal, Yang) ⟶ September 23 - October 22
diplomatic, alluring, sensual, balanced, harmony-seeking, aesthetic-oriented, loving, agreeable, intellectual, social, relaxed, likes attention and spotlight, people oriented, potentially people pleaser, seeing multiple sides at the same time, indecisive, charming, romantic, creative, fair, communicative, both rational and sensitive, good at reading rooms and adapting in them, empathetic, compassionate, moral
♏︎ SCORPIO (Water, Fixed, Yin) ⟶ October 23 - November 21
passionate, strong, sensitive, intense, deep feeler/thinker, stubborn, powerful/power-oriented, intuitive, silent, introverted, calculative, determined, ambitious, hard-working, devoted, obsessed, seductive, mysterious, magnetic, enigmatic, passionate, potentially big egos, intimacy-seeking, hard to get to know, decisive, fierce, protective, jealous, persistent, "I can't let go", confident, controlling
♐︎ SAGITTARIUS (Fire, Mutable, Yang) ⟶ November 22 - December 21
adventurous, pioneering, seeking new things, always planning something new, curious, enthusiastic, bold, passionate, philosophical, dynamic, passionate, adaptable, constant quest for knowledge, desire for change, freedom-seeking, wanderlust, funny, entertaining, honest, never taking anything too seriously, infectious laughter, magnetic "I take no bullsh*t" attitude, possibly arrogant.
♑︎ CAPRICORN (Earth, Cardinal, Yin) ⟶ December 22 - January 19
serious, stable, grounded, responsible, practical, hard-working, productive, efficient, authoritative, striving to control everything, good administrative skills, structured, analytical, organized, introverted, resilient, full of stamina, ambitious, high standards, perceived as cold/distant or unemotional, selective, honest, straightforward, cool under pressure, inspiring, tireless, steadfast
♒︎ AQUARIUS (Air, Fixed, Yang) ⟶ January 20 - February 18
inventive, out of the box thinking, intellectual, unstable, "I live by my own terms", progressive, rebellious, curious, social, unusual, independent, innovative, humanitarian, rational, perceived as distant/unreliable, detached, philosophical, seeing the big picture, focused on the collective, unafraid to challenge morals and authority, eccentric, nonconformist, obstinate in its ideas, indomitable
♓︎ PISCES (Water, Mutable, Yin) ⟶ February 19 - March 20
sensitive, empathetic, emotional, compassionate, spiritual, intuitive, warm, mystical, creative, imaginative, fantasy-oriented, possibly delusional, psychic, "I'm in the clouds", escapists, impressionable, humourous, adaptable, kind, gentle, "I see things as they could be", easily worried or paranoid, struggles with criticism, can have a victim-complex, spontaneous, emotionally intelligent, great listener
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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grey-sorcery · 1 year
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Title: The Elements: Fire
Suggested Reading
*Highly recommended
Correspondences* Visualization* Bias in Witchcraft* Witchcraft Vs. Superstition* Dualities in Witchcraft* Basics of Spellcasting* Sigils: How-To Threshold Theory* Foundations of Energy Work Spirit Work: First Steps Researching Witchcraft
🔥What is Fire in Witchcraft?🔥
In the realm of esoteric practices and magical traditions, there exists a rich tapestry of beliefs and rituals that have captivated human imagination throughout history. From the art of sigil magic to the intriguing encounters with spiritual entities, practitioners have sought to explore and harness the mystical forces that permeate our world. Let’s delve into the multifaceted aspects of witchcraft, spirit work, and the intriguing phenomena associated with these practices. The concept of correspondences holds a significant place within metaphysics and esoteric practices, offering insights into the interconnectedness between various elements and their symbolic representations. 
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🔥Correspondences for Fire🔥
Fire, as an elemental force, embodies a rich tapestry of correspondences that span diverse aspects of human experience.  (There are small breaks because the list broke the 4000-odd word block limit)
Direction: Fire is commonly associated with the direction of the South, representing its transformative and passionate qualities. It symbolizes the energy of the noonday sun, where its radiant heat and fervor are most pronounced. In this direction, fire serves as a guiding light, illuminating paths of self-discovery, motivation, and transformation.
Season: Fire aligns itself with the season of summer, characterized by warmth, growth, and the flourishing of life. During this season, fire's transformative power manifests through the ripening of fruits, the crackling of bonfires, and the vibrant colors of blooming flowers. Summer becomes a metaphorical representation of the fiery nature within, fueling inspiration and creative expression.
Time of Day: The element of fire finds affinity with the daytime, particularly with the hours of noon and mid-afternoon. These periods symbolize the zenith of vitality, creativity, and the fervent pursuit of goals and ambitions. Fire's association with daytime underscores its ability to ignite passion, determination, and the courage to take action in pursuit of one's aspirations.
Astrological Signs: Fire finds representation in the astrological signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These signs embody the fiery traits of passion, courage, self-expression, and the pursuit of adventure and truth. Individuals born under these signs often exhibit qualities of leadership, enthusiasm, and an innate ability to inspire and ignite the flame of inspiration in others.
Planets: The celestial bodies of the Sun and Mars resonate with the essence of fire. The Sun, as the central luminary in our solar system, signifies vitality, illumination, and life force, akin to the fiery nature of the element itself. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes assertiveness, determination, and dynamic action, embodying the transformative power and intensity of fire.
Tarot: Within the realm of tarot, fire is associated with the suit of Wands. The Wands represent inspiration, creativity, willpower, and the ability to manifest one's desires through focused intention and action. This suit embodies the fiery spirit of ambition, drive, and the initiation of transformative change in one's life.
Elementals: Salamanders, the elemental beings of fire, are often regarded as its guardians and representatives. These mythical creatures symbolize the fiery energy and the transformative power inherent in the element. They serve as spiritual allies, guiding individuals towards personal growth, purification, and the cultivation of inner strength.
Colors: Fire is associated with vibrant and warm colors such as red, orange, and gold. These hues reflect the passionate, energetic, and transformative qualities of fire, evoking feelings of enthusiasm, creativity, and vitality. Through the utilization of these colors, practitioners can enhance their connection with the fiery essence and invoke its power in rituals and visualizations.
Crystals: Fire-related crystals like carnelian, citrine, and sunstone embody the energetic properties of fire. They are believed to inspire creativity, increase motivation, and activate personal power. These gemstones serve as conduits for the fiery energy, supporting individuals in their transformative journeys and igniting the flame of passion within.
Herbs: Herbs associated with fire, such as cinnamon, ginger, and cayenne pepper, possess warming, stimulating, and energizing properties. These herbs can be used to invigorate the senses, enhance focus, and amplify one's vitality. They are often employed in rituals, spellwork, and culinary practices to infuse the transformative energy of fire.
Trees: Trees like oak, pine, and cedar embody the fiery nature through their robustness, resilience, and ability to withstand flames. These trees symbolize strength, endurance, and the power of transformation. They serve as sacred allies, providing support and guidance to individuals seeking to harness the transformative energy of fire.
Animals: Animals associated with fire, such as lions, phoenixes, and dragons, represent strength, courage, and resilience. They embody the transformative power and the untamed energy of fire. These animal archetypes inspire individuals to embrace their inner fire, overcome challenges, and embark on personal journeys of growth and self-discovery.
Deities: Deities like Brigid, Pele, and Vulcan/Hephaestus represent the fiery aspects of creation, transformation, and the forging of the divine spark. They embody the transformative power, passion, and creative force inherent in fire. Invoking the presence of these deities can ignite inspiration, creativity, and the will to manifest desired changes.
Mythical Creatures: Mythical creatures like the phoenix and the salamander symbolize rebirth, transformation, and the ability to rise from the ashes. These creatures embody the fiery energy of renewal and the transformative power of fire. Their symbolism serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the potential for personal transformation.
Metals: Metals associated with fire, such as gold and brass, embody its radiant, luminous, and transformative qualities. These metals symbolize wealth, abundance, illumination, and the refinement of the self. They can be utilized in ritualistic practices to amplify the fiery energy and invoke its transformative properties.
Symbols: Fire-related symbols, such as flames, suns, and triangles, represent the energetic and transformative nature of fire. These symbols serve as visual reminders of the element's power and can be employed in various metaphysical practices to connect with its essence and harness its transformative energy.
Body Parts: Body parts connected with fire include the heart, representing passion, love, and emotional intensity, and the core muscles, symbolizing strength, vitality, and the energetic center. These body parts reflect the transformative and energetic nature of fire within the human experience.
Senses: The sense of sight is closely linked to fire, symbolizing clarity, illumination, and the ability to perceive truth and inspiration. The sense of touch also resonates with fire, evoking warmth, energy, and the ability to ignite passion and enthusiasm within oneself and others.
Emotions: Fire is associated with emotions such as passion, courage, enthusiasm, and inspiration. It embodies the transformative power of intense emotions and the ability to channel them towards creative expression, personal growth, and the pursuit of one's goals and desires.
Personality Traits: Individuals embodying fire-related personality traits are often described as passionate, assertive, courageous, charismatic, and driven. They possess a zest for life, display leadership qualities, and exhibit a magnetic energy that inspires and motivates others.
Musical Notes and Instruments: Musical notes like C and musical instruments such as drums and trumpets resonate with the fiery energy. These notes and instruments evoke feelings of passion, energy, and enthusiasm, creating a sonic backdrop that enhances the experience of fire-related rituals, ceremonies, and meditative practices.
Zodiacal Signs: The zodiacal signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius align with fire, emphasizing their connection to the element's transformative qualities and fiery attributes. These houses embody the themes of individuality, self-expression, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
Incense and Essential Oils: Fragrances such as frankincense, cinnamon, and ginger, as well as essential oils like bergamot, rosemary, and ylang-ylang, are associated with fire. These scents possess invigorating, energizing, and transformative properties, creating an olfactory ambiance that aligns with the fiery essence.
Tarot Spreads and Major Archana Cards:Fire-related tarot spreads and major archana cards provide insight into various aspects of personal transformation, creative endeavors, and the manifestation of desires. The Major Arcana cards associated with fire in the Tarot are The Fool, The Magician, Strength, The Tower, and The Sun. The "Passion and Creativity Spread" is a Tarot spread designed to delve into the realm of personal passions and creative expression. This spread consists of five cards arranged in a specific pattern to provide insights and guidance regarding one's creative endeavors and the fire within. Here is a description of each position in the spread: Spark- This card represents the initial spark of inspiration or passion that ignites your creative energy. It sheds light on the core desire or idea that fuels your creativity. Fuel- The second card reflects the elements or resources that serve as fuel for your creative pursuits. It highlights the external factors or internal qualities that empower and sustain your passion. Obstacles- This card reveals the challenges or obstacles that may hinder your creative process. It offers insights into potential setbacks, limiting beliefs, or external factors that may obstruct your path. Expression- The fourth card signifies the means through which you express your creativity. It sheds light on the specific outlets or forms of artistic expression that resonate with your inner fire. Manifestation- The final card represents the potential outcome or manifestation of your creative endeavors. It offers guidance on how to bring your passions and creative visions into tangible reality.
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Runes:Fire runes, such as Fehu and Kenaz, represent prosperity, creative energy, and illumination. These runes can be incorporated into divination practices and ritualistic work to access the transformative power of fire and receive guidance on matters related to personal growth and manifestation.
Sabbats:Fire plays a prominent role in sabbats like Beltane and Litha (Midsummer), where it represents passion, fertility, and the culmination of the Sun's power. These celebrations honor the transformative qualities of fire, encouraging individuals to embrace their own inner fire and engage in rituals that foster growth, abundance, and personal transformation.
Symbols of Transformation, Passion, Creativity, Inspiration, Purification, Power, Action, Body and Health: Fire is a potent symbol of transformation, representing the transformative journey from old to new, from darkness to light. It ignites passion, creativity, and inspiration, serving as a catalyst for positive change. Fire also symbolizes purification, purging what no longer serves, and empowering individuals to take decisive action towards personal growth, wellbeing, and the manifestation of their desires.
Associations with Leadership, Willpower, Strength, Motivation, Courage, Conflict, Energy, Enthusiasm, Transformation: Fire embodies qualities associated with leadership, willpower, strength, motivation, courage, and conflict. It represents the dynamic force that propels individuals forward, igniting enthusiasm, and infusing situations with vibrant energy. Through its transformative power, fire facilitates personal growth, instills motivation, and empowers individuals to overcome obstacles in their path.
Note on Individual Variations in Correspondences
It is crucial to acknowledge that while correspondences for fire have been widely explored and established, there exist individual variations in these associations. The significance and personal resonance of specific correspondences may vary from person to person, influenced by cultural backgrounds, personal experiences, and spiritual beliefs. It is essential to embrace and honor these variations, allowing individuals to connect with the correspondences that align most authentically with their own spiritual practices and intentions. It is 100% okay to create your own correspondences. There is zero need to rigidly conform to preexisting ones unless working within a specific cultural context.
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🔥Ways Fire is Commonly Used in Witchcraft🔥
Fire holds a significant role in the practice of witchcraft, serving as a potent and transformative tool for various rituals and magical workings. This section will explore several common applications of fire in witchcraft, highlighting their purpose and significance.
Candle Magic
Candle magic is one of the most prevalent and versatile practices within witchcraft. Candles serve as symbolic representations of fire, harnessing its energy and allowing practitioners to focus their intentions in order to manifest them. Through the selection of specific colors, shapes, and scents, practitioners align their intentions with corresponding qualities and elements, practitioners can build a threshold to project their spell through. While candle magic is simple and very approachable, It is essential to understand that in order for any working to truly be a spell it must include passion, intent (as in personal truth), and gnosis. Energy work must also be present, but for those who have not figured out how to do so consciously, it will happen subconsciously. In some cultures and traditions it is common practice to smother a candle’s flame rather than blow it out. This is because breath often is a physical representation of intent and fire often represents life, hope, and transformation.
Incense has been utilized for centuries in spiritual and magical practices across various cultures. It involves the burning of aromatic plant materials, releasing fragrant smoke that carries intention and purifies the space. The use of incense in witchcraft facilitates a connection between the material and spiritual realms, purifies the energy within a sacred space, and enhances the atmosphere during rituals and spellwork. Different types of incense, such as resin, herbs, or powdered blends, can be chosen based on their correspondences with specific intentions or desired outcomes. This works so well because the fire refracts and distributes the energetic properties of the plants and resins that make up the incense.
Bonfires hold deep-rooted symbolism and have been a staple in witchcraft and pagan traditions throughout history. They serve as a powerful focal point for community gatherings, celebrations, and transformative rituals. Bonfires embody the essence of fire's transformative energy, representing the burning away of the old and the welcoming of the new. The flames and embers provide a mesmerizing backdrop for ceremonies, invoking a sense of unity, passion, and connection with the primal forces of nature.
Fire Scrying
Fire scrying is a divination technique that utilizes the flames or smoke of a fire to gain insights and spiritual guidance. By gazing into the flames and allowing the mind to enter a trance state, practitioners can perceive symbols, images, and messages within the dance of the fire. The shifting shapes and patterns within the flames offer a canvas for intuitive interpretation, enabling practitioners to receive guidance and gain clarity on various aspects of their lives. Scrying can be a very difficult form of divination as it requires trance states and the ability to think figuratively and visually. Traditionally, scrying uses a candle that is gazed at through a reflective surface to the same end.
Burning Offerings
The act of burning offerings is a sacred practice found in many spiritual traditions, including witchcraft. Offerings, such as herbs, incense, written prayers, or symbolic objects, are intentionally burned as a means of communication and reverence towards deities, spirits, or ancestors. The rising smoke carries the essence of the offering, symbolically delivering it to the spiritual realm. This act of sacrifice and devotion fosters a connection with the divine, establishes reciprocity, and seeks blessings, protection, or guidance from higher powers.
Fire Rituals
Fire rituals encompass a diverse range of practices that incorporate fire as a central element. These rituals are designed to evoke transformation, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Examples include fire dances, where participants move rhythmically around a bonfire, embodying the transformative energy of fire within their bodies and spirits. Fire jumping rituals symbolize the release of negativity and obstacles, as individuals leap over flames, leaving behind what no longer serves them. Fire rituals serve as powerful catalysts for personal and collective transformation, inviting participants to embrace the element's purifying and empowering qualities. Like all other magical workings, rituals also require passion, intent, and gnosis. If working with a group, the intents of all practitioners must align. 
Sigil Activation
In witchcraft, fire is utilized as a means to activate sigils, harnessing its transformative energy. This activation is achieved through the chemical and energetic transformation of the sigil, as the flames interact with the material medium. The heat energy of the fire alters the composition of the sigil, invoking a shift in its inherent properties. This process projects its energy into the environment, where it can bond with the ambient energies surrounding it.
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🔥‼️Safety Tips for Working with Fire in Witchcraft‼️🔥
When incorporating fire into witchcraft practices, it is essential to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and ensure a controlled environment. This section outlines important safety tips that practitioners should consider when working with fire in their magical rituals and spellwork.
Fire Safety Equipment
Before engaging in any fire-related activities, it would be wise to have the appropriate fire safety equipment readily available. This includes items such as fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and heat-resistant gloves, or a lid to smother fires within cauldrons or other burning apparatuses. Fire extinguishers should be placed within reach and regularly inspected to ensure they are in proper working condition. In the event of an emergency, practitioners should familiarize themselves with the operation of fire extinguishers and have a clear evacuation plan. It is possible to construct your own fire extinguishers at home fairly cheap.
Method 1
Method 2
Clear Workspace
Maintaining a clear and clutter-free workspace is vital when working with fire. Remove any flammable materials or objects from the immediate vicinity to minimize the risk of accidental fires. This includes ensuring that curtains, papers, loose fabrics, and other combustible items are kept away from open flames or hot surfaces. By creating a clean and organized workspace, practitioners can reduce the chances of fire hazards and promote a safer environment.
Controlled Environment
When working with fire, it is advisable to choose a controlled environment. Perform rituals and spellwork in well-ventilated areas away from curtains and flammable objects, preferably outdoors or in spaces specifically designated for such activities. Avoid conducting fire-related practices in areas with strong drafts, as this can lead to unpredictable fire behavior. Additionally, be mindful of local regulations and any seasonal or weather-related restrictions that may affect the use of open flames. It is not recommended to perform fire magic inside of a trailer home, as they catch fire and burn down very easily and quickly. If you are using fire indoors, be sure to leave any doors or escape windows open.
Candles and Incense
When using candles and incense, it is essential to exercise caution and adhere to proper safety practices. Ensure that candles are placed on heat-resistant surfaces and in stable holders to prevent them from toppling over. Avoid positioning candles near flammable materials, low-hanging decorations, or areas with a high risk of accidental contact. Use candle snuffers or a gentle blowing technique to extinguish candles, as blowing can potentially spread hot wax or embers. Similarly, when burning incense, do so in appropriate holders that can contain ash and prevent accidental fires. Place incense burners on heat-resistant surfaces and away from flammable materials. Always extinguish incense sticks or cones fully before leaving the area unattended.
Practitioners should carefully consider their clothing choices when working with fire. Loose, flowing fabrics can pose a fire hazard, especially when in close proximity to open flames. Opt for well-fitting, natural fiber garments that are less likely to catch fire or melt. Long sleeves should be rolled up or secured to prevent them from coming into contact with flames or hot surfaces. Additionally, avoid wearing accessories or jewelry that could potentially catch fire or interfere with safe fire handling.
Fire Proofing
When burning anything in witchcraft, especially in metal containers or windy conditions, it is essential to fire proof your work space. This can be done by placing a stone or tile underneath your container. If working in windy or drafty conditions, be sure to find an area that is devoid of dried plant materials and burn on top of dirt or stones. If at all possible, dig a hole to burn in and surround it with stones. This will help prevent the fire from spreading into the environment.
Ritual Preparation
Thorough ritual preparation is essential for working with fire safely. This includes planning the sequence of actions, ensuring all necessary materials are readily accessible, and familiarizing oneself with the ritual steps beforehand. Practitioners should consider the timing, duration, and specific fire-related elements of the ritual to anticipate any potential risks or challenges. By adequately preparing for rituals, practitioners can approach fire-based practices with confidence and reduce the likelihood of accidents.
Personal Protection
Personal protection should be prioritized when working with fire. This includes wearing heat-resistant gloves when handling hot objects, using appropriate tools for fire handling, and taking necessary precautions to protect the face and body from heat and sparks. Depending on the nature of the ritual or spellwork, practitioners may also consider wearing protective eyewear and clothing. If the fire you're working with is small, be sure to use a pot-holder to handle containers in order to prevent burning yourself.
Education and Training
To ensure safety when working with fire, it is strongly recommended that practitioners seek proper education and training. Learning from experienced practitioners or attending workshops and classes dedicated to fire safety and fire-based practices can provide valuable knowledge and skills. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of fire behavior, safety protocols, and emergency response techniques is essential for minimizing risks and handling fire-related situations effectively.
Here is a guide on putting our fires without an extinguisher.
If a fire becomes out of control, please evacuate as soon as possible and call 911. Stay low to the ground and avoid opening any doors or windows as that will cause the fire to grow rapidly and increase the possibility of getting burned.
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🔥Misconceptions about Using Fire in Witchcraft🔥
Fire has long been a powerful symbol in various mystical and spiritual practices, including witchcraft. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding the use of fire in these contexts. This section aims to address and debunk some of the common misconceptions associated with fire in witchcraft.
Fire Is Associated with Negative or "Evil" Practices
One prevailing misconception is that fire in witchcraft is exclusively linked to negative or "evil" practices. Rooted in the idea of the duality of Sanctity and Profane, this notion stems from historical and cultural biases that have demonized certain aspects of witchcraft and associated them with dark or malevolent forces. However, fire, like any element, is neutral in nature and can be employed for both positive and negative intentions. In witchcraft, fire is often harnessed as a transformative force, symbolizing purification, passion, creativity, and empowerment. It is essential to understand that the intentions and ethics of the practitioner shape the outcome of their fire-related practices, rather than the element itself being inherently evil. White supremacy played a significant role in shaping the perception of witchcraft and its association with fire. Racial stereotypes and prejudices were deeply ingrained in colonial societies, and people of African descent were often portrayed as inherently "primitive," "savage," and associated with "dark" and "dangerous" forces. These racial biases contributed to the stigmatization of fire in African spiritual traditions, which were wrongly labeled as demonic and inherently evil.
Fire Magic Is Always Dangerous
Another misconception is that fire magic is always dangerous. While it is true that working with fire demands caution and respect, it does not mean that fire magic is inherently unsafe or prone to accidents. With proper safety measures, knowledge, and experience, practitioners can minimize risks and ensure a controlled environment when working with fire. Adhering to safety tips such as using appropriate fire safety equipment, creating a clear workspace, and practicing in controlled environments significantly mitigates potential dangers. It is crucial for practitioners to approach fire magic with responsibility, preparedness, and a deep understanding of the element's behavior and properties. It is very possible to perform fire magic without the need to directly burn something, as all that is needed is a combustion reaction which happens in every single cell in our bodies.
Fire Magic Is Only for Experienced Practitioners
There is a misconception that fire magic should be reserved exclusively for experienced practitioners. While it is true that a certain level of knowledge and experience can enhance one's ability to work with fire effectively, it does not mean that beginners or less experienced individuals cannot incorporate fire into their practices. With proper education, mindfulness, and respect, practitioners at all levels can explore and engage with fire magic safely and responsibly. It is recommended that newcomers to fire magic start with simple practices, gradually increasing their skills and understanding as they gain experience. Communicating with other practitioners can provide valuable guidance and support in developing fire-related working.
Fire Magic Is Always Dramatic or Flashy
Many people have the misconception that fire magic is always dramatic or flashy, involving large bonfires, roaring flames, and extravagant displays. This is largely influenced by media such as movies, video games, and TTRPGs. While such practices may potentially exist- not including things such as Fireball of course, it is important to note that fire magic can encompass a wide range of approaches and intensities. Fire magic can be as subtle as working with small candles, utilizing controlled flames, or employing symbolic representations of fire. The effectiveness of fire magic lies not in its outward grandeur, but rather in the focused intention, energy, passion, and correspondence that the practitioner brings to their practice. It is the internal connection and alignment with the elemental energy of fire that truly matters, rather than the external showmanship.
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🔥Properties of Fire🔥
To gain a comprehensive understanding of fire in the context of witchcraft, it is essential to explore its properties across various categories. These categories include energetic properties, physical properties, philosophical properties, and chemical properties.
Energetic Properties of Fire
From an energetic standpoint, fire has four inherent properties:
Thermal: It radiates energy outwardly in various directions.
Reactive: It is chaotic and bonds with the surrounding environmental energies very easily without outside influence.
Isentropic: Can change its energetic state without the loss of any energy within the system, but will always resort back to its original state.
Refractive: Breaks down the energies of its fuel and can take on their properties.
Thermodynamics, a branch of physics concerned with the interplay of energy and heat transfer, offers insights into the energetic properties of fire. One fundamental concept in thermodynamics is entropy, which measures the level of disorder or randomness in a system. When fire occurs, the combustion process leads to an increase in entropy as the fuel source breaks down and transforms into gases, releasing heat and light in the process. This increase in entropy is representative of the transformative nature of fire, as it breaks down and reorganizes matter, symbolizing the transition from one state to another. By understanding the principles of thermodynamics and entropy, practitioners can appreciate the profound energetic transformations that occur within fire-related practices.
Physical Properties of Fire
On a physical level, fire is characterized by heat, light, and combustion. It is the visible result of the exothermic chemical reaction between a fuel source and oxygen, resulting in the release of heat and light energy. Fire's physical properties, such as its ability to consume, transform, and illuminate, make it a potent symbol of change and illumination within witchcraft. The physical properties of fire are often utilized in rituals, spellwork, and divination practices to symbolize purification, enlightenment, and the manifestation of desires.
Philosophical Properties of Fire
Philosophically, fire is associated with concepts such as willpower, passion, courage, and personal transformation. Fire's ability to consume and purify represents the process of burning away the old, making space for the new, and undergoing personal metamorphosis. It is often viewed as a catalyst for change and a symbol of the human spirit's resilience and inner strength. The philosophical properties of fire in witchcraft inspire practitioners to embrace their inner power, overcome obstacles, and pursue their desires with unwavering determination. Metaphysically, fire is associated with various esoteric and occult traditions. It is believed to embody the spiritual essence and its transformative qualities on a metaphysical level. Fire is often associated with the will, passion, and the spiritual spark within each individual. It is seen as a force that can illuminate the path of spiritual growth, aid in the manifestation of desires, and facilitate the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.
Chemical Properties of Fire
On a chemical level, fire involves complex reactions known as combustion, which occur when a fuel source reacts with oxygen in the presence of heat. These reactions are fundamentally redox (reduction-oxidation) reactions, involving the transfer of electrons from the fuel to the oxygen.
During combustion, the fuel undergoes oxidation, releasing energy in the form of heat and light. The process can be represented by a generalized equation:
Fuel + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
The fuel can be organic materials such as wood, paper, or natural fibers, or even hydrocarbons like methane or propane. Oxygen, usually obtained from the surrounding air, acts as the oxidizing agent. As the fuel combines with oxygen, chemical bonds break and reform to produce new compounds.
The combustion reaction releases energy due to the difference in energy between the reactants (fuel and oxygen) and the products (carbon dioxide, water, and other byproducts). This energy, in the form of heat and light, is what we perceive as fire.
The intensity and behavior of fire can be influenced by several factors, including the nature of the fuel, the availability of oxygen, and the heat supplied to initiate and sustain the reaction. These factors impact the rate at which the combustion reaction occurs, affecting the size of the flame, the heat output, and the color of the fire.
Classic Alchemical Properties of Fire
Calcination: The Role of Fire in Reduction
Calcination, one of the primary laboratory processes in alchemy, involved subjecting matter to intense heat in a crucible. This process aimed to reduce the material to its essential components, burning away impurities and leaving behind a residue or ash.
Distillation: Vaporization and Condensation
Through the process of distillation, alchemists harnessed the power of fire to induce the vaporization of substances. The resulting vapors were then condensed and collected, facilitating the separation and purification of the desired elements.
Sublimation: Transformation by Controlled Heating
Sublimation involved the controlled heating of solid matter to induce a direct transition from solid to vapor without passing through the liquid state. Alchemists recognized the transformative potential of fire in this process, as it allowed the extraction of volatile and ethereal substances from solid materials.
Historical Accounts and Examples
Historical accounts and alchemical treatises provide insight into the practical application of fire in laboratory processes. These include the experiments conducted by renowned alchemists like Paracelsus and Ramon Llull, who meticulously documented their observations and discoveries.
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🔥Burning Sigils in Magic🔥
Sigils hold a significant place in magical practices, and their utilization in witchcraft has been prevalent for centuries. Understanding the concept of sigils, their activation, and the practice of burning them can provide insight into their role as a powerful tool in magical endeavors.
Definition of Sigils
Sigils can be described as symbols or graphical representations that encapsulate specific intentions, desires, or manifestations. These symbols are created by combining various shapes, letters, or symbols into a unique and meaningful design. The process of creating a sigil involves condensing the desired outcome into a visual representation that serves as a focal point for the practitioner's intent.
Activation of Intentions through Burning Sigils
Burning sigils is a common method used to activate the intentions encoded within them. When a sigil is burned, it is believed that the energy released during the combustion process acts as a catalyst, propelling the intended outcome into the spiritual or metaphysical realms. The act of burning the sigil serves as a transformative ritual, symbolizing the release and transmutation of the practitioner's intentions into the universe. This process works due to the inherent energetic properties of fire. As the sigil burns, the energies involved are refracted and released.
Sympathetic Magic and Connection to the Spiritual Realm
The practice of burning sigils can be seen as an expression of sympathetic magic, a concept rooted in the idea that like produces like. By burning the sigil, practitioners establish a connection between the physical act and the desired outcome in the spiritual realm. This connection is believed to create a resonance between the symbol and the intended manifestation, facilitating the alignment of energies and increasing the likelihood of the desired outcome. That being said, without guidance the energies released will travel radially in all directions. The sigil will be aimless and short lived. However, with conscious energy work a practitioner may capture the energy and direct it to exactly where it is desired to travel. This can be accomplished through taglocks or astral projection.
Methods of Burning Sigils
Various methods can be employed when it comes to burning sigils, allowing practitioners to personalize their approach based on their preferences and the specific magical working at hand. Some common methods include:
Burning in a Ritual Fire: This method involves placing the sigil in a consecrated fire, such as a ritual bonfire or a consecrated fireplace, while invoking the intended outcome. The sigil is consumed by the flames, symbolizing the release of the intention into the universe.
Candle Flame Burning: Here, the sigil is placed in the flame of a candle, allowing it to burn gradually. The practitioner may choose a specific color of candle that aligns with the intention of the sigil, further enhancing the magical working.
Charcoal Burning: Using a charcoal disc, the sigil can be burned by placing it on top of the lit charcoal. As the charcoal burns, it generates heat, causing the sigil to ignite and release the encoded intentions.
Paper Burning: This method involves writing the sigil on a piece of paper and then safely burning it. The ashes can be collected and either scattered in a sacred space or buried, symbolizing the integration of the intention into the earth.
By employing these methods, practitioners engage in a transformative act that merges physical symbolism with metaphysical intent, providing a tangible and intentional approach to magical workings.
Alternatives to Burning Sigils
Shredding: Instead of burning the sigil, you can safely shred it into small pieces. This can be done manually or by using a shredder. The act of physically tearing the sigil can serve as a symbolic release of the intention. Energetically, it can rend the energies from the sigil so that the practitioner may control its direction.
Dissolving: Place the sigil in a bowl of water or any other appropriate liquid. As the paper dissolves, the intention is gradually released into the water. From there, the energies can be handled and sent to their desired location. You can then dispose of the liquid in a respectful manner, such as pouring it onto the earth or down the drain.
Burying: Dig a small hole in the ground and bury the sigil. As you cover the sigil with soil, so the energy of your intention merges with the earth, where it can grow over time.
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🔥Effects of Temperature on Spirits in Spirit Work🔥
Within the realm of spirit work, practitioners often experience various sensations associated with the presence of spiritual entities. Temperature fluctuations are among the commonly reported effects that can be observed during spiritual encounters. Understanding these temperature-related experiences can deepen our comprehension of spirit work and its intricate dynamics.
Sensing Presence
One of the possible ways through which spirits manifest their presence is by influencing the temperature in their surroundings. Practitioners may perceive sudden and unexplained changes in temperature, which can range from localized coolness to areas of noticeable warmth. These temperature shifts often coincide with the presence of a spirit, acting as a potential indicator of their energetic presence.
Heat or Warmth
In contrast to the chilling effect, some practitioners may encounter instances of increased heat or warmth in the presence of spirits. This warming sensation is believed to arise from the heightened energy emitted by the spirit. It is worth noting that the perception of heat or warmth may not necessarily be related to the ambient temperature but rather a distinct sensation experienced by the practitioner. In some traditions, heat is thought to excite spirits and can become dangerous, especially when channeling. 
Symbolic Significance
Temperature fluctuations during spirit work also carry symbolic significance within various cultural and belief systems. For instance, coldness may be associated with the presence of spirits from the realm of the deceased, while warmth might be linked to benevolent or protective entities. These symbolic associations can provide practitioners with contextual information, aiding their interpretation of the spiritual encounter. It is important to note that individual experiences with temperature during spirit work can vary significantly. Factors such as personal sensitivity, psychic abilities, and cultural background can influence how practitioners perceive and interpret these temperature-related sensations. Therefore, it is essential for practitioners to acknowledge their own perceptual lens and approach spirit work with an open and discerning mindset.
Environmental Factors
While temperature fluctuations in spirit work are commonly associated with the presence of spirits, it is crucial to consider potential environmental factors that may contribute to such experiences. Natural drafts, air conditioning, or heating systems can influence the ambient temperature and create misleading perceptions. By ruling out mundane causes, practitioners can strengthen their discernment of genuine spiritual interactions.
Validation through Consistency
The consistency and repetition of temperature-related experiences can add weight to their significance in spirit work. When practitioners consistently observe temperature fluctuations in conjunction with other spiritual phenomena, it enhances their confidence in the validity and relevance of these encounters. Corroborating experiences from multiple practitioners can also provide a broader perspective and further validate the observed temperature effects.
Personal Beliefs and Cultural Perspectives
Lastly, personal beliefs and cultural perspectives play a vital role in shaping practitioners' understanding of temperature fluctuations in spirit work. Different belief systems may attribute diverse meanings to these experiences, reflecting the rich diversity of spiritual traditions worldwide. Remaining open to multiple interpretations fosters a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to understanding the effects of temperature in spiritual encounters. By exploring and analyzing the effects of temperature on spirits in spirit work, practitioners can deepen their awareness of these phenomena, refine their discernment, and develop a nuanced understanding of the dynamic interactions between the physical and spiritual realms.
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🔥Elemental Fire in Hermetic Alchemy🔥
While I personally do not recommend the practice of Hermeticism due to its connection to new age conspiracy theories, New Thought, the Theosophy Society, and a tendency to rely on dualities, especially when concerning gender, it can be a helpful reference for building correspondences and inspiration for spell design. Hermeticism, originating from the teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, a character without any record of ever existing, encompasses a vast body of knowledge that includes alchemy, astrology, and spiritual philosophy. At its core, hermeticism emphasizes the pursuit of inner wisdom, the unity of all things, and the transformative power of the divine. Within hermetic philosophy, the concept of the Prima Materia, the primal and formless substance from which all creation arises, holds great importance. In hermetic thought, the Prima Materia is often associated with fire, symbolizing its energetic and transformative qualities.
In hermetic practices, fire is often incorporated ritualistically and symbolically. Ceremonial rituals involving candles, incense, and sacred flames serve as potent symbols of spiritual purification, transformation, and the invocation of divine energies. Historical figures like Hermes Trismegistus and Paracelsus made significant contributions to the exploration of fire in hermeticism. Hermes Trismegistus spoke of the "Living Fire," representing the divine spark within every being and the potential for enlightenment. Paracelsus, a renowned Renaissance alchemist, explored the nature of elemental fire and its transformative properties, shedding light on the alchemical processes involving fire, such as calcination, distillation, and sublimation.
Modern hermeticism, with its revival in esoteric circles, continues to inspire seekers of wisdom and truth. It offers practical applications of fire as a transformative agent in rituals, ceremonies, and meditative practices. Contemporary hermetic traditions emphasize the cultivation of the inner flame and willpower, harnessing the transformative power of fire for personal growth and manifestation. Fire is interpreted as a metaphor for personal growth and enlightenment, consuming and transforming limiting beliefs to ignite the spark of self-realization.
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laslow · 18 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Sam
Pronouns: she/her
Birthday (no year): 5/28! Cyan and I share a birthday with: Liam O'Brien, Laura Bailey, Ian Fleming, and Siegbert :)
Where are you from? What is your time zone? California, USA! PST (west coast best coast)
How long is your roleplay experience? 10+ years? Is it closer to 15 now? If you listen you can hear my joints creaking
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? None other than Wajas.com. Middle school, what a time you were
How were you introduced to TOA? iirc a FE blog I was following reblogged a ToA post and I thought "hm, that's pretty cool! I'll look into it!" and then I blinked and 5 years passed.
Do you have any pets? No :sob:
What is your favorite time of year and why?(Season, holiday, general period) Winter! The weather is actually livable
What is your IRL occupation? Office Assistant though I ask for good vibes I have some new opportunities coming up to leave my current place
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Writing, reading, cross stitching, karate, journaling, language learning
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Legend of Zelda, Persona, Stardew Valley, occasionally I dip my toes back into Honkai Star Rail
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Vaporeon and Water Type!
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! Dunno if I've mentioned this in the past but I have crooked pinkies due to a recessive gene in my family! My dad has crooked pinkies as well :)
How did you get into Fire Emblem? Five/six year old Sam watched my brother play Path of Radiance on the family Gamecube and I never looked back
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates Conquest route, 3 Houses, Engage. I have read the scripts for Genealogy and Thracia. Halfway through Blazing Blade!
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First was Path of Radiance! Awakening is still my fave all these years later
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Inigo, Ilyana, Dimitri, Xander, Haar
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Ilyana! I honestly can't remember why anymore I just thought she was super cool something about the thunder magic spoke to 5 year old me's imagination
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Laslow AND Dimitri that has not changed
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Chrom, still Chrom - Fates: Silas, still Silas OR perhaps Laslow if I'm feeling Spicy- Three Houses: Dimitri, still Dimitri - Engage: Diamant, still Diamant
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Assassin or Swordmaster!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? A very mid Myrmidon who can get some good stats if you have good rng luck
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Blue Lions pride baby!!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? -Boon: Sword, Bow -Bane: Heavy Armor, Axe -Budding Talent: Authority
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? Brodia!
How do you pronounce TOA? Tee-Oh-Ae
Current TOA muses: Laslow, Leo, Nephenee!
Past TOA muses? Ilyana, Vanessa, Azelle!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Inilow is here to stay I can't make this man leave my head if I tried.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? I love my flirts, and I also enjoy more serious characters who have a relaxed side if you know them well enough. Also youngest siblings.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? Villains! As interesting and multifaceted as they can be, I struggle staying within that mindset for a long period of time.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I do still enjoy combat--nothing like getting your adrenaline pumping!--but recently I've found I enjoy some of the more emotional things, too. Relationships, grief, etc.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? Not really; I've been extremely lucky over the years to have written pretty much every scenario I can think of. I would love to continue exploring both Lazzy's and Leo's arcs as fathers.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Oh goodness....way too many to count! Most recently, I still find myself laughing over Leo (muse) dying for Jan 2024's event plot. Iconic
Present or past tense? Present!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? No preference! I try to use small text on Leo solely for that #aesthetic, but that's it
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉  Not at the moment! I'm happy with my lineup! (But if you twist my arm.....a certain knight from SacStones still lives in my head. And there's this wyvern rider from Tellius who occasionally whispers.)
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four-loose-screws · 6 months
FE2 Novelization Translation - Chapter 4 Part 1
If you would like to start from the beginning, read a missed part, etc., click here!
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Chapter 4 - The Red Haired Woman
Part 1 - The Port Town Tavern
As Celica, Genny, Boey, and Mae had not left Novis Island since they were young, this was their first time seeing the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Though it was large, Novis Greatport was nothing more than a rural port town. Still, it felt to them like another world, and they were in utter shock when they first laid eyes upon it, neither holy nor depraved, but still a town full of too much activity for them, unrelated to their world of prayer and faith.
Regardless, it was not such a stretch for Celica and her friends to be so wide-eyed. Even Valbar, Leo, and Saber, who all knew Zofia Harbor very well, tilted their heads at the strange energy this port town was filled with when they stepped off the boat.
"It's strange. Desaix's insurrection was successful, so the people should all be in fear, knowing that his tyranny will soon reach them. Yet they seem to be in high spirits as always." Valbar said.
Saber answered, "Desaix is no fool. He probably won over the people with pardons, or by lowering their taxes."
Still, this town felt as if it was in the middle of a festival. Wine bottles were rolling around everywhere, and all the merchants in the area had tied up their pack horses to dance down the main street with the tavern girls. Their drivers were not shouting at them to come back, but simply waiting patiently for the commotion to calm down.
"Maybe there really is a festival going on?" Leo murmured as he took in a good look of the town before noticing something. He stood next to Boey, who was utterly captivated by the bewitching attire of one of the dancers, then elbowed him in the side and pointed at something with a nudge of his chin. 
When Boey looked in the direction the suggestively smiling Leo was suggesting to him, he saw two pegasi tied together outside a tavern.
"Pegasus Knights are always total knockouts, or so I've heard." Leo said.
Boey's face turned bright red.
"They don't appear to be Valencian pegasus knights. And there's two of them! Lucky you, finding two foreign girls when you're just getting started!!"
…As the two had chatted earlier while still on the ship as it faced the harbor, they learned they were only two years apart in age. Leo was of course the older one, but he made the gap seem even greater than it already was, and teased Boey for his ignorance of the world. 
Leo pointed out in particular, quiet enough so that Mae would not hear, that they only lost their temper with each other because Boey did not know how beautiful the women of the world outside his own were. Leo told him all about the beautiful women of each region he'd traveled to as part of his lifestyle as a unit, and Boey was enraptured the entire time, his eyes sparkling with wonder. 
"And as we travel, you too will meet even more beautiful women than you could ever imagine!" Leo said, and Boey's dreams grew and grew slowly but untiringly, like the movement of their ship slowly progressing across the seas.
"Now let's go!" Leo started to walk towards the tavern the pegasi were tied next to. 
Boey looked back, but still followed after him.
"Oh dear…" Genny sighed, exasperated. 
Mae watched him leave with her mouth twisted in a disapproving frown. 
Celica put an arm around her shoulders to console her.
“He's such a child!” Mae grumbled under her breath.
As Mae spoke, Celica turned to the remaining men in their group and said, "I know! Let's have a toast to celebrate Saber for transcending into a Myrmidon and turning over a new leaf. We have a long road ahead of us. We'll need all the strength we can get!"
"And to honor Kamui." Saber added, putting a hand on Kamui's scarf around his neck.
"He would never pass up an opportunity to drink, either!" Valbar said, and slapped Saber's shoulder. 
Everyone started walking towards the tavern.
The men both ordered strong liquor, and the women all ordered herbal tea.
"This won't be any celebration at all if you drink that stuff!" Valbar protested, and asked the bearded bartender to bring them three orders of sparkling wine as well.
"We don't have anything like tea anyway!" The bartender said, and started to walk away.
Before he could, Celica looked at Genny and Mae for a moment with a smile on her face. 
They smiled back. 
She stopped the bartender and said, "Change our orders to the same thing they're having!"
"You got it." He assured them with a wink, then disappeared into the kitchen with a roaring laugh.
Now, it was Valbar and Saber's turn to look at her. 
"I shouldn't have underestimated you!" Valbar said. 
"Now he's going to make their drinks stronger than ours!" Saber said, and scrunched up his nose.
Genny clasped her hands together in front of her chest and uttered under her breath, "Please forgive us, Sage Nomah."
They all heard her, and laughed loudly together.
"Pegasus Knights are never this stubborn!!" Leo said as he returned to the group.
Boey was close behind, sitting down with disappointment written all over his face.
The pegasus knights had been sitting in the corner, but were already gone.
"They probably didn't want to waste their time with someone who's still just a baby. You shouldn't have come with me, Boey!" Leo scowled.
"That's not what they were thinking at all! They didn't like how you were talking to them!" Boey argued back. "You sounded like a thug!"
"What are you talking about?! It's all your fault because you couldn't bring yourself to say a single word to them!" Leo's tone changed to a teasing one. "So, which one did you fancy? Let me guess. You liked the older sister. I think you've got a thing for older girls, don't you? Mae's older than you, right?"
"Hey, don't bring Mae into this!" Boey said, and glared at Leo. 
Mae couldn't leave well enough alone, either. "What are you saying about Boey and me!? He's like a whiny child! I wish a pegasus would step on him and crack his skull open!!"
"You've got some nerve, saying something like that out loud!" Boey growled.
The two continued shouting back and forth, glaring daggers at each other.
Even though they had just met, Valbar and Leo were already used to the two fighting.
"So those Pegasus Knights were sisters?" Valbar asked.
Leo answered, "Yeah, they said they're from Archanea."
"They're searching for their youngest sister. She was kidnapped by Grieth."
"Archanea's the country that was recently at war, isn't it?" Saber asked. "I heard the hero Marth successfully reunified it."
"I've caught word of that rumor as well." Valbar said. "But it's a very far away land. It has nothing to do with the politics of Rigel and Zofia. I don't think there's even any ships that travel in that direction."
"If they fly in a tailwind, then pegasi can probably make it across the seas." Leo said, just as the bartender was coming back with their drinks.
He put a bottle in the center of the table, then placed a thick ceramic cup in front of each person. The sunlight shining in through the window reflected off the completely transparent bottle, and cast a rainbow on the table beneath it.
Valbar took all of the cups, opened the bottle, and started pouring each person a drink. Once each person had a full cup, they all said cheers, and started to drink.
The bartender did not move, still standing in front of them.
Saber realized what he was looking for, and handed over payment for the bottle.
"You all look like you're units." The bartender said as he took the silver coins. "If you've come looking for work, then you're out of luck."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know who you were hoping to hire you, but they're already done looking. The rebellion is over."
"Has the royal family regained the throne?" Celica asked.
"No, they haven't. The remaining members of the Knights of Zofia recaptured the castle. Unfortunate for units who had plenty of work until now, but still a joyous occasion. Anyway, let me know when you run out." The bartender returned to the kitchen.
So Desaix's grip over Zofia had been loosened enough that the people were celebrating. They no longer felt they had to worry about his oppression. If the Knights of Zofia had retaken the castle, then the government, economy, and abundance of peace they had always known should return to what it once was. And that was why this town was in such high spirits.
"Well that was a sudden downfall. Does it mean Desaix wasn't really all that strong?" Valbar said, and the conversation at their table naturally shifted towards a discussion of Desaix's cruel methods. 
Having been sent to Novis Island to live largely secluded lives, Celica, Genny, Boey, and Mae had only heard rumors. However, to Valbar, Saber, and Leo, any and all movements in politics directly affected their lives, and so they knew all about Chancellor Desaix's politics.
"The members of the royal family died one after the other of illness, but that too was all part of Desaix's plans. I heard that a contagious illness was spreading throughout the castle, but no matter how you look at it, it's unnatural that every member of the royal bloodline, including their extended relatives, would die of the same illness. And the ministers were all killed to cover up the truth, making for quite a convenient inconvenience." Valbar explained further.
"Princess Anthiese is said to be the only member of the royal family alive today, though none know where she is." Saber said.
"Princess Anthiese?" Valbar responded with a question, signaling that he did not seem to know anything about her.
Saber continued, "She is the daughter of King Lima IV and his first queen Liprica, making her the crown princess. You know of Holy Knight Mycen, right?"
"Of course. He is the ideal that all us units strive to become."
"Mycen was probably the first and only person to realize what Desaix was truly planning so early on. He took Princess Anthiese from the castle when she was just a baby to protect her from Desaix's cruelty."
"But Mycen was chased out of the castle as part of Desaix's plot."
"No, that's not what really happened. The truth is that Mycen left of his own accord to protect Princess Anthiese."
"I've heard that Mycen is living in hiding in Ram Village. Is the princess there, too?"
"No, I don't know where she is. But that's obvious, right? If we knew where she was, then there's no way Desaix wouldn't know too. She would have been killed long ago."
"Makes sense." Valbar nodded.
"I've also heard rumors that Grieth, king of the desert thieves, has discovered where Princess Anthiese is, and wants to use her as a puppet while he is the one truly in power over Zofia. It's a pretty big dream, but that's what the thieves are hoping for. If so, then she may already be in Grieth's clutches. Assuming that to be the case, it also means that it is becoming less and less likely that she could fall into Desaix's hands. While Grieth's kingdom of thieves is not formally recognized as its own nation, it does have a lot of power. Still, none of this information is known for certain. The case for the princess being alive is about as strong as the one for her being dead. If she is alive, then she's gotta be… hmm… around Celica's age, I'd imagine."
Genny, sitting next to Celica, found that last sudden detail to be very curious. 'If she is alive, then she's gotta be… hmm… around Celica's age, I'd imagine.' When Saber said it, she saw the color drain from Celica's face.
Now that Genny thought about it, not a single person at Novis Priory knew anything about the circumstances of Celica's birth. Even Nomah did not seem to know where she was from or who her parents were. Because lineage was not a relevant factor in religious study and training, no one at the priory had any interest in it. However, now that she had left the island and met people living normal lives, Genny had naturally become curious about Celica's background. But Celica was a Priestess, the highest class of all clergy units. To ask her any questions on the topic outright would be rude.
"If the princess really is alive, then she will bring peace back to Zofia." Valbar said. "The castle has been recaptured by the Knights of Zofia. If the princess returned now, then Zofia would be fully restored to its former glory. It would make our journey much easier."
"No, I wouldn't be so optimistic." Said a small voice that came from their table, but an old man behind Valbar, sipping slowly on his drink while listening in on their conversation. "The owner of this tavern and the locals are happy to be free from Desaix's rule. All of you seem to be as well, but that is utter foolishness."
The entire group turned their eyes and ears towards the old man, who, now knowing that they were paying attention to him, put down his cup and began to talk to none of them in particular.
"The castle has been freed from Desaix's grasp. That is all. Zofia Castle was built for defense. A man like him has no interest in it. Everyone knows he is building an even sturdier fortress in the western forest, but no one wants to acknowledge it. Not a soul here in Zofia wants to stare the truth in the face, but Zofia's time of ever enjoying peace again is long over. Next, Desaix will shift his strategy to spread even greater terror throughout Zofia, and obtain total control." The old man said. "It would have been better if the Deliverance did not act. Not ever being liberated will be much preferable to the terror Desaix is about to unleash. Not a single member of the royal family's bloodline is in the castle. The idea that Princess Anthiese is alive is a dream within a dream. The Deliverance is nothing more than a shadow of what the Knights of Zofia was. The argument is stronger than ever that Desaix is the royal family now. Everything is still under his control, yet Zofia is celebrating without a care in the world."
Someone suddenly stood up. It was Celica. She came up to the old man's table, and asked as she refilled his cup, "Can you tell us who recaptured the castle, sir?" Celica had a feeling she knew exactly who it was. The wheels of fate were turning, and the sound was ringing in her ears. 
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The old man smiled down at his refilled cup, then looked up at Celica and said, "It was Alm. Mycen's grandson."
Alm. That name felt nostalgic, and even moreso, beloved in her heart. 
'I see, so Sir Mycen raised Alm as his grandson.' She thought. She knew Mycen very well, too.
Celica next realized that Alm had chosen to walk down the path of war. She felt a large lump of ominous premonition form in her chest, and it made her heart heavy. She did not know why, but it kept growing and growing inside of her, and she couldn't make it stop. It terrified her.
The premonition told her, 'He can't. He can't walk down the path of war. It will only lead to tragedy.' 
She knew no details, only that the inevitable tragedy was the cause of the growing premonition in her heart.
"We will go to Zofia Castle." Celica said, flipped back her long red hair, and walked out of the tavern, the sounds of her footsteps echoing loudly across the floor. Her allies all followed after her immediately, abandoning their drinks, regardless of how much was left.
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azelle-intermisson · 2 years
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fought off fallout new vegas and fe engage brainrot enough to make a drawing of the scene from before the events echo where leo saw the chase tulpa walking around. i imagined leo was preparing for bed, saw him and ran out to try and talk to him. im planning on starting arches really soon i've just been very consumed by fe engage and new vegas lol.
version without text and other stuff under the read more :3
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i feel like i always draw leo at his lowest even tho i love him. i feel like i should draw him smiling or something to make up for that lol. this was sooo hard to draw but im glad i managed to finish it since i almost didn't. i think this is the longest i've spent on a drawing and i hope it shows. i learned a lot drawing this too and learned a lot on what i need to improve on for future drawings. this is unrelated to the drawing but i've been playing through fallout new vegas for the first time and it is sooo much fun i just finished the lonesome road dlc and it was super good.
edit: omg i just realized there is was a giant stray mark thankfully it was on the layer i was last working on so i didn't have to go through every layer to find it. so if you saw that no you didn't 😊
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
Dude- I read what you just put about the missing piece AU, about Leo and Rapha in the prison dimension and my mind went directly to thinking about these things
1- You said that the Krang mainly attacked Leo after Casey closed the portal, Leo's prosthesis might have been a bit smashed because of that? Or was it partially intact?
2- If Leo and Rapha end up being rescued by Mikey and Donnie like it happens in the movie, my mind went straight to Splinter going to apologize and hug all his kids, but apologizing for the way he spoke to Rapha earlier (about Leo being the leader)
3- But if what happened in your fic AWOSAN happened, would Rapha be aware as soon as they go through the portal to Usagi's world? Will he be awake when Usagi finds them? (Oh my brain just pictured Rapha protecting the unconscious Leo with his body even though he's just as hurt) Rapha witnessing his brother fall in love with a rabbit from another dimension, waos
4- On point 3, I can imagine Mikey having more pressure on himself for trying to support Donnie thinking that his two older brothers are dead. But no matter how hard he tries to help, it's not enough and that only anguishes him more. And I can see Splinter hurt even more, Because he couldn't protect his two children and be there for them, I can see him feeling guilty about how he spoke to Rapha before he lost both of them. (sorry, I live for the angst)
Leo’s prosthetic is broken. Like it is not functioning after this. He needs a new one. He’s lucky the port didn’t get destroyed. Leo is not walking after he gets out of the prison dimension. That’s not including other injuries
Of they get rescued by Donnie and Mikey. There are going to be a lot of changes.
Donnie and Mikey have way more cracks from the mystic over load.
When Splinter arrives he’s going to come one to the scene of an extremely injured Leo. An skittles less injured Raph and a banged up Mikey and Donnie. After they take care of Leo and Raph he’s going to have to apologize.
He tries to talk to Raph but there’s a lot of ground to make up. It doesn’t help that when he arrives he is instantly more worried about Leo. It makes sense he is way more banged up and Splinter hasn’t seen Leo since their mission to get the key. Splinter also Carrie’s a lot of guilt when it comes to Leo and what happened with the Shredder.
But to Raph right now it’s blatant favoritism. And he gets it. Leo’s his little brother he adores him. But Raph needs so support here. He feels like a complete failure and the last time he talked to his father it was Splinter yelling that Leo should have been the leader. He needs some support.
Leo finds out what Splinter said the Raph, most likely from Donnie and Mikey. And he is furious. It was his decision to go after the key. Yes he was upset with Raph for babying him but that didn’t make Raph a bad leader. Raph just needs to learn to balance being a big brother and the leader.
The two need to have a long talk. They have a lot of things to air. Leo’s frustration with being babies by everyone. Raph’s insecurities about keeping the family safe and being the leader.
I think it will end with the two as co-leaders. Of course the first thing Leo wants to do as co-leader is have a good long talk with Splinter about not having outburst at Raph in high stressed situations.
3. But let’s say they don’t get rescued by Mikey and Donnie. Let’s say they end up in Usagi’s world AWOSAN style.
Raph is barely holding on to consciousness when Usagi finds them. He is absolute shielding Leo with his own body.
There is a lot of hissing at Gunichi for his subjection to leave them.
Katsuichi has to help Raph back so you know who gets to carry Leo to the Tenshu.
Oh there are so many dynamics that would change with the addiction of Raph but of course the blue boys still fall in love.
4. The turtle family back home are devastated.
Mikey is a wreck. He failed his brothers
Splinter feels like the worlds worst father. Not only has he lost Leo, his worst fear since the Shredder incident. But he lost Raph as well. The last thing he said to Raph was horrible.
Cassie lost her best friend
April lost two brothers
Casey lost his dad and uncle Leo again.
And Donnie?
One statement. The portal machine.
Do you remember chapter 6? The Krang escape? I’m not saying they get out but oh boy is it a lot for Mikey and the others to handle
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I just read your quiet place au World of Silence and it was SO GOOD but in the notes at the end you said you had a whole idea for an Owain chapter that was darker than the previous two chapters and I am so so curious about it, I understand if you're planning on writing it separately if you don't want to share any details here but I thought I'd give it a shot asking anyway (i love when Leo and Niles are the ones to comfort Odin since he seems like he usually keeps his anxieties and traumas fairly hidden, even compared to the other awakening kids, but they're still there!)
(World of Silence fic) Firstly, I'm so glad you enjoyed this fic! My horror stuff isn't as popular as my romance fics, but I am a horror lover at heart so I'm always glad when one of my spookier fics gets a comment! Thanks for reading!
As for the unwritten Owain chapter, I did not have plans to write it out since the number of people who (a) like FE: Awakening, (b) are willing to read more explicit horror, and (c) will read my fic specifically isn't a huge number, hence why a lot of the horror I write is more like? Mainstream horror movie palatable, I guess is how it would be described? Which I also like! But I thought this concept would be just a little too far, so I didn't write it.
BUT it does play in my head on loop all the time and you asked, so I will share the idea concept below the cut! :)
(animal death tw) (gore tw) (zombies tw) (implied child death tw) (spoilers in tags if needed) (less of the comfort part and more a description of the memory/nightmare, sorry)
Selena's nightmare/memory takes place when she's a teenager, but Laslow's's takes place when he's maybe like? 10 or something? And I imagine Odin's memory takes place when he's also 10 or perhaps even younger than that. 8, maybe. (But an 8 year old who has grown up in a zombie apocalypse, so. Take that as you will.)
I also default to Lon'qu!Owain, which I mention because Lon'qu would have taken Lissa to live up in Regna Ferox with him as Basilio's champion. Which means being up in the cold and the snow. Which, on one hand, is a good thing because the cold probably slows the stiff Risen bodies. On the other hand, the crunch of snow underfoot makes noise.
Since it would be a dream memory, I wouldn't go into much detail how, but it would be a memory of Owain running in the snow (perhaps during a snow storm) while holding baby/toddler Morgan, who is crying. Which is understandable because! Scary! Cold! But also, need to be quiet! The crying is directly calling more Risen after them.
Owain would be panicking about what to do, not sure where they are, needs Morgan to be quiet, etc. He has a dagger and nothing else. He is also 8, so there are few options. They run across a lone (possibly young or injured) deer that is also lost in the snowstorm, and it is freezing as well. Slow to move. Could be easily taken out if it makes noise.
Like the way a baby can be easily quieted if it makes noise too.
There are monster noises somewhere in the distance.
Owain looks at his dagger.
At which point the narrative skip ahead in time and it's only Owain by himself now, running through the snow (and perhaps directly retracing his steps in a big circle so he can step in old footprints and makes less noise), and there is blood on his knife and his clothes. With the implication being that perhaps child Owain has harmed or even killed baby/toddler Morgan in order to get them to be quiet.
Except then he doubles back after he's sure the Risen has been lost and finds the corpse of the deer that he killed. Split open from end to end, still steaming from body heat in the cold air or maybe the steam is waning. And Owain reaches in and pulls out Morgan, who is covered in blood (deer blood only), alive, and no longer crying. Because they were crying because they were cold, and the body heat of the deer kept them warm enough for Owain to ditch the Risen on his own.
(This concept was also an idea I had when I revisited a more general, not A Quiet Place zombie AU, where the smell of the deer would cover up the smell of Alive Human (like The Walking Dead) and hide Morgan even more. But in this case, Baby Warm and Not Making Noise because works just as well.)
The memory would end there (although with the implication that Owain & Morgan got back to safety at some point, somehow) and Odin would wake up in Nohr.
Selena woke up in bed and Laslow woke up in a field. I try not to repeat myself too much (though I do love repeating myself), so maybe Odin would wake up in Leo's office or another meeting space? Having fallen asleep after returning from a normal mission (or maybe a mission that involved Faceless in the snow, hence his memory returning). Niles or Leo have placed their cloaks over him because he looked uncomfortable and "maybe he should learn to put a shirt on if he's going to be out in the snow."
I've seen better metas about how Odin draws the most distinction between Awakening time & his life before/after time travel compared to Selena & Laslow (who in particular doesn't draw much distinction at all) + Odin almost never breaks character in Fates compared to Awakening, so I don't know that he would even admit to having a nightmare on his own. But if pressed, he probably would admit to remembering something bad from long ago.
Which has Niles solemn and offering to lend an ear if Odin wants, as he can relate, and Leo doing the same, although he's slightly more uncomfortable. Odin echoes Leo's sentiment of "The past does not matter; it's the now that matters" and feels warmer just by being around Niles & Leo and the memory getting more and more distant.
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randomnameless · 1 year
I hate how the fandom treats relationship between siblings in the Fe games. Sure some of them are brocon but not all, and it kills me that the only pair of siblings that managed to escape those are the one teasing. Like for example, the brocon in Leo for Camillla ok, i believe you. But Chrom and Emmeryn ? really ?! it's also painful that Chrom and Lissa escapes it just because Lissa is mischevious in nature but still while she admire her older brother, she still tease him! That's even worse when the 2 parties aren't related and then it is "emotional incest"... sorry i will never get over people getting mad at Leif/Nanna because of this, this ship among many others, and then says "iNcEsT haS aLwAyS bEeN PaRt of the series". It really is a yeas and nopes to this one remark
Antis will forever find soemthing to bash a ship they see as a rival ship lol
But yeah, as you said, that joke became old quite fast, and while I love a dynamic where siblings get along, let it be teasing or not (the Delbray sibs are fun too!) the recent games (FE16) made me painfully aware of how we were spoiled back then, when siblings had lines for each other and openly worried and talk about each other!
Watch me rant again, but I'll never be ok with FE16 carefully scrubbing Seteth of his interactions with Rhea bar the ones playing with the red herring or the "Billy centric" ones -
Like, can you imagine, one second, Reyson not rushing to Leanne after the Oliver chapters when they are reunited? Or an AU where Rafiel becomes feral, and only Ike chases after him as he runs away wanting to die alone - while Leanne and Reyson are sitting on the bench?
Nopes and FEH added more "dual teasing" context, but damn if FE16 was a slap in the face - and don't even get me started on how we still don't know if they are same gen nabateans (siblings like) or if Seteth isn't Rhea's big bro but only acts as her tired big bro.
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geographerdose · 1 year
Anna Gunn Rising Sign Guess
Unpublicized birth time. For entertainment only.
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🧪I think she’s a Sagittarius Rising because I just know Lilith has to be at play in regards to her MC or tenth house. She has been universally disliked ever since playing Skylar White and I don’t think it’s fair. In this situation, her MC would be squaring Lilith within 4 degrees.
🔪Plus Lilith is opposing her Ascendant within five degrees so she’s likely used to being disliked for no reason.
🧫Sure I thought her character was frustrating in Breaking Bad but people just took it a bit too far, attacking her appearance and what not for simply playing a character in a fictional TV show, a TV show that caused them to be so passionate in the first place. Clearly she did her job well— she was written to be disliked and really personified “the nagging wife” trope needed to make Walt seem less annoying and more likable. The show would not have been as successful without her.
🦠 She has always come off very Virgo-like IMO with the roles I have watched her in. Jupiter would be her chart ruler and it’s in Virgo, co-present with Uranus+Pluto+Venus. Which would account for the dislike factor too. Uranus representing unexpected changes and Pluto energy being… Scorpio energy.
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🔬Because Venus is at its fall and within 3 degrees of Lilith, I believe this accounts for why she’s so universally disliked. (Lilith probs, amirite?)
👢She’s tall at 5’10” and so are about 2/3rds of the others I bothered to Google while pulling up similar Ascendants+Moon. The others were quite short (Saturn influence or Jupiter was at its fall/anti-domicile) or also quite tall too. But then Jamie Lee Curtis has Saturn right on her Ascendant and she’s 5’7” but Jupiter in Scorpio has reception with Mars in Taurus so idfk. Terri Clark is 5’11” with Saturn retrograde close to ASC. Pink is 5’4”. Idk dude take that with a grain of salt, lol, but Jupiter ruled Ascendant would make someone taller using the basic rules of planets.
👃🏻Her nose looks to me like that of a Scorpio Moon🦂 and Pluto would be opposing her Moon within 15 degrees in this instance thus giving that effect.
🏴‍☠️Or perhaps she is a Scorpio Rising which would put the Leo stellium in her tenth place but I didn’t want to be obvious and take the easy way. Plus she just does not come off Leo-like to me at all, which perhaps would put it in the twelfth place thus making her a Virgo Rising. Which mercury would be the ruler and it’s in Leo again so 🤷🏻‍♀️no. Sag rising remains best logic.
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🧸As a Sag rising, her tenth would be ruled by Mercury which is being maltreated. Her MC falls in her eleventh house ruled by Venus being maltreated in the same way. This would explain the controversial reputation.
🏆🏆However, Jupiter is copresent with Venus in her tenth in a day chart which helps explain the massive success— the woman won two Emmy awards for that role. I can imagine such placements playing out like that. (Hindsight is 20/20) she won in 2013 and 2014.
🔱 From ages 23-43, she was in a 20-year Gemini period which houses Lilith thus activating it. But remember the ruler is under the beams and thus has a hidden quality to it. Significations can be sort of hidden, kind of like the Marvin Gaye situation.
💀 I think Pallas near the angles or in angular houses can have a similar effect as Lilith. I wouldn’t be surprised to see those with Lilith aspects to major planets also having significant Pallas influence but that’s just a hypothesis.
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🐳 She briefly played a love interest to Nate Fisher in Six Feet Under Season 4 (2003). Her character had really nice sheets but a not so nice personality.
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🌵Also fun fact: she grew up in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Breaking Bad was set in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
🎬 I am seeing a pattern with actors that have had major roles they are known for like their legacy and their hometown/ancestry somehow being tied into that. Ex) Al Pacino in Scarface 🇮🇹, Chris Farley in Tommy Boy growing up in a Midwest town + son of a successful oil business man 🚗
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kimium · 2 years
(Ship Game!) Anankos/the Trio (you know I was going to ask this)
(From this ask HERE)
Thanks for the ask @shreedle! I love the ship you asked me! Of course, you'd pick them!! Good choice!
For anyone not aware, the Trio in this case refers to Odin, Selena, and Laslow (FE Fates). Or, if you only played Fire Emblem Awakening, Owain, Severa, and Inigo.
Anyways, I 100% ship Anankos/Trio!!!
What made you ship it?
I started shipping Anankos/Trio through a combination of discussions with @someobscurereference and the Fates DLC where it shows how Owain, Severa, and Inigo were brought into Fates. Human version of Anankos so desperate to save his child he pulls three random warriors from an Entirely Different Dimension? That's already some top tier story telling. However, the added characterization for the Trio helps with this ship. Their willingness to immediately jump dimensions to lend a hand to someone in need warms my heart. War and surviving a bad timeline haven't jaded them; instead it has opened their hearts and empathy!
This, coupled with the fact that ObscureReference and I have joked about the Trio very into hot people who happen to be supernatural and thus the ship was born. It also helps that before I shipped Xanlow, Leo Trio, Camilla/Selena, I loved Awakening Trio OT3 with all my heart. Adding in Anankos (whose cipher card art is Very Hot) was an easy step for me!
2. What are your favourite things about the ship?
My favourite part of this ship is how the Trio instantly agree to help Anankos in the DLC. They don't ask questions or hesitate. Instead, they leap into action to lend aid to someone in need.
But my other favourite part of the ship is how Anankos gives the Trio his blood. In the DLC it's obviously a game mechanic to let us use dragon veins. Canon/lore wise this means Anankos summoned some very cute/hot warriors and instantly was like "Hey want to drink my blood thus tying some of my powers to you forever?" Like, Anankos if you wanted the Trio with you forever you can just give them a ring.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Look, I think the amount of people who ship this can fit into a row boat, so I don't think there are any unpopular opinions. However, my personal favourite head canon for this ship is imagining the dynamic between Fallen Anankos and the Trio. I'm always here for some obsessive/possessive sexy dragon with the humans he decided are now his. I won't go into too much detail considering I've written a lot of fics covering this idea. However, any time I can write some dark Anankos/Trio fics, I'm happy.
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ocasoinefable · 2 years
-¿Dime qué ves desde ahí..?, ¿Hace cuánto que no estabas en un puente?- A veces me detengo y observo como las personas cruzan la acera, como suben y ascienden los puentes. A veces me miro las muñecas antes de colocarme las camisas, encuentro algunas horas y frases que no se van. A veces miro mi cuerpo desnudo y pienso en ¿por ques? Apila mis dientes y corto cada palabra, aun me sobresalta ese monstro que me arrancaba la voz mientras me sujetaba de las piernas y se perdía en medio de una oscuridad que nunca me atrevo a mirar, tengo miedo de ver las imagines completas, tengo enojo y asco, cólera entera de aplastarle los dedos con el filo de su peineta y que no se me vuelva acercar... ¿Quizás allí descubrí el lado maquiavélico que puede tener una cría de 5 años, que de golpe abrió los ojos, que de golpe se vio ser en medio de la nada, con ganas de ser algo diferente a un recipiente de alquiler? Quizás ante las amenazas supe que nunca más lo permitiría y sería capaz de doblarle a quien fuera que lo intentará, me propuse ser fuerte y cubrir a quienes lo necesitaran, allí viví la nausea y la frente de Dios contra la mía, unida a mi torso... Allí entre las botellas, luego los gritos y bombillas rojas me mire y me dije que no todo era así, que aun existían las cosas que había imaginado en algún momento, la risa que había sentido en algún tiempo... que aún estaba la sonrisa y la bondad, así que la buscaría y como sí fuera un reno la daría a quienes como yo solo tuvieron esa derrota de ser cruzados por ese aguijón. Pero al menos fue solo un año, hay quienes no conocen un fin del tiempo en sus tenazas, y por ellos lloro, por ellos muerdo mis manos, rezo y actuó con fe... ¿Pudo hacer Sido, pudo haber... puedo... Llora la vista muerta en mis ojos?, Pero es pasado. Bueno, solo sé que estoy de nuevo mirando a los ojos el escupitajo de aguijón... -¿Qué, qué veo?, una idea que salta y un latido que la detiene. ¿Qué veo?, un agujero que no habla solo se tira y un mirada que sueña... Evitó todo aquello, creo costumbres y hago lo posible por mantener los árboles frondosos vivos en mis pestañas; escribo en mi diario lloro y me desahogo, salgo al parque me siento en cualquier lugar observo las risas y las voces, la vida que camina y duermo por un rato, pienso en las palabras de quienes quiero y me quieren, pienso en tus letras, en las letras. Miro mis tatuajes, percibo el silencio. Escribo algún cuento y me sonrió, brinco la cuerda con algún poema y me abrazo. Leo algún ensayo, medito, discuto con las páginas, replanteó, inventó otro ensayó que anexó al anterior a un juego de avioncito que me ayuda a olvidar las ideas que no me sueltan. Coloco música, saco mis colores, las acuarelas, dibujo y canto a todo grito. Camino por las calles inventó una obra que se desarrolla con loca pasión. ¿Sí no puedo?, sí entonces no puedo, me arrojo a los pies del pasto y le hago voces mientras les creo un apartado. Entre todo esto me repito que no soy mala por pensar al ser desde el polvo y el filo, que hay belleza en mí a pesar de todo lo que me digo o recuerdo... Que hay sueños. he nacido más no estoy en condena, vuelo a veces y cuento la escarcha que gira entre los claros de la luna.
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tactful-kind-daedra · 2 years
~~Modern Verse Headcanons~~
[[So a lot of stuff is pretty standard for most Fates Modern Verses: Nohr siblings working under a huge family corporation. Hoshido is a rival one etc. So going off that- Part 1: The Standard]] -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Garon is still the head of the company, and it’s probably one that deals in stocks. Lots of buying and money involved in all sorts of things. He may not be possessed by a dragon god, but Garon is just as likely to be charismatic for a deal as he is cut-throat and shady. 
-Xander is, of course, set to take it over, but currently he’s really the one keeping it running. He tends to make sure things line up and all that. Usually the face of it more than anyone else, though his siblings come in as needed. Xander actually hates it since he’s very stressed under the pressure but rarely shows it. As expected. Bottle it until you crack~
-Daedra has her usual ‘modern story’ of being an orphan and basically just working her keister off the moment she can start/live on her own (16/18). She eventually gets to enroll in a college in her mid 20s, through full scholarship. Said college and scholarship are ... you guessed it: sponsored in some fashion by Nohr Corp. It’s not so much because Daedra is that smart (she’s intelligent enough but not a genius you know) but more as like a ‘be the best example of a student’ type thing. Basically Daedra’s roped into a crap ton of extra classes and school jobs and is basically living off caffeine, the need to keep straight As, and sparkling starshine. She’s handling it.... well-enough. 
-Daedra actually has no idea who Xander or his siblings actually are. She’s vaguely aware of Nohr Corp and Garon as its head, and mostly for scholarship waffling. Thus, cue her mistakenly trying to get Xander to join after school clubs and activities while he’s there to oversee some things with the schoolboards. He, amusedly, finds it charming and just lets her go on for awhile. She’s very spirited and friendly (and also clearly has no idea he’s ‘famous’ or rich). 
-Xander probably drops in on her for awhile, seeing how far the ‘act’ goes on. Daedra’s always happy to see him as she probably doesn’t have many friends with her busy schedule demands. Boy, can Xander relate with that~ I imagine Leo probably spills the beans - strictly out of annoyance. It doesn’t matter much, to Daedra anyway. She’s understandably very shocked but not upset. At first she’s sad, as she thinks she won’t get to see him anymore, as he’s clearly not going to attend the school. 
-Their time together was basically dates without realizing they were dates. With their schedules, Xander and Daedra min-max by going for food or on shopping errands. This is where Daedra introduces him to the joys of Sonic’s (or the FE modern equivalent of a Sonic’s) because it’s 11pm and where else would you go? Get to have burgers and milkshakes and all fun things from the comfort of a car with your favorite tunes on the radio. ~Romantic Magic~ Xander’s first introduction to ‘peasant food’.
-Xander tries to treat her to very high class things, but it doesn’t go very well. Mostly because Daedra feels so bad about it as she absolutely can’t afford these places. And even though Xander assures her it’s his treat, it’s still a pressure on her. He does convince her to spend a weekend with him in a very exclusive and high end hotel though. Mostly because it’s very late when they’d have to part (it would be easier to just go to the hotel instead of dropping her at campus and him going back- Xander explains to her rational side) and at this point, he’s probably fighting with his Dad a lot. Xander claims it’s for business, but Daedra find out otherwise when they get there. Too late now~
-I haven’t pinpointed on what details I exactly want in this scenario. Other than Xander orders them lobster dinners for the room with the casual aloofness like they were Big Macs from McDonalds. Probably some serious life talking: wants and the future and supposed plans. Overall, he was initially stressed and angry and upset, but now he has a relaxing weekend with someone he genuinely enjoys spending his time with~
-I could probably use more stuff to fill out this area in time. Though, it’s notable that Xander absolutely does NOT ever bring her home. She gets introduced to his siblings early on, but it’s well established by all that Garon will not like her. Daedra is absolutely willing to bite that bullet though, either by going and putting a brave face or just... not ever meeting him for the foreseeable future. Xander makes the call for everyone’s sanity to choose the latter (minus his own, as Garon verbally rips his ass a new one constantly - for one reason or another).
-The major turning point is when Daedra graduates. Despite all this, she does manage to come away with excellent grades and a 4 year degree. It’s probably nothing too outlandish - I’d have to think something equivalent to tacticianing lol. ‘Business Strategist’ or something like that. -wink wonk- But now that she’s off campus life, she’ll have to find somewhere to live... and a job to pay for that ‘living’. 
-Xander, obviously, is willing to just pay for something or get her work in the company, but Garon would be pissed. Xander knows it, Daedra knows it, they all know it’s a terrible idea. (Part of me thought having her apply to Hoshido Inc or whatever but I think that’s too messy) --------------------------------------------------------------------
[[Part 2 coming in another post for length purposes~]]
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four-loose-screws · 5 months
FE2 Novelization Translation - Chapter 5 Part 1
If you would like to start from the beginning, read a missed part, etc., click here!
FE Game Script Translations - FE Novel Translations - Original FE Support Conversations
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Chapter 5 - To Mila's Shrine
Part 1 - The Sisters from Archanea
"What caused this mountain of corpses?! Was it the earthquake last night?" It was very possible that Valbar was right. 
Judging by the clothing that washed up on the red waves of Zofia's eastern coast which lead into a strait, they were Pirates. But from the number of corpses, they couldn't imagine a human had done this.
After Alm's fated reunion with Celica, she and her army left immediately for Zofia's northeastern region, where Mila's Shrine was located, despite being at the castle for less than a few hours. Zofia's east coast was likely to become the last beautiful scenery they would see. Before them lay nothing but rough terrain, first that of first a desert, then a volcano. 
Leo was the first to find what caused the pile of corpses. "Over there!" He pointed his finger at a pair of pegasi flying over the heads of a group of Pirates among the waves, dragging the corpses onto the beach. "Those are the foxy little ladies from Archanea!" He said, then turned towards Boey and winked.
"Wow…!" Valbar whistled, impressed. "These guys are from a group of Pirates led by Garth, one of Grieth's underlings. They're the fiercest group along this coast! The two of them alone did this? I can hardly believe it!"
As everyone was marveling at the sight of the Pegasus Knights’ abilities in combat, they were already taking down another Pirate with their swift lancework. 
"No! Someone strong is heading straight for them!" Saber shifted slightly, ready to move at a moment's notice.
A giant had snuck up behind the sisters at some point. Everyone quickly recognized him as Garth himself. 
Saber tried to jump into the fray, but Leo stopped him. "Boey, let's go!"
Both Leo and Boey started running. 
Mae scowled as she always did in response to their crude behavior, while Genny simply laughed.
Because their target was the leader himself, they wasted no time in starting to fight. Leo shot an arrow through his chest, and Boey burned his armor with a Fire spell. They watched his giant body collapse to the ground from a far-off distance, smoke billowing into the air, bringing all the fighting across the beach to a halt. 
Still, something seemed strange to Celica, and she didn't even have to squint to see what it was. The Pegasus Knight sisters did not start to come down from the sky, in fact, they turned their lances towards Leo and Boey.
With Celica as their vanguard, Mila's Restoration Army rushed into the fray as the sisters glared daggers at Leo and Boey. Both were yelling at the now pale men at the exact same time, so no one could make out exactly what they were angry about, but they seemed to be infuriated that Leo and Boey had killed Garth. They thought Garth had known something about where their younger sister was. 
"Bring him back and make him tell us where she is!" One of them said, her white cheeks turning bright red.
"We promise to help you find your sister." Celica said not so much as to take responsibility for Leo and Boey's behavior, but because she wanted the sisters’ far above average strength for her army. Ahead of them on their path was a desert and a volcano, where even the royal family's power had hardly any influence. Regardless of what might exactly happen as they traveled, to make it to the shrine and prevent Alm's tragedy, their army needed more members than they had right now.
The sisters realized that Celica was a Priestess and landed their pegasi, albeit reluctantly.
"Though we know she wouldn't do anything reckless, our youngest sister Est is currently training alone. We are worried that she might lose heart out on her own." The elder sister said. 
From their imposing stances, it was clear that they had prior experience fighting in war somewhere else before. The elder sister introduced herself as Palla, and the middle sister introduced herself as Catria, then they finally both shook Celica's outstretched hand, and vowed to go with her.
Grieth's Kingdom of Thieves was currently unstable, and much of that was caused by the footprints Celica and Mila's Restoration Army left behind on their journey. They had completely taken out Darth and his Pirates at the straight, and most recently - though this was mostly the work of the Archanea sisters - they had even eradicated Garth and his followers. In less than one month, two of Grieth’s most reliable main groups were gone. It would be strange even for him, the unofficial king of thieves, not to panic.
Or at least, that was the current hottest topic in the town Mila's Restoration Army stopped in to find a room for the night and stock up on food. It was the easternmost town in the eastern region of Zofia. The Pirates had been aggressive lately with their activity around the area, and were now stationed within Zofia's borders. 
They achieved that position by any means necessary, even if it meant choosing a town that could not fight back and physically threatening to turn their weapons against the people until the village surrendered.
That was what the owner of the inn told them.
He also told them that Grieth's Thieves were the reason why one of the villagers said he wanted to join them, after hearing that a group of units was in town.
To make it to Mila's Shrine, Celica felt it was inevitable that they would have to fight Grieth and his army of thieves. And so she said to the villager, Atlas, to accept his request, "If you are willing to help us defeat Grieth, then please come with us."
Atlas's family had been killed by thieves. Not only would his anger make him stronger, but Celica was also amazed by his swordsmanship when Saber challenged him to a duel to test his abilities. He wasn't even a unit yet. She felt that another sword wielder would be of great help to them after Kamui's passing.
"We must go fight Grieth immediately." Both Atlas and the sisters, worried about their kidnapped youngest sister, were impatient and ready to fight. 
But Saber stopped them from going anywhere. As he was taking a moment to relax in the living room of the small house they rented from the innkeeper, taking a sip of his drink, he said, "I understand how you feel, but we don't have a strategy. And as they say, without a strategy, all battles are reckless. It's not like you two sisters don't already know that."
Palla and Catria were both speechless.
"Grieth is a powerful enemy to have. People as strong as Darth and Garth were just small fry in his kingdom. At our current strength, we wouldn't even be able to touch him."
"Then what are you saying we should do?" Atlas, not yet used to being in an army, was overcome by his innate competitive spirit. He further furrowed his brow and shouted his enraged opinion at Saber, "Is Mila's Restoration Army really nothing more than a bunch of cowards?!"
"I appreciate the energy, but," Saber glared at Atlas to prevent him from saying anything further. "We will go to Mila's Shrine. We should keep our battles as small as possible, and prioritize going to the shrine. Since they have already transcended, our magic units should all be fine, but us sword wielders should at least transcend to the next highest class. If we don't, bringing down Grieth will be but a dream. Do you understand, Atlas? No matter how good you are with a sword, a mere villager will be of no help in real combat."
Valbar glanced down at Atlas's clenched fists and said, "But don't you have it backwards, then, Saber? We need to defeat Grieth to make it to the shrine. But you're also saying that it is impossible to defeat him without completing the transcendence ceremony at the shrine. So hasn't our mission always been impossible from the start?"
"It isn't like you at all to say something like that, Valbar." Saber said with a laugh. "If we face Grieth head on, then we'll all be killed. However, if we are able to transcend, then we will have a path to victory. The shrine is where we will obtain our path to victory. …But don't you know that we are in the greatest danger now? If we do not arrive at the shrine ready to face danger, then we will not be able to defeat the danger we must defeat to make it to the shrine, and we will enter a vicious cycle that will never end. If there's anyone who can sleep soundly through that kind of danger, they certainly aren't units!
"We must cast aside our shame, avoid any all-or-nothing battles that would make us sacrifice even one or two people, and commit transcending at the shrine as our only goal." Saber stated, and everyone fell silent.
In one of the rooms of the inn, Genny and Mae were tying up each other's hair in front of the crackling fireplace. At first glance, it looked like they were just doing regular girl stuff, but when Saber realized that the hairstyle they had chosen was the one usually reserved for the recently deceased before burial, he was sad to see that they had taken his words to heart.
Celica was sitting at the desk, just finishing a letter. As she prayed to Mila to grant Genny and Mae her divine blessing, she folded up the letter and placed it in a small leather bag, then dropped a ring. She had requested one of the blacksmiths in the village to have it made out of a piece of the hilt of the sword she received at the Necrozombie Shrine. Though it did not have much power, it could be used in place of healing magic to heal someone. During her brief meeting with Alm that afternoon, she had measured the size of his finger.
They heard a knock on the door. It was a peddler who utilized his ability to cast teleportation magic as capital to run his business. He went around each room of the inn, asking the patrons if there was any business he could do for them. He appeared to be a good person, and so Celica asked him to send a package to Alm at Zofia Castle. She then handed him the leather bag with the letter and ring inside, along with several gold coins.
Just as she did so, Valbar came flying into the room, completely out of breath. The scene startled the peddler so much that he thanked Celica and immediately left the room.
"The sisters are nowhere to be found! Atlas is gone too, and there's no trace of Boey or Leo either! They must have gotten too impatient, and left for Grieth's desert… You wait here, Celica. I'll go bring the five of them back." Valbar said.
Genny and Mae immediately began preparations to leave as well.
"What's so great about those pegasus ladies anyway?!" Mae grumbled.
"They have been quite a lot of trouble already!" Genny grinned widely to make her nervousness go away, then clasped her hands together to pray for forgiveness for Mae's understandably frustrated complaints.
Alm had already left Zofia Castle. Though this shocked the peddler, because Celica had paid him so exorbitantly well, he still saw the job through, finally finding Alm at the entrance to the western forest, and handing him the leather bag directly.
Alm decided that this town would be their frontline base for their attack on Desaix's fortress. As the village was one of many living in fear of Desaix's threat to their lives, once he said that they were the Deliverance, the villagers welcomed them with open arms.
'We will arrive at Mila's Shrine very soon. But because of the earthquake, I assume you will be stuck at Zofia Castle for some time.'
Alm read Celica's letter, then crumpled it up into a ball. "We really are on opposite paths." Alm grumbled as the ring fell out of the bag and landed at his feet. When he picked it up and tried it on, it fit his left ring finger perfectly. It made all of his childhood feelings for her come rushing back, so much so that his head started spinning.
Alm truly was in love with Celica. But there was no way for that love to grow right now. Because his heart was in such disarray, he already resented his reunion with her.
Desaix's fortress looked much more sturdily built up close than it did from far away. Alm reminisced on their fight against Commander Zakson, a reinforcement army of Desaix's who ambushed the Deliverance when they left the castle. It was no easy fight. Silque was forced to run all across the battlefield healing everyone, eventually fainting from exhaustion, and they had no guess yet as to when she would recover.
The Deliverance was getting impatient. They were still missing something, and that something was the very backbone of their operation. Mycen was right. They didn't know for certain if anyone who could inherit the throne was alive, and that uncertainty spread like an illness through the hearts of all their members.
A member of the royal family's bloodline. That was the only weapon the Deliverance needed now.
"Princess Anthiese… If you are alive, then grant us your divine protection…" Alm prayed. As meaningless as it was, that was all he could do.
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