#feather headress
ashanimus · 10 months
white people shut the everloving fuck up about what appropriating peoples culture means challenge and just enjoy your goddamn sparkle dragons
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bought the AAA tetris game
i cant believe they made tetris racist. how do you even manage this. racist tetris my beloathed
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maninsuitrb · 3 months
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Native Toughness
Available in graphic t-shirt, iPad case, iPhone case, Samsung Galaxy case, metal print (5 sizes) framed art print, tapestry, comforter, throw pillow, tote bag, clock... in the link you'll find these products and even more with this design!
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newsfrom-theworld · 3 months
What's happening in Hawai'i
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Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water
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US-occupied Hawaii is living sardine-packed 20-to-an-apartment next to methlabs, paying $3k / month, getting raped by Americans in tacky hotels, especially US soldiers.
And then be arrested for speaking your own language, dying in prison, or of diabetes at age 39.
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I invite you to don't travel to Hawai'i because of that.
Fck the US
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a-mushroom-wizard · 4 months
Just realised you can dye the snowquill set to look like revali
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Turorial below:
pretty sure this works in both totk and breath of the wild
Buy the full snowquil set
2. Go to the hateno dye shop
3. Wear just the headress and dye it green, this will change the end of the braids to the green revali has
4. Take it off and Wear just the shirt, dye it black, this is the closest colour to revali's dark blue feathers, it'll also have the other fabric look like his shirt
5. Leave the pants undyed, they are already like his legs plus the pattern are the colours of his ankle jewellery
And there you go!
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candycatstuffs · 2 years
Blaze in a cowboy AU-esue outfit? Idk, go wild with it. Only requirement is that she has a cowboy hat. Maybe with feathers sticking out of it like her headress?
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I'm sorry, I failed the only requirement SKJFJSDF
I'm not sure if Blaze is canon to cowboy au yet, but if she is I'd imagine she comes from a wealthy family, one that owns a railroad company or smth. So she's not really a cowboy lol
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surr3al1sm · 4 months
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A lookbook for my Night Swan sim that holds all of her CC and looks in one neat pile.
This woman guys. I love her so much. She serves even in sims form. I mainly based her off Maïwenn and my own interpertation so she does look a little more like prequel NS. I just love her so much and I hope you guys do to. I don't think I'm ever going to make another sim that serves this level of cunt.
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General CC: skin detail | lashes | headress | claws* (*for the claws I give full credit to @iamoboe because they found them first and I stole them.)
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Everyday: earrings | feathered collar | mesh top | pose
Formal: feathers | pose
Athletics: pose
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4. Sleep: earrings | pose 5. Party: earrings | gloves | pose 6. Swimwear: earrings | pose
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7. Hot Weather: earrings | skirt | pose 8. Cold Weather: earrings | feathers | pose
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creation-help · 2 years
Miscellaneous character design tips (that everyone could find useful)
- Feathers in hair, behind the ear, on the head, in some headress ect? Just don't. Unless you're indigenous I strongly, strongly advise against it, bc native people have criticized this design trope time and time again. Accessories and clothing like this can be very difficult to get right if you don't know what you're doing.
• Also! W*ndigos. Don't. If you wanna design a character that "looks like" (or is what you imagine when you think of a) W*ndigo, just. Design a character that looks like that and call it some other monster (Disclaimer: I'm mainly talking about things like those skull headed monsters with antlers ykno). These creatures have alot of deep meaning to the cultures they're from, and people are tired of them being appropriated and misrepresented. It will cost you nothing to just make a generic monster rather than butcher something from a marginalized culture. (Also, I've censored the word because in the past I've been told that using it's name is bad luck/harmful, so I'm doing this to be respectful)
(Natives/indigenous people are welcome to add on discussion about this if you feel like there's anything I could've said differently)
- Unless your character design is meant to be flexible, up to artist interpretation, or just messy, place patterns and decorative characteristics on distinct, memorable places. For example if your character has spots, put the most notable ones on places that're easy to remember and replicate, like on particular body parts. I'd also advise to make just a bit less of these patterns. Generally, if you're not aiming for a cluttered looking design, prioritize quality over quantity, when it comes to patterns.
- A character design's intent is just as important as the actual character design. You'll see me mentioning this on the previous point as well. Unless we're talking about offensive caricatures, there's teeechnically no such thing as a "bad" character design. Just rather a failed or unsuccessful one. What I mean by that, is that if your design is meant to look cliche, tacky, messy, or just plain unappealing, and it looks like such, that is a successful design! If you designed a character just to be something fun for you to draw, that's a successful design! I often see this point applied more professionally by other art advisors, to mean more like "You should be able to tell what kind of character it is based on the design", which is also true! But intent and purpose matters in storytelling. Obviously, not all aspects of a design need to be there for some very specific reason (looking at the people who ask "Why was this character made fat/gnc/black/poc?" and so on.) just keep in mind what this character is supposed to be. I think it's better to worry about if the character design does what it's supposed to, rather than if it's ""Good""
(And yeah, there are still things that just objectively don't look very good together, according to human perspective and color theory and whatnot, but again, if you're aiming for that, you go buddy!)
- Sorta coinciding with the previous point: Don't be afraid to use "ugly" traits when designing. I think the reason why is obvious (beauty standards can go suck a dick), but there's more to it than just radical acceptance! By giving more unique, weird, or "ugly" traits to your characters, you make them more memorable and distinct from one another. If there's a billion smooth faced perfect pretty characters who are the exact same kind of flavorless vanilla sexy, it gets boring, and they blend together! And please don't limit these traits to just villains or characters who are supposed to be disliked!! My other advice on this point, is, pllllease don't design villains "ugly" and heroes "pretty", I feel like that should be a given, but alot of people may be doing it without even realizing. And that's understandable, but I heartily recommend taking a second to think about it more deeply. Why is this visual trait "Bad", or "Evil"? I just feel like so many artists are deathly afraid of having their characters look the least bit unappealing or challenging. I could go on about this but I'll stop here to keep it concise. Don't beauty police your oc is all I'm sayin
- Reference! I don't necessarily mean take inspiration from other existing character designs, although that can also be helpful. I mean that look around you, think broadly! If you have a certain theme for your design, try to round up all the little things (items, concepts, colors, animals, traits) that could be associated with it! And try to reflect that in your character design. You can get a little wacky and experimental. You can literally just broaden your inspiration to things like everyday objects, a specific fabric texture, an element, or a fungi that lives in moldy houses. Anything! My main point is to try to think outside the box and consider more unconventional things to reference for your character design, you'll never know what might work and look really interesting. Often, a bland design is worse than a weird one. (Disclaimer: Unless you're aiming for bland ofc, per my prev points, but ykno). You can also just go by "Hmm, I'm making a character who is X, what does that remind me of?" or, what I also recommend "Hmm, so X kinds of characters remind me of these things. Let's ditch that and think what one usually wouldn't associate with X kinds of characters!". Ykno, defy convention, think about things you might not usually do. I know it can be easier said than done but once you get into a habit of trying to think more broadly, it'll come to you easier. Don't be afraid to get odd and unusual
- While I don't condemn designing a character in a way that just, is that way, because you designed it like that, I also recommend thinking about how and why the character is like that in-story. Might seem like an obvious tip, but I'll elaborate. I for example, have a pair of bug demon characters who grew up on the streets and didn't have the normal amount of nourishment for their age, so, due to that their mouth pincers and other buggy parts were left much smaller and more "plain" looking than others of their species. They never developed to their appropriate adult size. Things like this will reflect on a character design! And that's just one example. If your character has a habit of nervous picking, or sensory problems, or live in an area where certain resources for clothing aren't available, all of this will reflect on the design! Of course, you can also work backwards from a design and think "Hmm, what justification will I think of for the character having these traits (especially if they're uncommon for their story setting)?"
I may do a part 2 sometime later, I just had some thoughts I wanted to compile for now! Obviously you can have your own design principles but these are ones I consistently use (also the first one being as specific as it is, is just something I particularly wanted to say).
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
La posible razón de que dejo a MK con Pigsy, puede ser por el trauma de sus pasados y por su autoestima de que si esta haciendo lo correcto tener descendencia teniendo todo un riachuelo de sangre detrás... (Al chango le urge terapia) además por la edad física posiblemente MK tenia como ¿2-3 años? creo que Mk tiene un peluche de mono (He visto fanart con el) y posiblemente es un regalo de su Baba (Egg Stone au)
translated via google:
"The possible reason why he left MK with Pigsy could be because of the trauma of his past and his self-esteem that if he is doing the right thing he will have offspring with a whole stream of blood behind him... (The monkey needs therapy) Furthermore Due to physical age, MK was possibly about 2-3 years old? I think Mk has a stuffed monkey (I've seen fanart with it) and it's possibly a gift from her Baba (Egg Stone au)"
Thats my idea really. Wukong had no support system in place and had no idea what to do beyond seek out the reincarnated souls/decendants of his friends. He would still watch over MK like a guardian angel throughout his life, safe in the knowledge that Pigsy was a damn good father.
I hc that MK's bandana, and the ribbon on the monkey plush are actually parts of Wukong's headress (made with phoenix feathers). It's why MK's bandana doesn't seem to be affected by flames.
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Ezana Concept Art
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Concept art and translations for Ezana! Translation notes and image id under the cut.
Translation notes:
On the first page when Ikushima is talking about how he feels pressure to make his drawings beautiful, he's actually saying something more like "Usually with sexy woman I go 'I'm obligated to/I must make them beautiful!'... " but no matter how I phrased it the wording felt awkward in English, so I changed the sentence to go without the quotes.
There's a note on the second page above the monochrome sketch that was pretty hard to read (the middle character in particular might have been scribbled out?), so I kind of guessed at the rough meaning from the surrounding characters. The first kanji seems to be 玄, which has the general meaning of "mysterious, occultness, black, deep, profound," and the third kanji seems to be 器, which has the general meaning of "utensil, vessel, receptacle, implement, instrument, ability, container, tool, set". I went with "mysterious staff" as the meaning of the kanji together, also working off of the fact that it's. um. pointing at a staff that seems vaguely mysterious.
"Call forth the rain" was more literally just "rain," but it uses a particle at the end that has a vaguely commanding/requesting vibe to it, so I added extra words to convey that.
There's a part on the second page where I write "SHAMAN" in all caps. On that particular line, "Shaman" was written out using English phonetics, whereas on the rest of the page when I use the word it's the Japanese word for an equivalent concept.
"Lines like a weather map" is literally "isobar pattern". I'm assuming that most people aren't familiar with the word "isobar" (including myself) but from a brief google search, isobars are the lines that show up on a map when weather forecasts are trying to show the range of a storm and the barometric pressure specifically. Since it's (probably) not a commonly-known word, I just wrote out the "weather map" stuff instead.
"Sexy as it sounds" is a weird one. I think it's a portion of this phrase, which is defined as, "not existing despite seeming like it should", but just uses some different particles at the end which I'm assuming make it non-negative (e.g., "as sexy as it should be"). But I couldn't find a ton of examples of how the phrase is used though or what the differences in particles would be, so I just kind of went with the auto-translation I got from Deepl.
Image id:
[id: Multiple images from the Triangle Strategy artbook surrounding Ezana Qlinka. There is a page with a large colored portrait of her, along with a smaller line drawing in the corner. There are two illustrator's notes at the bottom: the first is, "Ezana has a really lovely ethnic design. Actually, after the character's portrait was completed, Mr. Ikushima redid all the linework, which added a lot to the character's beauty! (Yoshiura Rina)" and the second is, "Ezana is primitive, spiritual, and also a mysterious kind of character. With sexy women I usually feel pressure to make them beautiful, but strangely she was very easy to draw. I like how the natural colors are interspersed with the lapis lazuli. (Ikushima Naoki)". On the second page, the top half has several drawings of Ezana in a design close to her canon one. It is titled, "Weather Manipulator (Shaman)". There is one drawing where Ezana is without her headdress, captioned, "If there are different ranks of shaman, I think it'd be fine to start out without the headdress." There is a note pointing to her headress labeled, "Sheep's skull with some parts cut off," and another that reads, "Horns. Red and blue cord is coiled." Another note points to a full sheep skull and reads, "Origin. It's been shaved away starting at about this area." It points to roughly the middle of it. Another note points to a feather ruff she wears, labeled, "Crow feathers". Her staff is labeled, "A staff with elements similar to a dreamcatcher". There is a portrait of her from the back, with a note reading, "Back of the dress is open." The second half of the page is titled, "Weather Manipulator (Shaman) Large Brainstorming WIP". There are 5 drawings, each of a different potential design. The first is similar to her canon design, but with darker skin and a black dress. The second is very colorful, and has the notes, "Hear the song from the wind and go into a trance" as well as "Lines like a weather map" and "I think it would look better if the saturation was lowered a little or the colors were narrowed down a bit." The third drawing has a purple cloak with eyes on it, and seems to be throwing seeds into the air, captioned, "Sowing seeds toward the sky." The fourth design uses more pastels/bright colors, and has a drum at her hip. She seems to be saying, "Thunder!" and there is a note that reads, "Beat the cover and let it resonate through the air." The fifth drawing is of a woman wearing a full mask and a heavy cloak made of grass fibers. It has several bullet points including, "Weather Manipulator (Shaman)," "Female SHAMAN", "Indigenous - Separate wind and lightning magic", and "As sexy as it sounds." She holds a staff which is labeled, "Mysterious Staff" and also has a note reading, "Indigenous". She seems to be saying, "Bring forth the rain..." There are two illustrator's notes on the bottom. The first reads, "Mr. Asano requested that I add in leopard print, and I thought about how I could make it unique. (Naoki Ikushima)" and the second reads, "Looking at it again, it's a really sexy outfit. And it's great in battle! (Tomoya Asano)" /end id]
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missfishersmurderpolls · 11 months
Phryne fashion tournament: looks nine to sixteen
All credit for research used to inform the descriptions of these wonderful costumes goes to @phrynefishersfrocks.
All caps from here.
Looks one to eight available here.
9. Fan dance outfit (Murder Most Scandalous)
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[Image ID 1: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the hips up, lit from behind as she performs a fan dance. She wears knickers with pink feathers matching her fans and a jewelled headress and shoulder piece. Her arms are crossed across her chest, hiding her breasts. /End ID]
[Image ID 2: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne's face appears abover her pink fan feathers as she performs her fan dance. /End ID]
Look number nine is one of Phryne's most memorable: her fan dancing outfit from Murder Most Scandalous. She wears knickers with feathers matching those in her fans and a jewelled shoulder piece.
10. Lilac and green coat and hat (Framed for Murder)
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[Image ID 3: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the waist up wearing a lilac and green coat, beige blouse with pattern in matching colours, and a green hat with purple trim. /End ID]
[Image ID 4: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Full length image of Phryne stood on a movie set, showing her green and lilac outfit with a black skirt and shoes. /End ID]
Phryne's lilac and green/gold outfit from the start of Framed for Murder is number ten. She has a matching hat and coat over a patterned cream and lilac blouse and a black skirt.
11. Red and cream beach look (Dead Man's Chest)
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[Image ID 5: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the waist up indoors, showing her red and cream blouse with shoulder detail and buttons. She also has matching red earrings. /End ID]
[Image ID 6: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries showing full length view of Phryne's red and white beach look. She stands on a pier wearing a white hat with trim that matches the blouse and holds a yellow parasol with a red fern pattern. /End ID]
One of Phryne's beach looks from Dead Man's Chest is number eleven. She wears a pleated cream skirt with a red and cream blouse and a matching hat and shoes. And that parasol!!!
12. Brown & red kimono with pink collar (various episodes)
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[Image ID 7: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne us shown from the shoulders up in her parlour wearing her red/brown kimono, with embroidery clear on the shoulder. Her hair is tousled and her makeup slightly smudged from sleep. /End ID]
[Image ID 8: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne walks into her dining room wearing her red/brown kimono, holding it closed across her chest. She wears a pale, low-cut night dress below it. /End ID]
Look twelve is Phryne's red/brown kimono. It has embroidery of doves and trees and a light pink trim.
13. All black trousers and sheer blouse (Murder in Montparnasse and Death Comes Knocking)
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[Image ID 9: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne sits in profile on the arm of a chair in her parlour, wearing black trousers and a black sheer blouse. /End ID]
[Image ID 10: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the shoulders up. The lace pattern on her black camisole is shown through her sheet blouse as well as her drop earrings. /End ID]
Will number thirteen be unlucky for this look from Death Comes Knocking? High waisted black trousers are paired with a sheer blouse which shows off the lacy bits on her camisole.
14. Blue floral jacket and purple hat (Murder and the Maiden)
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[Image ID 11: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne and Jack stand in front of a map at City South, Phryne pointing to something on it. She is wearing a black/navy patterned coat and a coordinating purple hat. /End ID]
[Image ID 12: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne sits in on questioning in the interrogation room at City South, wearing her black/navy patterend coat and purple hat. The flower trim on her hat coordinates with a brooch and the pattern on her coat. /End ID]
Number fourteen is one of Phryne's investigating looks from Murder and the Maiden. She wears a black and navy patterened coat, with purple cuffs that match her purple hat.
15. White 'at home' cardigan (various episodes)
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[Image ID 13: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown from the shoulders up wearing her white lace cardigan with a low, rounded neck white blouse and gold earrings. /End ID]
[Image ID 14: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Shown from the hips up, Phryne wears her white lace cardigan with a white cowl neck bouse and white skirt with silver belt buckle. /End ID]
Look fifteen is Phryne's white knit/crochet lace cardigan. It appears throughout the series, often worn at home and with stunning all-white looks.
16. Fighting cock robe (various episodes)
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[Image ID 15: Screencap from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne is shown full-length, going to open a door in her black fighting cock robe. The image is from behind, showing the full detail of the embroidery. /End ID]
[Image ID 16: Screencap from Miss FIsher's Murder Mysteries. Phryne sits on a white couch with her legs folded under her, holding a piece of toast up in one hand. She wears her black fighting cock robe, the embroidery just visible in the front view of the arms and shoulders. /End ID]
Last but not least is Phryne's black robe with the fighting cock embroidery. Not much needs to be said about it because we all know how incredible it is.
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Balan Wonderworld Outfits: Chapter 9
Here are Chapter 9's outfits! At first, I was originally going to give all of the characters circus-themed outfits. Instead, I decided to give them outfits/costumes that they would wear in the parade as entertainers. I hope you all enjoy these!
Leo Craig
A white, long-sleeved shirt with a v-neck collar, black pants, and black shoes. He no longer sports his standard bandana.
Emma Cole
A princess costume which consists of white feather ornaments in her hair, an off-shoulder pink dress with short, puffed transparent sleeves, white evening gloves, gold earrings, a gem necklace, and red high heels. Her hair is let down.
Jose Gallard
A scarecrow costume which consists of a brown pointed hat, a red shirt with an attached deep red collar, a crewneck that resembles straws of hay, matching wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs, a rope belt, blue pants, and black boots.
Fiona Demetria
A mermaid princess costume which consists of a gold tiara that is adorned with pearls and ocean blue shells, a dress with a blue top that has a sweetheart neckline, ruffled ocean blue trimming on the waist, an ocean blue mermaid skirt, and gold high heels.
Yuri Brand
A fairy costume which consists of a white floral headband, a dress with a purple top and puffed sleeves and magenta skirt, transparent butterfly wings, and indigo ballet flats.
Haoyu Chang
An air pilot costume which consists of a black pilot hat, a white, short-sleeved shirt, a black tie, a brown belt with a gold buckle, black pants, and shoes.
Sana Hudson
A samba dance outfit which consists of a orange, yellow, and green feathered headress attached to a black band, a black and orange off-the-shoulder dress with an orange, yellow, and green ruffled and layered skirt, and black stilettos. Her hair is no longer in dreadlocks and is straightened.
Cass Milligan
Princess Merry's costume, which consists of a light blue wig that is in the exact same hairstyle as her, a gold crown, a yellow ball gown with a gold collar, white gloves, and gold kitten heels.
Cal Suresh
A gold king's crown with red gems, a black tailcoat with white lining over a white dress shirt, white pants, and tall black boots.
Iben Bia
A snow princess costume which consists of a silver tiara with a lone, rhombus-shaped turquoise gem, a blue off-the-shoulder sleeved gown with a white fur collar, rhombus-shaped turquoise gems on the chest and rim of the dress, a small v-shaped cut at the center that exposes a light blue undershirt, a transparent blue cape, and light blue kitten heels.
Attilio Caccini
A clown costume which consists of a dark magenta top hat with a yellow flower on it, a magenta jumpsuit with a white neck ruffle and white polka dots, yellow pom poms that act as buttons, white gloves, and yellow clown shoes.
Lucy Wong
A gold queen's crown with magenta gems, a white ruffled choker, a white ball gown with puffed sleeves and a light green accent in the center, and white stilettos.
Eis Glover
A red tailcoat with gold buttons over a matching vest with gold accents, a white high-collared shirt, a black tie, black pants, and black shoes.
Bruce Stone
A black top hat, a matching tailcoat over a white high-collared shirt, a mauve tie, black pants, and brown dress shoes.
Act 3 Outfit (Specifically for Attilio)
A white blazer over a matching high-collared dress shirt, a magenta bow tie, white dress pants, and black dress shoes.
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wc-confessions · 1 year
People gonna disagree with me and I don't care.
The feather behind the ear drama is so stupid.
There is evidence of neanderthals using feathers to decorate their hair, the Aztecs, leaders of the Dong tribes in Africa, Roman, Greek, Papua new Guinea and Australian aboriginal people use them.
is that kid who uploaded art of jayfeather with a jays feather behind his ear insulting all of these cultures as well???
The idea that every single person who draws a cat with a feather behind their ear is a racist pos is stupid. We aren't all terminally online
It's funny to me that when the drama was happening other native American users said that they didn't find anything in the designs offensive had their heritage called into question/were accused of being racists.
The idea that ONE indigenous person or community can make a sweeping statement about a particular design (that hundreds of different cultures have been using) and copyrighting it is ridiculous. Their are far more offensive uses of cultural appropriation from others in the community but sure go and tell that kid to kys because their an easy target right? Your virtue signalling quota has been met.
Unless the character has the FULL EAGLE HEADRESS THAT IS USED IN CEREMONIES then it doesn't matter.
If it matters to indigenous people and they find it offensive then they're allowed to voice that opinion. As a white person, I cannot comment on the matter because it doesn't affect me. All I can say is to actually listen to indigenous voices on the matter.
This isn't an oppression olympics in which one thing should be seen as worse and therefore prioritised. Please refrain from telling people that something isn't bad enough to upset them.
Any further asks about this topic that do not add something to the discussion will simply be deleted to prevent unnecessary drama and anger.
~ Mod Lichenbark
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imperiuswrecked · 1 year
*bolts upright in my bed*
Comic!Namora's first character design had her wear a crown of feathers, the winged headress
Mcu!Namora's headress almost resembles feathers but are actually the spines of a Lionfish
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gender0bender · 2 years
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ID: an illustration of a harpy with a pale skinned woman’s head and a brown bird’s body. She is wearing a red headress with golden earrings and red lipstick and smilng at the audience, her wavy brown hair spilling out behind her. Her wings are outstrecthed and she is standing in a perched position. There are some objects around her including a green apple, a green leaf, a brown capped mushroom, a brown feather and an ox eye daisy. There objects are mirrored symmetrically on the other side of the illustration except the apple and mushroom have been cut in half, with the feather being a lighter colour. There is a red border pattern around the image that looks like red flowers leaning to one side. ED.
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deepseaphantom · 9 months
god its january which means mardi gras is gonna be soon
i like mardi gras its fun! but god i have some feelings about it
dont like the cultural appropriation or the trash thrown everywhere and the traffic cause of parade times
like the parade float guys (Not all of them only some of the organizations) wear those eagle feather headresses but the cheap costume kind and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth
also joe cain was a dipshit
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