blackpantiesaurus · 3 years
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turkey (ink)
Facebook Deviantart Instagram Snapchat (WIPs and idiocy): pantiesaurus
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socistudies · 6 years
tips to fight procrastination
we’ve all been there - that awful feeling when your brain gets hazy, your body heavy, and all you can really do is lie in bed berating yourself. here are some tried and true methods I use to get back to work: 
Use a physical activity to reset. Dump all your study materials in a corner and forget about them for 5-10 minutes. Listen to the loudest/most inspiring music you can find, vacuum your room, take a shower. Something that overwhelms the senses and starts your system going. Yesterday, I was in a slump post-breakfast and used BTS’s Don’t Leave Me to reset, and it worked perfectly (I alternate between rock, kpop and musical soundtracks). It doesn’t have to be motivating, as long as it’s energetic and emotional enough to break out of the haze. Dancing to them is even better.
Get out of the bed by breaking down each step. I’m a morning person until the weather gets colder and the bed’s too toasty to get away from. First thing, I try to break down the process - get the blanket off me, sit up, swing my legs over the bed, stand up (or roll off, like I do sometimes when it’s particularly difficult to leave). Breaking it up into the smallest chunks and just going step by step works wonders - whether you’re still sleepy or in a funk. 
Get out of bed by setting a time when you wake up. I usually wait for a good number to get out (say I wake up at 8.24am, so the time I’ll be using is 8.30am). The trick is to start moving before it gets to 8.30am; by 8.28am I’m pushing myself up and rolling off the edge - it’s kind of a fun little thing to race against myself and be out before 8.30am. Note: always get out as fast as possible. Don’t even let yourself think about how nice and warm the bed is; when you’re awake you should move, or else you’ll be stuck for the next 2 hours.
Dress for the occasion. Particularly during breaks, or by virtue of being in university, you might find yourself at home a lot. I’m fortunate enough to have a nice enough room to do work in, so I end up staying at home for 1-3 days straight studying, writing, cooking, etc. It might be tempting to be in PJs throughout, but this just puts you in comfort mode literally all the time, and is counterproductive when what you want is to get in The Zone. Brush your teeth, shower, have breakfast, then change into something cute, make a tea or cup of coffee, and get to work. 
The first step to writing almost anything should be a brain dump. I’m studying a essay-heavy course, and the biggest thing that makes me spend a whole week on a single 3000-word essay draft instead of 2-3 days is the fact that I always feel like I need to read every single thing I can find on the topic, organise that information, and then start. That’s incredibly demoralising and just the perfect reason to procrastinate. Instead of that, I’ve learnt to type out the essay question on a blank document, and then approach it as if it was my professor putting me on the spot and asking me the question in a lecture or class. If you have no idea what the question means, limit yourself to googling the definitions of certain terms, but don’t check for sources yet. Do it creatively and as best as you can so that you have at least one topic sentence, and then go find your sources. That way, you’ve already cleared the biggest step of the essay process, starting, and have also gotten your brain going without dealing with 27 tabs first. 
there are so many tips in the community about how to fight procrastination and get cracking, and I love every one of them, so I decided to compile the things that work for me best. let me know if you find these tips helpful/if you’ve got another way of doing things! will probably do a part 2 in the near future 💕
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jenniferlinderman · 5 years
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Feather studies in Colored Pencil this morning in preparation for my very first solo class today at Rare Bird in Oakland! I am nervous, you guys (also excited) so wish me luck!! #art #artclass #artteacher #featherstudy #coloredpencil #jenniferlindermanart @rarebirdoakland #oakland https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNg7-BBzcC/?igshid=1qmx2tiv82m1u
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bujo-ie · 6 years
hi! what is the new thingy instead of to-do lists you mentioned in the tags? lately to-do list doesn't work for me but i can't think of an alternative
hi anka! sorry to hear that to-do lists aren’t working out. i’ve been in that rut lately too and it’s a real pain !!! ugh
the new thing i’m doing is kinda just really really strict scheduling. basically what i’ve started doing is i’ll plan everything ahead of time, like the day before (sometimes with a to-do list, to see what i need to accomplish) and then i’ll plan each and every assignment i’m going to do by time. you can see an example here! the update part is just me wanting to keep track of what i’ve done and allow myself to be proud since i really was extremely productive today!
to-do listing wasn’t working out for me because it didn’t really push me to do anything bc im the type of person that likes to ignore all their responsibilities. i’ve only done this new scheduling thing once (for today) but it worked out great for me! i think it’s because i’m the type of person that needs p strict instruction since i procrastinate A Lot, so this keeps me in check more instead of just making me depressed about how much work i didn’t accomplish.
hope this works out as an alternative for you! let me know how it goes :))
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studyplants · 6 years
ooh, you have polaroid! i'd like to buy instax myself :) what's the quality of the photos? i've heard it was way too much dependent on the lighting.
yeah it’s p much hit or miss! the first few photos i took were super overexposed but once you get the hang of the settings it’s generally ok
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redheadredheart · 7 years
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set up for this early morning study session, trying to knock out some whap notes before robotics volunteering later today !
(i love cloudy weather, its so pretty outside right now)
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daridahlia · 3 years
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Feather sketches. . . . . #sketchbook#feathers#featherstudy#quills#fluffyfeathers#ostrichfeathers#inksketch#instaart https://www.instagram.com/p/CNtuIXgDbGo/?igshid=llaupnu5bah9
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jeristudies-blog · 7 years
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Drinking hot cocoa when studying is the best way for me how to get calmed :) Taken from my studygram: jeristudies
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applesstudy · 7 years
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Just got done with the cover page of my new bujo! It’s a navy blue Leuchtturm1917 and I am so excited!
The paper quality is amazing and it’s so cute! I used a muji 0.38 black gel pen for this and a sharpie fine-point.
A note- bringing muji gel pens on planes causes them to explode- there goes $20.
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studyflwr · 7 years
The store I work at is going through a reconstruction so I got a whole week off! 😆 And I'd recommend radio series called Cabin Pressure. I usually don't listen to this kind of shows but this one is perfect! I heard it like six times already amd I laugh every time 😊
both the break from work and the show sound awesome. :)
url: i don’t get it sorry | oooh nice | amazing! | so cool wow | I WANT TO STEAL IT
icon: i don’t get it | good but not my type | ooh, so pretty | I LOVE | brb i have to steal it right now immediately
desktop theme: not my type | coolsies | wow, amazing! | perfectly aesthetic | whERE IS THE CODE
mobile theme: not my type | coolsies | wow, amazing! | perfectly aesthetic | FLAWLESS HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
posts: not my style | good | so pretty l wow | how… is it possible… for things to be so beautiful… | EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD OMG REBLOGGING IT ALL
original content: couldn’t find them, sorry! | you’re getting there | good | wow, amazing! | ummm, can i have your skills? | EVERYTHING IS SO GOOD OMG REBLOGGING IT ALL
overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | are you the real life hermione granger???
following: not yet, but ily | i am now! | yup!!! | i want you to know if i ever stop it’s because my account has been hacked
comment: the otter post you reblogged made my day! your whole blog is just so positive. :) 
i’m doing blogrates, want one?
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saturnianbooks · 7 years
One Word tag game
Tagged by @artemistudying
where is your phone? table your hair? crazy your dad? funny your other half? somewhere your favorite food? hamburger your dream last night? no your favorite drink? tea fear? death favorite shoes? none favorite way to relax? phone your mood? happy I love? books where were you last night? bus something that you aren’t? annoying muffins? cake! wish list item? the sims 4 where you grew up? Brasil :P last thing you did? shower what are you wearing right now? shorts something you hate? capitalism your pets? Cuuuuuute friends? present life? magical regrets? few missing someone? Yes :(
I tag @featherstudy @catotinha @catotastar and anyone who read this!
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nanostudies · 4 years
featherstudy -> nanostudies
with a new major comes a new url! i also changed my icon and for those who wonder, it presents quantum dots (nanoparticles) under UV light. and my header in the mobile theme shows nanofibers studied with secondary electron microscope
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socistudies · 6 years
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3.12.18 || montenegro p.2
we walked into the kind of quiet that silences all. nature rushed and rushed, shushed my thoughts, and made me small.
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thestudyfeels · 8 years
 (100 days of productivity : day 5).  
22nd March
so in terms of productivity,,, ya girl is back on her schedule!! Like I was low-key so stressed bc I was legit 3 chapters behind but no worries tay is back on track asdfghjkl and all that shit in just 8 pomodoros 😭 #IAmLit (I'm lit tho seriously)
Also today was a kind of fitness day?? Like I actually for the first time did a frickin workout, yoga and meditation all together?? This has to be marked in history omg drumroll please.
tHIS was a wonderful day on an overall :')
23rd March
gUYS I'm again behind schedule which is nothing new and im stressed af and I also woke up late today ughhhh this is horrible,,,, bUT you know what? I'm healing. I'm becoming a better human being with kIND of good habits and im proud of that :') it is actually so important to celebrate your victories bc that is the only thing which will help you to keep going on ok
(also guys lemme know if you want to be tagged in these shitty text posts okay?)
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comecesario · 8 years
(bg) Congrats on 100 followers! 🎉 One book that is related to studying is Apt Pupil by S King. It was breathtaking! If you're more for romantic novels I loved Me Before You by J Moyes. I hope you smiled a lot today 💕
Oooh, I’ll check them out! And thank you! I hope you smiled a lot today too :)
url: not my cup of tea | cool! | omg I love it | I will pay you to have it pls gimme
theme: not my cup of tea | cool! | omg I love it! | omg master of html teach me your ways
icon: not my style | pretty! | stunning! | omg how did you get that??
original content: couldn’t find it, sorry | nice! | cool! | omg teach me how you did that
overall: cool | awesome! | gorgeous! | actual aesthetic goals
am I following?: no, sorry | I am now! | already was | NOW AND FOREVER AMEN
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rafstudyblr · 8 years
omg I love your cat! he's so precious with the white chest and cute little socks 😍also the name! give daisy a cuddle from me, ok? i hope he's having a wonderful day. and you too! 💕
Omg, you are so sweet! Thank you! I’ll give him lots of cuddles from you, and you’ll probably see a lot of him here 💕 our day has been great, and I hope yours is too!
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