#feedism fanfiction
klazje · 2 months
what the hell is going on. what are we doing here.
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sugarpopss · 11 months
Lee Bodecker Blurb
So......I've been talking about Lee a lot with @bucknastysbabe which of course means I pooped out something kind of horny. Imagine he and Florence get a nasty divorce at some, feel how plausible that is, then come back to this. Also kind of some kink discovery but Lee is such a good vessel for feedism yknow
Lee had a routine. He got off patrol, drove forty minutes out to the cabin on the far side of the county, and ate a somewhat miserable dinner while ‘I’ve Got a Secret’ or ‘The Price is Right’ droned on in front of him, driving the stale silence into the corners for a little bit.
Sometimes he stopped at the diner in Meade for food that was more salt and bacon grease than real ingredients, ordered in a quantity that made the teenage girl working the register raise her eyebrows; sometimes he exercised the full extent of his cooking skills and put a TV dinner in the oven. Either way, he parked his ass on the sofa, let the sound of the television fill his head and ate his dinner in a scene that would not be out of place in the 1963 edition of ‘Pathetic Divorcees 12 Month Calendar’. 
Most nights, in an astounding display of disregard for personal dignity, Lee jerked off after eating. Sometimes he focused on the television and let Betsy Palmer float into his imagination, leaving the panel behind to show Lee what was under her tight little skirt. Other times he thought of his ex-wife, saw her chocolate dark hair and recalled the feeling of her breasts in his hands, how she’d tip her head back with pitchy moans when their sex was good. The only downside was that that usually led him into thinking about how nights like that had dwindled as he spent more time working-because to Lee, being on patrol or filing paperwork or meeting with Leroy all fell under the umbrella of ‘work’, at least for his purposes-how, coming up on the day Florence had served him the divorce papers, even their coupling became cold and distant and quiet, usually ending in yelling or tears if not both. 
Thinking about that made Lee feel like shit. 
The masturbation fodder Lee liked the best, though-or maybe just what he felt the least amount of guilt over-was the feeling of his own gut, packed with fatty diner food or ice cream and Nabisco cookies, skin warm from the stretch and stomach slightly aching as it tried churn through everything inside. He preferred not to dwell on why that feeling got him so absurdly hard-why palming his swollen belly made his cock leak like an old faucet. 
In any case, masturbation was the third part of Lee’s routine. The fourth part was really playing the washed up cop and passing out under the fog of a full stomach and an orgasm. At a different time he would’ve polished off the image with a couple of beers, something to add to both the haze in his mind and the bloat in his stomach, but. Well. He was trying, as pathetic as it sounded. 
As pathetic as ‘trying’ seemed to be, seeing as he still ended up conked out on the sofa, television illuminating how his undershirt was slowly creeping up over the curve of his gut like some slovenly sitcom husband. Except, that is, for the nights when Lee had the post-nut wherewithal and motivation to actually get into bed. It was actually a little bit sad how quickly he’d adjusted to sleeping alone. There was something almost reassuring about getting into a cold bed, as opposed to one warmed by a body that he knew has been waiting for hours; there was no one to disappoint or fight with or lie to in a cold bed, although Lee had done all three quite liberally throughout his marriage and didn’t feel so much guilt that he’d take them back, given the opportunity. He certainly wouldn’t give up what they’d gotten him…but it still felt safer to be alone. 
Besides, the warmth and weight of his packed gut was a close enough substitute for the comfort of a woman, the grip of his own callused fist a workable approximation of the tight, wet heat of a cunt. Shocking as it may be, there wasn’t a line of women out the front door of the creaky old cabin with one working sink and raccoons in the attic-but even those traits were probably a better draw than Lee himself. 
It didn’t matter. He was just alright by himself-it seemed like exactly the way he was meant to be. 
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So my Alenick fanfic kinda blew up a bit so I decided I was going to do a small continuation of it 👍🏻
So this is a little different from the first part. Just to warn yall: there’s a little more making out and swearing, but also subtle smut. Not too much, but if that’s not the kind of thing you read just scroll. Anyways I hope you enjoy this, thanks for reading and ily all!!! <3
So. My first date with Nick.
It was great, there was nothing I would change about it. We went out to dinner at this nice fancy restaurant. Nick paid. It was very expensive but he’s such a gentleman (and a rich kid) that he didn’t complain.
We were talking and laughing all night. Nick even threw a couple of dirty jokes my way and I maybe might have told him one or two myself.
But what blew me away about this night was seeing Nick in that dashing suit and tie he was wearing. I was just wearing a simple t-shirt with a cardigan pulled over it and my nicest pair of jeans I had.
When he first picked me up and I first saw him in that suit, I just froze and thought to myself, ‘Wow, he’s really hot.’
But enough about his suit. (But like the suit…) After dinner, I stupidly asked if he was going to drive me home or if I was gonna have to hoof it home.
He just laughed and said, “Why don’t you come back to my place and we can watch some movies together on my couch?”
I just smirked and said, “Sounds wonderful. Wasn’t really ready to end the night anyways, I was just afraid to ask for more of your time.”
Nick chuckled and opened the passenger side door of his blue ass car for me. “You’ll never take up too much of my time, Passenger Princess. Hop in.”
I sat my old ass on the car seat and he shut the car door, then he rounded around the car and got into the drivers seat. We drove home listening to old hits from the 90s, including old bands like Wham!, R.E.M, and Weezer. And trust me, you do not want to hear Nick when he listens to Say It Ain’t So.
When we got back to his house, he opened the car door for me like I was royalty. I mean, I was the passenger princess wasn’t I?
He unlocked the front door and gestured for me to go in. “Hot old men first.”
I rolled my eyes and said, “I’m literally 4 years older than you. I’m not that old.”
“You’re literally 30, old man,” he said, giggling as I walked through the door. He discreetly shut the door behind us.
I looked around his house. For a rich white man his house wasn’t very extravagant. It’s cozy and warm, which is the kind of house I like. I’m not looking for a rich man anyways. Just someone who will treat me right. Like Nick.
I walked over to his couch. I didn’t even notice he was following me until he came up behind me and slapped my ass.
I jumped and laughed. “Stop! Oh my God!” I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss, then threw him onto the couch.
The couch creaked loudly and he laughed. I threw myself on top of him and kissed him again. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me harder.
Then I pushed off of him and said, “Let’s actually watch movies like we said we were and not make out again. We can save that for the library bathroom.”
Nick chuckled, then sat up. “You’re a dork.” He grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on. “What do you wanna watch?”
I snatched the TV remote out of his hand and said, “Are you sure you want to let me pick the movie?”
Nick gave me a side eye and said, “Whatever you want, sexyback.”
I clicked a couple buttons on the remote and put on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. I put the remote down on the couch, then looked over at Nick.
He was giving me a bored look.
I giggled and said, “What? I told you that you shouldn’t have let me pick the movie.”
Nick just laughed and said, “I’ll make it work.”
Nick stood up and walked behind the couch and opened a door, then disappeared inside the room. He came back out with a blue fleece blanket.
He sat back down next to me on the couch and draped the blanket over our legs. He pulled the ottoman over and pat the spot in front of me with his hand, then propped his feet up. I propped mine up next to his.
I turned my head to him and asked with a smile on my face, “Why are you treating me like royalty?”
He smirked and said, “Because you deserve it, my Prince. Wait, actually…” He blushed a little, wrapped his arms around my waist, and rested his chin on my shoulder. “My King.”
Now I was blushing! I smiled and kissed the top of his head. I turned my head back to the TV and wrapped my arm around his waist.
He turned his head back to the TV as well and laid his head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head again and laid my head on top of his.
We sat and watched the movie for a while, up until the part where Harry got to Diagon Alley with Hagrid. I was convinced Nick had fallen asleep for a long time. He had his eyes closed but that theory was immediately debunked when Nick’s eyes shot open, just for him to squeeze my ass, call me sexyback, and go back to watching the movie. I swear, sometimes this man is too much.
A little more into the movie when Harry had arrived at Platform 9 3/4, Nick stared me down until I finally turned my head to look at him. He looked around suspiciously and asked me, “So… wanna make out a little more?”
I blushed and smirked. “Sure, why not British boy?” Before he could say a word, I threw my hands on his neck and shoved my lips onto his.
He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist.
After that long kiss, he pulled away from me. I leaned in for another kiss but he shoved his finger on my lips. “Wait a second.” He turned his body to the side again, then hoisted his leg over my waist and made himself comfortable on my lap, coming face-to-face with me. “Now you can kiss me.”
I smirked and said, “You’re a daredevil.” I put my hands around his waist. “I like that in a man.”
He wrapped his arms around my body as I kissed him. His lips were so warm, his hands so soft as they made their way under my shirt and up my back.
I grabbed his shirt in my hands and kissed him harder. He moved his hand up my back and to my neck, then into my hair.
But he slowly untangled himself from me. He put his hands on my shoulders and smirked before asking me, “So, uh… wanna take this to my bedroom?”
I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. This man was the Devil himself! I raised an eyebrow at him and said, “Lead me there.”
He winked, then got up off my lap and grabbed my hand. He dragged me up off the couch, then off to the room where he had retrieved the blue fleece blanket from.
As soon as he shoved the door closed, he took me by my shoulders and shoved me against the door, then pressed his lips on mine.
I quickly grabbed his waist and pulled him closer to me. He kissed me harder, his hands traveling up my shirt.
We made out at the door for a while, then he brought his hands back to my chest and pulled away from me. He pulled my cardigan off, then the t-shirt under it.
I quickly mirrored his actions and started to unbutton his suit vest. Once I pulled the vest off, I untied his tie and threw it on the ground. He pressed another kiss on my lips as I unbuttoned his white button-down and slipped it off his arms.
As our clothes lay in a heap on the floor, he went to grab at my belt. I pushed him back and asked, “What are we doing?”
He raised his eyebrow, his hand still held out, and asked me, “What do you mean? I thought we were gonna…” He spun his hand around in circles, meaning exactly what you think it means.
I raised my eyebrow back and said, “Yeah, but at the door?”
He laughed, then placed his hands on my waist and said, “We can take this to my bed.” He put his lips up against mine, just barely enough space to let out a shaky breath. “If you want.” As the whisper escaped his mouth, I could feel his hot breath on my chin.
I sneaked a quick kiss from him, then took his arms and wrapped them around my neck. “That would be easier,” I said. “But I’m gonna be the top.” I poked his chest for emphasis.
He rolled his eyes and said, “Whatever, sexyback.”
I winked at him, then continued to pick him up off the ground. “Wrap your legs around me.”
He quickly did so, and I grabbed him under his thighs to keep him up. I walked over to his bed and threw him down on the mattress. Then I quickly hopped on the bed, right on top of him.
He stared at me with a sly grin on his face. I gave him one back. We both grabbed at each other’s belts at the same time and well… things went on from there.
As I woke up the next morning in Nick’s bed, I looked over to my right and saw he wasn’t there next to me. I looked to the front and saw the bedroom door wide open, the smell of bacon wafting through my nose. He must be making us breakfast. What a gentleman.
I looked over to my left and saw he had left me a clean folded white towel on the nightstand next to me. I smiled, then took the towel and got out of his bed.
I quickly wrapped the towel around my waist, just in case Nick decided he wanted to stare at me through the door. Sneaky Brit.
I walked across the room and quietly opened the bathroom door in his bedroom. I snuck inside and closed it just as quietly as I had opened it.
I turned his shower on, took off my glasses, and put my hair down, then hopped in.
As I cleansed myself of what we, uh… did… last night, I could hear Nick belting out Billy Joel in the kitchen…
And he could not sing!
But I knew this song…
So I started singing the lyrics along with Nick. “Sing us a song, you’re the piano man / sing us a song tonight / we’ll, we’re all in the mood for a melody / and you’ve got us feelin’ alright”
Nick paused in the kitchen. I paused mid way through shampooing my hair as he switched the music off.
I heard his footsteps and then: “Am I really that bad of a singer?”
I laughed. “You shouldn’t quit your day job.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it. I get to spend many hours of my day with you when I’m at work.”
I didn’t say anything back, I just blushed.
I heard the floorboards creak as he started walking back to the kitchen. “You have really nice voice.”
I couldn’t say anything before he walked away.
I just finished my shower, blushing wildly. Once I got out, I quickly started to get dressed.
Nick had turned the music back on and the song Movin’ Out was now playing. I hummed along with the music as I pulled on my pair of jeans that I wore last night back on. I didn’t have any other pants, I guess I’ll just put a different pair on when I get home later.
As I strapped my belt through the belt loops, my phone vibrated on the bathroom counter. I picked it up and I saw a text from Nick: ‘Don’t leave the bathroom. My girlfriend just got home. Be really quiet and don’t respond to this text.’
My heart started to race. He told me he didn’t love his girlfriend anymore. He failed to mention he didn’t ever break up with her.
As I stopped my humming, I heard Nick in the other room talking to a woman: his not-so-ex-girlfriend. I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
As his girlfriend walked into the bedroom, I threw my hand over my mouth to muffle my breathing and stood as far away from the bathroom door as I could go.
Silence. Then: “Nick!”
Nick came into the room. “Yeah?”
“Would you mind telling me what this is?” she asked him in an angered tone.
Uh oh. I don’t recall leaving anything behind that could’ve given away the fact that Nick was cheating on her. Right?
“What do you mean?” Nick had that tone in his voice that obviously meant he knew what she meant.
“Why did I happen to find a lock of brown hair on your bed? Your hair is blonde and so is mine! Whose hair is this?”
My hair! Of course a piece of my hair had to fall out onto the bed!
“I…uh…” Nick started.
“Yes!? What girl did you sleep with while I was gone?”
“Hey, it wasn’t even a girl, okay!?” Nick shouted.
Nice move, Nick. I almost smacked my forehead, but then remembered I couldn’t make any sound.
It must feel great to find out your boyfriend tried out men while you were gone. ‘Surprise, I’m gay now!’ Love it.
“It’s a guy,” Nick said, as if it wasn’t obvious.
A beat.
“Why did you do it, Nick?”
“I’m sorry, I just… I just don’t love you anymore. I’m sorry I kept that from you for so long. This wouldn’t have happened.”
More silence.
“Why didn’t you just tell me that earlier?” she asked. “I would’ve understood.”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t.”
“Well, I do understand. We can… end our relationship if that’s what you want.”
A small silence, then from Nick: “Yeah… yeah, okay.”
I took my hand off my mouth slowly.
Then, Nick said, “He’s actually still in the bathroom right now! Wanna meet him?”
I might have to kick Nick’s ass when I get out of this bathroom.
“Sure?” Nick’s now-ex-girlfriend said skeptically.
I stayed silent in my position.
I heard footsteps getting closer to the door. “Alec, you can come out now,” Nick said softly. He sounded a little seductive but maybe that’s just my Nick-infused brain working overtime.
I sighed, then said, “Hold on.”
If I was to go out and meet Nick’s ex, I definitely wanted to do it with a shirt on. I slipped on my t-shirt and cardigan, then squeezed out my hair with the towel and tied it into ponytail. I cleaned my glasses before propping them up on my nose. Then I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob.
Standing there next to Nick was a blind woman in a white casual business suit. Her face was dotted with freckles.
I awkwardly waved and stood in the doorway. Then Nick walked forward and grabbed my arm, then pulled me into the bedroom to stand next to him.
“Alec, this is Lennie.” Nick gestured to his ex. “Lennie, this is Alec.”
I waved again, and she waved back.
An awkward silence filled the air for a moment.
“So I guess you’ll want me to move out now,” Lennie said, crossing her arms.
Nick’s face washed over with panic. “What!? No! You bought the house. You should have it! I’ll find somewhere else to live!”
I looked from Lennie, to Nick, then back to Lennie. “Yeah, he can live with me in my house!”
Nick blushed but Lennie said, “No, I’ll move out. I wanted to get a different house anyway. Now I have a reason for a new house.”
Without another word, she left the bedroom.
Nick and me just stood in silence. Then Nick said, “So the house is gonna be pretty empty without Lennie around-“
“You want me to move in, don’t you?”
Nick laughed. “Maybe. If you want.”
I gave him a peck on the cheek. “Sure. I need some company anyway.”
Later on, Nick drove me home.
Once Lennie moved bought a new house and moved out, I packed my bags and moved in. It was gonna be a… different experience living in the same house as Nick but hey! I know the experiences we do share will be great!
Anyways I hope yall enjoyed this!! Again, if this wasn’t your type of thing, don’t come at me please 🙏🏻 anyways ily all, have a good day and love alenick 🔥🔥🔥
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hoffstrap-yuri · 7 months
My assumption is you have a feeding or weight gain fetish?
Yes, I do. Very much so. If you're into it too, I do have something coming up for Hoffstrahm/Coffinshipping because... this fandom has kept me fed with the feedism content u.u
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alenickceo · 7 months
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plumperific · 6 months
Dessert - feedism/belly kink fic, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Hilda x Marianne
Publishing my second kink fic two and a half years later. It's Fire Emblem: Three Houses again, though I anticipate this fandom is not quite as popular as it was in this space 2 years ago.
This one sat in my drafts for about as long as my last kink fic was published and I never did anything with it because I thought it was too similar to my first kink fic. But then I opened it recently, realized it was almost finished, and decided I didn't care. The feedism kink community needs more sapphic content and I am here to deliver! I only hope it is decent lol.
Anyway, I'm hoping to be a little more active on this blog and in the kink writing space in the future, so please read and comment, read my first fic, and send me asks/messages! I'd like to get more comfortable in the kink writing community.
Also, follow me on Twitter! Not sure how long I'll stay there since it's a cesspool of a website, but I'm there for now! https://twitter.com/plumperific
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rainbowcomet · 27 days
Rainbow Comet: Gay, Fantasy, Feeder Fanfiction
I'm posting excerpts here from my gay, full-length, fantasy romance novel featuring feedism!
I will be posting excerpts here, and you can read more for free on my website, Rainbowcomet.com! I posted the first chapter and will be posting more shortly. The fic is complete.
Boreas (Brett to humans) is ready to ascend the throne, and that means BIG changes to his body. After all, his weight reflects his people's love and respect, and he's the only fae prince who can take this throne, with his ever increasing girth.
Flint (Flynn to humans) has a secret, and his wife is ready to let him go free to have his secret desires for men and fat men at that. When he gets a request from an old penpal to come bodyguard him while ascending to the throne, he accepts but never expects his old friend to be the embodiment of his wildest, most far-fetched fantasies. Between homophobic norms, a crazy culture that feeds their princes, and families coming betwen them, will the two have a happy ending? Or is the likelihood of their love coming true like wishing on a rainbow comet; almost impossible?
Trigger warnings: Probably everything. Heavy discussions of r*pe, homophobia, mind control, brainwashing. The characters have heavy pasts. Some consent is dubious due to one being an incubus who can read desire. Read at your own risk!
Rainbow Comet: Chapter 1:
"Boreas Everfrost the Third is just Hugely F***ing fat."
A foot steps out of the portal, clothed in fine, pearlescent leather. A finely shaped foot, followed by a leg. The calf, first, then the thigh. My breath catches, and light beams forward, so bright I almost can’t see straight, as Brett steps fully out of the portal. And there he is. Boreas. Still so beautiful I can’t even think straight. His hair has a blue sheen I’m not sure it had before, and it effervesces in rainbow, shimmering as he moves. His face is so handsome, and it lights up in a grin as he sees me, and my whole body goes tight as I take him in. He’s wearing a light blue tunic and pants that are made of pearlescent material, and a fine belt covered in tiny jewels that look to be diamonds. They encrust his collar and cuffs and the tops of his boots as well. He looks like one big sparkling diamond, and he puts his big arms out in welcome as he sees me, expecting to pull me in close. He always was affectionate.
But I just stand there, rooted to the spot, as the rainbow portal keeps swirling behind him, slowly starting to dissipate as I stay there, my feet locked in place, unable to move, my jaw slack and frozen at the same time as I take him in from head to toe, as his body jiggles as he comes closer.
He’s the same, he really is. It’s in the face, in the fine features and the gorgeous body but…
I can see why no one knew how to describe him, and also hate them for not warning me, for not allowing me to prepare.
I’m trying hard not to laugh, more from nervousness at my body’s reaction and fear of being given away in my deepest secrets than because his form is funny.
His handsome face hesitates, and he looks from me to the portal, and I hate myself as he lowers his hands, looking lost and somewhat disappointed.
Move, Flynn. Move.
But he’s a walking wet dream. There’s no way I’m going to survive this.
I’ve never seen anything like this. Outside of my dreams. And he surpasses even those.
He’s radiant, he’s effervescent, he’s…so big. He’s��
He looks at the portal, which is shrinking, shakes his head and waves a hand. A big hand. It grows again, swirling with rainbow light. He clears his throat. “Are you ready? We’d better go.” His cheeks are flushing and I hate that I’ve made him self conscious.
I flinch, then shake my head. I’m glad I didn’t touch his body, even if he did find it offensive. I couldn’t have controlled myself if I did.
The fae emissary looks from him to me keenly, then gets a little smile.
Then he steps into the portal. “I’ll be waiting for you, majesty, and getting things ready for the banquet.”
I put a hand to my face, hiding the obvious embarrassment there, and step forward. Reluctantly, I put a hand out for Brett.
He looks down at it, pouting. “You don’t have to touch me if you don’t want to. I heard it, that you don’t want to.”
“What else did you hear?” I ask sharply.
“Nothing,” he says. “I’m told I have very selective hearing. I don’t hear what people don’t want heard, usually.”
“Good,” I say.
He ducks his head slightly, and I hate myself a little more inside for making him feel that way. But I just…can’t.
I’m still reacting. I’m still processing. Someone should have warned me. Someone should have told me, customs be damned.
But they couldn’t have known what I’m like. My particular fantasies…
If they did, they would have told me. They would have had to.
I can’t stand this. How can I take this job, now? How can I just pretend things are normal between us?
My wings feel like they are going to burst out. The only thing that dampens the extreme energy ready to burst out of me, looking at his handsome face, is the shame I see emanating at the edges of his expression, as he puts a hand to his waist and looks down at himself.
“Ah…well, it might take you a while to adjust to my kingliness.” He frowns. “You will learn more about our customs at the banquet. I assure you, this is my sacrifice to the universe.” He turns to the portal, waving for me to go in. “I will ensure you travel safely, and then follow after.” He gives me a somewhat hesitant, sad smile. “It is good to see you, Flynn.”
I just walk forward, rictus straight, wishing I had a good fucking response for him.
Hoping he doesn’t hear my swearing, like that little mushroom person did.
Because as I walk into the portal, still dazed from arousal, the only thought echoing in my mind is that this can’t be possible, this can’t be real.
Because Boreas Everfrost the third is just hugely fucking fat.
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bulletproofscales · 8 months
Hey there, hope you’re well! Love your work, it’s amazing. Hope you don’t mind me asking, but was really interested in how you started writing BTS wg fics and which member of youe favourite to write about? always love your work and excited for whatever comes next :)
omg hiii!! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ first of all, thank you soso much for the support?!!?!? it always makes me happy to see likes/reblogs/ao3 comments from blogs i recognize (ಥ﹏ಥ) and this ask,,, youre making my day.
i got inot a ramble so ill put one of these hehe sorry (ง ื▿ ื)ว
i dont mind the question at all!! even if i was a deep lurker in feedism communities of most of my fandoms. looking "chubby draco malfoy " into google images since 2012 ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ and later religiously following wg-writers of whatever fandom i migrated through. i would always send so many asks, and when i got into BTS i was older, and properly aware of what feedism was, and actively looking for it on tumblr. back then it was a handful of people with now deactivated blogs and @bangtanstummies (who as im writing this blog see has a deactivated blog as well :,) , i swear going through my dms is like going through a cementary) . i try to stay in touch with as many of the people now as i can!! but everyone will know im the suckiest at texts (@cookiesuga55 will know ) but id love to chat more and be more present
anyway back to the community in 2018, i really loved their stuff, and i felt like there was still room to add new ideas (which was hard in a fandom with as much fanficiton as BTS's) , thats what inspired to make my blog!! back then it was claled bangtangchub, and i didnt know how to activate my asks, bangtanstummies was the one to let me know and we even got into a discord all of us together!!! crazy times ( ◡‿◡ *) i remember being the oldest of the group👴 i was 15 at the time, some coudl argue it wasn't my place to be writing fetish fanfiction, maybe theyre right. but i found such a happy place in my fics. not only have i met some of my closest friends through here; (people ive met in real life!?!? ) but its helped me so much to find a safe place to explore my emotions, sexuality, and craft a hobby that was all my own. i dont think im that good of a writer, but i am really so proud of having stuck to something for so long, and having worked on it all by myself.
often times i feel like i lack the motivation to do anything with my life, and just all-around consider myself someone who lacks the strength and backbone to really do hard things. and i like to think of this blog, and my journey in it, as a place that proof i can... idk,, be good at things i worked hard on.
ANYWAY!! that was a long rant. As for the character i like writing the most about!! welli role play as jungkook almost daily! so i do feel a lot of myself in him. but i love writing all characters, over the years i really made an effort to not fall into a comfortable ship, because i really do think you could spin a wheel and whatever combination of bts members ahs their own unique loving dynamic.
as for things to come!! im working on a fic inspired by some art i saw recently by @gigichingado , jikook, im really liking how its turning out, and ofc because its me, its stretching out more and more in the build up ( _ _ ") . but i want it done over this week!! ps, i saw your obese tae requests, and i can definetly get something out after that (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
thank you for asking and giving me a place to rant!!
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how is the vanilla post you?
Well, for one kink-wise, because I'm only into the most basic-ass shit when it comes to feedism/wg (e.g. I don't really like pig-talk, immobility, death feedism, burps, force feeding, teasing/humiliation, Mpreg etc.) which sometimes makes me feel like I'm doing it wrong, even though that's stupid, so there's that.
Apart from that, I'm also pretty boring. For most things I think I don't really have any opinions (or not even an interest) and in the few cases where I do, I never really have anything interesting to add to the conversation. I also feel like, even though I have a pretty limited set of interests/hobbys, I'm not doing them intensely enough. For example, I've been learning Greek for like two years now and can maybe remember how to phrase sentences that you'd learn within the first week. I like writing, but most of the time can't even bring myself to skim through something again even just for grammatical errors, let alone to improve the horrendous writing; that is if I even finish the story - and my storys are usually not even two pages long. I like reading, but I finished like, three books tops last year and if I see a fanfiction with >2000 words I either ignore it or bookmark it for a "later" that I know will never come.
Those were only a few examples, but I guess it shows well enough what I mean.
Long story short, I'm the most basic bitch you could possibly imagine (though I have seen imagined basic bitches who were more interesting than me, so maybe even worse than that)
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quiet-admirer · 3 years
I've been thinking about how almost all the feedism fiction I've read involves one or more people discovering they're into weight gain/feedism, and then this often leads to the main character giving a sort of "rationale" of why they're into what they're into. Sometimes the characters even explicitly have a conversation together about why they think they're into what they're into.
I wish, though, that there was more variety - more narratives where we don't have to have the characters picking their interests apart or explaining why feedism is nice and hot and whatever and just get to the ~juicy~ bits. Especially since it seems like the majority of us irl knew we were into this stuff from a young age.
I think it can lead us to much more interesting places in our writing, too. With something like weight gain fiction, the whole point is pretty much "starts off at initial weight, gains weight until goal weight", so the easiest way to write it is, "they started at a smaller size before they realized they were into feedism, then they realized they were into feedism, then they gained weight".
Adding more variety to this formula raises the question of how do you write a story with tension and resolution and all that when you're not starting from "the beginning"? And how do you do this with a subject where the beginning-to-end contrast is kinda the point? I just think it would be cool to approach feedism and weight gain narratives from directions other than starting at "beginnings" like kink discovery, thinness, and explaining and justifying the main character's pleasure.
One area I've seen people succeed with this is in fantasy writing, where you can start with worlds or cultures where feedism and/or weight gain is the norm, a widely accepted practice, or even expected or required. It would be awesome to see it more in realistic fiction/modern settings, too, though, just to see how different writers might approach this in different ways.
I don't have solutions or prompts or anything, I just think we deserve more than the tired formula relying on the characters' insecurity about their pleasure and/or going from thin to fat to create the tension in the narrative. And also needing to sit through implicit explanations of feedism instead of assuming your audience is here for the feedism and gets the appeal already.
I know it's just self-indulgent fiction and all that, but our community has been around online for a good long time now and it's time to step up our game!!
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gallavich-forever · 3 years
Soooo I wrote some Wolfstar. I am the very definition of ‘F I N E I’ll do it myself!’
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chubbymoongoddess · 4 years
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Jimin was absolutely in love with his boyfriend of a year, Yoongi. That is until one day when Jimin finds something a little more than disturbing on Yoongi’s usb stick.
Honestly I’ll admit I was a little afraid to write this since I never wtore anything super dark before but I had so much fun on this first chapter! I can’t expess how happy I am that @Taeslovehandles asked me to rp this with her <3
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