#feel free to ask about mako
klonoadreams · 1 year
From what I remember mako has already met many important characters including 2 future strawhats and a powerful straw hat ally.
Assuming that not too much changes by the time the main story starts. How would these Chracters see mako as meeting her again. Like say meeting a grown up sanji and Law along with th baroque work robin? For me I would at least think sanji and law would be like big brothers to her.
Also any spoilers on who her dad is? Or who mako would be shipped with?
Not much is really different, just that Mako has been alive and in existence for like one more year, making her a year older than what she was originally, but it's also a bit of a mess since like, idk how to tell you, but Shanks is like barely 21 when he has Mako instead of 22, so oop, some things might end up changing, but also god dang, Yassop, you barely knew your own son and now you're just taking care of this rando Shark girl with the others ahahha.
No but seriously, this just means the Red Hair Pirates have Mako longer and that means further disaster because Yassop Daddy experience only goes for like a few months and Mako is half fishman, SO WHOOPS NEW TERRITORY.
So yeah, Robin and Sanji would be ecstatic to see her again, especially since the two of them went their separate ways to pursue their dreams, since Sanji won't get good experience as a cook with Shanks, and Robin, while absolutely delighted to know she is loved and considered important, knows that she has to leave the nest because she can't do what she wants with them and try as they may, they can't help coddling her a bit because Robin mcfucking did not have a good childhood, cmere, you get a hug.
Meanwhile Law would just be happy to see his friend again after so long, to the one person that taught him, alongside Robin, that even monsters deserve to live.
Seeing her thriving and also throwing a wrench in the world government's agenda by just casual exposing cover-ups in order to let the truth shine through....yeah, he’s happy to see her. Genuinely, no joke or nothing. Especially Robin and Sanji, though how the turn tables. He would've thought Mako would've been her own captain to a crew, but nah, she's content letting Luffy do it while being the resident lifeguard cuz she can swim. And also fish. :V
Her dad isn't actually anyone we know but an OC, like a rando mako shark fishman who effectively got picked out of the bunch to pair up with a Kuja Pirate who wasn't exactly considered a good wife for a Celestial Dragon (aka, dude was sterile, or at the very least got poor kid making skills), so curiosity plus pettiness and a bet equals Mako into the mix. Which is very bad.
That said, Mako's bio dad is related to some existing characters. And I will say this, Arlong won't exactly take to well to ever seeing her, because she serves as a constant reminder in a cog to a tragedy.
(Hint: it involves Koala going home - you can figure it out there, but yeah, Mako's uncle is pretty famous :V)
(He also had a hand in how Mako's mother was able to escape and while Mama was hoping to go back to Amazon Lily, she at least was in a safe place amongst Shanks crew when she gave birth to Mako)
Originally, i didn't have romance in mind, but honestly, I'm at a whatever happens, happens, because Mako's circumstances are so unique and complicated, that her situation allows her complexity, given how 17 seems to be the age at which people are considered adults or at least allowed to drink, and being a pirate just adds to it, mixed in with being someone who has a bounty.
Romance isn't off the table for her, so keep an eye out for it. Dont expect anytjing until after the time skip tho, she’s a little like Luffy in that it's the last thing on her mind lmao.
But also she's got a storm coming her way come Whole Cake Island because Big Mom wants Shanks's daughter for connections so...
Lucky son Katakuri got picked by my friends, so that's gonna be a "bruh wtf"
Aka, we got two weddings to crash. Except Mako isn't getting killed, but she still wants out of it, nope nope nope
Anyways wedding dress mako kicking ass. :V
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jade-of-mourning · 9 months
Tenzin stares down at the scowling, scrawny kid. He's dressed in a patched grey shirt bound hastily at the forearms, equally-patched trousers hanging off his frame despite the long length of his skinny legs, and his feet are currently bare aside from some more dirty wrappings around the arch and heel. A shockingly red scarf loops around his neck, several times too-big and frayed at the ends. He's maybe fourteen or fifteen despite the heavy grey lines underscoring his features, because there's a familiar despair written in the recurring story — prominent cheekbones sticking out of his thin, pointy face, lips chapped and pale from the freezing winter nights of Republic City, gold-flecked brown eyes glaring back at him defiantly. 
And he's in a pair of handcuffs.
"So this is the one, you say," he addresses to the woman standing next to him. Her arms are crossed against her chest, a glare plastered across her face — precisely mirroring that of the scrappy boy handcuffed to the table in front of them. They're having an intense stare-down.
If he didn't know any better, he'd almost think this was her kid.
(But he knows all too well that he's not.)
Lin Beifong scowls. "Fucker tried to hit Jian with lightning after spotting her during a stakeout on a Triple Threats warehouse. He then managed to single-handedly fight off three officers while the rest of the gang bailed, looking like a feral, lightning-happy pyromaniac while at it —" The feral, lightning-happy pyromaniac looks pleased for a moment, before promptly dropping back into a glower "— and when I sent a cable at him from the back, he shot a pillar out of the concrete ground to block it."
"How do you know it was him?" Tenzin asks. 
"I know the motions. I am an earthbender, in case you forgot."
"Perhaps there was another man waiting behind to assist his escape, who earthbent the ground upon seeing his comrade in danger."
Lin grunts. "The team split when the cowards scrammed, and managed to capture a few of the accomplices. None of those fleeing were in the vicinity by the time the incident occurred."
"There could have been more of them involved than just the ones you saw fleeing the scene," Tenzin suggests.
"We were in the middle of a stakeout, Tenzin. If you need a definition, a stakeout is a period of time where the police conduct surveillance on —"
Tenzin cuts her off, conceding before she can keep going on at him. "Understood. But how can you know for certain that there weren't other members coincidentally passing through who elected to lend a hand?"
Lin acknowledges the point; the outside world doesn't come to a standstill when there's a fight inside. "One of the captured men said that the kid is Zolt's protege, which adds up with the frequency of which I see him in the aftermath of incursions. They're shamelessly bitter about him being the boss' favorite, and they clearly don't hold any well-regards towards him, so they don't have reason to offer assistance, aside from attempting to curry favor from a fourteen year old — and no faces were shown to that point, so that's out of question. Besides, they're gangsters. What sense of loyalty to each other do you really think they have?"
"More than you've got to the city." Both Tenzin and Lin whip their heads around in surprise at the low, raspy voice, having forgotten of the boy's presence during their back-and-forth. He looks almost like he wants to curl inwards on himself, but instead raises his chin higher up and manages to glare at them with even more force, if possible. "You police ain't done shit for us. You're all the same purposefully ignorant bastards. That's how we get here, but you knew that." The subject of we goes unsaid; all three of them in the closed metal room know precisely what he's talking about.
"So are you saying that one of your loyal friends stayed behind and bent that earth for you?" Lin demands, ignoring the jab at her dignity. Tenzin knows she's retracted the heel of her uniform, searching for a heartbeat.
The boy leans back in the chair flippantly. "Nah," he says curtly. "They're smart enough. None of 'em would stick 'round for me." It's contrary to the earlier claim of mutual loyalty, but unsurprising.
"So it was you," Tenzin concludes.
"I never said it was."
"Then who else could it have been?" The frustration is bubbling up in him, the way it always has since he was a kid; Dad had always laughed and said that he must've gotten it from his mother, quick to anger and full in force, but Tenzin has never been able to quell the feeling down despite his best efforts to be more like his father.
"Bet it was one of your cop cronies." There's something intense and unhinged and wild in the kid's half-pyrite eyes, almost glowing in the gleeful challenge. "Pro'ly got bored of the metal rod permanently stuck up your ass n' thought it'd be funny if —"
"Young man! You will not speak of —"
"I'm jus' sayin' —"
"Enough." Lin slams her fist down on the table, and the light in the boy's eyes dims in an instant. "I've had enough of your hog-monkey shit. Either you be straight with me and we can settle this quickly, or I'm holding you here as long as I deem necessary."
Which can be a very long time, goes unsaid.
Tenzin inspects the kid carefully, sees the minute way his shoulders slump down, and suddenly, all he can see in front of him is Jinora, hunching in on herself as her parents lecture her about not feeding her dinner to the sky bison. He doesn't know why — after all, this is a lightning-bending gangster, almost certainly raised by the streets in poverty and desperation; he couldn't be further from Tenzin's family.
He's still just a kid.
Beneath all that bravado, those bitter, biting words, the degenerate behaviour that brought him here in the first place, the skin stretched too-thin over bones jutting out of his face — the harsh exterior is made to protect a kid who's seen too much. Tenzin knows that for certain.
And Tenzin is suddenly tired, because the boy is right. There's a reason that kids like him run with gangs, learn to fight dirty and low and vicious, and he's not naive enough to believe that it's not in-part due to their own failure as adults in power. He places a hand on Lin's shoulder — a silent request for her to step back and trust him. She looks over at him, green eyes meeting blue, and he's struck by how beaten down she looks by this conversation despite her infallible presence. Despite their time away from each other, despite the inevitable fallout that halved their world together like a splintering ravine and left no chance of reprieve, she knows him. 
She steps back.
Tenzin seats himself at the table as Lin moves to the corner of the room. Takes a deep breath to steady himself, tries to channel the way his father always made people feel like everything would be alright. "Young man," he says in a reasonable tone, "please, let's try again. Would you be willing to tell me your name?"
"It's —"
"Mako," the boy interjects before Lin can finish for him, take his autonomy, eyes dropping to the table. There's an unmistakable air of defeat around him, one at total odds of the snapping, feral boy described and seen from before. "My… My name's Mako. Why's it matter to you?"
Tenzin nods resolutely, ignoring the question. "Well, Mako. I have a proposal for you — one that should keep you out of the police station." 
A raised eyebrow.
Once it's out of his mouth, he can't retract it. He knows that there will be consequences for speaking without consulting Pema, Lin, his kids.
But his heart is telling him that this is right. Not just that it's the right thing to do, but also that the kid sitting handcuffed to the table in front of him is the Avatar. He can see it in his eyes, hard and resentful and gold-brown and so different from his father's, yet still the same in some inexplicable way. Reconciling the idea of this lightning-bending gangster of a street kid with the man who co-founded this city is… overwhelming, and Tenzin would almost rather blow this situation off and let himself live in remembering his father for who he is, not for whoever Mako turns out to be. But Tenzin has a duty to the world, and a duty to his father, and so he will ensure that he does the new Avatar right.
"I would like to invite you to stay on Air Temple Island for the time being. We can discuss the objective after I am able to gather the resources necessary to run an evaluating test. Do you accept?"
Mako glances over at Lin; Tenzin resists the urge to do the same. He doesn't need her approval for this — it's his home, and he knows what he's doing. He can't read the thoughts behind the boy's eyes as they flick between the two adults who hold an infinite amount of power over him, can't follow what internal strife might be occurring in his head.
Then Mako shrugs, an abrupt, jerky motion. "Sure."
Lin Beifong throws her hands up in the air, and leaves the interrogation room. She can't be bothered to deal with this; it's five in the morning. She needs some fucking sleep.
my ao3 (but it's not posted there)
sorry this was a crack idea i had while practicing piano and i had to crank it out. i Might write a series of oneshots on this if i get too inspired lol (similar to what empty shores was supposed to be)
yes bolin is alive in this au, yes i have an unfortunate amount of ideas, yes i'm still writing my normal conceivable-to-complete fics.
if tenzin thought korra was hard to work with, he is going to have a blast with mako, who comes pre-packaged with fifty times more trauma that korra had when she pulled up to air temple island. (and is also prone to stealing, and running away, and murder as necessary, probably.) (this is going to be so terrible on all sides until it gets better!)
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kingwuko · 3 months
If you're still doing the wip word activity thing, here's some words
king, queen, scared, lost, want
Absolutely I am always ready and eager to share something from my WIPs!!!
Ooooooo this is from something ✨new✨ I'm working on!
 And you’ll need to do it before he’s crowned King.
Some Wu & Korra friendship coming your way.
Korra wasn’t sure what the Earth Queen might have done or said to Wu, but whatever it was, it had really rattled him.
Something from Windswept
It was scary, but he’d been with Dad so he hadn’t felt scared for long.
Oh man 'lost' is tough I had a few. I think this one is fun, some brother drama.
Mako’s whole life, from the day they lost their parents, he had been putting out Bolin’s fires.
OKAY I had a TON to choose from for 'want'. Like, A LOT. So the one I picked is actually from the same ✨new✨ work as the 'king' sentence, AND this is the sentence right before the 'king' one!!
If you want to get the job done without getting caught, you’re going to have to find a way to get him alone.
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tallwaifuonline · 4 months
Korra x Fem!Reader
"Should tell my boyfriend what I've been doing, thinking of you while I screw him." Yes just becouse of that edit I'm writing this, take in the mako scene where Korra tells him that when he's with Asami he thinks of her. So yeah enjoy<3
Content: SMUT, Sub!Reader, Dom!Korra, Cheating (And Getting Caught), Fingering, Hair Pulling, Arguing, Spanking, Alcoholism, Drunk Sex, Guilt, Oral (Receiving), Empty Bottle Used To Penetrate.
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What was I doing?.. this is Mako's girlfriend, and I'm dating Asami, but why em I here, kissing Korra in my small bedroom, I thought when we pulled away from the kiss, panting softly as she was hovering over me, as she leaned in to kiss me again I put my index finger against her lips stopping her from getting closer, "What are we doing.." I spoke as I moved my index finger away and I sat up. As she looked at me in the eyes.
Her eyes shinning with the moonlight of the opened window in my room as she responded "having a little fun, is that so bad?" Korra asked with a innocent voice but she had a mischevious grin on her face. I then moved her to the side and got up, I needed to leave but where? This was my house and my room.. I sighed softly "we can't do this, your with Mako and I'm dating Asami.. I think you drank too much" I spoke up looking at Korra.
Her mischevious grin never leaving her face as she got up "they don't need to know about this.." she spoke as she held my face in her hand, holding my cheek as she moved closer to kiss me again but I moved away "are you even listening to what I'm saying?" I asked looking up at her, "Mako and Asami will come by later after groceries were supposed to have a sleepover.. we can't just-" I was speaking as then Korra interrupted my speech "we can't just have sex?" She finished my words as I looked up at her.
"I'd be quick. They don't need to know" Korra said again as she then moved me pinning me against the wall, as I blushed slightly her strong hands holding me against the wall "and admit it.. you always think about me. When your with her you think about me.. or em I wrong?" Korra asked with a smirk.
"Plus don't act like you don't enjoy it" she said as she moved her hand to my lower body and then her hand entered my pants, as she started to touch my clit over my already soaked pantys "I know you love this.. you love my touch, not Asami's." She spoke, as I whined letting out a gasp as I felt her touch on my clit.
"Korra we- can't-" I spoke but she then kissed me on the lips, as I leaned into the kiss.. I couldn't not kiss her.. she was right, I was thinking of her when I am with Asami, about her lips.. her hands.. those strong biceps and those thighs.. as she pulled away a little from the kiss "see? Your loving it.." Korra said with a smirk as she kept kissing me, as she drew circles on my clit.
After a few seconds of kissing we were back on the bed, Korra over me with her top and pants off, her breasts exposed as I was blushing feeling my face was hot. I was fully exposed. My breasts exposed to the freezing cold air that came through the opened window, the breeze was more then enough to have my nipples hard but my body was warm from the inside..
I was so turned on as I looked up at Korra as she then went down to my breasts kissing and then sucking on my hard and sensitive nipples as I whined softly, trying to keep my moans low.. as Korra started to massage my other breast with her free hand, as she took off her pantys she took mine off as she then pulled the covers over us becouse of the cold night, as she still sucked onto my nipples she maintained her eyes on me. She was staring into my eyes with desire..
As I whined softly the music on the background then changed, as it now played 'Don't go insane by DPR Ian' the music low and I arched my back as Korra then moved her lips to my neck, kissing and sucking on it lightly not caring to leave a mark. "Korra.." I said softly as I moaned softly her name.
Korra opened my legs as she was now in between them, as I looked up at Korra, the night light shinning on her face and her tights since the room was dark. She then pressed her clit against mine as I whined softly, she started to thrust her hips up and down against my wet pussy as my wet juices combined with hers, out wet juices mixing into one as I whined softly covering my mouth. As Korra kept moving her hips going a little rough and faster as she was hovering on top of me.
I whined as she held me down in place rubbing our pussy's together as I moaned softly, she grunted lightly as she moved a bit more quickly as she looked into my eyes smirking as she panted and grunted lightly as she moved against my cunt. Both of us moaning softly the music covering our moans slightly.
As she quickened her thrusts I moaned a little higher but she covered my mouth her hand "as much as I wanna hear those pretty and sweet moans.. we can't risk the neighbors" Korra spoke with a smirk as she went faster as I moaned against her hand, as she then moved her free hand to my clit as she started to rub on it, making me arch my back.
As I moaned softly I was about to cum already "g-gonna cum" I whined softly as I took her hand away from my mouth as she stopped completely, with a smirk on her face I whined.. I was needy.. "Korraaa.." I whined looking up at her as she smiled shushing me, as she then leaned on the edge of the bed and took out her glass bottle of beer that she finished, Mako and Asami went to get more as she smirked. Rubbing the start of the bottle against my cunt, as a few drops of beer fell onto my clit.
Korra smiled as she went down and licked the small drogs of beer on my clit as she then stayed there licking my pussy as I whined and placed my hand on her hair, as I whined she then stuck two fingers inside my aching tight hole. As I moaned softly I looked down at Korra.
As she thrusted her fingers in and out she stretched my hole out, as she had the bottle on her other hand she kept licking my clit her tongue moving fastly. I moaned louder holding onto my sheets, as then the door was opened roughly, a few bottles falling on the ground in a bag, some breaking and some staying okay. As I looked up I saw Mako and Asami, and Bolin as they all looked at me and then Korra stuck her head out. Looking at Asami with a challenging gaze, "Asami it's not what it looks like!" I said a bit worried but Korra held onto my legs making me stay in place, Asami started to cry and ran away as Mako didn't say anything and went after her, Bolin just whisperd "so hot.." as he then closed the door of the bedroom.
Frustrated I whined softly, Korra smirking up at me as she just kept eating me out as I whined softly, I was too concentrated on Korra to think about anything else as she took her fingers out she then placed the bottle smirking as she then took me by surprise as she pushed the entry of the bottle of beer inside of me, making me moan as I held onto the sheets moaning and whimpering as she thrusted the bottle in and out of me rapidly, so fast and rough as she kept eating my cunt.
I felt bad for Asami.. as the guilt eated me out, in a literal way.. as I moaned enjoying it I still felt guilt build up but Korra ate me out so well.. I couldn't control myself as I arched my back and threw my head back moaning. As she thrusted the empty beer bottle faster inside me as I groaned and moaned.
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After we were done I walked out of my house seeing Asami crying as Mako comforted her as I walked up to her "Asami I'm sorry.. you shouldn't have seen that.." I spoke as I looked at her "I.. I'm really sorry and.. I regret it.." I spoke as then someone else spoke "no she doesn't. She enjoyed it actually" Korra spoke with a grin as she was leaning against the door frame. "She moaned so loud we might even bother the neighbors.. sorry Asami guess I took two of yours and made them mine." Korra said with a mischevious smirk.
"Korra!" I spoke looking at her a little shocked, "what? It's true.. and you know it." Korra said as she looked at Asami, as Mako looked at Korra and me angrily "just leave her alone, were leaving. Dont. Ever. Contact us again." Mako said angrily as she left with Asami.
I watched as Asami left, as I sighed softly looking at her leave with Mako I looked back at Korra who put her arm around me, as she grabbed my chin she made me kiss her, I pulled away and left going into the house. "Hey don't get mad with me. You wanted it too as much as I did" Korra said as she followed me into the house.
"Korra shut up" I spoke as I looked at her "look.. it was fun, yes I enjoyed it but it was still wrong for us to cheat on them. Don't you love Mako?" I asked looking at Korra "No, I love you.." Korra spoke, "Korra please.." I said as I turned my back on her. "I'm going to sleep.. so let's leave this at that." I spoke as Korra stud there, as I left. And went into my room alone sighing as I sat on my bed, going to sleep.
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ariseur · 6 months
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sephiroth felt your hands grip the sheets, stirring in your sleep as you tossed and turned. he blinked the remaining sleep left in his eyes, adjusting to the darkness of the room as he finally felt you jolt up.
a hand flew to cover your mouth in a weak attempt to hush your ragged breathing. it was like barbed wire coated your throat as you tried to keep your sobs in, a flow of hot tears beginning to stream down your cheeks.
you knew he was awake, he always was a light sleeper. and with that knowledge, you draped your arm over his as he laid on his side— and you pressed a chaste kiss to his shoulder, now bare in the comfort of his bed rather than being armor clad like usual.
he can feel your eyelashes flutter against his arm while you press soft kisses against his skin, your hushed hiccups breaking the silence of the room. every broken sigh you let out to try and regulate your breathing made sephiroth’s heart pain even more, a sharp pain in his chest as he resisted the urge to sit up.
your gaze fell on his face, mako eyes standing out against the darkness of your bedroom as they turned to look at you, silver hair framing his face. he said nothing, merely reaching his hands towards yours and interlacing your fingers in a gentle grip. you cherished the moments where you did not feel leather on his skin, but instead the softness of his own hands.
and when you reached for his face in the dark, free hand stained with tears and the guilt of your own sorrow, a wave washed over both of your bodies. it’s hard to accept love when all you’ve known is hate, but that’s okay. he eased into your touch the same way your voice lured him into your web of a loving embrace, taking him into your arms as you whispered promises and affections soon to be fulfilled. all the memories you two shared were half-yours, because in this life, it’s a loop. and a loop is a circle, meaning there are two halves. half of this love came from you, too.
and that made sephiroth tear up a bit, knowing you just want to help people even as you’re crying yourself. in the morning he won’t ask you why you cried, he won’t ask about the nightmares you had and the terrible things you’ve faced on your lonesome. instead, he’ll wrap you into his arms the same way you did for him, and he’ll hold you for as long as you need. you’re okay with that, you thought, as your shoulders heaved with sobs that had yet to hit your ears, only focusing on your sephiroth’s heartbeat while you rested on his chest, reveling in the feeling of the familiar calloused hand that came to rest upon the back of your head.
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somebodys-nightmare · 3 months
Understanding Cloud's Identity Crisis
I've originally posted this on Twitter, but this work-up is an analysis of Cloud's identity crisis, false persona, and his real psyche as we see in in FFVII/FFVIIR.
Throughout Final Fantasy VII, Cloud's true self is buried, trying to reach Tifa. Deep down, he knows that she is the key... Because Tifa is his one true love.
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Up until the Lifestream scene in FFVII, Cloud’s true identity is hidden or ‘sleeping’ beneath a false persona. This false persona- the “EX-SOLDIER First Class” persona, is built on a combination of three things:
-his ideal self
-Jenova cells
-His true self/memories/experiences
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𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛: Cloud’s ideal self is constructed primarily through his personal desires to be a 'cool hero' who can save Tifa. This construct is rooted in his childhood experiences & his feelings for her - being unable to save her on the mountain when they were children and being unable to break past his introversion & prejudice against her friend group to spend more time with her & express his true feelings.
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This becomes his motivation to join SOLDIER & invite her to the water tower to share his intentions with her leading to his promise to save her one day if she ever needs him. With that in mind, Cloud’s ideal self is cool, tough, and strong - someone who made it into SOLDIER, possessing the characteristics of a man who can keep that promise to Tifa.
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𝙅𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙖 𝘾𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙨: The Jenova cells Cloud has from the experimentation 5 years ago glue together & fill in the holes of his false persona via its mimetic abilities. Jenova alters Cloud’s memories to ‘prop’ up his ideal self & provide the gateway for Sephiroth’s manipulation of Cloud & to push him towards the Reunion.
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These cells read Tifa’s memory for her image of Cloud upon their reunion, & finding her memories of him - the boy who made her a promise before he left for SOLDIER- reinforce Cloud’s ideal, the cool hero who can save her.
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𝙏𝙧𝙪𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙛: Cloud’s true self makes up part of his false persona by filling in gaps in his memory & experiences so he can function & maintain the facade of his EX-SOLIDER persona. Cloud’s cold, aloof, & sometimes aggressive or confrontational behavior is informed by his real introverted, surly, indignant, & independent nature.
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Cloud’s real memories & experiences as an infantryman & the second-hand experiences he heard from Zack, combined with abilities granted to him by the Jenova experimentation, allow him to demonstrate skills and knowledge consistent with that of a SOLDIER.
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His true memories and experiences as a participant in the Nibelheim Incident allow him to weave a complete fabrication that suits his ideal self, especially in conjunction with Jenova’s ‘help’.
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This elaborate persona acts as a coping mechanism to help Cloud navigate the world upon awakening from severe trauma & mako poisoning when Tifa finds him in Sector 7. But beneath this persona, Cloud’s true self is dormant & trying to break free, notably, to reach Tifa.
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While the construction & maintenance of this false persona occur through a combination of dissociation & delusion, Cloud’s true identity sleeps beneath, trying to find a way out. Internally, Cloud knows there is something wrong with him - he isn’t sure what to do about it.
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Cloud’s true self is attempting to rectify this with spontaneous attempts to surface. Most occur in connection with Tifa, showcasing not only her importance to him, but his belief that she is the key. subconsciously realizes he has to be there for Tifa for him to find himself.
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Cloud is constantly fighting back the effects of his trauma & the manipulation of Sephiroth & the Reunion. He repeatedly tries to reconnect & reclaim his psyche via his interactions with Tifa - by protecting her, listening to her, comforting her - by keeping his 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚.
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Cloud’s true persona even goes so far as to try to get him to connect the dots by urging him to ask Tifa why they never got a chance to spend time together 5 years ago - a conversation that unfortunately, in Junon, cannot happen yet.
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Note: In Rebirth, this interaction is massively upgraded to Sephiroth's intense gaslighting of Cloud by trying to convince him that Tifa is Jenova, more dramatically driving a wedge between them throughout the game.
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By the time the party reaches the Northern Crater, Cloud is completely unstable from the events leading up to the Reunion, & his true self is at risk of being completely shattered. Sephiroth’s gaslighting of Cloud & Tifa & his use of Tifa’s memories against them are the final straw, resulting in Cloud’s complete loss of himself. But it is because he loses Tifa’s faith & belief in who he truly is that Cloud breaks.
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Cloud’s sense of self is restored in the Lifestream not simply because Tifa can help him reclaim his memories, but because Tifa affirms who Cloud is - his real self - & his feelings, the ones that made him feel inadequate & need to impress her in the first place. Tifa not only affirms that she noticed Cloud, but that 𝙝𝙚 𝙠𝙚𝙥𝙩 𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚. These are Cloud’s true desires - because he has always been 𝙞𝙣 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙝𝙚𝙧.
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The events in Mideel are critical to all of this. Although Cloud is unaware, Tifa selflessly devotes herself to his care. Such a display of unconditional love proves that Tifa returns Cloud’s deeply held inner feelings, even if he doesn’t know it. When Mideel is attacked, Cloud emerges briefly enough to warn her - once again keeping his promise to protect her, as he does again when they fall into the Lifestream and she calls out for his help.
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This is the pattern of Cloud and Tifa's relationship throughout FFVII- a constant call-and-response of protection & care that culminates with mutual understanding in the Lifestream and mutual affection under the Highwind.
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Cloud, at his very core, is driven by his love for Tifa. The multifaceted depths & complexities of his character are underpinned by this very human, empathetic notion of love, and it is one reason he is my favorite character in any form of media.
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esamastation · 11 months
Part forty-four of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three
Observation log, 8th of October, 16:34.
Sephiroth spent most of the day redecorating the house before fixing up the yard to his liking. He's pretty particular about where everything goes. Hewley's fixed up a training field for him, and bedrooms for all of us. No idea who will be cooking. At a guess, it's not going to be either one of the SOLDIERs. 
After poking around the house, they set up to practise outside. No sign of any usual energy activity from Sephiroth so far - just normal sword practice. Sephiroth seems to be teaching Hewley how to actually use his huge ass sword.
Seems like a good teacher.
Observation log, 8th of October, 18:45
Sword practice finished, no new developments to report. Sephiroth is teaching Hewley how to meditate. Apparently it's "good for your energies" to meditate after practice.
Rude finally decided to show up with our supplies. No fucking wonder it took him forever - the dumbass hauled the whole load in with a handcart. Still, got everything here alright, so, gotta hand it to him, man doesn't quit easy.
I guess I'm cooking tonight. Hope everyone likes chili!
Observation log, 8th of October, 21:13
Sephiroth is reading through all the writing left behind by the previous owner of the safehouse. I would like to note that there's no mention of him knowing Wutai language anywhere in his file. Hewley is checking the perimeter. Rude passed out after eating.
Chili was universally enjoyed by all! This ends the 8th of October log.
Observation log, 9th of October, 10:05
Well. It's safe to say that energy alignment work has begun.
After breakfast Sephiroth informed us that he'd be going to the training field and that he shouldn't be disturbed for any reason - that we're free to watch, but that's it, and even if his practice runs past dinner time, that was fine. Just let him do his thing.
The implication that if we got in his way, we'd go the way of the SOLDIER training room, was pretty clear.
He's been working on sword forms ever since, going on for three hours now. It doesn't look that different from the usual sword practice he does - but it feels different. Even before he started glowing. It feels like when someone is firing off a spell, that rushing, on fire, kinda electric feeling? It feels like that, like Sephiroth's firing off spells every which way, just, nonstop. But he isn't.
Hewley looks kinda like someone hit him over the head with a crowbar, so whatever he's sensing with his SOLDIER enhancements must be pretty wild.
Observation log, 9th of October, 13:45
Energy alignment is still going, with no change and no visible signs of exhaustion from Sephiroth.
Asked Hewley over lunch what he thought of the whole thing and what the alignment practice felt like to him.
Hewley: "Have you ever seen a natural Mako spring? I'm originally from the Mideel Islands, and there's a bunch of them - and the really old and active ones tend to have a buildup of Materia around them. They feel like nothing else - people use them for all kinds of health benefits."
Rude: "Sephiroth feels like a… healing spring?"
Hewley: "Kind of. One with a whirlpool in the middle… and maybe a thunderstorm looming overhead."
Observation log, 9th of October, 17:30
Sephiroth is still at it. He hasn't even taken a break to piss!
Observation log, 9th of October, 19:15
Sephiroth stopped the sword practice, finally, but it doesn't feel like it's over. He's still glowing, and now he's sitting in the middle of the field, meditating. He has one hand on his stomach, and Hewley is worried about another blood vomiting possibility. Like maybe what he's doing is making physical changes to his insides. Which is just such a lovely thought just before dinner!
We've decided not to disturb him - but Rude's making a plate for him, just in case he'll be done soon.
Observation log, 9th of October, 21:15
Sephiroth is still meditating. Guess that means seconds for the rest of us!
Observation log, 9th of October, 23:50
When is this asshole going to go to bed?!
Observation log, 10th of October, 02:05
Fucking finally! Sephiroth finally stopped, got up, had a wash and went to bed. This concludes the log for the 9th of October. Goddamn. 
Observation log, 10th of October, 10:40
It's hard to say what, if anything, the previous day actually achieved. Sephiroth doesn't look or feel different, and he still acts the same. Reno can't tell if there's any difference either. He seems just as weird as before.
Hewley grilled him on the whole thing, but Sephiroth wasn't exactly forthcoming. 
Exact transcript of Sephiroth's and Hewley's discussion:
Sephiroth: "Can you feel the MP inside you? I don't mean just when you use it, or when you're running low - everyone becomes more aware of the volume of their blood when they have anaemia, that's not what I mean. I mean right now - can you feel the MP you have? How about the Mako?"
Hewley: "I guess, sort of? I mean, I do feel different than I did before I had any treatments, and I know I have MP, but that's probably not what you mean?"
Sephiroth: "No, not exactly. I guess it doesn't actually matter."
Hewley: "Hey, no, you got me curious now. What does it feel like for you?"
Sephiroth: "It's like I have a concrete lump of… crude energy in my gut."
Hewley: "Crude?"
Sephiroth. "Raw, unprocessed, unrefined."
Hewley: "That's the Mako inside you?"
Sephiroth: "That too."
Hewley: "And with your energy alignment practice, you're… refining that?"
Sephiroth: "Something like it."
Hewley: "That's incredible. What will happen if you succeed?"
Sephiroth: "... Guess we'll see once I do."
Observer's note, I don't know what the hell that means, but the look on his face was fucking scary. Sephiroth knows exactly what it means. And he knows it will have some consequences going forward. And he definitely expects those consequences to be mostly bad. But he's still doing it!
So here's a question; does Sephiroth himself know why he's doing what he's doing? Does he have a plan, is this part of some scheme - or is he blindly following impulses he probably doesn't fully understand?
Sephiroth went back to work immediately after eating breakfast, and it looks like it's going to be another 12 hours of glowy sword swinging. 
I should've brought a magazine or something.
Gonna be skipping some time in the next few parts.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
You're a genius!
Since it's basically my homework, would you care to tell us how the first therapy session went for AGCZ too?
Kisses ♥️
• Angeal is a little tricky to get to therapy because while he's all for his friends seeking therapy, he thinks it's a waste of money and resources on himself, because "he doesn't need it." He is then promptly proven wrong.
Angeal: I really shouldn't be here, you know. I'm completely fine.
Therapist: Do you think that growing up with a dominant best friend, being friends with Sephiroth, and experiencing poverty with a minimalist lifestyle has led you to minimize your own struggles and become excessively helpful to others to avoid being a burden?
*Angeal starts sobbing*
• Same with Genesis. He believes he doesn't need it and worries about being vulnerable around another person, especially a stranger who "doesn't care and just wants money." It's tricky because, while he's closed off and reserved, he'll open up quickly when he has a lot to vent about.
Genesis: I want you to understand that I'm aware of your habit of offering false comfort to those who show weakness. I won't be one of them. My lips are sealed.
Therapist, offering him a lollipop: I'm proud of you for setting boundaries.
Genesis, tearing up: I feel guilty for resenting my parents for their absence during my childhood, even though they provided moments of support and comfort. I feel guilty for envying Sephiroth's fame, despite admiring him all my life and considering him my best friend. And I feel guilty because people see me as arrogant when in reality I'm shy and struggle to talk to those I don't feel comfortable around.
• Zack, bless his heart, is excited to go and show his friends that therapy is great. Unfortunately he's very nervous.
Zack: What do I talk about?
Therapist: Anything that comes to mind. Feel free to—
Zack: I accidentally stole a can of Banora White juice at the self checkout the other day.
Zack: I didn't notice that my card declined and walked right out with the drink.
Zack: And then I felt awful, so I snagged a can from Genesis and went back to the store to replace it.
Zack: But then Genesis complained that someone stole one of his juice cans.
Zack: So I panicked and stole Sephiroth's sword.
*Zack pulls out the sword*
Zack: I don't know how to function as a human being.
• Cloud thinks therapy is a luxury since it wasn’t really a thing back in Nibelheim. The idea of telling someone all your problems and them having an easy fix seems too good to be true, so he’s absolutely going to take the opportunity.
Therapist: Welcome to—
Cloud: I lie awake at night wondering if Sephiroth might be part cat. I kept losing sleep over it, so I decided to set out a can of tuna and a fuzzy cat toy in his office to see how he'd react. When he ate the tuna and played with the toy, I started doing it regularly. Now I don’t know if he’s actually part cat or if I’ve trained him to act like one, and I'm too scared to tell him that I'm the one leaving the tuna and toys. What should I do?
Therapist: What the fuck
• Not only does Sephiroth feel uncomfortable discussing his childhood and emotions he doesn't fully understand, but he also distrusts the therapist entirely. Are they with Shinra? Are they in cahoots with Hojo? Are there listening devices in the office? It takes a lot to assure him he's in a safe environment, but once he feels secure, he slowly begins to open up.
Sephiroth: Are you sure you're not with Shinra or Hojo?
Therapist: No, and don't feel pressured to tell me anything you're not comfortable with. Take your time. How was your day?
Sephiroth: My mother died when I was young, but only discovered that years later, so I spent my formative years searching for her in false hope and even lost the only photograph I had of her at one point because Glenn—he was murdered and I have nightmares about him—kicked it into the mako.
Therapist: I asked you how your day was.
Sephiroth: My days have been miserable ever since the age of three, when I was given a axe to play with and told to fend off a pack of hungry wolves and (continues to trauma dump for another 2 hours)
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wilcze-kudly · 5 months
If worked for the team who made Avatar TloK. How would you rewrite TloK?
To be completely honest, rewriting tlok wouldn't fix all it's issues. Tlok just needed to have longer seasons, an actually established amount of seasons so they weren't pressured to make every single season a complete story for fear of not getting more time.
But let's say, hypothetically that I murdered mr Crabs or whoever is in charge of Nickelodeon and removed any studio meddling from the show.
My perfect world would include:
More filler episodes that focus on a singular character. Think Sokka's Master or the Painted Lady. The Krew are all fascinating characters with a lot of potential, however, due to the runtime of the show, their storylines are rushed... or completely nonexistent. Give me more details of Mako and Bolin's childhood. Show me emore of Asami struggling with her father's arrest.
I'd try to cut down on the westernisation of the show. I can see why these foreign aspects slipped in, since the closer the Avatarverse inches to our modern times, the more blurred the lines become. At least to my whiteass. I'd try to lean towards silkpunk, rather than the much more west based steampunk. It would be a fascinating endeavour to imagine what a world with mostly eastern influences would look like.
I'd make Vaatu the overarching villain/final boss of the story... it would require a bit of moving around of the timeline but I think I'd structure it as: Red Lotus> Kuvira> Amon> Vaatu. However I'd blur the timeline more. Make Amon a background threat in the eariler seasons, only for him to rise in popularity and power after people see what benders like Kuvira are capable of, for example.
This would also allow for certain villains to become redeemed or at least helpful in some way, later on. Mayhaps Amon and Kuvira team with the Krew to defeat Vaatu in some way.
Also, instead of destroying Vaatu completely, I'm leaning towards Korra absorbing him, in a way. Yes Vaatu is a dark spirit, but 'darker' urges are necessary for humans' survival and happiness. Korra embodies the duality of man very well. I think it would be a fascinating idea to see the Avatar become the embodiment of both light and darkness.
In general, making Vaatu and Raava more morally ambiguous, rather than the simple good spirit/bad spirit thing they had in the og show would be a fascinating concept.
I'd do my best to pull away from the show's original centerist narrative. Have Korra learn from the villains and make active changes to the world, showing her growth as an Avatar and person. Perhaps she's reluctant to see the Red Lotus' point of view at the beginning of the show, but sympathises with Amon at the tail end of the story.
Make the entire Krew queer. And talk about queerness more, in general. Have the characters have open conversations about queerness in their respective enviornments and cultures. Tlok already has a very queer undertone to it, even before korrasami became canon, but touching on this subject more overtly would provide great opportunity for characterisation and worldbuilding.
Have the story span several years. Watch the Krew grow up. Tlok works very well as a coming of age story even in its original form. Have Vaatu and his darkness and chaos symbolise the uncharted waters of maturity at the end of teenagedom. This especially works if Korra merges or accepts him like i suggested.
There... that's some basics. I think that most of my criticisms of the show could mostly be solved if the studio wasn't being a bitch but well. We can't have nice things, can we?
I took a while to answer this ask because it was genuinely such an interesting, but overwhelming question.
Also now I have wayy too many ideas about a potential tlok rewrite, so feel free to ask me about that if you want to hear me ramble.
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heartilywrites · 10 days
Hey! I was wondering if you can write korra as a hockey player x reader. Have Korra lend the reader her hockey jersey for the game (and Korras like omg she’s in my jersey MY JERSEY) and it’s the first time the readers going to the game and have Asami, Mako ,Bolin, and Opal explain the game to the reader. They all know that Korra has feelings for the reader heheheee. But at the end of the game have Korra confess her feelings for the reader after the huge win. (Feel free to add smut afterwards in Korras apartment if you wish). Thanks love!
،، 𝓘cy heart ; Korra
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request guide | masterlist
resume: where Korra wins over and over in one night.
content warning: fluff ; Korra x fem!reader ; this could count as modern!au, i think??? ; no nation nor bending status mentioned for r ; my poor understanding of hockey ; ¡¡MDNI!! (fingering, oral > r receiving ; top!Korra, bottom!reader ; use of 'good girl') ; no use of y/n
wc: 3.2k
a/n: HELLO MY LOVE ight im sorry first for taking so long with your request and second because I have no idea of how hockey works, I'm more of a football/soccer gal, but hopefully I did justice. I read this ask ONCE before going to docs to write it and thought you asked me for smut instead of saying it was optional,,, I added it anyways, it's a win-win situation y'all get smut and i get to practice my writing– THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, LOVE, ENJOY:D
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“ Baby, you got me tumbling around you, stand up to fall down.
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A grimace was painting your face while you looked at yourself in the mirror, the outfit looked great, but it didn’t feel complete… Something was missing. Your eyes began to wander around your room just to bump into the jersey you were lent by the captain of the Otter Penguins and a big smile started to grow in your lips. That was it.
The night before you were invited by one of your friends to her game, claiming how it was important to her and how your presence would help her win and how could you say no to her? Korra was one of your dearest friends, you appreciated her so much. Your hands lifted up the piece and took it to your nose; you could still smell the girl’s scent on it, it was fading away, but you could still feel it and for now, it was enough.
Korra and you had been close to each other for some time now and both had cultivated feelings towards each other, you were sure they were just your typical friendly love, but Korra was convinced she did have feelings towards you. You, who occupied her mind almost all day, the one who made her smile with your mere existence and her team knew, just like her own friends did, everyone was aware but you and she didn’t really mind it, but it sometimes made her feel down, she wanted you to reciprocate, she needed you to reciprocate so her heart would feel at ease finally. So she made up a plan to invite you to her final season game to tell you after the match about her feelings for you… Easy, right?
The air horn indicating the beginning of the game made everyone at the stadium cheer. You took your food in one hand and the large cup of beer in the other to start making your way to your seat next to the rest of Korra’s friends. The captain had reserved the whole front seat for you five, above the bench of her team so she could have a good look at you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What the fuck was that!?” Mako’s voice sounded when an offside was pointed for Korra’s team. “That wasn’t an offside!”
Your head turned to the girls making company, Opal smiled at you. “The defense crossed before the disc.” she explained to you while you nodded, the brothers were screaming like their lives depended on it.
After accepting Korra’s invitation to the game, you had found yourself almost having a crisis when you remembered you didn’t know a single thing about such sport, thankfully Asami and Opal had been invited too to the game and when they saw you with a confused look on your face both girls assured you they would explain the game to you.
A small break was announced to have a change of members, your eyes turned down to the characteristic blue jersey and made sure it was clean.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Would you look at that,” Korra’s voice said when you tried on the jersey the first time. “It fits like a glove on you… You look beautiful.” Such comment made your face burn.
You decided a second before going out that maybe you should show Korra how much you support her and the team, after all, that’s what friends do, don’t they? Wear the piece of clothes lent by the other after one claimed how they had another jersey and how you could keep that one, totally friendly.
Blue eyes looked over to the public and with such great timing both orbs bumped into each other, you smiled big and waved at her before giving her thumbs up. Korra felt like the air on her lungs got caught at your sight, how you looked so ethereal with her jersey on, it was her jersey… Hers! Korra’s! Her number was on your back and sleeves! Her name is displayed for everyone to see it! She smiled back at you before adjusting her mouthguard at the same time the air horn sounded again. Your silhouette gave her the motivation to play with her whole and just like that, the marker changed drastically in her favor.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Where was that in the first half!?” Bolin exclaimed in a mix of offense and excitement when seeing his friend play with everything.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You know, she has her periapt now.” Asami’s voice answered over the screams making everyone giggle, you turned confused to her and she just smiled big.
Ignoring the small exchange, your eyes turned to the game again only for them to be met by the Otter Penguins’ captain being pushed over, making her trip. The whole row stood up screaming indignant at the other player and referee, you included. Korra was sent to the bench to compose herself and make sure she was alright, you took advantage to walk over to her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You okay, cap?” your voice made her heart skip a bit, while she took off her helmet and mouthguard to look over her shoulder to you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “All good, cutie.” she answered with a big smile, now that she was closer, Korra admired the way her jersey made you look. “You look extra beautiful tonight.”
Your cheeks began to burn, you smiled funnily her way. “You think? Borrowed this old thing, doesn’t it look good?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It does,” Korra’s voice sounded as if she was out of air, it definitely was because of you, but if you asked her at that moment she would say it was because of the match. “It makes your eyes pop, that Korra girl has to be fortunate to have you wear her jersey.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, she is.” you continued her game, giggling. “She won’t find a better cheerleader than me.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, I can confirm that.” before you could continue, Korra’s name was called back on the ice, she started to put everything back. “Tonight’s win will be in your honor, cheerleader, so you better pray we do win. I don’t want to look dumb after this.”
Your laugh was now heard, Korra felt like she just recharged her energy after such small conversation. After putting everything back on, she winked your way and you sent her a playful kiss.
The last twenty minutes Korra played like her own life depended on that one win, every once in a while she shot glances at you only to be met by a very enthusiastic you screaming and holding hands with both Asami and Opal at your sides. The last minute began to count down and you were biting your lower lips with such nervousness that you were sure you’d hurt yourself.
The captain was dominating the field, she was making her so famous move while her own mind was praying to everything out there asking to score, the thunder made by her stick made everyone hold their breaths and just as the game finished, the disc hit right into the net. The whole side for the Otter Penguins erupted in screams and cheers, Korra herself felt such relief that her limbs relaxed just in time to be lift up by her teammates, in the public seats her friends were all hugging each other as if they were the once playing the match and winning it, you included of course. When the whole team went to the showers, Bolin suggested waiting for Korra outside of them; they, with a valid reason, took their time to get out since they were celebrating by themselves. Around forty minutes later, she came out to be met by five sets of arms hugging her to the point she feared to be suffocated, but just when she was about to scream at you all, everyone took a step back… Almost everyone, Bolin did take his time to let go.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Great game, Korra!” Mako exclaimed, smiling big and tapping his brother’s shoulder. “Bo, let her go, she needs her space.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I’m just so proud of her,” with a broken voice he answered. “I remember when I took her to practice and she was just a newbie.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Bolin,” in a warning tone, Korra called for him and he finally let go. “Thank you, guys, for coming to see me tonight… I really needed your support.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Ours? All of us?” Asami asked in a funny tone, Korra’s eyes shot fiercely to her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Thanks for the seats and invitations!” Opal was quick to intervene with a big smile. “It was the best experience… Should we celebrate at our usual place, guys?”
Everyone opened their mouths to answer, but Korra was faster to talk. “Thanks, guys, but I think not tonight… How about we take all day tomorrow to celebrate? I’m free.”
Almost as if everyone shared a thought, a nod and affirmations words were said. The group started to say their goodbyes to each other and the captain to start going back home, you were one of the last that made the attempt to leave and were stopped by the southerner calling your name. You turned back around with a curious look.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Want to celebrate with me tonight?” She asked, you frowned a bit. Korra just said she wanted to go home, but when you saw the opportunity to be alone with her, a big smile painted your lips.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Sure, I don’t have anything better to do.” Korra herself smiled big too and rushed to your side to start walking to her place.
The walk was filled with you saying how amazing she played tonight, how it was fun to assist one of her games and how you expected to be invited to more. Korra was almost silent looking at you with such fond smile that made your face grow hotter with each minute passing by. In the way you had bought food to eat once both were at the captain’s home and so the dinner passed as it was nothing; now sitting by the couch, facing each other, you let your head rest on your arm while Korra was talking so enthusiastically about her sport. Own eyes examining the ice blue colored ones, that spark of excitement she had when she talked about her team or how much she loved hockey and the beautiful smile her lips formed when talking about her hobbies were so present, your mind started to wander around how they felt, were her lips soft? Warm? Were they sweet or did they have a spicy taste after eating the noodles you bought? Will she-.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Are you okay?” Korra called your attention, making you snap out of whatever trance you fell into. Embarrassed when you realize your eyes were fixated on Korra’s lips, you smiled and nodded.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I am, I’m sorry.” your own hand scrubbed your face. “I zoned out, you were talking and I zoned out, I’m sorry, I’m such a bad friend and-”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I love you.” Suddenly, Korra dropped the bomb when she saw how cute you looked all bashful, your words all vanished and wide eyes were looking at her now.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You… What?” you asked back like you didn’t hear her the first time, but you needed a confirmation.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I love you.” She repeated without a problem. “I have loved you since… Pretty much the day we met, remember when you dropped your coffee on me? I one hundred percent started to love you since that-”
Now you didn’t let her finish, your impulses were stronger than your self control and your lips looked to hoard hers all to yourself meeting the answers to your own questions in a matter of seconds. Her lips were soft, sweets with specks of spice thanks to the food and they knew their way around your own lips as if they had already met before that day. Her tongue was inspecting your mouth without asking permission beforehand, but you didn’t mind at all.
Korra’s hands held your waist in such a hurry, making you lay completely on your back while she creeped on top of you. Your legs allowed her to accommodate between them, a small sigh made a sound on your chest and she smiled. When your lungs asked impatiently for air, you took the opportunity to attend the skin on her neck, savoring her with such delight and making small moans vibrate on her throat; wet kisses were making a trail on her, one of her hands snuck under your jersey to let her palm meet new territory and was met with your chest bear naked, you pulled away to look at her with a smile while her eyes were curious.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Didn’t feel like using a bra.” you justified yourself with a small and funny giggle, your own hands pulled over the shirt Korra was wearing at that moment and when you tried to take away your own jersey, she stopped you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Leave it on, I want to see you all messed up in my jersey.” she explained, your heart skipped a beat to such command and of course you followed with obedience.
Now her lips were the ones claiming yours with desperation while her hands moved quickly to get rid of your pants. Cold hands were caressing against your warm skin making you moan under your breath, a familiar heat between your thighs grew thanks to the moves of the hockey player on top of you.
At first she planned to continue with the make out session, but almost as if she was hearing the most unhinged thoughts you were having about her, her lips began to leave wet kisses on the skin of your neck just like you did with her and such cold fingers were playing with the elastic of your underwear. Unintelligible whispers were mouthed by you making Korra smile with devotion, the hand playing took the next step to have contact with your intimity and a whimper was clearly heard alongside a small shiver at the difference of temperatures. The captain’s fingers were quickly soaked in your own fluid, her face went back to your eye level and a spark of lust was easily differentiable on her eyes.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You’re so cold.” you managed to tell her with a small smile, the girl arched one of her eyebrows.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “How about you be a good girl and warm me up, darling?” she whispered over your lips making your heart beat faster. You had no idea how, but your head nodded to the question.
Middle and ring finger were playing to trace your outer lips first, impatiently your own hand tried to pull her arm closer, Korra giggled to the action. Slowly she thrusted both digits into you to later on spread them apart with the same sluggishness she inserted them at first, excited heaven colored orbs were watching you moan under her body and move your hips against her hand, unconsciously asking for more from her. Just as you looked at her put a lock of hair behind her ear that was falling over her face, with no warning her thumb pressed over your palpitating clitoris; your mouth widened a bit more and she took the opportunity to attack your mouth by biting your lower lip, always being careful, and a moment later her mouth explored yours again like she hasn’t done it before.
Her thumb started to make moves softly in circular ways, working you up to an orgasm. Her hand was moving like she knew how to have you the way she wanted and her lips were swallowing all the moans and whimpers she was able to tear from you. When Korra felt your chest moving irregularly, she stopped and moved quickly from your mouth to position herself between your legs again. Fast hands removed your underwear and pushed up the edge of the jersey over your abdomen, bright eyes followed her every move, her hands took the strands of short brown hair behind her ears and parted your legs for her. When ready, her eyes looked back at you with a cheshire smile and let her tongue play over your outer lips, a small whine sounded on your mouth. After tasting you, Korra’s hands were her assistant for what came up next; her thumb took great care of your clitoris once more while the other one parted your lips for her tongue to be able to introduce into you and start to eat you out.
Obscene noises were the ambience of Korra’s living room, your eyes shut close thanks to the pleasure given by the captain and one of your hands assisting your breasts however you could; a familiar pressure on your lower stomach made your free hand try to move Korra out of you while your legs attempted to close.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Do it, baby, come right on me.” she insisted looking up to you, there was not a chance you could answer verbally to her.
Her tongue now was fully attentive with your clitoris, sucking it with devotion while her fingers were back into you, finding that spot that made you curl your toes and whine louder, she kept hitting it with her fingers until you called for her in an exclamation. Her hand and chin full of your juices while she stood up and slowly took out her digits, your heart felt heavy at such emotion you just experienced, trying to calm your breathing and the trembling of your legs, Korra placed a sweet kiss on your lips making you taste yourself, she found that pretty attractive if you’d ask her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You know, I could make you come many more times right now, you moan my name so sexy.” she said while giving you the cutest pecks, you giggled harshly.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Is this how you ask me to be your girlfriend, captain? By telling me you like my moans and eating me out?” you asked, your arms hugging her neck. She nodded enthusiastically. “I’m not against it, but you certainly need to ask me properly.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “How about we go out, I ask you on the date and you act surprised.” she suggested, now you laugh again.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Let me recompose myself first, we go again and then you ask me, yeah?” jokingly you said, making her lay completely over you with her whole weight, loving how close now you were. “I will be needing to exchange jerseys, cap, mine already ran out of your scent.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, yeah, would love to, now this one smells like you…” a kiss was left on your jawline. “Seems like we also have a barter business, is all wins for me today, huh?”
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umeumeumee · 6 months
𝐀𝐓𝐋𝐀 & 𝐋𝐨𝐊 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 , 𝐡𝐜 & 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 (𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭!)
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ᥫ᭡ i was thinking.. since i am doing an event for james cameron avatar movies I & II , why not do the original avatar, as well as LoK? <3
ᥫ᭡ requests are open, characters + (some) prompts are listed below, feel free to request your own prompt/ideas/scenario’s and i will be more than happy to write it!!
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(୭౿ fluff / ᡣ𐭩 angst)
♥︎ - romance・★ - platonic・📥 - request・🗓️ - most recent
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rules are simple, please follow<3 love u!
I don't get to answering requests as often as I used to, so if i don't answer your request for a couple months don't worry, i will most likely get to it! If i don't ever answer your request, it probably accidentally got deleted so feel free to request it again!
things like Abuse, manipulation, references to sexual themes and mentions of gore will absolutely not be found on my blog.
They are tiggers for some people so it is an avoidance!
im not super selective with my requests, but I will only do the ones that i find i have motivation for- because i want to give you guys good fics!!
please do not copy, translate, transfer, or claim any of my work! If you would like to, please ask me. If i say yes, please give me credit.
WILLS ; Fem! reader, Fem! Character, male! character troupes; bffs to lovers, enemies to lovers, etc. Fluff, Angst, Hurt/comfort
WONTS ; Incest r/pe p3dophilia, male! reader poly relationships, e/him pronouns for reader, pregnancy
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༊*·˚ princess azula
only you - princess azula x fem! earthbender! reader📥 , ♥︎
red lipstick stains - princess azula x fem! maid! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , 🗓️
balance - azula x fem! waterbender! princess! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
turtle ducks - princess azula x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
show off! - princess azula x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ toph beifong
whispers in the dark - toph beifong x fem! firebender! reader 📥 , ᡣ𐭩 , 🗓️
seriously? - toph beifong x fem! non!bender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
past, but not future - toph beifong x fem! firebender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
the only one i see - toph beifong x fem! waterbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
by your side - toph beifong x fem! nonbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ katara
heartless - katara x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , ᡣ𐭩 (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ prince / fire lord zuko
the unfamiliarity of a gentle flame - prince zuko x fem! airbender! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
promise - prince zuko x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ suki
my kind of woman - suki x fem! reader 📥 , ♥︎ , (coming soon!)
༊*·˚ sokka
༊*·˚ ty lee
༊*·˚ mai
༊*·˚ avatar korra
༊*·˚ asami sato
༊*·˚ bolin
༊*·˚ mako
༊*·˚ lin beifong
༊*·˚ kya
༊*·˚ kuvira
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of course, these are only some prompts. You can request headcannons you want and also scenarios! once again, request are open!!
"i can't pretend anymore."
"you need to know that i have grown to care for you. deeply."
"i've loved you since the moment i first laid my eyes on you."
"you deserve to know."
"it's you. it's always been you."
"are you really so oblivious?"
"there isn't anything that i wouldn't do for you."
"I was made to love you."
“I cannot bare to be apart from you anymore."
"please. please just listen to me."
"don't make me say it. i can't say the words."
"you are all i can think about."
"'I can't fathom the idea of my life without you in it."
"i dream of you. all i do, is dream of you."
"i am so very in love with you."
"is it so obvious how infatuated i am?"
"for years i have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence."
"we have just met and yet it feels like i have known you for a lifetime."
“you are everything. everything."
"it hurts me, just how much i ache for you."
"i don't know if i can't bring myself to speak it."
"I know that this is not what you want to hear..."
"after everything you've done, i still love you. with all i am."
"it's true."
"i cannot stand you, and yet i also cannot stand to be away from you."
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klonoadreams · 1 year
Is shanks going to leave mako and uta with luffy? Does this mean they'll be part of the asl siblings? How do you think harp will feel about the free grandkids dropped on his doorstep?
Uhh...yes and no. Yes for Mako, no for Uta. Garp just hella annoyed about Mako like, why did you give me this little criminal as she's gnawing on his fist. But he loves her anyways, thinks she might be more understanding than Luffy, realizes that oh no, there's two of them. And Garp just goes "Fuck me side ways." and proceeds to just get her gifts cuz he has a softer spot for her, but also hoping it keeps her from biting him because DAMMIT, he doesn't want to spend the evening pulling out the fragments of her teeth out of his fist and clothes - he can't ignore it like others do. THE SENSATION FUCKS WITH HIS SENSORY ISSUES.
This is what I call the Mihawk approach, where you effectively bribe Mako with candy and little gifts to get her to behave. She'll be a little shit still, but she'll hold back here and there. :V
Anyways, I just finished watching One Piece RED and I'm devastated but also, this is where the butterfly comes through for Uta.
Remember, because Shanks was in the West Blue for a while, taking care of Mako, he and his crew didn't come across baby Uta. So Uta had a very terrible time with the pirates she was with, as she was just effectively used to earn money for her singing and otherwise do chores.
She ends up still with the Red Hair Pirates and otherwise adopted by Shanks, when they come across her and the pirates that have her try to start shit with them. and Mako is just "Keep, keep!!" like she sees this filthy little girl who is older than her, and she senses so much HURT, that she's just "hey, come with."
And of course, it takes much, much time for Uta to wind down since she's in fight or flight mode, much like Sanji. Which is why the two definitely get along.
though, by the time Shanks heads to Foosha, it's just Robin, Uta, and Mako that's left on the ship. Sanji's left for the Orbit, and Law has, unfortunately, gotten his Ope Ope no Mi to save his life (with a cost).
We still got what happened on Elegia, except you got Mako and Robin who were there to help out when shit went down, so they know exactly how Uta's devil fruit works, but they don't know the real truth behind the destruction.
what you effectively got is survivors on the island, but more of a Naruto post Kyuubi attack, with some people being in the know about Uta and the attack, and those that don't, keep their distance from her because of what they see from others, and even if that wasn't the case, the fact that she came from Shanks, who took the blame for it, then...YEAH.
Uta's not in a good headspace, but...she's a lot less idealistic and a bit more stable in that sense, but she GENUINELY wants to help people because she's BEEN through what they've been through this time from her own experience. The wake shrooms just do a damn good job at making her less emotionally stable, the more that she eats after all.
and because I say so, she gets to live. SHE GETS TO FUCKING LIVE, the difference of having people to communicate around with knowledge of the devil fruit, thus also cutting the time it took a bit more. So she gets to fall asleep after all is done. And just rest up.
Mako and Uta are both alike, in that they've both been left behind by Shanks. but the difference is that Mako kept her dream, while Uta moved on from hers. When they meet up again, you can definitely imagine the slight betrayal, like "WHY DIDN'T HE TAKE ME TOO"
and they're both crying and hugging. They're especially close sisters god dammit.
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radioactivepeasant · 3 months
Free Day Thursday, Part Three
Jak did not wake that entire day.
Nor the next.
Nor the day after that.
His body was flushed with fever, and dark, angry lines had begun to spread from the double injection over his core. Infection set in so much faster than they could have anticipated.
Was this what his first injection cycle had been like?
No. Even if the symptoms were the same, this was fundamentally different. He wasn't injected while awake and fighting restraints too big for his little wrists. He wasn't dumped in a frigid prison cell to survive the first infection alone.
Jak was constantly monitored, fluids fed into him to compensate for how much he sweated out. Cold compresses pressed against his forehead at all times. Bio readings on constant readout.
And, most vital of differences, the people around him were fighting to keep him alive because they cared about him, not because it was inconvenient to lose a test subject.
Damas barely ate or drank during those two days. He didn't sleep more than a few minutes at a time. Every waking moment was spent at Jak’s bedside, holding his hand or smoothing back his hair.
Sometime after evening meal on the second day, Sister Yan returned with the light eco. That was the first time Jak’s eyes opened, if only for a moment. The light eco did little more than break the fever, but even just that was a relief. Everything else was up to Jak, now. He just had to fight.
"You can do this, little one," Damas whispered, over and over. "Just stay with me, Jak. Stay with me."
By now word had spread: Damas had a child in the hospital. Now was not the time to bring petty concerns to him. The council of advisors appointed Mako as interim steward to seize temporary power in his absence -- how very strange it was to live in a place where he trusted Mako wholeheartedly to make the right choices and peacefully hand over power when he returned! And he would have trusted any of his advisors to be a good steward of the throne!
Perhaps it was because they had all shed blood as equals. They knew what it was to go hungry. To suffer thirst. They each knew what it was to go without a roof over their heads. It was a lot easier to govern a people when you didn't try to balance on a pedestal high above them.
Jak woke while Damas was dozing. His movements were slow, and sluggish, but the faint sound of his bare arm against the sheets was enough to snap Damas back to consciousness. His eyes flew open and he straightened to check the bed.
Confused blue eyes blinked sleepily back at him.
Damas leaped up, hands hovering awkwardly.
"Are you alright? How do you feel, son?"
Jak squinted against the fluorescent light and squinched one eye shut.
Too tired to lift his hands, he grudgingly used his voice.
"Th. Thhhhh. Hers. Tee."
"You're thirsty?"
Jak didn't understand why there were tears in Damas’s eyes. Or why he laughed at that.
"I'm not surprised! Hold on, bug, I'll get you some water."
It wasn't cold, but Jak didn't care. He felt like he hadn't had anything to drink in days! He grumbled when Damas made him slow down, and tried to pull away. Something tugged painfully at the crook of his elbow, and he yelped.
He turned, and saw a tube. Sticking out of his arm. Sticking out of the skin.
What did that mean?!
Very, very slowly, Jak swiveled back to look up at Damas.
"Tha-at?" He asked nervously.
Damas brushed the hair from his face -- hey! Where were his goggles?! -- and kept making a sad face. Why the sad face? What was going on?
"It's medicine, son."
Damas swallowed hard.
"That's um. It's a special kind of tool for when people can't take medicine like normal. The doctor uses that little- little tube to trick your body into thinking it's part of the bloodstream. The um. The medicine goes straight into your blood to fight infection there."
Jak hastily drained the last of the water in the paper cup and forced out a few lethargic signs.
"It stays there?”
"No, no no no!" Damas took the cup from him and refilled it. "Only until that bag is empty. See?"
He pointed to where the pinkish line sat on the bag.
"Once that's gone, Dr. Rezzik will come take it out. We'll put a little tourniquet on it, and you'll be fine in a few hours."
"Woo. Aye. Nnn-n oh. Ee. Co?"
Damas winced and drew back a little.
"You...need to stay away from eco for a few weeks, son."
A few weeks?! Jak was horrified. What had happened?! He'd just been playing with eco on the beach, with Flick! How did he get to this cold white room, with a medicine tube, and no eco?
Jak wanted to ask what happened. Why he was here. But his voice was tired, and his arms were tired.
"...d...Dad-t?" he asked, trying to pour all his questions into that one word.
Damas’s breath caught. He slowly lowered himself to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Do you remember what happened? When you were playing with Flick?" he asked softly.
Jak tried to remember, he really did. But his brain felt all mushy and sleepy.
He shrugged.
"That was-" Damas sighed and brushed back Jak’s hair again. "That was three days ago, son. You accidentally made dark eco."
Jak recoiled in horror. Made dark eco?! Like the Acherons?! Did that make him bad like them?
Samos would be so mad at him! Daxter would be so mad!
"Hey, hey, Jak, look at me. Look at Dad."
The words snapped Jak back to the present, and he turned teary eyes towards Damas. Damas didn't look angry, at least.
"It was just an accident, son." Damas reached down and squeezed his hand. "You're not in trouble, and neither is Flick. Not for that, at least. I'm just-"
He shuddered. "I was so worried, Jak! You wouldn't wake up! We had to induce eco overexposure just to correct the imbalance!"
"That's why my core hurts?" Jak felt the spot between his sternum and intestines where the small organ sat. The skin there was hot and tender to the touch. He hissed in pain and withdrew his hand.
"Yes, son. It is. I'm sorry.”
There were, Jak discovered, pros and cons of being in "the hoss-piddle". He couldn't run, he couldn't get out of bed, and it was intensely boring.
But Damas was almost always there! And sometimes Jak's friends visited!
Raza even snuck her dogat kitten in under her shirt and almost started a mini riot in the children's ward.
Flick hadn't visited yet.
Damas said shd felt like it was her fault he'd been in a "coma" for two days. That she probably felt too guilty to come see him.
Didn't make Jak feel better about it. How did he know she didn't just want to stay away from dark eco?
Dr. Rezzik said it would never fully go away. Even if it was only a tiny little bit, that dark spot on his chest was probably permanent. They didn't know how he'd done it, but he'd absorbed it into his core.
That scared Jak a lot more than he let on. Would he turn gray and lose his reason, like Gol and Maia?
Emotions sat a little closer to the surface while he was in the hospital. Little things bothered him in ways they hadn't before.
Lights hurt his eyes too much once the sun went down. The sound of the kid in the next bed chewing his food made him irrationally angry for some reason. Sometimes just the chair next to his bed being empty made him start tearing up.
Nurse Brooks called it puberty. Jak was pretty sure he already did puberty. This was something else.
"Hey, kid."
Jak looked up from absolutely mangling a little metal can they'd somehow squeezed juice into. He hadn't even noticed that he'd crushed it into an unrecognizable lump.
Damas folded his arms and looked at the crumpled mess.
Jak's ears drooped. He'd spaced out again. He did that when things got too noisy already, but things were just noisier here.
But Damas just smiled and suppressed a chuckle.
"I bet you're ready to get out of here, huh?"
*"Yah,"* Jak said emphatically.
He looked around a moment, then sheepishly put the mangled can on the little tray his decidedly bland lunch had been on.
Wiping droplets of juice from his fingers, Jak hoisted himself further upright.
"Can I go home yet? I don't like it here!"
He'd repeated the same question almost every day. And almost every day the answer was "no, son, not yet."
More scans. More finger-sticks. More cold metal things against his back and chest so they could listen to his heart and lungs and core. More bedrest.
But today felt different.
Damas set a small canvas bag down on the chair beside the bed and nodded to it. "I brought you some clean clothes. You'll need to wear the pulse-monitor bracelet for a few more days, but Dr. Petros and Dr. Rezzik cleared you to come home."
Jak whooped and pumped his fist.
"Can we go now? Like right now?"
"You don't want to change first?"
Jak shook his head. "No. The longer I'm here, the scarier it gets. I'm gonna fight somebody if I have to wake up for one more night round."
"Please don't fight the nurses, they're just trying to help." Damas held out a hand and let Jak pull himself to his feet.
He examined the dark circles under his eyes and clicked his tongue disapprovingly.
"Nurse Brooks said you haven't been sleeping well even without his rounds at night."
Jak looked away, embarrassed.
Tattooed faces and maddened eyes and crackling, arcing, dark eco-
"About when I landed in Haven. And the woods."
Damas pulled him into a very careful hug, avoiding compressing the icky little starburst shape on Jak’s chest.
"Oh Jak. I'm sorry, son. Do you think you'll sleep better in your own bed?"
Jak took the time to say goodbye to his roommate. It wasn't Beten's fault he chewed so loudly. He didn't need to get so angry about it.
But Precursors he was glad to be getting away from all that slurping.
"Am I allowed to go exploring yet?" Jak asked as Damas walked him out of the ward. Some of the other kids waved to him. Some were only there for bumps and bruises, one or two were longterm residents with chronic conditions.
"We'll see how you feel tomorrow.”
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sageteapost · 1 year
May I request that you do a cloud strife x reader where the reader uses duel blades? These blades actually have short range and long range attacks and ( with enough force) can propel the reader forward? I would like them to meet in the scene where Jessie is seeing Biggs and wedge on bikes, but they see an extra bike and that’s the readers? The whole scene plays out and the reader is super badass, pulling enemy’s back with their duel blades and throwing them into a wall. Then after, they talk a bit and find out that they are a SOLDIER aswell..? IDK if this could be written so I’m sorry I’m advance if it can’t so feel free to tell me if you can’t!
| Cloud Strife & A Dual Blade User Reader |
[ Cloud Strife x GN! Reader ]
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TW & CW + Tags: Violence (not super detailed). Mentions of firearms and blades. Reader is a SOLDIER as well. [No relationship mentioned. GN! Reader.]
Summary: A small fic of Cloud Strife meeting the reader who uses duel blades and eventually finds out that they are also a SOLDIER as well.
[(A/N): Hey there anon! My apologies for the late reply to your request. Not gonna lie, the reader gives off a bit of Ignis Scientia from Final Fantasy XV! I was in a mood to write a small fic for this one. I'm not sure if you wanted a fic request, if not let me know! As always, enjoy!]
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"Looks like we got more company!" cries Jessie, Shinra infantrymen catching up close behind the others. The smell of rubber creating friction on the road was strong, and the roar of the motorcycle echos throughout the tunnel. "Quit moving around, or you'll fall off the bike," Cloud says while maintaining full attention on the lit road ahead of him.
"Hey Cloud! Take care of them, will ya?!" Biggs yells as Wedge holds onto Biggs for dear life. "We cannot let them ruin the mission!" Cloud hums in acknowledgement, making a cue for Jessie to take over driving the bike. She responds swiftly, and Cloud makes a leap onto onto one of the infantry's bikes and quickly taking him out.
"You!! Avalanche scum!" shouts an infantrymen, moving his bike closer towards Cloud so he can strike.
"Not so fast!"
A sharp object swiftly flys into the back of the man, earning a shout of pain from him and losing control of his bike.
Cloud makes a face of confusion for a moment, but before he could do anything he hears a motorbike pull up from behind, breaking him from his thoughts. "You guys abandoned me back at the meeting place! I was looking for y'all everywhere!"
Cloud turns to his left, and he sees you. As you're fighting one last infantrymen with your blades, your (H/C) hair lights up from the bright overhead lights in the tunnel, your mako green eyes are as sharp as a hawk, and he notices the daggers on your side as you slam the infantrymen hard into the wall.
The biggest thing he notices instantly however, is your outfit. A SOLDIER uniform, actually.
"Sorry (Y/N)! I thought you were right behind us the whole time," Jessie says with a sheepish laugh. "Glad you caught up with us! You would have missed out on our SOLDIER boy there! He's badass, don't you think?"
You turn your head slightly towards Cloud, making eye contact with his mako green eyes. Cracking a small smile, you reply, "Oh no, I saw. He's pretty good!"
Cloud quickly shifts his eyes back to the road. "C'mon. We're almost at the end of the tunnel."
"Right. Let's get a move on!" Jessie shouts out with pure energy.
Mission success! Now it was time to get the hell out of there and go home. Before you could drive off on your bike, Cloud stops you.
"Nice job back there."
You look at him in confusion, before replying with a smile. "Thanks, just what I do. I could say the same thing about you too." Cloud hums quietly, before asking, "...You're a SOLDIER, aren't you?"
Your smile drops just a tad bit and your eyes drift away from his. "That obvious, huh?"
"It's the uniform. And the trademark mako eyes."
"Right. Figured you should have known, since you are one too."
"Ex-SOLDIER. I'm just a mercenary now. I quit a long time ago."
You chuckle lightly, the cool night breeze of Midgar brushes away a strand of your hair. You look up towards a mako reactor, its bright light beaming up into the night sky. "It's getting late. We should go home," you say.
"Right," Cloud adds moving away from your bike and hopping on to his own and starting the engine.
"Wait," hearing your voice and looks up. "I never got your name. Who knows? We might meet again someday."
Cloud stays quiet for a moment. Only the sound of the humming engine fills the brief silence between the two of you. And with that, he finally replies.
"...Cloud. Cloud Strife."
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wukoweek2024 · 9 months
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Instructions and rules below the cut!
Wuko Week 2024 Instructions:
Create some fanwork based on the prompts. This can be just about anything! Fanart and Fanfic, obviously, but the sky’s the limit, people. Playdoh sculpture? Embroidery? Interpretive dance video? Or, you know. Keep it simple: drabbles, loose collection of headcanons, doodles in the margins of a notebook, etc.
Post and share on the designated prompt day. Be sure to use the #Wukoweek2024 tag or mention @wukoweek2024 in your post, or submit the post directly to the blog here. Ao3 fanworks can also be submitted to the Wuko Week 2024 Collection. We will post or reblog your creation by the end of each day.
Follow along, reblog, comment on, and like other people's work. Give the creators the praise and credit they deserve for their contributions!
Be kind. That means: Be kind to other creators when commenting/reblogging their work, avoid arguing or disagreeing unless it can be done respectfully, and do not bash other peoples headcanons or other ships/fandoms. If you are concerned about someone’s content, please message @kingwuko or @kingbadgermole and we will address/remove problematic content.
Follow the prompts… as best you can. If the prompts inspire you, create and post on the day of the prompt. But also, if you get inspired to create something that has nothing to do with the prompts, go ahead and share and tag! The prompts are just guidelines. We’ll accept any Wuko content!
Posts must depict Wuko. Feel free to include other pairings as background, but it should feature our beloved Wu and Mako. It doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic but it should have both of them and depict their relationship somehow!
Follow Tumblr’s Community Guidelines. If you have explicit content to share, make sure it either follows Tumblr’s rules or link to an appropriate outside source. If you have explicit writing please be sure to link it to Ao3 or hide the spicy parts under a cut.
Use Content warnings. Tags and community labels are helpful if your work will depict things that could be triggering. Use your best judgment but the mods may ask you to add warnings if we feel it is needed.
Have fun! See you in February!
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ariseur · 3 months
Hihi!!! 💞👐 my first time in the FF fandom and your stuff for sephiroth was the first thing that I saw, your writing and headcanons for him feel so accurate to his in-game self! If I may, I wanted to request maybe some hcs for a shapeshifter!reader x sephiroth 👉👈 im not really that well versed in the world and lore of ff, so I'm not really sure if a shapeshifter is even plausible in game :')
Maybe reader was an ex experiment of some sorts, made to be used as a weapon?
I just really want to annoy sephiroth as a cat or sumth (i think sephiroth deserves a Turkish angora to match with his gorgeous hair 🤲 despite being around puppies so often)
For a little angsty hcs maybe readers transformations can be painful at times or not even work out properly so they kind of end up looking messed up :') (or they just get something like a dog ear not changing back to a normal human ear after changing back into a human on a more silly note)
This also kind of opens up for more... naughty things, just change a limb into something, y'know. But I saw that you don't write NSFW in your rules so I'm perfectly okay with you leaving this part out! Feel free to ignore this request, I'm just having brain worms about sephiroth 💞💕 love love love your sephiroth stuff he is the best wife 🫶
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ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ notes - helloooo anon!! i literally loved this request sm thank you so much for sending it in and those kind words 💕!! i’m not exactly sure if it’s possible for a shapeshifter to exist in ffvii, as far as i’m aware the main source of the planet ( mako ) only really helps with like super strength and SOLDIER abilities? but if you look further into the games and you see the.. things.. hojo keep in those test tubes, i think the “used-as-a-weapon” circumstances are pretty doable in this situation :) feel free to send any more ideas if you have any!!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི₊ ⊹ warnings - intended lowercase, i talk about pre and post nibelheim seph, post nibelheim sephiroth being manipulative and psychologically abusive ( canon ), spoilers for crisis core and sephs origin story, at the end of the blurb he calls you a silly girl so fem!reader in mind although the rest is gn!reader, lmk if i missed anything!!
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✧˖° SEPHIROTH with a shapeshifting reader— hmmm.. i think it depends on your attitude towards the whole situation.
✧˖° for example, if you’re more nonchalant about the situation then i suppose he would be, too. im sure he would be curious at first, but ultimately i dont think he’d care all that much. if you’re used in battle or are well known among shinra or some other organization and he ends up meeting you ( im starting off with pre nibelheim SEPHIROTH first lol ), then he’d definitely be fascinated by your capabilities and how far you can stretch your talents out.
✧˖° if we’re in crisis core era and its like.. before the events that transpired with genesis n all that— he’d wouldnt be as interested as one might think. he’d def be like, “ooh cool” but after the essential introduction then it’d must become normal to him. i think his reaction would also depend on how well you can control your abilities and how you use them to your advantage !! like— for example; if you can stretch one of your limbs or manipulate any part of your body, he’d wanna experiment with that and ask you some questions whenever you have time. if you can change your shape into an animal or another person though— he’ll definitely have a little more fun with it
✧˖° post nibelheim SEPHIROTH takes more advantage of your situation, especially if you can morph yourself or change into another being. if you can shapeshift into an animal or something small, he’ll have you scope stuff out for him or something like that. he will entirely and shamelessly abuse your power and will somehow make you think that you’re obligated to do this for him— especially if you knew him pre nibelheim and still stuck with him afterwards. you do want him to feel better, right? won’t you do this simple task for him? he promises that he’ll treat you well and will return back to normal if you just do this one thing for him :((
✧˖° i think his fixation on jenova and his own identity might even transfer over to you in some form. i feel like sephiroth believes things happen for a reason and so after his spiral, he often thinks that you were brought to him and that its a sign. he’ll use your ability and somehow connect it to his role in the lifestream and that it symbolizes versatility and you were brought to him with the purpose of your assistance to his goals n whatever blah blah blah post nibelheim SEPHIROTH is mean in his own way and i am sorry but i am not an apologist for this man’s actions !! i fully believe that he would manipulate you into becoming his little puppet to help accomplish his own ambitions.
✧˖° post nibelheim SEPH does care for you, and he’ll always tell you that— but i cant always say that he says it in good faith.
✧˖° but!! on a more positive note, i think ( pre nibelheim ) SEPHIROTH would be heavily amused with having someone who can alter their shape by his side. as anon mentioned in their request, i can totally see SEPHIROTH with a turkish angora or some sort of cat beside him!! i can just see you trotting over to him all of a sudden, hopping up on the back of his chair as you let your fur whoosh with every sauntered move you take. he furrows his brows, thinly arched and silver, before he realizes whose wet snout is pressed against the nape of his neck as he reaches a gloved hand up to run against your pristine ivory coat; earning a soft purr from you. UGHHHH i need this man so bad SEPHIROTH bae you know where home is
✧˖° if the process of shapeshifting is somewhat painful or it’s more abrasive on the way when you shift back, SEPHIROTH will always try his best to comfort you when it gets too difficult. he might be a little awkward, but the best thing he can offer is a reassuring hand on your lower back as he whispers in your ear that everything will be okay in the end. he’ll even try to make you laugh with his dry ass humor, it might not help because he’s so calm in this situation and you’re probably freaking out but he’s trying his best (╥_╥)
✧˖° something that i really like touching upon when i think about shapeshifters or people with the ability to alter their appearance is body and face dysmorphia!! i think it would be inevitable if you switched yourself up enough and would eventually develop some sort of insecurity within yourself and the way you look— perhaps thinking you looked some way when you didn’t or if everything just starts melding in your brain. i’m not sure if SEPHIROTH would know what to do in this situation but i’m sure he’d understand how you could feel this way, especially if you were treated as a weapon ( we’ll touch up on that next !!).
✧˖° i wrote a fic about SEPH feeling uncomfortable with himself due to the fact that it’s like— written in a setting where his wings are just sprouting, and i feel like that would happen at one point. if you wanna include that fic in this little timeline, then i feel like it’d give him all the more reason to come to your aid when you need it. i mean, if you helped him— isn’t it only fair that he does the same? he won’t tolerate any nitpicking at yourself or self deprecating comments, he won’t tolerate self loathing or anything of the sort; he is the there for you and whether you seek comfort in him is up to you, he reminds you.
✧˖° if you wanna include the ex-weapon part in this, i think SEPHIROTH’s heart would break— especially if it’s post nibelheim. pre cc SEPH is utterly baffled that you were treated that way, and is always cautious when addressing the topic or when talking about your feelings revolving around it.
✧˖° i think any decent human being would feel sympathetic when it’d come to a situation like that, but post nibelheim hits wayyy harder for him. after it comes to light that he was an experiment and only created to be the poster boy for shinra / the perfect SOLDIER, he feels for you even more. except, instead of like his previous self where he’d encourage you to work through it and let these feelings of sadness and emptiness pass along with letting go of your trauma, post nibelheim would have you use it and it only gives him more knowledge in order to manipulate you. he’d make it a case of using your resentment and all of these years of hardships to fuel your anger; to further develop these feelings of hatred towards humanity. it just gives him more to manipulate you with. but, you won’t have to worry about a thing when you’re with him, just help him take over and rightfully restore what’s his— what’s yours.
✧˖° now let’s end on a happier note, shall we? ^.^
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
with his mako eyes flickering over your sheen coat glimmering in the sun, SEPHIROTH watched as you cantered along the grass, soft flecks of dirt trapped under the light brown strands of your fur.
he softly chuckled to himself as he watched your small tongue loll out of your mouth as you panted, observing the heat of the sun getting to you ( or more so, your current body in the form of a dog ) as he sat in the shade, safe from its wrath. his eyes, slender and catlike, stayed fixated as he watched you roll around— your tiny body disappearing momentarily beneath the tall, tapered leaves sprouting from the ground.
sephiroth tilted his head up slightly, narrowing his eyes as he scanned along the knoll before he saw your head pop up from the green weeds, this time, coated with your real human hair and regular face. his lips quirked into a half smile while he watched you grin at him lazily, the sun draining you especially as you change your form. he reveled in the way your pink lips split open with your smile. he reveled in the way your eyes lit up when you saw him, even when you held those big, wet puppy eyes.
your hands slid from underneath you, shoulder with the part as you pushed yourself up from the dirt; ignoring the way it got stuck under your fingernails, reminding yourself that you’d have to clean them out later. putting your knee down, you pushed yourself forward and hustled towards him. letting out an airy laugh, you plopped yourself down on the raised hill where sephiroth sat. the tree above you provided shade that you instantly felt relief once you were under, the coolness of the obstruction healing your soon to be burnt skin.
“‘s hot out here, i swear. can nev’r get a break.” you muttered, placing both of your hands on your face as you leaned back into the foreign dirt behind you, uncaring of small bugs simply trying to traverse around you. sephiroth laughed, “i can see that.”
he turned his head to the side, scanning over your heated figure before he cocked his head in bemusement. letting out a small huff, you peeked one eye open out from underneath your elbow— even in the blistering rays of the sun, you could never get tired of sephiroth’s laugh; whether a wry chuckle or a cachinnation that was never intended to make it past his lips. you let out a small huff yourself, “what’s so funny?”
“one body part remains unchanged, dearest.” he lifted a leather clad hand up to his face, motioning towards his ear while his gaze softened; watching how your hands came up to flutter around the right side of your face only to find no ear. your brows crinkled as they met in the middle before you felt on the top of your head, the pads of your thumb and index finger fiddling with the folded ear protruding through your hair. lips forming into an ‘o’, you made an audible noise of surprise before you shut your eyes and let your head loll back again.
you applied pressure on the morphed body part, sephiroth watching in awe as you concentrated on fixing your error. your lips twitched upwards in a small smile before removing your hands and putting them at your sides, looking back at your beloved while he remained collected as ever.
a wider smile tugged at his lips— a rare sight indeed. he shook his head before mumbling a small, “silly girl.”
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𐙚 taglist ; @snoopicle @ch3rryfiles
𐙚 requests are open — june nineteenth, 2024
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