#feel free to yell at me in the comments but I probably won't respond
crookedfandomquill · 1 year
I am about to lose my mind with y'all, for real. To recap, we got: tons of new backstory content on Aziraphale and Crowley's relationship; tons of cute new content including them dancing together a la Jane Austen; two other queer relationships meant to parallel and contrast their own; a FUCKING KISS; confirmation from Neil that he has an entire third season planned out and, regardless of whether it gets made in a TV format, will definitely give it to us in some form or fashion... and there are still fans jumping online and acting the fool.
Look. I totally understand if relationship angst isn't your thing. I'm not always in the mood for it, and it has to make sense for the story and the characters. However, feeling a lot of feelings about how the season ended, or wishing it had gone differently as a personal preference, is not the same as getting on this platform and saying, with your whole chest, that it was HOMOPHOBIC for Aziraphale and Crowley to hit a major relationship snag. Was it goddamn sad? Absolutely. Did it hurt my soul? 100%. But there are people claiming that it's part of some new "queer people have to suffer" trend (an emotional bury-your-gays, if you will), and that Neil (noted storytelling genius and LBGTQ ally) wrote this ending as an elaborate form of queerbaiting.
My girls. My gays. My theys. My sweet, silly geese. This is preposterous. First of all, this is not how the story ends. It is a clear and masterful setup for a third season (or whatever form it takes, hopefully TV but we shall see). It's pretty typical for the second act of a story to end in some kind of tragedy or twist that needs to be resolved in the third act, and it's typical because it works great for narrative flow and character development.
Second of all, and I'm begging you to listen to me: it is not homophobic to have your queer couple experience relationship problems. It is not homophobic for there to be pain and difficulty before they get a happily ever after. It is not homophobic to let your queer characters deal with commitment issues, unresolved trauma, or other baggage that temporarily prevents them from being together. This is literally a staple of the romance story, regardless of the sexualities involved, and is something that almost anyone who's been in sexual or romantic relationships has experienced in real life to some degree.
Now, if there were truly a phenomenon in fiction where every single queer couple had to go through astronomical levels of difficulty to get a happy ending, proportional to fictional straight couples, and the sweet, uncomplicated stuff just wasn't there to indulge in, I'd concede a little. But that's just... not true. If you think it is, you may not be reading or watching broadly enough. Queer folk deserve to see queer characters overcome relationship conflict just as much as they deserve to have sweeter, escapist options.
If you're mad about Good Omens 2 because you prefer drama-free escapism in you queer relationships, or were expecting that and felt let down, that's fine, you have a right to your feelings. And it's always hard when you've waited for a story for four years and built it up in your head (which is why I generally try not to do that, but you do you). But, you do not have to justify your feelings by accusing the story of queerbaiting or homophobia. In fact, I beg you not to. Just say that it hurt and you wish it had been happier; it's okay for you to feel that way, and people shouldn't put you down for it.
But propping up your emotions by accusing a piece of media of implicitly contributing to a system of oppression that it actively works to undermine is just not where it's at, folks. There is media that genuinely does that, but this isn't it. Again, have all the emotions about the ending that you want, but stop crying wolf. It's getting old.
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Could we work? Pt 13
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x F!reader
Summary: When billy rolls into town and all the girls are falling at his feet...... why won't she?
Warning: Cussing, Sexual innuendo, sexual comments, harassment, billy being well billy.
A/n: Sorry it’s been w while huh? But I’m back!!!! School has been kicking my butt but I’m here. 🫶🫶I really like this fic and please let me know if you guys like it.
Please like, share, reblog, and/or comment. Also I want to try taking request so please feel free to message me a request idea, I will let you know about the stuff I don't write. But please enjoy. ALSO THIS IS NOT NO FREE USE YOU CANNOT PLAGIARIZE OR REPOST MY WORK ON THIRD PARTY SITES
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Word count:
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It was finally the weekend. Technically, I walked through the school doors and took a nice deep breath. My moment was interrupted by a firm slap on my ass, so hard I almost fell. I turned around to confront the person to see Tommy and his lackeys. I scoffed and was about to Punch him, but Billy beat me. He punched Tommy so hard that he fell to the ground; I was shocked since I didn’t even notice him approaching us.
“Keep your fucking hands off my girl” Billy spat at him; he then turned to me and put his arm around my waist. Amara joined us as he walked me to my car; he opened the door for me and waited until I got in.
“Pick and choose your battles, sweetness; I’ll see you at 7:30” he spoke before kissing my hand and closing the car door. I watched him walk over to his car as a younger girl ran up to it. I recognized her as his younger sister, Max; Dustin had told me about her and introduced us. Amara had to shake me to get me out of my trance; she laughed at my face and told me to drive. I started driving, and Amara kept talking, but I wasn’t correctly listening; as we pulled into the driveway, I stayed seated in the car.
“He really likes you; at least, that’s what I’m getting from him. He even called you his girl” She exclaimed. I shook my head and exited the car. She followed close behind me into the house and into my room; I put my bag down in the designated spot and started changing into my pajamas. Amara proceeded to leave the room as she had to change too. Our parents were away for just a couple days on their anniversary vacation; I got a good head start on my homework, so I didn’t have to work over the weekend. By the time I had finished, I heard the doorbell ring; I had gone downstairs and opened the door to find Max, Steve, and Billy arguing.
“What the hell is going on here?” I questioned. Max smiled at me and shrugged her shoulders.
“You haven’t been hanging with us in a while, and you ditched us for him” Steve fumed. I sighed and stepped aside for them to come in. They took off their shoes and put on the slippers that were there before moving to the living room.
“Harrington, why do you, of all people, have to ruin my movie night with this absolute babe?” Billy quipped; Steve groaned in annoyance, and I offered Max a drink and some snacks. They all followed me as I moved to the kitchen; this quickly got annoying.
“Y/N, he probably just wants to use you like the other girls in our school; you need to open your eyes.” Steve Berated, I gave Max her snacks and drink before responding.
“Steve, I can hang out with whoever I want; Billy is nice. You don’t even really know him, and Billy, maybe if you stopped being mean to Steve, he wouldn’t be here trying to convince me to leave you alone. Now, please stop it before I blow a fuse.” I yelled at the two; they were quiet, and I took a deep breath.
“Now, Steve, don’t you have your own movie night to attend to Billy, Get upstairs” I said calmly.
A/N: let me know if anyone wants to be on the tag list🫶
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Holiday Away (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister Imagine)
A/N: I figured I'd write a festive imagine! Don't forget to vote and comment!
"Hey! The Halsteads are here!" Hermann exclaimed as you, Jay, and Hailey walked into Molly's.
"Three-fourths of us," you answered. "Will's at work."
"He'll be here later though, Hermann. Don't you worry," Jay reassured him.
"Good," Cindy said. "We have more than enough food.
"Where's everyone else?" you asked, meaning the rest of 51. You knew that everyone's schedule always got screwed up during the holidays, so some people on their normal shift got stuck working a different one.
"Pretty sure Stella and Kelly picked up a bit of overtime, so they should be here soon. I don't know when all the rest of them will be here," Herrmann answered.
 "Well, I went out with Gallo, Violet, and Ritter last night and Gallo and Ritter were three sheets to the wind when we left, so they're probably sleeping off hangovers," you said.
At this, Jay's eyes widened. "You didn't tell me that. Did they get home okay? I told you to call me or Will if you needed a ride home."
"Violet said she'd get them back to her apartment at least. And, she texted me when she was back, so don't worry. Jeez, have a little faith in me, Jay."
Jay rolled his eyes.
"Guys, we can continue this conversation when we have some food," Hailey said.
Jay nodded. "Good point."
The three of you grabbed Thanksgiving food with all the fixings from the bar and sat down.
The minute you sat down, in waltzed Adam, Kim, and Makayla followed by Kevin and... you gasped.
"Vanessa?!" you exclaimed and jumped up.
"Looks like they pulled it off," Kevin said as you ran up to her and gave her a hug.
You pulled away and gave a confused look to Kevin. "Pulled what off?"
"We all knew for months that she was coming home for Thanksgiving, but we decided to surprise you."
"Well, consider me surprised!"
"Alright, grab some food and then you can catch up!" Hermann yelled. "Cindy will murder me if all this food she and her book club made goes to waste!"
"Christopher!" Cindy yelled.
Hermann shrugged. "What? It's true."
You all laughed and then let the rest of Intelligence fill their plates while you helped Jay push together a table so that you could all sit together.
When Vanessa sat down, you decided it was time that you broke out your Spanish...despite how rusty it was from two years of online Spanish classes plus your current gap year between undergrad and grad school.
Half an hour later, Kelly and Stella walked in. And then, fifteen minutes after them, came Gallo, Violet, and Ritter.
"Hey!" Stella yelled. "If anyone wants drinks, c'mon up to the bar!"
"They ain't free, though!" Hermann yelled again. Cindy gave him a side-eye. "Fine. Fifty percent off, but only because it's a holiday. And, Lee Henry will be here with the other kids soon, so if he wants a drink, don't give it to him! He's still a few months away from the legal drinking age."
A few of the first responders laughed and then you waited for a few people to get up and go to the bar and then you went up.
When you ordered your drink from Stella, you had to yell over how loud it was starting to get. Some of the doctors and nurses from Med had just walked in, so there were even more people here. You couldn't believe it had only been you, Hailey, and Jay just a little over an hour ago.
"Hey, Y/N," Stella greeted. "What can I get for you?"
"Something fruity and a bit strong," you said.
Stella raised her eyebrows and she shared a look with Kelly who was sitting at the bar right next to you.
"Everything okay?" Kelly asked.
"Yeah, everything's fine," you answered. "Just started to get a bit crowded in here and I know my social meter will go down in about an hour."
"Your what?" he asked.
"I won't feel like being around people in an hour," you clarified.
"Fair enough," he said.
Then, Violet came and stood next to you. "Hey, Y/N. You hungover at all from last night?"
You shook your head. "I only had two drinks last night, remember? And they were super spaced out. You have any trouble getting Gallo and Ritter back to your place?"
"The hardest part was getting Gallo in and out of the car and up the stairs. Luckily Ritter wasn't as drunk as Gallo so he helped me with that part."
"Good. He drinking anything tonight?"
Violet smiled. "Well, he said no more drinking last night, but in about hour he'll probably break that. But, Ritter promised he'd only have two drinks tonight so I don't have to deal with both of them like I did last night."
"Well, that's good."
Then, Stella came out with your drink and you handed her some money. When you got back to your table, Makayla asked if you'd play her in Trivia Crack, to which you happily obliged.
You had been here for a little over three and a half hours and to say it was loud would be an understatement. Stella and Kelly were here, and so was Gallo since they didn't have close family to go to. Violet and Ritter had left a while ago to go spend some time with their families and Adam, Kim, and Makayla had left so that they could break into the pie that Makayla and Kim had made last night and Adam promised that they'd decorate for Christmas tonight, too. Will was here and since he had to drive himself home, he was capping himself at two drinks, so he wasn't as loud as Jay was because he was officially three sheets to the wind as of two drinks ago (Hailey had officially cut him off and Stella would now be serving him soda water with a splash of alcohol on the straw so that he assumed the drink was alcoholic). And there were lots of first responders who you hadn't met who were on shift and just stopped by for a Thanksgiving meal because they weren't able to spend the day with their families since they were working.
Unbeknownst to you, Hailey had had many a panic attack in her life and had been watching your body language. She had noticed how your brow was slightly furrowed all the time and how your eyes seemed to be hyper-focused on your drink in front of you and how your foot was bouncing on the leg of the chair.
"Can we go home soon?" you asked.
"I just got here," Will said. Then he caught your gaze. He too noticed your face. "Okay, how about we leave in an hour?"
An hour. You could do that.
"Okay. An hour. Yeah, that works," you agreed.
At least, you thought you could do an hour. Everything was normal and then you had to use the bathroom. You didn't go in there to avoid people, but to actually use the bathroom. But, when you were walking to the bathroom, you finally grasped how many people were there when you had to squeeze past people and were constantly saying excuse me and sorry.
There were too many people here and they were judging you. They were looking at you, talking about you.
You finally made it into the bathroom and, by some miracle, it was empty. You stood at the mirror and gripped the sink as hard as you possibly could because you needed to get out of here and you needed to do it now.
You couldn't go back through the crowd, but you didn't have your phone to text Hailey. It was still back at the table.
You still needed to pee though, so you made your way into a stall and you tried to focus on your breathing.
Was it getting faster? Shallower? Or was that all in your head?
Fuck, you didn't know anymore. You didn't know anything. You didn't know why you were feeling this way and why you always dreaded having to be around people and why you hated the holidays, but it happened and it always happened. And every year, you forgot how bad it was and then you agreed to do things and then Thanksgiving rolled around and you knew you were in a hellish month and a half of having to do too many things and see too many people and wear too much makeup and—
Oh, God. Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.
It was happening.
You weren't to the point of hyperventilating, but you knew that in about a minute your breath would be coming out in gulps.
You grabbed your left wrist with your right hand and dug your nails in as hard as you could. You hissed at the pain, but it gave you something else to focus on. You needed to get out of here and into Jay or Will's car before you became the talk of everyone's next shift.
"Y/N? Is that you?"
Shit. Stella.
"It- It- I'm fine," you said. But, even you wouldn't believe that statement.
"Doesn't sound like it. Are you sick? Do you want me to get Hailey? Or Will or Jay?" She asked.
"H- Hailey. Get Hailey."
"Okay. I'll be right back. Just, stay here."
Then, you heard footsteps and the sound of the door opening and closing.
Oh, no. Stella knows. Now people are gonna know you can't even handle seeing people for dinner and what if they tell people? What if they check you into the hospital for a psych eval? It wouldn't be crazy since you were around doctors and nurses. Or worse, what if Jay, Hailey, and Will didn't want to deal with you since you ruined Thanksgiving and they put you on a 72- hour psych hold? What if they—
"Y/N, hey, it's Hailey," Hailey said gently. "Stella's outside the bathroom. She's just telling people that there's an issue with a toilet so they don't come in." She paused and you looked down and saw that her feet were right outside your stall door. "Can you open the door?"
Slowly, you opened the door.
Hailey's eyes wandered down to your left wrist, which she saw was scratched up and she made a mental note to make sure it got cleaned when you got home. But, she knew that the important thing to focus on right now was your breathing.
"Y/N, I know these suck, okay? But, I'm gonna have you squeeze my hand and just focus on my breathing, okay?"
You nodded. "Sit- Sit down?" you asked.
"Sure, we can sit down."
You moved about ten feet and then slumped against the bathroom wall next to Hailey. She knew the floor was probably filthy, but she didn't care. All she cared about was making sure you, her little sister-in-law, was okay.
It took multiple tries and squeezing Hailey's hand as hard as you possibly could, but you eventually got your breathing back to normal.
Hailey wrapped an arm around your and pulled you into her as you finally began to cry.
"It's okay," she said gently. "It's okay."
You just continued to cry.
You had ruined Thanksgiving.
"Do you wanna go home?" You nodded. "Do you want me to have Stella take you out the back way and then Will can meet you there? I would take you, but Jay's drunk and he'll be more likely to listen to me than to Will when I tell him we need to leave later." A ghost of a smile appeared on your lips as you nodded. "There's that Halstead smile. Now, I'm gonna go get Stella and then have her stay in here with you and I'll talk to Will, okay?"
You nodded one more time and she squeezed your hand once more and then stood up and left the bathroom.
Not fifteen seconds later, Stella walked in, taking Hailey's place.
"C'mere," Stella said and held her arms out.
You stood up and hugged her as the last of your tears trickled down your cheeks.
"Let's get you outta here, kid," Stella said and quickly got you out of the bathroom and thorough a door marked employees only which was a door five feet to the left of the women's bathrooms. Then, you and she weaved your way through the many boxes in the back until you finally made it to the back exit.
When you got out, you were met with the smiling face of your oldest brother.
"Hailey said it would probably be best if I took you home and I think I agree. I don't need a shiner from having Jay punch me when I'm trying to shove his drunk ass in my car."
Will expected a laugh from you, but when nothing came, he just thanked Stella and led you to his car...which was parked half a block away.
"What do you say I stop at the gas station and grab us each a pint of ice cream, hmm?" Will asked when he started driving.
"We already had pie," you answered, your voice monotone.
"It's Thanksgiving. No one's counting. And, I think we should."
You shrugged. "Okay."
"And Jay doesn't get any because he'll just puke it up anyway."
"Get some for Hailey, too," you reminded him quietly.
Will smiled. He was just happy you were saying something instead of just answering questions.
"Do you know her favorite flavor?" he asked.
"Strawberry," you answered. "But, I think she only says that one's her favorite because Jay doesn't like it so he won't steal it."
Will laughed at that. "Okay, one pint of strawberry ice cream for Hailey, one pint of cookies n crème for you, and one pint of whatever looks good for me."
"Not so fast, missy," Will said after you walked in the door, grabbed a spoon from the kitchen, and made a beeline for your room. You turned to face him. "Gotta clean up your wrist first."
"How'd you know about that?" you asked. "And, they're barely even there. It's fine, Will."
"Hailey texted me about it while I was in getting ice cream and you were in the car. And, I don't care if they aren't deep. I'm cleaning them. Simple as that."
You knew there was no point in arguing with him and all you wanted to do was go to sleep after you ate your ice cream.
"Fine," you agreed and then put your ice cream on the counter and made your way to the bathroom.
You pushed yourself up onto the counter while Will busied himself grabbing supplies from the first aid kit.
"Jay really keeps this thing stocked, doesn't he?" Will commented.
"Him and Hailey are cops," was all you said to that.
Will just nodded, sensing you didn't want to talk that much, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't try like hell to get you to talk about what happened. After all, as the oldest, wasn't it his job to get to the bottom of it?
"Hand please," Will said after he got the alcohol wipes and bandaids out. You obeyed and held out your left hand, palm up. Will quickly inspected it. And, you weren't lying when you said the scratches were just superficial. "They're not deep at all."
"Told you," you mumbled.
Will busied himself with washing his hands and then opening the packet of alcohol wipes, hoping you'd say something. You didn't.
"This is gonna sting," He told you, and you bit your cheek as he wiped down your wrist. Then, he waited for it to dry and put a bandaid on it. "There. All better."
You got off the counter. "Can I have my ice cream now?"
Will knew bribery wasn't a good way to get someone to open up and though he would never use it on a real patient, you were his little sister, and therefore, that rule didn't apply to you.
"Depends," he began, "You gonna tell me what happened back at Molly's?"
"Nothing really happened," you told him. Because it was true. Nothing technically happened; your nervous system just decided to screw you over.
"People just don't have panic attacks for no reason, Y/N." He wasn't saying this in a rude way but in a caring way.
You sighed. "Jay's stubbornness is rubbing off on you."
"Fine. There were too many people. I'm gonna go eat my ice cream now... in my room... alone."
"Just remember to throw it away when you're done," Will reminded you because he knew that was all he was going to get out of you right now. "Don't need an ant infestation in your bedroom."
You just nodded and made your way to the kitchen and grabbed your spoon and your pint of ice cream from where you had left them.
When you got into your room, you changed into a pair of comfy pajamas and then sat on your bed and opened your ice cream.
Then, you popped in your headphones and opened an audiobook on your phone, so that you had something else to listen to instead of your own thoughts, and started eating your ice cream.
Half an hour later, you had thrown away your empty pint of ice cream and laid in bed, ready for sleep to finally overtake you.
But, all you could think about was how you had ruined Thanksgiving and how you still had to somehow make it through Christmas and New Year's with all those people and parties without this happening.
Eventually, you cried yourself to sleep.
"How's the headache?" Will asked Jay the next morning.
"Will? What? I know you have a key, but—"
"I asked him to stay," Hailey said, walking out of the kitchen holding two cups of coffee. She handed one to Jay and left her cup of coffee on the table. Then, she pulled a bottle of Advil from her hoodie pocket and handed it to Jay. "Take 'em, mister."
"I will," Jay answered. "But, why'd have Will stay?"
"Well, between you being drunk off your ass and Y/N having a rough night, I can only deal with one thing at a time. He's here in case you were still drunk and Y/N had another panic attack."
"I'm gonna be honest here," Jay began, "I only vaguely remember last night."
Will and Hailey quickly filled him in, even though he remembered most of the night up to when you had to go home.
"So, did she talk to you?" Jay asked after he downed the pills and took a sip of his coffee.
"If you mean did she tell me anything useful, not really. She just said that there's too many people."
Hailey nodded. "That can happen. Overstimulation and stuff like that."
"Maybe I can get through to her," Jay suggested. "Sometimes I get that way with fireworks."
"That's a trigger, Jay," Hailey stated. "Not the same thing." She paused. "Or it could just be everything piling on together."
All of a sudden, something clicked in Will's head. He remembered working a case a couple years back where a woman came in and had chest pain. As it turned out, she was just having a panic attack. After speaking with Dr. Charles, they learned that the cause of it was the holidays on top of everything else happening in her life.
"Maybe it's all the people she has to see between now and New Years," Will suggested. "We had a patient come into the ED because of that once, thought the panic attack was a heart attack, happens more often than you'd think."
"Well, we can't force it out of her..." Hailey trailed off.
"True," Will agreed. "But I can phrase it as a yes or no question."
"And if it is, then what do we do?" Jay asked. "No Christmas parties? Just do Christmas with us four this year? Stay in on New Years?"
"We'll figure that out when we get there. But, start thinking of ideas just in case."
"Hey," Hailey said gently when she heard movement in the kitchen from her place on the couch next to Jay. She had been reading while Jay had been watching football highlights from the many games that happened yesterday. She nudged Jay and he turned his head to look at you. "You want some breakfast? Or, more like lunch now, I guess."
"I got it," you said. You knew if you talked any louder that you'd start crying, so you quickly made your way to a cabinet and took out a bowl and then a mug so that you could focus on making your breakfast.
You hadn't even had time to spoon yogurt into your bowl before Jay was up and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, talk to me, kiddo."
At that, you finally broke. You cried like you had last night. Except, this time, Jay wrapped his arms around you in his overprotective-big-brother way that always took away your bad dreams and worries when you were a kid.
"Let us in, Y/N," Jay whispered. "What's going on?"
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to r- ruin Thanksgiving!"
"Oh, no," Hailey said as she made her way over to you, holding a cold glass of water for you to drink when you could. "You didn't ruin in."
"I did! I'm sorry!"
Jay pulled away from you and put his hands on your shoulders. "Hey, look at me." You looked up at him. "You didn't ruin anything. And, even if you did, I didn't remember the second half of last night anyway."
The last part almost got a smile out of you. Almost.
"Do you know why any of this happened?" Jay asked.
Hailey sighed. Her husband obviously still didn't understand regular anxiety as she did. So, she decided it was time for her to step in. "What he's trying to say is, what was happening before you ran into the bathroom? What was the last thing you were thinking? Because sometimes it's not one specific thing that you can easily identify."
You looked down and thought for a beat.
"I was thinking that there were a lot of people."
"Okay, good. That's really good, Y/N."
And, I know that there's a lot of people we have to see and parties we have to go to for Christmas and New Years and- and I didn't want to tell you I don't want to go because you guys might think I'm stupid—"
"Whoa, hey," Jay said quickly, effectively cutting you off. "We'd never think you're stupid."
You wiped your nose as it started to run.
"You should. I think I'm—"
"Nope, none of that," Jay cut you off again. "How about you eat and then go take a shower and then we can watch movies all day? Because Lord knows this hangover's kicking my ass."
You nodded. "Yeah, yeah, okay."
Then, you took the glass of water from Hailey and chugged it before going to take a hot shower to wash away your multiple breakdowns from the past twelve hours.
"Hey, you—"
"I got something," Jay told Will over the phone as soon as he heard the water running. "And, as much as it pains me to say it, you were right, about the holiday anxiety thing."
"She told you that?"
"I don't know if she meant to say it or it just tumbled out, but yeah."
"So, what do we do?" Will asked.
"How much time off do you have saved up?"
Will sighed. "Jay, what are you planning?"
"I'm not planning anything. This just popped into my head, I swear. So, how much time off?"
"Enough. Now, what were you thinking?"
"What if we go up to the cabin, say on the 19th? We can spend Christmas and New Years up there. I'll ask Voight for furlough later and get back to you. I don't think it'll be an issue, though."
Will sighed. "Listen, that's two and a half weeks. I have enough, but everyone wants off for the holidays. But, if I can't swing it, you just bring Y/N up there and have Christmas without me."
"No, I'm serious. I'll be fine. I'm more worried about her." He paused. "Wait, how's she getting time off?"
"I'm gonna talk to her about going tonight so that she can request time off when she goes into work. It's easier for her to get off than it is for us, anyway."
"Yeah. Well, let me know. And, I'll talk to Goodwin tomorrow. Y/N's doing better then?"
"A bit. She was still upset, but then me and Hailey talked to her. She's showering now and then we'll see how she is."
"Okay, keep me updated."
"Will do. Let me know if you get the time off."
3 weeks later
"Why are we leaving so early?" you complained when you and Jay were carrying things out to his truck.
"Because we have to pick Will's sorry ass up. And, if you don't complain anymore, we'll stop for breakfast on our way to pick him up."
You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "You're not lying to me?"
Jay shook his head. "Nope. Now, how about you jump in the trunk and I'll hand you everything?"
"We're covering this stuff with a tarp, right?" You asked.
"Oh, yeah," Jay agreed.
It was snowing a little bit right now, so you knew as you drove north, that the snow would only get heavier.
"Good." You looked at the boxes sitting on top of Jay's suitcase, duffle, and toolbox. "Are any of these presents?"
Jay handed you your suitcase and your set it down in the bed of the truck. "No snooping. Some you will get tonight, though."
"Tonight? Really?" you asked excitedly.
"Just a couple little things from me and Will."
"You wanna give me a hint?"
"Hmmmm, how about no?"
"How about yes?"
Ten minutes later, the truck was packed and you were doing one last double-check through the house while Jay said goodbye to Hailey. Voight said he needed at least one detective in Intelligence for the next few days, so Hailey was gonna fly out early in four days—on December 23–and then Jay would go and pick her up while you and Will stayed at the cabin and then she'd stay up there through New Years and ride home with the three of you.
Now it was time to grab breakfast, pick up Will, and then it was off to Wisconsin.
You thought that you were dying. Actually, maybe that was a little too dramatic. You just wanted to jump into an ice-cold lake. Maybe that would make your headache, dizziness, and nausea stop.
You leaned your head against the window. You had taken Dramamine fifteen minutes ago when you three had stopped at a gas station to grab drinks and go to the bathroom, but it wasn't kicking in yet.
"Will," you groaned.
"You okay back there, Short Stack?" he asked and turned around.
"No. How long does this take to work?"
Will studied your face. "You look a little pale." He turned back to face forward. "Jay, take that exit up there and pull into the first parking lot. Y/N looks like she's gonna throw up."
Jay glanced in the rearview mirror. "I'll turn down the heat," he said and fiddled with the dial. "Five minutes, kiddo. Hold on for five minutes."
"It takes about thirty minutes to an hour to kick in, so when we find somewhere to stop, we'll stop for about twenty minutes, and then you should be good. Just close your eyes."
"Okay," you mumbled.
Will said something to Jay, but you didn't catch it.
"Yeah, I'll get it out when we stop."
"Okay, good," Will said.
You didn't know what they were talking about, but frankly, you didn't care. You just wanted the spinning to stop.
Five minutes later, Jay pulled into the first parking lot he saw, which happened to be one for a church. And there was no one in the parking lot other than you, which you were grateful for because you really didn't need other people seeing we you throw up the breakfast that you had eaten earlier.
The minute Jay put the truck in park, you were out of the truck and doubled over.
You heard a door slam and then Will was right next to you.
You dry heaved a couple of times.
"Ugh," you groaned. "I just wanna puke so that it'll stop, but nothing's coming out!"
"I know, I know," Will said. "But sometimes that's all it is."
You groaned again. "I wanna sit down, but I don't wanna sit in the truck because it's too hot."
Will looked around and he saw the church entrance covered by an awning, keeping the area below it free from snow. "How about we walk over to the doors and you can sit under the awning? How's that sound?" You nodded and started walking towards it with Will staying close to you in case you got dizzy or something like that. "Jay's grabbing you some Benadryl from the first aid kit and some water. Hopefully, that'll help."
"Yeah, because I'll be asleep until we get to the cabin," you said as you slumped against the building.
Will was squatting in front of you, but you needed him to sit down next to you.
"Sit down," you ordered.
"Why?" Will asked, a smile appearing on his face. "So you can use me as a pillow?"
"Fine." He reluctantly agreed and slumped down against the building and you quickly leaned against him and closed your eyes. "Better?"
"Hmm, much."
You heard quick footsteps approaching and opened your eyes.
"Here," Jays said and squatted in front of you two and held out a pill and a bottle of water. "Take this. And then I gotta get a picture of you two to send to Hailey. You two are adorable."
You took the pill and water from Jay and glared at him playfully.
"Yeah, yeah," Will said. "Laugh it up, Jay. But, your ass is sitting in the back because I'm driving now and Y/N needs the front seat so she doesn't puke."
Fifteen minutes later, your Dramamine had finally kicked in and you were back on the road, this time with Will driving, you in the front seat, and Jay stuck in the back.
"Perfect. Got it," you heard Jay say as you were just starting to wake up.
You blinked and opened your eyes to see that you were exiting the highway and then you turned to see Jay throwing himself back into the seat where he had been sitting. That got your attention.
"What happened? What were you doing?" you asked and shot up in your seat. Your question was answered by Jay just smiling at you sheepishly and pressing a few buttons on his phone.
A notification popped up on both your and Will's phone.
"Check your phone," Jay told you.
You glared at him and reached for your phone.
It was a notification in the group chat between you, your brothers, and Hailey, which you had named Halsteads x4.
There in the chat was a picture of you sleeping with your mouth wide open and a spot of drool on the front of your hoodie.
You looked between Jay and Will twice and then looked down at your hoodie.
The drool was still there.
You wiped at your face just in case there were drool marks near your mouth that the camera didn't pick up.
"That picture doesn't go anywhere except that chat. You hear me?" you ordered.
"Hmmm, I'll think about it," Jay said.
"Yeah, me too," Will agreed.
"You two are assholes."
Will laughed. "Love you, too."
Then, another notification popped up in the same group chat. It was from Hailey.
Awww, she drools almost as much as you, Jay.
"Ha! Shots fired!" you yelled. "I am so glad you married Hailey."
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Jay said sarcastically. "Just park up there," he told Will.
"What are we doing?" you asked.
"We're switching drivers," Jay answered. "I can maneuver this truck on the backroads better than Will. We don't need to run head first into a tree tonight."
"I drive fine, thank you very much," Will argued.
"You almost gave me a heart attack when you slammed on the brakes. Twice! I'm surprised you didn't wake Y/N up!"
"Well, I'm not getting out of the front seat, so you get to sit in the back, Will."
"You are so lucky you're the youngest," was all Will said to that.
"So, which one of you is checking for mice?" you asked when Jay put his truck in park in front of the cabin.
"I sprayed that place with rodent repellant and set so many mouse traps before we left in July, you'll be fine," Jay told you.
"No!" you yelled immediately. "You have to go check. I'm not gonna be screaming for one of you to come downstairs in the middle of the night to come catch a mouse for me!"
"Just go check, Jay," Will agreed.
"And you're not coming because...?" Jay asked.
"I'm the one who gets to tell you if your mouse bite is infected if you get bitten. And, you have a gun, I don't."
Jay sighed and unbuckled his seatbelt. "Yes, because if a mouse runs in front of me, I'm gonna shoot it, which is gonna put a hole in the floor. Think, Will!"
"I do more thinking at my job than you do!" Will argued.
You leaned your head against the passenger seat.
Hailey will be here in four days...Hailey will be here in four days..., you kept repeating to yourself.
"Just make sure there's no mice, please. You both do lots of thinking at your jobs. Just, go check the cabin, Jay."
You swore you heard him say that he hated being the middle child when he got out of the truck.
Half an hour later, you and Will finally entered the cabin. Jay had confirmed that there were no mice and he hadn't seen one...except for the one in the oven that he burnt to a crisp and then took care of it and put the oven on the self-clean cycle while he searched the rest of the cabin. And, if he did see any more mice while he was searching the rest of the cabin and had to get rid of them, well, he made sure not to tell you that because he wanted you to be able to sleep tonight.
"I get Mom and Dad's room, right?" you asked.
"Yeah," Jay confirmed. "Until Hailey gets here. Then you switch with me and get the loft."
"I should get to share a room with Hailey and you and Will should just stay upstairs," you said.
"I'd like to sleep with my wife, thank you very much." You burst out laughing and Will almost dropped the box he was carrying. "Not like that! Jesus Christ!" Jay tried to walk it back, but it was too late.
"As long as we don't hear any noises, feel free," Will joked with a shit-eating grin on his face. This, in turn, earned him a punch in the arm from Jay.
"I don't need to think about that, you nasties!" you yelled. "La, la, la, la, la, la!" you yelled as you made your way to your room to put down your suitcase and duffle.
Ten minutes later, you had everything inside and had just finished putting fresh sheets and blankets on your bed.
You walked out of the room and asked about the thing you wanted to do the most since you learned about it this morning.
"Can I open my presents now? Please?" you asked.
Jay and Will laughed. "It's like you're five," Will commented.
"At least I don't snoop for my presents. Jay," you said and turned and glared at him.
"That made me into the detective I am today."
"Oh, bullshit!" Will yelled. "But, yes, you can open your presents."
Jay walked upstairs to the loft and came down with two bags.
"Merry early Christmas, kiddo."
You took the bags from him and quickly opened the bigger one first.
Inside, were two Christmas sweaters. One was gray and had a pug wrapped in Christmas lights on it and the other was green and said Fleece Navidad and had a sheep with a Santa hat on it.
"They're so cute!" you exclaimed.
"We figured you needed something festive," Will said. "And, me, Jay, and Hailey all have the dog one so we can match."
"That part was Hailey's idea," Jay chimed in. You opened your mouth to say something, but Jay quickly cut you off. "And she's bringing them up with her. Our's are not here."
You gave him a fake pout, causing both he and Will to laugh. Then, you moved on to the next bag.
"A face mask...body scrub...shower fizzers...fuzzy sloth slippers...nail polish," you said as you took items out of the bag.
"Hailey had the idea for a little self-care kit for you," Jay explained. "So, most of this stuff was her idea."
"Um, I found the slippers, thank you very much," Will said.
You laughed. "Thanks, you guys. I love it."
"I vote hot chocolate and at least the first two Home Alone movies," Jay suggested. "Everyone good with that?"
"As long as you spike the hot chocolate with Bailey's," Will said.
"I second that!" you agreed.
Jay rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll spike the hot chocolate."
"Wake up. Y/N, wake up," you heard Will say as he began to gently shake your shoulder.
You rolled over and opened your eyes. "Hmmm. We're on vacation. Let me sleep."
"It's 2:00. You've slept like fourteen hours."
That got you up.
"What? How?"
"Well, you fell asleep on the couch last night—"
"I know that. I mean how did I sleep that long without waking up once?"
"You were tired. Now, get up and get ready. We're cutting down our Christmas tree."
"What? I thought there was a dinky fake one that mom and dad left in the attic from when you and Jay were little."
"Yeah, but we thought it would be more fun if we cut down a tree. It's cold out, so wear layers. And before you ask, yes, coffee is already made."
"Okay, I'll get ready. Hopefully, Jay doesn't hurt himself with the chainsaw."
"Better him than me."
He put his hands up in a sign of surrender. "What?" Will laughed. "It's true!"
You chucked a pillow at him. "Now get outta here so I can change."
"Wait!" you yelled as Jay turned on the chainsaw after the three of you picked out a tree.
"What? What's wrong?" Jay asked as he quickly turned off the chainsaw.
"I need you to pick up the axe."
"Yeah, why?" Will parroted.
"Just humor me and pose like you're gonna chop down the tree. Or whack it once. I don't care."
"Why?" Jay asked again.
"For an Instagram post."
"You're not gonna let this go, are you?"
He sighed. "Fine."
You took out your phone and filmed Jay taking a whack at the tree with the axe.
Then, you pocketed your phone and walked closer to Will. "We don't have a lumberjack, we have a lumber Jay."
Will smiled and shook his head. "That's what you're gonna caption it, aren't you."
"Yup. Shocked you know what that is."
"Oh, Jay's gonna love that. And, I am not that old."
"I'd beg to differ."
"Can I use the chainsaw now?" Jay yelled.
"You're good!" you yelled.
"Will, get over here and direct me!"
Will walked over and you trailed behind him—at a safe distance—to watch this.
"Why am I directing you and not Y/N?" Will asked.
"You know how she is with directions. You're helping me shove this thing into the truck so I can back it up to the door of the house so we can get it inside, too."
"I have very valuable hands!"
"There's extra gloves. Now, c'mon! We're burning daylight here!"
You laughed. "Okay, now you are both officially old!"
Later that night after getting the tree inside and decorating it, Jay and Will were both immersed in their card game upstairs on the floor of the loft. They tried to convince you to come play with them, but they were playing Euchre and you had no idea to how to play, and to be honest, you had no desire to learn how to play.
So, you decided now was the perfect time to sneak off to Jay's truck and try and find the wifi password for it.
You grabbed Jay's keys off the hook by the door and then quietly opened the door and went outside.
You thought the smartest thing to do would be to open the driver's side door with the key instead of hitting the buttons.
You did this and then got in the driver's seat and looked for the wifi network.
You reloaded your settings and even turned your phone off and on again, but still nothing.
You turned the key in the truck and the engine quickly revved to life.
But, this alerted your brothers and they came running outside before you could even attempt to put the password in.
"What the hell are you doing?" Jay yelled as he yanked open the door. "Get out! Now."
"Jay, relax," Will told him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure Y/N has a perfectly fine explanation for this." He locked eyes with you. "Don't you, Y/N?"
"I wanted the wifi."
"For?" Jay probed and raised an eyebrow.
"To watch the Hawks game."
"To watch—" Jay looked down and shook his head and started laughing. "You wanted my truck's wifi to watch the Hawks game?"
"Yeah," you answered quietly. Even though you were 22, Jay could still easily change into the scary detective in front of you in a heartbeat.
"Why didn't you just come tell me?" he asked.
"Because I thought you'd say no."
"And you're right."
"Jay! Why would you—" Will started, but Jay quickly cut him off.
"Right that I won't let you connect to it. But, I'll pull the truck around closer to the cabin, put it in auxiliary, and then you can watch the game on my laptop. That sound okay?" 
"Yes!" You jumped out of the truck so that Jay could get in and move it.
At the end of the night, the three of you were all exhausted from cutting down the tree and the game was high scoring and went into a shootout that Jay almost forgot to go back outside and turn off his truck.
The next day was a very relaxing day. You used all your self-care stuff and read a book and drank warm wine throughout the day while Jay and Will spent time in the barn doing who knows what.
The next day was spent similarly, except for the fact that it was mostly Jay who was holed up in the barn all day while you convinced Will to make cookies and watch all of the Santa Claus movies with you.
Will periodically went out to the barn to help Jay, and even though you wanted to go in, every time you tried to, you were stopped by either Jay or Will—one time Jay had to actually carry you back inside the cabin—and they wouldn't tell you a single thing about that they were doing in there.
Now it was finally the 23rd and Hailey was going to be here soon. Jay had to wake up early to get to the airport to pick her up, but he had promised that he'd bring breakfast back for you and Will, mainly because Will couldn't cook and you hated cooking things for multiple people (you always made either too little or too much).
Once Jay got back with Hailey and the four of you ate breakfast, you quickly led Hailey into your room.
"What's the rush?" she asked with a big smile on her face.
"I need help wrapping Will and Jay's gifts and I need to do it before they make me go upstairs because Jay snoops and there's a lock on this door."
"Ohhh. I got it."
"Also, did Jay tell you what the two of them were doing in the garage? They've been holed up in there for two days and when I try to go in, they stop me."
Hailey shook her head. "Jay didn't mention that."
You crossed your arms over your chest and cocked an eyebrow. "Are you just saying that because he told you to say that or because you actually don't know?"
Hailey laughed. "I really don't know, Y/N. You look like Jay when you do that, though. He does that a lot in interrogations."
You quickly uncrossed your arms. "Please never say I look like him again."
Hailey shook her head. "Okay. Now, what are we wrapping?"
"You wake 'em up," you hissed at Will on Christmas morning.
"No, you," Will argued back.
"You've seen the body parts! I don't need to see a penis on Christmas!"
"Well, I don't need to see my brother's penis or my sister-in-law's boobs. Seeing a patient's for medical purposes is different."
"You're older!"
"That's seriously the best argument you could come up with?"
"Yes, now—"
"You know we can hear you, right?" Jay yelled from the living area below you. "Me and Hailey have been up for an hour."
"Oh, well this is awkward," you said quietly so that only Will could hear you.
"We're coming down now, Jay!" Will yelled down and then proceeded to get out of bed and walk downstairs.
When Will was downstairs, you made your way over to the closet and changed your shirt into the sweater with a pug with Christmas lights on it. Then, you grabbed Will's from the dresser and headed downstairs.
"You forgot this," you told Will.
You had suggested that all four of you wear your matching Christmas sweaters today and Hailey enthusiastically agreed. After that, Jay texted you that this would be Hailey's first Christmas where she's not alone or with her family and he wanted to make it as special as possible. And, it would be the first one where they were actually married.
Will quickly put on the sweater and Jay threw a Santa hat to you.
"You're Santa this year, kiddo," he told you, which meant that you would be the one passing out the presents.
"Ho, ho, ho," you said and placed it on your head.
Then, you grabbed your present to Jay and Hailey to give to them.
Half an hour later all the gifts were open and you thought you had done a pretty good job with your gift-giving this year. You had given Hailey and Jay a set of brand-new pots and pans since they were always complaining about the ones they had. And then, you added something small for each of them such as a pack of fancy face masks and tea for Hailey and a six-pack of beer from around the world for Jay. For Will, you had gotten him a customized stethoscope with the Blackhawks logo and their colors inscribed with his name. You reassured him that Maggie had helped you order so it was up to doctors' and nurses' standards.
"We have one more gift for you and Hailey," Jay said.
You looked around. "Where?"
"Grab your shoes and come out to the garage."
As the four of you walked out to the garage in the cold weather and through a dusting of snow on the ground, you asked Hailey if she knew what was going on.
She said she had no idea.
"Merry Christmas," Jay said with a huge smile on his face as he opened the garage.
Sitting in the center of the garage was what looked like a homemade hockey net, made out of what looked to be wood and painted red and black for the Blackhawks and then rope tied in small knots between the posts as the net. There were two hockey sticks and when you looked closer you saw that one said your first initial followed by Halstead on the shaft of your stick and then H. Upton-Halstead on the shaft of Hailey's. There were also two pairs of hockey skates and a burgundy bag filled with hockey pucks.
"Now you see what we've been doing in the garage for so long," Will told you.
"You two built all this?" you asked, astonished, as you picked up your stick.
"We just built the net," Jay answered. "Me and Will know a guy from playing pickup who knows a guy who makes custom sticks, so he made those." Jay looked at Hailey with a puzzled look. She looked like she wanted to cry. "You okay, babe?"
"I just- I don't know how to skate," she answered quietly.
Jay put an arm around her. "That's okay. I'll teach you."
"We thought of that," Will said and quickly came back with a folding chair. "You can bring this on the river to help keep your balance." He turned to you. "As for you, I'm teaching you how to hockey stop."
"Because, when we play two-on-two, you're on my team and I don't want to lose."
Jay scoffed. "We both know I'm the better shooter here."
"The rule is we have to keep the puck on the ground. No wrist shots, bud. I don't feel like having to do impromptu stitches."
"Hmm, we might actually win," you said.
"What do you guys say?" Jay asked. "After we have cinnamon rolls for breakfast, wanna start skating? And then we can come in and all work on lunch together?"
"You promise I won't have a broken arm after this?" Hailey asked.
Jay laughed. "I will try my best."
Then, the four of you went back inside and ate a breakfast of cinnamon rolls and coffee. Then, you brought everything down to the frozen river and started lacing up your skates for a day on the ice.
Over the next week while you were at the cabin, Hailey successfully learned how to skate and how to protect the puck with her stick, and Will successfully taught you how to hockey stop—you were better at stopping with your right skate forward than your left skate—and Jay taught you how to do a wrist shot. And, nobody needed stitches or broke an arm or any other bone.
You would say that this was a great way to spend Christmas away from everyone, but still with the people you loved.
A/N: See? I told you it would be festive! As always thank you for reading and please remember to reblog and comment! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I'll add you!
Taglist: taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @911ls-tarlos @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88 @glitterquadricorn @luvreading67 @smoothdogsgirl@afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff@actlikesummerr @lcothr523 @star-wars-lover
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wilczachannn · 3 years
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– TIRED EYES, cc! sapnap.
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in which // sapnap's tired, so don't make him angry.
genre // platonic ,, angst? ,, fluff.
word count // 300+
warning // probably ooc sapnap !! not proof-read !! sorry i'm too lazy + i used “she” way to much 😭
a/n // my first time writing for sapnap ,, so i'm sorry if anything is wrong . very short drabble <3 mixed povs !!
i somehow deleted the original request but it was prompt 5 with sapnap ,, she/her pronouns ,, requested by @atsumuahh :)
prompt // "i'm tired so don't make me angry."
FOR MY 300+ SPECIAL HERE !! closed !!
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the day started as usual, you got to work early, to get things ready for the day ahead, i mean, tables and cups won't be clean by themself. which was a usual thing you would do and your boss thanked you so many times for doing it everyday, to which you responded that you were always happy to do it.
so there she was, almost finished cleaning the tables enjoying the calmness of the place, she started to softly hum her favourite songs, as she watched out for any cats around her feet, trying to not accidentally step on one. dancing around the room she stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed a figure outside the window, she couldn't quite tell who it was, but the person looked oddly familiar, then they gently knocked on the cafés door, sudden dear overtook her, as the women backed away, the figure yelled out,
"hey [name]! you there?"
a smile creeped into her face. she slowly walked up to the door, opening it with the keys she had in her pocket at all times. her smile quickly faded away when she saw his face, his usually cheery eyes now tired, hurt even. he stared at her, as she did with him. a frown appeared on her own face. her hand reached out to touch his surprisingly soft cheek.
"sap? what happened love?" you asked, brushing his cheek calmly. his eyes drifted away from you.
"i'm tired, so don't make me angry." without any warning, he collapsed into your arms. the both of you almost fell to the floor if you didn't catch him in time. her hand found it's way to his smooth hair, running her fingers through the strings of it.
"wanna talk about it?" 
"no, not really."
"that's alright, tell me whenever you're ready."
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@bbh-a3sth3tic ,, @tanoukii
@lavenderjacobs ,, @oh-mcyts
@that-enby-mf ,, @joyfullymulti
@mcyt-sh1t ,, @luluwinchester
@kitsuneglasses ,, @beepbopbee
@angstyx ,, @sunniewrites
@oddf0x15 ,, @icarusthefoolish
@emprixnix ,, @xfeliciahardyx
feel free to join the taglist, here !!
reblogs ,, likes & comments are appreciated !!
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62 notes · View notes
randomgamefan · 3 years
It's chapter 4 babey, not too long awaited and definitely something I'm excited to share!
I won't keep ya, get into it, feel free to yell in the comments!
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The four quickly headed out of the factory, Leshy looking as if the tech would jump out and bite him, which was quite amusing for P03. Grimora and Leshy stayed in front, chatting about cards as they walked, though Grimora world occasionally glance back at the two.
Luke walked at about the same pace P03 hovered, keeping his eyes on the ground, at least until the robot spoke. 
"And why are you tagging along?" P03 asked with a smug face, it's tone implying Luke probably wasn't 'worthy' to walk with the scrybes, or something like that.
Luke shrugged. "I was invited to come along, and what else was I going to do? Sit in Leshy's cabin alone?" 
P03 snickered. "Invited? What, by the insane duo at the front?"
Luke gave a nod. "yeeep. Got a problem with it?" He asked, trying to stop himself from letting a smile creep into his expression. 
P03's display flicked, it's face now annoying, but it didn't respond.
Luke studied the robot for a second. For the entire time he played this game, P03 was incredibly self-centered. Why would it play along with Grimora? There had to be an ulterior motive, but what would P03 have to gain by coming? The whole situation boggled Luke's mind, for the short time he got to think about it.
It didn't take long for the group to reach the outer edges of Magnificus' domain, the air around them seeming to glow with a magical hint. The rocks on the ground shined and shimmered, though nothing was as bright as the factory reflected in the sunlight. The dirt under their feet was coarse, rocks and other things seeming to be uniformly mixed in. 
The tower itself wasn't far away, though they had to cross a couple more bridges, much to Luke's dismay, though they soon approached the entrance to the tower itself. It loomed over the party, with what Luke would guess to be about 4 or 5 stories, all in worn brick. Moss and vines had taken over a large majority of the tower, which only enhanced the feeling of age. There were few windows, to be fair Magnificus didn't seem to be the type of person to longingly gaze out a window. 
As Luke was looking the building up and down, a strange sort of crackling and whizzing noise came from beyond the main door. He pulled his gaze from the tower, staring at the door for only a moment before, 
A large stream of magic poured out of the door, Luke not even having a second to process it before something grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him off his feet and away from the stream. 
Luke felt his heart beating out of his chest, taking a moment to calm down before realizing his feet weren't on the ground. Glancing over, a very startled looking P03 held him up. Holy shit, P03 had just saved him, what the fuck.
Before Luke had time to process what just happened, P03's expression turned to anger, and it dropped Luke to the ground. P03 might as well have marched in the tower, yelling a loud, "You almost killed me, what the fuck was-" before cutting itself off
Luke got quickly to his feet, running inside to see what the hell had just happened. 
P03 stood in front of Magnificus, who seemed quite pleased with the anger of his fellow scrybe. Beside Magnificus were his three students, the lonely wizard bouncing a bit in place. 
"Good shot," Magnificus commented. "Try to hit them next time, though."
"Okay!! Thank you master Magnificus!" The small wizard commented, seeming quite excited with the praise. 
There was silence in the room as the other two scrybes made their way inside, clear surprise on their faces. 
"Is there something I can help you with?" Magnificus asked, examining the group that now stood on the bottom floor of his tower. 
P03 looked annoyed. "Are we just getting no explanation for this??" It practically shouted, gesturing around the room.
"Is there one needed?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at P03. 
"For once I do agree with it." Luke commented, looking around with confusion. "there's a lot here that doesn't quite add up." 
Last Luke had seen, Magnificus' students were locked up in essentially torture chambers, unable to escape and in a lot of pain. And from everyone else's reactions, that was the last they had hurt of it either. 
Magnificus sighed, seeming to realize that he had to explain. "I suppose Luke opened my eyes. He knew how to play his cards and used my wizards against your creations." He gave a slight glare to P03.
"And Lone was going to leave if you didn't." The pike wizard commentated. 
Magnificus seemed to be annoyed at that being revealed. Luke secretly felt a bit liberated - Lone deserved freedom, and here he was. Well, and the fact that.. hey wait. 
"Did you just say that I helped you see their worth? Wait, you were watching in act 3??" 
The words escaped Luke's mouth as soon as he thought them, He was glad, of course, but surprised to hear that he helped free the magicians. 
The four scrybes in the room stared at Luke. Leshy and Magnificus just looked confused, while P03 seemed shocked and Grimora appeared.. not just surprised, but also a bit happy?
P03 turned to Grimora, seeming exasperated. 
"Grimora! You *inscrybed* Luke?? What the fuck?!"
"I didn't mean to!" She countered. "I didn't think he was dead! I was just going to make a momento of everything!"
"Well, kind of hard to miss the recovery process, I don't think he had the ability to do that on his own, do you??" It countered. 
Grimora growled. "I still couldn't have known he was dead!"
"You knew fine well there was a possibility! You did it on purpose. Admit it Grimora."
Luke took a moment to step in. "I'm sorry, can we please go back to the part where someone said I was dead?"
Luke could barely keep his footing, his heart beating loudly in his ringing ears. He held a hand to his head, trying to process anything that had just been said. 
"Oh, and you didn't even tell him he was dead, just lovely! Grimora, I can't believe-"
Luke couldn't hear any more of what was being said. His vision was blurring at its edges, and he felt his entire body collapsing under him. The last thing he could remember was Lone cry out in alarm as his knees buckled
He just needed a few minutes
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sunjaesol · 3 years
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jiara | drabble | written for my soulsister @hmspogue | title: pale blue eyes // the velvet underground
"JJ, what are you doing here?" Kiara asked, surprised.
Though it was nearing midnight and the hum of fireflies overpowered the chatter of customers, the humid air still hung around relentlessly. Her skin, slick with sweat from standing by the stove all night, her hair frizzy and in a messy bun, several fingertips red from accidentally touching the hot part of a pan.
When The Wreck was finally slowing down, she was able to take a break. That usually meant texting the guys at the back of the restaurant, or smoking a blunt to relax her churning thoughts (always thinking, always worrying about their dying planet, about Pope's apprehension to treat her as one of the guys, about John B's obviousness, about JJ's careless nature — her brain never stopped), or simply looking up at the sky to breathe.
The lights often made it hard to see the stars, but sometimes, like now, they were the brightest of all. Then Outer Banks didn't seem so divided, so lost in politics and greed and classism. Then it was just a silly part of North Carolina, hidden by sea and swamp and stars.
What she didn't expect, however, was a meandering JJ.
"Hey, Kie," he grinned. "Don't act so surprised."
A smile ticked up her lips. "My dad won't give you a free meal. He's already on my ass about it."
Swiping cigarette buds from the small bench, he sat down with a sigh and shot her a pointed look. "Just here to hang, dude."
That didn't make sense and she knew it didn't. They were friends, best friends even, but it wasn't like him and John B. They were like brothers, down to their matching first names. She knew for a fact John B was at the Chateau right now, probably watching some old surfing tapes to perfect his technique. JJ would jump at the opportunity to join, so why was he here?
She had an inkling. It was kind of silly. Kind of lame. Kind of dangerous to linger on for too long, because she herself didn't know what to make of it, what she herself felt. Having a mild crush on JJ was hard enough as it was — the prospect of him reciprocating? Terrifying. She'd rather chain herself to a tree while a lumberjack was striking it.
No Pogue on Pogue macking. Easy fucking rule to follow.
She sat down beside him. He smelled like vanilla Juul and beer and salt. Typical JJ.
"The Wreck was a lot tonight," she said, unable to think of anything else, "there was this family, some tourons, and they were acting like they've never seen a menu before, like sea food was fucking mythical. But you could see from their clothing they were rich, so I don't get why they did that."
"To mess with Kiara Carrera, of course," he joked. "Did you get tipped?"
"I did."
"Then that's all that matters," he decided. Pulling his cap off, he ruffled the matted blonde hair and added, "Mowing the lawns of those rich ladies is the best thing I ever did. They just throw with cash."
"And you—" She stopped herself, but it was too late. He caught how her flustered tongue froze and the way she turned bashful. Shit.
He leaned in, curious. "What?"
"What? It's nothing."
"No, you were gonna say something."
"I wasn't."
"C'mon, Kie," he drawled. "Tell me. I'm bored."
"Then go fucking surf, JJ," she bit. "I wasn't going to say anything."
His lips pursed, blue eyes peering at her, and she felt fortunate she didn't blush easily. Most of all, she felt stupid for wanting him to keep asking her, until she was forced to say it, to get it out with.
And he did. "Kie," he gasped, faux-offended. "Kicking me out like that? I'm hurt. Nah, I gotta know." He poked her side and she squirmed. "And I was what?"
A glimmer of playfulness crackled between them, energy rising and reaching a peak when he lurched forward and attacked her in a tickling match. Their laughter chimed in the warm air, mingling with the hiss of the kitchen and the crash of the ocean.
JJ was relentless, spidery fingers curling into her sides as she tried to save herself, but it was a lost game. Both doubled over in giggles, their tired bones overlapping — her vaguely remembering this was only a break, not the end of her work hours.
It didn't matter though. Her dad could scream at her all he wanted. Right now, she was having fun with JJ.
"And I what?" he heaved.
Kie gave him a hard look. "If you tell anyone I said this, I'll kill you. Twice."
He smirked. "Hot. But I promise. What is it?"
Swallowing down any embarrassment she might feel and owning up to her own thoughts — she was fucking Kiara Carrera! — she said, "And... you got ripped as well."
The smirk faltered, genuine surprise crossing his features as he leaned away from her. Kie didn't know whether to be hurt or relieved that he'd given her some space. What did she want, anyway?
He chuckled, the sound mechanical. Yup, she fucked up. "Oh. Uh, thanks."
Kie's teeth sunk into her bottom lip, worried she somehow messed up their perfect friendship with one silly comment. They were always mindlessly flirting, but this felt different.
She laughed, "You're really going to act shy about it?"
JJ scowled, but it didn't hold any malice. "You got the hots for me, Kie. I gotta process it somehow."
"I don't have the 'hots' for you," she scoffed. "Very cute that you think I do."
"You just did it again."
"You know what you also are?" she exclaimed, getting all up in his face. "Annoying."
"What do you think you are?" he teased, flicking her chin. "But it's whatever, Kie. You're hot, too."
Her jaw clenched. He was just playing with her. It didn't mean anything.
She stood up. "I have to go back in."
He jumped up with her, stunned. "Whoa. So soon? You don't think your old man will let you out longer?"
"JJ..." she sighed.
His hands raised in surrender. "Okay, I get it. But, uh—" he snuck forward and pressed a chaste kiss on her cheek "—good luck out there."
And then, before she could process or respond or yell or kiss him back, he was gone. Launched himself off the wooden platform and onto his bike, driving into the pitch black of the night.
Her cheek was warm, her lips slack, mind racing a mile a minute. She was unsure whether to go inside, or call him and ask what the fuck that was about.
In the end, she chose the former, but when he smiled at her the next day from the rim of his sunglasses, she knew it wouldn't be their last moment.
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fayeimara · 4 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
Episode 2. Next Time, Make it Up Twice
*Both Written and SMAU parts this episode*
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"I'm in love with soba, oh my god!" You're still relishing the meal you just finished as you walk with Toshi and his friends to grab some boba.
Tendou chuckles, "I think you only like it because of that character in your favourite manga."
"ONE of my favourite mangas, thank you. But yes, he's so cute just quietly eating his soba for lunch. Like, I'd definitely love it just for him, but I did actually enjoy it."
Semi smiles at your excitement, "You should try it hot too, it's different."
"Yes, yes. Of course, I will at some point but I'm soo full right now I can't think of more food."
"Do you not want the boba, then?" Toshi looks over at you seriously but you're already smiling and shaking your head.
"Of course I do, that's not food, Toshi!"
"Oh okay. I'll help you pick something light if you want."
"Thank you!"
The door chimes as you walk into the shop but you pause just inside to check your phone when you feel its persistent buzzing. You had updated your twitter and your friends are giving you grief over the picture of your lunch. Yeah, yeah, you wanted to try it because you simp for icy hot boys, so what? It's good to try new things.
You're firing off a reply to their sarcastic (read: jealous) comments when the door chimes again and then you're stumbling because something just knocked into you.
"Ow- shit!" That's not your voice. You don't think you've made a sound but you don't recognize that yet.
What you do register first as you're falling forward is how you're grateful because it's definitely not the hard door that hit your back and head, and you're lucky because you really shouldn't have been standing right there. Then you realize you're about to fall on your face because your hands are frozen clutching your phone. Just as that thought flits through your head faster than your lack of a quick reaction, you strangely find yourself floating before you can face plant on the floor and thank god because, ew, germs. Also, potentially ouch.
You're a little thrown off so it takes you a moment to realize you didn't make like another one of the characters in that particular manga and develop a float quirk. No, there's a toned arm that's caught you around your waist and now you're more than just a little thrown off.
You're sure you're blushing in embarrassment as you're carefully set right side up and turn to apologize to the owner of the savior arm.
"I'm so sorry!" You hear an apology at the exact same time it flies from your own mouth and you pause because you're melting into chocolate eyes that are probably as wide as your own.
Wha- You're looking up into the face of an angel! But no, really, omg it's a seriously cute boy. And why do you want to touch his hair??
He does look like he's genuinely sorry but his face relaxes as both your eyes hold and he smiles (quite charmingly), before calmly responding first "It's my fault, so I really am sorry for knocking you over, pretty girl. I was walking backwards and didn't see you there."
You raise your eyebrows, stuck on that for a second and accidentally blurting, "Who walks through a door backwards??" in genuine curiosity before your eyes widen, "I mean, no, but it's not your fault either! I'm the one that stopped right in front of said door, I really should have just moved up before checking my phone."
His hand reaches up to rub the back of his head in that way that really makes guys look cute when they're a little at a loss for words. At least that's what you think until he says, "Maybe we can make it up to each other, if you haven't ordered yet?"
"Oi!" An irritated voice calls out from behind him, "Can you let the rest of us in before you start flirting?!"
He lets out a light laugh before moving aside and two others cute guys enter. Like, what's with the air in Miyagi?!?
"Sorry Iwa-Chan, but I needed to make sure this angel didn't get hurt falling (for) because of me." He winks at you but you're a little lost in thought because you're thinking about how you like the way he talks. It's a little like he's singing at times and maybe it's because of his melodic voice but either way, it's pretty cute. You're going into overload and you have to consciously stop yourself from holding your hands to your cheeks. You really hope you're not still blushing, ugh.
You meet eyes with the intense one and like, hello, hi, I'm here for this vibe. The guy meets your eyes before quickly flicking his away. But then you swear he makes a conscious effort to bring them back to rest on yours and politely asks, "I hope you're okay?" You're smiling in reassurance when he adds, "This idiot is trouble on legs, so I'm sorry for him."
You burst out laughing and they're looking at you in surprise so you just shake your head and explain, "I think my friends have said the exact same words about me. No, we're all good, I really appreciate it."
And thank you, mother, for your own charming smile because all three boys blush but don't look away.
Point to pretty boy #1 though because he regains his composure the fastest and pouts, "Iwa-chan is so mean to me, angel, please don't listen to him. If I do accidentally cause trouble, I swear I'm good at making it up."
"I don't know if I can say the same?" You smirk but he grins.
"So let me make it up then, and buy you some boba?"
"Oikawa." Ah, there's Toshi, a little late for backup but you guess you did fine without a wingman.
Wait, wait. The pretty boy's smile dims and he's looking over your shoulder at where your cousin's voice came from. He's straightened up and his posture kind of yells belligerent attitude.
"Ushiwaka-chan. Tell me Miyagi isn't really this small." Wow, there's a bite in his words but like, you're liking it. What can you say? You're a fan of hidden depths.
"I am surprised to see you as well. Not as surprised as when I heard you truly chose another school over Shiratorizawa."
Okay, hmm, you're looking over at the friend he called Iwa and he's rolling his eyes, so clearly there's tension.
The pretty guy, who you're guessing is Oikawa, drops his smile completely. "Well, that was fast. Nice chat, but if you'll excuse me, I was in the middle of a conversation with a new friend."
"You know Y/n?" Toshi's at your side now and sounds pretty surprised but it's not as amusing as your new friend's reaction when he looks back and forth between the two of you in a sort of disbelieving realization. What dots is he connecting, exactly? Because, you'd like to know.
"Y/n, huh? I- didn't realize you had a girlfriend..?" He's questioning hesitantly, good boy, no jumping to conclusions. Just get your feet wet, I guess.
"We're cousins." You and Toshi end up talking at the same time like twins or something and it's a little comical.
Oikawa's mouth drops for a split second before pursing his lips and addressing you, "Well, I guess I can't hold family against you. It's not like you chose him as your cousin."
You let out a wry chuckle with an equally dry grin on your face, "But I did."
"What?" He's blinking down at you in confusion so you elaborate just a little.
"Toshi. I did choose him, actually." You're highly amused at this point and you like having the advantage, so you're going to leave it at that.
He does try to push, though, you think it's curiosity since that is a pretty odd statement. "Like, to spend time with him, or acknowledge him or something? I won't hold that against you either, angel. Family first, that's sweet."
"Uh.. no." You just smirk and his eyes narrow as his head tilts. Yeah, he knows you're definitely messing with him now, he's just not sure how.
It's all good though, because Toshi's timing is on point now, "Y/n, I hope you don't mind but I picked you a drink I thought you might like."
You look over to him happily, "Really?"
"Yes.. you said that would be okay previously?"
"Of course, Toshi, I really appreciate it!" You look over at Oikawa with a sweet smile, "It was nice .. having you run into me, I suppose. I didn't get to thank you for - or maybe even take you up on - your offer, but I do appreciate it as well. So.. thank you, pretty boy, but I can't be rude and ignore my friends that I'm here with today."
He follows your gaze over to the table your new Shiratorizawa friends have grabbed for all of you. They're chatting casually but clearly looking over though you don't quite know why.
Oikawa looks a little conflicted and disappointed when you turn back to each other, so you add, "Feel free to run into me again and maybe then we can make it up to each other twice."
You can literally feel your trademark playful smile on your face so you know that's what pulls his own begrudging smile in response. Works like a charm, but it's genuine.
He studies you for a moment, "Then I hope Miyagi really is small, so I can hold you to that."
Then he looks back at Toshi with full force attitude so it's time to step away. As you walk away you hear his friend Iwa say something about telling his mom he swore. And when you hear that musical cadence of his reply but not his specific words, you can't help but look back.
They're up at the counter and his friends are ordering but, oh wow, he's just leaning back against it... looking right at you. Ahh, caught. He smirks at you, but clearly he was looking too, so you just return his smirk with a raise of your eyebrow and make sure you're the first to look away.
Leave 'em wanting more, it's a good motto to live by.
The rest of the afternoon is chill, you rejoin the Shiratorizawa boys and they explain the dynamic between Toshi and Oikawa in the most hilarious way so you're all just teasing him and laughing. You realized at some point during their explanation that you'd heard of this guy from Toshi a couple times and never thought much of it. But now.. he's a real person to you so you're definitely a little more interested beyond your cousin's innate desire to pull together an overpowered team.
Tendou also makes you recount the entire encounter from near face plant to Toshi's interruption before Semi and Soekawa have enough and decide to move on. It's even better, they have you laughing so hard and your sides in stiches from retaliating with funny stories about Tendou and Toshi or Coach Washijo impressions.
If you said you didn't end up glancing over at another group seated several booths down during the time you were there, you'd be lying. If you said you didn't connect with warm brown eyes every time, that would also be a lie. What you really couldn't say is if you enjoyed your boba or not because the butterflies that took residence in your stomach were the only other thing you noticed until you left the shop.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Y/n really gets along with Semi but he reminds her of a certain someone
-She and her friends are night owls which is how they're able to respond to her so fast at even 2am or 3am their time (EST)
-We all know the show referenced right? (If not, I would highly recommend watching Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia)
-The angel/devil theme might be played on a lot, her school is literally Ashwood Devils and her national league is Aurora Angels
-I like to think the characters who make those comments or use those terms in application to Y/n all realize the irony at some point, even if it's not explicitly written out in the story
A/N: I realized I forgot to add the first pic (the twt about all the Shiratorizawa reactions) to the end of the last chapter, which is where it was supposed to go. So, even though, I'll go back and fix that, I'll also add it here for anyone who's already read that chapter. Sorry guys! Once again, thanks for bearing with me while I figure out the social media stuff. Feel free to point out any mistakes to me too! Sometimes I'm creating this stuff when I haven't slept 30+ hours so... there's bound to be things I miss or get wrong :)
I also changed 'Extras' to 'Behind The Scenes'! Same concept for small thoughts that might supplement the story where you're currently at and provide background or additional commentary but renamed to fit the theme a little better, I guess. What do you guys think - does it even matter? Do you guys read any of this or just here for the fic and skip by? Genuinely curious to know (:
Aaand, didn't think I'd need this but you made my day:
Taglist: @delusivist
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 42
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This chapter was a mess. But it's my mess.
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FOUR weeks of Silence
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Veteran's Village
A peaceful Sunday meant that Roach, Alex and Soap were chilling at the house Samantha and Maxine were in. It had been 4 weeks since that Cuban incident and Francine had gone to therapy for her near death traumatic experience. If it wasn't for Soap, she would've been left out there for good.
France thought that it would be healthy to stay in a more domestic setup rather than the base so she took her time off duty to recover in the veteran's village. And ever since that day in Cuba, Soap and France's relationship was more expressive than ever.
"If we're having a barbecue tonight, we better head off to the meat shop." Alex peeked by the door, giving a heads up to the rest of the people sitting on the couch. Soap turned his head to Alex and tossed his keys as Roach stood up and came with Alex.
"Any other requests?" He looked at the group then to Maxine, who shook her head and laughed. 
"Just be back safe." She replied.
"Got it." Gary nodded and waved goodbye at them. Soap wanted to come along but France had been falling asleep on his lap for quite a while. And Maxine and Samantha noted that she hadn't had decent for days.
"Oh, Roach! Grab me a cigar maybe." He whispered, trying not to wake France up.
"Roger that." He nodded and made his way to Soap's jeep, where Alex was already waiting on him. He sat himself on shotgun and let Alex lead the way to their destination.
He turned on the radio as it played a song about driving. Roach was quick to shazam it and found out it was Automobile by KALEO.
"Now this is going to be on my playlist." Alex said as his head nodded to the music, taking him where the winds take him, far away.
"Agreed. Oh, Soap actually asked for cigarettes so we might have to stop by a convenience store on the way back." Roach informed as the song ended. 
"Okay. That's cool. Maybe add a few sodas for the girls. They probably haven't had those i  ages." He said as he turned the radio off and switched it to AUX.
"Here. Grab my phone and play that song again." Alex instructed as he drove through the streets, and Roach followed him. Playing the song again.
"Ah yes. This song is good." Alex sighed.
"Yeah. It's fire." Roach commented, making Alex raise an eyebrow.
"You know, fire… lit… slaps… Modern terminologies." Roach explained shyly as Alex chuckled.
"I'll never understand the young ones of today." Alex chuckled as he stopped by the parking lot, pulling his phone and leaving the car.
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Dinner was the best part of the Sunday evening as the three couples enjoyed a hearty meal together, sharing experiences and funny stories like an extended family. Roach talked about his raccoon story once again as one topic led to another until such time that the inevitable topic was discussed.
"Speaking of fires, do you have any leads on Nero?" Samantha asked innocently as the men fell quiet, looking at each other. Wondering who would open up the topic.
"Well, uh… After his assault in New York…" Soap trailed off, his eyes went to Alex, signaling him to continue.
"Alex, it's your girl's question! Go answer it!" Soap complained as France laughed, wrapping her arms around Soap.
"He's gone silent." Alex muttered. Samantha was kinda sad she asked about it so she tried to make up by brightening up the mood.
The night continued on as the group played charades, girls vs boys. For an hour or so the soldiers forgot about their worries and acted like they're normal people living their normal lives outside work. It wouldn't hurt to pretend like that, especially when the baggage of guilt was hard to handle.
"So, Gary. I've been meaning to ask you something…" Maxine said as she assisted him in the kitchen.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"How are you… like mentally. You seem… off." She asked, Gary sighed and eased his shoulders.
"It's just… we almost lost a life back there… for nothing. Lannister hasn't said any useful information and as the days go by another assault might occur." he breathed out his worries, earning a back rub from Maxine.
"People have their limits. Lannister could break anytime. Let's just hope we're not too late." She assured him. It was a very negative statement but somehow it's actually helpful. Gary smiled and gave her a hug.
"Thanks Maxine." he said.
"Yeah. Don't ever think you're alone. I'm here for you. Actually, just last night. I had another memory restored. And it felt so important that you have to know it first. Before…" she said, her voice lowering down after every word.
"Before what?" Gary whispered jokingly. Maxine laughed and hit his chest gently.
"Nevermind that word. Back to my memory…
I…" she trailed off, looking like she was too shy and scared to finish the statement.
"You…?" Gary raised an eyebrow. Maxine took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"I had an ex-girlfriend." She blurted and paused right after saying it, bracing at what Gary's reaction.
"I- uh.. That's okay… There's nothing wrong with that, Maxine." He said like he meant it. Maxine was too shocked about his reaction. Maybe she thought about it too much.
"Like… does that change anything?" She asked.
"Nothing at all. Oh wait! Yes! It does." Gary announced and Maxine's smile almost dropped.
"It means that if I want to have you, I'll have to step up my game. I have more competition now." He realized and Maxime sighed in relief. This man was about to get some scolding.
"You worried me, you know!" He continued gently hitting on Gary's chest, giggling away all her fears. He still accepted her. This was great.
"My point's valid!" He laughed, defending himself from her hits,.like children playing house. This may seem like a simple event, but this was the beginning of something new for the two of them.
Task Force 141 Base - Interrogation Room
Price sat in front of Gabriel, they've been silent for about an hour now as Gary and Soap stayed on the viewing area to observe the interrogation. Alex was here thirty minutes ago but he left after he got a phone call.
"What kind of twisted play is this?" Soap asked, crossing his arms and looking at Gabriel.
"The bastard won't talk. Just cut off a finger or something." He scoffed. To Gary, it would make sense, but with all the cameras and the formalities, It wasn't allowed. Especially that Gabriel's alibi was that he got their first to investigate. Which was total bullshit.
"He still has his ace on his sleeve. As long as we don't find proof of involvement, he's going to be free soon." Gary commented, making Soap grumble some Scottish curses.
"It's pretty obvious!" Soap yelled as Alex entered the interrogation room, saying something to Price as they immediately left him alone. Whatever that message was, looked way more important than Gabriel.
"We've got a lead on Nero!" Alex said as he peeked on the door, making the two stand up immediately and head to the briefing room.
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"Operation Eye of the Storm." Price announced.
"In 24 hours, Nero and his newfound friends will meet on a hotel in Prague. This intel was from one of the Resistance Leaders Alex once teamed up with. They reached out for help since Nero started to secure the whole city." Price paced back and forth on the big screen.
"The plan is to eliminate Nero and his allies. As simple as that. We have the element of surprise in our hands. Soap, I want you to position yourself on the clock tower, just by the hotel. A bullet to the head should work. Alex will be watching your six. Jack will be our eyes and ears inside the convention. He'll be signaling when they'll be out on the open. Roach and I will enter the building for cleanup. We only had one shot at this so let's make it count." Price briefed and everyone else murmured their thoughts, some were already thanking for a solid lead. This was it. The final showdown. The end of the war.
Alex and Soap already left the resistance safehouse, they had to be at the clock tower tonight, using the concealment of the night and the noise of the rain for cover. The perfect opportunity to say under the radar. Meanwhile, Roach and Price stayed to defend the place as Nero's men once again ransacked the streets just to ensure his safety. The world may have announced that the war in US was over, but Nero still had some cities under his control. This minor setback was the reason he's planning for something new. And they're here to stop it.
"Alright, Roach. Your replacements here." Price said as he stood up from his spot. 
"Get ready for the big day tomorrow." He added as he nodded and left his gun for the next person to use. Tomorrow's battle is going to be tough, and even though he didn't want to admit it, Roach needed some rest.
Despite the occasional gunfire and screaming, Roach was able to sleep. He didn't mind the battle outside the building as his battle was with Nero. Once Soap shot him dead, he would also want to shoot him again, just to feel satisfied.
Hotel Lustig
Prague, Czech Republic
Roach hid on the west wing of the hotel, while Price was on the other side. They were both clinging on to the walls as their entrance was at the small opening where Soap would shoot Nero. Roach eyed the convoy just below him.
"Convoy's up ahead. Nero should be in one of those cars." Soap muttered.
"Can't see shit through the lens. He could be anywhere." Alex added.
"Easy lads. We'll have a clear shot once they're in the balcony. Right Jack?" Price asked. Jack didn't respond, but maybe the signal inside was too weak.
"Jack? Do you copy?" Price asked.
"Da. I do copy, Captain Price. I'm just here to get my old prisoner back. I've had him in the gulag for quite a while but it seems this is our first time meeting face to face." A russian voice which everyone assumed to be Nero said in the most villainous tone possible.
"You're too predictable, Captain." he said as he clicked something, prompting an explosion on the clock tower.
"Get down! C4!" Price yelled as the two soldiers jump out, falling on to railings. Alex landed on a fruit cart by the tower while Soap landed on the car, crashing it as it alarmed.
"Roach! Go help them out!" Price ordered as Nero's men started to circle around the two while the resistance team helped them defend. 
Roach quickly pulled Soap up who was groaning in pain. Alex looked pained too but the look in their eyes says that they're still willing to end this today.
"Let's catch up with them." Alex said as a resistance member tossed them a rifle and quickly hid for cover, pushing their way into the hotel. At the corner of Roach's eye, he saw Price enter the building, loading his gun and ready to end this as well.
Next Chapter : THREE Bullets
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @whimsywispsblog @ricinbach @bumblingbee1
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rosemarypasta · 4 years
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➤ pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤ chapter warnings : slowburn (?)
➤ summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 3183
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-ˏˋ chapter one ˊˎ-
12:50 PM
"Pleaseeee." The red haired boy nagged.
It was your first year in Karasuno High. You had lots of expectations on what your high school experience was going to be like but you had absolutely no intentions on being involved in any sports whatsoever. Yet, there you sat in your seat, bombarded by two students from the neighboring class during your lunch break. You barely even know them.
"Hinata stop shouting! We're in someone else's class, idiot." The raven haired boy ironically yelled as he hit his shorter friend on the head with a roll of documents, which were being forcefully shoved into your hands just a second ago. "I don't even know the first thing about volleyball! Besides, I don't know anyone there, won't it be awkward?" You whined, trying your best to decline their ridiculous offer.
"That's not true! You know us!" Hinata smiled. That was in fact, false. The only reason why you even know their names was because they forced Hitoka, your classmate, to tutor them for the exams and unfortunately, she caught a cold a few days before the exams so she forced you to cover for her for a few days. It's not like you disliked them or anything, you just didn't know anything about them other than their names and the fact that they both have very short tempers.
"Come on Y/N-chan! It'll be fun." Hitoka followed, smiling in the same manner as Hinata. You shot her a look, expressing your disgust at her betrayal. "Well if it's so fun why don't you do it instead, Hitoka-chan?" You replied to which she reacted by furiously shaking her head and hands, "My mom would never let me." She playfully sighed, though you knew damn well she was relieved in the inside to have her mother's strict wishes as an excuse to pass on the burden to you.
After another minute of bickering, the bell finally rang, dismissing everyone from their lunch break. Kageyama swore silently under his breath as he heard the familiar melody. "Look, just come by the gym today after school. Just um... think of it as a free trial. Let's go Hinata." He swiftly said, putting the club application form on your desk as he dragged his friend by the collar before escaping to their respective classrooms. You turned towards your blonde classmate who was already giggling at your suffering.
You sighed as you watched the teacher walk in your classroom. You slid the stack of papers under your desk and tried your best to forget your worries for the time being.
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3:00 PM
The bell rang for the final time for the week and you quickly packed your bags. You had no intentions to stop by the gym whatsoever. You knew if you stopped by even for a second, You'd definitely get roped in and they'd guilt you into signing the form before the day was over. You were hurrying so much, planning to not bump into Hinata and Kageyama on the way home that you were practically shoving anything and everything into your bag. You said your farewells as quickly as possible to Yachi and your fellow classmates to avoid Yachi's comments about skipping the meeting and rushed out to the hallways but unfortunately, you underestimated how eager the students were when it comes to going home for the weekends. But despite the tightly packed hallways, you were determined to slip into and nook and cranny available to get home safe and sound. It took a whopping five minutes for you to just get to the staircase. And as you were getting ready to finally reach the first floor, you overheard something peculiar from behind.
"Oh! Shoyo mentioned that there'll be a new manager dropping by today."
"Really? Damn I hope she comes cause if not, I guess we'll just have to take her to the alley."
The stairwell was filled with chatter but your ears oddly picked up the conversation revolving around the short first year volleyball player and the manager he was invited.
They were talking about you.
Take her to the alley? The alley? A million intrusive ideas came up to mind. Were they planning to kill you if you didn't show up?
You laughed at yourself quietly. There was no way a high schooler could commit such violent crimes over something small like a sports club. Though curiosity got the cat and you slowly turned your head as naturally as you possibly could to see what they looked like. You caught a glimpse of the two boys conversing about you and felt like you could wet yourself. One was tall and had a buzz cut land the other though not as tall and was actually around the same height as you had spiky dark hair with a blonde streak which fell on his forehead. They looked like thugs.
Feeling terrified was an understatement. Were they members of the volleyball club too? The sight of the two unfamiliar menacing men changed your mind. No highschooler would commit such crimes but if one was to get murdered by two highschoolers, they'd probably look like them.
The conversation you overheard made you subconsciously turn on your survival instincts. As soon as you reached the first floor, your body turned towards the gym unwillingly. It was too late now, you could hear their footsteps trailing not far from you. You pushed open the gymnasium doors and was greeted by the sounds of squeaking volleyball shoes rubbing against the floor.
Everyone's eyes turned towards you and the squeaking stopped abruptly. You couldn't do anything but watch as their towering bodies slowly walked towards you. You have always avoided sports in general because you were short and naturally bad at it so you assumed that volleyball players were at least closer to normal people unlike the basketball players that looked like skyscrapers from a distance since Hinata was in the club but boy, you were wrong.
"Are you Y/N?" A deep voice right in front of you said. His shoulders were broad and big, though he wasn't the tallest person in the crowd, his presence was still overwhelming. "Oh the new manager?" Another deep voice joined in. You turned to the new source of voice and froze at the sight of the volleyball player.
He had a beard.
You have heard a rumour circulating the halls about a third year in Karasuno that has been held back for five years because he was dealing drugs and had a favorite past time that consisted of beating up the younger students. Could it be him?
In the midst of the sea of terror, a vibrant familiar voice yelled, "Oh, Y/N!". You looked up and felt tears of joy pooling around your eyes as you saw the red haired boy.
"Asahi, scoot over, you're making her cry." A grey haired senior laughed as he pushed the now concerned bearded man away from my sight. "So you're going to be our second manager right? Y/N-san?" He continued, "My name is Sugawara Koushi and i'm the vice-captain of this club." He had a soft and prince-like voice which helped calm you down. His smile was bright and charming, fit for royalty. He extended his arm gracefully and you carefully shook it.
It took a full ten minutes to get to know everyone in the club. Sawamura Daichi, the first person who spoke was the captain of the team. He definitely seemed intimidating at first but had a fatherly aura to him which made him a perfect fit for a captain. Azumane Asahi, the bearded man immediately cleared up all the rumours I've heard about and clarified that he was just an innocent 17-year old student. Then you were introduced to the second years and the rest of the first years who you weren't familiar with. Tsukishima shocked you the most since he was pretty much the tallest member of the club and he was only a first year. You didn't know how you went three months of school without knowing he was in the class right next to yours. With his height and blonde hair, you wondered how you could possibly miss him. Lastly, Hinata and Kageyama showed you the current manager, Shimizu Kiyoko.
She's breathtaking.
Her silky black hair flowed in the air as she turned to greet you. All you could do was stand in front of her and be stunned. You felt like you definitely stared at her a second too long before introducing yourself which made things awkward but fortunately, she didn't seem to notice. She was about to ask you about something but she didn't get to finish her sentence as two screams filled the echoing gym.
You turned around to the entrance and fear took over your body once again.
The buzzcut and the blonde streak duo.
They were preoccupied with Shimizu so you tried your best to avoid attention and inch closer to the two boys you actually knew but before you could even make it anywhere close to the red and black haired duo, the two upperclassmen shifted their gaze from their senpai to you.
"Ah, Shoyo! So it worked!" The shorter of the two exclaimed as he jumped up and down, pointing at the red hair opposite him who was jumping up and down in the same manner.
You stood in the middle of the court confused. Work? What worked?
"Don't tell me you actually went through with the plan." Daichi scolded, his hands already crossed in front of his chest, to which the other third years responded with a laugh while the buzzcut, blonde streak guy and Hinata froze in the presence of their upset captain. "Oh so that's why you're here Y/N! Don't tell me you actually believed the things Nishinoya and Tanaka were saying." Sugawara attempted to sigh before chuckling himself as he put his hand on the captain's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.
"I told you it would backfire." The tall blonde sniggered alongside his olive green haired partner.
After a few minutes of scolding, Daichi made Nishinoya, Tanaka and Hinata apologize to you, which took you a few moments and an explanation from Sugawara as to why they had to apologize to why they had to do so. According to Suga's explanation, the volleyball club was desperate to find a new manager since the third years would be graduating soon. As an act of desperation from Hinata, and a drive to impress their senpai for Nishinoya and Tanaka, they came up with a plan that would intimidate and scare you into joining the team. Though Hinata claimed and insisted that the second years went overboard and tweaked their plans on a whim.
"Well, now that everyone is here, Y/N, I think you can finally properly introduce yourself since all the distractions are out of the way." Daichi sighed, shaking his head at his troublesome players.
You held your breath and faced your future, much taller teammates. Even though they are intimidating, they seemed much more fun than you thought. This moment may not be that pleasant in real time but you're sure you could laugh back at this moment in the future.
"My name is Y/N and I'm in class 1-5." You started, glancing from left to right. "I guess I'll be your manager from now on so... I look forward to working with you all." You bowed towards the unfamiliar faces. Your words were shortly followed by a series of cheers. "I guess this would be my life from now on for the next three years." You thought to yourself.
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6:00 PM
Three hours later, the Friday sun began to set. Though you have done the bare minimum of only watching balls get thrown across the room for several hours, you felt exhausted. The boys had three-on-three games amongst each other and you felt like you've aged ten years after watching a handful of them. If matches against their own teammates are that intense, you wonder what would happen in a real match against actual rivals. You prayed that you won't get high blood pressure by the end of the year.
"All right, that's all for today. Don't forget that morning practices are still on for tomorrow and that the practice match against Aoba Johsai will start at two in the afternoon so make sure to pack a lunch." The coach, Ukai Keishin, who you didn't notice was the coach until thirty minutes into practice because of his youthful hairstyle, announced before the whole room scattered to clean the gym. You were in the middle of folding the chairs and storing them when it hit you.
Tomorrow is a Saturday.
You have also just realized that unlike the other clubs you've barely joined in the past, the vast majority of sports clubs train on the weekend as well. You mentally facepalmed yourself and cursed at Hinata under your breath for getting you involved in the club. A distant sneeze was heard from the red haired boy.
The clean up was easier than you thought, you were only halfway done picking the balls up from the ground when Nishinoya and Tanaka proudly announced that they were done mopping the floors in an attempt to impress their senpai manager. Shimizu quietly chuckled with you as the two of you continued to fill your arms up with more volleyballs.
"So, Y/N, I think you should get one of the boys to walk home with you. We don't usually stay back until late at night like today but it might be scary to walk home alone." Shimizu advised you as the two of you stored the balls away in the storage room. But before you could even ask for anyone's help, the bright red-head started bouncing off the storage room walls. "I'll walk home with you Y/N!" Hinata proposed eagerly as he dropped the folded net in the corner of the room. "But Hinata, don't you live in the mountains? That's the opposite way from my house." You said, turning him down but despite your rejection, he was still keen to walk you home and insisted on going.
"I'll walk you home instead, I don't think I burned as much energy as I wanted to today so I don't mind a longer walk home." The black haired first year suggested. You raised your eyebrow and found it baffling that he felt like he didn't burn as much energy as he wanted to despite just finishing a three hour long practice where he constantly had to run and jump.
You and Kageyama began to walk together. The sun was already out and the yellow tinted street lights were the only thing illuminating the streets besides the pale moonlight.
"Um, Y/N, we are headed towards your house right?" Kageyama abruptly spoke as the two of you began to enter your neighbourhood. "Yeah, why'd you ask?" You asked back. "That's a weird coincidence, I live on the same street." He stated, with a concerned and focused look, probably thinking of a reason why the two of you have never seen each other despite having the same route to and from school. It took you a few minutes to realize that you never go to school as early as him and go home as late as him because you're never had morning and afternoon practice before.
"Oh, yeah! I've been in sports clubs for so long that I forgot that normal people don't have the same schedules as we do." He lightly chuckled after you voiced your thoughts.
"Gah! Teddy, NO! Don't piss on my leg!" A voice yelled in the midst of the serene and empty night. Kageyama stopped abruptly as the voice filled the deserted street. The voice began to quiet down and started mumbling muffled words but It didn't die down. In fact, it started to grow clearer and you and Kageyama started walking again. Shortly, you and Kageyama stood in front of a sweaty brown haired boy walking a small brown poodle.
"O-Oikawa-san?" You turned to your teammate.
Kageyama knows this freak that has been yelling and talking to himself?
The boy shifted his gaze sharply from the dog to you and Kageyama. "Oh, it's Tobio-chan!" He sniggered as he ran his fingers through his hair.
His face was pretty and fair. Even under the yellow street lights illuminating him, you could see his sparkling brown eyes matched his equally as captivating brown hair perfectly. You rarely found deep interests in random strangers even if they were attractive but you can't seem to take your eyes off the one standing right in front of you.
"What are you doing here?" The stranger in the turquoise and white jacket asked. His voice was stern, as if he demanded an answer from Kageyama. "Er- I live in this neighbourhood." Kageyama mumbled but it was loud enough to be heard by you and the boy standing in front of him. "Really?! The one time my family decided to move to a new neighbourhood, you happen to be my neighbour?" He groaned, face palming dramatically while Kageyama continued to stand beside you awkwardly in silence. You began to question the identity of the stranger. He seemed like he hates Kageyama a lot but Kageyama isn't doing anything. In practice, it seemed like any little thing Tsukkishima and Hinata did and said made him scream in annoyance but this guy who was so blatantly rude to him isn't triggering him at all.
"Alright, alright! I get it, you need to pee!" The irritated brunette screamed at the odd acting dog that has been scratching his trouser for the past five minutes. "Tobio-kun, I look forward to destroying you in the match tomorrow." He declared with his chin up, pushing his concerns for the dog away momentarily before walking past you two Karasuno students towards a nearby park.
You questioned and interrogated the now, much more quiet teammate and squeezed as much information you could in the remaining two minutes you had with Kageyama before you reached your home.
His name is Oikawa Toru and he goes to Aoba Johsai, the school Karasuno is playing against the next day. You tried to squeeze more information about the memorable stranger from the raven haired setter but all he told you was that he was his senpai back in middle school
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12:00 AM
You plopped on your bed after a long day and closed your eyes to process the things that have happened in the last twelve hours alone. Even reliving the events that occurred earlier that morning overwhelmed you. You couldn't believe you went through all that in a single day. Despite the variety of chaos you endured that day, you went to sleep that night with an image of a peculiar yet oddly endearing brunette stuck in your mind.
next:  -ˏˋ chapter two ˊˎ-
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huangels · 6 years
i won't let you down - mark
request: Can I request a Mark fluff? I just really need some fluff and maybe some humor too because I’ve been having the worst week. Thank you (◕ᴗ ◕✿)
a/n: aww i hope you’re ok!! and i hope this helps you or cheers you up !?? (also i think i’ve seen this idea in a show or something but i thought it’s cute and funny?) (also pt2 sorry if this pic seems a lil rushed, i tried to write it before my class lol) (also pt3 sorry for any typos or mistakes :p)
summary: The most popular boy in school, Mark, takes interest in you and decides to confess after years of admiration. Though, the way he confesses can use a little more work. 
genre: fluff, humor
warnings: none
word count: 2.2k
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You fidget around with the metal lock of your school locker while explaining to your best friend about a math assignment for your next class.
"So, you basically just cancel out the x and then add-. Hey! Are you even listening to me?" you say putting your books away into the now opened locker, but see that your best friend is staring at the direction of the entrance of your school. You then notice that everyone else in the hallway is also looking in the same direction. They all seem to be gawking at someone, girls whispering and giggling to each other. Curious, you look as well and see a boy walking down the hall overflowing with confidence, a smirk plastered on his golden face.
"Oh my god, he's gorgeous," you hear a group of girls say, waving at the boy as he strolls past them. He doesn't wave back but shoots them a quick wink before continuing down the hall.  
"Y/N! Look at him! Mark is such a god, I swear he gets more and more attractive each day," your best friend blabbers on, shaking your shoulders rapidly. With a "tsk," you brush off her hands but don't respond, taking out your math book before slamming the locker door closed.
Math is near the entrance of the school, which means that you have to walk pass Mark. Without waiting for your friend, you walk towards him, yet avoiding his gaze. Everyone else in the hallway is frozen, you two being the only things in motion. Right as you walk past Mark, you meet his daring brown eyes for a split second. He expects you to stop as he turns toward your direction, but you quickly break the eye contact and continue walking to class.
As can be clearly seen, Mark is the most popular and attractive student in your high school. Although he is really good looking and all, you can't see why everyone fangirls over him as if he is some idol. You don't care much for time-wasting high school relationships or drama anyway. You'd much rather focus on graduating high school, applying for multiple scholarships to your dream university, attending said dream university, so you can just live a wealthy and plentiful life with ease. Though, with this mindset, your friends call you the 'nerd'. You roll your eyes and shake your head free from the thought.
Having math first thing in the morning is always a pain in the butt. You slouch in your seat, hand under your chin, as you stare off into space. The teacher babbles on about derivatives and integrals, but you tune it out, toying with your pencil. Your mind wanders with its freedom from not paying attention to the lecture. For some odd reason, it wanders to Mark, who isn't even in your current class.
Mark and you have been attending the same schools ever since the first grade, along with many other people of course, since you all live in a small town. You do have to admit Mark has grown up beautifully throughout his years you've known him, with curly hazelnut hair, thick eyebrows, large eyes, and chiseled features. It would not come to a shock if Mark actually does become an idol somehow. He does already have what seems like fans surrounding him anyway.
Over the 12 years of school with Mark, you both have crossed paths more than you would like to admit. Mark is always outgoing in a way where he wants to befriend everyone, at least that was what it was like when he was young. During your first few years of school, you and Mark were close friends, but not to the point of hanging out outside of school though. It was after Mark started gaining more friends and becoming popular that you slowly distanced yourself, not wanting to share the spotlight, or even be in it at all. For years, Mark still talks to you, but now in a teasing and sometimes insulting way. It seems as if he became more arrogant with the on growing fans that he has. It annoys you every time he would stop you in the hallways or in class just to point out that your hair is a mess or your school uniform isn't tucked in all the way. It makes you feel uncomfortable and slightly irritated so you try not to cross paths with him in school.
Soon, lunchtime rolls around as you get pulled back into reality, away from your thoughts. You make your way to the end of the lunch line in the large cafeteria, looking over the heads of students to see how long the line is. There are many people already waiting and you question yourself how they got here so quickly. Then, people start lining up behind you as well. The line moves slowly, but eventually, you reach where the food is being distributed.
You grab a plastic tray and start packing the school food onto your platter. Your school, surprisingly, has many varieties of foods to choose from and they don't taste that bad either. Your glad because your stomach grumbles in anticipation of food.
You reach for an apple but see another hand reach for the same apple. Your palm lands on the red fruit first. Both of the hands touch as you look up to see who it is. Mark stares back down at you, his mouth is slightly opened and a dazed expression spread upon his face. You quietly cough, causing him shake his head before retreating his hand from its position on top of yours.
You pick up the apple and place it on his tray as you glance up at Mark, flashing a small smile.
"T-thanks," Mark stutters before you continue forward in the line. I thought he was the almighty most popular guy in school? You silently chuckle, facing the front of the line.
Shortly, you reach the register at the front of the line. You're about to pull out your wallet from your backpack until a hand, that's holding a credit card, reaches past you. The lunch woman hesitantly takes it and swipes before you can say anything, then hands it back to the owner. You whip your head around to find Mark taking back his card and putting it away in his wallet.
A small "Uhh" is all that comes out of your mouth.
"Don't worry about it," Mark coolly remarks before winking. He quickly pays for himself and leaves the line, heading towards the lunch tables. You regain all your senses before bowing your head to the lunch lady and making your way to your own seat, heart rate racing unknowingly.
"Hey Y/N, what's up?" your friend asks as you sit down with a blank expression. You sigh and stretch your arms over your head once you set your tray onto the crowded table filled with different lunch foods.
"Nothing much, boys are just...weird," you answer, plopping a spoonful of macaroni and cheese in your mouth. Your friends 'oooo's' and smirks at you.
"Someone has a crush," one of them sings teasingly, with a wiggle of an eyebrow. You roll your eyes but unconsciously bite your lips.
"No, you douche baguette," you say stuffing more macaroni in your mouth, not wanting to have to further think about it. "I said they're weird, not 'I want to make out with every single one of them'."
Your friends laugh as a couple of them elbow each other with the 'yeah right' face. You kick them under the table and continue with your lunch, ignoring their stupid comments.
As your friends instantly move on from the topic, now chattering about some music artist, you're left quietly eating your lunch, with different thoughts ramming around in your head that you don't quite understand, or want. For some reason, you're curious as to where Mark sits during lunch since you've never paid much attention to him. You look up and scan the school courtyard. All the students are huddled in their own cliques and friends groups. You spot who you assume are Mark's friends, but he isn't with them. He's probably off somewhere flirting with other girls or buying their lunches too, you scoff.
After everyone finishes lunch, the class bell rings. You stop by your locker to grab your textbooks but pause when you see some roses sticking out of the little slit openings on your locker. You look around the hallway with scrunched eyebrows, but everyone else is either walking to class or minding their own business. This is my locker right? I mean I did forget once and tried to open someone else's locker.
You slowly approach your locker, as if someone will pop out and yell, "It's a prank bro!"
Warily, you collect the few roses and examine them. Nothing that seems like it can kill me, that's good...
You let out a short breath before opening your locker. A folded up note lays on top of your textbooks. Your head tilts to the side as you place the roses down to grab the note. It's a simple note, written on a ripped off piece of loose leave paper from some notebook. You unfold it and start reading.
To the beuatiful, Y/N:
Im writing this note to explain to you how I feel (at least Ill try) I am starting to fall for you and it is driving me crazy becuz I cant seem to tell u how I really feel, It might seem weird but you've just caught my eye ever since the begining. Im starting to develope stronge feelings towards you, and I dont know why
I love you're eyes, you're smile, you're hair, and your laugh! When I here your voice my heart skips a beet.
I need to kno how u feel about me? Could you posibbly feel the same towards me? or can this never be? I just want u too be mine. I want to be able too say that ur mine girl. Well now you know that I am secretly falling in love with you. I just wish I could hear those same words from u. Maybe one day I will but until than I guess all I can do is wait. Please, dont make me wait to long!
Mark :D
You scrunch your eyebrows at all of the errors. This kid...
The late bell rings as you fold back the note before you have any time to criticize it and head to class.
The last class of the day is reading and you guys don't do much in the class. The teacher gives the class 'free time' to do other homework or start reading the book we're assigned to. You try to focus on reading the book, but all that crosses your mind is the confession letter Mark gave you. He seems so cool, how can he look like such dumbass and make so many errors? What does he learn in school? Nothing apparently...
You take out a red pen and start writing on Mark's note.
The final school bell sounds as you pack up your bag and set out to find Mark, folded note in hand. It doesn't take you long to find him since he's waiting for you right outside your classroom door. You almost run into him. Mark flashes a smile before pulling you aside by your wrist, away from the door as students are exiting to go home. He has the biggest look of anticipation on his face, eyes wide and lips spread from side to side. Without saying a word, you hand him back the folded note. He raises an eyebrow but takes it and starts reading. A long sigh escapes his mouth.
"I gave you the most heartfelt and sincere love letter, but you returned it to me with spelling and punctuation corrections?!" he exclaims, looking down at me with an unimpressed expression.
"How heartfelt and sincere is it really if you didn't even proofread," you mock with your arms crossed over the blazer of your school uniform, a smile teasing your lips.
"Well, I wrote it quickly because I had to run to the convenience store down the street to buy roses and I had to put them all in your locker before lunch ended," he explains, face falling for a split second. He averts his attention to the floor, leg bouncing hastily.
A small grin grows on your face as you say, "What do you do in your classes, dummy? You should be paying attention or something. I couldn't take it seriously with all the errors."
Mark bites down on the sides of his cheeks as they hollow out.
"However, I will let you redeem yourself...with a date," you say with a big smile. Mark quickly looks up at you, his face gleams and he smiles brightly.
"I won't let you down!" Mark replies as he jokingly salutes to you.
["Y/N? What are you doing here so early?" Mark asks, opening the front door to his home, still in his baby blue lion pajamas. He rubs his sleepy eyes as the harsh sunrays beam from the opened door. You step in and close it before Mark can further complain about the brightness.
"I'm here to tutor you because you seriously need it."]
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