#feeling passionate!!!! firey!!!!
hypbaest · 2 years
its scorpio szn so i’ll wait but. thinking abt sagittarius.
do people really think we’re like these airheaded stoners bopping around waiting for magic to touch us? not the sage, not the arrow, not the legs. surely not a mind or body. surely not something that can live forever. certainly not the center. no, no. just wayward lonely priestesses abandoned by gd, i guess, on a lesser planet - left only to wish and want, travel the globe, seeking not finding, so making jokes instead. surely no sagittarius can be sorting through life, trying to find the thread that runs through everything. a sagittarius could never want answers or knowledge and least of all love, which theyll never understand. no, most see us as starry eyed poets, no purpose, here only to fuck on and move to the next, never settling, never serious, nothing. as if life has no meaning and something born under this star would never find it anyway if it did.
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My personal take on the coalecroux official wedding rings (like they are dating and perhaps decide to do an actual wedding) is that they can look like anything but they must be enchanted. One always feels like the cold side of a pillow and the other always feels like a warm blanket. Yes the former goes to Gideon and the latter to Kremy
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euyrdice · 10 months
the certain softness carved in kagami… his certain kindness / sincerity thats so unmovable even amongst his hot-headedness and tendency to start a fight..
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is it weird i like animation better than live action stuff with people in it…..animation has more heart put into it (think like k.n.d and fosters home for imaginary friends)
when i see live action i just kinda think “man this would probably be better animated in some way that doesnt make the people sound and look like they dont wanna be there”
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underwaterspaghetti314 · 10 months
You ever consume some media that’s so good that you just get mad? And I don’t mean in a “grr why can’t all media be this good this makes me mad” sort of way or even an “I’m mad but this is supposed to make me mad so actually it’s doing a great job” sort of way. I mean like how I rewatched Across the Spiderverse yesterday and afterwards I was genuinely seething but like in a positive way. My blood was fuckin boiling dude. This isn’t the only piece of media to do this to me either.
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dragonsholygrail · 3 months
You spread yourself as wide as you can, not knowing how broad your Ghost bf is, but wanting to give him enough room as he fucks his cock into your weeping walls.
The days breeze blows in through the open window, providing a bit of relief from the firey heat that runs along your skin as your Ghost bf forces more and more orgasms out of your battered cunt.
You whine, writhing against the bed as his massive dick stretches you out. Your pussy flutters around seemingly nothing, yet that wet squelch echos throughout the room with every rough thrust of your bfs hips.
Hands squeeze tightly at the sheets below you, needing to grab onto something, needing something to ground you as your bf takes you to new dimensions of pleasure. A ragged moan leaves you, hips now jolting with each plunge of his cock.
“Fuck! I-I wanna touch you. Want you so bad— God!” You exclaim, throat raw from your cries of ecstasy. The dull feeling of your hips meeting causes your head to spin.
Reaching out blindly behind you, your hand snags onto the sheer white curtain of your window. Through the fucked out fog within your mind, you slowly form an idea.
Before Ghost bf can react, you throw the curtain outward and as soon as it catches onto an unseen form, you wrap your arms around it and pull him closer. A low moan leaving you as his cock slips deeper inside of you.
A sharp gasp moves past your lips, eyes narrowing, swearing you can also almost see his features through the material. In his shock, Ghost bf stutters in his pace. Feeling your arms around him would’ve been enough to make him blush if he still could.
Spurned on by this new discovery, Ghost bf starts pounding into you, the pleasure of his length rutting its way along your walls now heightened by your touch on his skin and slight ability to see him. But you need more as you feel yourself about to reach your peak.
Pulling him further down, you kiss him without hesitation, your lips fitting together like two puzzle pieces. The thin curtain only adding to the tingles moving down your spine.
Ghost bf’s moan moves through the breeze as always, yet this time you can feel it too. Ghost bf immediately cums again as yours lips brush deeply against each other. You whimper as his spectral-cum shoots inside of you, body twitching before you follow right after, exploding all over his cock and your bed.
You both rock steadily against each other, drawing out your orgasms as you make out passionately. Not wanting to separate for a moment now that you’ve finally gotten to taste each other in this way.
But your bfs ghost cock can’t plug you up. Can’t keep you stuffed full of his cum so that not even a drop drips from your delectable pussy. But with these new findings your bf can’t pass up the opportunity to try. To finally force his cum to stay deep inside you.
More whimpers leave you as your bf pulls away and slips the curtain off his head. They’re quickly interrupted by a choking gasp as you feel him stuff as much of the curtain inside you as the curtain rod will allow. You both look down at your pussy with bated breath. When nothing leaks out, you smile and fall back down on the bed.
“That was… a good idea,” you say through breathless laughter. Not being able to help but grind into the texture of the curtain and stimulating yourself all over again.
Ghost bfs eyes darken as he looks down at you, wondering just what else that curtain can give you both access to. His cock twitches as it starts to come back to life.
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ezukll · 4 months
✧ Moon Sign Observations ✧
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An Aries Moon is an outgoing, assertive, and fiery energy. An Aries moon is bold and ambitious, with a desire to be the center of attention and the life of the party. They have a strong will and self-confidence, but there can also be a hot-headedness or impulsiveness. Those with this placement tend to be passionate, courageous, and willing to take risks.
Aries Moons can be intense, with a strong capacity for passion and enthusiasm. They have a firey temper and quick reactions, but are also fearless and bold. They're full of passion and can be impulsive and even reckless. They have strong desires and want to go after them immediately. Their greatest desire is probably for love, affection, and recognition from others. They have no fear of taking risks or challenging themselves and will strive to accomplish their goals. With strong determination, courage and persistence they are likely to succeed.
A Taurus Moon has a calm and peaceful energy. They are resilient, practical, and have a strong interest in material things. Taurus Moons have a natural ability to stabilize any situation while remaining grounded. They are reliable, persistent and determined to get things done. With the grounded and stabilizing energy of Taurus, they have strong emotions but also take the time to process them. Taurus Moons enjoy the simple things in life and appreciate a comfortable and stable environment. They are focused on creating and maintaining a sense of security in their life, whether it's in their job, relationships or just simply being at peace.
Taurus Moons are a mixture of deep feelings, practical thinking, and a grounded outlook on life. They are a calming presence who can also bring stability to any situation. They are likely to value and appreciate comfort, stability, and peace, and strive to create that in their life. Taurus Moons can also be stubborn and slow to open up or move. Their greatest desires may be for a sense of security and stability in their life, both in material and emotional ways. They also highly value comfort and love, and desire love and adoration from others.
A Gemini Moon is a dynamic and inquisitive energy with a sharp and clear mind. They are typically sociable and love to communicate, whether it's with words, writing, or art. They are flexible and adaptable, with a tendency to overthink and consider many different possibilities or points of view. With their natural curiosity and quick intelligence, they are likely to have a wide range of interests and a varied sense of humor. They can be very talkative and have an active social life, which allows them to connect with others on an intellectual level.
Gemini Moons are varied and complex - from curious excitement to nervous anxiety. They are quick thinkers and naturally curious, wanting to learn and explore their environment. This can cause feelings like overthinking and uneasiness, but also excitement and discovery. Gemini Moons are sociable, often witty and funny, but can also feel lonely and disconnected due to their intellect. They can feel conflicted between wanting to communicate and speak their truth, and wanting to keep their thoughts to themselves. Their greatest desires may be for connections, communication, and intellectual stimulation from others.
A Cancer Moon is a sensitive and nurturing energy. They have deep emotional depth and are likely to be feeling, empathetic, and compassionate people. With the energy of Cancer, these individuals are likely to crave security, connection, and intimacy in both their relationships and environment. They are also likely to have a strong connection to their family and may be very protective of those they care about. Cancer moons are usually caring individuals who are in touch with their emotions and strive to create a sense of harmony within themselves and around them.
The emotional energy of a Cancer Moon is deep and sensitive. They may feel deeply, experience strong emotions, and be in tune with their intuition and instincts. These individuals are likely to be very protective and caring with those close to them, seeking a sense of security and stability in life. With their emotional depth, they may also experience feelings of anxiety and fear, being especially sensitive to their surroundings. Their desires may be for emotional connection and intimacy in relationships, comfort and safety in their environment, and feeling protected and cared for by others.
A Leo Moon is a dynamic, assertive, and charismatic energy. They are likely to be a natural leader who likes to be the center of attention. With the fiery energy of Leo, they can be prideful and have a strong sense of self-importance. They have a strong desire to make an impact through their creativity and individuality and may desire a position of power or authority. They can have a fiery temper, but also tend to be playful and enjoy being the life of the party.
Leo Moons are passionate, dynamic, and expressive. They are likely to be prideful and ambitious, and want acceptance and recognition for their creativity and individuality. With the Leo energy, they are likely to be confident, fearless, and have a strong desire to be in charge. They tend to be very expressive emotionally, with a strong sense of pride and confidence and may have a strong ego. Their fears may be of rejection or not being accepted for who they are. Their desires may be for recognition and admiration from others, and being in a leadership position.
A Virgo Moon is a analytical and observant energy, with a sense of service and a desire to be useful. With their logical mindset, they may be detail-oriented, conscientious, and self-critical. Those with this placement may be perfectionists and strive to make an impact through their work and contributions. Their emotions may be subdued and they may tend to process their feelings internally rather than express them. They are likely to be hard workers, organized, and have a good sense of responsibility. They may also have a strong connection to nature and animals.
The emotional energy of a Virgo Moon is analytical and logical. They typically prefer to process their emotions internally rather than express them. They may be perfectionist and self-critical, with a strong sense of responsibility in how they conduct themselves. Virgo Moons often strive to make a positive impact through their work and contributions, and take pride in being well-organized and efficient. While they may initially come across as guarded, they are sensitive and caring individuals who deeply value love and affection, as well as security and comfort in their daily life.
A Libra Moon is an outgoing, diplomatic, and creative energy. With the air energy of Libra, they are likely to be social, charismatic, and open-minded. They have a strong desire for harmony and balance in their life, whether it's with themselves, their environment, or in their relationships. They can be pleasant and charming, but also tend to overthink their interactions with others and can be quite critical of themselves. Libra Moons typically have a strong need for connection and a deep sense of fairness and justice.
The emotional energy of a Libra Moon is pleasant, loving, and balanced. They have a strong desire for peace and harmony, both within themselves and with the people around them. Their emotions tend to be balanced and even, though they can be sensitive to criticism and conflict. They typically strive for fairness and equity in their relationships and may feel deeply hurt if they feel betrayed or mistreated. Libra Moons have a strong need for connection, affection, and closeness in their relationships, and may fear being left alone or isolated. Their greatest desires may be for love and happiness, with equality and justice in their relationships.
A Scorpio Moon is intense and powerful. They have a deep, emotional side, with strong intensity and passion. With the water element of Scorpion, they are likely to be highly sensitive and intuitive, feeling their emotions deeply and processing them internally. They can have a strong protective instinct, especially towards loved ones, and tend to have an insightful nature. Scorpio Moons may also be more reserved and secretive, with strong willpower and determination. Overall, they may have a deep and mysterious aura about them, and may also have an intuitive connection to the occult or supernatural.
Scorpio Moons have deep and powerful emotions, and tend to feel everything strongly. This can make them passionate and enthusiastic, but also intense and possessive at times. With the intensity of this energy, they may fear being vulnerable or misunderstood, and have difficulty opening up and trusting. They value their independence and may struggle with jealousy or possessiveness in relationships. Their core desires may be for love, affection, and connection, but they may also value power and control. They may struggle with their emotions and fears, but also have a deep understanding of them.
A Sagittarius Moon is an inquisitive, adventurous, and spontaneous energy. With the fire energy of Sagittarius, they are likely to be ambitious, cheerful, and optimistic. They love to learn and explore, with an open mind and a strong desire to grow and expand. They may be very social and outgoing, and have a wide range of interests and passions. With the freedom-loving nature of Sagittarius, they typically value their independence and may not like feeling held down by their responsibilities or obligations. They are typically enthusiastic and positive, but may also have a strong sense of justice and morality.
The emotional energy of a Sagittarius Moon is cheerful and optimistic. They tend to process their emotions in a more upbeat way and are likely to focus on the positive side of things. They may feel passionate and intense towards life and have a strong desire for adventure and expansion. With the Sagittarius energy, they may often feel excited and enthusiastic, with a sense of freedom and independence. The biggest fears of a Sagittarius Moon may be stagnation and routine, feeling stuck in the same place or stuck in their life. Their core desires may be for an exciting life and experiences, and being truly accepted and understood by those around them.
A Capricorn Moon is a practical and dependable energy. Those with this placement typically have a strong will and sense of structure and order. They are likely to be realistic, grounded, and self-contained. Capricorn Moons are often hard workers who value their own independence and personal space. They can present a more serious and reserved exterior, but they have a deep sensitivity and inner emotional layer. Capricorn Moons may often feel insecure and overwhelmed at times, and may struggle to express their deeper emotions. Their deepest desires might be security and material success, but also for genuine connection on an emotional level.
As the sign of boundaries and limitations, those with a Capricorn Moon may have difficulties in expressing their emotions and may be more reserved and self-contained. Their main desires may be for security, stability, and success in their life. They may be ambitious and driven, but struggle with fear of failure. With their deep emotional depth, they may have difficulties with insecurities and trusting others. Capricorn Moons may fear change, and may prefer to take a more traditional and cautious approach to life. They may struggle to express themselves and share their feelings, but find comfort in the structure and reliability of familiar routines and habits.
An Aquarius Moon is an intelligent, innovative, and independent energy. They tend to think in a logical and rational way, and have a curious and open-minded nature. With the Aquarius energy, they are likely to focus on big ideas and concepts, as well as the connection between things for a deeper understanding. Aquarius Moons may struggle with feeling empathetic or emotionally in-tune with others, and instead approach emotions in a more intellectual way. They may also struggle with trusting or opening up to others, but can also find a deep connection with those who understand them.
Aquarius Moons tend to be intellectual and analytical with their emotions. They may focus on understanding them on a logical level, rather than feeling and expressing them. Their feelings are likely to be deep and complex, and they may struggle with expressing themselves verbally or feeling connected to their emotional side. As a rebellious sign, Aquarius Moons strive for freedom and autonomy. Their main fears may be feeling trapped or controlled. Their desires might be for understanding and connection with others, but on their own terms. They may also strive for change and progress in their environment, and may have a vision for a utopian future.
A Pisces Moon is a deep and sensitive energy. They are likely to be an emotional, empathetic, and creative individual with a strong connection to art, music, and the spiritual side of life. They may be deeply sensitive and may struggle with overwhelming emotions at times. Pisces Moons typically need alone time to process their emotions and may often feel drained by other people’s energy. They may be sensitive to their environment and other people's feelings, and may even feel like they can communicate with nature or animals. Their main desires are likely to be for connection and understanding, and a deep spiritual existence.
The emotions of a Pisces Moon can be deep and intense. They may feel things on a fundamental and spiritual level, with a strong connection to their intuition and empathy. They tend to be sensitive and may find it painful to witness others' pain and sufferings. Pisces Moons may feel overwhelmed by their feelings at times, but can also find deep inspiration and comfort in their art and spirituality. Their fears may revolve around a lack of connection and understanding, feeling isolated and alone. Their greatest desires may be for understanding and connection on a deep and spiritual level.
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Wahoo here's confession part 2! So grateful for the response to the first part thanks so much :3 Enjoy!
Part 1
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Kks: Yo, wobbleknees Gai: Very funy Kks: Here, let me see
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Gai: Since when can you-? Kks: Sakura was excited to show me. I can only manage scrapes, so don't trip and get impaled anytime soon
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Gai: Kakashi Kks: Yeah? Gai: Were you...
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Gai: Being serious before? Because regardless of reciprocation, I hold the deepest affection and care possible for you very much. As a rival, friend, but also in that way as well. Just to be clear. Kks: It wasn't a joke
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Kks: I'm sorry. I didnt plan on doing that but...What's the point of denying it now if you're staying anyways. I'm attracted to you, Gai. You're really the only person I can see myself trusting with that. I've regretted so much lately. I failed my team so miserably they fell apart. I wish I could have that time together back. I already regret wasting so much time avoiding you in the past. So, yeah... I know I'm a pain to deal with, but... If you want that too, th-
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Gai: Every single second we've spent together I truly cherish. To have this honor of being entrusted with your heart...
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Gai: I always want to be by your side, Kakashi, My man of destiny Kks: How can you say shit like that so easily?
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[kks' stomach gurgles] [gai chuckles] Kks: Sorry to ruin the emotional moment. Little nerve wracking [Gai laughs]
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Gai: I'll Let that go, but... May I take you on a date? Kks: ok. Gai: Really? Kks: I'm off for a few days, so why not? You'll make it interesting Gai: Excellent!
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Gai: Oo!! Nearly forgot. Rival, May I kiss you? Kks: Long as your kids don't pop out, go for it Gai: Are you ok? Why are you sweaty? Kks: Whatever. just get on with it
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Gai: Yosh! Turn your brain off for a moment, rival
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Gai: SO-! Tomorrow then! Kks: Mhm
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Gai: Night, 'Kashi! I could run 100 laps right now! Kks: Gai, your lip is bleeding Gai: HAHA! Always looking out for me!! That's my kakas-OOF![Gai falls] I'm ok! [gai's footfalls exit]
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[kks chuckling] Kks: URK! [strained] stomachache. [happy hum] What the fuck have I done, mr turtle.
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Rise Characterizations Pt. 4!!!!
Nearing an end with writing notes for turtles. Thinking of posting about April and Splinter separately, and then a big post for side characters.
Raph, Leo, and Donnie here. Now let's start with
Mikey Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Catchphrase: "razzmatazz"
Tendency to "hoo-ha!"
Uses aave/bae
Like Raph and Leo, he will verbalize his attacks, but notably less than the aforementioned two. His most common phrases: "power whip jitsu" (chain moves), and "power fun jitsu" (use of his fire)
Shortens words/phrases in his excitement (i.e. the famous omigosh), but lengthens words in his wonder/amazement like drawing out wow into wooooooow
Uses a lot of idioms, i.e. "give us the 911", "hit the bricks", "you've been workin' a nerve"
Uses a lot of alliterations, especially when describing something
Refers to splinter as "pop" or "dad", with the rare "father" (usually for dramatics)
Will refer to others using "chico", "dude", or "man"
Answers the phone with "shell-o"
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Oblivious. A lot of stuff goes over his head, or he'll pick on the wrong thing to focus on. Like thinking they're part imitation crab men
Passionate. He throws himself into everything, whether that be cooking, fighting, or art. Sometimes this focus comes at his own detriment (i.e. forgetting to tell his brothers that Meatsweats mutated on t.v. bc he was cooking his pork risotto)
Optimistic, a dreamer. Not one to back down from doom and gloom, and is often among the first of the brothers to take action. Has a lot of perseverance
Believes the best in everyone. He can easily connect and empathize with others, most notably Draxum
Blunt, he doesn't hide his opinions and can accidentally be a little too harsh. On the other hand, he uses his persona of "Doctor Delicate Touch" to purposefully use his bluntness. He doesn't really much to hide on what he thinks about people
Sensitive, he's easily swayed by the emotion or pathos of others (read: gullible). This also mean his ego is easily damaged, which can contribute to his competitiveness with Leo at times and his inferiority complex with Raph babying him
The emotional heart of the team, he keeps the brothers grounded in empathizing with others
Energetic. Mikey's the wildcard. No one can guess what's coming out of his mouth next, and his fighting style is very innovative. All his energy gives him a charming amount of "razzmatazz"
Firey. Mikey's a pretty expressionate guy. He doesn't hide his emotions, and he doesn't really hide his anger. Sometimes this comes out in his bluntness, and sometimes this comes out in strained rage that has a boiling point
Looks up to his brothers. He has a lot of admiration for his older brothers. Whenever he's put in a corner he thinks what would Raph do, he's grateful for Leo's advocacy, and likes spending a lot of time with Donnie and his inventions. He also has a need to prove himself to his older brothers due to his admiration
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First to unlock mystic powers
Nicknames/code names: "Doctor Delicate Touch" and "Doctor Feelings" are self-proclaimed titles, "orange pawn" code name by Donnie, "Michael" nickname by Donnie, and "Flavortown" is his video game handle
Named his piggy bank "Mrs. Porky Coin"
Only chooses scissors in rock, paper, scissors
Has the top score in "Pance Pance Revolution" (rise's equivalent of DDR)
Well that's all the turtles for reference notes. I think I'll post Splinter next :)
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bloodlust-1 · 6 months
You’re too sweet for me ₊ ⊹ part 2
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Halsin x fem Tav (dark urge) — Explicit 18+
Summary: Tav takes a dip in the river to calm those pesty dark thoughts, hoping it'd help settle these murderous urges. But things turn interesting when Halsin finds her, offering to keep her company in the water. If only he knew just how pure he was in her eyes, a shame it'd be to destroy such an image.
Note: Enjoy sinners.
-> Part 1 <-
Lovely photo by @moonslittlestar
He leaned in, pressing tender kisses along Tav’s neck, feeling the litter of goosebumps under his lips. His tongue traced delicate patterns along the sensitive veins of her skin, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Tav closed her eyes and surrendered to the tingly sensation of his lips.
Halsin nipped at Tav’s skin, his teeth enticingly grazing her nape. With each touch, he left behind a trail of gentle marks that faded darker into hickeys on her collarbones.
The warmth of his saliva felt like firey lava on her skin. Tav's breath hitched in response to every touch, bite, and suck.
Her chest rose and fell rapidly, arching into his touch. Her teeth caught her lower lip, releasing soft sighs that mingled in the air. In a husky breath, Halsin groaned into her skin.
He was enjoying himself in her body. Like a follower worshipping their god.
The heat built heavily into the air, and then, a small gasp. Halsin had found Tav's nipple between the grit of his teeth. Nibbling on the bud with a rough gentleness.
It hurt too good, and she was not surprised that Halsin was delivering so well.
“You’re better than I thought.” She complimented breathily.
With a pop noise, Halsin released her nipple, “I was afraid to hurt you…" He bites down at the plush of her breast roughly, leaving behind a purple bruise, "I could have tried to be gentle, but I don't think you're interested in such softness."
Okay, now she was intrigued by his words. Tav pulled him in for another tender yet passionate kiss. It was full of teeth and tongue with the occasional lip tug.
Halsin responded quickly, lowering her body closer to his as their kiss deepened. Her fingers traced patterns on his scalp and shoulders, eliciting soft groans with a hint of pain from him.
"Take me out of this water before I change my mind." Tav roughly bit down on his earlobe, whispering dominantly into his ear.
Halsin held Tav close in his arms, pushing past the river's waves. Tav’s heart raced as she felt the strength of his embrace, her breath quickening with anticipation. He occasionally bit down at her neck, sucking until it bruised under his tongue.
When they reached the shore, Halsin laid Tav down on the soft sand, their bodies glistening with droplets of water. Their lips met again, roughly ravaging each other while Halsin's hands kneaded Tav's breasts between his fingers.
Tav’s nails traced red lines into Halsin’s back, and a mixture of pleasure and pain danced off his tongue. It wasn't anything he couldn't take.
Their kisses were passionate and intense, until her palms met Halsin's chest, and pushed him with a gentle but firm tug away from the kiss.
He hovered over her with fast breaths, confused.
Tav spoke threw each ragged breath, "Lay back."
Halsin obeys her wishes, laying his back against the soft sand. With the softest touch, Tav climbed up his body, slowly, teasingly. She burned kisses into his chest, neck, and cheekbones while positioning herself perfectly to sit upon his face.
The eyes of a hunter stare down at its prey. This hunk of an elf was no match for Tav's uncanny attitude and desires. Although, this was new for him, exciting.
With watering lips, Halsin peered up at Tav. From his pov, her wet hair hung over her face, her chest dripping with water off her breasts, and then - the pheromones of the juiciest fruit nature could offer.
He wetted his lips and waited for her command.
Tav rolled her eyes light-heartedly, "Must I give you permission for everything? Do you not know how to eat when people put food in front of your face?"
"Of course I do. I don't need an introduction for such a treat. I'll enjoy this more than you." Promise lingered in his words.
And it brought a smile to her face.
His tongue teased the outside of her folds, tasting the sweet tinge on his tongue. Tav pushed her hips closer to his mouth, practically smothering him between her thighs.
Nails dug into her hips as Halsin held onto them, forcing her even closer than before. This caused her clit to be smothered perfectly against his mouth. And his tongue didn't take long to find it.
Halsin's tongue flickers and circles eagerly on her clit, rewarding him with the sweetest moans. It'd been the nicest thing he's heard Tav speak this entire night.
Her hips rocked against his face and his cheeks had flushed a deep red shade. The blood boiled in his face and his eyes squinted tightly when the sharpness of Tav's nails dug into his scalp.
Her moans were rapid and sloppy, constantly gasping between Halsin's licks. She loved the way his face looked buried between the plush of her thighs. It fit him quite nicely.
Tav's hips swayed and Halsin's hands directed her riding his face, pulling and pushing the rock of her hips.
Tav tangled her fingers between the braids of his hair and went stiff, "F-Fuck.." Her words trembled and Halsin knew she was coming close, "Don't..Nghh - M-Move.."
Halsin fluttered his eyelashes up at her and nodded his head 'yes' continuously. His groans between her folds vibrated against her clit, making Tav throw her head back with whimpers.
Tav wanted so badly to stain his face with something more than just those tattoos.
A yelp ripped out of her lungs and she trembled and twitched under Halsin's hold, coming undone into his mouth. She could feel the warmth of his tongue dancing on her core, licking up the cum.
Tav hunched over, her palms firmly on the ground between his head, horasly catching her breath.
"You taste absolutely lovely." Halsin pops his mouth off her core, licking the corners of his mouth. His chin was covered with his spit, juices, and white slick.
Something clicked in Halsin. If he continued to let her bully him into pleasure, she'd never look at him as an equal. Only someone who can take instruction very well, not that he minded.
The time was now.
In her moment of vulnerability, Halsin grabbed Tav by her hips, lifted her back onto the sand with a soft, thud. She gasped, quickly clutching onto his shoulders before Halsin wrapped his large hand around her neck.
He squeezes lightly, pulling her up to meet his lips, but he doesn't kiss her. instead, he spoke with a deadly tone she'd never heard before, "I'm going to fuck you until every living creature knows my name."
Tav's eyes went wide and she opened her mouth, only a whimper coming out.
"Shh..There now, my heart...The only thing I want to hear is my name cry out your lips." He squeezed her throat, forcing her chin up before crashing a searing kiss on her lips.
"Now - be a good girl for me."
Tav's eyes darted down, eyeing the hardened length between his legs. And gods, was it absolutely huge. Her mouth watered at the thought of even fitting that deep in her.
"Impress me, druid." Her eyes challenged Halsin with a cheeky smirk.
Oh she was so close, if only that pretty mouth didn’t sour it.
Halsin put his hands on her knees, spreading her legs slowly apart and watching the folds of her core expose to the cool air.
Hooded eyes bore down on Tav like a peace offering. Her body folded in every way perfectly, with curves as smooth as a petal. Halsin leaned over and pressed kisses into her stomach, looking up at her as he did.
“You’re beautiful.” He mummered between kisses, suddenly planting a kiss on her core.
“M-mmmh…” She squirmed slightly, arching her back up in an attempt to follow his fleeting kisses.
Halsin's knees dug into the sand while his hand dipped into Tav's core, collecting the excess juices she provided, leaving his fingers coated in slick.
He then used that to coat his cock with his already pre-cummed tip. Slowly pumping his fist a couple times to wet his shaft.
Tav looked down at him with glistening eyes. Just how far could she fit him before it started to hurt?
The veins on his hardened length bulged out and begged to be buried deep in Tav. The invisible string pulled them closer and closer until his tip eagerly rested perfectly on her entrance.
Tav locked eye with him, not a single stammer in her words.
"Fuck me."
A sly smile crossed both their features.
His hips slowly fed inch by inch into her wet core. She took him well, except for the stretching pain more than halfway down his length. Tav dug her fingers into the sand with gritted teeth.
"Look at you." His fingers tickled her legs in small strokes, "Taking me in so well."
"Ahh...You're so big." Tav squirmed and adjusted her hips closely into his, causing a deep chuckle to rattle Halsin's lips.
"Hah - I know, love." He hunched over her body and positioned himself comfortably between her legs.
A kiss was placed softly on her lips and it eased her of the slight discomfort, "You're doing good, relax and it'll feel much better." He whispered between gentle kisses.
She let out a breathy exhale and tried to relax her lower body, opening her legs wider which earned her praise.
"Very good girl."
Tav's eyes darted at him to such praise and her face turned a dark shade of red.
"Hmm...Is that what you wanted to hear after being so bratty?"
Tav averted her eyes and went silent, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him closer, deeper into her.
Halsin smiled softly, knowing already what the answer was. He began to jerk his hips in and out, skillfully, passionately, and possessively.
Their foreheads connected, breathing heavily amongst each other's lips. Tav's walls clenched and twitched around his girth, letting herself go in a plethora of moans and whimpers.
The bed of stars with Halsin hovering right above, it was the perfect POV. Not to mention the tingly sensation that tickled between her legs up her back.
Tav hungrily searched for his lips between the constant thrusts, causing her to bob like the river waves onto the shore.
Their teeth clashed in a fight for dominance, both moans mingling heavily between sloppy kisses. He reached to cup her ass, kneading and groping the plush while fucking harder and deeper.
His harsh thrusts buried himself deep in Tav's warm walls. The sounds of whimpers and smacking skin mixed with nature's atmosphere.
Tav dug her nails into his back, causing his blood to clot under her nails.
“Nnghh - fuck.” Halsin keened in both pain and pleasure - broken, raw moans leaving his mouth uncontrollably.
Tav smiled in satisfaction, the little evil thoughts in her head giggled at his every wince and whimper.
This smile didn't last too long, because Halsin suddenly shoved two fingers into her mouth, bullying his way inside her throat until she gagged and moaned around them.
His fingers rested in the sweet spot of her throat, making Tav's eyes gloss up so prettily.
Drool slicked down the side of her cheeks as her mouth hung open with hazy torn eyes. The tears streamed down her wet cheeks, and it was Halsin's direst imagination coming true.
And yet, even with gagged fingers in Tav's mouth, split apart on his cock, she still was shameless enough to be mouthy. Words muffled around his thick fingers and challenging eyes. “I want it more.”
His tone is teasing, but there's an undercurrent of seriousness that sounded so sweet in his voice, "You want it deeper, don't you? You want me to fill your cunt."
With strong arms, Halsin scooped Tav body on his lap, as he laid back and let go of her body completely. She sat perfectly on his length, twitching and trembling, gravity pulled her deeper until she was balls deep.
Tav mewled for a moment, her hands planted firmly on his broad chest. But Halsin jerked up into her just once, playfully edging her on, "Go on - show me just how much you want it."
Taking initiative, Tav dug her feet into the sand, arching her back. Her hands fell flat on his chest, knowing this would take a lot of her energy.
She leaned into her arms and began to bounce up and down on Halsin, groaning against the sweet bliss of him slipping in and out of her.
Their skin smacked against each other, and Halsin watched in complete awe as Tav's body crashed against his, her breaths and every plush of her body bouncing to her plunges.
Tav practically moaned out her lungs, fucking his cock until her knees burned and her body crumbled. But Halsin quickly grabbed a handful of her hips, using his strength to help her continue bouncing.
Their stomachs knotted into a ball of pleasure, sending tingles up their spine that dared to send them over the edge. Tav stared down at Halsin, noticing the flicker of yellow magic in his eyes with ever twitch she felt deep in her womb.
Slamming down, up, and down, Tav fucked him at a merciless pace. Loving every bit of attention he gave to her, pleasuring him.
Tav moaned out his name, knowing it would be music to Halsin's ears.
Purposely, Tav clenched her walls around him, pulling him over the edge with a yelp from their climax as both their juices spilled into each other. While Tav still bounced, the sound of juices swashed and sloppily dripped down Halsin's hips.
"Fuck - Tav..!" He breathlessly clutched tightly on her hips, forcing her into place.
She melted down onto his chest and met the swell of his lips, tongue exploring his moist mouth. She devoured his lips and lavishly kissed him with such passion.
Tav knew Halsin would forever be at her mercy, always remembering this moment when he lays lonely at night.
And there were soo many days to come.
She expects to see him more often, sauntering over after the sun goes down.
Tav traced small circles into his chest, feeling his heavy beating heart under her own, "I think we need another bath, huh? What do you say?"
There were hearts practically in his eyes. "Y-Yes...Just...I need a moment to catch my breath and I will carry you there, my heart."
A smile spread across her face, a look of trouble in her eyes, "That's what I like to hear."
Any thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
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Can I request kissing headcanons for Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo, and Barbatos with female s/o please?
Obey Me Headcanon's
Kissing Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo, Barbatos
His kisses were always soft; from simple pecks to something more, gentleness was always there.
Solomon was a great magic user, and something about your frail, magicless human self made him see you like glass.
He was so afraid if he was rough or aggressive, he would scare you off or cause harm to you.
You had to beg for him to be more forceful, and though he complied, he always resorted to soft, sweet kisses.
He enjoyed the domestication of it, the tender touch, gentle caress, pouty rose lips.
He loved catching you off guard, too, while you were working. He would just give you a gentle kiss right on the mouth or even the corner of the mouth to tease you.
He loved watching you get embarrassed over such a simple, sweet action.
When you kiss him soft and sweet, though, he is taken aback, especially if he has always been the initiator.
You kissing him gives him a swell of pride, and he understands greatly how Lucifer managed to fall with that feeling in him.
His favorite kisses, though, are when you're lying in bed, you two cuddling, and he gently peppers your face to finally land on your soft pink lips.
His kisses are sloppy and messy, but he is learning to be a better kisser for you.
He has only heard of and seen such salacious acts, never partaking in them till you showed up.
Because of this, he always feels bad when he watches you wipe your mouth after a kiss.
Just smile and comfort him that you don't mind and you are happy he is willing to learn with you.
As he gains more confidence, his kisses get more hungry and needy.
He will hold you until you can't breathe because he can not get enough sweetness.
If you pull away too soon or get summoned elsewhere, expect him to be waiting for your mouth to be back on his.
He is still insecure, though, based on how your first few kisses went, so if you take the lead on his insecure days, he will be elated.
You kissing him makes him so happy, and he realizes he is doing something right when it comes to you.
His favorite time to kiss you is when he gets home from an extended school day, ready to forget everything he learned so you can swarm him.
He is a heated kisser, not letting you up for air until he is ready to let you breathe.
From your first kiss onwards, he is possessive and dominating, making sure he not only steals your breath but breathes life into you.
He has wandering hands and mouth, so his kisses don't just stay on your lips; your cheeks, neck, and forehead all get his searing touch.
Being the prince of hell has its drawbacks. He is always so busy, so he feels the need to give you his all every time you get a spare moment.
The plus side is that when he really misses you and needs you, he can summon you and take time to be with you, even if it upsets Barbados' plans.
In his devil form, the kisses are only that much hotter as he encases you in his wings to hold you close to him.
If you initiate a firey kiss with the man, expect him to be wide-eyed and unresponsive.
He loves it when you get feisty and take his breath away; just know once you start something, you have to finish it.
His favorite time to kiss you is at school between passing periods. Watching you walk into class or meetings in a daze makes him feel something.
He is a passionate kisser and a devoted man for his king and prince.
He wants to show you just how devoted he is to you, even though he is still devoted to Dia.
How he kisses you lights a fire in your belly and reels your mind through time and space.
He always has one hand in your hair and the other firmly wrapped around your waist.
When he is busy with work he really dislikes leaving you alone, he wants you to know he cares, so he will kiss you extra long before he parts.
If he gets the rare day off, he is glued to your side, catching you off guard anytime you two have a moment of privacy.
He is a very private man, so even if he possessively holds you close when out on his days off, he does wait to claim your lips till no eyes are on you.
If you surprise him with a passionate kiss, he will be a goner immediately.
Taking the lead makes him feel at ease for once; he is usually the one taking control of everything for everyone.
His favorite time to kiss you is in a crowded ballroom when you, quite honestly, least expect it, but all eyes are on Dia. You bet he takes advantage of the moment so he can give you a kiss.
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astrid-sorensen · 1 year
Did I hurt you? Joel Miller x f!reader
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Word count: 1,115
Genre: Hurt + comfort, angst, some smut
Warnings: sex, injury detail caused by a human, no use of y/n, rushed ending
When you and Joel spend the night secluded on patrol, Joel is in for a surprise when he finds out just how rough he can be.
・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ⋆。°✩・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・
Snow littered across the hillside, you and Joel were saddled at the ready as you left the lookout. An vacation cabin now old and forlorn. Brisk dawn had cracked along the clouds, your journey back to the commune just beginning after a short stay there on patrol.
You and Joel had been partnered up for a year or so now, exchanges growing more and more, little by little. Companionship cultivated naturally until you both began to feel something more between the lines. Something tender. Something innocent. It was measured initially, quick 'how are yous?' And 'don't walk too far.'s.
But soon enough it evolved, lengthy nights camping up in the former main lounge. Talking about anything and everything. Secrets you'd never even admit to yourself, coming to the surface and pooling into the cold idle air.
Your body would be wrapped tightly in your sleeping bag as rum you'd shared earlier, the embers still crackling at your insides.
Except, last night was unlike anything you've done before. Lust overpowered your sweet conversation. A quick run in to some desolate clickers, made you see Joel unlike anything else before.
Quick, get behind me now.
The words still echoed through your mind. His muscular limbs shoving you behind him whilst he aimed and fired. Two swift bullets in each.
Joel had a protective nature, not just in his size and strength, but in his biology too. Although he had never been this demanding, never this assertive when it came to keeping you safe. You were conscious something had metamorphosed.
After setting up for the night and shotting a few gulps of the harsh, firey liquor, Joel was on you. His frame trapped you beneath him his fingertips holding your hips still as he grinded passionately against you. He was needy, desperate and completely love-drunk. His cold lips dragging across your own, to your jaw, neck and then breasts. There was no question in what he was after. Frantic, wet thrusts of his hips down into you, the only thing separating you from the icy cold air that filled the room all the way to the high ceilings was Joel's searing body. Your hands locked into the messy ash strands that covered his head, begging for more.
After your long trek back to base, you and Joel rolled in for the night. Choosing to go back to his for some hot food and a quick shower. Ellie now fast asleep in her room across the hall. Your routine was always the same, you washed first then Joel. You now lay spread across Joel's chest, with the body Joel had grew to know the past few weeks. Joel's hand washed over your side, a sharp intake of air shot through the gaps in your teeth as you winced. Joel's face hardened, his lines deepening. Before you could say anything else, he lifted your old cotton shirt to expose the flesh.
Blotches of purple and blue littered the wounded skin of your hips. A few stray ones covered your arms and waist. Handles for Joel last night as he ploughed his hips into yours. Not leaving room to breathe as his wet trusts became sloppier. The clap of your flesh on each other echoing out through the Jackson lookout.
Joel eyes stopped at the scores and impressions he had left.
You shook you head with a smile smile, no. His hands still pulled off you, as if he had touched something boiling hot.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He searched you face for something, anything. But you just looked back indifferent, offering a small curl on the corner of your lips.
"No, no, it was amazing. I mean for my first time, I can't imagine it being any better."
"Y-Your?" Joel got up, pulling on his jacket that he'd thrown across the floor after coming in the warm Jackson home. Silence graced the house, nothing except the short huffs of the 50 year old.
"Where are you going?"
"For a walk."
"Okay lemme come with you." You interjected but the sentiment was not returned.
"No." Joel shot back. “I wanna go alone."
"Are you mad at me?"
"It's not you." His footsteps didn’t halt, sifting through the garments left on the floor for the ones he had on earlier.
"Joel, c'mon."
"Are you serious right now?" His icy stare froze you to your core, you’d seen him furious before, but never directed towards you. His southern accent laced with malice.
"Joel," you tried, tone soft as if it would somehow calm him down. His deep scowl not wavering.
"Why didn't you tell me?” He quizzed, gingerly.
"I just, "
"You told me we didn't have any secrets." His deep chocolate irises looking at you delicately as they bore into your own, leaden ones.
“I was embarrassed. Joel, I'm sorry. Please don’t go.”
His head tipped back, a deep sigh leaving his nostrils. You knew his was just building the courage to leave. He hated when you would beg him. Almost never able to not comply to your request.
"Settle down, Baby." Joel shifted to face you.
“I'll sleep on the couch. I'll give you space. Anything." The words tumbled off your tongue like a spell.
"I'm not go gonna go anywhere. M'sorry I woulda never let it happen like that if I knew it was your first time." Joel sat beside you on the bed, pulling your bare legs over his lap. The rough pads of his fingers, slid back and forth along your leg.
“I shoulda taken my time, got you really comfortable. Woulda been on a bed for a start, not on some fucking floor in the middle of nowhere." Joel turned his head, shaking it in disbelief.
"Joel, it's okay. It's what I wanted."
"You don't know what you wanted. You ain't never done it before then.” His words sharp and annoyed.
"I know. But I know I wanted you." Your hand moved to hold his bicep, the muscle naturally flexing beneath you light grip.
“No more goddamn secrets. Got it?" He appearance was stern, but his big loving eyes were otherwise. There was alway warmth in those golden orbs.
"Yes Joel." 
You grabbed a pillow hopping off the bed.
"Mmm, mmm." The male hummed, grabbing you by your wrist and halting your movements. You turned back eyes wide with surprise. "You think I'm gonna take a girls virginity and then make her sleep on the couch?" He inquired, amazed. “What kinda man do you take me for?" He smiled out softly. He moved you over to the bed, turning off the bedside lamp before getting under the covers, the other side.
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edward elric x f! reader
you remind edward how beautiful you think he is.
smut (ish), 18+, body worship, soft, lots of cuddling, mentions of insecurity and (edward’s) trauma, edward cries during sex lol
inspired by the alchemy
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edward has a complicated relationship with love.
he knows he has people he loves, people he holds dear to him. he knows that there are people in his life he'd sacrifice an arm and a leg for, people he'd risk everything to feel their warmth. not all sacrifices came to fruition. but he knew he'd do it.
most around him underestimate the guilt he carries upon his shoulders. the guilt of failure, the guilt of knowing the truth. edward was wracked with the burden of knowledge- the knowledge that he might not be able to reverse his mistakes. its accepting love from others that edward struggles with the most.
edward feels his mothers love far in-between. he feels it when he shovels a warm, nostalgic bowl of stew into his mouth, wondering what exactly made milk of all ingredients taste so good. he feels it when he ties his golden locks into a woven braid, trying to replicate the way his mother's fingers would knit her own auburn locks. she made fixing her hair look like the northern lights. he felt the sensation of love, but more strongly, a burning firey passion as he remembers the embers that erupted from his childhood home. he remembers the orange glint against his brother's armor as he burns down his home and his past, swearing only to return when he is whole once again. edward feels the remnants of her love blow past him as he stares at the rolling green hills of resembool from the train window, heading towards the sunlight. he was never the religious type, but he sometimes thought that his mother was in the sun now, shining down on him and al.
edward feels guilt-laced love from his younger brother, alphonse. he still finds himself waking up in a cold sweat, hearing his younger self plead with the universe to give him his brother back. he'd sacrifice his arm, his soul, he'd give it free if it meant al’s life- and he did. edward tightens his fist as he remembers the day, not a shadow of a doubt in his mind that he'd sacrifice his arm over and over and over again to save his brothers soul. but the same fists that once burned with determination fall apart with grievance, as edward eyes shake with ghostly tears. is it his fault that al is trapped in a suit of armor? is his fault al lost his body? they should have taken me. he thinks. it would be sick for the truth universe to sacrifice his whole body, but taking away his dear younger brother was much more twisted. his eyes stare with promise at alphonse as he rests, promising his soul that he will restore what has been lost. his love for his brother ran deeper than the sea. edward's desire for his limbs back is placed on the backburner, putting alphonse back together is what allows edward to rest with a smile on his face.
edward isn't always sure how to feel your love.
he himself, feels incomplete. but with you, he feels liquid sun being poured into the crevices of the heart he bared to you and only you. beyond just his automail limbs, edward's body was scarred in and out. painful echoes of his past embedded into his skin. stories of loss, determination, and a want to feel complete lingers in his ribs as you kiss his skin, treating him like a delicate masterpiece. he isn't much sure of how to feel, or why he feels good. he was a man of science, a prodigy of alchemy, but your love was a encryption he could not decipher.
he always seems writhe when you touch him, your fingers running across his toned abdomen making him feel heaven-struck. he sighs your name, gold locks lazily thrown over his shoulders as his head dips into the nape of your neck. his metal arm pulls you closer to him, the cool metal contrasting with the searing warmth of your arousal. edward allows his lips to press against your collarbone, nipping at your skin reminding you of his presence. he may not have always accepted your love, but he sure as hell was going to make you feel his. all of it.
you rip a deep groan from his chest as your hands as you straddle his waist, your delicate fingers caressing where the metal met his scarred chest. "edward." your siren voice tears through the gasps and soft moans that filled his bedroom. "relax. its just me."
his golden eyes flicker up at yours, pulling his lips away from your skin. he made sure to leave loving-red marks right across your heart, as if he were writing his name in a special code reserved for you. his eyes are hazy and love-drunk, looking up at you like you're the only thing in this universe that matters. his arms, human and metal, strong and toned, hold you to his waist as if you would be ripped away from him at any moment.
"s-sorry." he heaves, his voice was deep and honeyed, eyes not breaking contact with your bare body for even a second. his voice was apologetic, but he couldn't hide the lust and hunger that formed in his chest and seeped out through his eyes. well, its not like he tried to hide it.
your hand moves up to caress his jawline, pressing your lips to his temple. "give in. let me love you." your voice is gentle, but you mean it as a desperate plea. loving edward was not an option; loving edward was an obligation. loving edward was as essential as the veins that pumped blood through your body. you wouldn't stop loving him, even if you wanted to.
edward's eyes screw shut. "only if you let me love you too."
your lips curve into a smile, and then into an O shape as edward presses his mouth to your chest, kissing your breasts with soft, fervent messages of love. his kisses sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, only growing more intense as he moves his arm up to cup your breast. he massages the tender flesh, treating you as if you were sacred. each one of his touches, his kisses, and his grasps was his way of giving his soul over to you. right now, edward felt as though it always belonged to you.
his golden eyes watch longingly as you throw your head back, taking the opportunity to kiss your neck. he gladly sinks his teeth in, as if leaving the seal of his love on your skin. edward loved you like it was breathing for him. he hoped that people would see your effervescent beauty, but more importantly the lovebites left on you, and know that edward elric was the one that marked them there. they spelled out 'mine' in a way only edward could decipher it.
your body is buzzing and hot with arousal. you feel the warm feeling start at your chest, slowly moving down your stomach and then to your core. edward hums satisfied against your skin, as if able to feel exactly what you feel right now. the pink tinge on his face suggests a linger of embarrassment. he had never showed this much of himself to anyone. it were as if kissing you and worshipping you distracted himself from his pains, allowing himself to esca[e in the shelter of your touch.
you run your fingers through his golden locks, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as his lips press themself over and over again to your chest. he wants to feel you, all of you, and just you. if his attention wasn't tied to some old book on alchemy, then his mind riddled itself with trauma. his brain spent hours writing equations, deciphering codes, tying all his pains, regrets and wrongdoings into a messy puzzle of hurt. his mind was a labyrinth, a maze that not even he could escape from. you were his refuge, you were his safe place. he worries he's killing the mood by being so nervous, not able to look up at you as he's kissing your chest.
but as you sit atop his lap, kissing his head and whispering a melody of "i love you" and "you're doing so good" you tell him that its okay. that its okay to feel good, that its okay to trust, that its okay to be loved.
you place your hands on his chin and pull his head to face you. you take him in, all of him- his hazy, sunset eyes and his blonde hair messily thrown over his muscular shoulders like a golden waterfall. every contour of his muscles scream at you to love him stronger, the way the scars paint stories over his heart. there was no space left between you two. your skin on his, two souls colliding with one another.
"how do you feel?" your voice is just barely above a whisper, looking deep into his eyes with yours. he cant help but let his eyes wander down, watching the way you fit so perfectly on top of him. the way your breasts are covered in marks, his marks, the way your thighs spread to straddle him, he can feel your wetness on him, the heat of your love radiating just for him to bask in. its almost too much.
"good." edward breathes out, words failing him at this moment. but its enough for you. he is enough for you.
your hands make their way down to his shaft, stroking the length in your hands. edward bites his lip, head moving back as your hands work diligently to pleasure him. you kiss just below his ear, reminding him of your presence. "its okay." you coo.
he takes that as permission, allowing soft moans and grunts to escape his mouth. his voice is raspy yet heavenly, the vulnerability and trust manifesting as pleasure coursing through his veins. he sighs, never feeling this much pleasure in his entire life. slowly, you lower yourself onto his cock, sucking in a deep breath as you feel yourself stretch around him.
"fuck." edward hisses, feeling your warm, tight walls around his length. his grip around your waist tightens, as if still wishing to pull you in closer. you hands travel up to his shoulder blades, digging your nails into the his soft skin while you adjust to his size. the warmth is intoxicating for him, feeling tears bless his eyes at the overwhelming pleasure. he's so embarrassed, feeling a stray tear escape down his cheek. he doesn't think he deserves it. to feel this good, for his incomplete and ravaged body to be granted this much pleasure. for an angel to touch him after the taboos he's committed. edward knows equivalent exchange, and he knows that none of this is good is equivalent to all his wrongdoings.
but that's what love does sometimes, he concludes as you kiss the tear away from his cheek. you don't say a word, but rather you silently tell edward that its okay. fuck, he was starting to love being loved.
the tears cease to stop as you continue to grind on his length, the pleasure overtaking the both of you. your mind is blissfully blank, letting your body speak love to the crevice's of edward's soul. he watched as the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you breathed, like the tide of the ocean washing away any painful memories written in the sand. the bed was unmade, the sheets were crinkled, the clocks ticked s time that you two should have been sleeping, but none of it mattered now. the greatest moment of intimacy you and edward ever shared was not when he removed his clothes to bare skin. it was when he allowed you to see him at his lowest moment, letting you witnessed the most unloved parts of his body and his soul. as he slowly unraveled in front of you, feeling his orgasm slowly approach, he worried his imperfections may scare you off.
but you kiss him, kiss his lips so perfectly, you remind him that you'll love him anyway. you'll love him not in despite of his imperfections, but because of his imperfections. it was who he was- edward elric was everything you wanted love to be. and more.
edward tears a groan from his chest as he feels your wet walls clench around him tighter than ever before, unable to hold back his thick release. he hides his face in the crook of your neck, pulling you closer as if to hide. he wonders if it always felt that good.
"s-sorry. i did it to early, shit i-" he rambles, and you can't help but giggle. it was rare when you could witness him so vulnerable. you shush him, pecking his lips and reminding him that its okay.
"you were perfect, ed." you reassure him, your voice cutting through all his worries and doubts. thats all the permission he needs to pull you down onto the bed with him, laying you down on top of him. you know he doesn't like to sleep on his side because of the weight of his arm. he also didn't to be away from your warmth, not even for a moment. he reaches over, pulling the crinkled sheets over both your bodies. a warm hum escapes from his lips, his entire body feeling as blissfully sweet as honey.
"how do you feel?" he checked in with you, his hand travelling up to cup your chin. he studied you, a part of him still being unable to accept the fact that you're real.
"loved." you hum. edward's kissed lips curve into a soft smile at your words.
"good. i want you to feel my love. always." he reminds you as he kisses your temple. even if edward didn't always accept love from others, he'd be damned if he didn't give every ounce of his love to you.
"how do you feel?" you redirect, checking on him. his blonde eyes stare to the ceiling, the gear s in his brain pondering for a moment before pinpointing the right word.
"complete." he concludes, planting one last kiss to your head before letting the two of you drift off into sleep. edward felt complete with you.
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trulyhblue · 8 months
My Girl
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Hayley Raso x Barcelona! Reader
Warnings: fluff, established relationship, drinking, sport rivals, coarse language.
A/N — this photo of her after the Chelsea vs RMA CL game has me in a chokehold. A short but sweet one <3
You met Hayley in a drunken embrace, breathing in the earthy chill that contrasted the firey ambience of the club.
You hadn't been starting for your Childhood team for a couple of weeks now, only just making the starting eleven today you went above and beyond in training. Barcelona was your home. You grew up in the city, raised with a football by your feet, and had been a part of the club for as long as you could remember. You were one of the many girls among the team who had never experienced life outside of the Spanish League, with no eminent efforts of changing that anytime soon. You had made your debut at seventeen, and over these past few years, you were lucky enough to see the team expand into one of the greatest women’s team in the world — arguably even the best.
While this came with certain bragging rights, and of course the utmost pride for the club, the safety and security that came with your position on the team were always at stake. Unlike other teams, Barcelona were ongoing in their endeavours to keep their players on their toes in regard to their contracts. This was most apparent in girls like you, who had been at Barca your whole life.
It was a constant battle to the top, but maintaining your status there was harder. You loved football. It was your passion, your dream, but it was also your career — a very demanding one, at that.
You had met Hayley in England when you were visiting Manchester to catch up with your close friend Ona. Ona was at United, thriving at the club in streaks, but her contract was ending with the reds. You were one of the first to know about the girl’s transfer to your club. You were so, so excited.
It was nearing the end of the season, the Manchester Derby being the game you watched, but you couldn't help but catch the eye of one of the girls on the opposite team.
Her name was Hayley, you knew that from the ribbon in her hair and the curls that fell from her flimsy bun. You watched her intently throughout the game, unable to peel your eyes off the woman as she threaded the ball in and out of her position on the wing. As a Winger yourself, you were able to easily admire her skill, despite the fact that you were in fact rooting for the other team. You were quick to make yourself known to her after the game, and everything sort of hit it off from there.
Hayley was kind. Her heart was full of gold, and her precious person was something you fell in utter love with. She made you laugh like no one else. She had a way of making you feel seen, heard, and thought of even if there were a million different things going on around you that looked to be more important. The two of you didn't even think about the physical distance that you’d have to face. The instant connecting made it impossible to break the bond you immediately had.
After a couple of weeks of talking back and forth, you had found yourself hopelessly enamoured with the Australian.
Ona announced her move to Barca in June, and your national team was preparing for the long and apprehensive task of the World Cup. Before, you thought yourself very lucky to be playing in such an important tournament with such talented played. You still think this now, but after meeting Hayley, all thoughts turned to the idea of being in the same country for a whole month together.
Obviously, you did not have much time to spend. Winning the World Cup was a dream come true. It was everything you had ever dreamed of. But your heart was yearning for only one thing.
Hayley had asked you to be your girlfriend on the day you were due back to Spain. Her surprising announcement to Real Madrid just before the Cup was nothing of a shock to you. While you played for the rival team — and maybe, sort of tried to convince the girl to try for Barca — you were over the moon that she was so much closer to you.
Now, months later, you were spending your evening in a bar with Aitana and Keira slung to your hip, slurring your words as you searched for your phone. The Barca girls were in Madrid after a critical match against Atletico Madrid, meaning the next few days were going to be by your Australian’s side.
“Ugh, calling the enemy, I see.” Keira quipped, rolling her eyes. Aitana giggled from beside her, watching your sluggish motions with a smug countenance.
You ignored their antics, ignoring their jokes and finding your girlfriend's contact on your phone. You didn't even register how it took a few seconds for her to pick up, but you realised she had been waiting by the sound of her keys.
“Heyyyyy, Hay.” You splattered, pulling down an inch of your heightening skirt. “Miss you so much, Babyyy.”
“Hello, darling.” You heard your girlfriend chuckle. “Are you ready?”
“Ready for what?” You asked. You flipped Keira off when she mocked your whines.
“For me to pick you up, Darling.” Hayley replied.
“Hm,” You pondered for a moment, trying to remember why you wanted to call Hayley in the first place. “I'm in a bar, Hay.”
“I know. I can hear it in your voice.”
“Nooo, I've had no drinks.” You whined, pulling yourself up from the secluded corner you and the girls were nurturing. “Why are you calling?”
If you were shit-faced drunk right now, you would've caught onto the Aussie’s continuous patience, and the endearment in her tone as she talked to you.
“You called me, Babygirl.” She spoke, her side of the phone quiet in contrast to the blaring music you were surrounded by. “Maybe it's time for me to pick you up?”
“You can't pick me up, Ribbon.” you giggled, the fond nickname rolling off your tongue in second nature. “You're at home. I'm at a club.”
“Oh, yes, my mistake, Darling,” she responded quickly. Hayley was already driving to your location having been waiting for this call all night. You didn't know this, but she was slightly envious of your team taking you away. While you both lived in the same country now, it was still at least a five-hour drive between Madrid and Barcelona. Furthermore, it wasn't often that teams would stay after away games, so it frustrated her knowing you were spending time with a team you spent every day with when you could be with her.
“I'm on my way now, okay?” She said to the phone, knowing that despite the silence you were waiting for her to guide the conversation. “Do any of the girls need a lift?”
You gave a quick glance over to the group you were with. Alexia was scolding Mapi downing shots. Ona was trying to force water down Aitana’s throat, and Keira was just singing at the top of her lungs, swaying to the beat of the music.
“No, Alexia is here.” You put it simply. Everyone knew that if Alexia was near, everyone would be getting home safe.
Hayley must've heard you from over the music since she hummed back. “Alright then,” She answered, turning the corner towards the club. “I want you to go tell Keira or someone that you're leaving so they know you're going.”
You ran a hand through your hair, crossing your arms over your chest in silent rebuttal. “Keira’s drunk, Hayley.”
“Okay, then don't tell her, tell Aitana.”
“Oh, erm— she's drunk too.”
You could hear the girl’s sigh. “Put Alexia on the phone please, Baby.”
You did as you were told, handing the phone to your captain without managing to explain why you did so. The older woman shared a solemn conversation with your girlfriend before hanging up the call and turning to Ingrid.
With Keira and Aitana yelling out goodbyes, the Norwegian woman held the small of your back, leading you out of the club to make sure you did so without error.
“Love you, Ingrid.” You muttered, holding the back of the girl’s top as she led the two of you out.
“Love you too, Precioso.” She replied, smiling at your dazed expression before finding Hayley’s car pull up beside you. You watched your girlfriend walk out towards you, giving your teammate a slightly awkward, but grateful nod as you breathed in her familiar scent.
“Hey, Hay.” You gasped, grasping onto Hayley’s sweater in replacement of Ingrid.
“Hey, sweet girl.” She uttered, opening the passenger door, aiding your balance as you trampled in.
You made sure to give one last look at Ingrid, smiling as big as you could. “Love you, Ingrid. Miss you so so so so much.”
“Miss you too, y/n/n. See you soon.”
You found yourself relaxing in the passenger seat as Hayley drove off. Her hand sat comfortably on your thigh, drawing small, wistful circles as you hummed a quiet tune.
When you finally arrived home, Hayley helped you take off your makeup, taking off your shoes, and slotting her Matildas trackies and one of her old Portland Thorns shirts over the top of you. You were like putty in her grip, letting her lead you to the bed without a second to protest, engulfing the cool climate of the sheets.
“I'm ‘gonna go get some water and paracetamol for you, Darling. Do you want anything else?”
Your girlfriend held out her hand, lightly stroking the baby hairs that had fallen from her pony and onto her face.
“Do we have any food?” you asked, knowing the answer already but feeling the need to ask anyway.
The Australian nodded and walked out of her bedroom, taking a few minutes to collect everything she needed. When coming back, she noticed the furrow in between your eyebrows. The drunken endeavours of the night were inevitably going to catch up to you and Hayley knew you were starting to release that when you happily accepted the water and medicine in a few gulps.
Once the two of you had settled back into bed, with Hayley changing into her pyjamas, you had almost forgotten about your prior request when you heard the ruffle of a packet sound from beside you.
Your head shot up, eyes darting to the yellow cardboard box and concealed package within it. Hayley’s arm had found its way across your waist, pulling you into her side as she let the scent of the food waft into the space.
You laughed at Hayley’s look of delight — two Cheddar Shapes already popping into the girl’s mouth.
“Where did you get these?” You asked, watching Hayley’s devious smile widen.
“Fan gave them to me.” She replied, shoving three more into her mouth.
You two shared a still and silence as you cracked away at the biscuits one at a time. Madrid had fallen into a quiet city — no longer filled with the connotations of noise and light, the wholesome bubble of your bedroom filling the enmity of home for the night.
“You're so cute, ribbon.” you quipped, glancing over the blush that had dusted your girlfriend’s cheeks. Hayley pulled you closer, the box of the Aussie snack hushed off the bed.
You felt the warmth of her embrace overwhelm you into fatigue, the combination of one another's love steering you two into an eternity of solitude.
“You are too, my girl.”
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lordprettyflackotara · 6 months
Mr.Right || Colby Brock
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smut, 18+, minors dni | a/n: it’s about time i wrote about my bby colby. ps i got a new xplr hoodie today at zumiez, i’m so fuckin happy. enjoy lovely’s <3
You couldn’t do it anymore.
Ideally you had the perfect life. Perfect house, neighbors, job. You had more money than you knew what to do with, causing you to lose your passion to make a life for yourself.
You even had the perfect husband, Mr.Right. He was always attentive to you, worshipping the ground you walked on. You stared down at your wedding ring, the obnoxiously large diamond shining in the dim bar lighting.
You told your husband you were going out with your friends, but truth was you needed to get away from all of it. All of the glamour and flattery. This lifestyle was all you were supposed to want, the reoccurring thought haunting you.
Why didn’t it satisfy you?
“Come here often?”
Your gaze lifted from your glass, curiously landing on the man beside you. You were almost unsure of how he got into this bar, his leather jacket throwing off your response. Your eyes finally met his, his blue orbs practically absorbing you.
You cleared your throat, stirring your drink in a bored manner. “Thats a corny line you know,” You say dryly, looking away from the man. He pulled up a chair beside you, making himself comfortable.
“My name is Colby. Let me buy you a drink,”
You lifted up your hand, showing off your wedding ring.
“I’m married, sorry,”
Colby examined your wedding ring, the real authentic jewel not impressing him.
“Where is he?” Colby asked. You arched your eyebrows, finally looking at him again. “Where’s who?” You questioned. Colby smirked, gesturing to your wedding ring. “Mr.Right. I’d love to meet him,” Colby chuckled. You could feel heat rush to your cheeks, your eyes widening slightly. Colby called over the bartender, ordering two shots of one of the most expensive tequilas on the menu.
“You don’t have to say anything. I see. Mr.Right isn’t so right after all,” Colby said, purposefully waiting until the bartender was out of earshot. You narrowed your eyes, glaring at the cocky man in the leather jacket. “You don’t even know me,” You argued. The bartender gave you both a small smile, placing the shots in front of you.
“Put everything she’s had on my tab,”
You rolled your eyes. “What exactly are you playing at? How did you even get in here?” You spat. Colby shrugged, downing his shot with ease. He sat the shot glass back down on the counter, challenging your hardened gaze. You picked up your shot, downing the firey liquid as best as you could. Even after drinking the best of the best, alcohol never came easy to you.
“It’s the way he fucks you, isn’t it?”
You forced yourself to swallow the shot, coughing. You swallowed hard, trying to regain composure.
It wasn’t what Colby said that bothered you, it was the fact he was right. Your husband was vanilla, afraid of experimenting in the bedroom in any capacity. Your marriage was strictly monogamous, your needs never fully being fulfilled. You had cravings and desires he refused to meet, insisting they were foolish fantasies he ‘knew’ would fade over time.
It was the only aspect he lacked in your relationship and you just couldn’t get over it.
“You don’t have to answer me, I can tell by the look on your face you haven’t gotten good dick in a long time,” Colby smirked. You stared at him in disbelief, unable to form a proper response. This delinquent had somehow read you like a book, your eyes trailing down to his hands. Rings decorated his long, slender fingers, while his veins were prominent against his tan skin.
“So, what’s your point? You’re offering to fuck me? I’m not going to pay for sex,” You reply flatly. Colby leaned forward, his mouth next to your ear. You shuddered as his hot breath hit your skin, his fingers brushing some stray hairs behind your ear. “I don’t want your money. All I want is to hear you scream my name and beg for me. I have a place nearby,” Colby purred. Your thighs clenched, butterflies rummaging through your stomach. As if on que, Colby’s offer continued,
“You seem so eager, maybe we shouldn’t wait,”
You swallowed hard, his words alone causing your cheeks to flush red.
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” You quietly agreed, thoughts of all the things he could do to you running through your mind. Colby smirked as he leaned away from you, tossing random bills onto the counter. He grabbed your hand, helping you off of the barstool and guiding you down one of many hallways that existed in this bar. You were surprised that for a bar so exclusive, Colby seemed to know exactly where he was going.
He pushed open the men’s bathroom door, revealing several rows of sinks and stalls. “In here? You can’t be serious. This is absolutely ridiculous-” You argued. Colby shut the door behind you, locking it with ease. In a swift motion he pushed you against the door, his arms pinning you against the cool metal. “No one’s going to interrupt us, trust me. If you want to cum I highly suggest you get on your fucking knees,” Colby said. His eyes studied yours intently, ensuring every move he made was something you could handle.
You slid down to your knees, cringing as your knees hit the cool marble floor. “Stick out your tongue,” Colby ordered, undoing his belt. You could hear the metal clinking as you maintained eye contact with him, doing as you were told. Your thoughts wondered off to what else he could do with that belt, the idea making you rub your thighs together. You flattened your tongue, Colby instinctively licking his lips as he took out his cock. “I assume you’ve had no throat training?” Colby asked curiously. You shook your head no, causing him to give you a playful smile.
“We’ll fix that later, now suck me off whore,”
You took Colby into your mouth, his size preventing him from fully fitting. You bobbed your head on his cock, using one of your hands to help jerk off the length you couldn’t fit. “Nuh uh, no hands. Put em behind your back,” Colby huffed. You slowly put your hands behind your back as instructed, continuing to suck him off as best as you could. The size of his cock was beginning to make your jaw hurt, his tip just almost hitting the back of your throat. Colby admired your efforts, his cock in your mouth one of the hottest things he had ever seen. But he knew you needed guidance.
He reached down, grabbing your hair into a makeshift ponytail. “Relax your jaw for me,” He muttered. You forced your jaw to go slack, Colby’s hips now bucking into you. You gagged as his cock hit the back of your throat, Colby’s groans echoing off of the bathroom walls. You felt so filthy, on your knees in a public bathroom, letting a delinquent use your throat as he pleased. But you fucking loved it.
You felt tears flooding your waterline, the salty teardrops dripping down your cheeks as Colby continued using your mouth. “Fuck, you’re fucking hot,” Colby praised, removing his cock out of your mouth. You gasped for air, saliva beginning to drip down your chin. “Cmere baby,” Colby ordered. You grabbed his hand, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Your makeup was ruined, your mascara trailing down your cheeks. Colby didn’t seem phased it, if anything he looked as if he thought you were prettier than before.
“Hi pretty girl, turn around for me,” Colby purred. He used his thumb to wipe away your tears, his other hand helping you turn around. Colby lifted up your dress with ease as you leaned against the bathroom counter on your shoulders. “I want you to watch yourself as I make you cum on my fingers. If you look away i’ll stop. Understand?” Colby asked sharply. He caressed your ass, tracing the sensitive flesh with his fingertips.
“I understand,” You whimpered, cool air rushing between your thighs as Colby slid your panties down. Your face was pink, your mouth forming into the shape of an O as Colby slid the first finger inside of you. He curled it, causing you let out a desperate groan. Your body craved more, your walls squeezing him, searching for friction. “You’re doing so good for me, good girl,” Colby praised, sliding another finger inside of you.
He curled his fingers upwards, causing you to grip the sink as you moaned his name. “I see, you like that huh?” Colby asked mockingly, before picking up the pace. Your husband had truly neglected you sexually, Colby had figured out that much. The way you looked as if you were in a state of bliss just from his fingers alone made him wonder how you’d react when he fucked you senseless. 
You forced yourself to keep your eyes open, the pleasure almost overwhelming. Colby’s fingers were fast and ruthless. He never seemed to tire, your legs beginning to shake as he added in a third finger. “It’s okay, look at me,” Colby told you, slowing down his pace. You looked up at him in the mirror, his ocean eyes absorbing every little detail about your facial expression. He was slowly curling his fingers inside of you, your walls clenching around him. “Does it hurt? We can stop-” Colby began, concern dashing across his face. His fingers had come to an abrupt halt, no longer hitting your g spot but instead staying still.
Your plea cut him off, your desperation to cum overshadowing any ounce of dignity.
“Please don’t stop, please, feels so fucking good,” You whined, pushing your hips against his hand. You weren’t used to begging, never having to ask for anything to be done for you. But fuck, you loved begging him like this. Colby smirked at your reaction, his fingers curling inside of your dripping cunt. His other hand flew to your hair, yanking it towards him.
You arched your back as he held onto your hair, pain shooting down your scalp and spine as he continued to abuse your g spot with his fingers. “You look so filthy like this. You’re such a dirty slut for me,” Colby muttered into your ear, his name leaving your lips like a mantra. You gripped onto the sink for support, babbling incoherent curses.
“What are you? Say it or i’ll stop,” Colby threatened, watching your expression in the mirror. You were determined to listen, what little consciousness you had telling you to focus on yourself in the mirror.
“I’m a dirty slut,” You moaned pathetically, the knot in your stomach forming as you spewed the humiliating words.
Colby smirked, sensing your walls clenching around him. You were practically begging for his cock.
He yanked your hair again, causing you to whimper.
“Whose dirty slut are you?” Colby countered, relishing in seeing you humiliate yourself.
“I’m your dirty slut, i’m gonna cum, please-” You babbled, unsure what you were even begging for.
Colby held you steady as you came, an unfamiliar euphoria blinding your senses. You gripped onto the counter so hard your knuckles were turning white, your thighs trembling as your juices coated Colby’s fingers. He admired them in front of you, releasing your hair and sucking them clean.
“You taste so sweet, next time i’ll have you cum on my face,” Colby purred. You chuckled as he turned you around, his lips meeting yours. His kisses were rougher than your husband’s, his lips never able to fully keep up with your desperate ones. Colby liked it rough and he knew without a shadow of doubt, you did too.
You could taste mint and the faintest taste of your juices on his tongue as he pressed you against the bathroom sink. Colby pulled away briefly, his eyes meeting yours.
“You want this cock baby?”
Knock knock knock.
You nearly jumped out of your skin, clinging onto Colby as the bathroom door shook.
“This is a public bathroom! Get a room!”
You were stunned and silent, afraid the intruder would knew who you were once you left. Colby was quick on his feet, wiping away your ruined makeup and helping you pull your panties up. You were far from presentable, your hair messy, lips puffy, and cunt drenching your panties. Colby pulled your dress down, leaning close to your ear.
“When I unlock the door, leave, i’ll make sure the guy out there never saw you,” Colby whispered. The intruder continued pounding on the bathroom door, causing Colby to sigh. He redressed himself, running his fingers through his ruffled brunette hair.
“Hotel six on main street, meet me there Friday at seven. I’ll be in room 717,” Colby said, heading over towards the door. You nodded as confidently as you could, exiting the bathroom and brushing past the stranger. You could feel curious eyes burning holes into your back, guilt flooding you as you walked down the hallway.
Your mind swirled with thoughts as you called your personal driver to pick you up, exiting the bar as quickly as you could as to not be affiliated with Colby. As you stood outside and lit a cigarette all you could think was one thing: You needed to be at hotel six on Friday, no matter what.
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Fandom: Demon Slayer
Character(s): Tanjirou, Kanao, Inosuke
Warning(s): Manga Spoilers
Readers Gender: Gn
If You Were The Demon Slayers Swordsmith
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He was so grateful for you as when you both met he thanked you. Tanjirou was curious about you as you always gave off a scent that smelled like burning iorn but yet you smelled like fresh flowers.
You had wrote him letters always making sure he was okay. Tanjirou would keep these letters as now every letter he gets his cheeks would get red.
When he first saw your face he was taken aback by your beauty. He never really cared about your looks but to him you were even more beautiful than you once were.
You two soon did go on dates after the defeat of Muzan. To him now he can enjoy his life in a way, he can enjoy it with you.
You would be there if Tanjirou had ever wanted to talk about anything. To him you were always there with calm words and was there to listen to him.
Tanjirou had fell in love with you at first sight. Even when he couldn't see your face he didn't care all he wanted was you. If it wasn't for your help he would have never done what he had done. Forever he will be thankful to you.
You hardly ever met with Kanao as she never really broke ger swords. But yet you still wrote to her as when you would go give her, her knew sword you will always make small talk with her.
Kanao would sometimes write back to but after the Tengen incident she started to write back to you.
And with these letters Kanao had started to feel something different and from what she had heard from Aoi it might be love.
After the defeat with Muzan Kanao met up with you as she wanted to see you. She was happy to have finally see your face. You were there if Kanao ever needs to talk about anything after what had happen during the battle. She was happy to know you were there for her amd to make sure she was taken care of.
Kanao will always love you as you were the only one to have take her heart.
You and Inosuke had started rocky as when you first given him his sword only for him to take a rock and to you break them. You had almost even fought him and he would also almost fight you.
You two would not communicate till after the defeat of Muzan when you two would met again. And after getting to know each other you had grown feelings for the boy. Those feelings did stick when Inosuke did apologize for breaking the swords and that was when you knew you loved him.
Even if you and Insouke relationship started off rough you both did grown to love each other and all to think it started with him breaking your swords.
Inosuke did grown to love you and your firey passion. Insouke will never say it out loud but he thankful for you. He loves you as to him it was curse that he had fallen for you. But yet here he is holding your hand.
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