#feeling smol and vulnerable 🥺
vgbndangel · 4 months
Mild trauma trigger warnings with depression + probably more about me than you ever wanted to know.
I promise this might be the only super serious post I make. Maybe.
But I see a lot of stuff around and figured I wanted to write something on a more serious note, imagining that it might maybe slightly help even one person.
I'm not here to judge or shame anyone--quite the opposite really. Life is hard. We all cope in different ways. (And often develop traits or even kinks from our experiences--me included I have a lot of darker kinks even, and that's okay 💕)
I might not even post this tbh since some of it I've never told anyone but I'll keep things a bit vague.
*** Actual stuff 👇 ***
From a young age, I was cripplingly, embarrassingly shy.
Like can't talk on the phone, play with people on the playground, make friends shy.
I'm not really sure *why* but I just felt "different" and found it impossible to really connect with anyone.
This led to me being in my own head a lot and over analyzing everything.
As you might imagine I had no friends growing up. (Shocking I'm sure)
None. Zip. Zero. Nada.
My parents didn't understand me, my brother didn't understand me. I just felt completely alone.
Naturally, I read a lot.
Mostly fantasy books about other worlds, magic, adventures, friends, and romance.
Every novel I could find at the library. (I was also obsessed with Harry Potter fan fiction oops, don't @ me, no one irl knows this and that's how it's gonna stay)
I started to wonder a lot about "the meaning of life" and really didn't understand what the point was--everyone around me always seemed so much happier.
I desperately wanted to leave and go to any of these worlds that I read about. I thought if I died would I be reborn in a better, happier world. That's how I became suicidal at 14 - no external trauma, just a self-fulfilling prophecy of depression and loneliness.
I never tried to act on these thoughts or tell anyone. I would just spiral downwards whenever I was alone.
Now fast forwarding a few years, I went off to boarding school--for academic reasons not behavioral ones.
You'd think putting a lonely, depressed kid to live on his own would be a recipe for disaster. (Also my parents had no idea I was depressed since I never talked to anyone)
But actually it wasn't! The school had a lot of structure for forcing people to interact even for someone like me.
I made a few friends and started to see some happiness in life.
Around this time I started dating someone for the first time (all of my knowledge of relationships came from books and fanfictions mind you).
As you might expect, this person became my entire world.
There was a lot of drama of course--we were teenagers in boarding school what do you expect? We broke up, got back together, had a lot of sex in risky places, and made very many unreasonable promises.
We dated for two years before graduating.
We went to different universities far away and talked about making it work long distance.
A week after she moved away, she broke up with me by phone with no real warning.
I was devastated and was actively suicidal for the first time.
Three years went by - we talked on the phone every month or so (she would talk to me whenever she was lonely as a last resort and I would eat up the attention).
If you take anything away from my post (if anyone made it this far)--don't ever do this to yourself. Block them until you've gotten over the relationship!!! You deserve to be somebody's first choice.
I started to feel happy for the first time getting away from school during an internship. I didn't know anyone and I started learning how to be happy by myself and with myself. For the first time, I found myself living in the moment rather than imagining a better moment.
Second major takeaway I want to impress upon you dear reader--focus on baby steps to feel better rather than "visualizing yourself at the finish line". For basically my whole life, I had wanted to get better and not getting to this imagined "happy" led to constant downward spirals.
I have had a lot of ups and downs since then. But measuring my progress instead of focusing on how far away an imagined, moving finish line is has helped me immensely.
A lot of time, people treat happiness as a very concrete thing. You're either happy or you aren't. The things we read and experience create "checklists" of happiness for us. And mostly it just feels so far away -- there's always something "missing" or not perfect which sours everything.
I'm not perfect now--even today as a highly functioning adult I have (many) days where I want to just stay in bed. I have insecurities and oddities. And that's okay.
Life (and relationships) is about learning and growth. Trying to be a better person and finding small happinesses in small steps.
Finally, if you're struggling with depression or trauma try talking to someone you can trust--a therapist, partner, close friends, a help hotline, anyone. My biggest regret is silently struggling because it could have ended up with the worst ending.
You matter and have value 💕
[Sorry if this came off as kinda soap boxy. I know I'm writing from a position of immense privilege. I could also probably cut out some of the personal background, but I didn't want to. ily for reading this whole thing.]
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lillieslotus · 2 months
it’s 6am and im drowning in varadeva thoughts!
prashanth neel really created 2 stalwart hulks w the physical dexterity to turn all of khansaar crimson red, while simultaneously building them to have the SOFTEST heart for each other!
they meet after 25 long years, and require no acclimation WHATSOEVER before displaying physical affection towards each other! not a moment of awkwardness. they melt and shrink w each other without any hesitation. tol big men soo smol 🥺 so attuned to each other’s bodies (!!despite the physical distance that stretched for more than 2 decades!!)
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idk man but it’s fr refreshing to see two big men, carrying the capacity for such extreme violence, also embrace each other so intimately and be so vulnerable w each other!
they do not feel any pressure to give in to the macho-man-lacking-emotions persona bc they simply do not give a fuck! they feel a lot and their feelings towards each other are far greater than any possible need to push out an image of a tough, ruthless interior. they missed each other, and everyone will have to endure that!
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just boyfriends always caring for each other. varadha looking out to ensure his man has his chili powder (to be loved is to be seen!! bc you remembered that detail for 25 years?) deva making space for him to lay his head, CARESSING him, making sure he’s taken care of in such a vulnerable drunken state, remaining by his side through the night 🥹🥹 he would jump in and fight off the nightmares for varadha if he could!
these are all !!open!! declarations of love, your honor! and my men don’t shy away from it either. they love each other and they will make it everyone’s problem (cue the flashback to narang’s beheading for being audacious enough to touch deva’s varadha in his presence)
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Can I request any thots you might have on the moon boys with a male reader? (Could be the character from your pride fic idm- I just love your mk/male reader stuff 😭😭)
AND CONGRATS ON 2K!! You are such an insanely talented and dedicated writer and you deserve all this and more. Best of luck with your novel, by the way! And thank you personally for inspiring me both with art and writing! 💞💞-🦝
Ooooh yes of course! I love talking about my m!Reader <3 He might be huge but he's very precious to me lol. Wanna put him in my pocket.
And thank you so much! I'm very excited about what's next for the novel, I'm trying to get things organized before I start writing but I'm almost ready!
And to say I inspired you...I can't...brain fries...does not computeeee 🥺 <- my face rn
Fic for context: Feeling You Can't Fight
NSFW below the cut
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Steven is absolutely obsessed with our Reader in Feeling You Can't Fight. The man is big, and while looks aren't everything, it's definitely Steven's favorite feature. He likes being the smol one.
Nothing get's Steven more turned on than feeling your hard cock against his ass while he's cooking dinner for you both.
Sometimes he gets whiny - "love, m'busy tryna get this squash in the oven, can't it wait?" - No matter how much he 'protests', he fucking loves it.
Half the time he'll stop what he's doing when you cage him in from behind against the counter, letting out a shudder as your lips brush against the shell of his ear.
Dinner often gets put to the side or burnt because you're bending Steven over every surface in the kitchen with your fat cock buried in his tight hole.
I'm going to do my best to talk about the other two without spoilers for the fic lol...
Marc I HC as a switch. He likes being on top as much as he likes being on bottom. Normally if he's going to bottom, our reader has to sort of push him into it, and it's only when Marc is feeling particularly vulnerable.
Imagining Marc, just waking up from sleep, feeling the prod of your cock against his ass first thing. He's groaning a bit because he hasn't bottomed for you yet but he's not stopping you as you pull his pants down to his thighs.
You're a leaking mess and he's to ashamed to speak so he just turns his head into the pillow while the breath punches out of his lungs. When you test his entrance, he mutters a low - fuck - before you push inside.
Marc's tight, and wasn't ready for your size, despite talking tough. When his mouth opens, you fill it with two of your thick fingers while you rut into him at a steady pace.
Then there's Jake, who I think would be a top through and through, but once in a while, you're able to get the upper hand. Usually it's when Jake gets mouthy, you can grab him by the back of the neck - "What did you just say little Jakey? Hm?" -
He actually enjoys the way your fat dick fills him up and stretches him out, forcing him to drool like a dog all over the fresh linen sheets. He's groaning and whining louder than Steven sometimes, being as vocal as he is, muttering curses in Spanish when you spill your hot seed in his asshole.
Phew...I went off there haha. Thank you for the love and support <3
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Melody's 2k Celebration Masterlist
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thegamingcatmom · 29 days
Don't worry about not understanding my rambles!! It was a bunch of stuff that just randomly came to my mind!
As for the ask I will try my best to reword it 😂
I was thinking of a moment where (if you had siblings) you guys get into a fight and someone pulls the "MOM" card to get the other into trouble! Or pulling a "Moom *name* is bothering me" like an annoying sibling!!
Would MC use that card if one of the girls are messing with her?? Maybe using it playfully? And how would each sister react to the situation? How would Tanya react if Irina was called to help MC get her away!
Hey again! 😊
Oh, that's totally fine, really! Rambling is what I do best as well, so I totally get you there. 😅
Thanks for sending me another ask and clearing things up for me though, much appreciated! ❤️
RIGHT, so-
Yes, no doubt about it, LMAO.
Not sure which universe we're talking, but I think it's safe to say that MC would defo make use of the hold she has over them all in just about ANY universe, that lil minx.
(She learns from the best, what did yall expect?)
Most times, it's Carmen's name that leaves her lips whenever things don't go her way someone is bothering her. Carmen is Momma, and MC is basically the baby of the family. She gotta protect her baby cause she's smol and vulnerable and very fragile. 😤
(The Sisters)
MC: "Give it back."
Kate: "Come and get it."
MC: "...Give.It.Back"
Kate: "...Come.And.Get.It."
MC: "..."
Kate: "..."
MC: *takes a deep breath*
Kate: *realizes a moment too late what´s going on and is helpless to stop what´s coming*
MC, on the top of her lungs (which is entirely unnecessary considering they're all vampires but MC doesn't know which makes it even more hilarious): "CARMEEEEEN!"
Kate, scream-whispers in horror as her hand flies to cover MC´s mouth: "SHHH!"
MC, muffled: "MOU PFFF!"
Carmen, in the distance: "Mi amor?!"
Kate, under her breath: "Fuck..."
MC: 🫢+😏
*The sound of quick (but not too quick, lest MC gets…suspicious) footsteps echoes from the second floor, drawing steadily closer.*
Kate: *closes her eyes in agony*
MC: 🫢+😏
Carmen: *hurries down the stairs*
Kate: *mentally prepares for the inevitable, eyes still closed*
MC: 🫢+😏
Also MC: *starts licking-*
Kate, eyes flying open: "WHAT THE-"
Kate: *snaps her hand back as if burned*
MC: 😏
...Kate: *regrets her decision right after because that was actually kinda hot-*
MC, who notices the sudden glint in Kate´s eyes and knows exactly what it means: 😏...🤨...😑
Carmen: *rounds the corner-*
MC, as soon as Carmen comes into view: 😑 -> 🥺
Kate, torn between annoyance and pride at the cunning devil that stands before her: "...You little shi-"
Carmen, almost on autopilot as she makes a beeline for MC: "Language, Katrina."
Kate: *spluttering*
MC: 🥺
MC, internally: 😏
Carmen: *wastes no time checking MC for injuries, hands and eyes flying over her body before anyone can even utter a word*
Carmen, once she´s made 100% sure MC isn´t in danger of dropping on the spot: "What is it, my dear? Are you feeling unwell? Do you require medical attention?"
Carmen: *tenderly cradles MC´s face with both hands*
MC, sniffling a bit: "No, I´m alright."
MC: *pauses for dramatic effect*
MC: "...Physically."
Kate, groaning in utter disbelief: "Oh my god-"
Carmen, shushing her without turning around: "Katrina."
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "not fair" and "can´t believe this is happening")*
MC: *some more sniffling*
Carmen, still concerned: "What do you mean by that, mi amor?"
MC: *glances over Carmen´s shoulder at Kate*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: "..."
MC: *starts lifting her arm-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *lifts it further-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *and further-*
Kate: 🙏🥺
MC: *until it´s stretched out all the way, finger pointing right at-*
Carmen, whose eyes have followed her arm: "...Katrina?"
Kate: "..."
MC, behind Carmen: 😈
Kate: 💀
Carmen: "Katrina, what is the meaning of this?"
Kate, panics: "...It´s not what it looks like-"
MC, still pointing her finger: "LIES!!"
Kate, who doesn´t respond well to facts: "NO, YOU!"
MC: "NO, YOU!"
Kate: "NO! Y-"
Carmen: "Girls."
MC: "..."
Kate: "..."
Carmen, eerily calm: "Now...will one of you tell me what the problem is?"
Kate: "..."
MC: "..."
Carmen, using her last resort: "...Alright, I will get Tanya then-"
MC: "Kate stole my Gingerbread Sheep...again!"
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "that snitch")*
Carmen: *sighs in great disappointment cause they´ve been over this...multiple times*
Carmen: "Katrina...give it back."
Kate: *still grumbling*
Carmen, not having any of it: "Now."
Kate: *emits the most dramatic sigh in history*
Carmen: *The Look*
Kate: "...Fine! Here-"
Kate: *pulls the abomination out from between her boobs and throws the ugly thing back...with a lot more force than necessary*
MC, the drama queen: *cries out in pain as the plush thing hits her right in the forehead*
Carmen, appalled: "Katrina!"
Kate, in disbelief at this shitshow: "...Are you kidding me?! That thing is made of cotton-"
Carmen, not having any of it: "That is not the point and you know it."
Kate: *muttering under her breath (something about "I know that´s bs")*
Carmen: "I heard that."
Kate: *more grumbling...but quietly*
MC: *picks up the abomination and holds it close like a kid would its favorite plush animal*
MC: 🧸🥰
Carmen: 🥰
Kate: 😑
Carmen: *checks her watch*
Carmen: "Oh, will you look at the time! What do you say, dear - shall we prepare some lunch for you?"
MC: 😇 "Yes, please."
Carmen, swooning: "So polite. Let us hope some of it will rub off on Katrina..."
Kate: *splutters in indignation*
Carmen: "Come then, mi amor."
Carmen: *leads MC out of the room with a hand between her shoulder blades*
Kate: *stares after them in disbelief*
MC: *turns around just before rounding the corner*
Kate: "..."
MC: ...😎🖕
Kate: 👁️👄👁️
Sooo, I think it´s safe to say that one should never underestimate their hooman...
Also: Tanya and Irina would have a similar reaction, I think. At least when it comes to Carmen. It´s just...you just don´t mess with that woman. Not because she might become physical or anything. Heavens no. Carmen wouldn´t hurt a fly.
It´s the aura. She enters a room and you just wanna make her happy. I don´t make the rules. 🤷🏻‍♀️
And in case any of you are wondering: Yes, the Gingerbread Sheep is a reference to the unsightly thing from Chapter 2. 🤭
But also, I´ve just realized-
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That is literally them here. PLEASE. 😭
As for Tanya´s reaction to Irina coming to MC´s aid:
I assume we´re talking The Sisters universe? Because in the "normal" universe Irina wouldn´t hesitate to come get her baby obv. And Tanya knows this.
Irina might be the baby sister, but she's got...personality. Only Kate would be foolish brave enough to poke the (Momma) bear. 🐻😅
In The Sisters though? Well, let's just say nobody quite expected...tbh? I don't even know- 💀
Tanya, the horndog: *swaggers into the room*
MC, sitting on the couch: *already done af*
Tanya: *sits down on the same couch...very close indeed*
MC: *scoots away*
Tanya: *scoots right after her*
MC: *scoots a bit further*
Tanya: *scoots right after her*
MC: *stands up and walks the short distance to the opposite couch, about to sit down-*
*...Only to jump up again in fright when her bum meets rock cause Tanya, having used her super speed, has already taken that exact seat.*
MC: *turns to face her in indignation*
MC: "Excuse you?!"
Tanya, innocent puppy eyes: "Hm?"
MC: "I was going to sit there."
Tanya, confused (and fake) af: "...What is stopping you, love?"
MC: 😑
Tanya: 😇
MC: *stomps over to the first couch, turns around, makes to sit-*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC, paranoid af: *keeps her eyes firmly on Tanya as her bum starts to lower in slow-mo*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC: *bum has almost landed*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC: *bum has finally landed*
Tanya, still on the other couch: 😇
MC, suspicious af cause that was way too easy: 👀
Tanya: 😇
Also Tanya: *gets up, walks over to the far end of the first couch, turns around, makes to sit-*
MC: *starts to sweat*
Tanya: *bum lowers*
MC: "..."
Tanya: *lowers further*
MC: "..."
Tanya: *almost sitting at this point*
MC: "..."
...Tanya, one second later: 😇...😈
MC, in horror: "Oh, fu-"
MC: *scrambles to get up-*
Tanya: *sits down with such force that the other end of the couch lifts off the ground - exactly the end where MC is sitting*
MC: *tumbles down the couch before landing square in Tanya´s lap, throwing her arms around her on instinct to hold onto something...what a coincidence*
Tanya: 🥰
MC: *still recovering from her involuntary takeoff*
Tanya, mind already on other things entirely: "My...you certainly do not waste any time, do you, poppet?"
MC: *indignant spluttering*
Irina: *enters the room and stops in her tracks at the sight of her leader and the Stray wrapped around each other*
MC: 👁️👄👁️
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *opens her mouth, then closes it again after a moment, opting instead to shake her head, wondering how this has become her life*
MC: 💀
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *slowly makes her way over to get her book that she's left on the other couch, avoiding any and all eye contact*
MC: 💀
Tanya: 🥰
Irina: *has arrived at the other couch, grabs her book, turns around, makes the grave mistake of making eye contact with MC-*
MC, with her eyes: *HELP ME*
Irina: "..."
MC: 🥺
Irina, actually considering: 🤔
MC, who can't believe her luck: 😲🤩
Irina: *remembers she hates the human*
Irina: "...Anyway, I'll be in my room-"
MC, panics: "WAIT-"
Tanya: *is confusion because MC has never addressed Irina directly before*
Irina: *is confusion too, but hides it well under all that scorn*
Irina: "...What?"
MC: *panics because she never thought Irina would actually listen*
MC, at a loss for words: "I..."
Irina, already regretting her choice: 😑
Tanya, still confused af: ❓👀❓
MC, who is malfunctioning: 💀
Irina, done with this shit: "...Right, if that is all-"
Irina: *turns around*
MC, panics even more: "WAIT!"
Irina: *grumbles under her breath (something about "why me") before slowly turning back around*
A few seconds of tense silence pass...
...Tanya: ❓👀❓
...Irina: 😑
...MC: 💀
Irina, truly done at this point: "Either you SPEAK this instant, mortal, or-"
MC, in her panic: "W-What´s your skincare routine?"
...Tanya & Irina: ❓❓❓
MC: *dies inside*
Irina: *discreetly takes a look around as if looking for hidden cameras*
Also Irina, after she´s made 100% sure that this is, in fact, painfully real: "...My skincare routine?"
MC: *slow nodding, as if she isn´t quite sure herself*
Tanya: ❓👀❓
Irina: "..."
MC, starting to sweat: "Yknow cause...your skin looks so...I-I mean-"
Irina: "...?"
Tanya, not liking where this is going: ❓🤨❓
MC: *swallows*
MC: "So...p-perfect..."
Tanya, definitely not liking where this is going: ❓😤❓
Irina: *torn between annoyance and...something else*
Irina: "..."
MC: 🥲
Irina: *muttering under her breath (something about "can´t believe I´m doing this")*
Irina, emitting the greatest sigh in history: "I...use water."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina: "...And moisturizer."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina, remembers she's supposed to act somewhat human: "...Some sunscreen, depending on...the weather."
MC: *nods in a way that is much too violent for the situation at hand*
Irina: "..."
MC: *sweating again*
MC: "That´s...wow, I mean...wow-"
Tanya: *much too focused on feeling betrayed to notice none of this makes fucking sense*
Irina: *painfully aware none of this makes fucking sense*
Irina: "...Right, if that is all-"
Irina: *starts to turn around again*
Tanya: *starts to calm down...barely*
Irina: "..."
Tanya: *betrayal 2.0*
Irina, about to lose it: "...What?"
MC: "...Can you show me?"
Tanya: *indignant spluttering*
Irina, unsure if she´s heard correctly: "...What?"
MC: 😅
Irina: "..."
MC: 💀
Irina: "...Show you?"
MC: *slow nodding*
Irina: "..."
MC: "I...it´s just...I think you´re...b-beautiful."
Irina: "..."
Tanya: *eye starts twitching*
MC, realizing how this sounds: "YOUR SKIN. I-I mean your skin is quite...beautiful. And I would like to have...beautiful skin too. Because yours is really...beautiful. So...yeah."
Irina: *torn between disbelief and...other things*
Tanya: *brain.exe has stopped working*
MC: 🥲
Irina, who just wants this torture to end: "...Fine."
MC: 👁️👄👁️
MC, in disbelief: "...Really??"
Irina: *says nothing in return, merely turns around to finally leave the room, mentally preparing herself for what´s to come*
MC: *unsure of how to proceed from here, was that a yes or-"
Irina, in the distance: "This century, mortal."
MC: *moves at a speed that would stun even a vampire, in fact-*
...A few seconds later:
Tanya: *realizes only now that her arms are painfully empty*
Also Tanya:
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Honestly? I have no idea.
Btw, if I might ask: Are you my "frosted anon"? I got an ask sitting in my drafts that used the blue heart as well, so I thought I'd ask. No pressure to answer though! Just curious. 😊
Thanks a lot for your ask! 💋
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uroboros-if · 2 years
i shall wait as long i have to if i can have a bite of that juicy demo and chapter 1
*waits patiently*
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sorry i couldn't find a more cheerful looking gif but you get it right? ;D honestly, i know im gonna enjoy whatever you're going to pump out cause HOT DAMN im already so hyped up about this IF that i dont even care how long i have to wait at this point! please make sure to take of your health as well though :)
also on a much fluffier note , how would a tol RO react to smol MC just snuggling up to them like a kitten while they're asleep , only for the RO to wake up after a few hours to find them all cuddled up on their chest before softly petting their hair 🥺👉👈
Hi Taco, first of all, thank you so much for your enthusiasm <3 I cannot convey how motivating it is to know that there are people watching and supporting me. It honestly still baffles me, and I can’t comprehend having actual enthusiasts for my work because I’ve never shared much of mine online!
Even if you’re willing to wait long, I hope that won’t be the case at all! I’ve been making progress today and sat down to answer asks just for a little break :) but again, thank you so much for your patience!
As for your ask, if gods could sleep...
SALVATORE. Dying inside. Their most adorable, loveliest, wonderful MC. The real deity of sun because the world revolves around them and also they’re so bright and amazing. They wouldn’t have the heart to move away, like no one should move a cat from their lap. It’s illegal, both in the eyes of the gods and man, surely.
LUCIEL. They’d smile softly and watch MC sleep. It’s nice to see them so at peace and restful, in that irreplacable tranquility people can’t attain when they’re in the waking world. A part of Luciel is jealous of mortals who can dream, for they wonder if they may dream lying with MC for eternity. Would gently stroke their hair.
CIOCANA. Would freeze for a moment, confused about who’s next to them. They sag against them in relief once they realize who it is, and after a few more seconds of processing what’s happening, their chest flutters a little. The feeling they have is indescribable; MC is willing to be vulnerable in front of them. They rest next to them as if they rather be nowhere else, and it’s... near unfathomable for them. They just quietly lie back down next to them and try to go back to sleep for little longer.
ALESSI. They haven’t had such a peaceful slumber in so long, and when they turn their head to see the warm lump next to them, they instantly know why. It’s astounding just how comfortable and refreshing it is to sleep next to someone again, who you feel safe with and you know won’t ever intend to hurt you. They take a deep breath, watch you for a few moments, before deciding to either make you some food or wrap you in something cozy.
Can you tell I haven’t phased completely out of my writing mode yet with how I answered? LOL thank you for the ask Taco <3<3
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More GA au thoughts 😅
But I was watching our staff baby(just about the cutest thing ever my word) and I couldn’t help but think about Jack watching over baby Mac. like babies(in my personal opinion) inspire such protectiveness because they literally can’t defend themselves. And Jack Freaking Dalton is a guardian and protector to his core.
I mean, think about it. Baby Mac laying in his crib. Alone for hours. Maybe he’s got a dirty diaper and he’s crying softly. Maybe he’s hungry. Maybe he’s learn(even at a few months old) that no one is coming. And he looks up to see Jack leaning over him. And he just grins up at him. Ughhhh
This is just a rant about babies and Jack and Mac and how this is the ultimate state of vulnerability and Jack is still there and Jack is watching out and Jack cares when no one else does.
Does he change Mac? Does he get him a bottle? Does he cover him up with blankets? Does he hum the lullaby he heard from a different parent an age ago? Idk but it’s so much fun to think about 🥺
hehehe so we have this snippet from Chapter Eleven of Upon taking lethal damage, enter resurrection,
“I wasn’t just there in the shadows, Mac,” Jack replies. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. For as long as I was able, knowing that when you grew up you’d never be able to remember it, I was there with you. You used to lay there in a crib and just cry.”
Even with the street lamps, Mac can barely see Jack’s face in the moonlight. “You expect me to believe that?”
“But you weren’t like other babies. You never ever cried loudly. Never screeched. And unless you were making a racket, your parents would never check on you during the day.”
Mac’s throat feels tight. “That’s not true.”
“You’d lay there, for hours at a time, tears silently falling from your face. You were uncomfortable, I could tell that, but you’d never make any noise. So I’d stand there with you, knowing that you wouldn’t remember, and that your parents wouldn’t ever go upstairs and accidentally see me.”
which is all that Mac really knows (at the end of part I Mac has begun to understand that the nice warm and soft feeling is from jack, but doesn't know it's from his wings). What he doesn't know is that it was times like these that kind of made Jack more... human? Gave him all of those human emotions and feelings of needing to protect someone who can't protect themselves.
Jack has definitely hummed and sang songs to Mac (I'll paste a part of one of the Jack drabbles below), he'd cover smol Mac with his wings to keep him warm and safe, and just. UGH the feelings you are making me feel!!!
It isn’t strictly life-saving, but Jack still reaches out. Barely touches the baby’s fist with his first finger, pausing when he uncurls those little fingers and wraps them around Jack’s offered appendage. The entire fist barely reaches up two knuckles, but the grip is stronger than Jack was expecting.
Slowly, and far too quiet for anyone else in the house to hear, Jack begins to hum.
Some song that he heard a million times because Ellen had a cassette tape she listened to every day when she drove to work, and this song was the second track on side one. Jack’s heard it at least twice every day for months.
The song itself doesn’t mean anything to the baby, Jack knows that much, but maybe it’s the soft humming that calms him down. Whatever the case may be, the squirming stops, and his other hand slowly uncurls until it’s back to five small fingers attached to an open palm.
Though the one holding onto Jack’s finger stays tight.
When he falls back asleep, Jack will take his finger back. Disappear back to a place where humans can’t see him. Can’t comprehend him.
full drabble here
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
Soft and sweet Levi😩🥺
Warnings:18+,nsfw+sfw,slight ddlg,dacryphilia, overstimulation
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Who loves treating you like you’re just too damn smol😩 never loses his patience with you and loves giving you head pats when you pout at him for telling you no 😭😭😭
Will not hesitate at all to baby you in front of your comrades, giving you kisses all over your face and readjusting your ODM gear while everyone else gets ready themselves.
It’s so embarrassing for you, your cheeks heating up at the random comments your comrades throw at you, but he can’t help that you’re always so fucking adorable. “Levi, I can do it myself”, you whine, hiding your face in his chest “I know”, he says, planting yet another kiss on your forehead before stepping away from you to make sure you are all set up and ready to go kick some titan ass.
Speaking of titan ass, you’re always deployed onto his squad, and you always have to follow right behind him. He’s so proud to see you take down another titan like he taught you to. The way you try and imitate him, spinning your blades around to chop their arms off before slicing their necks. You’re too cute for him y/n!🥺 he’s just so mesmerized, a small smile pulling at his lips while he cuts down a few titans too. Never taking his eyes off of you just incase you need help and dodging and cutting from reflex and nothing else.
Once you guys get back, Jean comes for you. “You’re only alive because you always ride behind your boyfriend, idiot”, he spits at you, pushing past you hard enough that you stumble. He’s obviously mad that you got a kill and he didn’t. Levi appears out of no where, standing right in front of him, Jean instantly freezing. Everyone in the room freezing too.
“You wanna do something about it?”, Levi asks, just the look on his face intimidating Jean enough for him to shake his head no, nevermind the question.
“Go apologize”, he says and Jean is immediately at your aid faster than you’ve ever experienced before. He better hope and pray that you forgive him to ease the tension he’s built up between him and Levi.
Levi simply leaves the room. He knows you can handle yourself, he just wanted to have a little fun.
Contrary to how soft he is with you outside the bedroom, Levi is rather stuck up inside the bedroom.
The only reason as to why he’s so rough and loves overstimulating you, is just so he can hear your soft cries in his ear when he’s balls deep inside of you, sweet taking you through it.
Your need for him when he’s making you feel so good like this gets to his head a little too much.
His skin breaking as you claw at his back, your body trembling beneath him, totally trapped and vulnerable, your whimpering and whining. God he loves it. You will say anything he tells you to like this.
“P-please d-da-daddy! Be g-goo…g-good f-for you pleeeaaaseee”, you beg him.
And he’s amused because you didn’t even do anything wrong. He’s just so deep into making love to you until you’re tapping out, crying and pleading for a break, every hard thrust like a million jolts of pleasure, your legs shaking over an orgasm you totally weren’t prepared for.
Your faces are only centimeters apart while he’s rearranging your insides, and he’s kissing away your tears. “My baby, you’re ready for a break now?”, he coos at you. “Don’t cry baby, daddy’s gonna give you your break. Fuck. You’re doing amazing okay baby?”
Your “break” is just him going from fucking you too eating your sloppy pussy. He lives for the cream😩 Please cream for him so he can lick it all up. Slowly lapping and softly sucking on you, making you squirt generously for him. Your juices politely flowing down for him to catch it in his mouth while he’s tongue fucking you, giving your clit a much needed break. He finally stops when you’re pushing him away, crying and begging for him to stop.
He has a heart you know. He will actually give you a break. Slowly kissing a trail from your ankle to your tummy, giving you another kiss on your forehead, and small pecks on your lips since you’re too tired to kiss him back. While you’re still whimpering, he’ll reassure you that you’re okay. “Hey baby, you’re fine”, he says rather softly, wiping the sweat off your forehead with his palm. “Come here baby, you’re okay, you did a great job for me. I love you, it’s okay”, he says, wrapping his arms around you and flipping you over so you’re laying on top of him. This always helps you calm down. Works like charm because you soon begin to hush, your heart slowing, returning to its normal, steady rhythm.
In no time, you’re out like a light. You see that’s why he knows it’s over when you ask for a break. Waking you up is gonna be challenge just because you’re a hard sleeper, nevermind asking you for more. He’ll just have to wait for morning. Why do you do this to him y/n.
You have him by the neck. He would literally eat dirt if you told him to. Not that you ever would, but he wonders how far he could actually go to make you happy. It’s fine if people claim he’s pussywhipped. He knows that already and he’s okay with that so why would he get mad?
He teases you for how quickly you fall asleep but he’s out no sooner than you are, holding onto you until sunrise.
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ewitsren · 3 years
pairings: mitsuya takashi x reader
cw/tws ⚠️: none(?)
requested: no
barrista's note ☕: mitsuya best boy 😭
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this man right here is a godsent angel </3. a gentle lover, a good mentor, an amazing friend...
you're his personal model i don't make the rules. you're the first person to see takashi's designs/clothes! he has a folder in his phone gallery full of your photos in his designs.
he wants you to stay out of toman and any toman related shit. he doesn't wanna get you involved in any kinda fight or conflict between the gangs, all he wants is you to be safe.
though sometimes it's you who has to worry about the other one's safety, when he comes home all dried up, injured and bruised it means there's some serious shit going on between them and the other gangs.
takashi is always patient, considerate, respectful and loving towards his s/o </3.
he pats your head! it's one of his ways of showing you he's proud of you. he adores the way you lean your head on his hand and smile under his touch.
not hakkai third wheeling around you all the time pls akshkjsbdjsh
takashi loves listening to music and cuddling under the blanket on rainy days </3 he puts on his favorite playlist and turns down the volume, pulling you to himself while placing kisses all over your face.
he loves driving you around the city with his bike! you guys sometimes go out and wander around when you can't sleep.
man literally has all the love in the world for you and looks at you like he sees the stars in your eyes.
takashi loves sharing food with you <3. he lets you pick the ice cream flavor and orders his food extra if you're eating outside.
melts into it when you play with his hair <3 also loves playing with yours.
would teach you how to ride a motorcycle if you asked him to but he prefers giving you a ride </3
always spoons you while sleeping!
i think takashi would really need emotional support from his s/o. he takes cares of his sister, he's always active in toman and he manages school + designing clothes at the same time. yes, he is a mentally strong boy, that's exactly why you should let him relax into your touch while telling him words of affirmation.
he's so good at comforting you. takashi picks up immediately if something's wrong and he does everything comes to his mind to make you feel better. he'll listen to you, he'll cuddle with you, he'll cook for you, he'll watch your comfort movie with you basically anything he thinks will help you.
he's also very attentive to your interests! you like reading? you have a 2-person book club now. you do martial arts? he trains with you.
hums some random slow songs to put you to sleep.
takashi enjoys teaching you things he knows well! you guys cook together, he helps you with your lessons and all the stuff he can do!
he lets you steal his clothes 🥺. he thinks you look adorable in them because they make you look smol </3.
reads to you out loud while playing with your hair.
takashi feels like he's falling in love with you every day, over and over again </3.
buries his head in the crook of your neck when he feels vulnerable, it's sorta his safe place.
makes clothes for you! he knows what you'll like or won't like since he's familiar to your style. it's one of his ways of showing you he appreciates you.
takashi always compliments you! he wants you to embrace yourself with the way you are and he's your biggest support source for self-love.
does your nails </3
the second he thinks someone's hitting on you he's right next you; casually pressing his lips onto yours, calling you pet names and telling the person in front of to fuck off with his annoyed smile.
you're pretty close with his sisters, sometimes he even thinks you'll overthrow him and become the coolest sibling.
takashi lays his lap on your lap and falls asleep while you play with his hair. he can't help but to relax into your touch every time, you're his comfort source. ♡
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dates are pretty much random, whatever you guys feel like at that moment. movie dates, picnics, aquarium etc. you even went to escape house (scary version) with everyone once
he loves watching movies with you. mainly because you fall asleep on him at the end <3
mitsuya loves going on shopping dates, you get matching clothes and try new styles together!
everyone repeat after me, takashi best boy </3.
nsfw !!
takashi is generally sentimental and gentle in bedroom, his top priority is his s/o's pleasure and he's open to try new things out as long as his s/o's okay with it
makes lingerie for you <3.
has praising kink, both receiving and giving. he praises you while pounding into you </3.
"yeah pretty girl, you're doing great." takashi moaned into your neck as he kept pounding into you with his hands on your hips, trying to keep your body steady.
" 'm feeling so good, takashi."
can spend hours between your legs... he loves the feeling of your nails digging his shoulders and licks his lips while looking directly into your eyes </3
takashi overstims you until you cry if he wants to go hard
comfort sex with him is just...heavenly. he kisses every inch of your body and whispers what he loves about that part, words of affirmations come out from his beautiful lips.
leaves hickeys on your collarbone </3
loves it when you give him hickeys, doesn't matter where <3 doesn't try to cover them up either, he'll just grin when someone asks how the purple bruises happened
takashi is not really loud during sex but he loves when you're loud. he bites your bottom lip if you ever try to hold back your whimpers and moanings.
has a sex playlist and is not hesitant to use it </3
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@ewitsren 's work, do not translate/repost on other apps and platforms.
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babiibunny · 2 years
feeling so vulnerable n smol n rlly wanna take a nap but want someone to molest me while i’m passed out
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borathae · 3 years
omfg sibi you literally too my heart away with the brand new chapter of aaol! ⚠️🤒
It was so fu*king adorable to see LUCKY being so small and vulnerable and that too in JUNGKOOK'S arms aww my aaol heart couldn't get more warmer. Usually she's so practical and strong, and seeing this side of her made me addicted.
They're the perfect example of two flavours with thousand shades.
They're so versatile. They rock. Every fu*king time. Even when they're hurting each other. There's just something so different about them, the way they almost loose each other and discovering how much they completed themselves.
All the credit goes to you. You're such a brilliant writer and plotter. Your dedication towards your work is so impressive! Even though it's more like a part time hobby you take it so seriously! You're so cool! I wanna have your brain so bad! I'd win at life if I have a brain like yours, not even joking!
Wish you the best, Sibi! I'M so looking forward to your stories in the future.
Best writer SIBI, I'll be rooting for you. Even if you don't know me, I want you to know that I love you. Though we're not blood related or even acquainted, we're connected in some type of way. You know what I'm saying? I just wanna thank you, I discovered new things with your stories. It made me realise that everything's can't be picture perfect and that there are worse going on in others life.
I'll always keep supporting you through 'our' way of communication/love language.
平安あれ! あなたはとても愛されています 🥺
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This has to be one of the loveliest and sweetest messages I have recieved in a long time 🥺😭 please anonie let me consesually smooch your pretty face 😔💜 I feel so honoured omfg thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! AAAAh you are so sweet 😭😭💜💕
(also Lucky being a smol bean is what fuels me :( please Koo is your strong man after all 🥺)
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stargirlfics · 4 years
I WISH I COULD RELATE TO THE SIZE KINK 🥺😪 I'm 5'10, plus size, broad shoulder, kinda curvy and athletic, so even with Geralt I'm like 🤷🏻‍♀️ boy is still only a few inches taller than me. But I'm also curious as to how he would react to seeing a girl who's tall and thic since most of the girls he interacts with are shorter and dainty
Ok for real imma need everyone to get on this bandwagon that the size kink isn’t just physical like you can literally be any size any height and these large boys WILL make you feel small, it’s the energy they have and the way they do shit!
Size kink isn’t just about how tall or big you are compared to your partner, you can be within a few inches of Geralt or whoever, that doesn’t matter, it’s that dominance coming from him that does the trick!
He knows how to make you feel small and that’s the key!
This is a man that knows full well how to intimidate and play up on his size!
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Especially with Geralt, seeing you how you are would be like a dream are you kidding!
There’s just so much more for him to do, to play around with, to explore and your physique enamors him
He could spend hours admiring and exploring your body not only because it’s different to what he’s used to
But also because something about the athleticism and thiccness to your build gives him so many thoughts
What it would be like to hold you close to him
How you match him in a lot of ways, how perfect of a fit it would be if you were in his arms and how beautiful you’d look bent over in a million different ways for him
How easy and fun it would be to break you down to your most vulnerable state and protect you and love you at the same time 😍
Plus don’t underestimate our mans ability to lift you up like it’s nothing, don’t playyyy
He absolutely would and then you’re gonna be speechless because oH now you’re pinned against him
And he can also read people well and use that to his advantage to keep making you feel smol!
My tall, big girls are just as much a part of the size kink as anybody, periodt, non negotiable!!!
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babiibunny · 2 years
something about cuddling a stuffy that just makes me feel so smol, sleepy, n vulnerable i never wanna get up 🥺
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