#stay tuned for my book /s
vgbndangel · 4 months
Mild trauma trigger warnings with depression + probably more about me than you ever wanted to know.
I promise this might be the only super serious post I make. Maybe.
But I see a lot of stuff around and figured I wanted to write something on a more serious note, imagining that it might maybe slightly help even one person.
I'm not here to judge or shame anyone--quite the opposite really. Life is hard. We all cope in different ways. (And often develop traits or even kinks from our experiences--me included I have a lot of darker kinks even, and that's okay 💕)
I might not even post this tbh since some of it I've never told anyone but I'll keep things a bit vague.
*** Actual stuff 👇 ***
From a young age, I was cripplingly, embarrassingly shy.
Like can't talk on the phone, play with people on the playground, make friends shy.
I'm not really sure *why* but I just felt "different" and found it impossible to really connect with anyone.
This led to me being in my own head a lot and over analyzing everything.
As you might imagine I had no friends growing up. (Shocking I'm sure)
None. Zip. Zero. Nada.
My parents didn't understand me, my brother didn't understand me. I just felt completely alone.
Naturally, I read a lot.
Mostly fantasy books about other worlds, magic, adventures, friends, and romance.
Every novel I could find at the library. (I was also obsessed with Harry Potter fan fiction oops, don't @ me, no one irl knows this and that's how it's gonna stay)
I started to wonder a lot about "the meaning of life" and really didn't understand what the point was--everyone around me always seemed so much happier.
I desperately wanted to leave and go to any of these worlds that I read about. I thought if I died would I be reborn in a better, happier world. That's how I became suicidal at 14 - no external trauma, just a self-fulfilling prophecy of depression and loneliness.
I never tried to act on these thoughts or tell anyone. I would just spiral downwards whenever I was alone.
Now fast forwarding a few years, I went off to boarding school--for academic reasons not behavioral ones.
You'd think putting a lonely, depressed kid to live on his own would be a recipe for disaster. (Also my parents had no idea I was depressed since I never talked to anyone)
But actually it wasn't! The school had a lot of structure for forcing people to interact even for someone like me.
I made a few friends and started to see some happiness in life.
Around this time I started dating someone for the first time (all of my knowledge of relationships came from books and fanfictions mind you).
As you might expect, this person became my entire world.
There was a lot of drama of course--we were teenagers in boarding school what do you expect? We broke up, got back together, had a lot of sex in risky places, and made very many unreasonable promises.
We dated for two years before graduating.
We went to different universities far away and talked about making it work long distance.
A week after she moved away, she broke up with me by phone with no real warning.
I was devastated and was actively suicidal for the first time.
Three years went by - we talked on the phone every month or so (she would talk to me whenever she was lonely as a last resort and I would eat up the attention).
If you take anything away from my post (if anyone made it this far)--don't ever do this to yourself. Block them until you've gotten over the relationship!!! You deserve to be somebody's first choice.
I started to feel happy for the first time getting away from school during an internship. I didn't know anyone and I started learning how to be happy by myself and with myself. For the first time, I found myself living in the moment rather than imagining a better moment.
Second major takeaway I want to impress upon you dear reader--focus on baby steps to feel better rather than "visualizing yourself at the finish line". For basically my whole life, I had wanted to get better and not getting to this imagined "happy" led to constant downward spirals.
I have had a lot of ups and downs since then. But measuring my progress instead of focusing on how far away an imagined, moving finish line is has helped me immensely.
A lot of time, people treat happiness as a very concrete thing. You're either happy or you aren't. The things we read and experience create "checklists" of happiness for us. And mostly it just feels so far away -- there's always something "missing" or not perfect which sours everything.
I'm not perfect now--even today as a highly functioning adult I have (many) days where I want to just stay in bed. I have insecurities and oddities. And that's okay.
Life (and relationships) is about learning and growth. Trying to be a better person and finding small happinesses in small steps.
Finally, if you're struggling with depression or trauma try talking to someone you can trust--a therapist, partner, close friends, a help hotline, anyone. My biggest regret is silently struggling because it could have ended up with the worst ending.
You matter and have value 💕
[Sorry if this came off as kinda soap boxy. I know I'm writing from a position of immense privilege. I could also probably cut out some of the personal background, but I didn't want to. ily for reading this whole thing.]
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
Homophobic that I have to record and edit a whole video in order to share the songs I write in a visual medium tbh
I need a wizard to just magically broadcast how good I made this cover of a song from The Last Unicorn. Beam it directly into the hearts and minds of the nation and also the author Peter S. Beagle, whom I googled just now and who is still alive AND WOULD SURELY GIVE ME THE RIGHTS TO USE HIS LYRICS IN MY GRAPHIC NOVEL IF HE ONLY KNEW HOW SICK MY UKULELE SKILLS ARE
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mar-iiposa · 1 year
prompt: the boys find out that their s/o snorts when they laugh
tag(s)/warnings: GN reader, suggestive comments/themes/jokes, vv fluffy
requests: open
authors note at the end for readers!! stay tuned :D
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he’s trimming his bonsai (you know how much he treasures them)
he’s slightly humming “boy’s a liar too
you’re reading a book whilst in the dojo
the dojo is quiet except for the calculated snips
you decided to save the next chapter of your book for later, so you quietly go on your phone
until you see a cute couples date idea on your ‘for you’ page
“hey, leo?”
you didn’t expect your voice to come off as wayy louder than intended
and neither did your boyfriend
the blue-masked ninja jumps at the unexpected noise
so much so that he knocks his bonsai over
his heart stops and he swiftly dove to the floor and scrambled to juggle the plant before finally catching it
he wipes his forehead and breathes a loud sigh of relief
however, you’re laughing your literal ass off
never have you seen him so visibly stressed
you were convinced he was gonna have a heart attack
hunched over and gripping your own sides, you’re hollering
and out comes snorts while you laugh
but as soon as you realize you’re snorting, you put a hand to your mouth
as you blink in embarrassment and security,
leo smiles over at you in adoration
with those criminal cute dimples too
“what was tha-?”
“you heard nothing.”
“babe, I know what I heard.”
you look away in pure embarrassment, heavily avoiding eye contact
“I know it’s weird-“
he’s now visibly confused
like wtf??? wdym ‘weird’??
he thought, if anything, that he’s the weird one
considering he’s a mutant turtle
“how is that gorgeous laugh weird?”
you’re about to respond when you pause
your cheeks grow warm
“you heard me.”
and he’s giving you that little coy yet sincere smile of his
“you should laugh like that more often, princess.”
your jaw has dropped
he takes a few steps towards you
and he gently holds your chin, lifting it so that you look up at him
eye contact (l o r d)
“I like that raw beauty.”
you sink into your seat, oh my god
he chuckles softly and pecks your lips with a kiss before walking out of the dojo
you’re stunned.
and why are you turned on-
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so we all know raph
and he is the biggest “gym rat”
( no offense to master splinter )
and you guys know those squats that you do with weights???
yeah, well, raph wanted to try those out today
and so he did
but it didn’t go by unnoticed
you were spotting raph (gym term) when mikey passed by
and my god, does mikey always have something to say
right as raph was mid-squat
“nice ass-popping, raph”
in tears laughing
mikey instantly fled from the scene
the look on raphael’s face just made it so much better
and so did it make you laugh much harder
thus, you began to laugh your “real laugh”
snort after snort surrounded your laughter
uncontrollably snort-laughing
“ya got the hiccups there?”
and just as quickly as he mentioned it, you were just as quick to stop it
you stood from your seat and your brows furrowed together
he knew that look
that was when he knew he was screwed
and off you went, grabbing your things and ready to head up go the surface and back home for the night
he strides after you, reaching out for your arm
but you pull it back before he can get the chance
“babe, what’s wro-“
you stop briefly outside of the lair’s entrance, tears pricking at your eyes
you feel the droplets on your lashes, and you can’t look at him
so, he stands in front of you
and his heart stings
“I feel like a pig,” you cough slightly as you begin to cry
raph’s expression instantly softens
“baby… yer speakin’ nonsense.”
he gently takes your hand in his big, rough and calloused one
“everyone always says that when they hear my real laugh.”
your pout quivers as your lips do so, your shoulders shaking slightly as you cry
you move to cover your mouth and half of your face with your other hand as you cry
but he stops you
and he carefully places it on his cheek
and his left hand rests on your cheek too
“I love ev’rythin’ about ya. sweet cheeks, look at me.”
your gaze flickers to meet his amber eyes
“you could have a million laughs… but this one right here? jesus, that one’s my favorite. now that’s for sure.”
you get on your toes and desperately hug your much-taller boyfriend
now this is one of the reasons he’s the love of your life
“I love you, raphie.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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that’s it
he’s convinced you are 110% his soulmate
and here he thought that he had the worst and dorkiest laugh
this snort-laugh of yours occurred when donnie had accidentally taken a sip of scorchingly-hot coffee
he was sleep deprived
thus, he forgot how hot coffee could be
directly after pouring it
and you weren’t quick enough to stop him
so you snort laugh, stomping a little as you throw your head back in your chair
he used to hate his own laugh that involved tons of snorting sounds
but now you’ve effortlessly convinced him that it’s the best laugh in the entire universe
“what was that?”
donnie’s got the biggest and most goofiest grin on his face
“I can explain-“
his grin expands
“yeah, huh? give me another demonstration, darling.”
you shake your head in disagreement
just as you open your mouth to further reply, he continues
“oh, I bet I can out-snort you, jellybean.”
a wicked grin plastered on his face
and a mirroring grin begins to grow on yours too
“how much are we talkin’?”
“un-licked poptarts.”
“annddd I’ll have to be out of the lab for a week.”
this dude was serious
“deal. pleasure doing business with you, an-“
“nuh uh, no stalling. let’s hear it, you first.”
donnie gestured towards you to start off the competition
you give a purposely-snarky little laugh, snorting near the end
your boyfriend gives a nod of approval
“very cute, might be hard to beat.”
then he gives it a go
“such a rookie”
he shoots such a devastatingly-cute yet playful grin over at you
he then cracks his knuckles
“game on.”
and so now this just sparks your competitive side
you two spend the next 15 minutes just going back and forth
and those passing by right outside of the lab are so confused
“what the hell’s going on in there-”
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thank god he’s a comedian
you’ve giggled countless times around mikey and towards his jokes
he’s a funny one
indefinitely getting giggles and chuckles straight out of you
but your actual laugh???
it had yet to be unleashed
until today
your boyfriend’s trying to show you how to get creative with your art
lately, you’ve been out of the zone
and who better than than the master of creativity himself to help you out of your art block?
so here you are in the sewers, spray painting on the walls
“angelcakes, you’re too stiff! you gotta relax, chillll”
“but I’m trying!”
he moves to stand directly behind you, covering your eyes with the tails of his mask, his hands over them as well
“what’re you doing?”
“just spray with your eyes closed and move, babes.”
you inhale and then exhale
with a few movements here and there, you decide to start off small until you could hopefully gain inspiration from there
instead, all you got was a surprise
apparently, you accidentally drew one
mikey yelped, falling to the floor as he banged his fist against it in fits of laughter
he had the humor of a middle-school boy
and so did you
top tier comedy imo
you kneeled down to the floor beside him
clapping your hands, you feel yourself losing control of your body
and that accounts and goes for your laugh too
least expecting it, you begin to snort as you uncontrollably laugh
some squeals in there too as you try to regain your composure
he laughs harder, pointing at you
you nearly feel the insecurity start to seep in
that is until you hear him go “awee!”
and your heart melts
but not as much as his has
“you like my snorting??”
“who wouldn’t?! it’s the cuuutest thing ever, baby!”
you swore that you fell deeper in love with this man
you both just sit there in those sewers
laughing over an accidental penis drawing
and continuing to laugh like a couple of fools
lovesick fools
author’s note: hello, everyone!! glad to be back! I’ve been on hiatus recently, but I hope to be more active and produce more fanfics and headcanons for you guys :) I am currently open to requests, so please send them my way! and don’t limit yourself, you can send as manyyyy requests as you want!! please leave comments and stuff, they fuel my motivation and validation tbh 🫶 thank you for reading, thrilled to be back!!
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2knightt · 9 months
「 you are—unforgettable.」
IN WHICH—you’re them and they’re you!♡ ໋֢ 👒✧
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⌗ 👒 notes !𖥔༌ ᰷ ﹅ people in this fic refer to two-bit as ‘keith.’ who cuz who the FUCK says ‘he got his two-bits in🤓’ NOBODY! but in the descriptive parts he will be two-bit. ALSO IF U DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M SAYING LOOK IN THE TAGS!
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Ponyboy Curtis ;
his class was gonna watch this movie before reading a book. ‘the outsiders,’ or somethin’.
it was made in the ‘80’s—he didn’t want to even watch it. watching movies in class was the worst!
ponyboy sat at his desk, head in his arms. he heard the music and looked up, chin resting on his arms.
when ponyboy seen you writing down and narrating, he could’ve sworn he died and came back to life. LIKE WHEN HE HEARD YOUR VOICEEE HE GOT A LITTLE BLUSH ON HIS CHEEKS.
his friends beside him noticed, snickering to themselves. they shoved him, asking if that was his future partner. he just pushed them off, quietly telling them to fuck off.
when ponyboy seen you covered in the soot??? phew—he questioned his morals, man. and THEN HE SEEN YOU BEAT UP?? he was getting FED.
ponyboy came out of that school a new man.
his ears were hot, his cheeks were red, and he was already looking up edits of you. ponyboy shoved those almost broken wired apple headphones in his ears and tuned everyone out.
when he got home he ignored any questions darry and soda threw at him and immediately went to his room. ponyboy quietly closed the door before hopping into bed, pulling out his phone, and going on tiktok.
spent like a solid 30 minutes tweaking over edits of you. like full on screaming into his pillow—i’m so serious.
“darry, what the hell is that noise?”
“i dunn—ponyboy?”
when he found out that, outside of the outsiders, you’re decades older than him he was SO HEARTBROKEN.
the gang seen him looking at photos of you and immediately started teasing him. he absolutely tried to back himself up with stutters.
“they’re how much years older than you, bro?”
reads fanfic. look at me in the eyes and try to tell me that ponyboy motherfucking curtis doesn’t read fanfiction.
you can’t.
like bro he’s so desperate for more content of you to the point where he writes the fics he yearns for—got pretty popular to.
“why the fuck is your phone blowing up?”
“PLEASE don’t ask me any questions about it.”
he’s a freak. he knows everything about you. ponyboy’s even began to watch your interview’s about the movie. and your other movies.
literally a teenage girl.
Johnny Cade ;
seen you when he was watching random movies at the curtis house. at first he was like, ‘wait!! they’re so me coded😛.’ it never occurred to him that you could be so cute.
he seen you crying and something in him like actually snapped.
“wait….am i getting a crush? they’re kinda…”
when he seen the equivalent of ponyboy in this universe snuggled up to you in the church he was soooo jealous.
yk that one audio where it’s like, “how long is he gon’ be talking to my WIFE.” that’s literally johnny cade when he seen that person kiss the top of your head.
“what the fuck?”
“…what do you mean?”
“nothin’. it’s just kinda bullshit that they swoop in and steal my chance😒.”
“you never had one.”
“okay, pal😐.”
heart broke when he seen you in the hospital bed btw. like was full on gripping onto a pillow with tears in his eyes.
johnny was in such denial when he seen you die😭. ‘bro, no. they literally aren’t dead.’/‘guys!! it’s just a prank!!’
when he got to the scene he was in SHAMBLES. HE WAS INCONSOLABLE. ripping his hair out, screaming, crying, allat.
“stay gold…”
was so pissed when you didn’t come back. was even more pissed when your letter was read out loud.
“johnny, it’s a movie.”
“this is so unfair. i hate movies.”
gets nervous looking at photos of you. like to the point where he tries to look up your name on pinterest before bailing mid sentence and giggling. like full on throwing his phone across the room, kicking his feet.
will talk for hours about you. thinks your the coolest character ever!! defends you like his life depends on it.
“they killed someone?”
“so?? you’re acting like you wouldn’t do it to🤣🤣 fake ahh friend.”
“they legit can’t stand up for themselves. you want someone like that to be out walking them streets?”
“oh, god for bid a person has trauma. and YES I DO🗣️. i hope they walk right into my arms, HO.”
all said online btw. he would never ruin his ego by speaking like this. i am a strong believer johnny cade puts up a strong front online.
johnny literally thinks you’re the cutest person he’s ever seen. like his cheeks get so hot when he thinks about you and he gets a silly little smile on his face.
he looks at photos of you and his friends think he has a little girlfriend.
“who you textin’, johnnycakes?”
“c’mon—we see that smile!”
and it’s literally just you with blood dripping down your face.
Dallas Winston ;
caught a glimpse of you at some girls house he slept at. literally stopped dead in his tracks as he seen you light a cigarette before mumbling, ‘nothin’ legal, man.’
“i-uh, what movie’s this?”
“huh? oh, the outsiders. pretty good movie.”
he thanked her and threw on his jacket before speed walking to bucks place. he had to watch this movie or he’s actually lose it.
imagine buck’s bar is actually a house, kay? dallas sits his pretty little ass on that couch, flips to whatever streaming service, and turns on ‘the outsiders.’
thought it was all boring until he seen you walk into frame—mocking the main character. at that very moment he was all, ‘wait that’s kinda hot.’
seeing you help the two younger ones run away while still acting tough was so attractive to him. dallas felt like he was losing his mind.
seeing you run in after the two into the church kinda made his knees weak.
“what the hell are you screamin’ ‘bout?”
“nothin’, buck…”
he was so scared that you’d die in the fire. (little did old dallas know am i right fellas!!!!) like i swear to god he was so scared you’d end up like the johnny in this universe.
WHEN HE SEEN YOU FIGHTINGGG. he went feral. dallas was like so flustered. he was trying so hard to hide his blush to the ghosts around him with his hair.
his flush was short lived however. seeing you cry and then literally point a gun at a cashier was lowkey whiplash for him.
“what the fuck is happening?”
dallas figured out what was gonna happen early on and started kinda tearing up. like one tear formed in his eye before he blinked it away. but he was still devastated.
WHEN DALLY HEARD SOMEONE SCREAM “they’re just a kid!” he lost it. like actually. he went limp on the couch and spaced out. like damn…his fiancé, who doesn’t know they’re his fiancé yet, really WAS just a kid.
nobody knows he likes the outsiders OR that he has a crush on you. and they CAN’T know, it’s way too embarrassing. like actually.
when he’s with the gang and he’s just casually scrolling on tiktok and he sees the tags with your name, he immediately favourites it and scrolls. he saved it for later when he’s alone.
also defends you like there’s no tomorrow.
“they were hitting on someone who had a partner??”
“okay?? fucking live a little jesus.”
“i’m into it tho lmfao”
swears up and down that if you and him were in a room together—you’d have a crush on him. top tier delusion.
like if he gets drunk with keith, he will rant about it.
“no—hear me out. put me in a room with y/n l/n and i swear to god they’re gonna be madly in love with me.”
“no they won’t, dallas.”
looks at photos of you and probably has you as his pfp on his spam. includes you in every other photo dump.
Sodapop Curtis ;
seen an edit of you on tiktok and audibly gasped. full on went, “WHO IS THATT😜” went to the tags and just scrolled under it for a good long while.
he seen a angst edit of you and made up his mind that he had to watch the movie.
for the while that you weren’t on screen, he was trying to push through. he really was. but deep down—in his head he was screaming, “BORING! SHOW ME THE PRETTY ONE!!”
when sodapop seen you tending to your younger sibling he could’ve sworn he was on cloud 9.
“my turn when :/.”
WHEN SODA SEEN YOU GET OUT OF THE SHOWERRR😭😭. he lost his BREATH like was full on gripping his imaginary pearls.
had to take a breather to walk around the house before unpausing the movie. had a blush across his cheeks, i can’t even lie.
when he learned that you were described as, “movie star attractive,” all he did was nod. like,
“mhm. i always knew my fiancé was good looking.”
he is so open about his little crush in you—it’s so cute :(
“steve, look at ‘em.”
“i see them—get your fuckin’ phone outta my face.”
“aren’t they so perfect??🤭🤭”
“i guess.”
“well, BACK OFF. we’re already happily married.”
“in your dreams maybe.”
“oh my god.”
soda has you as his pfp on at least two platforms. his name on one platform is “y/n’s boyfriend (REAL!)”
seeing you run out on your siblings after they grouped you into your argument made him just wanna hug you so bad. like he just wanted to tell you it was all gonna be okay.
has a album in his photos where it’s edits of you and photos. giggles and twirls his hair as he looks at it.
Darry Curtis ;
his parents used to watch the movie all the time and you’ve always just been a life long crush of his.
like when younger darry seen you walk into frame, comforting your kid sibling, something in his head snapped.
suddenly everything was in slow motion, there were hearts everywhere, he had rose coloured glasses on, and for some reason—harps play in the background.
as darry grew up it literally never went away. whenever the outsiders comes on when he’s home he always still goes, “woah.😍😍”
like he thinks you’re so fine.
he doesn’t like watch edits, read fanfic—none of that🗣️. but if he gets asked who is celebrity crush is—your name is coming out of his mouth ASAP.
“so, darry, who’s your celebrity cru-“
“y/n l/n.”
“but they’re a character?”
“Y/N L/N.”
he has like ONE printed out photo of you in his room from years ago. he knows exactly where it is and where to hide it, but he still keeps it.
at least once every two months, when everyone’s asleep and he has no work the next day, he’ll stay up just to watch the movie.
he’ll have a budlight in his hand as he watches you absolutely DEMOLISH at the rumble.
“i always knew they’d win.”
“you’ve watch this movie a thousand times.”
the gang eventually found out his little crush on you. only light teasing ‘cause they’re so scared they’ll get that darry smoke if they push him further😭😭.
“oh my god! look, darry! you’re little crush is on screen!”
“steve, i will beat some sense into you if you don’t shut up.”
“…okay, bud.”
“when’s the weddin’?”
“after your funeral, keith.”
“wow. hater.”
Steve Randle ;
his dad fell asleep on the couch one night with this old movie playing in the background.
steve was about to turn it off before he caught a glimpse of you offering this half naked person some cake. he was all, ‘WAITTTT🙈🙈!!’
like he seen you in that sleeveless jacket and immediately fell in love. literally was on a mission to figure out who you were.
when he did? all he wanted to do was watch the outsiders. WHEN HE SEEN YOU SCOLDING THE MAIN CHARACTER HE SOO KNEW YOU WERE HIS TYPE
“wish they’d scold me like that…damn…😞✊”
“…you think i look tuff?”
“YES BAE!!!”
making his name on like insta or something, “y/n’s HUSBAND.” he puts emphasis on the husband because he believes that you want him so bad.
like actually. he’s fucking delusional.
“guys…they like cake…and I LIKE CAKE! do you see my vision??”
“man, fuck you.”
photo dumps on insta of pictures of you with the caption, “from our honeymoon 😍😍😛😛!” his friends are ripping him apart in comments btw.
“they’re actually so gross what.”
“they have 0 depth.”
“0 depth to YOU. to ME they’re the love of my life.”
Two-bit Matthews ;
seen the outsiders when he was drunk. he didn’t remember anything that night but the cute lil’ actor who was laughing after flirting with some rich lookin’ kid.
the only thing he remembers saying that night was,
“damn—when is it MY TURN😩😞”
WENT ON A FUCKING HUNT TO FIND THIS MOVIE ISTG. he was looking up shit that didn’t even matter to the plot—so he got different movies each time.
‘cute actor flirting’
‘cute actor in old ass movie’
‘mickey mouse shirt’
‘when was mickey mouse created’
‘who is walt disney’
he got a little distracted but that’s not the point. two-bit found the movie and cried tears of joy. fell to his knees and all😭.
he immediately turned the outsiders on and waited to see you. HE WAS SOO SAD TO FIND OUT YOU HAD LIKE SUCH LITTLE SCREENTIME.
but he worked with it. he was taking SO MUCH PHOTOS OF HIS TV WHEN YOU WERE ON SCREEN LMFAO. they were all so shaky too😭😭.
doesn’t shut the fuck up about you.
“they want me so bad🤣🤣😂😂.”
“they wouldn’t touch you with a ten foot pole, keith.”
“what if i killed myse-”
“they’re so find i won’t ‘em.”
“what the fuck are you saying?”
“what are YOU SAYING? back up.”
‘they could beat the shit out of me and i thank them :3’
‘omg who said that’
you are his profile picture everywhere. and anywhere.
genuinely believe you’re the love of his life. i swear to god he does. KING OF DELUSION ABOVE ALL ELSE!
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notherpuppet · 3 months
Tagged by @az-roser this was fun! Thanks!
LAST SONG: Feel Special by TWICE
FAVORITE COLOR: Red ♥️💋🌹🍷❌🥀🍒💄🩸
CURRENTLY WATCHING: kpop music videos and video essays about solving the housing crisis in the USA. LOL I have to balance my brain
LAST MOVIE: I rewatched Final Destination 2, ahh that series is SO good but I’m literally hyperventilating the whole time i watch it! It’s great
CURRENTLY READING: Hazbin fanworks from Japan (thank you to the artists and Google translate). Many works are sold out, but I’ll link the artists under the cut.
All of Meguru Hinoharu’s work (My favorite is Kamisama no Uruko aka The Dragon’s Betrothed)
Also The Smithsonian magazine, it’s a great magazine 🥰
SWEET, SPICY OR SAVORY: All, every single day. But I am most enchanted by sweetness 🍫
RELATIONSHIP: not for me! 💚🤍🩶🖤
CURRENT OBSESSION: Hazbin Hotel ofc. Also TWICE, Beyonce, and Pokémon
LAST GOOGLED: “reusable mop” LOL I’m very eager to change the way I clean my floors. I’m trying to find the cheat code to a trifecta of convenience, environmentally-friendliness, and effectiveness. But I may just have to continue the classic way 🥴 isn’t life an exciting adventure? 🧼
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: “Morning After” part 4/4 and the concept for a new AU!? (Genderbent, human)
Hazbin mangaka whose works I am reading. Many are sold out, 18+, and/or freakayyy. So investigate with discretion. Twitter profiles of artists linked
- Marriage in Blue by Mr_Poorness
- Goodbye Ol’ Pal!! by kmsuzu
- Bomb Born Bon!! by kagimaruchisuke
- Stay Tuned by yomunow
- As You Wish, Voxy by ruriruko25
- Hello Bambi by yamiji84dp
- Miracle S*x Toy by usanoxp
- tmain04’s books
- some huskerdust fan books but neither have profiles I can find 😵‍💫
I bought all these on toranoana
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screaminglygay · 4 months
hey! can we pretty pls have a pt2 to the stalker!amber?
Amber Freeman headcanons
warnings: dark!amber, swearing, toxic situationship, possibly bad grammar, stalking, obsessive behavior
word count: 1.7k
an: thank you for your patience! i still have some sort of writing block, so this is just something little, but I want to write a full fic on amber, so stay tuned! hehe
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Amber and you have many study sessions, she wants you to pass all the exams, it is not her fault that it always leads her to take you in any way she wants
"Amber, we talked about this..." you sigh as you look at the book infront of you, while Amber´s hands were wandering on your body.
"I'm just helping. If you can solve this under a distraction, can you imagine how good you'll be during the exam?" She looks at you, admiring you as she always does.
"So when someone would touch me during the exam I´m gonna be prepared?" You finally look at her, making a joke.
Her whole body shifts, she´s being slightly frustrated about you being such a brat. "Fine, let´s go back to stuying."
"What? I´m just playing your game, Ambs," you smile softly at her.
"No, you´re just being a fucking brat." And now, she´s mad mad.
You scan her face for a little bit, "oh come on, I was just joking," you poke her face slightly.
And there goes her tiny manipulation tactic, that you always fall hard for.
"I feel like you could do something little for me, since I´m spending so much time with you, making sure you pass..." Amber sits up.
You immedietly sit up too, "I- sorry, you are right," you take her hand in yours.
"Lay down, pretty girl..." she leans over you and you lay on your back, here it goes again.
No matter what subject, day in a week or time... Amber always knows how to make you do whatever she wants. And every single time and you... you obey.
Amber always knowing where you are, when the two of you are not together. She put few of a dog trackers in your wallet, some clothes, backpack, even into Chad´s car, just to be sure you´re always okay.
After a long weekend of not seeing eachother, Amber stops by your locker in the morning and waits for you. You immedietly smile, when you see her. It was a long time with your family on some stupid gathering outside the city, your cousin had birthday party - the most disgusting, pervy, rasist idiot. You´re very happy that you are back in school... it is kinda the same hell hole, but at least you still have your friends and Amber here.
"Hi," you say softly as you open your locker, taking out some books.
"Hi," she watches you, "how did you enjoy the family gathering?"
"It was hell-" you respond, but then you look at her with raise eyebrow, "wait, how do you know about the gathering?"
Amber without missing a beat asnwers with a smile, "Chad mentioned."
You nod, "oh, he can´t keep a secret, got it." You shake your head as you close the locker.
The girl smiles, another lie that you believe so easily. "Why a secret?"
"It´s a long story, but uh... I´m not really a fan talking about family, especially if most of them are shitty rasist who can´t name a single country outside of the US," you shrug.
"Got it, no more mentioning these people." She nods, like she doesn´t already know your whole family tree.
She has a tons of your pictures and videos, special folders on her phone, laptop, flashdisks, everything is sorted out.
Because you two are bonding more and more, she was really happy to make a new special folder of you. If the previous photos were only for her, these kinds of pictures are under increased security.
"You look so pretty, so so so pretty," she smiles at you kneeling on the bed, your hands covering your face, from all the emberassement. "Don´t be shy, puppy, look at me... come on." She takes her phone and opens camera.
"Amber..." you basically whine.
"What? Can´t I take a picture of a pretty girl on my bed?" She makes a photo. "Put those hands away for me."
You do, blushing like crazy, this is not something you´re used to. But you want to make her happy, seeing her smile at you makes something inside of you tingle.
"Pretty girl, look at you!" She smirks.
What you didn´t know, was that she has another camera in her room and every single time you´re there, you are increasing the number of files in her folder.
Even though the two of you are not official yet, everyone can see that Amber holds this sort of protection over you.
Another collage party, which is not a place you would chose to spend your time, but everyone decided to go and you didn´t want to be the only one saying no.
You are sitting on the couch next to Tara and Mindy, talking about your plans for the weekend, when all of the sudden a tall most would say handsome guy sit infront of you.
"That seat is occupied," Mindy says.
He looks around, "I don´t see anyone here. So..." He winks at you.
"That seat is occupied, they just went to grab someting to drink," you yell, because of the loud music.
"I wouldn´t leave such a pretty little thing on her own..." He smiles and you´re ready to throw up.
And before you or any of the girls could say anything, Amber steps in. "She is not alone, you dipshit."
He chuckles and stands up, "and who are you?"
"I don´t want to have a conversation with you," she splashes one of the drinks into his face, which indeed makes him leave with screaming something about a bitch.
"Oh wow, I respect that." Mindy says and Tara just stares at Amber.
"Um- thanks?" You look at Amber.
"Sorry about the drink, here take mine." She smiles as she gives you the only drink that survived.
Amber is very observing, she knows everything about you, even stuff you didn´t figure out on your own, but there are times when you totally shock her.
"Are you crazy, what are you doing here?" Amber yells at you. Walking in the rain was not the smartest decision you made. You were frozen to the bone
"I wanted to suprise you..." you smile softly.
"Wha- come in, jesus!" She steps aside so you can come inside her apartment, rushing to the bathroom for a towel.
"You uh said you had some hard time at work, so I just assumed... that maybe I could cheer you up a little bit." You say while your whole body is trembling.
Amber walks out with a towel and some of her clothes, looking at you like a deer in the headlights.
"I brought your favorite donuts and some nice relaxing candles. And we can order some sushi later. And if you´d like I can help with something, or just... keep you company, since I have zero idea what you´re doing at work." You let out a chuckle, "I mean most of the things I brought are completly wet, but I think they suvived it."
"You´re such a dumbass, do you know that?" Amber shakes her head, helping you put the things down and covering you up in a towel. "Why didn´t you call me, I could pick you up?"
"That woudln´t be a suprise, duh."
"God, we will be lucky if you won´t die from hypothermia, right now."
"I´m not helping with the stress, huh?" you sigh.
"(Y/N), I appraciate the effort, I really do, but next time, don´t try to walk in the worst thunderstorm, alright?"
"I think I could do that, yeah." The both of you laughed.
She loves PDA, her hands are on you all the time. Amber, an ardent lover of public displays of affection, is perpetually tactile, her hands finding peace on the lower back, intertwining fingers, and linked arms, embracing herself around her world.
“I’ll take this, thank you, pretty girl,” she says as she holds your hand for the billionth time today.
Amber is being your personal driver, driving you everywhere you need. Even if it means she has to wake up sooner, when you have classes, she will drive you no matter what.
The both of you made Saturdays as your movie nights.
"What are we chosing tonight?" Amber asks from the batrhoom.
You scroll through the Netflix, "how about the new season of YOU?"
Amber stops at her tracks, "um... what´s that?"
"You don´t know YOU?! What?! It´s really good show! We have to watch it."
"But you´ve already seen it, I don´t want to bother you by watching something twice..." She tries to skate out of it.
"No, no, it´s fine. I really enjoyed it and you will too!" You smile, clicking on the first season.
This was the biggest paradox in Amber´s life.
"Wow, that´s some stalker shit, just like you are!" Amber says with a light nudge.
"Oh shut up! I said if bilions of times, I didn´t stalk you. I don´t do that."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, (Y/N)," Amber teases you, "but following me like a lost puppy, liking my old photo, going through my social media, are you sure you´re not a Joe to my Beck?" Oh she´s pushing it, but for you, it´s just a silly missunderstanding that happened few motnths ago.
Despite her focus on academics and socializing, Amber harbors a secret talent for photography. She has a knack for capturing candid moments and hidden emotions, using her camera lens to express herself in ways that words cannot. And when it is combined with you?
Amber loves when you 'steal' her clothes, there is no better view than you in her bed with only her oversized shirt on you.
"Is that my shirt?" Amber looks at you, as youre already in bed, waiting for the usual movie night.
"Definetly not," you shake your head, taking the blanket to cover you.
"Oh- then what is your favorite song?" She smirks.
"You have my favorite band on your shirt, what is your favorite song from them?" Amber asks again.
"Oh... um- all of them." Good save?
She laughs "All of them? It is not a band shirt, it´s a car logo, pretty girl."
You blush, "oh." Not a good save.
"It´s fine, keep the shirt, you look pretty in it." She lays next to you, putting an arm around you, keeping you close as possible.
In her free time, Amber enjoys exploring antique shops and flea markets, searching for unique treasures and hidden gems to add to her collection. She has a keen eye for things like this.
Thank you for reading!
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thatstonedwriter · 10 months
⋆。˚ 「 Domesticity 」 ⋆。˚
◉ Sinopsis; Stolas and his s/o spend a romantic morning together
◉ A/n- stay tuned for a little scenario at the bottom of this post. First time I'm combining headcanons and a short scenario, hope y'all enjoy <3
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── ˙•˚∘✮🌙ᯓ🪐˙•˚∘ ──
The sky brightens, light wafting through the curtains like a gentle wake up call. Beside you, Stolas stirs in his sleep, cooing and turning over. As wonderful as it would be to sleep in, its time to get ready for the day.
Stolas isn't a morning person. Unless he has appointment or meetings, he'll sleep in until the late morning. I mean- He's an owl demon, he's gonna prefer nighttime. Fortunately, you make mornings much more bearable.
If you're the type to stay in bed, Stolas takes full advantage. Half-awake, he'll leave light kisses on your cheek, neck, and arms, mumbling a small "good morning, darling"
He's also the type to playfully groan about having to get up. He pulls the blankets closer, damn near hiding under them, holding you close and making very persuasive points as to why you should just stay in bed with him.
If you prefer to get up and get an early start on the day, Stolas appreciates that too. He'll still whine about how he wants you to stay in bed, but won't keep you from doing your thing. He'll even make an effort to get up with you to maximize quality time together
It's been said Stolas doesn't know how to cook. And it's true, that's why people say it. If you also can't cook, y'all will settle for a simple breakfast- maybe going to a cafe or staying home with a bowl of cereal or a plate of pancakes
Ngl, I think Stolas would listen to podcasts or audio books in the morning. Listen; y'all are in the kitchen or bathroom, getting ready for the day, making your food- all while listening to a mystery novel or an astronomy podcast.
As small as the moments are, Stolas cherishes just standing in the bathroom getting ready for the day, consulting with you on what outfits y'all should wear, and taking turns in the shower. He's finally able to call this house a home because he gets to share it with you.
┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺  ��
The bubbling sounds of the coffee maker and the sizzle of cooking pancakes fill the kitchen. Stolas walks in, groggily rubbing his eyes and padding over to you.
"Good morning, my love," he whispers, kissing the top of your head. Stolas rests his head atop yours, watching the pancake batter bubble on the pan. "The food smells delicious."
"Thanks," you chuckle, leaving th pancakes for a moment to pour a cup of coffee. "Careful, it's hot," you say, passing the mug to him. Stolas nods, kissing you once more and sipping the coffee.
"You can go ahead and sit down, the pancakes will be done soon."
Stolas smiles, leaning against the counter. "I can stay here. After all, why would I go all the way over there when you're right here?"
"Whatever you say, birdy," you laugh, turning your attention back to the pancakes.
The rest of the time passes in comfortable silence. Stolas watches you lovingly, thinking of how grateful he is to share these moments with you. This is the love he's has been waiting for.
── ˙•˚∘✮ 🔭๋࣭ᯓ🌙˙•˚∘ ──
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wonijinjin · 8 months
seventeen when their s/o is overwhelmed and needs a lazy day
(includes: seungcheol, jun, wonwoo, seungkwan, vernon)
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author’s note: please take a break if you need to, noone is rushing you, it is okay to take some time off from life.
synopsis: what the title says
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff, hurt/comfort | pairings: seungcheol/jun/wonwoo/seungkwan/vernon x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of food, bad mental health
when seungcheol woke up to you crying in the middle of the night he got very worried very quickly thinking you had an injury or had a bad dream. “my love what’s the matter?” he would ask, to which you would tell him about how you have been feeling like you needed to take a break from everything and just wanted to rest. he would be cooing at you instantly, already in the process of booking a hotel room somewhere with a nice view and whichever extra services you want and would take you there to relax the next day immediately, no matter how much it would cost he would do anything to provide comfort for you while you cuddled in bed all day and ate good food, just lazing around, enjoying each other’s company.
jun knew you were a little bit burnt out way before you did; he tried to get you to rest more and get your mind off of things with subtle acts of love, like making you something to eat after a hard day of studying or cleaning up the house on the weekends before you woke up so you wouldn’t have to. however, when you stepped into the hallway with tears streaming down on your face he knew you needed a full day of peace and quiet immediately, which is why after waking up the next morning he would make you a bubble bath quickly then would let you watch your favourite shows all day, curled up in his arms.
wonwoo’s heart would just break when you had the third argument in a week, clearly caused by the stress that had been building up in you due to life, knowing how hard it must be to try to stay put together, even though he wished you could let loose for a bit, with him on your side. he would take you into his arms, whispering sweet nothings into your ears and promising to give you a massage to help you calm down, then would proceed with whatever you felt like for the next day; if it was playing games with him on the computer he would do just that, or if you wanted him to read to you he would take the book into his hand without hesitation.
i picture seungkwan to be a person who is very in tune with his and his partner’s emotions aswell, so he himself would get quite disstressed by the fact that you weren’t feeling the best regarding all the stuff happening in your life; whether it was your studies or personal matters he was angry at the world for making you feel bad. he knew how much you liked spending time with him, joking around, so that would be exactly what he planned for the following day; he would let you sleep in then welcome you with the craziest line of cozy activities you could do together, like at home karaoke or dancing in the kitchen to cliché romantic music while laughing without stop, recharging good energies in you.
vernon isn’t the most affectionate guy in general, but he is the most understanding soul and best listener anyone could find; he would choose a simple solution to your worries; listening to you. he would let you rant to him all day, telling him about the things that bother you, or the things you wanted to fix in order to have a more chill and peaceful life. he would contribute a lot by brainstorming ways to help you relax more easily, especially hoping he himself could be much help to you in the future, encouraging you to let out your tiredness from time to time and to trust him with anything, he would handle a dragon if it meant making you feel better.
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hee0soo · 29 days
...and it started with Airpods! - A S[e]oul Story -1-
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Pairing — Kim Hongjoong x Foreigner!Reader
Summary — Visiting Seoul had always been your dream, and now that you were there you planned on using every second on exploring. The subway however might have made a lasting impression...
Genre — fluff
Wordcount — 2.1k
AU/Trope Info — Idol!Au, SliceofLifeAu
Warnings — none
Rating — sfw
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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You weren't sure what you had thought when you booked that flight to Seoul. Nothing probably, at least if your mother had anything to say about it.
"What would you even do once you got there, huh? You don't know anyone, nobody is coming with you and you barely speak the language, so what do you want there?" Is what she had asked when you were over at your parents place for dinner. The slightly raised eyebrow of hers at practically every decision in your life, something you had long learned to ignore, glaring right back at you as you had simply shrugged and continued eating your food.
But now, now that you were here, walking through the streets with Myeongdong with several bags of skincare, souvenirs and a roll of kimbap in your hand, you couldn't care less about what your mother had said. You were simply happy to be where you were now, not one regret clouding your mind as it had done several times in moments where you had been alone in your apartment.
The masses of people that you would have despised on a normal day, suddenly didn't seem so bad besides the occasional man or woman randomly standing in the way.
It was fascination how the change of scenery left you so much more relaxed and happier then at home where your life in comparison seemed dull, boring and lonely. Your work being the same every day, the studies you had started not even in the slightest catching your interest anymore.
Of course you knew that this wasn't going to last longer then just a few days, but for now you simply basked in the feeling of being where your heart had pulled you for so long.
Humming along to the music playing through the speaker that was fastened on the outside of the store you were walking past, you looked up into the night sky as you took a bite from the roll still in your hands. It was already late and you could feel the tiredness settling in your bones, the jet leg weighing you down more then you had ever thought possible as you made your way to the subway station.
Compared to the busy street, the station was surprisingly empty. It was a relief to be honest, giving you the chance to take a short breath without being scared to accidently walk into someone and making a fool out of yourself just as the familiar tune of an incoming train arriving at the station. With hurting feet you dropped on to the nearest empty seat with no intention of getting up before you had to.
You popped your earphones in, the first tunes of your favorite songs filling your ears and making you relax into your seat. Eyes fluttering close as you took a breather alongside the calm rapping of Mingi's Fix off Project. The emotions of the song flooding your tired mind and you didn't even take notice of another passenger sitting himself down next to you.
He busied himself on his own phone, eyes flickering to the side in a hesitant manner. Carefull to stay in his own seat. A mask was covering his face, only showing his dark brown eyes and messy black and white hair.
The subway stopped abruptly at the next station, causing you to lose your balance for just a moment and knocking you into the man next to you. Startled he looked up, spooked eyes staring into yours and you had to stop yourself from reacting.
Dark eyes met y/e/c ones.
“I’m so sorry!” you apologized profusely with a well meant bow to the man who’s face you recogniced even with half of it covered by the mask he was wearing as said mans voice was ringing through your earphones now.
The idol waved you of with gentle bow of his head, eyes sparkling in the light of the subway.
“It’s okay, don’t worry.”
The moment was over as fast as it had come but it was enough to leave your heart racing in excitement. It felt like it was going just as fast as the subway speedibg of to it’s next destination just to come to another stop when the Announcement said that you arrived at Hongik University.
Hongjoong quickly got up with another last glance and bow before exiting the train with fast steps. Knowing that you were close to the KQ building you guessed that he was going to the studio to get some work done.
Only after the doors had closed again did you notice the little airpod case being left behind on the seat Hongjoong had been sitting on. They had to be his, as you were sure that they weren’t there when you had sat down before him. So they had to be his!
Hesitant you reached for the case. What were you supposed to do now?
You couldn’t leave them there. Your consciousness not allowing that, but you also couldn’t keep them.
You rolled it in your palm, noticing the little 8 drawn on it with sharpie surrounded by music notes and it made you smile in amusement. Yeah, they definitly belonged to him.
Releasing a tired sigh, you put the airpods in your pocket just as the announcement of your exit station rang through the speakers of the train.
Walking through the night gave you a sense of calm that you needed to sooth your frazzled mind, the encounter with one of your favorite Idols having left you reeling. And it was only when your head hit the pillow, freshly showered and ready to sleep that you felt your mind calm again.
You looked over to the side where the Airpod case was sitting on a small desk the hotel room provided, right next to your bag you always took with you while exploring Seoul.
They were almost mocking you in a sense, asking you what you were going to do with them now that they were in your posession. It was funny how you let yourself be made fun of by an inanimate object like this while sleep fought to win you over. Your eyes finally closing for the night.
Rushing through the busy subway station of Hongik University you passed through many people. Trying ang sometimes failing to not run into anyone else on your way through Hongdae.
The airpod case seemingly burning a hole into the pocket of your jeans and causeing sweat to collect on the inside of your hands. Sweat that you tried to wipe of every minute or two.
You didn’t know if this was a smart move. You didn’t even know if you would get far enough to execute your plan that you had thought about over breakfast this morning while drinking a cup of orange juice.
After all, you didn’t think KQs staff would willingly let a random person inside their building just because she knocked at their door.
You didn’t think it was a particularly good plan but you couldn’t think of any other way of getting the airpods back to their rightful owner so it was either this, keeping them or gwtting rid of them. Neither of the last two options were something you could agree on so this was it.
Arriving was the easy part, but actually walking up the stair and ringing the door bell, that was a whole different struggle. The people walking past must see you as an idiot as you stood there for some time, looking left and right, hesitating to actually walk up to the building while looking like you would keel over any second until you finally maaged to hype yourself up enough to actually do it.
You felt hot all over. Face burning as you walked through the hallways of the new building KQ used now.
“You’re fine. You can do this.” You exhaled with your finger hovering over the door bell infront of the milky glass door with the giant grey KQ logo on it and with a wave of bravery you pressed down.
For a moment nothing happened until the slender figure of someone appeared behind the milky surface and the door slid to the side.
The woman seemed confused and you couldn’t fault her for it.
“Hello, can I help you with anything? Do you have an appointment?” she spoke with an accent but otherwise clear english.
“Uhm – yeah, hi. No, no ughh appointment I just wanted to give you this?” you said, making it almost sound like a question when you pulled out the Airpods from your pocket and held it out for her to take. Her face furrowed more in confusion, but her eyes brightened in recognition.
“I, met one of your idols yesterday in the subway and uhm- he- he dropped them in the subway while leaving… I didn’t steal them or anything, I promise!” you rushed out to give more context on why you had them in the first place.
“Can you step in for a moment? Follow me to our desk and I will try to get someone who can variefy what you are saying.”
You closed your hand around the case when she didn’t take it, only offering you to come in and follow her. Your heart dropped at the mention of stepping foot inside the company. Nodding you hesitantly came in.
The glass dor slid shut behind you.
“Please wait here by the desk, it will be just a moment.” She said politely, yet didn’t wait for an answer before rushing the other way, leaving you standing there while the woman behind the desk was staring at you with a perfectly plucked eyebrow raised.
“Hi…” you said quietly with a head bow.
She didn’t answer, just looking down again at the papers in front of her.
*Great* you thought at her blatantly ignoring you. Gripping tightly onto the airpods to ground yourself.
Unintelligable whispers reached your ear as the first woman came back with someone.
The two-toned hair was messy on his head just like the night before but he seemed for more rested now than then.
His eyes widened just like yours did at the confrontation you didn’t expect.
“I’m sorry for letting you wait, I just need Hongjoong-ah to confirm if these really are his. Could you ahow them again, please?”
You did. You almost threw the airpods at him, the little 8 and music note visible on the front.
Hongjoong studied them for the moment. His eyes widened at seeing his airpods in your hand and you gave you an almost blinding smile.
“Yes, they mine! You found them?”
You chocked at a nervous, “Yeah! You dropped them in the subway yesterday!”
“Thank you, so much! You were next to me? That was you?”
“That was me, yes.”
Hongjoong reached over the desk, the woman on the other side not sparring either of you a glance as the rapper reached for a pen and paper to scribble something on it.
He handed you the paper when he was finished.
“As a thank you for, Atiny?” he winked with a teasing smile.
Surprised that he knew you froze. “Thank you - ?”
Just as you wanted to answer, the woman who had let you inside, cut you off.
“Thank you for bringing those back, now, can I escort you out.” Even phrased as a question you knew that it wasn’t mesnt to be one. She wanted you out, not wanting to risk getting herself or Hongjoong in trouble for letting a stranger inside.
Bowing to the idol as a goodbye, you followed her out. The piece of paper he had given you still in your hands.
You only dared looking at it once you stood back outside, thinking that it might have been his autograph as a thank you, however your heart stopped when you saw the series of numbers written on it.
~Text me? :D~
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seospicybin · 1 year
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Hyunjin x reader x Felix. (s,f,a)
Synopsis: Your best friend, Felix, is in a rock band and he takes you to join him on tour as the band’s photographer. On the road, you learn how to deal with his bandmate, Hyunjin, who’s not very welcoming of you. (15,4k words)
Author's note: So sorry for the delay and thank you for liking On Tour! It's been fun you guys, see you on next tour :)
Click here for ON TOUR playlist.
Content warning: A tad bit of angst?
It was a pleasant Sunday afternoon when Felix visited Hyunjin's apartment.
The band only started writing music together, for a few months to be exact. That day's rehearsal was canceled because Han couldn't come, he was sick with a cold even though it was spring, and the weather had been nothing but warm.
Felix spent so much time looking around his place, getting to know his personality through the things he has in his apartment, the pile of books on the coffee table, his record collections, the photos stuck to the door of the fridge, the notebook he kept close to him everywhere he goes that he saw was sitting on the bedside table.
No matter how much he wanted to know what Hyunjin wrote in it, Felix resisted the urge to take a look at it, at least not without Hyunjin's permission.
Hyunjin made him a cup of coffee with a lot of sugar for him, knowing that he is not a fan of the bitter taste of coffee.
Then Hyunjin sat on the single sofa across from him, playing with his guitar and plugging it into the amp, setting the volume low.
"My neighbor has a toddler," Hyunjin shortly explained.
Felix only responded with a nod and took a sip of coffee that still tasted a bit bitter for him but he drank it anyway.
When Hyunjin began playing his guitar, Felix leaned back on the couch and listened to the combination of chords that makes such melodic tunes filling the space.
It was always a mesmerizing thing to see Hyunjin plays guitar, Felix intently listened to the strings buzzing as the metal vibrates underneath his fingers.
Felix knew that he admires Hyunjin, that was what he could easily conclude from what he felt inside him as he sat there across from him.
As softly gust of spring breeze came slipping through the crack of the window that Hyunjin left open, he recognized something else deep down his chest and that amplifies the longer Felix watched Hyunjin plays guitar.
It was when Felix accidentally fell asleep on his couch he knew what it is. He felt comfortable and safe.
When Hyunjin brought him a blanket, Felix pulled it to cover up his face and there, he felt it.
Felix loves Hyunjin.
He would say it but saying it out loud is hard, so hard that he decided not to say anything at all.
Felix thought that once he left his place, the feeling would stay there, not following him, haunting him to this day.
But saying it out loud? No.
Words are futile devices.
The after-party is canceled.
Everyone stays in their room until the night ends and it's time to go back home. Felix doesn't mean to make things uncomfortable for everyone, especially those who have no involvement whatsoever in it.
Felix comes to your room, knocking on the door when he's still not sure what to say and do. He even doubts you'll open the door for him.
"I'm sorry," Lou says the first thing he opens the door for him.
He licks his lips before continues speaking, "She left last night."
What makes him think that you would stay after what happened? He feels something stirring inside and making a way out of him.
"But you don't have to worry. I drove her to the airport myself," Lou assures him knowing that Felix might have worried about him.
Felix looks down and turns away, saying nothing else but learn that you left him again, this time, you didn't even say goodbye to him.
Isn't this punishment enough for him?
Hyunjin avoids looking him in the eyes as he enters the plane and sits at the far back, away from him.
Felix is once again surrounded by silence and it makes him lonely, it makes him hear the sound of his heart breaking into a million pieces.
Felix not only has lost his chance at love but also his friendship. He loses both his love and happiness.
Here you are, back at your small apartment and to your ordinary life.
You've been staying at your mom's for a few days and wanted to get away from things while mopping about how you hurt not one, but two people's hearts at once.
You hate yourself for that. You will never, ever be able to forgive yourself for that.
But how long will you stay like this? Not doing anything, refusing to move on from things.
You've been staring at your suitcases, too afraid to unpack things that would bring back many memories that you're not ready to recall.
But God! It's been days and you still owe Vin some photos, a lawsuit is probably on its way to your mailbox for contract violation.
For the sake of professionalism, you grab two canned beers from the fridge and sit on the floor. With a deep, deep breath, you slowly unzip your suitcase and open it.
It certainly unlocked a lot of things, not just memories but also the musty smell of the dirty laundry you keep inside a bag.
You hurl the bag of dirty laundry to the corner of the room and start to unpack more things, mementos you took from every stop of the tour. They're all random things, from postcards, fridge magnets, keychains, then all of the passes and wristbands you keep from the concerts and festivals.
You put them together into one Ziploc bag for you to figure out what to do with them later and unpack more things out of the suitcase.
Once you do it, it isn't that hard, it's like taking the bandaid off in one go. It hurts but it's relieving.
Now that everything is back in its place, you move on to the next thing which is your camera bag. Unpacking it while waiting for your laptop to load. You take out everything and carefully lay the camera and lenses on the table, ready to see the accumulated dirt at the bottom of it.
You find a lot of memory cards as you turn the bag upside down and put them in the tray along with the others to check what's the content. You found another thing, a piece of solid plastic with the name Ssick written on it, you believe it's a guitar pick.
How did it get there? You can't recall but it certainly reminds you of someone.
Your heart aches even though no one is saying his name but deep down you're addressing him as his face flashes in the back of your head.
And you miss him, a lot.
You drop the guitar pick on the little tray where you keep all of your memory cards and resist the urge to break down once again, no, you have to do things and keep moving.
Also, you have to stop a lawsuit from happening.
You start by opening your emails and found several of them asking for photos in urgency. It's such a sore thing to see but the only way now is through.
Gritting your teeth, you start working through the night and are glad that it helps take your mind off of things, by the time you're done, you're too tired to even think.
In other words, you get to sleep without crying tonight.
It takes everything in you to get out of the apartment and it's not like everyone going to know what you've done, right? You're not Yoko Ono.
You can do the laundry at home but you choose to do it at the laundromat. Opening the lid to one of the washing machines, you dump everything from the laundry bag inside, not having any energy left to sort it first.
After making sure it's working just fine, you get yourself a cup of coffee from the vending machine, then sit on the bench with headphones on.
You bring your laptop with you to check if you get new work emails or if the lawsuit goes to your spam folder. Who knows?
To find something to do, you sort out your work folders and named them based on the stop of the tour. There's a separate folder that you know why it's there.
The song that is playing through your headphones seems to sense that you yearn for someone's presence. Your finger clicked open the folder without you intending to, inside of it is something you promised to make and gift to someone.
You scroll down and see all the memories frozen in pictures, reminiscing the times you took them with or without him knowing.
These photos represent how he looked through your eyes, cool and poised, but underneath that exterior, he's kind and lovely, you feel warm whenever you see his smile. He's the sunshine that brightens your day. He's your best friend and you love him.
You miss him, terribly.
"How I wish, how I wish you were here..."
It's unfortunate that you and he have to go through this thing again. First, it was the distance but time has brought you back together and now, you're not sure that you'll be able to be a good friend to him anymore.
You lied, you betrayed him, you said something that you shouldn't have because it wasn't your place to tell, you broke not just his heart but also the friendship.
You can't bear to see that he will not be in your life anymore, but deep down you're undeserved of being a friend to him.
There's a lump growing in your throat the more you think about him but God, you wish he was here.
"Wish you were here..."
It should be good news that the band is having an encore show next month.
There should be cheering sounds and happy smiles and flooding the room with enthusiasm, this means the fans want the band back and to have another show.
Instead of all that, the room remains quiet, no one says anything but nods, to let everyone in the room knows that they heard.
Felix would be excited if only his head wasn't all over the place, his heart wasn't in smithereens and he could tell someone all about it but that someone never picked up his calls.
Felix never meant to mix his personal affair with work but unfortunately, his bandmate is involved in it too. He doesn't mean for things to go this way.
When he glances at Han, he too, doesn't look as enthusiastic. He probably if he wasn't in the middle of his two bandmates who hasn't spoken to each other for weeks.
It frustrates him too.
There are so many things left unsaid, but he can't say things without being mistaken or misunderstood. For this once, Felix wishes that Hyunjin could read his mind so he knows that he's just as hurt, just as sad, just as... confused about himself.
As the band manager dismissed the short and unmeaningful meeting, Hyunjin who didn't even glance his way once, rushes to get out of the room.
The first thought that crosses Felix's head is does Hyunjin hates him that much? That much that he can't stay in the same room with for too long?
Han appears behind him and gently squeezes Felix's shoulder, "just give him time," he says.
They said time heals, then why Felix is suffering? Why do things remain broken?
Time is not the only thing Felix has given him, he's given him space and distance and silence. All he needed to know is how long he and Hyunjin have to continue living like this.
Whenever he sees him, Hyunjin doesn't try to catch his eyes like he usually does, doesn't even register a smile.
The man who once knew him now feels like Hyunjin sees through him.
Felix admits that he was wrong to think of him as more than just a friend but oh... the feeling.
And It's sad that after all they had, they act like they had never met, but Felix can't just turn his feelings off like a light switch.
The heart might be part of the human body, but somehow it's always out of our control.
Felix comes down from the meeting room a while after everyone has left for their respective activities. He doesn't have anything much to do today but to check on his wrist for he had accidentally sprained it once during the tour.
When he arrives at the lobby of the agency, he's surprised to see Lou there. His bleached blond hair turn dark and longer now and he smiles when he sees him.
"I thought you left already," Lou says.
Felix comes up to him as he sits on the square sofa, "what are you doing here?"
"Why? I can't come to visit the agency?"
Felix shyly laughs, he only realized then that his question sounded so unwelcoming when the truth is he was just slightly taken aback.
Lou is a friend of Han and always seems to linger by his side, to see him waiting for him piqued his curiosity as to why?
"Sorry, I mean, Han has left for the studio," Felix stammers.
Lou chuckles in response, "I know," he shortly replies.
"I waited for you because I have something for you," he says, grabbing a paper bag sitting next to him.
Something for him? First, he waited for him and now he's about to give him something. Felix takes the paper bag from him, "are you sure it's for me?"
He nods, "hate to tell you that it isn't from me."
Felix glances up after taking a little peek inside the bag, "Oh?" His voice curls into a little disappointment.
"Are you that sad that it's not from me?" Lou asks between his chuckles.
Felix shakes his head, "No, I mean..." he gets embarrassed that he doesn't know what to say.
"I'm just the messenger," Lou says with that nonchalant shrug of his.
Felix can't know for sure what's inside because he only sees a big gift box and nothing else. He can't wait to take it home and find out.
But before that, he looks at Lou and it's the first time he feels good seeing someone in a while, one that doesn't get affected by what happened, one who treats him just the same.
"Thank you," Felix sincerely mutters his gratitude.
"No problem," he replies.
Lou picks up his bag from the floor and slings the strap across his shoulder, "You have to thank the real sender," he adds.
Listening to what Lou said, Felix is getting more curious about the person who sent him this.
"Are you going to the studio?" He asks, somehow feeling a little sad that the meeting was short.
"No," Lou answers, "I'm helping a friend with his gallery opening."
"Oh?" Felix lowly exclaims in both awe and surprise.
It baffles him that he knew Lou for two years now but knows so little about him. He heard only a few things about Lou from you, that he can skate, he can DJ, he plays ice hockey, he once helped you trim your hair on tour and so much more.
Felix heard so many good things about Lou yet he only reached to him when he needed help to do something, never once properly treated him like a friend.
However, it's never too late to start.
"Thank you, Lou!" Felix says with utmost sincerity.
Lou softly smiles like he always does and Felix wishes that it will forever stay like that, never changing.
Perhaps, Lou can see in Felix's eyes that he is thanking him for him, then with an open heart, accepts his gratitude.
"See you later?" Lou asks.
Felix smiles at him, "See you later!"
It's right in front of him.
Felix takes the gift box out of the paper bag the first thing he got to his apartment, put it on the table in front of him, and stares at it for a minute.
It's unclear what he expects to happen by staring at it.
Deep down, Felix can tell who it is from and he hesitates to open it because he knows he'll be hit by a wave of emotions that, once again, he has no power to control.
Taking a deep breath, Felix lifts the lid and looks inside.
There's a Polaroid camera and boxes of films to fill it. He puts them aside on the table, then pulls out something from the bottom of the box.
He tears through the brown wrapper, revealing a photo album inside. It must be the special gift you promised him.
He's not prepared for it but at the same time, can't wait to discover what lies inside. Flipping the album open, he reads the words written on the first page.
"Our adventure."
It says and he recognized that handwriting and that little curl at the end of every letter resembles the curl of your smile.
Felix flips to the next page and sees the photos of you and him, from your shared teen years. His fingers trail the glossy surface of the photo and wishes that he can feel your warm smile under his fingertips.
He swears he almost heard the sound of your laugh when his finger hovers to the other photo where the two of you are laughing together.
Every time Felix recalls the memory each photo holds, his heart aches for he longed for the times when everything was much simpler, much easier, and happier with you.
Then he comes to a different part, it says.
"My adventure."
For this part, the pages are of your photos from when you were studying abroad, doing various things from cooking to going on a hike, mostly of beautiful places you visit and food you ate.
He guesses that you want to share it with him, all these pretty sceneries with its pretty skies. You're filling in the part when you were absent in his life.
Instead of being sad that he wasn't in this part of your life, he's grateful to know that you were happy and didn't stop yourself from living in the moment.
Simply put, he'll always be happy as long as you're happy. He turns to the next part and finds another piece of writing.
"Our adventure."
You add a little scribble under the words and wrote, "Part 2!"
These are the photos you took during the tour, most of them were goofy ones. There's a photo of him sleeping, eating a cup of noodles, napping with his hands under his chin, of his messy bedhead and so much more snapshots you took without him knowing.
Also, more photos of you together, having slurpees and snacks at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. He misses these little things he did with you, the random conversation talked in between sips and laughs in between words.
Even the most ordinary things feel special when he does it with you.
He opens to the next part of the album that says.
"Your adventure."
As he turns the page, they're all blank, then he realizes why it was sent with a camera. It's useless now that he has no idea what to do with it.
The only adventure he wants to do is with you.
It's strange to have a lot of space.
You're so used to living in a small apartment, everything is within reach and you can see everything in one frame.
But now, after moving into a new apartment and it's much bigger than the previous one, you feel a little desolate.
Isn't it a dream to finally have a studio of your own?
It's not big but it's enough, you can pin all of your favorite photographs on one side of the wall and stare at it as much as you want.
You do most things on the first floor because that's where everything is, the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room blurred into one with the studio. The second floor is strictly private, it's your bedroom and it has ceiling-to-floor windows which is your favorite part of your new apartment.
Another good news is you're booked now, not as in you're fully booked until the end of the year but you received a job offer from here and there.
Today, you got to do a photo shoot with a band for a music magazine. Well, they're not Ssick and not as big, but you heard of their name, not sure when or where, but it's a familiar one.
As you try to recall when was the first time you heard the band's name, you heard footsteps coming from behind you. You haven't had time to meet any of your neighbors, so you turn on your feet to greet them and perhaps, get to introduce yourself to them.
"Hi, hello, I'm your new—"
Your mouth stays open but words stop coming out of it. The one you're seeing is not your neighbor, that you know for sure.
Felix is standing there, exactly like that night when the two of you met again after years.
"Hey," he says.
It takes everything in you not to cry right there, you're happy and sad at the same time but on top of all that, it makes you ask yourself how did you break his heart like that?
You push the lump growing in your throat down and manage to put on a smile for him.
"Hey," you say back even though that isn't supposed to be the first word you should say to him.
It should be "I'm sorry", "I can't apologize enough", or "Please forgive me" and you have the chance to say that but it's not easy.
Instead of that, you ask, "Want to come in?"
He sheepishly smiles and says, "Yes, please!"
Felix comes at a bad time.
Not only that your apartment is still a mess, you haven't bought groceries yet. What you have in your fridge right now are bottles of water and some leftover dinner from last night.
"It's a nice place," Felix's deep voice echoing that it startles you.
You turn around and smile, "Yeah, I think so too," you respond and aware of how stupid that sounded.
Coffee is not an option since Felix doesn't like it that much, you turn to look inside the kitchen cabinet and find a box of teabags, "tea?" You hastily offer.
"Sounds nice," he says.
The two of you are sitting on the same sofa not saying anything but watching the curl of the steam coming from the two mugs of hot tea on the coffee table.
Weeks without speaking to each other and now it feels like the two of you are ex-lovers who have gone through a nasty break-up.
Oh well, it's close to something like that.
"I guess you knew from my mom?" You decide to be the first to shatter the dead air hanging between you and him.
"Your new apartment?"
You nod.
"Well, I asked my mom to ask your mom and..." he stops explaining, then chuckles.
"I know," you say.
Before the silence resides once again, you think of something else to ask him, "So, how are you doing?"
It's natural for him to always seek closeness, and intimacy when he's talking to you that you find him slowly closing the space between you and him.
"Good," he shortly replies.
You slightly turn your body to face him but look anywhere else but his eyes, "I saw that you guys are having an encore show," you say.
"Yes," he sighs like it's a piece of bad news.
You reach for your tea but pause as Felix asks you the same thing, "How are you doing?"
You hook your fingers around the handle of the mug, "I'm okay," you answer with an easy smile.
Felix glances at your studio and stares at the photos stuck to the wall, "must be exciting moving into a new apartment!"
You bravely glance his way for a second to see his impressed smile then look away before he notices.
"I saw the ad you did," he says, calmly feeling the upholstery of the sofa and aimlessly drawing lazy circles on it.
"They're amazing. Guess you're fully booked now, huh?" he teases with a low chuckle.
One thing about Felix is he always talks with utmost sincerity, everything that comes out of his mouth contained warmth and purity, and he talks with all of his heart.
Which only reminds you what kind of person you are for breaking that heart. You wrap your hand around the mug and absorb the heat with your palm, it burns but it's nothing compared to what you've been through.
"Actually, Felix..."
He turns his head at you, "Yeah?"
You stare down at your lap for a while before continuing to speak, "I'm not okay at all."
Tears start to pool in your eyes because that's what happens when you start speaking your heart out.
"I feel horrible," your voice begins to quiver as tears roll down your face, "I feel horrible for what I am, of what have I become."
You press your eyes with the heels of your hands to stop the tears despite knowing that it's useless, "I hate myself for what I did, for being a horrible friend to you, for telling things I don't even have the rights to tell, for—"
You're unable to finish your sentence as tears caught in your throat.
It's natural for him to always answer your distress call. He quickly grabs your hand to provide comfort.
"So, no, I'm not okay at all. I broke your heart, I broke our friendship, I broke us," your hands flew to cover your face as your cries turn into sobbing.
Felix doesn't say anything but holds you, holds you so tight as if he's trying to assure you that he's right there with you, despite what you've just said to him.
"I'm sorry," you sob into his chest as your body shakes in his embrace.
Felix suddenly pulls away and holds you by the shoulders. Then you see that his eyes are red and teary, he's crying too.
"Did you really think I was mad at you over someone?"
You can't answer with you keep constantly hiccuping from holding your sobs in.
"I'm indeed mad," he says.
Your eyes are blurry with tears but you can see that Felix is crestfallen, not mad.
"I am mad because years ago you didn't tell me that you were going to study abroad and you left just like that when you promised that we'd be staying together," he explains.
He takes a deep breath to continue talking, "And you did it again!"
You can sense the anger and the disappointment in his voice despite he was trying to fight the tears from falling down his face.
"You broke your promise, you left me again and you didn't even say goodbye to me this time."
Felix looks away for a moment to not lose it to his emotions, to calm himself down. He breathes through his mouth and turns to look at you again, "I'm also mad because I couldn't be a better friend for you—"
You stop him from talking by grabbing a fistful of his shirt and shaking your head, "No, no, it's not you, it's me."
He pulls you close and lets your head falls onto his shoulder, resting his hand on the back of your head, he puts his head on top of yours.
Sorry wouldn't be enough to make up for what you did but then again, you have nothing else to say but sorry.
"I'm sorry," you can barely finish your words without crying. Your hand clutching at the front of his top already soaked with your tears.
He hastily kisses the top of your head and keeps his head close to you, "You are my best friend. I love you more than..." he pauses.
Taking a deep breath, Felix can finally continue speaking, "I rather lose my chance at love than lose you."
Even after all that happened, he still chooses you who lied, was disloyal, and broke his heart. Not to mention, you did it twice yet he still welcomed you with an open heart, letting you in and willingly putting his heart at risk once more.
People would call him a fool for that but for you, that's just Felix.
He's beautiful and kind and has a big, big heart that even if you broke it, his heart still overflows with love and making you ask yourself is it okay to receive it this much from him?
There's one thing you can do now, try to return it to him with the same amount even though you know he'll always have more for you.
The two of you stay like that, pouring out all of your hearts and bleeding together, consoling and seeking comfort from each other, letting the bad out so you both have room for something new and hopefully, better things.
The two of you have always been criers so it's no surprise that it takes an hour for you to finally calm down. You both laughed seeing each other's face from crying, swollen eyes, and runny nose.
The teas are cold by the time you reach for it to have a sip, "don't drink it. It's terrible," you tell him.
Felix looks at his tea and cringe, "I don't even drink tea," he says.
"I know."
"Then why did you?" He asks with an annoyed glare.
You chuckle and put down your mug again to grab more tissues to blow your nose.
"Want to go and grab some meals?"
"Looking like this?" He asks in disbelief, pointing at his swollen face from crying.
You laugh again and take the mugs back to the kitchen, putting them in the sink.
"Well, there's always drive-thru," you simply resolve with a smile.
When you thought Felix is ordering that much food for both of you, he sits back down in his seat and asks you, "What do you want?"
You got into a little fight because you insist on paying this time and once you got your order, you parked the car in the empty part of the parking lot, facing the busy main street.
It's not an ideal place to eat and talk about things in between, catching up on all the lost time and enlightening him about some misunderstandings.
"I didn't mean to not tell you about studying abroad because I did, I just..." you pause to sip your soda through a straw.
You recall how you decided not to tell him that you were going to leave him to study something that he didn't even know you have a passion for.
"You were always so excited about music and how you wanted to do it with me," you continue.
You turn to look at him in the dark of the car with the only source of light coming from the streetlight, "I didn't want to ruin that for you."
Felix puts down the piece of fry he's holding and sighs, "I understand," he says.
He wipes his hand with a napkin, "I was mad and heartbroken but now, after hearing that, I'm glad that you took it, glad that I didn't force you to stay," he sincerely says.
It's a relief that Felix finally knows the truth and that it was just a misunderstanding, but there's another thing that he should know.
"You know I got homesick all the time," you confess.
Felix drinks his soda by gulping it instead of using a straw.
"And it wasn't a place or a thing, or... the food," you gleefully chuckle.
"It was you. I missed you when I was away."
There's a crease formed a questioning expression on his face, "Only when you were away?"
You break into laughter and nod, "yeah, only when we're far away from each other," you confirm.
Felix takes a moment to process this newfound fact then nods, "Okay, I can accept that."
The food wrappers mount in the front seat of the car and you shove everything into the plastic bag while Felix is connecting his phone to the car stereo so he can play some music.
You hand him his cup of ice cream then you pick up your own, opening the lid to dig into it with a spoon. Maybe it's because both of you are full and both staring out at the windshield, the silence taking over the space but it's the comfortable kind.
It creates this safe space where Felix finally found the comfort to speak his heart out. He puts down his cup and sighs as he reclines in his seat.
"I wasn't even sure it is love," he begins.
You keep eating the melted ice cream in silence while intently listening to him.
"I just thought that I only admire him because he's so cool, you know?" He says with a foolish smile.
You nod in agreement and that's not because you're biased, it's a widely known and proven fact.
"So I allow myself to admire him more, getting to know him more and he let me."
Felix stares up at the car ceiling, not sure what he's seeing at it then continues talking, "But he makes me feel seen, he always acknowledging my presence, he's so involved in my life that the next thing I know, I'm in it. I'm in love."
He closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh. Those words are louder than the music playing in the car, he lets those words hang in the air and echo in the small space, in the hope that it will help him find the answer.
Felix gets nothing but the quiet of the night with the constant buzzing of the streetlight looming over the car.
"I know I couldn't just tell him that and he'd reciprocate it," he says with a snide laugh.
"So I hold it in because it's better to not say it than risk losing everything by saying it out loud," his voice turns lower the more he speaks.
He then turns his head and looks at you, "I couldn't tell you because..." he stops in the middle of the sentence and you can't tell if he's running out of breath or losing his thoughts.
He looks away then shakes his head, "I honestly don't know. I just feel like..."
He stops again and he closes his eyes as if what he's going to say next pains him.
"I fear that you would change around me," he mutters.
You feel something dropping onto your lap and only realized it then that you're crying. Somehow you're not mad about his decision to not tell you about it, it's normal for him to be scared to open up a part of himself and the judgments he'll get from it.
Rather than being mad, you feel bad for not being there for him when he needs you the most.
"You know I love you," you tell him with your tears rolling down your cheeks.
You gently put your hand on his and hold it, "I love you no matter what," you assure him while staring into his glassy eyes.
Felix sniffles as he fights the urge to cry and puts his other hand on you.
"That's not the only thing that makes you, Felix. I've known you for years and you better believe me when I tell you that you're of so many things," you tell him.
You swallow air to not let your cry get in the way while you're talking, "You're of so many lovely things. You are beautiful and kind, you're a good person, you have a good heart, you never think ill of anyone, you're thoughtful and passionate about what you do, you—"
You squeeze his hand to emphasize the words you're going to say to him, "you deserve everything and more."
Felix retracts his hand to wipe his eyes with the back of his hand and takes a deep breath. He looks at you with a sad smile on his face, "Thank you," he says with a hoarse voice.
"You are very welcome," you tell him.
You grab the clean napkins from your lap and hand them to him, taking one for you too.
"Oh, great! We're crying again!" You complain while dabbing your teary eyes with it.
Felix laughs as he also wipes his cheeks with the napkin, laughing at each other's faces again for the second time that day.
It reminds you of that song and how the two of you fit in those lyrics: "We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year, running over the same old ground. What have we found? The same old fears. Wish you were here."
There's no need to wish now because he's right here.
Always being the good friend he is, Felix refuses your offer to drive him home.
You walk out of the apartment building together to get a taxi for him. The night is getting cold as it's the beginning of fall.
"I'll send you tickets for our encore shows," he says with a jeering smile.
"No, thanks, I'll buy it myself like anyone else," you kindly refuse.
He covers your mouth with his hand and shakes his head no, "I'll send you tickets for both days so you have no excuse to not come to at least one of them," he insists.
Since you can't say anything with his hand over your mouth, you give in with an annoyed glare.
Felix triumphantly smiles and puts his hand down, he stares at you, he has that look when he hesitates to ask something.
"What is it?"
He licks his lips before speaking, "Have you two talked?"
Your smile wavers even though you have expected this question, "Felix, I don't think I—"
"Why? Are you afraid that I'll be jealous?"
You take a step back but he closes the space again, "or are you afraid that he'll choose me?" He jokingly asks.
He puts his hand on your shoulder and gently squeezes at it, "it takes no genius to know that he likes you very much," he says.
"Do you like him too? That I don't know."
You scoff and look down at your feet, not sure if you're avoiding Felix and his questions or anything related to Hyunjin altogether.
"But like you said, we've known each other for years and I know you like him back," he concludes that you know is true and there's no use to deny it, Felix would know when you're lying.
"And..." he cups your face with both hands and makes you look at him, "I'm not getting in the way of my friends' happiness."
He leans in close enough that you can feel the warmth of his breath on your face, "I'm happy if you're happy, remember?"
There's no way that there's another Felix in this world, he's special, one of a kind and you're lucky that he's your best friend.
"No, it's just... not going to work. He's..." you try to avoid saying his name but it comes to a moment where you can't describe him in another way.
"Hyunjin..." and saying his name unlocks the memories and the emotions that come with it.
You take Felix's hands and put them down, "And I am just... me."
Not giving up yet, he holds your hands and warmly smiles at you, "and you're of so many things. You're smart, you're funny, you're a great photographer, you're beautiful, you're a great friend, a great person."
You can't help but smile when he compliments you the same way you did to him.
"And you deserve to be happy," he adds in the end.
You so badly want to believe that but having your friendship back is already more than you deserve, how come you still want more?
You shake your head and refuse to be greedy, shaking your head to convince yourself that this is not what you want. You already have what you want and he's right in front of you, "Felix, I don't want to—"
The only hard thing to do is say no to Felix, you look away and see a taxi coming your way.
"There's a taxi," You run to the side of the street while hailing for it.
Felix sighs knowing that you choose to leave the conversation instead of going through it with him. He walks over as you open the taxi door for him.
"I take it that you're promised to come to our shows," he says, not accepting any other answer from you.
You nod and smile.
He pulls you into a hug and holds you tightly, "thank you for tonight," he murmurs.
You hug him back and absorb the heat of his body that always puts you in comfort, "thank you for tonight," you murmur back.
He pulls away just enough to look at you, smiling so brightly to finally land a kiss on your cheek, "I'll see you soon!"
"See you soon," you repeat and to surprise him, kiss him back on the cheek.
He gets taken aback for a while and blinks his eyes at you. While holding his cheek he says, "I like that," he innocently says.
You laugh and push him into the backseat of the taxi, "Goodnight! Be careful!"
Felix rolls down the window to wave his hand at you, "It's cold! Get inside!"
You give him the thumb up while taking a few steps back to watch his taxi drives further away from you.
As you're making your way back inside, you convince yourself that this is enough. You got your friendship back therefore you shouldn't be thinking that you can have love too.
It's time for Felix to fix the other friendship.
He knows it would be just as hard but it's for the good of both his friendship and the band. They can't continue to treat each other like this but at the same time think as if nothing happened.
Before the band rehearsal starts, he comes up to Hyunjin as he's tuning his guitar inside the studio. He gulps air and gathers his guts to ask him, "Hey, can we talk?"
Hyunjin glances up to see him and he seems to have expected this, he puts his guitar away, then says, "Alright."
Han puts his bass down as he notices that they need privacy so he leaves the studio, then closes the door behind him.
It's a good thing that they're talking in a soundproofed room, Felix can easily talk without fearing that someone could hear them. But when it comes to talking, he doesn't know where to begin.
"You know everything by now," Felix nervously starts.
He wipes his palms down his jeans even though they're not sweaty, "I always have my eyes on you but obviously, now, you have your eyes on someone else," he awkwardly chuckles.
It's making him nervous as Hyunjin remains quiet, he would be grateful if Hyunjin is yelling at him instead of staying silent.
"I'm sorry," Felix hurriedly concludes before he starts aimlessly rambling on and on.
"I didn't mean for you to find out about this. I was going to keep it all in—"
"For how long?" Hyunjin cuts through his words with eyes intensely staring at him.
"W-what do you mean?" Felix stutters as it's the first time Hyunjin snapped at him like this.
Hyunjin gets up from his chair and stands right in front of him, face to face and giving him no way out but going through it with him.
"How long did you plan to keep it a secret?" He asks again.
Felix takes a step back and reorganizes his breathing.
"Why do you like me?" Hyunjin bluntly asks.
It's getting harder for Felix to breathe he feels like his lungs are collapsing, "I didn't mean to. I-I..."
Felix doesn't know how to explain it. One day he came to the realization that he has feelings for Hyunjin.
"It just happened. I don't know," he explains. He's just as clueless as Hyunjin about everything.
"Why, Felix? Why?"
"I don't know," Felix replies with a desperate sigh.
"I said I don't know," this time Felix cuts him off with an aggressive answer.
Hyunjin searches for his eyes and forces him to look back at him, "Why did you apologize?"
Felix sees that Hyunjin's gaze softens and he's no longer mad, he's rather sad, it's a heartbreaking sight to see.
Hyunjin licks his lips and brushes his hair to the back, "you have feelings for me but I know it can't be helped," he says.
He puts his hand on Felix's shoulder and looks deeper into his eyes, "I should be the one apologizing to you."
Felix has everything planned in his hand but this is not part of that, he got speechless the table is turned.
"For being such an asshole, for being insensitive and a lousy friend," he softly speaks while keeps looking into Felix's eyes.
Hyunjin puts his other hand on Felix's shoulder and lets out a long, shaky air. It seems like he's struggling to let out what he's going to say next.
"Felix, I appreciate you so much because I know that I'll never find another one like you and I would give you everything you wanted in the world," he explains.
He drops his head for a second before looking at his face again with an even sadder expression on his face, "That I am I deeply apologize for," his eyes are heavy with sadness that it's tugging Felix's heart and weighing him down.
"I cannot give you what you want," he says with a defeated sigh.
The lump in Felix's throat feels like a hot coal that burns him from the inside the longer he keeps himself from crying and so far he's been doing a great job at it.
"But will you stay beside me even though I can't give you what you want?" Hyunjin asks.
Felix knows that Hyunjin is not just asking. This question determines everything, this is where their path branches out and they have to choose where to go.
It means that Felix has to deal with the fact that Hyunjin can't accept his love and it's not like he has a chance in the first place.
Felix clears his throat before giving his final answer, "To always have you beside me is enough for me," he puts on a smile at the end of the sentence.
A smile finally rises on Hyunjin's face after a long time and it warms his heart to see it. He pulls Felix into a hug and pats his back as he eases into his arms, "thank you," he murmurs.
"Thank you," Felix says back and he can't tell him what he's grateful for, but Felix believes Hyunjin knows what he's grateful for as their hearts are the closest they have been to each other in years with mere flesh and bones in between, beating as one.
Han soon comes into the studio and hugs both of them, smiling and seeing his friends making up, making the band whole again.
"I told you guys not to fight over me," He jokes as he puts his arms around them.
Other than himself, Felix is aware that he must have been putting the band in distress, but he's glad that they give him the space and time, and patience as he picks things up at his pace. 
They're part of who he is now because everyone around him helped him grow, they're there whenever he has to decide and affects the decision he takes. They hold a part of him as he has parts of them in him, they're one, and they're going on an adventure together.
Hyunjin pulls him into the middle and squeezes him together with Felix.
"I think we all should kiss and make up," Han playfully suggests.
Hyunjin, repulsed by what he said, doesn't waste time to groan, "EW!!!"
While Felix, as the personification of love touch, endearingly kisses him on the cheek. Han grimaces but not moving until Felix pulls away.
"Now we make out," Felix jokes.
Han screams in panic, "No, I said make up not make out!"
As Hyunjin holds him by his waist, Felix grabs Han's face and angles it to him, laughing as he's witnessing everything.
"I'm pretty sure I heard make out!"
Felix jokingly leans in closer while Han's scream is getting louder and louder. 
This is going to be one Ssick adventure.
It brings back memories as you enter the concert venue except that tonight, you'll be watching from the front and among the crowd.
Felix texted you a few times asking if you came or not, you feel bad for not replying. For this one night, you want to experience their show like everyone else and not through the camera like you always do.
Indeed, it feels different now that you're a part of the crowd and get to watch the show, singing to every song at the top of your lungs and not worrying about anything else but having fun.
Sure, your heart hurts seeing him but with this euphoric feeling of the thumping music and loud cheers, it helps to dull the pain.
As for the band, they're getting bigger and bigger each day, literally and figuratively, they're not stopping, if anything, they're speeding on their way to the top.
You're proud of them and proud that you've been a part of it despite having just a small role in it. You're proud to be a part of their history.
Ssick, the greatest band to ever exist.
"Are you sure it's taken?"
Felix has been asking staff if someone has taken the seat he reserved for you. He has no other choice since you didn't reply to any of his texts.
"Yes, it says the ticket is scanned," the staff replies.
He's pacing back and forth while wiping his sweat with a towel, ignoring that he's tired from the show. The others are anxiously seeing him and Han gets curious as to what he's so antsy about.
"Are you waiting for someone?" He asks.
Felix looks around the room to find Hyunjin, he's nowhere so he must be showering right now. However, he smiles at Han and shakes his head, "Nothing."
He takes his phone and furiously types a new text message to send you.
Lou comes barging into the green room with a loud banging sound of the door opening, "I found this loitering outside, should we take it or...?"
Felix gets a Deja Vu, he once heard those same words before. He spun around to find Lou grinning while pulling someone behind him.
"Can you stop texting me already?" You complain while showing your phone buzzing with a new one he just sent you.
Felix squints his eyes at you, slightly annoyed that you ruin his plan to surprise everyone with your presence.
He walks toward you, scolding and pointing his finger at you, "You! Why didn't you—"
Someone cuts into the line and gets to you first, "What are you doing here? You're fired, remember?" Vin jokes.
You roll your eyes at him and give him a quick hug, "I am not fired," you persist through your gritted teeth.
Vin laughs then takes a good look at you, "What's that on your face? Is that makeup?"
You groan and stop his hand from touching your face. He's probably used to seeing your bare face with only a few layers of sunscreen and your eyes always look tired.
"Where's your camera? Don't you have photos to retouch?" He jokes again.
"Excuse me, I'm not working for you anymore," you say with a sly smile.
"You!" Vin is a second away from scolding you.
It's weird to say you miss being scolded by him but you do. You hurriedly linked your arm with him and grinned at him, "Please don't hesitate to hire me again!"
Felix doesn't want to wait any longer, he comes to hug you, "You didn't reply to my texts," he continuously nagging you.
"Oh, my God! I'm here now!" You mumble as you hug him back.
Han appears behind Felix, shouting, "Look at that! Our girl is back!"
He takes his turn to give you a quick hug, "Why didn't you come by before the show starts?"
You shrug, "It was a great show by the way and I got to fully enjoy every bit of it without having to worry someone about to scold me for not getting any great photos," you uneasily glance at Vin and giggle.
"Put you on the blacklist," he jokingly says.
You turn at Han again then at Felix, you do realize that someone else missing from this scene. You swallow air before continuing, "But seriously! Amazing, amazing show!"
It's nothing new to them that you're bad at conveying your thoughts into words, two thumbs up are enough to emphasize those words and assure them that you meant every word you said.
Just like it was timed, Hyunjin comes out of the other room while drying his hair with a towel, sucking a bottle of water. It's like time stops and you and him are the only ones existing in this moment, eyes met with so many words left unsaid.
He's so close yet so far, he's within your grasp but out of your touch. He's like a dream that you don't want to wake up to but you can't stay asleep forever. You have to face the truth that you can't have him in your wake.
You look away and turn at Felix, "Love your solo today!" You awkwardly compliment him.
"How about me?" Han asks, feeling competitive over silly things.
"You're great as always!" You say while patting his head.
Lou pulls Han back and keeps him in his place, "will you also come for tomorrow's show?"
"Not sure. I have work tomorrow," you reply.
"At least come to the after-party," Lou whines like a toddler.
You softly chuckle, "I'll try."
Felix notices that you avoid looking in Hyunjin's direction as he stands across the room, quietly opening a new can of drink.
It's sad if you have to lose your chance at love too, not when he knows that Hyunjin is in love with you and you're just as in love with him.
He doesn't want to be that person who stops his friends from their happiness.
"For tonight, I'll let you guys rest and it was truly a great show. I had so much fun!" You tell them once again.
Felix grabs your elbow, "you're leaving already?"
"Yeah," you simply answer.
You take his hand and hold it, "I'll see you again."
"Tomorrow?" He guesses.
You only answer with a chuckle and that doesn't put him at ease.
"It's nice seeing you guys! Good luck for tomorrow!" You say for the last time.
Waving your hands at them by the doorway, Felix catches your sad smile a second before you turn away to leave.
There's no way he's doing nothing when he knows his best friend deserves a happy ending.
To say that he's happy to see you would be an understatement.
Hyunjin is ecstatic, elated, delirious with happiness and that's just from looking at you. What would it be if he could do more than just look?
He wants to touch you, hug you, and kiss you, he's yearning for you, missing you like he's losing a limb of his body. He's alive but he's barely breathing.
Why can't you do this? Why can't you love him back? Why can't you at least try for him? Why?
That question lingers in his head until Felix stops him from entering the van. Hyunjin looks at him with eyes widening, "what's wrong?"
"Exactly!" Felix says back at him.
He grips the strap of his bag so hard that his knuckle turns white, "what is wrong with you?"
Hyunjin is not in the mood to talk, especially when he's tired and heartbroken still. He takes a step back to prevent himself from doing things he doesn't intend to.
"I'm tired," he shortly responds, then tries to walk past him to enter the van.
Felix once again stops him by putting his hand against his chest, "so that's it?"
"What do you want? Really?" Hyunjin may have raised his voice louder.
"You're not going to chase after her and try to fix it?" Felix raises his voice even louder at him.
Han pops his head out from inside the van, "guys, please?" He pleads, scared that they might lose it this time.
Hyunjin unclenches his jaws and instantly regretted snapping at him, "She said she doesn't want to do this," he meekly says.
"Then try to convince her!" Felix simply resolves.
He takes a deep breath to calm himself down and lowers his voice this time, "If you really love her, then prove it to her! Go to her!"
As much as Hyunjin wanted to be with you, he thinks of Felix. Hyunjin has gone through the same thing, so he knows how it feels to be in that position, to keep both sides happy he has to sacrifice his happiness.
Hyunjin drops his bag to the floor and sighs, "what if—"
Felix takes his bag from him and tosses it into the van in which Lou grabs it in time. He then takes his phone out of his jeans pocket. 
"Don't think!" He says.
Hyunjin's phone buzzes from inside his jacket pocket and opens the text Felix just sent him. It's an address.
"Just do it!" Felix adds.
But does this mean Felix is on his team?
Felix grabs Hyunjin's shoulder and shakes it, "what are you waiting for?"
While holding Hyunjin's bag, Lou says, "I'll cover for you. Go!"
Hyunjin looks at Felix and there are so many things he wanted to say to him. Among apologies, he wants to say how grateful he is for him, to be existing at the same time with him and being his friend.
All that comes out of his mouth is, "Thank you."
Hyunjin's heart is pitter-patter. He feels like it's going to jump out of his chest at any moment as he arrived in your apartment building.
He takes the stairs as if his heart rate isn't high enough, taking two stairs at a time until he gets there, right in front of your door.
There are a few things he would say that he has prepared for the moment you open the door. He takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. His excitement gradually fades as every knock on your door is left unanswered.
"It's me," he says just in case you wonder who's knocking in the middle of the night.
He knocks again but there's still no answer. Getting hopeless, he leans close to the door and talks loud enough for you to hear.
"Can you please open the door for me?"
He closes his eyes and lets out a desperate sigh, "Please?"
This is what he fears the most, not the rejection but not getting the chance to explain and make things right. At least, he can go home now knowing he has tried his best.
With a heavy heart, Hyunjin turns around his feet and heads for the stairs, bumping into a person and knocking things down.
"Oh no! The eggs!" You sadly mumble as you pick up the plastic bag from the floor.
"I'm sorry!" Hyunjin mutters without thinking.
Without having to check, Hyunjin is pretty sure that he broke all the eggs as the content filled the plastic bag.
You don't even look surprised to see him, annoyed is more like it. Everything that Hyunjin has planned to say evaporated from his head. He bursts out anything that crosses his head at that moment.
"Why aren't you home?"
You look inside the plastic bag once again and sigh, "I was out to buy eggs and milk for breakfast tomorrow."
"I've been knocking at your door for an hour!"
You jerk your head back, unamused, "And I can't have eggs for my breakfast tomorrow because of you!" You scold back.
"Well, you still have the milk," he nonchalantly says then shrugs.
Hyunjin is aware of how he keeps talking without thinking and just saying everything he wants, he looks at you and you look back at him.
At the same time, you break into laughter. The hilarity lasts as long as each of you keeps breaking into another series of laughter.
When the laughs died down, he clears his throat and says, "I'm sorry."
"For what?" You ask.
"For the eggs."
"Anything else?" You ask with an eyebrow raised higher than the other.
"For coming here just now," he adds.
You nod and warmly smile at him, "Want to come in?"
Hyunjin definitely wants to come in and hopefully, will never leave.
While you're busy disposing of your broken eggs into the bin, Hyunjin walks around your new apartment and looks at each photo on the wall.
Places, sceneries, and moments captured in pictures. Looking at them, Hyunjin feels like he's looking at the world through your eyes.
"Here," you hand him a can of soda.
"These are beautiful," he compliments the photos on the wall.
"Thank you," you shortly reply.
Hyunjin opens it and takes a long gulp of it before putting it down on your desk. That's when he sees it.
"I'm offended by how you treat my token of love for you," he says.
You look around and see what he called a token of love on your desk. You guess it's the guitar pick inside the small tray full of memory cards.
You pick it up and show it to him, "this is a token of love?"
"It's my first guitar pick I used for the tour, it's meaningful, it's a token of love," he explains.
The only thing it reminds you of is how he flicked this thing at your head at the first concert, "you threw it at my head," you say with eyes widened.
"You're supposed to catch it!"
"How do I know that you want me to catch it?" You argue back.
He tips his head to the side and glares at you, "That's me telling you I like you!"
"Hyunjin, that's not how you give someone a token of love," you tell him with a snide smile.
He puts a hand on the desk to support him, "I thought you'd get it," he meekly says.
You come up to him and also put your hand on the desk, "Now you know why I thought you hated me, huh?"
It all makes sense now. He realizes he has a very unusual way to show his affection. Hyunjin sheepishly laughs and slips his hand under your arm, "Can we... hmm..."
He laughs again the moment he looks at your slyly smiling at him. Pulling you close, he asks, "Can we skip this embarrassing part and goes straight to making up then we can kiss after?"
Just having a whiff of his scent gets you intoxicated already, putting you under his spell, making you submit to his wishes, and those lips are just... incredibly tempting.
You notice that he's looking down at your lips too.
"Why don't we kiss already?" You offer a better idea.
With your permission, he doesn't waste another second to lean in and kisses you, so softly at first, and turns hungrier after a few kisses.
He still likes biting at your lower lip before pulling away, tugging it between his teeth, and making you moan as he kisses you whole, taking your breath away.
"I miss you so much," he murmurs close to your ear.
You turn your head to look at him but he captures you in a rapturous kiss, making you giggle against his lips.
"I miss you too," you murmur back the second he lets go of the kiss.
Using your finger, you trail the frame of his small, beautiful face. You admire the facial features that you believe are meticulously sculpted by God himself.
You look into his eyes as he looks back at you as if your eyes hold the universe in them, "I miss you too much."
Hyunjin sits on the edge of the desk so he can be at the same eye level as you and pulls you close, that way he can stare into your eyes and dives into them, never to come out of the surface.
"Let's do this, yeah?"
The hands that are resting on your waist, he glides them up until they are wrapped around your neck, cupping your face with both hands, he places a soft kiss on your lips.
"I think we can do anything if we're together," he says, resting his forehead against yours, "don't you think?"
Something about him that always makes you believe that you're worth more than you think, makes you believe that you can fly higher with your little wings and ride in the wind.
You open your mouth to say your answer, but he uses the opportunity to kiss your open mouth.
"I'll not take no for an answer," he mutters as his sweet smile puts you under the spell again.
You stare into his eyes, seeking the answer from his spellbinding eyes. All you have to do is put your trust in this relationship.
Just like Hyunjin said, no one has a say in this relationship, he trusts you therefore you only have to trust him back.
You nod, "Okay."
A smile blooms on Hyunjin's face, he expressed his happiness by giving you a long, lingering kiss, one of many more kisses to come. A token of love that lasts time and age. Miraculously, his kisses always leave you wanting more and more.
His body calls to your answer as he hoists you up against his body, lifting your legs and hooking them around his waist.
"You don't want to carry me to the bedroom," you mutter against his lips.
"Huh? Why?"
"It's upstairs."
He raises his eyebrow at you, "you think I'm not strong enough to carry you there?"
You didn't mean to stroke his ego but it's amusing to see his flabbergasted face.
"Okay then, tough guy. Take me there!" You dare him.
"Hang on tight then!" He warns you.
Putting your hands around his neck, you watch over his shoulder as he takes the stairs one step at a time. The veins on his neck are bulging through his milky skin as he uses all of his strength to climb the rest of the stairs.
"Almost there!" You tease by whispering into his ear.
Without warning, he spins you around once he arrives in your bedroom, and keeps spinning until your body hits the mattress.
You're still laughing as he places his body on top of you, putting the stray hair covering your face to the side.
He places sweet little kisses all over your face and tenderly kisses your closed eyelids before putting his lips on yours again. His hand is busy undressing you, seamlessly removing each piece of clothing without taking his lips off of you.
He whimpers as he freely roams his hand around your body, "I almost forgot how soft you are," he dreamily sighs.
You roll over on the bed and have him under you, hovering above him as your hand is working open the buttons of his shirt. You don't know how he undressed you without looking, it's certainly not easy.
You part it open after successfully unbuttoning his shirt, touching and trailing his taut muscles with your fingertips.
Hyunjin snakes his hand around and under you, tracing the curve of your rear, kneading on the flesh with his fingers teasing the fabric of your underwear.
Before you can say anything he crashes his lips at you again, kissing you harder and deeper with teeth and tongues clashing in your mouth.
With his lips glistening wet and red, words falling out of it like a waterfall.
"I love you," he softly mutters.
It's a liberating feeling to know that you don't have to hide, not have to worry about people coming, knocking at your door, and interrupting you. Other than that, you're no longer shackled by the fear of being seen with him.
With that, you slowly let go of all your worries and insecurities that stopping you from enjoying the moment. From now on, you allow yourself to have him and him to have you, wholly and completely, with all of your heart.
"I love you too," you mutter back.
That being said, you also letting go of the fears around you and replacing them with excitement about your future together.
It's so dangerous.
When Hyunjin thinks that you're the cutest when you're shy around him, that's because he hasn't you being bold and confident.
Your hand moves down to undo the button of his jeans and it's only a matter of time now, he gets to feel your hand wrapped around his length.
Bet you know how much he wanted you right now as you slowly pull it out of its confine and slowly stroke it.
What are you trying to do? He wonders.
You hover above him and kiss him deep that he has a hard time catching up with it, losing the air in his lungs and gasping for air the moment you let go. With your face merely inches away from him, you shot him a sly, seductive smile as if telling him what's coming for him and he wonders...
You start making a long trail of kisses down his body, neck, chest, ribs, stomach, and abdomen. He knows where are you heading next and he's not going to stop you despite his heart beating so fast at an abnormal rate.
The hair that sweeps his skin, tickles him, sending tingles inside and down there. It's nothing compares to when you slowly take his length in your mouth, little by little.
Propping an elbow against the mattress, Hyunjin looks at how your lips wrapped around his cock and uses a hand to compensate for the rest that you can't take.
"Oh fu—" he stops himself from cursing and reaches for your head, tangling his hand in your hair.
Mesmerized by watching you, he snaps out of his daze when you pull away and ask, "Good?"
Hyunjin, unable to provide a verbal answer, awkwardly nods.
You pull his jeans down his legs while Hyunjin shakes his shirt hanging on his shoulders, and tosses it away. Shifts his attention back to you, snaking his hand to your back to unclasp your bra and take it off of you.
Can't help himself, he buries his head in your neck, placing kisses down to your chest with his hand cupping your breast.
Drunk with the scent of your body, using both hands, he uses them to pull your underwear down your legs and gets it out of the way so he can put his hand to feel that delicate flesh under his touch.
Hyunjin thinks about you a lot, asleep or awake. However, the reality is always out of his expectations, in the best way. Sitting on the bed with you with both your hands stimulating each other at the same time. Nothing can be sexier than this.
Hyunjin was too haste to say that because the next thing you say is the sexiest thing he ever heard.
"Can I do what I want with you?"
That gets him slightly terrified but mostly excited, he doesn't know what you're going to do with him but he knows that it's going to be a thrill ride. He nods without even thinking.
Putting your hand on his chest, you lay him down on the bed and put your body on top, kissing him, making him forget the excitement that drives him almost crazy.
The next thing he knows you're rubbing up your wetness on his erect shaft, pulsating with desire.
Before his senses slip further away from him, he calls for you, "Baby?"
"Condoms?" He reminds you.
You give him a quick peck on the lips, "do you mind if we're doing it without?"
Hyunjin needs time to process it so that he doesn't say anything for a good minute.
You kiss his open mouth, "why are you so tense?"
"I-is it okay with you?" He stammers.
"That's why I asked."
"I don't want to pressure you to do things you don't want."
You subtly roll your eyes at him, "I initiated it. What makes you think that I don't want to do this?"
This is not what he expects to happen, bickering in the middle of sex. The second your eyes meet, you collapse onto his body and chuckle into his chest.
"We don't match well," Hyunjin mumbles.
"Well, we hated each other from the first time we met," you say.
He lifts your head and glares at you, "Huh? I never hated you."
You pout and shrug, "But it showed."
Hyunjin lets out a dramatic sigh out loud, "Yeah, well, what do you even know?"
You smile as you land a kiss on his lips, "what do you even know?" You repeat.
It's dangerous seeing you taking over his body, pleasing him by moving your hips back and forth and he gets to watch while comfortably lying on his back.
Yeah, it's cute to see you keep avoiding his eyes during sex but it's a whole different thing when you fiercely look down at him, then into his eyes while continuously moving.
Hyunjin almost forgot that he can still use his hands to admire your body, holding your breasts as they move along with every movement you make.
"Good?" You ask as you change your move and slowly roll your hips in circular motions.
Hyunjin's eyes are fluttering shut, overwhelmed.
"Too good, baby," he breathlessly replies.
He glides his hand to touch your lips only for you to suck on his thumb which reminds him of what your mouth feels like around his cock.
"Too good," he says again.
He brushes your hair to the side and looks at your pretty face, "you should stop staring at me with those eyes?"
That only sends you lean in close and stare deeply into your eyes, "or what?"
He groans as he feels you clenching around him and you enjoy doing it to him from that sly smile on your face.
"I'm going to cum too fast," he admits, he's been holding it for far too long now. It's actually a surprise that he didn't cum the moment he fully entered you.
"So what's the problem with that?" You simply ask.
Hyunjin doesn't want to cum before you, that's the problem.
You put your hand against the mattress and caress his face, "you don't want to cum inside me?" you boldly ask with an innocent pout on your face.
A stifled moan escapes his mouth as you grab the headboard of the bed for support and pick up the pace of your movements, driving him to his limit.
Hyunjin can't stop himself from grunting from under you, his nails dug into your flesh as he gripped your waist. His eyes screwed shut and his grunts turned into breathless whimpers then...
You slow down the pace knowing that he just climaxing but keep moving nonetheless, lowly moaning feeling his cock twitching inside you.
The moment he opens his eyes, you are looking at him with a smile on your face, "Hi, baby," you softly speak as if you didn't just make him cum inside you.
"Hi," he weakly says back, bringing your face close to kiss you.
Slowly, he pulls you to lay next to him on the bed to cuddle you and kisses you more. He places more kisses on any skin he can put his lips on and you let him have it.
As he lays there with you next to him, basking in love and bliss, he wonders if is it okay for him to feel this much.
The only thing Hyunjin knows for certain is who he should thank.
The coffee machine has started pouring coffee into the pot when you hear Hyunjin calling for you from upstairs.
He's not going to stop unless you come and show yourself to him. Half running to your bedroom, you find him still laying on the bed with his upper body exposed, basking in the warm morning sun.
"I was making coffee," you tell him as you walk to the bed and crawl over to him.
"Who needs coffee when I have you?" He wraps his hands around you and holds you close.
Without warning, he turns you over on the bed and pinned you under him, intensely gazing into your eyes with his warm brown eyes.
"Now that we're together, I was hoping I get to finally wake up next to you," he says.
You rest your hand on the back of his neck, raking his dark locks with your fingers, "we did."
"No, I woke up to an empty bed," he corrects you.
The way he sulks is adorable, his lower lip jutting out and a crease formed between his eyebrows. You don't think he would be fussing this much about waking up alone when he knows he's staying over at your place.
As an apology, you softly kiss him on the lips, "I'm sorry."
He smiles after hearing your apology, "Apology accepted."
He nods.
"Then we should go downstairs. The coffee is ready," you tell him.
He stops you from trying to get up and takes both of your hands to pin them above your head. Shaking his head, he says, "Not yet."
You sense mischief and you can see it in his eyes, filled with wild glints. You can't do much with him pinning your hands against the mattress.
Hyunjin kisses you, hard and deep, his tongue invades your mouth with teeth faintly biting on your lips.
A moan spills out of you as he starts gently kissing, sucking the skin on your neck. There's no need to guess, it's obvious that he wants to return the favor to you.
With the knowledge that you know what he can do with every part of his body and puts it to good use, you lay back and let him please you as he wants.
Hyunjin puts the duvet away, exposing both of your bodies to the sunlight flooding the room as the day gets brighter. His skin is glowing and warm, he's scintillating like the sun itself.
The way he slowly thrusts into you without looking away from your eyes, not even for a second feels like it's not just physical pursuit.
"Look at you," he says.
He cups your jaw in one hand, "You dare to look back at me now."
That makes you aware that you've been staring back into his eyes and instantly looking away from him. Hyunjin chuckles as he kisses your cheek.
"You feel so good, baby," he whispers into your ear.
You hook your legs around him, sending him deeper into you.
"But last night... oh..." he sighs as he hastily kisses your neck.
"You fuck me so good last night I don't think I'll ever forget it," he adds.
With those beautiful lips, he can say provocative words and makes them sound like poems, making you extremely aroused and deeply in love at once.
Sending you close to your high that you gripping his shoulders from the sensation that keeps building up.
"Close, mmh?" His lips brush yours as he speaks.
You nod with your eyes closed.
"Cum whenever you want, beautiful," he murmurs before planting his lips on yours again.
His lips which keep latching on yours, contained your loud moans as you get your release. The knot inside you tightens and loosens, waves of pleasure washing over you again and again.
With your eyes still closed, you search for his lips to kiss and when you finally did, you say, "Thanks to you, we can't have eggs for breakfast."
"Are holding a grudge against me?" Hyunjin asks in disbelief.
Sadly, this heavenly moment has to eventually end. You have a job to do and Hyunjin has to go back for a soundcheck, Vin has been calling him non-stop since he gets into the bathroom to shower.
"You'll come, right?" He asks as he walks around the room, picking up his clothes from the floor and putting them on.
"I don't know how long I'll be working," you honestly tell him.
He stops moving and sulks again, "You have to come!"
You softly laugh and sip your coffee before answering, "I may be late but I'll come, yes."
It's all he wants, he wants you to come no matter what but that's what you can promise him. His phone is buzzing again and you see that it's Lou.
You pick it up for him, "yes, he's putting on his shirt right now."
Lou laughs hearing your voice, "Hope the bed is alright."
"It's alright. I just have to wash the sheet," you jokingly say.
"Ugh!" He groans in disgust.
"Tell him I'm waiting outside," Lou adds.
"Okay, I'll tell him," you confirm and hang up the phone.
Hyunjin knows even before you say anything, but still, you tell him, "Lou is waiting."
You head downstairs, finishing your cup of coffee right on time as Hyunjin lands on the base of the stairs. You come running to hug him and he catches you on time.
"I'll be waiting for you," he says, pecking your lips after.
"I'll be late," you remind him again.
"That's okay," he says.
He kisses your lips again and not letting go until you're running out of breath.
"But know that I'll be waiting for you," he says with a playful glare.
You laugh and kiss him back, "Don't make Lou wait too long!"
With another long kiss on the lips and the last one on the top of your head, Hyunjin finally lets go with a smile on his face. And as much as you are reluctant to do the same, you slowly let him go, selflessly sharing him with the rest of the world.
The first thing Hyunjin hears by the time he steps into the green room is Han's whistle, eyes squinting at him with a malicious smile drawn on his face.
"Ooo... look at that glow on you, Hwang Hyunjin!" Han teases.
Hyunjin hates it when someone calls him by his full name and Han uses it exactly to annoy him. He picks up a towel from a stack provided on the desk and throws it at him.
"Shut up!"
That only amuses Han more as he's laughing on the sofa. Ignoring him, Hyunjin comes up to Felix who's having his lunch by himself.
Hyunjin picks a pack of lunch for him and sits next to him.
"She's coming tonight, right?" Felix asks.
Hyunjin puts down his chopsticks next to his lunch, "yes, but she has to do a job first so she'll be late," he explains.
Felix nods and continues eating, holding his phone in one hand as he scrolls down his social media.
There's something that should be said in this moment and Hyunjin knows what to say but doesn't know how to begin.
He turns his head at him, "Yeah?"
Hyunjin scratches the back of his head, "I... uh... we're thankful that—"
Felix's deep laughter startles him, "Why thanking me? You're the one who successfully got her back."
That confuses Hyunjin too but he knows for sure that he has to thank Felix for encouraging him to fight for you.
Felix takes a sip of his water and swallows it, "I'm happy seeing my friends happy. That's enough for me."
Hyunjin scoffs and not in a sarcastic way. It just baffled him how there's someone as kindhearted as Felix existed in this world. When he thinks that Felix has done speaking, he turns at Hyunjin again, "But Hyunjin..."
"If you ever had a change of heart," he says as he gazes into his eyes, "just kindly tell her."
Hyunjin nods.
"Don't hurt her," Felix finishes.
Hyunjin knows that behind that tender gaze, he's warning him that he's ready to go against him if he ever caught him breaking your heart.
Hyunjin thinks that you're lucky to have a friend like him which reminds him that he's just as lucky to have a precious friend. That inexplicably urges Hyunjin to protect him more because a person like Felix belongs in a fairytale, not in this cruel, cruel world.
"Come on! Come on!"
Lou hurries you to run and get to his pace as he leads the way to the stage. You're late and Lou can't leave his post too long, he's risking his job as we speak.
Learned from experience, you're slowing down when it comes to climbing the stairs in the dark since Lou doesn't have time to turn on the flashlight on his phone.
The band is in the middle of playing the song when you finally take the spot on the side of the stage and exchange a quick hug with Vin to finally enjoy the show.
It's certainly nostalgic to be there. A few things changed but some remain the same. It's bittersweet but you only want to focus on the latter part.
It's when the band finished the song, Hyunjin sees that you're here. He looks rather elated to see you, he wants to come but hesitates to do so.
You wave your hand at him instead and mouthed, "Told you I'm coming."
He foolishly smiles and eventually caves in, walking to the side of the stage, handing Lou his guitar before grabbing you by the waist and kissing you.
"Hi, you," he mutters.
"Hi," you say back then gets cut off as he kisses you again.
Lou, in an annoyed tone, says, "Okay, lovebird, time to get back to the stage."
You gently push him away as the band is about to play another song.
Hyunjin grabs his guitar back from Lou and slung the strap around his shoulder, "I love you," he mouthed.
You cup your hands around your mouth and mouth it back to him, "I love you."
Oblivious to the fact that Lou is witnessing everything and looking disgusted, horrified, not amused. You respond with what he always gives you, a nonchalant shrug.
Turn your attention elsewhere, you wave your hand at Felix as he's passionately drumming, busy using both hands and feet to keep the rhythm going.
"Felix, the greatest drummer in the world!" You shout at him, sending him grinning and almost losing his focus.
For the last song, Lou puts his arm around you to dance and jump together, ignoring your lungs burning from running out of air.
You cheer loudly as the band takes their final bow at the end of the show and gets ready to welcome them at the back of the stage.
A grin rises on your face at the sight of Felix, you come up to him and give him the hug when it's usually his job to do so.
"Why are you so cool, huh?" you aggressively ask while patting his back.
You keep hugging him, long enough until it emptied the emotions in your chest, "I am so proud of you!" You sincerely tell him.
He kisses your cheek, "Thank you, babe!"
Aware that someone else is waiting for his turn to hug you, Felix reluctantly lets you go. You see Hyunjin appears behind him, ignoring the exhaustion and sweat rolling down his face, he's slipping his hands under and holding you close.
"You're not going to say anything nice to me?" He asks.
You pretend to think and stalls from answering, "Uhm... no," you joke.
With his hand on the back of your head, he angles your head to kiss you again, deeper than before.
"You taste salty," you comment.
He looks down at his t-shirt soaked in sweat but instead of pulling away, he pulls your hands tighter around him, leaving you no option but to let his sweat seep into your clothes as well.
Hyunjin leans in to kiss you but someone holds him back from doing it, "It's my turn now," Han says.
Han looks at you, "I'm getting a kiss too, right?"
Hyunjin pushes him away and possessively puts his arm around you, "Not a chance!"
However Hyunjin can't linger around you for long and you sneak a kiss on Han's cheek when he's not looking, "There you go!"
Han is looking taken aback by the kiss as he touches his cheek, wide eyes and dazed.
Hyunjin turns around to take your hand, "Come, baby!"
You look over your shoulder at Han and gesture to him to zip his lips, keeping it a secret between you two.
Han confirmed with a wink shot at you.
You look down at your clasped hands and then at him as he brushes all of his hair to the back, "Hyunjin?"
He pulls you close to his side, "yes?"
"Does it mean I can have you for myself again?" You ask.
He smiles hearing that and nods, "I'm all yours now."
Felix may have not gotten his love but he surely gets his happiness, double, triple even.
He's happy to see you happy, to still have this precious friendship with you, and remains best of friends. A friend that he can always call in both good times and bad times. A friend he can freely be himself and not be afraid of being judged.
And as he looks at you sitting with Hyunjin, whispering words to each other, looking so in love and happy. He's happy about that too.
Happy that both of his friends found love and are happy with each other and he wishes it stays like that for a long, long time.
At last, Felix is happy for his band, especially after successfully finishing the tour. In this after-party, he can see that this happiness belongs to everyone who takes part in making each show happen.
It's happiness after happiness after happiness. His heart is overflowing with nothing but happiness.
What everyone doesn't know is that behind that happiness, there's that drop of pain.
Felix still needs time to finally let go of his love, it's not easy considering that his object of affection is always around him.
Even a drop, it still stings and constantly prickles at his heart.
Felix consoles himself with a glass of drink in his hand as he looks at the night sky, he likes to think that the crescent shape is the moon smiling down at him.
"What are you doing out here alone?" Lou asks, shattering the intimate moment Felix is having with the moon.
Felix sheepishly smiles, "nothing. Just drinking," he says, showing him the lukewarm whiskey in his glass.
Lou nods and stands next to him, also looking up at the night sky and looking at the same moon. A gust of cold wind blowing his way but Felix wants to stay here longer.
"It'll pass," Lou suddenly says.
That makes Felix's head turn, "Pardon?"
Lou looks at him and says it again, firmly this time.
"It'll pass."
Felix doesn't know he needed to hear it until he did and that inexplicably rejuvenated his spirit. An ending is an opportunity for another beginning.
"You're right," Felix agrees.
"Of course I'm right," Lou boldly remarks, holding out his drink at him.
Felix clinked his glass together with him for a toast, feeling eager to begin again.
As for Lou, he's finally standing right in front of him for the first time, seeing him eye to eye, perhaps, Felix can see him now and knows that he's been there all along.
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666anxiety666 · 18 days
✨️Sebastian Solace headcanons.✨️
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Since my pressure tickle fic did amazing. I thought, why not do some Sebastian headcanons!!
💙 definitely refuses to admit he's ticklish. He'd rather be experimented on again before admitting shit.
💙 Sebastian became way more ticklish after the experiments. Only finding out once he met you.
💙 his gills and VERY sensitive. If you want an immediate reaction from him, that's your spot. he'll scream the whole site down at just one touch of them.
💙 will try his best not to give you the satisfaction of him laughing. But he won't last long. ;)
💙 his ears are a melt spot for him. He'll purr away with his head in your lap as you pet them. But if you touch them juuuust right, you'll get him giggling. Be gentle with him ☺️
💙 once he's a little more comfortable around you. He would definitely let you tickle him. He'll play ot off like he's annoyed. But the second you touch him, he's a giggling mess.
💙 Sebastian is definitely a squirmer, so watch out! You've been thrown to the floor a good few times. 😅
💙 can't take teasing well at all! Normally he's the one teasing. So for the tables to be turned, especially in such an "embarrassing" situation to him gets him all flustered.
💙 "s-shuHUHUT UHUP-!" "If you dohon't quit that-! I-IhiHIHILL-!"
💙 once he trusts you completely, he'll even come and ask for tickles. Behing down in this abandoned underwater facility isn't the very nicest. He just wants some affection and affection. 👉👈
💙 ooooh boy... he's evil. That's all there is too it.
💙 because of his size, he uses that to his advantage. Picking you up with ease and holding you tightly as he tickles you senseless.
💙 those claws are deadly. Not in an actual sense. They ain't that sharp, having been dulled down over the years. Which makes extra good for tickling. 🤭
💙 watch out for that extra arm of his! Sebastian will sometimes catch you off guard with it when you seemingly forget he has it.
💙 he'll tickle you for anything. As a punishment, to cheer you up. Or just randomly.
💙 Sebastian is such a tease!! "What? Don't tell me you're *this* ticklish?~" or "Oh, come on. I'm not even touching you yet~"
💙 knows all the ticks in the book. Counting ribs, raspberries, building anticipation, etc. It's like he was born to tickle! 🫣
💙 if you feel confident enough and ask him for tickles. He'll teas you to no end. "You want me to what? Speak up, friend..~"
💙 Sebastian won't go too far. He knows your limits. If you ask him to stop, he will. If you ask to keep going, he'll definitely oblige.
💙 afterwards, he's all over you. Asking if you're okay. Cuddling you and letting you rest. Just holding you. Bros soo sweet. (Yes I said so 😌)
Yippee!! All done now! I love writing for this man! I'm definitely writing another fic on him, so stay tuned for that! Also, thank yall for all the love my last pressure fic got!! 🫶💙
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110 notes · View notes
Can I request a Sesshomaru and Todoroki hc. Where their s/o likes to draw, and has a sketch book filled with drawings of them?
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° this really took on a life of its own as I started writing, I stayed true to the request but did add in a touch of angst , because that's what came to mind picturing this take place.
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° I hope you don't mind!
Sketches of You.
: ̗̀➛ Includes - sesshomaru x reader. shoto todoroki x reader. fluff. mutual pinning. slight angst. jealous shoto. bonus content.
: ̗̀➛ Warnings - gn! reader. slightly mean sesshomaru. annoying jaken. slight angst. cute loving moments.
: ̗̀➛ Word Count - 4,420
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
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(all art and characters are do not belong to me , credit goes to the original creators.)
Curiosity. That's what he first started to feel towards watching you completely transfixed on the book you had in your hands. However, his intrigued stares were never granted a glimpse because when he would approach, your hands would tightly clasp the book closed.
As if you could sense when his eyes darted towards your artwork , you never failed to keep it just out of his view unknowingly adding to his ever-growing interest.
Your hands moved gracefully along the paper , as if it was dancing along the pages with the pencil held between your fingertips. Attention immersed in the lines forming in front of you , while a slight breeze annoyingly moved a strand of hair into your eyes causing you to pause.
"What is that book in your hands y/n? Is it for the school you speak of in your time?" he decides to ask while staring at you questioningly, the curiosity showing slightly on his features.
You hurriedly placed the book in your bag as he moved closer to the tree your back was now leaning against. The sketches were far too revealing of your feelings for him to see. No, if he saw these sketches he would see every emotion you had for him. You weren't ready to know if those feelings would be returned or denied.
"It's a sketchbook. Some of them are for my art class , however a majority of them are just so I can have a little piece of this era to keep with me while I'm at home." you said with a blush starting to grow pink on your cheeks.
He looked away from you as he looked towards the sky instead, sunlight catching his golden eyes making them almost glow. All you could picture was drawing the scene before you as soon as possible before you forgot how his silver hair blew in the slight breeze.
Annoyed. He starts to become annoyed when you had let Rin look into the sketchbook but you still went through immense effort to keep his eyes from looking at what you were creating. Why am I not allowed to see your art , do you not think of me as worthy enough to look upon it?
"Y/N! Y/N! look at these flowers I picked! Can you draw the same ones for me?" Rin had asked sweetly while placing her hands on your knees while you had been sketching.
"Of course I can." A smile effortlessly taking over your features as you speak to the girl.
"It's beyond me why you would want something useless like a drawing of a flower, child!" Jaken made his irritation known with a shrieking voice.
You start to diligently draw the flowers provided to you as you tune out the conversation.
"Oh Jaken! y/n told me that even though the flowers may wither away someday. However, if I have a drawing of the flowers then I can always keep them with me." she cooed happily.
"Don't you think so too , Lord Sesshomaru?" The little girl bubbly questioned
"Hm." was his only reply.
"That reminds me, Jaken, there's one of you and Rin together here."
You remembered suddenly as you finished the sketch of the flowers, quickly turning to the page of the drawing before anyone could see the others that plagued the pages of your sketchbook.
"WHAT! You drew me without my permission!" he screeches loudly.
Sesshomaru's irritation started to rise as the conversation grew on. Jaken's inherent gasp of wonder as Rin and him looked upon your sketchbook and the sequel of happiness she had praised upon you.
You happily gave her the sketch of the flowers she tasked you with, and she quickly was treating it as her prized possession.
"Lord Sesshomaru! Don't you want to see the drawing y/n made for me? It's so beautiful!"
"No , I don't need to set my eyes upon such trivial endeavors." It was said with such disgust that Rin had paused slightly and silence filled the air.
He had said the words out of irritation and annoyance, however you wouldn't know that.
Quickly without even sparing a glance towards the paper in Rin's tiny hands , had he stood from his spot next to the tree and left the campsite.
Leaving you with silent tears you refused to let spill in his wake.
Disappointed. He's disappointed in himself for allowing such insolent behavior. He had acted in such a childish way that he could only imagine his younger half brother would have reacted towards Kagome. He wasn't like him , he was more mature , more refined. So why is it bothering him so much anyways?
Was it because you never let him see the art inside that mysterious book?
Or was it the fact he had learned you had drawn the others in his pack and easily let them look upon your art while you still kept him at a distance ?
His thoughts plagued him as he stared at the full moon in the silence of the night.
Confused. When you had apologized the next morning while packing up the camp. There was nothing for you to apologize for which had hurt his pride more than when he acted so childish in front of you.
"Do not give apologies for something that is not needed."
There was no reply from you as a shocked expression formed on your features.
He knew he needed to atone for his behavior , however per his customs he would rather do so the right way rather than a lackluster apology, so he had to wait.
Guilty. After that night , he noticed you had stopped drawing as much as you used to. Before you had used almost every bit of your free time to draw, now it was replaced with you picking flowers with Rin or making small talk with Jaken and himself.
A few weeks had gone by since that night, and you had yet to even take out the sketchbook more than once a week much to his dismay.
Even though he never outwardly expresses it , watching you draw under the shade of the trees as Rin pranced around in the fields of flowers with Jaken at her heels brought a sense of peacefulness over him.
The furrowed eyebrows in concentration as your hands moved the pencil gracefully almost effortlessly across the sketchbook resting in your lap. A slight breeze rippling through your hair and making one strand a bit into your eyesight. Before you had moved the strand behind your ear to stop it constricting your line of view.
He knew you loved to draw and apparently had a gift for it from the praise Rin and Jaken had given you that night. He didn't want his childish words to keep you from doing something you desired to do.
He took a moment to peek at you over his shoulder , your eyes glancing at the clouds above. A slightly sad expression overtaking your facial features before you had made eye contact with him almost as if you had known his eyes were on you.
He quickly moved his eyes forward to gaze at the trail in front of him, a stoic expression while his heart hammered in his chest. This was new, he never felt this way before. He never felt the need to make someone want to smile more strongly than he did right now, and he had no idea on how to accomplish that with you.
Content. He led you aside one night to a river near the campsite. The moon light was reflecting off the water enchantingly and fireflies decided to dance along grass nearby.
"You no longer draw , how come ? Is it not something you desire to do?" he asked with a stoic expression as gold eyes made contact with e/c, filling the silence between you two.
"Oh , I just figured maybe I should take a break from it for now, plus my sketchbook is almost full so until my next trip home I'm a bit limited."
He noticed how pink dusted your cheeks before you quickly looked away. A smirk slightly formed on his lips at the sight , he liked seeing a blush form on your cheeks more than he previously would have realized.
"You apologized before for something that didn't need your apology."
"Oh, yes, that's right." you stammer out not seeing where this conversation could be heading.
"Do not do so again. If you know you aren't at fault , don't lower yourself to others' bad behavior."
You stood there stunned, not quite sure what to say before uttering a quick " Yes." when his stern eyes reached yours.
When that conversation happened you had mostly apologized in order for there to be no ill will between you two and make sure he wasn't upset at you. Never would you have imagined he would tell you twice now not to apologize for something so trivial in the long scheme of things.
"If anyone needs to apologize , it would be this Sesshomaru for the unsightly attitude I had given you. I should have told you this before now , however it is a yokai custom to come bearing gifts when asking for forgiveness."
Sesshomaru pulls out a set of what looks like custom made art tools. They were beautifully handcrafted with fine luxurious materials, more than likely yokai crafted at that.
A gasp of awe escapes your lips as your fingers gingerly gloss over each of the tools, you focus mostly on drawing but you could now expand your art to other mediums such as painting if you so desired.
Your heart had swelled to the brim with affection and happiness that spilled out in the form of tears running down your cheeks.
"Is it not to your liking." he asked, his lips forming a tight frown.
"It's beautiful." you say with what you're sure is the happiest smile you ever graced him before.
Yes , he is content with this for now.
Realization. Later that night as you two were walking back to the campsite, you ended up asking him why he had responded in such a way in the first place. When he had told you how he felt irritated about the others getting to see your art, while he felt left out and cast aside, you instantly started to feel guilt weigh down your shoulders.
"There's a reason I never let you see. It's not a good reason, but I was just embarrassed of what you would say once you saw what I draw everyday." you say while heat spreads to your cheeks.
"Why would you be embarrassed of showing this Sesshomaru?"
You quickly take the sketch book out of your bag and hand it to him before you can change your mind. He eyes you while his clawed fingers carefully open the book in his hands and you look away, embarrassed to watch his eyes linger on the sketches.
He's silent as his fingers graze the pages within , silently turning the pages every few moments after he takes in the contents of the page before.
"These are all sketches of .." he trails off in amazement, his eyes taking on a softer look than you have ever seen before.
"They are all sketches of you. yeah there's Rin or Jaken , maybe a beautiful valley every now and then , but you are what I sketch everyday. You are what I like to see most even when I'm in my era and not by your side."
That's when he realized the feelings he had towards you this whole time wasn't just ordinary feelings for a companion in his pack , or a human he had just happen to keep by his side.
He wanted to keep you by his side. He wanted to always make you smile the way he you are now with your eyes glowing and your cheeks dusted with a pink hue.
Most importantly, he couldn't be just content with you as a companion for much longer.
I never want to let y/n go.
"Y/n I desire to see everything you draw from now on."
"Of course" you reply shyly.
"You are stunningly beautiful when you blush like that. If only I had the skills you possess in order to show you as you had shown me."
Wide eyes catch the smirk dancing on his lips before he walks towards the campsite , hand still wrapped tightly around your sketchbook as he did.
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Bonus Scene:
"Sesshomaru , I've been meaning to ask this. where did you get these art tools ?"
He glanced down at you as your head rested on his shoulder, your new sketchbook on your thighs as you gracefully sketched a beautiful scene of the two of you this time under a cherry blossom tree.
A pleased smile graced his usually stoic features as his eyes became softer at the sight. "I had them specially made from a yokai craftsman in my territory, the day Jaken was left to guard you two I had gone to collect them."
You smile happily as you nuzzle your face into his shoulder more as a slight breeze whipped some strands of hair onto your face.
He reaches a clawed hand towards you elegantly , placing the strand back behind your ear taking a few seconds to pull his fingers away before smirking at the obvious heat rising to your cheeks.
»»———-  ———-««
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Shoto Todoroki:
Curiosity. He started to notice you would often be sitting close to the windows in the dormitory, with all of your attention focused on the sketchbook on your lap. You would never once glance up at the environment around you, not even when one of your classmates was usually loud. His interest peaked , he couldn't help but wonder what you had been drawing for days on end.
Shoto had decided to try and take a glimpse at your artwork after watching you work dedicatedly on the page before beneath your smudge stained fingers.
The sketchbook had been slammed closed before his eyes could see the mysterious artwork hidden within, only feeding into his curiosity even more. You had given him a quick glance , making eye contact before placing the book safely in your bag.
"It's not polite to look at someone's personal belongings without permission, Todoroki."
His eyes glazed over to the bag that now held the notebook that is just out of his reach, before returning his eyes to stare directly into yours evenly almost as if stating a challenge.
"I'm just curious as to what you are drawing that has you so transfixed."
A smile makes its way to your lips.
"Ever hear that curiosity killed the cat."
You hastily made your way to your dorm room, bag in tow. The thumping of your heart was echoing in your ears as you walked. That was close, too close for comfort. If he had seen inside, he would know just how deeply of a crush you have been harboring for him since you first met him.
While he still stood there, piecing together your sentence.
Were you saying I would die for being too curious?
Content. Since the day he tried to take a glimpse of your sketchbook , you had been careful to not let him approach too closely. Making sure that if you had sensed him , you would immediately close the book in your hands. However, the curiosity he felt started to fade. Taking in the sight of you drawing so earnestly and with such dedication was art in itself.
You were enchanting , eyes focused on the pages before you. a firm grip on the sketchbook as it laid on your lap and your remaining hand danced across the paper delicately. His eyes were in a trance as he watched you from across the room , gliding along with each movement your fingers made.
A small smile graced your lips as you finished whatever art piece you had set your heart on that day, and that's when he felt it. Watching your eyebrows relax and peace settle into your face as you looked content as you placed the sketchbook bag in the safety of your bag. He noticed he no longer really needed to know what you were drawing as long as you continued to smile just like that.
Warmth filled his chest at the thought as he gazed at your retreating figure.
Yes, he's content with this.
Bitter. Shoto realizes that you are drawing in Midoriya's notebook. the feeling of ice shivered down his spine as he saw you so intently focused with that same smile he felt so content at seeing. Now being shown to his best friend in the seat next to you. Oh, so that was why you never let him see your art , it's reserved for someone else.
Midoriya had asked you a few days ago to help him redesign the sketches in his notebook. He noticed how you were always drawing in your free time and decided you would be the best person to go to for the request.
You've never taken commission work before, and even though you weren't getting paid it did feel nice having someone look at your art and see how excited they got at the results. Watching how happy Midoriya was at the sketches you had already placed made you eager to accept more requests in the future if you ever got the chance.
"Wow! y/n I can't believe how amazing your sketches are!" he says in wonder.
"Thank you, but you are really flattering me too much." you say happily as you make the finishing touches on the last drawing of a figure of midoriya doing a move he's wanting to practice.
"I really mean it y/n! This is way better than anything I've ever managed to do. What made you start drawing?"
You quickly put down your pencil as you go into thought for a moment from the sudden question.
"I guess.. it would have to be the fact that even though moments pass by so quickly, a moment I draw will stay forever encased like a photograph for me to look at whenever I want to revisit it."
"Y/N! That's beautiful." he states with slight tears forming in his eyes, while he's forcing himself to hold them back.
"Oh Todoroki! You're up early this morning, come look at y/n's art." Midoriya said excitedly as he motioned for Shoto to join them at the table you were residing at.
Your heart hammered in your chest at the thought of him finally looking at your artwork. This was finally something he could see that wouldn't immediately show how much you liked him and you were nervous about his response to your designs.
"No thank you. I heard curiosity killed the cat." he says with a stoic expression.
e/c met a heterochromia mixture of grey and blue in shock, he had refused to see the art he tried so desperately to steal a glimpse of a few weeks before. Had he really taken you seriously with your remark?, or did he just no longer care to look at what you were drawing anymore. The excitement in your heart slowly fading out, you fell silent.
You watched as midoriya continued to talk to him with a slightly shocked and worried expression, before eventually shoto had left the room leaving you alone once again with the green haired boy beside you.
Numb. The days following he had started to distance himself from you and Midoriya. Deciding to no longer eat with the two of you at lunch like before or spend free time together in the dormitory like what had been a routine for him. He now isolated himself in his room to escape the questioning looks you would give his way or the worried expressions his best friend would give him whenever he became too silent.
He didn't want to distance himself from you , but every time he saw you he remembered that the only one you allowed yourself to open up to was midoriya. He realized he would never be able to get close to you the way he was and it made him feel cold.
The cold feeling overtook him in a way that was so intense that his body and mind felt numb.
I lost y/n before I even had a chance to get them.
You had noticed how he was distancing himself and your heart ached in pain at the fact. every time you had tried to reach out, to question what could be plaguing his thoughts he would shut you out. Not only was your mind suffering from the worry , but so was the art you had tried to complete in order to relax from the stress.
The sketches of shoto that you had tried to finish the last few days have been a failure compared to your collection of artwork consisting of the one man taking over your thoughts. It was pointless to try and draw him when he won't even talk to me anymore.
A silent tear strolls down your cheek as you look up to the ceiling of your dorm.
Why do I feel so numb?
Midoriya had told me recently that my art might be able to reach people when words fail.
Taking a quick glance towards your sketchbook before you could second guess your thoughts, you grab it tightly in your hands and make your way towards his dorm room.
Surprised. The knock on his door had shaken him from his thoughts, and the sight of you as he opened his door had his stoic expression falter slightly as his eyes widened just a bit where you could notice. He obviously wasn't expecting you to be here in his doorway, Why would he when he had been actively pushing you away ? and yet here you were smiling sadly back at him in silence.
"Y/n?" he lets out a confused gasp of your name that he believed he only spoke in his mind for a moment when you took a few beats to answer.
He notices you take a breath inward before releasing it and the determined e/c orbs reach him.
"I won't know what's wrong unless you tell me."
"And I won't know how to help you unless you tell me." you continue before he can reply.
"But I can care about you, and I want to help you so stop pushing me away!"
You place the sketchbook in his hands in one rough motion as you finish your last sentence. Your gaze now directed at the ground and the tips of your ears growing red and the feeling of his eyes lingering on you in the silence that fell over you two.
Shoto looks down at the sketchbook in his hands while processing the words you had told him. he knows he was being to hard on you, he shouldn't have treated you so badly the last few days. he just couldn't force himself to watch you be with his best friend when he had just recently discovered that the feelings he's harbored for you all along would go unrequited.
He slowly opens the sketchbook prepared to see sketches of Midoriya or even just random sketches of the world through your eyes, however once the contents reach his vision he freezes. his fingers grazing the person so familiar to him on the pages before flipping through each page.
"This is .." he starts before stopping, surprised to see that every page was filled with sketches of one person.
"You. They are all sketches of you." you say a small smile placed on your lips as you hesitantly glanced up to him.
His heart filled with so much joy and awe that a few silent tears slid down his cheeks as he realized that not only did the person he had feelings for , have feelings for him as well , but that he had unintentionally hurt you more than he intended when he distanced himself.
"I was jealous." he states, suddenly making your mouth open in shock.
"Midoriya was able to see your artwork. It seemed like he was so much closer to you than I would ever be."
Shoto gazes turns downward towards his feet as a slight blush graces his cheeks from the revealed emotions.
You were surprised by the sudden confession and let a lighthearted laugh escape your lips from the pressure of his distance to put on your heart. He glanced at you making eye contact before you leaned into him, placing a hand on his cheek as you got closer.
"You know that cats have nine lives ? so even if they do die of curiosity they can always try again." you say before leaning to press your lips to his.
Happiness. The ice he had felt had melted and the numbness from the cold was warmed completely from your feelings that reached him through the sketches you had shown him and the kiss you have given him.
"I'm sorry for hurting you." he says softly while placing a strand of your hair behind your ear and looking deep into your eyes.
You smile brightly up at him in return.
“Promise to talk to me next time before you jump to conclusions?”
He laughs slightly as a small smile takes over the frown that graced his lips.
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ Bonus Scene:
“So why were you drawing in Midoriya’s notebook?” he asked while you ate dinner together in his room.
You looked at him with a bright smile excited to tell him all about how you were now wanting to start commissioning your artworks.
“He asked me to help him redesign his notebook. He told me his drawings were making his notes look too messy.” you said happily before stealing a piece of his food from his plate.
“I really wish I would have paid more attention that day.” he said with a small sigh before the smile returns as he gazes at you.
“However I don’t regret anything because somehow throughout all this , I managed to get you.”
»»———-  ———-««
A/N: Should I keep my headcanons / imagines like this or make them more simple & short?
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meraki-yao · 1 year
RWRB Movie Analysis: The Placement of Alex's Speech
Alright I’m really fucking sick of people complaining about the placement of the speech. (I swear, I write half of these essays out of irritation. But I’m happy while doing it so it all checks out)
Two things.
Regarding Henry’s consent
Use context clues people. Henry says, “Your speech was beautiful. Made me very proud to be your boyfriend.” It’s clear that Henry approves of the speech.
Again, what can be shown explicitly is restricted by the format. The point of Henry’s montages during the speech is to show how trapped and helpless he is in the situation. (for more, I wrote about it here.) The scenes need to keep that atmosphere/feeling of isolation and pain. If let’s say, we have a scene where the prime minister asks Henry about admitting and coming out, it would take away the consistent feeling of Henry’s pain. Cinematically, it won’t work. But that doesn’t mean in universe, it didn’t happen.
Also, Alex fucking loves Henry with every inch of his soul. He’s willing to fight for them, but he’s also willing to be patient for him. After getting his feelings sorted out and knowing with 100% clarity that he’s in love with Henry, he is never, ever going to do something that so obviously would hurt Henry. He would rather get hurt himself than hurt Henry. (Corresponding Book Quote: “Alex wants to go to war for this man, wants to get his hands on everything and everyone that ever hurt him.”) He wouldn’t make the speech without knowing Henry is okay with it. He just wouldn’t, that would straight up be out of character. So the fact that he did, means one way or another, he has Henry’s consent. And Henry later approving the speech in the piano scene, proves that. (It’s completely possible that the script itself meant to explain it this way, but if at any point they might have explicitly discussed coming out, my guess would be the Kensington breakfast scene, Prime, I’m coming for your hard drives—)
Regarding the placement of speech
There are two reasons for this.
One irl reason, is again, the format of the medium, and movie story telling. You want the tension to continuously build, increase and move upwards, then get a big but concrete resolution, and then this part is over. Having the speech as a conclusion after the balcony wave will not feel as well resolved as directly having the speech, then ending this part of the story with the big, big protest and balcony wave.  
But there’s a diegetic/ in universe reason as well.  
A lot of people, especially those who complain that Movie Alex is a himbo (also spite writing an essay on that, WIP, stay tuned), forget that Alex is a budding politician, and in fact, is a damn good one.
He, despite being kind of confused about his sexuality (read this essay for more), figures out Miguel’s flirting is mostly trying to get his statements for his articles, and in a fairly polite and classy way, Alex declines. (The state dinner slip was because he was way too entranced by Henry) He was a speaker at the DNC. His Texas campaign ultimately won Ellen the election.
When is comes to these things, he knows what he’s doing, and he’s good at what he does.
Making the speech before the crown can make a statement, was a strategic move.
Henry told Alex about his grandfather’s stance on this during the Paris date. He also told, well, yelled at Alex about the pressures he has from the crown during the Kensington confrontation. Alex knows the King will disapprove of their relationship and attempt to shove Henry into the closet.
So he has to be the one to control the narrative. He needs people to listen to, and believe in his, or rather, their side of the story.
And here’s a bit about human psychology. When receiving a new piece of information, our first impression and subsequent judgement of said information tends to be persistent. If we are provided with a second piece of contradicting information, we will tend to treat the second piece with much more criticism and suspicion. The mindset would be “prove to me the first one is wrong” instead of “Which one of these is right”.
Therefore, for Alex to get more people on his side, he must speak first.
(I almost imagine this is the reason the White House blocked communication with the palace. That bugged me for a while, until I thought, if the White House doesn’t block communication and receive a demand from the palace, they aren’t really on grounds to refuse it without a diplomatic mess. It’s the equivalent of avoiding talking to someone you don’t want to approach with the excuse “Oh my phone was off sorry”)
Imagine it. If the crown does what the King originally proposed and claims all the emails are fabrications and denies that Henry is gay and in a relationship with Alex, then Alex’s speech will be viewed through tinted glasses of “this is a fabrication, this is a lie” and it will take much more persuading for people to believe in Alex, because their first judgement of the issue, would be the crown’s lie of a narrative.
But by making the speech first, people’s first judgement of the issue, would be Alex’s explanation, of it being an invasion of privacy, and of it being true. Even if the crown denies it, with the first judgement being Alex’s narrative, it would make it much easier to see through the lie, because in people’s head, they already assumed that Alex is telling the truth.
By making the speech first, Alex has won both himself and Henry, the pen to write history.
Making the speech first is in no way Alex disrespecting Henry.
By playing politics and strategy, Alex is protecting Henry in the most familiar way he knows.
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snitchcrimsonwrites · 5 months
Maybe pt. 4
Pairing: Norm MacLean X Female Reader or OC if you squint
Former friends to a relationship?
Life is pretty easy in Vault 33 until you're trying to rekindle a former friendship and Raiders attack. Now, our main characters are trying to navigate newfound feelings, all while undercovering the mysteries of Vault 33. Stay tuned. Follows the main storyline of season 1; some events may be reordered for plot.
We were supposed to get the big Vault 32 reveal, but this chapter just kept getting longer, so I had to cut it off at some point. Sorry!
Part 1 Here. Part 7 Here Part 12 Here
Part 2 Here Part 8 Here
Part 3 Here Part 9 Here
Part 5 Here Part 10 Here
Part 6 Here Part 11 Here
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The workday was over, and you were ready to get home and relax. You headed down the Vault corridor toward your residence, your mind already planning your evening. Maybe you’d watch a movie, you thought as you entered the pin code to unlock the door. The pressurized door mechanism opened with a rush of air, revealing your main living space. You immediately noticed something had changed since you left this morning. Huh, I don’t remember leaving you here. 
A single book rested atop your kitchen table; you didn’t recognize the cover. Puzzled, you reached for the book and flipped it open, trying to jog your memory; as you did, a folded piece of paper fell onto the table. 
The paper read, Courtesy of Overseer MacLean ‘s private library—our little secret. N
You flip the cover over and take a better look. You smile. Of course, it’s a Western.
The day of Lucy’s wedding had finally arrived. Most in the Vault couldn’t contain their excitement and curiosity. Everyone was interested to see the results of Triennial Trade. Who was this 32 dweller who would be married to their community? The speculation was endless, but the residents of 33 would have to wait until the ceremony. 
Norm, on the other hand, was wrestling with a different conundrum this morning. He picked up the folded paper atop his dresser and opened it to re-read the contents.
Courtesy of Overseer MacLean ‘s private library—our little secret. N
For a sickeningly sweet gesture, I, (Y/N), owe you, Norman MacLean, one activity of your choosing. 
 You will ask her. Don’t chicken out, he repeats to his reflection in the bedroom mirror above the dresser. Whether to ask (Y/N) to dance at Lucy’s wedding has weighed on him for several days. Does she even want me to ask? Would she be embarrassed if I did this in front of everyone? Then what if I don’t ask? Would she be disappointed? This was all too much. Decision fatigue plagued him. He’d read the room. He'd go for it if she seemed interested and the opportunity presented itself. 
The residents of Vault 33 congregated in the atrium's main square, waiting for Lucy to make her grand entrance. Norm could hear little snippets of separate conversations blending into one. 
“The decorations look beautiful!” “I’m so glad the sunflowers bloomed in time for the ceremony. We were getting worried.” “Should I have done something different with my hair?” “Do you think he’ll get the hint and ask me to dance?” 
He glances around to see if he can spot you among the other vault dwellers; when he does, the room goes silent. Confused, he turns around to see the source of the crowd’s change in demeanor.  
Lucy’s appearance in the upper balcony quieted the crowd. 
Norm watches as she comes down the stairs into the main square to greet the onlookers. He can see everyone smiling at the sight of the young woman in her wedding dress, including his dad. 
“Dad,” she chuckles. Stepping forward so he can admire his little girl. 
“My little sugar bomb,” their dad says as he embraces her.
“Gosh, you look just like your mother,” pride exuding from his voice. 
“Yeah, I wish she was here.” 
“Me too.” 
“Were you scared?” “When you married mom?” Norm hears Lucy ask. 
“Me?” he scoffs. “Terrified. I’d never set foot outside of Vault 31.” 
“When did it go away?” 
“The moment I met your mother.” 
How Norm wished his mother could be here to see this day. While today is supposed to be happy, her absence creates a veil of sadness he can see behind Lucy and his father’s eyes. She was supposed to be here to witness her daughter get married, to see them both grow up. He tries to push the sad thoughts and focus on the moment. If he cried on her wedding day, Lucy would never let him live it down.
“From that moment on, Vault 31 was a distant memory.” Hank continued. 
“Overseer, it’s time,” Betty announces to the pair. They take that as their cue, Hank extending his arm to his daughter and the remainder of the group filing in behind them. Norm takes his spot directly behind his Dad and Lucy. You notice and follow suit a few steps behind. 
As the group approaches the vault corridor connecting Vault 32 and 33 opens with a whoosh, and they begin the walk that will change their lives forever. 
Norm shuffles ahead quickly to end up beside his sister. He can’t pass up the opportunity to engage in some sibling teasing.
“Must be nerve-racking. Your husband could be anybody.” 
“I’m aware,” Lucy retorts. Rolling her eyes at his teasing. 
“And as for his looks?”
“Who knows?” she replies. Norm is impressed; she seems remarkably nonchalant in her response. He decides to take it up a notch. 
“Big butt? No butt? But of course, they are just superficial concerns. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” 
“That’s right!” their dad affirms, looking back at his children, hoping they will give it a rest today, of all days. 
“And in that respect, he could be a cannibal or just like crammed full of tumors.” Norm barely gets the words out before Lucy swats him with her bouquet.   
“Norman.” Hank scolds. 
“Sorry, Dad,” Norm concedes. 
Finally, they’re outside the main entrance of Vault 32. Showtime. 
Hank checks his Pip-Boy and gives Chet the okay to open the gate. Norm was surprised at his composure, given the situation. Everyone in Vault 33 knows he’s down bad for his sister. He and (Y/N) expected at least some reaction from Chet today. 
Chet connects his Pip-Boy to the mag lock. Nothing happens. 
“Honestly…” Chet sighs.” It's a Textbook tumbler jam. It’s going to take some time to fix.” 
There is it, Norm thinks. He’s SO not okay with this. Norm snickers internally and turns around to catch your eye. You return his glance as if to say, we SO called it. 
Lucy steps over to take control of the situation, and after a few hushed exchanges, Chet relents. 
The alarms sound, and the door to Vault 32 rolls back, revealing the residents out from behind its cover. 
Norm watched as his dad stepped in front of the group from 33 to welcome their new guests. 
“Welcome neighbors from Vault 32.” He says with outstretched arms. “ I am Hank MacLean, Overseer of Vault 33.” 
A dark-haired woman steps forward in matching fashion. 
“Lee Moldaver, Overseer of 32. Thank you for your hospitality.” 
“Oh, we were sorry to hear of Overseer Jackson’s passing in your telegrams.”
“When blight hit our wheat, we lost a lot of good people, but this trade will help get us back on our feet.” 
Norm frowned as he heard the words leave the opposing Overseer’s mouth. Why did she have to phrase it like that? Disdain bubbled up into his throat. Moldaver’s words made this whole event seem purely transactional. He means he knows it IS a transaction between vaults, meant to keep those in the vaults surviving, but these were people, and that was his sister. His sister, whom someone loosely compared to a few bushels of wheat. Only he was allowed to comment on his sister that way. When he did it, it was just two siblings mocking one another; when an outsider does it, it’s a step too far. 
Norm was so caught up in analyzing Moldaver’s words that he missed the remainder of the Overseers’ exchange. Suddenly, a rather scruffy 32 dweller stood out before both groups—Lucy’s new husband. 
Overseer MacLean was the one to break the ice. “Now that we’re acquainted, if everyone can move into the main square of the atrium, we can begin the ceremony,” ushering everyone to move back through the vault entrance. 
Norm hangs back from the front of the crowd to walk back with you. 
“Lucy seemed particularly happy with her new husband,” you comment. 
“Yeah, she's a little too happy. I still hope he has one ridiculously unexpected flaw, like being massively afraid of the dark. So bad he has to sleep with the lights on or maybe a nightlight, just to make things interesting.” 
“You’re incorrigible,” you reply, shaking your head.
The ceremony was completed, and everyone took their seats at the picnic tables in Vault 33’s atrium. You couldn’t help but look around and admire the decorations. The “outdoor” space always turns out lovely when decorated for weddings. It was the same with Steph’s wedding two years prior. 
You continue taking everything in from your seat, focusing to admire the various spots decorated around the Vault’s main space. You spy Norm at an opposing table with Vault 32’s Overseer. You suppose his dad might have placed him there strategically, perhaps as a political test; it wouldn’t be surprising that he’d want his son to follow in his footsteps as Overseer. That would be quite the sight. Norm had the potential without question; you weren’t sure he wanted the responsibility. He catches you staring and gives you an awkward wave back. 
You flash him a toothy smile in return. It’s becoming harder to ignore how much your feelings for Norm have grown. In just a few short weeks, you went from hardly giving him a second thought to having him consume your waking thoughts. While you two were generally ignoring each other, it was easy not to notice how much he had grown into his features, and you couldn’t deny you found them attractive. Handsome. Not to mention how he has always made you feel comfortable being yourself around him. No masking, no walls, just you. Would becoming more than friends ruin your dynamic? Was his friendship something you'd risk?
You didn’t get more time to dwell on your feelings as Overseer MacLean started his speech from atop the stage. You redirected your drifting attention. 
“Good evening, and welcome to the proud denizens of Vault 32. We are bonded not just as neighbors but by a shared duty. To keep the candle of civilization lit. While the rest of the world has been cast into darkness. Soon, if our measurements are correct, radiation levels on the surface are dropping fast enough that the next generation, Lucy and Monty’s children, will be able to recolonize.”
 Your fellow Vault 33 neighbors erupt into cheers and applause while the other Overseer, Moldaver? visibly tenses. Huh. Maybe she’s just as afraid of Reclamation as some of other dwellers. The whole concept is terrifying enough for people who have never left the safety of the Vault. 
Overseer MacLean continues as the volume from the crowd subsides.
“After 200 years, we don’t know much about what’s up there: desperation, violence, lawlessness. These survivors will need to be shown a better way. I’ll admit sometimes I’m afraid that mean old world will change us instead. But then I look at my daughter, who’s such a beautiful bride, and her new husband. And I am not afraid. I feel hope. To Lucy MacLean. And to this marriage. And to hope!” 
Another round of celebration emanates from the Vault dwellers, and he starts off stage—but not without one final decree: “Let’s dance! Hit it.” 
The command stirs the jukebox to life, playing “Some Enchanted Evening,” and the Overseer extends a hand out to Lucy for their father-daughter dance. 
♫ Who can explain it?
Who can tell you why?
Fools give you reasons,
Wise men never try. ♫
As you watch Lucy’s tender moment with her dad, you cannot help but feel a tinge of sadness for a moment you’ll never have. They’ve become fewer and farther between, but times like this really make you miss your dad. You continue to watch them pushing out the feelings of jealousy and embracing the joy you felt for your friend. 
Suddenly, they break apart. Urging another off to the side to join them. Norm. You see him shake his head disapprovingly but gets to his feet anyway; he knows a losing battle when he sees one. Soon, all three of them are on the dancefloor, embracing and swaying to the music. You think your heart might melt at the sight. 
♫  Some enchanted evening
When you find your true love,
When you feel her call you
Across a crowded room, ♫
As the MacLeans start to separate from their family moment, Lucy notices your presence off to the side of the dancefloor and flashes you a “stay here there, I’m coming to you” gesture with her hands as she heads in your direction. You embrace her in a celebratory hug when she makes it to you. 
“Congratulations!” you offer up enthusiastically. “You make a stunning bride.”
“Thank you! It’s all so exciting, isn’t it?!” she says, matching your tone. She shifts her position slightly, taking your hands and moving her mouth closer to your ear. In a whisper, she asks, “ I was hoping to ask if you’d do my brother the honor of sharing a dance?” She pulled back into your line of sight, completing the request with a signature Lucy puppy-dog stare. “Consider it my wedding present.”
“How could I say no to that?” you respond with a laugh. Still holding your hands and smiling ear to ear, Lucy ushers you back to her family. 
♫ Then fly to her side,
And make her your own
For all through your life you
May dream all alone. ♫
As the two of you approach, you can see Overseer MacLean gently elbow-nudging a mortified-looking Norm. 
“I saw (Y/N) by herself on the edge of the dancefloor and thought someone might like to invite her to dance?” Lucy says as she offers your hand up to Norm. 
“I’d be happy to,” he replies, taking hold of your hand to lead you onto the dance floor. With a surprising amount of flourish, he pulls the two of you into a traditional slow dance pose, his right hand in yours and left hand resting softly on your waist. Your bodies tucked unexpectedly close against one another. 
“Sorry about that,” Norm pips up, shooting daggers in Lucy’s general direction, which she returns, blowing him a kiss back. “You know how she can be when she gets an idea in her head—unrelenting.” 
“I don’t mind; I was actually hoping you’d ask. Your sister just guaranteed the odds.” 
He looks up at you, and his expression softens. You two fall into a comfortable silence, enjoying the moment and each other’s company. Swaying back and forth to the music, the world melts away behind you. It’s short-lived, though, as the Overseer makes his way back towards you and his son. 
“Sorry, I will need to steal Norm away for a second,” the Overseer states as he places a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Just one family photo, and I’ll give him back,” he reassures you with a wink. 
“Not a problem,” you manage, hiding your obvious disappointment. 
“Find you after.” Norm declares, keeping a loose grasp on your hand as the two of you pull away, clearly not wanting to let go just yet. 
You give him a nod, relinquishing his hand. 
♫ Some enchanted evening ♫
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atoltia · 23 days
Shared Domesticities
hello my attempt at full fluff turned into hurt/comfort so it is what it is. Inspired from @ghostface001 's Eiland x farmer married headcanons. Please go check them out!
Eiland x Gender-neutral Farmer Fluff, hurt/comfort
Moving in with you was difficult.
Not that he complained, you knew that Eiland wasn't the type to run when things got difficult. But you also know just how drastic the change between living in a farm and living in a magnificent manor was.
You remembered the first time he stayed with you in your house. It was fully upgraded and decorated so it was no shabby thing, but you fully remembered the face he made when he realized that this was the entirety of your living space.
Everything was so close! The fact that he didn't have to walk a long distance just to go to the washroom was amazing to him, that he didn't have to go far to get a snack from the kitchen aside from the small pieces of sweets he kept in a jar besides the bed was so grand.
When you tended the fire in your hearth, he sat with you on the floor, book in hand as he told you all about the urn he found at the western dig site the other day as he held you close.
He liked that, you realized it early on in your relationship, liked the way you touched each other. Whenever you spent time together, he made sure to hold your hand, to have his shoulder against yours, to have a leg crossed over yours whenever you two puzzled over archaic documents in the museum - just to have something of his in contact with you.
It baffled him how much he needed that contact, that physical touch to assure him that you were there. That you were real.
But then the night grew late and you needed to sleep. Eiland wasn't so coddled that he left everything up to you. He did pick up his things, picked up the dishware and set them on to the sink.
And then stared.
It was one of the things that he made up in his mind when you two started your relationship. He swore that he would never let you do everything, swore that he would help out no matter how much enthralled he was to study his books, his artifacts.
By then he was already mentally preparing himself for the labor of farm work, of tending the fields and animals. He read books of them, researched how to properly care for the plants.
But it didn't occur to him that he didn't quite know how to wash the dishes.
That realization embarrassed him, shamed him. It was such a simple thing. He knew how to wash bones, how to clean broken pottery, but somehow, in that moment, he didn't quite know what to do.
It took you a few minutes to realize what was going on.
It was rare to see him so flustered. He didn't fumble, no. He was far more graceful than that. But that deep furrow in his brow indicated a far greater distress than you'd imagined at the time.
So you went to him.
Strong, gentle arms wrapped around his waist as you laid your head on his shoulder, pressing the side of your face to his. You hummed, a soft tune you heard him singing once upon a time, as you rocked him back and forth, back and forth, your hands rubbing circles around his chest as you slowly brought him back to stability.
It wasn't the first time that you saw him get overwhelmed. He's a capable man and you confidently know that he'd be able to adapt to things quickly if he was placed in a strange situation. You've seen it firsthand.
And yet you wished he had that same confidence in himself. Sometimes if faced with a task outside his comfort zone, the negative thoughts would overwhelm him and shut him down. It hurt you to see him like that, though it in itself was a rare occurrence.
So you held him, just held him the way he liked it, held him to show that you were there, that it's okay to be overwhelmed and that it won't make you go away.
When you felt his body relax, you placed a soft kiss on his neck as your hands travelled alongside his arms, on top of his hands that you loved so much, guiding them to the soap and dried loofah you used as a sponge.
Neither of you said a word, the sound of the water from the tap and the soft, clink, clink, clink of the mugs and spoons taking over the comfortable silence that descended upon you.
He appreciated it, appreciated just how patient you were with him. Appreciated how you helped him with no judgement, no ill-intent. You didn't make a fuss of it, either. Didn't make it into a bigger thing. It helped, he hoped you knew just how much it helped.
So the two of you finished washing the dishes and putting the clutter away, decided to end the evening cuddling in bed, discussing about your latest find in soft, whispered tones.
From then on it got easier. There were still hiccups of course, as progress isn't something that came overnight, but it was better. He was getting better. It was easier for him to ask you for help, to ask you to teach him things that, in his mind, he should have learned when he was a child.
But you didn't mind it, of course you didn't.
You watched him now, while sitting under the shade of the orange tree the two of you planted many months ago, as he masterfully tilled the soil in his dirtied cotton shirt loosely tucked beneath his work pants.
He managed to fit it in his already busy schedule. He told you, early on in your marriage, that he would help you in the farm.
And to see him now, smiling under the gentle heat of the morning sun, you knew that it was all worth it.
Check out my masterlist for my other works! also feel free to send in requests haha
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
that s/o avoids their touch as joke prompt you did was amazing! could we get one with all the 141 + los vaqueros where you’re avoiding them on purpose? maybe you’ve got really bad anxiety and can’t handle the extra stimulation?
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He knows something is off immediately
I feel like out of everyone, he’s the most understanding and will absolutely give you space
He’s standing outside your door, gently knocking and talking with a low quiet voice, “I’m out here when you’re ready.”
And true enough he’s stood outside your door, leaning against the wall, patiently waiting for you and even when the door opens quietly, he waits for you to call him into your room
And even when you call him inside, he’ll wait a few seconds just in case you change your mind, even goes so far as to check in with you to make sure you’re ok with him coming in
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s a little taken aback but he respects your space, he might not quite get it at first but he won’t argue, he’ll give you your space regardless
He doesn’t really know what to do with himself so he walks off to the living room, watched some TV but then he gets a little restless, so he gets up and starts cleaning up a bit
And then he hears your voice quietly call out to him and my man drops everything and starts booking it to your room
His first instinct is to bombard you with questions but he’s aware that it’ll make your anxiety worse so he stays quiet and lets you take the lead
John Price:
Gives you your space without question
“Don’t rush, sweetheart, I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
And sure enough he’s chilling on the couch, tv is on but he’s not really paying attention. He’s in the kitchen fixing you guys some lunch, idly tuning in to the tv. Even if you don’t come out right away, he sets it aside for you when you’re ready
If it’s late by the time you’ve settled down a bit, he might be snoring on the couch but he wakes up as soon as he hears the door open, he doesn’t say anything as you silently trudge over and plop beside him onto the couch
He’s got his arms along the back of the couch so you curl into his side, head against his chest, he gently drapes his arm over your shoulder and brings you in a little closer, he kisses the top of your head and breathe a quiet sigh of relief and contentment.
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’ll ask you what’s wrong immediately, he’s worried he did something to upset you, but as soon as you tell him you’re a bit overwhelmed and need a moment, he backs off and gives you space
He’s struggling to keep himself busy and he’s having a hard time not barraging you with love and affection, his knee jerk reaction is to try to fix whatever it is that’s got you worked up
But he loves and respects you too much to impose himself like that, so he waits for you to give him the ok for some lovin
Even when you call him to your room because you’ve decompressed enough to be ok being around him, he’s biting his cheek to keep himself from hugging and kissing and squeezing you, so you’ll have to take the lead and gently lean into him, his affection is gentle and patient
Alejandro Vargas:
He’ll ask if you’re feeling alright but will back off when you tell him you need a moment to yourself
“Ok, mi vida, let me know if there’s anything you need ok?”
He gives you your space, maybe too much space. He physically leaves and runs a couple errands, making sure to get you all your favorite things while he’s out: favorite snacks, sweets, fruits, drinks, food, he bought your favorite flowers, that book you were eyeballing a few weeks ago
When he comes back home, arms full of gifts for you, he sees you walking about in the kitchen and checks in with you to make sure you’re feeling better
If you’re not, don’t sweat it, take your time. If you’re feeling better, then he’ll ask if it’s ok to hug you and if you give him your blessing, he will. And then he shows you all the things he got for you while he was out and about.
Rodolfo Parra:
He’s so gentle and understanding it’s not even funny, honestly? King.
Even though you’ve told him you need a moment to yourself, all he asks is that you leave your door open a little bit so he can walk past and check in on you
That’s a lie. He asked you to keep it open so he can leave all your favorite snacks on the table by your door, he’s got fresh cold water, your favorite fruits, some sweets, favorite chips
Just because you want some space, that doesn’t mean he won’t still take care of you. He’ll clean up the house a bit, load up the dishwasher, get the laundry going, light a couple candles and maybe put on some sweet instrumental music
With all that indirect affection, how could you possibly not call him into your room and let him love you?
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