#felis night
wishingstarinajar · 1 year
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The finished commission for FelisVT of their pretty Vtuber avatar~
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trippplebaka · 1 year
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fnaf at freddyyyysss thats where i wanna go
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feli026 · 1 year
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no text version + more stupid doodles of the mf (mxes)
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my babygirl he so find i wont him
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felikatze · 5 months
anime gamer night really liked the anime i forced everyone to watch, world is at peace, millions healed
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kairelart · 2 years
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I've been on an interactive fiction kick lately, and I decided to draw my protag for Ouroboros by @honeypeabrain, Felis. This bad boy can fit so much trauma inside him under the guise of being calm and friendly!
I'm probably going to end up doing the poly route since I feel like that has the most complicated relationship potential, not to mention I adore Leith and I desire to shove Idren up against a wall <3
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wildwoof · 6 months
Koga's thankful to have the dorm room to himself this evening. It'd be far more awkward to explore anything with the presence of another. Leon's head pokes up over the edge of the bed, tongue hanging out with a grin upon their face. A small frown curls to the edges of his lips with a low sigh. "Go lie down in your bed for the night, Leon. Just for tonight, 'kay? I got some stuff I gotta do tonight." Though the look on their face appears more in confusion, the pup hops back down the steps beside his bed to head to the pet bed not far off. Usually, the spot it used only when Koga has to leave Leon behind, but at least they understand enough that they cannot sleep together tonight.
Something new came over Koga he's been shoving off to the side rather than acting upon it.
Once he knows any disturbances are gone, he shifts his attention to the new information he chose to look up. Koga momentarily thought about checking out porn, but the idea of watching someone else do anything to someone proved to be far too awkward and uncomfortable. Why the hell would he gaze upon some random person he feels nothing for? It fuckin' stupid! A waste of his time truly. Though, as he knew exactly who he emotionally felt drawn toward, there came one thing he needed to learn about.
How the hell do two guys do it?
They can jerk each other off. Easy enough. He knows of blowjobs, which also an option. How the hell does a dick fit up someone's asshole? Lubrication. Fingers. Dildos are an option -- UGH, why the hell should he use some kind of object? Not that he even owns one for that matter.
Eyebrows furrow with a scrunch up of his facial features. No need to be embarrassed about this shit! It's all normal bodily functions. The flow of excitement and hormones. A growth of need for the intimacy to be so close in proximity to their body and feel them completely surrounding him in warmth and scent. Just the thought alone proves to bring about a small amount of need.
Still, he wouldn't be caught dead forcing this closeness upon them. He knows better than to push his own emotional needs upon them. He cannot dare to make them do exactly as he desires ultimately. Work's one thing, but this... Momentarily hand lifts into a small fist to press against the left side of his chest. The thought hurts alone for a brief period, but he need not allow such desolation to take root. He already sent Leon off to sleep. This happens to be his time alone.
Deep breath in. "Don't be a fuckin' wimp about this, Oogami Koga. Ya ain't no baby. Ya ain't a fuckin' wimpy bastard who gets hurt by the smallest of thoughts. Ya know how ya feel. Ya know what ya want." Yes, he knows exactly what he wants. What he desires. Exactly what he extends his hand out toward to grab a hold of. They aren't entirely out of his reach.
[ Maybe one day I can touch ya 'n' you touch me back... but for now, I relish in the very thoughts of what may be. ]
The silver-haired boy at last pushes his boxers down as he tosses his phone to the side. No need to gaze upon anything. Their image already so burned deeply into his mind he almost feels he might be able to reach out and touch it in front of him. May he dream of their cooler touch upon his heated skin. Is it fair for him to think about them in this light?
So scandalous the situation his mind plays out. Encasing him and swallowing him whole. They aren't his to claim, and yet he so damn desires that to be possible. No... they're not his... but his love blossoms so powerfully. Hand reaches to encircle around the flaccid length. It twitches and quivers by the thoughts rising up in his mind.
To imagine them holding onto him. Strong arms surrounding him no matter how many times they attempt to play off something feeble. Scent thick in his nostrils as the memory boils up. A heat. A lecherous drive. Position shifts upon his bed to maneuver his legs out of the way. Heart begins to race, a pound in his chest, with the flow of blood pooling to lower abdomen.
Squeezing around the gradually hardening length, the wolf begins to stroke the sensitive nerves quicker. He takes the time to allow the pace to pick up than going right into it before he's even at full mast. At first his thoughts stick to just picturing them around him. He's touching himself. It's his hand. No one else.
But, what if... what if they're touching him, instead...?
No, no, he shouldn't think of them in that situation! It's not fair on them, but... he hears their voice whispering in his ear. [ Are you feeling good? ] "Y--Yes..." he softly breathes out in a heavy pant. Inserting words into their mouth. The throws of pleasure reaching out those claws to sink in and drag him downward. Eyelids flicker shut as the heat builds not only in his center but also throughout his entire body.
A shiver traversing along his spine. Certain they could be behind him at this point, larger hand encircling him and stroking harder. Thighs twitch and head tilts a tad to the side. Would they bite him or allow him to bite them..? He wonders. Shit, he'd truly like to sink his teeth in and lay his claim--
They're not his, but fuck does he wish --
Grip squeezes tighter while momentarily halting his pace of jerking himself off. Can he... Should he... What's it like to be underneath or even on top of them? To feel them entirely captivating him with a charm never experienced before? Slowly eyelids reopen. Right, how two guys do it...
A man's g-spot. He looked up what the possibilities were. Idea completely embarrassing, yet how else may that connection come to pass? This is his own fantasy, so who the fuck cares? No one else will know except for him, and he never plans to shove it on them. Lock it up deep in his heart and mind. Rather die than say it out loud.
Koga lashes his hand outward to the stand beside his bed to pull the draw out quickly to the condoms and lube he chose to buy recently. A secret transaction done with minimal interaction. One condom collected and the lubricant popped open. Get it done quick. It might hurt at first, but it's supposed to feel good. That's what he read! Positioning himself upon his side, condom over a finger and lubricant poured over it, his free hand returns to his erection.
Veins pulse with blood flow as the guitarist starts up once again stroking the nerves from the hilt up over the glans before back down again in repeated motion. Pleasure to distract the potential of what's to come. Reaching behind with his other hand, a leg props itself up to give him better reach. No point in hesitating anymore. The first push into the twitching muscular ring elicits a small gasp out of his mouth.
Would they be coaxing him in this moment for the first time? Would they call him a good boy for following instructions? Would this even be the position he's in with them? No point in wondering too much. Allow the fantasy to take its root in his mind and envelope him like a weighted blanket. Crushed by the weight of the pleasure enveloping him.
Pain and pleasure.
A single finger shoves right up inside of him. A pressure in his lower abdomen. Features scrunch up once again. It feels more awkward than pleasurable. The hell they talking about?! Soft gasps escape his parted lips as he once more returns to distracting himself by the motion of his hand. Koga feels around a bit before beginning to move his finger in tandem with his hand stroking his length. A rhythm sets itself in place with the angle he's contorted into. Weird but good. Awkward but lecherous.
Only need think about them. Their vocals whispering against his ear in his imagination. One hand tending to his ass while other tends his erection. Squeezes it while pressing his insides. The longer this continues the more he finds himself squirming upon his bed. Pants heavier and low moans sputtering out of his lips. More... more... Why the hell can he not gain more?!
If only they were here with him... If only... He wants them. He desires them. To sink his teeth and claws into as he cries out in a deep pleasure. One finger's the farthest he goes for a first time as the bells ring in the back of his mind. Ecstasy boiling over the lip of the cup as eyelids shut tightly. Pace quickens as he rolls himself over into climax. Hips sway upon his bed in motion with his hands while the young adult cries their name out of his lips. Sputtered and shaken. Koga lets himself go. Admittedly, been a while since he last took the time to masturbate, but his first time truly thinking about them in such a light...
Well, he'll still be able to look at their face tomorrow.
Heavy breathing, he pants to ease his heartrate back down. Pull of his finger uncomfortably from his rear, a toss of the condom used to the side with the bedsheets beneath him soiled now thanks to his cum. A small frown pulls against his lips as eyelids slowly open back up to stare into the darkness of the surrounding room.
[ Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid -- ]
Without presently caring about the mess he just made, the guitarist proceeds to roll himself over to face the opposite direction while coiling his body up together, arms tuck his knees in against his chest. Why the hell did he have to think about them...?
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ffelii · 1 year
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fumblingmusings · 2 years
It's such a petty thing, but my favourite somewhat sort of not really underrated character dynamics in Hetalia is Ivan and Arthur, and Ivan and Kiku's... non. relationship.
Like they just absolutely do not like that man.
I just... love... how consistent Arthur and Kiku's discomfort->dislike->virulent hatred of Ivan is. Which sounds mean. But he deserves it. Mostly. Like in terms of characters who kind of sort of suck at social interaction, Ivan, Arthur, and Kiku are certainly up there amongst the top five.
And yet... never once in like 15 years are Arthur and Kiku shown having a conversation with Ivan, which doesn't just go downhill insanely fast. Francis and Yao are more willing to humour him and have some kind of relationship there, and Alfred is... Alfred is the golden retriever man, but... Kiku is just absolutely not interested in being polite to him. Arthur tries sometimes but has such a low tolerance for nonsense that the moment Ivan mentions another country in a vaguely unpleasant manner, Arthur gets absolutely red in the face and snaps.
Hima being consistent in going yeah no England never has and never will like or even feel comfortable around that guy and Japan literally runs away to avoid being friends with him is just... peak characterisation.
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trippplebaka · 10 months
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and i will put you through hell again, and again, and again, and again.
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typhlonectes · 3 months
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Cats Kill a Staggering Number of Species across the World
Domestic cats are cherished human companions, but a new study shows the enormous breadth of species the felines prey on when they are left to roam freely.
Despite their small stature and memeable mugs, domestic cats (Felis catus) are perfectly adapted killing machines, armed with retractable claws, sharp fangs and night vision. And these potent predators are anything but picky. As humans have spread cats around the world over the past 9,000 years, these ferocious felines—which were likely domesticated thousands of years ago in the Near East—have terrorized native creatures on every continent except Antarctica. A team of researchers recently added up all the species on these invaders’ menu. In a paper published on Tuesday in Nature Communications, the team compiled a database of more than 2,000 species that have fallen victim to free-ranging domestic cats. Nearly 350 of these species are of conservation concern, and several are already extinct. “We don’t really know of any other mammal that eats this many different species,” says the study’s lead author Christopher Lepczyk, an ecologist at Auburn University. “It’s almost like an indiscriminate eater; they’re eating whatever’s available.”...
Read more: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/cats-kill-a-staggering-number-of-species-across-the-world/
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amnhnyc · 7 months
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Meet the sand cat (Felis margarita). This small, solitary feline inhabits arid regions—including Africa’s Sahara Desert and parts of Asia. Built for desert life, the thick soles of this cat’s paws allow it to walk on scorching sand during the day and cold sand at night. In parts of its range, daytime temperatures can soar up to 124° Fahrenheit (51° C) and then plummet to 31° Fahrenheit (-0.5° C) by night. The sand cat is also a “fearless snake hunter” known to pursue snakes (even venomous vipers) for a meal.
Photo: Cloudtail the Snow Leopard, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0, flickr
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felikatze · 10 months
hello everybody. tomorrow i will be playing engage so i can write fanfic about alcryst. that is all.
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bogsuckerecologist · 2 years
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Local beast awakens at midnight to declare she Cannot Be Contained and nearly gives me a heart attack trying to breach the Recovery Zone
So she now has access to the bed via her soft steps a week earlier than planned, because that's gotta be better than her trying to jump over everything...
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technomanticsystem · 2 years
Me when I realize I get to eat Sebastians cooking 😍
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ffelii · 1 year
Happy Our Country Sucks And Everyone Is Suffering Day 🥳🎉🎉
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