#female Bailey
heyheydidjaknow · 6 months
I haven’t played this stupid game in 6 months. This is a sequel to Prospects, this time featuring Bailey.
The envelope shook in your hand. “This should suffice.”
Bailey took it from you, not bothering to meet your eyes as she slit the top and took the slip inside. Whitney, dressed for the ride ahead— or fight; whatever came first— in his sweats and t-shirt, stood with his back to the door. Despite your assurance, he had insisted on sitting in on this final transaction as if the mountain of cash you had worked yourself ragged to obtain would not be enough to settle the score, as if your being there were not dependent solely on your value as a worker, as if Bailey— who now looked up at you over the check between her fingers and her half-rimmed glasses— would care beyond that if you were gone.
The ground swayed beneath your feet.
Bailey leaned back in her chair, gesturing to Whitney with the check. “This was your idea?”
You could not bring yourself to look back at him, but you could imagine his expression. It was the same as when you had when you had met Briar and Avery a few days before; cool, unflinching, as though you were an item at a pawn shop he was trying to get a good price on. You supposed you were, in a sense. “Yes.”
Bailey nodded slowly, taking in your figure, your stance. You squirmed under her gaze. “And the child’s yours, I take it?”
She considered as much. “You know,” she mused, “your… what would the word be? Fucktoy?”
He scoffed. “For our purposes, property.”
“Oh, hardly.” She leaned her elbows on the desk, fingers lacing together under her chin. “Not officially at least, not until our terms are settled.”
“What terms are there to settle?” You picked at your cuticles, heart pounding in your throat. “Is that not how much—“
“That’s how much my best earner was worth before.” Her smile was sweet like cough syrup, sharp like whiskey. “I’m a businesswoman you understand; it would hardly make much sense for me to part with my greatest revenue stream for its raw material costs.”
You looked back at Whitney. He kept his eyes trained on the woman in front of you. “And how much would it take for you to part ways with your charge?”
She sighed in mock contemplation. “Oh, I don’t know.” She sucked her teeth. “Another fifty percent ought to do it.”
The words echoed in your ears. You swallowed back panic as you went back to staring at the floor.
“Fifty?” His sneer was audible. “The fuck you take me for?”
“Someone desperate.” She gestured to you. “Someone willing to take when they can get and leave.”
“A bitch, you mean.”
“So long as we’re being frank.”
“Do you know how much that child is worth?” You shut your eyes as you felt her own take you in. “Do you know what sort of market you could appeal to with a matching set?”
You heard a rustling of cloth behind you. Whitney’s voice was as cheerful and bright as you had ever heard it. “So long as we’re considering the lives of people that matter,” he smiled, “I’m curious; how much is your life worth?”
There was a pause, a laugh from Bailey. “That bitch,” she sighed. “First that file—“
“This actually isn’t Laundry’s, surprisingly enough.” You heard the clinking of metal parts as he gestured to you. “Friend of a friend who lives in the country; I promised him the deed to this shithole if your position found itself empty.”
Despite yourself, you turned to face him. He held the pistol in his hand with the confidence of a man unfazed by its weight. In the back of your mind, you wondered if he would be tried if he went through with it, whether the cops would come or care or whether they would write it off as the result of one of Bailey’s “ungrateful brats”. You could not for the life of you decide which would be preferable.
“So,” he continued, finger twitching, eyes shining, “I think it best if we tried renegotiating terms.” He gestured to you. “Either you take the money and I take your cash cow off your hands—“ He steadied his aim, “— or I redecorate your office with your insides and you get to find out whether the contents of that envelope are worth shit in hell.”
You cast your gaze back towards her. Bailey looked between the two of you, lips pursed. “You’re more desperate than I thought.” She pushed her glasses up her nose and reached into her shirt pocket. “Let me give you some advice, kid.”
You shut your eyes again at the click of the safety. “Hands where I can see ‘em.”
She pulled out a carton of cigarettes, tapping one out and sticking it between her lips. “He isn’t a better person than I am, you know.” She took a lighter off her desk. “He’s not going to take better care of you than I am, isn’t going to wish you off to some fairy tale land where you’ll never know hardship; if anything, he’s going to fuck you over harder than I do.” She lit it, took a drag, smiled, exhaled.
“You fucking—“
“And you.” She pointed the cigarette at him. “Whitney, yeah? You think your life’s going to get better by being a father?” She leaned her head on her free hand. “I’ve been stuck with this job for thirty years now; the only thing that thing—“ she waved the cigarette in your belly’s general direction, “— is good for is an accessory to the walking ATM it’s stuck in.”
You could hear his voice shake; with what, you could not tell. “So help me God if you say one more thing about my fucking kid—“
“Let me say my piece.” She stood up, taking another drag and blowing it in your face. “If I were you,” she sighed, “I’d see if Harper couldn’t make an exception to get that thing out of you while it’s not breathing. Short of that, I’d ship it here.” She leaned forward, resting her hand on the surface of her desk. “But if I ever find your brat at my doorstep,” she promised, voice lowering, “if I ever see you or that thing here again, I’ll make your time here look like a stay at the Ritz-fucking-Carlton.” She stuck the cigarette back between her teeth, tilting your head up to look her in the eye. The resemblance between her and Whitney was apparent; you wondered if that was just what the eyes of monsters looked like. “I will make your child pay for however much you would have made me twofold, and I will sell their body— whole or piecemeal— to any dumb fuck who asks for what I’m sure will be a pretty young thing like them. Do you understand me?”
You could not breathe.
Her grip on your jaw tightened. “Are you deaf?” She brought you closer, and you whimpered at the sensation. “I asked you a question. Do you understand me or don’t you?”
You shut your eyes as her nails dug into your skin. You dug your own into your palm as you forced yourself to nod.
She kept you there a moment— for what, you did not know— before pressing a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes shot open, and you swallowed back tears— of relief, of sadness, of panic— as she released you, collapsing to your knees and gasping for air. “Good.” She took the check, slipping it into her pocket before sitting back down. “Leave before I change my mind.”
You pulled yourself to your feet, practically tripping over yourself to cling to Whitney. He glanced down at you, letting you bury your face into his shoulder as he took one last look at your former guardian. Wordlessly, he pulled the two of you out into the hallway, past the children gathered by the door, past the garden and Robin and the stairs and the threshold and finally, with a smile of untempered relief and satisfaction, across the street, into the truck parked there, and away from that miserable town, and as you watched the buildings you had come to know as parts of your home flew past, as you watched people you recognized from school rush into the forest and students— like you, you registered vaguely, desperate for money, for purpose, for anything— lean against street corners, you wondered if this would be any better, if this was more desirable, if this was emancipation or a different, crueler kind of ownership.
You mumbled a goodbye to the bus stop as it passed. Only then did the tears really start.
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yetiwang2000 · 5 months
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You shine brightly in my eyes.
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imthebadguyyy · 8 months
the bridgerton blues
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pairing : anthony bridgerton x reader
fandom : bridgerton
synopsis : it's the first time after your wedding that anthony sees you sporting the signature bridgerton colour : blue, and it does things to him that he can only express in a much more....physical manner.
warnings : smut, heavy smut and excessive amount of fluff
a/n : i miss my grumpy viscount!!! happy reading :)
anthony huffed impatiently, foot tapping against the marble floor at bridgerton manor.
the season had begun again, and much to his relief, he would only be a spectator this year, having married the love of his life, lady, well, current viscountess y/n, which meant he didn't have to deal with the frills and fancies of the hawk like mama's in the ton, awaiting the right moment to swoop upon him with their daughters.
but by God, you were taking forever to get dressed and come down to leave for lady danbury's ball. beside him, benedict and colin sat, engrossed in a game of chess, while francesca and eloise lounged on the couch in the drawing room, catching up about life.
his mother was with his darling wife, much to his surprise, helping her get ready for a ball. he had been caught off guard when his mother had bustled in, dressed in a powdery blue gown, and had proceeded to shoo him out of the room.
"what exactly is keeping mama and y/n?" colin asked, brow furrowed in concentration as he focused on the chess board.
"if I knew I would tell you brother" anthony mumbled, checking the watch that hung on the golden chain from his waistcoat, smiling as he traced the cover, suddenly hit by a burst of nostalgia, and a surge of fondness for his late father.
he brushed it off when a giggling hyacinth came running down the staircase, leaping into his arms, forcing him to rush to catch her, eyes widening in surprise.
"hyacinth! you must always give me a prior warning or I may not be able to catch you" he chided, tucking a stray curl behind her ear and setting her gently on the ground.
"brother!! wait till you see y/n/n!! she looks like a princess!" his youngest sister exclaimed, almost vibrating with excitement. a shy gregory emerged, blushing a little as he nodded, making the three older bridgerton boys smirk, well aware of his little crush on anthony's wife.
when anthony had first befriended his wife, they had been at a mere age of ten, and anthony had rescued y/n when she had fallen off her horse at a picnic with his family and the cowper's.
ever since then, they had been inseparable, joint at the hip and at the heart.
it was of no surprise to anyone in the ton when finally, ages later, he had announced he was marrying the lady montgomery, or as everyone fondly knew her, "y/n/n"
"why so bashful greg?" benedict jested, watching his youngest brother turn a dark crimson.
"n-nothing" he stuttered out, darting in to see his sisters.
"it's because of y/n! I'm telling you brother, she looks like an absolute angel!" hyacinth chirped in, now bouncing about from step to step, just as the door of Anthony's room creaked open, and the dowager viscountess stepped out.
"she's ready" she smiled warmly at her son's, hurrying in to get her daughters to mark the momentous occasion.
brows furrowed, the eyes of the bridgertons rested upon the long winding staircase, awaiting to see what exactly was this magical outfit that had their mother and sister gushing like birds.
and what anthony saw, made his jaw drop to the very ground.
at the very top, his darling wife came into view, hair in sleek, meticulous curls, perfectly cast up in an intricate updo, adorned with pearls, framing her face with the delicate curls. her makeup was subtle, emphasizing her flowing complexion with a touch of rosy blush and wine coloured lips.
she adorned a pearl necklace and matching earrings, gifted to her by anthony himself, adding a timeless elegance to her stature.
but what really caught everyones attention was the dress that she wore, more specifically, the colour of the dress she wore.
a rich dark blue silk gown, carefully tailored, hugged her frame, showcasing the intricate details that add to its allure. the bodice, adorned with delicate embroidery, depicting subtle butterfly motifs that caught the light as the she moved down the stairs. the neckline gracefully framed her collarbone, delicate lace butterflies attached to the neckline,while the sleeves tapered down to her wrists, showcasing more of the exquisite lacework that adorned her body.
the skirt of the gown was a masterpiece of craftsmanship, flowing generously in layers of silk that rustled with each step. the deep, rich hue of the fabric evoked a sense of opulence, reminiscent of midnight skies. as she walked down, the silk caught the light, casting a mesmerizing play of shadows and highlights.
the dress matched anthony's waistcoat perfectly, and the sight was enough to make the viscount choke over nothing.
as he saw his wife adorned in the resplendent dress for the first time, his eyes widened with genuine admiration.
a hushed gasp escaped his parted lips as he took in the sight before him.
his wife, cloaked in the elegance of the dark blue gown, the bridgerton blues appeared to be like a living portrait of timeless beauty.
a warm smile formed on his lips, expressing both surprise and deep appreciation for the grace and sophistication she was emanating.
"my darling" he murmured as he swept forward, extending his arm to welcome you into them.
smiling sweetly at the bridgerton clan, you floated down, linking your arm with anthony's.
"sister, you look utterly perfect in blue!" benedict exclaimed, pressing a delicate kiss to your hand, as violet fondly caressed your cheek.
"doesn't she look like a princess brother?!" hyacinth squealed, looking excitedly at anthony. "just like one out of the fairytales" he said, looking at you with nothing but admiration and love and fondness.
"you really do look utterly regal" colin said, flashing a warm smile at you. eloise and francesca came upto you, with even eloise admitting that the dress you were wearing was nothing short of a work of art, while francesca gushed over how the silhouette was so perfect for you.
"alright, we must leave if we want to reach lady danbury's ball on time!" violet said, clapping her hands, leading her children out to where the carriages awaited.
"wait behind for just a second my love" anthony whispered into your ear, as he walked up to his valet to whisper something into his ear.
slowly, the other bridgertons departed, after you promised them to join them very soon, ignoring the smirks and nudges colin and benedict sent your way.
anthony pulled you into his study, hand gently caressing your waist, feeling the rich silk in his hands, the other hand gently reaching for your chin, lifting it to look into your eyes.
"you look utterly divine my beloved" he whispered fingers gently fondling your face, eyes absorbing every detail of your face, not that he hadn't already memorised it.
"thank you my dear" you whispered back, hands settling on his broad shoulders, taking in his waistcoat as well, the dark blue velvet clinging to every rippling muscle in his body, brass buttons complementing the coat.
"i always knew you'd look stunning in bridgerton blue but....it seems as though the bridgerton blue was crafted for you" he murmured, tightening his grip on your waist, "so stunning that infact, i do not feel the need to leave for lady danbury's ball, for I'd much rather stay here with my breathtakingly beautiful wife" he murmured again, lips ghosting over your own as his hands squeezed your waist, drawing you flush against his body.
"my lord, we cannot... we must be present at the first ball of the season" you lamely protested, heart hammering against your chest as the intoxicating scent of his musky, woodsy cologne filled your nostrils.
anthony dropped his lips to your neck, lips brushing a feather soft kiss to the sensitive skin, drawing a gasp from you.
"what if we do not go? what if we just stay here and...i worship my wife in the way she deserves? like the goddess she is?" he asked, like gently pressing kisses down to your collarbone, still as light as a feather, just enough to ignite something feral in you, but also enough to keep you wanting more.
"my lord it's the first ball of the season, and we have to-"
you were cut off by anthony's lips pressing against yours.
they were soft and plush against yours, pressing perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle, initiating a warm glow in the pit of your tummy.
as your lips met, the sensation was like a feather's gentle caress — soft, fleeting, and subtly warm. it feels like a delicate dance, a tender exploration that sparked a gentle flutter within you. the touch was akin to the brush of downy feathers, teasing and inviting, as if he was testing the waters of intimacy.
yet, as the moment unfolded, a magnetic pull takes hold, drawing you deeper into the realm of passion. the softness transforms, gradually intensifying into a fiery connection. the initial delicacy gave way to a fervent exchange, each kiss building upon the other with a growing hunger.
your lips, once feather-light, were now engaged in a rhythmic and passionate dance. the subtle warmth amplified into a blazing fire, and what began as a gentle exploration evolved into a fervent expression of desire.
the world around you faded and in that heightened connection, every kiss becomes an electric charge, a testament to the undeniable chemistry between your two souls entwined in the artistry of passion.
anthony's hands ran rampant on your body, clutching every part of your body through the silk dress, yet taking care to not scrunch the silk in anyway.
"you have no idea what you do me darling" he growled against your lips, drawing back for just a moment to watch your chest heave and eyes glaze over, hands clutching his coat and cravat so tight he feared you would rip it off.
"every breath you take, every word you speak, the very sound of your melodious voice and the very beat of your heart, all allure me to you, draw me to you like a moth to a flame" he continued, his own heart hammering against his chest.
his chest rose and fell with every word, eyes ablaze with burning passion. "every second of every day, i crave you, i long for you, i need you, and it drives me feral. but the sight of you in my colour makes me want to rip off that very dress off your body, claiming you as mine in more ways than one" he growled, hands scrunching the material on your behind.
"anthony..i crave you every second of the day as well. i need you" you whispered, a soft whimper slipping past your lips.
"hush my sweet darling" he said, sending you a saccharine sweet smile.
then, much to your chagrin, he took his hands off your waist, fixing the material and fixing his own coat.
"now, we must hasten to lady danbury's" he smirked" and you groaned, a painful throbbing between your legs becoming more prominent.
"but my lord-" you protested, only to be cut off by another searing kiss. he kissed you deep and long, and then drew back, pushing a stray curl on your forehead back behind your ear.
"our family awaits dearest" he smiled, and gently led you out to the hall.
the grand ballroom at lady danbury's unfolded into a dazzling spectacle as it embraced the opulence of a gold and maroon theme. golden hues enveloped the space, casting a warm, regal glow. glittering chandeliers, adorned with intricate gold details, hung from the ceiling, their crystals refracting light in a dance of elegance.
luxurious maroon fabrics draped the walls, creating a sumptuous backdrop that added depth to the golden ambiance. tables adorned with golden tablecloths and maroon accents contributed to the harmonious blend of colors. golden candle holders flickered with the soft glow of candles, casting a gentle radiance on the rich maroon floral centerpieces.
the women's dresses shimmered with embellishments, and the men's attire featured accents, creating a visual symphony of sophistication, into which you walked with anthony, arms interlaced, as you bowed before queen charlotte, who had taken quite a liking to you.
"it's lovely to see the bridgertons led by a couple as magnanimous as you" she bestowed a rare compliment, bringing a hot flush to your cheeks and even to anthony's pale visage. "but now we anxiously await the news of a young bridgerton" she said pointedly, and you kept your eyes low, trying to ignore the heat blooming in your cheek.
around you, guests were engaged in a dance, the dance floor became a stage for a waltz of colors, with the many colours and tones reflecting in the mirrored walls. the orchestra, bathed in the warm ambiance, played melodies that echoed the richness of the color palette.
you noticed simon and daphne dancing, looking fondly at each other, and saw colin sharing a dance with young penelope featherington, which made you smile, always having harbored a soft spot for the girl.
you spotted eloise by the food table, with francesca, both enjoying the strawberries that were being served. benedict seemed engrossed in exploring the rich collection of paintings in the hall, and was surrounded by a group of friends.
anthony led you over to his sisters, a soft kiss to your wrist a promise to be back in a moment lingering on his lips, as he was dragged off by countless lords for a drink and a conversation about the next round of a hunt they were engaging in.
as eloise began to speak about the many cruelties of lady featherington, you spotted cressida cowper scowling over at the two of you, dressed in a pink so bright you felt momentarily blinded. she shot a contemptuous look at you, scoffing at your gown and sharing a laugh with lady cowper, that had your eyebrow creasing with insecurity.
much to your horror, she began to march over to you, along with her mother and lady featherington, much to your dismay. you searched desperately for your mother-in-law, but found her engrossed in conversation with the queen.
"my my, if it isn't the happy bridgertons" cressida sniped, flashing you a tight lipped smile. "hello miss cowper" you smiled, ignoring the anxiety bubbling in your tummy.
"cressida" eloise said coldly, linking her arm with yours. she was well aware of the contemptuous rumours she had spread about you when you had begun courting anthony and had made it her mission to protect you from her.
"what a rather unusual colour for you dear" lady cowper commented, eyes trailing down your body in disdain.
"it gives you the impression of being a little washed out" she stated, opening her fan to hide her smirk.
you ignored the tear that sprang to your eyes as she continued to comment, on the fall of the dress, the shape of the silhouette and the way your jewellery was far too showy.
you could feel eloise glowering beside you but silently begged her to keep calm, not wanting to lose her calm in front of everyone.
to your surprise, a familiar baritone cut in, a nd a strong arm wrapped around your midriff and waist.
your husband appeared beside you, a smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"i see why you might think that, lady cowper, for all you can pull off is that rather obnoxious shade of viscous pink, and while i understand your envy at my wife's ability to outshine everyone else here in any colour she chooses, i must remind you are speaking to the viscountess bridgerton, and hence must adhere to the degree respect she commands" he stated coolly, hand gripping your waist so tight you were sure it would leave marks.
stunned speechless, the cowper's backed away, egos more than bruised and enraged , subject to sniggers and chuckles from the other lords and ladies in the room. your brother walked to anthony from across the hall, patting him on the back and whispering a "good man" to him as he hugged you, and eloise drew anthony into a hug as well.
anthony led the two of you over to his mama, who couldn't hide a smile herself at the love her son had for his wife, so reminiscent of the way their father had loved her.
"I am sorry if I caused humiliation to your name mama, but I cannot and will not let anyone talk to my wife that way" he said firmly, only to be cut off by his mother.
"I believe everyone here has been waiting to say that to miss cowper since the beginning of time, my darling, so take your wife and go home. you have done your job and proved your love and passion and told everyone that your relationship rhymes true" she said, drawing you into a warm hug and bidding you goodbye.
the carriage ride home was silent as your held anthony's hand tight, his thumb tracing patterns over the gloves you were donning, a pearly white to match your jewels.
"thank you my love" you whispered to him, eyes glimmering with unshed tears.
"my darling, i love you, all of you. please do not ever belittle yourself, because your beauty is awe worthy" he said, eyes contorted as if he was in pain at the thought of you being in pain.
"I'll try my best not to" you whispered against, leaning forward to press your foreheads together. and you stayed like that till bridgerton manor came into view.
frenzied kisses were pressed against your lips as anthony lifted you into his arms, earning a singular gasp from your lips. his hands, one wrapped tightly under your bottom and the other around your back was strong, as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he led you upstairs, ignoring the scurrying valet and maids and your ladies in waiting as he made it to your shared bedroom.
he dropped you gently on the bed, towering above you, hands shoving the material of your dress up. his hands crept along your thighs stealthily, finding the hooks of your stockings to your thigh garter, slowly dragging it down, exposing your bare skin to him, suppressing a groan at the soft skin.
to his surprise you reached up and grabbed him by the cravat, untying it and pulling him down to meet your lips. you kissed him roughly, a frenzied battle, with teeth and tongue clashing as he shrugged off his waist coat and began to unbutton his shirt, watching as you removed your jewellery and kept in on the table beside his bed.
his hands reached for your dress, carefully untying the many laces and unbuttoning the many buttons on your dress, watching as your bosom heaved in the corset wore.
deft fingers unhooked the corset without a struggle, and you moaned when the cold air hit your nipples, making them harden, as you pushed your chest out towards him.
anthony growled, the sound reverberating in his throat as he reached down to unbutton his tan pants, leaving him in just his underwear. his lips attacked your neck, biting into the delicate flesh and pressing kiss after kiss, sucking deep marks and hickies that were sure to stay for days after.
you raked your nails up and down his neck, stroking the skin there and raking your hands upto his hair, gently scratching his scalp as he trailed kisses down to your breasts.
his mouth enveloped your nipple in his mouth, tongue flicking and swirling around the sensitive nub.
he continued his ministrations, taking only a moment to move his mouth to your other breast and leaving lovebites on the skin.
he settled in between your thoughts, hips gently grinding into yours, as he licked and sucked to his heart’s desire, attempting to alleviate the growing tent in his pants.
you were beginning to pant, and he continued to pinch and stroke your nipple. his tongue wreaked havoc on one while his fingers gently tugged on the other. anthony could not wait any longer, the pain of the straining in his pants making him more loopy than he would admit, and he pulled away from your breast, a string of saliva from his lips to your breast.
he came back up to your mouth, kissing you with desperation. "i adore you" he painted above you, before kissing down your tummy to your thighs.
he stopped at the junction between your thighs, inhaling the musk of your scent.  
he reached for the cotton underwear you had on, gently pulling it down, and pushing your thighs apart, and a wave of cold air floated across your inner thighs, so open and exposed now.
anthony began to press hot, open mouthed kisses to the bare expanse of your thighs, stopping just below your pussy lips each time.
mere moments later, you felt an entirely new sensation— anthony's wet, warm tongue sliding through your folds. a cry of pleasure ripped from your throat, as you looked down at anthony, who had crawled between your legs with his tongue buried at the apex of your thighs.
your slick dripped down your pussy lips, costing them in your honey, and anthony licked it all up as if it was nectar and ambrosia, lowering his face to lick a long strip through your entire slit, before tilting his face even deeper into your pussy, swirling around up to your engorged clit and licking all around it and on the top of it.
the action had your hips jolting as he sucked on the nub, causing flashes of white to flash before your eyes.
"you taste more delightful than i could ever have imagined" he breathed licking the sour-sweet liquid off his lips. "my own precious honey pot" he cooed, making you flush again and your body heated up.
he sucked harder on your clit, fingers slipping into your slit to slide up and down, each stroking made your hips flail wildly.
“you taste so sweet” he murmurs, and the brush of his breath sears against your skin. the low rumbling of his voice, so characteristic of him, are dripped in hunger and arousal, the heat spreading under your skin and threatening to explode like a supernova.
"i have longed to have you squirming on my tongue my love. i will have you screaming my name until your lips know no other" he promised.
with a ravenous look at your heaving form, anthony lowered his mouth to your throbbing center again and licked a bold stripe up your clit, the sensitive bud jolting in shock and you scream in pleasure,
the ever composed lord bridgerton moans against your cunt when you tug his hair, hands holding down your hips as he watches you squirm. then anthony rolls your clit with his teeth and you come apart with a scream, hands gripping onto his hair for dear life.
you come, cunt clenching down, spasming around his tongue where he has you stretched open. everything else disappears for a moment, your body weightless with pure unadulterated bliss.
anthony shifts so he is in between your legs again, watching the fluttering of your pussy as you clench around nothing. your eyes are trained on his hips and he feels a surge of pride.
his cock was one not only of great size but of greater girth and greater skill, and he adored nothing more than watching your eyes become as large as saucers as you looked at his poor cock straining again as it had been ever since he saw you in his signature colour.
trained hands guided his cock to your entrance, tapping against it for a few seconds before he dragged the tip through your slick, making your body shudder at the stimulation. and then, he pressed a kiss to your neck, hips slamming against yours.
the first thrust was deep and claiming,and you cried out at the perfect stretch of him in your pussy.
you could barely think straight, hands digging into his back and nails sinking into his skin.
"so fucking perfect,” he murmured into your ear, rasped and breathless as he nipped on your ear. "'feel so good wrapped around my cock. so wet and warm for me my sweet sweet beloved. fuck, you're so tight right now. squeezing me so well, you love my cock, do you not my angel?"
"yes yes i love you and your cock" you changed as a prayer, eyes bashful at the use of the dirty word. "look at how your cunt clenches around me" he groaned, head dipping into the crook of your neck as his hips slammed into yours repeatedly.
you could hear the headboard banging against the wall as the pace of anthony's thrusts had your body sliding against the silken sheets.
and then he stopped
he stayed there, buried inside you to the hilt, and his cock twitched excitedly inside you. you watched the way he gripped the bedsheets tightly with his fingers until they went hite. it sent heat and pleasure into the pit of your stomach and you were sure you are going to burn. it was far too good, far too much, brimming on the edge of being overwhelming. 
there’s no warning as he pulled out, leaving his pulsing tip in, and then he thrusted all the way back inside, in one long and slick stroke back inside you, deep and rough. his cock slammed into a spot in you that has you screaming, something absolutely fucking delicious and it steals away your breath and makes you cry out. 
and then he grabs your legs, pushing them up towards your legs as he almost folded you in half, pushing your legs so far apart they almost touched your head, as he moved to his knees for a better angle.
his hips thrusted wildly as he kept fucking you, hand rubbing furiously at your sensitive clit, as you whined and moaned and screamed. he watched as your cunt, pink and perfect fluttered and twitched, and his ears revelled at the sound of the filthy, wet squelching that echoed in the room from your dripping cunt.
he landed a harsh smack to the back of your thigh that had you screaming as he then pressed his tongue to it, sucking a hickey on the spot.
sweat dripped down his forehead and yours, as you began to thrust your hips up to meet his perfect strokes, while feeling like his cock was going to split you apart.
"i want nothing more than to fill you with my seed" he growled, over the sound of your skin slapping together over and over again.
"fill me with your seed my lord. let me have carry your kin" you murmured, and you watched as anthony groaned, hand wrapping around your throat.
"such a minx" he grinned, squeezing and watching your eyes roll back.
without a warning, he flipped you over so you were on top, and his deft hands steadied you at the waist.
then he began to slowly pick your hips up, working you up and down on his cock, slamming you up and down on his cock, until you got the hang of it.
anthony felt himself drooling as he took in the way your tits bounced and you bounced on his cock as you ride him, nails now scratching down his chest as he laid a harsh spank to your ass that had you clenching on his cock harder.
he watched your body desperately ride him for all he was worth, thighs jiggling as they clapped against his own, and he pinched the fat around your waist and belly, teeth nipping at your nipple to increase the stimulation.
"m-my lord! I am going to cum!" you moaned loudly, only to turn to a wail as anthony's fingers unleashed a furious assault on your clit, as he rubbed it up and down and side to side and everywhere, covering his fingers in your slick.
with a scream of his name, you came all over his dick and his tummy, your juices spilling out of you like a fountain, watching as he scooped it up with his fingers to lick it clean.
he slammed your hips down on his even harder as you whined, and you felt his stomach tense and breathing stutter as he came, shooting his load inside you, and finally sinking into the pillow, limp.
panting, you rolled off of him, mind cockdrunk and unable to move. anthony peppered kisses to your skin and kissed the spots where he'd been rough.
"you were phenomenal, my love" he whispered, and to your intrigue, his fingers trialed down to your cunt.
you watched as he gently slid a finger in to your hole, shushing and kissing you as he blocked it with his fingers.
"i cannot have a single drop of me spilling out of you" he murmured and you moaned.
"i adore you", he mumbled, "my dear wife" he concluded.
"and i adore you, my dear husband" you smiled, meeting his lips in a sugar sweet kiss.
who would've known that wearing the bridgerton blue was all it would take for you and anthony to announce to the ton in the next three months that you were expecting the first bridgerton heir?
a/n : I've missed writing for bridgerton so much!! i really hope you enjoy this, and as always likes reblogs comments opinions etc are appreciated!! sending u all love and happiness and remember, my inbox is always open and i love making new friends!! happy reading ☺️♥️
bridgerton : @freyathehuntress @urfavnoirette
general : @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird
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skyrigel · 4 months
Tell me again [ AB ]
Pairing ~ Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Plot ~ after a long day at work, Anthony tells you how much he missed his wife <3
Warning: pregnant!reader, little teasing, shy!reader
Words : 0.8k
My other fic
Anthony bridgerton angst
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" I thought you would be asleep..." Anthony murmured, words soft as melody spelled in the dark, hands crossed around his chest, his cuffs rolled up like usual after every tired night in his office, he smiled at you, a glint in his eyes.
" Why would I ? " I would wait for you at the worlds end, You turned to look at your husband, after a hard day, his eyes looked so tired and yet, they were sparkling, always when it was you.
" Oh my dearest wife." He moaned as he crossed the distance in two long strides, wrapping his hands around your waist all the while dropping to his knees,
"I missed you so much baby." He said, kissing your baby bump gently as he looked up with stars in his eyes.
" You didn't miss me Anthony ?! " You fake gasped, watching the slow chuckle make its way through the rings of his cartilage as he plucked the book you were holding.
" Oh you have no idea ! " He growled, taking both your hands in his and guiding them to his face, his eyes shutting as your fingers traced the face you adored so much, he hummed in response, kissing the soft skin of your wrist as watched you, one knuckle at a time, eyes never leaving yours.
" you think I haven't missed you ? " His asked, almost blazing, " you? " He said again, " There wasn't a moment when my soul didn't want to crawl and come to you, not a moment when i wanted to be anywhere but in your arms love." He squeezed your hand gently as you smiled, because you knew, knew how much he loved you.
" Have i told you how much I love your hands ? " He traced the lightening like green nerves that made it ways across your skin, he loved every bit of you, body, soul, mind and heart.
" You haven't," you replied, feeling your breath knocked out, heart punching against your ribs.
Anthony's lip quirked at your dazed eyes, he loved every and each version of you but he so much adored when you made your needs known, how much Anthony loved giving you what you wanted, you just have to say it for me, my sweet love, he had told you.
" This," Anthony said, his lips grazing at the slight raise of vein of your wrist, following it upto the crook of your arm, smiling in triumph as a strangled noise made it's way out of your throat.
" You like it ? " He tilted his head, brows raised in question, " mmm" you hummed softly but being the Viscount and smug bastard lord bridgerton was, he smirked.
" Say it in words my lady." He gazed up, you gave him one eye roll but opened your mouth anyway, " I do." You said ans Anthony resumed his venturing.
" And I have told you how much I love your collarbones ? " He hummed, planting open mouthed kisses all way to to dip of your neck, his breath lingered like a tattooed kiss, you dropped your head back on the couch as Anthony nipped at the raw skin of your neck.
You felt his smile the way his teeth tore into your flesh, his hand soothing your belly in circular patterns, the other cupping your breast and kneading it with all the time in the world, " You aren't telling me." He complaint, mouth fixed several inches away from yours as he looked deeply into yours eyes, your breath were uneven as you whined at the lack of lips on you, he understood and caressed your cheeks, leaning until a thread of wind was between you, you waited for touch to burn you, waited for his lips to crash into yours but alas!
" An..thony " you whimpered and he shaked his head, mouthing a small, No.
" You haven't " you whispered, closing the inches as his mouth pressed against yours in warm fuzzy music, like everything the poets talked about, Anthony smiled as pulled for a second away, his eyes peicring yours, mischief dangling through the corners and oh, how much you loved this man.
" I think I have..." He trailed, nose nuzzling at the dark reds and blues of your neck, he loved his little vicious games, loved to tease you, loved to drive you crazy.
" You have." You told him, " Tell me again."
That was all Anthony needed to you tell you again, and again and again, how much he loved you.
Rigel's note🪩: This has been in my drafts for so long<3
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eufezco · 3 months
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There had always been rumours about you and Anthony, but what if they were true now?
Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader (angst, a bit of smut) + no use of y/n. english isn't my first language
You never allowed yourself to be the centerpiece of a scandal, it wasn't as if you were looking for it, you knew what that did to people's reputations, it was simply that you had always avoided them with all your strengths. Lacking a male figure in your family and being the oldest sister, you became the visible face of your family to society and you could never allow something as stupid as a scandal to destroy the reputation you worked so hard to build.
Since the death of your father, the Queen's favor has always been with your family. She gave you the same opportunities as the men who were the heads of their own families and she always made sure that neither you nor your mother and sisters were missing anything. But now not even the Queen's favor could help you as you saw how everything you did to make society forget that you were a woman leading a family was falling apart.
There had always been rumors about what kind of relationship you and Anthony Bridgerton had. You were often seen together but there was never a gesture, no matter how small, that could make people talk about a possible romance between you two.
Yet they did.
And they loved it.
At balls all eyes were on you when you danced together, everyone murmured when you were seen going into the Bridgertons' house, and on several occasions, your mamas were asked about the date of the wedding. That's why the members of the ton did not doubt for a second that what Lady Whistledown wrote about you was true.
The Queen called your name before you could leave the room.
You closed your eyes as your lower lip trembled with rage. No matter how much trust you had with Queen Charlotte, you could not disobey her in another family's presence. You took a deep breath and ran your hands down the skirt of your dress in an attempt to calm down before you turned around.
Anthony was not alone, his mother, very dear to you, and his younger sister Daphne, a good friend of yours, were with him. The presence of him and the two women made you feel helpless and you felt like you were between a rock and a hard place with the Queen forcing you to stay in the room and the Bridgertons ready to say what they needed to say.
Violet and Daphne Bridgerton looked at you with pity and as much as you hated when people looked at you that way, at least they had the decency to look at you. Not like Anthony, whose arms were behind his back, and his big brown eyes were fixed on the floor.
—Lord Bridgerton is here to apologize —Queen Charlotte said with a big smile while looking at the man in front of you with real hope that all of this would be solved within minutes. Did she really think that this trap was going to solve anything? You were so angry that you could barely hear the Queen talk, only a deafening beeping sound.
Anthony was completely static in front of you. The Queen played with her hands waiting for the man to take his turn to speak. He was trying to find the right words, ones that didn't make you feel worse. But at the same time, he wanted to be honest in order to fix what happened. The best way to do that would be, as the Queen said, to start by asking for your forgiveness.
—I wanted to apolo—.
—Do not. I do not want you to apologize —You said before Anthony could finish the sentence.
Anthony grunted, annoyed. —Then what is it that you want from me if not my apologies?
You were surprised by the sudden change in the tone of his voice. —You should have stood with me!
He huffed a laugh. —Do you truly believe you have been the only one affected by this?
—I only know that one of us has had to hide as if she had the plague and the other one has been able to go on with his life as if nothing happened.
—This is not working, obviously. —Queen Charlotte said, defeated.
Violet Bridgerton and Daphne were standing behind Anthony. Both women shared a few glances after seeing how much tension there was between the two of you. They were concerned about your friendship being broken forever.
—No, it is not. She is not willing to listen —Anthony answered the Queen.
—Listen? —You tilted your head slightly, your eyebrows raised in disbelief. —You know what I have been listening to these days, Anthony? I have been listening to my little sisters asking my mother if it was true what people were saying about me. I have, also, been listening to people talk and then suddenly shut up when I walked in anywhere.
—You still think you have been the only one affected. —Anthony shook his head. —I have a family as well—!
—You are a man, Anthony! This has not been half as difficult for you as it has been for me. People have not talked and said half as much about you as they have said about me and my family! You should have protected both of our reputations but you abandoned me as the coward that you are! So do not come here and try to give me lessons because I have proven to be twice the gentleman that you are.
Everyone was silent in the Queen's salon.
—Good evening, my Lady. —Anthony bowed slightly in front of you and left, clenching his fists and with loud footsteps that echoed throughout the room.
You were left alone in the Queen's salon along with Charlotte herself and the two Bridgerton women. They looked at you expecting a reaction, some word or gesture to let them know what was going through your mind, but instead, you also left the room. You followed the same path he did down the Queen's large corridor but instead of going outside, you continued walking angrily through the palace.
As you walked in your head echoed all the words that Anthony had said, his fake apology, how he seemed oblivious to how he had covered his back and left you unprotected. You ended up going into one of the Queen's rooms, you knew the place very well but at that very moment you didn't even care which room it was, you just needed to rest and be alone for a minute.
You closed the door and rested your forehead against the wood of it, taking a big breath of air.
—Were you following me?
You turned around, scared by the sudden male voice. Once you realized who he was, you huffed a laugh and rolled your eyes.
—Trust me when I tell you that following you anywhere is the last thing in the world I would do.
Anthony shook his head. You tried to get out of the room but he spoke again.
—I have already asked for your forgiveness. What else should I do?
—It is too late for that, Anthony.
—Surely there is something I can do.
—Anthony... —You called his name while shaking your head. He was stepping closer to you and you threatened to walk out of the room.
—What if we married?
There was silence for a few seconds. His deep brown eyes looked at you waiting for an answer.
—I could never marry you —. You stated.
Anthony's brow furrowed slightly. He could not hide that the determined tone in your voice hurt him.
—After everything that has happened, when I think of you it is the closest thing to hatred I have ever felt —You explained. You could see the expression on Anthony's face change, he never thought he would live to listen to you compare what you felt for him to hatred. —I could never marry you, Anthony.
—You do not mean that.
The confidence in his tone surprised you. You doubted whether it was he who did not want to believe what you said or if you didn't sound convincing enough.
—Oh, yes I do.
Anthony shook his head. He took a few steps to get closer to you and you clenched your jaw and tightened your fists, taking your hand to the doorknob. —After all these years of friendship you tell me that the only thing you feel for me is hate?
You moved away from the door and walked towards him, pointing a finger at Anthony. —Do not dare to give me the after all these years of friendship when you left me the way you did. —You said through gritted teeth.
—I have already apologized and even asked you to marry me and it is still not enough so tell me what to do! —Anthony was frowning angrily as he moved closer to you. Your finger hit against his hard chest and he looked you in the eyes.
—Nothing you do will be enough!
Anthony grabbed your cheeks and kissed you. You pushed him away and both of you stared at each other for a few seconds. Him kissing you in the middle of the argument made you even angrier and you wanted to hit him, but instead, you pressed your lips against his.
Your hands sank into his brown hair, tugging at the root and making him groan into your mouth. His hands went to your ass and squeezed it shamelessly as he walked you to the nearest piece of furniture which happened to be a large, round table in the center of the room. Anthony removed all the decorations on the table with one swipe yet being careful not to break anything and helped you to lie down on it.
He leaned in to give you a trail of kisses, starting from your mouth to your neck until he reached your breasts. He sucked and licked the soft skin exposed thanks to your dress and you bit your lower lip.
You were still upset with him, the way you kissed him roughly and the way you were still pulling from his hair tightly showed that you had not forgotten what he had done.
You were upset with him, but you were even more upset with the person who saw you the night of the ball. You didn't know who it was, it could've been a man, a woman, it could've been a member of the ton, or someone from the service. Maybe it had been Lady Whistledown herself or maybe she heard it from someone else. The thing was that you were caught and your little adventure with Anthony ended up in one of Lady Whistledown's papers.
Dearest Gentle Reader,
Just when we thought the season couldn't possibly deliver any more excitement, it appears that two of our esteemed members have been caught in a rather compromising position. Yes, dear readers, you read that correctly. A scandal of this magnitude is rare indeed.
The scene of this scandalous event was none other than the ball at the Bridgerton house. Our sources report that the dashing Viscount Bridgerton and his enchanting lifelong friend were discovered in an embrace that left nothing to the imagination. Whispers suggest that this clandestine affair has been ongoing for some time, much to the oblivion of their respective families.
Dear readers, brace yourselves for the inevitable fallout. Will this scandal lead to social ostracism, or will our impassioned couple find a way to weather the storm? Your faithful scribe will remain ever vigilant, ready to report the next development in this thrilling saga.
As always, I remain your faithful correspondent, ever ready to reveal the most delicious secrets of our glittering world.
Yours truly, Lady Whistledown
It was true. Everything she wrote about Anthony and you was true. No matter how hard you both tried to deny it, it happened. Anthony went on with his life as if nothing had happened, still denying it even though people found it hard to believe the viscount. He distanced himself from you and as much as you tried to talk to him and ask for his help, he had to protect the Bridgerton name.
But he couldn't take it anymore, his chest burned at the thought of losing you, he would wake up at night after dreaming about the last time he saw you. In front of his family, Anthony tried to pretend that everything was fine but every Bridgerton knew, from the way Anthony acted every time they talked about you, that Lady Whistledown wasn't lying.
Now that Anthony had you for himself again he wasn't planning on letting you go again.
When his hands were making their way up your inner thighs, the door opened all of a sudden and you parted from each other as fast as you could. You stood up from the table as Anthony brought his hands behind his back and bowed his head while you fixed your dress.
—You two do not learn! —Daphne exclaimed.
You bit the inside of your cheeks, embarrassed. You and Anthony shared a glance and you noticed that his cheeks were flushed.
—In our defense, we are getting married —. You excused yourselves.
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strangererotica · 3 months
Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
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Summary: After Reader is stranded by a carriage mishap, she finds herself lost in an attempt to make her way home alone. Luckily for her, another carriage happens to cross her path, belonging to none other than the Viscount Bridgerton himself…
In keeping with Bridgerton’s vibe, Reader is a young woman with zero sexual knowledge or experience. I imagine she’s around nineteen or twenty years old and while she has had suitors, none of them have inspired in her the feelings Lord Bridgerton evokes…
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While enjoying your evening ride, your carriage had broken down. To the great frustration of your driver, you’d insisted on walking home alone. It wasn’t in good taste, for a young woman to be out walking unattended. But you were in an exploring mood, and wanted to do your exploring alone. The company of your carriage driver was something you were honestly glad to be rid of.
Despite being reasonably close to town, you’d somehow managed to wander in the direction of the forest rather than home. Night was creeping closer, trees casting shadows across your path as you looked up at the sky, trying to find your bearings.
A large, cold drop of rain ‘plopped’ against your forehead, making you flinch. Several subsequent drops followed, till the situation quickly became a downpour. You raced for shelter beneath the trees, cursing under your breath as your ankle twisted on a large root sticking up from the ground. The trees were basically useless at shielding you from the rain, Autumn having stripped their branches almost entirely of leaves.
Your hat was soaked, its brim flattened against the sides of your head. The pretty dress you’d chosen to wear that afternoon was now caked with mud at the trim; you realized you must look incredibly foolish right now, but certainly not as foolish as you felt.
The sound of horses’ hooves approaching caught your attention. You looked down the road to see a carriage drawing closer, rain bouncing from its roof and sides. When the carriage came to a stop just by you, a stab of panic shot through your chest. What if it was someone you knew, discovering you out here looking a complete mess? And even worse, what if the carriage belonged to a man?
The carriage came to a full stop; the door swung open, and the handsome, familiar face of Anthony Bridgerton emerged. Your heart thumped inside your chest as his jet eyes raked over you, a mischievous smirk turning his lips upward. “Unusual night for a walk, Miss (Y/N),” he remarked, his tone playful.
Despite your embarrassment and the wet state of your clothing, you attempted a curtsy. “Indeed it is, Lord Bridgerton,” you replied. “I was out for an evening ride, when my carriage broke down.” You pointed past you, unsure of which direction you’d actually come from at this point.
“And your driver?” Anthony asked, seemingly unbothered by the rain pelting his hat and shoulders. “What of him? Am I to assume he left you unattended? At the-.” He bit his lip, running his eyes over your breasts, your nipples visible through the soaked material. “-Mercy of whomever should find you?” he finished.
You felt your cheeks going red, in spite of the chilly rain running down your skin. “It was my choice, I assure you,” you explained. “I insisted he allow me the chance to take some air, alone, on my journey home. I had not expected…” Your voice wavered, words failing you as Lord Bridgerton’s penetrating gaze made you weak.
“The rain?” he offered, an eyebrow lifted in amusement. “Understandable, Miss (Y/N). It seems I’ve found you absolutely drenched.” His eyes scanned your breasts and back up to your face.
Anthony tilted his head, acknowledging your ankle. You hadn’t noticed, but you’d been keeping your full weight off of it on purpose. “Your ankle,” he said, his tone sympathetic. “Is it sprained? You seem hesitant to apply pressure to it.”
“I twisted it on a raised root,” you explained. “It is not badly sprained. More of a discomfort, really-.”
“Regardless,” Lord Bridgerton interrupted. “Leaving you to manage on your own would be unconscionable. I insist-.” He extended his hand for you. “-That you allow me the honor of delivering you home.”
There was no way around it; you had to accept the offer. Taking a soggy step forward, you reached for Anthony’s hand and allowed him to help you into the carriage.
Immediately, you felt embarrassed by the way your wet clothes were dripping all over the carriage’s interior. The horses’ hooves sounded, followed by the familiar tug as the carriage was pulled forward. You could feel the Viscount’s gaze resting on you, but were too afraid to meet it. You’d harbored feelings for him for years, and had often wondered what it would feel like to have his attention fixed solely on you, to be the object of his interest. Now that you were in exactly such a situation, all of the practiced lines you’d rehearsed in your daydreams had completely vanished.
You pressed your thighs together, a familiar ache blossoming between them…a tightening, throbbing sensation similar to your heartbeat. You weren’t sure what it was, this odd pleasure mixed with pain; but you always felt it when you were in Lord Bridgerton’s presence, and sometimes, it occurred while simply thinking of him. You’d come to associate the feeling with Anthony, loving the sensation even as it frightened you. Not unlike your feelings for the Viscount himself.
“You needn’t worry about making a mess,” he remarked, and you froze. Because for a moment, you worried Anthony knew of what accompanied the feeling…the clear, slippery fluid that inevitably wound up wetting your inner thighs, whenever you thought of him.
He pointed to the seat across from him, which you were sitting on. Panic seized you, till you realized he was obviously speaking of the mess your rain-soaked clothing was making inside the carriage.
Your cheeks went rosy and warm again. Anthony noticed, and smiled slightly, as if holding onto a sweet secret that pleased him. “Upholstery can be mended,” he explained. “And on the subject of things that need mending…”
Anthony reached forward, taking hold of your injured ankle and lifting your foot to rest on his lap. Your eyes widened, lips parting in surprise. What could he possibly be thinking, touching you in such an intimate way?
You watched his fingers as they gently undid the laces of your boot. His eyes flicked up to meet yours, a wicked glimmer reflecting back at you. Anthony removed your boot, and delicately rolled the lace cuff of your sock downward, exposing your ankle. When his fingertips brushed your skin, the contact of his touch went straight to the aching space between your legs, as if a line were somehow connecting those parts of you.
A shiver ran through your body, your hips bucking as Anthony softly stroked your skin, coaxing his finger lower, till he was cradling your foot in his hand. Every subtle movement of his fingertips sent a flash of heat straight to your center, setting you ablaze with something you’d never felt before. The familiar throbbing between your legs was suddenly burning, the pleasure mixed with a pain that kept increasing, as if demanding some kind of release, though you didn’t know how to relieve it.
Anthony watched you with an unbearable intensity-could he not see that you were unwell?-his smile long departed and replaced with something darker, almost hungry, like the focus of a predator locked in on its prey. Your body jolted as if struck. Anthony observed your behavior in stoic silence-was he angry with you?-all the while continuing to delicately stroke your skin, as if he couldn’t see the way your body was completely overcome by his simple, tender ministrations. Tears burned behind your eyes as the ache within you throbbed harder and harder, pulsing in time with your racing heartbeat. You gripped the edge of your seat, your eyes squeezing shut, air leaving your body in gasps.
You realized you must have been dying…surely, there was no other way to explain this frenzy that had overtaken you. But just as you were sure you were dying…you were flying. The world went white in your field of vision, as the tension inside your lower body finally gave way. A brand new feeling, of absolute rapture and inexplicable bliss, pulsed at your core in waves, rippling and shattering its way through you. Relief washed over you, a light sheen of sweat covering your skin, chest heaving as you recovered from whatever beautiful, brutal attack your body had just endured.
Your eyes opened on Anthony, whose expression was even more intense than before. Certain that you’d upset him with your embarrassing fit, a sudden shame humbled you. “Forgive me, Lord Bridgerton,” you panted, tears welling in your eyes. “I am unwell. I do not know what came over me just now, but I must apologize for my intemperate behavior...”
Anthony’s expression softened, unlike his lap, which now felt stiff and uneven beneath your ankle. He cleared his throat, before assuring you that “everything is alright, (Y/N).” Hearing your name leave his lips, your first name and not your family name, was like hearing an angel speak. “You’ve done nothing wrong. And I promise, you are not unwell.” Lord Bridgerton’s eyebrow lifted slightly. “Quite the opposite, in fact,” he said.
“But-.” You watched as he rolled your sock back over your ankle. “-I must be ill, my Lord-.” Anthony slid your boot back over your foot. “-Or perhaps a demon momentarily seized hold of me-??” Anthony chuckled slightly, his eyes on the laces of your boot as he fixed them. “-I must rest,” you decided. “To make sure this doesn’t happen again...”
Anthony bit his lip and grinned. “Well,” he conceded. “Perhaps you’re right. Some time in bed might be just what you need…” Anthony leaned forward and took your hand in his. “…In case that frightful feeling returns.”
Your lips parted, his nearness an alarming reminder of the feeling he conjured within you, the aching pulse between your slippery thighs reigniting. “I…” You tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come, not with his hand holding yours, his lips so near to your skin-
-A rapping on the carriage lurched you from the trance you’d fallen in. You hadn’t even noticed that the carriage had stopped moving. A driver opened the door for you, offering his hand to help you out. “Thank you, Lord Bridgerton,” you said, exiting the carriage. “I’m so grateful for your assistance today.”
Anthony nodded politely, a warm smile on his face. “It was my pleasure, Miss (Y/N),” he said, and as you turned toward your home, “I’ll call on you later this week, to see how you’re recovering.”
You felt your heart rate kick up a notch. “…from your sprained ankle, Miss (Y/N),” Anthony clarified, though the suggestive glimmer in his eye implied otherwise. You watched as his carriage retreated, starting on unsteady legs into your home. Your dress was still soaked, wet with rain and something else…something only Anthony Bridgerton was able to conjure in you, the product of a secret it now seemed the two of you shared, together… 🩵
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shokujin-art · 2 months
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So... I started a side run with a new PC to add a top / defiant to the family ✨
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Barely 40 days in, beating whitney's ass to save him from dismissal and kicked away 3 people at the same time to save Robin. I can sense Lyra judging him from her save slots 😂
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tanisketches · 1 year
Happy The Little Mermaid day! 🪸
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janeissx0x · 27 days
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It girls in leopard print 🐆
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pro-royalty · 1 year
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Flo Milli x Chlöe Bailey
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bestofsimoneashley · 6 months
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Simone Ashley with Jonathan Bailey and Austin (Newton) on set of Bridgerton Season 2
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councilofcastamere · 11 months
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(Ghostface doesn’t exist AU. Quinn and Ethan live as normal siblings.)
summary: Your best friend Quinn has gone to buy some snacks for the sleepover. Luckily, her brother is there to keep you entertained.
warnings: oral (m receiving), masturbation, subby(?)ethan, mentions of cunnilingus,
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“Oh, come on y/n.” Quinn urges you, lying on her stomach. “Give Chad a chance, he’s hot.”
“I don’t know, Quinnie.” you shrug, plopping down on the bed. “He seems decent, but I'm not interested in anyone right now.”
That was a lie. By a long shot.
You were interested in someone. The only problem? He just so happened to be Quinn's brother. And Chad's roommate.
Did it stop you from touching yourself and humping your pillow pretending to ride him? No.
He was such a sweet boy. You couldn’t help but pump those fingers inside of you, moaning his name aloud once you were sure no one would hear or enter.
You shamelessly let the thought of riding his face bring you to your orgasm. You imagined his tongue lapping up your folds and pushing that button in your cunt.
And let’s not get started on that fantasy of you taking him into your mouth, guiding his inexperienced hands to grip your hair and allowing him to completely fuck your throat as your tits are out, bouncing with every thrust past your plump lips.
“Anyways,” Quinn sighed in boredom, standing up and putting her jacket on. “You've got 5? I wanna get us some snacks.”
“In my pockets.” You answered, biting your cheek as you looked up at the ceiling.
You sighed softly, pondering what to do once Quinn leaves. Until an idea pops up in your head.
Ethan is in the living room. What’s wrong with wanting to watch an innocent movie with your friend's sweet brother?
“Hey Quinnie, I’ll see you out the door.” you say softly, standing up and following behind her.
“Thanks y/n/n.” she smiled, walking out of the room into the living room where Ethan sat. As soon as Ethan heard footsteps, he turned around and looked at you with those heart eyes that never failed to make you smile. He was so whipped for you.
Ethan first discovered his crush on you when Quinn took you to her home for an econ-project. You were so pretty, so kind. It’s a shame Quinn closed the door. But as luck would have it, you began to stick around even after the project.
You became a regular in Quinns appartement, somewhere Ethan would also be in frequently. You’d often help him with his homework, and each time he almost came inside of his pants with the way you leaned down to explain something to him, your breath hitting his ear and you’re tits hanging. Or when you'd bend over the table to point at something on the other side, your ass raised in the air.
Each little detail of your movements played through his mind as he pumped his length every night, desperately whimpering into his pillow as to not let his roommate hear. His other hand occupied with scrolling through your instagram, ultimately coming across a video of your voice which pushed him to his orgasm, splashing all over his stomach.
“Call me when you get there, Quinnie.” you chirped happily, closing the door.
His heart skipped a beat when you turned to him, walking around the couch to sit next to him.
“Hi, Ethan.” you smile, your tits bouncing as you plopped down on the lap. god, how was he supposed to spend this night without feeling those soft breasts?
“Hi.” he murmured quietly, turning to tv.
“Can I watch this with you?” you ask in your softest voice, your hand on his thigh, dangerously close to his semi-hard cock. “I get lonely when Quinnie isn’t here to entertain me.”
“Y-yeah, sure.” he stuttered, resisting the urge to guide your hand to palm his dick.
“Great!” you smile, scooting closer to him, the back of your skirt rubbing against the sofa, causing it to be help up. god, he wanted you to stuff that into your mouth as you praised him.
“Can I sit on your lap?” she interrupted his thoughts, rubbing his thigh. “I like cuddling with people.”
“Mhm,” he managed to get out of his mouth, resisting the urge to let out a moan at your words. albeit, that failed when you sat on his lip, your clothed ass rubbing against his clothed cock.
and although his lips were bitten on by himself, she could hear the whimper, causing her to turn around and straddle him, her pussy rubbing against his hard length.
“Sweet boy, can I do something to ease your pain?” she asks sweetly, her hand finding the waistband of his pants. he couldn’t have nodded his head faster. anything for her. his dream girl.
she smiles, getting off his lap causing him to whine. she dropped to her knees, pulling his pants with her.
“You want me to see how big you are?” she asked in a soft tone, her fingers hooking her fingers under his boxers. “Is that it, baby? You want me to praise your cock?”
“Mhm, yes!” he whimpered out as soon as she took his sensitive length into her hands. “W-want you to be proud of it.”
“I am, baby.” you soothe him, your hand reaching up to stroke his brown curls. “Relax.”
he sighed in pleasure, closing his eyes as his curls are being paid attention to by your fingers. the silence being interrupted by a moan as soon as you place a kitten lick on his tip.
“You want to fuck my throat, baby? you ask sweetly, licking the vein underneath. “Ask nicely, sweetie.”
“P-please, y/n.” he whimpered, his cock throbbing under your attention. “need you. fuck, you’re so hot.”
“How long have you wanted me?” You tease, kitty licking the tip again. “Tell me and I'll relieve your pain with my mouth.”
“Mhm,” he whimpers, hips bucking up in a desperate attempt to gain pleasure. “S-so long. I like you coming over. I-I want to feel your tits.”
“You will, baby.” you coo, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Not now tho. Now you can only look at them as I suck you off, my pretty boy.”
He nodded feverishly, head thrown back as you took him into your mouth.
You stilled her movement in her mouth to let your round tits spill out of your top, before bobbing your head up and down his length, your tits bouncing with every movement.
Ethan really tried to hold it in. He knew you wouldn’t like it if he bucked his hips and just fucked your throat raw until your saliva dripped in the same route as the vein.
you she moaned loudly, the vibrations shooting straight up his throbbing cock as he let out whimpers and moans.
“I'm close!” he moaned out, feeling that tight knot in his stomach. “Please, let me cum in your pretty mouth.”
“Praise me first.” you demanded, pulling off his cock to speak, using your hands instead.
“You’re so - fuck!” he moans, shuddering and squirming. “S-so pretty. I l-love it when you’re being kind to-to me.”
You let out a moan at his words, using your mouth again and hollowing your cheeks.
“F-fuck. When you bend over to teach me something I j-just… want to kiss and suck those tits.” he moaned, thrusting his hips. “I-I don’t like hearing Chad talk about you. I can’t stand sharing you.”
You keep sucking, gagging on his cock. You use your hands on the part that doesn’t fit, squeezing your thighs together with your slick wetness im between them.
“F-fuck. You’re so kind. I just want to suck on your cunt u-until you come all over my face.”
That did it. At his words, you let out a loud pornographic moan, shooting straight up his dick, causing his cum to stream down your throat.
You pulled your mouth off his cock with a pop, your eyes teary and panting.
“God,” you whimpered, straddling him but careful not to grind against his sensitive cock. “You really are my sweet boy.”
He smiled at her words, leaning into her touch. “Promise me you only do this to me?”
“I promise, my pretty boy. All mine.” you whisper, cupping his cheek.
“Now,” you grin, licking a stripe up his throat. “I think I deserve to sit on your face, don’t I?”
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yetiwang2000 · 1 month
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Fem! Villains are playing cards!
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paperglader · 3 months
it hit me again yesterday- literally as i was about to fall asleep- how stupidly cute it is that marisha as beau randomly burst out "i could be her beacon [that guides her home]" all awkward and earnest about jester, for then one campaign later, finally, laura as imogen come back to her with "you're my tether, laudna. sometimes i feel like i’m about to float away, but as long as you’re there" and i just think that's beautiful and another reminder of how in so many ways CR continues to be endless love letters from the cast to each other.
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macaulaytwins · 9 months
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“Oh drunken gods of slaughter, you know I’ve always been your favorite daughter”
NBC’s Hannibal // Netflix’s Arcane // AMC’s Interview With the Vampire // The Orestiea, Anne Carson // “Ptolomaea”, Ethel Cain
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iconsfilm · 1 year
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the little mermaid bts icons | like or reblog if you save
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