#female vash
kuidzh · 7 months
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happy belated valentine's day💘
fem vashwood make things better
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julsgax · 1 year
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kreweofscifi · 7 days
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Megan thee Stallion’s dress from the VMAs was made for my specific type of brainrot
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vrronica-sawyer · 5 months
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doomed-prophetess · 7 months
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Ravit Raufman: The Affinity Between Incest and Women's Mutilation in the Feminine Druze Versions of “The Maiden Without Hands"
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how is it that NO ONE in canon crushes on/is in love with Q, besides ANOTHER Q AND VASH?! Seriously what?? that doesn't make sense
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newmoonradio · 1 year
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Vash the stampede
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fernandamaya · 1 year
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Of Hopes and Dreams - 2023 This is the third and so far my fav fanart I've done of the bbygirl comfort character that is Vash. I truly love him so much that I finally gave in on doing some occasional fanart and thanks to him I feel more comfortable with drawing characters that differ from my personal style to the point of reaching some other ways of working around my drawings and implementing them (thus mutating my style and i love that for me lol) Truly so thankful that this character exists, I love him and he deserves peace and happiness and only fluffy and funny things :') Available as print on my store :) (But also if you wanna directly support u can paypal me for the high res file ♥ )
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alexxuun · 9 months
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What is this knock-off vash the stampede doing in my tumblr ad?
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tenabrye · 1 year
Could i get headcanons for Vash having separation anxiety from his reader s/o? Like if he has to stay home and she goes to work, or the store? Hes like a puppy waiting for her to come home!
Thank you!
Vash has puppy vibes. Golden Retriever, specifically.
(I now picture the scene with Spongebob watching behind the windows of the Krusty Krab as Squidward walks in. That's Vash and the reader.)
He honestly tries to make do without your presence for certain periods of time, yet he fails. Miserably, might I add. He doesn't completely freak out if he wakes and you're not in the bed with him, but he will go and look for you in either your shared home or the inn if you're renting a room.
Vash hates it when you tell him he can't go out with you sometimes. He doesn't mind and will even offer to carry all of your bags just so you say yes, but you don't. Or if you go out to run errands without him.
This man waits for you like a dog. If he hears your vehicle or you walking towards the front door, he's at either the window or the door with a smile spread across his face. Hold onto whatever it is in your grip tightly, because he will hug you so fast and spin you around happily.
He does this a lot, especially if you work a day job with long hours. Vash will give you kisses before you leave for the day and as soon as that door shuts behind you, he will sit in silence and just wait. Maybe pick up a book or do a chore or something to at least keep his mind off of you, but it only does so much.
You once asked him what he does when you're at work all day, to which he replied, "I wait for you to come back." He said it in such a soft tone that was accompanied by the cutest smile, and you just couldn't help but give him a big ole smooch.
He's just a big puppy in disguise and is so excited each and every time you return home to him. Gives you all the hugs and kisses to the point where you actually have said, "Sit boy, sit." He followed it without a thought.
Vash will voice his feelings about you leaving him when running errands and such. He doesn't like to stay at home when you're out and about. He knows work is different, but he can't help but think about and miss you.
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jojikawa · 1 year
Vash the Stampede x Starfire!reader
Vash the Stampede and a Fem/Fem-bodied reader who is an Alien Princess that ends up in Noman's Land!
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Vash didn’t expect to see many other forms of life apart from Homosapiens. Humans. The standard stuff. Before Meryl, Roberto, and Nicolas, he was mostly on his own. It was hard to separate himself from his brother who would terrorize everyone. They were twins, after all. So, when he came across you, someone who clearly wasn’t human, he was extremely surprised. Just at a glance, he wasn’t able to tell exactly what you were but it didn’t seem good at all. You were humanoid which was identifiable enough, looking similar to a human woman. Vash only learned of you because there was a huge commotion of “some chick” going around and terrorizing a large settlement.
At first, Vash believed it to be Naï before he learned it was a woman. When he finally came in contact with you, he saw how distressed you looked. Your body language showed it all.
Vash was the only person who could restrain you because everyone else wanted to deal with you through violence. Although bullets didn’t have any effect on your diamond skin, they made you much angrier and that would only put more people in danger. He tried over and over to talk to you but you were unable to understand his language, so he communicated the only way he knew that worked.
He pressed his forehead to yours lovingly, hands holding either side of your head. It was an odd gesture but it worked for the plants…and it was the only way to keep you from headbutting him. Lucky enough for him, it worked! You seemed to calm down. Although, it wasn’t because of his thoughtful gesture. You just became extremely confused and eventually docile. Then he removed your cuffs.
“My name is Vash. Can you tell me your name? Where you’re from? I can take you home.”
The only thing Vash received in response was a cute head tilt from you. At first, he believed you to be mute until you actually began speaking. 
“Zu’u krosis nuz Zu’u nis mindoraan hi.”
“Eh!?” Vash sweatdropped with a blush of embarrassment covering his face. He’s never heard a language like that before. You beckoned him to bend down to your height and once he obliged, you pressed your lips to his. The kiss made his cheeks turn red and burn with delight!
When you pulled away, Vash stepped back. You held your fingertips over your lips. “Mmm…V-Va-sh?” You repeated, broken English and all before correctly saying his name. “Vash.”
You smiled kindly. “I am sorry if I’ve startled you with my actions. It was the only way I could learn your language.”
Vash, now astonished at your ability to speak perfectly, could only stare and fumble over his words. “I-I…uh *ahem* No problem!” He rubbed the nap of his neck with his prosthetic arm. “Can you tell me where I am in the solar system?” You asked politely.
Your new escort noticed that your attire was extremely different. It was skimpy but tattered as if you had just escaped from somewhere. 
“You’re on Noman’s land—H-Hey, you should put something on! It gets really cold here at night.” Vash began to remove his jacket. “Why are you giving this to me? Does it not belong to you?” You allowed him to place his cloak around your shoulders, closing it just a bit to hide your body. It was very much clear now that you weren’t human but your body was extremely humanoid with assets similar to a human female. Your appearance could be considered distracting given that your clothes were partially destroyed, leaving yourself for all to see.
“T-Trust me. You need it way more.”
You looked down at yourself, unsure of what he was referring to. You dismissed it, carrying on the conversation. “Can you please inform me of what the ‘land of no men is’?” You looked around for a brief moment. “Just at a glance, I can see that this place is nearly uninhabitable. Is that the origin or ‘no men’ and if so, why are you here?”
Vash laughed awkwardly. “It’s a long story. First, we need to—“
The two of you were interrupted by a group of people. They had guns, all pointed at you. They surrounded the both of you and the circle grew ever smaller.
“Out of the way, Vash.” An older woman motioned her gun to the side. “It’s best we trade this gal for a new plant.”
The confrontation made you furrow your eyebrows. Your eyes began to glow. “Do not worry, I will handle the hostiles.”
Vash didn’t know at all what you were trying to do but he could tell you would easily kill these people. “N-No! Wait!” He threw out his arms, trying to cease the conflict between you and the citizens of this run-down village.
Unfortunately, at the same time, the people fired their guns, and lasers shot from your eyes. You would have killed the ones in front of you if Vash didn’t tackle you. Neither of you were hit by the bullets
“What are you doing?” You questioned, pushing him off of you. “I’m protecting them! Dot hurt them!” The man begged. 
“Last chance! Give her over.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Vash, why are you protecting these inhabitants? They are using lethal force on me while you are in the crossfire.”
Vash got up from on top of you before quickly turning to your attackers. “Guys, it’s okay! I’ll fix the plant and you’ll never see her again!”
And that’s how your relationship with Vash the Stampede began. He somehow convinced the townsfolk to let you go despite the damage you caused. You began traveling with him on his adventures and met new humans called Meryl, Roberto, and Nicolas.
They all had their different opinions of you. Roberto wanted nothing to do with you, only believing you’d bring more trouble. I mean, why did you show up the way you did? Yeah, no. Anyways. 
Meryl believed you were important somehow. Vash told her how the two of you met. It would make an amazing story! She asked you many things, even about your homeland. Of course,  she was skeptical at first, but who isn’t?
Nicolas thought you were the cutest. He loved teasing you with words and phrases you didn’t know or failed to understand. He nicknamed you “firecracker” because of your temper.
Yet, not all of them knew your story. Your real story. Being a gentleman, Vash didn’t want to pry, even if you were an illegitimate couple. He felt loyal to you somehow because of your circumstances and he was the only person you ever kissed to expand on the human language. That means you two cared about each other, yeah? There seemed to be some kind of boundary. 
The lot of you settled down for the night with a campfire. The humans were tired and didn’t want to spend the night driving. They were hungry as well.
Meryl wanted to know more about the attack that ensued when you first arrived. She claimed that it would make a good story, even telling you that she could possibly be promoted from it so, naturally, you felt obligated to help one of your friends. The small group began to grow on you and made you feel as though you could trust him.
As you told your story, Vash couldn’t help but give you a sad look. You turned out to be such a nice person and he couldn’t believe the situation you were in.
You sighed. “I have learned that my native tongue is nearly impossible for lower life forms to pronounce. That is why I have you call me (y/n) instead.” You ignored Roberto taking a swig of his drink with a big sigh. “I am from a planet that is…light years away. I am considered to be its leader. Like…a princess of sorts.” 
Meryl almost choked on her water. “A princess!? I have to write this down…” 
“You’re a princess?” Your partner tilted his head, his eyebrows raising at your statements. You silently nodded. Your gaze fell into your lap. “We were invaded by hostile life forms who tried to enslave our people. To keep bloodshed to a minimum, I tried to form an agreement with the invaders.” Your gaze shifted to the side, looking at the distant sandy wasteland. You hadn’t properly processed the whole situation. “We didn’t believe the agreement wouldn’t last long so…my twin sister sold me to them to ensure her own freedom once they attacked again.”
“Evil twin?” Roberto raised an eyebrow. “We have enough of those already.”
“There’s…space wars? Do you hear this?” Meryl glanced at Roberto who shook his head in response. “Not the time, newbie.”
Meryl jumped. “S-Sorry…I’m sorry that your sister sold you out like that.” Nicolas tsk’d, pulling out a new cigarette to satisfy his urges. “Your sister sounds like a real bitch.”
Bitch? You’ve never heard that word before.
“Bitch..?” You repeated. You turned to Vash. “May I…?” You pointed to your lips, signaling to him something no one else could understand. “Y-Yeah, sure.” 
The humanoid typhoon felt butterflies in his abdomen and his chest burn whenever you wanted to “learn a new word.”
The trio watched as you and Vash closed the distance between each other, kissing each other deeply. It only lasted for a second. You smiled softly. “Thank you.”
Turning to Nicolas, you nodded your head. “I agree. My sister is a ‘real bitch’.”
Vash laughed awkwardly, not at all expecting you to say the word so well. Meryl was even more confused. “What was that?!”
“What was…what?”
“You kissin’ needle noggin,” Nicolas smirked at you, giving you new and different vibes. It was still hard for you to read someone like him. “Needle noggin…? Oh! You mean Vash! On my planet, we can learn languages through lip contact. Vash is my translator.”
Meryl held a surprised expression for a moment before exhaling loudly. “Phew! I thought he was your boyfriend!”
“Kissing or ‘lip contact’ is something that people who are a couple do. We…aren’t a couple.” Vash leaned over and spoke close to your ear. It seems that your customs could be mistaken as romantic.
“What’s wrong with Vash being my boy-friend?”
Meryl shrugged. “I mean, if it’s true that you’re some alien princess then Vash is the most unlikely person to be your lover in my opinion…right?” She laughed, elbowing Roberto who didn’t humor her.
To be honest, Vash felt the same way. You were almost…exotic in a way. Who knew that out of all people in the world, he would get along with you: someone who isn’t even from this world! The plant nicknamed the “Humanoid Typhoon”, cast aside without being given a second thought, knew what it was like to feel wanted by someone! In a way, he didn’t deserve you or your kind nature.
“Hm…” You looked down at your lap again before smiling. You clasped your hands together and gave Meryl a close-eyed smile. “I think Vash would make the perfect boyfriend!”
“Anyway.” Roberto cleared his throat. “This, uh, slave trade thing. What’s supposed to happen with that? They’re not gonna come lookin’ for ya, right?”
“Oh! The invaders should not know where to find me, at least for now. The land of no men can not be detected on most locators since it’s unable to naturally sustain life.”
Nicolas stood up, exhaling a long cloud of smoke before stretching. “That’s good enough for me.” He began to walk off. “I’m gonna hit the hay.” 
“Yeah, me too.” Roberto made his way back over to the truck as well. “Come on, newbie.”
“It’s Meryl!” The young reporter narrowed her eyes at the older man. She sighed before standing. “You gotta tell me more about your customs in the morning! You have no idea how many people would be interested in hearing your side.” Her eyes held an innocent sort of eagerness. One that gave you joy. “Sure! I can not wait to tell you more.”
And then it was just the two of you left.
“Is there something wrong, Vash? You are rather quiet tonight…You have not eaten as well.” You took a portion of the cooked meat and held it to his mouth. “Do you need assistance?”
“No, no.” He gently moved your hand away. He gave you a sad smile, conveying how dejected he was to you so clearly. “I just…wish that there was a way I could protect you.”
“Protect me?” You grabbed Vash’s hands. “You have done such a good job protecting me already! I can also protect myself. You have nothing to worry about because we have each other.” Your face began to heat up. It felt like you were unofficially confessing your feelings to him. The only thing that stopped you from fully committing was the thought of rejection. You’ve been through so much with him already, but would he really want to be with a weak leader? A princess who failed to save her people and was captured?
Vash had a fear of rejection too. He knew for certain that you would probably want nothing to do with him once you’ve encountered Naï. There was just no way. They bled the same blood. Somehow, hearing about your hard past almost confirmed it for him. What would happen once Naï found out about you? He would stop at nothing to obtain you. If only there was a way to send you home.
You began to get worried when your partner didn’t answer you. He seemed to have zoned out, which was very unlike him. “Vash?” You called softly, bringing one of your hands up to his cheek. Your thumb rubbed it tenderly and you gave him a reassuring smile. “Nothing will happen to me.”
You felt like your words weren’t exactly putting him at ease so perhaps, you would need to let him in on more of your anatomy.
“I…I have something to tell you.” 
This made his eyes widen. You didn’t exactly look happy either.
“You can tell me anything.” He grabbed the wrist of the hand that was touching his face. You inhaled softly, preparing yourself internally. “My powers are fueled through…emotions. Anger, sadness, happiness, and love. I have very strong emotions of love that are connected to you. So, I am not worried about the harm that should befall you or me because I am strong enough to handle it.”
Vash’s already-tinted cheeks turned a deep red. His pupils retracted at your confession. He couldn’t believe the things that he was hearing from you. He’s been trying to push down his feelings for you for months!
“And…” you continued, averting your eyes. “I like the idea of lip contact with you—oh! And you being the male friend.”
“Boyfriend or…just friends?”
You blinked. “Well, you are my friend, that's a boy.” You squint your eyes at him. “…or at least I think you are. You seem to be male-identifying.”
Vash sighed, closing his eyes gently. You seemed to be a bit confused but, how could he blame you? He chuckled out loud before muttering “You’re so adorable.”
Your cheeks burned when he leaned in to kiss you one more time. He placed his free hand on your hip, pulling you slightly closer to him. His other hand gently squeezed your wrist. When he pulled away, he left you wanting more.
When you realized what happened, you leaped out of his grasp, covering your mouth with your hands.
“Aw, I didn’t scare you, did I?”
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kuidzh · 4 months
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me when w-w-w-when i mean- yeah me- i- yeah---
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horrorlove14 · 2 years
Relationship Headcanon with Vash - Trigun (1998 & 2023)
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Pairing: Vash the stampede x Gender Neutral! Plant! Reader
Sugary sweet fluff and established relationship
He would get so flustered whenever he holds your hand in public because he's not used to being affectionate towards anyone for a long time.
His favourite pet names for you would either be angel, sweetheart or starlight.
He would be touch-starved because he would have the urge to hold onto you anywhere and anytime in the form of hugs and kisses, making him clingy as a result.
Your pet names for him are either darling, honey or blue eyes which he loves and doesn't mind which one you call him.
Since both of you are plant humanoids, you wouldn't worry about ageing because you two can stay young together.
You like to borrow a piece of Vash's clothing (coat, shirt or sunglasses etc.) from time to time and he loves seeing you wearing them, making his heart race.
Vash loves it whenever you run your fingers through his hair and play with it because it brings him a sense of comfort which reminded him of his late caretaker, Rem.
Vash loves to act goofy and silly around you to make you laugh whenever you feel down during a bad day, which has cheered you up without fail.
Whenever he feels down, you would give him a big hug and reassure him that everything will be fine before giving him a peck on his cheek or lips, which makes him blush and feel better.
Vash would be self-conscious about exposing his body to you because it is covered in large scars, metal plates and metal seams but you're not bothered by the sight and reassures him that you love him no matter how he looks.
For your date nights, he would take you to the desert to have a picnic and campfire under the stars. He would always make sure that you're warm since the desert gets pretty cold during the night.
He would also take you out for a stroll through the streets of whatever town Vash's crew has stopped at. You two are holding each other's hands to prevent separation and enjoy the moment together.
When you said I love you for the first time towards Vash, he would tear up from happiness because he always thought that he was unworthy of love due to what happened with Rem and his twin, Knives. He would say it back before bear hugging you and placing butterflies all over your face.
Whenever you two get intimate with each other, your plant marks show up and emit a glow from them whenever you feel intense emotions, especially during lovemaking because of how your bodies react to them.
Vash looks forward to spending the rest of his life with you by going on many adventures with you and his crew and hopes one day, he'll marry you and have a family together.
Likes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
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Kiss My Booboos
Literally love this boy so much. I love a good confident but shy 2023 Vash. I think it suits him so well. Let your minds go wild😏
Relationship: Vash x Female Reader
Fandom: Trigun Stampede(2023)
Warnings: fluff :), Vash has some confidence, a little spicy(nothing explicit), kisses
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I sigh for the thousandth time in the whole of ten minutes. I was trying to focus purely on my book while Vash took care of a minor wound behind me. The hotel room was a bit luxurious, giving us a chance of privacy with my sitting on a couch a few feet away from the bed that Vash was sitting on. The back of the couch was facing him.
Vash The Stampede really doesn’t live up to his name, especially now of all times. Speaking of the devil, the blond groans in pain once again.
“Would you stop complaining?” I grumble, “it’s just a scratch!”
“A scratch from a bullet!” He whines, “it hurts like hell…”
“Awe, the poor baby,” my voice is high in pitch to perfect my mother impression, “want me to kiss all your booboos?”
I have seen most of his scars before, but he doesn’t like when people look at them, the reason why I’m sitting on this couch facing away from him in the first place. And since we’ve known each other for a long time, none of my jokes faze him.
“Actually, that would be nice.”
I chuckle, turning a page in my book, “well too bad-“ my eyes are away from the words on the page and over the side of the couch, looking at the half naked man in shock, “What?!”
“Y-you know I was just joking…right?” I mumble, almost falling off of the armrest of the couch. A pool of heat rushes to my cheeks at his sudden confession.
Of course, he had to have a shit eating grin on his face as he rested his chin on his hand. This was a rare side of Vash The Stampede. Overly shy with other woman and in public, but once he’s alone with someone that he knows well he’s quite confident. I’ve only see this a handful of times….nothing I can get used to though.
From what I can see on my spot from the couch, he’s sitting on the end of the bed with his daily sweatpants and isn’t wearing a shirt. All kinds of scars litter his upper body.
“Sure, but I think it’d make me feel better,” he says, voice somehow deeper than usual. He stands up, taking his time to walk around the couch and stand in front of me. My wide eyes followed him the whole time.
What in gods name was he doing?!
Within seconds, my hand is in his warm one as he brings it closer to his lips. He leaves a chaste kiss in the palm of my hand, his smirk still gracing his lips.
“What do you say?”
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grymmdark · 8 months
listen i know im a vashwood main but i also think that in stampede vashmeryl is a much stronger ship. like they're so much more to work with there and im surprised that stampede vashmeryl isnt significantly more popular.
i get that part of the reason stampede vashwood is so popular is because it's such a strong ship in the other trigun iterations as well as the stuff thats in stampede, but in terms of just stampede vashmeryl is stronger.
personally when it comes to stampede i think mashwood is best tho cus all 3 have very interesting dynamics, both in terms of in pairs and as a whole
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cosmic-seer · 1 year
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Gonna hop on the Mermay train for Day 2
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