#feral omega headcanon
omegaverse-seeker · 9 months
I have no clue if someone has ever asked this before, but do you have any headcannons for repressed Omegas? Like, literally anything on how they would react, because that trope is just *chefs kiss* to me. It can stand for some many things and I am absolutley feral about this :)
Honestly, I don't know where to even start. I'll just give you some random headcanons. I ain't gonna lie, I'm not really fond of this headcanon. Not because it's not interesting, it's just cause it usually stems from the fact that the Omega has been traumatized.
Nesting isn't natural to them. When they go into heat or are pregnant, they are mostly in bed or on the couch. They are anxious though, mostly because they need to nest but don't know how.
They don't scent. This also causes them to have a fever. If they can't release certain phermones, they'll get sick for bottling it up.
They probably avoid other Omegas. It's not they hate them or don't want to be around them, they just feel lost around them.
I can see them going mute if they struggle with making their regular crooning or purring noises.
They are actually almost about to go feral.
So, I don't know what else to add. Lol. If anyone with a bigger brian than I, please feel free to share!
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ghost-orchids-storm · 4 months
Batcher had been properly trained to only bite any threats to her family. Crosshair, however, has not and constantly fails his training despite even Omega's best abilities.
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going feral
i’ve mentioned feral alphas and omegas in a few posts before, but what does that mean? this post will discuss ferality,* its causes, common feral behaviors, and treatment.
*note: i will be using ‘ferality’ as opposed to the technically proper ‘ferity’ because the latter is based on the latin root and sounds pretentious, and the former is based on the english word and is more accessible
what is ferality?
ferality is a medical emergency caused most commonly by social isolation. it causes those afflicted to behave erratically, and is the most common cause of forced bites. it is one of the top ten causes of death for those over 80 years old. it is also called ‘loneliness disease’ or ‘bite fever,’ and is often euphemistically described as ‘losing oneself.’ in the past, more than a week of ferality was incurable. today, synthetic hormones and careful medically supervised management leads to over 90% of those afflicted to make a full recovery if treated before one week, and over 80% to regain most normal function if treated before two weeks. outcomes become less positive the longer someone experiences ferality, but there have only been 1,762 documented deaths directly from ferality in the US since 1980.
why does it happen?
humans in the omegaverse are pack animals not only because their ancestors saw practical advantages to living, hunting, and raising pups in groups, but because they were biologically dependent on one another. in simplest terms, interacting with pack aids the body in maintaining its optimal balance between the twelve dynamic (i.e., alpha, beta, and omega) hormones. prolonged lack of social support means that these hormones become unbalanced, leading the body to a state of multi-system disregulation.
ferality greatly reduces people’s access to the areas of the brain responsible for decision making, planning, empathy, and abstraction. it is the body’s desperate bid to regulate itself by any means necessary. those afflicted become impulsive, aggressive, and violent in some cases, so it is essential both for the afflicted person and those nearby that if you spot a feral person, you call emergency services immediately.
how do you spot it?
feral humans are fairly easy to spot based on their unusual, erratic, impulsive behavior. they may sniff the air (or other people) unsubtly, grab or touch things (or people) and fail to respond to spoken language. ferality is most commonly associated with inappropriate scent marking and biting for good reason: a feral person’s primary drive is to share scent with someone to help bring themselves back into balance. there are also some behaviors that can generally be attributed to the different dynamic sexes:
feral alphas tend to make aggressive eye contact as a posturing behavior
growling, snarling, and clicking at no one in particular
clenching and unclenching the fists and shifting from foot to foot
violence, especially toward other alphas
an acrid scent, like burning rubber or sulfur
feral betas’ eyes tend to shift rapidly, settling on nothing for very long
humming, clicking, huffing at no one in particular
similar to alphas, they clench and unclench the fists and shift from foot to foot
general restlessness, moving quickly
climbing and perching inappropriately (e.g. on tables, vehicles, or buildings)
a rotting scent, like old meat or milk
feral omegas tend to make glancing eye contact—they meet someone’s eyes, hold, and look away several times
whining, purring, and clicking at no one in particular
baring the neck indiscriminately in a bid to entice a bite
hiding/burrowing (e.g. under tables or in closets. there have been several cases of feral omegas in clothing stores nesting in the clothing racks)
a chemical scent, like bleach or ammonia
how is it treated?
if you spot someone afflicted by ferality, it is essential to call for an ambulance immediately.
treatment begins in the ambulance. typically, EMS technicians anesthetize the individual for everyone’s safety. once it is safe to do so, the technicians draw blood and begin measuring vital signs and hormone levels to ensure that the individual truly is feral. in the past 30 years, rapid tests have made measuring hormone levels faster than ever. these levels are recorded and passed off to hospital triage, along with a record of any emergency hormones administered.
the hospital then brings the individual to the feral ward, where they have an individual room and nesting material marked with synthetic pheromones of all three dynamics. if the individual has been feral for less than ~three days, typically this is enough to trigger their body to begin regulating itself. in some cases, the individual may need direct scent marking in order to jumpstart regulation. if it’s necessary, a nurse or technician will swab the individual’s face and neck with a cotton swab soaked in a synthetic pheromone solution.
in more moderate to severe cases, the individual may need further assistance regulating themselves. in these cases, the individual will receive intravenous hormones and extremely frequent monitoring.
typically, after a few days of hormone therapy, the individual’s body will have reached a state of equilibrium and will be able to maintain the balance itself again. however, in some severe cases, the individual’s body may be unable to maintain the balance. these people will need hormone therapy every other week indefinitely. in some cases (especially those where there is also malnutrition or other severe condition), the issue will resolve itself with time. in others, the hormone treatment is for life.
how is it prevented?
the best prevention is maintaining healthy pack bonds. if, for some reason, this is inaccessible, clinics, health departments, and hospitals typically have nesting materials marked with synthetic pheromones. in the past five years, some nesting material companies have begun offering materials marked with synthetic pheromones. in addition, matching agencies sometimes offer scent-marked clothing or nesting materials for sale, though this practice is judged fairly harshly.
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
<- A/B/O Anon
HI- *coughs* well, they aren’t exactly headcanons, just ideas I have that I wanna chat about.
I’m on a big Omega!Bruce kick so here they are. (these can or can’t be connected but I do love the idea of them being connected)
1. Brucie Wayne is a known Omega, one that flits from date to date. The thing is, Batman is known as an omega too. This time he’s the embodiment of an Omegan Mom protecting their nest Territory from all threats. Like Omegas used to do in the Olden Times™️, feral behavior and scenting is common >:3
2. A/B/O Dynamics don’t actually exist outside Gotham. Sure, some Gothamites have moved out so A/B/O is known, but isn’t seen outside Gothamites.
So when Dick Grayson came to Gotham he was very confused and didn’t really understand what was going on.
When Bruce eventually scoops him up and brings him home, Dick is even more confused. Atleast in Juvie the A/B/O behaviors were stifled except for posturing, but now outside of Juvie? In the home of an Omega? He’s gonna get the full brunt of Bruce both fussing over him and trying his best to not cross the line of Bruce being his Pack Guardian and not Pack Omega. (Either way, for Dick it’s very much smothering)
It doesn’t click for Bruce or Alfred until Bruce comes sulking to Alfred about his pup being broken and not even accepting being scented! Doesn’t Dick want to feel safe??? No one’s going to touch Dick if he’s smothered in Wayne Scent!!! (Maybe eventually Dick gets startled when he starts to instinctively responding as a pup would/is able to smell scents/feel pack bonds)
3. When Jason gets tossed into the Lazarus pit, it actually repairs his pack bonds. Sure, it’s not perfect, Jason can’t actually reach out through the bonds to respond- but he can feel his Pack’s love, not to mention their desperation to get him back as soon as they realize Jay’s bonds are back. (Talia, meanwhile, is still trying to convince Jay that Bruce doesn’t love him and how he replaced him, but that doesn’t quite work as Jason can feel his Pack’s love- not to mention the absolute adoration coming from the newest, weakest, and youngest link in the pack)
4. And finally four- One of the Robins vanish from the Teen Titans for quite a bit- and when they come back, they’re questioned on where they went. Robin sighs and just says Batman was being broody again, and the Teen Titans just think that Batman was brooding.
In actuality, the Robin had to deal with Bruce being broody in the chicken sense. AKA, “You Are My Child And I Will Keep You In My Nest And Focus Entirely On You And Your Well-being. ..What do you mean taking care of myself? I have to take care of my PUP!”
I absolutely adore all of this. Love the idea of it being a Gotham thing because Gotham is just Like That. Like there's so many curses and magic and who knows how many chemicals that they're like, still human but also just built different.
Gosh, if heats are a thing I like to think they're more platonic. Just, fussing over pack members and being the Broodiest Thing Ever with every family member and will get Upset if one tries to leave the Nest where they are Safe and can be Taken Care Of.
Pfft, the poor Justice League are not prepared for Batman to get broody on a mission and force them all to take care of themselves with no context. They're not his pack, but well, they have fought together and they're sort-of friends, depending on the timeline.
Poor Damian is going to get smothered, Bruce is going to get Very broody the moment Jason returns, and with Another Pup. Tim & Dick get yoinked back from the Titans Tower to be smothered and snuggled and absolutely covered in the family's scent.
Absolutely love the idea of them learning how to be a pup and pack together and am vibrating in utter glee at all of this.
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foulwitchknight · 3 months
O! Steve knows he has a reputation for being a playboy and tries extra hard to prove to Eddie that he cares more about him than just his body. He’s deliberate about taking the relationship slow and making sure that everything is above board. No touches below the belt. No heavy scenting or overly friendly kisses and every date is either in a group or in pubic. Steve makes sure that he sleeps in his own bed and gives Eddie plenty of space. Meanwhile O!Eddie is giving all the hints to Steve that he wants to be touched! He practically goes feral when Steve enters the room. The only thing keeping him from jumping Steve’s bones is the items he keeps stealing from Steves room that are heavy with Steve’s scent. He excuses himself to sniff it when he’s feeling too frustrated and it helps calm his omega down.
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omegaversehellscape · 2 years
talk to me about feral omegas !!! omegas fighting alphas when another omega goes into heat !!! omegas defending their "territory" !! nesting omegas ready to bite anyone who enters their room !!
i'm tired of hearing about docile omegas, they're care takers they should be ready to fight at the drop of a hat !!
I am 100% for feral omegas! just chaos bringing omegas.
Omegas that are there to cause problems if you cross their boundaries!
I am a huge fan of Omegas growling when upset. I think it would probably be an uncommon thing just because omegas are treated in a certain way BUT that means that when it happens it is so much more shocking!
I'm thinking about older omegas that watch out for their younger counterparts. Like in a mall if an omega is distressed, a friendly feral grandma omega shows up to growl at people getting in the distressed omega's space.
I love the idea of omegas as caretakers but not passive! Omegas that break into their friend's house to drop off nesting supplies all the while being like "You have shit nesting stuff here you go also im going to be on your couch to make sure no one bugs you okay".
Thinking about omegas that scent mark everything they touch like possessive little monsters. You cannot lend them clothes unless you accept that they will return them completely covered in their scent.
My personal favourite type of feral adjacent omega is kinda bratty and mean but I also love the idea of aggressively supportive and caring feral omega.
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minks-country-club · 2 years
I absolutely love omega x omega and alpha x alpha. It's so underrated. Just imagine:
2 omegas in heat. They're cuddling and rubbing up on each other, everything is soft and sweet and squishy and cozy and they're both so pliant with each other. Omegas taking care of each other and because they're both omegas, its comforting to each other. Maybe they dont start out as a couple and dont end in a romantic relationship but they eventually find comfort in each other when one starts humping a leg or a pillow and the other is so desperate that they end up joining in and help them satiate their need.
2 alphas in a rut is just pure chaos. They wanna fuck and they wanna fuck hard. They wanna bite and claim and mate and impregnate and fuck some more. They wanna bury themselves in the other but neither of them are capable of giving up control and dominance. They fight to dominate whilst also being balls-deep in each other. It's worse because the smell of another alpha is threatening and makes their senses go into fight mode to dominate and claim but also protect themselves. So as they're trying to fuck, their instincts are telling them that the other alpha is a threat.
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omegaverse-daily · 5 months
Any headcanons about alphas submitting to omegas out of need not want. Like omegas who are so fear induced it causes anger and they become dangerous. How would that go? In what way do you think an alpha would submit, how could they make themselves small enough for an omega to calm down to allowing them near?
Hellloooo000000 beautiful peopleeeee
I like alphas submitting to omegas. Out of need or want or anything in between, I DONT CARE, I love it.
So alphas submitting to omegas headcanons, start!
This ask is centered more around the fear side of needing to submit ofc so I'll start there. I’ve thought a little about this myself so maybe I can try my best to answer even tho I’m sure others probs have better grasps on alpha behavior than me teehee.
So, let’s say an omega is in an extremely fearful mindset. A number of things could have happened to bring them there, and if an omega has trauma or was recently traumatized they could be dealing with a stress induced post trauma mindset started again by nightmares or triggered memories, it’s not so important aside from the fact they’re currently in a mindset that has them reacting at base instinct of aggression and lashing out in order to protect themselves or someone else, like another omega or a pup.
The omega is growling loudly, fat tears streaming down their cheeks because they’re so scared from whatever is making them feel this was, they’ve already caused some damage to other packmates who’ve been lucky to come away with injuries not deadly, but they’ve only just made the omegas mind state worse.
All packmates are good for situations like this usually, but sometimes in these heavily primal mindsets, they’ll need submission to show them that they’re in charge of this situation, so at least on a base level, especially if they’re out of their mind and again, just working on base fear instinct, they’ll know they’re no longer in danger. But perhaps, other omegas submitting hasn’t helped and betas trying too has also had no effect so the last and most unusual rung of the ladder to submit is an alpha. It’s not necessarily entirely uncommon for alphas to submit (to my verse ideas at least) but it is uncommon to do outside of an omega partner or very high ranking omega. It’s also difficult.
Alphas scents differ distinctly like omega scents and beta scents do. You’d be able to distinguish them at least most likely, so submitting to a dangerous omega as an alpha poses a bit of a threat on its own. Being an alpha, especially in a situation the omega is suffering because of an alpha, is not ideal in these situations. They’re used to being submitted to but not always submitting.
I think, the first thing to do for an alpha would be to get as small as they can if they aren’t already a small alpha. And if they were, make their presence small. (Alphas might not always have the physical size or exuberant presence that can be overwhelming, I think they too can be meek and smaller in many ways if that’s just how they look or how their personalities go, but being an alpha still means needing to adjust in situations like this to avoid danger.
So alpha makes themself smaller in anyway they need to at first. That put their presence in a much less threatening place to an omega who isn’t so aware of surroundings outside of their fear.
Next, an alpha needs to smell and sound submissive or placating. Some alphas would have a bit of shame for doing such a thing, some would even object entirely but an omega in this state requires the actions to be taken.
I think presenting themselves in a submitting way is the last thing they’d do. Barring their necks the last possible thing necessary because it’s the most dangerous of steps. Barring your neck at any aggressive wolf, be it fear aggressive or just down right so, is stupidly dangerous. That’s one of a persons most vital spots so it’s the last offered but often the most placating. An alpha submitting to an omega completely and fully can bring many omegas down from such a state. (If they can’t be brought down from this, they probably have to be taken down and sedated for their safety and others)
Ways to tell an omega is accepting the submission is a lessening in growls, defensive posture lowering and especially response to the sounds the alpha (or anyone in this case) is making. In their deepest headspace, when the alpha trying to calm them is in complete submission posture (even mindset teehee) the omega slowly scenting them is another great sign but never a sign of danger being gone. Not until they completely relax and show functioning cognition again, without that, trust can be broken and the cycle can be reverse.
This mindset can be solved simply with time but the dangers of it being left in such a raw state is not desired by packs especially if other packmates or pack puppies are involved due to possibility of accidental injury.
And ooog I just love alphas having to go submission brain for omegas. It makes my brain feel like mush.
Thanks guys :))))
-Puppy mod
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Omegaverse Headcanons
Packs often live either together or close by each other. Pack housing is usually like a house with most of the rooms having en suite bathrooms and sometimes kitchenettes. With usually shared spaces like living rooms. If they can't afford to live like that, then usually they meet up whenever they can (typically once a week)
Pups traditionally are born in and sleep in the nest for about five years.
There are two types of adoption: pack adoption and personal adoption. Personal is basically similar to real life. Pack adoption can be formal or informal. Legal pack adoptions heavily favour packs that live close together, but more scattered packs can be successful as well. All pack members must consent to the adoption, and pass inspection. In a pack adoption pups are raised communally, the legal guardians are the Pack Leaders. Pack adoptions go back much further than personal ones.
Any dynamic can run a pack. And a pack can contain any amounts of dynamics. You can have an all Omega Women pack with over one hundred members, or one with one of each dynamic.
Pups form pseudo packs starting at about five years old. These help them learn about boundaries, socialization, rules and punishments, and so on. These packs may shuffle their hierarchy and members often. Permanent packs don't typically start forming until after presentation.
The mental state known as "feral" is a response to trauma. They respond entirely on instinct. They are unlikely to be able to speak, but they may still understand packmates and their mate. The most common amount of time for someone to be feral is about three days. Though it scales depending on how much they are impacted by the trauma. The record that someone came naturally out of is two years.
A feral Alpha is going to be hyper protective of those around them, even the slightest scent of distress triggering aggressive posturing. However they aren't mindless violence machines. They also heavily map out their territory, scent marking EVERYTHING. They may be interested in mating if they already have a mate nearby. (do not mate with a feral partner, as they can not give meaningful consent). They also seek out and hoard food. (Alphas are PROVIDERS, this includes food!)
Feral Omegas do not want to leave their nests except for necessities. They will respond with aggression to any unfamiliar scent. if they wouldn't let you into their nest normally, they won't let you near them now. The exception is if you are unpresented. A feral Omega may try to coax you into their nest and care for you, becoming protective of this "pup" they have claimed. Like Alphas they scent very heavily and are very sensitive to other's scents. Feral Omegas are typically uninterested in mating unless they are in heat (a very dangerous situation as they will not have the state of mind to refuse advances)
Feral Betas are interesting because unlike Alphas and Omegas, Betas actively seek out strangers in their feral state. Betas do not respond well to distress and loud noises and will try to calm down the situation with their calming pheromones while being more and more stressed out themselves. Feral Betas also prefer high vantage points, as it is where they feel safest. Feral Betas do not seek out food often, only eating what they can find easily, and best receive food given by Alphas and Omegas, especially if they are from the same pack. (they do take food from non packmates as well, but not if they are also Betas.) Betas also do not like to be in one place long, unless they are surrounded by packmates.
With Alphas building Dens, Omegas Nesting and Betas Perching, the most traditional type of dwelling resembles a human sized cat tree. Box shaped Dens, nests inside, and tall towers that are communal spaces. Perches may include hammocks.
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purrmoon · 1 year
Any headcanons about alphas submitting to omegas out of need not want. Like omegas who are so fear induced it causes anger and they become dangerous. How would that go? In what way do you think an alpha would submit, how could they make themselves small enough for an omega to calm down to allowing them near?
sorry it took me so long to get to this nonny! it's been kinda hectic xD
hmm 🤔
first, speaking quietly, keeping their voice even and calm. slow movements. making sure the hands are visible, palms turned up so there's no worry about hidden weapons or claws. shoulders down; they don't necessarily have to bare their throat, especially if they're worried the omega might lunge, but trying to keep it covered could set the omega off as well.
some omegas would probably appreciate the alpha making themselves smaller, but that might make others more skittish (believing that the alpha is concealing something, or protecting something from someone else, or covering an injury). i think crouching / putting the omega on higher ground is probably universally appreciated, though?
removing any visible weapons, if that's a concern, lol.
advice on specifically making themselves smaller--crouching, hunching, curling in. maybe lying down? especially on their side, but going belly up, even if you can't curl up quite as much that way, is a very vulnerable position.
outside of that... offering up a jacket or blanket, something they can wrap up in, might be welcomed. (especially if there are a lot of scents nearby; having something to focus on might help a lot!) also: making whatever area they're in feel safer, giving them defenses or some nesting material---if they don't need to leave immediately, anyway.
some omegas may respond well to scents being uncovered, but others might actually appreciate them being blocked/muffled. (i read one fic where the omega didn't respond well to scents because their prior pack had used scent to manipulate them. and then in a lot of other fics u have omegas/other dynamics freaking out because without scent its harder to determine intention!)
a pack member could try Command---though that could also make things much, much worse
regardless of what methods are used, though, i imagine the process takes a bit. (except in rare exceptions, where maybe an omega might latch immediately onto a scent or voice?) it can go quicker if the alpha, or whoever is working with them, has been professionally trained, or if there's been trust built up between them/they're pack (though i assume it would have to be new pack? or pack had only just arrived on scene, for them not to latch on immediately). but! definitely a slow process that requires a lot of patience and calm and gentleness~
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malriex · 1 year
Omegas when they’re pissed
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omegaverse-seeker · 1 year
Do you have any ideas on alphas who submit to omegas? Not out of a submissive feeling but more so out of necessity? Like a very fearful omega is ramping up in fear based anger or with a feral omega. Honestly anything that involves an alpha submitting out of necessity. It’s a thought I think of a lot but I don’t know how it would go physically. Like how they would submit in a way to make an omegas fight levels drop drastically.
OOOOOOOH, I like this question. You got an interesting brain.
So Alpha is trying, or willingly, to submit, to stop the Omega from going feral. There are many things that could happen. It just depends on how you decide to go about it.
The Alpha making certain noises to get through the Omega would be one thing. So imagine them whimpering and whining, almost pup-like to get them to focus.
Or just making soothing sounds to get the Omega to focus/calm down.
For sure them getting down on their knees and baring their neck and letting out heavy waves of their scent to show the Omega that they are there for them.
Just simply telling them that they are backing down/submitting to them.
Alpha making themselves small as possible.
Maybe the Alpha raise up their wrists in hopes that the Omega is willing to just smell their scent and release they don't mean harm.
Bowing their heads, I feel like the nape of any dynamic is a really sacred part of their bodies, they show it off to said Omega.
If the Alpha is a perspective partner to the Omega, maybe they would try to hug them or scent them.
The possibilities are endless, but I love this ask so much.
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yuujispinkhair · 10 months
Alpha!Yuuji headcanons
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A sweet anon sent me an ask wanting to know my thoughts about Alpha!Yuuji and my brain went grrr. Thank you!! I finally had an excuse to write about this strong and sexy Alpha with the sunshine smile and the knot so thick that it makes us sob ;) As you can see, I wrote this very shamelessly with my omega pussy lol but I hope my fellow Yuuji lovers can enjoy this self-indulgent piece too ;)
Pairing: Alpha!Yuuji x Omega!Reader (female) Genre: smut + fluff, Omegaverse AU Word Count: 3k Warnings: 18+, omegaverse, smut, breeding, knotting, creampie, pregnancy, biting, a bit of rough sex when Yuuji is in a rut, slight lactation kink, praise, mentions of blood and scars. Yuuji has to kill to protect his pack. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact. Thank you for the star divider @/benkeibear. There is now fanart for this AU!! Thank you so much to @sandiaarts !!
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+ Alpha!Yuuji, who is the strongest Alpha in the city but never planned to become a leader. Until the former boss-Alpha dies and is succeeded by his cruel son, who puts the whole city under his reign of terror. That's when Yuuji's heroic instincts are triggered, and he decides to step up and claim the position as the ruling Alpha.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who you see for the first time during his fight for dominance in a back alley behind a nightclub where the packs are gathered to watch the fight that will decide who becomes their new leader. You get one look at this gorgeous pink-haired Alpha and already know he will win. Tall and buff, with firm muscles and a feral conviction in his golden eyes. A true Alpha!
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who wins the fight after just a few minutes. He lifts his face while pinning his opponent down, one hand on the man's head and one foot on his back. His golden eyes find you in the crowd, and you feel a shudder run through you, your Omega cunt slicking up just at the sight of this strong and brave Alpha. Your new leader, who you will submit to all too happily.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who is so attractive with his boyish good looks and that muscular, powerful build. He has such a pretty sunshine smile but also such a broad, tall body packed with buff muscles. His skin is littered with scars that show the feral fighter he is, making him look so sexy and strong that it causes the most primal needs to awaken in you. You want to offer yourself to him, offer your slicked-up Omega cunt to him so he can breed you full of his strong pups.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who finds you later on in the nightclub, where you celebrate his victory. Who smiles sweetly when you congratulate him on his win. Who is so kind and easy to get along with despite how powerful he is. Who tells you he hates fighting, but since he is unfortunately very good at it, he thinks it's his duty to use his fists to protect the ones who are weaker than him.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who makes your Omega cunt throb with his words. All your primal instincts scream that you need this big, strong Alpha who is so brave and kind. You feel dizzy when you smell his enticing scent, filling your nostrils with its sexy, musky smell of wood and sunlight and the deep, rich aroma of ripe cherries. You gulp nervously as you tilt your head to look up at Yuuji's gorgeous face and see the same craving you feel mirrored in his golden eyes.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who mounts you only a few minutes later. Bending you over a table in the backroom of the nightclub, his pants and boxer briefs hastily pushed down while he ruts feverishly into you from behind. Riled up from the fight and exhilarated from the victory, needing to sink his Alpha cock into a willing slicked-up Omega cunt to come down again.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who fucks you like the leader that he is now. Who leans down to cage you between his big buff body and the table, interlacing his large fingers with your smaller ones while he fucks into you, making you cream again and again on his fat Alpha cock. His canines graze your skin as if he can hardly restrain himself from marking you as his mate right then and there.
+ Alpha Yuuji, who presses his nose against your neck and sniffs you, inhaling your scent hungrily and moaning against your neck, "Fuck. Fuck. You smell so good, baby." His big, heavy body shudders behind you while you feel him pulse his hot seed into you. And you know at that moment that you want to be his. That you want him to be your Alpha and your mate. You hope he will claim you one day!
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who doesn't pull out and leave after your needy fuck, like most new pack leaders would. Many of them would go from unmated Omega to unmated Omega to show them that the new Alpha has a right to take them now. But Yuuji stays with you. His big, broad body slumps against you, his muscular arms wrap around you, hugging you while he kisses your neck, sweet and caring. His seed and your slick run down your thighs in hot sticky rivulets, and your pussy twitches around his gorgeous thick cock, instinctively asking him for more, as if your Omega cunt is begging her Alpha to mate her and claim her for life.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who tells you that he needs to see you again when he finally pulls out of you. He turns you around, a large calloused hand cupping your chin tenderly, and he captures your lips in a sweet kiss before he lifts you up and places you on the table so he can clean your pussy with his loving mouth, taking proper care of you, moaning against your wet cunt how sweet of an Omega you are.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who keeps you close after that first night and makes an effort to get to know you. He buys you flowers and chocolates and asks you on dates, making sure to appreciate you and not just see you as a willing and breedable Omega but as a woman he cherishes and adores.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who is such a good pack leader, kind and protective. He is so sweet to the little ones, playing with them and teaching them how to box so they can learn how to protect themselves. He also cares about the older members of the pack, telling them he looked after his sick grandpa for many years and, therefore, understands the struggles of the elderly and that they can always come to him and ask for help. He is a natural leader. A real Alpha. It makes him even more attractive in your eyes, and you catch yourself getting nice and slick for him anytime he is in the same room.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who makes your scent glands throb hotly anytime he fucks you, your body trying to lure him in, wordlessly signaling to him how bad you want to be his. How bad you want him to mate you. He growls brokenly anytime it happens and licks hungrily over your scent glands, making you cum instantly around his powerful Alpha cock.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who is so sweet and caring that he tries to hold back as long as possible before he claims you. Who fucks his balls empty into your sweet Omega cunt and grunts and growls as he tries his best to stop himself from forcefully claiming you as his mate.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who kisses you in front of the nightclub that belongs to him now, smiling against your lips while his strong arms hold you so tightly, pulling you against his tall, buff body, offering you a feeling of safety you have never known before. He tells you he loves you while he holds you in his strong arms, and you almost cry from the happiness you feel.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who reaches his breaking point that night after you both confessed your love to each other and pushes his cock extra deep into you, letting you get a little taste of his knot, making you sob in need while he groans in your ear: "I want to mate you so bad, cutie. Want to make you my Omega. I can't hold back much longer, sweetie. Want to mate you and breed you and cherish you and give you my pups. Fuck... please let me mate you! Please be my Omega and my mate!"
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who waits for your consent even while his muscular body is shaking from the effort it takes to hold back before he sinks his teeth into your neck and bites you with a mating bite that hurts and arouses you at the same time.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who mounts you again to seal your bond with another load of his Alpha seed. He fucks you deep and feral, claiming his mate thoroughly, making sure you know how much he loves you and that he is yours now and you are his. He moans and growls and tells you he will give you his knot, will give you his everything for the rest of his life, while mounting you so hard and good that you see stars.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, whose knot is so big that you are worried you won't be able to take him when you feel the first swelling at his thick base. But Yuuji is such a caring Alpha and such a sweet mate. He soothes you with his low, sexy voice, whispering the sweetest praise to you while he prepares you thoroughly for his knot. He will give you his all, even if it takes hours to prepare you for his knot. He kisses you and rubs slow, tender circles around your swollen clit, loosening your cunt with several orgasms on his cock before he allows his knot to grow and plug you up.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who makes you mewl and orgasm instantly when you finally feel his fat knot plugging you up, claiming you as his alone while he moans I love you's in your ear. His calloused fingers rub your puffy clit, making you squirt over and over again on his fat knot while he pulses his hot seed into you, sealing your mating ritual with both of your cum.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who kisses you deeply and tells you how sweet and beautiful you are while he slowly slips out of you after a night spent mating you. You sigh happily, so content and happy that you found such a strong Alpha and such a caring mate. Yuuji stays with you for hours afterward, refusing to leave your side after such an intimate experience. He holds you tightly, lets you rest and sleep in his strong arms, safe and warm in your mate's embrace, knowing he will take care of you for the rest of his life.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who is loved by his whole pack for his kindness and strength. A caring and protective Alpha. His large, calloused hands touch you with so much love and tenderness, but they can also deal the hardest punches against the ones who dare attack his pack. And if anyone tries to hurt his mate, Yuuji will see red and become a feral predator so powerful that his enemies will grovel before him and beg for mercy.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who won't start a fight without a reason. But he hunts down the ones who break the rules of peace and are cruel and dangerous to others. He kills if he has to, but it bothers him greatly to take a life, and he always seeks comfort and reassurance in your arms after every kill.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who comes back home to you after a deadly fight with bloody scratches all over his body, which will heal into a few more sexy scars that show his dominance and strength. There's a feral glint in his golden eyes, making them glow like two full moons, angry and unrelenting. The eyes of a powerful predator who was forced to unleash his fury against his enemies. A gaze that makes you moan and grab the bed sheets tightly, your legs instinctively falling open to present your panty-clad slick cunt to this strong Alpha in front of you.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who craves you badly after every kill. Who rips off his shirt and lets it fall to the ground, looking at you with that feral, primal need in his eyes while he opens his belt with one large hand, so riled up from the fight and ready to fuck his anger into the comforting wet heat of your sweet Omega cunt.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, whose buff body is bloody and sweaty from the fight. Veins standing out on his taut, flexed muscles. His fight triggered a rut, making his thick fat Alpha cock slap heavily against his firm abs when he frees himself from his trousers. The irresistible primal scent of his pheromones fills the whole room, making the slick run down your thighs even before Yuuji has laid a single finger on you.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who tears your soaked panties down, presses his face against your slick cunt, and growls wildly when he inhales your scent and licks up your sweet slick. He needs to fuck all his worries and anger into you. Needs you so bad to make things ok again. He growls a thank you after you tell him to let it all out on you, to fuck you as hard as he needs. "Don't hold back, Yuuji. I can take it. Fuck me as hard as you need, Alpha."
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who always fucks you harder after a kill. Using his strength on you and manhandling you with rough, calloused hands. He growls when he has you on all fours for him, with your cute ass in the air and legs spread, presenting him your pretty Omega cunt to claim and fuck. He groans behind you, low and feral, in full Alpha mode, giving your ass a hard slap as he splits you open around his fat cockhead.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who mounts you wild and hard, slapping your ass and fucking you with rough hard thrusts that go so deep that you howl with the most primal need and lust every time he ruts into you. He takes you in such a primal way, like an animal, hard and deep, while biting your neck and drooling all over your skin. He is so loud and feral, not holding back at all, fucking you unrelentingly from one orgasm to the next.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who only pulls out after he has exhausted himself completely, taking all his anger and pain out on your sweet, willing Omega cunt. You know that on those kinds of nights, he needs you to give him comfort, and so you pull him in your arms, hug him and cuddle him, and stroke his pretty pink hair, telling him he did the right thing and that you are so proud of him for protecting his pack. "You are such a good Alpha. And such a good man."
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who not only wants you as his mate, but also as his wife, giving you a double promise of always protecting and loving you. Now you wear his teeth imprint on your neck and a beautiful golden wedding band on your ring finger.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, whose need to breed is so strong that he practically begs you to please let him fuck his pups into you anytime he smells your heat approaching. Your fertile pussy always drives him insane, making him lick up your slick needily while shooting his first load all over the bedsheets and himself, unable to hold back with your sweet taste filling his mouth and nose.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who is the happiest man ever, when you tell him you stopped taking your birth control. "I want your babies, Yuuji. Want to give you so many cute and strong pups, just like their daddy." And your man instantly has you under him, pinning you to the bed with his heavy, muscular body, snapping his hips furiously, shooting load after load into you while thanking you. "Thank you, baby, oh fuck, thank you so much! I will give you so many cute pups, my angel! Will fuck so many into you!"
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who always breeds you anytime he claims you, now that he knows you want his pups. He fucks to breed. He wants a whole litter of cute little pups with you. He moans and growls ferally into your ear while he mounts you from behind and fucks you with such savage, needy, and deep thrusts that he almost breaks the bed.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who loves to put you in a mating press with you all needy under his heavy buff body, your knees pressed to your tits while he bucks his hips ferally against you, going wild at the thought of his fat cock so deep in you.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who wants to knock you up so bad that he is in a permanent rut now, triggering your heat over and over again, making you so wet and horny for him that you can barely walk anymore.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who has so much stamina that when he knots you, his knot stays inside you all night. Slow rolls of his hips while he is in you balls-deep, shooting thick load after load of his hot fertile seed into you, his balls so big and heavy that they slap loudly against your slicked-up swollen clit, making you cum over and over again until you are delirious from it, babbling how much you need him, "Please, Yuu, please make me a mommy. Please gimme your pups, baby."
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who hugs you in his strong, buff arms and kisses your neck and lips lovingly while his knot is throbbing in you and plugging you up to keep his hot, fertile seed deep in you, breeding his sweet wife so thoroughly while praising you the whole time. "Look at you taking my knot so well. Fuck, I love you so much, cutie. I can't wait to see your belly so big and swollen with our pups. You'll be such a beautiful mommy."
+ Alpha!Yuuji, whose seed is strong and fertile and takes immediately. He smiles brightly at you and hugs you tightly when you tell him you are pregnant. He goes out to buy materials to build a cradle immediately, so eager and excited to start his family with you. And then repeats the same thing a few weeks later when you find out he fucked twins into you on the first try.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who is always very protective but gets even worse when you carry his pups in you. Who growls at everyone who comes too close to you, always ensuring his mate and pups are safe. Who leaves his scent all over you to keep potential threats away.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who goes feral when your belly grows. He loves you so much, and it drives him crazy with lust and love to see that he successfully bred you, making you round and big with his pups, with his strong and chubby babies. It makes Yuuji so hard to see you like that. He has to take you every night while he caresses your belly and kneads your swollen tits, already milking a bit of milk out of them that he hungrily licks up.
+ Alpha! Yuuji, who pulls out of your cunt and cums all over your swollen belly because the sight turns him on so much.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who kisses and licks you clean afterward before he rests his head on your belly and talks to his little ones, telling them how much their mommy and daddy love them. And he looks up at you with those gleaming golden eyes full of love and tells you, "And I also love you so much, baby. Thank you for being my mate and my wife. I am so lucky!"
+ Alpha!Yuuji, whose genes are very dominant, so all your pups will have his pink hair. But you definitely don't mind because it looks so cute when your twins are born with a soft tuft of pink hair on their little heads! Your pups are two big, strong boys with chubby thighs and cheeks and loud voices. Strong, just like their daddy.
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who is such a proud mate and daddy. He never gets tired of spending time with his wife and his little ones. He gets up in the middle of the night to feed and cuddle his little boys so his sweet wife can rest. He carries the twins around in his strong arms, showing them off all proudly with a big happy smile on his face, cooing at them, playing with them, and petting their pink hair. And you watch him with happy tears in your eyes, so happy that you found such a good Alpha and loving husband!
+ Alpha!Yuuji, who beams at you and pulls you against his buff, tall body to kiss you thoroughly. Who doesn't let you go again because his heart feels so full and his cock is already swelling again, knowing that you are such a good mommy and such a sweet mate. He needs to bend you over the nearest surface and mount you again until your cute Omega cunt is stuffed with his fertile seed again, making more cute little pink-haired pups with the love of his life.
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FUCKKKKK HE MAKES ME FERAL!! I don't know why, but there is something about Yuuji that fits Omegaverse so well, in my opinion. My head is spinning!!! Thank you so much, dear anon, for sending me this ask! When I wrote my Sukuna Omegaverse story, I already low-key wanted to write for Yuuji (and Megumi) too, and you motivated me to do so!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked Alpha!Yuuji and enjoyed this sexy little story!
Comments and reblogs would be very sweet!
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Your post about feral behavior in omegaverse makes me so happy, I love it a lot because I like to use it in writing. Do you think it’s a headspace that can be induced during great danger too? Or do you consider that a different thing entirely? I would love to hear your thoughts. I’ve always used it in situations of danger but I used the way you break it down a little just less advanced than how you explain it.
ooo this is a good question, thank you!! i think a similar headspace can be triggered by situations of extreme danger, but maybe without the dangerous hormonal regulation. it’s similar to the idea of a parent lifting a car off of their child. when someone needs to protect themselves, their pups, or their pack, there is a spike in certain hormones. in this state of hyperarousal, an individual might behave similarly to someone experiencing ferality.
i think the major difference is that when someone is feral, their drive is to connect. a forced bite from a feral alpha isn’t because they want to hurt someone, it’s because biting someone is a bonding behavior and their condition comes from a lack of social bonds. bonding bites are not considered a violent act any more than getting a shot at the doctor or getting a piercing.
when someone is in danger, however, their drive is to protect, attack, defend, or escape. when a feral omega bites someone because their packmate was threatened, their intention is to protect that packmate through violence. while the behavior might be similar (alpha posturing, beta zoomies/perching, omega hiding), the mechanism that causes it and the instinctive drive behind it are different.
people in that state of hyperarousal might still need medical support afterward, especially if they were in danger for a prolonged period of time. coming down from that sort of thing might send them into a state of psychological shock that would require support from both medical experts and the affected person’s pack.
thank you so much for your question!!! :D
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spirit-lanterns · 15 days
Loving those omegaverse ideas aaaa 🙈 do you happen to have any omegaverse hcs for Robin? I love her so much 🥺💙
Sure thing! I will be doing headcanons for Robin as both an alpha and an omega since this ask didn’t specify either! 😊
Some NSFW under the cut (minors dni)
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- Immune to all the pheromones of her omega fans. After mating with you and officially claiming you as her mate, you don’t have to worry about Robin getting distracted at her concerts, as she doesn’t care for the attractions of her omega fangirls. Your scent is the only one that matters to her <3
- Despite being an alpha, her scent is still quite light! It’s a very soft, lavender smell that is easy on the nose. It’s why she’s such a magnet for so many omegas!
- She’s not very possessive, more so clingy with you. Unlike other alphas who will growl at anyone who tries to steal their mate, Robin just snuggles up to you and rubs her cheek against your neck to could re-scent you. It’s a passive way of saying you’re hers.
- She has an average sized knot. It deflates after about fifteen minutes, so you can go more rounds with Robin in comparison to alphas with bigger knots.
- She adores wrapping her wings around you when you’re in heat. The scent of her body completely overwhelming yours brings comfort to you when you’re aching for her.
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- As said before, she’s not possessive, more so clingy. The type of omega to latch onto you right after her heat and pull you back down so you can’t leave the bed.
- Just like her alpha counterpart, after mating with you, Robin is immune to the pheromones of her alpha fans at concerts. The only alpha she cares about is you <3
- Speaking of her alpha fans, you might have to deal with some jealous alpha incels who pine for your mate, but luckily you are able to ward them off. Omega! Robin does get a bit scared when the feral alphas get too rowdy, so you have to keep her safe and comforted while security escorts you two away from the event.
- Robin has the tendency to steal your clothes and scent them so you always smell like her. Even as an omega, she prefers for you to smell like her, rather than the other way around 😅
- Tug on her wings while you breed her. Doesn’t matter which pair, as it’ll have Robin whining and tearing up your back out of pleasure.
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leafteaposts · 2 months
Headcanon abo au/omegaverse
Alphas roar like big cats, alphas chuff and can't purr. Their growls are deep and loud, made to intimidate and to a degree force submission from the person they may direct it to if they chose to lace it with alpha timbre. Only alphas can do this.
Zoro uses intimidation and timbre a lot when younger and is one of the reasons he gets the nickname demon of the east so quickly. The selected few who gain emperor's haki (if alphas) normally have unnaturally strong timbre. He has a terrifying roar.
Luffy has it too of course, but doesn't really use it at all. I think ASL never really used this when together, not even when fighting. Ace may have tried it when really angry, but the face Sabo made caused him to never want to use it again. Luffy's roar is so deep feral sounding (and does not match that scrawny body pre TS) it literally makes people that hear it turn in the other direction. He doesn't really like to use it as he doesn't like to scare people. But when fighting it simply is natural for him to growl, roar and snarl like the feral monkey beast he is.
Betas can purr, but it may not come naturally for them. They can sort of make a chuffing sound, but just like omegas their vocal range is limited. Their roar and growls are more alpha-like but not in the same vocal range.
Usopp's natural purr is very omega-like. He is skilled in intimidating alpha roars too. This is a little unique for a betas but he perfected his impressions of both aloha and omega in syrup village as he grew up. In fights he uses this to his advantage and to intimidate and throw off his opponents.
He can copy almost any sound, be it animals, human, mechanical or other. On the crew hd sometimes messes with Franky who searches Sunny for that creaky squeaky sound until he realises it is just Usopp messing with him. He also makes games for Luffy and chopper where they get to guess the sound he makes, when they guess right he lies and comes up with an outrageous alternative and weaves a story that distracts them from calling him out on his bs.
Omegas can't chuff, only purr. And they may not be able to roar in the volume like Alphas, but they roar/scream like pumas/mountain lions when agitated (and sometimes in heat.) You ever heard that sound? Chilling.
Sanji scares the living shit out of opponents when he lets out his roar. It's quite unusual for omegas to be fighters, but among pirates it's a little more common as they overall challenge the status quo. Sanji doesn't like to use his roar all that much as it always causes a reaction of "Black leg, you're an OMEGA?!?" He uses salves and scent muting band aids on his scent glands to hide his scent so not to give his position as an omega away.
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