#feyre x rhysand x cassian x reader x azriel (platonic)
Do That Again
Summary - You meet a certain fellow after your roommate starts dating some guy.
Content Warnings - Language, heavy drinking, characters getting drunk, underaged drinking (please tell me if I missed anything)
A/N - I wrote this mostly because there are definitely a lack of Cassian x Reader fics out there and as much as I love Cass and Nesta, this felt necessary. *Do not repost my work without my express permission.* *Do not copy my work.*
1k words
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You and Cassian. Cassian and you. Attached at the hip in every sense of the phrase. If someone was looking for one of you, they’d find the other. The only time you weren’t together is if you didn’t have a class together or if one of you was going to the bathroom and even then if one of you was drunk enough… you might be in a close proximity.
You met Cassian through your friend and roommate, Feyre. Feyre, after a shitty high school boyfriend, met Rhysand at a party. Rhys was… well he was something. It was one of those situations where someone falls first and the other falls harder. Feyre fell hard. Like inches of cement hard. You’d be grinning with smug intent while Feyre’s face was absolutely red after getting back from an evening out with Rhys. Somewhere in the madness of first year the two crazy kids finally were official. You ensured you would meet him before summer break. You did. 
As Feyre’s friend, and body-guard , you were of course critical of the man. He certainly had an ego. But below it all he felt right for your friend. He treated her like an individual, a partner—not a possession. The same night you met Cassian at a party. Admittedly you were a little drunk. Okay, you were more than a little drunk. Okay, fine! You were very drunk. Like hookup-with-your-friend drunk. Thankfully he was drunk too, less drunk, but still drunk. Somewhere between the drinks, bad music, and watching Feyre and Rhys be sickeningly smitten with each other you and Cassian found a connection. It was like in kindergarten when your eyes land on any random person in the room and think, you’re cool and we’re friends now. 
You woke up the following morning with a hang-over on a couch to Feyre and Rhys stifling laughter. Your friend informed you it was the suite Rhysand and his friends shared on campus. How a group of first-years got that was beyond you, but you didn’t complain. You were still wearing your clothes and thanked the heavens you saw no vomit either. You managed yourself awake to see Cassian sprawled on the floor. You met Azriel that morning. 
“For the headache,” he said, as he offered you a glass of water and Aspirin. 
The three of you suffered while Feyre and Rhys remained wrapped up in each other all morning. 
The connection with Cassian only grew faster. You kept in contact over the summer, both constantly joking about the disgust you felt for the budding relationship between your friends. In truth you both were happy for Rhys and Feyre. Upon your return for your Sophomore year of university, the friendship solidified itself. You were constantly together. Staying up late to get work done, eating, studying, getting stupid drunk at parties. Despite the humor and jokes, you also found a deep comfort from each other. 
Cassian adored physical contact, which was perfect because you did too. Something you discovered when you woke up on the couch in the suite to your dear friend have a nightmare. 
“Just a nightmare, Cass. Just a nightmare,” you reassured him. He had clung to you, falling back asleep soon after. 
By the end of Sophomore year, you were literally inseparable, constantly draping over the other whenever you hung out as a group. A group you drunkenly named, Rhysand’s IC , because he was constantly parenting the rest of you alongside Feyre. IC standing for Idiot Children . 
One particularly very early morning, around 1am, you and Cass were draped over each other on the couch in the suite. The conversation topic was stupid things you did as children, and Cassian was letting out a particularly loud laugh when a cold-faced looking Az stepped out of his room, asking you to “pipe down”. 
Your junior year, Cassian managed a suite that could fit you and Feyre and you all lived together. Often times the night would end with Feyre and Rhys finding themselves together with you and Cassian sitting together having a drink while you braided Cass’s shoulder-length hair, talking about trivial matters. 
Your final year, Feyre and Rhys chose to live off campus because they wanted a place to themselves leaving you, Cass, and Az to fend for yourselves. Az wound up with a single while you and Cassian chose to share a room to be closer to the center of campus. Azriel was a floor above you. You spent night after together, sitting in the corner of your room, watching a movie together, or talking, or sitting in silence enjoying the other’s company. In hindsight it was crazy how quickly college had gone by. 
Cassian had become your dearest friend through it all. His humor you adored, but it was his caring and passionate nature which had you feeling more deeply for him. And suddenly you were stumbling back from an We’re Almost Graduated party Rhys and Feyre hosted.
“There’s a spider on your shoulder!!” You shout as you stumble into your dorm room with Cass. You cackle as Cass squeals, squeezing his eyes shut. 
You step forward to flick the spider off his shoulder and he screams making you laugh and nearly keel over. He catches you before you do, a hand landing on your hip. An electric buzz bolts through you. For all the times you’d been in contact this felt different. Maybe it’s the alcohol, the fact that his hand has never been on your hip before, or the the excitement of graduation. 
“Cass?” You ask him, his hand still resting against your hip. Your breath hitches in your throat.
“Y/N?” His question is met with a moment of silence. And then suddenly Cassian’s hands are cupping your cheeks and he’s kissing you. 
Your eyes flutter shut before he’s pulling away. The kiss somehow intoxicating and sobering. There’s a stupid grin on your best friends face. “You know how long I’ve wanted to do that?”
He’s met with silence for a while. You are unable to move. Finally you manage words. “Do that again.”
There is a mild question in his eyes. 
“Do that again,” you repeat. 
Cassian doesn’t need to be told a third time.
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danikamariewrites · 3 months
If you're willing to do a more platonic/familial request, could you do some headcanons on being Rhysand's youngest sister?? And then I had an additional idea of being his sister + Azris' mate... but I'll let you decide which aspects you'd like to write about :) (if you want to write about it at all, of course!)
Princess of the Night Court
IC x reader (platonic)
Notes: I went with reader just being the sister I hope you don’t mind, I wanted to explore this dynamic before hopping outside the night court
Warnings: some angst
Being the second born of the former NC High Lord meant you had the freedoms to do some things your brother couldn’t
However much you pushed your brother’s buttons when he became High Lord you still loved each other. And you really stepped up to help him with his royal duties
You were a bit nervous and relieved when your father died. You knew what he expected of you but you were unsure how the power and position would change Rhys
The biggest blessing Rhys gave you was the freedom to marry whoever and whenever. There was no pressure and he would not dare use you as a bargaining tool, ever
Being princess came with the never ending princess treatment
Your people adored you and you them
You frequented shops in Velaris and always made sure to talk with everyone and hear their troubles
It also meant that Azriel and Cassian were your forever body guards
And how fun is it to ditch them?! It’s even more fun when they finally track you down. Their faces all scrunched in anger and that vein popping in Cassian’s forehead that you just want to poke
The two were your brothers, there was no denying Az and Cass treated you like the sister they never had
They were just as protective (maybe more at times) than Rhys is of you and you loved them for it
When you had your first heartbreak one of the first people you went to for comfort was Azriel. He was always your shoulder to cry on and he’s a good listener
The three of them would be up anyone that hurt you
To try and have some semblance of a normal life while Rhys was gone you tried to date. It did not go well. The male you went to dinner with had said some nasty things about your family and came home bawling your eyes out. When you told Cass, Az, and Mor, Cassian was the most angry. He left and came home with bloody knuckles. That night he sat next to your bed reading you stories like when you were little
After Rhys came home from under the mountain you gave him his space and were more serious than usual
Something you hadn’t had in a long time with your brother was a sleepover. You used to crawl into his bed at night when you had nightmares and Rhys would reassure you that everything would be ok
Just as you were planning to go to Rhys for a sleepover to make him feel normal a knock sounded at your door. Opening it you found your brother looking disheveled and on the verge of tears. You pulled him in and you got into your bed. You laid there in silence for a very long time, both wide awake. “I know you can’t and don’t want to talk about everything yet. But we’re all here for you Rhys. I’m here for you big brother. And I won’t think any differently of you for any of it.” Rhys just pulled you into a bone crushing hug and cried and cried until he fell asleep. You hadn’t seen him cry like that since your mother died
Out of everyone of the Inner Circle you were the most overjoyed to have Rhys home
You did everything in your power to make sure he was comfortable and welcome
The sacrifices he made for the court were ones you would never forget
Watching Rhys fall in love with Feyre made your heart swell. You saw a light burn in him that hadn’t been there since he was younger
Becoming friends with Feyre was a journey
She didn’t like you at first since she only knew the stories that Tamlin and Lucien had told her
Fun lil bit of history Tamlin left out was that you and him hooked up but he was kinda mad it was only ever that and not more
But when you and Mor broke through and Feyre trusted you enough her friendship was a beautiful thing
And you had a new buddy to pick on Cassian with
Learning Feyre was pregnant after the war you were so excited to be an aunt! You were going to spoil the shit out of this baby boy
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serpentandlily · 11 months
Butterfly Fly Away
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Butterfly Fly Away - Platonic!Reader x BatBoys
Summary: You’ve been bestfriends with Rhys, Cassian and Azriel since childhood but with the new additions to your Inner Circle, it's starting to feel like you are being replaced. When confronted, your three friends brush off your concerns, leading you to believe it’s time to move on and start a life of your own. But once you’re gone, the three brothers begin to realize just how much they need you in their lives. 
Based on this request.
Warnings: A mix of angst and fluff. 
Butterfly Fly Away
You let out a long shaky breath, sitting on the edge of your bed, looking around your now empty room in the Townhouse. You had packed up everything. Your clothes, your trinkets, the parchments full of scribbles from Nyx, the painting Feyre had gifted you of the whole family together. All of it.
Your chest felt hollow. The silence and emptiness was deafening. So many memories were made in this room, down these halls, in this city. The thought of leaving that all behind made your heart ache but the thought of staying here hurt worse. 
You had met Rhysand, Azriel and Cassian during your youth and struck a friendship with them. A friendship that had grown and grown into what felt like an impenetrable bond between the three of you. 
And they had always stressed how much importance you had within the family. The peacemaker, the mediator, the one who could end fights between them before they even began. Your magic was able to read the emotions of others, making you adept at talking others through their own feelings—of helping them understand why they felt the way they did. 
It was really the only thing you were good for. You weren’t a skilled fighter, or strategist, or politician. All weakness you hated considering your family was made of the most powerful fae.
But when it came to matters of the heart? Well, you were an expert. For everyone else anyways, considering yours was currently being torn apart. 
You had been there for each of them during the best and worst of days. Through the war, through Rhysand losing his family, through the forty-nine years without him. The four of you with Mor and Amren included had built a small family together. 
A family that was no longer around because they had all found another. And you had been left with none. 
Slowly but surely they had completely erased your spot in the family with the Archeron sisters. It wasn’t even that you didn’t like the three sisters. Each of them had a special place in your heart. But they changed the dynamic of the group so drastically. 
And you no longer felt like you belonged. 
Mor had felt it too, which was why she was more than happy to be sent to the continent to work on alliances there. Amren had found herself a lover and seemed content with keeping him all to herself. 
But you…you had nothing without them. Or at least, that’s what it felt like. 
You had tried to bring it up with them, had tried to hint that you felt a bit left out and neglected. But they had brushed you off, telling you it was time you “found a life of your own like they had.” You thought you did have a life of your own already. Here. But apparently that was not the case. 
You let out another sigh as you stared at the last three things you had to pack. You picked up the first one, a smooth rock—a red creek jasper. You still remembered the day Azriel had given it to you when you both were only eleven. 
“You can do it, Az!” you shouted. 
You were standing underneath a very large boulder, holding a hand over your eyes as the sun shone down on you and Rhys. Cassian and Azriel were both on top of the boulder, wings spread wide as Cassian tried to direct Azriel on how to fly. 
Azriel’s face was nearly white and you could tell even from where you were standing that his hands were shaking. You took a few steps closer to the rock, holding your little arms out. 
“I’ll catch you if you fall,” you yelled up to him. “I promise!”
It was at that moment that Cassian decided he was over waiting for Azriel to jump and pushed the boy off the rock instead. Azriel shrieked, a sound he had never made before, and frantically tried to pump his wings but it was no use. He crashed right into you, sending you both sprawling on the ground.
“Y/n,” he gasped, rolling off of you. “Are you okay?” 
His eyes were wide with both shock and concern. They only widen more when you burst out laughing, clutching your stomach. It hurt, a lot. You were both eleven but Azriel was already bigger than you. 
“I told you I’d catch you!” The look on his normally unreadable face sent you into another fit of giggles. 
Later that day, Azriel had gone to the nearby creek and dug around for hours looking for the perfect rock to give you, knowing you liked collecting the cool ones you found. He had apologized numerous times, even though it had been Cassian’s fault, but he still felt guilty. He finally stumbled on a tiny, smooth rock that was a mixture of dark orange and red swirls.
When he came home that night and offered it to you as another apology, Cassian and Rhys had laughed themselves nearly sick but you had just smiled at the shy boy and squeezed the rock in your hand, holding against your chest. 
It was the first gift Azriel had given you and it had stayed with you all these years. 
You wrapped it back in the silk handkerchief you kept it in and placed it in your bag. 
Your eyes moved to the next item. A scarf made from various scraps of fabric. Definitely not fashionable, but it had been a special gift from Rhysand.
“Why do you carry that old blanket around with you still?” The thirteen year-old Rhys was peering at the dirty blanket in your hand with a sneer. “We’re not babies anymore, y/n. You should get rid of it.” 
You pulled the blanket closer to you—a blanket made up of random scraps of fabric, the only thing your mother could afford at the time. It was ratty, falling apart at the seams, but it was special to you. 
“It’s the only thing I have left of her,” you said, quietly, blinking away the tears that started forming in your eyes. 
Your mother had passed away years ago and your father, who had never loved her in the first place, had tossed out all her belongings. You had only managed to get your hands on the blanket before it was taken away.   
Rhys had said nothing else about it until winter solstice came around that year. You hadn’t noticed that he had snuck into your room and taken the blanket—bringing it to his mother to make into something a little better for you to carry around with you. 
He had given you the scarf that night and every single snowfall, it was the first one you pulled out. You packed it away with a heavy heart. You were moving to the Day Court, something you had already discussed with the Inner Circle, and you would hardly have use for it there. 
The last item sat on your dresser, a white, stuffed pegasus toy—a gift from Cassian. 
A knock sounded on your door but you ignored it, rolling over in your bed and wiping your tears.
Another knock.
“Y/n! Open up! I know you’re in there,” Cassian shouted through the door.
“Go away, Cass,” you managed to croak out through your tears. “I’m not in the mood.”
There was a pause before he shouted through the door again.
“What’s wrong, y/n? I can tell you’re crying!”
“Nothing, just go away!”
The door burst open and you shot up in your bed, cursing at yourself for not making sure it was locked. Cassian walked into your room, his eyes widening as he took in your appearance. 
“Y/n?” He asked, quietly, shutting the door behind him. “Why are you crying? What happened?”
A tiny sob broke through your lips and Cassian was at your side instantly, wrapping an arm around you. You both were only sixteen, but Cassian was already starting to look more like a male than a boy with how big he was getting. 
“Cyrus b-broke up with me,” you choked out. 
“Oh thank the gods!”
You glared up at Cassian, shoving him away from you.
“Get out if you’re going to be like that.”
He held up his hands in surrender. “Sorry, y/n, I just mean… Well, we all think you’re too good for him, you know. He’s an asshole.”
More tears poured from your eyes and Cassian pulled you to his chest again. “I am really sorry, y/n. I know how much you liked him.”
Cassian had stayed with you that night, holding you until you cried yourself to sleep. When you woke up the next day, a tiny stuffed Pegasus was waiting on your nightstand with a note attached to it.
‘I hope this little guy helps you feel better. But if you need to let off some steam, come find me in the training ring—Cassian.’
You hugged the pegasus to your chest for a moment before dropping it into your bag with the last of your stuff. 
You were supposed to leave in the morning after a goodbye breakfast with the whole family, but the trip down memory lane had you feeling too upset.
You didn’t know if you could handle seeing them all, especially when they seemed to have no qualms about you leaving. 
Cassian didn’t need a secondary sparring partner to Azriel anymore now that he had Nesta. Rhys didn’t need help reading through correspondence now that he had Feyre. And those serene walks through the woods with Azriel? Well, those went to Elain now. 
You pulled out the copy of keys you had for the Townhouse and River House and set them down on the dresser in the room. You took one last look around, your heart breaking in your chest, before finally winnowing away.
“This alliance with Vallahan could go two ways,” Rhys said, stroking his jaw. “They fight with us against Koschei and end this whole thing before it becomes a full blown war. Or they’re faking their support and have already sided with Koschei.”
“If they are, the results of that will be devastating,” Mor said with a frown. “Our armies are still so depleted and even with the help of the other courts minus Autumn, Koschei has triple our numbers if Vallahan has already sided with him.” 
Cassian let out a low whistle as he stared over the battle plans. “We’d be fucked. Utterly fucked.”
“We can’t win in that scenario,” Azriel piped up from next to Cassian.
“We can’t win without their help either,” Feyre said. “This decision is everything. Everything relies on this decision. You really couldn’t get a read on them, Mor?” 
Mor shook her head. “They were careful with their wording and vague. They were certainly speaking the truth, but it meant little.”
“Their mental defenses were too strong to get through without force. But if they are being honest and I break into their minds, we might as well kiss the alliance goodbye,” Rhys sighed. “If only there was another way to get a read on them. I hate going into this blind with only our own faith.” 
The room was silent as they all pondered what this meant for the battle against Koschei. 
“There is…someone who could help.”
Everyone’s head whipped towards Cassian. Rhysand waved a hand at him to continue. Cassian swallowed audibly.
That name had everyone sitting up straight. Rhysand raised an eyebrow at him, not understanding. Not until it clicked in his head.
“She can read people’s emotions,” he breathed out. “I… I never thought about her using it this way. I just thought it was good for—well, you know.”
“Just meddling?”
Rhys nodded, feeling a bit ashamed. The room went quiet again, everyone soaking in what Cassian was suggesting.
“Would she even help? You all basically ran her out of this court,” Mor huffed, causing tensions to rise. 
“Not this again,” Cassian groaned.
Mor stood from her seat, bristling at Cassian’s words. “I’m being serious. She has been your guys’ friend since you were kids. And you all left her in the dust even after she tried to tell you guys how she felt!”
When Mor had returned from the continent and learned of you leaving the court, she had been beyond angry at the three males for their treatment of you. She had written you several letters apologizing and you had welcomed her back into your life. 
But she was the only one you still talked to. 
The room was dead quiet. Each of the three males shared looks of guilt and embarrassment because Mor was right. They had completely taken you for granted and cast you aside once the sisters started having bigger roles in their life. And they had let you go without even trying to convince you to stay. 
“I miss her.”
Azriel’s voice was so quiet, like he hadn’t even meant to say those words out loud. 
Cassian let out a long sigh. “I miss her too.”
Mor glanced around at the other members of the Inner Circle before gesturing towards the door. “I think the boys need to discuss this amongst themselves.” 
Once the door shut behind Feyre, Rhys leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk. “I hadn’t realized how much of an impact she had. Things haven’t felt right here without her.” 
“No, they haven’t,” Cassian agreed. “We really did kind of… forget about her. Not intentionally but still.” 
“Have you talked to her?” Azriel asked, looking at his High Lord.
“Have you?”
Azriel looked away in answer, feeling a bit of guilt. 
“Do you think she’s still in the Day Court?” Cassian asked. 
Rhys nodded. “Yes, Helion is quite fond of her it seems.” 
Cassian snickered while a ghost of a grin crossed Azriel’s face. It wasn’t hard to imagine you in Day. You had always been a beacon of light for the group and they knew how easily you made friends wherever you went. It came naturally to you as an empath. 
“Do you think…” Cassian trailed off, sounding a bit insecure. “Do you think she’d come home? If we asked?” 
“She didn’t even say goodbye before she left,” Azriel murmured. 
“We can try but I think we should be honest with her about our feelings,” Rhys said. “I’d hate for her to think we’re just asking her back so she can help us with this.” 
“She’s going to know how we’re feeling anyways,” Cassian laughed. “Remember?”
Rhys grinned, thinking of all the times you had caught them in blatant lies because of your abilities, all the times you meddled with their love lives and friendships too. 
There really was a you-shaped hole in the group now. The three shared a look of guilt. It was a shame it took this long for them to realize it. 
Three knocks against the door of your small cottage woke you up. You groaned, sitting up and blinking the sleep from your eyes. You had gone to one of Helion’s illustrious parties last night and had not been expecting to be woken up this early.
You shrugged on a silk robe over your nightgown and made your way to your front door.
Your eyes widened in shock as soon as you opened it, staring at the three males you hadn’t seen in a little over a year. You stepped aside, wordlessly, letting them into your new home. The distance had not made the bond between the four of you shrink, even after all this time, it seemed.
They greeted you in their own ways. Azriel with a soft smile, Cassian with a booming hello and hug, and Rhys was a feline grin and pat on the shoulder. You strode to the kitchen as they took a seat in your living room.
“I need coffee,” you announced. “Anyone else?”
“Long night?” Cassian teased.
“Don’t even ask,” you joked back, pulling out four mugs as they all said yes to your offer.
It was silent while the coffee brewed, and their emotions were all over the place. Nervousness, guilt, hope and regret. Your eyebrows furrowed as you grabbed the mugs and set them on the coffee table, taking a seat on an armchair.
“No offense,” you started. “But why are you guys here? I haven’t spoken to any of you in over a year.”
“That’s kind of what we’re here about,” Rhys replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
You raised an eyebrow at them, taking a sip of your coffee.
“I’ll get straight to the point,” he continued. “We…We want you to come home.”
You nearly spit your coffee out. That was not what you were expecting him to say. After all, they didn’t seem very upset when you told them you were leaving the Night Court in the first place.
“Why?” you managed to choke out.
“I’ll be honest. We’re dealing with a situation back home and it made us realize how much of an importance you played, not just in our court but in our lives. We miss you, y/n. We regret how we treated you the past few years.”
“We all just got so caught up in our own problems, we didn’t even realize how much we were neglecting you,” Cassian added with a sincere frown. “You were such a constant in our lives and I guess we sort of took that for granted, assuming you’d always be there.”
“I tried to tell you how I felt,” you murmured, hiding half your face behind your coffee mug.
“I’m sorry for brushing you off,” Azriel said, quietly. “Truly. A lot was happening and like Cassian said, I just figured once we got through it all, things could resume as normal.”
“So why have none of you written to me in the year I’ve been gone?”
“After you left, Mor kind of chewed us out,” Cassian said, sheepishly. “We all just assumed you were mad at us and left because you needed space. I know it’s not a good excuse but well, you know more than anyone that we’ve never been great at communicating.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes. That was the reason you meddled so much. To get them to talk about their feelings, express themselves. It was hard staying quiet when you knew how a person truly felt.
“We miss you and we need you, y/n,” Rhys cut in. “Things haven’t been the same since you left. I’m sorry it took so long for us to realize and I’m sorry for how we treated you. You’re our best friend, our sister. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”
“Me either.” Both Azriel and Cassian interjected.
You thought about it, thought of the year you spent without them. While you had started anew, made new friends, had lovers, you did miss them dearly. It made you realize something about the bond you all shared, about your friendship in general. Life changes and sometimes people get preoccupied with other things but that bond you felt hadn’t shrunk, hadn’t grown any weaker. It was still the same as it had been the day you left.
They would always be your best friends, your brothers by name.
And their feelings were genuine. You of all people would know.
“Please come home,” Cassian begged. “I need you--we all need you.”
This house was not a home without the people you cared about. As much as you loved the Day Court, it wasn’t the same. Not without all the memories tied to it. And perhaps this had just made your friendship with them stronger, made you all realize how much you needed each other despite now having more priorities in your lives. You couldn’t fault them for finding love, for building families.
The three of them were nearly holding their breath with anticipation, waiting for your answer. A smile broke out on your face and their shoulders dropped.
“Okay,” you finally said. “I’ll come home. But I’m keeping this as my vacation house and you all owe me a years’ worth of mooncakes when we get home.”
Laughter filled the tiny cottage as they eagerly agreed to your terms. A new warmth spread in your chest. You were finally going home back to your true family. 
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shadowdarlings · 4 months
Blood Will Rain II
Azriel x Reader
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Synopsis : After emerging victorious in the war with Hybern, you are learning to be a part of a family again. Your recovery after being captive is slow, but a certain shadowsinger makes it his responsibility to see that you get well again.
part one
Pairings : AzrielxReader , ReaderxInnerCircle!Platonic , ReaderxRhysand!Siblings
A/N : part two of idk. if you’d like to be tagged in any other series updates please comment!
Warnings : slight angst, mentions of captivity, az being sweetie pie hehe
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It had been weeks since you and your family had returned to the Night Court. After half a millennia you were thrilled to be back in the city of starlight. Velaris, your home, finally. You had taken up a semi-permanent residence in the House of Wind alongside Cassian and Azriel. Although the elation of returning woke something that had been long asleep within you, the scars of your captivity rang throughout your very bones. Rhysand made a habit of coming to check on you frequently. Sometimes under the guise of wanting to meet with his general or shadowsinger, but it was all to see you. You noted his efforts and appreciated his call to be your older brother, but you did not know how to be a sister anymore. You did not know how to be a friend. These titles had been forgotten, the only thing you knew how to do was be prisoner. You often caught yourself falling into old habits that had been developed during the 500 years you were Hybern’s pet. The chambers in which he kept you at the grey stone palace had changed throughout the years. The first 200 you spent confined to a small dungeon with little light or air. After much beguiling the King saw fit to move you into a room similar to what their servants were housed in. It was nothing compared to the space and lavishness of your quarters in the House.
This did not stop you from remaining mostly confined to that room. It was rare that you strode the halls or explored the libraries or training ring. Interactions with the rest of your brother’s court were kept short and polite. You did not want them to see that you now felt stranger to them, this world. Although you had grown up with the three Illyrian males they had become something you did not recognize. They too had gone through extensive changes during these years. Rhysand had become High Lord. Cassian a commanding General to the Night Court’s armies. Azriel had become something completely different than what you knew before. He was the same in some regards, still reserved and watchful, but his presence held a more powerful purpose than it did during those years in Illyria. These people were your family, yes, but they were also strangers. The Archeron sisters were also completely foreign to you. Feyre visited as Rhys did and made efforts to give you any comfort you requested. The other two sisters you hardly spoke to or saw at all. Strangers. They were all strangers. Except that this was their House, their family. There was a sickening realization that it was not them but you who was the stranger. So you kept to yourself, to your abominably large quarters, and to the small tasks you gave yourself each day.
You were up before dawn as you practiced each morning. The power that the Cauldron had bestowed on you was something that needed an outlet. These last hours of night were perfect, you would not disturb anyone as you released waves of magic. The stars winked at you from the lightening sky as you levitated each item in your room several inches then gently placed them back down. It was simple magic, not anything that could be used productively, but it was something to quell the ocean inside. One floor above you felt movement coming from Cassian’s rooms. The General was often awake early but typically not for at least another hour. The shock of it was enough that your bed landed with a dull thud instead of silent ease. Panic struck through you and it was an effort to control your breaths. “Relax,” you said to yourself, “he is not your enemy.” The footsteps and noises that came from the two Illyrians often sent your survival instincts into hyperdrive until you reminded yourself that they were not the guards. You were not prisoner. You were home. Loosing a calm breath you considered. His steps were no longer solitary but accompanied by a lighter pair, and they were making their way down to your floor. Then seconds later a soft knock sounded on the large wooden door to your sitting room just outside your sleeping quarters. You shouldered on the floor length robe that hung on your bedpost and pulled your midnight hair back from your face. Padding over gently you opened the door slightly to reveal a towering Azriel waiting to greet you.
“There’s breakfast,” he offered observing your entire figure. He seemed to note the thin sheen of sweat that adorned your forehead from your morning magic. He did not comment, but raised his palm slightly in invitation. “Let me change into something more appropriate and I’ll be ready,” you said assessing him in a similar manner. The shadowsinger was not in his usual Illyrian leathers, but instead he donned casual black pants and a loose fitting long black shirt. The swirls of ink on his chest peeking just above the neckline. Whispers of autumn were upon the northern territory, a slight chill had claimed the mornings while the sun still heated the afternoons. He bowed slightly, “Of course,” was all he said before you shut the door and turned to get yourself ready. The outfits you’d worn at the House had all been casual. Rhys did not deem it fit for you to take up any sort of fighting anytime soon, and you were inclined to agree with him. “Recovery,” is what he had said, “that is all I want you to focus on. If you need anything at all please let any one of us know.” You smiled slightly at the thought while pulling on a lightweight sweater that matched your violet eyes and a pair of black leggings accompanied by woolen socks. It had been longer than you could remember since such kindness had been extended to you. It was so foreign, but you welcomed it nonetheless. After tying your hair into a loose bun at the nape of your neck you strode to the double doors that entered the hallway. Upon opening them you were surprised to see Azriel still standing there waiting for you.
“You didn’t have to wait,” you said, willing the slight blush that threatened to climb up your cheeks to dissipate. “I know,” was all he said before gesturing towards the hall that led to the dining room. The two of you took the short walk in silence. Whether Azriel knew the silence was born by feeling like a stranger he did not let on, but silence with him felt different than with the others. With the rest of your family you were always searching for something to say, something to fill the emptiness that gave away your alienation from them. With Azriel the quiet did not seem so desperate. Perhaps it was just the nature of a shadowsinger, you thought.
The two of you entered into the grand dining room and the silence was broken by Cassian’s bellowing laughter and Mor’s palm thwacking against his bicep. Surely you did not want to know the words they had exchanged before your arrival. Rhysand and Feyre swooped into the main room not a second later, the two of them giving knowing glances as they strode in and joined the rabble. You were happy for your brother, and it was then you made a mental note to try and get to know his new mate better. When you halted a few feet from the group, Azriel stopped with you. Rhysand turned his attention from Feyre and his eyes landed on you and the towering Illyrian standing just to your side. “Good morning, Y/N. Good morning, Az,” he purred. Cassian and Mor paused their bickering to gaze over to you both as well. The sets of eyes that all laid upon you now had you toying with the sleeve of your sweater, but you simply replied “Good morning, everyone.” Feyre approached and wrapped her slender arms around your shoulders. “I hope you slept well,” she said pulling back after her short embrace. You nodded and plastered a cheery smile on your face. This was your family. They love you. “Good,” Rhysand stated, “because we have a long day ahead of us.” At your confused look Azriel leaned down to say gently “We’re going to celebrate your birthday.”
Taglist : @annamariereads16 @lilah-asteria @sidthedollface2 @todaywasafairytale07 @doodlebugg16-blog
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erissheiress · 11 months
Lonely Anymore
The Inner Circle x Reader
Warnings: depression, mentions of feeling numb, mention of blood and crying, alcohol, platonic intimacy, mentioned Feyre, Elain and Nesta, reader doesn't like Nesta and Elain bc I dont lol. Repost from my main blog.
Summary: You need your family, and they need you.
Word count: 782
* * *
The window was wide open, harsh gusts of wind blowing into the room, disrupting papers on the desk and blowing your hair into your face, stinging your skin and making your eyes water.
Yet, you hardly seemed to notice the biting cold that struck your skin, hardly flinching, or moving from where you sat on the armchair, legs folded and arms around your knees, hugging them close to your chest. Your nails dug into the palms of your hands, nearly drawing blood, but again, it attracted none of your attention.
Your eyes were dull, dark bags under your eyes, from exhaustion mostly. Tears had streamed down your cheeks earlier but not anymore, you simply had no tears left to give to the world, nothing more you could offer.
You had given this world your blood, sweat and tears, your love and your dreams, and in return it had given you the one thing you always lacked;
A family.
The Inner Circle.
It had started with Rhys, Cassian, Azriel, and Mor. Then Amren, then Feyre. Nesta and Elain joined then, though you didn't like them very much, but that was possibly because of how they treated your High Lady, and finally baby Nyx, the newest, and your favourite, member of the family.
So the world gave you a family, and a chance of being loved.
But that was never going to be all, was it? It seemed that the world wasn't quite finished with you yet
No, it gave you hate as well as love, fear as well as joy, pain as well as care. 
It caused your dreams to turn to nightmares, your hopes to failures, your youthful innocence to turn to hardened pessimism. 
You're not sure when you stopped feeling like you were part of the family, perhaps it was over Solstice? Solstice where you sat in the corner as Feyre and Rhys cuddled Nyx in front of the fire, as Nesta and Cassian playfully bickered while Azriel and Elain laughed at their banter, as well as Mor who happily danced in the centre of the room, swinging a bottle of wine around like a weapon.
And you.. you just sat there, nursing your own wine, suddenly feeling lonelier than you had ever felt before. As you watched them each be happy in their own ways, a weight settled on your chest, and had stayed there ever since.
You did your job, played an active role as a member of the Night Court, but distanced yourself as well. They didn't seem to notice, only little Nyx, who crawled onto your lap one evening and poked your cheek, a frown on his adorable face.
"I'm not sad, Nyxie."
But he only frowned even more. "sad" before planting a wet kiss on your chin. "Happy."
"Yes darling, your kisses make me very happy."
Babies were so easy to satisfy.
So now you sat alone in your room, on an uncomfortable chair, without warm clothes, while the winter air froze your body, yet not bothering you at all.
You didn't feel anything, just numb.
You didn't feel anything when the window closed suddenly, or when footsteps entered the room. 
You didn't feel anything when strong arms lifted you to your bed, or when calloused hands stroked your hair softly. 
Or when four other figures clambered into the bed with you, three Illyrian males and one female. 
You only felt something when the blonde smoothed your hair out of your face and looked at you with the softest expression you had ever seen on her face.
"We love you, you know that right?" and you felt it all of a sudden, like a wave of emotion. Overwhelming you completely. 
You'd learn later that Azriel lay closest to you, and it was him that carried you to the bed and held you so snugly, that it was Cassian who stroked your hair so softly and it was Rhysand who shut the windows, using his abilities to heat your frigid room. 
You'd learn all this later but for now you let it out like a burst dam, as you sobbed into Azriel's chest, three other pairs of hands comforting you in some way, the best way they could. 
Your family.
A 5th figure, a shorter female slipped in at one point, taking a protective position at the end of the bed, comforting you the only way she knew how, and was appreciated nonetheless. 
You loved Feyre, and Elain and Nesta were part of the circle now too, but for now you needed your first family, and they mentally vowed to spend as much time as possible convincing you that they needed you too. 
That they needed you, that they loved you, that you were important to them, and that they'd always be there for you.
That you didn't have to be lonely anymore.
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k-daydreams · 1 year
The Pursuit of Feeling Alive: III. Bratty Behavior
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Pairing: fem!reader x azriel, platonic!innercircle
Synopsis: cousin to Rhysand and Morrigan, y/n was once her family’s golden child. Faced with trials and tribulations her whole life, she needed reprieve— a distraction. Until a surprise homecoming opens Pandora’s box, and gives y/n a reality check. Especially facing her once close friend Azriel. Friends to Enemies to lovers trope.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: swearing, trauma, reader being shitty, slow slow burn, mor and Cassian being readers moral sanity, filler chapter, grammatical errors lmao
Authors note: hellooo! So this is kinda a filler since what I was writing for this part was so long. Next part will really be juicy I promise! Thank you guys for so much love on the last part, I hope y’all will like this! Not a lot of Az has been in this part, mainly talking about him in 3rd person, but I promise hold on hope y’all get him in action in the next!! Lmk what you guys think
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚
"Rhysand isn't impressed with Azriel," Mor declared, her knife slicing through a piece of meat. "To be honest, Y/n, I could genuinely throttle him." She took a bite of her food before continuing.
It was your first night back in Velaris, and the inner circle, along with the company, was aware of what had happened between Azriel and you. Well, at least what Cassian, Nesta, and Elain had witnessed. Rhys and Feyre hadn't approached you about it yet; Mor mentioned they wanted to spare you any further distress for the time being. Typically when one of the inner circle members had returned home from something, Rhys would have organized a celebratory family dinner, but he had decided against it for now. Instead, you and Mor dined alone in the House of Wind tonight.
Nonchalantly, you shrugged and took a sip from your wine glass. "Just another tantrum from that Illyrian man-child. Nothing new, really." You tried to sound relaxed, not wanting your friends and family to worry about you or the argument. You didn't want Azriel to know his words had cut you deeply or give him any satisfaction. You had already shown him just how much they had affected you. The impact was tangible—you had been restless, tossing and turning in bed for the past few nights, with no appetite to eat. Your homecoming was supposed to mark the beginning of your healing journey, yet here you were, starving and sleep-deprived due to the nonsense uttered by a man who thought he knew you.
Mor nodded knowingly, her napkin dabbing at her lips. "He had no right to speak to you like that," she said, her voice firm. "He knows that, no matter what, you're family. That's why we came back for you when Helion sent word. He knows we would do the same for any member of our family and to disregard you so quickly like that."
Disheartened, you let out a sigh. "I don't know, Mor. I knew we ended things on a sour note, but it's been nearly 60 years since then. I thought he would have moved on."
Her food momentarily forgotten, Mor nearly choked when you made that statement. "Please tell me you didn't just say that," she responded incredulously.
What do you mean?"
She stared at you intensely, her eyes burning into your soul as you went blank. "Seriously?" Perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. "I've seen you hold grudges for centuries, and yet you expect him to forgive you for an argument that happened over half a century ago?"
Both of you fell silent, studying each other across the table. Mor's loyalty to Azriel, despite never reciprocating his feelings, was unwavering—just as yours had been in the past. At times, it made you question if her feelings for him were truly nonexistent, like now. A queasiness churned in your stomach, and your head throbbed with a dull ache. Perhaps drinking on an empty stomach hadn't been the best idea, especially when thoughts of Mor and Azriel intertwined.
You cleared your throat, a newfound coldness lacing your tone as you spoke up. "Every grudge I've held has been a result of something more severe than an argument," you stated, fidgeting with the table linen. "An argument, mind you, that happened because he didn't want me to follow Rhys."
Mor retorted sharply, "Look where that got you." Your heart started pounding, your ears heating. Your gaze dropped in her direction, and a familiar flame ignited within you. "What he did was fucked up, but Y/n, you can be a stubborn brat." You opened your mouth to object, but she raised a hand to stop you. "I'm not trying to be rude. I say this because I care about you. But it's time to own up to your mistakes. Only then, maybe, just maybe, you can find peace again."
Mor's tough love never felt good, but you knew it always came from a place of good intentions. Angry and devastated, you found it hard to accept hearing all that. Sure, you could be opinionated and stubborn at times, but reducing yourself to a brat felt unjust.
Draining your wine, you replied, "I had hoped for a civil conversation with him whenever we did talk." Mor looked skeptical, likely not fully believing you. You did have a record for the last century or so with picking arguments, you blamed being around Mor and Amren so much, and maybe a lot of repressed feelings.
Despite her irritation with you, Mor reached out and took your hand in hers, comforting you with gentle circles on the back of it, like a mother would. "When it comes to you, it seems his shadows turn to flames."
There was so much you wanted to say, but you remained silent, allowing her words to echo in your mind. You couldn't quite grasp their cryptic meaning, but you didn’t want to indulge in the topic too much longer. Mor let go of your hand, standing up. "Feel like grabbing a drink at Rita's?" she asked, her tone changing, a small smirk forming. A way to nurse your wounds.
Shaking your head, you replied, "Not tonight. I need to rest. Traveling today drained me. But thank you." You offered a tight-lipped smile.
"Sweet dreams, little star," Mor said, patting your head before walking away.
The once-dull headache now throbbed prominently in your forehead, and you cradled your head in discomfort. Mor’s conversation seemed to reflect the same argument you had a few days prior with Azriel. Though not filled with as malicious intent as his did, it still left you feeling just as scorned. The house cleared the table immaculately as you stood to make your way to your room.
The hallways were quiet and deserted, illuminated by the dim twinkle of faelights illuminating the red stone of the walls. Each light flickered slightly in your presence before dimming again, but you were too weary to care about such peculiarities of your powers. The House of Wind sprawled endlessly, a labyrinth of doors and spiraling stairs within the mountainside. A few new paintings and plants adorned the halls, likely additions from the High Lady and her sister, but it all remained as you remembered.
When you enter your room, a plate with an assortment of delectable cheese and crackers, accompanied by a tall, refreshing glass of water. Along with a small container of headache powder sat patiently on your bedside table. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you witnessed the house meticulously pulling back your sheets, reminiscent of the way it used to prepare your bed during your childhood days. Gently placing your night clothes at the foot of the bed, a smile of gratitude graced your face, silently expressing your appreciation to the house. It seemed that Rhys had been right about something you thought once you were in bed getting pulled into a restless sleep.
You trudged begrudgingly through the halls of the endless mansion. Feyre had roused you from slumber earlier that morning, informing you of a meeting with the inner circle in an hour. Though you harbored little desire to attend, it was the first order by your new High Lady, making it a matter of importance. You hated how far your room was from the war room. Wishing you had wings, even better, you wished you had a room closer to one of the rooms you frequented the most. Finally almost out of breath, you made it to the entrance. You stalked into the room, you found Amren, Cassian, Lucien, Azriel, and Mor already settled in their seats.
"Tsk, tsk, fashionably late to your first meeting?" Cassian playfully jabbed at you. Walking past him, you discreetly flicked the back of his head, eliciting a muttered "brat" as he dramatically nursed the imaginary injury.
Your steps faltered for a moment, as that word—brat—pricked at your annoyance. Not letting it fester too much, you take a seat between Mor and Lucien. Sitting across from Cassian and Amren, with Azriel positioned diagonally next to his brother, you could feel his intense gaze fixed upon you. Determined not to shudder or shift under his scrutiny, you resolved not to let him see how deeply his words affected you. Deep down, however, you couldn't deny the lingering care you held for him, or the way his presence had consumed your thoughts over the past week like a plague.
"I don't see Feyre and Rhysand, so technically I'm not late," you declared, a smug tone coloring your words.
"Actually, they had other matters to attend to," Amren replied indifferently. It had been less than an hour since you last saw Feyre, leaving you puzzled as to what could have transpired in such a short span of time. Cassian nudged your foot under the table, a silent reminder of his earlier warning. Narrowing your eyes, you retaliated by kicking his shin, relishing in his sharp intake of breath as he winced. "Relax, Y/n!" he exclaimed, while you concealed your smirk, leaning back in your chair with crossed arms.
"Must you be so childish?" Azriel's voice snapped at you, catching you off guard.
Cassian stared at his brother in shock, attempting to defend your actions. “Brother I had started it-“
Beside him, the spymaster exhaled, regaining his composure. "I don't care who started it; I want to get through this as quickly as possible.” he requested, his tone cold.
"Yes, please," you muttered under your breath. The shadowsinger shot you a look.
Though you sensed he had more to say, Amren began speaking before another argument could erupt, cutting straight to the point. "We haven't visited the Court of Nightmares in quite some time. It's about time we made an appearance; I'm sure they're on the brink of chaos by now."
Mor sucked in her teeth, and you could hear Lucien gulp audibly, clearly apprehensive at the thought. You bit your lip anxiously.
"I won't be able to attend. Rhysand, specifically Feyre, has requested that you, Y/n, take the reins tonight," Amren announced, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. She seemed unfazed by the prospect of missing out on the formal affair. Uncertainty flickered across the faces of those from the inner circle, unsure of how you would receive the order, except for Azriel, whose expression remained inscrutable.
You fidgeted with your fingers, picking at the hangnails. Before Amarantha, you had taken pleasure in Rhys entrusting you with these meetings, where you handled official business between the Court of Dreams and Nightmares. It had been empowering to witness your family obeying your orders, having spent so long following theirs, only to be shunned upon your return in the aftermath of one of the darkest days of your life. Your parents were ready to condemn you for treason when they first laid eyes on you. That’s when Rhys had appointed you as an emissary. Primarily since you had spent the most time in the court knowing the ins and outs, and as a sick punishment for your family.
Now, anxiety gripped you as memories you had desperately tried to suppress from your childhood. Those memories now attached with the new ones you sought to repress from your encounter with Amarantha. It became increasingly difficult to focus on Amren's words as your gaze wandered blankly through the expansive window behind her, stretching from the floor to the ceiling.
"Azriel will be right beside you for protection throughout the night, Cassian will accompany Mor, with Lucien joining them," Amren continued, a hint of wariness in her words.
"Why-why can't Cass be by my side?" you stammered. "He's a general for a reason." You had an inkling to why Azriel had always been at your side when you’d be in charge of this responsibility, but you also wanted him nowhere near you. Didn’t anyone else think that him and you together was an awful idea at the moment?
"Because Azriel has a more intimidating effect on your family," Amren replied, looking knowingly at him. Azriel remained stoic, mirroring your own defensive posture—scarred muscular arms crossed, leaning back in his chair, stil as a statue. "As I said, it's been some time since we made an appearance. Who knows what they might do? We can't risk any harm coming to the Princess on her first days back at court," she added mockingly. Rolling your eyes, you fought the urge to offer her a vulgar gesture. For that remark alone, she could certainly go to hell.
"Cassian will come to fetch you later, so you can all gather at the townhouse and winnow together," Amren concluded nonchalantly. "Now, I need to speak with Mor and Cassian privately. You three are dismissed; I'm sure Azriel and Y/n are just itching to throw themselves off the dining room veranda by now." She said to you, Lucien, and Azriel. She was right about one thing, you thought to yourself, your chair scraping against the floor as you stood, eager to escape the war room as quickly as possible.
You closed the door to your room, and fell into your bed screaming into the mattress. You were frustrated, overwhelmed, and exhausted from lack of sleep. A small commotion on your nightstand made you jump, looking up, a medium box now laid on the stand. An envelope attached to a deep purple ribbon wrapped around the gift. You sat up, and grabbed it, opening the paper.
‘Give them hell tonight, you've earned it little star. -R&F’
Inside the box was a diadem of silver, stars of different shapes hung all adorning the chain encrusted in emeralds, diamonds of different hues, and sapphires for you to wear tonight. You sighed, a new feeling slithering through your veins. Maybe this was Rhysand’s way of giving you therapy. You all played a game and made a show down in the court of nightmares that the inner circle all got a kick out of at one point or another. Maybe playing the act was what you needed? You had let your mental shield down, letting your thoughts empty to nothing, hoping Rhys would be paying attention.
You planned this intentionally? You thought once your mind was blank.
Me? What would make you think so? Rhys purred in your mind.
You rolled your eyes. Mhm, you two just had to conveniently leave all of a sudden?
That’s a matter for tomorrow, just try not to torture someone to death tonight, especially not our spymaster. He taunted.
Your spymaster, no promises. You clarified.
Have fun, little star. You could feel him poking at your mind to signal he was no longer there.
You threw your shield up, and laid back on your bed. Tonight was going to be interesting.
You fixed your lip shine in the mirror, finishing the final touches to your look before a rhythmic knock on your ajar door sounded.
“You ready?” Cassian peaked before walking into the room.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
He let out a low whistle as he examined you. “Your family’s not gonna like that.”
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” You smirked despite a brief heat rising to your cheeks.
The gown you chose was something you had saved for a trip specifically for the court of nightmares before you had been trapped under the mountain. The bodice had long sleeves and was skin tight, black crystal branches wrapping up your arms, and up your waist with thicker branches covering your chest. The skirt billowed with several layers of gossamer, much like the gown you wore in the day court just several days prior, but had slits dangerously high risking a reveal of your hip bones unlike the other gown. You wore the highest heels you had in your closet that were sure to make you grumpy just by standing in them for more than a couple minutes— exactly why you chose them. Then the diadem that Rhys and Feyre gifted you graced the top of your head and shimmered in the faelight of your room that flickered in your wake, when you felt the satisfaction from Cass’s comment.
He clicked his tongue, crossing his arms. “I don’t think I even like that.” Then he noticed the slits in the fabric. Rubbing a hand over his face in disbelief. “Mother of the cauldron Y/n, are you even wearing anything under that dress?” He made a face which made you laugh out loud.
“Pig, no need to worry about that!” You slapped his arm lightly before looping yours through it.
“You’re right I don’t want to know.” He shook his head. Cassian was always your comedic relief from your worries, and you were thankful that hadn’t changed. “Could you let Nesta borrow it?” He suggested cheekily.
You groaned disgustedly, “then I would have to burn it afterwards.”
“Good, I don’t want to see you in this gown again after tonight.”
“You’re not my father.” You teased as you two walked out to the balcony.
“Yeah but in my head you’ll always be like my little sister, no matter how much of a brat you are.” He nudged you.
“I hate that word,” you admitted, preparing yourself for flight.
He picked you up bridal style as if you weighed nothing in his arms. You adjusted the fabric so it wouldn’t fly up mid flight. “You know it’s true.” He said, his wings rustling, preparing himself.
You gave him a pointed look, “I’m considering it’s true.” Providing a pinch to his bicep. Without warning he took off into the night sky of Velaris, teasingly loosening his grip on you like he was going to drop you.
“If you keep hurting me, I’ll have to sic my mate on you.” A mischievous glint in his eyes.
“She probably knows you deserve it.” You watched the city below light up under the starry sky.
“Touché,” he smiled. He looked in thought as a silence fell over you two letting you admire Velaris below. You hadn’t had a chance to explore the city since your return, today would’ve been the day if it weren’t for the meeting in the court of nightmares. You could see the rainbow quarters perfectly from above and hear the music in the distance. The stars and moon were close to you as well, the music and being so close the light brought solace to any nerves you may have had. It prickled softly at your skin, seeping into your skin.
“I could guess one person who’ll be excited to see you.” Cassian broke the momentary silence.
“Don’t say his name,” you begged, seeing the angle he was trying to pull.
“Who, Azriel?” He grinned broadly.
“My peace is ruined,” you deadpanned, him chuckling at your disdain.
“Don’t let him being an asshole deter you. He’s been all bent out of shape since your absence. I think he’s just hurt deep down, and those little shadows that are always in his ear when you're around doesn’t help.”
You listened to Cassian ramble, confusion filling you. “You haven’t heard everything he's said to me.”
He relaxed a bit, soaring lower, the familiar townhouse now in your view. “I haven’t heard everything you've said to him either, and I don’t think it’s my business or my right to say anything on the matter given my record. Sometimes you say shit in the heat of the moment, sometimes you say shit to hide what’s actually going on underneath it all. One thing I know whenever it comes to you he’s always all up in arms. Not even Elain can do that to him. I didn’t even see him like that with Mor besides that one time.” He cleared his throat awkwardly, getting ready to land. You gripped his neck tighter, bracing yourself.
“When you’re not annoying, you’re actually wise y’know that?” You were in awe at his words. You weren’t sure how true his interpretation was, but for now it brought you slight comfort and ease about the Azriel situation. He landed with his wings slightly fluttering about, shaking off the wind of the night. He gently set you down, and you tried adjusting yourself now that you were standing. You went to fix the diadem, but Cass pushed your hand away lightly, doing it for you.
“I would hope so, year 600 is creeping up on me fast.”
You laughed softly, “you're about to be an old man.”
“Yeah let’s not talk about that, we’re talking about you remember?” He fixed a loose piece of hair that was out of place. “Try not to let him get to you too much tonight or at least channel it into you being all scary and brooding. I’ve missed you in court, it hasn't been the same.”
“Thank you Cass, and I’m sorry for not visiting.” You said sincerely.
Pulling you into his arms for an embrace, he sighed. “I figured you needed space. There’s nothing wrong with that. Rhys went to the cabin after he came out from under there. You just went to the day court for almost a decade long sabbatical.” He shrugged casually. “You can repay me by training again once you’re settled.” You nodded, pulling away. He wrapped his arm around you, “C’mon we have a party to get to.”
Lucien, Morrigan, and Azriel waited for you two. Azriel was the first to look up at the sound of your heels clicking on floor into the foyer of the townhouse. His hazel eyes darkened, eyebrows slightly narrowing, and jaw clenched at the sight of you. Your heart skipped a beat as his eyes traced your body, lingering at the top of the slits of the gown that could expose your hip bones at any sudden movement, before taking in your bare legs that were accentuated by the uncomfortable heels. You felt a warmth in your core that betrayed any ill feelings towards the spymaster, and you had to take a deep breath to calm yourself. You never knew a look would be able to enthrall you so much and ignite such feelings.
He was in his more formal fighting leathers, muscles at full display even underneath the leather, his hair neatly styled back, sciphons glowing under the light of the common room. He was god-like, you couldn’t deny that. Not rugged looking like Cassian or as regal as Rhys, but he was beautiful. You wanted to be sick at thinking these thoughts. His shadows whispered in his ears as he stared at you. You couldn’t discern the look in his eyes as Mor approached you.
“Oh my, my fathers gonna croak, I love it!” She squealed looking at the patterns on your dress. “But we do have to get going, Y/n winnow Cass?” She looked at the male beside you.
You were about to agree, but Azriel spoke up. “I think I should be with her. Just in case. Amren said they’re possibly at a brink of chaos.” His voice was gravelly, and your heart pounded erratically at the huskiness in his tone.
“O-okay? Cassian, let’s come on then.” She looked at you, your eyes were wide in surprise.
Azriel approached you, and his scent of cedar and mist filled your senses making you want to melt even more. You only cleared your throat, straightening your back as his scarred arm reached around you pulling you closer to him as you got ready to winnow. You could feel the rough pad of his thumb near the top of the slit of your dress making your mind blank. His shadows swirled around your wrists in greeting for the first time since you’ve seen him, and you could feel your cheeks heat up.
Mor and Cassian disappeared along with Lucien right behind them. Azriel’s body heat and movement of his hand on your hip was making you flushed, unable to concentrate. Then his lips were close to your ear and you could feel his cool breath on your neck.
“Whatever happens tonight, don’t take it to heart.” The grip on your hip had tightened, and you could feel the sheath of truth-teller in your lower back.
You looked up to him, even wearing your tallest heels he had towered over you, observing the deadly calm on his face. Your gaze lingered on his lips for a second before flirting back to his intense hazel orbs.
You said barely above a whisper, scared your voice would betray your words. “You forget I’m great at this game, shadowsinger.”
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚
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Aaaaand we’re off to the races besties!! I had so much fun writing this part! I hope you’re excited as I am for the next one!!
Taglist: @tcris2020 @rachelnicolee @thelov3lybookworm @bubybubsters @mich0731 @t0uch-starved-h0e @penguins-are-the-best @justagingerliving @brekkershadowsinger @jiinmii
If I missed any of you just lmk!
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thewickedspinster · 4 months
Cassian x reader. We all know dancing isn’t cassian’s forte, however maybe he learns and catches reader off guard with some of his new skills (even) if he isn’t perfect.
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The Idiot
a/n: crying at this btw. literally a dream i had once.
warnings/content: keir's sexism, platonic az x reader, fem! reader, language probably, cassian's dancing bc OOF, masquerade trope bc it's FUN ok
The Idiot
If she had to deal with one more obnoxious male approaching and asking for her hand, Y/N was going to lose it.
The Court of Nightmares had never been her favorite place. As the younger daughter of Keir, lord of the infernal realm, she had known it all too well for most of her life. By now, the heady drumbeats, slinking fae, and ears in the stone walls made her shudder.
Luckily, she spent plenty of time above the surface. Though she had stayed in the court under the mountain for several decades longer than her sister, Y/N had finally escaped her father's slimy grip and joined her cousin above ground. As a member of the Inner Circle, she had breathed fresh air the first. She had learned to live, and she had learned to fight differently than ever before. Now, as Rhysand's chief diplomat, she had a place that was more than just her sex. A family more than the one she'd been born into.
Yet, each Solstice, these visits to her father's domain were obligatory. A show of good faith, if you will. And yet each year, Keir put on a show that made Y/N's skin crawl. It was the dark side of the dreamer's world that Rhysand had created. It was a dark side that was necessary to maintain the peace, no matter how much Y/N wished it destroyed.
Tonight's party was no different. Rhysand and Feyre lounged on their thrones, heads leaned together as they surveyed their dominion. In all honesty, it wasn't much to behold. Drunk fae crowded together on the ballroom floor, courtly dances forgotten for the preferred grinding and undulating of the underground folk. This wouldn't be so bad, honestly, had Y/N not experienced being a young female here. But those memories of being treated like chattel were impossible to forget.
Her only saving grace was the mask perched upon her face. Though it was clear who she was, to the untrained eye, she was just another noble female of the abundant court. While it attracted more males to her side, she had an easier time turning them down. And an easier time avoiding her father, who lurked in the shadows somewhere beyond the High Lord and Lady's thrones. Which was for the best, because he would surely comment on her presentation in night court black, with mother of pearl weighing down her skirts and the mask on her nose. The creamy white was even scattered through her hair, marking her as someone important, but someone forgettable. That was how she'd prefer to stay.
She felt a gentle nudge, barely there, against her shoulder. Without turning, she knew who was there.
"Anything interesting happening behind the scenes?" She asked, still facing the dance floor.
"Nothing you'd want to know about," came Azriel's low reply, laced with a chuckle. "Plenty of sex. And plenty of fear."
"Can practically smell it."
"It reeks," he agreed. "Rhys does that."
She snorted. "It's because they don't trust in Keir to lead them that they fear Rhysand."
"Don't let anyone else hear you say that. They'll mutiny." Y/N was always able to bring out the smirk in Azriel. They got on well that way, and worked even more closely together than Az did with Cassian. Together, the three of them were an unstoppable team.
Observing the rolling mass of bodies, inhaling the stench of faerie wine and sweat, Y/N sighed. "Just wish it were less hedonistic down here. Not that our lives are particularly savory, but just..."
"It feels too heavy and forced down here," Azriel said gently, stepping up to her side and slipping his arm through hers. "Like they're made to do it. Like they relish in the pain that Keir brings them."
She drew him close. "They probably know no different," she murmured.
A moment of silence passed as they watched the crowd, as they observed their friends across the cavernous space. Then, Azriel said, "I'd ask you to dance, but I just don't think this is your style."
She barked a laugh. "Not quite, no."
Though not as talented as Nesta Archeron, Y/N had been trained as a young female to dance in the classic ballroom style, to a formal orchestra and before a crowd housing endless royalty. She'd been made to dance more than once before Rhysand's father, who had relished in forcing Keir's daughters to perform for him. It did not bring back good memories, but she had enjoyed the movement. She found moments of rhythm and dance even now, in her training above ground. She had never forgotten the feel of the music sliding against her bones, and she hoped she never would.
The minutes ticked by. In rotation, the Inner Circle floated past Y/N, checking in. Azriel departed, and Mor soon after approached, cup of mead in hand for her sister. Y/N took it gratefully, and the two damned princesses stood, shoulder to shoulder, observing the dark splendor. Finally, finally, the evening was drawing to a close, It had been hours, and Rhysand had finally shifted in his seat, signaling he would soon stand to leave. But just before he could, the floor cleared.
Still at her post opposite the thrones, Y/N glanced around, gauging the crowd. They had withdrawn bowed, as if they'd been ordered, but they chattered nervously. Clearly, something was meant to happen. Whether Rhys and Feyre knew or not, Y/N couldn't judge from their expressions.
From the crowd, he stepped. Crimson siphons gleaming, scaled armor traded in for soft formal leathers, hair soft and eye gleaming, General Cassian of the Night Court armies stepped forth, hand held aloft.
His eyes met none but hers.
Y/N stared back at him, a breathless laugh escaping her lungs. "Cass?"
"Don't make me look an idiot, Y/N," he said, a smile hiding the nerves that shone through his hazel eyes. "Come dance with me."
"But -"
"No buts," he said. "Just c'mere."
Y/N couldn't believe what she was seeing. Cassian had been missing in action all night, and now he was asking her to dance? Before the entire court? She had never seen him dance, and she'd probably laugh if she had. He was famous for his two left feet, and his fumbling compliments. She would know better than anyone else; as his best friend, his confidant, his partner in politics, she knew him better than most. And she'd thought she'd known him better than to ever expect him to ask her to dance.
Yet, as her closest friend, the one that understood her to her core, Cassian knew she would never say no to him.
As he stood before her, crooked grin on his face, hand outstretched, he watched her flounder only a moment before she straightened and laid her hand gracefully in his. Her grin matched his own.
"Better not trip me, Pigeon."
Cassian didn't have the chance to respond as the orchestra struck up the song he'd chosen for this moment. The prelude began, and ever proper, Y/N withdrew to drop into a low curtsy, her black skirts spread over the marble floor. Cassian bowed low at the waist, though his eyes never left hers. Hidden there, in their depths, was laughter.
The first movement began, and Cassian took Y/N by the waist and swept her into the dance. A waltz-like thing, it sent them spinning and gliding across the entirety of the floor, which had been cleared entirely. The whole court was watching them, and yet Y/N could only see him.
"I always thought it was strange how people talked when they danced," said Cassian lowly, "but now I think I get it."
"No one can hear us out here," she agreed. "Perfect for sharing secrets. Like where you learned to do this?"
He sent her spinning, and her trained feet knew the steps well. After a moment, she came back to him. He stumbled, but only just. "Well, Mor told me how you'd learned, and I know how much you hate it here." He shrugged. "I figured I'd try to make this Solstice visit memorable for you. In a good way."
She smiled up at him, eyes crinkling. "I mean where you learned to dance. Don't think all that training adds up to this."
At this, he turned pink. "I asked your sister to teach me."
A laugh bubbled up, unstoppable. "How long did that take?"
"Only about three months."
"Cassian!!" She cried in disbelief.
"Listen," he chuckled, giving her another spin. By this point in their talking, he'd already stepped on her feet more than once, but she could not bring herself to mind in the least. "I wanted to learn! And maybe I'm terrible at dancing, but I did learn this little number."
"I'm proud of you," Y/N complimented, leading him through the next few steps with a gentle hand. She turned serious "And thank you, Cass. Really. You -" She paused, swallowed. "You don't know what it means."
The orchestra (conveniently) slowed, flowing into the second movement of the piece, and they followed suit. They moved with the gentle fluidity of a mountain stream, and Cassian pressed his forehead to hers.
"I want to," he whispered, just for her. "I want to know everything that goes on in that pretty head. I want to know you, Y/N."
Y/N took pause. She and Cassian had been the best of friends for centuries. They had been constant companions during Rhys's fifty years Under the Mountain. And despite it all, she had hoped against hope that perhaps someday, his feelings would blaze to life like hers had. That he could see her as she saw him - everything.
"You can't just say those things," she breathed with a nervous chuckle.
"Don't tell me what I can't say, Y/N," Cassian said, will everstrong. "You know exactly what I mean."
"How could you possibly think I know what you mean?" She countered, put off by his tone. "If I've ever -"
"Elain told me," he interrupted. "How you feel about me."
Y/N gasped, her chest closing in on itself in panic. Elain was a close friend, one who was usually a vault when it came to secrets.
"She didn't mean to," Cassian amended quickly. "Azriel got her too drunk at Rita's one night, and she started talking." He shook his head, cursing. "I shouldn't have fucking said a thing. Look, if I've got this wrong -"
"No!" She blurted, before thinking. She recovered, but barely, as the dance picked up once more. "No, she's right. I'm just surprised she said anything, is all."
"... She's right?"
With as much confidence as she could muster, heart pounding, chest aching, Y/N straightened in his grip and said, "Yes, she is. As much as this could fuck up everything, I have loved you since you saved my sister. Maybe even before. And I was so lucky to have you as my friend that I couldn't bear to say a word for fear of losing you."
A slow, hesitant smile on his rugged, handsome face. "You love me?"
He tripped, his foot catching on her dress, and stumbled. He was laughing before he could right himself, and they both gave up the steps of the dancing, holding each other before the entire Court of Nightmares.
"Yeah, idiot, I do," she confirmed.
"I love you," he breathed, palm rising to cradle her cheek. "Have for not as long as you, but long enough for it to hurt."
"And long enough for you to learn to waltz."
His laugh echoed around the chamber, booming even over the music. The orchestra continued on, playing into the conclusion of the piece. Their time on the floor had felt like an eternity wrapped in a heartbeat, where truth suspended time like water.
"Long enough for me to learn to waltz," he repeated. His mask had been abandoned long ago, forsaken for the sweat it gathered. With brazen sureness, he lifted Y/N's mask, setting it atop her immaculately decorated head, and murmured, "I'm gonna kiss you now, Y/N/N. Don't make me look an idiot."
"You've never been an idiot, Cass, and I certainly won't make you one now."
And when his mouth met hers, it was chapped and raw and warm and strong. Everything she had always loved about him, she tasted on his lips, his tongue. Everything she had wanted to be protected by, she felt in the strength of his hand around her waist. Everything she had wanted to keep safe, she heard in the soft sound that fled his throat. In the gentle murmur of her name repeated back to her against her flesh.
Cassian couldn't dance for shit, but he was no idiot. He knew love when he held it in his two hands. He knew to cherish it close.
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sapphicmsmarvel · 8 months
a court of thorns and roses masterlist
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💜: favorites
🔥: smut/spicy
punching bags 💜
feyre x reader
lost and found
feysand x reader:
getting together 💜
the afterglow
feysand vs spider 💜
disability comfort 💜
morrigan x reader:
who i picture as mor
dating mor and meeting the inner circle
gifs with mor + pt 2
tell me what you need me to do
the inner circle walking in
azriel x reader:
the beginning of your life with Azriel
mr. loverboy 💜
worlds collide 💜
baby blanket 💜
"too much"
through feyre's eyes
shit got weird 💜
paranormal scaries
cassian x reader:
dating a high maintenance girlie
some honkas
with you, i can be quiet without guilt 💜
shy girl series:
summary: Cassian and Y/N awkwardly third wheel (four wheel techncially) Feyre and Rhysand. They find love along the way! (no nesta slander)
coming soon!
you know how to ball, I know aristotle series masterlist
platonic!acotar characters x reader
full cast:
one day at a time
bad dates 💜
the night courts justice 💜
lost and found
headcannons for all characters
perfume 💜
loving a plus size reader 💜
modern au! competition
getting mad over silly, silly little things
"hey bitch, what's for dinner?" 💜
random fics ive written for acotar
feeding my complex 💜
^ azriel x reader x feyre x rhysand ^
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Yandere Inner Circle Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🌹 — lady l: here it is, I hope you guys like these Inner Circle headcanons! I haven't proofread it yet and it may contain errors and forgive me for that! Good reading, darlings! ❤️🖤
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of injuries, implied torture, implied death, and unhealthy platonic relationships.
❝🌹pairing: yandere platonic!inner circle x gender neutral!reader.
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The way you came into the arms of the Inner Circle is complicated, to say the least. It was Cassian and Azriel who found you bruised and lost in the Spring Court woods. You were weak and had clearly been attacked by someone or something and the illyrians didn't know what to do with you at first. They couldn't leave you there, it was pretty clear that you would end up being killed given the critical state you were in. So they decided to take you to Velaris. They could deal with the High Lord and High Lady after they made sure you were okay. They didn't understand why but the thought of you succumbing to your injuries made them bitter.
You were treated by the High Lord's favorite healer and you were out of danger, leaving the males relieved, but now they had to deal with Rhysand and Feyre. The rulers didn't seem upset but rather curious about what motivated the illyrian males to bring you to Velaris and how concerned they were about you. Though they could show kindness and mercy, the peculiar way in which they acted around him baffled him. They didn't even know your name, but they were determined to save you.
When you finally regained consciousness, you found yourself surrounded by the males who saved you, although you were half unconscious when they found you, you recognized and thanked them. Although you still felt pain, you didn't want to stay in an unfamiliar place any longer and wanted to go back to your home. Wherever it was. Needless to say, they didn't take it very well. They didn't seem willing to let you out of that bed, that much you noticed, but not that they didn't seem to want to let you out of the Night Court. And soon you found out it wasn't just them.
Rhysand tries to be the voice of reason and tries to be sympathetic to your situation and talks to Azriel and Cassian about you, but soon he is considered a hypocrite when he finds himself attached to you and does not intend to let you go. There was something about you, something that made you so special in Rhys's eyes and he didn't intend to let something so precious go. Rhysand enjoys listening to you talk, he's a good listener, and would love to take you flying with him if you wanted.
Feyre was one of the most excited to have you with them, along with Azriel and Cassian, it didn't take long for her to convince her mate to accept you into the Inner Circle. She is so kind to you and loving, almost like a mother would. Feyre learned to love you once she heard your ''story'' told by the males and she decided she couldn't let you go. What if you were attacked again? She couldn't have that and she wouldn't. She loves to paint you and she will love to teach you how to do it if you want to learn.
Morrigan was wary at first but soon warmed to you like the others and truly loved you. She was furious when she learned that you were attacked and wanted to find the culprits to make them pay for daring to hurt you. A passionate delusional, Mor doesn't seem to understand how wrong it all was, her family's obsession with you and she didn't care.
Cassian warmed to you the moment he found you semi-conscious in the woods, and just like Mor, he wanted to make whoever hurt you feel bad. The general refused to leave your side until you got better and was ready to fight Feyre and Rhys if they didn't allow him into Velaris, thankfully that was avoided. Cassian is playful and wants to teach you how to stand up for yourself, he loves to tease and flirt with you, but will get annoyed if someone else does the same. Only he is allowed to tease you.
Azriel took a little longer to warm up to you, although he felt bitter when he met you, he was still suspicious. He's not the Spymaster for no reason, he needed to make sure you weren't a threat, but even so, Azriel didn't like the idea of leaving your side, but you would be in good hands until he checked everything and that led him to find out who hurt you. He's quieter and the least demanding of your attention, but Az wants you to choose him for things, be it training, or being in the Shadowsinger's silent company. He has really come to love you.
Amren was the last to warm up to you. At first, she was curious and suspicious of everything, the strange affection others had for you, but as he spent more time with her, she could finally understand and Amren began to open up to you. You became good friends, much to everyone's amazement, and the First Mate found herself craving her company more often, particularly when you brought her blood.
Family is what they are and what they will always be. They all warmed to you in their own way and you became theirs when you accepted to become part of the Inner Circle, even if you didn't know you were theirs before all this happened. When Azriel found out who had hurt you, they all went after those responsible and made them suffer in return for what they did to you. No one could hurt you and get away with it, they would make sure of that.
Everyone is kind and protective of you, but if you try to run away from them, they won't be so kind anymore. Rhysand and Feyre would order you to be hunted down and brought back home and when you were brought back, screaming, they would make you regret leaving. They love you, but you dared to disobey them and soon you will learn what it means to revolt against the Night Court. But don't worry, they won't hurt you too much. And when it was all over, you would find yourself covered in affects that would break your mind more than the worst tortures.
And if you still fight their love, Rhysand and Feyre will have to use their daemati gifts. They don't want to have to break your mind for you to accept them, but they will if everything becomes too much to handle and others would be inclined to accept you being manipulated, broken. But once it's all over, when all the pain is gone, you'll be more loved and more cared for. Cassian and Azriel would take you flying and sightseeing, Mor would take you drinking and shopping, Amren would shower you with jewels, Rhys would be so protective and loving and Feyre would be so affectionate and would spend hours painting you. They would all act as if nothing had happened and anyone who threatens to shatter that illusion will bitterly regret it.
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tsunami-of-tears · 1 year
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ACOTAR Masterlist
☼ Angst ☁︎ Fluff ☾ Smut ✧ Suggestive (not quite smut) ✦ Dark themes
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Shadows and Sunshine ☁︎ ☾ ☼ Azriel x OC (completed)
Angel ☁︎ ☾ ☼ Cazriel x Healer Reader (for poly+ ACOTAR Week 2024) (WIP)
Haunted ☼ ✦ Elain x Medium Reader (sapphic), Rhys x Medium Reader (platonic) (WIP)
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No Control ☾ Azriel x Reader
Iris ✦ ☼ Azriel x Rhys’s Sister Reader
Someplace better ✦ ☼ Azriel x Reader
Sunny ☁︎ Cassian x Reader
Switch ☾ Part II ☾ Cassian x Reader
Peace ✦ ☼ Cassian x Reader
Missing him drabble ☁︎ Eris x Reader
Draw me like one of your fae girls ☾ ☁︎ Feyre x Reader
Quality Control ☾ Lucien x Reader
Red ☁︎ ✧ Mor x Reader
But Daddy I Love Her ☼ Mor x Vanserra Reader
Cake ☁︎ ✧ Rhys x Reader
Taboo ☾ Rhys x Reader
Other Ships
The Wolf and the Fox ☾ Tamcien (A/B/O)
Just one? drabble ✧ Elucien
Three Wishes ☾ Batboys x Reader
Foxtrot ☼ Nerissian
Subtle ☁︎ ✧ Azriel x Reader, Nesta x Reader, Nessian
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Size Queen hc ✧ Rhys, Azriel, Cassian, Lucien & Nesta
Reacting to Reader’s piercings hc ✧ Rhys, Azriel, Cassian, Lucien & Eris
So High School hc ✧ Rhys, Azriel, Cassian, Lucien, Eris & Tamlin
ACOTAR characters as dog breeds hc
ACOTAR ships as Taylor Swift songs hc
ACOTAR x Stardew Valley hc
Rhys teaching Nyx to read incorrect quote
Cassian cooking Nesta breakfast incorrect quote
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Dividers are by me ♡
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arlathavellan · 11 months
ACOTAR Masterlist
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Interactive Fiction
[At Starfall] (Rhysand, Azriel, Cassian) -- Fluff, slight angst
Phantom Pains
[One] [Two] [Three]
Angst, Hurt/Comfort
[The Silence Left In My Wake] -- Angst, Past Relationship
Requests Open For:
Feyre, Nesta, Elain, Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Tamlin, Eris, Lucien, Tarquin, Helion, as well as platonic, familial, and poly x reader
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hailucy · 1 year
REQUESTS for fanfics
Hi everyone! I’m Hai! i use she/her pronouns
I’ve always been using tumblr to read fanfics but never to write or post anything, however lately i’ve been having an urge to write fics. So here i am *jazz hands*
Disclaimer: I’m not the best at grammar specifically comma placements so if there’s a problem with any of that please ignore it or message me!! Also i’m probably a slow writer :) i’ll most likely start with drabbles and work my way up
(names written are the characters i would favour writing however you can suggest any)
Harry Potter (golden trio era):
Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, Blaine Zabini, any of the other slytherins
Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Annabeth Chase,
Shameless USA:
Lip Gallagher, Carl Gallagher
(i’m only on season 3 but i know a lot of spoilers so that’s why i decided to write for shameless however if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after season 3, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Azriel, Cassian, Nesta Archeron, Eris Vanserra, Lucien, Vanserra
Doctor Who:
9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor, 13th Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble(platonic)
Across the Spiderverse:
Miles 42, Hobie Brown, Miguel O’Hara
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid, Elle Greenaway
Dean Winchester
(i’m only on season 5 so if requesting please don’t center it around big plot points that occur after/during season 5, i’ll update after each season i’ve watched)
Dominic Fike:
(hes the only [real] person i will write for as of now)
- GN reader and Fem Reader (only because i’m more comfortable and experienced)
- Fluff
-Angst (my favourite)
-Smut (i’m not comfortable with it… yet;)
-incest, pedophilia or anything that correlates with these things
-yandere (i’m simply not able to write it. no shaming over here i promise!)
-second chance but the reason they broke up was because one cheated or abused the other. (i’m sorry but i cant, they deserve better) however i am able to write cheating or abuse if asked but only if it ends with a happy ending and reader does not end up with abuser/cheater. Or if there was a mistake(miscommunication when it comes to the cheating)
-If a character is part of the Lgbtq+ community i will not pair them with a gender they don’t like romantically (like Ian Gallagher x fem reader but i can do GN reader). This doesn’t mean i won’t write sibling or platonic reader for that person
(because i’m a hater, i’m sorry. however they can be mentioned or be the ‘antagonist’ but they can’t be the main character )
Luke Castellan, Rhysand, Feyre Archeron, Elain Archeron, Debbie Gallagher(don’t hate her but i don’t really understand/like her character enough to write for her), Calypso(i’m an avid hater)
Reminder i will write for anyone not mentioned but i will prioritise the names listed above
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waywardsummoner46 · 3 years
Character List~
Finally! It is here. Hopefully this helps you all with any confusion or just in general.
What I’ll write: 
Polyamorous relationships (character x reader x character)
Plain old character x reader
sibling!character or parent!character x reader
Absolutely any AU at all, I’ll list a few ideas down the list
Any version of a character (yandere, dark, etc.)
Literally anything I guess, if it bothers me I’ll let you know!
For certain characters the requests will be strictly platonic however I’m still willing to write dark stuff for them too.
There’s also definitely some I’ve missed so if you don’t see a character or fandom you’re interested in, don’t be afraid to ask!
I’ll put a star next to the characters I’m most interested in writing just in case your struggling to choose!
So here’s the list itself (it’s a bit messy I’m afraid oops):
·        Dean Winchester (most versions of) *
·        Sam Winchester (most versions of) *
·        Castiel (most versions of) *
·        Gabriel *
·        Charlie Bradbury
·        Jack Kline (platonic)
·        Bobby Singer (platonic)
·        Rowena Macleod
·        Crowley
·        Kaz Brekker
·        Inej Ghafa
·        Nina Zenik
·        Matthias Helvar
·        Jesper Fahey
·        Wylan van Eck
·        Aleksander Morozova *
·        Nikolai Lantsov *
·        Alina Starkov
·        Zoya Nazyalenski
·        Genya Safin
·        Peter Parker (all versions) *
·        Loki *
·        Doctor Strange *
·        Natasha Romanoff
·        Yelena Belova
·        Steve Rogers
·        Druig * 
·        Milo/Lucien
·        Charles Xavier
·        Peter Maximoff
·        Jean Grey
·        Logan
Guardians of the Galaxy
·        Gamora
·        Nebula
·        Matt Murdock
·        Jessica Jones
·        Kilgrave
·        Billy Russo*
·        Benedict Cumberbatch *
·        Henry Cavill
·        Joker (Barry Keoghan or Heath Ledger)
·        The Riddler (Paul Dano)
·        Superman
·        Poison Ivy
·        Harley Quinn
·        Dick Grayson (any version of) *
·        Jason Todd (any version of)
·        Tim Drake
·        Damian Wayne (platonic unless aged-up)
·        Wonder Woman
·       John Constantine (Keanu Reeves)
·       Anarky
·      Jerome Valeska
·      Jeremiah Valeska *
·      Edward Nygma
The Witcher
·        Geralt of Rivia
·        Jaskier
·        Paul Atreides *
·        Channi
·        Jasper Hale - Major Whitlock (the fan concept of a different, more dominant personality for him interests me a lot so...) *
·        Alice Cullen
·        Aro
Doctor Who
·        Ten
·        Eleven
The Boys
·        Soldier Boy
·        Tobias Eaton
·        Tris Prior
Harry Potter
·        Tom Riddle *
·        Marauders Era!Remus Lupin *
·        Marauders Era!Sirius Black
·        Newt Scamander
·         Billy Loomis
·         Stu Macher
The Maze Runner
·         Thomas
·         Newt - Crank!Newt
Once Upon A Time
·         Peter Pan *
Star Wars
·         Kylo Ren
·         Anakin Skywalker
·         Luke Skywalker
·         Leia Organa
Star Trek
·         Khan Noonien Singh
Throne of Glass (please for the love of god request for this!!!! If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it!)
·        Rowan Whitethorn *
·        Aelin Galathynius *
·        Aedion Ashryver
·       Dorian Havilliard (with or without collar) *
·       Manon Blackbeak *
·       Ansel of Briarcliff
·       Asterin Blackbeak
·       Elide Lochan
·       Lorcan Salvaterre
·       Fenrys Moonbeam
·       Lysandra
·       Nesryn Faliq
·       Sam Cortland
The Cruel Prince
·       Cardan Greenbriar *
·        Jude Duarte
Percy Jackson and Related
·        Piper McLean
·        Hazel Levesque
·        Nico di Angelo
·        Leo Valdez *
The Mortal Instruments
·       Jace Herondale
American Horror Story
·       James Patrick March *
·       Tate Langdon
·       Kai Anderson
Teen Wolf
·       Stiles Stilinski - Nogitsune *
·       Legend *
·       Jacks, The Prince of Hearts *
·       Donatella Dragna
·       Scarlett Dragna
·       Cordell Walker
My Bloody Valentine
·       Tom Hanniger
Cry Wolf 2005
·       Tommy Jordan
Peaky Blinders
·       Tommy Shelby
Gilmore Girls
·        Dean Forester
Good Omens
·        Crowley (Nanny Ashtoreth)*
·        Aziraphale*
Little Women
·       Theodore “Laurie” Laurence
The Matrix
·       Neo *
·       Trinity
Brooklyn Nine Nine
·       Rosa Diaz
·       Jake Peralta
·       Gina Linetti
Kingdom of the Wicked
·       Emilia di Carlo
·       Wrath
·       Lust
A Court of Thorns and Roses (still reading, will add more characters as I go on)
·    Rhysand
·    Feyre
·    Lucien
·    Nesta
·    Mor
·    Azriel
·    Cassian
·    Amren
House of the Dragon
·    Daemon Targaryen
·    Rhaenyra Targaryen
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redheadspark · 2 years
The Friends to lovers prompt “going as each other’s “platonic” date to a mutual friend’s wedding” with Cassian x Reader?! Maybe a little make out sesh at the end😳 Thanks a bunch luv!!
A Cassian Request?! I'll shall take a crack at it! Thanks Anon!
Wedding Bliss
Summary: You loved wedding, especially the kind that let's you bring a "date"
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Warnings: Some nice fluff
You loved weddings. There was something in the air when two people are deciding to wed and get together. You didn't know if it was the free alcohol or the guests dressed elegantly, or maybe it was the romantic mood during the ceremony when the couple exchanged their vows, the love in their eyes and in the voices. Weddings were so fun to go to, and the current one you were attending was no exception.
You sat in the third row of chairs during the mating ceremony, which was almost a wedding ceremony at the same time. That was unique in itself, since the wedding would be first and then the mating ceremony would sometime after. But the couple wanted it both at the same time, not wanting to wait a pinch longer than they should. You knew them both very well to know that they were impatient when it came to something like this. So you smiled widely as the Priestess was reciting the words, the two lovers in font of her and holding hands between them and grinning widely. They were prefect with one another: A Valkeryie warrior and a Shadow Singer
Azriel and Gwyn.
Azriel had only two Groomsman by his side, just as Gwyn had two bridesmaids by hers. Rhysand, the High Lord of Night Court was the Best Man, fitting the roll perfectly and looking rather poised in his spot next to the groom. On his other side was the commander of the Illryian army, a tall brooding man with his lengthy hair pulled back in a low bun and a styled beard that was trimmed. Cassian, a fierce warrior and a smooth talker at that. He had a smirk on his face, looking at his friend proudly as he was getting married and wearing his own suit with pride and his wing tucked behind him.
The groomsman looked over at him briefly, seeing you sitting with the High Lady Feyre and her son Nyx who was settled on her lap. You felt your stomach lurch a bit, his bright eyes finding yours and smolder on his face and lips. You just smiled back, hearing the Priestess finish the last of the ceremony and recite the last words that were needed to seal the union. Cassian looked back in time to see Azriel and Gwyn finally kiss, the rest of the guests in attendance clapping and cheering.
You clapped too, feeling Feyre nudge you by her elbow and give you a knowing look. You just smiled at her and shrugged.
The reception was held at The House of Wind, a cluster of guests were left towards the tail end of the reception since the rest left for the night. There were maybe 6 more guests left, mostly the Inner Circle of Night Court as they were surrounding the newly married couple and offering their congratulations to them. Rhysand took out the best wine, giving the newlyweds the first glasses and then passing out the rest. You were talking with Armen and Mor, two close friends of yours.
"Took those tow long enough to get together," Mor said in a dreamy sigh, looking over at Azriel and Gwyn, who was sitting in his lap on a lounge chair as they were hearing a story from Cassian. You looked too, seeing Cassian using his hands and having an animated face while he already took off his suite jacket and unbuttoned some of the buttons on his dress shirt. You stared for a pinch too long, seeing his chest under the dress shirt and some of the muscles there too.
"So," Armen said, snapping you out of you daze on the Illyrian warrior over to her, "You and Cassian came to the wedding as each others dates?"
"Did he finally ask you out?" Mor asked, finding herself genuinely curious. You scoffed, taking a drink from her wine.
"We're just friends," You reasoned, "We have been for some time,"
"Clearly you are," Armen said sarcastically, looking at her empty glass and then sighing heavily, "I'm empty. I'm going go find more to drink,"
"I think they have a stash for you in the kitchen," Mor called out to her as Armen slipped away. You chuckled as you looked back at Cassian again, seeing him now staring at you as he did before in the ceremony. He was grinning at him, a full on grin as he then motioned with his head over to the direction of the deserted hallway that was dark and away from prying eyes. You watched him first walk over, hands in his pants pockets and a cock in his head. You downed the last of your own wine, placing the glass on the end table next to you as you grinned at Mor.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom," She replied, Mor just nodding and moving over to Azriel and Gwyn, both of whom were talking to Rhysand and Feyre. You moved casually, not wanting to look too obvious. You tried to make it seem smooth and casual, leaving the rest of the group behind and following the trail that Cassian almost left for you. With every step you took towards the deserted hallway, you were feeling jittery and butterflies. It was nothing new, and yet you liked it.
Once you were down far enough in the hallway, hearing nothing but your breathing and the low hum of the lanterns above in the hallways, you felt a large and yet gently hand along your lower waist and a smirk against your neck. You smirked, leaning into the touch and knowing it like the back of your hand.
"Did you have to make it that obvious at the ceremony?" You asked him as you felt a lingering kiss touch your neck.
"I don't know what you're talking about," He replied, his voice in a low grumble and almost alluring as you were moving with him to go against one the the walls. Your body went willingly, pressing up against the wall and looking up at none other than Cassian, seeing him peering down at you and the small light reflection off his handsome face that was peering down at you. A smirk was on his lips, though you were grinning too.
"You were staring daggers at me that even Feyre noticed. And just now with Mor and Armen," You explained, seeing him lean down to get closer to you and almost trap you against the wall. You were once again letting him, knowing full well that he was bit and powerful, yet gentle and caring in his actions.
"Bless Feyre, but she's a bit oblivious sometimes," He said, you smirking at him, "And I say that with the upmost respect for my High Lady. As for the other two.....they're just oblivious all the time."
"Even Armen?" You coyly asked, seeing him chuckle and lick his lips, "I'll go tell her,"
"Don't you dare," He hummed, wrapping his arm around you waist and being so close to you that you could barely touch your lips against his own, "I'd rather spend some alone time with my mate before anyone else finds out where we are,"
"Are we ever going to tell any of them we're mates?" You asked, placing your hands on his thick and muscular waist, feeling the contrast of the cold wall against your back and the warm body in front of you, "It feels like of like we're cheating on our friends in not telling them,"
"We're gonna tell them," Cassian reassured you calmly, seeing the uneasiness on your face as he pressed a kiss on your nose, "I didn't want to do it now since Az and Gwyn got married today. it'll be our turn, I promise. Let's just have this now, and I'll make sure to tell them soon enough,"
Eyeing him, you know he was telling the truth as you slowly sighed, nodding in agreement. When you two found out to be mates, you wanted to tell everyone about it since you two were so blissfully happy. But it was also a sacred moment for only the pair of you, and you just wanted to have it with him and him alone. For now.
"Good," Cassian hummed, then his alluring look came back, "Now, let me enjoy my mate in her sexy dress, please?"
"Gladly," You replied easily, leaning up to finally kiss him. You two were swelled in the darkness of that hallway, kissing each other with both sensualness and gentleness at the same time. You would have your time with him, it will come and you'll be beyond happy that day.
But your mind was too occupied with the Illyrian commander kissing you soundly and making you fall in love all over again.
The End.
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arrantsnowdrop · 3 years
Request Guidelines :)
Howdy y’all! As I now have a bunch of free time and an actual desire to write I have decided to properly open requests up again and give reminders of what fandoms and characters I write for (and other little things).
I can write fluff, angst, and smut (absolutely no noncon) - you can request any of these. Most of my fics average around 2,000 to 2,500 words, if that is too long or short for your liking please specify in your request. I prefer requests are more detailed than “Fred Weasley x reader fluff” but worst comes to worst I’ll private message you for a little more info.
Here is the list of fandoms/characters I write for (typically x reader fics, though I am open to writing for ships!):
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit (Aragorn, Eomer, Boromir, Faramir, the hobbits platonically, Legolas, Thranduil, Haldir, Kili/Fili/Thorin, all of the women, Gimli/other dwarves platonically)
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts (Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, Fred/George, Ginny, Charlie, Percy, Bill, Draco, Cedric, Newt, Theseus)
ACOTAR (Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Mor, Feyre, Tamlin, Lucien, Tarquin)
Star Wars (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Poe, Finn, Kylo, Rey, Luke, Han, Leia, Padme, Jedi from TCW just ask me first lol)
Marvel (Loki, Thor, Bucky, Sam, Steve, Nat)
These are the characters I’m comfy writing for, please try to stick to them for requests and stuff. If you would like to inquire about another character or fandom please feel free to ask (I would do ATLA upon request). :)
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