#ffxv remix
crazyloststar · 8 months
Teen And Up Audiences | No Archive Warnings Apply | Gen | World of Ruin | The Long Night | Grief/Mourning | 2,385k
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Despite Prompto's best efforts to keep it together, he’s crying. Sobbing. Curling up under the blanket like he used to when the darkness first happened. Like he has ever since Noctis disappeared. It feels like it’s been an eternity but it’s just been over a year. One year and three months. Four hundred and fifty six days. Ten thousand, nine hundred and forty four hours. Six hundred fifty six thousand, six hundred forty minutes.
Written for the @ffxvremix event, inspired by another dream about by @magitekunit05953234 ❤
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ffxvremix · 2 years
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No Archive Warnings Apply | Nyx Ulric | Libertus Ostium | Crowe Altius | Titus Drautos | Glauca | Cor Leonis | OC - Character | Tattoos | Embedded Image | Art | Loss | Galahdan Culture | Found Family
Creators for the remix will be revealed on December 4th!
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happy-orc · 7 months
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I wanted to draw an angel and I wanted to draw Ardyn so I did just that. I wanted to draw a courruped angel and have the wings be all scourgy and what have you, but I thought this looked more fun in the end.
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glitchdecay · 7 months
Suzuki Tatsuhisa Talks Behind-the-Scenes of FFXV: Part 7
And we've come to the final part of what I translated from Tatsu talking about FFXV on Shimazu Shintarou's Weekend Game Camp. This part talks about something that happens after clearing the game, so look away if you don't wanna get spoiled! [Or, you know, you do you.]
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(Sadly, the above screenshot is not mine; I grabbed it from this Tumblr post. I didn't take my own because I didn't think I'd need it.)
As always, here's where you need to go if you missed the previous part, here's if you want to start from the beginning, and here's where you listen along (from 21:35–25:34).
The change, of course, is the above title screen changing to one with two people in it, as seen here.
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And without further ado, we return to the conversation between Tatsu, host Shimazu Shintarou, and assistant host Kubota Miyu.
Suzuki Tatsuhisa: And what came after [the final camping scene] was our selfish request to Amano-san [Amano Yoshitaka, illustrator and longtime Final Fantasy series collaborator] to have Noct on the title screen alongside Luna. That's when the true title logo appears. I suggested for it to be in the game. 
ST: I asked Tabata-san if we could have a title screen that can only be seen after clearing Final Fantasy XV. It's probably the only one [in the series] to have it. 
ST: Why did I want it like that? The title logo was from when the game was still Versus XIII, and it had a different meaning. A different "true" meaning. But it ended up becoming a title with a [different] meaning, so how do we add meaning to the title logo? The title logo is meant to represent the heroine. 
ST: But without the protagonist, it seems too harsh. There are a lot of circumstances surrounding XV in the first place. Whose story should it be about? At one point, it became different pieces. 
ST: Tabata-san decided that it should be Noct's story alone. Everything else gets thrown into the bin. He took responsibility for that decision and became the "bad guy" on purpose. 
ST: When that happened, I said, "But Noct's not in [the title logo]," and he agreed. He showed me the ending scene and told me this was how he wanted the game to end. So I said to him, "Tabata-san, I'm sorry, but I'm going to say something completely unreasonable. This might be impossible, but it'd be so great if it could be done." 
ST: "We decided that the goddess-like figure in the title logo would be Luna, right? I think it'd be great if Noct were in it too. What do you think? We could have Amano-san draw it."
ST: "But the original illustration was from 13 years or so ago, back when Versus XIII was announced." I suggested the addition to the logo in 2015 or 2016. "Wouldn't it be nice to have Amano-san add Noct to the title logo then, to finally complete "our" Final Fantasy?"
Shimazu Shintarou: Oh, that makes it "final" in so many ways. 
ST: Yeah, it does. It's the... 
SS: You just said something nice.
ST: "It's the Final Fantasy that we made. Can't we have that?"
ST: The original illustration represented what Nomura-san and his team did, the Final Fantasy that they created. But if we could add Noct to that, and ask Amano-san to do it, it would be the culmination of two things becoming one, becoming the complete title for the first time. Becoming Final Fantasy XV. 
ST: "This isn't something anyone can come along and talk about. We'd be boasting about ourselves. But wouldn't it make the team so happy if we had that? It's probably something we couldn't add in the world of the game, but I'd like to do it. How about it?"
ST: Amano-san said "yes" right away. Tabata-san contacted him, and at the time, Amano-san's schedule was packed to the brim. He couldn't fit in any additional work. There was something huge he was working on at the time, so it couldn't be done. He was willing to at least listen. 
ST: But Tabata-san explained to him, saying it was a suggestion from Suzuki-san. Amano-san said, "Yes, I'll draw it right away." And he did. 
ST: He flipped his completely busy schedule around to draw that. The true title logo has Noct in it because everyone's passion, feelings and emotions... 
SS [to Kubota Miyu]: You feel like clearing the game now, right?
KM: I feel like playing it now!
ST: ... Were behind it. 
KM: I really feel like playing!
ST: That was how the true title logo came to be. I haven't been able to tell this until now. As an IP, [FFXV] had changed ownership so many times, so I wasn't sure what was OK to discuss. 
ST: But now, with the 16th title out, there's a new title with something innovative in a different way created by Yoshida-san [Yoshida Naoki, the producer of XVI] and his team.  
ST: I think that's amazing in its own way. There's a different FF in the world now. So I think it's fair for me to reminisce about this FF, to say there was something like this too. 
If you like what I do, please consider tipping me on Ko-Fi! Tips can be as low as US$ 1.
And that's the end of the FFXV part of the radio show. As I mentioned in a previous part, there's a lot more that Tatsu talked about with Shimazu-san (who's a longtime friend of his) and it'd take me too much time and energy to do everything.
Thank you for reading until the end!
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gingerel · 1 year
uhhh sorry for double posting i can't see my own stuff on the dash so i assumed it had failed :/
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starjunco · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pelna Khara & Nyx Ulric Characters: Pelna Khara, Nyx Ulric Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Cor Leonis/Nyx Ulric, Banter, Gossip Material, Cold, Hypothermia Summary:
Pelna and Nyx sit in a cave trying to stave off hypothermia. They might be done with the cold, but is it through with them?
A remix of Loki_chan's Winter Wonderland.
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ffxvficrec · 1 year
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You can also check out the collection here: 
We’ve listed pairings, archive warnings, and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
The Sharpest Claws Scratch the Deepest by Nikolita
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Gladiolus Amicitia & Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum & Ignis Scientia
Noctis' first birthday without his father had been a struggle but his friends were there to support and guide him through it. The years which came after were their own dance with grief. But as always, Gladio, Ignis and Prompto were at his side through it all.
Under Your Umbrella by GuineaGoon
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prompto stretched after another long training session, hearing his back pop a few times before he stood up again. A quick chime from his phone told him where he could find Noctis in the Citadel. Eventually he found him leaning on the wall while playing with his cell phone. He leaned against the wall with him and waited for him to be noticed. Which gave him plenty of time to enjoy the planes of his face and wish he had his camera on him. The angle was inspiring him, as was the bit of scruff lingering on the edge of his chin. “I can feel you staring at me,” Noctis muttered without looking up from his phone. “I happen to like your face a lot, do you blame me?” Prompto laughed. He felt bold enough to reach up and brush the backs of his fingers against the line of his chin. “This isn’t a bad look for you, I like it.”
You are still you (and still my everything) by MoonlightWanderer
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis ran away to start a new life, but tonight after a year of searching, Prompto has finally found him. This story is about them picking up the pieces and figuring out how- if they can be together again. (hint: they do)
have you seen [the writing on the wall?] by Crazyloststar 
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis thinks the blond bartender is pretty cute, but you know what's easier than admitting that to his friends and risking embarrassment? Having a conversation with a stranger on the bathroom wall.
RE: ISS Out Of Office 09/04/755 by MagitekUnit05953234 f
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ignis Scientia/Nyx Ulric
SENT: ignis hasnt had a vacation since you guys got married and hes spending it adding things to my moogle calendar SENT: i dont even check my moogle calendar
Another midnight by Tsu_Yume 
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompto Argentum & Noctis Lucis Caelum
Though Noctis vowed to never go for a midnight release again, considering their horrible previous experience. Prompto convinced him to try once more. So here they were, putting on their cosplays to go out, they could get their merchandise like regular people this time, right?
Markings and Memories by SalamanderSocks 
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Every tattoo has a story and for Nyx it's no different. Galahdan tradition dictates that one tell the story they are recording on their skin in ink, but some are harder to tell than others, especially for a man like Nyx who's lost far too much and saved far too little. Still, he is not alone.
til tomorrow by Bramblepelt 
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Take my hand, I'll follow Take me anywhere that you please Take me 'til tomorrow And this is the night we'll be free
On the Wedding Day by RikuKingdomHearts3 
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
It's the wedding day of Noctis and Ignis. Everything Noctis had prepared for has lead to this moment, and he is ready to embrace it with everything he's got.
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every-lemon · 1 year
prompto and gladio running buddies short fic
I wrote this for ramel a while back and shared it in the ffxv book club discord server; figured I'd polish it up a bit and share it while AO3 is down. it issss 808 words, gen, prompto & gladio friendship times! post-high school, pre-canon
Prompto’s alarm clock goes off at 5:15 a.m.
The trick, he’s learned, is to just start moving before you really have a chance to think about it. It’s easy when you’re so tired, anyway. No questions asked. Just roll out of bed groggily and stumble towards the bathroom before you can talk yourself out of it.
(It’s all too easy to convince someone who’s already mostly-asleep to just stay that way.)
Like every morning, Prompto washes his face, brushes his teeth while scrolling on his phone, and changes into the running clothes he left folded on the stool the night before: shorts, a tank top, and socks. He keeps yesterday’s sweatband on. He’ll swap it out when he showers later.
The kitchen’s gray and empty when he pads downstairs; the microwave clock says 5:13. His earbuds are waiting by the front door, as are his running shoes, unlaced and waiting to be done up properly. He hums to himself while he pulls the laces taught, checking to make sure the fit’s right before tying them. The spare key goes into the little mesh pocket in the waistband of his shorts; the earbuds, of course, go in his ears.
There. All set. He hits play on his running mix, the bass on a pop song playing probably-too-loud straight into his eardrums, then opens the door to go.
Cool air hits him. Overnight, it’s gone from summer heat to fall chill. He shivers, but there’s no use grabbing a hoodie — it’s not that cold, he’s just not used to it yet. He’ll just end up wanting to ditch it halfway through.
No, the real way to warm up is to run.
So off he goes, pulling the door shut behind him and making sure it’s locked, then jogging down off the steps and setting out down the sidewalk. He falls into his usual pace, brisk and upbeat to match the tempo of the song.
It’s about a mile through neighborhood sidewalks until when he reaches the nice trail: wide, lined with gravel, cutting through the green space that winds throughout Insomnia like a little garden. It’s busy, popular with runners and bikers and hikers alike, but at this hour it’s not terrible. He smiles and nods to each person he passes, whether or not they look up — easier just to do it and not think about it.
Even with the bass beat of some in-the-club-dance-remix in his ears, he hears Gladio coming up behind him before he sees him and steels himself for a hearty thump on his shoulder,, which comes the next moment.
“Hey, big guy,” he greets back, taking an earbud out and slowing down just a tick to Gladio’s preferred pace. “You’re up early today.”
“It’s nice to catch you,” Gladio says. He’s in a plain black athletic shirt and gym shorts, rather than the official Crownsguard workout attire. No jacket, either, but Prompto’s never seen Gladio shiver. “I get slow if there’s no one to keep up with.”
“Glad to help!” Prompto says, grinning. And he really, really is.
Usually, it’s Gladio peeling him off the floor of the training room, barking at him to keep going, and asking him to please do something, anything about those noodle arms. (And Prompto’s guns are coming along nicely, thankyouverymuch!! . . . but it’s slow going.) So it’s nice to feel strong and confident about this one thing. Like he’s not a complete and utter lost cause.
“Think you could get Noct to come with?” Gladio asks after a while of silently jogging along, his breaths coming in puffs. Prompto doesn’t do him the disservice of slowing down, though. Gladio’s got good stamina, even if this pace is a stretch for his bulk.
“I couldn’t get Noct to wake up this early for anything, I don’t think. Not even like, video games and junk food. Not that those are super appealing at five in the morning.”
“Bet he’d get up . . . early to fish,” Gladio says, breaking in the middle to suck down a breath.
Prompto snorts at that. “Maybe? Yeah, you know what, you’re probably right about that. Noct is pretty weird about fishing.”
The wheeze Gladio makes might be a laugh.
To his credit, he keeps pace with Prompto all the way until they reach the point where the trail splits. Prompto will head left, back home to shower and get ready for work, and Gladio will head right, to the parking lot where a a chauffeur waits to bring him back to the Amicitia manor before his work at the Citadel begins.
“Thanks for the run, Blondie,” Gladio says, slowing to a walk as they reach the end. “Glad one of us has such good endurance.”
Prompto can feel himself flush at the praise, but he just lifts a hand in a cheerful wave and keeps on running home.
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inevitablesurrender · 5 months
...Only going to mention this once, for reasons. Spending literally thousands of hours exploring the entire map of FFXV, including out of bounds locations, has made watching exploration of FF7 Rebirth grasslands incredibly surreal. More than a few map remixes and reskinned places.
(...This is not a criticism, and not remotely a complaint; I'm just loudly noticing how much has been spruced up and gently reused because I have been over those roads and hills a million times in a different world.)
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sweetdreamer215 · 4 months
Shameless self promotion?
Hi, I'm streaming live on twitch. I do this off and on because its fun and I teach high school for a living. So Now that its summer vacation I have a little more time to play. I'm playing Kingdom Hearts 1.5 remix today if you want to join for some chill vibes or just hang out.
Free From Work so we're playing my cozy game of choice! https://www.twitch.tv/ProfKohaku
Why ProfKohaku? 1. I teach high school and I'll leave 2 for myself XD I'd be glad to see any and all of you there. So far we've played Hades, FFXV (which we are about halfway through), KH 1 (my personal fav. we just finished deep jungle), LOZ: TOTK (switch got stolen so that's on hiatus), and Fall Out New Vegas (it keeps crashing so may not finish that one).
Please come on by I'd love to see you all!
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cyborgpulsebooks · 1 year
I think I've realized the thing about FFXVI that frustrates me so much, and it's that it's not weird enough.
FF as a series has always been weird, from its hodge-podge mix of high fantasy and science fiction, to its anthology-esque structure where no one game is repeated (though the individual elements of plot, setting, and character are often reused and remixed), to just the series' weirdass sense of humor (whether intentional or unintentional).
Even XIV, largely created by the same creative team and predicated on the need for a consistent MMO world for its userbase, went some weird fucking places (Catholics who secretly lust over dragons, to orientalist Hamilton, to "oops all your friends are in an alternate dimension now," to a hopepunk odyssey through time and space to comfort a very sad bird).
But XVI... it's just so boring. You'd think it would be hard to normalize something like characters riding on giant yellow chickens, but somehow even that fades into the backdrop of this overwrought, over-complicated, Game of Thrones derivative. I mean I gotta give it credit, it's certainly breaking from previous FF tradition by being so normcore.
Even FFXV, which was flawed and sticky and also criticized as boring upon release due to being not very well-written or thought out, was at least unique (vaguely polyamorous bodyguards go on a road trip and experience the trauma of growing up in the face of an insurmountable existential threat).
I dunno, I'm only halfway through XVI. Maybe it gets weirder and less... well, less boring. So far it feels like I'm playing a generic, three-star fantasy ARPG. Not fun & creative. Not an FF.
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andywinter16 · 1 year
Tagged by: @lunarlegend (Thank you so much for tagging me!🌼🌼)
Currently reading: Well, I am currently reading fanfic Not Everyone Knows How to Draw a Salt Line (I absolutely adore it! It´s on AO3, if anyone is interested 😉)
Last Songs: This morning I listened to techno song Baixo (slowed ver.) - XXANTERIA and Pitbull - Hotel room service (remix)
Currently watching: Nothing right now :( But I am planning to watch One Piece from Netflix (I didnt want to watch it at first, but I saw some interviews with the cast and they look so wholesome)
Current Fic: As mentioned above Not Everyone Knows How to Draw a Salt Line :)
Writing: Yeeeeaaah, about that .... I am still writing Roses on the grave (which is super small one shot) and In need you find a (feathered) friend part 2. (I am still rewriting it, i am just not happy with the way I wrote that :/) And of course some of the asks I currently get :)
Next on my watch list: Peaky Blinders .... I kinda fell in love with Cilian Murphy after Oppenheimer. And as mentioned above One Piece.
Current 'Obsession' special interest: FFXV and FFXV: Kingsglaive, and I started playing Dragon Age: Inquisition!
i'm tagging: @yuafukuda @thewolfulric @olliepig and anyone else who wants to participate :) (But only if you´re comfortable with it :)
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ffxvremix · 2 years
Remix Works Revealed!
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Today is the day! All works have been posted anonymously. 
We will also be sharing each one individually until creators are revealed on December 4th.
You can find everything over on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/ffxvremix2022/works
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happy-orc · 5 months
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Even if others forget your name...  I will always remember. Happy birthday Ardyn! I tried something a little differentfrom how I usually do things, I think I like it! I am sad that I ran out of time with the background through. I was too busy futzing with the flowers.
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Included the wips - you can see that the colours were all sorts of wrong the first time around, so I went back and just went full ham. Now it's nice and colourful and not extra gray anymore
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chasingfigments · 5 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
I was tagged by @omgfloofy, @mathclasswarfare, and @avianscribe—I think that’s it!
Here we go:
“This late on a Tuesday night, the Wayne Enterprises parking garage should be all but empty.” [For Some Desperate Glory, Batman fic, 1/12 chapters] “Prompto hates the back seat.” [Departure, FFXV, oneshot] “From Ignis’s carefully selected seat on the couch, he has a perfect view of the moment when Noct’s bedroom door finally opens and Gladio slips out into the hallway.” [Aftermath, FFXV, oneshot (remix)] “Insomnia burns down below.” [under starless skies (we are lost), FFXV, 4/4 chapters] “It’s technically not breaking in if Ignis gave Prompto both the spare key and explicit permission to stop by, but it still feels like it might be a tiny bit illegal considering how sleek the apartment building looks from the outside and how not-dressed-up Prompto is right now.” [Permission, FFXV, oneshot (remix)] “It’s easy to spot Noctis in his silvery jacket, dark blue jeans, and black baseball cap, not that Noctis stands out too much in the late morning crowd.” [Confession, FFXV, oneshot] “The furniture store is one of the few places in this section of Insomnia that’s relatively intact.” [Respite, FFXV, oneshot] “Prompto is pretty damn sure his lap isn’t all that comfortable, but he’s tried twice to insist that Ignis would probably feel better if he had a proper pillow and Ignis had insisted he wouldn’t.” [Whisper, FFXV, oneshot] “Ignis knows they have arrived when Gentiana—Shiva—opens her eyes.” [What Fades Away, FFXV, 4/4 chapters] “The first minutes of sunrise cast the canyon in a red light and dark shadows.” [Naught in Return, FFXV, oneshot]
….apparently my pattern is that I need the reader to know the physical location/position we’re starting off with, even if it’s just implied. Which is—interesting? Huh. This is not a thing I would have identified as typical of my writing.
Tagging @ghost-bxrd, @gwynne-fics, @crazyloststar, and anyone else who is interested. :)
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garbria · 6 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
I saw this on @firefallvaruna's blog and wanted to give it a try.
Cor cursed as smoke rose from the console while he wrestled with the controls. (When the Wind Blows, FFXV, Gen with hints of CorNyx)
“Haven’t seen you on this side of the Citadel in a while, Ulric.” (A Rock and A Hard Place, FFXV, CorNyx)
Nyx stared at the report on his desk, not really seeing it. (Holiday Hero, FFXV, CorNyx)
Nyx sighed and pulled the worn hoodie tighter around himself as the wind tugged at him. (Mad Season, FFXV, CorNyx)
Titus strode down the hall, concentrating on keeping his feelings off his face. (Today's Gonna Be My Day, FFXV, Gen)
Libertus sighed as he saw the fake smile on Nyx’s face. (All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter, FFXV, Gen)
Nyx bit back a sigh as he crouched behind what used to be a wall and was now only half of one. (Fools Rush In, FFXV, Gen)
Luche sat down, eyeing the bags under Nyx’ eyes highlighted by the flickering light of the fire, but didn’t comment on them. (Not All Who Wander Are Lost, FFXV, Gen)
Pelna crouched on the top of the cliff and looked down. (Holding Out for a Hero, FFXV, Gen)
Regis rubbed his temple and considered the consequences of just burning the offending piece of paper. (Best Laid Plans, FFXV, Gen with mentioned IgNoct)
The FFXV Remix and Kingsglaive Legends fics at the end really misrepresent the amount of gen I write, I think. Without those events, there would be a lot more CorNyx on the list.
The main takeaway is I really like starting fics in media res, which I already knew. It is my favorite way to start fics. At least I have a brand!
No pressure tags: @awlwren, @rvnoir, @whostarlockeda03, @whumpwriterforlife, @starjunco, @ertrunkenerwassergeist, @caparrucia, @yuzukimist, and anyone else who wants to
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