#fic length: 20k - 30k
harrydracompreg · 1 year
Fic: If You Miss It, Try Again - Explicit [NC-17]
Title: If You Miss It, Try Again Author: Anonymous Prompt: "If you miss it, try again / it belongs to you my friend / Love I don't think it begins or it ends / the lovers the friends / And one thing for sure you can never pretend to love" -Cos Love (if you miss it) Tom Rosenthal Word Count: 23.7 k Rating: Explicit [NC-17] Contains: References to past emotional/narcissistic abuse, and one brief scene with Draco's abusive ex (with references to miscarriage) Spoilers: No Spoilers Marked. Who is pregnant: Draco Notes: I owe st0rminthecassl a life debt for my recklessness :) Summary: The healers promised Draco he wouldn't get pregnant a second time. They were wrong. And this time, he's pregnant with his best friend and roommate Harry Potter's baby. Nine months is all he has to figure it out. If You Miss It, Try Again Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the proprty of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
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jeanxarminweek · 3 months
Hey, jearmin nation!
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You asked for it, and you got it: our jearmin fic rec list is finally here!
Small disclosure: this list is by no means exhaustive and contains a small handful of fics in both canon and alternate universes. Only complete works have been included, and we've done our best to include a diverse selection of writers. If we're missing any of your absolute favorites, feel free to suggest them so they can be added!
Lastly, be sure to mind the ratings and the tags.
This section will include works that take place in the canon AOT universe. This does include a mix of post canon, canon divergent and canon compliant fics of various ratings and lengths.
love, hate, and the language of violence by pylons
T, oneshot, 21.2k
There is Safety in His Arms by Insomnia_with_dreams
E, oneshot, 2.2k
to see another tomorrow by orphanedaccount
M, oneshot, 6.3k
Obelisk by corbaccio
E, oneshot, 6.3k
Paint Tomorrow Blue by batwake
M, oneshot, 41.9k
Survival by suchakidder
M, oneshot, 4.4k
In For a Penny by fizzydreamer
E, oneshot, 4.2k
For as Long as We Have Left by xajie
E, oneshot 7.5k
Water Will Hold You by onewhodiedyoung
T, oneshot, 1.6k
the knot by orphanedaccount
Not Rated, oneshot, 1.7k
give me your strength (our life is so short) by itspointydumbass
M, oneshot, 1.2k
Torrential by malfxy
E, oneshot, 4.4k
Nightmares by MissErikaCourt
M, oneshot, 5.3k
I'll Be Seeing You by bitchbot3000
M, oneshot, 5k
Nimbostratus by imriel_montreve
E, oneshot, 2k
Stay by jearminbrainrot
E, 2/2, 16k
Worthy of You by bees_n_sunshine
E, 8/8, 34k
The Night Will Keep Our Secret by UntamedValleyOfThePatriarch
T, 4/4, 3.8k
Before / After by LoneSweetPea
M, 17/17, 36.1k
In Moments Between Battles (we find peace) by AceofAliens
Not Rated, 16/16, 27.5k
This section will include works from various alternate universes.
Wicked Inheritance by wordsforjearmin
M, royalty AU, oneshot, 9k
In the Tent by xajie
E, cowboy AU, oneshot, 2k
homeward bound by yeokseobam
G, farmer AU, oneshot, 7k
Growing Pains by little_miss_jearmin
G, modern AU, oneshot, 3k
Duty’s Price by malfxy
E, royalty AU, oneshot, 4k
please take what i can give by likeanoldcardigan
Not Rated, university AU, oneshot, 1k
in shades of red and gold by aster_rain
T, modern AU, oneshot, 11k
Meet Me at Midnight by levicoffee
T, university/serial killers AU, 8/8, 30k
Cowboy Like Me by justalevisimp/levicoffee
M, cowboy AU, 6/6, 52k
No Strings Attached by cinnamonghost
E, modern AU, 26/26, 93k
Copy-Room Romance by fandomette
E, university AU, 19/19, 129k
Different From the Rest by arminloverfae
E, modern AU, 33/33, 126k
Peaches by vidnyia
T, cowboy AU, 10/10, 32k
Rockin’ Your Heart by simpingsuzuki
M, modern AU, 28/28, 229k
Wind in the Sails by vidnyia
T, 1800s/sailor AU, 16/16, 60k
Blood Like Ice by luna_trancy/porgatino
M, detective/criminal AU, 28/28, 87k
Orange Sorbet & Summer Sea Breeze by bees_n_sunshine
E, modern AU, 25/25, 116k
seven years by harrystyleshotpocket
G, university AU, 4/4, 5k
A King and His Knight, Whose Hearts Become One by simpingsuzuki
G, royalty AU, 3/3, 20k
bite the hand that feeds me by likeanoldcardigan
Not rated, modern AU, 11/11, 16k
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st-hedge · 1 year
I did a speedrun of the ganlink ao3 tag and gathered up as many fics as I could find that I had read and enjoyed (some are missing). U can click on the titles for the hyperlinks, I have made note of the ratings, but to keep the list concise I haven't copied in the summaries and haven't included my thoughts at length. But I've enjoyed them all so here u go :)
Signs of radiance by tciddaemina (E) 20k+ words
I uhh…. The plot goes hard but the… the… is. Is hot AHEM
Come the eclipse by tciddaemina (E) 1.5k+ words
Sequel to ‘signs of radiance’, i’m sending chef kisses to this one
Reckon the stars by ziskeyt (M) (BotW) 60k+ words -work in progress 
Ever read something that is so rich in world building that u feel like u are getting taken by the hand and pulled through a scene
One way or another by wouldyouknowmore (E) (BotW) 4.5k+ words
Yes this one is very hot but what got me hooked is how hard the exchanges made me laugh
To know you by prompoms (E) (BotW) 9k+ words
FILTH FILTH FILTH *breathes heavily into a paper bag*
Overtime by degradedpsychotic (E)  9k+ words
*claws up walls and hangs off the ceiling fan* SO FILTHY AND FUNNY YES
Sweet dreams by tirsynni (G) (OoT) 995 words
This fic is just so sad and pretty 
Touch of forbidden by tirsynni (G) (OoT) 1.5k+ words
Ever see a concept and just go yooooooo
The crown jewel by nicxan (G) 3k+ words
Still one of the cutest fucking fics i’ve read
Hiraeth by acris_kerd (nsfw) (OoT) 30k+ words - work in progress
I will never ever recover from the characterisation in this fic. Absolutely do carefully read the tags if u want to give this fic a shot. The angst is just so satisfying, Link and Ganon are such flawed people who are terrible to each other, and then the gradual development that makes me want to throw myself at a wall. I’ve re-read the available chapters so many times
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ploncc · 1 year
Writing fanfic is dangerous. Every idea is like, is this going to be a drabble? A double drabble? A one shot? A chapfic? Am I going to get 30k into an idea I swore would be a tenth that length? Is it going to turn into an ongoing 200k+ fic that I will continue to sporadically update until my deathbed? Am I going to get 20k into it and then lose all interest forever? Is the horrible demon in my brain going to go, "Hey, you could make an original idea out of this with some minor worldbuilding changes and an extended plot," when I'm only 2.5k through the first part of it? Am I then going to feel the need to extensively debate over the merits of the idea as a fic given the meta of the fandom versus the merits of writing it as an original idea and the added freedom to chase the idea where it wanders? What about any effects of censorship standards for published fiction on the idea versus the freedom of publishing a fic through something like Ao3 and the much more lax DL;DR standards in fandom? Oh hey look, another idea—
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bookinit02 · 2 years
bookinit’s byler fic recs
happy new years! to celebrate, i’m posting a list of some of my favorite fics of this year, sorted by word count. i tried not to include a bunch of super well-known, commonly-recced fics, and of course, there are SO many more that i didn’t include just because there isn’t enough time in the world. but i really wanted to lift up some amazing authors, my friends included, as well as some more underground fics. happy reading!!🥳
my top byler fics of 2022
1 - 10k
- it’s a choice (getting swept away) by @wiseatom. i just skimmed this again to see if i wanted to include it, and even just SKIMMING, i was having goddamn heart palpitations. there is something so special about healthy communication and resolving misunderstandings with emotional intelligence and kindness instead of anger. don’t get me wrong, big dramatic blowups are lots of fun to read, but this one stands out for how quiet it is. how gentle. not only is the willel done FANTASTICALLY, but byler here is so soft and tentative, and i was eating up every minute of it. as always, with thea, a phenomenal read. (categories: post s4, mileven breakup, painting conversation, getting together, willel)
- the body is a blade by inblue. this author is severely underrated—incredible prose, such unique fics, and so much genuine emotion in such a short space. i sincerely recommend all of their works!! phenomenal, and despite their short length, they’ve stuck with me since i read them—this one in particular. (categories: poetic, unique, character study, will byers needs a hug)
10 - 20k
- i’m caught up in you by @wiseatom. the first half of this is genuinely novel-worthy—beautifully written & crafted, to the point where i couldn’t stop writing down sentences as inspiration. the second half kicks you into an apocalyptic adventure, filled with byler banter, miscommunication, wound tending, a Painting Debacle™️, and literally everything you could want out of byler in the upside down. thea’s byler is SO much fun to read—they absolutely are best friends, and they don’t let you forget it! the banter is so realistic and snarky and fun, and i’ve read this a million times over at this point. infinite kudos always💗💗 (categories: byler in the upside down, miscommunication, angst & fluff, tension, wound tending, will has a gun)
- i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this) by blackdeathmamba. a classic, and for a good reason. great tension & pining, super butterfly-inducing, with a twist at the end that simultaneously had me yelling and giggling into my pillow. ADORABLE. so, so wonderful. (categories: pining, miscommunication, college byler, roommates, fluff)
- running up that road by @smoosnoom. i had a really hard time trying to figure out which of moon’s fics to rec bc i feel like all of them, in general, defined my 2022. and of course, everyone and their mother has recced tearing you asunder! but going back over the fics, i think this one truly had the biggest impact on me. first of all, it was the first fic i ever read while listening to the accompanying playlist, and that experience literally changed my life. it is so hard for me to read without listening to music now😭 but seriously reading this w/ moon’s song choices felt like watching a movie. second of all, i really got inside mike’s head here. his character was great, and the fic displayed some of his more unpleasant qualities that some people might shy away from, like anger or resentment. this was just a very real portrayal of byler, and of mike in general. and a lot of the scenes in here—specifically the beginning and end—have stuck with me since i read them. overall, incredible experience, and i’d read it again in a heartbeat. (categories: post s4, character study, mike centric)
20 - 30k
- the gaps and the silence by delusionaltogether (whyyyyy) aka @parkitaco. i read this last night and cried my heart out—not big dramatic sobs, but more of a silent & continuous cry that would pop back up without warning. this was just so exquisitely written—the best of parker’s work that i’ve seen, which is such an impressive feat because i love absolutely everything they publish. the resolving of miscommunication, the healing of byler’s fractured relationship, the responsibility taken on both sides, and the love that still persists through all of it—this is a masterpiece. it is a triumph of human emotion, and a truly excellent mark of good writing. cannot recommend enough—along with absolutely all of parker’s other works. (categories: angst, miscommunication, reunion, college byler, first dates, mutual pining)
- mike wheeler’s guide to falling in love with a superhero by @smoosnoom. this was my first introduction to spiderwill, and i loved every minute of it. this is fun, fast-paced, a little crazy, and just SUCH an enjoyable read. plus, i get a cameo as bagel girl, which in my opinion, is the best part!! but fr this was honestly so well done and even as i’m writing this, i’m getting the urge to read it again. loved, loved, LOVED. (categories: spiderwill, fluff, light-hearted, energetic)
30 - 40k
- you can hear it in the silence by @astrobei. there is truly not enough praise in the world for suni’s fics, or her writing in general, but this one was really something special. mike in this fic is one of my favorite mikes ever, and i think about his big conversation with robin at least once a day. this is truly just a magical coming of age romance. it is so soft & tender & real, and i genuinely could read it every single day and never get bored. also, as someone who worked in food service, i appreciated the accurate portrayal🫡 but also. never again. customers can suck my dick. getting off track here :) (categories: coming of age, friends to lovers, mutual pining, soft)
- i know, i know, i know by aude_sapere. season 4 rewrite!! the writing of this is incredible, the plot is fantastic, and it was one of my first really notable reads in this fandom. really gives will his main character moment, as he deserves!! (categories, s4 rewrite, main character will, pining, action)
40 - 50k
- i’ve come home, i’m so cold by @astrobei. this one is just. ohhhhh my god where do i even start?? this is my ideal college byler fic. it’s literally so perfect, start to finish. will’s narration is incredible, and additionally the plot is just so, SO interesting?! there’s something about suni’s writing that i just can’t get enough of. she writes exactly the way i think and it results in prose that flows effortlessly and is so much fun to read!! i am just chomping all of her fics up one by one and i am still hungry☹️ i think suni needs to write just for me forever & always actually. (categories: college byler, mystery, pining, best friends to lovers, roommates)
- boys don’t cry series by @padmedala. this series is so special to me, specifically the first installment. it was one of the first works i really read that focused on will’s queerness in other terms than his relationship with mike! there was so much queer joy & healing & growing up in this series, and it was really beautifully explored in a way that left me crying, but still unable to put my phone down. really, really wonderful, and criminally underrated. (categories: coming of age, season 4-5, queer joy, healing, romance, pining)
50 - 100k
- chiron in gemini by babydraygen. this was one of the first season 5 fics that i read, and i still think this is a REALLY interesting take on it. eddie’s alive, mike is kind of a dick, and the apocalypse is in hawkins, but everyone’s pretty chill about it. i think the characters here were so complex and interesting, and i was honestly hooked the whole time. (categories: season 5, coming of age, angst, getting together)
- there is a season by ghostlin. yet another s5 fix-it, mike-centric this time. really well written, great character development, and truly so much fun to read. to quote my original bookmark: this is, without a doubt, one of the best fics i’ve ever read. writing is impeccable, everything (EVERYTHING) is perfect, and i cherished every single word. this is my season 5. if you are reading this right now, stop and read this fic. yes, me too. read it again. (categories: s5, character development, slow burn, apocalypse, drama)
- i’ll find a new place to be from by @andiwriteordie . clearly i have a thing for s5 fics, but this was honestly so amazing!! i think about it a lot, and am definitely pulling inspo for my own eventual s5 fic (hopefully coming next year!) andi has written so many (and i mean SO. MANY) wonderful fics for this fandom, which is a gift in itself. but there’s nothing that i think about more than this one. (categories: s5, drama, will byers has powers, getting together)
100k +
- you are the heart by touchthesky. i spent months reading this one, chapter by chapter, as it uploaded, and i don’t regret it one bit. this was such an interesting, complex, and well-done take on season 5. there were some really shocking plot twists, gripping moments of turmoil, and satisfyingly resolved arcs for every single character. the action sequences are god-tier, the internal dialogue is fascinating, the worldbuilding is INCREDIBLE, and i honestly just cannot say enough good things about this fic. will probably be giving it another read soon! (categories: s5, angst, the full package, slow burn, will pov, intense worldbuilding, main character death)
again, there are SO many more—and yall are always welcome to search my bookmarks on ao3—but those are the ones i was thinking about today. here’s to more great fics in 2023!!🥳🥳
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fanonical · 5 months
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xoxoemynn · 1 year
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thirdeyeblue · 2 years
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Note: Currently, all of my stories (except for one) are rated Explicit. I take plot and buildup seriously, but feels-heavy smut is at the heart of everything I write. Also… all of the tropes.
Deviantart for my fanart (lots of nsfw and a bit of rarepair content—you have been warned!)
Updated 5/30/24
Updated Fated to Stay (Multi-Chapter, Ten x Rose)
Previously: Added Light From Beyond the Hills (Multi-Chapter, Tentoo x Rose)
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* = Work In Progress
Main tags: Shag-Or-Die, Romance, Action/Adventure, First Time
Length: 200k
Chapters: 27
For All We’re Worth
Main Tags: Truth Serum, First Time, Sharing A Bed
Length: 30k
Chapters: 4
Main Tags: Injury, Sonic Screwdriver (used as a sex toy), First Time
Length: 22k
Chapters: 3
The Doctor’s Brilliant Idea
Main Tags: Oral Fixation, Cunnilingus, Asexual Doctor, Eventual Romance, First Time, Crack Treated Seriously
Length: 23k
Chapters: 3
Peppermint Tea
Main Tags: Sick Fic, First Time
Length: 20k
Chapters: 2
With Love & Luck
Main Tags: Intoxication, First Time, Group Sex (but Ten and Rose only shag each other), my follow-up to ‘The Stone Rose’ by Jacqueline Rayner
Length: 35k
Chapters: 4
🌋 Explosivity *
Main Tags: Shag-Or-Die, Fake Marriage, First Time
Length: Currently 40k
Chapters: 4/6
Wrong *
Main Tags: Shag-Or-Die, First Time, Amnesia
Length: Currently 10k
Chapters: 2/5
Extemporary Intimacy
Main tags: Virgin Ten, First Time, Romance, Fluff
Length: 28k
Chapters: 4
Fated to Stay *
Main Tags: Aphrodisiacs, Magical Healing Cock, First Time, Romance, Multiple Orgasms
Length: Currently 25k
Chapters: 4/5
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Ordinary Gifts
Main Tags: Sex Pollen, Bittersweet, First Time, Canon Compliant
Length: 15k
Part 1/3 of my Love On The Other Side series
Remedial Needs
Main Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, First Time
Length: 13k
Main Tags: Huddling For Warmth, First Time
Length: 11k
Apples, Coffins, and Hearses
Length: 10k
Main tags: First Time, Halloween, Dry-Humping
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* = Work In Progress
Washed Up Together
Main Tags: Mutual Pining, Domestic Fluff, First Time
Length: 20k
Chapters: 3
Every Lovely Little Thing
Main Tags: Romance, First Time, Cunnilingus, Dirty Talk, Vaginal Sex
Length: 20k
Chapters: 3
Never Letting Go Again *
Main Tags: Whump, Romance, Angst, First Time, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Length: Currently 4.5k
Chapters: Currently 1
Resolutions In Satin
Main Tags: Lingerie, First Time, Jealousy, UST
Length: 23k
Chapters: 2
Light from Beyond the Hills [New!]*
Main Tags: First Time, Emotional Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Post-Episode: Journey’s End
Length: Currently 1.7k
Chapters: 1/3
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A Clever Touch
Main tags: First Time, Premenstrual Cramps, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Length: 14k
As Soon As We’re Alone
Main Tags: Established relationship, edging, rough sex, jealousy
Length: 11k
Loving The Insatiable
Main Tags: First Time, Sex Pollen, Phone Sex, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk
Length: 16k
Forever, But Better
Main tags: First Time, Sick Fic, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Length: 15k
Potential For Brilliance
Main Tags: Established Relationship, Wall Sex, Idiots In Love, Dirty Talk
Length: 3k
Part 2/3 of my Love On The Other Side series
Main Tags: Halloween, Semi-Public Sex, Established Relationship
Length: 1792
Part 3/3 of my Love On The Other Side series
🧇 Up The Wrong Tree
Main Tags: Fluff, Smut, Crack, Established Relationship
Length: 8k
Vintage Incognito
Main Tags: Pregnancy, Baby Shower
Length: 2k
Rating: T
So Much For Sleep *
Main Tags: Vaginal Fingering, Road Trips
Length: 3k
Chapters: 1/2
Miscellaneous Fics:
Tiny Lights Below *
Tentoo/Rose - Ten/Rose OT3 (heterosexual, absolutely no anal or Tencest) 💖
Main Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Action/Adventure, First time(s), Whump, OT3, Eventual Happy Ending, Het, Threesomes
Length: 160k
Chapters: 18/19
Dead Dove; Do Not Eat fics:
(Hiding my rarepair-related content down here, as I recognize this is a tender topic)
The Purpose of Repose *
! Ten/Rose — Ten/Martha !
Main Tags: Angst, Friends With Benefits, Complicated Relationships, Dark!Doctor, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort
Length: 130k
Chapters: 15/20
Can’t Shift the Tide *
(Companion piece to The Purpose of Repose)
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olderthannetfic · 4 months
I'm a mid-length fic writer, I think. Around 10k is my jam, sometimes up to 20k, but the longest fic I managed was 80k, and that was already enough effort--I think it's going to take quite some effort to crack 100k. On the other hand, for the longest time I couldn't bring myself to post anything under 1k bc it was just too short, until I finally challenged myself and wrote a drabble series (incidentally, getting exactly 100 words when different word processors count them differently was... interesting).
There's so many works abandoned around 30k that will never see the light of day! Now that I'm finally finished with some things I thought I would try out a nanowrimo to get myself into longer works, but given their recent(?) scandals, maybe not.
I would definitely love to write longer, but I also lose interest in a fandom way too quickly (six months is my average, sadly--I'm just always looking for something new), which doesn't help.
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who knows, maybe i'm a glutton for lengthy written pieces of fiction but i can't imagine anything better than reading a thought-out, detailed and intriguing story.
20k-30k wc usually takes me around 2 hours to read (when i am not annotating on the side or running laps in my room to calm down from a scene) and even though i do love me some drabbles, imagines or scenarios - sometimes they're so great but oh so short that i end up feeling hungry for more lol.
idk. maybe there is some over-consumption or fast-media issue that's infiltrated even the fanfic community and readers feel less overwhelmed reading fics under 10k? apprehension giving bad/wrong feedback? author burn-out? somebody go ahead and open the field for research already.
there is an overwhelming amount of short fics daily on my dash and not so often bigger oneshots or even series but i've always assumed it's because they take so much more time and effort into creating - which then motivates me more to leave nice feedback when you authors work so hard on them :) vice versa it's a nice feeling when authors take time to acknowledge feedback
like you saying you look forward to my reblogs and i'm over here like.. i have been noticed 👁️👄👁️ and i am being relied on to lose my own mind over your amazing mind. i can't disappoint this co-dependant author-reader-ship 💪 /j
also, miss "yumi in her break era" only five days ago, once again offering to write a fic to my tastes?! you will be the death of me. hand in marriage right now 🤝 /j but also, new series.. ? ✍️👀
○ chron 🃏
lucky for you, i'm physically incapable of writing short fics and loren is an actual witness. whenever i start a fic and go 'yo this actually be short like under 20k) it usually ends up being 26k+ 🤡 and tbh for me personally nothing can top a well-planned detailed fic no matter the length of it!
you're right! there's only so much you can do in a short scenario/imagine/drabble they're like fun little treats, kind of like appetisers/snacks as opposed to lengthy oneshots which i feel like are a full multiple-course meal (and then we have series which are like a whole buffet banquet feast you name it)
yeah there are a lot of factors. even as a writer i know that i prefer reading sth short when i don't have much time to spare but want a little break. reading lengthier works require a lot of time (like you said, about 2 hrs) and you gotta be in the mood all cosy and relaxed to fully enjoy them!
there's def so many shorter works being produced in huge quantities and consumed very rapidly too. writing them takes less time, you don't gotta work out so many details and lose your mind in the process (from my experience writing the few hcs and drabbles i have) and it's... fun? gets a greater audience, more notes? definitely. there are literally so many factors as to why people prefer writing/reading scenarios/drabbles over the lengthier works and i could honestly list them all but i feel like not everyone wants to hear that 💀
personally, i've been pretty consistent with writing the lengthier works, inspired by ppl here who've written so much such excellent monster works AHAHA and since the lengthier fics culture is pretty much dying (let's face it on tumblr it is dying slowly but steadily) i'm devoted to continue contributing to that specific part of the atinyfic community. i could always cook up some short scenarios (i plan to when it's time to retire but i still have ideas that i wanted to write) but for now, we write and write. we write endlessly without a care for the word count :')
there's honestly nothing wrong with wanting to read or write shorter works. i just wish the people who work so hard to create such beautiful and lengthy masterpieces got the attention they deserve. and i wish they do not compare their works to drabbles/scenarios (which you might have observed get a lot of notes in a very short amount of time) and continue writing for themselves and for the readers who appreciate them :')) we're always so incredibly grateful for the feedback we get bc we get some great quality feedback which is our pride :D
you have been very much noticed! me and loren were actually talking not too long ago about how you are one of the few ppl whose reblog we anticipate eagerly ahaha you've spoilt us honestly :') and when i saw your reblog last night (i was feeling incredibly low) i just smiled with tears in my eyes LOL ngl (co-dependency atp fr fr)
miss yumi has always been a clown who goes back on her words esp when it's about taking a break (i actually will be taking a two week break soon like actual break bc i'll be travelling so i'll be back mid aug) but miss yumi also loves writing bc it's the only interesting thing going on in her life and she would love to write for you too (proposal accepted let's pick dresses now :D)
as for the new series... 👀 the current word count is about 70k and i'm not even halfway- this might be the most intricate worldbuilding i've ever done like with the characters and how they're connected to each other (on par with take me home series, might even surpass) and it's... mafia! but the different kind, uniquely yumi LOL and the pairing hmm will remain a secret (take your guess come on)
i look forward to posting it so much it's become my comfort fic. i'll try to start posting it before 2024 but no promises yet bc i wanna finish writing it (or at least nearly finish) before i post the masterlist or teasers.
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moonjxsung · 10 months
Would you be open to people using like bots to finish ur fics
Hi! Absolutely not, PLEASE do not do this.
I spend a lot of time and I put a lot of effort into creating as high-quality stories as I can for you guys, and part of my reason for being on here is to have real human interactions with people who want to explore their fetishes/kinks/romantic tropes, etc. through idols we’re all equally attracted to. The fics I’ve posted on here or the shorter drabbles/requests I’ve fulfilled all took time, and whether they took just a few hours or a few weeks, it was still real time I devoted to writing for people on here and at zero cost and as a hobby (as a reminder, I don’t ask for anything in return on here.) You taking something I spent part of my life working on as a generous gift and feeding it to a machine to spit out its own version based on the writing skills I took 24 years to develop feels like a huuuuge fuck you to me even being on this platform. Not to mention I don’t know what your intentions are using work rooted in my own creative process (I don’t allow reposts or translations anywhere). Please don’t do this and please don’t inquire about this type of thing again, it genuinely makes me nervous to think you’ve even considered stealing my work to feed to a robot against my will. If you have a fic you want to see turned into a longer one, please drop a message in my requests and we can work something out. But I also make my full-length fics nearly 20k-30k words total so please know that it’s going to take time and if you can’t wait while it’s in queue I encourage you to check out some other authors on here. Again, I don’t grant permission to do this and if I have reason to believe you have, I’ll stop writing altogether and you can just utilize ai for your fic needs moving forward.
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desceros · 9 months
Just curious since you write alot of very long one shots. What do you consider a long fic because I remember reading Euclidean line for the first time without checking how long it was because I was looking for a bed time story and wanted to read a oneshot so I could get to sleep quickly. And I end up finishing the fic 2 hours later because I couldn't stop reading it. And I remember thinking, "THAT WAS A ONESHOT???" By the end because I'm used to oneshots being like 1k-10k words.
first of all, oh my god, i'm so sorry scream. this keeps happening to people
soooo. for me i have a couple of different categories of fics that i keep in mind when i go to work on something, and i have a different answer for each of them.
very short one shots - one scene i want to get out of my head. think this mikey fic or this idw donnie fic. these are usually between 1-5k, which for me feels very very short. i don't write a lot of them, because part of what i enjoy writing the most is the progression that happens over time and that's not really... possible at this length. properly, to me. these feel long to me when they start bleeding into... ->
short one shots - think the donnie sex pollen fic, the donnie camping fic, or the blurple villain au fic here. these are 5-20k, which still feels pretty short to me. it's enough for one "proper" scene, or a few short scenes. and these start feeling long when they bleed into... ->
proper one-shots - a la leo wants a baby and of course the aforementioned euclidean line. these are anything 20k+ that are contained in one single chapter. the sweet spot for me is around 30k; that's when things start feeling like i can put enough flavor without dragging an idea out beyond its utility, though sometimes, that idea does carry it further than that. a one-shot starts feeling "long" probably when i hit the 40k mark. that's when i reassess if it should actually be a proper chapter fic, or if it functions better as a one-shot. for euclidean line, because the theme of that fic was the contiguous floaty feeling you get when you're lost in something you love, it felt inappropriate to me to break that into chapters, which are very disruptive to the flow of reading. as you've noted, these are my favorite things to write!
chaptered fics - just symphony........ for now. these vary widely to me. (well. i guess technically we do it together is a chaptered fic... but really it was originally conceptualized as a one-shot; i wrote it as such, and split it up later. i was experimenting with breaking my one-shots into shorter chapters, and i really don't like it. so. yeah. desceros lore for you.) as for these... i think they feel "long" to me when i get about to the 130-150k mark. that's when i see how long it takes me to scroll through the document to find little details and i'm like jesus christ this is absurd. most of my chaptered fics finish out i think somewhere around the 150-200k mark, and the longest thing i've ever finished was right at 300k. just to put it into context i suppose!
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dobranocka · 2 years
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moku-youbi · 1 year
List of Current Klive Projects
So I have waaaaay too many unpublished WIPs in various stages of completion, from just plot bunnies, to complete outlines, to partial chapters, to almost completed fics, lmao. Currently my main focus has been If It's Not Love (Then It's the Bomb) with some oneshots or short multichapter fics scattered. However I've just started posting the follow-up to my Hitman Five fic (Kill Me Twice), Let Me Tear You to Pieces, which is going to be multichapter, and later this month or next month I'll be posting something else--but what that is remains up for debate, as I'm spoiled for choice on what to work on.
The question I have, I guess, is what of my 9 billion ideas sounds most appealing to others. So poll time! Here's a brief(ish) rundown of my various projects for Klive. Take a look and tell me what you'd most like to see!
*Accidental Sugar Daddy AU (~50k ish?) Season 4 AU where the rest of his siblings are making lives for themselves without their powers, but Klaus has no idea what to do with himself. Luckily for him, Five is more than happy to take care of him in the meantime. But as Five goes to more and more extravagant lengths to keep him happy, Klaus feels like he should be giving something back. And when Diego jokingly calls him Five's Sugar Baby, Klaus can't stop thinking about just how he could show his appreciation. Basically Didn't Know They Were Dating followed by Mutual Pining While Fucking, Misunderstandings, Angst, and a delightfully cheesy Happy Ending :D
*The Professional Cuddler AU (likely ~20k) - Ben is a professional cuddler who has an emergency and asks his BFF Klaus to take his appointments for him one day. Five is a maladjusted, touch-starved little psycho and his BFF Viktor buys him a session with a professional cuddler to see if it might help. *Danger Days AU (multi-chapter probably in the 75k+ range) Set in the Danger Days universe (from My Chemical Romance's album/videos/comics), Reginald rules the world and various of his adopted children run major cities. Five runs Battery City, with the Handler training his SCARECROWS. Five ends up with a new sexbot that doesn't behave like bots are supposed to, but as angry as it makes him, he's not about to return the bot... Klaus, meanwhile, is a top of the line, self-aware, true AI and secretly working with the underground, sending info back to Diego and Lila, and trying to find out where Reginald's last son, Viktor, has disappeared to.
*Time Travel What Ifs # 1 (multi-chapter ~25-50k) When Reginald throws Klaus out of the tunnel in season 3, he doesn't manage to die in time before the Kugelblitz gets him...and he wakes up back in the season 1 timeline, tied to a chair in Hazel and Cha-Cha's motel room. Klaus sets about fixing the timeline in a decidedly Klaus way, much to the bafflement of his siblings who wanna know what the hell happened to change their brother so dramatically overnight. (Also, Five keeps walking in on Klaus in various stages of undress. This is not essential to the plot, but I do adore it :D)
*Time Travel What Ifs #2 (probably a fairly porny oneshot ~ 10k at most??) Five's equations end him up in the mid 00s in a hot young 20-something body. 15 yo Klaus is super fucking into it, and trying to seduce Five, while Five tries to resist. He eventually fails to resist...
*Mob AU (?? 15-30K ish??) Psycho Mob Enforcer Five is the Boss's favourite, but has to leave town a while to lay low. Upon coming back and he takes a special interest in, and starts stalking, the Boss's newest sidepiece Klaus. Klaus is, predictably, super into it (and all the glorious fallout of that relationship when Five's not willing to share with anyone, boss or no...)
*Old Man Five/Hooker Klaus (25-50k) Old Man Five hops through the timeline trying to help improve his siblings' lives, even if they don't know it's him. When he gets to Klaus, he figures some money could improve his situation, but Klaus is disinclined to take money without providing services in return...Five doesn't mean to fuck his brother, but once he gets started, he's not about to stop. Klaus becomes his kept boy, and Klaus, despite the fact that he doesn't know much about his mysterious benefactor who disappears for long stretches of time, starts to fall in love. Except then Five disappears for good (after the Handler threatens to kill Klaus if Five keeps going back). Upon returning to his 13 yo body, Five doesn't want to tell Klaus the truth, assuming he'll be pissed to find out it was Five all along. But then Luther, the only one who's seen Old Five finds a photo of him in the background of some major historical event, and upon seeing it, Klaus blows up like wtf how could you not TELL ME??? and there is DRAMA and a fair amount of angst, but an eventual happy ending.
*Daemon AU (a la His Dark Materials; 10-20k ish, oneshot-ish, probably with other short one-offs in same ' verse) I have SO MANY FEELS ABOUT KLAUS' DAEMON OKAY??? And I don't want to get into them too much without being spoilery. But basically some vague timeline what timeline where they avoid the apocalypse and still have their powers and settle back into the manor. No one has seen Five's daemon since he returned to their timeline, leading his siblings to believe she must have been severed from him. No *humans* have seen her, but Klaus' daemon has, and the two of them hang out a lot. Meanwhile Klaus' daemon is as much of a mess as he is, thnks to various experiments Reggie performed, and of course the issue of what becomes of the daemon of a person who can die and return to life, when upon death, a daemon becomes Dust? Basically these two have some fucked up issues that are reflected in their daemons, which leads everyone around them to jump to conclusions. But mostly it's a really soft, romantic fic, of Five's daemon taking care of Klaus and Klaus taking care of Five, and just...lots of feels guys, okay?!
*Meet as Teens AU (25-50kish) Cancer Patient Five's family move to America for treatment. In the small town nearby, he meets Amish Klaus, who works at his family's market. Five's going through a bit of a rebellious phase (facing some really bad odds with his cancer) and Klaus lives on the fringes of his society, an outcast because of his weird abilities. Of course they gravitate towards one another, but when Five gets bad news after his most recent round of treatment, Klaus decides to visit the Girl and ask for a favour. *Commune AU (under 20k oneshot/maybe several short ~2-5k ficlets) Instead of selling Five when Reginald comes calling, Efa, whose family has a plot of land, invites other mothers of the powered children to drop off their babies if they don't want them. And if you want your baby but can't keep them because of shitty family situations, drop yourself off, too. Basically some of the moms stay and together they raise and teach and train the children together. The kids grow up happy and moderately well-adjusted and Reginald gets none of them, the dick. Five and Klaus are good friends, but then genius Five heads off to university pretty young, then a year of study abroad, and they mostly only keep in touch via mail. Five comes back from his study abroad to find Klaus has finally moved off the commune, and when he mentions not wanting to live in the dorms next semester, his mum mentions Klaus having space in his apartment. The last time Five saw him, Klaus was still that sort of wary, fluffy farm boy. But then Five walks into Klaus' gallery and both of them are all "oh no he's hot." Klaus is all cool and sexy and tattooed, and has all these friends and Five's despairing "what is he going to see in me, his square, nerdy friend." and Klaus is all, "ugh, Five is so hot and serious and he must think I'm so immature and stupid"
IDK if this will get any response whatsoever, since Klive fandom is so small, but I figured I'd try!
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jamiesfootball · 7 months
please feel free to ignore this if you want BUT if you do feel like bragging, i am very curious about what your current WIP word-counts are and/or what you think they'll end up being
(i am standing on the sidelines with a confetti canon at the ready)
I'll preempt all of this buy saying that this month was rough and full of irl stuff and my wordcount definitely suffered for it, with February clocking in at 13,106 words, plus another ~2000 words that were technically written in Feb on my phone but won't be counted until I put them in the document.
This ties out February with December, my previous lowest wordcount month. Meanwhile January saw a high of about ~30k, so all in all I'd say it still averages out to the 20k-ish that's been about normal for me.
Current wordcounts:
OGYGGIYHNBGL - 118,002 total (Chapter 2 - 19,891 and going. I had hoped to have this chapter finished this month, but I ended up working on ch 3-5 while I straightened out some storybeats. Hopefully this will be the month)
Gift fic 1 - 9045 (it'll be like 30% bigger?)
Gift fic 2 - 4904 (it'll be bigger. It'll be so much bigger)
The Vacant House Behind Our Home - 15,037 total (Chapter 3 - 4698 and about halfway done. Will be longer than the first two chapters combined. Meanwhile Chapter 4 is sitting right behind it, 90% finished and raring to go)
I still feel like the same person I've been - 20,893 total
Then there are the miscellaneous oneshots I'm working on, but those will simply be the length they want to be.
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bootstrapparadoxed · 8 months
creative works & links
AO3 - Ko-Fi - YouTube - Patreon
adult sci-fi; a queer, existentialist space adventure
In the distant future, humans live in a utopia where even death is not the end—for everyone except Amber’s parents. At 25, she is a cynical, aloof Ph.D. in history who resents her sheltered life at home and yearns to find her place in the world. Then, an exciting job offer comes her way—the chance to uncover the mystery of a civilization that disappeared thousands of years ago. Teaming up with the archeologist Lullaby, Amber embarks on a hitchhiking quest to find the fabled Aquamarine Moon and, perhaps, some much-needed meaning in her life.
Publisher’s website | Amazon
Video Essays
"Science Has an Accountability Problem | Dumpster Fire Data"
Do you know how many researchers anonymously admit to fabricating data? The answer is not a number of individuals, it is a percentage. As scientists, we like to believe that we are the pinnacle of accuracy, honesty, and accountability. In reality, we are no different from any other human, just as capable of making mistakes. And it’s time to fully admit to that. Welcome to Dumpster Fire Data, a series in which I analyze the hell out of crumbling institutions.
“Representation DIY: What Headcanons Can Teach You About Autism”
On why representation of minority groups in fiction has such a powerful influence, why I prefer headcanon autistic characters over canon examples, and how headcanon discussions can improve the public dialogue and be an additional push for better diverse media.
“Night in the Woods: Cosmic Horror and Optimistic Nihilism”
An exploration of themes and narrative threads of “Night in the Woods” through the eyes of an exhausted Gen Z anarchist. On the terrifying world that young adults of today were born into and how it affected us, the two ways in which NiTW explores cosmic horror, why humans always look for stories, patterns, and meaning, and whether you can be sane and happy without meaning altogether. 
“Disability and Capitalism” 2-parter
A deep dive into the intertwined history of ableism and the capitalist economy, starting from the dawn of humanity and ending with a hopeful look into the future. Featuring a shitton of citations/research and generously sprinkled with science fiction.
“Squid Game and the Gamefication of Capitalism”
"Squid Game" is a South Korean survival drama that explores themes of class disparity and inequality with a Hunger Games-esque, thrilling plotline. Is the reality show / video game aesthetic of Squid Game just another compelling visual element, or an additional metaphor?
"Is Phylogenetics a Proper Science?"
Birds are dinosaurs, whales are cousins of cows, and fishes do not exist – these are the kind of things you learn in phylogenetics lectures as a biology undergrad. I have compartmentalized this knowledge in my head for years without giving it a second thought. Then, I fell down a rabbit whole of weird philosophy of science papers, and it broke my brain a little.
"Pokemon Evolutions Are Real... Kind Of"
More people have probably heard the word "evolution" in a pokemon game than in a high school biology class. And they aren't even actually evolving, they're going through metamorphosis. Probably. Well…
Published Fiction
Short Story: "Satisfied", cyberpunk horror, in HyphenPunk Magazine Issue 7
Selected Fanfiction
One Septendecillion Brass Doorknobs: AO3 - Royalroad - Rebloggable Link
Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency S3 as a full novel length (82k words) fic written in my best attempt at the style of Douglas Adams
where fire and ice collide: AO3 
30k long/novella length doctor who and good omens crossover with Tenth and Rose and all the GO characters; mostly focused on the mystery/adventure plotline but it also has tenrose and ineffable husbands tones in the mix
when it’s time: AO3
good omens 20k ineffible husbands slowburn. you know the cold open of E3? it’s 20k more of it. with mutual pining and angst and an eventual happy ending
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