#fic: clementiae
this fic will actually murder me into tiny pieces, I don't think this novella will cover this couple enough I NEED THEM ON MY SCREEN
snippet under the cut
“Sometimes,” he admitted quietly, “I do not believe that I deserve a wife or children. After what I said to Cedrik…” He shook his head. “Perhaps he had a point.” Clementia did not shift her eyes away from him. Her knuckles stroked against his beard, and she sighed when he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “No,” she disagreed. “You are an honest, flawed man. I do not expect perfection. If I did⎯I would love a statue. You are a good man. Any woman would be honored to love you.”
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aayakashii · 2 months
Can I get a ❤️24 and ❤️25 fluffy fic for Jin please?
❤️24 a sleepy kiss
❤️25 a kiss that's an accident
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The room was quiet. Harsh sunlight peeked through some of the tall curtains, bathing the room in a dim light. There was a gentle hum in the room, a humidifier working overtime to defeat the dry cold air of the dorm.
It was midday, and Jin was still fast asleep.
You had received Tohma's message just a few minutes before. He claimed he was awfully busy and had to do something at Vagastrom, so he asked you to do him a huge favor and wake up the lazy captain of Frostheim.
Tohma didn't leave much room for arguing, so you had no choice but make your way to Jin's bedroom, already quite used to being the unofficial errand kid of those ghouls – even though you were still a bit bitter about it.
The sounds of your footsteps were crisp and loud in that spacious and mostly empty place. It was probably three times the size of your own room in Clementia's old building, you thought for the hundredth time since you set foot in it.
Jin was laying down on his loyal and old sofa, one arm shielding his eyes while the other rested on his stomach. His lips were slightly parted and he snored quietly, breathing deeply, fully relaxed.
He looked like a porcelain doll, you thought as you kneeled beside his sleeping figure.
Students in Darkwick would always discuss who was the most handsome – Jin or Romeo – and you refused to partake in any conversation about that topic due to your “professional” relationship with both men.
Yet secretly, deep inside, you always thought Jin was the prettiest. He was ethereal, some sort of ice fairy prince, straight out of a fairytale.
And when his face was relaxed and not in the permanent scowl he seemed to have engraved on his features when he was awake, he looked even fairer.
You blinked and shook your head, trying to dissipate those thoughts. You looked like a creep, watching him so closely as he slept, you thought and, for a quick moment, Zenji's boisterous laugh echoed in your mind – a reminder of the day he explained why he watched you as you slept.
You sighed.
Tohma didn't tell you how he usually woke Jin up. He didn't give any instructions on whether you had to be gentle or straight up shake him by the shoulders.
On a second thought, shaking someone who always kept a sword nearby by the shoulders didn't seem like a good idea.
Being gentle was the only option, then.
You stood up on your knees and leaned towards Jin's sleeping figure. Your hands softly touched his shoulders and you gave them an (extremely gentle and careful) squeeze.
“Jin?” you muttered “Jin, it's time to wake up. It's noon.”
The blue haired man furrowed his eyebrows and groaned. He turned to the side, unintentionally facing you, still sound asleep.
“Jin.” you touched his arm “You have to wake up.”
He murmured what you could only imagine was some sort of ‘no’ and curled into himself. You rolled your eyes.
“Jin. Come on, you gotta wake up. Wake up.” getting a little impatient, you raised your voice a little, giving his arm another squeeze, and that finally seemed to work.
Jin's icy blue eyes opened up slowly, still foggy with sleep. He blinked a few times, staring at you but seemingly not processing the fact that you were actually in front of him.
You suddenly noticed how close your faces were to each other.
His eyes scanned your face for a second, before his arm reached out to you, pulling you towards him by your neck.
You barely had a moment to think of what was happening before Jin locked his lips onto yours, in a chaste kiss.
His eyes closed once again, sleep still taking control of his body, while yours widened to the size of saucers.
You didn't know what to do with your hands as he drowned you in his kiss, while Jin's slid from your neck to your cheek, tenderly cupping your face.
The sound of his lips gently sucking on yours as he kissed you repeatedly made your face burn with a heat that could quite probably melt all the ice in Frostheim.
It wasn't until he nibbled on your bottom lip and you let out a small moan that sleep seemed to finally leave his body.
Jin let go of your face with a startle, quickly scooting closer to the back of his sofa, trying to create distance between you two. You blinked repeatedly, trying to ground yourself after that sudden attack, as Jin pinched his own arm.
“You're- you're really here?” Jin gasped, his eyes widening like never before.
You swallowed hard, nodding slowly, not really trusting your own voice at that moment.
“Did I just- did I just-” he pointed to his lips and then to you. “You?”
You nodded dumbly again.
Jin groaned, rubbing a hand on his face as he propped himself on his elbow. You could faintly hear him grumble something about ‘how he could swear that it was just a dream’.
“Where's Tohma?” he sat up on the sofa, glaring down at your dumbfounded figure.
You got up slowly, finally coming back to your senses as you felt your feet tingle after kneeling for that long.
“He asked me to wake you up.” you said, softly tapping your feet on the marble floor to bring back the blood flow.
Jin groaned at your response.
"Of course. I'm going to kill him." he growled, scowling like usual.
You stood awkwardly, still tapping your feet, as you tried your hardest not to stare at his lips. It didn't take long before his irritation was directed at you.
“Well, obviously you were quite successful with your little task. You're dismissed now.” he said, getting up and pushing you unceremoniously towards the door.
“W-wait but we have to talk about what just-” you protested.
“You're dismissed” he repeated, with a final push, closing the door on your face with a loud slam.
And despite how hard he tried to avoid your gaze, you didn't miss how his cheeks, his neck and the tip of his ears were a furious shade of red.
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Drabble event rules and prompt lists
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fr33time · 12 days
Hiii (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶), can I request for a hurt/comfort reader x Jin or Romeo fic?
✦❘༻Self care to forget༺❘✦
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Divider credits: @thecutestgrotto
Pairing: Romeo Lucci x GN!reader
Synopsis: MC was cursed by an anomaly, which caused them to have one of the worst days of their life. After breaking their arm after an investigation with Vagastrom, Romeo calls MC to his private room on business, but MC is more than over with the day.
A/N: Yesss of course!! I chose Romeo this time, so I hope you’ll enjoy the idea I have for him!!! I don’t find many Romeo fics so I felt like I should fill the space with one. He’s still a tad difficult to write but I made sure to go through his in game chats, and check through the wikis to see how he spoke. I had fun writing this, and it’s interesting to try something new. Enjoy! Also sorry this took so long to release, I’ve been busy again and I have work to do so I’ll probably only get to writing on weekends. I wrote most of this late at night so I apologize for any mistakes, feel free to let me know! I’ve been waiting for episode 9 to release and I can’t wait since it looks like a Halloween special chapter. Until my next work!
Genre: Hurt/comfort, oneshot
Find my requesting rules here!
Life did not particularly favour you at the moment. You ended up being taken to an emergency room for breaking your arm, if it had been a sort of sprain then a couple anomalous medicine packs could have fixed it, but the world loves to beat you when you’re down.
About 4 days ago you were sent to be the inspector of a mission with the Vagastrom house. They were investigating a mass wave of kidnappings that they believed to have been caused by an anomaly. This morning was supposed to be the final day of the investigation, where you and the ghouls were planning to capture the anomaly and complete the mission. The day was doomed from the start with an air of bad luck following you throughout. You fell through the floor of the Clementia house, you kept stepping in pot holes and almost spraining your ankle, when the world was seemingly trying to kill you, it also made everything very inconvenient. You were losing everything you placed on furniture the previous night, stepped on a pregnant spider, the power went out, etc.
The final straw was when the investigation was reaching its final stages. Some plans flew off the rails and you ended up being chased by the anomaly. Once it grabbed you, you managed to maneuver yourself out of its grasp, but in turn you ended up falling from the second floor of a building onto the first floor because of a giant hole in the floor. It would not have been this bad if you fell in a different position, but you fell head first and it triggered the instinct to break the fall with your arms.
You were rushed to the emergency room after the anomaly was unfortunately destroyed. Apparently, the anomaly put a mini curse on you that gave you dreadful bad luck. On the bright side, darkwick had come across a curse like this before and was able to lift it almost immediately. Your arm was patched up, and was told that it would heal in up to 12 weeks on account of the clean break, and sent you home.
You felt shitty, all you wanted was to rest and you were stuck having to deal with the ghouls in Vagastrom on the way back. Alan and Sho seemed really concerned for you, but decided to stay silent for now in fear that you weren’t into conversation. Leo on the other hand had a bitter face plastered on, it will always be perplexing how he manages to say the worst things at the worst times.
“Y’know, we could’ve captured that anomaly if honour roll hadn’t screwed up.” Alan immediately threw him a nasty look and signalled him to shut up. Honestly, you weren’t in the mood, if you didn’t feel so drained then you could’ve responded back to him but you didn’t have the heart. Soon, you were back at your dorm, once the Vagastrom ghouls dropped you off and said they would check on you later, you sat in silence for a while. You laid down on the bed and started to drift to sleep until you heard a buzzing on your phone. You could’ve ignored it but clearly someone was spam texting you to get your attention. Out of obligation, you peeked at your phone and checked the messages.
New girl!
Report to the VIP room this instant!
Are you ignoring me?!?!
This won’t be tolerated, if you’re not here in 5 minutes there will be serious consequences!
You groaned out of frustration seeing Romeo’s spammed messages on your screen. You immediately went to pick up your phone and text back, trying to explain what happened today,
Romeo I can’t come right now, can you let me off the hook this time? I’ve had a really bad day and I just want to lay down…
I don’t want your excuses, I’ll add 2 extra minutes on your clock, you better be grateful because you’re wasting my precious time!
And it’s Fico, get it right!
You guessed that there was no saying no to him. You rushed to Sinostra as best you could, but there was no way that you were going to attempt to run there. As you walked inside, the guards that were standing outside of the VIP room were greeting you,
“MC, Fico’s expecting you, head inside.” Most of the staff knew who you were by now. You had been working around Sinostra more recently due to Romeo making you do “Eyes in the Sky” surveillance for him. He was a teensy bit more lenient on you lately, you weren’t sure why but you liked to think that he was getting used to you, bit by bit. It was already later than usual, so you wondered why Romeo wanted you to come to the VIP room at 9PM. The guards opened up the VIP room for you, and stepped inside. Romeo was sitting down on the luxurious couch, sifting through paper work that surrounded his desk. The door behind you closed, and you realized that Romeo didn’t bother to have bodyguards with him. You stood in front of the table, barely keeping it together. It felt like you could snap the tiny bit of composure that you had at any time.
“I thought I told you to rush over here!” Romeo finally decided to look at you and noticed your horrendous physique. Your arm was in a cast, clothes were dirty, eyes drooped down to hell, and your posture was so unacceptable that it felt violating to his eyes.
“What the hell happened to you?”
In that moment, everything inside of your head spilled out onto the floor. You couldn’t hold it any longer. Before you realized what happened, you were on the floor, breaking down. Your chest tightened and tears streamed out on your face and onto the floor. It felt humiliating, crying in front of Romeo like this but you’ve never felt so down on your luck before. It was crushing that it felt like the whole world was against you today, it wasn’t always like that but a pile of stress was building up over the course of the mission, especially today.
“I just- I just wanted to be left alone! My arm hurts so bad- everything is so fucking- shitty!” Your brain couldn’t keep up with your words, your line of consciousness was being interrupted by your hyperventilating. Your throat hurt, it hurt so much from wanting to cry out and having to swallow everything down.
“Just leave me- the fuck alone! I want to sleep— so fucking bad- why won’t any- one just let me rest for once today!” Romeo was stunned, he sat there looking at you while your cries were the only noise echoing in the room. Your eyes were red, and puffy, you looked pitiful while sitting on the floor of his expensive private room. He got up from his couch and kneeled down in front of you, hovering his finger over your mouth.
“Shut up for a moment!” You stopped speaking but there was nothing you could do about your hyperventilation. You tried to breathe deeply, but didn’t help your uncontrollable gasps for air. You looked away from his eyes and tried to look down at the floor, it felt less shameful. Romeo sighed heavily, and got up onto his feet.
“Stand up” you followed what he said and tried to get off of your knees.
“Just looking at the state you’re in is giving me wrinkles. Don’t say anything and follow me” Romeo started walking and signalled you to come along. You followed him and ended up in his bathroom, one of the most spotless bathrooms you’ve ever seen with countless beauty products on the counters and in cupboards. Your breathing was starting to calm down but you were still in rough shape. Now you were confused, why would Romeo take you in here? He started filing through his cabinets and grabbing a few things.
“I’m going to fix you up because you look horrendous, but for now go and monitor my EITS and wait till I’m done. This just means you’re gonna work twice as hard tomorrow as payment for this.” You started to realize that he was going to take care of you when you looked at all of the products in his arms. You listened to what he said and sat down on his couch to look at the cameras in the casino. You didn’t mind staying any longer anymore, it would be nice to rest but you felt like Romeo wanted to help you in his own weird way. That’s what you wanted to believe, and in reality it wasn’t that far from the truth. It made you smile a bit, but you knew that if Romeo caught you then he would probably throw you out in an instant, so you kept it down. You were done with everything, this was the best you were gonna get out of everything. Not much time passed before Romeo set up, he called you over before you knew it.
“New girl! Get over here!” You got up and met Romeo in the bathroom, finding a chair in front of the sink, with a whole line of facial items set up.
“Sit down and straighten your back. I won’t accept sloppiness.” As you sat down, Romeo cleared space and put his laptop on the counter in front of you. It looked like he still wanted you to work, but he interrupted your thought as he spoke.
“I’ll watch it, but tell me if you see something wrong or there’ll be consequences.” Romeo turned your chair so that it was parallel to the counter. Facing it towards him, it helped him see your face better and it was easier to apply things on you. He stayed organized and started to put things on your face, first a cold compress eye mask, then a cold towel to reduce overall swelling in your face, applied a couple moisturizers, gently massaging your eyelids, it felt like pure bliss. You weren’t sure why he was doing this, and even Romeo was questioning why he did this all for you. He wanted to make you stop crying by giving you a mini facial, and registered it as wanting to get rid of your scrunched up face and out of his sight to use it against you later.
You looked in the mirror after he was done and barely recognized yourself. You were glowing, and it looked like you never even cried in the first place. When you checked the time, it was almost 11PM. There were many missed messages from Alan, asking where you were and if you were alright.
“Oh wow, it’s getting really late. I’m so sorry for taking up your time, I should be going soon!” When you were getting back up, you felt a pair of hands push down gently on your shoulders to make you sit.
“You’re sleeping here tonight, I’m not listening to complaints. You’re getting up in the morning and working all day for me tomorrow as payment. I spent my precious time on you, so you should feel indebted to me.” He folded his arms and looked at you, expecting an answer.
“Um… where would I even sleep?” You didn’t have the strength to fight, it’s not like you wanted to walk all the way back to your dorm late at night anyways. You were tired and needed to rest, it didn’t matter where it was anymore.
“On the couch, it’s high quality so it should be better than the shabby one you have. Any BFB would be able to tell the quality difference as soon as they sat down.” You were a bit perplexed by his out of place acronyms, but you had no clue what he was talking about.
“Bumbling Fucking Buffoons, it should be obvious.” All you could do was smile slightly and nodding your head to appease him. Romeo got up to set up the couch comfortably, you still had a broken arm so you needed a cozy space to be in to put your mind at ease.
“Thank you Romeo, I feel much better now. You helped me alot, and I appreciate it.” He was turned away from you, so you couldn’t see the look on his face, but a slight blush came across his face. He shouldn’t be feeling embarrassed but he did, he didn’t understand his own feelings.
“It’s Fico, you BB. I’m making sure you wake up early to get started in an organized fashion, so enjoy comfort while it lasts.” You were surprised that Romeo did all of this for you, but it was sweet in his standards. He made you feel better by giving you some self care, and offered you to stay here so you wouldn’t walk back. He did want you to work all day tomorrow, but you could make it through, he didn’t assign hard tasks to you so you weren’t worried. You hoped that you and him could have a better relationship someday, it was going to take a while, he had multiple walls in front of him that were made out of brick. But it felt like you climbed over that first hurdle.
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f1crecs · 3 months
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Fic Rec List - Action AUs (Giveaway Winner Post)
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want us to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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hi @onboardsorasora thank you SO MUCH for your request, and congratulations again for winning the giveaway ❤️ we are so sorry that this took such a long time to get to you... unfortunately the mod team have been rather busy with all sorts of things: wedding planning and driving lessons and travelling abroad and writing copious amounts of smut. we hope this was worth the wait ❤️
nsfw: I struck a match and blew your mind by @33max | Not Rated | 4.1k
Max is a getaway driver and starts to work with Daniel on jobs. I loved the pacing of this fic. There's so much detail and progress within this and the author really did a great job of picking which parts to highlight for the plot progression. I loved Max's commitment to Daniel.
“I am, I promise. I think it’s just a broken rib or two.” Daniel says, and his hand comes up to squeeze Max’s shoulder from the backseat. There is blood on his knuckles. “C’mon Maxy, be a good boy and get us out of here.” So Max does. He gets them out of there, but he feels sick. Not because they almost got caught, but because he knows that if Daniel really had needed to go to the hospital he would not have been able to leave him there. He would have let them both get caught over leaving Daniel alone and hurt on a hospital doorstep.
nsfw: strangers by bloodmoonforme | E | 37.9k
Daniel, a detective, is on a not-quite-dead-end murder case when they bring in Max from out of state to help him solve it. They have history and havent seen each other in four years. I loved the tone in this so much. The author has a very coherent narrative that build just right, its really intriguing. I also love how the reader almost solves the case too. Not only the murder case, but the /what happened to Max and Daniel/ case that gets revealed throughout. Its a truly well written fic with a lot of action and feelings!
He gets up, his stomach feeling heavier and colder by the second. There's something creeping all the way from his fingers, up his arms and to his belly, a prickly sick thing. Then he looks towards the center of the room, marked by a well-worn rug. Daniel stands there, alone in Esther’s bedroom, standing in the half-light. He's there, and suddenly he’s not.
nsfw: Bite Down and Taste Red by @mysticalbreadcollective | E | 46.5k
Max works in a bar, and Daniel is the Mafia Boss who keeps buying drinks. This story is absolutely captivating - from beginning to end, it is so beautifully written and paced, with just enough angst to make things truly delicious. Daniel is so much fun here - hot and charismatic and so very head over heels for his bartender!
He finds out that Max speaks several languages, and he’s from a place called Hasselt, which means absolutely nothing to Daniel. He’d looked it up later, on the map on his phone, squinting at it. Compared with the US, its miniscule. He can’t imagine Max being born in a place so small. When Max is so – much.
Carlos/Lando & Daniel/Max
i'll race you for pinks by @chubbydinosaur | M | 30k
Lando is brought on to a heist by professional criminal, Carlos. Sparks fly. This story is such a fun ride - as always, this author perfectly balances humour, emotion, and high stakes action, and it makes for a thrilling read. Lando is so disarmingly charming in this - I adored him!
til the bone crush by @clementiaes | T | 19k
Pacific Rim is perfect for Formula 1 AUs, and this is one of my favourite examples. Daniel and Lando are paired as Jaeger pilots. Both are coming off of other drift partners with baggage - Daniel from Max after Max’s career ending injury, and Lando from something that could have been a relationship with Carlos, had Lando’s insecurities not buried it before it started. Lando is prickly, closed-off and miserable at the start of this story, convinced he is unlovable. This story is about him gently and gradually being opened up to the realisation that people love him, and that he deserves to be loved.
The point is, no one is getting tired of you any time soon,” Daniel says. “Seriously, who even told you that?” Lando looks down at his hands, picking at a hangnail. “No one. I just — I know I’m not easy to get along with.” Daniel frowns. “You deserve to be happy,” he says, finally. “You know that, right?” Lando looks down at his knees. “Look at me, Lando,” Daniel says, but Lando doesn’t. His shoulders are starting to creep back up near his ears again. Daniel’s moving before he quite knows what he’s doing. He gets one hand on Lando’s shoulder and one on his chin, turning his face so that he’ll look at him. Lando sucks in a sharp breath, eyes wide, but to Daniel’s surprise, he doesn’t pull away. “I don’t know how you got it into your head that you’re like, unlovable, or something, but it’s not true,” Daniel says. “Really. You think you can believe that for me?”
He Is All, And He Is More by @effervescentdragon | M | 15k
In this AU of The Old Guard, Sebastian and Charles are immortals that meet on the battlefield during the Crusades. They kill one another over and over, until they reach a tentative understanding. Their relationship deepens over the centuries. It can be difficult to write characters as ancient and make them feel ancient, and Akira really does. I love the tentative way they negotiate one another, and the understanding they gradually come to. Battlefield enemies to lovers is quite the relationship arc.
"And if we only met a thousand of years from now, you would still be wearing red.” “Why?” Sebastian shrugs, a grin evident in the dark. “Your red string dictates it. Fate, or something. Destiny. Red suits you. You look good in red.” Charles bites his tongue. “So do you.”
on golden sands by sionisjaune | T | 6.2k
Lewis Hamilton is planning the heist of the century and he wants Sebastian Vettel on his team. The target - Baron Nico Rosbergs car collection. Sounds simple on paper but reality never is. Oceans Eleven heist!au. Who doesnt love a good heist!au? This author writes some of my favourite sebcedes, the characterisations are spot on and the vibes are at turns wholesome and rancid. Perfection in a fic!
Rosberg greets Seb at the gate, behind the windshield of a pale blue Bentley. The paint job sparkles in the golden sunlight, and the hood ornament gleams chrome. The gates roll open at his whim with an ear-splitting, metallic sound. Rosberg beckons animatedly from behind the wheel, and Seb gets the message that he should leave his car and join Rosberg in the Bentley for the ride up to the house. […] Before Seb can slide into the passenger's side of the Bentley, Rosberg has to shoo a pudgy English bulldog into the backseat. It clambers, ungainly, over the console and waddles into the back, collapsing in a happy, wrinkly lump on the leather seats. “Who’s this?” Seb asks, watching long strings of drool ooze from the dog’s flabby mouth onto the pristine interior of Rosberg’s classic Bentley. Seb once saw an R-type Bentley much like this one go for two and a half million at auction. “This is Roscoe,” says Rosberg, long-sufferingly. “The result of an unfortunate affair.”
Hic Svnt Leones by @cerona10 | M | 32.6k
Charles is different to how Pierre remembers him. The world-building in this fic is second to none - it’s absolutely stunning! The world feels so full and alive, and it’s easy to get completely sucked in. The way they build in exposition is so clever and natural feeling, and the action is exhilirating and fun to read. Perfect!
His shadow isn’t his own, not anymore. It shakes and shimmers, fighting against its own shape. His shadow’s head twists and breaks before mending itself into that of a horse, neighing and trashing, a single horn jutting out from its forehead. Its jaw unhinges and it begins breathing heavily, drool escaping its mouth like a waterfall.
nsfw: Venus Flytrap by @pitconfirm | E | 25.7k (wip)
Professional criminal Fernando Alonso is recruited for a job. His mission: seduce Lance Stroll. This fic is RED HOT. From the very first few sentences, Fernando exudes this confidence that is so much fun to read. Contrasted with Lance - pouty, privileged, and surprisingly vulnerable - the dynamics are gorgeous. This author is so fantastic at dialogue and pacing, and this fic flows so beautifully. I can't wait to read more!
Once they reach the games room, it’s easy to spot him among the crowd. For the past few days, Fernando has been memorising every freckle on Lance’s skin. He could recognise him from just the curl of hair on his tender nape, but the most striking thing about Lance is his demeanour—elbows rested on the roulette table while he boredly holds his head in his hands, huffing in disappointment when he loses again. His carelessness stands out starkly against the opulent golden trims and old paintings covering every wall. A boy like Lance doesn’t belong in a place like this, but money talks.
nsfw: green light, red wine (and i don't feel fine) by @vicsy | E | 18.8k (wip)
Fernando is the Mafia boss who owns the club that Lance Stroll - son of his biggest rival - wanders into. This story is SO HOT. The tension between them is palpable, and they bounce off each other so well. You get the feeling that both of them are underestimating each other, and it makes for so much delicious tension. Amazing!
There aren’t many opportunities Fernando deliberately missed in his life. He wouldn’t be on top if he did. Right next to him, clad in a tight white t-shirt, sits an opportunity for a power move, the one Fernando would take all the way.
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myangelhaven · 4 months
This is my recommendations of LEEKNOW fics! It will be updated once in a while for new stories I have read. Hopefully the links work (lemme know if it doesn't)
Credits to the authors!! All informations written are taken from the authors' post and has not been modified. Reminder that some fics are NOT for minors, so please read the key and avoid 18+ contents.
[❀]: fluff [𖦹]: humour [𖤓]: angst [☄]: sad [☾]:smut [⟡]:smau [✮]: my favs
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖✮------------LEEKNOW------------✮˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
Grape soda by @agi-ppangx [❀]
Half-court shot by @starlostseungmin [❀][✮][f2l?][e2l?]
matching tattos with minho by @ppiri-bahng [❀]
ten things lee know says when he thinks you’re asleep by @soobnny [❀
meanie minho by @fluffylino [☾]
lee know eating you out after a bad day of practice
What are we? by @jinhyun [❀][𖤓]
Lino and the "friends? Why are you looking at me like that?" prompt, where he asks reader what they are, and is finally frustrated (and whipped) enough to come clean about his feelings, after some time in their fwb/situationship, or wtv they had going on
Only if the cats approved by @jae-bummer [❀][𖤓][soulmateau][grumpyxsunshine]
Request: I have a request for a Lee Know fic where when you first find your soulmate you have to be near them 24/7 for a certain amount of time. Also, the reader has been waiting for their soulmate their whole life and is super excited while Lino isn’t super into the idea. The rest is up to you.
The only exception by @astraystayyh [❀][𖤓][s2l][slowburn]
Minho was content with straying away as far as possible from love. That is until you stumbled into his café on a rainy night, and unwittingly, into his life.
Feline tendencies by @withleeknow [❀][establishedrelationship][suggestive] 0.9k
The pepper thing by @like-a-diamondinthesky [❀][✮][established relationship] 1.4k
it's a routine, it's a tradition, it's a lifestyle. it's the pepper thing.
Middle of the night by @j-0ne25 [☾][f2l] 1.5k
Tentacles by @jonespicy [❀][☾][aliensau][foreplay] 2k
Gates of hell by @tasteracha [☾][demonau] 2.2k
minho is the demon that welcomes you into hell
Promises by @ta3mint [❀][𖤓][bff2l] 2.4k
The one that got away by @imagine-a-life-like-this [☄][this is literal pure heartbreak] 2.4k
she returned after four years engaged to another man, someone minho is convinced doesn’t love her as much as he does. but as he watches them get married, he sees the love in his eyes, and comes to terms with the fact that she will always be the one that got away.
Clementia by @skzsauce01 [𖤓][e2l] 2.5k
You’d always had a special place in your heart for Lee Minho even though he gives you countless reasons to hate him. How long will your patience last?
Eyes on you by @jonespicy [❀][☾][coworkers] 2.6k
Cruel summer by @starseungs [❀][𖤓][childhood bff2e][e2l] 2.9k
friendships can break. some even turn into enemies. that was a fact you unfortunately knew all too well.
A chance by @staywritten [❀][𖤓][☄][slowburn][hurt/comfort] 3k
You fall the heartbreaker.
Taste by @tasteleeknow [𖤓][☾][e2l] 3k
aphrodisiacs are agents that are held to arouse desire. the word originates from aphrodite, the ancient greek goddess of love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, and procreation. 
Bad idea by @setsugekka [𖤓][☾][e2l] 3.6k
stuck in a vacation home with nobody but the most annoying man in your friend group, there’s not a lot offered to help take the edge off.
a couple of glasses of wine and a crazy idea might, though.
⠄・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄more to come!⠄・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
☆-------Minho's masterlist || skz masterlist--------☆
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Hiii I just wanted to thank you so much for fueling my curiosity of tokyo debunker theories 😭 I check everyday for new content and you always have something new to add!
I can't help but think that the whole thing about the girl in the tower is related to the opening sequence where whoever you choose to save ends up jumping off the tower. Not sure about the part about climbing her hair like rapunzel, but I feel like there has to be a reason behind the memory being replaced with specifically a girl in a tower.
Maybe there's no real connection, but I just wanted to see what you thought about it :DD
I knew there was something I felt like I was missing and you're right. I just felt in my bones it had something to do with MC but I was like "no Yuri, you're being delusional." SKJDBGFKJDSNRGKJ
I feel like MC is very important to the ghouls and the over all story, just not in a way we are getting a clear picture of just yet. Why allow her to stay in Clementia's dorm, were there really no other places on campus? There has to be a reason the sage's ring chose her... and her meeting with Taiga and Haku at the beginning just feels too convenient.
I have this... no. It isn't a theory. It's just something I would like one of these stories to do. Right I think it would be cool if MC had been a part of Clementia before the Clash and that instead of her finding someone on the tower last year she was actually all alone and maybe jumped herself. No one remembers her because they don't remember any of the specific Clementia students. Maybe all of the Clementia students went missing and their memory has been erased? So it's difficult to track them down even though the school is trying... idk. That's pure 10000% just me writing fan fic at this point but ugh. It's a good concept I think (•̀⤙•́ ) and if this story doesn't do something like that then I will figure out a story where it can happen myself!!!
and thank you for your kind words, I've been very worried about polluting the tdb tag since so much of it is my posts ;-; I'm glad you don't find me annoying, and I will keep trying to fuel you ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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espresso-ships · 6 months
I've been kinda scared to create a self-ship account but decided to fuck it, let's go!!
♡ Y'all can call me Espresso, I'm 20 years old :)
♡ Genderfluid - They/she pronouns
♡ I'm not a "native" English speaker - but I hope I make sense either way lol!
♡ My current hyperfixations are: Better call Saul, La casa de Papel and hunger games. As for activities, I like drawing and writing.
♡ I love writing and creating - so this blog is mostly to share my OC's story and their relationships to their f/o's!
♡ Becoming an author is my ambition and apart from my Tumblr writing I'm currently working on a mystery paranormal book!
♡ I have a writing blog too. Maybe some of you know about it already/follow it. Can share the name in DM if interested :)
♡ I have ADHD, so be aware: I'll either spam post or dissapear from this acc for weeks when my motivation says "Nope" lol
My f/o's are:
♡ Ignacio "Nacho" Varga from Better call Saul
♡ Ágata "Nairobi" Jiménez from La casa de papel
My OC's are
♡ Laura Bernardi - Better call Saul
♡ Clementia aka "Athens" - La casa de papel
Will post more about them soon <3
I'll post mostly drabbles, fics and some art. Mostly SFW but might be NSFW (with a warning in that case)
Proshippers DNI
That's all for now! Feel free to follow ♡
(This isn't my main acc - so I'll follow back on another acc!)
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kabrumithrun · 2 months
Fic: you don't have to stare (come here get with it)
https://ift.tt/1PFiTBV by eros (clementia) “What the hell are you wearing?!” Kabru said, almost choking on air, because Mithrun was sitting in the chair in front of the dressing table wearing a green nightgown lingerie with black lace details, cascading down her body like a slip dress until it reached just a little below her crotch, covered by matching lace green panties that added insult to injury. “Do you like it?” Mithrun asked. “Cithis helped me choose it.” Kabru took a deep breath, trying to stop all his blood from rushing straight to his dick. “Yeah. You look really good.” Words: 2419, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ダンジョン飯 | Dungeon Meshi | Delicious in Dungeon Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Kabru (Dungeon Meshi), Mithrun of the House of Kerensil Relationships: Kabru/Mithrun of the House of Kerensil Additional Tags: Transfem Mithrun of the House of Kerensil, She/Her and They/Them Pronouns for Mithrun, Lingerie, mithrun explores their gender and kabru is extremely horny about it, Intercrural Sex, Blow Jobs, Post-Canon, Established Relationship, kabru is a wife guy https://ift.tt/1PFiTBV
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danieyells · 3 months
After Jiro gets told off by Yuri for not getting the mc to finish (the ask for the Jiro dubcon fic) when he goes to the Clementia dorm at night he 'accidentally' overstimulates them 😞 he just wants to make it up for his bad technique so let him show you how good he got. As soon as they reach their climax Jiro stops one second before returning to the same pace even as you tear up or lightly try to get your hips away he just pushes their hips against the mattress. He only notices he overdid it when you pass out "humans are quite more sensitive" he notes before cleaning them up and leaving as if nothing happened
re: followup ask on the jiro dubcon fic
hbifehs lmaooo yeah I can absolutely see him overstimulating you to make up for it. He doesn't wanna be rude by not letting you finish, so he'll make sure you finish a few times just to be sure. . . . But then it activates his Research Brain(and he may or may not be enjoying your reactions and begging and struggling and it's really so, so effortless to hold you in place) and he just has to see how much of this you can take. How long can you go between orgasms? How does your body react to all of this as it goes on? He can only report his observations as you're in no condition to be interrogated(also he may have woken you up in the middle of the night which is not the best time for research questions--) but he's mentally taking notes for later.
Compared to observations and reports from ghouls, most ghouls have decreased sensitivity from humans. . .or maybe he just overdid it. Might need to do some more studies. . . .
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mitsuki91 · 5 months
The ballad of songbirds and snakes/The hunger games masterlist
This is the masterlist for all my tbosas/thg english stories. I remind you that I am a Coriolanus Snow stan and my favourite ship is Coriolanus Snow/Lucy Gray Baird. Let's start!
Coriolanus Snow/Lucy Gray Baird stories:
The play of songbirds and snakes - actually a serie, five complete stories in here. (BONUS Everlark story that ends the serie here: The boy with the bread)
The snow ghost - complete one chapter story, Katniss pov, hints of Everlark
Blooming in the snow - WIP multi chapters story
Shades of rainbow - complete multi chapters story, written for the Snowbaird Valentine Event
If the stars have forgotten you, well I have to remind them - complete multi chapters story (short)
The rose song - WIP multi chapters story, written for the Snowbaird Week 2024
Red string of fate - complete one chapter story, written for the Snowbaird Week 2024
Unexpected - complete multi chapters story
Wait for me until the end of revolution - WIP multi chapters story
Mockingjay's screams - complete multi chapters story, written for the Snowbaird Smut Week 2024
All is well - complete one chapter story (plus bonus epilogue with Katniss), crack fix-it fic
Trust me again - complete multi chapters story (short)
At the end of the world - complete one chapter story, Katniss pov, hints of Everlark
Other stories:
Behind closed eyes - Crassus Snow/Lucy Gray Baird and Coriolanus Snow/Lucy Gray Baird, one chapter story
In the alley's shadow - Coriolanus Snow/Sejanus Plinth, one chapter story, written for the Snowjanus Week
The distric lover - Coriolanus Snow/Lucy Gray Baird/Sejnanus Plinth, WIP multi chapters story
Winter rose - Coriolanus Snow/Katniss Everdeen, complete multi chapters story
What remains - Katniss Everdeen/Gale Hawthorne, complete one chapter story
Special mention to the genderbend au my anon asks make me create. In this au Coriolanus Snow is female (Corinna Snow) and Lucy Gray Baird is male (Lucius Gray Baird).
The tag I create for the asks about this story is: genderbend au (I don't know how to link, you have to search it on my blog, also there are tons of posts so you might scroll down a bit to find the start of all. It started as a Snowbaird and it ended as a Corinna Snow/Lucius Gray Baird/Sejanus Plinth/Clemensia Dovecote).
Link to the post with the visual Corinna Snow and Lucius Gray Baird
(Also, note mostly for me, these are the children's name... And how anons know and refer to them 😂
Corinna x Lucius Gray:
BoyTwin: Crassus Silver
GirlTwin: Lucretia Lilac
GirlTwin2.1: Xantha Aster
GirlTwin2.2: Fulvia Lily
Corinna x Sejanus:
The princess (also GirlTwin2.3): Thalia Opal
Clementia x Sejanus:
The prince (also the Miracle Baby): Julius Rose)
And also...
With this au another au was born, the Snowjanus one (Sejanus Plinth is male as usual). The tag I used in the asks/posts is snowjanus au (as said use it to search in my blog and scroll down) but I also wrote and posted on ao3 a fanfiction about this! So:
Hunger of love - Corinna Snow/Sejanus Plint, so female!Coriolanus Snow, complete multi chapters, written for the Snowjanus Week 2
Also again! Another au is born in this genderbend au... One where Lucius Gray doesn't belive in his paternity of the twins and Corinna goes back to capitol with Sejanus. The tag you can use to search for it is angst au. Enjoy!
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lesmaxieldo · 2 years
have you got any dando fic recs?
Duh! It’s only my fave pairing.
So first and foremost, asunder asunder and keystrokes by the queen @ladyeggplant. If you haven't read those, run, don't walk!
Just read til the bone crush by clementiae - a Pacific rim au. Very natural relationship progression, not hard to follow even if you haven’t seen the movie like me.
Tender spots by @toastandvegemite   and  and i give it all to you i surrender  by anonymous - perfect examples of little Lando being out of his depth getting it on with his teenage crush.
Let’s go somewhere fast and You really turn me on by aprettyway. Just them being really horny for each other with a bit of nipple play action.
Keep your hands on me by @fullwets and foreign car by ambiguouspace - excellent in subverting your expectations on what their dynamic should be. Delicious! Speed me up (or slow me) by lotts (LottieAnna) - same, but also banter in this one is so funny and so them.
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cgsf · 10 months
Fics Based on a Trope:
Internalized Homophobia
Teen Wolf (TV)
"Between Men & Lions" (E) by standinginanicedress | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 102,164
"I know that you love me, even when I lose my head" (E) by LunaCanisLupus_22 | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 135,585
"No Homo" (E) by anonymous | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 84,092
"Constantly on the Cusp" (E) by alisvolatpropiis | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 40,884
"frat au" (E) by endversed | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 32,318
"Space Age Crystals" (E) by A Devil Like You | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 1,235
"you don’t see me" (E) by endversed | Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski | 59,303 WIP
Men's Hockey (RPF)
"A Month of Sundays" (M) by Kelfin | Erik Johnson/Gabriel Landeskog | 68,667
"Let It Be" (E) by juliusschmidt | Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews | 60,127
"the lightning on your breath" 🔒 (E) by notthequiettype | Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid | 18,073
"Better Than I Ever Even Knew" (E) by Lewsy | Leon Draisaitl/Connor McDavid | 13,195
"it's not gay if they don't come" (M) by Penelopiad | Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews | 12,812 words
"Wide Eyes" (E) by Tedda | Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews | 44,832
"The Scars That Words Have Carved" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews | 15,694
"not your baby" 🔒 (E) by claudine | Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews | 975
"dress me in your favorite disguise" 🔒 (E) by 19red | Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews | 7,250
"I'm on fire" 🔒 (E) by TheNorthRemembers | Jamie Drysdale/Trevor Zegras | 5,658
"my blood is red and unafraid of living" 🔒 (E) by clementiae | Jamie Drysdale/Trevor Zegras | 6,888
"Don't Want You Like a Best Friend" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | Jamie Drysdale/Trevor Zegras | 9,508
"une ivresse qui m'anéantit" 🔒 (E) by puckthisshift | Thomas Chabot/Josh Norris | 5,746
"Someone Else's Solid Ground" 🔒 (E) by Linsky | Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick | 21,757
"How the Future Knew" 🔒 (E) by canary | Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick | 63,728
"River for the Sea" (E) by LoveLeah | Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick | 39,152
"Two Halves of a Whole Idiot" 🔒 (E) by littleconnections | Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick | 19,089
"Happy Endings" 🔒 (E) by makeit_takeit | Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick | 29,650
"Next Level Bromanship" 🔒 (E) by disarm_d | Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin | 7,974
"swear it won't take you long" 🔒 (E) by ladyalysv | Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin | 9,823
"as good as gold" 🔒 (E) by bropunzeling | Kent Johnson/Owen Power | 29,766
Hannibal (TV)
“Sea Change” (E) by xzombiexkittenx | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 4,375
“Faded Fantasy” (E) by Phenobarbital | Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter | 232,599
This is probably my favorite premise; I just wish there were more good ones out there under this tag. If you have any favorites with this tag, let me know so I can check them out.
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grittyreadsfic · 2 years
today is an important day-it is nico hischier's birthday. in honor of that, here's a rec list of some top tier nico fics!
collision course by greenteam : i have said it once and I will say it again, but greenteam always puts out some of my favorite aus, and this jack/nico fic is no exception
fire and flood by pretty_vacant: the devils ferda omegaverse is actually something that can be so personally. i have read this many times, and it always slaps
i want your belly (and that summer feeling) by clementiae: ngl this nico/bratter fic is just like. next level good. nothing will beat the high of reading this for the first time
this is where we both break free by overturnedgoal: obsessed with how they write nico/jack and also y'all know i love to read fics about trans joy
blood and oil by wilderhockey: exquisite concept (cyborgs! dystopia!) and also just as exquisite dynamic and banter between jack and nico. one of my favorite nico characterizations
lionheart by aliquis: prince nico/bodyguard jonas is actually the most apt depiction of them ever. I am, in fact, fully obsessed with this. 100000/10
i knew him well by adjacently: love is stored in the kitchen and also in getting into fwb situations with a healthy does of pining. my best friend's brother by victoria justice etc etc
take my hand, wreck my plan by passengers: absolute top tier nico/nolan fic right here (to no one's surprise, since it is ao3 user passengers). there is fake dating and nico is a teacher, what else could you need?
never bet the devil your head by philtatoi: as a noted lover of all of philtatoi's work, i do really love their devils fics most of all. this one has pining AND supernatural elements-truly has it all
kiss me on the mouth (and set me free) by coastalhighway: the vibes of this jack/nico fic are absolutely incredible, and it has some of my favorite world building. spectacular!!!
take the wheel by greenteam: if u see me reccing a second greenteam fic pls mind ur business!! this jacknico street racer au is, in fact, perfection! if i could lovingly kiss this fic on the forehead i would!
(self rec disclaimer but my jack/nico college au will always be one of my favorite things i've written)
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zorosnavigator · 8 months
My to do (one day i swear) fics masterlist (forgive the messy summaries and useless commentary i literally made this two weeks after seeing the movie and didnt touch it until today lol )
1 Titanic AU for this one im still thinking abt the general plot (edit 28/01: i have the plot but i have to write it lol)
2 Coryo has his grandma and cousin 'captured', it has some consequences on his psyche and thoughts... ( he believes them dead--> during the scene after the games with Highbottom implies they might be dead the little shit) and is directly (like literally forced, hes not allowed to see his family) sent in District 12....
3 (in this one they're technically older than in canon), before the war they meet many times (from 10 to 15/16y), then the war happens: they meet again during these events, (the Covey didnt partake in the war in the novel, but im still deciding though if Lucy Gray'll choose a 'side' to help or not...edit 28/01: she will pick a side hehe and not its Coryo's) ...(...maybe , after, the angst during the war, then the 13 win and they meet at opposite side of the line...and then forced to be together due to the new 'Games'.?????..bruh i have so many tropes and AU mixed in this one)
4 okay, so this is a Star Wars AU...(not Anidala i swear...they just...dont fit them i think) so idk if you watched Rogue One, but it'll be loosely inspired by this movie...
5 College/University AU, where Coryo is forced (literally, he is blackmailed by professor Highbottom) to tutor Lucy Gray otherwise he (C. Highbottom) wont valid his stage/work (or smt like that idk precisely yet since i dont know a damn thing abt American or British university ) - and he choose Lucy Gray especially for him bc he knows Coryo'll be pissed abt it and wont succed (well, he thinks he knows Coryo wont succeed, but little did he know...) so Coryo not exactly happy abt having to tutor this...girl. (pretty snobby abt it too)...their start is very...rocky...(i have written their meeting scene (well, the official meeting) already )
6 (edit 28/01: this one is very shitty i hesitated to let it on this post but here take what my snowbaird brainrot managed to imagine lol) ...due to the fragile 'peace' between districts and Capitol after the war, the new government decided to send children/teens/adult to differents district or Capitol (a sort of 'exchange'.... well and also 'you start doing suspicious things, we have your people in 'hostage' kind of thing) and for them to live in it (for a limited amount of time), and if they succeed without raising any problems, they can come back 'home' (little did kid Coryo know he will end up loving district 12....not right away of course, right now hes rather angry, disgusted by 12 and a condescending little shit... )
7 (edit 28/01: i wrote a more insightful plot for this, i'll add it tomorrow) Lucy Gray, killed in the forest wake up to the day of her reaping.
8 another modern AU (sorry if u dont like that) inspired by Mamma mia (i fully blame the whole movie album) with, of course some twist and changes...(edit 28/01: it can works my brain said so to me)
9 WHELP. ANOTHER MODERN AU. so. i wont detail everything here (its the first fic idea i had and i did work a little more on it ) but, Coryo after 3/4 years in the military (forced by his mom but theres more to it of course also,/ not thinking abt real military accuracy now) come back to see his friend Sejanus - yeah, he really is friend (reluctant) Sejanus in this,(Sejanus, who due to some events- his father death???- created with his mom a scholarship for students who live in less priviligied areas of the town/or country??? still thinking abt it ) . So. Coryo come back just to see his only (with Clementia of course) friend doing buddy buddy with Lucy Gray. Lets say hes not happy....
10 Im sure others already thought of this one, but if Highbottom was more of a close 'mentor/fatherly' figure to him after the war??? ( not only, but also manipulating Coryo to his own ends)
12 And Actors AU because well, they're both performers in their own right and Actor/actress + (fake dating maybe??) + a past still haunting them + lowkey despise you = perfect angst.
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cowgurrrl · 8 months
wip game
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Thank you for the tag @luxurychristmaspudding ! Here are all my wips (in no specific order)
1. Killer: Winter part. iii for Look for the Light
2. Bite the Hand: Spring before Salt Lake City where you and Joel talk about the end LFLT
3. Haven’t I Given Enough?: “what are your intentions with my brother” chat with Tommy
4. Penny Lane: Sam gets injured in a college game and you and Joel have a realization about his relationship OFTM
5. Clementia: Kansas City LFTL
6. Lavender Girl: Joel volunteers to help chaperone the art club field trip H&C
7. Casual: You and Matt talk about why you became lawyers (*gasp* a fic idea outside of tlou???)
I think that’s it for now lol I’ll be working on requests here and there too so feel free to send them in!!
np!tags: @mrsmando @cupofjoel @joelsgreys @hier--soir @pr0ximamidnight @softlyspector (sorry if you’ve been double tagged!!)
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thenanaroo · 10 months
hockey tag game :)
tagged by @acheronist
the thing that hooked you on hockey
listen i still think it's the funniest thing ever that the reason i got into hockey is bc a csi: ny fic writer also wrote red wings rpf and so i read their wings fic and then fell in love with henrik zetterberg as one does
my family still doesn't understand how i became a wings fan despite growing up in colorado during the avs-wings rivalry heyday and i don't think i will explain it to them
2. first ever fandom friend
oh geez i honestly don't know but @stevenstamkos and @zetterbabe have been around forever it feels like (shoutout to @clementiaes you've been here awhile too)
3. jersey you would most like to own
probably a steve yzerman jersey? love that old man
4. YOUR player (you only get one)
rip dominic turgeon you're still my blorbo i hope you're having fun in sweden
5. a pairing that deserves more fic
all the red wings lol. past present and future
6. your favorite on ice moment
does larkin breaking the fastest skater record count? lol that or ozzie fighting roy
7. link some else's art/fic/etc that you love and think everyone should check out
i'm absolutely biased bc it was gifted to me but old man sergei trapping kuch in a room for two hours to wax poetic about his old man love life...
and link something you made and are proud of and want people to see
...body shots?
no pressure but tagging @symphony7inamajor @zetterbabe
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