#fic: perfect storm
notxjustxstories · 2 years
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kinktober day 19: tentacle sex 18+ only; minors dni
summary: (follow up to day 11) Danica's perspective as Wanda has her fun
ship: Danica Holmes (f!oc) x Wanda Maximoff
wordcount: 659
tags/warnings: tentacle sex, magic tentacles, bondage, barely-scienticially-sound sex
kinktober 2022 masterlist | danica holmes tag | danica/wanda masterlist
The longer Danica spent in the Hex (and more specifically the longer she stayed in Wanda’s bed), the more she began to remember about her life outside of Westview. She was an Interpol agent with dozens of cases to get through, but somehow every time those concerns reached her consciousness, they were knocked away again by her lover’s spell- that spell being both literal and figurative.
But this sudden change, Wanda’s insistence at getting her into bed, it had her in a tailspin. A beautiful, messy tailspin.
Danica didn’t quite feel like she was floating, maybe laying in a cloud that customized itself to her every curve. Her legs fell open of their own accord now; or maybe it was the tendrils of magic suspending her in midair changing how they supported her so she fell into the exact position Wanda wanted.
The red magic tingled with every pass over her skin, her arms, her chest, her legs, always leaving the feeling of static behind that made her crave more. One tendril ghosted over her clit, making her head fall back as she let out a long, low moan.
Her entire body was sensitive, begging for Wanda's touch.
Suddenly, one of the magic appendages prodded at her entrance, and Danica's breath caught in her chest. "Wanda," she sighed as the tentacle slid in, pumping into her inch by inch. It wasn't too large, barely the width of her pinky finger, but the tingles of magic as it went deeper and deeper drove her mad.
Another tentacle started to circle her clit, distracting her just long enough for the tentacle inside her to start playing with her cervix, applying gently pressure. She immediately tightened up on instinct, but Wanda walked up to her side, rubbing her shoulder.
"Shh," she cooed. "Just relax and let yourself enjoy this... I might have taken a look at your notes to get this just right."
If Danica's blood wasn't busy in her nether regions, it would have flooded to her face at the realization. She'd been pre-med before switching to political science, and she'd kept most of her notes and textbooks from that time. Most notably, her anatomy notes.
A second tentacle wormed its way inside her, quickly working her way towards the other one, only this stopped just above her cervix. It began to massage her A-spot, flooding Danica with wetness. Her head fell back as she moaned, knowing damn well that if Wanda had her notes, she was just getting started.
Taking advantage of the sudden influx of lubrication, two more tentacles invaded her, one stopping at her g-spot and the other heading further back, under her cervix to her o-spot. The last two tentacles stayed outside of her body, toying with her clit and u-spot.
Danica thought she was going to go insane. The tentacles had been careful not to stimulate her too much until they'd all found their destinations, but once they did, they started to massage and swell up, filling her more than she knew was possible.
"Wanda," she cried. "Wanda please, I can't-"
"Yes you can, draga," Wanda insisted, brushing a strand of hair out of Danica's face. "You're going to look so pretty coming apart for me."
Danica couldn't answer that, coming as Wanda bid her. Her head fell back, her moans and screams only lasting so long before she lost her breath and her voice, struggling to stay conscious as her orgasm rocked her body.
When she finally came down, she realized the tentacles had stilled inside her, waiting for further direction from their master. She looked to Wanda, desperate for freedom.
"You know," Wanda mused, "when you said that certain kinds of stimulation could extend your orgasm all the way up to fifteen minutes, I thought you were bluffing... I want to see it again."
Sure enough, the tentacles went back to their torture, and all Danica could do was hold on for the ride.
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pjs-everyday · 4 months
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WIP— Todoroki needed a date to a hero gala where his father is receiving an award. he brought a great ally 😴💅🏼
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the-matildxe · 4 months
i headcannon that the fairy tail next gen kids are SICKKKK(jokingly) of seeing their lovey dovey parents. specifically the couple where one of them always loses his clothes. GRUVIAAA, because they make me sick (in love) they also annoy the nxt gen kids with their loving antics. storm gets so embarrassed when they flirt in front of him like all kids do with their parents
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sga-owns-my-soul · 21 days
sorry to everyone i tell a fic idea to that they get excited about bc i'm so bad at finishing a fic but i can offer you the start of the 8 new fics i've started this week with 0 plans on how to finish them if you would like
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umbracirrus · 1 month
Ahhhh I'm so excited today, I mentally feel like I've been bouncing off the walls, because of one reason-
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Today, May 3rd, marks a year since I posted the first chapter of The Perfect Storm! My first Skyrim fic - my first fic in years after the pandemic more or less drained me of all my energy and creativity - based around one of my favourite characters (Balgruuf) and one of my first dragonborn characters that I actually began to flesh out as a character of her own (Elyse).
I think I said this on my WIP post earlier in the week, but the fact that I am seventeen chapters in, with the eighteenth, nineteenth, and even beyond with a handful of oneshots in progress, not to mention actually starting on a prequel to The Perfect Storm... Well, it's really exciting! I've not felt this inspired to create in years.
There's been a lot of highs and a handful of horrible lows during this year - losing both my mum and grandad being the absolute worst of those lows - but I've found that the lovely people on here and in the comments on AO3 have kept me going and helped me through a lot of it. Creating has always been my outlet, and the support is one of the many fuels which keeps it going 💛
Anyway!!! I'm not going to keep rambling. Instead I'm going to share a new drawing that I've started of my favourite two idiots. They'll get together in my fic. Eventually.
And yes. I've given Balgruuf sleeves. I literally just drew his usual outfit and added sleeves. Almost gave him a coat but decided not to.
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Pillow Talk
I got this prompt (find it here) in the middle of the night yesterday and immediately had to start writing it. I dont even know how to explain it - it melted me, flustered me AND inspired me all at the same times. I seriously got goosebumps. I love this prompt so much, you all know I love my mean tks but I adore soft praisey tks too 🥺 Thank you so much for this anon, I hope you enjoy 💘
prompt: "OKOK so maybe lee!dream and ler George and sapnap? dream being a tired, overworking mess, AND on top of that having doubts about how his friends see him as, their friendship, if he’s weird or something, just being an overthinking puddle okay. And then the boys catch on and soft tickles ensue, lots of praises and compliments and reassurances :(. Dreams worst spot may be his tummy, but I HC that it’s also a melt spot if tickled correctly !! Pillow underneath his tummy and the softest kisses and the lightest trailing fingers and soft nibbling on the hips and sides until he’s just a mushy, giggling and happy puddle :3!!"
(lee!Dream / ler!George / ler!Sapnap : 2.3K words)
“Is the pillow really necessary?” Dream questioned, voice slightly wavering due to his nervousness. He looked down at his own tummy, his shirt pulled to his ribs in order to reveal the pale skin beneath it. His shoulder blades were pressed into the mattress as his back arched off the edge, a pillow or two wedged beneath him to further pull his tummy taut. He wiggled his hips back and forth to test his movement - it was more limited than he’d originally thought. 
After all, it was only George straddling his thighs. 
“Yes! It is definitely necessary,” The brunette quickly replied, leaning forward and using his pointer finger to boop Dream on the nose. “I mean, we need to have your tummy as stretched as possible!”
Dream clenched his jaw with a nose scrunch at the incredibly flustering explanation, turning his head to the side to try and hide his blushy cheeks as he squeezed his eyes shut and tried his best to ignore the elders teases. He brought his hands up to cover his face, needing a place to hide while he tried to calm his jitters the best he could.
“Yeah Dream,” he heard Sapnap from somewhere near the bottom of the bed, voice growing in volume as he walked closer and eventually took a seat on the bed next to George. “How else are we gonna give your tummy the love and attention it needs?” His question was followed up by two pokes on either side of his ribs, making sure to target the ones in the center purely because he knows they make Dream’s laughter jump in pitch. He batted the hands away with a squeal, moving them from his face to cover his torso with his arms. 
“W-Well I….I dohon’t-“
“Exactly!” the younger boy interrupted his stutters, leaning forward to crawl towards the empty area by the headrest of the bed. He took his place above Dream’s head, crossing his legs in front of him as he leaned over to smile down at the blonde, both giggling as they looked at each other from the upside down perspective.
“Besides,” George began, using his right hand to begin rubbing his palm soothingly all around Dream’s tummy, letting his fingertips drag teasingly from time to time just to hear Dream whine in an attempt to keep his giggles in. “You know why we’re here. We’re not here to wreck you, we’re here to help you!” 
“Yeah, we just want to help you feel good!” Sapnap chimed in as he leaned back and rested on his heels, running a hand gently through the sandy curls. “We know you’ve been overwhelmed lately with how busy everything’s been and with you not getting enough rest. You deserve to feel good, you deserve to relax - let us help you, okay?”
Even though he knew the two were serious, Dream still felt shivers down his spine at their reassurances. 
An hour earlier the blonde had been pacing at the top of the steps, hidden out of view in the hallway from George and Sapnap who were sitting in the living room down stairs. A hand was buried into his hair while the other one was pressed against his cheek, trying to calm his anxieties and doubts he’d been feeling lately for no particular reason. He continued to pace back and forth in the limited space he had, trying to decide if he felt it was important enough to share with his two best friends. 
When he reached the start of the steps once more while continuing his walking, he was startled when he saw Sapnap staring up at him from the bottom of the steps. Dream let out a whine but decided to follow when Sapnap asked him to, finding himself squished between the boys on the couch while he spilled out his insecurities. At the end of it, he felt incredible. Though tears were shed, they had managed to help talk through his feelings and get a lot of the tension released from his muscles due to him holding all of his stress.
It would seem that the two weren’t finished as they began peppering quick little kisses all over his cheeks, dragging him up to his own bedroom while still in a fit of giggles. 
Those were the events that led them up to this moment - Dream with the pillows under his back with a very tiny British man straddling his waist. It would’ve been comical if he weren’t so damn flustered. 
The call of his name pulled him out of his thoughts as he felt warm hands wrap around both of his wrists. He watched as Sapnap slowly raised them up above his head and rested them in his own lap, still holding onto them as a confirmation of what they were planning on doing. 
“He asked you a question, angel. Is it okay if we help you feel nice?” The kindness in George’s voice caught him off guard, his jaw dropping slightly before realizing and snapping it shut again when he did. The brunette laughed at that but kept his cruel teases to himself, knowing this wasn’t the time to tease him into oblivion. 
“Mm….mhm.” Dream didn’t allow himself to answer with words, knowing it would come out high pitched and absolutely wrecked. The two boys weren’t always that gentle with him, at least not like this, and he had absolutely no idea what to do with the feeling. He felt giddy and excited, but at the same time he knew what they were capable of. He knew they promised to treat him nicely, but he couldn’t help but be a little nervous anyway.
“Great! Now I can tell you about how great of a person you are while George gives your tummy a little attention.” The moment the words left Sapnap’s lips and seeped into Dream’s ears he was whining, a long high pitched squeal revealing itself at the idea of George showing his tummy any form of attention. 
“What, Sap- nahaha wahait!” Dream was rudely interrupted by an eruption of airy giggles, light and jovial as George began to peck little kisses around his tummy with no warning. 
“For what, cutie pie? I wanna tell you how much we love you! And how incredibly hard working and boss bitch you are!” George stopped the tickly kisses to bark out a laugh at Sapnap’s choice of words, rolling his eyes as he listened to the other two boys giggling before getting back to the task at hand. He felt as Dream’s tummy jumped beneath his lips, attempting to suck in his stomach but not being able to hold it down forever. It didn’t really matter though - George’s lips followed regardless. 
“Nohoho!” Dream pulled lightly at his arms that were still being held up by Sapnap, groaning when they didn’t move and the younger boy’s strength was put on display. “You’re bohohoth idiots- NO NO NO NO NOHOHO!” 
The insult that he threw at the two brunettes prompted George to take a quick inhale of air, filling his lungs as much as he could before dropping his head down and blowing a raspberry on his lower tummy. Dream was squealing, practically in stitches as he began thrashing and kicking pathetically, his laughter growing once more. 
“AHAHA OKAHAHAY! I’m sohohOHRRY!” Dream’s apology was cut off once more as George blew another quick raspberry, this time directly over the sensitive little dip in the center of his stomach. Before he could reach hysterics, George was rubbing his hand over it, doing his best to calm the tingly sensation he was still experiencing.
“George, we’re supposed to be helping him, not killing him.” Sapnap commented with a chuckle as George sat up sheepishly, wiping the back of his hand over his mouth as he shrugged his shoulders. Dream was attempting to catch his breath while the elder replied.
“I know I know, I just couldn’t help it. He insulted us! He’s the real idiot, we both know that!” George exclaimed in fake annoyance, causing Sapnap and Dream to break out into a melody of giggles. Sapnap rolled his eyes at the older boy as he gently ran his thumbs over the insides of Dream’s wrists, smiling when he heard him let out a relaxed sigh. “I promise to be gentle now, okay Dreamie?”
Dream felt the heat rise in his cheeks at the nickname that George always used to fluster him, butterflies in his stomach further heightening the sensation of the ghost tickles. He nodded his head and was sent into another flurry of giggles as George began to kiss over his lower tummy once again, the brunette giggling along with him every time Dream let out a squeak when he would kiss over the patch of skin directly under his belly button.
“Now, as I was saying before we were so rudely interrupted, you are incredible,” Sapnap suddenly continued, making a dig at the oldest boy while still rubbing his thumbs over the thin skin on his wrists. The curly haired brunette slowly began to trace his pointer fingers up Dream’s  forearms, smiling when the giggles turned into little chirpy squeaks. “You are so smart, and you’re so extremely talented, Dream.”
The blonde opened and closed his fists, not knowing what to do with them as he didn’t want to pull them away from Sapnap’s tickling fingers. While the sensation was very tickly, it also felt incredibly relaxing and he didn’t want it to end. The same sensation soon appeared on his tummy as George began lightly tracing over it, sometimes allowing a finger or two to trace over the spots he had just kissed just to make his laugh get a little louder. Dream melted into the bed at this treatment, the softness of it all turning his brain to putty as the two continued their light tickles and praises. 
“You’re such an amazing friend too, Dream. Don’t ever think you’re not. You do so much for everyone, you care so much about everyone no matter what. You really care about us all, and we feel it. And we love you just as much.” Sapnap continued speaking his train of thought, only letting up when he saw that Dream’s eyes had become glassy. He cooed at him and moved his hands from his forearms, instead guiding one through Dream’s curls once again. 
George followed Sap’s lead, slowing down his skittering fingers as he leaned back to sit up, looking down at the boy below him and also audibly cooing at how adorable he was like this. “Gosh Dream, how do you expect us not to tickle you so much when you melt so easily for us?”
His hands, now free from Sapnap’s grip, moved quickly to cover his face, groaning when he heard the other two boys laughing at the action. 
“Oh come on, baby boy, we were nice to you. It wasn’t that bad.” Sapnap purred, feeling his stubble rub across his left ear as the younger boy leaned in closer to speak. Dream let one of his hands temporarily move from his face to rub his palm at the shell of his ear, biting his lips to prevent any more laughter from escaping so he didn’t set them off again. 
“Stohohp! You’re- you’re stihihill both idiohohots!” 
The silence he was met with told Dream that he had made a big mistake. When he was about to lower his hands to see what the other boys were doing, they were pulled away by Sapnap, who had a tight grip on his wrists again. And just like before, Dream watched as he pulled them over his head, the same butterflies he felt earlier reappearing, this time doubling in the fluttery feeling. He couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as he opened his eyes to see George and Sapnap grinning down at him, clearly fueled by the reused insult he was punished for earlier in the night.
“You know, I think our little puppy here could use some more reassurance. What do you think, George?” Dream’s eyes bulged at statement, the butterflies returning once more as he looked between the two boys quickly, feeling his stomach drop as he saw how wide their smirks were.
“Absolutely.” And with that, the tickling began again. Sap continued to trace the gentlest lines up and down his forearms while George littered his tummy with kisses, using his fingertips to skitter lightly at the sides of it. Dream let out a strangled yelp at the second round of tickles, falling into bright giggles as he threw his head back against the blankets, his eyes squeezed shut as he allowed himself to melt further into the mattress.
They continued like this well into the late hours of the night, the two eventually falling down on either side of Dream to cuddle him and drown him in even more praise. The blonde couldn’t stop himself from blushing, the widest smile on his face as his best friends continued to whisper compliments and reassurances until he was sound asleep between them. They each placed a kiss to the top of his before cuddling back down into the human space heater that Dream was, both allowing the calming sounds of Dream’s breathing lull them to sleep.
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connecting-the-stars · 9 months
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So for Liam’s weapon, I’d say that it would shift from a ring or from a dark corded bracelet from the right reference photo. I’m still debating what weapon I could give him that would suit him best, but manifesting a weapon from the lighting ring would be so cool.
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Theo, helpful as he may be, is still very much a stranger. Liam can’t seem to find the button that will have him spilling all his secrets, but something he does know is that he never takes off his void dark serpent ring.
-up in the air if I want them both to have weapons that shift into rings, or whether a bracelet would be better. I could take the design of the silver bolt ring and apply it to a bracelet. I’m really attached to the black snake ring for Theo.
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lvminisciel · 2 months
other than diasomfam im actually a sucker for madam spade+deuce dynamic like heeeyyyy there's so much to explore thereeee
how deuce stated tht he's not close w/ his mom during his 'delinquent days'??? even to the point tht he avoids being at home
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is it just the pure awkwardness of barely talking to each other? or perhaps incomprehensible guilt? that he's not doing well in school, meanwhile his mom is doing the best she can to support the house; paying bills & basically striving to keep foods on the table
after all, he said it himself tht he chose the delinquent path bc no matter how hard he tried on studying his grades doesnt seem to improve; leading him to going down tht path out of frustration
do they get to talk it out? if yes, then how? did his mother approach him first? or did deuce himself subtly apologize while mustering up the courage that he's willing to change, for the sake of his mom?
how did their mother-son relationship flourish into what it is now? we all knew the turning point was when deuce overheard his mom talkin to his grandma abt him, but what happens in-between?
I'd like to think that it's the little things that made them appreciate each other more.
maybe he starts helping w/ the dishes. waiting for his mom to hv dinner together instead of eating of his own, bringing up the chance to hv small talk. it may started off stiff at first, but then it gradually grew into something warmer and before they knew it, telling each other about their days had become a habit of theirs.
during talks like this, his mother learnt of his fondness towards blastcycle. and now deuce knew that just like him, his mother too adored the color blue
... and many other things they shared with each other 💙
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frankiebirds · 1 month
GARCIA: This better be hella good. GIDEON: Garcia? ...Hello? GARCIA: Oh, yes, sir. I'm here. I'm sorry. I just...I wasn't...I'm surprised that you're calling me. GIDEON: I need to know who Joseph Davin shared a cell with. GARCIA: Yes, sure. Uh, it was a guy named... [typing] His name was Tony Canardo. They were in together for 18 months, and both were released three years ago. GIDEON: Before the killings started. Is that it? GARCIA: His current address is 865 Kentwood in Jacksonville. GIDEON: That's all you got? GARCIA: Yeah. GIDEON: Garcia. GARCIA: Yes? GIDEON: You do great work. Keep it up. [hangs up] GARCIA: Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you.
i wonder if part of garcia's frazzledness in this scene is due to some lingering iciness from gideon post-fisher king (he was easily the most angry with her about her playing a game on the bureau's wifi and letting a hacker in), and i wonder if gideon's "you do great work. keep it up" is him finally letting her off the hook for it. of course it could just be that garcia finds this case especially disturbing, which is throwing her off, and gideon is acknowledging that with his last line. i could go either way.
(sidenote: gideon complimenting her and then hanging up before she can respond is so very in character, i love those little moments like that that tell you something about the character)
also sorry i have nothing else to say about this episode. i actually finished it and went back to grab this exchange because it was really the only part of the episode i had any particularly coherent thoughts on, which is a shame because i think it's a very good, very tightly written episode with a good twist—it just didnt have much i had that itch to yell about.
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simplegenius042 · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by no one. For I am the one doing the tagging!
Tagging: @socially-awkward-skeleton @strangefable @direwombat @adelaidedrubman @shallow-gravy @wrathfulrook @snake-in-the-garden @alwayssunnyinedensgate @gaeadene @chazz-anova @cassietrn @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @voidika @poisonedtruth @detectivelokis @henbased @purplehairsecretlair @g0dspeeed @inafieldofdaisies and @vampireninjabunnies-blog + anyone else who wants to join.
Sharing two WIPs. The first is of chapter two of the Jurassic World Before The Storm fic, chapter one of which will be released in SIX days now, while the other WIP is of my FC5 fic Silva's Hope.
Here's the snippet of my Jurassic World WIP below:
“Now that introductions have been made, it’s best to get moving to cover more time for the day,” the woman, Zara, replies.
Joaquin didn’t need to look up at Lisa to know an annoyed scowl was in the midst of forming. Cautiously, he reached out a hand to her crossed arms, a gentle weight on them.
When she shifted her attention to him, the scowl had left, replaced with her soft gaze of hazel acknowledging the nervousness in his small brown eyes.
The eye-contact did not last long, for Joaquin strained to keep hold of the tender look he knew Lisa struggled to share even in her happiest moods. The comfort he should feel turned into distress as she kept staring at him. Overwhelmed and not wanting to have a “panic” in public, Joaquin broke the direct contact and looked away.
Joaquin disliked the prolonged action, how it rubbed him the wrong way when others stared at him for longer than he felt was necessary. Especially when the look into his eyes like they’re searching for some hidden secret. Made him feel sick, like if butterflies were flapping around in his belly.
He also felt as if he had done wrong against Lisa. It wasn’t her fault; his “anxieties”, his “shyness”, his “meek nature”. Just like her “happy moods” and “sad moods” weren’t within her control. His sister was aware of his skittishness, he knew that, and best of all never shunned him for it.
But he sometimes wished that he could give Lisa the comfort she deserved to have.
With her focus no longer on him, Joaquin heard Lisa conversing with Zara once more, much to his relief.
“Ms Dearing had agreed she’d meet us in person,” Lisa gritted out with renewed patience, “What changed?”
“Ms Dearing has been held up by unfinished affairs,” Zara replied, a small smile tugging at her lips as she softly shook her head fondly, “But nothing has changed. I will tour you through the park and show where you will be staying.”
Joaquin saw Lisa’s crossed hands clenching tightly. He also saw Lisa chewing her cheek in contemplation.
Hopefully she doesn’t bite it too hard again, he worried privately, and was unable to stop the stray thought as more came with it, Too hard and her sore might reopen. Then blood would pour out. And she’d be in pain, red slipping out, and he wouldn’t know what to do! She would get an infection, and the carers would come back and take him away from her and he’d be left alone without his sister, and she would be left without him, and it would be all his fault-!
Joaquin snapped out of the rapidly growing panicked thoughts as Zara’s voice speared through the air, looking towards the older woman, who had received no acknowledgement or response from his sister, “Will that be alright, Ms Cobalt?”
Joaquin barely heard the teeth-clenched confirmation from his undoubtedly agitated sister, “Just dandy.”
The agitation seemed to not bother Zara, or maybe it flew over her head, it was hard to tell.
“Wonderful. If you would kindly follow me to the monorail, I believe we can make it to the great lunch specials,” Zara spoke with a pleased and jovial voice. Though that could just be her music that seemed lay on her voice.
Zara turned tail and started walking towards the monorail station. Lisa and Joaquin glanced to one another, the former failing to contain her annoyance, the latter waiting for his sister's next move as he recovered from his own frenzied menagerie of anxious thoughts.
And here's a snippet of Silva's Hope (again this is under heavy development, this is just what I feel confident with so far, even if it the final product might be different):
"So," Kamski's voice returned from the static of the walkie talkie, finally arriving at the topic of importance, "Were you hired?"
Silva sipped again on the hot liquid of her brewed coffee, undeterred by the strong smell tingling her nose. She had gotten used to it.
Brushing a strand of dark hair back, Silva pressed the button and relayed the news she knew Kamski was dreading to hear, "I had been. Answered questions, kept to the story, no problems occurred. Interview went on without a hitch. Sheriff said I begin at the week's end."
Silence befell the kitchen, the lamps strewn throughout Silva's home now the only source of lights left to illuminate the rooms. She made her way to the maroon couch, seating herself in the middle. She brought the mug to her lips once more as Kamski made his reply.
"Not that I don't trust your judgement Silva, but are you sure you should be interacting with the locales Americanos? They can be quite... divisive."
Kamski's voice was steady as he spoke, but Silva could pick up the underlying hints of worry underneath the gruffness. Despite this, she could not hold back an amused snort at his words, "And we've never been?"
"You know what I mean Silva," Kamski responded, tone stern and serious, "This isn't la Minas. The community can be unpredictable if they acquire certain information."
Gulping down the last of her coffee, Silva settled the mug on the table before countering, "And this isn't the Archipiélagos either, Kamski. You and I are more likely to die in an automobile accident because we got distracted looking at something new, shiny and different before anyone decides to aim a weapon at either one of us for petty and meaningless mierda."
Kamski grunted over the transmitter, and Silva exhaled a breath out. This had been a common back-and-forth. It wasn't unwarranted, especially with two of the worst tragedies Silva's ever faced years prior. But Silva had been tired of it. The grief. The anger. The empty loneliness.
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basicallyjaywalker · 8 months
Whumptober Day 25
Eye of a Hurricane
Characters: Nya (and Jay if you squint again)
Prompts: "You're not delivering a perfect body to the grave," storm, buried alive, "they're not breathing!"
Length: 1,440
I had to cut this one a bit short bc I have homework to do, but I'm so close to being caught up! I hope I can manage it today, and it only took 26 days lmao
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notxjustxstories · 2 years
Genre Shift (pt 2)
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kinktober day 11: touchless orgasm 18+ only; minors dni
summary: (follow up to day 6) Okay, there's a chance Wanda is having too much fun with her powers...
ship: Danica Holmes (f!oc) x Wanda Maximoff
wordcount: 256
tags/warnings: situational consent issues (the hex, oc would consent ordinarily but continuity rules change her behavior), forced orgasm, touchless orgasm/coming untouched
kinktober 2022 masterlist | danica holmes tag | danica/wanda masterlist
Wanda stood at the bottom corner of the four-poster bed, watching as Danica squirmed and fought against the red ropes of energy tying her down. Technically speaking, there was no reason for Wanda to keep her bound, but it was certainly fun watching her desperation.
"Please, Wan," Danica whimpered, looking at her lover with desperate eyes. "Please touch me."
"Oh but I don't need to, zlatko," Wanda replied, keeping firm in her spot. "I can keep you like this all day if I want." She looked the brunette over briefly. "There is one thing though..."
Danica took in a sharp breath, arching her back off the bed in an attempt to get closer to Wanda.
Wanda just laughed and shook her head. "I still don't need to touch you, darling." She snapped her fingers, and Danica's underwear disappeared. "Much better. Now I'll get a perfect view of that precious cunt when you cum."
Another whine escaped Danica, ignored by Wanda as she twisted her wrist, providing more invisible stimulation to Danica's core.
"I need- I need-"
"I know, draga," Wanda cooed. "Cum."
Danica's head fell back as a cry escaped her, body twitching and spasming on the bed as liquid squirted out of her. Even when she'd been wrung completely free of cum, she kept writhing, sobs escaping her as she begged for relief- now for a very different reason.
Wanda smirked, finally climbing onto the bed and straddling Danica's hips. "Don't you realize?" she teased, pressing down on Danica's lower abdomen. "We're just getting started."
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ronearoundblindly · 8 months
When we get there years from now, I haven't forgotten about a story based on this basic idea.
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seldomscilence16 · 8 months
Whumptober day 25:
"You're not delivering a perfect body to the grave."
Storm | buried alive | "they're not breathing!"
Fandom: mha
Prompts used: All
Alright so I know I always put Denki is storm situations, its tradition at this point. But this ones slightly different! Anywho the thing at the end that seems random- I'm rewatching Danny Phantom so its a reference to a character in that. So yeah :){
TW for Temporary character death, Avalanches, Injuries
The snowy mountain was beautiful, if not freezing frickin cold. Sero huddles closer to the fire, closer to his friends' sides, because he was not made for cold thank you. Though from everyone's shivering, he thinks none of them were, even Kirishima had bundled up this time round.
It was supposedly a training retreat, though it was turning more into a vacation. Their teachers had a schedule, but as soon as they'd arrived, Denki had twitched. They'd long since learned what Denkis fidgets meant, and that twitch indicated too much charge in the air.
A storm was brewing.
Of course, the roads were already a mess, they'd hunkered down as the Pro's called for back up, Denki wrapped in an insulated blanket, as they simply waited. It had been calm, shivering around the fire as they had been. Peaceful almost.
As is their life however, an attack is always imminent. One moment they're huddled around the fire, the next, they've been split off from their classmates and are running for their lives. One wrong move could have an avalanche or slippery slope, or any number of bad things.
"Just one trip!" Sero calls, chest heaving puffs of white fog.
"I don't think they are up for a chat about scheduling their attacks, Sero." Mina calls in return, the best of their group with the slippery terrain.
"Unless the next words out of your idiot mouths are helpful to our situation, shut up!" Bakugo's yell is far quieter than usual, eyes on the snowy mountain peaks above them.
"Yeah, You're not delivering a perfect body to the grave!" Denki adds, a smirk in his voice despite the trembling undertone, his hair sticking up with static.
"Lame Kami!" Mina boos, teasing quality lacing it.
"I was talking about Kirishima." With an added tongue sticking out, Denki has the three laughing, Bakugo only deigning a rolled eye- which was basically a laugh!
Their fun is halted as Denki does a full body shiver, arms jerking as sparks dance along his skin before he reigns them in.
"Storms coming in fast!" He warns, the villains- floating on some weird holographic disk above them, fling another flurry of green blasts at them.
"I don't think they care, Denki!" Sero dodges to the left to move the blond as well, narrowly missing getting fried.
The sky and mountain seem to rumble as one, the villains cackle as a wave of white begins its tumble down the mountain.
Bakugo blasts a dent into the powder they stand on, they roll into the alcove moments before the avalanche, they lose sight of each other and everything else as white and darkness descend on them.
Panic hits first.
They're alone, the alcove apparently being big enough for them to be divided.
There's frantic digging, only accomplishing the packing of the snow to give them a little space, but any further and more snow falls through the hole. There's feet of snow on top of them, and more coming as the storm lies overhead.
"H-hello!?" Minas voice is faint, there's a tremble to it, fear settling deep in her gut.
The others' voices rise to meet hers one by one, Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugo, with varying levels of their own panic. Bakugo would sound angry to anyone who didnt know him, but in the cold where sweat was near nigh, and in an enclosed space to boot, well they were all freaking out.
Denki listens for only a moment, he carefully sets his own panic aside, something large and heavy was weighing on his legs keeping him pinned, he had barely been able to carve a space for his head. With a trembling hand, he reached up to his head piece, he had to hope that the excess amount of charge he'd built up while they waited would be enough to fuel this thing until help arrived.
There's static for a moment, then voices cutting in and out, he doesn't put in the energy to listen, carefully spaces his words as he relays their situation. He keeps the flow of electricity steady as he finally calls out to his friends.
"Well I suppose this will have to be our snow fort for now."
It falls short, even for him, but he keeps the tremble from his voice and hears his friends' panicked rambling cut off.
"I feel like we're in Brother Bear 2." He adds when he gets no response, "the one with the little baby raccoon? Anyway, they are on a mountain at some point and shit goes down, but they make it out okay, bonded stronger and everything. Could go for some smores though, I don't really do roots…" he trails off, wracking his brain for something else to talk about.
"Denki. We've literally been buried alive, and you're thinking about Disney and food??" Sero sounds incredulous even through the dense snow.
"What else am I gonna talk about? The weather? Sports??? Have you met me? I could be singing right now but I'm sparing myself the headache that will come from your yelling, you should be thanking me!" Denki winces as the thing on him shifts, he grits his teeth to hold off the shout of pain.
"I like Brother Bear… Kenai was so manly." Kirishima sounds signifigantly calmer, and Denki thanks whoever doesn't hate him up there.
"If a fuckin bear finds us, we'll have other things to worry about."
Denki would never say it aloud, but hearing the Bakugo Katsuki sound petulant was still so astounding to him. He was honestly honored to be one of the few to hear it. And he would definitely take it over his panicked breathing any day.
"~Tell everybody I'm on my way…~" Minas soft voice fills the space, and one by one they join, singing a bit louder to cover Bakugo's voice lest he drop out of the bonding moment.
Denki tries to keep talking, to keep them all grounded, but his lungs refuse to feel full. He has his hands pressed into his arm pits, most of his focus is on keeping the charge going to the headpiece, he wonders idly if his dwindling shivers are a bad thing.
"Denki… does your comm work?" One of them- he can't tell which- asks. The first person to mention the device.
"Ye… bad signal… but they should be… coming." He has to take too many breaths to complete the sentence.
"Are you okay?"
"F…fine. Just… cold." He'd lost feeling to his toes at some point, the fingers that weren't numb before this trip have gone stiff, despite his best efforts to keep them warm.
His body tingles, his quirk is being weird in the poor conduction known as snow. He's surprised a signal got through at all, especially since air seems to escape him.
"Hang in there Denks, try and move around, motion will create friction!" Sero tells him helpfully.
Denki would love to move, if he was able.
"R-right. T-thanks." He falls quiet again, the others murmurs surround him and he finds his eyes slipping closed.
The body will automatically try to shut down to conserve or protect itself…
Hm he wonders if he got that from a book…
"Denki?" Kirishima's voice shakes, they'd had no response for a while now. Bakugo had started digging, in the vague direction they assumed he was in, but with so much snow piled on top of them, he was only succeeding in making his hands cold- despite the special gloves he wore.
"fuCK!" Bakugos frustration is palpable, they were sure the mountain would be rubble by now had he been able to sweat.
Mina's acid had only dropped the temperature of her little hole, the single drop had been enough to convince her to stop, she had just gotten her shivers back to a milder teeth chattering.
Sero felt useless with his tape, he had taped the gaps of his winter gear to trap as much heat as he could, but with no way to do the same for his friends, and no way to use it in an escape, he felt a loathing that burned in his gut.
Kirishima was glad for the gear he'd been convinced- re; forced- to wear. He'd be a popsicle by now otherwise. He wanted nothing more than to pound through this snow, but the dangerous rumbles of the weight on top of them kept him still. He was tempted to test it anyway with Denkis lack of response though.
As they all debate doing just that, a brief heat warms their heads.
"Did… you guys feel that?" Sero calls, anxiously wondering if this is how death starts.
"Yeah… so unless we're all dying-"
"Someone's above us, using fire!"
They let it sink in for half a second, before they're shouting with what little energy they have. The heat comes again, water drips on them as snow melts above, but they could care less as finally light peeks into their dugouts.
When they have freedom to move, they dig, towards the space they know has to be Denki's, fervent movements stiff but quick as they look for blond.
"Here!!!" There's a shrillness to Minas voice, her digging taking on a gentler motion.
They convene, digging-
Hands hit something solid.
Mina uncovers his face, they find his torso, a rock- a boulder- lays on top of his legs.
Despite that, his face is rather serene, tinged blue, his arms crossed over his chest-
"He's not breathing!"
Todoroki has hopped into the hold, Aizawa behind him only a couple paces. They move into action, Aizawa barking orders to get the teen freed, for Todoroki to warm him as slowly as possible, to start chest compressions.
They thank their hero training, as they fall into auto pilot, a blankness hitting them as they simply do as told- because if they lose h… if Denki doesn't… he has to be fine.
He has to be-
Several agonizing minutes.
A spark that shocks everyone touching him, a gasp,
"'Hills like White Elephants'!" The hoarse call startles them, barely a voice at all, but so Denki it hurts.
He was okay.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Speaking of stupid reasons to criticize the Autobots (or rather, the opposite), I actually find the ““““problematic”““““ nature of Cop IDW Optimus and other elements of the plot to be quite essential to enjoying the story and seeing it as a balanced, nuanced story.
Because like... in other continuities, the story of revolution seems to be very much “there were good revolutionaries and there were bad ones, and then the bad ones wanted to be in charge and then they fought about it for 4 million years.” Which seems very weak to me not just in the “revolution bad” sense, but it makes me wonder how the war could go on for millions of years when the Autobots and Decepticons literally had the same goal and achieved it, now they’re just fighting over who gets to be in charge.
But like, in IDW1, the Autobot insignia and stuff already existed as a badge for the previous regime of the Prime/Senate. Orion Pax (now Optimus Prime) was a lackey of Zeta Prime who was either his loyal puppet at best or being groomed for the position of Prime at worst. Most of the people Optimus Prime recruited to help him fight were other police officers and military members he was affiliated with, who were already cracking down on the Decepticon movement as it became more and more violent.
With that base of Optimus/the Autobots being actually ~problematic~, I can absolutely see why the Decepticons wouldn’t consider the war over and would continue fighting. I mean, why the hell would they trust a police enforcer/military officer who was lackeys with the PRIME? Why would they think Optimus actually believes in peace and equality?
Of course, the Decepticons have their own problems as well. What was once a universal political movement (because remember, the Decepticon movement began with Megatron’s writings but he was NOT the leader of a militarized faction until Megatron Origins) was taken over by essentially an underground criminal gladiator organization that began engaging in weapon trafficking, crime, and terrorism. From the Autobot perspective, the Decepticons are allies for equality gone bad due to Megatron’s violent influences and the gladiator/criminal aspects overtaking the actual social equality vibes.
I just think that the premise of IDW1′s Autobot-Decepticon war is so good because like, the Autobots and Decepticons existed in a way BEFORE either Megatron or Optimus became the official leaders of those two specific, organized, militarized factions. But the society that created them and the two different social classes they came from doomed them to distrust each other. It wasn’t ever a fight about who got to be in charge, it was a war between two different factions of people who had every reason to distrust each other and think that the other faction would subjugate them if they allowed them to gain power.
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umbracirrus · 4 months
WIP Whenever 💛
Work is quiet (it's barely 9am though, so unsurprising), and so, I'm posting a WIP... Got a busy few days coming up that I forgot about so this is probably the best opportunity that I've got!!
I was tagged by @thequeenofthewinter, @oblivions-dawn, and @bostoniangirl21!☺️ I'll catch up on all of yours later!
How had she forgotten just how cold it was here?
Elyse felt a shiver go down her spine as she wrapped a woollen blanket she had been given around her shoulders. Her cloaks, her coats, her gloves, her scarf - all of it was in Dragonsreach still. It wasn’t as though she could go back to get them either... She couldn’t bring herself around to doing that. Not yet. Her emotions were still too heated to face anyone there – Balgruuf in particular.
How could he have done such a thing without so much as consulting her? Or even telling her of his intentions, of the risks which her personal decision was entailing?
Perhaps what hurt her most was the promise that she would be safe. From the moment that she had read those words from Ulfric, and learned of what Balgruuf had done... She had stopped feeling safe. An important decision had been taken away from her, and following on from her journey to defeat Alduin... One thing that she learned about herself was that the ability to make her own decisions was sacred to her. Those who took them away from her... Took away her autonomy... Many of those people she now deemed either unsafe, or an enemy. In some cases, both.
Thankfully, the Greybeards were neither. Their words – or at least the few which were not of the thu’um – were of guidance or wisdom.
Elyse quietly thanked Master Arngeir as he placed a bowl in front of her as he decided to keep her company in her silence, steam radiating from the pale-looking broth within.
“Something troubles you, Dragonborn.”
She didn’t respond as she kept her hands on her lap, lightly bandaged fingers digging into her trousers. Following her hasty and anger-fuelled exit from Whiterun, it head turned out that she had caused quite some damage to her hands. Bloodied scrapes from hitting the wall dusted her knuckles, and though not quite frostbitten from the midwinter chill and the death-grip which she had of Odahviing’s scales as they flew through the skies, they had needed to be slowly and carefully brought back up to a normal temperature. She hadn’t bothered with casting a spell to try and patch them up, the stinging and soreness helped with reminding her that this was real. Kept her grounded. “I’m just... considering my options. That’s all.”
Arngeir gave her a discerning look, it being obvious that he knew that she was tip-toeing around the exact truth of her situation. However, he didn’t press on the matter. That was one of the things that she quite liked about High Hrothgar... For that matter, Balgruuf – because of course it would have been him – had articulated the exact reason in a way better than she ever could have done over three years earlier.
A peaceful place, very disconnected from the troubles of the world.
The perfect place for reprieve.
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