#fic: Mistakes Were Made
evilasiangenius · 3 months
“Aziraphale, a celestial harmony is literally just one note.”
“So? Perfect unison is a musical interval.”
“Yes, and absolutely the most boring one. If I had to go Upstairs and sing that one note again forever and ever for all eternity, I would rather sit around rotting in Hell for all eternity. At least Downstairs we have twelve-tone rows. Oh, and the diminished fifth. Or is it the augmented fourth? Whatever it is they call a tritone, I don’t remember the human names for these things-”
“May you be forgiven,” Aziraphale said and the bland, polite smile on his face set Crowley’s teeth on edge.
“Yeah. Well. That's not going to happen.” Crowley sighed, crossing his arms as if hugging himself. “I...was hoping. That maybe we could finally have breakfast-”
“At this hour?” Aziraphale chuckled. “It’s already past noon, my dear. It’s far too late for breakfast."
“Yeah, well,” Crowley shrugged. He did not look at Aziraphale; he did not want to get his hopes up. “Thought I’d ask. Lost track of time, I suppose. Erm, what about lunch?”
“No,” Aziraphale said reflexively, and then he frowned, expression troubled. “Wait. I suppose lunch can’t hurt, even if it is with the Adversary. We should probably have a meeting anyway to discuss the current situation and where our respective sides stand. And we could do that over lunch. Well, a quick lunch, that is. What are you in the mood for, Crowley?”
Crowley’s breath caught at the familiar question and it took him a moment to get the right words out, the words that he had planned on saying. “How about...lobster and celery salad? With French fried potatoes?”
A sudden sharp expression of pain crossed Aziraphale’s face, and he pressed a hand to his chest. “Oh.”
“Angel, are you all right?”
“Yes, I…” Aziraphale tried to smile, bravely. “I-I-I don’t know what came over me. I must be...having a Moment. But I’m not sure why. Oh dear, I’m so sorry-”
Crowley offered him his hand. “Do you want me to-”
“N-n-no. Please. Don’t touch me. That would be...absolutely untoward and unfitting. Unsuitable. After all, besides being a demon, you are the Representative for Hell.”
“Yeah. I am.” Crowley’s hand fell lax to his side.
“Lunch! Luncheon…” Aziraphale said, an artificial smile plastered painful, brittle upon his face and yet the cracks showed through anyway and so he took out his handkerchief to brush away tears that had somehow come unbidden to his eyes. The strength of such a sudden upwelling of strong emotion was confusing, and so the angel tried to ignore it. “W-where does one have such a dish for lunch? It seems more like something you’d find on a holiday…?” The words ran out and Aziraphale turned away from Crowley as tears streamed from his eyes.
“Ah, ah…” Crowley panicked, not knowing what to do, wanting to take Aziraphale in his arms and comfort him but knowing that would probably scare off the angel. “I uh, found a place while you were...erm, out of town. They make it with freshly broiled lobsters. I hear they turn the shells into soup, but I’m not sure how that works. Do they grind it up? Is that a thing, ground-up shells soup? Anyway, the salad’s quite tasty. Especially if you mix the French fried potatoes in the sauce that comes with the lobster. Come on, let’s go angel. The car’s parked out front but- oh, why don’t we walk? It’s a lovely day for a walk...”
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jammatown919 · 5 months
Mistakes Were Made (Chapter One)
A Lightcannon fic I've been chipping away at for a while now.
Fic Description: Jinx unintentionally forces Lux to out herself as a mage.
Lux never would have thought so much good could come out of being kidnapped.
Sure, most people would be terrified to have a blue-haired stranger appear in a flash of light and whisk them away to some sort of pocket dimension for a death match with eight more strangers, but honestly... it had been really, really fun.
Once she'd gotten over the initial shock of it all, Lux didn't have as much of a problem playing along as one might think. The stranger, Jinx, had been more than happy to demonstrate to her that no one could really die in this place she called the Rift, via a swift gunshot to her own head. Lux had maybe screamed a little, but it was definitely comforting to have confirmation that a fallen player would simply reappear at one of two ends of the map, no worse for wear.
Really, it was a lot easier than it should have been to get Lux to play, and from there, everything just sort of spiraled.
Free of all consequences and a good amount of her usual inhibitions, Lux was able to really let loose with her magic for the first time. Jinx seemed to appreciate her raw power and how ever so slightly nuts she'd gone at possibly her only opportunity to do literally whatever she wanted with it. The two of them didn't even need their teammates to completely dominate the game, which they did with reckless abandon.
When it was over, Jinx returned Lux safely home as she'd promised, but not without a promise whispered in the seconds before she vanished again: "I am definitely keeping you, Blondie."
For about a month after that, Lux managed to convince herself it had been some crazy, fantastical dream brought on by her repressive environment. In a country like Demacia, with a family like the Crownguards, it was only natural her subconscious mind would invent a reality it preferred. One where she could use her magic freely, go off on an adventure, and buddy up to someone who represented all of her temptations in life, both physical and otherwise.
But then Jinx made good on her promise, and Lux instead convinced herself she'd simply received a gift from some god somewhere out there. The escape she longed for was real, and her new friend had come back for her.
They continued their games whenever they could, typically at one-to-two-month intervals because of how difficult it could be to get ten people from all over the world together. Lux noticed as time went on that there would often be changes to roster of other players, until at one point she and Jinx were the only two left from their first game.
"Ah, sometimes you just gotta swap 'em out for people who are more fun," Jinx said when Lux asked about it. "Not you, though, Blondie. You were always the most fun."
Eventually, after quite a few swaps and trial runs, Jinx managed to put a solid long-term team together. Her and Lux, of course, with the addition of a surprisingly friendly creature made entirely out of green slime, a pink-haired songbird type on an elaborate hoverboard, and a man in a mask with a very different hoverboard who absolutely refused to play until Jinx pulled him aside for a long private conversation.
Zac, Seraphine, and Ekko. All people Jinx claimed were from home. Or almost, in Sera's case. It was these three, particularly Ekko, who gave Lux some much needed insight into Jinx as a person.
Another area in which Lux differed from most people was that most people would probably feel betrayed or disgusted or afraid upon hearing that their friend had blown up a city-state's entire government. But Lux had heard a thing or two about Piltover's old Council, largely from some of the previous players Jinx had brought around, and to be honest, she considered blowing them up to be an act of community service. A little brutal, yes, but a genuine favor to the people suffering under their rule.
What got to her a little more were the personal blows Ekko had taken. The betrayal of his oldest friend, and her subsequent murders of several of his newer friends. Only the fact that she hadn't gone near him in years made it possible for him to look at her now. Only an old, barely surviving desire to see her be better compelled him to play her game. She needed it, he claimed, to get the crazy out somewhere it wouldn't really hurt anyone.
Jinx didn't seem to love being presented with this information later that day, but she engaged with it nonetheless. Admitted to everything. Agreed with Ekko's assessment. The game was fun, yes, but it was primarily an outlet. A form of therapy, almost. Lux had to respect her for that; for recognizing what she needed to keep herself in check and following through with it.
They played on for another year, mostly sticking with Jinx's favorite assortment of allies but consistently switching up the members of the enemy team to keep things interesting. Lux got more and more used to this recreational violence, but she still found it exciting every time.
Strangely, though, the most exciting part to her was always that Jinx had never lost her initial awe of Lux's performance in the games. She was consistently impressed, often staring, and always laying the praise on thick. This all came to a head after a particularly exciting match, in which Lux had stuck with Jinx in the bottom section of the map and completely destroyed their lane with her. That, according to Jinx, had been "super hot", and one thing led to another led to Lux pinned against a tree in the jungle area with Jinx's lips and hands roaming her body.
This quickly became a standard post-game ritual of theirs, and over the course of the next six months, they grew steadily more emotionally invested each other. Neither of them could say exactly when their relationship became "official", but it did at one point or another, and thinking about it got Lux through the time spent between matches with her mental health more or less intact.
Even at times like this, when she was cooped up in the Crowngaurd Estate, awaiting tomorrow's arrival of a suitor she'd been expected to entertain for at least a weekend, she could sit by her window and draw little pictures of her girlfriend. And once the man was gone, rejected at the end of his opportunity to court her like the three that had come before him, she could look forward to the next game.
She did wonder how many more suitors her parents would allow her to cycle through before they really began to insist that she settle down, but she felt safe for the moment. At least for now, her family seemed to perceive her rejection of each and every suitor as pickiness, and that was fine by them. No noble would want their daughter to settle for just anyone, after all. She could turn up her nose at prospective mates all she wanted, and they'd simply keep bringing in more for her consideration.
It would likely get worse as she aged and cut into more of her "childbearing years", as her mother liked to put it, but for now, she was twenty-three and tolerated in her role as the stuck-up young noblewoman who would settle for no less than the perfect husband.
Yeah, right, she chuckled to herself as she outlined the shape of Jinx's shoulders on her page. Like there's such a thing.
For her, at least, there would never be such a man. One day, when it all got to be too much, she would leave this place behind. Jinx would come for her and whisk her away, not for the day but forever. For all the love she held for her family and the better aspects of her country, Lux knew her future did not lie here. She would leave it all behind eventually, when she was ready to say goodbye.
Until then, she would draw and play pretend and dream and be satisfied with her brief escapes.
She smiled at Jinx's sketched face looking up at her, longing to see the real thing again. They were about due for another game, but Jinx tended to show up with absolutely no warning, so Lux could only give her best guess as to when they'd see each other.
Right now, apparently.
The window by Lux's desk flew open despite having definitely been locked a second before, and in climbed the very woman who occupied the majority of Lux's thoughts these days.
"Mornin', Sunshine," Jinx crowed, dropping from the window to her feet.
"It's nighttime," Lux corrected her gently. Jinx squinted out the open window, like she'd only just realized.
"Huh," she said under her breath. "Guess so."
"It's good to see you, but what's with the entrance tonight?" Lux inquired, recapturing Jinx's attention. "You usually just zap right into my room. And... how did you even get up to my window?"
"Ah, y'know, climbed, dodged some guards," Jinx said rather flippantly. "Had a pretty good time, I guess, but that's not the important part. It's game time, Blondie! Got everything all ready to go!"
"Tonight?" Lux asked.
"Yeah, for tonight." Jinx held out her hand, as she often did, to invite Lux into her teleporter's range.
"I'm sorry, Jinx, but I can't tonight." Honestly, it was kind of a miracle they'd gotten this far without ever having some kind of scheduling conflict. "I have to be up at dawn to greet a suitor."
"A what?" Jinx's brow furrow slightly.
"A suitor," Lux echoed. "A man my parents invited here to get to know me. He's going to spend the weekend trying to court me."
"Huh?" In an adorably canine fashion, Jinx tilted her head to the side.
"Trying to impress me so I might want to marry him," Lux explained. "And I won't, of course! I send all my suitors away. But I still have to entertain them for the time they're given."
"Ohhhh." Jinx let out a small chuckle, which was a better reaction than Lux had expected. Knowing her and her past, threatening to simply murder all of Lux's suitors had been a very real possibility. Instead, she said, "just skip it."
"What?" Like it would ever be that easy. It wasn't even an option, really.
"Skip it," Jinx persisted. "You don't wanna do it, right? And it's stopping you from doing something you do wanna do. So just don't do it. Come with me instead."
Lux would be lying if she said the idea wasn't tempting, but she knew better than to think she could accept. It was too easy to lose track of time on the Rift; too easy to have it interfere with the plans that had been made for her. She would never be able to come up with an acceptable excuse if someone came looking for her and she was nowhere to be found on such an important day.
"I'd like to, Jinx, but I really can't," Lux said as gently as she could. "I have to wait until after this weekend."
"Aw, c'mon, Blondie," Jinx pleaded. "Everyone else is ready to go. We need ya."
"Maybe you can find a substitute this time?" The suggestion almost physically pained her, but not as much as it seemed to offend Jinx.
"No way," she said stubbornly. "You're the best part. It won't be any fun without you."
"I'm flattered, but-" Lux stopped dead as someone knocked twice at her bedroom door. Her entire body stiffened, and she stood to grab Jinx as if she were going to shove her back out the window. "Shit. You have to go."
"Why?" There was a distinct whine to Jinx's voice that was entirely too loud for the situation.
"Luxanna? Are you talking to someone?" Garen called from the other side of the door. Lux supposed it was better than her parents, but still not good by any means.
"I can't let anyone see you," Lux hissed. "I can't explain this to my family."
"I ain't scared of 'em," Jinx protested, "and you shouldn't be either. They're just a bunch'a fancy dickheads with sticks up their asses. I don't get why you think you have to listen to them."
"Lux, are you alright?" The knocking grew louder and more insistent. "Who's in there?"
"Jinx, please." But it was too late.
The door wasn't locked. Lux never locked it, because why would she in a place like this, where she was always safe and disturbing her privacy was a punishable offense for anyone but the parents who rarely cared to visit her quarters? Except Garen had probable cause, hearing an unfamiliar voice in Lux's room.
He threw the door right open and walked on in. For a second, nothing happened. They were just three people staring at each other. Then, all Hell broke loose.
Garen quickly took notice of Jinx's weapons and reached for his sword. Why he had it on him right now, Lux didn't know and didn't have time to ask. Jinx, in response, removed the gun she called Zapper from its holster and pressed it to the side of Lux's head.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Lux glanced back at her, bewildered but not afraid. Crazy as she was, Jinx would never pull the trigger. Not on her.
"Lux!' Garen quickly drew his blade, but the gun to her head stayed his hand. Guns weren't common weapons in Demacia, but Garen knew enough to know he would never cross the room fast enough. If Jinx actually wanted to kill Lux, she could do it in an instant. "Unhand her!"
Jinx took Lux by the arm and dragged her up from her seat. "New game, Blondie."
"What?" Oh, Lux did not like the sound of that.
"If we can't play fight, we'll play keep-away instead." Jinx secured her free arm around Lux's middle and began to back them both up toward the window.
"Jinx, wait-"
Lux didn't have time to finish her objection before Jinx, dragging her along, leaped through the open window. She didn't know which was louder; Garen's horrified cry or Jinx's shriek of delight as they plummeted toward a well-kept garden three stories below.
"Do your thing, Blondie!" she called.
Her thing? What the hell was "her thing" in a situation like this?
"Break our fall!" Jinx clarified when Lux just stared at her incredulously.
Oh! She wanted a hard light barrier, like the ones Lux often used to shield herself and her allies on the Rift. It probably wouldn't work to break a fall in the traditional sense, but Lux was no stranger to getting creative with her magic. She just had to pray nobody saw.
They both collided hard with a barely visible structure that had appeared directly beneath them, then began to slide forward at a sharp decline that gradually eased up. Lux kept her eyes closed, concentrating on the next few feet, then the next, then the next, trying to keep them at a pace that would get them to the ground quickly but not injure them on impact.
It was harder than one might think to keep up with it, even with all the magic practice she got on the Rift, and Jinx hollering excitedly in her ear didn't help.
They landed in a rosebush and seemed to take every single thorn with them as they rolled out in a tangled heap. Jinx ended up on top of Lux, staring down at her with bright eyes and a joyful grin.
"You gotta do that more often!"
"Shhh!" Lux sat up, nearly smacking her forehead against Jinx's with the speed of it, spitting out leaves as she harshly shushed her. "Someone probably heard us land. You have to get out of here."
"Aww, don't worry, Blondie," Jinx replied lightly. "I'm great at keep-away!"
"No," Lux groaned, but she didn't have time to air her frustrations. She could already hear voices and footsteps swiftly approaching.
"And that's our cue." Once more, Jinx grabbed Lux by the arm and hoisted her up, then she took off running. Lux was left with no choice but to stumble after her, mind searching desperately for a way to defuse this situation.
"Jinx, there's nowhere to go!" Lux insisted.
"That's what they think." Jinx casually raised Zapper to remind Lux she still had it, even though by all logic she really should've dropped it in the fall.
"No!" Lux pushed Jinx's arm down. She didn't know what the hell she would do if Jinx shot her guards.
"What's the matter?" Finally, Jinx seemed to realize Lux wasn't having fun.
Unfortunately, it was that exact moment that the guards started to catch up with them. Everywhere Lux looked, a different pair of patrolling guards ran toward them, swords drawn. One of them recognized her in the dark and called out to her by name, spurring the others on. 
"You have to leave!" Lux insisted, yanking her arm out of Jinx's grasp. "Zap away. I-I'll do my best to clean up this mess."
"Lux..." Jinx licked her lips, her brow furrowing as she tried to put the pieces together. She had finally clocked that Lux was upset, but not why. "It's just a game, babe. You love games."
"They're not playing!" Lux gestured with one hand at the swiftly approaching guards and used the other to lightly shove at her girlfriend. 
"The Pilties were never playing either," Jinx said. "That never stopped me. C'mon, lighten up. It'll be fun."
She raised her gun again. The guards were definitely in range, and almost close enough to reach Jinx with their swords. They were out of time. 
"STOP IT!" The scream escaped Lux before she had a chance to think about it, and so did the burst of arcane energy. 
Instantly, everyone but her and Jinx froze in their tracks, caught up in a shimmering wall of mana that she frequently used to immobilize people on the Rift. It was one of her favorite things to do; laughing while her enemies raged about being rendered defenseless. Now, though, it gave her a strong urge to throw up. 
The guards were frozen physically, but they were still aware. They would still know what Lux had done to them. That she was a mage.
She'd just outed herself in probably the worst way possible. 
Part of her expected Jinx to hoot and holler and try to drag her away again, but it seemed the scream had stunned her. Lux had never screamed at her before. 
"What's wrong?" she asked, equal parts gentle and anxiety. "We're just playin', right?"
"No!" Lux snapped, tears burning her eyes. "No one else is playing, Jinx! I'm not playing!"
Jinx shrank back with something of a kicked-puppy expression and said, "ohh, fuck... shit, Blondie, I'm sorry. I'll take ya back upstairs, I-"
"No." Lux stepped away from Jinx's outstretched hand. Upstairs wouldn't help her now. Honestly, at this point, the safest option for her would probably be to just go with Jinx after all. Now that all these people had seen her magic, suitors would be the least of her concerns. The oppressive laws of her homeland would be turned on her in full force. 
And yet... she still wasn't ready to leave. 
"Go home, Jinx," she murmured. 
"B-but you're cryin'." Jinx continued to reach for her, but Lux wouldn't have it. 
"Please." Lux met Jinx's horrified eyes and held her gaze. "Please, go."
"Okay..." Jinx replied, small and sad. "I'll see ya later, yeah?"
"Yeah." Despite the emotional turmoil, the fear and uncertainty for her immediate future, Lux managed a smile. "Yeah. Love you."
"Love you too." In a flash of electric blue light, Jinx was gone, and not a moment too soon. Lux's spell probably wouldn't have lasted much longer. 
Seeing no use in stalling, she released the guards, but refused to look at any of them. She hung her head, tears of fear and grief for the life she'd certainly just lost streaming down her face, and sank to her knees to await judgement. 
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kennimu · 1 year
Why does Twitter hate Bernard so much??? Like what the hell did he do to them?? 😭😭
They all acting as if he killed their families, I thought we were over the Bernard hate train. Like they don't understand you can still like timkon/timsteph and not pray on Bernard's downfall just for existing -
(This is from someone who loves Timber and also enjoys timkon and timsteph, they're all good pairings but holy shit why can't they accept Bernard is a good character)
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drbtinglecannon · 7 months
Hm yeah Frimmel is kinda driving me insane nowadays
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czesca · 4 months
"we need more messy bad at relationships female characters!!!!" you people can't even handle her
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Leia asks some questions she hadn’t realized she needed to and gets some answers that she wasn’t sure were possible to get.
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therealvinelle · 10 months
That little drabble crackfic y'all just posted was downright hilarious. I loved the authors notes with the complicated ABO stuff and then the author's life update lol. Both a perfect parody of the usual form.
You're both so good at it I kinda want to see more "authors notes" and "parodies of silly fanfic things" from y'all! Any chance of a chapter two?
Anon is referring to Mistakes were made by @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and myself.
Shockingly, there is a significant chance we might. We had entirely too much fun with the first chapter, so while it's not on the agenda (so many things to write, so little time) it might very well happen.
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genuine question but is there any fandom where a character is well written by the majority. im thinking about fandom culture and the spread of frustration when people dont write characters well but. honestly in all the fandoms ive been in there's only like, a Select number of authors who i trust to write Well, let alone write Well AND In Character. character analysis and writing and getting inside characters' heads are all separate skills (all of which are trained by roleplaying fyi can CONFIRM playing pretend with your friends is good for you). there's been more than once where I've disagreed with an interpretation that others agreed with, and then I turned out wrong. or i turned out right. like it doesnt matter WHO is right it just matters that differences in character analysis exist, so even if you DO write well AND write in character, your in character is still going to be someone else's out of character
there's this sort of. vibe. that to play in the sandbox you Need to be able to make a castle, and if you can't make a castle then you shouldn't bother, and it completely dismisses the idea that youre in that sandbox to PLAY in the first place. there's this Weight of disappointing someone if you can't build something that they like, but that forgets that you aren't there to build them a castle. like, be KIND. if you disagree with someone then please make an effort to do so kindly. i dont give a shit about fandom discourse but there is a reason kids get removed from sandboxes if they keep throwing sand in people's eyes. but if they don't like your misshapen sand pile, then youre not obligated to change it. even if you yourself end up hating that same sand pile later- youre not building a legacy. youre playing. and sometimes the result of that play is out of character drivel. theres a reason there are so many authors and so few who i like to consistently read and thats because everyone is Fucking Around in their hobby space. hash tag brag or whatever but i can build castles. ive built several that im v proud of. ive also dug holes in the sand for fun and then tripped on them when trying to get up. I often dug a hole and then got up and fucking- whoops, its a castle now, and i didn't realize i'd made something to be proud of until after the fact. the whole time while creating shit i was Convinced it was bullshit that didn't make sense. and then other times i was Convinced it was bullshit and then i was Right and i can look back and go. huh. ew. but it doesn't matter what the end result was, because i had fun playing in the sandbox
this wasn't meant to turn into a ramble but i have Feelings about bad art and art that's badly perceived and how public perception can screw with your head and how making art youre proud of is fucking. it's so difficult!!! it's hard!! it's really fun, which is why i try to make it, but i promise you it is Okay to not tryhard creativity. even if you CAN, it's okay not to do it all the time. or ever, even. fuck around find out have fun etc
#NOT a discourse post i am musing out loud#there's discourse goign around the dash rn or i wouldnt mention it#but the past few weeks ive seen a lot of “DONT fucking mischaracterize my guy my fuckign god”#which is one of the most frustrating pet peeve there is#but i think a lot too about little baby me#fresh on her writing journey#and how discouraged i would be if someone pointed out the mistakes id made#i made a Lot of fuckups#and i also think about this one fic where one of the characters was INCREDIBLY out of character#me today would not be able to stomach reading it#but baby me was so ENCHANTED#and it introduced to me the concept that you dont always know the reason someone does something#and it made me read even more#and because of that i eventually found Expert Skill level fics#which introduced me to MANY little tricks and fidgets ive tried to implement#there were so so many reviews on that fic that called it shit or complained about the bad characterization#but a decade later i still think about it#there were several very corny mine/craft horror fics i read#which back in the day would be called cringe#and those were what inspired me to write my first horror fic and now im Enchanted by the whole genre#theres a lot of stuff i dont like to read but i like that other people are enjoying themselves#i dont know how to be succinct i hope my point is coming across well#this ties into my thing where fiction is for you first others later#here are my credentials: bb/h fan since before the elections (hi i was the guy who noticed his lack of armour post elections)#and a cross-fandom comment trend of people going 'woa i can see this happening in canon'#im not talking out my ass i genuinely think its more important to have fun than to write accurate characterization#which. is a more 'duh' and clarifying thing than everything else ive written#but ah well c'est la vie#also also just realized this could be interpreted like that- NOT an attack on people who complain about mischaracterization either lmao#i do that too w friends. this is to reassure people who put pressure on themselves to create things Well all the time
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aster-aspera · 2 months
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evilasiangenius · 4 months
It's still the 14th century, and will this blasted century ever end?!
A sad, wet, and cold Crowley in the rain is picked up off the side of the road by the knightly Sir Aziraphale who is on his own pilgrimage of sorts. Medieval shenanigans ensue.
And of course, mistakes were made...
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not-poignant · 11 months
palmarosa and 5, 6, 11 & 12 for the fic ask thingy pls! (If that’s too many questions for one ask then just. Any of those. Ty!)
Re: Palmarosa - okay let's gooooo
5: What part was hardest to write?
So far, the sex scenes (although see below for some of my issues re: behind the scenes researching). They honestly are often the hardest parts to write. But also, Astarion is rather more sex averse than I initially imagined him being, but as I've been writing the more 'concrete' fic, I'm finding he is very sex averse and has a lot of reasons to be, and as a result it's slowed Raphael down. It's not bad, but I already struggle with sex scenes in general just because I want to craft something decent.
6: What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
Mmm. Astarion's a vampire and I actually (can't believe I'm admitting this) don't really love writing vampires! Writing creatures who drink blood to live I think is a tentative first for me, lol. Otherwise there's more similarities than differences. Like, the fandom and characters/pairing are different, but a lot of the themes are the same.
I'd say this is the first world I've written in re: fandom that has this much lore to go through, and almost all of it contradictory in some fashion. So I'm having to do more research kind of like through three separate fandoms to find what I want, or to realise I have to invent something new. That side of things is challenging.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
The crunchy dynamic between a not particularly pure-of-heart vampire spawn and a definitely not pure-of-heart devil. I really enjoy their banter. They're both very theatrical and performative. They both like a good show. They both think elements of violence are fun. They're both not particularly concerned with being good people every second of every day.
I get to have Astarion say some really fun lines, and that gets to be relatively in character. I get to have Raphael say some truly unhinged purple prose bullshit, and that's also pretty in character for him! I think I also really enjoy matching the voices as much as possible. I sometimes feel like I can 'hear' them saying their lines, and that feels really good.
12: What do you like least about this fic?
Probably the lack of easy ways to research the dialogue and world etc. I was very spoiled by like... the Dragon Age: Inquisition wiki, and even the Stardew Valley wiki. They have most of the dialogue and written parts there. The BG3 Wiki is kind of terrible for almost everything I need to know and I'm surprised when it can actually help me. It's also not immediately easy to add to, which I've thought of doing in the past (I have a Wiki account, and I have edited/added to them before - but Fextralife is different). And then also, a lot of it is contradictory.
The game writes pretty significant character growth in many different directions which means you can canonically write Astarion as two completely different characters in terms of morality and it still be...canon compliant. And then on top of that, there's just typos and issues - Korilla is 'Korrilla' in almost all the correspondence and texts, and 'Korilla' in the dialogue. So which is it? Do I just get to choose for fun? (I do).
As a result I've read hundreds of raw datamined dialogue files, and that's just laborious, because 90% of that is irrelevant to what I'm doing. In general, there's not a ton to hook into for Raphael, and some of his best lines are actually written down or transcribed.
I don't think anyone will ever truly know how much behind the scenes research I've done for what is ultimately a very Id/ridiculous fic, but I've done a metric fuckton of it. And when people then go 'oh but actually Gale is an X and you got that wrong' I want to claw my own eyes out, because I've spent at least 50 solid hours researching and compiling a fairly information dense Obsidian Vault for worldbuilding, and when I get basic things wrong it makes me want to cry and then immediately quit, lmao.
(In case anyone wants to see what that looks like so far:
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From this fanfic meme!
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yknow technically cloning works alot like artificial insemination or like fertilization treatments from what ive seen/been told by my mom so by that logic timkon clone baby absolutely couldve been more than one and has a higher chance of being say twins or triplets than not which means in a dcxdp crossover you can absolutely have dan dani and danny and it haunts me that no one else noticed this
Edit please note that I am not a doctor or anything I just had a slight fixation and tried my best to learn what I could which resulted in me knowing more about surrogates, adoption, and fertility treatments than anything else except I was very much a kid and didn't like knowing the full reasons of things so I'd learn enough and then guess the rest so on one hand I absolutely know how one thing works however I have absolutely no fucking idea how it happens its essentially like how we all treat the Talk I took one look at learning the ins and outs of these treatments and went "I know enough" and dropped it so if anythings wrong yeah that's why
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tvxcue · 10 months
canon compliant xiyao is very brain buzzy for me bc it's such a specific kind of fucked up for both of them that has to require some really inventive mental gymnastics but also that they wouldn't really be able to think abt for it to happen. like the infidelity on jgy's part has the potential to send him into a spiral but also it's different, it has to be different. and jgy playing his father's role in this dynamic and how that implicates him further in everything into his father's schemes while he was alive and godddd is he really his father's son.........literally the cruelty of it, that he become his father through all his worst qualities. that jgy fulfill what his mother wanted by re-enacting what damned her and him. betraying qin su but telling himself it's different, telling himself it's not like that, telling himself nothing at all because he can't confront it.
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Poll Game:
"Tagged by" @arrthurpendragon
Alright make me work on my WIPs lol.
For every vote each fic gets, I will write a sentence.
I'm tagging anyone who wants to!
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thatlittledandere · 2 months
Alright I'll bite for the Homestuck ship asks o.o (I barely have any understanding of Homestuck so I'm just picking things I recognize asdhklf): Favourite canon ship? Favourite rare ship? Do you have a crackship? Do you self-ship with any character? Do you use the quadrants in real life? Comfort ship(s)?
Yey thank uwu
Favorite canon ship: MEOWRAILSSS Nepeta and Equius make me so so emotional they deserved more time together frrr 😭😭♦️♦️♦️
Favorite rare ship: I don't know if I ship anything rare... Tavris isn't as popular as some others for either of them..? And I guess I do ship it now there's no other word for my condition. They're terrible together it compels me. Forever holding out for pitch tavris but unfortunately kismesis requires some level of mutuality and well. Tavros and Vriska just are not on an equal standing in any capacity ever. So there's that
Do you have any crack ships? As a rule of thumb no, never. It doesn't even cross my mind to ship characters without some catalyst in canon. Like straight up the thought doesn't occur to me. There needs to be something there to catch my attention and if there is something there in canon it isn't a crack ship by definition;;
Do you self-ship with any character? I got over my crush on Eridan now I'm stuck with this bitch of a boyfriend who I just can't stop pitying in the platonic, human sense of the word. Might fuck around and adopt him next
Do you use the quadrants in real life? WISH I COULD real life kismesis especially could be interesting tbh, but only if it's done PROPERLY and not the watered down misinterpreted version you know. Kismesis isn't just enemies to lovers it isn't hatefucking it isn't even just a love-hate relationship all of these definitions have some truth to them but are reductive. Where is the begrudging respect where is the strive to be stronger and to push the other to better themself as well where is the fundamental equality in mutual one-upping and catching up-- when Karkat talks I LISTEN
Ok I do use the quadrants to describe my feelings for characters so that's like, 50% real life I guess
Comfort ship/s? I never understood the whole comfort character/ship thing tbh like I guess I sorta get what it means but also the terms just don't fit in my mouth.
Homestuck ship asks
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Fic Master Post for AFTG and 9-1-1
Trying My Best
Rated E ● 75,271 Words ● 20 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Part 1 of a Series ● Finished
“You refuse to talk to Bee. If today was any indication, I’d say you cannot afford to continue going on without talking to her.” “I’m not talking to her,” Neil said resolutely. “Then we’re at an impasse. I will not waste my time worrying about a rabbit who will neither call me nor see a therapist for his problems.” Basically Neil and Andrew figure out how to help each other through the good and bad days.
Safe Zone
Rated G ●  3,062 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Part 2 of a Series ● Finished
Andrew wakes up with a fever but like the hard headed shit he is, he tries to power through it. Nothing goes as planned and he finds a begrudging comfort in Neil.
Stay With Me
Rated E ●  97,333 Words ● 21 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Part 3 of a Series ● Finished
Neil had let Andrew say goodbye to every important person left in Palmetto while he stood on the sidelines and cheered Andrew on. There was only one goodbye left and it would be the most painful one. It seemed as though it was finally hitting Neil too. They only had twenty-seven days together and then Neil would return to Palmetto alone for the first time since Millport. -They spent the first year after everything healing. Now they have to learn how to navigate being away from each other while Andrew is off playing in the pros and Neil is still at Palmetto finishing his fifth year. Things aren't easy. They never seem to be for them but they're fighters. And they always come out on top.-
Three Steps
Rated M ●  33,033 Words ● 3 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Finished
After Mary died, Neil went to the FBI and helped them take down not only Nathan and his inner circle but also the Moriyama family. Now free to do as he pleases, he decided that he wants some normal life experiences. What better way to accomplish that than to enroll at Palmetto University. He doesn't expect to find friendship in his roommates and definitely doesn't expect to fall for the man who sits in the corner of the café with blades under his armbands and hair that shines like a halo in the sun.
If Only I Were Enough
Rated M ●  50,970 Words ● 15 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Finished
After Andrew moves to Colorado to start his professional Exy career, he intends on everything being okay between him and Neil. But when his self-destructive tendencies tell him that he doesn't need Neil Josten in his life, everything goes to shit. Things between them seem unrepairable and he's not so sure he wants to even try. But when Neil gets into a dangerous car wreck, Andrew finds himself back at the junkie's side with a deadline to fix things or walk away forever.
Somebody's Watching Me
Rated G ●  4,960 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Finished
It's October and the monsters are out shopping when they come across a very creepy doll. Neil decides to have some fun with it by scaring Nicky at every corner.
Monsters, Friends, and Candy
Rated G ●  3,211 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: None ● Finished
Bee has spent the last two years hoping that she was doing good by Andrew and Aaron. Hoping that she had done a decent enough job that they truly believed they were safe and loved by her. She gets her answer when she overhears Andrew comforting a scared Neil.
Nothing Mattered Until You
Rated M ●  22,497 Words ● 5 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Jean ● Finished
On the docks in Marseille, Neil fell in love. But his mother ripped him away and for years he never dared hope to see Jean again. He believed that he would die before ever getting the chance. But when recuperating with his uncle after his father is killed, Neil's chance comes. Unfortunately, he isn't the only one who went through some horrible things over the years. Despite their horrible pasts, they decide to try for a future together. Going to college and even making some friends along the way. But Riko has other plans and wants back what he considers his.
A Quiet Little Seedling
Rated E ●  83,293 Words ● 15 of 30 Chapters ● Pairing: Neil/Andrew ● Ongoing
Neil had a lot of secrets. He didn’t want much in life except to live quietly, run his botanical store, upload TikToks covering plant care, and for not a single person to find out that he’s the best-selling author N.A.J who published one book anonymously five years prior and disappeared. His life takes a turn when his literary agent tracks him down for a follow-up book with the theme of feeling settled and at peace. Two things Neil is not. Thus begins his journey of planting roots in a town he’s lived in for years, starting with making friends with people who have tried to bring him into their circle. As Neil gets closer to them and his secrets become less guarded, there’s still that one big secret he intends on taking to his grave. But the closer he gets to his friends the closer he unknowingly gets to that secret being revealed.
Right in Front of You This Whole Time
Rated E ●  14,992 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: Buck/Tommy & Buck/Eddie ● Finished
Buck enjoys figuring out his sexuality with Tommy. Everything is good, almost too easy, and when Buck comes out to everyone in his life, he's not expecting the silence from Eddie. It doesn't last long, not when its seems accidentally hurting someone out of jealously on a basketball court isn't strictly a Buck thing. Now everything Buck felt toward his best friend in the past was making a lot more sense.
What Was I Made For
Rated G ●  2,410 Words ● 1 Chapter ● Pairing: Buck/Tommy ● Finished
After the disaster that was the bachelor party, Chimney was found alive though things could have been better. Buck feels guilty about what happened though he knows he had no control over it and it was no ones fault. His mother, however, blames him and Daniel gets thrown in his face once again. It's no surprise that no one stays for Buck and he expects Tommy to leave after seeing the blow up with his parents but Tommy proves that maybe there is someone who will stay.
I'll Be Lying Awake Counting All My Mistakes
Rated T ●  13,627 Words ● 4 Chapters ● Pairing: Buck/Tommy ● Ongoing
After being given the option to transfer or keep Buck at the 118, Bobby decides on the former. Believing he has failed Buck in some way, Bobby hopes the kid might learn his actions have consequences. Buck’s new firehouse is the 217 and Bobby reaches out to Tommy with a request: look after Buck. Tommy’s not sure what to expect but it certainly wasn’t falling head over hills for the man he's supposed to be looking after. Meanwhile Buck is struggling with Bobby’s decision and not feeling good enough. Not to mention he doesn’t understand why he gets butterflies around Tommy so much. It can only be admiration, right?
6am Happiness
Rated G ●  2,339 Words ● 1 Chapters 1● Pairing: Buck/Tommy ● Finished
They were supposed to sleep in late but Buck woke up thinking about the future.
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