voldiscute · 1 year
Sooo I wrote a little something...
“Someone smart said today, normal people just say thank you." Eddie leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Thank you," Steve replied with a smile. The boy could have sworn a pale blush appeared on Eddie's face.
“What are you even doing here? Don't you have other things to do, like bullying, eating Wheeler's face, or deepening the ozone hole by using hairspray?”
Steve made a sour face as if he'd just licked a lemon. Maybe just today he had some sort of high school crisis, but the fact that the first thing Eddie mentioned was bullying stuck to him like a stone around his neck.
“Nancy wanted some peace.” Steve looked down, embarrassed by his sincerity. “She’s spending every break in the library because she is preparing for an important exam, so I'm a good boyfriend and I don't bother her.”
“Wow, you did the bare minimum. Harrington, I think you deserve a medal.”
To Steve's surprise, there was no sneer in Eddie's tone, just amusement. It's like he's joking with an old friend who lets him make fun of him, his tendency to be clingy, and his desire to be with his other half as long as possible.
Steve burst out laughing. Before he closed his eyes, as was his habit when he had a fit of giggles, he noticed that Eddie let out a sigh of relief. Eddie's inability to bite his tongue had gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion, and he was ready for insults or worse, another jostling. Harrington's laughter was the last thing he expected, but he wasn't complaining about it.
“I think so too! When I see you again, I expect a medal,” Steve added, running a hand through his hair.
“Anything you want, Your Majesty.” Eddie smiled playfully.
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dairine-bonnet · 2 years
After defeating the Emperor and returning to Coruscant, while walking to the Jedi Temple:
The Exile *grumbling *: Exile, Exile... I have a name, as it happens...
His new fangirls *a bit confused, whispering to each other*: Does he really have another name??? Oh... Is he Alek? Or just something like that?
Revan: *dramatic facepalm*
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disorentedfae · 2 years
Anyways Goodnight<3
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charxan · 1 year
World building for a fic:((( I'm gonna really try and sit down and finish because I have so many unfinished ones>> and I don't want to make the characters not...like...that ooc?? but like new fic in a new fandom is still scary lol
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unboundprompts · 9 months
Hi,I know this is really specific but can i have some prompt where Person A is suffering from depression after the loss of their lover,and Person B who is Person A's best friend try to help them with it
(maybe Person A start using drug to cope and Person B have to convince them to stop)
I love your work cause it give me a lot of idea for my fic:D
Prompts dealing with Grief and Drug Use
-> tw for depression, drug use, and loss of a loved one.
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
He was killing his mind, he knew he was. But anything was better than having to deal with this pain in his heart.
She just wanted to see them again and she didn't care how artificial it was. The visions of them that would visit her when she was spaced out was enough. Even if they were just too perfect to be real, taking away from that false sense that they were still around, it was enough for her.
"It hurts," Person A cried. "There's this hole in my chest and nothing else can fill it."
"The drugs aren’t filling it," Person B carefully said. "You may feel whole for a few hours, but all it's really doing is carving that cavity deeper and deeper."
They hated to see him like this. Walking around like he was in a daze, not living and barely surviving. They didn't know what to do for him, though. He was dealing with an ache in his chest that they were unfamiliar with, and they worried what taking away his only source of comfort would do to him.
It was decided. She was finally going to say something. Why it took her so long she had no excuse for, but she couldn't keep seeing him like this and pretending everything was okay.
"You can't keep doing this to yourself. What would [dead lover] say if they saw you like this?"
Her eyes hazily moved across the room, seeing [dead lover] standing in front of the window with their arms outstretched. Their figure blocked the sunlight that filtered in through the glass, surrounding them in a golden halo. Tears pricked at her eyes as she groggily smiled. "[Name]? Is that you?"
He stared at them with his arms crossed. They were sprawled out on the floor, drugged out of their mind. He couldn't let this go on any longer.
"I'm not going to stand around while you slowly kill yourself!" Person B yelled as angry tears began to run down their cheeks. "Can't you see what this is doing to you?"
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ao3dorian-gay · 2 months
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some wrasslin' move sketches
left: kakashi, using reference of a wrestler i like:); top middle: kakashi with running knee strike/v-trigger on obito; bottom middle: gai suplex on kakashi; right: neji preparing to catch tenten's moonsault (from my fic:D)
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seashellcosmos · 5 months
Do you have anything you just wanna talk about?
I really like your rambles about the fic:D
Tbh I’ve been thinking a lot about them growing up and aging. Like what the hell would that even look like??
There’s only so much I can actually ramble about because I fear accidentally letting spoilers slip, but I wonder often about how they would grow up and move on once everything’s said and done and the world actually gets a chance to heal. (If it ever does)
I think some of the THH kids would keep up the hero work as long as they could, even after they try settling into adulthood and getting like… normal jobs and normal lives. Some would be more successful than others, I think. For example I don’t think Sayaka could ever go back to performing the way she does, it would lead to her identity getting discovered and she wouldn’t want that. Leon probably couldn’t go back to baseball either, i think he’d try, but rumors would start and he’d have to quit for good before people asked too many questions about where his perfect aim really comes from.
I think aging would freak Taka out So Much and he’d just…. Never tell anyone. There’s no way he could talk about it but the gray hairs appear and his friends change but he’s… still the same. Even if Chihiro helps him look older he’d know he’s still not really changing. (Though even he can’t live forever, he’s already pretty outdated)
But moving on from the SAD STUFF I don’t think they lose touch with each other over the years- after all of this how could they??? Even if they move off they all still end up getting roped into dinners and weekend-long sleepovers and doing a liiiiiittle bit of vigilantism ‘for old times sake (and also so this town isn’t obliterated please help)’
The V3 kids are different, they all had normal lives they could try to get back to, even if that’s really hard. Like imagine the hoops Kaito would have to go through to be an astronaut now that his blood is a different color and he’ll occasionally just…. Float right off the ground. I think Gonta would want to be a teacher, or a real entomologist, or SOMETHING because this boy is so smart and he wants to learn!!! But he’s HUGE with pointy teeth and scaly skin and how is he supposed to blend in during classes and stuff?? I like the idea of the THH kids helping them out, being weird mentors and doing whatever they can to help the kiddos blend in when they try to get back living a normal life. (I did have a thought about Miu actually making a name for herself in the tech industry and hiring her weirdo friends so they have an easy job. Ryoma as the very small head of security who somehow happens to always be around every corner is a very funny idea to me)
I guess that’s the end of the ramble for now, but yeah. I have a LOT of thoughts on the THH kids getting older right now lol
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setofi · 9 months
Did I really do that? I posted the first chapter of my fic:D Now I must not give up and finish it to the end!! Pretty soon I hope to properly introduce the boys in the fic and also draw their design for this au^^
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qeireinier · 2 years
Oh hey look I made a dream come true. Wen Ruohan-Shen Qingqiu bodyswap fic:D
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
excited for your fic:D
yes thank you i'm writing someone that isn't luzu in what's ostensibly a luckity fic without luzu in it. i hope that clears things up
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cas-kingdom · 1 year
Heyy, I hope ur doing well!!
I was watching stranger things and though of a Billy Hargrove x biological sister fic where reader is like 15 and Billy doesn’t treat her or Max nicely so reader tries to protect Max from Billy and that makes Billy feel guilty for treating reader so badly?
(This was just a random idea if u ever are in the mood to write a stranger things fic:D)
A very sweet idea <3
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donghoonie-3 · 2 years
Almost ready to post the jake fic:D stay tuned
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sytoran · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR ACCOUNT SM YOURE SO TALENTED AAAHHH. hope you have a great day!!! i just wanted you to know how talented i think you are. i literally reread your fics all the time🤭🤭. like genuinely have no idea how you’re so creative. i look forward to reading your next fic:D
omg tysm! i feel so honoured that people actually bother to reread my fics, it’s like the highest accolade for a writer! tumblr can be shit at times but it’s ppl like you that make it more bearable :) i appreciate you and yes, next fic should be out in like 2-4 days.
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Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44050917
Relationships: klance and minor background Relationships
Characters: Keith, Lance, shiro, pidge, hunk, allura at some point, lance's family
Basic tags: fluff, angst, mild gore, tags to be added.
Summary: Soulmates are meant to be great things but Keith and lance are proven time and time again that just because you're soulmates, doesn't mean you will have a happy ending.
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nomsthecat · 10 months
do you have any other fic plans? :] dca or your own personal project?
Yeah yeah!! I have sporeadical mechanisms that im working on, the last of us x security breach fic:D!!!! Also not enough bloodlust that im working on with lab!!! explodes you with mind/POS thank you for the ask!!! sorry for answering late<3
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ikaishere · 1 year
hyrule-centric fic:D
HELLO THERE FOLKS I CAME TO SHARE!! i posted the first chapter of a hyrule-centric fic, basically gang meets wild but make it gang meets hyrule because i love my boy so yeah, if you have a spare moment, it would mean the world if you spend it on reading the first chapter of ‘and heaven knows how hard i tried (but the devil whispered lies i believed)′  link:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/48115954
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