#fics mentioned in the beginning as inspirations for writing this(and the next couple oneshots I have lined up) include:
thyandrawrites · 1 year
You mentioned being Italian, how did you learn to speak or at least write English so well? Your Japanese translations are also pretty good too! I want learn Italian so what would you recommend that would help learn to read and write another language?
Thank you!
The genuine answer? Fandoms. Really. I've been studying languages for most of my life (english since elementary school, french in middle and high school, german since hs and japanese since college) but so far I've only gotten truly fluent in the only language I didn't just approach from a textbook learning angle. My fluency probably also comes from speaking english the longest, but what really improved my proficiency was consuming and engaging with my passions in my target language. Something that I struggle a lot with is staying motivated in the long run. I tend to run out of steam after a while, and I lose all the progress I made. But fandoms feed on my passions, so engaging with them helps me find the motivation to keep going, while also making it less like a chore that needs to be taken care of.
I was a B1 until I graduated high school, but then I started reading copius amounts of fanfic and meta in english, and began writing my own. Reading taught me a lot of common new words I had never encountered before in my textbooks, as well as several idioms, and the longer I kept at it, the more stuff I assimilated into my vocabulary. I spent a couple of years just reading ff, not thinking I had it in me to truly begin writing in my second language, but then it sort of... Just happened. I got a fic idea late at night and wrote a 6k oneshot in one sitting during an all nighter. The fact that I was tired and inspired probably lowered my remaining inhibitions and temporarily muted that part of my brain that was self-conscious. But suddenly, english didn't seem so scary anymore. When I reread what I wrote the next day, after getting some sleep, it wasn't as agrammatical and terrible as I had feared, and that motivated me to keep doing it. I find that a lot of the time what stops us from improving is the fear of making a fool of ourselves. I also didn't comment on fanfic for years in fear of outing myself, and on the rare occasions I did, I always prefaced my comments with an apology for my english. But when you finally get in the mindframe that people don't really care about any mistakes you might make, it was really liberating. Honestly, just have fun! Who cares! Native speakers make tons of mistakes too! I can see that so clearly now.
This was around the time I got into Tokyo Ghoul meta and timidly approached my first analyses. Meta is fairly different from creative writing, but it also helped me improve because it taught me essay writing better than my english teacher marking my mistakes in angry red. When you're trying to explain a concept so that others understand it, rather than just to get a passing grade, you will attempt to break it down into easier concepts and pace it better, instead of just paying attention to SPaG. This also had the side effect of teaching me how to better sort my thoughts and get them across clearly, which has always been a struggle for me in spoken conversations. My thoughts tend to be messy, and I trip over my words a lot (in my native language too), but thinking about going from point a to point b like I'm writing an essay helps me a lot, personally.
The last step was joining a discord server in 2019. I can't stress enough how language is constantly evolving, and how slang and everyday language isn't something you can passively learn from textbooks or online courses. Those are only good as the foundation of your skills. They teach you the grammar and the basic vocabulary, but then you have to engage with real people, you know? I've always struggled to hold a conversation because I'm socially awkward, but discord is useful to me because it is a group chat, so there is less pressure on my end to keep a conversation going. Interacting with people from all over the world taught me to be less self-conscious about my skills, and meeting people of different age ranges taught me a variety of slang expressions to pass for a not-boomer myself, at least at first glance :'D
Moral of the story, do follow courses and use textbooks (those are important!), but also keep in mind those are not the be-all end-all of language proficiency, like school and academia tries so hard to teach you. If you find yourself hitting a wall and not getting any better anymore, take it as a sign your grammar is good enough to take the next step in your journey. So then, try to think of something you have fun doing. A hobby of yours. And then think of ways you can engage with it in your target language.
I had different phases in my life where I explored various things thay way. I got obsessed with a band in middle school and started watching and rewatching the videos they posted online, trying to understand everything they said. This improved my listening skills considerably. Years later I got really into WoW and I learned vocab by playing it and by looking for tutorials online. If you read a lot, consider looking for titles in that language you want to learn. Stuff like this. Listening to music, watching movies or tv series with subtitles (esp if the subtitles are in your target language too). All this stuff helps a lot! And the added plus is that for however challenging it might be at first, you'll stay motivated because it relates to something you already enjoy
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dilfbane · 3 years
It Gets Better(A Silky Pearl)
Summary: It’s been a long time since things have gotten this bad. Loki, returned from his latest mission, lets you know that, with help and support, you can overcome the worst of things, and makes sure you know that he’ll be there with you to get you through it, each and every day. 
Pairing: Loki/Female Reader
Warnings: Reader in this fic struggles with eating disorders. Thoughts and feelings related to these(specifically to anorexia and bulimia), are made throughout the fic, especially those that, in my personal experience, people with these disorders experience. I cannot stress enough that this will be discussed/referenced/talked about, sometimes explicitly(Though not graphically) and sometimes implicitly, so please be aware of that and know that it’s OK to take care of yourself and skip this one if that would be triggering to you! 
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: I want to preface this by saying that there are a LOT of people, both here and on AO3, who have made some amazing Loki/reader oneshots where the reader is struggling with mental health and/or physical health issues, that really provide a sense of warmth and fluff and support to people who may be going through those things themselves, and I’ve taken a lot of comfort in those fics over the course of the pandemic(I’ll be shouting out a couple of them in the tags!). I want to acknowledge that these exist, and that they’re awesome and have partly inspired my own writing, before talking about this little project I’m embarking on. 
Because, while I have gotten a lot of comfort out of many of those pieces of writing, there are definitely some things which I feel like aren’t talked about as much in pieces like these which I have gone through, and which a lot of other people have gone/are going through, and…. I figured that maybe I could take a crack at trying to provide that hit of fluff for people dealing with those things, if I can, and hopefully use my own experience with them to do it in as respecful and accurate a way as possible. 
All that being said, the first oneshot in this little project is going to be dealing with a pretty heavy subject, that being eating disorders. The reader in this fic does struggle with eating disorders - specifically anorexia and bulimia. I will not be actively describing anything too graphic about these disorders in this fic, except to highlight through implication and some sparse details that this is what’s happening here, as well as show some of the inner thought processes of the reader, but there definitely is enough in here to show that that’s what’s going on, so if anyone would be triggered by that, please take care of yourselves and give this one a pass! Also, I will further disclaim that there are many types of eating disorders, and everyone’s experience with them is different. In this oneshot, I wrote based off what I know to have been true during the time in my life when I struggled with the same conditions, and I really tried to make the fluff and support as kind and encouraging as I possibly could. If for ANY REASON there’s something that I did badly at, or something that’s disrespectful, anyone reading this may feel more than free to let me know and I’ll do my best to fix it! I don’t want this fic to be a place where anyone feels hurt or disrespected, that isn’t my intention at all, and if I make a mistake in that regard for any reason whatsoever, I would really appreciate knowing so that I can correct it!
Anyways, after that extremely lengthy A/N, just… please know, if you’re going through something like this, that you’re not alone, that help does exist and is out there, and that you are seen and heard. And take this Loki fluff, because honestly, there can never be too much of that in the world! 
You know that he worries about you. Even before his latest, three-week mission, you know that he worried about you. In the mornings, as you pour your coffee, you watch him watch you with careful nonchalance, gaze boring into the back of your head, slight furrow creasing his eyebrows, frown pulling small at his lips. He dresses early, because he wakes early; it is a battle, most mornings, for you to get out of bed. And so what, if you take your coffee with more creamer than is necessarily normal - it has to last you a long time, this coffee. You need the sugar of it, to get you to that clean pain. It is sharper, more real, than any scalpel, any knife that Loki keeps concealed by his armor; all that fine Asgardian leather, green and supple and him. It gives you back the control that you lack. Lets you be the person that you would be. 
It’s not that you’re afraid of your body, but you are ashamed by it; cannot fathom, even now with his gaze on you, that Loki could love somebody so dreadfully overweight. 
Today, though - Today, you had thought, you had hoped, that it might be different. You don’t know why you have that hope, but it brims up in you; a physical need, a visible yearning, for you to be enough for once. Someone that Loki can stand to look at. Someone that Loki can love. He is looking at you now like he’s seeing you for the first time, and you flinch from the frown that creases his piercing gaze, unable to bear how it roves up the planes of your body; silhoutted in the light coming in through the window, you can feel each ounce of fat that stretches over your sinew, cartilage. (You know that Loki hates your body - He traces it sometimes like he’s probing you, trying to find where your bones are. You wish that you could call him on it, and know that you never could). 
You stand at the counter, and turn from him; rummage in the cabinet for your coffee mug with shaking fingers; you almost feel like they’re rubber. Blue and cold, like his Jotun skin, but you know that it isn’t enough. Pins and needles prick at them - you can almost convince yourself that it’s only your guilt and shame, but you cannot hide from the pain suffusing Loki’s voice when he speaks. 
“Darling,” He says, on a shaky breath, “We need to talk about this.” 
“I know -” You tell him - you know that you can’t run from this, anymore. He knows how you look, how nothing you do is fixing it. And now, he’s going to leave you. “I know, Loki - I tried, Loki, I’m so sorry -“ 
The agony that wells up in you threatens to overwhelm your ability to speak, and you feel your knees buckle the second before you fall. Your kneecaps slam against the cupboard underneath the sink, your head hitting the edge of the counter as you slide down hard to the floor. It hurts. But every part of your body hurts, these days. It’s as constant as your worthlessness. And something else, too - 
He is there, on the floor with you, in less time than it takes place to blink, pulling you hard and desperate into his arms; you don’t understand why, and you try to wrench yourself from him, sobs bubbling up and spilling out from your tightly shut eyes. You can feel the bruises starting to form on you, a lump throbbing at your temple. 
“Love,” He is saying, “Y/N, sweetheart, come back to me. Come back to me, darling, please.” He is stroking your hair; you feel his fingers at its strands, thin and brittle. God, you think, how pathetic you are - you can’t even keep yourself pretty for him, for this god and all the sacrifices that he’s made. You cry harder, unable to stop your own wailing. When you finally do, you’re exhausted - it takes everything out of you. 
“Loki,” You say, on a wretched whine, “I’m so cold.” 
“Hush,” He says, “You’re alright. You’ll be warm soon - We’ll sort it, darling, I promise.” 
You don’t know how to tell him that it isn’t something you can sort, but somehow you know, deep in your heart, that Loki understands. Still, his voice is so sweet, and the shudders that wrack you begin to halt in the steady hold of his embrace; the tender brush of his fingers over your skin. You feel like you can look at him, now, so you do it, sucking your bottom lip into your teeth to steel yourself for the cruel things you’re certain he’ll start with. But Loki’s gaze isn’t angry at you, not full of fury or disgust. They sparkle with unshed tears and concern, emerald in the daylight. It takes you a moment too long to realize all that pain, all that worry, is for you; when you do, though, you flinch away. Feel Loki’s fingers drop from your hairline to your cheek, then your chin, tilting your head up so that you can’t run and hide. 
“I’m losing you, love,” Loki says. His voice is low, and steeped in sorrow. It is his turn to look down, with guilt and shame, and you feel a pang blossom, raw and red, in your heart. He sighs, and straightens his shoulders. He is filled with some new resolution, some new determination you can’t wince away from. 
“I need to know,” Loki tells you, “How long this has been going on. I need to - I need you to tell me why, love. I can’t bear to see you like this.” 
“I can’t,” You say, blinking back a fresh torrent of tears, “Tell you why. It’s not - I can’t - I don’t know.” 
But you know, and Loki does, too. It’s the god of lies, holding you - of course he can tell that you’re lying. It is something other, and runs deep, this bone-y reluctance. A complex game of mental gymnastics. How could you ever tell Loki about the control that it gives you, the desperation with which you used all your calorie-counting and aching restraint to regain the love that you lost? The nights bent over toilet bowls; the way that, sometimes, you empty stomach made you dig your nails hard into your palms ’til they bled, to stop yourself from crying out at the pain. And he loves you - the part of you that craves his affection, that yearns to burrow fast and fierce into Loki’s embrace and spill all your secrets to him, makes sure to remind you of that.
“Y/N,” Says Loki, soft and tender, yet infused with a note so harsh that you would wince, if you could. “You can tell me anything. You need to.” 
You notice things, now, in the face of his determination. You notice that Loki is looking at you like he’s in physical pain, and that there’s something sticky and red on the pads of the fingers that brushed up against your head. 
“I’m bleeding,” You say. It comes out soft, horrified. 
The frown that creases Loki’s face would bring you to your knees, if you weren’t there already. 
“It’s just - a thing that I do,” You tell him, too ashamed to look at his face as you reveal it. “You don’t have to worry about it.” 
“That’s not enough for me, love.” 
Loki’s lips are pursed tight, and the wound in his eyes has hardened to steel. The you part of your body - the fleeing part, the one who knows how to survive - seizes its’ chance and you duck out of his embrace, with far more strength than you had possessed in what felt like, potentially, years. Scrambles, backwards, like a cornered animal, over the tile floor, before heaving itself up to standing. It faces Loki, and its’ breath comes in stabbing-sharp. It is hard to remember that you have to call it ‘myself’. You feel older than you were, yesterday, and you cannot, quite, get air to come into your lungs. That’s not enough for me, you hear your lover say, ringing in your ears like a hyena’s howl. 
You’re not enough for me, love. Your fingers spasm, clutching the sides of the kitchen table white-knuckled. You wonder, fleetingly, what Loki would do if you died. The thought makes you cry out in pain, a whimper ripping out from a throat rubbed fingernail-raw, but Loki does not move to stand. 
“Come back to me,” He tells you, spiked with sorrow and need. And, perhaps for the first time, you admit it - to yourself, as much as to him. 
“I don’t - I don’t think I know how.” 
He smiles the smiole of someone who’s seen his own pain, faced his own lashing demons, and you pause to take him in fully, this god who says that he loves you, the man he is trying to be. You catch on hixs eyes, those bright emerald coins, his hair like the feathers of crows. His high, pale cheekbones, and his silver-tongue cut like glass. The pads of his fingertips, slender and cold, tender and fierce on your skin or the hilt of a dagger. You breathe in the smell of him, parchment and iron; peppermint tea and the smoke from a lorn, crimson fire. Wet leaves, after a rain. You feel your resolve start to waver. 
“Well,” He says, all thoughtful, all trickster, “Sitting down, I believe, would be a good place to begin.” 
The teasing lilt of his voice - an act that he is putting on, and all for you, always for you - cajoles you, coaxing you to lever your elbows and slide back down onto the floor, your weary legs feeling unimaginably grateful. Loki shoots you a new smile now, light and proud. He beckons you, with a cock of his head and a slim, fond gesture, to him - Of a sudden, the tiles beneath you seem like a desert, an ocean. You feel the weight of your emptiness. It laughs at you, its’ white teeth filed and barred. In your head, your failure is heavy; a hot and cackling creature with seven-foot claws pressing down on your chest, restricting your matchstick limbs. You are lost to the unyielding insistence of it, trapped in the maw of its cage, and Loki’s words, when they come, sound as far away as the shores of a country ancient and foreign. 
“I was hardly gone,” He is saying, but you cannot answer him. “How could it have gotten this bad?” 
It is that - that sadness, that fear in your lover - that breaks you, and you take the thing at a clumsy, terror-steeped sprint, not caring how wretched you look, so long as you can reach him - So long, you finally let yourself think, as there is something left of you for Loki to hold in his arms. Your body hurts worse than anything. You feel every scrape and bruise and chill on it; the pins and knives working at oxygen-starved nerves, and the gnawing clamp of your hunger, a brand pressing into your gut; and you know that Loki can’t save you. But maybe, just maybe, you can find some way to save yourself. And his fingers are there, going up to your hair, thumb rubbing at a hollow cheek and catching the salty dirge of an errant tear. 
“It gets better, you know,” Loki tells you. He gets you onto his lap; you feel his heartbeat under your palms where you clutch tightly at his shirt to hold yourself up. A steady, thrumming proof that he is alive. And when he says it, you get the sense that, somehow, you’ve always know it, this whispered secret he’s weaving into your soul. “If you get proper help for it. If you want it to.” 
He speaks casually, but there is a weight to his words. Miraculously - you’re not quite so sure how - you find yourself able to meet them. 
“I want it to,” You tell him. “I didn’t, before - “ And here his eyes widen, and he shakes his head like you’ve shot him - “But I do. I want to -“ 
“Alright, love,” He tells you, running a soothing hand down over your side, past the hard planes of your collarbone, “Alright. It’s okay. You’re such a strong person- It’s going to be hard, for awhile, but I know that you can get through this. I’ll be right here with you, darling. Right here, by your side.” 
“You will?” You ask him, voice cracking, hardly daring to hope that despite all this, he would stay. He chuckles, sadly, as if your thinking it hurts him, and he is deadly serious when he tells you,
“Y/N, of course I will.” 
Somehow, though he’s the god of lies, you don’t doubt his words for an instant. You nod, and the nodding takes effort. Yet you are certain he understands what you mean. 
“So,” Says Loki, “Can you - Tell me about this?” 
You have to think, for a minute. Can you tell Loki about this? You know that he’s telling the truth, that he isn’t going to leave you. Still, you’ve never been this vulnerable with him before, not even in bed, and the fear in you won’t be put to rest so easily. You shake in his hold, and realize, with a frigid shock, how you must look to him - how badly you are hurting him, and how badly you’re hurting yourself, by keeping your feelings inside yourself and leaving your body to rot. You know, now, that Loki will  help you through this - that he will be there, kind touches skirting the bad days; warm, mischevious smirks smoothing the wrinkles of your persistent self-doubts. There was a time when you needed to do this - there will, probably, still be days when you feel like you need to do this, to get a firm hold over your life, and keep the jackals at bay. There are other words to keep yourself safe, though. Loki’s breath in the dark is more home to you than anything you’ve ever had, and his open waiting, here in the daylight, makes you brave enough to speak. 
“Maybe… Over lunch?” You offer. You bite your lip and hold out the query, a silky pearl in your hand. For one moment, Loki seems to consider; after all, he is the trickster, and a man not given to acting rashly, or stripping the drama from his complicated schemes. If this is a scheme, you think that you might forgive him - Later, when his lips are on your frame, when you’re there with him, again. His lips twitch into a grin so affectionate and proud that you know- you know - that if you seek proper care and really want to get better, you’ll get through the days that feel like walking on broken glass. You’ve done so much for me, that grin tells you. Let me do this for you.
He reaches out, and takes the pearl. You hardly recognize the man who rained hell down on New York, who snorts and jabs with sarcasm at every word that comes out of Iron Man’s mouth. 
“Breakfast?” He counters, shooting a pointed glance at the microwave clock. It is a dare and a promise - a challenge, but never a trick. It tastes like honey on your tongue. 
“Fine,” You say, “But you’ll have to cook.” Some kind of joy is creeping its way into you. Your voice, you find, barely trembles. 
“Midgardians,” Lok says, with an eye-roll - a friendly, loving glint in his eyes that refuses to fade. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who burns water.” The joke prods your tender, new understanding, reassures you that he is still Loki; that he isn’t going to treat you differently, like a child, just because you’re suffering. The smile comes full onto you, and you wriggle, stretching your arms over your head and yawning, exaggerated for effect to add to the banter. 
“I never said that I couldn’t cook,” You tell Loki, “Just wanted you to do it.” 
“Mm,” He says, “And what will you be doing, then, while I cook?” 
You chew at your lip, and choose to answer before your nerves make you panic. 
“Finding the right words,” You admit, laying the truth bare to him. 
His hands are wending through your hair now, and his lips are unberarably gentle on yours. He tastes like embers and ink. That sweet, slightly metalic tang that you’ve come to associate with his magic; cinnamon, tinged with steel. He kisses you for a second or two, before pulling away,  but you could live in those seconds - Unfold it, like a blanket, and let the care of it warm your thin, freezing bones, if Loki weren’t here to show you that, with the right help, you can learn how to do it yourself. 
“Finding the right words,” Loki muses, vaulting himself up to stand in a movement that’s unfairly graceful. “I’d much prefer yours, to be honest.” 
He holds a hand out, and you take it, letting him pull you up. The floor, underneath you, feels solid. The sun is coming through the clouds, and out there in the wide world you can hear bird-song, the low, sugared sway of the breeze. There is something else there, too: 
You let it wrap its tendrils around you, and you decide that it’s hope. 
120 notes · View notes
serenityseventeen · 3 years
♫ Individual Members Masterlist 2:
back to [navigation]/m.list list | individual mb m.list 3
This masterlist does not repeat what other masterlists already have
Stories with more than one part are in numbered order (from left → right or from top ↑ to bottom ↓)
❥ = my personal favs
Tumblr media
All members individually:
↳ S.Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Junhui | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | Minghao | Mingyu | Seokmin | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
(1/13 requested) Vampire Boyfriend Series - what vampire!seventeen would be like as your boyfriend & as vampires in general
↳ The Letter Box
Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved Before - inspired by "To All The Boys I've Loved Before" by Jenny Han.
You find a letter box consisting of thirteen letters you never sent to thirteen boys that you've fallen in love with and reread them.
↳ "Hours"
(request) both of you forget it's your birthday but he finally remembers
↳ "Because I Love You" ❥
(request) you flinch because of an argument with him and he feels guilty, telling you to slap him in return for making you flinch
↳ "Sulky" (ft. Jun & Mingyu)
(request) you visit him during practice and talk with Mingyu and Jun, causing him to get sulky and jealous
↳ "Kkeke" (ft. 1997 liners - Mingyu, DK, The8)
(request) you and Seungcheol like each other. You are friends with the 1997 line and they are always teasing you two about it. When they leave, Seungcheol confesses and asks you to date him.
↳ "Reassemble"
(request) after you flinch during an argument, he goes into the bedroom when your friends come; after your friends leave, you go to check up on him
↳ "The Other Side of the Door"
(request) Songfic: "The Other Side of the Door" by Taylor Swift - you two have an argument & you hate him but at the same time, need him so bad
↳ "Love Poem" | "Love Poem 2" (ft. Svt members)
(request) You are the princess of the Caerat Kingdom and Jeonghan is the prince of the Svuentin Kingdom. You two get arranged for marriage since birth but as the wedding day ticks closer, you find yourselves truly falling for each other.
↳ "I'm Jealous" (ft. Joshua)
(request) he gets really jealous when you get partnered up with your coworker for a three-legged race. extremely jealous.
↳ "I want to kiss you" (ft. S.Coups)
↳ "I want to kiss you, because I love you" (ft. S.Coups)
(request) you tell him that you want to kiss him seriously but you two are just friends...
↳ "I Like You" ❥
(request) you two are cafe workers and you like him and you finally confess to him
↳ "Gifted"
(request) you see his large hands and compare them with yours
↳ "Wonder" ❥
(Combined request) song fic: "Wonder" by Shawn Mendes - you two are friends but he keeps wondering what it's like to be loved by you, which leads to him unexpectedly kissing you
↳ "060421"
(request) you are sick and joshua takes care of you
↳ "Flutters" (ft. Svt members) ❥
(request) you and Joshua like each other but are too shy to confess. One day, you two get stuck in an art supply storage closet and slowly confess your long term crushes
↳ "Fine" ❥
(request) you break up with joshua... :(
↳ "A Sweet Winter Night" ❥
(request) it's a cold winter night and you spend it sweetly cuddling with your boyfriend while eating yummy snacks and drinking hot chocolate (ft. Your first kiss w/ him + a bit of teasing the gentle sexy)
↳ "Just For Kisses" (ft. Woozi)
(request) because of a collab, you and jihoon have to spend a lot of time together talking about music, making your boyfriend, jun, jealous.
↳ "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" ❥
(half requested) a fluffy break-day with a clingy Moon Junhui.
↳ "From a Small Glance"
(requested) you are exhausted from performing and no one notices except jun and he gets worried
↳ "Brother"
(request) brother!jun helping you with your homework
↳ "Special Boy" (ft. Hoshi & The8)
(request) You go to Jun's dorm and help him unwind after he had a hard and long day at practice (ft. Cuddles)
↳ "It's Okay"
(request) you get into an argument with your dad on the phone and Jun calms you down
↳ "Horanghae 호랑해" ❥
(request) you two argue because it seems like he likes tigers more than you
↳ "Close To You"
(request) he gets a bit jealous and protective so he becomes clingy, handcuffing you two together
↳ "Dispatch's New Year's Couple"
(request) you are the oldest in your group and care a lot for your members and is afraid of creating a scandal that could harm the group. your members and boyfriend, soonyoung, comfort you.
↳ "Moonstruck" | "Moonstruck 2"
(request) you are a servant, working as the stable girl in the kingdom of Svuentin. You're best friends with prince Chan and one day, his brother, prince Soonyoung, comes into your life and starts to like you.
↳ "Spider" (ft. SVT Perf. Unit)
(request) you are on an idol survival program and for a performance, you decide to perform 'spider' by Hoshi, not knowing that he's a guest judge. (ft. A bit of feelings being developed)
↳ "Human" (ft. The8)
(request) Soonyoung is stressed and practicing really hard so Minghao calls you to go and help calm Soonyoung down.
↳ [12:07 am] with Wonwoo
↳ "A Warmer Valentine's" ❥
Because you have no lover, you also have no plans for Valentine's day. Your friend, Wonwoo, reveals that he does have plans for the day though. The next day, on Valentine's, he shows up at your door.
↳ "Heartstrings" | "Heartstrings 2"
(request) It's 1993 and Jeon Wonwoo is forced to study classical music by his parents. He meets you, the orchestra club's double bassist and begins to love music as he learns with you. He also begins to love being with you too.
↳ "UwU"
(request) you always call him 'baby' or by his name so one day you decide to call him something new, something like "oowoo"
↳ "To My Growing Child" (ft. Mingyu) ❥
(request) you two are shopping with Mingyu and his girlfriend and Wonwoo mentions that he's glad you aren't pregnant when you secretly was (this if fluffy)
↳ "Warmth Amidst The Snowy Night" ❥
(request) it's a snowy night and he is staying over. you notice that his hands are shaking from the cold and give him a back hug to warm him up.
↳ "Goal" (ft. S.Coups)
(request) you make a goal to win in an activity but everyone but you wins in an activity so Wonwoo decides to purposely lose so that he could see you happy
↳ "Beauty of Colors" | "Beauty of Love" (ft. Mingyu)❥
(request) soulmate au: everyone is born in a black and white world until they meet their soulmate. You and Wonwoo meet and your worlds burst with color. As you two hang out, you two fall in love.
↳ "Just Friends?" ❥
(request) your friend Wonwoo has never been on a date and asks you to go on a date with him as a friend but you try to make it realistic, causing him to see you differently as a woman
↳ "Starry Sea in a Healing Cocktail" ❥ (1)
↳ "Peachy Romance by the Blossoming Waves" (2)
(request) You're on vacation in the seaside and every morning, you get tea from the lounge bar, being run by the bartender, Wonwoo. He always greets you with sweet words and asks why you aren't smiling. Now, it's your last day on vacation.
↳ "My My My Darling" ❥
(request) while cuddling, you tell him how much you love him
↳ "Bonkers"
(request) you two are idols and are dating; he accidentally posts a photo of you two on his public Instagram account instead of his private one
↳ "Like Father, Like Son?"
(request) dad!jihoon: he takes care of his son alone for the first time
↳ "Muse"
(request) Woozi is staying up late trying to write lyrics while he's in writer's block so you go to the studio and tell him to go to sleep, ending up with you two sleeping on the couch
↳ "Hand-obsessed"
(request) you love Jihoon's hands so you cuddle with them, hold them, kiss them, and compliment them
↳ "Your Choice"
(request) You see your ex-boyfriend again and feel a bit of longing toward him. Your current boyfriend, Jihoon, notices this and decides to tell you something.
↳ "Moonlight in Unit 0526" (1) ❥
↳ "Sunshine in Room 0922" (2) ❥
(request) Jihoon is a ghost hunter, he could see ghosts for an hour and he uses this ability to send ghosts to the spirit realm. One day, in apartment unit 0526, he meets you, a human-like ghost who's been stuck in your lonely and cold home for who knows how long.
↳ "Faults"
(requested) you and Minghao get into a sort of silent argument and you flinch when he points at your phone + both of you fluffily comforting each other afterward
↳ "Galaxy in his Eyes"
(request) being clingy and fluffy; after two weeks apart, Minghao finally comes home and is clingy and cuddly because he missed you and loves you
↳ "Crazy"
(request) you and Seokmin are friends (he has a crush on you) and he invites you couple bungee jumping
↳ "Perfect: What It Means To Be A Singer" (1)
↳ "Perfect: The Process of Becoming One" (2)
↳ "Perfect: Imperfection Makes Perfection" (3)
(request) You and Seokmin are always in singing competitions, fighting for the first place. Suddenly, one day, Seokmin asks to sing for you, changing your relationship with him.
↳ "Idyllic" ❥
(request) You and Seokmin met through a mutual friend and enjoy watching musicals together as a hobby. One day, Seokmin invites you to watch "Marie Antoinette" with him but truthfully, he wants to confirm whether or not he likes you romantically.
↳ "Criminal: Ruthless" ❥
(request) mafia au: you are captured by a mafia family as a hacker and he saves you
↳ "Cool" | "Cure"
(request) mingyu x doctor!reader; he gets injured and you care for him a bit. He likes you and thinks you are cool.
↳ "Reunion"
(request) you go to a high school reunion and see your former school crush and just as you were about to leave out of boredom, he stops you and you two talk.
↳ "Little Bits"
(request) Mingyu is your boyfriend and has never kissed you longer than a peck. You ask him why.
↳ "Off To School"
(request) dad!mingyu sending his twin daughter and son to school
↳ "Do You Know My Heart?" (ft. Hoshi & Dino)
(request) You like Mingyu and you are his makeup artist. You get switched and become Seungkwan's makeup artist, causing Mingyu to realize his feelings.
↳ "Maybe I Love You" (ft. Svt members)
(request) You two are childhood best friends and he is busy with work so you hang out with the members. After promotions, he wants to hang out alone but you two end up hanging out with all of the members...
↳ "I Like You Better"
(request) Mingyu, your boyfriend, sees that you have the vocalist of a rock band you like as your lockscreen instead of him.
↳ "Second Life" (ft. Joshua) ❥
↳ "Second Life 2" (ft. Svt members) ❥
(request) reincarnation fic: You and Seungkwan are in love during the great depression but you both die in a house fire. You two get reincarnated and you remember everything but he doesn't.
↳ "Beautiful Night" ❥
(request) you write a suicide letter but stop halfway; your boyfriend, seungkwan, finds the letter and immediately goes to find you
↳ "Thrice is Fate" ❥
(request) You never have a consistent schedule when it comes to visiting the cafe. However, you meet a guy in the front of the cafe by chance, but then you meet him again by coincidence. Would you meet him for the third time?
↳ "Sweetest Thing" ❥| "Sweetest Thing 2" ❥
(half-request) he is being tailed by a journalist and reporter and you help him by offering some strawberries...
↳ "Care"
(request) you are not feeling well after surgery and he comes to try and take care of you but you refuse because you don't want to be a bother
↳ "Just Ask"
(request) you two go on a date and you notice that he wants to hold your hand but doesn't (he's been wanting to for the whole day)
↳ "LOVE"
(request) Chan likes you like crazy but you don't want to love him because you think of yourself as a burden and you think that he won't like you anymore once he knows you better
↳ "The Arcade Date" ❥
(request) going on a date with your boyfriend, Chan, to the arcade, competitively playing games, and making sweet, fluffy bets
↳ "Significance" | "Significant"
(request) you never really celebrated your birthday, on your birthday one night, you meet a man who is busking and he asks if it is anyone's birthday today (February 11th).
↳ "Promise for Eternity" ❥
(request) Chan on his wedding day with you.
This masterlist has reached the maximum number of links available/is finished.
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randomfandomimagine · 2 years
Heyy Trish!! So glad to hear you're feeling better <3
I thought to tell you some tips that help me personally if I'm having a block. They don't always work immediately, but eventually they do if I just have energy to keep trying.
1) Read some of your past favorite pieces that you still love, those could make you feel proud of your work again and ignite a spark of inspiration.
2) Rewrite a scene from one of your old fics (preferably for that character you're gonna write for next) and try to switch it up a bit. It sounds stupid but it may get your creative juices rolling. I got a 3k oneshot out once when I had just had a long-ish block and tried that method :D
3) Watch video edits of that character you're writing for/read other fics for them.
4) Browse writing tip blogs! Personally, especially "show don't tell" examples somehow give me new perspective for my stuff. Also other writing example things seem to help
5) Listen to ambiences or music, if you are like me and can't concentrate in writing while listening to them/music, just relax and listen to the piece a bit and just fantasize some scenario you would like to happen.
^ And related to this, if your block sits really tight, choose a character you're crazy about right now if there is one and write a scenario which you would die for to happen between you and them. It can be ridiculous and the kind you would be ashamed of confessing of dreaming about it, or it can also be wholesome and fluffy. You don't have to publish it if you don't want to, but it can still help you to get your block out of the way.
Also as I mentioned at the beginning, give it some time if you can't grasp it right away/tomorrow, or even next week!! Don't feel frustrated if you can't get it moving right away, it's better to try to be slow and steady than quick and wobbly, because that may show in quality too.
I hope these tips help <3 Ily Trish!!
Hi, Jenni, thank you so much for dropping by and for all the wonderful tips! 💜 Thing is, I have the weirdest block, I never had one like this one before. Basically, I can't bring myself to fangirl over characters like I usually do nor read fanfiction and writing it also takes a lot out of me. I think I just need time, I've definitely had a couple of horrible months and I think I still feel a little weird, so it's no wonder. I was also revising my Witcher series Soul of a Warrior and I think I spent so long on it (didn't even finish the revision) that I got the block from it as well as my poor state of mind lately. Basically, I think I just need some time to recharge and spend a bit of time not writing or reading fanfic until the block passes 🤷‍♀️ I just really want to finish the requests I had, I only have 4 left! And then I'll get some more rest of something, idk 😅
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @mobi-on-a-mission (she/her)
what are you working on right now? I'm in between fics right now after posting The Cockroach recently for Chopped! I'll likely start something new soon (I'm thinking of a canonverse forbidden lovers fic?), but we'll see where the muse takes me! When I'm not busy writing fic or being a human disaster I like to beta read. I beta read several fics for the Bellarke Big Bang, and I'm really excited to read them in their final form once that comes out! Beta reading may not be the first thing people think of with writing, but it's really elevated my experience with fanfic. It's a great way to let out my inner critic, participate in the writing process from a different angle, and read new fics before anyone else (hehe!) while helping out other writers. Going beyond 'this doesn't work' to 'this particular aspect isn't coming through right and here are some ideas on how to fix it' is the crucial step and has really made me a better writer!
I'm also excited to be accepting prompts for Bellarke Writers for Black Lives Matter. Send me a prompt and a donation to an organization of your choice which supports the BLM movement, and I'll write you a fanfic!
what’s something you’d like to write one day? I usually write whatever I want to write! One thing I've never tried though is an ot3. I enjoy them but at this point I don't think I could do that sort of relationship justice.
what is the fanwork you’re most proud of? Honestly I'm proud of all my fics. Each one carries its own challenges and rewards, so I never get in a rut! The work I'm most proud of, though, has got to be Revive. It's a canon compliant through s6 Memori pregnancy multichap that I wrote during hiatus. It's by far the longest fic I've ever written, and I wrote it at a time when I was still very uncomfortable writing fic. I must have had my eyes closed half the time I was drafting it, I was so nervous! But I finished it and posted it and from there on writing was just that much easier. I haven't looked back since.
why did you first start writing fic? I wrote my first "fic" in 2014, when I was 14 years old. Then I came back a year later with a really short oneshot. Both of those were for Supernatural, and they're still on my ao3. I was extremely nervous about writing, especially with the fear that my family would find out what I was doing. That fear kept me from writing for years and years, pining to write something. That is, until last July. I'd had enough. So I sat myself down and made myself write, every dad for three days until The Best Back Rubs (my first fic for The 100) was written. Again after that fic I had trouble writing. Four months later though I started writing Revive and like I said earlier, I just kept writing after that!
what frustrates you most about fic writing? The most frustrating thing about fic writing is lukewarm reception. As much as I hate to admit it, validation is important to me and I like to feel like people are enjoying what I write. When I spend a lot of time on a fic and get excited about posting it, a part of me is expecting a whole bunch of comments and kudos and hits. Sometimes that doesn't happen though! Usually that doesn't happen. I have to remind myself that those responses are not reflective of my value as a writer. My friends are a huge help with this!
what are your top five songs right now?
Sweet - Cigarrettes After Sex Foreigner's God - Hozier One More Hour - Anthony Ramos Combustible - Cœur de Pirate Undrunk - FLETCHER
what are your inspirations? My inspiration is a little bit different for every fic I write. I tend toward canonverse, so I pull from interesting aspects of canon and then let my imagination run wild with *what if*s. My own life inspires my writing as well. This helps me to add in little details to make the story feel more real. I've been inspired by writing prompts and movies and songs and other fics and snow falling outside my window!
The one thing that's constant is other writers. I learn so much from reading, beta reading, and of course talking to my friends! They help to give me ideas as well as motivation to keep going. Writing can be a lonely pursuit, but it doesn't have to be. There's only so much going on in my brain—connecting with others is what brings things to the next level.
what first attracted you to Memori? what attracts you now? From the first time they locked eyes, I shipped it a little! But in the beginning, I wasn't that invested in Memori. I kind of took them for granted until s5. But more on that later. What first attracted me to Memori was how non-traditional they are in that they're not standard cut good guys yet they were allowed to meet and fall in love. Add on top of that how they make each other better in a nuanced and imperfect way, and I'm hooked! I also really liked how they didn't beat around the bush with getting together. In a world where slowburn is seen as peak romance, it was refreshing to see a couple that was just like 'you? I like you' and then they got together and eventually became what is (in my possibly biased eyes) the strongest couple on the show at this point. Getting into s5, that's when I really became invested in the ship. It hurt to see their relationship problems like that, but it allowed them to grow from it in a beautiful way. Through it all, they have so much love for each other. They're imperfect people and they make mistakes, but at the end of the day they learn from it and become better as a couple than they are alone. Their devotion to each other really is something else!
Besides Memori, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? Funny story: I actually decided to start watching The 100 after reading Bellarke smut on ao3! It was a non-traditional introduction to the story, but something must have clicked with me and I was a Bellarke shipper from the start (even though I frankly detested Bellamy in the beginning). I still ship them, even though Memori has taken my heart! Oh yeah and I got to give a shoutout to Niytavia as well because apparently canon isn't going to feed us with content for them.
why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? It's pretty simple, really: Black lives matter should not be a controversial statement, and this is one of the ways I can help make our world a little less sucky for Black people.
what’s your writing process like (esp for prompts, chopped!, etc)? Every fic I write begins with a hodge podge of ideas. Sometimes I scribble them in a notebook and sometimes I use the computer, but it's always a creative mess! Recently I've been using Notion, a free editor which has a great desktop app. A writer friend turned me on to it and now I use it for writing as well as other life stuff too! It's easy to drag and reorganize ideas, so it really helps take a brainstorm mess to a working outline. Once an idea starts taking form I organize my ideas into related pieces and some end up getting thrown out. I craft "scenes" out of this and soon it becomes clear what pieces I'm missing. I fill in those pieces, throw out or rework stuff that doesn't work together, and pretty soon I have an outline.
I absolutely love getting prompts! I haven't gotten one through Bellarke Writers for Black Lives Matter (yet!), but I've written in a few rounds of Chopped. Most recently wrote for Chopped 3.0 Round 2 and won 1st place for best overall with my Memori fic The Cockroach. The biggest difference that comes when writing from a prompt like that is I need to make sure the fic not only fits the prompt but breathes life into it!
what are some things you’d like to recommend? Remember how I mentioned I beta read? Yeah. Right now my friend Kara, aka @queenemori, is writing a slowburn Memori actors au called We Don't Need To Say It. It's out of this world amazing and I am so hype to be a part of the process. The first chapters are up on ao3 and I cannot recommend it enough. ed’s note: this fic just updated!
For writers who are looking for a push, I highly recommend participating in Chopped. Fandom events are fun, the prompts make you get creative, and writing deadlines inspire you to actually get them finished and out there!
I know some of you need to hear this: drink some water! It's good for you and it's yummy yummy in your tummy!
The best place to find @mobi-on-a-mission is right here on Tumblr. Her AO3 is here. Request a fic written by her via @bellarkefic-for-blm.
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hide-in-imagination · 4 years
Kaleidoscope Of Views // an excerpt of the Gary is her father AU
Because an anon asked me to write everyone’s reactions to finding out Gary is Ámbar’s father, and because Taylor Swift’s folklore album fed my inspiration. 
I dedicate this oneshot to the anon who wrote me, obviously, and to my friend @theuniversezecho because she loves dissecting every line on my fics and I feel like she’ll have fun with this one doing just that. 
Nico was there for it all.
His uncle’s presence had always had some kind of double effect on him. On one side, it made him want to avoid him as much as possible, but on the other, it kept him hyper-aware of everything he did when he was near. Maybe all of it could be summarized in apprehension. In wanting to be ready for whatever he did.
That’s how, when his uncle started talking with a woman he had never seen before, with an expression he had never seen in him either, Nico almost by instinct gravitated toward the scene, keeping a distance but completely tuned in to the conversation.
He hadn’t even noticed Ámbar was in the middle of it until it became evident. He couldn’t believe his ears and eyes as everything unfolded. It was like a scene taken out of a soap opera. It didn’t seem real, but the dawning, heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach was disturbingly real.
Ámbar left the Roller as if her life depended on it. Nico could only imagine what it must have felt like for her. Maybe it really was like she’d collapse onto herself if she stayed there a second longer.
The woman— Silvana, her mom— tried to go after her, but his uncle grabbed her before she could get far.
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” he told her.
Silvana didn’t look like she wanted to talk. She told him as much, that it wasn’t the time, but his uncle roared at that.
“The time passed eighteen years ago, I’m not waiting any longer!”
Silvana looked around then, and her eyes met Nico’s for a fleeting instant.
“Not here,” he heard her say.
His uncle all but dragged her outside after that.
Around the Roller, conversations resumed— or maybe they never stopped— and everything was as usual again. Normal. Calm.
As if nothing had happened.
Pedro noticed Nico had stopped working.
That wasn’t unusual, unfortunately. His friend wasn’t a bum, don’t take him wrong, but he did have a tendency of getting distracted. It could be over anything— a pretty girl, a notification on his phone, a song beginning to play through the speakers of the Roller making him go ‘Bro, this is my jam!’
So, when Pedro saw him standing in the middle of the Roller staring at nothing in particular, he didn’t think any of it at first. He just walked up to him, intending to snap him out of it as always and get him back to work.
When he reached him though, two things became instantly apparent.
One, he hadn’t been staring at nothing as Pedro had thought. The appearance of a wandering, unfocused gaze was just a cover, an attempt at hiding the fact he was actually quite focused on something.  
Two, the scene he was witnessing, and now, in turn, Pedro as well, was very important.
He could tell by the tension between the three, by the tones of their voices and their body language, even before he heard the words that actually changed everything.
Ámbar ran out of there, Gary and the woman quickly followed, and Pedro could do nothing more than stare agape.
He turned to his friend. “Nico?”
Nico looked positively shocked.  
“Did… Did that really just happen?” He asked, meeting Pedro’s gaze. “You heard it too, right? Right? It’s not just me, I’m not hallucinating, right?”
“No, I heard it too,” he confirmed. It was really crazy though. Gary? Ámbar’s father? “Did you know any of this?”
“No! I had no idea!” Nico snapped, distressed. “Oh my god…”
Nico ran a hand through his hair and paced, his face scrunching more and more in confusion.
“So, Ámbar is my cousin? But- But she’s Luna’s cousin. Does this make Luna my cousin too? I- What the fuck is going on?!”
“Okay, slow down, slow down,” Pedro said, placing calming hands on his shoulders. “First of all, there’s no real blood relation between Ámbar and Luna so, no, technically Luna’s not your cousin. Ámbar though... yeah, it appears she is.”
“But- how?! How could we not know any of this before?!”
“Judging by the looks of it, it was a very complicated situation,” Pedro said. It was all he could say, really. Nothing was very clear; not even to those involved, apparently. “Now that I think about it though,” he commented after a pause, “you’re both blond and have fair eyes. It does make kind of sense.”
“You have fair eyes too!” Nico countered. The ‘you idiot’ at the end was implicit. “Are you my lost cousin as well?!”
“Lost cousin?”
Both boys turned to find Simón looking at them with an amused expression.
“What did I miss?” He chuckled.
Pedro and Nico looked at each other.
This was going to be a hard one to explain.
People could say anything they wanted about her, but Jazmín Carvajal was talented.
Perhaps not at studies, or at board games, or at videogames, or at cooking, or at chores, or at swimming— but who cared about any of that? Her talent was better than all of that together, it was the Louis Vuitton of talents. And no, she wasn’t talking about her impeccable fashion sense or enviable good looks. Although, she had been born with both. But whatever, her other talent was still better than those.
Now, people would probably wonder: Jazmín, what could possibly be better than having a great fashion sense? Well, at first, she had thought so too. But then she realized that there was something even better:
Being in the right place at the right time for gossip.
Whether it was arriving at just the right time to see new couples form, or at just the right time to hear juicy secrets, Jazmín had a talent for being there.
And this? This was the juiciest secret to ever juice.
Gary was Ámbar’s father? And her biological mother was not only also in the picture but she was way prettier than Sharon. Now she understood where Ámbar had gotten her beauty from— with those parents there was no way to be anything less than gorgeous. She had to admit, she was a little jealous. But then she remembered she was Jazmín, the Roller’s second prettiest, owner of Ja-Jazmín, and luckiest girl in the world because this news was going to be a HIT.
Right when the Sol Benson drama was starting to subside, life gifted her with this pure gold scoop. Her talent really was the best. Even Delfi, her best friend and biggest competition in the media world, hadn’t been there to see it due to a Uni class. No one had, except Jazmín. If you asked her, it was a divine sign that this was her calling. Being a star/influencer was her destiny.  
Sadly, by the time she realized what was going down, most of it had already been said. She was a little slow at pulling out her tablet discreetly, so she only got to film Ámbar’s storm out and the tense exchange between Gary and Silvana before they left as well. But whatever, she’d just recount the rest. Storytelling was her specialty after all.
Once the coast was clear, Jazmín stood rapidly and walked out of the Roller. Normally, she’d record in the lockers, but she didn’t want anyone to overhear her and find out about everything before she could post her video.
She found a quiet place next to some trees, lifted her tablet and began filming.
“Guys, you will not believe what just happened.”
 Simón could not believe his ears.
Ámbar knew her biological mother? She had never mentioned that. He thought she didn’t know who her real parents were. Well, no, at the time they all thought she was Sol Benson, but then that had turned out to be a lie. When had Ámbar met her real mom? It couldn’t have been in Cancún, unless the woman followed her all the way here. Maybe it had happened shortly after they came back.
Silvana— that’s what the guys had said her name was. They’d also said that, apparently, Ámbar didn’t get along with her at all. That made sense. If the woman had appeared out of nowhere after 18 years of absence— years in which she had to live with Sharon— Ámbar had valid reasons to be resentful.
Simón wondered how it must’ve been for her to see her for the first time. To finally be able to put a face to the empty space.
Then the guys finished their recounting and he didn’t have to wonder anymore. He could picture it better than he wanted to.  
“She ran out.”
“It was too much.”
“She was very upset. I honestly had never seen her like that.”  
Simón had.
He had seen her sad, had seen her lost, had seen her trying to act strong with tears in her eyes.
If it had been like that or worse…
Simón found himself wishing he had been there. But for what? What would he have done? Run after her? He didn’t do that anymore. They weren’t like that anymore.
Wanting to be by her side was almost nostalgic, except the feeling was too wrapped in barbed wire to be remotely nice.
(And could it really be nostalgic if it had only been two months? If he still had flashbacks in dreams? If he hated himself for seeing her sometimes and not hating her as much as he wanted to?)
Simón got back to work along with the guys. But as he delivered orders or wiped tables, the image of Ámbar remained in his mind; sad, lost and broken as those times before, but this time alone. It came with the anxious thought that, if he wanted to, he could find her. He knew he could. If he just walked out that door, he’d know where to find her.
But he stayed where he was, because he had promised himself not to go near her again.
She probably wanted to be alone anyway. She’d want to pull herself together before having to face anyone again. She had a lot to think, a lot to come to terms with— surely the calm of solitude would help with that. And even if she wanted someone… it surely wasn’t him.
And so, the minutes ticked by. He wouldn’t be able to say exactly how many, but it had been a while when Gary returned.
Simón saw him immediately, but he didn’t notice him. He was by himself. His conversation with Ámbar’s mom must have ended and she left. Would she come back another day to see Ámbar? Simón wasn’t sure if he wanted that or not.  
His thoughts, though, focused on the one that was there. Gary. Gary López. The new representative of Vidia and manager of the Roller. The creator and manager of the Red Sharks. Ámbar probably had a good image of him due to that, before. Then she’d had to watch that image corrode into the man that should’ve but was never there.
Simón knew Gary was arrogant and selfish. He had swayed Vidia into dropping the music business because he wanted to pursue rollerskating instead. He had dismantled their skating team for deeming them not good enough and forbidden them from using the rink. All of that he’d done it without the slightest empathy.
But one thing was to be a business obsessive man willing to push everyone aside in order to get what he wanted, and another very different one was to be the kind of man capable of causing an irreparable damage to a person that was his responsibility and carry on with his life as if it was nothing.  
If Simón didn’t like Gary before, now he hated him.
“Nico,” Gary called the instant he spotted his nephew. “Come here.”  
Nico left the table he had been cleaning and went to his side obediently. Simón stood close to them, watchful.  
“Yes, uncle?”
“Ámbar’s not picking up her phone and I need to find her, any idea where she could’ve gone?”
“Um, I don’t know. Her house, maybe?”
Gary pulled out his phone. “Send me the address.”
Nico pulled out his own phone and began searching for it.
Simón moved towards them.
“Nico, don’t.”
Both turned to him as Simón stood next to Nico and put a hand on top of his phone, pushing it down. “Don’t give him anything.”
Gary glared at him. “Who told you this was your call? Mind your own business,” he spat.  
“If Ámbar’s not answering your calls then she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Simón reasoned firmly.
“Well, I need to speak with her, I’m not asking for your opinion.” He turned to his nephew. “Nico.”
Nico looked nervous at the threat in his voice, but Simón kept his hand stubbornly over his phone. He stood in front of Gary and stared him down.
“Do you even realize how hard this must be for her?” He said indignantly. “Have some empathy and give her some space—”
“The one who doesn’t understand anything is you!” Gary roared, taking Simón by surprise, but he managed not to back down one centimeter. “I didn’t know any of this, I didn’t even know I had a daughter walking around somewhere— So don’t come telling me to have some empathy because the only one who knows exactly what she’s feeling right now is me!”
Simón was left as if in pause.
He hadn’t been expecting the outburst. No; that wasn’t exactly right. Gary was known for being short-tempered. He could be calm and then screaming at some poor soul the next second. Simón had been prepared to stand his ground against that.
But, the thing was, those outbursts were always based on anger, on annoyance. And while this one had much of that too, there was an emotionality, a raw anguish in his eyes and voice that Simón had never seen or expected to see in Gary.
And so, against all logic and all he thought he knew, Simón found himself forced to accept what was in front of him.
He does care.
Gary seemed to realize his slip. He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin, straightening the scarf over his chest. Simón recognized the gesture, the physical display of putting his guard back up. His heart skipped when he realized from where.
Ámbar does the same.
“She needs to know I had no idea,” Gary stated, serene now but with the same firmness of steel. “So, Nico,” he said turning to him again, “hurry up.”
Simón saw Nico glance at him out of the corner of his eye. A question.
Simón lowered his hand.
Nico lifted his phone and typed on it for a while. He looked at his uncle and said, “Sent.” Gary checked his phone and turned to leave.
“I don’t think she’ll be at her house.”
Gary stopped in his tracks and turned. Simón met his gaze.
“Check the park around the corner. That’s where she used to go when she was upset.”
Gary didn’t say ‘thank you’, but the feeling was there in the one courteous nod he gave him before heading out.
Simón watched him go, clenched fists and anxious heart.
He hoped he had done the right thing.
Luna, Nina, Jim and Yam had just finished P.E class, their last class of the day, when they found out about everything through Jazmín’s video.
Luna had been the last one to finish changing from her gym clothes back to regular ones. When she walked out of the dressing rooms, she saw all her friends were already on the schoolyard and hurried towards them.
“Sorry I’m late, I’m ready now,” she said as she reached them. “What are you watching?”
They were all glued together looking at something in Jim’s phone. They turned to her and there was an expression in their faces Luna couldn’t pinpoint.
“Luna, you need to see this,” Nina said, at the same time as Jim passed her the phone.
“What is it?” Luna frowned, receiving it. It was open on a video in Jazmín’s channel. All girls gravitated toward her as Luna tapped ‘play’, watching it along with her over her shoulders.
At first, it was just Jazmín’s typical blabbering, but as the video went on Luna’s eyes widened, and by the time it ended, she was totally agape.
“What?” She uttered, blinking rapidly as if the video she just watched would disappear from the screen and prove to be a figment of her imagination. “Wait, wait, wait, wait, is this real? Gary is Ámbar’s dad?”
“Well, there’s not much video of the moment but, why would Jazmín lie about something like this?” Nina reasoned, who also looked taken aback.
“Yeah, I mean, Jazmín may want to make her channel popular but, she wouldn’t just make up something like this to achieve that,” Yam said.
“Yeah, Jazmín is not a liar,” Jim agreed, “so we can only assume she’s saying the truth.”
“Wow…” Luna murmured. It was the only thing she was capable of saying.
“‘Wow’ is cutting it short,” Nina said. “Statistically speaking, this is something near impossible. I mean- Gary didn’t get here because of Ámbar, he came because Vidia hired him and he happened to get interested in the skating business. If none of that had happened, he and Ámbar would never even have crossed paths. This is like— less likely than getting struck by lightning.”
“And if Ámbar’s mom hadn’t appeared and Gary hadn’t recognized her, they never would’ve even known either,” Jim added, just as surprised as the rest.
“The worst part is that, if we look at their actions, it makes sense that they’re related,” Yam reflected. “I mean, Ámbar has done nothing but harm the Roller lately, and in the short time Gary’s been here he’s done exactly the same. Except worse because he’s the manager and therefore he can do whatever he likes.”
“You think they’ll join forces against us?” Nina asked worriedly.
Luna shook her head.
“No, no, no, stop. You’re getting way ahead of yourselves,” she reproached. “Ámbar just found out that he’s her father— Do you really think she even cares about the Roller or us right now? Finding out about something like this is very shocking. Didn’t you see how she ran away? She must be very upset.”
The girls looked shamefaced.  
“Yeah, you’re right,” Jim said. “It must be very tough.”
“Yes,” Yam expelled reluctantly. “Although it’s a little hard for me to feel sorry for her after all she’s done.”
After some coaxing from Luna, the girls continued with their daily routine of dropping off their bags and then meeting again at the Roller as usual.
As Luna walked home though, she thought that nothing was ‘as usual’ anymore. Her whole life had changed in the last couple of months, and now things kept changing around her at a dizzying speed.
Luna didn’t want more things to change. She wanted some sense of normalcy back into her life, like the warm feeling of happiness and belonging that washed over her whenever she was with Simón.
The Roller team didn’t exist anymore, they weren’t allowed to skate in the rink she loved so much, her given name was Sol Benson which meant everything was different and her biological parents were long gone… She didn’t know how she would be dealing with all of it if it wasn’t for Simón accompanying her all summer, the unconditional love of her parents, the grandpa she didn’t know she had, and the girls, who were always there for her.
Now Ámbar knew who her real parents were too, but, unlike hers, Ámbar’s were alive, which meant she actually had to face them.  
And, unlike her, Ámbar didn’t have that many people around.
Well, it’s her own fault, a little voice protested in her head, but Luna couldn’t help but feeling sympathy for her. After all, she knew very well what it felt like to uncover your past, and no matter what bad things she had done, no one deserved to be alone during a time like that.
She could only hope that the Red Sharks would act as a support for her, although she doubted it with the kind of people they were. Ramiro perhaps would want to help, although he and Ámbar were never really close.
Luna was the one farthest from Ámbar, they always had been, but at the same time, she had moments in which she felt like they were the ones who could get the other the most. At least on some level. If only they could understand each other… but Ámbar had never wanted to get along with her.
Luna sighed, half from tiredness and half from frustration.  
She was gonna try to be nice to Ámbar during this time— like she always had, to be fair— but if Ámbar kept pushing everyone away, there was nothing she could do.
 Juliana looked at her watch and back at the three teenagers in front of her.
“Still no news from Ámbar?”
Benicio lowered his phone from his ear. “She’s not picking up.”
“Something must have happened,” Ramiro said. “Ámbar has never been the kind to skip training sessions, and she’s always on time.”  
“Well, what do we do?” Emilia asked. “Do we train without her?”
Juliana looked at her watch again, seeming troubled. She was probably thinking of how to adjust steps that required couples to just three people. For Ramiro it wasn’t an issue because he was paired up with Emilia, so he was more worried about why Ámbar hadn’t appeared than about the training session.
Ramiro looked to the side and saw Simón standing near the entrance of the rink.
“Can I speak with you?” He asked.
With a slight frown, Juliana nodded. “Yeah, sure.” She turned to the trio. “Try contacting her one last time,” she told them and walked toward Simón.
“As if I hadn’t sent her a bunch of messages already,” Emilia said with a roll of her eyes, but she unlocked her phone anyway.
Ramiro focused his gaze on Juliana and Simón. He couldn’t hear what they were saying from he was standing and Juliana’s back was to him, but he could see Simón’s face and he looked serious as he spoke. Juliana must have asked something because Simón shook his head no. He looked somewhat... unhappy? No. Worried, maybe. Ramiro wondered what it could be about.
It was over as soon as he formed that thought though. Simón walked away from the rink and Juliana returned to their side.
“Ámbar is not gonna come today.”
“What? Why?” Benicio asked, voicing Ramiro’s thoughts.
“I don’t know, but she’ll tell us whenever she comes back,” Juliana replied. Ramiro frowned. If that’s what they had talked about, why didn’t Simón tell her? “In the meantime, today we’ll—”
“I think I know why.”
Everyone turned to Emilia. She tapped on her phone and positioned herself so everyone could see the screen. Juliana protested at first, claiming they were already behind in their training and it wasn’t the time to watch silly videos, but then, as Jazmín’s tale went on, even she was left speechless.
The video came to an end and there was a collective silence. Ramiro felt it as one of those moments during skating when you connected with your partner on a level so instinctual that you almost became one mind. At this moment, they were all processing the same.
Benicio was the first one to react.
“I gotta go see her.”
He attempted to skate away, but Juliana stopped him immediately with a hand on his chest.
“You will do nothing of the sort, you’re staying right here,” she declared firmly. “All of you.”
“But Juliana,” Emilia said, looking bothered, “this is…”
“I know,” Juliana said, more softly now. “And I’m sure Ámbar is going through a lot right now, so if really you want to help her, give her time to process all of this. Okay?”
Ramiro understood the logic of what Juliana was saying, and if Benicio’s and Emilia’s deflated stances said anything, they understood it as well. And Ámbar was not his friend by any means or even someone he had talked to that much. But…
“Does she have to process it alone?” He had to ask.
Juliana looked at him.
“This kind of news?  …Yes.”
That afternoon, Juliana put them up to do individual training. Ramiro loved perfecting himself so it was an almost ideal outcome for him, but even though he tried to focus wholeheartedly on his footwork, his thoughts kept jumping back to Ámbar intermittently.
Like- First they had convinced her that she was Sol Benson when in reality it was Luna –that alone was enough to merit an existential crisis— and now she had to deal with this? If Ramiro had to deal with a life like that then, fuck, he’d be burning things down too.
He had said that he didn’t care about his Red Sharks teammates, only about their skating abilities and the chances the team had at succeeding and making it big. His friends were the Roller guys, even if they were mad at him, and that wasn’t going to change. But maybe he’d make an exception.
After all, Ámbar had been part of the Roller Team once too. And from the look of things… She was gonna need a friend.
 The instant the video ended, Delfi was already marking Pedro on her phone.
“Hello, my l—"
“Is it true?” She fired instantly.
“What is?”
She could perfectly picture his frown of confusion but she had no time for it.
“Is Gary Ámbar’s dad?” She quickly clarified.
“Wh- How do you know about that?!” He asked, stunned.
“So it is true!” She replied agape. “Oh my god!”
She was speed-walking through her campus, meaning to take a cab the moment she was outside. She had to go to the Roller asap.
“Delfi, seriously, how did you find out? I thought you were in class.”
“Jazmín made a video about it and posted it on Ja-Jazmín.”
“What? I didn’t even see her there. Oh god.”
“How is Ámbar? Is she there?”
“No, she never came back. Gary either. Her mother even less, she looked like she didn’t want to be near Gary for another second.”
“Wow… I can’t believe all of this, it’s so crazy. I mean, what are the odds that precisely her biological father would be put in charge of the very place she had frequented all her life AND the new skating team she is now part of? This is insane.”
“Tell me about it. Nico is freaking out.”
“Oh my god, Nico! Right, this makes them cousins! Wow…” She finally got to the street and turned her gaze to the traffic. “Now that I think about it, they do look quite alike.”
“I said the same thing!” Pedro jumped, maybe a little too excited, but it warmed Delfi too that they had thought the same. “At least genetically it adds up.”
“Was anyone else there when it happened?”
“Only Simón. Although he didn’t see it first-hand, Nico and I told him.”
Delfi told him to hold as she climbed into the cab and gave the driver the destination.
“And what was his reaction?” she asked once she was settled. “I mean, I know he’s still mad at Ámbar for what happened, but he did have a thing for her at one point…”
Pedro sighed. “I think that thing you mention may not be as in the past as we thought,” he said worriedly.  
She frowned. “Why do you say so?”
“You should’ve seen how he confronted Gary when he returned asking for Ámbar’s address. He blatantly told him to leave her alone and have some empathy.”
“Oh wow. Was Gary mad?”
“Super mad. He yelled at him, told him he had no idea what it was like and that he had no right to meddle. Simón had no other choice but to let him be.”
Delfi sighed, staring out the window as the streets passed and blurred together.
“Yeah, I think the only ones who really know what it feels like are Ámbar and Gary.” The rest of them could imagine it but… No, scratch that, she couldn’t imagine it.
“You know Ámbar is not my friend anymore,” she continued. “And truthfully, I’m happy it is that way, but… I don’t know, I think this whole thing is awful. I hope she and Gary can talk and figure things out. I hope he’ll be nice to her. Although, it’s very unlikely because Gary it’s a brute. I mean, neither of them are very good people but… I still hope they can clear things up, get along, bond… It’d be awful if Gary denied her. Or if he ran away; she doesn’t deserve that. I mean, sure, Ámbar it’s no innocent flower but, as much pain as she’s caused, I don’t want Gary to treat her badly…” She paused, going over her own words. “…Is it silly of me to think that?” She asked, feeling unsure.
There was a small silence before he answered.
“No. It just goes to show the amazing, beautiful girl you are.”
Delfi could hear the smile in his voice, see the tenderness written in his expression as clear as if he were with her, and it made a thousand butterflies flutter in her stomach.
She smiled warmly. “You are the amazing one. The best boyfriend any girl could ask for.” She looked out the window again. “I’ll be there in a couple minutes, talk to you there?”  
“I’ll have an apple juice ready for when you arrive.”
God, could he be any sweeter?
“Thank you. See you soon. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Delfi put her phone back into her bag and let out a long sigh.
Yeah, she was quite content with her life right now. She wouldn’t change it for the world.
 When Matteo arrived at the Roller after some long classes at University, he had been hoping for some peace. Studying Business Administration wasn’t as boring as he had feared, made even more bearable each time he imagined himself owning his own record company. The classes could be very tedious though, and the amount of information his teachers could shoot his way in one hour and a half was as impressive as it was tiring.
Matteo wanted to relax, but just walking into the cafeteria, he realized that wouldn’t be possible.
Tension hung heavy in the air as everyone was gathered talking about something. Matteo heard them mention Ámbar and Gary and he immediately prepared himself for the worse.
“What happened?” He asked as he joined the group.
“You didn’t see Jazmín’s video?” Yam asked.
He frowned. “No, I haven’t seen anything, why?”
There seemed to be a silent conversation between everyone. Luna looked at Simón. He didn’t seem happy, but he sighed and made a gesture as if saying ‘go ahead.’ Matteo felt the usual jab of jealousy he got each time he watched them together, but he pushed it down. He was more worried about what Gary and Ámbar could’ve done this time.
He expected to hear some new, unfair prohibition, like they couldn’t be in the Roller for more than two hours at a time or something.
He did not expect what they actually told him.
“What?” He looked at everyone, searching for signs that they were messing with him. “Are you serious? Gary?”  
“Yeah, we couldn’t believe it either,” Pedro said.
“I still can’t believe it,” said Nico. “I mean- Ámbar is my cousin. This is so weird.”
It was weird. It was very weird indeed. Just with Luna turning out to be Sol Benson, Matteo thought he had met his quota of coincidences for the rest of his life. Apparently not.  
He was still getting his head around everything Nico and Pedro had told him when, suddenly, many voices rose at once.
“Where have you been?”
“We called you many times!”
Jazmín looked absolutely ecstatic and unconcerned as she entered the Roller and came up to them.  
“I was doing some celebratory shopping!” She said cheerily, showing off the shopping bag in her hand. “What are you doing all gathered like this? Ah, I know, you’re talking about my video, right?” She grinned. “Isn’t it the best? I totally made it in a rush but it’s such a hit, guys. You have no idea how many comments I’m getting. Everyone is so shocked by the news!”
“Jazmín…” Delfi said in a disapproving tone, but she didn’t seem to notice.
“Now tell me, what were your thoughts? I mean, besides the fact I look gorgeous in this outfit,” she said with a flip of her hair. “Do you think Gary will take a paternity test? Many people seem to think so, but I think that with how alike they look it’d be a joke to take one– I mean, how do you deny that?”
Simón’s voice finally stopped her. He stood in front of her and looked at her seriously.
“You need to delete that video right now,” he said in a polite but rigid manner.
Jazmín snorted. “What? Are you crazy? Is my biggest success so far!”
“What you told in that video was something private, not something for everyone to find out about,” he reprimanded. “It wasn’t right for you to upload that.”
Jazmín’s smile finally fell and her posture turned defensive.
“And was it right when she burned down the rink?” She demanded. “Was it right when she gave our choreography to The Sliders? Or when she bought dislikes to my video in the Vidia competition? Guys, it’s Ámbar,” she reminded them, in a tone that suggested it was silly to be even talking about it. “She has done worse things.”  
No one jumped to contradict that and Matteo could understand why. Everyone had been affected by Ámbar in one way or another.
Which is precisely why it was so telling when Luna, the one who had been targeted the most, was the one to intercede on her behalf. She told Jazmín that Simón was right, that even though Ámbar had done bad things, those had nothing to do with what was happening now.
Not a day went by that Matteo wasn’t amazed by how big Luna’s heart was.
Jim was the next one to say she agreed, and it was written in everyone else’s faces that they did as well, even if begrudgingly.
With one last “please” from Simón’s lips, Jazmín finally gave in and deleted the video. She moved to one of the chairs and sat down, sad, holding her shopping bag to her chest as if it was a plush toy. The pout remained on her face even after everyone else carried on with their day.
Unfortunately, it didn’t matter much now if the video was gone. Deleting it was more a nice gesture than anything else considering the ton of views it had. Everyone who knew Ámbar probably knew everything already.
Matteo settled down at one of the tables with an orange juice, and his thoughts went back to their dating days. Ámbar used to love having videos made about them, showing off how perfect they were. Or just about her, to bask in people’s love and attention. To be honest, he couldn’t completely blame Jazmín for not having thought twice when Ámbar used to be like that.
But she was not that Ámbar anymore, just as he was no longer the same.
There was a shift that occurred in the mind of a person that used to live for praise when they realized image was of no help when they needed it most. When they realized they couldn’t get what they truly wanted because they didn’t know how, because in the world of appearances it was never taught how.
Something happened at that moment. Something that Matteo knew very well because he had been through that too.
The visibly defined lines in the world seemed to fade, like a chessboard with no squares, leaving you in doubt of how to move. You had to rebuild your sense of self, but without the polished, beautiful vase of glass that had always been there, water had no shape.
Matteo had slowly found his way thanks to the people around him. His friends had shown him there were other scales to weigh his worth. Luna taught him that not being bound by fixed contours could be a good thing— it allowed new, better things to come in.
Matteo was a slow learner. He still had times when he felt that to lose or win defined if he had worth or not. He lashed out when he felt insecure. He lost Luna for it. But he had a sense now of who he was and what he wanted. He was still like a clay figure made by a kindergartener, but he was getting there.
Ámbar though, seemed to had collapsed without a direction. From the spilled water had risen a storm, still shapeless and chaotic, but strong enough and deathly enough to keep any harm from ever touching her again.
Matteo wondered what she would do now that her past had hit her and her present had changed. Now that everyone knew what was happening, turning her storm into no more than a snow globe, displayed for everyone to see.
Would she become even worse? Like a vengeful hurricane destroying everything in its wake?  
Or would she finally subdue her waves into a less hostile tide and allow someone to try to reach her?
Knowing Ámbar, he feared it would be the first. From his experience, he hoped it would be the second. But if she let someone like Gary in— would that be a good or a bad thing?
After everything Ámbar had done to the Roller and the team, he doubted anyone else would want to get near.  
But maybe…
He looked over to the side and watched Simón as he took the orders from one of the tables.
Maybe the one who tried once would be willing to do it again.
After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?
Matteo took a long sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair.
Only time would tell.
This was a very fun writing exercise for me. I had to get into a lot of character’s minds and, sometimes, it was like I wasn’t even the one writing anymore. There are some lines here that make me proud, but I feel like I can’t take the credit for them because they came to me almost as if something had possessed me. 
In my experience, though, that’s the best kind of writing. 
I hope you liked this and thank you for reading ♡  — C 
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queen-paladin · 5 years
How I Loved You, How I Cried
Context: Gwiylim Lee x F! Reader. A few minutes after your virginity loss to Gwilym and their first night together, (Y/N) feels the courage to confess something personal from her past to him and let him know about a personal trauma... Angst/Fluff
CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of sex, swearing, sexual assault, not the world’s best grammar.
(I have been a fanfiction reading stan on this site for months and now it is my turn to share what I myself wrote! Hello there! This is the not the first fanfic I have ever written, but definitely the first Bohrap cast fanfiction I have written. The original came in two parts and I am hesitant to post the first one with the actual v-card loss and sexytimes in it, unless asked for so maybe ? a ? oneshot ? I would personally love to thank the support I have gotten for this decision to post my own Bohrap/Queen writing online. I will give copyrights to @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever for a little bit of inspiration in the beginning from the Aftercare headcanons. Also tagging @sohoneyspreadyourwings and @musicalprostitue for the encouragement today...so here we go! Other fics to come soon!
Also, I read or saw somewhere Gwilym was Cassio in Othello in a stage production at some point, but if I am wrong, let me know immediately and I will fix it. And if I am right, someone please say so and tell me what other Shakespeare he has done. Because I am curious. Maybe it may play into some future fics *wink*)
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You lie panting for a little bit, now that the climax has tizzied away. You hear Gwil next to you, doing the same. You start to get up on your elbows.
“Let me go get you-”
“Oh no, you don’t have to. You’re the one new to this. Please let me take care of you, let me hold you.”
He pulls a soft, grey blanket scrunched in a corner of the duvet and wraps it over you like a cape. You feel one of his arms scoop under you and the other around you and you do the same. He nuzzles his face in your hair and you in his chest, smelling his soap. Both of you silently play footsie for a bit, giggling like children for a second. He’s so tall you had to stretch your toes to reach his until you give up and use part of your foot to gently poke his shin.
“How was I?” you ask.
“You were incredible, Y/N”
“Thank you, for everything you did for me tonight” you say, nuzzling his chest a bit. 
“You’re welcome” he says. You feel his hand reach your back and trace bits of your spine and ribs. You start to lightly tickle what chest hairs you see and trace figure eights.
“Fy cariad bach, my little goddess, Rydych yn hardd, my sweet bird” he whispers.
Eventually he lets go and you feel a bit of coolness. The blanket drapes off some of him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Gwil goes to put on some blue boxers and offers you some of his that can fit you and an old, white t-shirt. It’s not your most fashionable look, but neither of you care. 
A sudden urge hits you. If you don’t talk about it now, you don’t think you ever will.
“Now that we’ve done this, Gwilym...” you say. He perks a bit at the mention of his fuller name. 
“There’s something I’d like to tell you. But could you hold me again while I talk about it...I mean, like spoon me?” you ask. It would be easier if you couldn’t feel the pressure to make eye contact or see his face.
You turn over to face the wall and the bedside desk. A couple of the leftover rose petals tumble in your hair and a couple rest in your peripheral vision. He was so sure you were comfortable tonight he made the effort to decorate the bed with rose petals. You feel his arms wrap around your stomach and his chin on your head. You take a deep breath, enjoying the moment. Outside,birds are chirping a little in the night. A fan in the room was turned on in the midst of the scramble for comfy clothes and it purrs and blows cool air. You take five seconds to enjoy it before you begin.
 “I told you I am-was a virgin. And it’s true. But only technically true. Everything I am about to tell you really happened. Please believe me.”
You sigh deeply. Then you feel ready to relive it one more time.
“There was another boy. He was my cousin. It was Easter and the family were all together after church. When everyone was preoccupied, he took me to the guest bedroom. He asked me to take my clothes off. I did. Then he took off his. He led me to the closet and turned off the lights. It was pitch dark and I couldn’t see a thing, but I could feel. I don’t even remember much. I was in such shock. I’ve kept blocking it from my mind. I remember his...his penis touching me, though. I was lying on the floor and he was doing something like push ups over me. I don’t know if he went into me or not. I don’t remember. I felt so uncomfortable I cried and begged him to stop. He did. We got out and dressed and he told me not to tell anyone. I’ve only told my immediate family and the odd counselor or rare friend and now you.”
You pause for a little to let it soak in. You hear that he has no comment yet to say. Maybe he is taking it in. Then you decide to include the last, and most important detail.
“I was nine years old.”
There is a pause even stiller than before.
“And at the time, I didn’t even know what sex was at the time, much less what happened to me.”
Your heart is picking up speed again. At once you feel relief that you don’ t have to hide or bury this burden with your boyfriend anymore. But at the same time, here you were, out in the open. Nowehere to hide. After all, moments before you decided to reveal your naked body to him. Now it seemed as if he saw your own inner nakedness and was waiting for his verdict.
“Do you believe me?” you ask.
“I do”
You feel his arms tense up a little bit. Almost in anger, almost to keep you secure.
“Oh my god...that bastard...that’s horrible.”
You feel a couple of tears well up. The pain and confusion and loss that hit you years ago has returned. It returns every time you recount it.
“I was so scared...You would think that I was so inexperienced you would be bored and tired of me or that...that I was ...was damaged goods. Either way, I wasn’t good enough, especially not for you.”
“No, no, not at all.” he insists. You give yourself permission to cry for a bit.
“The whole damaged goods thing is just old-fashioned bullshit” Gwilym insists “ And even if you were inexperienced, if you wanted anything or needed help, I could help you. You were wonderful just now, cariad. I had a wonderful hour I will never forget.”
You feel him gently turn around. By this point, there have been more tears wiping off what makeup you have put on for tonight. The little blemishes on your face and eyes are revealed. It almost makes you cry more, since you are worried this is the most unattractive you seem in front of Gwil. You decide  to look at him in his blue eyes and continue rambling. More things, things you have rearely talked about, begin unpiling.
“I sometimes wonder if I led him on-”
“A nine year old girl? If a man or any guy is turned on by a nine year old girl, he’s the one with a problem.” He wipes away a couple tears with his hands. He cups your face with all the gentleness in the world.
“I can’t imagine what it was like or how it is like. But it was not your fault. You didn’t even bloody know what was happening. He was just some prick who took advantage of a child. That’s the nicest thing I can say about him.”
Gwil begins to wipe a few more tears that fall down from your cheeks. Even with your bare, blemished face, reddened and scrunched from crying, he loves you deeply.
“Three words from me, and Rami, Ben and Joe would have a man hunt for him. I think Lucy would especially enjoy parading around town waving your cousin’s head on a spike”
You smile, both of you chuckling at the image. You move over and kiss him softly, in gratitude.
“That’s why I thank you. Because for years, I hated the idea of sex once I learned about it. If I ever got aroused, I hated myself and called myself a slut and a whore. The idea of a wedding night felt like an execution to me. I had my first boyfriend, he loved that I was virtuous or whatever but whenever he hugged or wanted to kiss me, I was a little terrified. And it showed. He was mad that I wouldn't let him touch me. He broke up with me before we could even kiss. I felt like if I wasn’t the way I was, if I wasn’t such a prude when it came to those kinds of things, he would have stayed with me.”
“Honestly, the whole prude idea can go to hell. No one should be rushed or humiliated into anything they aren’t ready for” he whispers.
You flinch, wondering how Gwil would feel with you talking about past relationships. But he is still. His eyes are crying a little bit too. One hand is wrapped around to caress you and the other still holding your cheek.
“Then I met you.” you say. “And I agreed to date you. And be your girlfriend. You never do anything without asking me first. And whenever I let you, I feel good. Warm. Safe. Loved. I decided it was right to make my sex debut with you. It felt...natural. I actually wanted to do it...And there’s no one else on earth I would rather have it be, than you.”
Gwil hugs you tighter and peppers you with loving kisses. He is now smiling, in spite of the tears both of you have shed, starting to dry.
“Y/N, you’re the bravest person I’ve ever met. I promise to you, now, you are always safe with me, especially in here. You have no reason to hide. It is never easy to live with this, but I will be with you and help you every step of the way. I love you so much. And I will always protect you. Even though it still haunts you, just know, at least, even when it feels unbearable, know I am here. And I adore you. And you are safe” Gwil says, leaving a slow, romantic, tender kiss on your lips. You both begin to smile again through it.
After a moment, he fetches you both a glass of water. Crying always made both of you thirsty, and now that your deepest emotions are released, the water replenishes. You ask him about his experience with Shakespeare and if there are some of the Shakespeare lines he still remembers and you fall asleep safe in Gwil’s arms, bits of Cassio’s lines from Othello lulling you both to peace. 
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porchwood · 5 years
Hi just so I understand cause i keep waiting for it and it doesnt seem likely to happen have you kind of fallen out of love with wtm? and everlark in general tbh? cause ive been following you for a while now and you always had lil quotes and pictures and things that reminded you inspired you whatever it was about katniss and wtm and now alllll it is is gadge i followed you because personally i love what you did with everlark and im just wondering if thats gone and not foreseeable any time soon?
I’ve been thinking a lot about how to answer this… It’s afair question - to a point. If you’re more of a drop-in person (like me) thanlive-on-the-dash, coming back to find my blog awash in Gadge might have beenquite upsetting. There are several reasons for the current state of things:
1. Life has been driving me into the ground since December26, 2013. (Yes, going on six straight years.) If you were a WtM reader from thebeginning, you may recall that I was pretty energetic and prolific in 2012-2013.Oh, there were tough times, but nothing like what started on the aforementioneddate (a car accident where I was in the “bystander” vehicle and it still got totaled)and has continued relentlessly ever since. Sometimes adversity leads to greatcreativity and sometimes it turns you into a depressed, exhausted, reclusivelump, and the past 5+ years have seen periods of both from me. These past 18months have been exceptionally awful (and expensive), resulting in very littlewriting at all, about any pairing.
2. Writing WtM takes a lot out of me. I don’t know whether thisis common knowledge or not, but it’s the gospel truth. I love that world, Ilove that version of Everlark, but every chapter requires so much hard work, itmakes me tired just to think of it. Not to mention, over the past couple of chaptersEverlark have been pushing for more intimacy than the plot/timeline allows, andso I’ve been struggling with how I want to handle that. Do I fight them andstick to the plan? (I can’t advance the timeline for several reasons.) Do I tryto figure out a cheat for them? They’ve got minds of their own and have changedmy plans multiple times, but this is something they genuinely can’t have, and Ihave to fight them on it. ☹ Which is sad, frustrating, and exhausting.
3. I’m a multi-pairing shipper, and have been from about 3chapters into WtM. Which means that my Everlark fics almost always feature asecondary pairing (or more than one), and sometimes I’ll get a plot bunny for afic about a pairing other than Everlark. Most writers in the THG fandom exclusivelywrite their OTP, whatever the plot bunny, but I find that some plot bunnies don’tfit Everlark as well as they do another pairing. (This is why I’ll never write aBeauty and the Beast Everlark fic unless Katniss is the “Beast,” if you will.)
4. The Everlark fandom is…tricky. I’ve never fit in there. Idon’t write Everlark the way the majority of fans see them (except for Peetabeing “sweet,” I guess), I hated the movies (I refuse to see MJ 1 or 2), and I’vemanaged to really rub some people the wrong way over the years –unintentionally, and for a variety of reasons – all of which leaves me feeling kinda down about Everlark in general. Don’t misunderstand me: I love Everlarkand WtM, but it’s really isolating to be this sad little island of unpopularopinions and unwelcome side-ships. That’s the part I really wish I could makeyou understand. For six years I’ve had Christopher Plummer in my head saying, “You’llnever be one of them,” and he’s so, cruelly, right. I want to cry every time Ithink of Embracing the Season (my E-rated Everlark modern AU oneshot for Lovein Panem - lots of daring for me!) because I poured heart and soul into that andit still wasn’t the Everlark that people wanted.
5. About a year and a half ago (when Strawberry Time reallytook off of its own accord) I participated in Gadge Day 2017, working my buttoff to find and schedule (and tag) over 100 carefully chosen Gale/Madge/Gadge aestheticposts, and for lack of a better way to say it: it turned on my Gadge-dar. After that, thosekinds of posts just leapt out at me whenever I had a chance to scroll, and forseveral months I wasn’t sure what to do with that. With a little encouragementfrom @ghtlovesthg, I came up with #march madgeness – wherein I turned my Tumblrinto Madge/Gadge-land for one month, and it was a blast. (Side-stepping Gadgefor a moment: Madge is a highly underappreciated and underused character,especially in fic/on Tumblr and I love splashing the dash with Madge-love.) Thenext month I launched a run of pent-up Everlark posts (i.e., regularprogramming), but I missed my Madge, so I instituted #madge monday – one day aweek when I could splash the dash with Madge/Gadge. At every juncture I gavepeople tags to block if they didn’t want to see this content (though I stillget unfollows every time I post, alas). I participated in last summer’s THG Reread– on the fringe of it, but my posts (reblogs and meta) were strongly Everlark-focusedagain during that time. So there’s definitely still been Everlark on my blog,but if you’re just dropping in (or for that matter, glancing at my archive), you’regoing to see a majority of Madge/Gadge.
6. Frankly, Gadge is fun. It’s a completely different dynamicthan Everlark, with less pressure to create something transcendent, and whenthe chips are down, I’m more likely to work on something that isn’t my six-years-runningopus. This spring, in the midst of lots of awfulness, I finally wrote a piecethat I’ve had in my head for years – The Best Part of Waking Up – with a differentpairing featured in each drabble “chapter,” including Gadge, Luka/Johanna (whoI’ve been wanting to put out there for AGES) and Jack/Raisa. I haven’t beenable to write quickly in years, and I think I finished those three “chapters”in about two days, maybe three. I completed the Raisa drabble in a couple ofhours and I consider it one of the best things I’ve ever written. (Honestly, ifa pairing was going to topple Everlark in my heart, it would be Jack/Raisa, i.e.,Mr. Everdeen/Mrs. Mellark. I love them to distraction.) Once upon a time I could drabble/sprint Everlark too – notoften, but I could manage it. Maybe it’ll happen again someday, but for thetime being, when I write in quick eager bursts, it’s usually about aside-pairing.
7. Because I just need to say it: about a year ago, I set up a secondary Tumblr for almost all my side-interests and ships outside of THG. When I first joined Tumblr, porchwood was just a fun page where I posted whatever struck my fancy (pretty things, funny things, whatever I liked), and over the next few years, I honed it into a pretty “writer’s notebook” for WtM and my other THG fics (related quotes, aesthetic posts, writing check-ins, etc.). When Star Wars: The Force Awakens came out, I shared a handful of posts pertaining to a new ship (not a new direction for my blog or writing, just sharing my excitement) and it was made very clear to me that people didn’t want to see that content on my page. So when I started watching Voltron: Legendary Defender, I had a sneaking suspicion people wouldn’t want to hear about those ships either. So I started an entirely new Tumblr for that content, and every so often I accidentally post something to the wrong page, which I immediately correct in horror, but people still unfollow. Point being: this blog is THG (and a few personal life updates) ONLY, with a pretty consistent aesthetic. I hide literally everything else that I’m interested in so you don’t have to be bothered by it. Is it really so unacceptable for me to have side-ships (complementary to the main pairing, not threatening to them) in the same universe??
8. Believe it or not, I’ve been working on WtM all along,just not making any massive strides. I tried to chip away at the current chapterduring Camp Nanowrimo last July, and it was a disaster. I thought joining awriting group would be helpful, but I didn’t realize that Camp Nano is basicallya lot of writing sprints in which you try to churn out as many words aspossible, which you then report to your “cabin” – and that’s the onlyinteraction with your fellow writers. I can’t write like that anymore (seeabove) and especially not when it comes to WtM, so I got discouraged veryquickly and sort of drifted away. I reattempted Nano on my own in April and wrotealmost 15K words, but in that instance I was really just using the Nano platform toset and reach a goal (which I didn’t ☹ ); I wasn’t in a cabin and didn’t interact with anyother writers, except my friend @ghtlovesthg, who read the finished portion.
9. I want to finish this dang chapter so much, and frankly, theonly way that’s going to happen is if life gets a little better and I holemyself up with my laptop for hours on end for weeks at a time – and somemagical being comes to support/cheer/comfort me while I do so. It’s currentlysitting at about 25K and I anticipate it will need to be at least double that,which is beyond ridiculous, but that’s the nature of WtM. The chapters are asmany words as it takes.
TL, DR: I still love Everlark and I’m still working on WtM, but my life has been extremely difficult for a very long time and I don’t have a great Everlark lifeline. Gadge and all my other ships are fun, and most of the Gadge you see on my Tumblr is aesthetic stuff for themed days/months/occasions. Anything non-THG goes on my sideblog.
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thattennisgirl · 5 years
Loki x Reader, Valentine’s Day Oneshot
Hi guys! I know I haven't written anything in months (lol), but a combination of Valentines Day and a bad cold have inspired me to do a Loki x Reader fic for Valentines Day. Sorry I waited until the end of Valentine’s Day to write this oopsie.
I found this prompt from here that inspired my writing, the direct quote will not be used. The prompt is "Did your date seriously stand you up on Valentine’s Day fuck that noise will you be MY Valentine?" 
This is set as a post Thor-Ragnarok Marvel AU, where Infinity War does not occur (still not over it). Essentially, Loki works with the Avengers as part of a contract for the Asgardians to settle in Norway.
Summary: Librarian reader knows Loki, and finds a date to try and ignore their growing affections for Loki. Reader has a Valentine’s Day date, but it goes terribly wrong as the reader’s date does not show up. However, just as the reader is about to get up and leave, Loki comes to the rescue. 
Warnings: Angst, Self-loathing
Word Count:  1,603
The importance of such trivial Midgardian holidays was odd to Loki, and certainly not something he was adjusted to. This Valentine’s Day was no exception. Why commit a single day to lovers, or courtship? Why not show devotion every single day? Loki did not understand why humans were so obsessed with the holiday, or why Tony seemed to become increasingly worried about the holiday, even taking the time to put as a reminder on his calendar as to not forget. Even his oaf of a brother Thor was taking strides to prepare for the holiday for his beloved Jane. 
Instead, Loki preferred the quiet silence of the downtown library he frequented in New York. It was one place where he was at peace and often undisturbed. However, the more and more he visited, he found himself increasingly interested in one of the Midgardians who worked in the library, Y/N. She was one of the few to show Loki kindness in helping him with finding books, and even providing recommendations. This was different from many librarians who often glared at him, for his army of aliens had come close to destroying the library. 
However, it seemed even Valentines Day impacted the mood of the regularly quiet library. You were excited, in such a happy mood that it seemed nothing could possibly wipe the big smile off your face. You had a date, tonight, at a nice restaurant just outside the city. You had been looking for a boyfriend for a while, it had especially been difficult since the raven-haired God showed up to your workplace and increasingly frequented there. Loki, the one who initially came to destroy New York City, was now hiding in its libraries. You liked him, way too much, it was impossible, a God like him could never possibly like someone as simple as you. However, you couldn’t help but be drawn to the way his green eyes flickered in interest and a hint of a smile appeared on his lips when mentioning a Shakespearean book to him. 
So to try and combat the longing you felt for the God, (or the way your heart fluttered every time he came near) and his beautiful accent, you decided you would find a date, on Valentines Day. You were sick of being alone in the big city and believed that there had to be someone who could fill the void in your heart. So, you found a date on an online app and were scheduled to meet Robert, tonight. You smiled at your coworkers, excited at the prospect of meeting someone new, however, your inner voice chastised you, You will never meet anyone else like him.
Loki observed quietly from the library watching you from afar, you did seem excited. He was secretly disappointed that he was not the one to cause you such happiness. While there were many libraries scattered around New York, he found himself visiting this one more often with the hope of seeing your bright gaze. He was attracted to you, the same attraction he had admonished Thor for was now an endless torture of his own. 
Loki watched as you left your shift early, your coworkers wishing you luck as you walked out the door. Loki let a disappointed sigh leave his lips at realizing he still yet had to acquire the confidence to approach you, it seemed another had. Perhaps this holiday was troublesome after all. 
You smiled as you walked out the door to the library and headed home to change into your favorite black dress and black heels. Wearing a simple silver necklace, you headed out into the streets of New York City. It was always like a dream every time you walked into the busy city, you could hardly believe you were there. As you walked into the restaurant you had agreed to meet Robert at, you were seated at a small table by the window. You had reserved the table, of course, knowing that the restaurant would be busy on Valentines Day.
Five minutes ticked by and you checked your phone to see if you had a message from Robert, nothing. You nervously looked around the restaurant to see if there was anyone entering or looking around. Instead, you were disappointed to find that there were many couples scattered around the restaurant. You sent a quick text to Robert, Where are you?
15 minutes later, and nothing from Robert. You were beginning to get pitying glances from the staff and decided that if Robert did not arrive in the next 5 minutes, you would have to leave rather than face further embarrassment of eating alone. On Valentines Day. 
Loki happened to be walking down the streets of New York, finding another reason to stay away from the Avengers facility just a little longer. However, he paused in his walking when he glanced through a window to see you sitting there. You looked beautiful, he realized as he felt his heart flutter at seeing you, the black dress fit your figure nicely, however as he glanced at your face, he saw the worry, concern, and anxiety there. 
Loki was unsure of what to do, should he go to her, risk the conflict if her supposed date was there? Loki contemplated for a few moments before deciding the risk would be worth it. If anything, he wanted to talk to you. 
You were desperately trying to hide the tears you felt at the corner of your eyes at the obvious rejection. I was so stupid and naive, how could anyone possibly like me? You thought to yourself as you readied yourself to leave after paying the bill for your glass of wine. Looking for some change for a tip, when you noticed a shadow of a person standing in front of you. 
Thinking it was the manager about to give another one of those pitying looks, you began to apologize, “I am so sorry, I don’t know what happened. He was supposed to be here but--” You paused when you looked up to see a familiar raven-haired God, “Loki?” You couldn’t believe he was here, he looked incredibly handsome, wearing a completely black suit. His dark hair was in waves that fell to his shoulder, his green eyes smoldering. Was it natural for him to look that handsome? Did he have a date he was here with? You hoped not. 
Loki’s initial excitement at seeing you morphed into what you could only identify as concern. “You are crying.”
You blinked at him and quickly wiped away at the tears as you turned away. “Yes, well, I thought I had a date but obviously I did not.”
Loki felt anger at the realization of the statement, who would dare to stand up such a sweet little Midgardian on a holiday like Valentine’s Day? They were fools, whoever it was, and Loki would not waste the opportunity. “Be my valentine.” Loki managed to utter the odd words, although rather than asking it as a question, he found himself insisting on the statement. Anything to make a smile appear once more on your face. 
“Loki.” You paused, “You don’t have to, I know you must pity me.” You began to argue as you grabbed your things. 
“No, I want to.” Loki stated assertively, “I am here purely out of my own desire for you.”
You gaped at him in surprise, he could not possibly mean?
 Loki rolled his eyes, “Why are you so surprised?” 
“I’m a human.” You argued.
“Yes, I have already made that observation.” Loki retorted sarcastically.
Flabbergasted, you sat back down and stared at him as Loki sat down in the chair across from you. Loki, in a rare moment of public affection gently grabbed your hand and held it in his own, stroking the back of your hand in a soothing motion.
“What Midgardian delicacies do you recommend?” Loki asked sincerely, “My brother Thor keeps going on about some pastry called Poptarts.”
It turned out that the date went much better than expected, and despite your beginning disappointment, Loki had found a way to save the day. “I know its very corny, but you are my hero.” You smiled up at Loki as the two of you walked down the street, his arm wrapped lightly around your side in a show of genuine affection. Loki turned to look at you and realized that there were some benefits of learning to be more of a reformed hero, even if it was not inherently in his nature. Or perhaps he was just as foolish as his brother, as he found himself willing to do anything to gain your affections. 
“Yes, well like all good books, I think the hero should be fairly rewarded,” Loki smirked as he glanced back down at you to gauge your reaction. Would you turn away?
“You do make a good point.” Your smile grew even bigger as you balanced on your toes to give him a brief kiss on the cheek. Loki, at first was surprised at such a forward expression of affection. “Thank you, Loki.”
Loki felt a grin tug at his lips revealing a charming smile. Taking you by surprise he leaned down to steal a kiss from your lips, pulling away before you had time to reciprocate. “I dare say this Midgardian Holiday might just be growing on me.”
You snorted at him but your cheeks flushed as his green gaze eyed you affectionately. You gently pulled him along with you downtown. “If you think this is good, just wait until you learn about April Fools Day.”
Well guys this is it. Pretty sure I wrote it while on a fever, so I apologize if it is complete garbage. Love all of you, have a Happy Valentines Day (or Anti-Valentines Day, that’s cool too). 😊
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
January Angel Fish Awards
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations. If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle or Mana to check and make sure we got your submission.
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And we’d like to make a special shout out and say thank you to Ana and Kenzi for your total of 15 Angel Fish Nominations this month! The two of you together nominated 14 authors and the kind of passion for reading and reciprocating your feedback is exactly what we love to see. Thank you both for sharing so much love this month! 
Nominated by @sorenmarie87
The Pact (series) by @coffee-obsessed-writer
Jen’s fics are always so well written and detailed to a point where it feels like it could actually happen.  Not to mention her characterization is on point.  This fic in particular is different from what I’ve read before and everyone should give it a chance. 
Nominated by @littlegreenplasticsoldier
How You & I Will Be (series) by @katehuntington
I’m nominating this fic, which (fair disclosure) I beta’d becuase it does a really really really really great job of fulfilling the brief it set out to achieve: making you cry.
It’s a story of unrequited love between Dean and the reader and it’s doomed, from the outset.  Kate unpacks nearly every angle and moment and hold them up for you as they burn away, right in from of your eyes.  Ruby-level patience.  Nice at brutal.
So if you like your angst and tears, have at it friends.  Cheers, Ali.
(TW for major character death.)
Nominated by @rosieakacanadianspnhunter
Thunder Rolls by @amanda-teaches 
I'm not afraid of thunder, but I definitely felt the fear. I'd totally pretend to be if it meant Dean would distract me this way! I loved the addition of Dean telling the reader what his own biggest fear is! Hot!
Nominated by @percywinchester27
The First Bite  (oneshot) by @shy-violet-soul
Firstly, can I just say that I am absolutely in love with their work? The writer is so sure of what they want to say and know exactly how to say it. And that is a rare thing, when no word is unnecessary. I absolutely fell in love with the characterization of young Dean and Sam. And the OCs are enchanting. Don’t remember the last time I fell in love with an OC so quickly! And the husband-wife duo in the fic are simply adorable. The context and background of the story paint a lovely picture. And Dean… damn that boy breaks your heart. All in all would recommend it 100% Go check the author out!
  The Babysitter (series) @mrswhozeewhatsis
I never thought I would ever commit to a 65 chapter series, but damn! this one felt like a couple of pages, and even after it ended, I was running around my room, screaming like a zombie with “MOREEEEEEEEEEEE.” This could have very well been a parallel world in itself. Like another reality that Jack could create a rift to, where the Winchesters are happy. They have this sister/mother/friend figure in their lives who is absolutely awe-inspiring. She is tender, good and badass but oh so realistic with her feelings. I go back and read the timestamps a lot and my fav chapter where they are in the hotel room at the very end and prank the hell out of everyone else. I was in splits the first time and still am. This doesn’t white wash John, but brings out the best in him. JUST. GO. READ IT. You are fucking welcome!
Living With Regrets (series) by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
The pain!! OH GOD THE PAIN!! The author can personally attest to how I hounded her over this series in her IMs. The timing of each chapter is so perfect that it just leave you with the right amount of angst and desperation for the next chapter. I wanted to push both the characters together and close the door behind them so they could just fucking TALK!! I am emotional about this okay? Also while I wanted to hug and cuddle the little OC, I wanted to strangle and murder the other one!! This series brought out quite a lot of passion in me, one that I didn’t know I had the capacity of feeling over a fictional work, still does. It is an adorable little world that you all should definitely be a part of! Go…go….go!!
Silk and Rough Velvet (series) by @blacktithe7
SARV was the first long series I attempted to read. Also the first AU. It altered my life. Rockstar!Jensen suddenly became a real thing. Y'all have no clue how much this series had awed me. Even now when I mention the series to a third party, my first reaction is - “You haven’t read it? What are you doing with your life?” It has the perfect amount of love, angst and fluff. Gosh! It is the freaking best! Most days there are no words. Today is one of them!
Series Rewrite (series) @torn-and-frayed
A true masterpiece! I don’t know how do you even begin to attempt something like this. The reader is inserted in the rewrite SO FLAWLESSLY!!! SO EFFORTLESSLY that it is crazy! Like what even??? I mean she has a personality of her own. And as strong a presence as Sam or Dean. More importantly, she does not undermine the relationship of the brothers. Does not take away from their moments, all the while creating her own bonds. I love that she is in love with Dean. But damn, I love what she has with Sam, too. The author manages to perfectly capture the essence of the rewrite in the best way possible. Excellent job!
Fresh Start (series) by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes
This one is unique in it’s uncomplicatedness (that isn’t a word, but deal with it) Like whoa, the reader is so fucking relatable! I am sure all authors can relate when they make a reader super-strong, super-understanding, super-witty. This one is just super-relatable. And that is the hardest fucking thing to do! The OC is charming AF, and the underlying pain of a dead lover is significant. It is not in your face, it is not too underplayed, but it’s subtle and THERE. Kudos at having achieved the perfect balance of everything. It is rare and awesome! Read this ONE!
Close Every Door (series) by @jotink78
I have never known the sort of pain and angst that this series inflicted on me, I kid you not. I wanted to steamroll everyone,and everybody. If you caught me reading a chapter, there was a good chance that I was either feeling extremely murderous and was sobbing incessantly in the corner. I’ve said it before, despite being one of the kindest people, the author sure knows how to be cruel when it comes to writing. This series is sure to rip your freaking heart part, stomp all over it and out it back. BUT SO WORTH IT!!
More Than You Bargained For (series) by @luci-in-trenchcoats
Best bodyguard!AU I have ever read. It was fun and exciting without getting too palpitating, which is good because the chase and suspense were fantastically written. And the twist at the end, you’d never fucking see that coming. I bet!! I love how they slowly fall for each other even through all their differences. This one I couldn’t put down, it was so good. If you are looking for something to curl up with on a cozy and comfortable Saturday, this is your THING!! Don’t forget to curl in with a blanket and hot mug of coffee before you get started!  
Five years of Christmas (oneshot) by @deanssweetheart23
This is a life worth’s contentment packed in a single fic, neatly wrapped and gifted to you. The words have the softness of petals and the harshness of shards of ice that pierce you and then you die! But then come back later. The author doesn’t only make fiction out the words…. she makes poetry. It flows, straight into your heart. Now, you might think I am being cheesy, but read the fic and then come back. We’ll see who is cheesy then! But seriously, y'all need to get behind this. It is the freaking best. I am in love <3
Nominated by @ellen-reincarnated1967
Red String of Fate (oneshot) by @evansrogerskitten
Sweet, serendipitous, a bit heartbreaking, and an 'Ah ha! Yes!!!' ending!!! Honestly, I'd recommend everything on her masterlist, but I've been saving this one for a rainy day read and was not disappointed!
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
What Could Have Been (series) by @flamencodiva
Holy moly, this series is killing me. SO MUCH ANGST, yet there’s sweet stuff mixed in there, too. Every day, I look forward to seeing if there’s a new chapter posted!
The Cursed (series) by @saxxxology
This series was posted before, and Saxxxy edited it and reposted it, and it’s fabulous, now! It’s got an intriguing premise, Sweet and protective Sammy, and super hot Alpha!Sam smut! *shiver* It’s awesome! 
Her Saviours (series) by @bamby0304
This series is giving me a heart attack. There’s John, there’s Sam, there’s Dean, but John’s gone, and Sam’s recovering from Jess’s death, and Dean is sweet but has his wandering eye. It’s ABO, and there’s so much love and heartbreak and hormones that I honestly can’t wait for the next chapter to post!
Wishverse (series) by @crashdevlin
This series is a sequel to another series, A Hard Ten. After what happens in Hard Ten, the reader gets her wish and goes back in time, getting the chance to metaphorically turn left instead of right. It’s got sweetness and smutty smut and angst and everything you could ever want! Seeing how everything plays out is fascinating as hell, and I can’t wait to see where this ends up!
Nominated by @samsexualdeancurious
The Cursed (series) by @saxxxology 
This is a repost of one of the many fabulous fics that were lost when Saxxy’s blog got deleted, so a lot of people have already read it at least once. It hasn’t gotten many notes this time around, though, which is an absolute crime because this fic is just as amazing the second time around as it was the first.
Bitten (series) by @saxxxology 
I am head over heels in love with this fic. It has a perfect blend of angst, fluff, and smut, and I’ve been enjoying every word of it.
Tomorrow (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage 
This fic is so cute! I love Dean so much, especially in this fic. Rhi writes him so well and every word out of his mouth is just so Dean is hurts. Also, I can guarantee most of us have at least felt the way this reader does, which makes this fic even more perfect.
Forbidden (oneshot) by @becs-bunker 
This fic murdered me. I am dead and writing this from my suite in Hell. Crowley says “hi” and that he agrees this fic is perfectly sinful. It’s not a fic for anyone who doesn’t like Wincest or Full House of Wincest, but it’s definitely a fic for me.
Playing Victim (oneshot) by @crispychrissy 
Ugh, yes. Gimme all the Sub!Dean/Dom!Reader. There’s simply not enough of that in this fandom and Chrissy nails it so well. Also, the gif she used? Should be illegal.
Three Kisses (oneshot by) @impala-dreamer  
I was dying by the end of this fic. A little angsty, a lot sexy, and then fucking hilarious. Rebekah writes Sam and Dean so well, especially Dean’s snarky big brother side, and I love it.
Nominated by @manawhaat
Let Me Carry You (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!!! Ugh, this fic hurts so fucking good. It’s soft, it’s brutal, it’s so sad it splits you at the seams and makes a home in the hole it punched in your chest. But most importantly, it gives you hope. There’s an honesty that’s written into this story, into Dean and into the reader, and that kind of love and care in crafting this short fic is all anyone could ask for <3
The Truth about Lust (series?) by @scorpiongirl1
Ho, ho, HOLY SHITBALLS! THE DUB CON! This entire thing rides my borderline of fuck no and fuck yes EXCEPTIONALLY WELL! Unf! The story is believable and the way Sam reacts to what’s happening to him is so on point. The remorse and apologies, the snarly growly creature of sex, the restraint and the care he takes for the reader when he literally is dying of lust...jesus fuck. It’s all so Sam. Read it and then go masturbate because, yeah. I did.
Headlights Off (drabble) by @samsexualdeancurious
Yowza, does this girl know how to write that Wincest! Fun, sexy, adventurous, funny. What can I say? It’s everything you want from a wincest fic. 
Free and Easy Down The Road I Go (oneshot) by @samsexualdeancurious
Wincest? Yes. Impala? Yes. Nipple clamps on a slightly subby Sammy? Fuck yes. Snarky, smug Dean giving a world class hand job? Oh yeah, you betcha. 
As with the BFAs, these are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be! :D
65 notes · View notes
neruran · 5 years
Series: Boku no/My Hero Academia Rating: T (for language mostly) Genre: Fluff Relationships: Bakugou/Kirishima/Uraraka [Kirikacchako] Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugou Mitsuki, Uraraka Ochako’s Parents, Kirishima Eijirou’s Parents, OCs, minor characters created for the story Other Tags: Established Relationship, Polyamory, Future Fic, Pregnancy, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, probably a little OOC Summary: Informed that all is well and healthy so far, Ochako, Eijirou, and Katsuki decide to tell their parents the happy news; that they'll all be grandparents in a few months. 
Check notes for AO3 link, because this hellsite has a vendetta against links within posts and I hate the link post format, so I gotta make a workaround.
(Title means "good news" in Japanese)
Remember when I said “famous last words” regarding not writing a continuation to Tsuwari? Yeah I was right. I also told myself when I started writing this “oh this’ll be short, just a couple snippets from different points along the timeline of Ochako's pregnancy and their forays into parenting” - you know, like a fool - then 2k later and I still hadn’t gotten to the main point of this so-called snippet, and I finally accepted that this was going to be its own oneshot. Sometimes I hate being so rambly. I admittedly struggled with this more than Tsuwari for various reasons, and I've also done further research and found a couple minor things in Tsuwari aren't quite correct, largely with how Japan deals with pregnancy and childbirth, but it's ultimately relatively minor stuff so I'm not arsed to correct it. It's actually been a little fascinating reading up on the official (as in government-related stuff such as paperwork and healthcare) and social/cultural differences between Japan and North America, so I tried to incorporate hints to some of what I learned, and if I can wrangle my focus and inspiration to write more about Kirikacchako's adventures into parenthood, I'll try to show the differences in those fics/snippets as well.
Once again I have footnotes, which are not really necessary to read to enjoy the story but add flavour, you could say.
As always, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated, but likes, kudos, and bookmarks are nice too! Hope you enjoy!
The day after her little discovery, Ochako books an appointment for that week with her ob/gyn. When she goes in a couple days later and relays the story to Dr. Houkou, they laugh heartily for a good five minutes, much to Ochako's embarrassment. [1]
"I'm terribly sorry for laughing, it really is a little amazing you didn't put the pieces together until now,” they say once they've calmed down, dabbing their eyes with a tissue.
"You can't entirely blame me," Ochako mumbles, hiding her red face. She knows Dr. Houkou doesn't mean any insult, and honestly it is a little funny, but still, she can't help but feel embarrassed for herself.
"That's true, and to tell you the truth, this is not the biggest case of lack of observation; I've heard stories of people who didn't realize they were pregnant until they went to the hospital complaining of stomach pains, when it turned out they were in labour!" [2]
"Oh gosh, I hope I would've noticed long before then!" Uneasily, she rubs her belly. "If not me, one or both of my partners.”
"I'm sure you would; from what I know of those instances, there were certain factors that led the parent-to-be to not recognize the signs, or made the signs less than obvious, which while that's evidently somewhat applicable to you, those situations were more...extreme, I suppose you could say?"
"I'm just glad the worst that's happened to me is this broken wrist," Ochako says, lifting her cast. "I forgot to ask at the hospital, but will this affect the baby at all?"
"No, it should be fine. At worst, it'll be a little slow to heal as most of your body's resources are focused on what's in your womb rather than healing your injuries, but I'm sure the extra downtime will be good for you. Oh don't pull that face, you workaholic," Dr. Houkou scolds, rolling their eyes at the poorly concealed pout Ochako has. "I know you're a busy hero, but it's important you take time to recover, especially now it's not just yourself that you need to look out for.”
"I know, it's just going to be tough," sighs Ochako. "I love helping people! After being in this field for so many years, I feel restless at the idea of not doing anything more than paperwork or small tasks, but I'll have to get used to it for the next while."
"Don't worry, before you know it, you'll be having your baby and jumping back into the fray. Now, let's figure out that due date."
"We're home!"
"Welcome back!" Ochako calls back, peeking her head over the back of the couch to smile at her partners as they make their way into their apartment. "How was work today?"
"Nothing super exciting on my end, just broke up a scuffle between a couple of rowdy yankii while out on patrols," Eijirou reports.
Katsuki huffs, evidently jealous. "Boring as shit."
"Oh calm down, you got to stop a robbery last week."
"Doesn't make this week any less boring."
Rolling his eyes, Eijirou picks up a meowing Hotaru, placing her on his shoulder as he plops down beside Ochako. He peers curiously at the various booklets and pamphlets she has scattered around her. "How about you? How'd your appointment go?"
"Well, besides giving them a good laugh when I told them how I hadn't noticed I was pregnant"—she shoots a pouty glare towards the kitchen when Katsuki snickers, but he ignores her as he starts on dinner, so she continues—"they confirmed everything's going well and that I'm probably on the tail end of twelve weeks, and we worked out my due date."
"Oh, that's awesome! When is it?"
"February 20th!"
"February, huh," Eijirou muses aloud. "We're just at the beginning of August; February seems so far away...The due date's just a guesstimate, right? So it could be born on a different day. Think it'll be a Valentine's baby?"
"I fucking hope not," Katsuki gripes. "People would probably only give them chocolate and Valentine shit for their birthday, I sure as fuck don't want our kid subjected to that."
"Hey Eiji, you think we'll have to implement a swear jar when the baby's born?" Ochako says teasingly. "Or do you think Katsuki'll manage to get his language under control before then?"
"Shut up, my language is fine."
"Sure, sure, I'm sure all of our mothers would appreciate it when one day while babysitting, our kid says ‘fuck' out of nowhere, and I'm sure it would not be much of a mystery as to who they learned that word from," Eijirou replies. [3]
The noise of Katsuki preparing dinner pauses for a moment. Ochako and Eijirou exchange knowing looks.
"...I'll work on it."
"Wary of what Mitsuki would say?"
"Hell no, that old hag can nag all she wants, she's not much better. It's your mom's disapproval I'd rather avoid," Katsuki answers, pointing at Eijirou.
"Mine? Do you mean Mom or Mama?"
"Really?" Ochako questions, giving a little laugh in disbelief. "But she's such a sweetheart like Eijirou here." She reaches up to ruffle Eijirou's hair, earning a half-hearted complaint about his drooping hair spikes being messed up.
Eijirou chuckles as he gently swats her hand away from his head, petting Hotaru when she meows at him. "You haven't seen her in full mom mode. Once when I was in middle school, I said something crass without realizing while Mama was babysitting some neighbour kids, and the look she gave me could've pierced right through my Unbreakable state. Not to mention the ear twisting I got shortly after." Absently he rubs his ear, recalling the pain.
"I...suppose I can see that. If it's anything like the expression you make at villains that make you angry, it must be something."
Katsuki mutters a "you have no idea" unnoticed. For the best; he doesn't care to explain to Ochako the incident that lead to him earning Ikane's ire, however brief it was.
"Mama does like to say I inherited her passion instead of her quirk," Eijirou says with humour. "Though, speaking of; do we want to start telling people we're expecting? I mean, I know some people wait until the end of the first trimester anyway since the chances of miscarriage are pretty low after that point, so then it's pretty set in stone that a baby's on the way."
Ochako hums thoughtfully, drumming her fingers absently on Eijirou's knee. "I think I'd like to tell my parents first, but I'd prefer to do it in person or on video call. It seems impersonal to give them the news any other way."
"I wanna tell my moms right away; I just know Mama's gonna love hearing that she'll be a grandma. But I'm also excited to tell all our friends.”
"Why don't we just conference call all our parents and tell them all at once?" Katsuki proposes, scraping some vegetables he just cut up into a pot. "I know the hag'll complain if she's one of the last informed, so if we do it that way, it gets it all out of the way at the same time and I don't get my ear nagged off."
"That's...not a bad idea," Ochako says, blinking in mild surprise.
"Of course it's not, I came up with it. You make it sound like I come up with bad ideas on the regular basis."
Eijirou smirks slyly. "You mean ideas like putting too much hot sauce in your food just to prove you can take it, only to get hit by the consequences later in the bathroom, Kacchan?"
"Shut up, at least I can take it!"
"Now, now, your unfortunate dietary decisions aside, I didn't mean to imply you don't have good ideas," Ochako interrupts. Katsuki grumbles, but puts up no further argument. "I was just surprised I hadn't considered it. Since I have the next couple days off to give my wrist a little more rest, why don't I contact everyone and coordinate it?"
"Sounds like a plan! And then we can start telling all our friends and stuff!" Eijirou giddily hops in his seat, which of course disturbs the cat on his shoulder. She lets out a growl and bats at his head. "Ow, yeah, sorry Hotaru, I deserved that." He sets her down, letting her stalk off to cuddle up with Kyou who's laying in her doggie bed in the corner, touching his ear to check that she didn't scratch him.
Ochako giggles at him. "You think everyone will assume we're adopting another cat at first?"
"I mean, they might, but we only did that once with Hotaru and it was funny! I think in this instance though, I'd prefer to tell some people face-to-face first before announcing it on our social media. Mostly I wanna see Denki, Mina, and Hanta's faces when they hear the news.”
"Yeah, Dunce Face will probably flip his shit, it'll be hilarious."
"I'm excited to tell Tsuyu-chan, Tenya-kun, and Deku-kun. Oh, stop making that face, Katsuki."
"What face? I'm not making any face," Katsuki replies petulantly. "I'm not even facing you."
"Yeah, but I know you and I know you're pulling a face at the idea of involving Deku-kun, because you always do even though you two are friends now," she says, rolling her eyes. Eijirou snickers to himself.
"We are not friends, I just tolerate the stupid nerd enough to work with him on occasion."
Once again, Eijirou and Ochako exchange looks then simultaneously roll their eyes affectionately, fully aware that whatever bad blood the two had as children has long been resolved enough that they frequently trade spots on the hero rankings and collaborate on missions, all the while throwing harmless barbs and challenges back and forth. The relationship is complicated, as "friends" doesn't quite describe them, but "rivals" or "frenemies" doesn't seem right either. They're just "Deku and Kacchan", a category of their own.
"Point is," Ochako continues. "Deku-kun is my friend, and I'm looking forward to sharing the news with him. I know he's going to be very happy for all of us."
"Think he'll cry?" Eijirou asks.
"Definitely," Ochako and Katsuki answer simultaneously.
Eijirou laughs, leaning into Ochako. "You're right, dumb question. He may be better than when we were first-years, but I should know better than to underestimate the secret Midoriya secondary quirk. Now, what's all this you got here, Chako?"
Lighting up, Ochako eagerly explains the various pamphlets that cover things like her recommended diet, the baby's development, and what sort of information she needs to submit to the Health Office. Eijirou just as eagerly listens, nodding his head and asking questions, and though he's busy making dinner, she knows Katsuki has an ear on the conversation so she makes sure to talk loud enough for him to hear as well.
Coordinating the conference call with their parents ends up being a more difficult task than Ochako expects; each set of parents has different schedules and events, not to mention there's Eijirou and Katsuki's schedules to consider, so it actually takes several phone calls and emails to figure out a day and time that works for everyone. The entire time Ochako also finds herself dodging the question for why this is so important, merely explaining that their triad had some good news for them and wanted to announce it to them all at the same time. She admittedly flushes when Mitsuki teases that perhaps one of them proposed to the other two or vice versa—the idea of getting married to Eijirou and Katsuki flustering her even if they're already expecting a child—but clumsily acts coy to keep her from guessing the actual news.
After two days of back-and-forth, they finally all agree that the upcoming Friday after dinner will work for everyone, barring any emergencies. Which gives Ochako several days time to build up her excitement, but also her anxiousness. What if any of their parents don't approve? Her own parents had been rather apprehensive about her being in a poly relationship back when she first told them, but now that it's been several years with only a couple hiccups, they're happy for Ochako's happiness, but what if this changes their minds again? Sure she's a grown adult capable of making her own decisions in life, but she's always been close with her parents so she'd hate to lose that relationship over this. Mitsuki's reaction also worries her a bit, as while she does like the woman, she can be rather brash and critical like Katsuki at the most unpredictable of times.
She quietly admits this to Katsuki as they're snuggled up on the couch waiting for Eijirou to get home from a late-running patrol shift; he gruffly assures her that both his mom and dad will be ecstatic at the news, so her parents will surely feel the same, which means she has nothing to worry about. In return, he confesses feeling a little apprehensive himself regarding her and Eijirou's parents reaction to him being involved, but Ochako's quick to tell him that if she's fine, then he's fine as well because their parents all know what a good person he is and seen how wonderful and loving a partner he's been, so they should have no qualms.
Eijirou, on the other hand, seems to vibrate with anticipation with each passing day, as if the information that they're expecting is waiting to burst out of him like an explosion from Katsuki's palms. It even seeps into his aura while out doing hero work, enough that one of Ochako's sidekicks happens to take notice.
"Red Riot-san was more energetic than usual when I happened to pass by him doing patrols on my way home yesterday," Subspacer muses when Ochako stops by the office to pick up more work to do from home. "When I asked him if something good had happened on patrol, he grinned and said no, but he did get some news that made him really happy recently, but didn't elaborate further." They turn to her, head tilted curiously. "Any idea what that's about?" [4]
Ochako gives a chuckle that she hopes isn't as nervous-sounding as she feels. "Oh, I wouldn't think on it too hard...You've seen him in casual work settings, he gets excited over the smallest stuff." She does her best to maintain a smiling poker face as they eye her a moment, before they let whatever it is they're thinking go, going on to fill her in on what's happened at the office in her absence. Ochako knows they're suspicious, but mentally thanks them for not pressing the matter.
The days pass and Friday arrives without much fanfare. All three of them are antsy in their own ways during dinner; Eijirou can't seem to sit still at all, Katsuki's foot bounces restlessly, and Ochako frequently slips into her natural Kansai accent as she talks, excitement and anxiousness starting to come to a head as the promised time ticks closer. Soon enough, their dinner is eaten and cleaned up, their pets are fed, and then they're sitting on their couch with Eijirou's laptop opened up on Ochako's lap.</p>
On her right, Katsuki's phone makes a little ‘boom' noise to indicate he has a new message. "My old man says he and the hag are ready when we are," Katsuki says after checking.
Eijirou's phone dings to her left a moment later. "My moms are good to go!"
Sure enough, hers buzzes less than a minute after, and a quick glance tells her that her parents are also ready. Taking a deep, steadying breath, she smiles at both her partners, then clicks the button to start the conference call.
Eijirou's mothers are the first to pick up, but her parents and Katsuki's follow suit seconds after. It's almost overwhelming seeing six faces on the screen, but besides the big news she intends to drop during this call, this is something they've all done before in lieu of separate phone calls and emails. Besides, it's been weeks since she's seen any of them through anything besides social media, so it's nice to be able to talk to their families face-to-face, even if there's a screen separating them. Smiling brighter, she gives a little wave, Eijirou doing the same. "Hello everyone!" she greets. A chorus of greetings echoes back from their parents. "I'm glad this worked out, it's been so long since we've been able to do a group call like this!"
"The woes of adulthood and having busy jobs, right hon?" Mitsuki turns to Masaru, who nods in agreement.
"How is that new line coming along, Masaru-san? I recall Mitsuki-san mentioning before you two had a deadline this week," asks Karuko. [5]
"I've finished everything that's within my control, so now it's just a matter of waiting for the samples to see if there's anything that needs adjusting before going into full production." [6]
"That's good to hear! Considering your other work, I'm sure it'll be a success."
"Not that I don't want to hear how the rest of you are doing," Tomoe interrupts, blunt but not unkind. "I think I'd like to hear from our children, since it's often so hard to get a hold of them with their unpredictable jobs." Ikane smiles a little, apologetic for her partner's abruptness. [7]
"Aw, but we wanna hear what you're up to too, Mom!" Eijirou jokingly complains, grinning.
"She does have a point though," Saburou says. "Ochako, how's your arm? I hope you're getting proper rest so it heals properly."
Katsuki snorts. "As if either of us would let her do anything reckless on our watch."
Ochako shoots him a sharp look hidden behind a smile that says “be glad you're sitting on my injured side, because I would be giving you such a pinch right now if I could”; Katsuki simply smirks back at her. Huffing, she turns back to their families. "I promise I'm getting plenty of rest; all I've been doing the past week is paperwork, which I'm glad I can do on my laptop because it's difficult writing left-handed! I feel so antsy sitting around barely doing anything though, so at my next check-up I'll ask if it's okay to go out for runs or something."
"I understand feeling restless, but please be careful, Ochako," her mother chides worriedly. "We wouldn't want you to get hurt further."
"Agreed!" Ikane cheerfully pipes in. "As amazing as that takedown was, it wouldn't do if you were out of commission for months instead of weeks."
The trio shares a glance at that, which doesn't go unnoticed by Mitsuki. "Now what's that look for? Is that related to whatever news you had to share with us?"
"Oh that's right, you did mention having some sort of good news. Did one of you go up in rank?"
"Did you get new sidekicks?"
"Are you being recruited for another overseas assignment?"
"New sponsors?"
"Whoa, whoa, one at a time," Eijirou laughs, holding up his hands. Once their parents settle a bit, he continues, "It's not anything related to our jobs, though it will kinda affect them."
"Particularly for Ochako here," Katsuki adds, nodding to her.
Confused and curious faces stare at them, bringing Ochako's nerves back, but she steels herself; after all, what do any of them have to be unhappy about? "So, when I had told you that they didn't have anyone with a healing quirk on staff at the hospital to heal my wrist, I wasn't being honest with you. Truthfully, they did have someone there, but because of some tests they ran, they were hesitant to use the quirk on me as they weren't sure how my body would react."
In the corner of her eye, Eijirou's grin gets steadily wider, his hand gripping hers as he tries to contain himself from bouncing in his seat. With a roll of his eyes, Katsuki reaches behind her and gives his arm a gentle swat, but it does nothing to hinder Eijirou's energy. On the screen, Tomoe's eyeing them intensely, to the point that if Ochako wasn't absolutely sure her quirk doesn't work through screens or cameras, she'd almost think that she's reading their auras to try and get a bead on whatever it is they're building up to. Not for the first time, she finds herself glad she's never considered going into business law, as she'd hate to be stared down by Tomoe during negotiations or prosecutions.
"Why is that, Ochako-san?" Masaru inquires. "What did they find?"
"Well, turns out that I—"
"You're going to be grandparents!" Eijirou blurts excitedly, unable to hold himself back any longer. When Ochako and Katsuki both turn to him with fondly exasperated expressions, he at least has enough awareness to look sheepish at his outburst. "Sorry, I just couldn't wait any longer."
All their parents are quiet, faces in various levels of stunned and surprised. It's Saburou that speaks up first. "Pardon me, what?"
Shaking her head at Eijirou, Ochako turns back to the laptop. "Turns out I'm pregnant, nearly fourteen weeks now. We're having a baby!"
"Wait, really?" Mitsuki exclaims, and it seems the Urarakas are about to speak as well, but everyone's interrupted by a joyous scream that makes them all jolt.
On the Kirishima-Keshiki part of the screen, Ikane's leapt from her seat and started hopping around, still squealing happily. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, I'm going to be a grandma! Tomoe we're gonna be grandmas! Oh my god!"
"You really did get your passion from her," Katsuki observes dryly, earning a giggle from Ochako.
"She's going to be like this for a minute or two, so I'm going to mute us until she calms down so the rest of you can talk," Tomoe says, rolling her eyes fondly before Ikane's happy screams go silent, though she's still jumping around on screen.
"Your mother really does love children, doesn't she, Eijirou-kun?" teases Mitsuki.
"Oh you didn't see his reaction when Ochako told us the news, he did pretty much the exact same thing as Ikane."
"Katsukiiiii, they didn't have to know that!" Eijirou complains, flushing a bit.
"You literally just shamelessly blurted out the surprise, you have no right to be embarrassed now!"
"Boys, play nice," Ochako chides playfully, patting them both on the leg.
"While I am happy at this news," Karuko butts in, expression stuck between elated and concerned. "You said you're close to fourteen weeks along, right? That means you've been doing all that strenuous and stressful hero work. Are you sure everything is okay?"
Ochako nods, turning her gaze down and placing her uninjured hand on the bump that's become a little more prominent in the past week but is still easily hidden by her clothing. "I was really worried when I first heard the results for that exact reason, but I got a check-up at the hospital and have had two appointments with my doctor since then, and they've said I've got a healthy and hardy baby growing despite all the factors that could have made it otherwise."
Sound returns to the Kirishima-Keshiki feed, with Tomoe and Ikane settled back in their seats. "Whew, I'm sorry for my outburst, everyone," Ikane says, looking a little out-of-sorts and somewhat teary-eyed, but still positively glowing from joy. "I got a bit overzealous. But still, I'm so happy and proud of you three! To have a baby that's managed to hold on and stay healthy without you being careful means it must be fate for you to have it. Do you have an idea on which of you is the father?"
"No," Ochako's quick to answer before either of her partners could. "And I don't think we'll really know until it's born, but to be completely honest, if possible I don't think I want to know at all, because even if only one of them will be related by blood, both Katsuki and Eijirou will be raising them with me together, and I think that counts just as much if not more than whoever contributed chromosomes." She looks up again, and her eye strays over to Tomoe. There's a subtle expression of understanding and gratitude on her face, and her hand's wandered to grasp Ikane's, and Ochako knows that she sees her point more than any of the other parents on this call. "No matter what, they'll both this baby's father. No ‘real' father or bullshit like that."
Everyone's silent for a moment, stunned by the sudden conviction and seriousness in her words. She knows her partners are both staring at her, but she stays looking at the screen so that she doesn't lose her nerve. It's only when she hears a quiet sniffle beside her that her concentration breaks, but before she can turn to see what's wrong, Eijirou's got his arm around her and pulling her close, face buried in her hair.
"That was so manly," he whispers, voice a little choked up, and he presses a soft kiss to her head. "You're the best, I love you so, so much."
On her other side, Katsuki all but shoves his face into the space between her neck and shoulder, his hand gripping her bicep. He murmurs something, but she doesn't really catch what it is. While she appreciates the sudden affection, she's a bit embarrassed that it's happening with their parents right there, and she's not really sure what's brought it on. "I— Uh— What—" she stammers, stuck between looking for help from their onlookers and avoiding eye contact with them. On screen, her parents and Masaru have politely chosen to turn their attention elsewhere while Mitsuki grins, unbothered by the PDA and in fact looking oddly proud. [8]
"You're right." Ochako turns her attention to Ikane and Tomoe's feed, where Tomoe seems to be holding back giggles at Ochako's predicament but also looking away politely. Ikane, on the other hand, is watching their triad with fondness, gaze soft. "That was rude of me to say, especially when I'm fully aware that love and family aren't defined purely by blood." Her hand finds Tomoe's, and she gives it a gentle squeeze in apology. "You're going to be a wonderful mother, Ochako-chan, and I'm glad my son has such loving partners in you and Katsuki-kun."
Eijirou whines, ears turning pink as he hides his face further. "Mama, don't say things like that, I'm gonna cry more! And then Ochako will start crying because hormones, and I'll feel bad for making her cry, and then Mom might get involved—"
"Hey now."
"—and maybe Katsuki will get overwhelmed—"
"Oi, don't just assume things—!"
"Nothing wrong with some manly happy tears, Ei-chan; I know we taught you that!"
"I know, but it's still a bit embarrassing to do it in front of everyone!"
"Says one of the two currently clinging to me without shame..." Ochako mumbles.
Both Eijirou and Katsuki stiffen, realizing that yes, they're practically smothering Ochako while their parents are watching; Ochako can't move her head much in this position, but she's sure they're both starting to flush. After a moment, the two finally pull away, their heads turned to avoid eye contact with everyone.
Eijirou lets out a sheepish chuckle, ruffling his hair. "S-Sorry about that, I guess we got a bit overwhelmed and forgot about our company."
"No harm, no foul," Saburou assures gently, waving off the apology.
"Besides, it was kind of cute. It's not often I get to see my Katsuki get so emotional," Mitsuki teases.
"Shut the fuck up, old hag," Katsuki grumbles, flushing more and sinking a bit into the couch.
Masaru puts a hand on Mitsuki's shoulder when it seems like she's about to scold their son. "Be nice, you two," he chides, waiting until Mitsuki's hackles lower before looking to Ochako. "Really, we're delighted at this news, and we're happy that you've shared it with us all. I'm sure all of us parents can agree that it's not always an easy road, but we're all here for you if there's anything you should need along the way."
"Of course!" Karuko pipes up. "We'd be happy to give you advice and help whenever you need it. Now, tell us more about everything, like when are you due?"
From there, the conversation flows smoothly, starting at talks about Ochako's pregnancy and what the three of them are to expect in the future before eventually moving on to general life updates such as new projects at work or what their neighbours are up to. As the group call edges towards the two hour mark, everyone notes with amusement that Ochako's eyes have begun to droop. Ochako tries to insist she's fine when Saburou points this out, but before long her head is leaning against Katsuki's shoulder, barely able to stay up. The families all say their goodbyes, promising once again that the three of them are welcome to come to them for anything and kindly demanding to keep updated, then the call ends. Eijirou reaches over to close the laptop, taking it from Ochako's lap as he stands and chuckling when Ochako shifts to sleepily cuddle with Katsuki now that she's free to move.
Katsuki, on the other hand, rolls his eyes, though it does nothing to diminish his affectionate smirk at Ochako's drowsiness. "C'mon Ochako, let's get your ass to bed."
"Nooooo..." Ochako tiredly protests. "'m fine, yer just"—she yawns—"just warm and cozy..."
He snorts. "It was fucking thirty degrees outside today and it's not even that cold in here with aircon, why the hell do you want to be warm?"
"Alright then." Despite her protesting, he stands, scoops her into his arms with no more than a quiet grunt, then saunters off towards their bedroom even as she half-heartedly wiggles about. "If you behave and go to bed, you can cuddle me all you want."
"But I dun wanna go to sleeeeeeep," Ochako whines, pawing at his chest in a lazy effort to get away.
"Oi, if you don't stop wriggling around, I'm gonna drop you and it'll be completely on purpose," he warns.
"No you won', 'cause 'm pregnant, injured, 'nd cute, 'nd I know ya love me too much to drop me..."
As they enter the room, Katsuki hears Eijirou—who's getting changed into his sleepwear off to the side—laugh at Ochako's sleepy retort, so he levels a frown that says "don't encourage her" at him, even though he knows that she's completely right in that statement. He would maybe consider dropping her on her butt just to show that he won't put up with her being a little shit if she wasn't pregnant, but circumstances are not in his favour, so instead he unceremoniously deposits her on the bed, earning a squeak.
"Uncalled for..." she grumbles, pouting petulantly as she rolls to the side and hugs her pillow. "What if I hurt my wrist more?"
"I know you're not that fragile, Round Face, so don't try to guilt me."
"Eiiiijiiiii, Kacchan's bein' mean to meeee..." Rolling his eyes again, Katsuki goes to change into his own sleeping clothes.
"There, there, if you really don't wanna sleep, you can cuddle with me and watch me play some Street Fighter," Eijirou says as he slides into bed, handheld console in hand. "Do a bit of backseat gaming. How's that sound?" [9]
Ochako hums, her tired brain considering the offer. "...'Kay..."
"But first, you're getting changed out of your day clothes," Katsuki announces, tossing a set of her pyjamas on the bed. When Ochako makes no move to do so, he huffs, then reaches over and pulls her towards him, tugging gently but forcibly at her clothes. "C'mon, you're not going to be comfortable sleeping in those shorts, let alone your bra."
"Whoa, getting frisky, are we?" Eijirou teases, waggling his eyebrows with a sly grin. Katsuki responds by throwing a pillow at Eijirou, who cackles even as it hits him in the face.
Before long, Ochako's changed into her pyjamas and curled into Eijirou's side, her head resting on his chest so she can watch the screen, her cast wrist pillowed carefully. Katsuki slips in on her other side after finishing his nightly routine; instead of cuddling, however, he chooses to sit up against the headboard, reading glasses perched on his nose and a book open on his lap. Eijirou's game and the occasional turning page are the only noises in the room, until barely half an hour later, both boys glance up at a quiet snore, smiling upon seeing Ochako out cold as predicted. Eijirou lets her continue sleeping on him for a little while longer, then carefully shifts her to sleep on her proper pillow, kissing her brow softly. Katsuki sets his book and reading glasses aside as Eijirou gets up to finish his own nightly routine, shuffling down under the covers and putting an arm around Ochako, who shifts closer to his warmth in her sleep. When Eijirou returns to the room ten minutes later, he's greeted with the sight of Katsuki spooned protectively against Ochako and just as asleep as her. While not a new sight, it's one that Eijirou can never get tired of, and he can only imagine how much better it will get as Ochako's belly grows, and then when their new addition comes into the world. Quietly, he takes a picture to appreciate later, then goes to join them on the bed, leaning over Ochako to peck Katsuki on the cheek before turning off the bedside light and settling in to sleep himself.
Footnotes: [1] - This time the doctor is not named for their profession, but still named for their quirk; I had a thought a little while ago that went something along the lines of “you know people probably take on jobs that have nothing to do with their quirk all the time, why don’t we see more of that in the HeroAca world”, and so we have Dr. Houkou. Their quirk basically makes them a human GPS; their name is made up of the kanji for “direction” and “navigation”.
[2] - This is apparently a thing that has happened to some people, believe it or not. Not something that happens often, mind you, but it happens. Factors for why the pregnancies go unnoticed include the person’s weight, the size and position of the baby, and things like spotting being mistaken for light periods. Which is why if you thought I was stretching the truth too much by having Ochako not notice for three months, surprise! Reality is weirder than you think.
[3] - Me: You know Bakugou’s language in Japanese isn’t really full of swearing, it’s just very blunt and rude because Japanese doesn’t have the same equivalents to curse words so the likelihood of a child imitating his speech is unlikely.
Also me: Meh who cares, gonna write it like that anyway, it’s funnier to think about it this way.
[4] - Unlike the doctors I’ve named in this story and Tsuwari, Subspacer is a full-fledged OC of mine! I’ve given careful thought into their quirk, name, and personality, though I’ve been undecided on their age and professional status for a while. I decided to add them in as one of Ochako’s sidekicks for giggles, but if I do get around to writing more of this storyline, you’ll likely be seeing more mention of them!
[5] - Since Ochako’s parents don’t have names (truly a travesty; they’re an important part of her motivation, but they have yet to get profiles like the Bakugous or Jirous? I call unfairness), I decided to give them names. Following Horikoshi’s current naming conventions for parents—which involves separating the kanji in the children’s names and giving at least one to each parent as part of their names (i.e. Katsuki “勝己” separates to get Masaru “勝” and Mitsuki “光己”), the only exception so far being the Midoriyas as Izuku “出久” only shares kanji with his yet-to-be-seen father Hisashi “久”—I took the “茶” and “子” from Ochako’s name and searched through various kanji readings and meanings to get Saburou “茶奉郎” and Karuko “軽子”. The sa in Saburou means “tea” and an alternate reading of the kanji, while bu means “offer, dedicate” and rou means “son” (this same kanji is in Eijirou’s name; it’s a relatively common kanji for boy names). Karu means “light (opposite of heavy)” which is supposed to reference what I can only assume is the family quirk (again, we have no idea what her parents’ quirks are; I DEMAND TO KNOW HORIKOSHI), and then ko means “child” and—similar to rou being common for boy names—is pretty common for girl names.
[6] - I will admit I have no idea how the production of fashion lines work, and unlike many other things, I’m not arsed to research it for a single line of dialogue (I do that enough as it is...I’m very easily distracted) so if I’m horrendously wrong on how fashion designers work in a company, please ignore it.
[7] - I actually have come up with entire profiles for Eijirou’s mothers, but I do not have the room in the notes to go into complete detail on them on here, so feel free to read about them here instead. I unfortunately don’t draw so they don’t have ‘official’ appearances, but I’ve tried to describe them as I see them in my head as best I can.
[8] - I think it’s relatively well-known that PDA in Japan tends to get the side-eye if it’s anything more than holding hands, and while Japan as a culture does seem to be slowly getting laxer about it and this fic is set in the hypothetical future, I doubt there would be significant change, plus I’m sure they’ll still think PDA in front of one’s parents is pretty taboo. Personally I’d feel a bit shy about hugging/cuddling with my S/O in front of my family, but I’m also aroace af so what do I know, hahaha.
[9] - Just imagine the gaming console Eijirou’s using is similar to the Switch, but like...a future version. Maybe it’s not even a Nintendo product, who the heck knows what game technology is gonna be like.
I considered also writing about the trio telling their friends the same week in-universe, but all the ideas I have for that are kinda vague and I’m not really sure how to write the scenes out without seeming repetitious, or how to keep them interesting to read, so I nixed that in favour of ending at this point, especially since I’ve struggled so much to get here. Maybe that’ll be an actual snippet, but no promises, hahaha.
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squirenonny · 6 years
For fic ask: 14, 22 & 25!
@space-mouse said: “13, 14, and 21 for the ask thing?? :D”
anonymous said: “1, 11, 14, 21, 25″
anonymous said: “Hi! #3, #21 and #25 please :)”
@yellowmagicalgirl said: “13″
(Doing these all in one post because there were a couple of popular questions haha. The full list is here. You can still send me questions if you’re curious about one that’s not in this post!)
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
It’s so hard to pick just one omg. I had a lot of fun with a lot of things this year. If I can say Duality as a whole, that’s my answer, because I’ve put so much into that series and I love so much about it. Honorable mention goes to “Sorry, Who Are You?” my childhood friends Klance AU featuring Keith with prosopagnosia (face-blindness). I projected like hell onto Keith and I still really love it
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
The entirety of the Someplace Like Home finale, but (spoilers) specifically chapter 26, either Akira’s “Hollywood lied to me” line or Meri’s “Get your quiznaking hands off her!” I’d been building to all those reunions for so long, and it was so damn satisfying to finally get there.
11. shortest wip of the year
Shortest WIP that has at least one chapter published? That would be “Dungeons & Dwarf Stars,” the Duality side story where the cast plays various tabletop RPGs. It’s about 7.5k right now, and while I haven’t started the next chapter yet, I recently DM’d for the first time ever (hello, new special interest) and if that becomes a regular thing, I have a feeling I’ll suddenly find myself in possession of a bunch of new inspiration for that story.
In terms of unpublished WIPs, my shortest currently at 2.5k is A Genealogy of Demons, the sequel to Handbook of Demonology. I had been working on Genealogy for the Supernova Bang, but I dropped that bang because of... well, life in general conspiring against me. I’m sill working on the fic, but at my own pace. Don’t have a definite date yet for when it’ll start going up, but probably in the first half of 2018.
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
For 90% of the year, I defaulted to my video game & movie scores Pandora station, but just recently I’ve switched over to The Black Piper’s Kaladin album. (Holy shit) and the Leverage soundtrack. Kaladin is simply the best for epic scenes, and Leverage is so full of energy and nostalgia.
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write 
The Monster in the Mirror. I mean, I knew I was going to do something for Shatt Week, but then season 3 dropped and.... Yeah, I wrote 42k in, like, 10 days? Granted, I had no other projects going on at the time, but still. That idea came out of nowhere and swept me right off my feet.
21. most memorable comment/review 
There have been a lot of great comments. I save some of them in my inbox on AO3 for when I’m having a crisis of self-confidence. The ones that really stick with me, though, are from people who comment because something in the fic resonated with them on a personal level. Keith’s face-blindness in “Sorry, Who Are You?”; Keith’s touch-aversion in my Heith Week fic, “You’re the Reason I Believe in Something I Don’t Know”; and so many on Duality, be it about neurotype, disability, gender/pronouns, orientation, ect. Comments like that are the best, because in all honesty, that’s a big part of the reason I write. So much of my fic is me projecting (especially re: identity/representation that I don’t see anywhere else, or not often enough) and it means a lot to hear that I’ve filled that hole for other people, at least a little.
22. events you participated in this year
Starting from the beginning: I had a couple of pinch hits for last year’s Voltron: Legendary December! event, along with the two fics I did for Fandom Tr*mps Hate. Then I did Heith Week and Shatt Week in the summer, followed by a Zethrid/Narti fic for the Lunar Ladies Exchange. That’s everything that’s been posted so far.
Events I worked on this year that will post in 2018:
Horror Bang: (gen) Hunk- and Pidge-centric suspense/thriller fic that should be up sometime in February (I don’t have the specific posting date yet.)
Galra Bang: (lowkey Antolivan) Kolivan-centric fic that also features the rest of the Blade, including Keith. December was brutal on a lot of people in the bang, so the posting is getting pushed back some, but I’d expect it’ll still be sometime in February or early March.
(Supernova Bang - ended up dropping it for various reasons)
Lancito! Zine: I turn in my final piece in a couple weeks, and then preorders will open. Stay tuned for more info and a preview as we get closer to the preorder window!
25. a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read
Just one? Nope, you know what? Three people asked for this one, so have 3:
The Last Aspect by Spazzcat (@vldaspect) - Ongoing. Time-travel fix-it AU. So good. Klance and Shatt. This fic has great action, lots of emotional impact, and a couple of great twists to keep things interesting. Honestly, if you like epic Voltron AUs (and if you read my stuff, you probably do) you’ll love this fic, so go check it out!
Stardust, Silk and Steel by CalicoTomcat - Ongoing. Hasn’t been updated in a while, so may remain incomplete, but what is out is so worth reading. Canon divergence where the wormhole at the end of season 1 dumps Pidge out near Earth. Lots of great worldbuilding (and a kickass Mama Holt, which you know I love.) Intense and somewhat graphic violence at times, so mind the tags, but a great ride. Gen with a few small hints of a potential future Hidge in the latest chapters. Very much Pidge-centric.
The Lost Paladin by prettyshiroic (AnalystProductions) - Complete, long oneshot. After the war, Keith leaves before another family leaves him. Years later, he runs into Lance and starts to wonder if he made a mistake. This fic. Goddamn. Incredibly emotional, literally made me cry. Finished reading it in my car after work because I couldn’t make myself drive home without getting to the resolution. Gen.
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I'm so excited you reblogged mattex fic!! I love mattex so much omg. Do you have any favorite fics?? I want to read more!!
Ok first off, I’m sorry it took me a couple days to respond to this. I’ve had things going on and then I had to ruminate on my answer for a bit. 
Trust me, no one is more excited than me that I got the chance to reblog mattex fic again. I’ve got tons of favorites, but unfortunately, lots of them(not all) have been taken down and thus aren’t ones I can rec. I don’t know if you’re new to the scene or if you’ve been around forever, but unless you haven’t read much of anything at all yet, I probably can’t rec you much you aren’t familiar with. But I’ll do my best to share some of my favorites that ARE still up. (I’d say about half of these require being logged onto Ao3, so if you don’t have an account yet, I’d highly suggest opening one so you can read all the things. I don’t think the wait period to be accepted is long at all these days.) 
Get Ready To Play by tisziny is an AU where Matt is the host of a children’s tv show who Alex starts seeing. I don’t really wanna go into more detail for fear of spoiling anything, but it’s an old favorite and it even has a very enjoyable sequel. 
Every Hour Thy Heart Runs Wild by space-and-thyme is a haunted house AU where Matt is basically a ghost haunting Alex’s newly-purchased abandoned manor home. The beginning especially is pretty creepy, and though that certainly lightens up as the fic goes on, I wouldn’t recommend reading late at night. I did beta read the later half or so of this as it was being published, just to lay my cards on the table.
The waves have come to take you away by Amie33 (no tumblr, as far as I know) is a little random in that it involves Alex receiving news that Matt has died and has lots of feels angst, particularly in the first half. But needless to say, it doesn’t stay awful and depressing and it’s another I’ve always been fond of. 
I’m just realizing now that all three of these fics are rated M and I don’t know if that’s your thing or not, but I’m really not the best person to ask if you’re looking to avoid smut altogether. In any case, I’m switching now from individual fics to writers, because the next few people are ones who just write all-around great mattex and who I can’t possibly come up with just one favorite for. So check these people out if you haven’t already and just go through all the things. (I’m linking directly to the mattex tags their on Ao3 profiles, but they all have doctor/river fics on there that are just as wonderful too).
hihoplastic (amillionmillionvoices here on tumblr) is the one who wrote the ficlets I reblogged which inspired this message you sent. She also just finished up a very old fic with a final four very satisfying chapters and has a number of other great fics I’m gonna be revisiting soon myself.
spoilersweetie (she used to have the same name on here, but it looks like she’s deleted her account???) has plenty of fabulousness to distract yourself with for a while. A few different fics of hers come up as most popular in the tag on ao3 and they really are. I was just saying recently I need to go back and reread some. 
riversdamsel (same on here) has several really fabulous AUs, including an angels and demons fic, one where Matt stars alongside Alex in Moll Flanders, and a medieval-esque royalty/blacksmith fic, along with several oneshots I really need to revisit sometime. 
And then, loathe as I am to be THAT PERSON, especially if you’re not a newbie to the mattexfic scene, in which case this is extra ridiculous, I’ve written a fair amount of mattex that’s been reasonably popular and you can find that, if you’re interested, under my same name on Ao3: TheSpaceHairAndTheSpaceIdiot. I’ve got one long amnesia fic and a bunch of shorter fics, thought plenty aren’t actually all that short at all, just less chapters. I’m going to resist complaining about my own writing, because I know I’ll just get messages and texts yelling at me for it tomorrow, but with so many of the fandom greats having taken their works down, I figured I should at least mention my own ::shrug:: 
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inukag-4ever · 7 years
Soul Came Out of the Mirror - Wedding Vows
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InuKag Week Day 6: Stars
(thanks to @grapefruitwannabe for drawing this wonderful art piece for this fic!)
Inuyasha and Kagome exchange vows in a way that’s as unconventional as their relationship.
So, I started the fic Soul Came Out of the Mirror LAST YEAR for @inukag-week. It was only supposed to be a oneshot, but it’s turning into a 9 chapter fanfic. I want to thank Cynthia and Lali for creating and running this week. I sometimes talk about this on my blog, but I was going through a rough patch around this time last year. InuKag Week helped get me out of my funk, because I had the inspiration to write again. I can’t believe that I get the chance to finish a fic that I started for InuKag Week, one year later. 
Without further ado, here’s my post-canon InuKag wedding (taking place under the stars, of course). This chapter can be read as a oneshot!
Inuyasha had been fidgeting all day.
Kagome and he had spent a quiet evening together, eating dinner and watching the sunset. When Inuyasha suggested another forest walk under the starlight, Kagome was happy to oblige. Hopefully this walk will save me from sleeping next to a twitching man tonight, she thought. She was aware that when Inuyasha fidgeted like that, something was off. But she knew her hanyou well enough to know that if she pressured him into talking, he’d probably clam up even more.
The two held hands as they travelled deeper into the forest. Inuyasha wasn’t one for public displays of affection. He hated any form of attention, especially around the villagers. Though they accepted him, he still felt like he walked on eggshells around them. Kagome argued that he was just being paranoid. 
As they walked, the two took the path they’d frequently take: the path to Goshinboku. It was laden with purple flowers and arranged stones, much to Kagome’s surprise. This path hadn’t looked so manicured before.  This is just like walking down an aisle… Kagome thought. The two often liked to walk under the tree and say prayers. It was the only thing that connected them between the two eras; the only part of Inuyasha’s time that felt modern to Kagome. Gazing at that tree reminded Kagome of childhood evenings spent staring out her window. 
The two stopped in front of the sacred tree, and stared up at its branches. Kagome felt a surge of gratitude shoot up her legs and into her body.  Seeing this tree made her feel like she was home. She was always home.
“Kagome…” Inuyasha began. She knew he was about to say something important. “I had so many days during those three years away from you to miss you. And so I did. Constantly! Miroku mentioned a few times that he thought I should consider moving on. He didn’t say to give up hope, but he had a theory that the Shikon jewel was the only reason you were connected to this world. Though I knew that wasn’t true at all.”
“Because I was born to meet you,” Kagome said.
“Yeah,” Inuyasha responded.
Inuyasha held Kagome’s chin and pulled it up so their lips could meet. After a short moment, he grabbed her hands and continued.
“But I had a lot of doubt. Those days felt eternal to me. Then they turned into months. And honestly Kagome, it was torture. It hurt too much to think that there was so much time in between the last time I saw you and the time it was at that moment. I thought about you constantly. I imagined you happy and with your family and friends. I hoped that you’d stay there if you were happier. But there was a selfish part of me that hoped you’d rather be with me.”
“I did. I wanted to be with you so badly. I’m… I’m glad that I got the chance to have a normal high school life. I got my education and spent time with my family. It was carefree, but that didn’t change the fact that I wanted to be with you. I tried to enjoy my life in my era. I attempted to move on, even. But I didn’t want to… I missed you too much.”
Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a hug. Kagome couldn’t help but feel like an incredible circle had just occurred. The last time the boy she loved had hugged her under that tree, they were in unstable places, physically and emotionally. Kagome had doubts in her heart that Inuyasha wanted to be with her over Kikyou. The two feared for their lives almost every day. And Inuyasha had difficulty relaxing into the new relationships he had formed. It took him a lot of time to trust that his friends wouldn’t betray him. But that only made the fear of losing those he cared about deepen.
Kagome was so glad to be under Goshinboku in better circumstances. The two had come so far, apart and together. She was glad that she lacked fear or doubt in her heart. Though she still felt sorrow, it was eased by her gratitude.
Inuyasha spoke softly into Kagome’s hair, “I have something to ask you tonight.”
 Kagome pulled away so she could face her fiancé in the eyes. “Ask me anything.”
Inuyasha pulled a ring out of his pocket and got down on one knee. Kagome’s chest filled with clutching warmth that expanded up into her chest and almost spilled out of her eyes. The ring was absolutely stunning. It wasn’t just a diamond ring: it was a ring made entirely out of diamonds. The band was a gorgeous, thinly cut clear diamond that fit perfectly around Kagome’s left ring finger. The stud was simple but stunning. It was shaped like a tiny rose that sparked and caught light every time the piece turned. It would’ve been priceless in the modern era.
Inuyasha stared patiently up at Kagome, waiting in earnest for her response. He wasn’t nervous by her stillness; he’d grown more in tune with understanding reactions of others. Inuyasha’s nose could pick out the varied scents of emotions. Sorrow and fear had a bitter scent to them. Gratitude and happiness were warm. And though any of these given emotions could produce the salty scent of tears, Inuyasha could distinguish them easily.
The scent coming off of Kagome was something else, though.
Kagome’s scent oozed of warmth, of light, of peace - but it was accompanied by a deepness that he didn’t think he’d experienced before. Perhaps once or twice when he’d passed by a loving couple in a village, or when he dug far back into his memory banks and had seen his parents together when he was an infant. He decided she must feel a deep sense of family and love towards him. 
Inuyasha couldn’t help but notice his scent was beginning to match hers.
Left hand shaking, Kagome extended her fingers towards her kneeling fiancé. He clasped them gently, putting the ring into her palm and closing her fingers around it. Inuyasha’s hands clasped around Kagome’s enclosed fist, and bent to kiss the top of her hand.
“This ring is yours, if you want it.” His voice shook. He was offering himself to her in a way he never imagined possible for an outsider like him. Kagome, a beautiful and warm-hearted woman, loved him. Before he’d met her, he simply believed that type of love was out of his reach. She made him feel like the luckiest bastard on the planet. 
Tiny teardrops sprung at the corner of Kagome’s eyes. “You’re supposed to one to put the ring on me, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha’s face crossed with a serious expression. “I want you to tell me if you still want to marry me, Kagome. I want you to promise me that this is what you want. If it is, then I promise I’ll do everything in my power to protect you and make you happy.”
“I want to marry you more than anything,” she replied without an ounce of uncertainty.
Nodding, Inuyasha took Kagome’s hand and gently slid the ring up her finger. It fit perfectly. She suspected he must have measured her finger in her sleep, or something. She had never owned anything so close to perfect.
Kagome held her hand up to admire the ring. Inuyasha rose to softly kiss Kagome on the lips. He slid his hand up her back and into her hair, feeling the warmth of her skin under her clothing and then gently cupping her scalp, letting his fingers trace along the back of her head.
“How on earth did you know that in my time, people propose to their potential spouses with a diamond ring?” 
Inuyasha laughed. “Don’t forget that I came to visit you in your time. It may have been confusing as hell, but I did learn some things. Your brother taught me about the diamond ring, actually.” 
“Where did you even get the ring?” 
“Hosenki’s son, remember him? He couldn’t help us get to the underworld so well, but a diamond ring is no problem. Especially since I provided him with more than enough diamond to work with.” 
Kagome shook her head.
“What?” Inuyasha asked, knowing something was going through his woman’s brain.
“When my soul came out of Kanna’s mirror and back into my body… I felt this wholeness that I’d never known before. Probably because I had no idea what it was like for part of my soul to be missing. But when my soul came back into my body, I had a new appreciation for the feeling of being complete. 
“Inuyasha, it feels like my soul has always been severed in some way, because I think that it’s so interwoven with yours. Right now, being with you, my soul has truly returned to me. I know that living here entails sacrifice on my end, and that we’ll fight, and that I’ll lose my temper, I’m gonna forgive you over and over again. Nothing is worse than being away from you. My soul feels like it’s truly come out of the mirror, Inuyasha.” 
“I love you. You were born for me.” 
“I love you and I was born for you.”
The two shared a kiss under the deep glow of the moonlight, as if nature itself had decided that the two needed some sort of spotlight.
“Kagome, will you marry me?”
“I already said yes, baka!”
“No,” Inuyasha said with a smile, “will you marry me right now?”
Inuyasha watched the hesitation dance through her eyes.
“Think about it, Kagome. No matter how many people we invite, there will always be someone missing. The same goes if we were to get married in your time, if that were at all a possibility. If we can’t have everyone, then we’ll only have each other. If you want a big, fancy, traditional wedding later, then hell yes we can do that. But damnit Kagome, I want to be married to you now and married to you tonight. I waited many years for you to return to me, and I spent an infinite amount of moments regretting not kissing you more, or telling you how beautiful you are, and being grateful for all you do. Let’s just do it now, Kagome. I want you to be my wife.”
“We don’t need anyone else here, but it might be nice to have a witness,” Inuyasha said. “I thought Goshinboku would do just fine. He’s been here for all the important moments and has lived in both of our times.”
Everything was starting to sink in for Kagome. This was it. She was actually getting married to the love of her life. She’d dreamt about this day since she was fifteen years old. And though the dreams hurt much more when she’d spent those three years away from her beloved, they’d only helped her learn that she would never be able to forget about him. There wasn’t a single part of her that was uncertain.
 “What do you say, Kagome? Will you marry me right now?”
 “Whatever you want, Kagome. I’m serious. If you’d prefer to live together unmarried, that’s fine with me. As long as we’re together, I-”
 Kagome brought her fingers to Inuyasha’s lips to silence him. “I want to marry you. You’re right, there’s no point in putting off the marriage on the off chance I’ll see my family again. And if we do, we’ll just marry again. But the thought of not being married to you for an indeterminable amount of time doesn’t feel good. Let’s get married right now.”
Inuyasha chuckled in relief. “I’m so glad you said yes.”
“I mean, I already said yes to you when I first got here.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Do you have any vows?” Inuyasha asked.
“Of course I didn’t prepare any,” Kagome said softly. “But I will say this: I want to marry you. I want to live with you for the rest of my life and let the days with you grow longer.” 
Inuyasha stood in front of her, his nose nearly touching hers. “Kagome, I vow to protect you. I’ve done it many times from horrendous forces. But from you I’ve learned a new way to protect others. You’ve helped ease the hardness in my emotions and supported me, despite the fact that I can be a jackass sometimes.” That comment earned a laugh from the teary Kagome.
 “Your forgiveness” he continued, “has taught me how to protect you emotionally. I vow to treat you with respect, kindness, and compassion.”
 Tears were streaming down Kagome’s face. “It really sounds like you prepared something,” she said in awe.
 “What can I say? I’ve been thinking about marrying ya for a long time,” he chuckled and kissed her forehead.
 “Okay, well I’ll do what I can. Maybe Goshinboku can help me out here.” Kagome cleared her throat, “I vow to help you see you for who you are every day: a kind, strong, and honest man who’s overcome unimaginable challenges. I feel blessed that I got the chance to meet my soul mate at such an early age. You helped me learn that I’m strong.” 
Inuyasha laughed. “You’re the strongest person I know!”
After a moment, Inuyasha began chanting some prayers. Again, Kagome was impressed by how much preparation this had taken for him. She recognized the prayers as special wedding vows Miroku would chant. He had learned them just for her!
After he’d finished chanting, Inuyasha said, “Technically, I can’t marry us since I’m not a monk or anything. But I thought that if I had a priestess here to approve the marriage, perhaps the kami will honour our vows tonight.”
Inuyasha’s eyes began to quiver, and Kagome could see him fighting back tears. Kagome cried openly. “With every cell in my body, I approve and bless these vows.” 
The two put their hands in gassho and did a small bow. Then, in a very Western fashion, they crashed onto each other’s lips. They had no reason to hold back anymore.
“And so now you’re my husband.”
“Yeah,” Inuyasha said softly.
It had not been an easy journey. But it was a journey well worth walking.
Author’s Note: thanks so much to everyone who took the time to read this! For the record, Souta actually did show Inuyasha a diamond ring in the anime! So this scenario isn’t out of the realm of possibility!
And a NSFW part 2 coming soon....
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littlemissmeggie · 7 years
all prime numbers for that ask meme?
oh my gosh, i had to google prime numbers because it’s honestly been about twelve years since i last had to think about what “prime numbers” meant and what numbers were actually prime numbers. 
2. Favorite part of writing: i love when i have the big “aha!” moments when i think of a plot point or a scene or even a line of dialogue that fills in a gap i’d been struggling with, whether it’s a gap that really needed to be filled in or was one that nobody but me noticed. and i love when i think of little details to weave into my story that i feel add vibrancy to the story, whether readers notice them or not.
3. Least favorite part of writing: i hate when i get stuck in one spot and i can’t seem to get past it. like, i’ll know what’s supposed to happen next because i have it all outlined and even have specifics of the next bit sketched out but i can’t seem to get over the hump of the part i’m working on, either because i can’t turn my thoughts and ideas from the outline and drafts into words that actually flow together and sound nice or because i just keep staring at my computer screen without any motivation to write.
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most: definitely j.k. rowling but mario puzo in a big big way. agatha christie probably, too. the godfather most definitely has impacted my writing style. 
7. Favorite author: mario puzo
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish: drabbles and short oneshots often just start as a blank google doc, though i usually write at least a couple lines in my notebook; it’s usually the prompt or basic idea, i.e. cornerstone or high school golf!narry + artist!zayn. longer fics, like a little drop for me start as a page in my notebook with basic plot and story idea and then have a list of main characters, a list of settings and locations, and a list of scene ideas that came to mind as i was working through my first page of plot ideas. then i work through "character interviews" and identify the conflict/resolution, major plot points, and the main character(s) objective(s) and stuggles/obstacles achieving their goal. after all of that, i write a handwritten rough draft, outlining the entire story. i start with a typed first draft after that, filling in blanks and adding proper dialogue and adding descriptions of characters and settings from my "character interviews" and location descriptions. i go back through and work out plot holes and any parts i don't like or feel need to be reworked and then do a final draft with editing. the notes feature on google docs and post-it notes to add bits and pieces to my handwritten outline are my best friends when i'm writing.
13. How do you deal with writers block? with longer stories, i often go back to the beginning and reread what i’ve written. it sometimes helps me because, as i’m reading along and picturing the story and the characters and places, i can see what should happen next or gain more insight into what a character was thinking or feeling or find a little breadcrumb that i may have missed the first time around that can sometimes become the catalyst for what i’m missing. i also like to go back to my outline for the same reasons. if all else fails, i take a day off from writing or work on an unrelated drabble or short oneshot to get myself out of whatever universe i’ve been wrapped up in. 
17. On average, how much writing do you get done in a day? it really depends on my “real life,” unfortunately. sometimes i can only write 500 words and sometimes i can write 4,000 and sometimes i look blankly at the open google doc until i decide nothing’s going to come to me and give up for the day. at the height of writing my last fic, though, i was writing about 3,000 to 5,000 words a day.
19. First line of a WIP you’re working on: “Holy shit, Z,” said Niall, reaching out to smack his friend on the arm.
23. Single or multi POV, and why? i write in third-person omniscient. i don’t try to write in that style, it’s just what seems the most natural to me. i feel that i’m very much in each character’s mind and am considering every character’s emotions and thoughts when i’m creating my story so it seems natural to show insight into everyone’s, or almost everyone’s, point of view.
29. Who do you write for? me. i like to write stories that i enjoy going back to read. and i write because it’s an enjoyable hobby that challenges me and that i can improve upon.
31. Hardest character to write: i wrote several short stories that focused on my relationship with one of my cousins and were sort of “what-if” situations—fictionalized events in some sort of weird AU of my own life—that have and never will be posted or published anywhere. only one person has ever read them other than me. and i found that writing myself was the most difficult character to write.
37. Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you: really, just about anything robin williams ever said. but i’ve always been partial to one of his lines from the movie dead poets society. “no matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.”
41. How many stories do you work on at one time? i usually only write one story at a time, though i’ll sometimes write a drabble or a short oneshot while i’m working on a longer story. as i mentioned in question #13, i often try to deal with writer’s block by getting out of the story and focusing on something else for a bit.
43. Are you an avid reader? i used to be when i was younger; as a kid and teenager and young adult, i read a book a week. since my mid-20s, though, i’ve not read as much. my goal for the summer is to reread the harry potter series, the godfather, and the last don.
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story? since i mostly write fanfiction, my characters already sort of partially exist anyway, so i start with my basic plot and storyline before going back to shape my characters to fit around the story. when i write non-fanfiction, i feel like my plot and characters sort of form simultaneously. 
53. What does writing mean to you? i went to school and got a degree and then a career in a profession that isn’t my true passion but is something i like well enough and am very very good at and knew i would always be able to find a job doing. but music and writing have always been my two biggest passions, as well as things i’m rather good at. so writing sort of gives me a sense of fulfillment, and engages my creative side, in a way that my “real” job doesn’t. and since it’s something i can constantly improve and, between researching topics for my stories and reading through thesauraus.com and dictionary.com and reading through writing blogs for tips on writing outlines and proper grammar and punctuation, etc, allows me to learn so much, it’s a welcome challenge that’s a much better “hobby” and use of my free time than just scrolling mindlessly through tumblr or watching television.
(sorry this took so long to answer! my real life has been a bit busy with my work schedule! and i try to keep my tumblr use to no more than 15 minutes at a time during the summer to keep myself from getting sucked in for too long. i work a lot from may to october and i don't like to spend all of my free time scrolling through tumblr.)
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zoetekohana · 7 years
Asking this because of that top notch Michi rec post you made: Top 5 Michi Fics.
Oh, thank you so much! I’m really pleased to hear youliked my Michi rec post. ♡ (*Here* it is for those who want to check it out.)
To be honest, it’s really not easy to make a top fiveof Michi fics for two reasons: 1. I love way more than five Michi fics and it’dbe difficult to rank them. 2. I’ve been reading Michi fics ever since 2004.Granted I haven’t read every single one of them. And there are so many stories that I really, really loved but have been deleted in that twelve year time span. (I’m going to include those anyways, though.)
Let’s give it a try…
I’d first like to discuss a few Michi stories I reallylike that just didn’t make the cut to my top five, but still deserve a special mention:
⚘Thin Lines byHemsee Apparently this got deleted? I only found out about this yesterday, because I started checking the links on my Michi masterpost, but evidently it’s been deleted instead. Which is unfortunate because I was really eager to know how the relationship between Taichi and Mimi would further develop. Plus, Hemsee really has a clean, beautiful writing style that is so wonderful to read. I hope she creates a new multi-chaptered Michi story, though. 
⚘ All Good Things by Hemsee Luckily, her Michi oneshot is still there. It tells the story of how Mimi and Taichi’s relationship developed throughout the years since their childhood and how they gradually fell in love and got together. 
⚘ anchor me back down by dianaagronSimilarly to “All Good Things”, this story follows their relationship from the very beginning, since kindergarten, in a wonderful will they/won’t they-kind of way, to their mid-twenties. While I do love both stories (what can I say, I’m a major sucker for slow-burns), I do prefer ambd over agt. Plus how can anyone dislike a story inspired by that beautiful song by Mindy Gledhill?
⚘ Snow by hello heartbreak I recently re-read this story and loved it just as much as I did ten years ago. Ngl it hurts seeing my beloved Chosen in such pain, but this story is so touching. I also believe this is the fic that generated my headcanon that Mimi would have trouble transferring back to Japan and have trouble speaking/studying the language. Lo and behold, ten years later that headcanon actually came true in tri! 
⚘ Buttons by BenignUser This story is just so adorable! It makes me melt every time I read it. (I believe I’ve read this oneshot five times. What is my life, haha?) But really, it’s so fun, so cute and definitely worth your while. 
⚘ keep it classy by hellyeahayumichan This is a collection of four (slightly nsfw) drabbles for Michi, Sorato, Takari and Kenyako. It’s just such a great read! I really admire the subtle descriptions. Hellyeahayumichan has such a way with words. (And even though it’s not fic, I highly, highly recommend checking out her Michi art! Each and every one of her drawings are amazing. I envy her colouring skills in particular.)
⚘ Parallels by Scripturiens There are no words to describe how amazing this artwork is. And I stress the word art, because it’s really an interesting exercise in writing by putting the different pieces out of order so that all the nuances of the thoughts and the actions of the characters come together with such care. Amazing structure aside, it’s a nice piece that so wonderfully conveys emotion, especially heartbreak. I love it so much, and now I want to go re-read it….
⚘ Whispers at night by ribbonedcuriosa To this day I’m still so happy I requested a Digimon story set in the Star Wars universe from ribbonedcuriosa, because she took it and fabricated this lovely ficlet. She merged both franchises so fluently, it’s inspiring. The Michi is subtle here, but I love subtle implied pairings when it comes to the adventure genre. I honestly crave more of this story. Forever crossing my fingers for a continuation.
After contemplating long and hard over it, I now present you my TOP FIVE MICHI STORIES:
05 ⚘What Women Want by StarlillyWe start of with one of the most popular Michi fics on FF.net. And that’s understandable, because this story is so much fun! I believe I started reading it not long, just a couple of months, after it was completed. I’m even planning on re-reading after finals, so my little review here is based on my memory of when I read it late 2005. 
First there is something I have to confess (again, I’m sure I’ve stated this before, but just to be clear I’ll state it once more) that I don’t really like it when authors use the dubbed names in fics. I prefer reading Taichi Yagami over Tai Kamiya, very much so. I didn’t like it back when I started reading Michi fics in 2004/2005 and I still don’t now. That said, I won’t turn a fic down because the author chose to use the dubbed names. I do like to give it at least a try. (I sound so picky now…) And in this case: I loved the “What Women Want” film back then (still do, I rewatched it this year), so there was no way I wouldn’t read a Michi fic based on that film. And honestly, Starlilly took the premise and really made it her own while developing the relationship between Taichi and Mimi so well. 
04 ⚘ Falling’s not the problem by ribbonedcuriosaAhhhh, this story is so good! I was eagerly awaiting the next part to beta each time because it’s just so good. I absolutely love how curiosa jumped back and forth from past to present to showcase how Mimi and Taichi got to the point where they were in the beginning and how their lives further developed since then. And she did it so fluidly. Also her characterizations of both Taichi and Mimi are so well-done. 
03 ⚘Come to Me by Pied Piper + Only Alive by Pied PiperI’m sure you all knew beforehand that at least one Pied Piper story would make my top five, and here’s the first one… Sorry, first two. Okay, I know I’m cheating here by putting both these stories on the number three slot and therefore haven’t whittled my list down to five fics but six. But for the life of me, I can not chose between these two! 
I’ll talk about Come to Me first. I really love this story so much because it’s so real, so relatable. There were so many moments where I just nodded understandingly, because it was so realistic. And I talked before how I love slow-burns, well, this fic is one of the ultimate slow-burns I’ve ever read. I really enjoyed reading about their journey from how they became friends first to actually falling for each other, but being apprehensive first considering they were still dealing with their heartbreak from a previous relationship, to finally arriving at their destination together which felt so earned. It was so beautiful beyond comprehension. (PS: I still have a half-finished fanart of it lying around.)
Moving onto Only Alive now… I’m confident my good friend Sunny is going to love the fact that I included this fic into my top three. Back in the beginning of 2009 when we discovered our mutual passion for digimon as well for Michi through a meme on my livejournal (we befriended over Avatar first), she told me that this was her most favourite Michi story. Somehow I hadn’t read it then yet. (Seriously, what was wrong with me?) So, at her recommendation, I read the first chapter and I immediately wrote back to her that I was in love with this story already. There was a certain passage in the first chapter that stood out to me, because it was the perfect Michi interaction:
So he asked her to dinner, sending a written apology note down to her small cubicle several stories below his feet.
She replied almost instantly: Jackass. 
He responded: Pick you up at eight? 
She agreed: Buy me flowers, too. 
Ah, Mimi, Mimi. How he missed someone who could talk back without fear. Welcome home, he grinned to himself.
To me, Michi is so compatible, because their personalities just go well together. They’re both headstrong but they’re both also very passionate and kind. I love seeing them portrayed with the whole “love to tease you” dynamic. And that passage in OA is an excellent example of that. Honestly, Pied Piper has such an exquisite grasp on these characters. I knew then that this fic was going to be splendid, and boy, did it deliver! I read it in the course of three evenings.
I will forever love both these stories. Then again I will forever love all the stories Pied Piper wrote. Just thinking about them makes me want to re-read every single one of them (except that I sadly lost a couple over the years…) 
02 ⚘ Creative License by R.vdPI’m kind of cheating again, haha, because technically this wasn’t really Michi. Daikeru, a ship I love so much next to Michi (thanks to this fic actually), was the main pairing of this story, but Michi was definitely heavily featured. But I just loved this story so much! Unfortunately it was deleted several years ago. (Around 2007, iirc.) 
That being said, I still feel lucky to have read this story. I can’t begin to explain how amazing it was! It was so cleverly constructed. Each chapter focused on a certain aspect of the story, and with each chapter we learned more and more what happened to these characters in the past and how they’re ultimately connected to other characters. It was all intricately interwoven. The writing style was also so crisp, so poetic, so inspiring. Plus, while the Michi was very angsty, it was very hot. I still haven’t read a nsfw Michi that came close to their scenes in this story. 
01 ⚘ My Captain’s Lady by Pied PiperIs there any surprise that MCL is my ultimate favourite? 
The truth is: This isn’t just my favourite Michi fic. This isn’t even just my favourite Digimon fic. This is my ultimate favourite fic ever.
It was the very first fic that got me so hooked. I started reading MCL after chapter fifteen or so (don’t remember the exact chapter anymore, since y’know, it was eleven years ago) and kept checking for the next update. It was really bad with the final chapter, because it was New Year’s Eve and I continuously pressed refresh so eagerly awaiting the update and then when it was finally there I read it between the different courses of dinner. 
I loved it so much that I was raving about it non-stop to my best friend that she, who hadn’t watched a single episode of digimon, even wanted to read it. So I lend her my binder of MCL and I like that she texted me her thoughts a few times. I kept those texts, even after ten years, until I had to buy a new phone last summer. 
Sentimental experiences aside, the story itself is just so epic. It had everything: an intriguing plot, an amazing build-up, lots of suspense and action, and of course a compelling romance between Taichi and Mimi. Once again, the journey of the characters and their relationship was so moving and so captivating. And I loved every step of the way. 
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