#fighting for you sasusaku
addawithbalmiki · 1 year
none of this ‘i don’t deserve her’ sasuke in my notes. only ‘i will not burden him with my love he deserves to have a good life’ sakura and ‘i will devour you right now’ sasuke
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
it's been an age since i've been into naruto, and now that i have plans on making my own version on how naruto shippuden ended, i was wondering, how do you think naruto shippuden should've ended? like are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku? whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? if you already spoke about this i'm sorry lol but im just wondering.
OMG HIIIIIIII @ofrolysdogs you're one of my OGs! How have you been????? Please please tag me or let me know once you create your rework. that sounds so intriguing!
This post is gonna be controversial, beauties.
How do you think Naruto Shippuden should've ended?
Ideally, with Naruto realizing that he doesn't need to become hokage to get the attention and validation from the people he loves and cares about. Or at the very least, with Naruto becoming hokage but abolishing the shinobi system. Maybe even make Danzo hokage along the way, just when Tsunade falls into her coma, and slowly make Naruto question the system more and more. Also, Sasuke's whole "redemption" arc should have been handled differently. First and foremost, he was a victim. He did a few things that were wrong, and I agree that there need to be consequences, but for this redemption arc I'd rather have him travel around and teach people around the world about the customs and culture of the Uchiha.
Are you pro or anti naruhina? pro or anti sasusaku?
I am both Anti NaruHina and Anti SasuSaku, but for two different reasons. I used to be a hardcore SNS shipper, but not so much nowadays. NaruHina had so much potential, they could have explored their class and privilege differences together, learning from each other and stuff. But Neji dying for their ship to sail? That was a hate crime. The reason I'm Anti SasuSaku is because I simply don't really like the thought of shipping Sasuke with anyone. He has enough to go through and putting him in a romantic relationship is not something that would make it more interesting or add stakes to it, although I wouldn't mind seeing him adopt a kid or two, given how family oriented Sasuke is.
Whats your opinions on how the fourth war was played out? I found the use of Edo tensei very interesting, albeit a little cheapened here and there. The Itachi and Sasuke vs Kabuto fight was a little disappointing. Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing he two of them fight together side by side, and Itachi's final parting was very touching - but them fighting Kabuto of all people? Maybe if Kishi fleshed out Kabuto's story a little more, he clearly had no idea what to do with him. Poor bastard.
Madara just 'knowing' the hand signs of edo tensei is actually not so unlikely, but it still irks me how he was able to just "come back" when Edo Tensei was released.
And let's not talk about the power scaling, which went completely through the roof in the end. Oof. Kaguya, as is, ruined the storyline completely. It could have worked, but not in the way it was executed in shippuden.
But alas, I suppose there is only so much Kishi can do within the confines of a genre.
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mdr-reikas · 8 months
100% agreed on the whole way naruto shippers clearly do not actually care about or like madara and sasuke. for example fucking sasusaku shippers clearly do not notice or care about how sasuke is miserable fighting for some village that ruined his life and that no one knows the truth about the uchiha massacre they just see him as some strong skinny twink bishie boi who is only nice to their precious self insert sakura they see him as a thing for sakura. don't even get me started on fucking tobirama x madara or the toxic tobirama stans in general, i have seen horrific shit of madara being violently raped by tobirama on ao3 as a punishment of his crime for "being an uchiha who hasn't been humbled". the sad thing is that i have seen crossover romance shipping fanfic that actually respects both madara and sasuke as characters (making sure they ain't OOC or stripped of their nuance/personality) and they have more chemistry with characters from different anime/manga series. both madara and sasuke deserve better from this damn fandom than just being hashirama and naruto's cute little waifus who constantly get kidnapped like Princess Peach and get pregnant with uchiha babies like a fucking Uchiha baby factory.
So real!!! I think one of the reasons why this happens sometimes is because a lot of naruto fans/shippers are very pro konoha, so anything that Madara or Sasuke do is instantly a crime against humanity to them, so in order to make their ship work they have to take their morals and issues away from Madara and Sasuke, so they "aren't evil" anymore.
Also, that last part about t*birama/madara is so true. I mean, aside the fact that Madara would never be able to forgive him for killing Izuna, Tobirama also just had zero respect for him as a person. Tobirama felt no empathy for the Uchiha, and to pretend that he would set that aside for Madara is just insane to me. It's fine as a crack ship or if you write it to be intentionally toxic (which can be fun sometimes), but just taking away all the nuance these two characters have to make them fuck??? why?? Like, with hsmd I atleast understand where people are coming from, childhood friends trope and all, but what is the appeal of tobimada? No one who actually likes Madara would be able to ship tobimada, and no one who actually likes Sasuke would be able to ship sasusaku.
Madara and Sasuke definitely deserved sooo much better, they deserved loving people who actually respected them and their dreams (and no hsrm did not respect mdr's dreams while he was still in the village let's not play pretend).
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blueysky12 · 7 months
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I want to say this and get this off my chest. Sakura fans, Hinata fans, Sasusaku fans, and Naruhina fans, this post is not for you so if you’re going to say anything rude don’t read this post.
I wanted to pointed out some things about Sakura and Hinata especially their fandom
Here we got this(not mine btw) What? Did this person ever watched the anime or read the manga at all? I don’t think we never had a canon reason why Sakura became a kunoichi/Ninja nor it was stated why she became one. Hinata had a canon reason I believe, She was a force to become a ninja or something like that but I guess some Sakura fans think Hinata became a ninja to get Naruto to notice her.
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Apparently Hinata can’t cry because her husband is never home? Kushina and Minato died for their child and I don’t know how Mito died because I haven’t watched Naruto in a long time but I do have the manga but not the whole collection yet. I mean wouldn’t you be sad and crying that your husband is never home with you and your kids.
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Sarada was being rude because she asked a question about her mom marriage?.. Never knew it was rude to ask your mom or dad about their marriage/relationship. Sarada does have a right to ask Sakura about her marriage with Sasuke, Sarada hasn’t seen her dad for years.
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Now we’re fighting who’s the best mother now? My personal opinion who are the best mothers are kushina and Mikoto. They actually care for their kids and died for them.
The parents in boruto:
I might get hate for this but Hinata, Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke are all terrible parents. Sasuke and Naruto are both absent for their kids and Sakura and Hinata are literally ok with them being absent for their kids. Whenever their kids say about how they feel and wish their dads were their for them, Hinata and Sakura are like “He has a lot of work or “He has been oh his mission”. It’s also fucking funny how people call naruto a terrible dad for missing out boruto birthday and tried to attend his himawari birthday but failed but Sasuke has missed tons of sarada birthdays and people are like he’s hot or a better dad then naruto? I guess a dad who misses tons of his daughter birthdays is better than a dad who misses one his kids birthday and tried to attend his other one.
Naruto the last: I fucking hate this movie and wish to burn it. SP turned Naruto into a complete dumbass, sure naruto was dumb but not completely actually dumb like goku who doesn’t know what a kiss is. It’s funny how SP took naruto and sasuke bonds and give it ti naruto and hinata. Also why is hinata Charka Is purple in the movie? Oh yeah SP took it from sasuke and gave it hinata. It’s funny how they made this movie just for naruto to fall in love with hinata because they were no evidence of him falling in love with hinata. “But Naruto saved her” yes he did but does that mean he loves her, just because a male character saves a female character doesn’t mean he’s in love with her. Sorry to say this but if you get jealous of your crush wearing a scarf from his dead mother which is a memory to them, then you’re nothing but an asshole for that. I hate fucking SP for changing the personality on some of the characters on this fanfic movie.
Sakura: look I seen some people claim that Sakura can madara, obito, naruto, Konan, itachi, sasuke, karin, and others characters and I want to know give me a explanation of how can she defeat this characters? Yes she is strong but does that mean she can beat everyone, no. Madara can easily beat Sakura probably in like a second or minute, Madara is more stronger than Sakura. Also explain to me how can she defeat Karin who was long ass uzumaki chains and Konan who has millions or thousands of paper bombs, so how the fuck can she handle those. Also some Sakura fans are sensitive if you criticize her, if you say something about her then the Sakura fans will attack them, same for hinata fans they do the same thing of what Sakura fans do. It’s funny whenever someone calls hinata pretty or another female character pretty then some Sakura fans are like “nO sAkUrA iS OnLy pReTTy!!” I guess we can’t call other female pretty other than Sakura.
Sasusaku and Naruhina: I sometimes see on twitter about who’s the better ship sasusaku or naruhina and I will say this, they are both terrible ships/couples. They shouldn’t all have been single because sasuke has never shown any love interest in Sakura and girls. Yes they did have moments together but does that mean he loves her? No. He did care for Sakura in og Naruto but did sasuke love her? No he cares her because she’s their teammate so why are some ss fans acting sasuke loves her because he cares for her as a teammate. Almost the same for Naruhina. Naruto ignores her for years but out of nowhere they married? I mean sasuke and Naruto doesn’t even look happy with their wives. Naruto with sasuke he has a big smile but Naruto with hinata it looks like he has a polite smile where he’s forced to take a picture with his family. Sasuke doesn’t look happy around sakura, he just looks annoyed around her. Also what fucking annoys me that I sometimes see some sasusaku fans compare Sasuke and Sakura to Obamitsu(Obanai x Mitsuri) relationship. Really, you’re really comparing a toxic relationship to a healthy relationship? Let me tell you how sasusaku is nothing like Obamitsu
Sakura: was obsessed with sasuke for years and chases after him.
Misturi: wasn’t obsessed with obanai and didn’t chase him and cares for his feelings and wishes.
Sasuke: doesn’t have a shit about Sakura, tried to kill 3 times, abandoned his family for 13 years, doesn’t know he had a daughter, doesn’t visit his family, looks uncomfortable and annoyed with Sakura.
Obanai: cares for misturi, didn’t try to kill her, didn’t abandon her, looks comfortable and happy around mitsuri.
So explain to me how is sasusaku is like Obamitsu. I bet Sasusaku fans compare them to obamitsu is because
Sakura and Mitsuri: Both have pink hair, strong, both has green eyes, both has a crush on black hair guys.
Sasuke and Obanai: Both has black hair, strong, both has snakes.
Also mitsuri goal didn’t revolve around obanai. But Sakura goal lead to revolve Sasuke.
It’s also hilarious how people will shit on hinata for stalking Naruto and losing fights while Sakura did the same thing as hinata.
That’s all for today. You can always correct me
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madara-fate · 19 days
Do you think sasusaku spent time together after the fight between Naruto and sasuke? Like she visited him in jail maybe. Do you have any head canons? Would that time be when sasuke fell for her
They probably did spend some time together, but they'd likely spend it rather professionally, rather than as former teammates. But I think that once a decision had been made regarding his release, they would begin opening up to each other again. But I don't think he would have fallen for her during this time because as previously stated, the vast majority of their time together while he was in prison would have been spent professionally. I'm more inclined to believe that he started falling for her during the events of Sakura Hiden.
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maoam · 1 year
Most people who follow me have probably figured out I’m not a huge shipper, as in I don’t have many ships, and sometimes find a lot of shippers annoying.
And yet, the way people (het shippers) act like fujoshis are mega misogynistic or that misogyny is their trait is so funny and untrue. Sometimes I see fujos say x female character is boring or undeveloped or that the romance between her and male character x is bad, so they don’t care about it. Like okay. Sometimes they ship m/m ship that is also poorly developed or uninteresting so they’re a bit hypocritical but they aren’t as misogynistic as het shippers make them out to be.
Now het shippers themselves on the other hand. You only need to look at sasusaku/narusaku/naruhina/sasukarin, ichiruki/ichime, eremika/erehisu fights and you see some real shocking misogyny. Like all the sexual degrading, misogynist insults, the body comparisons, the comparisons on which one would make a better tradwife, the slut shaming, they have all of that. All the nastiest shit I have seen come from het shippers’ shipping wars.
I’m not saying fujoshis can’t be bad. But it’s so dishonest when het shippers point fingers at them. They are usually worse, and on top of misogyny they are also homophobic.
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happypanda101 · 7 months
How Sakura’s Love Interest Ruined Her Character Development
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Alright. I promise this is the last Sakura related content I’ll do for a while. But after seeing several other people on here talk about about this subject, I thought it would be interesting to discuss. This isn’t gonna be a full on analysis, rather my thoughts as someone who loves Sakura and was disappointed to see how her character was handled in canon.
I think a lot of the fandom can be agree that Sakura’s biggest flaw was her love for Sasuke. Love is typically supposed to be a character’s strength, but unfortunately for our pink cherry blossom, it’s her weakness. And her downfall.
Now, I’ve already made it clear what my feelings on SasuSaku are. I like the pairing, they could have been better developed and aren’t nearly terrible as people claim they are. However, it would be ignorant of me to not acknowledge that canon Sasusaku is… kinda shitty.
Don’t get my wrong, they have their cute moments in blank period, like Sasuke asking Sakura to wear the clan crest, but things start going downhill when they get married and the plot of Burrito rolls around. Sakura is left to be a single mother while Sasuke is off god knows where for that stupid space alien/ “remains of Kaguya” whatever plot. Sasuke never writes to check up on his family, it’s implied that Sarada doesn’t remember him at all or what he looks like, and Sakura is left there trying to assure her poor daughter that Sasuke is doing this because he loves them. But when Sasuke comes back, he rarely acknowledges or wants to spend time with them at all. Not to mention, he seems to care more about Naruto’s kid than his own. Naruto suffers from this problem as well, but that’s a discussion for another time.
For the canon endgame, Kishimoto certainly doesn’t write any of his characters being happy in their relationships.
Anyway, Sakura and her character development. It may not have been grand as her teammates, but it was still there. Sakura went from a naive girl that was obsessed with boys and her looks to someone who acknowledged that she had to work harder if she wanted to help and protect those she cared for. She went from disliking and envying Naruto to someone who was willing to throw her ninja career away so her friend could follow his dream. She wanted to help Naruto to bring Sasuke back, but realized she wasn’t strong enough, so she went to Tsuande for help and become a damn good medical ninja as a result. She became more confident in herself and was always there to support her friends. She never needed an epic fight or a tramatic backstory, I would say her development was pretty great.
But then all of that gets thrown away whenever Sasuke comes into the picture. Sakura may be able to stand up for others, but never does she stand up for herself when it comes to Sasuke. When he belittles her in the War Arc for simply asking him what was going on, she gets all quiet and sad. Defeated. Worst part is that Naruto can’t even stand up for her properly.
The kunoichi who broke off Kaguya’s horn and aided in sealing her, therefore saving the world, is left a begging, whimpering mess for Sasuke to come back to her, to come back to team 7. And what does she get in return? A genjustu of him killing her.
And just when you think oh this has to finally get her to realize that she can do so much better than him, or at least get her to step back and reevaluate her feelings, let her spend time away from him, it’s just forgotten about! Forget traumatizing and hurting her, it’s okay because Sasuke apologized and now she wants to go with him. Don’t get me wrong, I do think that was a genuine apology, but the fact that she was just expected to forgive him at the snap of a finger was infuriating. And down right sad.
It doesn’t help that nobody else comments on it, or tells Sakura “hey, what he did was pretty shitty, you didn’t deserve that.” Or stand up for her at all. Kakashi kinda did, but it was so weak.
In Naruto, a woman’s role is to support the men, because what else are they good for? And if they ever move on from a guy they like, they’re a “terrible person,” in Kishimoto’s words. Whatever improved or developed Sakura’s character, it reverted backwards or was simply forgotten for Sasuke. Because Sakura loves him, she can never disagree or argue or fight with him, because that would make her a bad person.
Sakura had the potential to become one of the greatest heroines in anime, but that was all thrown away becasue of her misogynistic creator and his idiotic editors. She deserved better, every female character in Naruto deserved better, and burrito should have never happened because it’s an abomination to the Naruto franchise.
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saneandrocking · 4 months
Sasusaku prompt - ''I am stronger than you today''
Sakura, gazing into the eyes of a tormented Sasuke Uchiha, poised to sacrifice the world for the sins committed against his clan, declares: "You believe power is strength, that all your potential is defined by what your eyes can achieve, by what you can summon, by the way you fight, by the way you kill, but you are mistaken. Strength is witnessing a world filled with injustice and malevolence and still choosing to fight to preserve the good. Strength is recognizing the reasons to rise against those who are corrupt, but understanding there is no justification to become the source of further cruelty. Strength is not forsaking your ideals to conform to what the world has made of you and how it has treated you.
You think I am weak for loving you and believing that you are lost in the darkness, as you scorn my feelings and my inability to kill you, but once more, you are wrong. I see in you someone who has been wronged and isolated, condemned to be a pawn in a game you were never even informed about. I see in you a child in pain, loneliness, and hatred, and, much to your chagrin, I see in you the capacity to love. Between the two of us, Sasuke, only I have remained true to my ideals and to who I am. You can kill me here, something you will have to fight for from beginning to end because I will never die without knowing that I avenged the person Naruto and I have mourned since we were thirteen. I am stronger than you today, not on the battlefield, but in mind. I am stronger than you, and it may be that I perish today because of it, but you will fall with me."
Bonus: A Sasuke who faces a Sakura Haruno who is simultaneously the same as the one he abandoned on the bench and so different that he needs to remind himself that this adversary is dangerous in a way that no other ever will be.
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stopthebig3 · 1 year
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To the Sakura stans who ship sasusaku and narusaku in my mentions liking my anti hinata posts, (and being too lazy or incapable of making such posts themselves) know that Sakura is also a useless and selfish character that Kishimoto despises..
Kishimoto wrote her as selfish. She never cared about Sasuke as a person, she doesn’t even know who he is. She only knows he’s hot. Her crying every five seconds doesn’t mean she cares about him, it means she cares about herself. Both of her confessions were about herself.
The fact you guys can see Hinata is useless and selfish but can’t see the same with Sakura, despite the fact it’s underlined in the manga over and over again, only shows that you overlook things in characters you relate to. Sakura doesn’t even make a good self-insert considering everytime she makes a confession, she is brutally rejected, by both boys.
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This is Sakura uselessly moping over the fact Sasuke didn’t care about her getting stabbed. You know, instead of focusing on the task at hand like a good shinobi would, she focuses on the fact a guy that never showed interest in her still doesn’t. Her whole attack before getting stabbed wasn’t based on any well thoughtout plan but was solely fueled by her selfish need to satisfy her own ego as we see in her inner thoughts just before.
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Here she had another moment of realization that she isn’t that important to Sasuke. But she still pushes on because self respect is not something she has.
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And here is yet another moment in which she realizes she isn’t that significant to Sasuke. But since she is stubborn and refuses to take no for an answer, she gets all angry and starts to scream her selfish confession, despite it’s not even relevant to the situation. I mean look at her, I remember someone said she looks like she is getting ready to fight lol. And then she gives her self pitying confession that some people think is love. Sad.
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This was how Naruto was acting after Sasuke almost butchered Sakura. He wasn’t approving and was telling Sasuke not to do it, but he wasn’t that angry either.
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Or here, after Sasuke put Sakura in a murder genjutsu. “Hey that’s not nice” but overall doesn’t care much. When will you Sakura stans realize Kishimoto doesn’t care about her nor has any respect for her? Even when Sakura confessed to him, Naruto wasn’t heartbroken. Sakura is just a tool to Kishimoto, and he is well aware both Sasuke and Naruto deserve better than Sakura any day. He even implied twice that Sasuke never kisses Sakura.
You people simply sacrificed all reading comprehension, standards and logic at the pink altar of a subpar female character. Hopefully you people are at least young so there’s some room to grow. Sorry if this feels like an attack, but I’m tired of seeing Sakura stans liking my Hinata posts and Hinata stans liking my Sakura posts when both characters have the same bad traits and are constantly being trolled by Kishimoto. It’s hypocrisy.
But I see this person reblogs Sasuke Retsuden stuff so it’s not like she cares what the actual author of Naruto thinks. Wonder if she has even read the manga. Fanfic written by someone completely different is much better I guess.
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sasusakuaudios · 1 year
The full version (video version - part 3 and 4) can be accessed on my pateron. I am sharing the links here.
Hi everyone, here is the translation-
Sk- Sasuke-kun? , Sa- It’s snowing heavily.. I have to inform the village, Sk- oh no! Sarada will he fine with her friends, Sa- Is there something in your mind?, Sk- I wish things ended dofferently than they did (Rekadu), Sa- We didn’t have a choice, it was necessary to protect peace.
Sk- Your hands are freezing, here (give me your hand), Sa- come here.
Sa- is your wound okay? Sk- yes, Sa- There was a point during the fight, I thought I lost you…. I… would have….., Sk- I know you would have done the right thing.
Sk- sasuke kun, I miss us like this (close to each other), Sa- It has been long I have seen you like this, Sk- Sasuke- kun!!
Sk- Don’t stop, Sa- Sakura….., Sk- I know
Sa- *fingeri** You okay? , Sk- Hurry! , Sa- Don’t complain later *Doing the do* , Sa- Sakura, I love you.. ( End of part one)
Sa- I was rough! Is your body okay? Sk- Yes,
Sk- we are not done yet. Sa- Hmm?? Sk- I wanna feel you more (gives him a hand) , Sa- *stops her* I won’t hold back now,
Sa- Do you remember the first time you were like this? After that you became family. * Enters her* *Stars rubbing the Cl*t*
Sk- wait! Start moving, Sa- **starts doing the do**, Sk- Sasuke-kun! , Sa- What? , Sk- Do it harder,
Sa- Get on your knees, SK- *squirts*
Sk- *gasps* , Sa- *Flashback* Sakura, Where are you?? Answer me! Sk- Sasuke- kun!! Please hug me. Sa- Cumming!
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sparklyfaerie · 1 year
My further adventures into reading the Naruto manga:
- Obviously I’m fucking mad at the changes to the scene where Sasuke gets the curse mark. I think all SasuSaku shippers despise those subtle shifts; they compeltely alter the tone of the scene.
- I never noticed before that the ‘ink’ Kakashi uses to seal the cursed mark is actually his own blood? Like you can see the cut on his hand? That means that from that moment until Itachi removed the mark, Sasuke had Kakashi’s blood tattooed into his skin.
- The thing that bothers me the most though? When the Sakura vs Ino fight is announced, Ino’s entire team is like “well shit, she’s in trouble.” In particular, Asuma’s internal dialogue says:
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Of course, the anime said “nah fuck that, we can’t have anyone respecting Sakura.” I checked.
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They made Ino seem stronger and completely disrespected Sakura. Again. Seriously what the fuck is with SP hyping up the other girls and driving Sakura into the fucking ground?
Fuck you Studio Pierrot. Fuck you.
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petalstoashes · 2 years
Sasusaku Smut Recs
sasusaku smut you probably haven't read yet
Green - pWITHp, Sensual, Vanilla, etc.
Orange - Semi-public, Light b/ndage, Soft k!nks , etc.
Red - BD*S*M, A/B/O, Hard k!nks, etc.
Purple - Dark Content, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat (read tags)
+ Tender - pain_somnia @pain-somnia
So he ignored it as best as he could.
He ignored freckled shoulders and winsome smiles meant just for him. He ignored creamy thighs and slender fingers that pinched at the back of his shirt.
Those tender feelings weren’t meant for him to explore.
+ Happy Birthday, Sakura - Efaya
As they were finally left alone, Sasuke took another swig of sake, as did Sakura, sitting quietly next to one another. It was a peaceful silence, just small sips of sake shared between them in the dark evening, accented by hanging lights across the top of the bar. Sasuke put his glass down, his gaze returning to his companion. “The dobe forgot.
+ Hush - SouthSideStory @southsidestory
They have to be quiet. Sasuke's parents are only one floor down, and they sleep lightly, like most shinobi. It's difficult, though, when he's touching her like this and whispering loving words in her ear...
+ Bite Hard - MelliCity @mellicity
(Recreational Dr/g Use)
It didn't help that the w/ed they were smoking was going straight to her p/ssy.
+ Restraint - sparklyfaerie @sparklyfaerie
Sasuke does not often exert this kind of dominance over her.
+ Train Wrecked - Annonymous
(Public s/x, Strangers k!nk)
sakura would always catch the eye of a certain black haired guy during her train ride.
+ Plush - moontown
(light sp/nking)
"Basically, they were both a little thicker than they had been ten years ago. But that wasn’t the problem.
The problem was that they still wanted to f/ck like horny teenagers."
+ The Cherry Wood Armorie - Endoh
(mirror s/x, soft k!nks)
no summary
+ she's just like candy (she's so sweet) - iwasbitch
Log in to read. Hokage Sasuke (Power play, Edge play, Glove k!nk)
shikamaru was right, as he almost always was. sasuke really did want to fuck his head medic.
+ cream filled - brumel
(Threes/me (cursed form), double pen/tration)
Somehow, one night, Sasuke's cursed self manifests itself in the couple's bedroom.
+ good girl - brumel
(Thre/some (clones))
A mistake from Sakura makes Sasuke a very, very happy man.
+ Inside Voices - flipfloppandas
(Femd*m, Pegg/ng)
Sasuke does not need words to speak to her. Likewise, Sakura does not need to speak to get what she wants. Especially not when they want the same thing. That thing being her absolutely ruining him.
+ Shakti - specwrites
(D*m/S*b, Rough body play)
He never wanted a good fuck like he did after a fight.
Call it adrenaline, call it a literal lust for power, call it what you will; the woman writhing underneath him was only too happy to comply. 
+ Thot Seat - moontown
Multi-chap (An*l, Bre/ding K!nk, Public S/x)
It was just a game that college kids liked to play, but as stupid as it was, it was also extremely informative.
+ hands on the wheel - brumel
Log in to read (Power play, Age difference, Face f/cking)
The amount of times Sasuke finds something wrong with his car in the span of three months since he first visited the auto repair shop is insane. 
+ For Him - silentvoicescryingout
Log in to read (Blo/d play, D*m/S*b, Snakes)
It is Sasuke's birthday and Sakura offers him absolutely everything on a platter.
+ Summoning (Pareas carinatus) - pseudolily
(Teratonoph!llia (Snake-Human Hybrid), Bl/od play)
Sasuke has a secret — one he doesn't give out easily. Not to his closest friends. Not even to his girlfriend, Sakura. It's a summoning privilege, a power he is yet to use, but tonight he lets it out. And he lets it play.
+ Symbiosis - sokku
Multi-chap (Incubus, Vampire, Bre/ding K!nk)
A incubus and a vampire are unlikely combinations that shouldn’t work. But they make it possible.
+ Cake by The Ocean - chickenoodlesoup
(Teratonoph!llia (Mermaid), Bre/ding K!nk)
Mermaid Sakura and Human Sasuke have hot s/x by the ocean
note: i might recommend twitter accounts and twitter/priviter exclusive fics if this post does well.
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blueysky12 · 5 months
Ever since the poll started of who had the best fight and sakura vs sasori won but In my opinion I feel like it was favoritism. Like it feels like they don’t care about the fight just Sakura, If they were another fight with sakura they will choose her because it’s sakura not because of they fight just sakura they care about. Sakura and Lady Chiyo was good but they were better fights than Sakura and Lady Chiyo vs Sasori, Like sakura failed to defeat and the only reason they won is because Sasor let them win or Sasori just killed himself.
One thing that really annoys me about some sakura fans(not all of them but some of them) say that Hinata vs Pain was weak and it was a filler fight
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While This scene of Sakura vs Sasori was also a filler fight because this part was never in the manga
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So I find it funny of how some sakura fans will make fun of Hinata for having a filler parts during her fight while their favorite character had filler parts during fights as well.
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In the manga hinata gets one shot by pain.
There’s sometimes Naruhina and Sasusaku stans arguing about which relationship is better or which relationship had filler episodes while in reality they both have filler episodes. Sasusaku Stans would make fun or shit on Naruhina and that they needed a movie for their ship while Naruhina Stans will shit on or make fun of Sasusaku for needing two or one novels for their ship but in reality Naruhina and Sasusaku are both terrible canon ships to ever exist because my personal opinion about this canon ships are two woman who doesn’t understand about their crushes and two guys who were traumatize and had a terrible pasts and were guilt tripped to be with them.
It’s funny of how some sakura fans get mad when people don’t like sakura and say they still in og Naruto or they will call you a misogynist for not liking her or say shit like “Sakura saved Naruto life many times”!!! Some sakura fans needs to accept that not everyone is going to like sakura, Same with Hinata fans. Just because you don’t like a female character from a show does not make you a misogynistic, Learn to understand that and accept it instead of attacking, harassing, and bashing them or trying to get them to like your favorite female character.
What also annoys me that whenever someone says they don’t like Sakura and have value reasons to dislike her but not because she’s useless, Some of the Sakura fans are like “How come you can like Bakugou but not Sakura”!! Like what does Bakugou have to do with anything not liking Sakura? At least Bakugou doesn’t play with his friends feelings.
(I don’t watch Mha(My hero academia) so I don’t really know about Bakugou much)
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uchiwife · 6 months
Ok guys, I need to talk to you about something!
Last year or so I had an idea for a time-travel fic with Kakasaku as the main pairing. I think this will sound familiar to some if you are or were on the Kakasaku discord because at the time I shared snippets and little teasers about this fic.
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This is the first time I've written for this pairing. Although I adore them and consume a lot of Kakasaku fics, I've never written for them. Those who know my work will know that I write mainly Itasaku, Shisaku and occasionally Sasusaku.
The project is still in progress, albeit on hold, however, as I don't know when I'll be able to release this story, I first wanted to contextualize the idea and tell you a bit about it quickly and thus see if it's worth continuing to work on this fic in the future.
I was hoping to get some feedback, to see how the idea might be received. Although we writers write primarily for ourselves, I still find it interesting to have the opinion of my readers or future readers. If they like the idea, it's obvious that working on the story is all the more motivating, you know? And since it's my first time writing Kakasaku, I'm feeling a bit nervous.
So here's the general idea :
«  Kakashi and Sakura found themselves back in their younger selves for some reason. The Kakashi and Sakura of the future are in an established relationship so imagine their horror when they realize where they are.
To keep up appearances, Sakura plays Sasuke's fangirls (albeit a little more moderately) and Kakashi scowls and rolls his eyes at every "sasuke-kun, you're soooo sTrOnG. Sasuke-kun is so cuuuuute, isn't he kakashi-sEnsEi?" and he's like "adorable." but with a deadpan face, you know? It just amuses Sakura to be able to annoy Kakashi because in their future lives, he likes to annoy her and miss a few of his medical appointments so it's a kind of payback.
And of course there's the fact that they won't have their daily routines as long as they're stuck in their current bodies. Well, especially for Sakura, because although Kakashi is a notorious pervert and a kinky person, doing anything while she looks like a 12-year-old is off-limits to him, and what's even more frustrating is that of course he still loves her since it's Sakura's mind that's in her 12-year-old body. But to be honest, Sakura agrees that she's just as frustrated, and can't see herself engaging in lewd activities in her pre-teen body.
And what's worse, she's experiencing her first period for the second time. Much to Kakashi's amusement.🐺🌸 »
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To conclude, here are two questions I was asked about this fic and my answer:
Q: “But of course they slip every now and then? Like hand holding. Or Kakashi putting a hand around her waist out of reflex. Or not patting her head but her cheek (for being *so cheeky*) and it raises some brows.”
A: “Oh totally! And when he realizes it, he's panicked, like: "Minor, minor, illegal. Off limits. Prison. 12 years. take your hand off." and Sakura's kind of annoyed that she can't have her good-night kiss. Especially since she's living with her parents at 12. Sometimes Sakura even forgets the "sensei" when she addresses kakashi, which frankly, coming from Sasuke, would be fine in the sense that he's so casual, but Sakura? Sweet, rule-abiding Sakura? Naaah. Especially if she calls him "Kashi"”
Q: “Would they try to change things you think!?”
A: “Well, at first, I think they'll be trying to find a way back home. They're so confused about being here, they think it's a bad idea. Not to mention that it's really no fun for Sakura to be a 12-year-old when her man could be arrested and thrown in jail if they're caught while he's having one of those slips. Like touching her in a very familiar and intimate way that goes beyond the teacher/student relationship.
You also have to bear in mind that they are in a period of peace in their own timeline. After fighting, suffering and losing comrades and friends, in the 4GNW, they've earned a well-deserved peace.
But if they get stuck for a while, I think Sakura will come up with the idea. Kakashi will be much more cautious. It's not that he's completely reticent, but he's been through so much that he fears the changes they might make could lead to results far worse than those of their original timeline.
So Sakura would have to warm him up to the idea, but ultimately I think he knows it might be worth the risk if it means avoiding tragic events. When you know so much about the future, it's dangerous, but knowing what's going to happen and letting it happen is perhaps worse. Some things are inevitable, some deaths too, and Sakura will probably blame herself. Kakashi will have more perspective on the situation. But they'll be relying on each other; all the while trying to make their relationship work; which is going to be complicated given the age that currently separates them. But knowing Sakura and her fierce love for her loved ones, she won't let Kakashi run away or question their relationship. After all, it's not their timeline. And they'll find a way to get back together.”
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maoam · 9 months
I have seen some sasusakus acknowledge some of what you wrote in there but they explain it away by saying that just because it’s romantic in one context doesn’t mean it’s romantic in another context. To them it’s never romantic when the context is between two men. Yet they cry about being called homophobic…….
Yeah those SS are homophobic. Nothing new. They are so attached to their ship they have to jump through the hoops to explain away all the 5000 homoerotic/romantic implications...
Kishi wouldn't have made a reference to romance and doublesuicide at the start of Kages arc and then at the end of said arc make Naruto suggest doublesuicide to Sasuke (right after when both girls who love Sasuke romantically fail to have any sort of effect on him) which shakes him. Naruto even talks about how in the next life their societal expectations won't be in their way, which is like the core of Japanese doublesuicide plays and the reason why the romantic couples in them end up making such decision. Like you have to be REALLY deep in denial to deny the romantic implication here. Aside from million other things.
Kishi wouldn't have picked a manga from the 70s (of which climax had another guy to admit he is in love with another guy and have them fight) and then go and parallel said manga to the aftermath of Naruto and Sasuke's fight where Sasuke finally gives up and cries an smiles when he realizes how deep Naruto feels for him, without meaning it to be gay. Like there should be limit to delusion and stupidity, but homophobia seems to increase it a lot...
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sporksaber · 4 days
I have never really liked sasusaku, but arranged marriage sasusaku au. Writing as the thought comes to mind so they may not be endgame.
So sakura comes from The merchant clan. The harunos are super important to the village and its really important not to piss them off. At 6 years old sakura starts insisting she wants to be a ninja and her grandmother, the clan matriarch, agrees that she can join the academy and become a ninja if she does well.
The uchiha meanwhile, are approaching the point of no return with their political instability. And then they hear that the granddaughter of the Haruno head is now training as a ninja and they see the perfect way to reestablish a foothold in the villages power structure and a buffer between them and danzo.
So 6 year old sakura ends up at dinner at the uchihas to meet sasuke. She hates him. He's a spoinled brat who keeps hiding behind his mom and loudly whining about anything and everything, and little sakura was very mature for her age. She has a few nice moments pf interacting with itachi about the academy before sasuke realizes his brother's attention isnt on him and gets between them, but all the other adults dismiss her completely and dont even properly speak to her.
Sakura decides she hates all of them.
The arrangement goes through.
(Mikoto is not happy about it, her baby is only 6. But she figures that it's not set in stone since a proper engagement cant happen until theyre 16 and a traditional marriage has to wait until 19. The haruno also dont fully expect it to go that far and are fully aware that the uchiha are trying to gain advantage in the village, but theyre ready to milk this for all its worth. Itachi thinks it's adorable. The uchiha elders dont care how it ends up as long as they get what they want. Danzo is furious and the third is staying out of it (because he sucks) while the other clans are biding their time until they see how this is going to go.)
Sakura being engaged(to be engaged) to sasuke does change her dynamic at the academy a bit. She does have other kids who mess with her at first, but its shut down by sasuke and some other aolder uchiha. This pisses sakura off because while it wasnt a battle she wanted to fight, that didnt mean he coild fight it for her. She befriends ino on accident and encourages her friends crush on sasuke because she does Not want him. His fiance hating him kind of puts a damper on ino's crush though.
The engagement is enough to keep the massacre from happening.
Sasuke doesnt like sakura in the way that he doesnt realize he kind of likes her. At some point her getting mad at him makes his heart flutter. Also, uchiha are possessive by nature and he sees her as his (the reason why he stepped in when other kids were making fun of her).
The other uchiha at the academy think its the funniest shit in the world even though they would never let that kind of slight towards the main family slip in any way. If you find sakura having one of her onesided arguments with sasuke because he was following her or something you can also find several older uchiha kids making aggressive eye contact with eachother, mentally daring eachother to slip up so they can laugh without worrying about someone snitching. (There is a rare occasion where shisui, who often volunteers as the uchiha-haruno liason, is found actually laughing his ass off at their antics. The other uchiha still dont laugh though, because being blackmailed by shisui is way worse than getting chewed out by an elder.)
Their engagement is known among the clans and the civilian politicians, but its not exactly common knowledge. Not everyone knows. Naruto doesnt know, and he still jas a massive crush on sakura.
So team 7's genin dynamic now becomes sakura hates sasuke who likes sakura but more than that just knows theyre going to be together forever because that's how its always been, sasuke hates naruto because hes an idiot who has a massive crush on sakura, who also hates him because he's an idiot who has a massive crush on her. And naruto sees sasuke as his ultimate rival (just in ninja, he straight up does not realize that sasuke likes sakura. He thinks theyre just wierd friends the way her and ino are kind of wierd.).
Sakura and sasuke are able to quietly sit next to eachother without issue by the time theyre graduating, theyre frequently together whenever sakura isnt with ino. Thr sevond naruto shows up an argument immidiently starts though.
In kakashi's romance novel language, its a classic enemies to lovers love corner set up. And kakashi is Invested. He thinks this is the funniest shit ever.
Now onto graduation. Im dropping the wierd kidnapping expired milk plot. The narusasu kiss still happens though. Naruto pranks kakashi, kakashi says he hates them and gets himself added to sakura's List.
Sakura likes hanging out with ino and learning chakra theory and does not answer her dislikes or goals for the future (which are, respectivly, marrying sasuke and not marrying sasuke). Sasuke likes his brother and tomatoes, dislikes naruto and people trying to take what's his, and wants to takeover the police force. Naruto likes ramen and sakura, dislikes the three minutes ot takes for ramen to cook and sasuke, and is going to become hokage.
The bell test goes pretty much the same as canon in that they fail the first part, except this time sakura and sasuke have a onesided argument early on, sakura's genjutsu is some flavor of her actually being married to sasuke and she starts gagging when she breaks it (and she does break it, she's been put under genjutsu by other uchiha before), and sasuke tries to start a brawl with naruto when he claims he's gonna get the second bell for sakura. Naruto is tied to a pole, sakura and sasuke feed him, they pass the test.
Kakashi is promptly accosted by first his cute kohai itachi (who wants him to take training his brother seriously) and then a haruno contingent (who want him to take training sakura seriously). He then meets the other new instructers to bemoan his cute students and their families only to be told he needs to take training them seriously. No one understands him.
(He goes to bed with the image in his mind of kushina and minato yanking him aside in the market to make fun of him and then tell him to take training naruto seriously. Not even his own brain understands him.)
Im trying to think ahead and decide where the funniest moment for naruto to find out that sakura and sasuke are engaged. And what ideas would be good for the time skip because i dont like the timeskip and sasuke's not defecting anyway.
Ive decided earlier is better.
The first month of training is always d ranks. So there's some training but mostly kakshi kicks back to make fun of them as the pull weeds and chase cats. On one such mission kakashi is laser focused in on them as the secret comes out. He wishes he had popcorn.
So naruto is bumbling around and knocks into sakura, who is caught by sasuke. Naruto turns to start apologizing while sakura revs up to start yelling at him when the old lady theyre working for calls them "such a cute pair." Naruto starts yelling because theyd be a cuter pair, sakura starts yelling because Gross, and then sasuke is like, "well she's my fiance."
Naruto sputters and sakura groans. She tells the old lady that theyre not technically engaged yet, but is mostly drowned out by naruto and sasuke's ensuing brawl.
Kakashi watches for as long as he could before the damage they were causing became too much and he was forced to step in. Sakura just wants to dissapear.
Now naruto's sitting there with some comedically sized bruises, crying and asking if its true. Sakura sighs and says yes and he colapses to the ground.
Its all very dramatic.
Cue uchiha family+team dinner, which sasuke finally agreed to because he wants to be like, look at my family with My Fiance. The only time Kakashi has ever been on time to anything because he doesnt want to miss a second.
Sakura is already there talking pleasantly to itachi about chakra pathways (itachi has been getting her books since she was little, i dont think i ever mentioned that. Itachi still thinks they are adorable and is fine with bribing her to come over with increasingly rare books). Sasuke eventually stopped trying to force them not to interact after the first few years and is fine with it as long as he is also sitting directly next to them.
Kakashi is giggling to himself as naruto is ushered in by mikoto still looking shell shocked. His entire world has been turned on its head.
Dinner starts formally and then drifts into casual conversation. Sasuke makes eyecontact with naruto and scoots closer to sakura, who just gives him a wierd look before ignoring him. Naruto makes a noise like a dying cat.
Mikoto pulls him into conversation, smiling serenly (he's so much like kushina). He says some things that are red flags. Eventually after he mentions that he has a hard time buying groceries sakura offers to go with him in the name of team solidarity. Sasuke promptly offers to also go, "you hate shopping," "if its bc we're a team then the whole team should go."
So they go shopping. And the entire time sasuke is trying to mess with naruto subtly while sakura glares at him because he's being clingy like he is to itachi. Sakura is explaining how to choose produce and calories and nutrients and raising a disparaging eyebrow anytime a vender tries to say something about naruto being there. (The harunos are not ninja, they can say what they want.) Naruto is torn between giving her his full attention and bristling at sasuke's behaviour. Overall it's a very fun trip.
This brings us to the wave arc. Same as originally, naruto demands a cool mission and the hokage agrees (once again, theres some extra political moves going on. The og version of the team doesnt have strong political power). In comes tazuna.
Their sendoff has a bit more fanfare this time, with itachi and mikoto saying goodbye to sasuke and itachi giving sakura a new book and some snacks for the team.
When sakura first see the puddles she looks at kakashi but he shushes her. Literally. She is offended.
The two ninja pop out and "kill" kakashi. Sakura falls back into protective position and casts her own genjutsu. Naruto freezes and sasuke takes out one ninja and kakshi pops back up to take care of the other.
It continues like canon. Zabuza shows up, sakura's once again on defence, kakshi is caught and then the boys free him, haku spirits away an unconcious zabuza. They get to tazuna's with sakura taking lead and the boys carying kakashi because she's the only one who knows medical information. (A note: with the uchiha clan alive sakura and sasuke are already aware of kakashi's eye, and sakura has been briefed on what to do with chakra exhaustian.)
Sasuke takes this moment to continue taunting naruto with the fact he's engaged to sakura. Sakura does not appreciate sasuke's praise as a tool to mess with naruto. Tazuna is very confused.
I think kakashi continuing with the mission at this point is out of spite towards everyone who assumed hed be a bad teacher, might as well prove them right.
Kakashi goes to teach them tree walking but sakura and sasuke already know. He moves them to waterwalking, which sakura gets very quickly and is then sent on guard duty. Its at this point that the feelings of isolation naruto has really hits home. Not only are they engaged theyve had years more training than him.
Sakura talks trade routes and infrastructure with tazuna. She also helps carry heavy things with chakra enhanced arms. (I dont remember what fic i originally saw this in, but i love the image of sakura casually picking a steel beam that it usually takes 4 to 6 men to carry as they watch in awed confusion. Im definitly going to give her an oversized weapon later.)
The big moment of divergence here is that i want haku to live, so so does zabuza. So sakura, with her merchant family's knowledge that a jounin might know but a genin never would, speaks up naruto style, "instead of dealing with thugs like gato who are inevitably going to double cross you, wouldnt you want the strength of a village again?" zabuza gets pissed before sakura reveals that theres anlther coup forming with strong backers.
Ive lost steam at this point, rapid fire.
The invasion still happens during the chunin exams because i want the 3rd to die. The uchiha are able to cement their new goodwill status in the village and sakura naruto and sasuke are on civilian duty during the battle.
I think itd be funny to still break up the team. So sakura gets promoted. Theres some political stuff that goes into it (a wedge between her and sasuke is a bonus to those who are still against the uchiha clan) but also she did well and tsunade has a minimum she needs to fill.
Tsunade mercs danzo prerty early on too.
Post chunin itachi takes naruto shopping while sakura is busy, sasukes is pissed. Cue brotherly bonding.
At the end of wave the whole team started getting touchier with eachother (started by sasuke clinging to sakura to prove he could and progessing to reassure naruto that he was a teammate they care about.
At some point after they all start displaying casual affection between eachother shisui starts a rumor that all 3 are dating.
With sakura busy with chunin training sai is put onto their team. It takes awhile for them to get used to it.
Naruto and sai become roommates.
They have study sessions at naruto's place because he'll need better knowledge of politics if he's going to become hokage.
Sasusaku is endgame.
Im dome for now.
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