#finally completed another wip🥲
thatgothsamurai · 2 years
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vegas with his iconic witchy shirt✨⭐🌙☀️✨
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bangtanintotheroom · 4 months
Just Like Candy (M)(Teaser)
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She's just like candy, she's so sweet
But you know that it ain't real cherry, know that it ain't real cherry
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🔊 candy - doja cat (spotify | soundcloud) 🔊
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• Pairing: S.Coups x (F)Reader
• Genre: Non-Idol!AU, Strangers to Lovers, Smut
• Rating: 18+
• Words (teaser): 583
• Summary: Following a breakup, Seungcheol is looking for a distraction for the night. You catch his eye with your red lips and the rest is history.
• Warnings/themes: mentions of a breakup, sulky Cheol 🥲, drinking, swearing, one night stand, flirting, making out, dirty talk, handjobs, fingering, oral (m. and f. receiving), c*me swallowing, strength kink, manhandling, hint of begging
• Notes: Yes, yes, I know. "There goes AJ falling for another leader!" I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! SO WHAT IF I LIKE A RELIABLE MAN HUH, HUH 🤬 *deep breaths* Anyways. Just enjoy me starting to simp for Mr. Coups and watch as I slowly become a Carat over time 😊
• Teaser Notes: Teasers are a WIP and will not fully reflect the final draft, warnings and themes are subject to change. If you want to be tagged when the final draft is released, either leave a reply or shoot me an ask! PLEASE HAVE YOUR AGE PRESENT IN YOUR BIO OR YOU WILL NOT BE TAGGED.
• Taglist: @minttangerines @minisugakoobies @kiestrokes @swga-ficrecs @hyunjinsjeans @firesighgirl
Reminder that I have a permanent taglist if you're interested in all future fics I post!
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“Yah, is he on his phone again?”
Wonwoo replied to Seungkwan’s question from the front with, “He sure is.”
Every other occupant groaned in exasperation, Chan peering around him to scold, “Seungcheol-hyung, focus! You’re supposed to have fun with us tonight, not pine over her!”
“Just block her already!”
Seungcheol was quick to snap at Joshua’s quip, “No, because then I’ll look bitter.”
Seungkwan turned around in the passenger seat to look directly at him, seeming as if he was about to give the most unhelpful advice ever.
“Hyung, you want my suggestion?”
“Too bad. Fuck her feelings, respectfully—” He was quick to throw in that word after the elder’s face began twisting in displeasure. “—she decided to end it and she’s out there living her best life while you’re moping around. Be selfish for once and focus on your well-being!”
Chan joined in, “Exactly! Are you going to let her distract you from having a good time with us tonight?”
The eldest wanted to fight back on instinct, but the more he stewed on his friends’ words, the more he realized that they had a point.
What was the use in getting in his feelings? He’d just end up being the downer of the group and waste the effort they put in to have him get dressed and come out. Even though it had been a while since he went to a party of this size, the tiniest part of him was excited. His ex was the type to avoid get togethers like this, so he often put off the guys’ invites in favor of pleasing her.
But she wasn’t around anymore…
He sighed heavily. Hopefully, he’d be distracted enough that she wouldn’t run through his mind until he got back to his bed and deleted more of their couple pictures.
“No, I’m not.”
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“Last chance to back out.”
Seungcheol couldn’t help but knit his brows a bit as he pondered. Was he really about to fool around with a complete stranger?
He didn’t need to see Wonwoo’s flabbergasted expression downstairs to know that this was somewhat out-of-character for him. Even when he was single, getting in bed with someone he had only known for a couple of hours was a thought he never entertained. But this was now and he was, to put it lightly, yearning for some physical contact that would keep him distracted for the night.
And quite frankly, he didn’t want to say no to you.
The light call of his name brought him out of his thoughts, looking down to see you gazing up with mild concern.
“You alright?”
He was quick to nod and smile reassuringly, replying, “Yes. Sorry, just…got in my head for a bit.”
Your expression eased up, tongue clicking as you gave his hands a squeeze.
“Well, we can’t have any more of that. C’mon.”
You maneuvered Seungcheol around so his back was facing the bed now.
“Quit thinking about your ex and focus.”
“Believe me, I’m trying. I might need a little more help on your end.”
With the hint of encouragement in his voice, it seemed to shift you into a more domineering mood, cherry lips twisting into an undaunted grin while you let go of his hands.
“Of course. Even if it’s for a moment—“ All of a sudden, he felt a push to his chest and found himself falling to the bed before looking up at your salacious smile. “—I’ll make you forget all about her.”
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��bangtanintotheroom, 2024. Crossposted to AO3. Do not repost to other sites or copy without permission.
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megumi-fm · 3 months
day 45-53/62 of The Tatami Galaxy Challenge🥢
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the last picture is literally me i have been running around the whole of last week 💀
paperwork 📤 got my medical tests and reports done 📤 submitted my last set of grade related documents (+ got them approved) 📤 visa related documents 📤 student loan related documents 📤 uni health document submissions in other tasks 👜 went clothes shopping gah it was a whole thing 👜 minor alterations and stuff [1/2] 🧹 lots and lots of chores 🥘 cooked my meals a couple times this week 👟 4.5km walk daily on average (without counting the 11+km walk yesterday T-T) fun stuff 🩰 still figuring out Dash by NMIXX...i've not been getting a lot of time but I've mastered until the chorus nevertheless 💌 went out for lunch with my bestie the sushi was >>>>> 📺 Never Let Me Go and also Where Your Eyes Linger (more or less similar themes and concept and both had top tier yearning and buildup but the climax fell flat at this rate I'll end up with yet another wip story i will never complete 🥲) 🏏 it's T20 WC season!!! and we made it to the finals lets goooo current soundtrack/s aka the IU brainrot 🎂 i am, indeed, 23 and a riddle ✨ whatever~ 💳 yellow C A R D 👡 wearing better shoes thinking thoughts 🔋 just exhaustion from being packed with work... but it's satisfying getting work done :)) 🌙 wonky because it's cricket season xD 💌 my besties have been calling :") we're all so scared of moving away and we're already missing each other so every conversation feels a lot more bittersweet and its all so sdjgfkadfkjgaj gahhh I'm gonna be so homesick soon
yep that's it besties... thank you to everyone who's tagging me in games and sending cute asks I hope I get around to them some time if ever 🥲
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annwayne · 6 months
The WIP game looks fun, the Oc x Rikkick isekai fic looks fun, but I'm also really interested by Alice in Atlantis.
I'll take any opportunity to talk about my wips bc lord knows I'm far from posting them 🥲
The oc x riddick isekai is suchhh a fun fic and probably my saddest? bittersweet, I'll say. but I love it sooo much. Very general summary-Ares is a regular person living in a regular world, until one night they wake up from a very vivid dream with marks that match how they died in their dream. Also, that dream world is a movie they are obsessed with called Pitch Black.
Alice in Atlantis is my SGA long fic, and actually the second fic since I've started writing fic again (around 2022?). Alice is a human scientist who's been with the Atlantis expedition since the beginning. When an alliance between Atlantis and Todd the Wraith forms, she's the scientist tasked with working with Todd to find a gene therapy that'll allow Wraith to eat regular food. This is that story. (and its a ship fic between Todd and Alice, if that wasn't clear lol)
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oc x Riddick isekai:
“I don’t blame you.” I broke the silence of us sitting on the ridge overlooking the desolate camp.   “What’s that now?” Riddick scraped off that black goo he used to shave his head into a bucket.  A beat passed between us as I stared out at the multiple suns in the sky. “I’ve spent a long time thinking about why you’ll do what you do.” He glanced my way. “It never made sense to me, especially with how much you stick up for Jack. I don’t think I could even imagine thinking how you do. I don’t think I’m supposed to.” He scraped another line of goo from his scalp. “It’ll happen again.”  From my peripheral vision I saw Riddick lift his head to look at me. He didn't need to ask what I was talking about. I kept looking forward.  “Considering what’s coming, I’m not sure if I’ll come back.”  “What’s coming?” He asked, voice steady and serious. Everyone else thought me insane or cursed, but Riddick listened. Didn’t mean he always believed me, but he was smart enough to listen.  “A blood bath.” I answered, finally meeting my own eyes via the reflection of Riddick’s goggles. “You’ll run.” His head tilted back. “I don’t run.”  “You’ll want to.” A sigh slipped from me. “But that’s what I wanna talk about–I want you to know, no matter what happens to me, I don’t blame you because I know you’ll do the right thing when it matters.”  He sat, taking everything in perhaps. “That’ll be the first time you’ve been wrong, little girl.”
Alice in Atlantis:
"Ugh, you should have seen me, Teyla. I was a disaster in the lab." "I'm sure it was not as bad as you think it, Alice." Ronon’s eyes flickered with curiosity. A sly grin grew as he asked, "What happened?" The doctor pulled back the lid on her fruit cup and in one swift movement knocked back the contents of the plastic cup as if it were a shot. A habit from childhood. After wiping off the stray juice on her lips, Dr. Tucker answered. "I was focused, in the zone. Completely forgot where I was and who I was with. After I ran the simulation the whole program flashed errors at me and I swore at the computer." "I've heard Rodney threaten to rip apart a computer's mother before." The muscular man bit into his apple. Teyla gestured towards the full bottle of water on Alice's plate. "That's not all." Dr. Tucker grabbed the bottle, following Teyla's urging. After taking a long gulp she continued. "I guess Todd was curious. Hell, I'd be too. It was the first words I'd spoken since we started."  Ronon sat up and rested his elbows on the table. He crossed his arms and tilted his head while listening. Teyla finished off the last of her mashed potatoes as Alice continued. "He came over to check my work, only I didn't notice. So next thing I know, a Wraith is leaning over my shoulder and pointing out my mistake." Between words Dr. Tucker forgot about her lack of appetite and started shoveling down her meal. "I nearly fell off my stool and then couldn't say a word without shaking. It was pathetic."  Ronon chuckled quietly and Teyla threw a glare at him. "Alice, you have never encountered the Wraith in person before. It is sensible to react fearfully." "Sensible, but not strong." "So get stronger." Ronon lifted a hand the doctor's way. After a blank expression from her, the Satedan continued. "I've been giving Dr. Keller lessons. You could join us."
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 months
So I have finally completed my first (of I’m sure to be many) complete rereads of Pieces now that it’s completed!! What a difference it is actually to read all the way through vs reading as it updates. I truly felt like I was in fight or flight whenever you released a chapter and read it with a resting heart rate of 92837383833 beats a minute. This read was much less stressful but I still caught myself holding my breath at some parts. The story is so amazing, it may be one of my favorite stories overall, not just one of my favorite fics! You are so talented I honestly don’t know how you are so funny one minute then making feel like I’m going to cry in another. I think my favorite funny line is Rose scandalized at Astarion not eating the muffins, it lives in my mind rent free. I’m so happy we still have An Honest Lie because I am now parasocially too invested in you and your updates for all of them to be gone 😅
I have rambled a lot now but I made a tumblr specifically to follow you and a handful of other writers because I loved getting to see WIP snippets and behind the scenes talk of stuff you all work on. Your posts about how appreciated comments are is the reason why I comment on all the fics I am reading, was always too anxious to do so beforehand. I had a baby in November so these fics have been with me while being awake at all hours of the night and kept me sane knowing I had something to look forward to reading while feeding the baby. I feel like they’ve been through the trenches with me and I will always be thankful for the work you do to give such amazing stories!!
PS one last thing I was never a big Hozier person but I finally listened to Unknown and I am VERY EMOTIONAL NOW 🥲
hey darling! thank you for messaging!!!
Unknown/Nth gets us all, eventually :') what a song! I had to write a whole fic about it and everything.
I'm really glad that you enjoyed Pieces on a reread. from my experience of posting with the full fic outline in mind versus the comments I was getting... I can definitely imagine the two experiences being very different!! Definitely easier to go certain places (and end chapters on certain cliffhangers lmao) when the end is in sight. I love seeing stories as serialised narratives versus complete wholes... one of the reasons I'm such a sucker for fanfic! I'm glad it still holds up as a story and I'm really pleased that you like it.
(Also, thank you for the comment about the muffins. It was just a silly bit but... Oscar Wilde would be so proud.)
And just generally, thank you! I often write myself through and out of tricky times in my own life, and it feels strange to know that someone else is going through much bigger changes than me (a baby! you absolute superstar!) and my writing is doing something similar for them that it is for me :) either providing comfort or just a way to relax or have a silly moment to themselves! anyway, I hope you know comments like these are literally the fuel that keep writers writing, and while we are not entitled to them and you are not obliged to give them, it is literally taking the time for messages like this that have convinced me that this is actually something I'm good at and that it is worth my time! I have a silly goldfish memory when it comes to my own talents, I can convince myself my writing sucks in 2hrs or less, and so I am unfortunately doomed to forever need positive reinforcement... and the thing is, I think most writers are the same!
so thank you!! you clearly have a busy life rn, and so spending any of your time talking to me is a massive compliment that I do not take for granted. readers and commenters are a vital part of this little eco-system and so thank you for sharing my writing with me :) you're probably one of the main reasons it happened at all :) xx
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captainaikus · 2 years
I AM BACK!!!!!!! And idk if you saw the post I tagged you in explaining and apologizing tumblrs being wonky again because I didn’t see that bachisagi post you tagged me in on your main until I was scrolling through and catching up just now. I have been swamped with juggling school staring again, family, and that friend stuff I told you abt. And the only free time I’ve had is watching TR. I HAVENT EVEN WATCHED THE LATEST BLLK EPISODE YET AND I WANNA SOB BECAUSE ITS THE POST-BACHISAGI BREAKUP EP 😭😭😭. I’ve just had no energy at the end of the day and every time I think I finally have time to respond back to you something always comes up and I wanna tear my hair out. I PROMISE I HAVENT BEEN IGNORING YOU LOVE. But I understand if you’re upset at me and I’m sorry Belle.
I was furious like my blood was boiling when I saw your fic got flagged down. Like what is wrong with people??? Can you not just let other people be and keep your negativity to yourself??? Just because you’re falling doesn’t mean you have to drag others with you asshole. Seriously. You did not deserve that and being so angry and upset over it (with it happening AGAIN and it not even being the FIRST time unwarranted) is completely understandable, I’d be pissed too. I still am actually. It’s so frustrating working so hard on something and then getting pointless hate for it like get a life and stay away from me. 😤😤😒
On another note, I have been getting SO MUCH Tokyo Revengers content the past few days and that has been my only relief from this hectic week. Im being fed so well girl. New episodes every Saturday with my favorite arc being animated, the new character book, new official arts, AND SO MUCH MORE AFJHFFHJGHINH. Also I’m so sorry I missed your event 😭😭😭. You even extended it and I had so many asks saved too 🥲🥲. But I didn’t wanna just demand stuff without explaining where I’d been because I’m not an ass like that but every time I started drafting something for you (not for the event) I’d get interrupted 😒😒. *sighs heavily*
CONGRATULATIONS ON 1.9K BELLE IM SO FREAKING PROUD OF YOU LOVE!!!!! 🥹😭❤️ Your numbers keep climbing so fast and it’ll only be a matter of time before you hit 2k 😌😌. Also I’m so glad you’re getting support from new people too and how they’re all loving your works it’s so heartwarming to see and read and really a testament to how far you r come. Be proud of yourself because no matter how much hate you get you’re still continuing to do amazing love ❤️❤️❤️.
I really am sorry for going MIA for a bit there and I understand if you’re upset with me. How’ve you been irl btw?? Uni going well I hope? How’s gym? Has your break ended yet? Go on and vent if you need to love!! Update me on your life because I truly do want to know how’re you’re doing yknow?? Remember to take breaks and take care of yourself love!!! Eat something and drink a glass of water if you haven’t today!!! *sending all the virtual hugs because I missed you and I’m sorry*
p.s. no asks on the way soon 👀🫡
- ✨ anon
Starry!! Ofc I’m not upset with you! You’re usually very active on my blog, so I figured something must’ve come up cause you were away. I wanted to drop in your askbox; but I could find it so I decided to tag you in my posts instead to see if you’re doing alright and you’re doing well so I’m relieved <3
Tumblr has been acting wonky :/ - literally. I had to write to staff about my posts not showing up in the tags and all they did was delete it?
I figured since it was taking so long, I might as well just shift to ao3 and my work has been good so far - working on a yandere rin wip and I’m about 2k words in but since Uni and work keeps getting in the way, i can’t finish it as fast. But. Ik for the fact that this’ll be worth the wait cause. You’ll see 😏
As for my works getting flagged down, it is an inconvenience, but with every work that does get flagged down - people on the other side of the screen are just proving the fact that they can’t keep up with my writing or the fact that my content is well received and I get mostly healthy interactions. I was pretty angry with it, but then I just decided to take it to ao3 instead and I had been thinking about this for months. I take that this was a sign that I should do it and not leave it as a plan cause tumblr has turned toxic over a period of time, among authors and readers alike. So why not minimize the trouble for everyone go somewhere better? Ao3 had really good content;
More plot leaning and good story lines with occasional smut, and both sides are really chilled out. Plus another thing that disappoints me about tumblr is that smut sells really fast here and even Twitter links get more likes than actual writing. And after thinking over it for a while - I realized that my writings are more to do with things human along with lust than just purely writing about lust yk? So in short, my work isn’t meant for tumblr. And I’m not a very interactive author either - I don’t reblog much works and neither do I have any author I can personally recommend cause I stopped reading fanfics here about 2 years ago and I don’t even check the tags anymore since then, only to see if my work showed up or not. but anyway- i made my moveout official still gonna answer asks and host events here tho - and talk to anyone about stuff in general
now talking about tokyo rev, super happy about the new season coming out and honestly? this is the fastest i've seen them make it cause JJBA fans- ykw i'm talking about. Had to wait so long just for stone ocean part 2 to come out And i'm really looking forward to watching vinland saga (cause that's out and istg - canute is such a pretty boy, this is that one anime that made me cry cause Askeladd. nvm I don't wanna give spoilers) AND YES! you did make it to the matchup event !! (i got your ask) as for the character ask i had fun with it as well - Some of the highlight questions I liked; one of them was a question for Rin, asking if (y/n) was single? and istg the way i laughed cause the way he would have a look on his face after that, Bachira is a ray of sunshine to have - such a cutie (>///<) [take your time on working starry! There’s not rush! Ik how annoying it is to get interrupted when you’re writing something] And tysm for your kind words !! Seriously though I should be thanking you guys for giving me your support esp you starry - cause you were one of the first anons along with blue to actually make a convo on my blog and it kinda made other people wanna talk as well (҂ ꒦ິヮ꒦ິ) And no! I'm not upset with you! I knew something was maybe up cause you're never usually gone this long - And you can come to my blog anytime you want - to rant, ask for advice or just talk anything 'kay? ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა As for uni, its on full throttle - *sigh* so much work to do but I'm working on it a little everyday and getting things done as soon as possible. but the cold is making me so drowsy to function. I cut my hair shorter too, its an undercut with a pixie so now i look like a fem ver of corpse - And i re-watched some of my old animes - like i had the urge to watch devilman crybaby this week and i did. the only reason i watched that anime was cause of the clip i saw of Akira's... on the ceiling... (ikyk), rewatched death note - cause i wanted to see L and honestly L is THE emo king. (yeah i had a whole emo phase before turning into a dark academia/ classic aesthetic gal -) and alot of people are getting into tokyo ghoul - *finished the whole manga collection at the age of 14* As for gym... story time. I was busy lifting weights and this man. he is muscular sure, got bulging biceps and a lean body and yet. he had the audacity to chase me out of my corner in the gym and take it instead to lift his weights. He looked at me dead in the eye and gave me the meanest look possible. I couldn't take him seriously cause... he was shorter than me... *not size shaming i swear but when you look at me like that - i can't take you seriously* Me : I do not care if you're more macho than me, I will throw you across the gym, you tiny tiny man. And I just finished another whole bottle of water - hope you’re doing well starry! *sending hugs back*
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chocomd · 2 years
12, 15, 17 or else
backs away slowly from the knife
12. favorite character to write about this year
I thought the answer to this one was going to be obvious - Aang - but actually, the character I enjoyed writing the most this year was Song in my Song-centric fic, To Owe an Ostrich Horse. As much as I love writing about Aang and Katara, so many people have strong opinions about them and there are so many bad takes and tropes I need to avoid even accidentally implying, that writing them feels a little restrictive sometimes. But since Song is a side character who only shows up in one episode and isn’t a divisive character in fandom, I had a lot more freedom to expand on her personality and her predicament when Zuko steals her family’s ostrich horse. Writing Song was such a satisfying experience, and I’m proud of how that fic turned out!
15. something you learned this year
Hmmm....I’ll talk about what I learned from writing Drag You Down, my Kataang breakup/make up fic. It’s the longest piece of fiction I’ve ever written, and it will clock in at around 134k words after I post the final chapter this Thursday. I learned that even though plotting a long multichapter fic isn’t all that different from plotting a oneshot, it’s a lot harder to do - surprisingly, because I have to keep re-reading earlier chapters to stay inspired and to remember what the heck I even wrote before 💀 Having an outline and notes was helpful, but I still had to frequently re-read 🥲 That was quite literally the hardest part. But I’ve completed the equivalent of a fanfic novel, so now I know what writing a novel to completion feels like! I won’t do something like this again for fanfic, because it’s so time consuming, but I’d like to write an actual original novel someday.
The other thing I learned from writing DYD is how to weave together a romantic storyline with other non-romantic subplots. And I discovered how much I love writing storylines that don’t have anything to do with romance at all. In general, I prefer reading/watching stories that don’t have romance as the focus, but as part of the larger plot. (Fanfic is different, of course - I enjoy the romance-only stories, but sometimes I need something more.) I still have some Kataang ideas, but next year I’d like to explore more aspects of ATLA and other characters besides my two faves.
17. fics you’ll continue next year
Wow, this is a popular question! Answered here and here, but I’ll talk about another one. I’ve had a wip for a fic about Katara fighting Zuko because she’s jealous of his work bromance with Aang. I’ve talked about this fic idea before, but never got around to finishing it. But since I’m done with DYD, I’m thinking I’ll finally get around to writing Katara vs Zuko, aka Blue vs Red, sometime next year!
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yoonia · 8 months
Hey Dia,
I just saw that you put out a poll for Tae's fic. I wanted to cast a vote but I have a few questions for you if that's okay, because I still can't decide LOL 🥲🥲
You mentioned that you might take a longer time to finish if I pick the first option (binge-read), so I was wondering if you have any possible schedule for posting the first chapter if I choose the second option. I hope it's okay to ask. I personally don't mind waiting, but I'm also curious to read the story, so if there's a chance that you are posting the first chapter soon, I'm okay with waiting for the second chapter however long you take. I just want to choose whichever that won't cause you to work too hard
Sorry for asking so much. I just can't wait to read your Tae fic (I finished your other Tae stories and loved them!)
Thank you for sharing your story with us!
It's completely okay for you to ask, since that'll give me a reason to explain properly as I couldn't do that on the poll post lmao
I'm currently finishing the final scenes of the story and since I added another to add context, it might take a bit longer than expected for me to finish this. If I want to post this story as two chapters back-to-back/in the same day, then I'll have to finish the entire fic with all the scenes completed. Added with the editing process, it might take more than a couple of more days before I can post everything together.
If I'm to split the posting schedule with a few days or a week in between, then I might be able to finish editing the first chapter tomorrow and then publish it on Monday night at the latest. Then while everyone is reading that chapter, you'll be giving me a window to focus on polishing the second chapter and I can publish it later once it's ready.
As of now, it seems like the public is leaning more towards the binge option, so it looks like I'll be taking my time to finish everything. On a positive note, if this story is going to be pushed back until then, I might be be able to post a different WIP tomorrow for everyone to enjoy while they wait (it's a new chapter of my ongoing series that is currently going through its editing process). So either option won't cause me any trouble, really.
I just feel bad for making you guys wait for so long and wanted to make sure that it wouldn't be inconvenient for you if I change the posting schedule again :') I also wanted to make sure that nobody would miss the fic when I publish these chapters.
I hope that explains everything! Thank you for reading my Tae fics. I have a whole bunch more of them lined up so you'll be seeing him more after this fic is done lol
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donaidk · 3 years
heeeeeey are you still writing? i know your requests are closed but i'm not sure that means you're still working on stuff or completely stopped. are there new fics coming?
Hiya! First of all, thank you so much for the ask, it warms my heart that you're still here and looking for my works 🥺 Yes I'm still writing just a bit slower sadly. There's not as much free time in my schedule as I would like and as my wips would want. I do have stuff coming though, I just don't really know when :/
I have the new chapters of Inquisitione, Alive, Rhythm of Time also This is my show currently in the works, as well as sometimes spending a bit of time on Pieces of our Love. I also have one more Baby Badger idea that I will hopefully write in the close future before I totally lose the motivation for it. Those are all the old stuff that I'm working on currently.
For new stuff, I have a new Lando series coming that I already have a bit done of but I wanna finish all the chapters before I start posting so it would be scheduled normally, not like False Confidence was. (It was a nightmare how I was always late to post the new chapter 🤦‍♀️)
And another very very exciting and complex new fic is an AU that @x-lipstickstain-x and I are writing. It might be the best fic ever that we came up with (yes, most of my fics are full of her ideas and sweat too so it's not the first time 🥲) and it's all so exciting to take a step out of the F1 world but use the drivers still. It's still in early times and we both have many things to do so I'm not sure where it's coming but for sure will be posted one day. We love it too much to abandon it 😂 (It also has a lead character who I have never written about so that's really exciting AKA Moni got me into a rabbit hole during the holidays and I was never able to get out of it 😂)
I think that's all that's on my schedule right now, but there might be new additions as time passes. Sometimes I get an idea I just have to write but we will see 🥰
I hope you had a lovely week and that you will enjoy all the new stuff when they are finally getting posted 🧡
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