#find you a man who can hold you in one hand 😇
checkertrains · 1 month
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Everyone need a emotional support fallen angel by their side in these trying times🙏
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oceansblvds · 6 months
ermmmmm fucking peacekeeper corio in his bunker thingy while the rest of the boys are out for their day off 😇😇
nsfw under the cut!
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When Coriolanus has his first day off in a while, he wastes absolutely no time to get you into his bed. Like that man is 100% finding you the second he's allowed out of the barracks, pulling you into his arms, and leading you back there. It's forbidden for women who aren't a part of the unit or nurses to be in there, which makes it all the more fun when he's pulls you into the room and presses you onto the small, twin sized mattress.
That man is taking his time with you. He's going the full nine yards, eating you out like he's having his last meal, only for you to cum and for him to go again. And again, and again. he loves the way you taste, and tells you this too. he doesn't ask for you to go down on him in return, not when your pretty cunt is right there, but if you do, he's not going to complain. he'll sit on the edge of the bed, his head almost hitting the top of this godforsaken bunk, you slotted in between his legs on your knees. you take him into your mouth, and his hand is in your hair, guiding you just the way that he likes it.
you don't exactly have to be quiet, as most people do leave and do their own things on the day off. but on the off chance that either of you hear footsteps coming from the other side of the door that he had to use a chair to lock (because there are no locks in a shared dorm), he's putting his large hand on your mouth and shutting you up because goddamn do you moan so much.
hickeys for days. enough to have you craving him and something that you cant do until the next time that he has an off day, unless he wants to sneak out but even that is risky. he puts them on your neck, on your breasts, the ones in between your thighs are the best ones in your opinion. they're dark and rarely are you able to hide them, having your friends give you side eyes because everyone knows that it's from that one peacekeeper you keep talking about.
he's fucking into you and worshipping you like you're a god he doesn't know the name of. curse words being uttered from his mouth a million times per minute as his cock scrapes the deepest parts of your cunt, going in and out and in and out at a pace that has your toes curling and your legs shaking. he's uttering how beautiful you are, that you'll be his forever, that he can't wait until the two of you can go to the capital and you two can be proper husband and wife. he doesn't ask you for your permission, knowing that you'll do whatever he tells you to.
aftercare, although slim, consists of the two of you holding each other in the small bed, chest to chest or chest to back. usually he is talking about what he plans to do when he is done with his service, or about the news coming from the barracks. you talk about your family, your friends, or whatever, he doesn't exactly pay attention. all he can think about is you, how he wants to be inside you again, how pretty you'll look with a wedding ring on your finger, how he wants to take you away from this dirty place and give you a life of luxury.
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creedslove · 7 months
Hiii mari, a simple one but what every woman wants:
Joel supports reader through the phases of pms. Which are sadness, rage, horniness, needy, everything the reader does is sexy, being jealous for no reason, wanting sugary and junk food all the time and crying over anything at all, and Joel handling it like a total southern gentleman ❤️
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: as a person who isn't going through PMS but is certainly going through mental exhaustion now, I feel this in a spiritual level 😇😭😍
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• Joel is an experienced man, who's been married, has a teenage daughter and has had a few girlfriends, so he knows how to handle your PMS even if it annoys the hell outta him sometimes
• don't get this wrong, Joel is very sweet and he knows it's not your fault to go through that, but he has his own problems at work and it makes him stressed out, but he takes a deep breath and calms down, after all, he is a mature man who can handle this situation
• he is very understanding when you are PMSing, knowing you go through a range of feelings and emotions, and he just knows how to handle it
• needless to say, his favorite is when you go through your horny spree, and he can tell because you are all over him, more than usual, just as you start kissing his neck, or casually taking his hand to your pussy so he can rub it and so on
• he also knows you go through your craving phase, in which he makes sure the pantry and the fridge are full of your favorite snacks or he just goes out to grab your favorite takeout to make you happy
• he finds it amusing when you get jealous of him, he can't help if women flirt or try to get his attention, he doesn't care about any of them at all, you are his beautiful girl and he loves you and only you
• the phase he hates the most is the irritation, because most of the time it causes some kind of fight between you both and let's be honest, it's usually something you exaggerated a little bit, so for that, he holds you and asks you calmly if your reaction to whatever happened is really appropriate and if whatever the reason was for that was that big (it wasn't) and you are able to fall back into your senses
• when the sadness hits, he just holds you, pets your hair and keeps you close to him, knowing all you need is some snuggle and his presence
• Joel loves you very much and will always make sure you are alright ❤️
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licorice-tea · 5 months
The Way Things Go
Pairing: Kaku x reader
Content: huge spoilers for water 7 and enies lobby!!! kaku calls reader “miss” but gender nuetral pronouns are used besides that, reader is a strawhat, flirting and things!
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: this is going to be a mini series covering the reader’s arrival in water 7 (with the straw hats ofc!) to the end of enies lobby. basically, how the reader meets kaku, falls for him, learns his true identity, etc. it’s been a WHILE since i watched the water 7/ennies lobby arcs so im sorry if some things aren’t accurate!! also this is very self indulgent, ik he doesn’t have a ton of fans but seeing him in egghead put me back in my kaku era😇 enjoy! <3
Part 2
You walk towards the doors of the shipyard nonchalantly, but with clear direction and intent. “I need to help find a shipwright who can evaluate the Going Merry and tell us what it’ll cost to fix.” Just a few minutes ago, you’d split up from Nami, Luffy, and Usopp in favor of heading straight to the shipyard while they went to find a place to exchange all of your “stolen” treasure for berries, first. Which is how you ended up standing outside a set of massive doors and an equally tall wall to what you had been told was the Galley La Shipyard. However, after finding no buttons or opening mechanism, you try and fail to push open the incredibly heavy doors.
“Afternoon, miss. Are you looking for a way into the Galley-La Company, by chance?”
You turn around expecting someone older, who has lived a life and now finds no reason to speak in anything other than proverbs and make casual small talk using the same dialects that were popular half a century ago. But instead you’re met with a young man, no older than 25, and a nose reminiscent of Usopp’s. He’s tall, with pretty eyes and strawberry blond hair. You notice the words “Galley La” stitched on the front of his baseball cap, and realize he must work there.
“Hi! Yes, I’m looking for a way into the shipyard.” you nod earnestly.
“Allow me to introduce myself then,” the man removes his hat and holds it to his chest as a gesture of respect, “I’m Kaku, one of the shipwrights of the Galley La Company.” Then he extends his hand toward yours, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss…?”
“Y/n,” you take his hand and shake it once, “and the pleasure’s all mine.”
He smiles and (ever so slowly) lets go of your hand, then brings two fingers up under his chin in a pondering expression. “Say, you look awfully familiar miss y/n. Don’t tell me… you’re a model!”
You giggle at the compliment, “Only on wanted posters!”
“Ah, we get plenty of pirates around these parts, but I’ve never met one as pretty as yourself.” he punctuates his comment with a wink.
You smile and shake your head, “I’m sorry but I’m kind of on a time crunch; would you be able to let me into the shipyard? My crew and I need repairs on our ship.”
“Certainly, miss. Wait here, and I’ll have the doors open in a jiffy.”
As the shipwright leads the pirate through the yard, he makes quick work of getting closer to you. It doesn’t take long for Kaku to boldly rest his hand on your lower back as if to guide you in new directions. At one point he even hooks his arm around your shoulders to turn you toward a particular construction area, but his flirting does not go unnoticed.
“Next on our tour,” he gestures forward at a building with one hand, with his other on the small of y/n’s back, “this is where we design some of the new ships.”
The building is one of few within the large, outdoor shipyard. Kaku opens the door for you and announces to his fellow shipwrights, who are hard at work designing various ship parts inside, that he’s brought a guest. The building isn’t very large inside, either- just a few tables decorate the interior, all covered in blueprints and drawing tools. You wave politely around the room and even excuse yourself for the intrusion, but your tour guide puts his arm around you once again and assures you that it’s no bother. And he’s right; the ship designers either pay you no mind or kindly explain what they’re doing as  you make your way through the room. Their work is intriguing, and extremely detailed- almost artistic, in a way.
Kaku catches the glint in your eyes and asks, “Are you an engineer? Or- no, an architect?” he incorrectly guesses your occupation, but his attempts are cute at the very least.
You laugh and smile, “No, I’m not. But this work is really amazing… there’s just so much attention to detail; it’s very…”
“Beautiful?” he offers with a proud grin.
“Hm. I was going to say skilled, but yeah, beautiful.” You continue in a slow lap around the room to observe the blueprints and the shipwrights drawing them. When the two of you exit, you give another wave by the door and thank the shipwrights for letting you see their work. Kaku stays behind and winks at his coworkers, who all grin or shake their heads in amusement at his clear pursuit of the visitor (you), before following you outside.
He jogs to catch up and falls into step alongside you. “So, what do you do then if you don’t mind my asking, miss y/n?” Then, he takes on a teasing tone: “Besides pirating, of course.”
“I do plenty.” You joke back. Sure, you could tell him your dream and your role on the crew but… where’s the fun in that? Besides, you barely know the guy.
“You’re awfully mysterious, miss y/n.” He not-so-discreetly observes your profile as you continue walking through the shipyard. “Say, how long are you and your crew in town?”
“Oh, well.. however long it takes for our ship to be repaired, I guess.” Then, your gaze meets his with a somewhat knowing expression. “Why do you ask?”
Kaku smirks, “I’d like to get to know you better.”
With a smirk and a hum of acknowledgment, you both continue walking side by side with an added air of flirtation in every brush of your hands or shoulders. You reach the end of the shipyard, and turn around to head back. On the way back to the front entrance, Kaku agrees to personally asses the Going Merry free of charge, “just for you.” The two of you make plans for him to come to the place where the Straw Hats hid her later that evening when he has time. Finally, you two have done a complete lap around the Galley-La Shipyard, and you find yourselves back at the entrance.
“Thank you again for agreeing to check out our ship. She means a lot to us; my crew and I.”
He puts his hands in his pockets, sort of mimicking your own nonchalant demeanor; “It’s no problem at all, miss. In fact, it’ll be my great pleasure to work for you.”
You giggle at his flirting once again, and bid him farewell. “Well, I’m going to go find my crew mates. I think they probably found us some hotel rooms by now.” (You’d all planned to stay in a hotel while in Water 7, in order for repairs to be carried out.)
Kaku nods, “Then I hope you’ll come visit me when you have the time. Or would you prefer it if I came to you?”
“…You don’t have to do that.” Awkward laughter escapes your lips.
“No, but I sure would like to,” he takes one of your hands and surrounds it with both of his, “if you’ll let me.”
This has your mouth gaping as you search for the right response… He’s so straightforward, unlike most of the young men you’ve met on your travels. “W-well, ok.”
“Ok? So, that’s a yes then?” He chuckles, trying to lighten the mood and ease your nervousness (though he does find it endearing.) “I could only accept your enthusiastic consent, miss y/n, if I were to go ahead with courting you.”
“I- Courting me?” you hold back a laugh, not wanting to tease him for his old fashioned way when you find it so charming. “Then, yes. I enthusiastically agree.”
He grins, “Swell! I think I’ll swing by your Going Merry around 5, shouldn’t talk long to asses damages and give you a quote on how much she’ll be to fix. How about we meet then?”
And you nod, “Sounds like a plan.”
“It is one.” He leans in conspiratorially and wriggles his brows, “One could even call it a date.”
You hide another smile by biting your lip and take a step back. “Right… Well, I’ll see you then!” With a wave over your shoulder, you’re off. He watches for a moment as you disappear into a more crowded area of the street and chuckles to himself.
What a sweet guy. A little old fashioned, but very polite, and so tall and handsome and- sigh.
You’re already falling for him.
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miguellover07 · 10 months
Ughhh, may I request something,well umm do u remember those wattpad nerd story (that had to deal with nerds girl who no one really had an interest,then boom someone is interested in them and they just called them ugly ass,but the nerds always weared baggy clothes and big glasses) that was popular there, well I wanted to ask
Nerd!reader(female) x rich!popular!Miguel
Highschool/college au
Who is an new kid(miguel) come to school already become popular and all the talk of the town ,he was just incredibly annoyed by all these girl jumping onto to him like an bug going toward the sun,and the fucking guys that say there he best friends,he would just shut them up,and make fun of them,he was fed up with people telling him what happening with today's drama or shit,he just wanted to had fun,I mean just because he was rich doesn't he was lazy,that's when he wanted to find an place that quiet and clam he went to the library, that where he saw reader,(who he never saw her before,he just thought she was an new kid) nerd!reader who was wearing headphones underneath her hoodie (listening to music of course) while studying,she seem peaceful,but knowing him he would just sat down next in the same table as her,
AND THE REST IS UP TO u (Idk what to do)
Always have an wonderful day😘😘😇
Study buddy
Around 1100 words, fluff, rich!Miguel x nerdfem!reader
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After finally getting rid of these annoying classmates of his, he found his way to the school library.
He was already so frustrated and grumpy by them. They don't understand that he simply doesn´t care who fucked with whom or who holds the best parties.
This year he wants to improve his grades to the impossible, so only A´s are allowed. This means no parties, no drama or any kind of burden for him.
The reason is that he wants to be worthy of his parents company.
He wants them to be proud of him and inherit it to him because he deserves it and not due to the fact that he is their eldest son.
That´s why right now he's standing in the math section and looks through the books and after a bit of searching he finds the books he needs for practacing.
Luckily the math section is mostly empty except for a group who are probably working on a project together and a girl.
Before searching for a seat, he decides to regard the girl for some minutes.
Her oversized hoodie has a big image on the back which tells him that she is a fan of the same comic as him.
He sees her removing the glasses and rubbing her already bloodshot eyes and she seems worried and frustrated.
So, he decides to sit next to her, taking out his school supplies such as notebook, calculator and some pencils.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to befriend her so that he can have a study buddy and they could help each other out.
As he sits down next to her, he notices the small spider-man earrings and he can't help but feel excited because he also likes him.
Even her earphones are designed in the colour red and blue which implies that they must be customised.
She rests her head in her hands and Miguel guesses that she is either at the brick of a breakdown or just taking a break.
"Need help?" he causally asks her as he takes her notes to see with what she is fighting.
The moment he starts speaking is exactly where her song switches to another one, so in this little second she hears him right next to her.
Startled, she jumps in her chair, putting a hand on her heart "Gosh, I didn´t see you coming..."
And Miguel can´t help but find her slow reaction adorable.
She slowly takes her headphones off and sighs while blushing intensly. The new kid talked to her? And even offers his help?
No way, this must be a prank, most people don´t even recognize her which she is extremly thankful for since she has seen how the popular kids bully the nerds or basically everbody who isn´t filthy rich or at least good looking.
But she needs help or else she will fail her math class and studying alone won't get her far.
"I don't even know what I´m doing..." she would whisper embarrassed.
Humming, he starts opening one of her books and takes a minute to read himself in this topic.
All the while she puts her glasses back on to get a better sight of him.
It´s like she is looking at a model, his skin looks so smooth and his hair is so fluffy and voluminous.
His sharp features makes him so much hotter but to stop her emberassing blushing, she tries looking at the books before her.
After understanding the topic, he leans back and starts explaining it to her, without making her feel stupid which only makes her more attracted to him.
He even put his arm behind her to lean a bit closer towards her and his other hand keeps pointing to the book while sometimes scribbling on her notes.
Nodding eagerly as she finally understood what her problem was and how it workes.
She can´t help and turn to him as she gives him a tired but happy smile since this session took over 2 hours of him just explaining and calculating together.
"Thank you so much for your help, I don´t know what I would do without you," expressing her graditute while packing her stuff "Could I perhaps repay you?"
Miguel leans back and packs his schoolbag as well "How about before we start our next time we have lunch together? I´m still new here and don´t know my way around and I don´t know if you´ve already had the chance to explore our school"
Confusion is written over her face "What do you mean?" she chuckles akwardly.
"Aren´t you new here as well?" he raises a brow and is seemingly confused now.
Chuckling she explains "No no no, I´ve been in this town since birth so I actaully do know my way around, I could be your guide if you like" she puts her hand before her giggling mouth to hide it and Miguel again can´t help but find her adorable with the whole behaviour and looks.
Everything she does just suits her.
"Oh sorry, I don´t know why I automatically assumed you were new here, but yeah I´d like to have a sweet one like you as my tour guide... ugh when I think about that one of the other could be my guide, I already get a headache"
Again she can´t help but giggle at his confession and as they two stand up, she can´t help but notice the height difference which makes her a little bit nervous again. Miguel notices it immediately which makes him smirk.
"I´m Y/N, by the way" she awkwardly introduces herself as she remebered to do it at the beginning which makes it a bit awkward again but he only leans down to hear her better and perhaps to tease her a little.
"Y/N, it´s a pretty name and it suits you perfectly... and I´m Miguel o´hara" he says with a little smirk.
Hope you like this one, I somehow struggled to make him seem 'more rich' and her more 'nerdy' with the set up but I still hope you'll enjoy this one, my friend <3
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
jace helping u recover from a toxic relationship headcannons 😇
Modern Jace*Getting Over a Toxic Ex
Pairing: modern!Jace x gn!reader (theres a general list of HC and a romantic list encase you want some platonic jace)
Warnings: mild swearing and reference to toxic ex but no specifics
Word count: 747
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Masterlist Here
General Headcannons
Jace is the one who helps you realize the situation is toxic to begin with
He’s also the one who will subtly build you up for weeks to leave
He gets that its hard to rip the band aid off so he’s right there beside you
With ice cream
And tequila shots
He’ll be the one to drive over and help you pack your shit at 1am and crash at his place
He’ll insist on taking the couch and you get the bed
Jace basically confiscates your phone after the breakup to stop you texting them back
Blocks all the fake numbers and profiles they create
If they don’t get the hint Jace will call up his uncles to go tell him to back off
He might be a soft teddy bear to you but with Aegon and Aemond at either side of him and the threat to cut his breaks he can be far more terrifying to your ex
Finally, your ex gets the hint
Meanwhile Jace does not let any of their attempts get through to you
He’d give you a week to be sad about the breakup
Ice cream, hugs, junk food, different takeaway each night, movies, and completely platonic cuddles
However, he only gives you a week
On the eighth day he wakes you up by throwing open the blinds and dragging you into the bathroom and telling you to get ready
Once your showered and fresh he’s throwing clothes at you
This mother fucker has spent the past week researching how to get over a breakup so welcome to boot camp
He’ll get you back into the gym for some light exercise (despite protesting it does help)
Then he’ll get Heleana, Baela, and Rhanya to organise a shopping trip to get you at the least a new outfit if not a whole wardrobe
Once you’re back, he’s passing you a tequila shot and calling everyone up
Organises a night to celebrate your freedom
Aegon, Aemond, Heleana, Baela, Rhanya and even Luke with a fake ID
Offers to wingman but is horrible at it
You end up just enjoying the freedom with your friends
Even buys a cake and decorates it with Heleana to toast to your release from the prison that was your ex
Romantic head cannons
Even though he’s had a huge crush on you forever he doesn’t tell you even when you break up with your ex
Doesn’t want you to feel pressured and genuinely wants you to heal
He sets a rule to not even bring it up for at least six months
But within 3 months you’re already developing feelings for him
Spending most nights together watching tv or movies brings you closer
Especially since you also go to the gym together and are always hanging out
He’d let you live with him in his flat for as long as you needed, even setting him up a sofa bed in the living room
The closeness doesn’t help when it comes to hiding feelings
He still offers to wing man or help you find dates despite the idea crushing him
Jace just wants you to be happy
However, when he releases you like him back you slowly ease into a relationship
It starts with more hugs and cuddles on the sofa
Then eventually cuddling in bed
Then telling Jace he might as well just share the bed with you
Meanwhile Jace does his best to make sure he doesn’t come onto you
He doesn’t wanna pressure you, even accidentally, when you’re vulnerable
He always waits for you to make the first move
You’re basically already dating when a cashier says how cute a couple you are
This results in a very awkward car ride then a deep conversation at home
That all results in Jace kissing you gently
Then what everyone has known for months is official
Jace makes sures to communicate constantly with you after your ex
He’s always reassuring you and hyping you up
When things go down or you have a flash back to your ex Jace is right there holding your hand telling you that he’d never wanna hurt you and he means it
This man will shower you with affection the whole time
And if you ever run into your ex on the street the glare alone Jace gives him is enough to make them almost wet themselves and turn the other way
Taglist: @clairacassidy
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itsmebytch001 · 9 months
Maybe Aaron unintentionally runs into Diana’s boyfriend on the street or in a store either with or without Y/n? I wanna know how that would play out…
Love your work btw💙😇
(I Love Love Love this request! Keep them coming)
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While you and Aaron were roaming the isles around the store in a hopeless mission to find the Rose tea you insisted on having in the house, Little Diva he thought to him self, he made a note to always keep an eye out of you, he always had you either holding his hand or grabbing distance, he knew that if you were to stray too far and the wrong type of person saw that they'd snatch you, a parents worst nightmare.
Aaron: "I don't understand what's so special about this tea that you drag me across the city just to get it"
Y/n: "I dunno, I just really like it"
Aaron: "Why do we gotta go all the way across Brooklyn to some shop Ive never heard of then?"
Y/n: "This is where Diana buys it, so I know it's here"
Aaron: "Oh" He sharply inhaled.
Y/n: "This is the isle" You pointed your finger to the finale isle.
While you and Aaron scanned the isle for the overly specific tea you so desperately wanted Aaron took his eyes off you and let go of your hand while you also searched, scanning each box and briefly reading the title only to dismiss it.
But once he found it, the rose Japanese tea in it's pink box he grabbed it calling out to you...
Aaron: "Baby I found it-" he turned around only to see you weren't there.
His eyes darted across the isle left to right, he had lost you, all his worst fears were coming true, you were gone and it was his fault as his mind raced, where did you go, did someone take you?
Aaron: "Y/n?! Y/n?!" he yelled out drawing the attention of other shoppers, he exited the isle and continued to call for you.
Aaron: "Y/N! Y/N! ANSWER ME!" He turned the corner to see to his relief you were there, talking to someone...
A man, a grown ass man he didn't know dressed down in a hoodie and sweats was crouched down talking too you sweetly.
Not my fucking daughter, he thought to himself.
He approached from behind you and grabbed your arm pulling you back towards him while leaning down to face you.
Aaron: "The hell are you doing? I told you never to speak to strangers!" He scolded beginning to drag you away.
Aaron: "What's wrong with you? Talking to a little girl huh?"
Phil: "Woah chill man, It's not like that, I'm Phil"
Oh...Phil, Diana's boyfriend.
Aaron: "Oh...okay, I still don't want you hanging around my daughter, I don't know you"
Phil: "Well I know her, me and the little lady were just catching up"
Little lady, who the fuck dose he think he is?
Aaron: "Well you can catch up her weekends"
Phil: "I guess, see you Saturday Sweetie" He waved at you from behind Aaron.
Oh Hell no
Aaron: "Getting way too familiar with my kid man, with all the nicknames"
Phil: "What? Why can't I have some 'familiarity' with her, I see her every weekend"
Aaron: "I.Don't.Know.You"
Phil: "Well she knows me, Don't you Y/n?"
Y/n: "Yeah..." You answered meekly.
Phil: "I like to think of myself like her weekend Daddy"
I am about to shoot this damm down in broad daylight
Phil grins at him, Aaron can't tell if he's trying to provoke him or if he is just this much bitch all the time.
Aaron: "Excuse me?"
Phil: "Someone's gotta be the man of house, you and Diana didn't work out she need's father figure"
Aaron: "I am her father?"
Phil: "No no, I mean like a real father figure, one who puts the kid in their place not just coddle them, or take back talk"
Aaron knows if he stays in this store any longer and talk to this man he's going to become a killer, he he deeply inhales grabs your hand tightly and drags you out the store.
Phil: "See you next week sweetie"
Aarons grip on your hands tightens and he pulls you out the store, and only lets go once you've turned the corner of the side walk, and once he lets go you rub your hand due to the redness.
Aaron: "I'm sorry about your hand baby, it's just that boy was testing me back there"
Y/n: "...Its okay"
Aaron: "Dammit, I forgot your tea"
Y/n: "is there any chance we could go back"
Aaron: "Hell no, I'd end up a killer back that guy...I'll find it online and order you some, kay?"
Y/n: "...okay" You huffed.
Aaron: "Come on now, It's just tea, how bout we get some ice cream?"
Y/n: "OH! YES please!"
Aaron: "Okay then, let's go what flavour you thinking?"
Y/n: "Pistachio!"
Aaron: "Pistachio huh? I think the flavours should have stopped at Mint chip but whatever"
Y/n: "You get vanilla, you can't judge me"
Aaron: "What's wrong with Vanilla?"
Y/n: "Only psychopath's eat vanilla ice cream, and you BITE it, like a mad man"
Aaron: "Hey Ive got strong teeth, you got your Mom's teeth so you can't bite it"
While you and Aaron sat on the bench together, he taking bites out of his while you had to lick it coming down your hands.
Aaron: "What do you call Phil?"
Y/n: "What do you mean?"
Aaron: "Like, do you call him Phil or by his last name?"
Y/n: "Usually I call him Phil sometimes he won't answer me unless I call him Daddy"
Aaron sharply inhales again, his hand tensing on the cone until it cracked.
Aaron: "Uh huh...Do you like calling him that?"
Y/n: "No, I don't really care though sometimes he buys me things if I do"
Aaron: "So that's where you keep gettin all those toys, do you know what he works as to afford you all that?"
Y/n: "I don't know, I don't think he has a job"
Aaron: "Uh huh...so he's a deadbeat?"
Y/n: "A bit yeah"
Aaron: "Is he nice to you?"
Y/n: "Most the time"
Aaron: "I think I'm gonna get you a phone, nothing fancy just a flip phone so you can call me, or Uncle Jeff if something goes wrong"
Y/n: "Really?! A phone?!"
Aaron: "Nothing fancy just a flip one"
Y/n: "Oh thank you" You hugged your father from the side gripping his torso.
Aaron: "And I'm gonna put all those social media blocks on it, no Instagram no face book none of that, no 8 year old need's all that, and I'm go through your messages, make sure your not being all sneaky"
Y/n: "Okay! Can I put sparkles on it?"
Aaron: "No, those things are expensive"
Y/n: "But you said nothing fancy? If it's cheap why can't I put gems on it?"
Aaron: "I-I...You ask too many questions Y/n"
Y/n: "You said it's good to ask questions"
Aaron: "Don't give me lip Y/n"
Y/n: "I'm not? I'm just-"
Aaron: "Shhh"
Y/n: "I-"
Aaron: "Shhht"
Y/n: "okay damm"
Aaron: "I heard that"
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Knockin' Boots
[A/N: No, your honor, you don't understand. I need this man biblically 🫦 Y'all can thank McGarrett, Luke Bryan, & my dreams for this lil bit of filth 😇 Enjoy!]
"So get this-" You pause to finish off your margarita before replacing the now empty glass on the table and engaging your hands in the reenactment. "This man saunters up to me, smirks, and says- and I shit you not- The boss must be quite the bitch to keep these boys in line, huh? Good thing I like ‘em feisty."
"No fucking way," Melissa squeals in delight. "What did you say?"
"That it's a good thing my man does…too…" you trail off, licking your lips as your mouth goes dry at the sight of said man entering the dimly lit restaurant. He’s sporting tight gray slacks and a black fitted button down that leave little to the imagination, his toned thighs and thick biceps on full display. Everything about him screams confidence, and his mere presence steals the air from your lungs.
"Fuck me," you whisper under your breath, all of the blood from your brain draining south like a horny teenager who can’t get enough of her high school boyfriend.
He and his best friend take their time approaching your table, and then the brunette finally stops before you, tilting your chin up until you meet his gaze and flashing you a dazzling smile that somehow gets your panties even wetter. "Hey, pretty girl," he murmurs in that smooth-as-honey voice of his, and dammit if you don’t melt from the attention.
"Commander," you all but purr, wondering if Five-0’s immunity and means would extend to you if you were to partake in some public indecency in this very crowded restaurant. A spark of brilliance hits you- quite miraculously, actually, given the butterflies taking up residence in your belly and lower still- and your eyes flash with mischief. "Did you find my lipstick in your truck? It wasn’t in my bag this morning."
"Let’s go take a look," Steve plays along, delicately taking your wrist and helping you up. The simple touch sends a flood of heat through your veins, and you tighten your grip on his hand.
"Skipping dinner and going straight for dessert, hm?" Melissa questions around her straw with a devious smile, much to her boyfriend’s chagrin who voices his displeasure with a groan.
"Just, uh-" You spot your empty glass and shoot her a wink. "Feeling a little parched, is all."
"Time to pay up, Daniel," your man grins, his fingers trailing down your spine until they ghost over the curve of your ass then gradually making their way back up. You suppress a shiver at the caress, unable to process his words until the exchange is made.
"What’d you bet this time?"
"You’d find a way to compromise my virtue within ten minutes of us getting here," Steve explains smugly.
"I gave you a generous twenty," Danny adds.
Using one of Steve’s belt loops to tug him closer, you playfully growl, "You’re a menace."
"Guilty," he whispers against the shell of your ear, and you feel the dull ache between your thighs flare to an insistent throbbing. "C’mon now," he insists, pulling you along so fast you can barely throw a "Start ordering without us!" over your shoulder.
You make it to the Chevy in record time, your excited giggle morphing into a moan when Steve slaps your ass as you clamber into the back of the truck. "You didn’t wear this sexy little dress to work this morning," he comments.
"And you weren’t wearing these My eyes are up here pants, McGarrett," you fire back, reaching to undo the button before the door has even clicked shut behind him.
You use your thumb and middle finger to outline the ridges of his cock through his pants, and he groans out an appreciative, "Fuck, Y/N."
"Oh, you'd better," you moan, leaning down to nuzzle at his bulge and nearly going dizzy from the scent of him alone.
"Easy, baby, easy," he laughs, twining his fingers in your hair to pull you back and get a good look at you. The way he's managing to hold it together while you feel like you're falling apart at the seams just serves to turn you on more, your domineering nature in the boardroom melting into a pliant little subordinate in your boyfriend's capable hands. He swipes his thumb over your bottom lip and you draw the digit into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and humming in delight at the taste of him. "Tell me what you need," he says, his voice husky when he recognizes just how desperate you are for him.
"Need to suck your cock," you plead, no trace of shame evident in your breathy confession. You pull him in for a kiss that's all lips and teeth and tongue, a stuttered moan escaping you when Steve's fingers easily tug your panties aside and slide between your folds, the pad of his middle finger brushing over your sensitive clit.
"Is that what you were thinking about when you ruined these panties? Sitting there all innocent, talking to Melissa about your day, and dreaming about my dick so far down your throat you can't breathe?" He circles the sensitive bundle of nerves, once, twice, and you cry out, arching your back to chase the sensation. "I asked you a question and I'm not going to ask you again," he growls, his tone taking on that authoritative quality he uses for interrogations that makes you weak in the knees. He follows with a sharp smack to your aching cunt that forces out a, "Yes! Oh fuck yes, Commander."
"Such a good little slut," he murmurs proudly, the combination of degradation and praise sending another wave of arousal down south.
"Steve," you whine, digging your nails into his thick thighs.
He soothes you with a soft, "I know, baby, I've got you," and shifts into a seated position so you can kneel next to him in the back seat. He eases his slacks and boxer briefs down enough for you to reach your prize, and you descend on him like a woman starved.
One hand snakes further down to massage his balls while the other strokes the base of his cock and you wrap your lips around the tip, taking short pulls and moaning as the taste of him bursts across your tongue. "Oh my god, baby," he half laughs, half moans when you lower your head to fully sheathe him within your mouth. Steve's hand rests possessively on your ass, giving an appreciative squeeze to your flesh each time your fingers tighten their grip. "Gonna go back to dinner absolutely cock drunk, aren't you?" he teases, delivering another smack to your bare pussy that has you moaning out a garbled, "Mhm," around his length.
Pulling off him momentarily, you instruct, "Keep doing that," between pants before going back to work. He lets his middle finger slide lazily between your folds, alternating between pressing knuckle deep inside you and smacking your heated cunt. There's no rhyme or reason to his actions, so each crack of his hand against your flesh has you reflexively squeezing his balls and moaning around him, causing his hips to stutter and forcing him even deeper down your throat.
"Taking me so well, pretty girl," he praises through a moan, his sweet words a sharp contrast to the delicious pain he's inflicting on your pussy. "Gonna give you just what you need, reward you for being so good for me."
You can feel his powerful thighs flexing with each thrust of his hips and hear his breathing growing more ragged, telltale signs that he's close. You pull off of him with an obscene sound, sitting up and licking your lips while you continue to stroke him with your hand. "I want you to cum inside me."
Steve's eyebrows draw together in confusion, and it would be an adorable sight if he wasn't grunting and groaning while fucking up into your fist in the backseat of his truck. "Of course, baby, but I'm close so-"
"No," you cut him off, shaking your head. You adjust yourself until your back meets the truck door and spread your legs so your glistening cunt is on full display to your boyfriend. "I want to walk back in there knowing I'm full of you."
Something akin to a whimper falls from between his lips, and Steve closes the distance between you, hooking your legs over his shoulders and pressing so deep inside you that you can literally see the bulging of your lower belly. Your eyes roll back at the sensation, and your walls tighten around him as if trying to draw him in even deeper. "Give it to me, Steve," you cry. "I want you to fill me up. I want you dripping down my thighs, want everyone to know what a needy fucking slut I am for you," you continue babbling, trying to keep your eyes open and focused on how tightly his features are drawn, how hard he's biting his lip and the predatory look in his eyes while he's fucking into you like an uncaged animal.
"You look so beautiful when you're full of me," he grunts, and his heady words coupled with the brush of his thumb over your clit sends shockwaves through you, every nerve in your body firing at once as a powerful orgasm rips through you and leaves you breathless and quaking beneath him. Through the haze, you can feel Steve's hips stutter against yours while your walls squeeze him, and then he's delivering on his promise to give you just what you need. Chest heaving with each breath, he continues rolling his hips until you've managed to draw out every drop of his release, a satisfied smile spreading across your face.
Steve's hand cups the back of your neck and pulls you close, his tongue licking into your mouth until you're a moaning mess for him all over again. "Good girl," he breathes, and you let out a whimper, absolutely and utterly cock drunk.
Steve eases your legs off his shoulders, adjusting your panties and dress before massaging your calves gently to get the blood flowing again and leaving a trail of kisses along your dewy skin. Then he focuses his attention on your upper half, running his fingers through your hair and pressing his lips to your forehead with a murmured, "I love you, baby girl."
"Love you more," you answer in a daze, tilting your chin up to capture his lips in another kiss, this one slow and sensual. "But now I'm really hungry," you declare, and Steve laughs as he tucks his dress shirt back into his slacks.
He opens the truck door and helps you out, his hand coming to rest on your hip as you make your way back inside the restaurant on jellied legs. "Ten bucks says they're in the Camaro right now," Steve challenges, guiding you into your seat and looking pointedly at the empty spots across the table.
"No way," you scoff. "Too small. Twenty on bathroom."
"You're on, babe," Steve responds with a grin, tipping his beer in your direction. Leaning closer, he swipes his thumb across your bottom lip and murmurs with a click of his teeth, "Shame we couldn't find your lipstick, though."
"I know," you sigh, then add, "It would look so pretty on you, too." Reaching into your purse, you pull the tube out from the zippered compartment with a sly grin and relish in the way Steve's eyes flash at your innuendo. "Guess we'll have to try it out later."
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fallingyams · 10 months
This is written for two very special people who have been screaming with me over Op.5 (you know who you are 😇)
Look, I'm not saying that they kissed on stage. But neither am I saying that they didn't kiss on stage. :)
A rampant thought that grew legs after Op.5, set as they fall from the tower bridge, basically. You don't need to have seen the musical, and there are no spoilers here for it (I think?)
You miiiiight appreciate this a bit more if you've seen it though.
"Like hell I'll let you fall alone!" the echo of Sherlock's desperate cry rings out, piercing through the deafening rush of air as William allows himself to fall backwards.
His scarlet eyes can't help but widen at the absurd sight of the detective jumping off the bridge after him.
What sort of fool-
A panic wells up unbidden within him as Sherlock reaches his hands out once again.
You can't die here, Sherly. You have to see the new world.
There's no one else I would trust more with it.
His eyes shut tight, in part a willful denial of Sherlock's futile jump to his death, and another simply fearful for his own imminent end.
Even the devil fears death, in the end.
The cold breeze of the night wraps around him - a cold that no coat or fire could ever chase away. It chills him to his bones.
He was all alone, just as he expected.
He would die alone, just like he wanted.
He had done everything to ensure this outcome.
The thought left him cold and hollow.
And then, a warmth envelops him, chasing the cold away. A pair of sturdy arms clasp tightly around him, tugging him against a warm body.
He feels a hand weave itself through his blond locks to cradle his head and William can't help but feel his heart swell with some unspoken emotion.
If these moments are truly to be his last, can he be forgiven one last transgression?
Blinking his eyes open, he finds himself face to face with the man holding him so gently and preciously. His gaze is drawn to Sherlock’s deeply set frown and he wonders what it'd be like to feel that warmth against him.
Sherlock’s dark blue eyes glint with grim determination and William can't help but want to steal a kiss.
And so he does.
A simple press of lips against lips.
If he is to be dead at the end of it all, this shall be a final indulgence that he'll allow himself.
It is so, so very warm. Like the cup of hot chamomile tea that Louis would pour right before bed. Like the crackle of the fireplace where he and Albert would stay up reading next to.
Like he'll never be cold again.
They fall.
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shannara810 · 3 months
Lukercy and their babies:
Percy: ok you guys have hold hands now ok?
Lulu: ok papa*😇👼*
Luke holding Nemos hand who keeps jumping in puddles
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Luke: "Never been happier you're waterproof, Perce. And that the kids take after you 😁."
Percy: "Don't I know this 😏."
Nemo: "Ohhhh, Tata look! What's that?"
The kid let go of his father’s hand and bent down to observe something in a puddle of water nearby. A strange long black string moved slowly in wide circles. Suddenly it stopped: it rose on his willowy body to observe the young boy with its smart yellow eyes.
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Nemo: "Hi! My name's Nemo Jackson-Milligan. What's yours?"
Nemo: "Really? I didn't know they existed! And they left you here? Baaaaadddddd!"
Nemo: "Do you want to come home with me? I'm sure Tata can smite them for you! He can make monsters too, you know?"
Nemo: "Okay 😁".
The long black string - close up, it looked more like a water snake - began to crawl towards Nemo, rolling up on the offered arm until it settled placid on the child’s shoulders.
Nemo: "Tata, Papàs!!! I made a friend!!! Can he live with us?"
Percy: "The fu... dge!!! 😳"
Luke: "Sure!"
Percy: "LUKE!!!"
Nemo: "His mama left him here, because he didn't want to kill some dude named Thoro? And he has been alone ever since! His name is Jur... Jor... I'm going to name him Juju 😁."
Percy: "Why do I feel like this is gonna bite us in the ass?" *facepalm* "You can't take home every animal you find, baby. They can be dangerous."
Luke: "It's a water snake, Percy. They're harmless 🤷. And every kid needs a pet sooner or later."
Percy: "Mmm. Never heard of Lord Voldemort, right Luke? 😑"
Lee: "Juju looks a lot like the giant snake from Uncle Raphi's book 🤔."
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Percy: "Which giant snake, Lulu?"
Lee: "The one who hugs the world! 😁"
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Percy: "WHAT?!"
Luke: "Jormungandr?"
Lee: "Yes!"
Luke: "Uhhh 😶".
Nemo: "You're sooooo smart, Tata! You can say Juju's whole name!"
Percy: "Did our son just find a fucking monster snake?!"
Luke: "Uhhh 😶."
Juju: "Greetingsssssss Lord Darknesssss and lady wife 🐍".
Percy: "I. AM. A. MAN!"
Luke: "That's not what you said last night, babe 😁. Greetings, mighty Jormungandr. I hope you understand how our hospitality is not for free. Should something happen to one of my boys, I won't hesitate to destroy you 😠."
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Juju: "I will keep thisssss in mind, Lord Darknesssss. I've heard frightening and amazzzzzing thingssss about you and your nesssssst of young beassssstssss 🐍".
Luke: "Oh! You hear that, Perce? We have a street creed now 😁."
Nemo&Lee: "Can we keep him, Papàs pleaseeeeeee? 🥺"
Juju: "Yesssss, pleassssseeee 🐍."
Percy: "Luke, we don’t even know what a giant snake eats!"
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Luke: "He can eat all those pests your uncle Zeus sends us every week 😉."
Percy: "Three against one is unfair 😑. Okay he can stay, but I won't clean his mess! Do you understand me, boys? 😑".
Nemo&Lee: "Yeah!!! 🎉"
Juju: "I will earn your ressssspect, Lady Percy 🐍".
Percy: "I AM A MAN!!!"
And again this drabble got out of hand, @darkcrowprincess 😅
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Omg hiiiii!! ❤️❤️❤️ hope you’re doing well! I read that you’ve been swamped with work, so I was unsure to request this, but since request are still open, I thought I’d try??
Of course you are not obligated to do it though! You do this out of your free will and I appreciate everything you write, even if you can’t write my request!!
But! Whenever you find the time.. could it be possible to do a one-shot Drabble of Nacht, where his s/o does that prank on him where he’s deep asleep and the s/o suddenly wakes him up ( of course after he’s fully rested 😇 ) and they do the “ you need to hide my boyfriend is coming over! “ prank I’ve seen on tik tok 😂
I know Nacht is a smart man, but being abruptly woken up can make anyone disoriented lol
He’s one of favorite characters and there’s not much content about him to read and enjoy ( actually black clover in general doesn’t get enough love compared to these other big animes 😭 ), and I ESPECIALLY love how you write him! I feel like you just understand his character so well!!
So even if you decide to write this or not, I hope you know you’re appreciated!!!! I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🕊🕊🕊
*also sorry for the rambling 💀 )
I'm here at my final request!! Thank you for being such a sweetheart and being so appreciative! (♡˙︶˙♡)
Also thank you for the explosion of love for my Nacht works (*/ω\) I'm very honoured. AND I LOVE YOU TOO ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)
I love this request so much, I love funny requests hehe!! Thank you for sending it in to me!
Characters: Nacht x F! reader TW: unchecked work, world with modern devices. ie tiktok and cameras.
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You looked at your boyfriend, your hot cocoa in your hand but your heart felt warmer. Watching him sleep was so therapeutic; his eyes closed and he looked so serene, it was so different from the Nacht that was awake, his blue eyes holding an ocean of mysteries.
To others, he was cold and unsympathetic, but to you he opened up and showed you that this lone ranger has a warm and fuzzy side to him. He proved to you that he was someone you could count on to hold you at your worst and likewise, you showed him that you'll accept him come whatever may.
And "come whatever may" includes watching him sleep in your shared bed, his mouth a little agape with soft snores escaping his throat. You giggled to yourself as you thought about your plan you had in mind. You had your camera set up and ready.
You slowly crept up to him, careful not to wake your light sleeper boyfriend up and put your hands on him. Then you shook him. HARD.
"Nacht! Nacht! You gotta hide!" you whisper-shouted to him.
His eye lids flashed open and his eyes showed a little panic. You went into your Oscar winning acting mode, nudging Nacht out of the bed and pulling his hand.
In a flash, Nacht sat up and threw the blanket in the other end of the bed.
"You need to hide, my boyfriend is here!" you pulled him out of the bed.
The vice captain stood up. Then he blinked twice and pulled you back into his arms. "Your boyfriend is here, who am I hiding from?"
You looked back up at him, "my REAL boyfriend! Quick, into the closet or something!" You tugged at his pants.
Nacht pulled the both of you back into bed and locked you in his strong lean arms.
"What's his name? This boyfriend of yours." he raised a brow at you.
You giggled, you knew that he was fully awake and aware of your prank right now. "Harry Styles,"
"The comedian?"
"Babe!" you smacked his bare chest playfully, "The singer!"
"The one you always scream about?"
"I do not scream," you gave him the eye, "you're no fun."
"What did you expect me to do? Run into the closet and hide?"
"That's what some of the boys in the tiktok video does!" You pried his arms open to go get your phone which was recording the entire thing, "lemme show you!"
When you turned around with your phone, Nacht was already back in the covers comfortably, leaving a gap for you to snuggle in with him.
And of course you happily jumped in and showed him all those videos you mentioned about, Nacht scoffing at all the boys' reactions when their girlfriend shakes them awake.
"some looks fake," he rolled his eyes, "besides baby, I've never done this sorta thing before, so i'll never have this reaction."
"What sorta thing?"
"I've never been a third party in any of my relationships. So I've never had to hide or run. I was always the one that made people hide," he gave you a lazy smirk.
"So you're telling me," you shifted yourself so you were slightly apart now, "that you've had many past relationships, huh, Mr Nacht Faust?"
He blinked at you again. This time you really got him. He mentally slapped himself. "em. I mean.."
He struggled to find the right words to say. But you pinched his skin from under the covers.
"Alright, how about I go hide in the closet?" he quickly pulled you back close to him and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
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I love me a good fluffy Nacht. <3
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idv-sunsxin3 · 3 months
Flos x Gabriel time baby!✨😇
Flos x Gabriel// HCs
(OC Crackship except I luv them to the point I would give them fluff and angst too/ih) Flos is my son while Gabriel is @klai-16xoxo's
Their ship will most likely be Flosbriel. Can be changed later if there is a better word/ih
They're these serious couple but few minutes later you find them acting so fluffy unexpected, like clouds--
Flos is often the very stern one, is technically his nature. Gabriel doesn't seem to mind that much because when it comes to cherishing Flos' everything, it means he'll cherish the trait that seems intimidating yet is the main part of him.
He slowly became aware that Flos is more careful and protective around the ones he cares, which are pretty few if excluding an entire nation in general. (Almost everything else outside Dyanthus can perish, he wouldn't bat an eye on them LIKE RHDDBDB- )
Flos is a fortunate to have Gabriel, just like Gabriel is as well... Flos had tougher times including an old love story that was far from loyalty and trust in a partner. So he feels quite grateful to have met someone like Gabriel...
As a single father for many years with lack in touch with romantic affairs- Flos may not be a pro at being  romantic, but he kinda does well unintentionally sometimes because man- he was raised to be a sincere gentleman besides being a silver-tongued stoic face. So that kinda makes up for it./ih
Idk- I keep imagining the fact that Flos would sometimes treat Gabriel so lovely that sometimes hus mind calls him "his wife".
'My wife must be cooking something- what is he cooking at these hour for.' *checks wrist watch for the time* 'Oh, how thoughtful, he's feeding the kids(the ones from the church-).'
Of course, LIKE NOT IN A MANSPLAIN WAY- you know this vibe where your partner gives this soft caring touch that you can recognize that a mother or a wife would often do? Yeah, wife material.
There is honestly not much to do besides the idea of Gabriel doing activities while being beside Flos who is doing federal paperwork- sometimes there are few times where they stop and do activities together like chess, knitting or cooking as they wait for Peter(the tiny son who would come back from college for Holidays with family-)
Gabriel in dyanthus was sometimes known as "His Grace's partner' or "Mr. Silver" by the color of his flower and how often he is seeing with their vice leader like a floating Cloud that has been fair to him. Flos doesn't pay attention to it unless is a bigger problem, since usually he is not often seeing by the oublic either unless is for significant annual events.
Gabriel being tangled with Flos in this loving bond means he gets to meet his family in a more deeper aspect, including his comrades who run the government system along side him(his cousin, his adoptive brothers, and the state leaders of his faction).🥺
Yes, it may seem awkward since they're just as skeptical as Flos when it comes to first impression and the tention in their naturally cold faces didn't help either. Of course, they slowly open up to Gabriel a bit, as their stern nature is very known for in the faction as normal too.
PDA isn't very often show, since Flos is not a public person. Yet it's not rejected whenever Gabriel starts them in public or not. He is just not use to doing that besides hand holding..... That’s the only thing he'll always do when they take a stroll together;;;
Flos may seem introvert.... I mean, he doesn't like interesting the people from the outside, doesn't mean it's the same when it comes to places and animals. So Gabriel would expect a lot of worldwide Traveling from different world once he is acknowledged as capable to go with him with no problems if he wants to. Imagining taking pictures, trying food together, and just tagging along with Flos as he takes notes of what he observes in the outside wild...
Traveling with Flos will always be about learning, and trying to find solutions. With the Pandera going on, Flos just tends to plan journey where he can test different kinds of environments that are deemed "safe to breath" for humans and immortals....
Flos wouldn't hide secrets from Gabriel. But there are forbidden things one shouldn't know unless he wants havoc to happen. (He won't lie about accidentally breaking stuff or going somewhere Gabriel obviously cannot go, ofc---) so technically, Flos does white lies 🤔
When Flos does tell the entire truth, it's sometimes good truth, and sometimes ones that do hurt... Flos wishes to give his family and his lover to have a world where wars would never happen... but there is still a long way to go. 😭😔
Dyanthus is neutral and a safe place for pacifists, but with the nation now open, there are still possibilities for a secret foreign conflict behind its back. Waiting for the right time to strike it....
But aside the angst- Flos doesn't find it difficult to express, he would just be direct and say whatever he has internal conflict of or just asking Gabriel if he wants to do something different today(because he has ideas, some days even strangely interesting /ih)
There are times is not easy said than done, you know... Flos sometimes doesn't understand something and doesn't know how to exactly address that yet. So having Gabriel bearing with him makes him feel more comfortable to take his time to learn and accept new things.
Flos isn't entirely traditional, idk about Gabriel but it seems they would have a similar idea to just accept new things when they seem efficient---
Gabriel, my crackship son-in-law(help-), expect your hubby go to Sunday church- because he is pretty catholic despite being so realistic and sometimes believe in the scientific side- Flos would love to have you sit next to him on one of them benches at the masses, is up to you if you want to or not ofc,,,🥺/lh
The fact that this crackship is French-Spanish couple brings an interesting dynamic--- I have hyperfixation on culture so imagine these two trying to share their culture, like cooking, dancing, music, customs--- there are similarities and differences they would eventually unfold themselves as they get to know each other which seems fun to do as a couple-- 🥺
They'll never be bored of each other for sure- these men are eccentric and slaying everyday fr fr✨️/srs
They would watch the barbie movie wearing pink(with Peter)- and then the next week Oppenheimer movie wearing black(with Hana)./ih
Peter would have come too for the Oppenheimer one but you know how he looks like a baby outsiders don't even know he is not a kid;;;😭/ih
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andthebubbles · 7 months
(from smooth-boob) 🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share? I couldn't resist!
i can't believe i'm doing this
here's almost the entire first chapter of a/b fic (there's meant to be a flashback at the end of 2 y/o anthony running away and meeting his fake parents, but i haven't written it yet 😇)
for passersby who don't know what this is about: this is the fic where anthony runs away when he's 2 years old, accidentally boards a ship that leaves england, gets adopted by nice parents, eventually forgets that he's a bridgerton, doesn't come back to live in england until he's 13; meets benedict at oxford in 1806 and they start a relationship. if this bothers you, do not read below the cut (it contains smut), just move on, don't send me hate, i am a real person
(i should start copypasting the summary and disclaimer lol)
Benedict meets the love of his life one ordinary autumn evening in an Oxford pub. 
He's not a big believer of love up till this point. Thus far he’s found it entirely consigned to the great epics of the ancients, the tragic tales of Shakespeare, even King Char and King George, loving in their madness, loving despite no rhyme nor reason, loving when they should have no right. But then, surrounded by his peers who he does not care very much for, a Lord Fife and a Lord Cho and the second son of a baron and the third son of an earl whose names he does not care to remember, he looks up over his glass of beer and finds a finely dressed gentleman making his way over to them. 
And his heart skips a beat.
“I hear you’re the best coxswain and crew out of all the undergraduates,” the gentleman says, loudly enough to halt their conversation, with no introduction of himself whatsoever. He has dark eyes and dark hair, lush with a hint of wave, curling over his forehead and pushed to one side. 
Benedict hurriedly sips his drink.
“What of it, Mr.…?” Lord Fife eyeballs him.
“I'd like to place a wager on your winning the next race,” the gentleman rests a casual, black-gloved hand on their table. “On one condition.”
Fife raises his eyebrows. “What’s that, then?”
“I’m the coxswain for the crew.”
Silence. Then the table laughs uproariously, Benedict excluded. 
The gentleman has a glint in his eyes, a tilt of his head befitting a lord. Arrogant. Attractive. His nose is straight, aristocratic, and his lips—
Smirking. Thin and pink, but full.
“My good man,” Fife finally says around chortles. “We don’t even know your name.”
“Nor have we seen you around, have we, lads?” Cho looks about pompously. “Are you a first year?”
“You’ve got me,” the mystery man straightens, tipping his top hat, impeccably smug. “A first year, looking for a crew befitting my talents. The best crew. Third years. Well-seasoned. You.”
“And… your name?” Fife drawls. 
“Bailey. Anthony Bailey.” The gentleman holds his hand out.
Fife glances around at them all rather than taking it. “Hmm, Bailey, do we know a Bailey?”
A chorus of shaking heads. 
Fife’s gaze sharpens. “What’s your father’s name? Where are your estates?”
At this, Bailey tilts his chin up. “My father is a merchant. And our estate is a shop in Bloomsbury. Which I’m sure you wouldn’t know of, since all you lords seem to learn is which of your first cousins has the biggest dowry so you can fuck them till you sire an heir—”
Fife punches him in the stomach, and the others set upon him like dogs, and Benedict yells and grabs the closest man to him, the second—or was it third?—son of a baron, whoever he is—
But heroic tales where justice is served are consigned to the epics, are the stuff of fairytales, have no place in reality. So the merchant is tossed out onto the cobblestone street, and the door slammed shut against the sudden autumn rains. 
Benedict slips out the back door under the pretence of taking a piss outside.
The merchant is in a nearby alleyway taking shelter under the arch of a doorway. He has a cut on his cheekbone that he dabs at with a handkerchief; he puts it away with a mostly concealed wince when Benedict approaches. 
They stare each other down like two fighters forced into the ring. Benedict’s heart aches; the merchant looks so tired.
“If you must punch me,” he says at last, looking away, “I would be grateful if it wasn’t in the same place twice. So, the stomach is off-limits. As is my eye. And my nose, though it hasn’t been punched, but I have plans with a special someone tonight, and I’d rather it not look bloody or broken.” He pauses. “Come to think of it, you should probably stay away from my face altogether.”
Benedict’s mouth twitches. “I’m not going to punch you.”
“Oh, that’s a relief.” It’s very droll. “You lot seem to have trouble doing anything but.”
“You… seem to know our prejudices well? The upper class?”
“Well, you rather like buying the things we make. You just don’t like it as much when we dare to step out of line or try to better ourselves or forget our lot in life.”
Benedict approaches him, cautious, like he would with a wild animal. Or a wounded one. “We were once like you, generations ago. Mere landowners. Until the crown granted us a title.”
“And how many generations ago was that, my lord?” The man’s voice drips with disdain.
Benedict winces. “Nine. I’m… I’m the ninth. In my family.”
The merchant looks sidelong at him in the lantern light, up and down, Benedict suddenly conscious of his finery, and the merchant’s coarser fabrics and simple brocade waistcoat indiscernible in the dimness of the pub earlier. 
“So…” The merchant’s eyes drift back up to his face. “You’re an… earl?”
“So your father is an earl?”
Benedict swallows. “My father is dead.”
Rain pitter-patters on the cobblestones. Benedict’s fingers, lungs suddenly itch for a smoke.
“I’m sorry.”
Benedict almost smiles. “I’m surprised you have any sympathy left for us.”
“I’m not completely heartless. I know that death doesn’t care how rich or poor you are, how titled or how bottom-of-the-barrel you are. Once gone, the dead are all the same. Sorely, terribly missed.”
“Quite right.” Benedict’s mouth has gone dry. After a moment he holds his hand out. “I realise I haven’t introduced myself. Benedict Bridgerton.”
The merchant raises his eyebrows, a smirk playing on his lips. “The Right Honourable The Viscount Bridgerton?”
“Or just Benedict,” he grins. “I’m not fond of the title.”
“Then call me just Anthony.” He firmly shakes his hand, leather against warm skin. His eyes up close under the shadow of the doorway are near black, bottomless and blown wide.
Their gazes hold like puzzle pieces interlocked, clicking forever into place.
Benedict clears his throat, titillatingly unable to let go of his hand. “Do you have somewhere to be? You uh… mentioned having plans with a special someone?”
Anthony moves closer, impossibly so. “I noticed your staring in the pub.”
Benedict laughs, slightly desperately and high-pitched. “So you’re not the best coxswain in Oxford after all? You just… wanted me?”
“Why can’t it be both?” Anthony’s voice is intoxication against his lips. “I’m the best coxswain, and you’re my special someone?”
“Even when you thought I was going to punch you?”
“Well, I fervently hoped you would not.”
Anthony slides a hand under his jacket to rest against his hip; Benedict sucks in a breath like he’s starved of air. “Do you have some place we could go?”
Anthony cages him up against the door to his room and uses their combined weight to slam it shut. “Sorry about the mess.” He locks it and lights a taper on the nearby table, then licks a stripe up Benedict’s neck. 
Hand fisting in Anthony’s hair against the sensation (and Anthony moaning into his mouth), Benedict has the barest second to look over his shoulder. Anthony’s room is organised clutter: books and papers on the desk by the window, spare candles on the shelf, more papers scattered on the badly-made bed. 
“It’s not so bad,” Benedict says. “In fact I’m quite sure I’ve seen worse—”
Anthony kisses his words away like he’s ravenous, like they’re both running out of time. He drags Benedict by his shirt front over to his bed and Benedict falls onto it willingly, Anthony climbing atop him, caging him once more.
“You’ve seen worse?” Anthony grins, punctuates it with more kisses to the underside of his jaw. “Dare I ask where?”
“Well, when you have siblings…” 
“I don’t. I have a mother and father, six freeloading stray cats, and about double that for the number of people I’ve had at some point or another in my bed.”
“People? Not men, specifically?”
“Men, women, and everything in between. And now, you.” It should sound callous; instead Anthony sounds almost reverent. He pulls his lips away from Benedict’s earlobe and extraordinarily gently unties and pulls off his cravat. Breath caught in his throat, Benedict reaches up and does the same for him. 
Anthony’s cravat, unlike the duller colours of his waistcoat and jacket, is dyed a rich indigo blue.
“Mmf.” He impatiently pushes up Benedict’s waistcoat and shirt to get to the skin beneath, laying his hands everywhere, simultaneously trying to help Benedict with shucking off his own clothes. His jacket and waistcoat and boots are discarded on the floor; Benedict grabs his wrist when he gets to his leather gloves.
“Keep them on,” he says, hoarse.
Anthony’s gaze darkens, unfathomable pools of black. “What have you in mind?”
He doesn’t wait for an answer, his other hand sliding down and unbuttoning Benedict’s trousers, Benedict gladly lifting his hips to help Anthony push them down to his knees. “Your fingers,” Benedict says breathlessly, “in my arse—”
“Fingers?” Anthony smirks. “Rather confident of you.” He puts his index finger in his mouth, sucking and coating it with spit.
Benedict takes his hand from his mouth and guides it to his own, lapping around two fingers, tasting warm slick leather, Anthony trembling in his hold. 
“Fuck.” With his free hand he takes Benedict and strokes him to full hardness, Benedict groaning at the sensation of leather on his cock, the back of his head hitting the mattress and Anthony’s fingers sliding out.
He pushes Benedict’s legs up, finally rids him of his trousers and boots and tosses them to the floor. “This all right?” He circles his entrance and Benedict bites his lip, settling his heels on Anthony’s back. 
Anthony pushes in.
Benedict’s eyes nearly roll back in his head. “Fuck.”
“And you wanted fingers,” Anthony teases.
Anthony crooks his finger and hits his prostate, and Benedict cries out. 
“Shh.” Anthony leans over him, keeps fingerfucking him, kisses away his whimpering, Benedict pulling him closer and roughly tangling his fingers in his hair.
“Fuck.” Now Anthony’s breaths turn ragged; he pulls back a fraction, panting against Benedict’s mouth. Glances down at Benedict’s cock between them, and the corner of his mouth lifts. “You’re going to come without me touching you?”
Benedict groans, cupping Anthony through his trousers, heat pooling in his stomach and groin, “I’m not that green,” he says between gritted teeth. 
Anthony grunts and eases a second finger in, scissors, fucks him, curls them just so, and Benedict chokes, pants, and comes undone just like that, almost incognisant of it, gasping in bliss and relief and mild embarrassment, Anthony kissing him open-mouthed and lazily and his hand working him through till he’s spent. 
Then he mouths his way down till he’s at his stomach, and cleans his come-splattered skin with his tongue.
Heat radiates raw and anew between Benedict’s legs.
“Can I suck you off?” 
It comes out rough, awed; Anthony looks up at him startled. “You… you want to?”
Benedict nods. 
He sits up after a moment, all of him shaky, turning Anthony so that his back rests against the wall. Anthony is still staring at him, loose-limbed and wide-eyed; Benedict tugs his trousers down and pushes apart his thighs. 
“You… you don’t have to,” Anthony stutters.
Benedict looks up at him, one hand on his length. “Do you want me to?”
Anthony bites his lip and nods.
The first taste is salty, Anthony’s cock already tipped with pre-cum. Then it’s just sheer musk; Benedict adjusts so that the flat of his tongue is on the underside and gets up on his hands to swallow him whole. 
“Oh—” Anthony’s fingers, toes curl; he quickly sets the gentlest hand in Benedict’s hair. “Oh, fuck…”
Benedict starts fucking him, fondling his balls gently, pressing down hard on Anthony’s hips when he involuntarily jerks. “Fuck, sorry—”
Benedict sucks him hard and Anthony keens, sliding further down the wall, fingertips fluttering at the nape of Benedict’s neck. 
Benedict swipes his tongue over the head, bobs up and down, finds Anthony’s other hand fisting the sheets and slides his own underneath to hold it tightly in his. “Fuck, I’m—I’m going to—” Anthony gasps, tugging at his hair, warning him off; Benedict holds fast.
Anthony’s come hits the back of his throat, salty and bitter and hot. Benedict swallows it all, nips the insides of his trembling thighs when he’s done; Anthony curves over him and drags his lips against his temple and pulls him up, kissing him like a man starved, kissing him like Benedict hung the moon and the sun and the stars.
Benedict pulls them both down to the bed when he starts to catch his breath, lying side by side, face to face; he caresses Anthony’s cheek, removes his gloves, slides his hand down past his sweat-damp open collar and feels his pounding heart. “You all right?” he murmurs. 
Anthony lifts his eyes to his, still breathing hard, brushing his nose against his. “Yes. Are you?”
Benedict grins. “More than.”
Anthony closes his eyes and contentedly hums.
After a moment he opens them again, something small and hopeful and anxious now threading through him like a childhood fear of the dark. “Will you stay awhile?” he whispers. 
Benedict blinks. Quickly eases into a smile. “Of course.”
He settles beside him; Anthony pulls him towards his chest with an arm over his shoulders, rests his head atop his. 
Outside, the pitter-patter of rain continues to fall.
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m-jelly · 2 years
I have crafted a request for thee!
Okay, so this is heavily influenced by our bad boy Levi talk. When Levi protects the reader by fighting someone off and reader rewards him with VV time 👀 Then we’ve accidentally trained him to associate protecting us with VV time… not that we mind.
For bad boy, I would like our lovely mafia Levi boy. He’s powerful, fear strikes others just by the mention of his name. With power comes responsibility, where he has gained a lot of territory and has to frequently hold meetings to manage everything. At one particular meeting, we come into the room to drop off some tea for our love. Another person in the room, not realizing who we are to Levi, makes a comment about Levi having a female servant or something along those lines. Nothing too drastic as I’m sure Levi has trained his associates to watch what they say around him, but definitely not a kind/respectful comment. Levi, rushing to protect and defend us, growls and yells at the person. He threatens them, and it’s up to you if he bitch-slaps them or something 👀 We are very impressed/turned on by Levi’s power and BOOM, smexy times for reward 👀👀👀👀
Go crazy with the smut Jelly, I know you want this 👀
Also, write PP somewhere in this story 😇
Hiiiii skittles. You got it. I'll even att PP somewhere because I know you'll be "upset" if I don't.
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@kenkopanda-art created this beautiful banner. Please go support them <3
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Mafia AU, modern AU, Levi violent to a rude man, smut, oral fem receiving, dirty talk, multiple positions, unprotected sex, tattooed Levi, Levi in a suit, aftercare.
Concept: You text Levi to let him know you wanna fool around, but he's not replying. You hunt him down to find he's in a meeting. You deliver him tea just as he reads your texts. A man touches your bum and Levi shows him the rules, that you are untouchable. After making the man leave and everyone else, Levi eats you out before making love to you on the table and against the window.
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You pouted when Levi didn’t text you back. The two letters were code for you that you were a bit horny and wanted him.
You huffed when there was still nothing back from your lover. You were curious as to why he wasn’t responding to you. You’d dressed up all nice for him. You were in a smart shirt, pencil skirt and cute small heels. You looked sexy, smart and a bit cute too. 
PP. VV. Need cream.
You thought maybe the idea of him feeling you up with his hot cum would entice him, but he still didn’t text you back. You decided that you’d hunt for him and try and talk to him about how you were almost dripping with desire. 
You trotted through his base and saw Armin almost rush past. “Oh! Armin? Where is Bear?”
Armin stared at you for a moment as he took in your outfit. “Bear?” It clicked in his head you were referring to his boss, Levi. “Oh, Levi! He is in a meeting.”
You blushed knowing how naughty you’d been with your texts. “Right.” You gulped hard as you felt a tingle of nervousness in your fingers. You hoped and prayed that he hadn’t read his texts in the meeting. “I’ll go see him. Thank you.”
You hurried to the kitchen near the meeting room and made Levi a nice cup of tea. You slipped into his meeting room to see him at the head of the table. You blushed when he took his phone out and glanced at your texts. You watched as Levi’s eyes widened a little with a sparkle of delight. He looked up at you when you placed his tea down. He eyed you up and down in your outfit and parted his legs showing you that he was clearly horny. 
You winked at him and tried to leave, but you felt a hand on your backside. You jumped a little and turned to the culprit. You couldn’t believe that someone was touching you. Levi had made it very clear to his men that no one, and he means no one, can touch you. You are Levi’s.
The man grinned at you. “Look at you. You look like a hot slut I’d love to fuck. You the fuck toy around here?” 
You gasped at a bang on the table. You cast your eyes to the large table to see the man had a knife in his hand. You followed the hand holding it to see your boyfriend looking furious. You snapped your gaze back to the man as he screamed and cried in pain. You moved away from him and huddled yourself near Levi. Most would have found this terrifying, but to you, this was a turn-on.
You stared at Levi as he walked over to the man in his perfectly pressed suit. You looked to his thick neck to see the tattoos on his neck moving out from under his collar to consume his neck. You looked at his hands with more ink on them. You’d seen how your lover had his arms, back and legs covered in beautiful art and your name over his heart. 
You nipped your lip as Levi slammed his fist into the man’s face a few times before lecturing him on respect. You rubbed your thighs together and found your already soaking underwear was getting worse. You craved for Levi to ravage you against the table and window. You wanted him to dominate you and fuck you into a mushy mess and be leaking his cum from your ravaged pussy. 
Levi yanked his knife out and pointed. “Get the fuck out of here and don’t come back until you have a better attitude.” He watched the man run off before turning to you. “Everyone get out.”
You hugged yourself and moaned a little. “Levi.” 
He kept staring at you before he walked over to the doors and locked them. “Did he hurt you?”
You shook your head. “N-No.” 
He approached you slowly, his smart shows tapping on the wooden floor making your body ache with desire. He reached out and cupped the side of your face making you hum. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
You blushed a little. “Levi.”
He looked at your chest and watched as it rise and fell with excited breaths. “Do you still want what you asked for in your text?”
You whimpered and nodded. “Please. I need you.” 
He pushed his fingers into the hair on the back of your head. He yanked you close and kissed you with a delighted moan. He guided you to his spot at the table. He lifted you up and sat you on the table. He slowly lowered you down onto the bed as he kept kissing you. He released your lips letting you gasp for air as he trailed kisses down your body. 
He slowly unbuttoned your shirt to reveal your lace-covered breasts. He hummed and massaged your plump mounds. He dragged his tongue slowly over them before lightly nipping a spot. You gasped and sighed as he moved his lips down your body until he reached your skirt. You raised your bum so he could push your skirt up high enough for him to get access to you. 
“Bunny? I need to take your lace off.”
You lifted your bum. “Take them.”
He dragged your underwear off and dropped them on the table. “Incredible.” He sat on his meeting chair and sighed. “Delicious.” He moved closer. “Feet on the arms of my chair, my love.”
You did as he asked. “Of course.”
Levi ran his hands up and down on your thighs before leaning close. “What a delicious meal all for me.” 
You cried out in surprise and pleasure as Levi dove for your pussy. You pushed your fingers into his hair as you relaxed from his tongue. You hummed at his tongue swirling around deep inside you. You blushed a little when you knew that you were rather wet for him, but Levi was a big fan of eating you until you had nothing left to offer. He was addicted to it and craved it. Levi wanted to drown in you and be crushed between your thighs. 
Levi dragged his tongue up to your clit and sucked hard like it was candy. He massaged your thighs as he kept his eyes closed. He sighed through his nose as your legs shook in pleasure. He hummed and smiled against you as you filled his mouth with your honey. He took all your nectar until there was nothing left. He sucked a little harder and flicked his tongue against you making your body pop in bliss. 
You gripped at your shirt and moaned as you felt the warm trickle of pleasure go through you. “Levi.”
He lifted his head up and gasped. “Delicious as always, my love.”
You leaned up on your forearms. “You eat me like I’m going to run out.”
He stood up and undid his belt. “You might.” 
You hummed a laugh. “I won’t.”
He pulled his stiff erection out and moved his hand up and down on himself. “I’ll keep eating just in case.”
You giggled. “Alright, bear. Now, come here.” You opened your arms. “Show me how much you love me. How much you adore me. How those men should never touch someone like me because I am yours.”
Levi lined himself up and pressed in a little. He held your hips before slamming deep into you. He panted as he pumped his hips and plunged himself in and out of you. He stared at your bouncing breasts and enjoyed how they moved. He looked up to your pleasure filled face with your back arching off the table as you drool and cried out. He smirked as you felt you were drowning in ecstasy and lost your mind to Levi. 
You wiggled under Levi as your hands slapped around to grab something, anything at all, but you were in the middle of the table with nothing in reach. You gripped your breast and began massaging as your other hand moved down your body. You panted and whimpered as you hesitated at touching yourself. You locked eyes with Levi to see his slicked back hair was falling into his face a little. You felt yourself melting under his hypnotic gaze of possessive love and pleasure. 
Levi saw where your hand was. “Touch yourself. Nngh, please.”
You blushed and moved your fingers on your clit. “Yes, Levi.”
He panted. “Good girl. Good bunny.”
You locked eyes with Levi as you panted in pleasure. “I love you.”
Levi gripped your hips tighter as he moaned your name. “I love you too. You’re mine, all mine.” 
You smiled. “Yours.”
Levi moved harder against you as he enjoyed how soft and hot you were. He hummed as the room filled with the sounds of his rough thrusting and his cock plunging out of your wet pussy. He panted and moaned as your wetness dripped out of you onto the table. He felt your body grip him tightly with every plung of his cock deep into you. His heart and soul was all yours. He was possessed by his love for you. 
He plunged himself deep into you and grinded making you cry and whimper. You melted at feeling every inch of his thick length move within you. You gasped and shivered when you felt yourself slipping into pleasure. You arched your back off the table as your eyes rolled back. You coaked on your moan as you melted in bliss. You gasped in delight as you felt the pop inside you.
You clamped your legs around Levi as you held him close and came around him. “Fuck!” You gasped and hummed. “Levi.” 
Levi pushed his arms up the table and leaned on them on etiher side of your head. He played with your hair as he moved his hips against you. “So beautiful.” 
You wrapped your arms around Levi and softly kissed him. “I love you so much.”
“I love you always.” He pushed his hand under your head as his other moved under your bum. “Let me hold you. I’ll make love to you before having you against the window.”
A blush graced your cheeks. “The window…you’re very kinky today.”
He rolled his hips against you. “You do things to me. I desire you so much.”
You panted as you lifted your hips up to meet Levi. You panted and hummed as you felt your sensitive pleasure build up. Your body tingled in deligh as your lover moved their body against yours. You could feel every inch of Levi’s body inside you and against you. You lost yourself in the moment as you let Levi spoil you. You knew this man needed to worship you and fuck you to remind himself that you were together and you loved him, that you were right here with him.
Levi tapped his forehead against yours and panted. He closed his eyes and felt you, he really felt you. He loved how his cock filled you and strectched you just right. He loved how every move he made cause you to moan in ecstasy. He dug his fingers into your skin a little as he softly moaned your name. He opened his eyes and kissed you with all the love and passion he had in his heart for you. He moved so deep within you that the tip of his cock lightly kissed your cervix and begged to let it welcome his load. 
You pulled at his shirt and moaned into the kiss as you felt your coil tighten up. You wrapped your legs around Levi and held him close. You could tell he was nowhere near close to cumming inside you, but you still wanted to feel him deep within you. You were sure he had some sort of naughty plan for you. You massaged your fingers into his hair as you kissed him and let him take you into a heavenly bliss. 
You pulled from Levi’s lips and leaned your head back as he bit your neck all over. “Sh-shit.” You furrowed your brows and moaned loudly as your legs shook around your lover. You hummed as hot water rushed though you and spread its warming pleasure to every inch of you. “Levi.”
“You okay?”
You nodded and panted. “Yes.”
He held you against him and stood up. “I have one last place for you.” He carried you over to the window and pressed you against it. “Perfect.”
You blushed. “Someone might see.” 
“We’re too high up.” He gripped your thighs tightly and started slapping his hips against you. “You’re mine, all mine.” 
You pawed at Levi before clinging to him. You shivered at the cold window contrasting with Levi’s hot body. You squeaked when Levi shifted your legs and looped them over his arms. You whimpered and cried in pleasure as Levi pumped himself into you. You kissed Levi over and over again. You moved your tongue with Levi as your felt your pussy leaking honey from the pleasure thumping through you from every beat of your heart. 
You tangled your fingers in Levi’s hair and pulled his head back from you. You smiled at him as he humped you. “I love you. You were so sexy hurting that man for me. You showed him how I’m yours. I’m forever yours.”
“Mine.” He moaned your name. “All mine. I’m yours. Ha, ha, mm, ngh.” He shivered. “Uh, uh, hm, I’m close.”
You clenched your walls around his cock. “Cum inside me. Give it to me. I want it all.”
He panted and roughly kissed you. “Cum with me.”
You nodded and moved your hand down between you and Levi allowing you to play with your clit. “Ah, mm, fu, hngh, shit.” You yanked Levi’s face into your breasts and cried out in bliss. “Levi.” You shook in Levi’s arms as you felt your orgasm rip through you, your vision spotted as you lost yourself to pleasure. 
Levi grunted your name into your breasts. He pressed in deep as he came deep inside you. He nipped and sucked your skin as he enjoyed the pleasure rushing through him. He pulled back and panted as he gazed at you. He smiled and let out a long sigh. He captured your lips and hummed in happiness when you kissed him back. 
You hugged Levi and hummed. “Warm.”
He carried you to the table and sat you on the edge. He pulled out and tucked himself away. He grabbed your underwear and helped you up them on before fixing your clothes. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “I’m great.” You giggled at his messy hair. “I’ve messed your nice hair up. Come here.”
He leaned closer. “Thank you.”
You fixed his hair nicely for him and laughed a bit. “All better.”
He looked up and kissed you. “You’re incredible. Thank you.” He sighed. “Sorry I got violent with that man in front of you, but he pissed me off so much. I don’t like you being hurt physically or verbally. Did he touch you?”
You hummed a laugh as he touched you and fussed over you. “He touched my bum, but I’m alright.” You hugged him tightly. “I’m perfectly good. You protected me. I’m happy and I’ve just had great sex with the man I love.”
He sat on his chair and pulled you onto his lap. He hugged you tightly and hummed. “I need to do better to protect you.”
“I’m good!”
He kissed the side of your head. “But you should be fantastic in how you feel.”
You laughed. “I’m fantastic.”
He massaged the inside of your thigh and he kissed your shoulder and neck. “I’m glad. I really am. I just love you so much.” 
You rubbed his chest and smiled softly. “I know you do. You look after me and care for me. I never feel used by you.”
He kissed you and smiled. “I’m going to take you out to dinner tonight.”
You gasped. “Really?”
He nodded. “Yes, my treat.”
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lathalea · 2 years
“I think I’m going crazy” with Scott White, please. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hello, Fizzy! I bet you didn't see that coming 😇
Here is my reply to your ask - and it also happens to be the fic for the Armitage Summer Splash event. Hope you'll like it :)
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Trope: Werewolf/Vampire Quote: “I feel like everyone has abandoned me.” Image: link
Relationships: Dr Scott White x F!Reader (Sleepwalker)
Rating: M
You can find this fic on AO3.
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The Girl in the White Dress
Sometimes I think I am going crazy.
Sometimes I think I have finally found what I have been searching for. 
Every single night I close my eyes and dream of you. I don’t know who you are or where you come from, but I see your face and notice the way you smile every time you look at me from between the trees. I don’t need to know your name. You are my Girl in the White Dress and I’m just a man who fell in love with a dream.
Some nights we take a walk in the birch grove and even though it all happens in my head, I see the surroundings as vividly as if we were truly there. I can smell the flowers along the path. I feel the warmth of your hand in mine. I clearly remember every sensation, every word you say. You tell me about what makes you happy. I tell you about my oneirology research. You tell me about your days. I tell you about that perfect sunset I’ve seen once in Italy.
The scent of your perfume fills my lungs. Your face is so close to mine.
My damn alarm clock rings. 
I open my eyes.
I’m alone again.
We are in the same grove again. This time it is filled with cypress trees instead of birches.
The sun hangs high in the sky; you wink and blow me a kiss.
“You are beautiful,” I say, unable to take my eyes off you even for a second.
“Try to catch me,” you chuckle, gathering the flowing fabric of your skirt, and then you start running. Your silky hair billows behind you like the waves of Lake Como. Your bare feet barely touch the ground.
I follow you as fast as I can, noticing how the trees give way to a meadow, a stone path, and then to a building that looks like a palace straight from the postcards one sometimes receives from southern Europe. I don’t remember this place, but it feels familiar. Have I been here before? Have you?
I catch you by the ornate metal gate, pull you into my arms and taste the laughter on your lips. You throw your hands around my neck. Do you feel how well your body fits against mine? 
You lead me through lengthy corridors decorated with countless paintings and sculptures. It is clear that you know where we are going even if I do not. We enter a bedroom with a four-poster bed standing in the middle. The bedsheets are as white as your dress. While we kiss, I free you from the layers of its soft fabric and then carry you to the bed. My lips explore your body. So titillating. So sweet. So real. All mine to cherish. My fingers follow every single of your lovely curves, covering every single mound and hollow. I can’t get enough of you and your little moans. When I burrow myself deep inside you, the world ceases to exist. We let our passion consume us again and again, until the sun sets and then rises again. You whisper my name. I’m drunk with you and I don’t want to sober up. Ever.
I don’t want to wake up.
My alarm clock mocks me with its ringing. 
“I feel like everyone has abandoned me,” you say, sitting on the low stone wall that faces the lake. The sun is setting. Its golden light reflects in the tears that shine in your eyes.
I scoop you into my lap and wrap my arms around you. Your cheeks taste like seawater. The wind plays with your hair. You whisper your sorrows into my ear. I hold you tight until your sobs subside. I know all will be well in the end.
“You are not a dream, are you, Scott?” you tilt your head.
“I am as real as you are,” I admit. I have been waiting for you to ask me this question for a while now.
“I want to see you. But not in a dream,” you say. “Tell me how I can find you. Please?”
This is when I brush a stray strand of your hair out of your face and make a promise, “I will be the one who finds you, love.”
When I say these words, I look into your mesmerizing eyes. What is their color? 
Look into the mirror and you will see.
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xanadulys · 2 years
Teaser drabbles of Let’s Play a Game AU.
1.  “Tell me where it hurts...Captain Fordo?”😈😇😈
“In between my shoulder blades, lower back, and upper thigh...Nurse Valentine.”😎😉
2. As she rubbed a hand over her belly weeping bitterly, ******* could not help but lament that not only will ***** never know he was going to be a father, but also that except for her and his brothers, he is forgettable and replaceable product to an ungrateful Republic.
3. “Here we are, thank you again for escorting me to the banquet hall, and for the pleasant company, Commander...Thyder?” 
“Thire. You danced marvelously Ms. **********. You have a good night. I have never wanted to simply be a man until I met you, mesh’la. I hope to see you again soon.”
4. “What do you have there, Trooper?” Trooper in a lift holding a thermos of hot tea in one hand and stroking a fluffy, two-headed ostrich with the other. “Hot Tea.”
5. “Commander, there seems to be a discrepancy in-OH MY MAKER, WHO IS SHE?!”😍
6. A tug on his kama directed his attention downward. “Yes Madame Representative?” 
“May I have this dance Mr. Stone?”
7. Twelve dead. Some of them didn’t even have names yet. Soft perfume wafted into his nose, followed by a sandpaper tongue licking up tears he didn’t even realize he was shedding. Looking up into glittering emerald green eyes and light cream white velvety fur, he saw sadness and pity in the big cat’s gaze. Choking sobs erupt as he gathers her close and buries his face in her fur, accepting the comfort offered.
8. “...and that docket is concluded. Commander Cody, if there are an requests or complaints that you can think of to bring to my attention, please don’t hesitate to tell me anything that can improve the quality of the troopers lives.” Cody has multiple flashbacks to picking up robes, lightsabers, tea leaves, Obi-Wan when he finally collapses from exhaustion, etc. Smirks. “Well....”
9. “I do not want you to be good soldiers, I want you to be good men!”
11. Fox turns the corner to find Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora tenderly holding Shynx in her arms with the dog/fox/creature snuffling in her sleep and yipping every so often. Fox bit down his sudden surge of jealousy and approached.
12. “Come on Wrecker, you are part of a special ops unit, bench press a LAART, arm and disarm bomb in 30 seconds, and rush a hallway full of clankers, but you can’t ask a girl out?!”
13. “Move over, you’re hogging all the blankets.” 
*shuffle, shuffle, shuffle* 
“MAKER! Your feet are freezing, get them off me!”
“No, you’re cozier than the blanket.”
“pth-pbtha, move your hair, it’s suffocating me!”
“Ow, now look what you did! That was my dominant arm,******!”
“What are you talking about Crosshair, that was your own fault! Now shut up and let me cling to you, so we both get some sleep!?”
*grumble, grumble* “At least you smell nice.”
14. “Vod, what do I do!? It’s so small and fragile and she just left me here alone with it! Why is it chasing me and why is it making that sound, is it choking?! What is a diaper and why do I need to change it?! WHAT IN PRIME’S NAME IS A PACIFIER!?
15. “...and that is the data I have gathered from Kamino, fellow Masters.”
“Yes, Master Windu?”
“Why is there a child strapped to your chest?”
“It’s Boba’s naptime, and sleep is important for growth.”
...And more to come!
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