#fire emoji indeed
risestarkiss · 8 months
Rise Ramblings #546
In the beginning of the mini-episode “Race,” April texts all the guys with an offer: free pizza to the one that can come by and watch Mayhem.
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I can only describe what happens next as, the “Text Battle of all Text Battles.”
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Based on the choice of pictures we can safely assume that we are indeed looking at Leo’s phone.
Well, let’s analyze the play-by-play, shall we?
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Leo comes in clutch with perfect form and all caps. No extra frills, but with all the chills. Next, we have Raphael. Ooo, looks like he lost a bit of time there tripping up on capitalization. Nice try, Champ. Third is Mikey. It appears his spelling mistake cost him vital microseconds. No “dibss” for you, Mikey baby. Lastly, we have Donatello. Two explanation points? Too much time lost there, buddy.
Winner: Leonardo
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Again, perfectly done by the boy in blue as he slides into first with all caps (plus an exclamation for effect.) Second, we have ol’ reliable, Big Red. By ditching the “I” he gained some speed but lost it all with the extra exclamation points. Maybe next time, Red, maybe next time. Third we have Orange. Typos? What’s a typo? Sadly, the time skipped in forgoing accuracy means nothing as he still took third place. Last is Purple, yet again. Maybe spend less time on correct capitalization and more time sending your message, Dondon.
Winner: Leonardo
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And here we’ve emerged with the emojis. Swift, simple, and to the point, Leonardo is first place once more. His message is clear. Pizza? Absolutely. Get a clue, it’s all for Blue! Second is the big man himself, two slices for him please! Sadly, the extra slice equals no dice as he comes up thrice in the number two spot. Starry eyes, pizza surprise, but he’s not on a roll as Mikey is next to go. And dead last is Othello von Ryan. Yes Donnie, pizza is 100 percent fire, but with the knife and fork you’ve come up short!
Winner: Leonardo
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I guess someone is a sore loser.
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mbappeslover · 2 years
écoute chérie // kylian mbappé | part one.
kylian mbappé x f! reader.
saw this edit on tiktok, they edited mbappé to écoute chérie by vendredi sur mer and… i fell in love. the song is sooo mbappé.
y/n got the job as kylian’s personal assistant. his previous assistant fired for unknown reasons. y/n had heard about kylian mbappé and his terrible attitude. she wasn’t excited to work with him. but, turns out.. he’s actually not that bad.
read part 2 here.
read the finale here.
credits to the editor: strkvoid on tiktok, they did such an amazing job <3, my favorite mbappé edit.
“y/n y/l/n, you’ve been accepted!” the notification pinged and appeared at the top of your screen. you clicked on it so fast.
one week ago.
“y/n, have you seen this? kylian mbappé’s management is looking for a new personal assistant.” your friend tells you during a phone call.
“oh really?” you ask.
“yes… and, you qualify for it! like a 100 percent. wait, i’m gonna send you the link.”
you received the message and clicked on the link, it was indeed an exclusive offer/application to becoming the footballer’s new personal assistant.
“y/n, you should really go for it. the pay is amazing and i’m sure it’ll be an awesome experience.”
you skim through the countless pages and listing of requirements and benefits the job offered. plus, you were indeed qualified for the job.
“mmm… i don’t know. everyone talks about how much of an asshole kylian mbappé is. how he’s a jackass with a shitty attitude and an unbearable ego, bigger than the universe.” you explain, iffy about this whole thing.
“oh please, it’s not like you’re gonna be all lovey dovey with the guy. imagine how much money you’ll be making. you want to quit your current job right now anyway.” your friend says, trying her hardest to convince you.
you laugh. “okay, you’re right. i’ll call you back, i’m gonna read through all the paper work, submit my résumé and update you on it.”
you weren’t too serious about it, you doubted that you’d actually get the job.
everything just got real. definitely serious.
you got the job, you were on call with the footballer’s management, and you were now getting familiarized with his schedule.
“alright, ms. y/l/n, we’ve spoken through all the things you’ll be needing to do for kylian. i’ve sent you an email of a file that lists all the things you must do for him. now, all we need is for you to sign a few things. it’ll take you about ten minutes. it wasn’t much before but… some things went down. so, we had to make a few arrangements.” kylian’s manager stated.
you just nod taking everything in and trying to process it at once.
you heard the ping from your phone, signaling you got the email.
“okay, perfect. today, i’ll show you around psg and tomorrow you’ll be meeting kylian.”
a tour guide took you around the stadium, briefly explaining different areas and rooms in the building to you.
it was a long day. you were now in bed, aimlessly scrolling on instagram because you couldn’t sleep.
you’re nervous. why?
the athlete you’ll be attending to is possibly the biggest asshole in paris, france and you’re gonna have to deal with it.
you decide to go on his instagram.
“k. mbappé, 94.1m Followers, 389 Following, 1204 posts.”
you click on the first photo presented and begin scrolling down.
in almost all photos he’s smiling, with a caption full of emojis and empowering words.
he looks so… sweet?
is this the same guy with the so-called “bad attitude?”
you fell asleep.
after scrolling through all one thousand, two hundred and four posts by kylian mbappé.
your alarm rang, loudly.
you groaned, getting up to prepare yourself for the day.
after getting dressed, you received a call from kylian’s manager.
“good mornin-“ you tried greeting politely, before cut off.
“good morning dear, i need you here in ten minutes.”
“it’s only 9:00, i was told to be there at 9:30. did something happen?” you ask, exasperated.
“yeah, well, kylian decided to come earlier than we thought and right now, he wants an organic green juice from le juice. it has to be from juicerie.” the manager explains.
“le juice is like fifteen minutes from where i am right now, how will i be able to make it in ten?” you say, slightly panicking.
“well, find a way. mbappé cares about his health, a lot. all that stuff about nutrition and good food is the key to health. if you didn’t know, now you do. be here in ten, please darling!” the managers says in a cheery voice before hanging up.
first day on the job and they were already trying to make the impossible, possible.
you quickly go on the website for le juice and order and paid online for a medium organic green juice for pick-up.
you catch a taxi and head over to le juice. it was a five minute drive because it was still a bit early and the streets hadn’t start to fill yet, luckily.
you ask the taxi driver if they could wait for a quick second while you grab the order from inside.
the taxi driver fussed a bit yet ultimately decided to wait.
again, you were able to swipe up the juice since the shop just opened and customer didn’t pile up in the juice bar.
you hop back in the taxi and make your way to the stadium.
“tsk, your first day on the job and you’re seven minutes late. you better hurry up and get in there.” the manager scolds you once you arrive, outside the office room of psg.
“well, you should’ve told me i would have to be here earlier, you cunt.”
you didn’t actually say that, you thought it, but, you didn’t say it.
you quickly enter the room, with a little a stumble, almost tripping on your own feet. you quickly laugh at how much of a mess you are.
the room is packed, there’s people everywhere, most likely other staff members. you see at the corner of the room, there’s a small crowd of people surrounding something.
you squeeze in between people, trying to find a way through.
“excuse me. yea, sorry. my apologies. let me just squeeze in. i’m sorry.” you murmur out while gliding through the people in the packed room.
that’s when you were faced with him.
he’s exactly like those photos on the internet, a vibrant face, smiling while the people around him asks him questions like how’s his morning, would he like anything to drink, trivial things to simply make conversation. 
the infamous kylian mbappé.
you cleared your throat, put on your most brightest smile and polite voice.
“mr. mbappé, this is your organic green juice.” you say, putting your hand out to give the drink.
the area becomes quiet as the attention shifts on you.
you briefly look around confused.
and the smile that was once on kylian’s face had disappeared.
it was replaced with a hard stoned, cold glare.
“the fuck?” you thought.
he grabs the drink from your hand, not even thanking you before continuing the small talk with staff around him.
you try your hardest not to make a face at his rude behavior.
you brush it off.
brushing yourself off, taking a deep breath. putting on a polite voice again, you introduce yourself.
“hello, my name is y/n. i’m sure your manager already told you about me, i am your new personal assistant. if you ever need me, for anything, feel free to let me know. that’s my job, of course.” adding in a little humor to lighten the atmosphere, reaching your hand out.
once again, the area of the room goes silent. his smile falls once again and he slowly turns to look at you.
“d'accord. où est ma paille?” (okay. where is my straw?)
the crowd laughs.
you reach out your bag, handing him the straw before walking away.
“the rumors are true. he’s insufferable. literally an asshole. a two-faced scum? who even treats someone like that? no wonder his old assistant left. who’d want to deal with that.” you were now on the phone with your friend who encouraged you to apply.
“y/n, calm down. i know it was frustrating, but, it’s just your first day. at least quit after you get your first check.” your friend said, trying to comfort you.
yea, that’s right. y/n cried. cried very hard. today was extremely difficult.
you followed kylian everywhere, attempting to tend to his needs, but, all he did was be rude or downright ignore you.
“sir, how are you feeling? would you like for me to schedule a massage for you, in case you are feeling tense?” you ask.
“do i look tense to you?”
“mr. mbappé, your manager has informed me that you have a meeting on friday at 3pm.”
“who makes meetings on friday? i’m not going, you’re going. i have to relax.”
“mr. mbappé-“
“please stop bothering me. aren’t you my assistant? why must you keep calling out my name, you’re here to handle my business.”
“i don’t even know what i did to him? why should i get treated like this? it makes no sense.” you complain to your friend.
“i’m sure it’ll get better eventually… hopefully.”
“yea, hopefully.”
it’s been two weeks, working as kylian mbappé’s personal assistant.
to say y/n felt drained would be an understatement.
fourteen endless days of talking to a brick, solid wall.
a brick, solid wall with snarky remarks and a stinky attitude.
“mr. mbappé, your driver is outside waiting for you. he has the specific refreshments you asked for.” y/n says.
“alright, walk me to the car.” he says.
y/n’s concerned because he usually just nods and walks to the car himself.
as the two makes their way to the car, kylian starts conversation.
“your name, y/n, right?”
this is weird.
so weird.
“yes, sir. y/n y/l/n.”
“alright y/n, can you cook?”
“yes, i can cook, why?” y/n questions.
“génial. je veux que tu cuisines pour moi. (great. i want you to cook for me).” kylian says nonchalantly.
y/n stops dead in her tracks as kylian continues to walk.
“so, now i have to cook for this man? really?
well, it is your job…
oh, shut up. i know that!
just saying…” you internally battle with yourself.
he turns around, “well are you coming? i don’t have all day and i’m starving.”
you snap out of it, speed-walking to catch up.
“why are you standing by the door?”
you were in your bosses house. well, it’s not out of the ordinary because you are his personal assistant.
however, this is a drastic jump from a few days ago, when he didn’t even want you near him.
“are you okay, mr. mbappé? it looks pretty bad. i can go get you some soothing gel!”
he hurt himself pretty badly while trying to perform a trick during practice.
“no! i’m fine. don’t touch me, move!”
he spat out, stumbling to get up by himself.
you back up in utter shock.
other staff runs up to offer him support as he limps away.
mbappé’s pov:
his new personal assistant stood at the door, looking like a lost puppy that was left for dead on a rainy night.
kylian knew he was being hard on her, harsh to her. but, he couldn’t let his guard down.
he refused to let history repeat itself.
“why are you standing by the door?” he asks.
y/n seemed to be lost in her thoughts when he said that because she snapped up and made her way into the house after taking off her tory burch sandals.
kylian observed the woman as she subtly looked around the place before making her way to the kitchen.
he couldn’t lie. she was beautiful. she could be on the cover of a makeup magazine because of how natural and pretty her features were.
he wishes he could see her smile. most of the time she wears a frown on her face, sometimes a pout that kylian finds endearing. he wouldn’t show that though. or.. say it, ever.
her hair looked so soft, her voice was so nice on the ear. she had a nice figure, ones of a dancer, delicate, light on the feet.
“mr. mbappé? did you hear what i said? i asked, what exactly would you like for me to cook?” she said. he loved her voice, utterly. like a bee, wanting to drown in honey. he wanted to drown in her voice, listen to it forever.
“call me kylian.”
for some reason, he finds himself wanting to get to know her. get closer to her.
y/n’s pov:
‘oh God, he’s staring.’ you think to yourself.
y/n has made her way to the kitchen after taking in the penthouse. it was so nice and luxurious. she wondered how much or how long she’d have to work before ever living in a place like this.
she began looking in the cabinets, taking out a few pots and pans before realizing her boss didn’t even tell her what he wanted to eat.
“mr. mbappé, what exactly would you like for me to cook.” y/n says, an attempt to ease the tension.
‘he’s still staring. what the hell is wrong with him?’
“mr. mbappé? did you hear what i said? i asked, what exactly would you like for me to cook?” she repeats.
he looks you straight in the eye.
“call me kylian.”
you two continue making eye contact, you thought you’d feel uncomfortable, but, it’s rather… nice? it feels nice. it’s the first he’s ever actually acknowledged you.
you break the eye contact, clearing your throat.
“alright, if you don’t have anything set in mind, i’ll just cook and try to make do with whatever you have here.” you say.
it’s been about 50 minutes and you’re finally done cooking. you made steak & farfalle pasta with creamy tomato sauce.
kylian went into his bedroom since you began cooking and hadn’t come out. but, you did hear faint music coming from his room.
you begin to plate his food nicely, setting it on the kitchen island with a glass cup of ice water.
luckily, you clean along the way while cooking so there wasn’t a mess. you were tired, you wanted to get home and unwind.
you walk up to his bedroom door, about to knock, when the door swings open.
“oh! i was just about to knock. the food is ready.” you say slightly surprised.
he doesn’t say anything.
but, you could care less. your attention shifts to the song being played in the background.
“is that écoute chérie by vendredi sur mer? i love that song so much.” you say excitingly, completely forgetting that you’re at work. technically.
“yeah, it is. i love that song too.” he replies with a small chuckle.
‘did he just chuckle? with me? did kylian mbappé, my rude ass boss. chuckle… with me?’
you smile, looking at the small smile that adorned his face as he chuckled.
you won. you’re winning mbappé over.
mbappé’s pov:
he was in his room, sipping on some expensive red wine from a brewery that gifted him some.
he felt at peace, moments like these to himself. drinking something, listening to music, letting loose.
not only that, but, most likely, he could smell the aroma from the food his personal assistant, y/n was making for him.
its been a little while, he was gonna go check on the food.
his favorite song comes on.
“partir, venir, mourir, courir.”
what a lovely song. he sings to himself, along the chant before making his way to the door.
opening it, there she was.
“oh! i was just about to knock. the food is ready.” she says, obviously a little spooked.
he doesn’t care about that, though. the more he looked at her, the more time he spent around her, the harder it got to suppress his obvious attraction to the woman.
he visibly sees something click in her head as she moves from his sight to get a better hearing of what was being played.
“is that écoute chérie by vendredi sur mer? i love that song so much.” she says.
‘God, she’s so cute.’ he thinks to himself.
“yeah, it is. i love that song too.” he says, trying to hold back the ‘awe’ he wants to say so bad.
she smiles.
kylian felt like his heart could explode.
without absolutely zero exaggeration, she has got to have an award for having the most beautiful smile in the universe.
that smile right there—convinced kylian that he would make it his mission to always see that smile as long as y/n’s around him.
y/n turns around, leading him to his meal.
his stomach grumbles as he lay eyes on the food. it looks delicious. better than any five star michelin restaurant he’s been to. would probably taste better as well.
he’s confused, though. there’s only one plate of food.
he turns to y/n.
“where’s your food?”
“oh, i only made food for you, sir-“
“kylian, call me kylian.”
“yes, i’m sorry, kylian.”
“i’m gonna wait here for you to finish your food so i can wash your plate, then i’ll be out your hair, if that’s fine with you, kylian.”
he knows he can’t just let her leave like that.
he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he thinks he knows what he wants.
“that’s fine. come sit down.” he says, pulling out the chair next to him.
y/n hesitantly makes her way and gets seated. kylian slides over the glass of ice water to her.
“no, it’s for you.” y/n explains.
“i know, but, just drink it. i have some wine in my room.”
“okay, do you want me to go get it and pour some out for you?” y/n says, about to make her way there when kylian gently pulls her down.
“no, no, it’s fine. relax.” he says.
kylian begins eating, almost scarfing the food down.
y/n takes a sip of the water while looking at him eat.
“is it good?” y/n asks.
he stops for a second, chewing and swallowing what’s in his mouth.
“very. best meal i’ve had in a long time, y/n. thank you.” he says with a genuine smile on his face.
y/n smiles back before bringing the glass cup up to her lips and drinking some more water.
“so, y/n, how old are you?” he says, finishing up his food.
“i turned 24 a few months ago.” y/n says.
“really? i turned 24 a few months ago as well.”
“i know that, you’re the star of france.” y/n says with a small smile on her face.
he smiles at her again.
y/n couldn’t take it.
‘this is awfully weird. why is he being so… nice. it was concerning.’ she thinks to herself.
silence takes over the room and the only sound being the fork hitting against the glass plate as kylian takes a bite of the pasta.
“kylian, why are you so mean to me?”
“y/n, i know i haven’t been the nicest to you…”
they say at the same time. they both laugh.
“you go first.” kylian offers to y/n.
“alright, i was asking. why are you so mean to me? did i do.. something.”
kylian sighs deeply, “no y/n, you did nothing wrong, but, a lot happened before that’s making me like that towards you. just know i don’t mean it.” he explain.
“well, what happened?”
“i’ll tell you later.” kylian says finishing the food.
y/n took the plate and glass cup, made her way to the sink and began washing the dishes.
y/n wondered, what was on his mind. what was he thinking about.
too deep in thought to not see her boss, kylian. staking right next to her, leaning on the countertop.
she finishes cleaning the plate and cup.
she turned to her left, her soul jumping out her chest.
“kylian! why are you always sneaking up on people.” y/n said, laughing off the remaining shock with a hand over her heart.
“sorry, sorry, i just like looking at you.” he laughs.
y/n laughs too.
“oh really?”
“OH? REALLY?” she says backtracking because it registered to y/n what he said.
“yes. you’re beautiful.” he says, stepping a teeny closer to the beautiful woman in front of him.
y/n blushes.
“the food was really good as well. i really wish you would’ve ate with me.” he says.
“i’m just your assistant. i don’t want to break any of your boundaries. i respect you.” y/n says.
“i respect you.” kylian replays it in his head.
he already had a slight crush on y/n, but, this was different.
he has a crush on y/n.
“wow, you’re making me feel like shit for treating you the way i did. i respect you, too. say, come over again tomorrow. if you make me something to eat again, i’ll tell you what happened.” he says with a smile on his face.
y/n remains silent. she was thinking.
‘is kylian mbappé flirting with me?’
there’s no way.
yes there is! look at the way he’s looking at you. he wants you!’ you weigh out to yourself.
kylian think it’s adorable. the way y/n constantly looks like a lost puppy.
he bends down a bit, leveling himself to y/n’s height to get her attention.
“everything alright in there?” kylian says.
y/n seems to still be in deep thought when kylian giggles.
he takes his index finger, placing it underneath y/n’s chin, lifting it up.
he looks her in the eye.
he wants to kiss her, her lips look so soft. he’s 100% sure if their lips were to simply graze across one another, he’d still love it. be addicted to it.
y/n looks back into his eyes, feeling her heart beat and her stomach start to flutter.
“deal or no deal?” kylian says as he tilts his head to the side.
y/n eyes drops to kylian’s lips. they were the perfect size and naturally protruded out.
she imagined how it’d feel. probably like a pillow, or, maybe a marshmallow.
y/n eyes make its way back to kylian’s.
she made up her mind.
“deal.” she says before gently removing his finger from her chin. she gathered her bags and made her way to the door, kylian following right behind.
she slipped on her sandals as kylian unlocked & opened the door.
y/n walks out, before turning to kylian who stood by the door.
they say together.
the two laugh.
“till next time then, goodnight mr. mbappé.” y/n says.
“it’s kylian and i’ll call you tomorrow. make sure you answer. goodnight, y/n.” he says, smiling.
a/n (author’s note):
i am confident in this at all.. i feel like it could be way better but i wanted to hurry and publish something to whoever’s waiting. i’ve been so busy and tired with school :,(. it was supposed to only have one part but i didn’t wanna rush the plot too much.
i tried something new with the whole “pov” thing. and, i hope it’s not too confusing because i switch from 2nd point of view to 3rd a lot.
i guarantee part 2 will be more exciting than this. thanks for reading!
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famemonsterrr · 1 year
Astrology observations part 9🪽
(Disclaimer: the observations aren’t fact and if you can’t relate with my opinions and experiences it’s okay)
- Cancers and Leos are a really good couple and something I see a lot around. They just naturally attracted to each other
- Scorpio/water placements and Capricorns love horror film movies
- why Leo’s are marrying so many times in their lives? (hi Jennifer Lopez girly I’m talking to you). Like either they will get marry once and then break up and date all the time or either will marry a lot of times.
- cancers are a ball of chaos…like I have seen them doing the most unhinged stuff also they are savages. I love it sooo much tho 🫶🏻
- fire signs are indeed risk takers in any form they prefer. From doing something new in their work life or just doing extreme sports.
- whenever I see a Leo and libra couple I always see them as bugs bunny and Lola from looney tunes show.
- I have seen a lot of people with Pisces placements especially moon or Venus not be able to let go of their childhood. They always keep things or watch the same shows from their childhood (i do that a lot)
- Gemini can’t handle a lot of pressure.
- libra might be in a serious conversion and they might ask the most random shit. It’s sooo funny I love it
- fire signs love emojis and if they care about u are the best texters.
- earth signs women are so beautiful ✨ especially if u have a earth sign rising.
- Scorpio men have amazing humour idk why but they are funny af and they aren’t loud about nor tried hard. Same goes with Capricorn men.
- Gemini moons hope ur anxiety is better cause I pray for y’all 🤞🏻
- I wanna know why Leo women are rock baddies? Like I have seen a lot of rock singers either turn rock or always being rock.
- Pisces will NEVER let the past go…they will mention something someone did to them years ago and still be angry or hurt by it. (How about let it go girly pop🤌🏻)
- never and I mean NEVER make an Aquarius sun/ mercury feel stupid. They will get triggered sooo easily. Like they are proud of their brains.
- it’s soo weird but surprisingly dating the sign who is before or after you means u will have a good relationship. Because of the similar placements. (For example if you are a Pisces and you dating an Aries there is 50% chance of them to have Pisces mercury or Venus. If your date an Aquarius there is a chance of them have a Pisces Venus or the Pisces having an Aries Venus/mercury or Aquarius Mercury/venus)
That’s all
Im glad you read my post till the end. Im sooo greatful for it. 🫶🏻 stay healthy and hydrated 🫶🏻
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avonne-writes · 2 months
55 on the prompt list omg!!! mutual pining/oblivious hs au buck x bucky would be so funny (and sweet and fluffy)
Thank you for the prompt! Indeed, it’s perfect for my High School AU 🥰 This is set in 9th grade before they start dating, so Bucky is 15 and Gale is 14. The earliest installment of the series so far!
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55. Mutual Pining (+ Oblivious)
Gale has been standing in the Brady family's kitchen for at least fifteen minutes now, stuck in a conversation with one of Brady’s sisters. He doesn’t know how to excuse himself politely, and she's good at rolling the discussion forward practically by herself. He wonders why she doesn’t just ignore him like she did the other boys Brady invited. Does she have a crush on him? But she's two years older!
His friends are all in the basement, playing video games, but Gale offered Brady's mom a helping hand with distributing the snacks. He followed her to the kitchen, but he never made it back to the others, because Lena just latched onto him. She asked him about his hair and things got out of Gale's control. So here he is, clutching a blue plastic bowl filled with chips, standing awkwardly in the open space between the kitchen island and the counter. Leaning on the island, Lena blocks his way out.
Gale's mind can’t help but worry that he’s gonna miss out on something. It’s a miracle that he was even invited. Having an actual friend group instead of individual friends is a new experience for him. And most of these boys are on the soccer team. They're much more social than he is. He’s pretty sure Brady only invited him because Bucky asked him to sit with them at lunch and he overheard them talking about this.
Gale sighs, a painful sensation twisting in his chest. Will he have any more opportunities to be close to Bucky today? He curses himself for his eagerness to make a good impression on Brady’s mom, because if he hadn't done that, he would be with Bucky now, and he wouldn’t have lost a single moment together. What if Bucky gets too into the game they're playing and won't talk to him any more tonight? What if Gale is pushed to the side of the group, excluded from it all? Forgotten?
If only he could tell Lena that he doesn’t like girls, he could be free. Or maybe not? Maybe she just wants to make friends. Why would she even like Gale, when he's so - so doll-like. Almost like a girl, except he’s thin, tall and flat, and his voice keeps getting deeper. But his lips look like a kiss emoji. He especially hates how pale his cheeks are, because he knows just how bright pink they blush when he's embarrassed or excited. Lately, his cheeks are on fire all the time.
The reason why is loud, chatty, and so attractive that Gale feels a tingling sensation in his stomach every time he sees him.
Thinking about him is enough to make heat rise to Gale's face already. Him, him, him. His bright smile, his dark blue eyes, his curls, his silly jokes and the games he plays with Gale in secret when they share a desk in school. The way he always chooses Gale first to be on his team in P.E., and how he claps Gale on the back or fistbumps him when they score. Once, he even gave Gale a hug after a particularly nice basketball play. It was one of the best days of Gale's life so far.
Gale can feel this... this fire growing inside of him. It has never been this intense before, never so desperate that he couldn’t feel hunger, thirst or tiredness when he thought about it. But that’s how it is nowadays. Is this what love is? He thinks about it every day, every hour. I'm in love, goes his mind, and each time, it feels different, sweet and bitter and unbearable. One minute, he never wants it to end, then the next, he wishes he could tear it right out of his chest.
How does no one else see it on his face?
"You’re not like Johnny's other friends." Lena tells him in a sweet voice, drawing his attention back to the present. He has no idea what she said in the past few minutes. "You’re much nicer. Smarter too."
Gale hugs the bowl to his stomach, pulls his shoulders up and gives her an embarrassed smile. "Thanks."
"Actually, do you wanna -"
Gale never learns what she was going to suggest, because a cheerful voice interrupts her question.
"Buck! Are they holding you hostage?" Bucky calls out from the top of the stairs leading to the basement, based on the echo.
"I'm here!" Gale yells, and promptly wants to bury himself under a pile of sand. I'm here? That wasn’t even an answer to Bucky's playful question, it made no sense at all. Oh God, what does Bucky think of him now? He must think that Gale’s a weirdo, socially awkward charity case, but Gale’s not like that at all, he’s usually calm and funny. He just wants to be liked so much that he loses all common sense, apparently.
Before he could beat himself up over it, footsteps approach, and Bucky walks into the kitchen. Gale's face brightens automatically. He smiles, and Bucky smiles back before he directs his eyes at Lena.
"Hey, Lenny, how's it going?" He says, flicking her long hair as he walks past her. Tar coils in Gale's throat at the sight, but he swallows it down.
She blushes, but doesn’t look pleased to see Bucky. "We're kind of busy, Bucky."
"Oh, busy?" Bucky teases, glancing between them and smirking. Gale widens his eyes in an expression that's meant to convey a heartfelt hell no.
"You’re so childish." Lena huffs, but Bucky doesn’t look at her again.
He stops next to Gale with a hand on the kitchen counter, and uses the back of the other to swat Gale's arm. "Hear that, Buck, I’m childish."
Gale's blood turns into an electric current in his veins. He stares into Bucky’s eyes, mesmerized by the playfulness shining in their blue depths. "Where's the lie?"
Bucky grins at him for a long moment, then reaches into the bowl Gale's holding, grabs a few chips and pops them in his mouth. It takes Gale a second too long to realize that he shouldn't watch him so intensely, so revealingly. He casts his gaze down before he looks back up, unable to keep his eyes off Bucky. He’s sure he's super obvious. Still, he can’t help but lean a bit closer until his elbow brushes Bucky's arm, as if by accident.
God, he has no idea how he gets away with it without Bucky flinching away from him. After all, he’s aware of Bucky's reputation as someone who has a new girlfriend every week. Rumours are, that's what he did last year in his previous school and what he plans on continuing this year. It's only October, so he’s still single, but Gale’s sure it won't be for too long.
A sad voice in him wonders if he'll stop trying to befriend Gale when that happens. He won't have space in his life for new friends when dating takes up all his time. Perhaps that will be for the better. Gale's hopeless crush on his clearly heterosexual best friend could die then. It will be harder to say goodbye to the best friend part. He has never really met anyone else he felt so attuned to. No one has matched his puzzle piece like Bucky does. They're on the same wavelength.
He hears a huff from Lena. "Okay. Whatever. See you later, Gale."
"See you!" Gale says in a haste, feeling guilty as she walks away. But it only lasts for a split second, because next thing he knows, Bucky's ruffling his hair.
"Way to go, Buck." He teases.
Gale bats Bucky's hand away because he loves its touch so much he can’t stand it, but Bucky just pushes Gale's hand back and they end up hand-wrestling for a moment before Gale drops his arm.
"Do you think she likes me?" He shudders.
Bucky makes a jokingly spluttering sound. "She likes all pretty blonds."
Flames light up on Gale’s cheeks. He can feel the heat rolling off his skin, mixing with Bucky's warmth because they're the same height and they're standing so close. Pretty... Bucky thinks he's pretty.
"But the question is, do you like her?" Bucky asks, and his voice sounds off. Clearly wanting her all to himself, which is fair enough, she's beautiful. It must be painful to pine for her when she doesn’t feel the same. Gale knows exactly how that feels, ever since his first day of this school year when he got seated next to the most fun person in their entire year.
"I don't." He replies. But I like you. I like you. I really, really -
"I think you dodged a bullet there." Bucky snorts, and something eases in him, makes him relax until he’s like water, loose in his body, confident and at ease while he’s with Gale. He throws an arm around Gale's shoulders and fishes his phone out of his pocket. His scent fills Gale's nose. "That reminds of this TikTok..."
As they lean over the small screen, their heads bend closer together, almost touching. If Gale was brave enough, if he thought he had even a morsel of a chance, he could turn a few degrees and kiss Bucky. His lips would be salty from the chips, he figures. Would there be a trace of soda sweetness there or only the salt?
He swallows, barely seeing the video, but he laughs along with Bucky. They fall silent, except for the occasional chuckle, as one clip plays after the other. Standing there alone at the kitchen counter, close enough in their loose half-embrace that Gale could convince himself for a moment that Bucky is his.
Oh, what a sweet daydream.
A text pops up on Bucky’s phone. It’s from someone named "Luis Vutton", misspelled like that.
'your round goes to Buck if youre not here in -5 minutes'
"Asshole." Bucky snickers and texts back a middle finger emoji. To Gale's disappointment, he pulls his arm back and takes a step away. "We're doing a FIFA tournament. I got you first, then Brady. Looks like he can’t wait to get his ass kicked by me."
Gale gives him a lopsided smile as he falls into step with him, walking back to the stairs. "What about you, ready to lose on your first game?"
Bucky grins at him. "Quite the confidence for someone who knows nothing about soccer."
"Shut up, I know plenty." Gale bumps into Bucky. It’s true - since Bucky befriended him, Gale has watched so many soccer games and read so many articles that he feels like he knows more than enough.
"Nerd." Bucky bumps him back. His comment doesn’t make much sense, but Gale's stomach flips all the same. "You're still up against the defending champion though."
"That so?"
Bucky hums as he starts descending the stairs. "I'm a natural. Got the hands for it."
He stops two steps down from Gale and turns to hold one of his palms up. Gale doesn’t even think about it, although he should have because he’s being weird, but he presses his own palm to Bucky's. His hand isn’t small at all, but the tips of his fingers only reach the last knuckle of Bucky's.
Bucky gives him a smile that's so amused and giddy that his eyes become half-moons. "See?"
"You comin', or what?" Brady’s voice calls, and they both drop their hands.
Bucky gives Gale a wink, then bounds down the stairs. Gale needs a deep breath before he’s ready to follow him.
If only daydreams came true!
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intothedysphoria · 5 months
Depending on your point of view, coming across Billie Hargrove’s Instagram account was either the best or the worst thing to ever happen in Stevie’s life.
Stevie didn’t even know that butches could have long hair but this one did. Granted in a douchey eighties mullet type of way. She also had a very pronounced six pack which she was not attempting to hide in any of her photos. Crystal blue eyes. A winning smile. Shit.
Billy, they/she, basketball stan and cringe Judith Butler supporter- 60% girl, 40% something else-meanest lesbian ever
Over the course of about three weeks, Stevie had looked over that profile at least six times a day. They were mesmeric and Stevie found herself wanting to be consumed. She’d never felt this way about a boy before. Not even Tommy Hagan who she’d dated for over a year before they split. And Billy was in fucking L.A. Nothing was ever going to happen between them.
Still, she found herself sliding into their DMs just before going to get her hair done. Nothing too I’ll-stab-you-and-keep-your-body-in-the-basement but like casual. Maybe a little flirty. They didn’t seem like they had a girlfriend.
What she ended up messaging was “hi Billie! You don’t know me but I love your jeans where did you get them from ☺️”
Smooth Stevie. Very smooth.
She couldn’t even talk to her hairdresser during her hair appointment because she was so embarrassed by what she’d done. A small part of her genuinely considered setting her phone on fire until she checked it again after her highlights were in.
Incredibly surprisingly to Stevie, Billie responded and not even that, responded very positively indeed.
It was all Hey pretty girl and smirking emojis and I got my jeans from this underground thrift store or whatever and Stevie didn’t exactly take any of the information in because she was so incredibly flustered.
If she flattered herself, Stevie knew she was pretty. She knew she had big eyes and glossy hair and full lips which usually led to a line of guys queuing up for a shot. Billie wasn’t like any of those frat guys she was used to or the pretentious hipsters she’d dated later on in college. If there was chasing that was going to be done, Stevie was going to have to do it herself.
A gratifying squirm started in her gut the next day, when she realised that Billy had followed her back. Stevie may have been far too chickenshit to actually message her back but still. Progress was progress.
They danced around talking for a bit. Billie always liked her stories but there was never actually any flirting. Just a palpable tension. Something waiting to begin.
Stevie was not a patient woman. So she decided to push it forward a little.
Posting a thirst trap wasn’t something Stevie had done since she was bored during lockdown but how hard could it be? It had to be like riding a bike or some shit. So she just uploaded a couple of pictures, no overthinking it.
After deleting about thirty different messages from guys, all of whom were being creeps in different ways, Stevie finally got to the message she hoped she’d get from Billie. For all the anxiety leading up to it, the actual content was remarkably short.
Cute 💖😙
Robin picked up after the third ring. Judging by the time of her voice, Stevie had definitely woken her up from a nap. Whoops.
“What the fuck is it dingus?” Ouch.
Stevie tried to answer without sounding like an absolute moron.
“Robin how do you know if a lesbian is flirting with you?”
The long silence indicated to Stevie that she’d absolutely sounded like a moron.
“What did she say dingus?”
Stevie told her then she hung up. Which seemed harsh.
Billie messaged again the following day. Again it was brief.
Sorry if I misread. I’ll leave you alone now.
Stevie had never scrambled to reply to a message as fast in her life. Begging Billie not to leave, she wasn’t very good at this type of flirting but she wanted to try.
Billie seemed a lot less bummed after that. And much flirtier. They’d explained about their ocd, the constant fear of being creepy or a bad person stopping her from messaging Stevie more. But now that they were talking they could try. If Stevie wanted.
Stevie did want. She wanted very much.
And when finally visited Billy one person about five months later and they were doing dumb first date stuff, being in love, she thought that was a pretty good story to tell their grandkids about how they’d met.
Embarrassing. But good.
@shieldofiron @dragonflylady77 @oopsiedaisiesbaby @thatgirlwithasquid @robthegoodfellow
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abarbaricyalp · 27 days
hi! if you're still taking emojis for the sambucky prompt game: 🃏 (if you like!)
🃏 - Are you joking right now? CW: Mention of injury, macabre jokes, cold weather and related concerns
"Are you joking right now?" Sam asked, staring down at the sheer drop and swirling snow below them.
"Well, I know you're not getting the deja vu that I'm getting," Bucky said as he strapped his grappling line to Sam's. "Get on my back and please keep your arms inside the ride at all times. The replacement merch is cool, but not recommended."
Sam glared at him. Bucky didn't need to be able to see through the snow goggles to tell when Sam was glaring at him. As if this was Bucky's idea of a good time. It wasn't his fault there was one way down right now and they didn't have the supplies, or the body heat, to argue about it.
Sam tried to fire up his jetpack again, but the thing was completely frozen over, just like it had been five minutes ago. When Sam had tried to leave it on a low simmer earlier, the whole thing had started to smoke, so they'd nixed that defrosting idea.
"You cannot climb down this cliff," Sam insisted again. "And especially not while you're carrying me."
"You can't climb down it at all," Bucky said. "So this is our only option. We don't have to get all the way down, just below this weather system and back to the foot path."
Which, really, he should keep climbing after that. They really didn't have the provisions to finish the hike down the long way.
"You can't climb through a blizzard!" Sam insisted.
"That is hardly a blizzard. Louisiana mindsets, I swear to God. You know, there was one winter in Brooklyn where it didn't get above--"
Sam smacked a gloved hand over Bucky's mouth. Bucky held up two climbing axes instead of trying to speak. He started in on his shit again when Sam dropped his hand though.
"I didn't ask you to tackle me out of the helicopter." It was how they ended up in the middle of a snow storm two miles high. It was about the same time they realized the wings weren't working.
"Oh, should I have let the knife finish sinking into your face?" Sam asked. Okay, the helicopters had been full of bad guys who also didn't want Sam and Bucky on their ride.
"I was fine. I would've stopped him."
"You would not have. That guy was over powering you."
"Ice got in the plates," Bucky said. He was pretty sure that wasn't possible. His core temperature should've melted any errant intrusions. "I wasn't functioning at my highest. I would've figured it out. Now we're on top of a mountain and about to become ice sculptures. Please get on my back."
He put his facemask on, as if that would stop him from arguing. It hadn't at any other point in this mission. Sam mimicked, pointedly.
"We're going to fall to our deaths," he continued to argue, muffled through layers of protective warmth.
"I'm not going to let you fall," Bucky insisted. Assuming his lines held (and he was the fucking Winter Soldier, his lines were going to hold) neither of them were going to fall. If they slipped, they may be dashed against the side of the mountain, but that wasn't falling. As someone with experience in both things, Bucky had opinions on what was more survivable.
He aligned himself with his first foothold and sank the axe into the ice with a sharp crack. Sam stared at him, irritated, but eventually relented when Bucky continued to cling to the cliff's edge stubbornly.
"Don't drop me," he ordered.
"You'll have to connect your harness to mine," Bucky said as Sam began to climb over his shoulders and onto his back. "They're heavy-duty, so one on each shoulder and one by your waist."
"Bucky, this is a very dumb idea," Sam repeated one more time.
"Your complaints have been received and noted. If this all goes very wrong, you'll be highly vindicated in the history books."
As soon as Sam's weight was settled across his back, Bucky began to climb down. This was a very stupid idea, indeed.
"Hey, just in case these are my last words 'cause my vocal cords froze over or something, I really liked everything we did together. Even the shit I hated. Like this."
"Well, now we have to survive because those were terrible last words," Sam said, even more muffled now that his face was pressed to Bucky's neck. Well, as close to Bucky's neck as he could get through the winter layers. "Thanks, though. Y'know. For not leaving me on top of a mountain."
"Well, if I couldn't pass the time by arguing with you, it'd be a much longer descent."
"So much for your last words."
The snow picked up suddenly and Bucky found himself pressing into the rock face. He was going to lose his holding and certainly his footing if he tried to move right then. The wind howled, something deep and mechanical and rhythmic.
Oh, what the hell? The universe was laughing at him.
"Hey, you two need a ride?" Torres asked over a loud speaker, coming out of the storm in some stealthy little thing. "Or is this some kind of new intense couple's bonding thing?"
"You're joking right now?" Bucky called, though Torres definitely couldn't hear him.
They made quick work of cutting the lines and getting into Torres's little hovercraft. Sam laid on the floor, panting and squeezing his eyes shut like he kept expecting to open them and be outside again.
"I could've totally gone at least another mile down," Bucky insisted to no one at all.
"Are you kidding right now?" Torres asked.
Sam threw a balled up coat at him. And then laughed.
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yuzurujenn · 11 months
[2023.11.11] AERA Special Edition - 100 Q&A with Yuzuru Hanyu
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1. What time do you wake up in the morning?
This morning? 12:30pm.
2. Is it always like that?
It’s usually around 6pm.
3. The first words uttered when you wake up in the morning. Is it “sleepy”?
“Sleepy” maybe.
4. The first thing you do when you wake up in the morning.
Put away the futon.
5. The last thing you ate.
Tofu! It was a cold one.
6. The ideal way to spend your holidays.
Wake up, play games, and sleep (laughs). Then, um, wake up again, eat when I’m hungry, lie down and go back to sleep again.
7. The ideal breakfast.
I wonder.. break and milk.
8. What kind of dinner makes you excited?
9. What do you keep in mind to manage your physical condition?
I keep additives at a minimum. It’s hard to avoid them, but I’m trying to reduce it.
10. How do you spend your time on the shinkansen? Check SNS? Sleep?
11. A dream you had recently.
It’s a scary one, I had a dream of jumping into the lake.
12. Why the lake?
I was being chased by some scary people, their faces were covered in mosaics. Felt like these people were trying to kill me, so I jumped into a lake.
13. What would you end up buying at the convenience store?
14. What kind of pudding you prefer? Firm or soft?
15. Favourite app.
App. I wonder what it is, Pass! I can’t say (laughs).
16. Do you drink alcohol?
I can’t drink alcohol. Allergy.
17. What do you want to be if you are reborn?
Human! Preferably myself.
18. Sweet things, spicy things, bitter things, and sour things. Which do you like?
I guess something sweet.
19. When you’re feeling down, what do you do?
Just dance according to the music.
20. Mountain or sea, which do you prefer?
21. If you could shout something from the top of the mountain?
“Yay!” Or something? Hahaha.
22. Who do you talk to when you are feeling troubled?
Myself. Or listen to music.
23. Favourite time of the day.
5 or 6 o’clock in the morning.
24. Why that time of the day?
It depends on the seasons, but the sun will rise around this time. On cloudy days, although the sun will rise, it will be a bit dim. But it’s not a sinking feeling since it’s sunrise, I like that kind of gloomy morning.
25. Frequently used emoji.
What is it? Cry 😭! (Use both hands to express). I use this a lot.
26. Favourite animal.
27. If you were to get a cat, what name would you give it?
Milk. Because what comes to mind right now is a white cat.
28. Yuzuru Hanyu expressed in one kanji character.
Well, this is a difficult question. I’ll leave this for later!
29. What do you do to boost your spirit?
Take caffeine.
30. How do you take it?
I will drink something, like energy drink.
31. A habit you want to fix.
Staying up late.
32. What’s a word you always end up saying?
Sou desu ne (Indeed/I See).
33. Do you believe in fortune telling?
I do. Hehe.
34. A place you would like to go.
Ise Jingu and Izumo Taisha.
35. Have you been there before?
I went to Ise Jingu once on my way home from an ice show. It was amazing, I felt a lot of energy and power there. I'd like to go there again.
36. Favourite place?
37. What’s good about Sendai?
It’s a place where the city and forest can co-exist.
38. Speaking of Sendai?
39. What would you do if you had a different job for just one day?
Occupation? One day only. Um, programmer!
40. Do you have any programming experience?
I took programming classes when I was in college, and I’ve been doing it a little bit since. I think it would be fun to do something like that.
41. If you have 10 minutes free time?
Play game!
42. What game?
Now I’m playing “Fire Emblem”.
43. The best movie you’ve seen.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
44. Something that makes you think “This is just impossible”.
Bell pepper.
45. An episode with bell pepper.
During the ice show the other day the hotel caterer served us curry. Before the actual performance, I can’t eat curry at all because it’s a bit heavy for me. However, I thought I might be able to eat it before rehearsal the night before, so I went to eat it and found that it had bell pepper in it. I was in shock, I couldn’t recover from it. Even though it’s curry, it had bell pepper in it! There were only red and yellow bell peppers (laughs).
46. Do you prefer to eat your favourite food first, or last?
Divide it, and eat it the first and the last.
47. Your favourite dagashi (penny candy).
Um, gummies. Are gummies dagashi? Not sure?
48. Would you put them as dagashi?
And then, there’s that soda candy. Big one. Tastes like cola. Sometimes with gum in them. I like that.
49. Something that surprised you recently.
Nothing much. However, that dream surprised me though, I was thinking “I’m going to be killed” (laughs)
50. Is there anything surprised you in real life?
Ah yes, bugs! Just at the entrance of my house, there was a relatively rare scarab called the Polyphylla albolineata (Motschulsky). I poked it with my hand to see what it was, and it made a loud sound, which shocked me (laughs). First time seeing that kind of bug.
51. Favourite scent?
I like chamomile and jasmine.
52. Favourite bento side dish?
Karaage (fried chicken).
53. Favourite tea?
Early grey.
54. Favourite ingredient in miso soup?
55. Favourite onigiri filling?
Now I like kombu!
56. Favourite sandwich filling?
57. Favourite meat?
Pork belly!
58. Favourite drink?
Dr. Pepper.
59. Favourite colour?
It depends on the time and occasion, but right now it’s yellow-green.
60. Favourite manga?
What manga would I recommend. There are quite a few, but hmm, I wonder what is it now. Tokyo Ghoul, I guess.
61. Favourite flower?
I wonder... Hydrangea!
62. Artists you’re interested in recently?
I'm feeling troubled. I don’t want to say who is popular (laughs), but ah, what should I do. Mrs. GREEN APPLE!
63. Your favourite toy as a child?
Jungle gym.
64. Do you like being at the top?
I like the top. I think I fell down once when I was a kid though.
65. Were you okay?
It’s a small jungle gym for home use. I seemed to have hit somewhere. Hit the forehead.
66. Recommended Youtube channel?
“HANYU YUZURU” hahaha.
67. Important words?
Daijoubu (It’s okay).
68. The moment you felt glad that you were skating?
Probably when I could move as my heart dictates.
69. If you could only bring one thing with you to an uninhabited island?
Knife? As long as you have a knife, you can always find a way.
70. If you can take a week off starting tomorrow?
Play games!
71. If tomorrow is the end of the world, what would you want to eat?
Gyoza. It’s all about gyoza (laughs).
72. What would you buy as a gift for yourself?
73. Describe your personality in one word.
Well, weird. Hahaha.
74. Why do you feel you are like a weird person?
I didn’t feel like I was weird at all originally, but recently I took on a lot of various jobs, and when I was being interviewed, I thought, “I’m such a weirdo”.
75. What was the moment that you felt that being weird is good too?
Because I am weird, I think about many different things and observe and make progress from a different perspective than others. Based on this, I don’t think it is a derogatory term, but after all I was a bit shocked to realise I am different from others (laughs).
76. Favourite number.
77. Favourite novel.
キマイラ (Kimaira). I don’t reach much novels, but I’ve read quite a lot of the Kimaira series.
78. How big is the largest Pooh that you own?
(Opening his arms) About this big? It should be this big. Is it about 1 meter, or 80 centimetres?
79. What about the smallest Pooh?
That would be the Tsum-Tsum, the plastic kind, there’s a very small one, almost 2cm, the stacking kind.
80. If you’re not a figure skater, what would you be?
A baseball player. I liked baseball more (laughs).
81. A costume you want to try on for Halloween.
82. When did you have your first cell phone?
No, I don’t have one.
83. How do you check SNS?
Although I have been using an iPod touch, it has been discontinued. Now I’m using an iPhone without a SIM card. Since I’ve never used a cell phone, I don’t have a number.
84. If you could get one thing, what would it be?
I wonder. Hmm… I guess I rather get it on my own than receiving it.
85. What kind of nerd (otaku) are you?
86. What is your specialty dish?
Frozen gyoza (laughs).
87. What kind of illustrations are you good at?
I can’t draw Pooh. Ah, but I may have drawn all kinds of wings, and skates.
88. Things you tend to collect.
Just earphones, and gyoza (laughs).
89. Something you always keep in mind.
Never forget your original intention.
90. Words that you dislike.
Right. There is, but I wonder what it is. “Uncool” is definitely something I don’t want to be told.
91. A relaxing moment.
When I’m in the futon, lying on my stomach and squeezing the pillow.
92. How do you spend your birthday?
I was hardly in Japan for my birthday. There was always the Grand Prix Final, and when I couldn’t go, it’s usually because I was injured or sick.
93. On your 28th birthday after turning professional, how did you spend it?
I felt like it was the first time I could spend some time at home. Yeah. It’s like “I’m not fidgeting!” Moreover, I was not injured and not in a bad shape. That’s what I was thinking.
94. Were you also off work?
There’s a program called “Classic TV” with Shinya Kiyozuka, and there was a recording of it. However, even though there was a recording session, I was able to spend time at home.
95. You will be 29 years old this year. What kind of year would you like to have?
Well, for now, I would like to continue my research and study.
96. What kind of research and study?
Performance and expression techniques. I want to learn more about those things, and also learn more skating techniques.
97. What do you want to do when you turn 30?
For now, continue jumping quads. Like, “I can jump!” hahaha.
98. What will you be doing in 10 years?
I wonder if I will still be skating. My goal is to maintain my health and reduce the risk of injury as much as possible so that I can still skate 10 years from now.
99. Once again, “Yuzuru Hanyu” expressed in one kanji character.
Hmm. Core, I guess. I absolutely do not want to waver.
100. Lastly, what would you like to ask your fans?
Am I living up to your expectations?
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Source: Own image
Info: https://x.com/AERAnetjp/status/1708679949245100224
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 9
Camera time!!!
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Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Schnucki (German) Sweetie but doesn’t have an exact translation
Devin: Here we are! Pirates of the Aegean 1
Rudolphus: Have they still not settled on a title
Devin: If they have it wasn’t on my latest script
Rudolphus: Come on, best get to make up, it’s going to be a big one
Devin: What do you mean
Rudolphus: *chuckles* I’m not going to ruin the surprise
Devin heads in, drafting up a quick simstagram post using film emojis followed by a pirate flag. Her followers know she’s doing a film that involves pirates but they’ve been able to keep the plot under wraps. Hopefully people can be surprised in the theatre.
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Rudolphus: Now make sure you hold still
Devin: When do I not hold still
Rudolphus: Anytime your phone buzzes
Devin: I promise, I’ll be a statue
Rudolphus: Good because these scars are finicky
Devin goes to respond but Rudolphus shushes her. There’s nothing to do but sit still and let him work his magic. When he finishes he steps back and smiles
Rudolphus: Perfect if I do say so myself. Now where did they put that wig
Devin looks in the mirror as he moves away and is amazed at how he’s blended the scars into the rest of her make up, making her look like she has indeed been in swordfights before. When Rudolphus is finished she thanks him and heads to wardrobe.
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Emily: Woah, were you attacked by a dire chinchilla
Devin: Nope, looks convincing right
Emily: Maybe but they wouldn’t be able to sell it without my costume. Come, you know the drill
Devin stands on the podium and hold still while Emily rechecks all her measurements and confirms the costume will still fit. Then it’s off with the sunglasses and on with the dress
Devin: I like this, the corset is cute
Emily: It’s a waspie
Devin: Oh okay, waspie. Selfie for luck?
Emily: You are incorrigible
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Heading out Devin spots a familiar face milling amongst the actors, her friend and ZBB director Norah.
Devin: Norah! What ae you doing here? I thought you’d be busy penning next season
Norah: Devin darling! I’m already finished, the scripts are at the printers, you should get yours tomorrow. For now, focus on this. Levi may be directing but I’m going to be in the editing suite
Devin: So keep up standards, got it
As Norah hustles off to check in with some producers Devin and Tadelech take a final chance to run their lines. Accents check, we’re good to go!
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Looking around Devin spots Levi in his normal spot, the directors chair.
Devin: Do we actually have a title
Levi: Still workshopping. I’m thinking Pirates of the Aegean: Treasures of Aarbyville. Let them know right from the off we have plans for sequels
Devin: I can’t lie, a regular movie would be great
Levi: For all of us. Go up there and give it your best
Devin: Sir yes sir!
Levi: Remember, you’re the captain!
Finding her way on to the stage Devin wonders whose idea it was to shoot in fake rain. Why couldn’t it just be added in post? Nevermind, no time to worry, get in character. Captain Jane Swallow, in charge of the Dire Chinchilla, pirate extraordinaire.
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Devin finishes her vocal warm ups just as Tadelech gets in position. Time to rock and roll!
Devin: Biggs, me loyal first mate, where’s the rum
Tadelech: No rum captain
Devin: Why is the rum gone? Nevermind, we don’t need it
Tadelech: Captain?
Devin: Come, let us toast to new adventures
Tadelech: With what captain?
Devin: We have goat’s milk here do we not? To the crew of the Dire Chinchilla
Tadelech: To the-
Devin: Wait, cannon fire!
Devin takes another quick selfie, she is loving this hat!
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Devin: She sells seashells by the seashore
Tadelech: Splish, splash, splosh went the dog in the wash
Devin: Biggs! Why are you not at your post
Tadelech: The place for a first mate is by her captain’s side
Devin: I have to tell you Biggs, there’s no guarantee we will survive this
Tadelech: I have yet to see Captain Jane Swallow fail
Devin: This is not the time to flirt
Tadelech: But if I don’t say it now-
Devin: We will get through this, I’ll make sure
Tadelech: There’s the captain I love
Devin dips Tadelech into a kiss and congratulates herself on not dropping the taller woman.
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Devin: Nailed it
Tadelech: I hope so. This rain is not doing my hair any favours
Devin makes her way to the wheel and checks how easily it turns to get an idea of how to make it look realistic.
Devin throws herself into the scene. It’s always strange doing a scene without a partner, just you alone to sell it. Luckily behind the camera Levi is yelling instructions of where to look and how to look. Before long Devin feels like her movements have become more natural and she has fun with it visualising holding the ship steady in turbulent waters.
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Devin: Mina, you look…
Mina: How did they wear these wigs honestly
Devin: I know this is not the trip you booked, but you are not who you pretended to be
Mina: I – of course I am! I… I forgot my line
The pair burst into giggles.
Levi: CUT! Focus actors, focus!
Mina: *through laughter* sorry Levi
Levi: *sighs* let’s do the fight scene, maybe that will clear up the giggles
Devin: *giggling* Yep, yep. Deep breath, focus
Mina and Devin perform the perfectly chorepgraphed fight without any hiccups or giggles. Filming continues but when Levi shouts the final CUT the cast and crew feel like they’re given a star performance.
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Devin returns home with her surprise, costumes! She convinced Emily to let her have some original test outfits that were ultimately abandoned, and she picked up some stuff for the toddlers to. While the grown ups get to be pirates Alfred is a crocodile and Rilian is a sea monster. The lounge is full of laughter and chaos as the pirates try to move from couch to couch, or safe ship to safe ship, without getting eaten by the water creatures. In the end the pirates launch a tickle attack on the toddlers and a tie is declared. As they set up for a photo Luna whispers a thank you to her wife, Devin always seems to have a plan to life her spirits. Next step, dinner.
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Devin: We have classic Italian Meatballs for your eating pleasure tonight
Alfred: YAY
Luna: Rilian, you’re going to eat them aren’t you
Rilian sticks his tongue out and Joey laughs.
Devin: Come on caro, I made them extra excellent. Try a bite
Rilian: Hmm, Mama help me eat?
Devin: You can pick up your food but how about I sit beside and help cut
Rilian nods and the family sit down. Things are quiet for a while as they all eat but before long the grown ups are catching up on each others days and the toddlers are saying nonsense to each other.
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Joey: And that’s when I said- Rilian I saw that
All eyes turn to the youngest toddler who is shifting nervously in his seat. He doesn’t seem keen to talk. Luna and Devin look around for what happened.
Joey: Don’t you want to say what happened
Rilian shakes his head but it’s too late, Luna has spotted the problem.
Luna: Schnucki, did you push some of your dinner on the floor
Rilian: NO
Devin: It got on the floor all by itself
Rilian: *blubbering* Not me
Luna: Rilian, your Mama worked hard to make dinner. We don’t just toss excellent food on the floor
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Rilian continues to pout but doesn’t offer any explanation.
Devin: Bedtime I think
The women get the toddlers out of their seats but their moods don’t improve on the ground.
Luna: Did you two have naps today
Alfred: No Mummy, daycare was busy
The grown ups sigh collectively.
Devin: So we’ve been awake for 14 hours without naps, brilliant
Rilian: Mama help me potty?
Devin: I guess I shouldn’t push for please in these conditions
Luna: *scooping up Alfred* nope, they won’t take it in
Devin: Come bambinos, potty then bed
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shmowder · 2 months
FIRST ASK ON HERE!!!!!! Can you do a little drabble on the healers with a reader who constantly is using cat puns in their sentences? Like for example purrfect and pawsome!???
I'm glad to have you here new anon! <3 Woo first ask and already requesting a banger, huh? Feel free to pick an emoji, I'd love to see you around again.
[Platonic, humour, kinda crack]
Daniil Dankovsky
Secretly enjoys your puns
Absolutely doesn't want you to know that
He has to resist a stupid smile whenever you make them in, order to maintain appearance
Get him drunk enough or visit him when he's exhausted enough so his guard is down, then surprise attack him with a pun
He might just return the friendly fire
But no one will ever believe you
"Good, you're finally here." Daniil's voice came out muffled from behind the gauze mask, "Did you get back the test papers from Dr. Rubin? What do the results say?"
Not taking his eyes off of the plate in front of him, Daniil carefully separated a thin layer from the tissue sample, peeling it off and moving it onto the sterile glass slide, carefully placing the second slide on top and sealing it in-between. Without giving you a chance to reply, Daniil continued, "Positive like I theorised, correct?"
"Oh, yeah." Flipping through the three papers stapled together, with the most casual tone you say,"Pawsitive indeed."
His movement came to an immediate pause, processing your joke. Blinking the sleepiness away from his eyes, Daniil turned his head to look at you with one raised eyebrow.
You watched as he seemed to churn over a topic in his brain, weighting the ups and downs, considering the fact it's just the two of you in the room.
"Purrfect," rolling the Rs in his purr, his mask veiled a satisfied smile underneath, "that's all I needed from you for today. It's getting late. You should be on your way."
Artemy Burakh
Completely unphased
You have Isidor to thank for subjecting him to almost two decades of puns and dad jokes
And now
He gets to weaponise them on Sticky and Murky
If anything, he encourages your puns by replying with his own just to hear the sighs of youth
"What do you call a cow that plays an instrument?" Artemy sat on the opposite side of the small table, stirring the crushed leaves into his tea before tapping the spoon against the rim of the cup and setting it aside.
Blowing against your own cup to cool off the liquid inside, you took a sip, the bitterness of the leaves quickly dissolve away, a naturally sweet aftermath flooding your tastebuds. "What?"
The corners of Artemy's lips curled upwards, "a moosician." a satisfied look in his eyes.
An exasperated sigh came from the young girl sitting on the chair next to you. Murky attempted to ignore you two and focused on enhaling the pancakes on her plate.
"That's hiss-terical" you replied with a laugh.
"Not you too!" Sticky's voice embodied the betrayal he felt, rolling his eyes as he buried his face between his arms ok the table.
"You okay, kid? You seem to be feline down." Your quick reply got one hearty laugh out of the Haruspex who's struggling not to choke on his drink.
Clara Saburova
Sometimes she rolls her eyes and calls your jokes lame
Only to immediately steal them afterwards to terrorise Notkin and Grace with
Other times she's the one making the most heinous puns you've ever heard
Straight up shooting them one after another like it's nothing
So much it becomes a competition
"Did you hear about the man who lost his entire left side?" Clara swings her legs as they dangle from the edge of the fence she's sitting at, "now, he's all right."
"That's just claw-ful, isn't it." You give a polite smile her way
Shs returns it, although more strained, legs swinging faster.
"Yeah, but then he got hit in the head by a soda can. He's lucky it was only a soft drink, though."
"What are the chances? you've got to be kitten me."
Clara hops down from the fence, a serious look of determination in her fierce eyes as she steps closer, chin raised high.
"Too bad he died today when a pile of books fell on him, He only had his shelf to blame if you ask me."
"That's not something you should be joking about, Clara. I hope a cat-astrophe like this never efur happens again."
Frustrated by your cool demeanour and seamless humour, Clara sticks her tongue at you, demeaning your whole existence with the juvenile equivalent of the middle finger.
You've seen her give the middle finger to Dankovsky one time too many ofter before, indirectly exposing the soft spot she held for you just now.
"Your jokes aren't even that punny, paw-lease just give it up already.
"Paw-don me, clearly someone's got cattitude."
At last, she was defeated on her own turf. Clara may have lost this fight, but the war still rages on.
"You're really a fur-midable opponent."
With that as her goodbye, she runs off into the horizon, never to be seen again... until it's time for lunch. Ready to terrorise any innocent passerby with those deadly weapons you unawarly handed her, adding your puns to her already varied arsenal.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Heyo, it's water spirit dream anon again. I feel like I should grab an emoji but tbh Im not sure what all's taken.
Speaking of I was very taken with the Hot mess Hob and Horny neighbor Dream au a while back, yknow the one where there's a fire alarm and Hob ends up outside in a towel? Good stuff. Well Ive just had my own very specific Yes And to add.
Hob and Dream have apparetments right next door to eachother, and thus have pretty close balconies. Well on day, Dream's pet (cat or raven as you prefer) hops onto Hob's balconey from Dream's, and no amount of coaxing will get them to jump back. Dream is very flustered thinking about Asking Hot Hob nextdoor to let him in so he can retrieve his Stupid Son, but he takes a deep breath and knocks on his door.
Hob answers in the smallest shorts he's ever seen and an apron, clearly embarrassed, and it's only getting worse when he realizes it's Dream of all people. He's been doing like 10 different chores, including laundry, and dream has caught him doing dishes. After some stammering, Dream asks Hob is he can get his pet off his balconey, and Hob rushes to go get the door bc Kitty!!! (Or birb?) And gives Dream a wonderful view of his mostly bare back and ass hanging out of his shorts.
If Raven, Hob opens the door and Matthew swoops in to land on Dream's shoulder, preening at his hair and shirt collar while Hob laighs in delight and calls him Beautiful. Matthew takes a cautious interest in Hob and Dream asks if he'd like to saw hello, and to hold out his arm, just don't pet him too much, it's bad for his feathers. He tentatively hops onto Hob's outstretched arm and says "Hello" in Dream's voice to him, being very friendly, before leaning in very close and making Hob nervous. Dream is very embarrassed to tell Hob that what Matthew wants is a kiss. Hob gives his head a little kiss and Matthew goes "Wow!" And swoops back to Dream. Look up Fable the raven on youtube, she's great!
If cat, Hob rushes to the balcony to make sure he hasn't jumped clean off the building and Dream rushes after to see Hob walk back in with a luxurious black cat draoed over his shoulders rubbing on him like no tomorrow. He's smilling and petting and kissing and Dream is Not jealous of his cat even if he would like to wrap around Hob's shoulders and be petted and kissed he's So not jealous. Hob walks them to the door, and when trying to get his cat back, the cat takes the tie of Hob's robe with him and leaves Hob basically naked in front of a Dream who's trying very hard to wrangle his cat and get him safely back to his apartment. It's so so tempting but Hob is Busy, and Dream needs to get his Son inside, and even though they'd both just love to jump into Hob's freshly made bed, they are alas victims of Bad Timing. Dream and Hob exchange an awkward goodbye in the hallway, and each go back to their days. Hob does he rest of his chores sinking furthur into the "God Shit it's Always a bad time when he's around! I'll never get to ask him out!" And Dream daydreams the rest of the day about Hob in a cute little apron, doing things around the house and doting on Dream with pets and kisses. ❤
And as a side note I am a firm Fucked Up Knee Hob Truther and with all that leggy on display, maybe Dream asks about it? Maybe offers to help Hob with stuff if he ever needs it, he's stronger than he looks, promise. And maybe Hob wants to rearrange his bedroom furniture? And ends up pinned to his askew bed by an indeed, stronger than he looks Dream.
Luv u mwuah
OOOO YES I always wanna talk about nearly naked, blushing and stammering Hob.
Hob kind of tends to lose track of his chores during the week, what with work and trying to have a social life. Laundry particularly tends to pile up, meaning that by Sunday he’s down to his very last items of clothing: tiny football shorts, SpongeBob socks… he does have a t-shirt but he was doing his meal prep and ended up spilling something all over himself (hence he is now shirtless. and wearing an apron, too little too late). The shorts are absolutely too small, he’s had them since he was 18 and still in his twink phase. So you better believe that Dream gets an EYEFUL when he comes to the door. Poor Hob is so embarrassed, particularly with his sore knee on display (he’s a lil bit insecure about it and he notices that Dream is staring, little does he know that it’s only made Dream fall for him even more).
The rescue of the birb/kitty cheers Hob right up though, and he forgets his almost nakedness. He peppers Dream’s runaway pet in kisses and cooes over them, gushing about how he really wants a pet but he works all day and it wouldn’t be fair to leave an animal alone, plus he’s often too sore to walk a dog or anything like that. Dream immediately offers Hob the opportunity for pet cuddles any time he wants (he’s almost like “you can cuddle me too” but he just stops himself at the last second). Pet cuddles are healing!!
They keep having awkward little meetings and then one evening Dream hears a knock on his door. Hob is there in baggy sweats and a hoodie, and he looks sad and tired. Dream invites him in straight away, and Hob explains that he’s in so much pain today and he really doesn’t want to be alone. Before he knows what’s happening he’s being ushered onto Dream’s sofa and he gets either a kitty on his lap or a Birb on his shoulder for comfort, and Dream immediately makes tea. Hob sheepishly explains that he tried to move furniture on his own and Dream gets this real mother hen expression. He promises to come over the next day and help out.
Next day happens to be chore day again and there’s Hob in his obscenely tiny shorts and a shirt with “my tits are up here” printed on the front. He’s also baked cookies (with frozen cookie dough, he admits, but Dream is no less charmed). They quickly get to work on the furniture and Dream takes great pleasure in demonstrating how strong he is!
Neither of them are quite sure how they end up sprawled together on the mattress. Dream is pretty sure that he just groped Hob’s chest as they both tumbled down. He is pretty sure that Hob was the first to lean in for a kiss, though.
It’s fair to say that the something does get rearranged, just not the furniture that Hob was expecting 😏 and Dream is very gentle with him… just not too gentle!
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writergracethepanda · 4 months
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 Secret Shanghai Edition
the character everyone gets wrong
Marshall. He is canonically an excellent cook, s why are we convinced he'd set something on fire if left alone in the kitchen?
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
no comment
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
EVERY SINGLE DAMN TIME I have seen Alisa and Phoebe shipped (let aroace people live and bisexuals are still bisexual even in a seemingly hetero relationship) or those takes I've seen on TikTok of people shipping Rosalind and Benedikt and Celia and Marshall if I weren't on my computer I would put sooooo many barf emojis here
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
luckily nothing yet I believe
worst discord server and why
mine with my friends its sooo annoying how we have incredibly amazing and intelligent and sometimes incoherent conversations like guys we're the worst (sarcasm)
which ship fans are the most annoying?
like I said, anyone who ships the above things needs to stay 10 feet away from me at all times and undergo intense media literacy training
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I think everyone's answer for this is Oliver. I'm so sorry we (especially me tbh) did you so dirty pre fhh I promise we've learnt our lesson!
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Oliver loves cats. incorrect. Cats are his entire life. there is a difference, and we need to recognize it.
worst part of canon
roma and Alisa's dad just disappeared before I could beat him up
worst part of fanon
we're too funny my stomach literally hurts from laughing too hard sometimes. Seriously though, the above ship takes that make my blood boil, as well as some complaints about how a lot of us talk about how we think certain characters are neurodivergent/disabled. While I think some of those are actually considered canon, I don't understand why people are so made that we (a relatively neurospicy bunch) are identifying the parts of characters we relate to and labeling them. We're doing you no harm and not interfering with your ability to enjoy the characters. Shouldn't it be a good thing that we're able to identify with the characters? Just mind your business. (also anyone who erases Rosalind's and Alisa's aroaceness that is indeed canon and I hope both sides of your pillow are too warm)
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
I don't think any
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I don't think anyone hates these guys, but why don't we ever talk about the couple from LVC? They were so sweet, and I'm kind of sad we didn't get any mention of them in FHH.
worst blorboficiation
I feel like a bad Tumblr user, but I don't know what this means. is this like uwu-ification?
that one thing you see in fics all the time
@typingwithmyhandstied 's GENIUS
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Juliette always has the appropriate amount of knives thank you very much for that guys :)
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I personally don't get into the Rosalind is a vampire thing, but I'm cheering you guys on from afar (im just not into vampires lol)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
idk I should probably work on my university au
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
the fact that not only did she feel comfortable falling asleep around Orion (see one of @no-1-rosalind-lang-apologist 's recent posts) but Rosalind was also muttering in French in that scene. Her dominant language. She was both out of it enough/comfortable enough with him that she dropped the I was raised in American fake accent and just started speaking normally in this essay I will- basically we need to talk more about the use of multilingualism in the ss books
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
past me would be horrified to know that I like Oliver now
part of canon you found tedious or boring
I think TVD can be a bit boring sometimes, but that makes sense, since it was Chloe's debut, and she's grown immensely since then
part of canon you think is overhyped
the seagreen trio is overrated (they are literally my favorite characters)
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
Olivercelia. Like I said, I was his strongest hater pre fhh. Now I see what she clearly sees in him.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
discourse on ss Tumblr is mostly joking. my personal favorite is when @marsneedstherapy and I pretend to yell at each other in different languages
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"no one appreciates x enough" I do. I love them.
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sentryhex · 11 days
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the random 4am motivation to draw myself hit wild
my twitter caption for this art also hit wild
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so glad my main sona is so fuckin hot fire emoji
a;lso yeah if people dont know hes technically my object show oc you can see that in my pinned post i just always draw him in this form
im starting to draw it more with X face rather than an eye both to showcase more that it can indeed do that if it wants to, looks cool and im lazy to draw the eye sometimes
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smile-files · 4 days
some great bluish bakeoff stuff!
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nickel later apologizes this episode; it's prompted by balloon's confrontation, but clearly nickel was in the mindset to apologize. the fact that he didn't raise the issue himself shows how he's still really afraid of how balloon would react. at the same time, though, he's acknowledging that "standing up for what [is] right" is important and good, even if it doesn't necessarily have the most beneficial outcome; notice how this not only shows how he accepts and understands balloon's anger towards him over the past few episodes (which had the consequence of losing them the challenge and getting bot eliminated), but also suitcase's anger towards him in the latter half of ii2 (which had the consequence of destroying their alliance).
in this episode, blueberry is assuming a role that has previously been taken by nickel and, more recently, silver spoon: he has placed himself at the top of the pecking order, calling all the shots, forcing everyone to roll with his punches. now everyone's in the same position balloon has been for a lot of his time in ii. silver, in throwing the chariot (:nerd emoji: actually a litter, they use the wrong word) at blueberry, is taking a stand against him -- announcing his frustration from being treated poorly.
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for the longest time, balloon had "stay[ed] away from the thorns": beating around the bush, not bringing up the hard stuff, so he could maintain his positive relationship with nickel (and by extension his sense of having actually changed, which is linked with that that relationship represents) and not face his inevitable aggressive snap-back. but, though these proverbial thorns are painful, touching them helps him actually move ahead of all of that discomfort. balloon took a stand against nickel recently, which he was justified in doing, expressing his anger at nickel for both what he did and his denial of doing it -- and nickel harshly bit back about what balloon had done a while ago. balloon touched the thorn, and got the pain.
now, when nickel is yet again dancing around the problem, balloon's frustration returns. and, as silver took a stand against blueberry (which nickel supported), balloon channels his frustration and takes his own stand: technically also against blueberry, in trying to get himself and the others to the challenge before blueberry (thereby denying the domination he has imposed), but the drive itself came from nickel. he knows touching the thorns is painful, but that it's important and good. he should stand up for himself, and he does. he literally pokes himself with a thorn, and that literally sends him and the others ahead.
for the sake of this analogy/symbolic framework, it's worth noting how they are pushed forward because of the thorn, but there's still baggage: they fly through the desert only to crash, losing all of their ingredients. at this point, though, balloon's not going to let the pain of the thorn prevent him from touching it. balloon will keep standing up for himself, even if he keeps facing setbacks and pushbacks, because he knows what he deserves.
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you can imagine that when balloon confronted nickel in this episode, he was expecting the same old same old: he'd say what he's mad about, and nickel would shut him down. but he doesn't. nickel listens to him. nickel lets balloon be angry at him, lets himself face the guilt he needs to feel. balloon is able to be mad at nickel without their relationship automatically going up in flames like before. and balloon is shocked! but will he forgive nickel? what'll he say? ...well, they're taken by tyler bombard before balloon could say anything...
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for all this talk of the thorn, where's the blossom? well, here it is. thematic parallels indeed! recall how balloon misunderstanding "flour" as "flower" contributed to the grand slams losing the cooking challenge in ii2, which likely added fuel to the fire of nickel's hatred towards him -- now that same flower and that same misunderstanding is a representation of their friendship: it is what remains after the pain of the thorn. balloon finding value in this meager flower and presenting it to mephone at all (thereby insisting that it has value) is what wins them all the challenge. the flower and its beauty are not just a reward for the pain of the thorn, but a product of that pain.
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balloon still hasn't responded to nickel's apology, because he hasn't had the chance to... but in disputing tyler's happiness about blueberry's death, balloon both recognizes his own attempt to change as well as nickel's: attempting that change is also a thorn, a very painful one (it literally killed blueberry), and both nickel and balloon have recognized the changes the other has tried to make and has succeeded in making. nickel is very reassured by this.
and as a final flower, a final reward for balloon's persistence in standing up for himself and what he believes in, balloon is chosen as the sole recipient of the immunity cookie -- silver spoon, someone with both a history of selfishness and a history of putting others below him, is the one to make this decision. balloon is finally being recognized, genuinely, for the changes he's made.
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notably, balloon never accepts nickel's apology: no, he accepts that nickel is trying to make up for what he did. and, knowing from personal experience how hard it is to make that change and be acknowledged for making it, balloon is there to support him through it, and help him realize that he can be better -- and balloon is still on that "trek" himself, as we know balloon still has a lot of flaws to work through. they both know they have to touch the thorn, but they're all the more motivated to do so because they have a beautiful flower as well:
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their genuine friendship.
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balloon continues to be very charitable with blueberry, even as blueberry is critical of himself. nickel is also charitable -- telling blueberry to "just be nicer to people" implies that he believes that such a change is possible -- though of course he expresses this in his typical snarky way.
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blueberry, though, doesn't believe that he can change, just like nickel used to. no matter how much balloon and nickel believe in him, he himself has to realize he has the capacity to improve before he can actually do it.
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courtingchaos · 1 year
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Afternoon Delight
Professor Munson series
Warnings: Sex and weed my friends.
A/N: It’s 4/20. I forgot. You know who didn’t? Professor Munson. He’s been tapping his foot behind me all day while I pack boxes instead of bowls wtf. Here’s some smut about him and you getting up to no good. This was quick and dirty and not my best work but it’s head, it’s good stuff come on.
18+ NSFW No Minors
“It’s 4/20!”
“Blaze it.”
“What is wrong with you?”
“I’m a millennial, sue me.” You shrug, concentration stuck to your laptop. Ed called his class off today, sent an email out stating in no uncertain circumstances were people to show up to his class or his office or in his email.
“I can’t believe you sent that through the university’s email.”
“Look, I’m tenured. What are they gonna do, fire me?” Ed mocks while he holds his joint between his teeth and searches the countertop for his lighter. You glance up briefly and watch him miss it three times before you silently point a finger at it till he squints, gasps, and sees it.
“You know those glasses aren’t just an expensive headband.”
He tries to spark his lighter a few times before grumbling about lighter fluid and breezes out of the kitchen, dropping at drive-by kiss on your cheek.
Your phone buzzes and when you check you huff, unknowingly spending three hours doom scrolling your Indeed feed. Ed has texted you at 4pm on the dot, a jumbled line of emojis that you decipher to mean ”oh my god would you please come up here and smoke with me.” Before you can respond he sends a bunch of tongues and another eye roll and you yell up the stairs to wait a god damn minute.
The door to his office is wide open and when you reach the threshold he’s leaned way back in his chair, feet propped up on his desk. It’s hazy and warm and he makes you laugh.
“Aren’t you the picture of relaxation.”
“Listen, I texted you two hours ago and you didn’t respond so I started without you.”
Upon closer inspection he’s full glassy eyed, bright pink under heavy lids. “The party’s been up here the whole time.”
You come around the desk to sit in front of him and he watches all of your movements with mild amusement. It makes you think about your little graduation celebration and he must see the twinkle in your eye.
“Did you bring me a little treat?”
“Depends. You gonna share?”
“I always share with you, baby.”
And he does, for the most part.
“It’s one of those…actually I don’t know what fucking strain it is I just bought because they up sold me. Shit was expensive though.” He takes a deep pull before handing the joint to you. “Seems to be doing its job.”
You take it from him but lean in close and pinch his chin between your thumb and forefinger.
“Oh you meant share.” His lazy grin disappears from view when he kisses you and breathes out into your parted lips. A small puff of smoke escapes from the corner of your mouth when you laugh lightly. His hands find your thighs and he tugs on you to get you to scoot closer.
You break the kiss and get situated, swinging your leg over so your ankles hang beside his knees. His hands climb immediately up to the waistband of your of you shorts and hook there to pull.
“I’m not even high yet.”
“Okay? I’m high enough for the both of us.” His movements are slow and that stupid grin is back. You lean back on one hand to stare down at him while you shimmy around till he slides your shorts off. He rolls his chair closer and tips his head at your hand holding the joint. You hold it for him, listening to the crackle of the cherry while he holds your stare.
“Hang on to that for me.” He says around a mouthful of smoke, head dipping low to drag his lips over your underwear. You take your own hit and tilt your head back when he runs the tip of his finger under your underwear and pulls it to the side. His heavy breaths hit your bared skin and you shiver when he pushes his nose to your slit, pressing a kiss to you before sliding his tongue forward to lick. A few languid licks has you sighing and ignoring the joint slowly burning in your hand.
“Hey.” He lifts his head momentarily. “Don’t waste that.” He brings his hand up between your legs to tease your entrance, his tongue poking out to lightly prod at your clit.
“I’m taking my time.”
“Not with that you aren’t.” He bends his head down to get his mouth fully on you, pushing two fingers in when you roll your hips up to his face.
The sun setting behind him lights his hair up, catches the grays and makes them sparkle. His office is stuffy and cloying, the heat trapped between the two of you making little drops of sweat bead down your back and his forehead. This little moment is lazy and slow. It’s gentle sighs and his small groans against you when he sucks on your clit and speeds up his hand, curling his fingers against your walls. The cotton headed feeling of your high creeps in and Eddie’s mouth feels softer than normal. His tongue drags slow over your folds and dips in near his fingers to lap at your wetness. Through half closed eyes you can see him palming himself under the desk but honestly you don’t care about that right now. He’s working you slowly but surely to a gentle tipping point that you don’t fully concentrate on until your holding on to the roach. Eddie notices your hand hovering and he stops touching himself to slap the ashtray over to you where it bumps your leg. Hand now free you slide your fingers into his hair and he nuzzles into your touch. His groans rumble against your sensitive skin and you can feel yourself toeing the line of your orgasm. He can feel you fluttering around his fingers and when he feels a gush and hears the hitch in your breath he slides a third finger in. Anchors his lips around your clit and makes sure you can’t pull away from him while he slowly unravels you.
It doesn’t slam into you, your release. It climbs up your thighs and gets its fingers in your nerves. Pulls on your spine and makes your scalp tingle. A deep sigh rolls out and you hold his head against you while you ride out the slow ebb, the weed making everything feel syrupy and soft.
He’ll kiss his way up your torso when you finally let his hair go. Probably pull you down and wedge your knees around his hips in his oversized chair. He’ll rock your hips along his length and he’ll produce another joint from somewhere and you’ll tell him not to green himself out and he’ll remind you he’s no rookie.
His office will dim when the sun finally sets and it’ll still be stuffy and hazy and heavy and he’ll taste just as sweet as ever.
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The Right accuses their critics of the conspiracy they themselves engage in
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People on the right have some really weird ideas about their ideological enemies: that we’re “groomers,” that we’re secretly on some billionaire’s payroll, that we hijacked the education system to promulgate revisionist histories, that we steal elections, and, of course, that we are secretly plotting to take over America and subjugate them.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
The weirdest thing about this is that it’s the right that engages in revisionist race-history:
And it’s the right who stole a presidency:
Election-rigging is a right-wing specialty:
It’s the right who pay for fake grassroots activism:
Any time some right-wing politician comes out against queers and calls them groomers, chances are good that he’s spending his free time on Instagram, sending fire emojis to naked boys:
That’s especially true when we’re talking about evangelical youth pastors:
It’s almost like that old playground rebuttal, “I know you are but what am I?” contains a deep political truth:
Of all the absurd libels of the right, the weirdest one is that leftists are secretly funded by woke billionaires spending dark money to foment the overthrow of the USA. The idea of “leftist billionaire” is laughable on its face: how did this imaginary billionaire make their billions while paying a living wage and providing decent working conditions?
But it’s easy to understand how a group of people who are so positively *aslosh* in dark money — people whose every political maneuver is a carefully planned scheme to separate terrified xenophobes and rubes from their money — for “alternative” covid therapies, apocalypse-ready MREs, “sound money” gold coins, and so. much. culture. war. nonsense.
What I’m trying to say is: when the right accuses the left of being driven by cabals of shadowy, crepulent billionaires and their pathetic lickspittle Renfields, it is because the right is indeed in the thrall of those crepulent billionaires.
Meet Leonard Leo, a crepulent, shadowy billionaire. Leo was last seen around these parts when he was revealed to have been the bagman behind the ultradark money group Judicial Crisis Network. After spending $27m to block confirmation for Obama’s SCOTUS pick, Merrick Garland, they spent tens of millions more on campaigns to seat Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. Coney Barrett was seated thanks to a $15.9m campaign to make an unqualified, unhinged ideologue seem like a viable lifetime member of the highest court in the land:
Leo controls the Judicial Crisis Network, which worked with the Federalist Society to allow Trump to appoint a whopping 28% of all US federal judges — lifetime appointments for slavering Renfields who’ll follow his political lead. Witness the firepower of a fully operational billionaire.
Leo’s post-Trump side-hustle is a “Federalist Society for everything” — a secretive, lavishly funded cabal aimed at taking over campuses, corporations, news outlets with an army of “under 40s” conservative operatives. It’s called Teneo, and it was a secret — until its internal memos, videos and other materials leaked to Propublica.
Propublica’s Andy Kroll and Andrea Bernstein collaborated with Documented’s Nick Surgey to report out the leaks, describing how Teneo when from “a dinner club with partisan overtones” to a dark-money juggernaut whose annual donations grew by leaps and bounds (2017, $750k; 2020, $2.3m; 2021, $5m):
These financial good fortunes are not the result of excited small-money donors hoping to help Teneo with its good works — it’s a handful of ultra-wealthy sociopaths hoping to use a minority of willing lackeys to project their will over all of us.
Teneo’s network members are a Monster’s Manual of the wildest wingnuts in public life, from Josh Hawley (who wrote its founding manifesto) to JD Vance to Elise Stefanik to BenShapiro to three of Ron DeSantis’s top aides. Also: federal judge who struck down Biden’s mask mandate and the heads of the Republican Attorneys General Association, Republican State Leadership Committee and Turning Point USA.
The stated goal of Teneo founder Evan Baehr (a tech bro turned conservative organizer) was for Teneo members to infiltrate “the House and the Senate, as governors — one might be elected president.”
In a leaked video, Baehr identifies the “woke” enemy he seeks to vanquish, describing a hypothetical meeting between “a billionaire hedge funder, a film producer, a Harvard professor and a New York Times writer.” These four cook up a plan to give middle-school kids “free access to sex-change therapy paid for by the federal government.” The filmmaker promises to make a documentary to support the project. The Harvard professor promises to falsify studies to reassure people that the therapies are safe. The Times reporter vows to “profile people who feel trapped in the wrong gender.”
This irony is that this unhinged conspiratorialism was hatched by someone who was and is actively conspiring to take over the country with members of his secret society. After years in the wilderness, Baehr connected with Leo, who turned on the money spigots. Together, they recruited an “inner core” of FedSoc members “and recruit[ed] them for either specific roles to serve as judges or to spin up and launch critical projects.”
Other shadowy billionaires piled in: Home Depot’s trumpy founder Bernie Marcus, Charles Koch, and Betsy DeVos and her family. The new “Teneo 2.0” sought to “to help members find jobs, write books, meet spouses, secure start-up financing or nonprofit donors and learn about public service.”
Their vision is to create “Silicon Valley of Conservatism — a powerful network of communities where the most influential young leaders, the biggest ideas, and the most leveraged resources come together to launch key projects that advance our shared belief that the conservative worldview drives human flourishing.”
They funnel money to speakers from the absolute depths of the swamp: Erik “Blackwater” Prince, David Brooks, Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy. New members are assured that their involvement with Teneo is “private and confidential” and the group has kept a low profile — Propublica asked Sheldon Whitehouse — a bitter critic of Leo’s — about the group and got a blank stare.
Teneo’s latest project is to recruit “state attorneys general, state financial officers, state legislators, journalists, media executives and best-in-class public affairs professionals” to fight ESG policies — all the froth you’ve encountered about the evils of ESG are the result of this secret, coordinated project.
(To be clear, ESG is bullshit, but not because it’s bad for capitalism — ESG is a dumpster fire of greenwashing:)
Teneo organizes donors for members who run for local, state and federal office. Will Scharf, who’s hoping to become Missouri’s next attorney general, has received donations from dozens of Teneo members, giving the maximum allowable donation of $2650.
The paranoid style in American politics never went away. From the Witchfinders General of New England to Joe McCarthy and the John Birch Society, there has always been a rump of Americans who are very rich and very frightened and who want to put us all in their place.
For these fevered schemers, the Jack Chick tracts that depicted secret Satanic societies seducing innocent kids through Dungeons and Dragons games were hard-hitting documentaries, and as far as they’re concerned, they’re fighting fire with fire.
Image: Jack Chick https://www.chick.com/products/tract?stk=0046
Tendeo https://www.teneonetwork.com/
Fair use https://www.eff.org/issues/intellectual-property
[Image ID: A page from the Jack Chick tract 'Dark Dungeons,' depicting a sinister society of robed figures gathered in a circle, welcoming in a new initiate. The pentacle on the floor has been replaced with Teneo's stylized 'T' logo. The dialog has been replaced with text from Teneo's 2019 Community Vision report: 'The Silicon Valley of Conservatism — a powerful network of communities where the most influential young leaders, the biggest ideas, and the most leveraged resources come together to launch key projects that advance our shared belief that the conservative worldview drives human flourishing.]
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boasamishipper · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by the lovely @doodledrawreblogs - thanks cy!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 104 (it will be 105 after my yuletide fic is posted)
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 1,296,866
3. What fandoms do you write for? i've written fic for legend of korra, milo murphy's law, the dragon prince, star wars, ted lasso, top gun / top gun: maverick, 9-1-1 lone star, what we do in the shadows (tv), a league of their own (tv), mission: impossible, our flag means death, perry mason hbo, and night court.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
when i see your face (top gun, icemav, 1.4k) - 5018 kudos
Moving In Slow Motion (top gun, icemav, 7.5k) - 3044 kudos
Make A Wrong One Right (top gun, icemav, 18.8k) - 2313 kudos
baby, baby, i'd get down on my knees for you (top gun, icemav, 18k, cowritten with @academicgangster) - 2290 kudos
Word on the Street (top gun, icemav, outsider pov, 3.8k) - 1991 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? yes! if you are kind enough to read one of my fics and leave a comment, i always do my best to reply, even if it's just a string of heart emojis.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? probably Like Attracts Like - it's a companion piece to my legend of korra mash au sometimes you hear the bullet, and ends with zhu li (the radar of the story) getting word of varrick's plane going down a la henry blake in abyssinia, henry. truthfully, i'm not a big writer of angsty endings. angsty beginnings and middles, definitely, but i prefer all my fics to have a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? see basically all of my fics have happy endings, but i think the happiest ending i've written goes to the end of I Know I'm Home, my robisanya au where sam matched with dani on bantr and not rebecca. in the final chapter, all the loose ends get tied up: richmond wins the premier league, roy and keeley get married, and sam and dani have the 'i'm going to marry you someday' talk. nothing but sweetness all around.
8. Do you get hate on fics? the only hate i've ever gotten on a fic was for one of my star wars sequel trilogy rewrites, and that was from some reylos who didn't like the anti-reylo things i was saying on my star wars sideblog, so... nah.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i do and i have definitely gotten better at it over the years (though i still have a Long way to go lmao). i've only published m/m, but i've written some f/m smut (as you will see when i publish my degas/paris fic next year 😏)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? indeed i do. craziest (or at least most ambitious) has gotta be there's a raging fire in my heart tonight, my top gun/mcu crossover. (craziest crossover i've ever come up with is the night court / perry mason hbo crossover that @saltyfilmmajor and @bornforastorm have been enabling me to write)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? no thankfully
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! when i see your face has been translated into korean and chinese, Lead Me On (To The Other Side) has been translated into korean, and (I Love You) A Bushel and A Pallet and Moving In Slow Motion have both been translated into chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yes, i wrote baby, baby, i'd get down on my knees for you with @academicgangster and wrote Austin Alone with @lilalbatross
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? i'm picking three for how they have influenced me and my writing: boasami, finnrey, and icemav.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? there are So Many of these....my google drive is essentially a graveyard of unfinished wips
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogue for sure. i've also been told my characterization is great and i have good comedic timing.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? action scenes and smut
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i've done this before - usually i run it through google translate and then check other translation sites to be sure it's as accurate as possible. i've included the to-english translations in some fics (namely my top gun ones where i've written ice speaking russian) but mostly leave out the to-english translations these days. usually when my characters speak a different language you can pick up what they're saying from context.
19. First fandom you wrote for? the first fandom i wrote for was (i think) icarly, but the first fandom i published fic for was legend of korra.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? varies depending on the mood i'm in (and also i have written a Lot of fic so it is difficult to choose lmao). right now i'd say Word on the Street - i'm still really proud of how that one came together.
tagging @icemankazansky @lookforanewangle @lilalbatross @hacash @saltyfilmmajor @bornforastorm @maverickcalf @academicgangster and anyone else who wants to do this :)
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