vampireduck-blog · 3 months
Wait. WHAT.
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senjo · 1 year
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m-artsoul · 1 year
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starting to feel proud
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He remembers firecrakers going off under girls’ feet and screams, and running, and sitting next to a man, whose pink shirt started turning red.
He loves every person he meets and he lives believing that there is only one of them waiting for him in the end, that it is a universal experience. “True love” kind of thing. One day, he talks with Sam about it, about being in love. His brother looks at him with a frown. 
“You can fall in love multiple times,” he says.
Dean chuckles, “No, you can’t.”
Sam tries again, “Okay, how come I was in love in Jessica and Eileen?”
Dean shiftes in his seat, “You, uh... You only loved one of them.”
Later that day his brother shoves a laptop at him, word “aromantic” big and bold on the top of the screen. A few years later he finds himself sitting on the dungeon floor, realising, that his “true love” was gone.
He looks back at his life, at the girls, at the one-night stands, at himself, so fully convinced of his feelings. Then, he looks deeper, comparing how his eyes lingered on men as often as on women. He always explained it as an admiration of the male form. He never once wanted to actually spend his life with any of the men. But then again, he never really wanted that from women, either.
He cries softly over the missed opportunities, over Benny and Ash, and Crowley, and...
If one would ask him, how many genders there are, he would confidently say “at least three” and leave it at that. He doesn't want to think about it much. He’s Dean.
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tag list: @gaymishacollins ; @dakrapatops ; @hauntedpearl ; @vwwingsandthings ; @your-endless-oblivion  ; @jessika12-3 ; @malicmalic ;  @pleaseraisemefromperdition ; @pattywinchester ; @squirrelsarecool​ ;
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mrsdesade · 1 month
hi, I loved your s4 writings (the one with sister sage and the other one with ryan). if you want to, can you write something with firecracker and ophera as rivals? maybe ophera wants to kick her out of the Seven or she protects Ryan from her. I'm sure anything you write will be great.
btw your art is gorgeous, I love your ophera design!! I'm a beginner artist, and your work really inspires me to learn and be better in this.
Sure!! I love exploring interactions and relationships with other characters from the series (any suggestions is more than welcome), but I suppose now is Firecraker's turn ❤️‍🔥
Btw, thank you for your kind words, I'm honoured! Keep going and never stop drawing! ✨
The fire inside;
Pairing: Homelander x fem!super (Ophera) + villain!Firecracker TW: dark themes, violence, blood, torture, revenge p**n and nsfw (mentioned), Herogasm situation (mentioned) Timeline: season 4 Words count: 6,2k
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''I know what's better for him. And for his father too. Anything. I'll do anything for them.''
Firecracker's pedantic voice filled the Seven's common room, while you were the only ones there, waiting for the morning meeting. At first your interactions seemed to go well, there was a sort of mutual respect. She didn't get in the way of your plans. You didn't get in her way as well.
But for some reasons unknown to you, from the moment you were introduced to Ryan, something has changed. Jealousy. Horrible jealousy had begun to flow through the veins of the fiery new addition to the team. You are what she always wanted to be, famous, admired, probably loved.
''I don't expect the same from you. But have the decency to step back and make room for me, who knows what I'm doing."
''You don't know what you're talking about Firecracker. Stay away from Homelander business, it's better for everyone."
The coldness of your demeanor and the superiority complex you exuded, clearly touched a raw nerve.
She took a step closer towards you, trying to look intimidating. Though it felt more like an act than anything else. Firecracker's slender form was considerably shorter, the height difference making it even more ridiculous.
''Better for everyone? Including Ryan? Do you think you're good for him?''
You had no difficulty maintaining a cold gaze, your expression remaining completely stoic. You stood confident, exuding a sense of superiority over her, as if letting her know that you were definitely better, without a doubt. You hadn't appreciated Homelander's decision to make you responsible for Ryan, as if you were his ''mother'', but you decided that you would protect him at all cost.
Firecracker was taken aback by your cold response, not expecting such a confident and dismissive reply. She gritted her teeth, her fists clenching involuntarily at her sides.
"You really think you're something, don't you? Just because Homelander choose you as his public partner? You're just a clown performing on the stage. I bring the truth to people!"
You kept your composure, not showing any signs of intimidation or defensiveness in the face of her aggression. Instead, you let out a soft, mocking laugh, the sound dripping with disdain.
"Please, spare me the charade. You think I'm intimidated by this little act of yours? Things cannot change."
"Act?!" she replied, her voice taut with anger. "I could burn you alive without breaking a sweat. Do you really want to test me?"
You raised an eyebrow at her threat, silently amused by the level of her arrogance. You took another step closer, your confident smile refusing to waver.
''Your weak fire cannot destroy the metal in my body.''
Just as the tension between you was reaching its peak, the sound of the meeting room door opening broke through the air, interrupting the heated moment. Before any further exchange could take place, the door to the conference room swung open. Homelander and The Deep entered, breaking the standoff between you two.
They were deep in conversation, not even noticing the tense atmosphere in the room. Firecracker quickly composed herself, masking her annoyance with a forced smile, while you maintained your composure, watching the two as they approached.
"Ah, there you are. Arrived early this morning, good girls." Homelander said, finally taking notice of you two. He gave you a friendly nod before turning his gaze to Firecracker, his eyes showing annoyance at her big smile.
The Deep shifted uncomfortably, clearly feeling the lingering tension in the room. "Everything okay?" he asked, glancing between you and her.
Firecracker's fake smile remained plastered on her face, her voice dripping with faux cheerfulness. "Everything's perfect!" she replied, shooting you a quick, insincere glance.
And the scene ends like this, you took your seat beside Homelander and you really hope you've been clear enough with her. You hope it no longer intrudes on the extremely delicate balance you're trying to maintain between you, Ryan and his father.
The day quickly transitioned into night, and with most of the Seven dispersed for the evening, you were walking through the now-deserted hall when you heard footsteps approaching. Turning, you saw Firecracker walking towards you, a malicious smile on her face.
''No, not you again, please.''
"We're on the same team silly, did you forget already?" she said, a sly smile playing on her lips. "I was hoping I'd run into you tonight, I have something important to discuss with you."
Her tone was almost too sweet, the false cheerfulness making your stomach churn. "What do you want?" you asked curtly, keeping your voice cold and detached.
"Come on, no need to be so cold." She stepped closer to you, invading your personal space.
You roll your eyes, bored by his extreme closeness. And you decide to move the conversation with a sarcastic tone. ''If you get any closer, I'll start to think that you have some special interest in me. And I don't think Homelander would be happy about that. He is very jealous of his possessions.''
Firecracker's smile faltered for a millisecond at the indirect mention of Homelander. She clenched her jaws, her eyes narrowing slightly, before regaining her composure.
"Don't flatter yourself Ophera. I don't have any ''special'' interest in you." despite her denial, you caught the hint of defensiveness in her tone. Clearly, the idea of you being the object of Homelander's interest and not her had struck a nerve.
"Then what do you want?" you asked point-blank, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I got something about you.''
You raised an eyebrow, trying to appear unruffled. "Oh? And I'm curious what that might be?"
"I have a video. A video of you in… a very compromising position. That, If it were to go public..." she began, her voice dripping with venomous honey. "...would really damage your reputation."
A chill went down your spine as her words stung. You managed to keep your expression relatively blank, but inside you felt a wave of anxiety. How did she get a video of you? Your mind raced, trying to remember any situations where you could have been secretly filmed.
Or she was lying, maybe it's just a bluff, of course, it has to be like that. "Oh please, you're bluffing.''
"Bluffing? No, unfortunately for you, I'm not." she replied, her voice dripping with feigned sympathy.
''Then prove it. Show me this so-called video." you say with a confident grin on your face, keeping your arms crossed over your chest, still thinking she's lying.
"Sure, just to make things clear, let me show you…" Firecracker pulled out her phone, scrolling through the gallery to find the video. Your heart sank into your stomach as you watched Firecracker produce her phone. She was not bluffing. She really seemed to have something. A real video that would certainly cause a scandal.
She found the video and held the display towards you. You could clearly see yourself in the video. In one of your best Herogasm performances. You were always untouchable at that particular event, no one dared to touch you since you were Homelander's public partner. But someone's company wasn't necessary, you could perfectly satisfy yourself on your own, all you needed was an adoring audience watching you.
You had always been so careful, so meticulous in keeping your activities discreet. And yet, here was proof, captured on camera. HD. 4K.
Your initial reaction was anger, both at her for having the video and at yourself for being so unwary. But there was something else behind the anger, an even more primal feeling: fear. The fear of having your reputation and your place in the Seven ruined by one video.
She pushed the phone closer to your face, forcing you to look at the damning footage again. "Imagine this being leaked. How do you think the public would react? How would Homelander react?"
The thought of the whole America seeing this video, the idea of Hoemlander seeing it, his reaction, the damage it could cause - it was all too much to consider. The rage that had just barely been contained now exploded. You could feel your heart racing in your chest, your mind swirling with worst-case scenarios.
"Where did you get this?" you asked, your voice slightly shaky despite your attempts to keep it steady. "Who else has seen it?"
''I have my sources." she responded with a smile. "And don't worry, as of now only I have seen it. But who knows what might happen if this were to get into the wrong hands…"
You stared straight into Firecracker's eyes with a burning glare.
''You have ten seconds to give me just one good reason not to punch you in the face, and destroy your phone with that damn video inside.''
She had underestimated the anger beneath your cool veneer, and now she was taken aback by your threat. Her bravado waned slightly.
"Oh, look to you, all threatening and violence." she said sarcastically, trying to mask her momentary alarm. "Are you sure you want to do that? Even if you break my phone, I have the video backed up. Now, you, the American sweetheart, are about to do exactly as I say."
"I'm listening." you answered coldly and defeated, the anger in your voice barely leashed.
''Mmh. Rather than just listening, maybe you should pay more attention to your surroundings, danger can hide at every corner.'' she smirked, triumph radiating from her. She had you exactly where she wanted you.
You can sense something is wrong, a negative feeling invades your chest. It's too quiet around you, and the Tower of Seven never is. She gave you a smile as realization slowly dawned on you. You had been so focused on the confrontation with her that you hadn't noticed the silence that had enveloped the area around you. Her words, though vague, were starting to paint a more alarming picture.
''What the hell are you talking about?''
''You'll see. Very soon.''
Your worst fears were confirmed when unexpected hands seized you from behind. Strangers. They grabbed you from various points around your body, rendering you unable to struggle as they forced you to the floor.
You feel a needle prick your neck, and an icy liquid invade your veins, making your powers temporarily unusable. You struggled against their grasp, but it was in vain. Now the masked strangers were stronger than you, their grip on you unyielding. You were in the middle of what seemed to be a very well-planned and synchronized kidnapping.
"Don't even bother struggling. They've been paid a lot of money for this. And they're very professional." she said, approaching you as you lay helpless on the floor.
''Ah! Good luck trying to kill me, it won't be that easy!'' you reply, but the strength that usually coursed through your veins seemed to have deserted you, leaving you at the mercy of these unknown individuals.
"Who said anything about killing? Oh no, no. I have something special planned for you, love. I have more creative plans for you.''
''Fuck yourself, crazy ass bitch.'' you're spitting venom with your words, the desire to destroy them all is tearing you apart.
"You see Ophera, I know you're invincible, or that you like to think yourself of such." she continued, her tone mocking. "But now, thanks to that little injection of Compound V inhibitor they've just shot you with, you're quite defenseless."
''The effect of the inhibitor will not last forever, you know that?''
''Yeah, I know silly! But it will last long enough to make you disappear. Gone, forever. No more shows, no new albums, no afternoon with Ryan, no gala dinner with the Seven.''
Then Firecracker reached down and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at her face.
"And Homelander won't be happy, when he comes back and finds out you're gone. Without any warning or goodbye messages. Oh, I can't wait to see the look on his face."
Despite the effects of the drug rapidly dulling your senses and your powers, a little smirk escaped your lips.
"Oh please… You really think that's going to work? You really think Homelander won't figure it out? He's not blind to obvious sabotage, trust me. He'll find me."
"You think you know everything, don't you? It's time for a reality check, love. This isn't just about a spot in the Seven, this is about making sure Homelander looks at me, me and not you. I want his attention, his praise, his everything. He's the one I want and nothing will stand in my way."
You locked eyes with her, your voice strangely calm despite the effects of the drug and your weakening state. You laughed bitterly.
"You think it's all sunshine and rainbows, being his favourite? Please, you're more stupid than I thought. Homelander's love could be a death sentence. To have his twisted obsession on you. His attention can be a curse as much as it can be a blessing. You're pathetic. And you don't know anything about the burden of being his beloved, trust me."
Surprise is clear on her face. The way you talked, the way you described being Homelander's favorite... for a moment, she didn't know how to react to your words.
"Oh, I bet it's soooo hard being Homelander's little sweetheart, getting all the fame and recognition while the rest of us have to fight for scraps." she spit with venomous sarcasm. "Boo-hoo, poor you, suffering under his terrible twisted obsession. You have everything! His love, his attention, his hands on you… Fuck, you're his damn public girlfriend! You have no idea what I'd give to be in your place."
There it was-the truth. The real reason behind her hostility, her jealousy, her attempts to bring you down.
''I don't think... I don't think you know... what it means to be in my place. His… isn't… love. You're going to...hurt yourself-''
Before you could finish your sentence, your vision began to blur and your head grew heavy with fatigue. The drug finally taking hold, you lost consciousness, sinking into oblivion.
Firecracker gestured to the group of men, and one of them picked you up effortlessly.
"Now. Time for the final act. You know the plan, take her somewhere isolated and secret. And make damn sure no one finds her. Respect the orders, no one will have to recognize her, ruin that pretty face as best you can.''
The masked men nodded in response, lifting your unconscious body with ease and proceeding to carry you to a waiting van outside the Tower. Once you were safely inside, the van doors shut with a loud thud, and the vehicle soon vanished into the night.
Firecracker felt a surge of triumph. Her plan had gone flawlessly. You were gone, out of the picture-at least for the foreseeable future. But the taste of victory was bittersweet. Deep down, she knew that once Homelander discovered your disappearance, hell would break loose.
Indefinite moments, minutes, hours pass. You can't say how much has passed since that evening.
Your eyelids flickered open, a disoriented groan escaping your lips. Your head throbbed with a dull pain, and for a few moments your vision remained a blurry mess. Then, slowly, your surroundings began to come into focus. You were in an abandoned warehouse, the air thick with dust and a musty scent. The walls were crumbling, and the silence around you was interrupted only by the sound of your own shallow breathing.
You tried to move, but quickly realized your limbs were tightly bound to a chair. You felt the bite of rough rope against your skin, the tight ropes digging into your flesh as you struggled. The abandoned warehouse was cold and eerie, the only company provided by the ominous figures that stood guard around you. They were all wearing masks, making it impossible for you to identify any of them.
"Oh great, this isn't a cliché scenario at all…" you muttered sarcastically, your eyes scanning the area for any potential escape route.
One of the men, the tallest one, stepped closer to you at the sound of your voice. He took a couple of seconds to assess your situation before speaking up in a low voice.
"Looks like our little songbird finally woke up. I hope you're comfortable." he said, a hint of mockery underlying his words.
"Well, this is a lovely place you've brought me to." you drawled, feigning nonchalance. "Not exactly the five-star hotel I booked last week."
Despite the situation, the guard chuckled at your sarcastic reply. "Oh, sorry to disappoint. Our five-star prisoner need another room? Unfortunately they're all booked.''
You rolled your eyes, silently thinking of the countless witty comebacks that were at your fingertips but couldn't be voiced at the moment.
Then the men leaned in closer, now mere inches from you. "Now, enough chitchat. We've been paid to keep you here and we have strict orders to follow. So, do us all a favor, stay cooperative and keep your pretty mouth shut."
Their cold demeanor and close proximity sent chills down your spine. It was clear they were not here to joke around. One of the other guys stepped forwards, standing almost directly behind you.
"We were paid for a specific task." he chimed in, his voice dripping with a mocking sweetness. "And that task is: to make you as unrecognizable as possible."
His words sent a new wave of fear coursing through you. Unrecognizable. What the hell did that mean?
You swallowed heavily, a sense of dread beginning to grow in the pit of your stomach. "What exactly do you mean by unrecognizable?"
''Just a few…adjustments to your lovely face, body and maybe hair." the man behind you said.
They really intend to disfigure your face? Ruin your body and fill you with scars? Of course. So that you are no longer fit to be in the spotlight. That's one of your greatest fears, even more than great heights perhaps. You struggled against the ropes binding your wrists and legs, trying to break free, but the only result was the ropes digging into your skin even more.
The man behind you chuckled at your struggles. "Don't bother trying to break free. You aren't going anywhere.''
Another man, the largest one, spoke up. "Yeah, so save your energy for what's coming next."
The tall man started to circle around you, examining you from different angles like a piece of meat on display. Each circle he made around you sent a new wave of disgust through your body, and you had to resist the urge to spit at him.
''So, what's coming next assholes?''
He stopped in front of you, a cold smile on his face. He pulled out a shiny little knife from his pocket, the blade glinting menacingly in the dim light.
"Now, now, that's not a very nice way to talk to the people holding your fate in their hands." he warned, holding the weapon close to your face. Then the blade of the weapon traced a light, teasing line from your chin down to your chest.
The cold metal against your skin sent a fresh wave of fear coursing through you. You didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing your terror, though.
"Is that supposed to scare me?" you retorted, attempting to sound defiant. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, but you forced yourself to remain calm. You refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing you break.
The group was momentarily taken aback by your apparent bravado. "Playing tough uh? But we'll see how long that lasts once we start carving up that pretty face of yours.''
When he moves the knife in your direction, you instinctively move your face and pull back in your uncomfortable sit, showing how scary this thing can really be for you. Fuck. How long does it take for your powers to return?
What you need now is just a bit of time, extra time.
''Wait- Wait! Just for a moment! If Firecracker paid you to do this, I can pay you a lot more, absolutely, no doubt!''
The mercenaries exchanged glances, clearly caught off guard by your attempt to stop them. The man holding the knife pulled back, a skeptical look on his face.
"You're really trying to buy us off right now?''
You mask your fear behind a ridicoulous smile, the same you use to charm your fans.
''Oh come on, everyone has a price. Just kindly asking what's yours.''
"You're quite the charmer, aren't you? I never would have guessed beneath all that sparkle and charm is just a desperate, bargaining diva.''
''Desperate? Me? Hardly. I just know how to play my cards and get what I want.''
The mercenary chuckled again, but his expression took on a more serious note. ''But I gotta admit, you're right about everyone having a price. Let's say hypothetically we were open to negotiation. Just hypothetically, of course. What's your offer?''
You took a deep breath, mentally calculating the worth that you could possibly offer to these men if it means they'll spare you.
"How does 25 million sound?" you said, keeping your tone casual.
The men all looked at each other again, clearly surprised by the amount you had just thrown out there. One of them whistled lowly.
"Sweet lord, that's a hefty sum. You're really willing to pay us that much just to spare that pretty face of yours, huh?"
As you talk with them, you feel the time ticking away, and you are still tied to a chair and unable to fight. Frustration would soon turn to anger and you would lose your temper. Then, all your diplomacy suddenly fails.
"What, you didn't think I had that kind of money to spare?! I'm a damn Seven! Of course I can afford it! Believe me, I'm worth much more alive and well than disfigured or dead."
Bad move, really bad move.
Your sudden outburst and loss of diplomacy did not go unnoticed by the men. They were clearly enjoying seeing the cracks in your composure. The idea that you were worth more alive, that they could get even more money from Firecracker to ruin you, was already setting in.
This was turning into a game of cutthroat negotiations.
"Well, well, well." the tallest man chuckled. "Looks like the little diva's mask is coming off. All this time, pretending to be so calm and collected, and now you're getting desperate. It's quite entertaining, isn't it, boys?"
As the men closed in on you, the situation was starting to feel hopeless. You had miscalculated, and now your attempts at bribery seemed to be backfiring. The reality of your predicament was setting in as the men circled around you like a pack of hungry wolves.
"No more deals. You're worth more alive for sure, and we'll talk to Firecracker to get more money to end this work, but in the meantime we can make sure you're not quite as perfect anymore..."
You quickly weigh the options. These men are more interested in doing their job than listening to you. You're tied to a chair. No powers. No escape route. All you can do is bargain, and hope to delay them long enough to get out of this mess.
''Fine...do your worst.''
You lower your head and close your eyes, your only option is to try to resist, until the Compound V inhibitor has finished its effect.
They began to pummel you, their fists raining down on your body. You tried to resist, to fight back, but your strength was fading. The Compound V inhibitor was still there. Each blow felt like it was tearing through your very being, pain radiating throughout your body like fire through a dry forest. You held onto consciousness by sheer determination and will, refusing to show weakness even in the face of pain. You gritted your teeth, refusing to let them see your weakness. Hiding your face, your most precious possession. Your uniform was stained with blood, your skin bruised and battered, but you managed to resist the urge to cry out.
You couldn't give them satisfaction.
Time passes, and your desperate plan finally takes effect. They wasted their time hitting you, without thinking about their main task anymore. How stupid humans are. And you bought the time you needed. The time it takes to regain your powers.
As the men's fists continued to rain down on you, you felt less pain, finally. With a burst of strength, you managed to break free from your bonds and pushing them back. Gaining a few meters of breathing space around you. Your vision was blurred, and your body ached, but you were free. You lunged at the nearest man, knocking him to the ground. The others were taken aback, their surprise momentarily stopping on their places.
The leader, the one holding the knife, was the first to recover. He quickly recomposed himself, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. He quickly realize the situation has changed. You're no longer tied up and sedated, and you've already shown that you're a threat. He quickly pulls out a syringe with another dose of inhibitor inside.
"Grab her, don't let her get away!"
You stay dead silent. Full of fury. With fire inside your body.
As they rush at you, you spot the weapons they have on them. You feel the familiar pull and tug of your powers coming back to you. Taking a deep breath, you focus all your energy on the metal objects around them, using your powers to grab and pull on them. You can feel the weapons being yanked out of their hands, as if invisible strings were attached to them.
With a flick of your wrists and your powers now back in full effect, the weapons float around you, like obedient puppets waiting for your command. Metal barrels, knives, and a few firearms all levitate in the air, circling around you. A dangerous gleam in your eyes. You look like a terrifying sight.
A dangerous goddess dressed in red of her own blood.
Their eyes darting from you to the weapons floating around you. They look at you with fear, finally seeing you for the dangerous woman you truly are.
In the meantime, Firecracker stood before the massive glass windows of the Tower, looking out over the New York skyline. Her heart was racing, a feeling of triumph coursing through her veins. She had succeeded in her plan, you were gone.
Homelander was nearby, staring out at the city with a mixture of anger and confusion. The news of your disappearance had already reached his ears, and he was anxiously pacing back and forth, waiting for anyone to give him an update.
Firecracker approached Homelander cautiously, trying to mimic a concerned and empathetic expression. But it was evident that her words were nothing more than a facade.
"Hey..." she said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know this must be hard for you. I can't imagine how much you care for her. But you know how she is, she's unpredictable, fickle, frivolous.''
Homelander turned his red burning eyes at her. "I don't need your sympathy, Firecracker." he snapped. "I need her back."
Taken aback by his harsh tone, she started caressing his shoulder. "I understand, I really do. But we have to be realistic here. Her role was heavy, she did this job for many years, maybe she was tired. But of course, it's horrible that she didn't tell you anything.'' she adds, to make him doubt your loyalty.
Homelander's face darkened at her words. "She has always done everything I asked of her. Never once did she waver. No, this isn't... right.''
She continued her act, feigning concern while trying to sow seeds of doubt in Homelander's mind.
"Maybe her loyalty wasn't as strong as you thought. Maybe she was just waiting for the right moment to escape.''
"You're trying to say she betrayed me? That she's a traitor?"
He hated the idea that you would betray him, but Firecracker's words were starting to sow seeds of doubt. She could almost see the wheels turning in his mind, the seeds of doubt starting to take root.
But without warning her phone rings, and an unknown number appears on the screen. Her heart skipped a beat, and quickly she excused herself from Homelander, taking a step away and answered the call. She expected to hear the news of your complete disfigurement. So she spoke in a low voice to avoid others from hearing.
''Kindly, could you accept my video call?'' a familiar voice answered on the other end of the line.
She froze. That was the last thing she expected to hear. It was you, asking for a video call? How? This was not supposed to happen. She quickly looked over her shoulder, making sure Homelander was still occupied and out of earshot.
''Did the cat got your tongue? Turn on that goddamn phone camera.''
She turned away again, her mind racing. She had no idea how to handle this situation. She had been so sure that the plan would be a success, that you would be disfigured and taken out of your position as a favorite.
This wasn't part of the plan. Now you're playing by your rules.
She reluctantly pressed the video call button, turning on the camera to reveal her worried face. Your face appeared on the screen, a small smirk gracing your bloody red lips. You looked exhausted, your face a bit bruised, with a small cut on your cheek. Your uniform, stained from head to toe with blood. And behind you, on the ground, the lifeless bodies of the men who had dared to harm you.
''How...?! How the hell are you-''
"Oh, you thought I'd be sitting quietly, waiting for my face to be carved off? How naive you are.''
Firecracker snap on the other line, realizing she had been outplayed. With anger slowly boiling inside her, she raised her voice. "Don't act so cocky. I still have that compromising video of you." she warned. "One click and your career is over."
''You know, while you left me with your nice masked friends, I had a lot of time to think. At the beginning I was very worried about that video, it would have really created a big scandal for my image...''
''And you should still be worried about it! Indeed, terrified!''
Your laugh echoed through the speakers.
''But then,I came up with a realisation. Maybe he will get angry at first. But Homelander won't take kindly to anyone who threatens me. He'll eliminate anyone who has seen that footage. And If you release it, you'll become public enemy number one."
Firecracker's heart sank as she realized the truth in your words. Homelander's protective nature towards you was a well-known fact. Anyone who had seen that footage, especially someone within the Seven, would quickly be targeted.
"You... you wouldn't dare. I'll deny everything." she stuttered, her confident facade starting to crumble.
A wicked gleam appeared in your eyes as you smirked again.
"Oh, I would. And Homelander will believe me over you any day. He'll tear you apart If you try anything. So I suggest you delete that footage, love. Because If it ever sees the light of day, you won't be able to save your pretty little face."
Firecracker's hands trembled as she gripped her phone tighter. Your words rang through her mind, each one cutting deeper than the last.
You started walking outside the building, still holding the camera, your voice calm. "And by the way, I found the phone of one of your mercenaries. And guess what I found there? Evidence of your little plan to ruin me. Messages between you and them, planning every detail. If you're still in doubt of what to do next, know that have all the proof I need to expose you."
Her blood ran cold as she watching you in horror. You had evidence, solid evidence, of her plan to ruin you. She could feel the walls closing in around her. She became ridicoulous.
"Wait! L-listen, we...we can talk about this! You're alright! You're fine, you're the mighty Ophera! Mine was j-just...a prank. Sure, a prank! You were never really in danger"
It was a desperate, last attempt to save her own skin.
And you are a merciful goddess, right?
''Mmh. An interesting way to spin things. A prank involving hired mercs, secret planning, blackmail attempts, and the risk of disfigurement. Just a little prank, right?"
"I…I…y-yes. A sick, twisted, and stupid prank. I never meant for it to go that far, really. Just a way to get back at you for…being so perfect all the time. I envy...I envy you, you know!''
Your eyes rolled at her attempts to rationalize her actions. She was really going all in, trying to save herself with excuses and half truths. You could practically see the desperation on her face even through the video call.
With a single wave of your bloody hand, you tell her to stay silent. And she stop with her rambling, confused.
You leaned closer to the phone, a lovely grin on your face. "Just a friendly reminder, Homelander can hear pretty well thanks to his powers. He might be listening to this conversation right now."
She had been so focused on her own survival that she had completely forgotten about Homelander's incredible sense of hearing. The thought that he might be listening in on this conversation sent a chill down her spine.
From her reaction you can guess that they're in that same room, maybe with Ashley and all the other super waiting for any news about you.
''Now, be a good girl and go to Homelander.''
"You…you can't…please, I-" she pleaded in a small desperate voice.
''And give him the phone, now.''
She slowly started walking towards Homelander and the others, the phone in her hands, hardly mantaining a smile on her face. ''Uhm- H-Homelander...I've some good news!''
''Spit it out, what's going on?" raised an eyebrow, dead serious.
"Uhm- I-it's for you." she held the phone out to him
The moment Homelander laid eyes on the phone, his emotions were a mixture of relief and anger. He quickly snatched the phone from Firecracker's trembling hand.
"Ophera?! Where the hell are you?!" he repeated, his voice echoing the frustration he was feeling.
"Hey, love. Sorry to worry you. I'm safe and well, just had a little unexpected adventure."
He clenched the phone tightly, his fingers leaving cracks on the device. "Damn it, woman. You had me worried sick. What the hell happened? Where are you? And are you covered in blood? Is that yours?!"
You felt a tingle of satisfaction as you heard the edge of worry in his voice. You can barely imagine Firecracker's defeated face at that moment.
''Don't worry, isn't mine. You know, the usual, anti-super criminals. I got my ass kidnapped, but don't worry, I took care of it. The morons have no idea what kind of trouble they stepped into."
"Why didn't you call me sooner? I could have come and rescued your ass.''
''I am an independent and strong woman. I never ask anyone for help.'' you smiled confident and charming on the screen.
Homelander couldn't help but smirk at your response. Despite his concern, he knew that you were more than capable of taking care of yourself. "Damn straight you are. Now. I'm coming to get you. I need to know everything about this absurd situation of yours.''
''Sure love, I've a lot of things to tell you. Like a good and all blooody bedtime story.''
Firecracker stood nearby, watching the exchange between Homelander and you on the phone. Her heart was in her throat as she listened to your conversation.
Her eyes widened as you continued to talk with him, your confident and charismatic persona shining through even in your bruised and battered state. She couldn't believe how calmly you were handling the situation, while she was the one who had orchestrated the whole disastrous plan.
''I'm at the old abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. You know, the one with the graffiti and the broken windows?"
"I'll be there in three minutes, don't move."
Admiration for you filled her, and jealousy as well as she observed Homelander's reaction to your words. The concern in his voice, the protectiveness he still had over you, it was all too evident.
As you hung up the phone, Firecracker couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. You were unfortunately safe, and he was on his way to get you back to the Tower. But she also knew that her actions had consequences. She had crossed a line, and there was no going back.
You ended the call, a satisfied smirk playing on your lips. You had turned the tables on your rival, and now she was the one who was in trouble.
"Well, well, well. Looks like someone's in quite a pickle." you said, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "I suggest you start thinking about your next move, Firecracker. Because whatever it is, I'm one step ahead of you."
The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the dynamic within The Seven had been irrevocably changed.
ALRIGHT, WHAT A RIDE WAS THIS ONE?? I absolutely wanna write more with other canon characters! Thanks again for the request, it was really good to write, hope you like it! Kisses ❤️‍🔥
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loveandleases · 2 months
Nsfw hour 😏 Did our adorable firecraker bbf have some dirty dreams of MC before he realized that he was in love with them? Did he ever think of MC/moan MC's name, while he was doing it with his previous partners? I think this was already answered but I couldn't find it, so I'll ask again just to be sure 😁 Did Cam, consciously or unconsciously choose partners who looked like/reminded him of MC?
Ok so some of these have been asked they are just way waaaay back. So i did a little digging, (I need to just make the masterpost already!) Found a few of the answers. Cam has very much dreamt of MC, in more than one way. The partner one I'm not answering! This link here, is about Cam and his moans. Cheeky fella. This link here. Is about Cam's previous partner. Not a lot of info because you will learn more in game.
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luckykittenpirate · 8 months
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@takkynoko @jenndubya @modrew71 @himitsusentaiblog @mikifujimoto @vibrantpuppeteer @angelic-fragments @tokutaliaa @renkon @mrdinomaiz @pkmurasaki @firecraker-j @submissiveking99 @kurenaiwataru @washipink @ineedsomesleeptoday @kaikaifilu7248 @askrikkaiandhyotei @jmcdra @natekleh @thathyenaslookingbreezy @kanacaecilius @i-am-randomtrash00 @gensoteki @bluespectrum91 @sonohtigris @super-saiyan-rose @riderdee
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monster-match-if · 1 month
Can I ask what the ROs are like? As people I mean, like personalities, hobbies, if their different in a private setting rather than a public one, etc
And maybe if it's not too much, if they have possible preferences for a partner? Personality or otherwise
OH family is probably important too so I'd like to know that as well please, thank you
These are a lot of questions😅I'm actually making a little RO Character Profile in game where you'll be able to read more about the ROs and some of the other cast members. I'm copying some of the stuff I've written so far, thought not all of them are hobbies. sneak peek and answers below the cut cause it got long
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Morgan  At best: charming, confident, perceptive, intelligent, funny At worst: egocentric, unreliable Likes: expensive champagne, classy luxury, old vampire movies
Eli At best: loyal, honest, friendly, kind, dependable  At worst: anxious, envious Likes: woodcarving, procrastinating, pedantic books about nature and history
Ragnar At best: protective, warm, empathetic, passionate, faithful, At worst: possessive, overprotective. Likes: BBQs, the great outdoors, working on his vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycle, working on his cottage 
Blake At best: sensual, curious, adventurous, charming, spontaneous, funny At worst: distrustful, impatient Likes: parties, reality TV shows, music
Kitai At best: supportive, kind, empathetic, generous, loving At worst: nihilistic, insecure Likes: painting, origami, video games, sci-fi
Fion At best: brave, focused, loving, practical, energetic At worst: trouble-seeking, belligerent Likes: gardening seaweed and kelp, cleaning plastic from the ocean, getting high on puffer fish
Sei At best: assertive, loyal, reliable, mysterious, passionate  At worst: arrogant, possessive, judging Likes: being prepared, human documentaries and biographies, reading anything with a good plot
Sei is probably the only one that acts differently in front of the camera than in private - bringing out more of that inner alure and his Host voice, but is rather calm and stoic in private. Morgan and Blake might be a bit less extravagant, less flirty all the time in private, but it's not a big difference. Fion is a firecraker all round. will express their feeling easier in private. One might not see it on their face is something ever offended them. Eli, Kitai, Ragnar all basically wear their hears on their sleeves.
Preference in partners… Well Ragnar obviously wants a family oriented, loyal woman. For the others, they don’t have super specific things, love is blind and all that.  Morgan I imagine would not particularly want a complete slob as a partner, at least for more fancy events. Doesn't have to be full formal attire, but at least not a mustard covered shirt.  Blake just wants someone who will not criticise them for their lifestyle and would potentially want a partner that would want to join them at least on occasion on their escapades. Eli and Kitai just want to be loved and respected by their respective partners😅everything else is a bonus. Fion - someone who’s into tentacle stuff, lol. Would prefer someone who doesn't fear the ocean, at least when they’re together, and who would join them for various underwater activities. Sei - someone who is just his.
Family... Morgan - their Maker and a few vampiric siblings.  Great (times 15) grand-niece they kept track of. Eli - parents - gets along well enough with them, even if they're a little overbearing. Ragnar - parents and an older sister. Blake - none, but they consider all incubi siblings in a way. Kitai - a loving grandmother. Fion - 17 younger half siblings between their separated parents. Gets along with absolutely none of them. Sei - he’s got family out there somewhere, but I imagine nagas being pretty solitary creatures outside their couples. He’ll expect any future children to move out quite soon (with help ofc if needed) and will never be one of those implicated parents. Will adjust a bit after MC for some stuff, visits, calls, holidays spent together, but will never coddle or be a helicopter parent.
I just realised you might have meant if they want a family, not if they had any 😅 Morgan - not particularly, but wouldn’t be opposed to it with the right person Eli - yes, at least one heir Ragnar - yes! Blake - would prefer not to, doesn't think they’ll be a good parent And they’re probably right Kitai - would like one or two, but not a dealbreaker if MC doesn’t want any Fion - a bit traumatised by their family, would require a lot of convincing, but secretly wants a loving family not like the one they grew up with Sei - eventually, maybe, but not a priority and only if MC really wants one
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dazeddoodles · 2 months
wait I think i have another song to add to the raeda playlist how about firecraker by cami-cat
From Raine's perspective, yeah actually
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asia2023animationgirl · 5 months
Good News
For @maryrose20070 @justlovegbandimissyou @giulia266eyes @jimmymordecaiwatterson @rascalentertainments @oscarandgrinchfan @sithvampiremaster27 @aggimaginary @cathymadpenguinartprincess00 @disneyharmony @vanessafangirl13 @katrinthecat @luonnonvalinnat @imatheneonleon @carlycmarathecat @firecraker-art-lounge @jw1236
It's my 24th birthday!
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Representation of the Archangel Saint Michael coming down during the celebration of the traditional Catalan ball de diables (Devils’ dance) from the city of Valls (Camp de Tarragona, Catalunya) during the city’s festivity Fires de Santa Úrsula.
The devils’ dance is a spoken dance, which are those dances of traditional festivities that include the characters speaking in verse. In the case of the devils’ dance, the tradition is to make new witty verses every year to mock local politicians and current events.
In Valls, the dance starts as usual, with the devils lighting their firecrakers and reciting the critical verses against the local and national politicians. Then, the dance’s most spectacular moment is this one, when Archangel Saint Michael makes his appearance hanging in front of the City Hall, until he reaches the devils to argue with Lucifer.
Photos by Carles Cubos Serra (2018) available in Repositori de cultura popular, Dades i Recursos d’Accés Obert de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya.
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superfan44 · 9 months
The 100 Favorite Movies Challege
As a huge movie buff, I thought I'd try something fun on here. I have decided to launch a new internet challenge: "The 100 Favorite Movies Challenge". The rules are pretty simple and straight forward. You create a list of 100 of your personal favorite movies in alphabetical order, post the list on your home page, then nominate other people/users of your choosing to do the challenge.
There is no limit to what movies can be included on your list. Films within any medium (live action or animated), genre, and decade are more than welcome. Whether it's longtime favorites you were introduced to when you were younger, favorites that you've picked up over the years, or recent discoveries or releases that quickly became your favorites, anything and everything is on the table here.
I'll start off by sharing my list. To be clear, I have way more than 100 favorite movies, but to have the number be anything past that may be a bit much for some people. Please don't judge me if it seems like there might be a few noteworthy titles missing on here. I mainly put this list together just for fun. Alright, here we go!
9 (2009)
Airplane! (1980)
American Graffiti (1973)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
The Avengers (2012)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Baby Driver (2017)
Batman Begins (2005)
Beetlejuice (1988)
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Big Hero 6 (2014)
Black Dynamite (2009)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Broadway Melody of 1940 (1940)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Castle in the Sky (1986)
Chicago (2002)
Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (Knockin' on Heaven's Door) (2001)
Deadpool (2016)
Death Proof (2007)
Desperado (1994)
Die Hard (1988)
Django Unchained (2012)
Double Indemnity (1944)
Dragon Inn (1967)
Fantasia 2000 (2000)
Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Flash Gordon (1980)
Ghostbusters (1984)
The Godfather (1972)
Goodfellas (1990)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
History of the World, Part 1 (1980)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
The Incredibles (2004)
Independence Day (1996)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
The Italian Job (2003)
Jaws (1975)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
Jurassic Park (1993)
Logan (2017)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro (1980)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Meatballs (1979)
Men in Black (1997)
Moana (2016)
Monsters vs. Aliens (2009)
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2005)
The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
Network (1976)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
North by Northwest (1959)
Notorious (1946)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Porco Rosso (1992)
Princess Mononoke (1997)
Pulp Fiction (1994)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Ready Player One (2018)
Rear Window (1954)
Rio Bravo (1959)
Robin Hood (1973)
The Rocketeer (1991)
Romeo and Juliet (1968)
Scream (1996)
Seven Samurai (1954)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Skyfall (2012)
Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Spaceballs (1987)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spirited Away (2001)
Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
Surf's Up (2007)
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
Tombstone (1993)
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Treasure Planet (2002)
Tremors (1990)
Tron: Legacy (2010)
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
The Wind Rises (2013)
Wonder Woman (2017)
Yojimbo (1961)
Young Frankenstein (1974)
Zombieland (2009)
Now, before I wrap things up, I would like to nominate @skygent, @is0gild , @firecraker-j, @mrcowboytoyou, and @piglets-not-so-big-adventure to do this challenge. Hopefully we can get the ball rolling so more and more people can join in. I look forward to seeing what kind of lists you guys will put together. Good luck!
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Vega : "..."
Arcturus : "Hello, Vega ! What are you looking at ?"
Vega : "Summoner and Sorcerer Pollux. They're playing with small firecrakers in the garden."
Arcturus : "... Should I call Spica ?"
Vega : "Yes. Call the fire fighters as well."
Arcturus : "Got it."
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redrum-alice · 1 year
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luxshine · 10 months
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#Firestarter by #Stephenking, is a very interesting book that deals with not only a firecraker of a little girl main character, but also authority from father figures, actual parents, shady government agencies, and how easily they all fall against the wrath of an eight year old who can easily lit fires without matches. I loved making this image, because #CharlieMcGee is one of my favorite King girls. I just wish the new adaptation had been... you know, good. https://youtu.be/bdD7Uf_Gh1s?si=8wHmCzUb-Ddz9XIg
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starbooksye · 2 years
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From what I remember it's
Black lion is Storm
Red lion is Firecraker
Green lion might be Hurricane
Blue lion is Creek
Yellow should be a yellow gem
Yes I named Black lion Storm but that was before I got my cat and I decided I'm not going to change it
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luckykittenpirate · 8 months
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"Kamen Rider Jeanne & Kamen Rider Aguilera with Girls Remix" and "Yodonna THE FINAL"
Japan is teaching a lesson on how to empower women organically in pop culture. Congratulations to the Japanese screenwriters and directors.
@takkynoko @jenndubya @modrew71 @himitsusentaiblog @mikifujimoto @vibrantpuppeteer @angelic-fragments @tokutaliaa @renkon @mrdinomaiz @pkmurasaki @firecraker-j @submissiveking99 @kurenaiwataru @washipink @ineedsomesleeptoday @kaikaifilu7248 @askrikkaiandhyotei @jmcdra @natekleh @thathyenaslookingbreezy @kanacaecilius @i-am-randomtrash00 @gensoteki @bluespectrum91 @sonohtigris @super-saiyan-rose @riderdee
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