#fireheart x tigerclaw
foxstride · 1 year
Tigerfire for the ship prompts? If that’s ok?
"You should have trusted me. I would have guided you to the right path, Fireheart."
"After everything you've done to stand in my way, now you want to stand together?"
"You could be a great warrior. Let me help you."
"One day, you could be at my side."
"I love you as what you are, not what you used to be."
"You've sacrificed so much. Now I ask you to sacrifice just a little more... for me."
Bonus concept: What would happen after standing up to Scourge and BloodClan together.
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What if Tigerclaw's exceptional skills as a warrior were something he developed as a result of a desperate need to please others which was born out of the emotional void left in him by the combination of Pinestar walking out of his life, Thistleclaw's abusive training, and his mother dying?
What I'm getting at here is that Tigerclaw pushes himself to always be the best of his clan because he craves the love and approval that he never got enough of as a kit/apprentice, and nothing he ever does feels like it's enough from his own perspective.
He sometimes doesn't understand how he and Fireheart ended up as mates, not just because the latter was once a kittypet, but also because he doesn't feel like he's done enough to earn that sort of love from anyone.
He starts pushing himself even harder in order to give justification to Fireheart's love, and it eventually starts taking a toll on him until Fire finally has to intervene and get him to talk about his feelings for once instead of trying to carry the duties of an entire clan on his back just so he can hear someone say "good job" to him.
Tigerclaw finally cracks, and Fireheart discovers just how broken on the inside his seemingly indestructable mate has truly been all his life.
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GASP!!! Hypokitsssss!
You know what imma ask
Tigerfire! Please spotty!
Two of the Clans’ largest legends would undoubtedly make the most loyal, fierce warrior possible… Right?
MEET: Gingersnap, previously Leopardglow
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Born just after Firestar’s rise to leadership and named after Tigerstar’s late mother, Leopardglow was loud, energetic, and friendly from the very moment she opened her eyes — much to the disdain of her ThunderClan Clanmates. Despite Firestar’s blood running through her veins, ThunderClan would have much rather had nothing to do with Tigerstar’s spawn, and while her half-siblings Brambleclaw and Tawnypelt were content to settle into the shadows while they grew, and linger there even after Tigerstar’s death, Leopardglow simply could not.
Too extroverted for her own good, Leopardglow did everything she possibly could to bolster her reputation within the Clan — within all the Clans — in a desperate bid to make friends and feel seen and supported. She trained herself relentlessly into a decent hunter and better fighter, and, for a while, seemed to have finally wiggled her way into ThunderClan’s good graces and affections… Until she unsheathed her claws one day, and found herself unable to withdraw them. Tigerstar’s claws, whispered the Clans. A bad omen.
For a time, Leopardglow still relentlessly tried to make herself into a friend to anyone, but not even her slightly older half siblings through Tigerstar, nor her little half siblings through Firestar, seemed to want much to do with her. So, she turned to what felt like a last resort, driven by desperation and loneliness: her father’s birthplace, the Twoleg Houses.
She was quickly scooped up by a loving pair of housefolk due to her unusual coat, who named her “Gingersnap”: a name she adopted with great joy and pride. While she wasn’t very welcomed on the streets — her reputation as the daughter of both Scourge’s assailant and murderer preceded her —, her fellow kittypets were warm and friendly, and found themselves often drawn to her for her grand stories of being born wild, as well as her overall joyous nature. While some cats do find her a bit overbearing, the two cats she shares her home with — another ex-Clan cat who took the name Whiskers, and a pampered purebred named Hera — love listening to Gingersnap’s stories, adore her bold nature, and are deeply fond of her overall.
In her new home, Gingersnap finally found the acceptance and love she so dearly craved.
Please read the rules when requesting future hypokits!
This character may be up for grabs, for their design, storytelling, or any other personal use! Keep an eye on the status below if you're interested! :)
Status: CLAIMED! By @abbys-hideyway
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grossrottie · 11 months
Damn I'm in a tigerfire mood right now, got any new thoughts or aus about them?
Ooooh I actually do!!!!!
Okay so idk if you’re familiar with my tigerfire ramblings a while back, but there was this idea of them having kits together.
They’re both toms, so Fireheart suggested that Sandstorm be the mother and Tigerclaw be the sire.
Tigerclaw and Fireheart discuss it and eventually they approach Sandstorm and explain the idea. She asks to have time to think about it, but by the next full moon she approaches them and gives her consent.
My original idea was that they had three kits.
Barkkit, the rough-and-tumble tom who grows like a weed. He is determined to be the strongest warrior ever, but when his daddy Tigerclaw falls dangerously sick, Barkkit (now Barkpaw) realizes how useless fighting skills are when it comes to an illness. He stays in the medicine den almost constantly, always by his daddy’s side. By the time Tigerclaw is healed, no one is surprised when Barkpaw decides that he wants to be a medicine cat instead.
Then there is Ripplekit, a she-cat with an attitude to her. She’s beautiful and kind, but she can tear a cat to pieces with her words if she sees fit.
Then Creamkit, the youngest tom with a face like an angel and a sinister streak that even Tigerclaw doesn’t expect. (Personality may change)
I got the idea “omg what if the Three are assumed to be TigerFire kits?”
I’m not sure if it would be instead of Bark, Ripple and Cream, or as well as. Just different litters.
Oh wait! Maybe:
Their first litter was Bark, Ripple and Cream in the forest territories. This would be after Cinderpelt gets injured and becomes a medicine cat, but while Yellowfang is also a part of Thunderclan.
The birth was very stressful (Sandstorm went into early labour, Barkkit was almost too big to be safely birthed, and Tigerclaw had been terrified that his genes would cause the litter to die off, just as his two sisters did.
After Barkkit was born, the rest of the birthing process was quite easy.
Then once they reached the lake territories and settled down, they had another litter (aka Squirrel and Leaf). However this time, not wanting Tiger to fuss about his DNA and family history with sickness, Fire suggested that he be the sire this time.
So the first litter was genetically Tiger x Sand.
The second was genetically Fire x Sand.
Then the third!!!! Aka the Three. Third time’s the charm.
However the third litter wasn’t genetically theirs. When Leafpool fell pregnant and approached them in fear and panic, confessing what she’d done, Fire and Tiger were shocked. However, they would never let their baby girl get hurt. They took the kits as their own, letting the clan make their own guesses about who was the sire this time. No one suspected that it wasn’t theirs (except Sandstorm, who either 1) suspected or knows about it, or 2) just thinks they found another surrogate).
I tossed around the idea of the Three being biologically theirs too, but I couldn’t quite figure out an angle that didn’t make the Three plot point null and void.
Imagine Jay, Lion and Holly growing up with Tigerclaw and Fireheart as their caregivers. Imagine the sass between Jay and Tiger! The warmth between Holly and Fire! The pride and competitive nature of Lion and Tiger!! Agh!!
Also, the five older siblings they have (or two, if you don’t count the non-canon first litter)
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kuramirocket · 1 year
I'm on book 2 of Warriors, Fire and Ice, left off on ch. 18.
The brief moments we've gotten of Fireheart meeting his sister, Princess again and sneaking off to visit her; Sharing memories of her when they were kits and washing off her scent when he returns to Thunderclan. Thinking of how these are such happy moments for him, so much so that he feels confused and almost torn in his duties and loyalties to Thunderclan. Coupled with the resentment, bitterness and anger towards some of the cats within the clan who view him as beneath them for having been born a "kittypet."
And I just. Okay, where are my shipcest shippers at!! I haven't really been active in the fandom yet because I want to avoid spoilers (though I do more or less know what happens between them later. Lol).
And anyways, does this ship have a name? I tried looking it up, but didn't really find anything. If it does not have a ship name, how about Fireprincess? I think it sounds cute and is perfect because if I'm not mistaken Fireheart's name changes again later on to Firestar.
Anyways, Greystripe has the storyline I would have loved to see for Fireheart and Princess. LOL. I want to see the drama and more confusion of Fireheart having to be angry and defend himself seeing his sister who is a non clan member and worse for Thunderclan a "kittypet." I want more drama and angst of Fireheart having to choose where he would rather be - Thunderclan who accepted him, despite some of the cats attitudes and those he has come to care for or his sister who he just found and connected to again. Princess who is so kind and gentle and loves him for who he is. Warrior, Kittypet, it doesn't matter.
I don't know how it would work with the current storyline though - Bluestar being on her last life, Fireheart's apprentice in bad shape, Tigerclaw's shady character, Shadowclan and Riverclan's plots, Greystrip seeing a riverclan warrior. So much stuff happening. Lol.
I just want to see a fic that just focuses on that drama I mentioned regarding Fireheart and Princess. As for the actual shipcest. I'm not far enough into the series so I also don't know how the clans and kittypets would view a brother/sister relationship that is more than just sibling love. But for, sure I am all for the forbidden romance trope it could bring! Adds to the drama and angst!
It could make it even more better if imagine an au, where for his sister, Fireheart decides to leave Thunderclan no matter how grateful and how much he has come to love some of its members. I can see Bluestar respecting his wishes because she's a very wise and patient leader. Idk how Greystripe would react, guess it depends if his own love plot is still in this au. Lol.
But anyways, Fireheart decides to leave and imagine him starting his own clan made solely of kittypets. The ones he grew up with. Maybe like a best of both worlds scenarios. The kittypets can still live with and enjoy their two legs, but also have their own territory close to the two legs they guard and patrol. So they can be somewhat wild, but still have the comforts of a kittypet life. Idk how feasible this scenario would be, but I just think it's fun to think about. Especially, if Fireheart and Princess are sort of the "queen" and "king" of the clan and can eventually and finally be free to fully love each other and share a life together.
Idk what any of this is. I have lot of thoughts. Lol. I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts. Though, I would be thankful if spoilers could be kept to a minimum if possible cause I want to try and avoid spoilers as much as possible! I just had to make this post cause Fireheart x Princess (FirePrincess if it truly has no ship name) sounds like a cute ship xD
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hi, im here to talk about my lord and saviour, mlp x warriors au
thinking instead of nine lives, leaders are given a horn or/and wings but it has rarely ever been an earth pony who becomes leader. when in truth, only an earth pony can become a true alicorn because they already have the last piece, earth magic.
tigerclaw and fireheart being earthponies who became leaders, gods, and fought in a battle of god against god
idk i think its silly to think about
No no you're cooking actually you're cooking. Is scourge like a changeling then? because scourge changeling fucking slaps actually
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mud-castle · 1 year
I forgot about the kittypet Sandstorm stuff! I think that could be a fun AU, definitely :D
I don't know much about it at all, but I certainly wasn't expecting Fireheart to be related to Tigerclaw. Given Tigerclaw and Rusty's dynamic in canon, I suppose that'll definitely make for some drama between the two.
I wonder how relationships will be this time around, as well. Is it going to be a SandstormxFireheart? Or how about Fireheart's other relationships in general, since he isn't just swapping roles with Sandstorm - he's the oldest (assuming) son of the most well-respected cat in the clan. Is he Goldenflower's child? Realistcally, probably not since Goldenflower had Swiftpaw before getting with Tigerclaw at all, but speaking of Swift, I imagine Fires relationship with him/his other siblings will probably be a Whitestorm/Graystripe thing. Although hopefully closer, but I imagine that depends on how much Fires actually follows in his father's evil pawsteps or whatever.
I have a soft-spot for "aged-up Fireheart" AUs, so hopefully he is cool, and hopefully Sandstorm will give him a hard time because I can imagine Fires as this really good fighter that likes to look cool but also is kind of a huge dork and she relishes in the fact he's not "perfect" like daddy is.
It will probably be more Sandstorm & Fireheart rather than Sandstorm x Fireheart.
He is Tigerclaw's eldest kid and Goldenflower is not his mom, so him and Swiftpaw are more step-siblings. His mom is unknown by anyone in the clan except Tigerclaw. She was might be a kittypet. Don't speculate on that while Tiger is around.
I could write a whole nother post about him and Tigerclaw's relationship. But to put it in a nutshell, Tiger's hard on him for a multitude of reasons. The conscious part of it is Fireheart's other half of parentage, the subconscious part is his resemblance to Pinestar.
As for his relationship with Tigerclaw, well... It wasn't bad, at first, Fireheart thinks. Tigerclaw is hard on him, but he's not cruel. Affection tends to be more of a reward than a given. But Tigerclaw is fairly quick to boast about his son's skills to the clan. He gets a lot of extra training from Tigerclaw when not training with Bluestar all of which quickly makes him the best fighter out of the apprentices, which gets rid of most of the rumors surrounding Fireheart's parentage. So it's all in his best interest clearly. His dad just wants what's best, right? It's not until Bramble and Tawny are born that he notices the stark differences in how Tigerclaw treats them.
Swiftpaw adores him. He knows him as his kickass older brother. And since Longtail is close to Tigerclaw and wants to stay in his good graces there's not really anything to influence Swiftpaw otherwise. Fireheart loves him right back and tries to be a good influence.
He's cool to an outside observer, being the most skilled out of the apprentices due to the extra training and being Tigerclaw's son. But he's insecure and a people pleaser. He's also a massive dork when you really get to know him. No he's not evil.
Him and Sandstorm hated each other through most of their apprenticeship. He's not a bully, but he hangs around her bullies and though he doesn't join in, he won't defend her either. So she's bitter towards him. Sandpaw can't beat him in a fight, but she does leave him in the dust with hunting, which upsets Tigerclaw, which makes Fire a bit bitter. Tiger did not spend his time getting rid of the kittypet rumors surrounding his son just to have him get shown up by a kittypet. They get better eventually though. I honestly see them as platonic, but in a way that can easily be read as romantic.
Sandstorm has ulterior motives for befriending him, but yeah eventually she comes to love his dorky self and finds someone she can relax around. He also likes her for being someone he doesn't have to put on a show for constantly.
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bonefall · 1 year
Can we ask about Bonefall Dustpelt? I always liked his arc going from kinda shitty bully to a responsible and supportive clan mate
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[ID: Dustpelt from warrior cats. He has diamond-shaped markings on his chest, feet, and the end of his tail, with a large, flat marking on the top of his face. The background is the genderqueer flag colors.]
Since I made genders, BB!Dustpelt's story is coming together in my mind.
He's AMAB, or, ATAB. Assigned Tom at Birth.
Dust and Raven's entire family died a horrible death of plague about 6 months before TPB started. Dustpaw was one of the few who managed to not catch it; Ravenpaw survived with stunted growth.
That traumatic experience definitely prompted Bluestar to want to give them the strongest and most loyal warriors in ThunderClan as mentors.
Redtail is transgender and very disciplined, so he was given Dust who was pretty obviously gender-nonconforming and lashing out in the hopes they'd figure it out together.
This is how he got so close with Sandstorm! Her and Longtail are the kits of Redtail and Runningwind, from two different litters.
They're besties. It's completely platonic.
The mentorship wasn't perfect but it WAS working. Dustpaw was close with his mentor, but had a long way to go.
...And then the plot happened, of course.
He was really lost when he didn't have Redtail anymore, and associated poor Firepaw with that loss. It was made worse by his new mentor being Darkstripe. Him and Longtail became very close with Tigerclaw, supporting him and even joining the rumor mill about Ravenpaw.
Dustpelt regrets that pretty deeply now, that he did that to his own brother. It's something he did when he was young and susceptible, and he can't really make it right.
He was still trying to figure himself out through TPB, generally being antagonistic towards Fireheart out of anger and jealousy and dissatisfaction with himself
Sandstorm even started losing her patience with him
And yet, when the time came for Tigerclaw's plot to be revealed, Dustpelt didn't waver and proved his loyalty.
Even Fireheart's mentorships of Cinderpaw and Cloudpaw were both unfair because of his age and inexperience, AND ended disastrously. Fireheart knew when he was picking mentors for Fernpaw and Elderpaw that Dustpelt would need to be rewarded in some way.
But he wouldn't repeat Bluestar's mistake. So he had a solution;
Frostfur would mentor Elderpaw. Darkstripe would mentor Fernpaw. And for Dustpelt-- what he really needed was some way to put his paws to work.
One-eye came out of retirement for a while to grant him a third mentorship, as she had once been a nearly legendary builder and no one was ever truly able to pick up her skills.
He didn't need to connect with tom-gendered traits like patrolling and passivity. This felt right, and it felt good. THIS was what he needed.
And so, Dustpelt came into his own. He is genderqueer! After TPB, he becomes an important background character as the head of the Construction Patrol.
His surviving children are Spiderleg, Birchfall, and Lilyheart, and his grandchildren are Spotfur, Duststripe, Rosepetal, and Toadstep.
Foxleap and Icecloud are no longer his kittens; those are Bright x Cloud kids; in return, Lilyheart and Seedpaw are now his. Shrewpaw is Shrewface in StarClan and a guardian angel of Squirrelflight. Hollykit and Larchkit die similarly to how they do in-canon.
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lakelyasleep · 1 year
I was playing around with warrior cats AUs earlier and an interesting thought came up. What if Fireheart was a WindClan cat and a Med cat? (And had amnesia, for funsies) Here are some jumbled ideas in (mostly) chronological order.
Rusty leaves the two-leg place at four moons, meeting Tigerclaw. As you expect this doesn't end well. He barely gets away alive, passing out inside WindClan's border.
It's Deadfoot that finds him, acting as his main parental figure next to Barkface.
When he wakes up he doesn't know who he is or what happened. Though because he smelt like ThunderClan, Tallstar could guess.
Because of Tigerclaw, he is very scarred, the most notable one on his left side goes from his shoulder to his flank.
He was five moons when ShadowClan chased WindClan from their home. He already wanted to become a med cat and helped Barkface where he was allowed.
Firepaw gets far more warrior training than the average med cat would due to the exile. This becomes a part of WindClan culture later on.
He has a very strong connection to StarClan in this AU! While they meant for him to be a ThunderClan warrior they aren't particularly disappointed with what he chose.
Firepaw keeps having dreams of the same two cats, one a tortoiseshell tom with a red tail, one a brown tiger-like tabby with sharp claws. The tabby looks familiar but he has no idea where he'd met the cat.
We're gonna move from WindClan for now, let's check in on ThunderClan, shall we?
Spottedleaf still gets the "Fire will save our clan" prophecy, but doesn't understand it until much later.
Tigerclaw becomes deputy after he kills Redtail, but is more patient than he is in canon.
Ravenpaw doesn't leave ThunderClan because he never saw Tigerclaw kill Redtail, though he is still scared of Tigerclaw. He gets the name Ravenflight for his flighty personality. Raven x Barley is still a thing, don't worry!
Ravenpaw is the one who helps Yellowfang and is punished because he feeds her. Ravenpaw acts in the place of Firepaw for the most part.
Sandpaw stays roughly the same, her arc does not change much until later.
While Spottedleaf isn't killed by Clawface the kits are still kitnapped, and Yellowfang is still blamed. They thought she was a spy or something.
Graypaw and Ravenpaw go looking for her and find out the truth. Things go the way they did in canon. Brokenstar and his followers are chased out. After the battle, they're given their warrior names and do their vigil.
Graystripe and Ravenflight are the ones sent to find WindClan. This is how our favourite trio meet.
They actually spot Firepaw hunting and run up to him, not expecting him to turn and swipe at them. It takes Deadfoot calling out to Firepaw to make him back off.
They take a break when they meet Barley, who offers to let them stay the night in the barn. He and Ravenflight talk for hours.
When Graystripe gets Firepaw to relax, he asks about Firepaw's scars. Firepaw shakes his head and says he doesn't remember how he got them. He doesn't remember anything from before WindClan found him.
The party of cats leave, deciding to cut through RiverClan territory. They still fight with that RiverClan patrol but no one dies, luckily.
Ravenflight and Graystripe go home, both their minds stuck on different cats.
And we're gonna stop there, for now, I'll probably rb with more ideas later. My brain is already rotting with this AU so I'll def be coming back to it!
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bramblewhisker · 8 months
Any headcannons for darkstripe x firestar
DarkFire is a great ship for funnies and for playing around with power dynamic. Darkstripe is older and more established of a warrior than Firestar, but in all but the silliest timelines ("Tigerstar wins and Darkstripe is rewarded for his loyalty with a kittypet to play with") Firestar is the one basically in control.
My personal favorite idea for DarkFire is within the context of FireTiger, since Darkstripe has it down so bad for Tigerclaw already. FireTiger + their little pet Darkstripe is both cute and steamy, and it lets Fire + Tiger both play to their "dominant" strengths in some scenarios. And I mean it feels like a perfect role for Darkstripe.
To take a more romantic/just-the-two-of-them tack, I think you could tie a relationship into some alternate timeline where Darkstripe is rehabilitated instead of exiled. You might have to mess with order of events/have him not get as far along with his murdering-a-kit plan, but there's some genuinely sweet story you could tell of a disillusioned Darkstripe finding his faith in clan and kin again. A big part of this could be Firestar showing him the true care and compassion that Tigerclaw never did, setting up a romance arc.
Also funny if Darkstripe just catches feelings when Fireheart out-domineers Tigerclaw during the big climactic moment where he fails to kill Bluestar. Like "oh gosh, you beat up my crush so the crush has tranferred to you." Then you get shy little Darkstripe following Fireheart around like a kit. Everyone's suspicious that he's up to something, but it's just that he's smitten.
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talonslockau · 4 months
howd u decide on mates
By taking canon and punting it into the trash.
But for real, I'll start by saying this: When I first started writing this AU, I kept a lot of my notes in my head. I've written a lot down now, but a lot of the 'whys' and 'hows' are lost to time. So when I write explanations now, they may or may not be my original reasoning. I'm also a 'veteran' of the Warriors series - when I first started reading, Power of Three hadn't yet come out - so I remember back when the family tree didn't include Darkstripe, and Sandstorm's dad was Redtail, and Graystripe's parents were... unfortunate. So for a lot of reasons, I've kind of cherry-picked what is canon from canon and what isn't.
Second, since it's pride month; I'm not beholden to making straight pairings like canon is. You'll probably notice that given that there's only 2 cishet appearing mated pairs so far - Graystripe/Silverstream and Willowbranch/Quickflash. In fact, in terms of 'normal' (my base assumption) for characters, most start in my head as Aromantic/Asexual, like me! This is part of why Fireheart himself is aroace in my story - that, and I have plenty of canon evidence for him being aro, at least in my head. I also wanted to make sure that I gave as much rep as possible for everyone to attach to - there's Lionheart and Whitestorm being big gays (Ravenspirit and Barley will eventually show up there as well), Goldenflower and Frostfur being lovely lesbians (plus another lesbian pairing later I think fans will adore), and there's a few prominent bisexual characters that haven't yet shown their bisexuality off but may eventually. (Tigerclaw probably counts as bi rep too, I suppose, but rest assured he's not the only one.)
Pairings from there generally go off of what I need for the story - which I'll explain in depth below the cut for each pairing ;)
Redtail x Tigerclaw - A long time ago, at least a couple of years, I read a Tumblr post that said something like 'The warriors series is just the result of Redtail and Tigerclaw breaking up' and that stuck with me. Unfortunately, I don't remember who posted it, though I'll gladly credit if anyone finds it. That post ended up being the foundation for my entire rewrite - 'Embrace of the Locked Talons' refers specifically to Redtail and Tigerclaw! I've learned since that there are a few rewrites that use this premise, so it's not necessarily an uncommon one, but there you go.
As for their kits! I chose Sandstorm to be one because, as I said earlier, she was always a Redtail kit to me (though she isn't any longer - sadge). Dustleap was the other because, honestly, I always thought they were siblings with how close they generally were and how they were always referred to as older than the rest. They also have similar names (Sand and Dust). Dustleap is also, if not a Tiger-ally, then Tiger-adjacent, and his similar description to Tigerclaw always made me think they were related. Them being Redtail and Tigerclaw kids made perfect sense to me!
Tigerclaw x Nightwish - I wanted Ravenpaw to still be Dustleap's brother, but it didn't really fit to shove him in with them to be a third of their litter (Sand, Dust, and... Raven?). Plus, even though he's obviously traumatized from watching Redtail die, I think that if any other cat had been deputy and died in front of him he'd still have the same reaction - so it didn't make sense to make him a Redtail kit. I ended up conceptualizing him as a half-brother to Dustleap to explain how they're related but so distant from each other compared to Dustleap and Sandstorm - they're not littermates, and he's only further evidence their parents aren't getting back together.
Still, if he's a Tigerclaw kit, I needed him to have a second parent - Tigerclaw's not the type to be a single parent, really. He'd rather have a mate to throw in his ex's face. Going through the cats of the Clan at that point, I arrived at Nightwish looking similar to him and concluded she'd be a logical mother. Her dying was to explain why there's no one else really able to stand up to Tigerclaw over his son's treatment. Dappleshine does her best, since she ended up raising him, but she doesn't really have a claim to stand up to Tigerclaw - short of if he got physically abusive, at which point she would have absolutely stood up to him, as would most of the other warriors.
Dappleshine x Speckleflight - I'm going to be honest, I don't remember the reason for putting these two together. I had envisioned both as very matronly characters, older nursery queens who looked out for the younger members of the Clan and offered advice to new queens. I suppose at one point I was trying to decide on mates for them and wondered, but what if they kissed? And the rest is history.
Whitestorm x Lionheart - When I first read the books, I always saw Whitestorm and Lionheart as a pair - two strong, wise men that were very close to each other. I'm not entirely sure how I got that off half a book, given Lionheart dies in Into the Wild, but that was always my headcanon. When I got the chance, I leaped to make my headcanon reality.
Frostfur x Goldenflower - This is another one where my brain just smacked two cats together and said they were tied together somehow for life. They're not siblings, obviously, but why can't they be girlfriends in a gay for gay with Whitestorm and Lionheart? I love picturing these two in a giant fluffy cuddle pile, surrounded by their numerous children <3
Willowbranch x Quickflash - I'd already tapped Graystripe to be Willowbranch's son, as per canon, but he needed a new father that wasn't Patchpelt. I went through my list of possible cats around her age that weren't related, and all I could come up with were Longtail, Quickflash, and Mousefur. (And Darkstripe, but Darkstripe being Graystripe's father just didn't compute in my head.) I wanted to leave Longtail and Mousefur available - I hadn't yet decided if they were siblings, mates, or something else - so that just left Quickflash.
I'd already tapped Quickflash for the deputy job, as someone no one would care about when he died. Obviously, with him being Graystripe's father, that last part changed, but I think that was for the better. Given the only bits of him we get in canon are 'Not terribly good with children' and 'Young', and that first part wouldn't apply if he had children, I ended up completely rewriting his character to suit my needs. I like how it turned out, in the end - He'll certainly be missed, but his death ended up complicating the plot in all the right ways.
I won't address the ones that remain from canon, like Graystripe x Silverstream, but in general I didn't mess with characters whose relationship was already important to the original plot - things like Yellowfang and Raggedstar, for example, or Speckleflight and Snowkit. There are certainly changes I made to make relationships important to the plot - things like Brokentail's son, Quickflash being Graystripe's father - and I obviously changed details that were important to later plots (like Thistleclaw being Snowstorm's mate) - but the original plot's original relationships remain intact.
Lastly, I'd like to comment on our aro reps! It's important to me to have characters that don't have mates, and that they're considered just as valuable and respected warriors as those that do have mates and kits. You might notice some omissions from this list that don't currently have mates, or may never get mates, and that's intentional! Not every mateless cat is aro rep, though you can certainly imagine them to be that if it pleases you.
Patchpelt - In my head, he's an old, grumpy war veteran that has never liked children, which ends up showing when he mentors Dewpaw. None of the mollies or toms in the Clan have ever interested him - certainly, he gets along fine with them, but he's never found any cat that interested him in becoming a mate. He's happy with where he is in the elders' den, chatting his days away with his old friends and being waited on by little upstarts.
Spottedleaf - She may be beautiful, if not young, but while Spottedleaf has drawn the gaze of many cats she's never been interested in taking a mate - which is part of why she became a healer. Spottedleaf doesn't need companionship when she has her beautiful self, after all.
Longtail - Longtail is a devoted warrior, and he believes in Tigerclaw, Bluestar, and Thunderclan with his whole heart. He may not like certain members (like Fireheart) but he respects their contributions to the Clan. He follows the code to the letter - knows it inside and out, better than any cat in all the Clans. With all that dedication, it doesn't seem as if he has time for a mate - though the same could have been said for his brother Quickflash, and he and Willowbranch ended up quite happily together. Regardless, even if Longtail can be a little grouchy, he's happy with his current lot in life, and he doesn't need a cat alongside him to change that.
Mistspring - We don't see much of Mistspring outside of her role in mentoring Cinderspark. Needless to say, even though both her sisters settled down with a mate fairly early, she was never interested in the nursery. She loves the Clan, and her friends within it, but she has no need to fill her life with a mate or kits when the world around her is so filled with wonder to explore.
Dewpaw - Dewpaw's never quite understood the desire other cats have to find a mate. Kits are a different story - being able to watch them grow and help nurture them fascinates her - but needing to have someone alongside you for every pawstep in life seems like a hassle. Luckily, her love of knowledge and herbs, as well as her aversion to fighting, lead her to a life as a healer. Now she helps the Clan grow and thrive, and she couldn't be happier.
Fireheart - Simply put, Fireheart doesn't understand love. At all. How could it possibly drive Graystripe to abandon the family he loves and ignore all rational sense that something, eventually, will lead to him getting caught? Why would it lead Redtail to ignore the danger Tigerclaw poses to Thunderclan until it was too late? He understands anger very well, and grief (even if he's never personally experienced it), but love? It just doesn't make any sense.
As always, thank you for the question, anon. Sorry if you weren't expecting something so thorough, but it *is* pride month and I felt like celebrating :)
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foxstride · 1 year
Idk if you're still making prompts or not, but if so, can I get some cinderpelt/fireheart, dustpelt/sandstorm or ravenpaw/tigerclaw ones? or just wc ship based prompts in general I have no ideas,..
Absolutely! I have some on enemies to lovers on the collection which might work for Ravenpaw/Tigerclaw, but here are some for each!
"When did you know you loved me?"
"I've seen you defeat every challenge thrown at you. Why not this too?"
"Are you sure you're not getting injured just to have an excuse to visit me?"
"You're the only person who's never lied to me."
"The whole of TigerClan couldn't stop me from loving you."
"There's no cat I'd rather patrol with."
"I didn't bring you with me just for you to let me down."
"I'm doing my best to make you proud of me!"
"Of all cats, I didn't expect my heart to beat for you."
Hope this helps! Let me know if you'd like any more, and anyone is free to interpret these for others too.
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Imagine an AU where Fireheart from canon and Fireheart from a Tiger X Fire AU ended up having their places swapped for some reason. I'm still not sure how far you could take this idea, but honestly, I think it's just crazy enough to work!
Or maybe I'm crazy.
One of the two; maybe a bit of both.
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TIGERSTAR (the first)
“Keep your eyes open, Fireheart. Keep your ears pricked. Keep looking behind you. Because one day I'll find you, and then you'll be crowfood.”
[Black with spotted (oceloid) tabby markings, low white spotting, and amber eyes.]
Whoa! A war criminal!
Some design notes!
Oceloid spots occur in wild x domestic cat hybrids… Tigerstar absolutely has some “big cat” ancestry (probably through Pinestar), though nothing as big as his namesake haha.
Not very fluffy. He’s all muscle and thick, meticulously-groomed fur. He’s consistently described as “handsome”, after all!
His front claws are always unsheathed.
Lots of “v” shapes throughout his design, alongside spots and sharp edges.
Scarring includes: “Star-shaped” scar across his right eye and nose bridge (I like to think that this scar came from Redtail in his last moments, trying to rip out Tigerclaw’s eye in a move that would have at least told others who his attacker was… unfortunately the move failed). Left ear split with a deep “v”, and right ear is nicked twice.
Bonus Dark Forest version:
[Gore(?) Tw]
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grossrottie · 1 year
Favourite Fireheart ships 👀? His just so shippable and I wanna hear your thoughts.
I love so many Fireheart ships. In no particular order:
Fireheart x Tigerclaw: Yesyes it's one of the OG delicious ships, but it still has my heart. Whether it's angsty, toxic, fluffy, loving, AU or canon, it's *chef's kiss*. Seriously tho, the options are endless and decadent! Canon!Tigerclaw manipulating Firepaw and dragging him to the dark side? Evil!Fireheart using Tigerclaw's actions as a scapegoat ("He's so evil, maybe I can frame him for my murders and use his reputation to keep myself clean")? Lonely Firepaw needing a father figure and leaning towards Tiger, even though it might (or might not) put him in a difficult spot? Fireheart admiring Tigerclaw and not realizing why he gets so flustered when he sees Tigerclaw in combat? Firepaw growing jealous of Ravenpaw having Tiger as a mentor, even as Fire acknowledges that Ravenpaw wants nothing to do with his mentor? Yesyesyes, all of it is good!
Fireheart x Cinderpelt (and then Cinderheart): Unrequited love + star crossed lovers + pining + broken dreams? OH YEAH! Cinderpaw had a crush on Fireheart from the start, and she was secretly determined to become his mate once she became a warrior. Then her leg was crushed by a monster and her dreams were ruined. Not only the dreams of having Fireheart as her mate, but her dreams of even having him close to her. As a medicine cat, she was now forbidden of any kind of romantic love, not just her adoration for her former mentor. Now with multiple things keeping her from Fireheart, she reluctantly accepts her plight and lives her life just admiring him from afar, or at most, as a friend. Then she dies and she's reborn, given another chance to achieve what she's always wanted. The new, second Cinderpaw grows up with an intense interest in her leader, even though she has no idea why she feels so strongly. He's a good leader and she respects him, but her body tingles with jealousy when she sees him with Sandstorm. She watches him with sharp eyes and a pumping heart, unsure why she feels the way she does. It's almost all-consuming. She becomes a warrior and is dubbed 'Cinderheart', after the medicine cat who gave her life to let Cinderheart and her siblings be safely born. Over the next few moons she learns that she was reincarnated and she regains the memories of her old life. Now with a strong body, a warrior name, and no Starclan-damned rules about mates, she can have what she wants. Who she wants. How she goes about it is up to debate! It could be obsession, or love, or a quiet pining that grows and eventually explodes. Depends on what plot/theme you'd want!
Fireheart x Spottedleaf: This one is a bit 'basic'/common, but I like it regardless. The canon is neat, but I think I prefer mine with a bit of angst. Firepaw, freshly joined to Thunderclan and pretty much alone, is approached by a kind, sweet-smelling she-cat who comforts him and gives advice. She encourages Firepaw's interest in her. The power imbalance would be unnoticed by Firepaw ("She's so mature and beautiful, I can't believe she likes me! This is amazing!") but others might notice or comment. However Spottedleaf is sweet, kind, and a wonderful medicine cat, so not many pay attention or oppose her interest in Firepaw.
Fireheart x Graystripe: I'm a sucker for best friends also being lovers. There are two flavours that could be radical! 1) Graystripe sneaks off to meet Silverstream as in canon, and Fireheart covers for him. But even so, Fireheart watches longingly and wishes that Graystripe would love him rather than a Riverclan cat. He can't bring himself to hate Silverstream, he knows that she's done nothing wrong. She makes Graystripe happy and vice versa, and Fireheart wouldn't sabotage that. When Silverstream dies, Fireheart doesn't know what to say—especially since he almost feels happy. The realization shocks him and makes him doubt himself, and he wonders if he truly is Graystripe's friend. After all, a proper friend wouldn't have a sick sense of relief that his best friend's lover died. It makes his skin crawl and maybe he retreats from Graystripe, becoming slightly distant even though his friend needs his support now more than ever. Graystripe is confused and leans more on Fireheart in response, seeking support and love from his best friend. Then comes a potential fork in the story-telling road. Is Fireheart a good-hearted cat? What does he do in response? Or for more flavour, does Fireheart genuinely feel happy about Silverstream's death? Is he unrepentant and uncaring that Graystripe is upset, as long as his competition is out of the picture? Or did Fireheart perhaps have something to do with Silverstream's death?
Fireheart x Ashfur: This one is a bit out there, but imagine! "Squirrelflight rejected me and I'm heartbroken. My leader notices and offers support and a shoulder to lean on. I eventually let my leader see into my inner thoughts and my worries, and Fireheart assures me that I'm a valued member of my clan, whether his daughter notices it or not." But then Ashfur notices that Squirrelflight is angered by his closeness with Firestar. She demands to know what Ashfur is up to, but he says that he isn't 'up to' anything. However Squirrelflight's response makes Ashfur consider his options. Mainly, the option to infuriate Squirrelflight and spite her by Ashfur growing even closer to Firestar. It also gives Ashfur a bit of wiggleroom in his own mind, as this gives him the chance to say "I'm not truly this in love with Firestar, it's just a bit of pretending to anger Squilf" and distance himself from the emotion and admiration that truly grows in him, each time he hangs out with Firestar and shares tongues.
Hmmmm do I have any other ideas off the top of my head...
Fireheart x Scourge: I saw a fanart of Rusty joining Bloodclan as a kit and it made me so happy omg. Imagine Rusty being accepted into Bloodclan and made into Scourge's protegee/adopted son. The thought of Rusty trying hard and working to be the best that he can be, and Scourge grows more and more proud of him. Perhaps later on, when Tigerclaw comes into the picture, Scourge is murmuring to himself about what might happen to Bloodclan. Rusty is sitting nearby, as usual, and listening. Scourge doesn't reveal his worries to many cats, but Bone and Rusty are two who know most about him. As things get rockier for Bloodclan (it's been a while since I read that arc so my ideas for the specifics are a bit rusty, pardon the pun), Scourge grows a bit more worried. He wants his clan to be the strongest it can be. Eventually Tigerclaw approaches Scourge and suggests an alliance, and Rusty doesn't let that slide. Some random tom appearing out of nowhere and trying to convince Scourge to join him? No way! Rusty approaches Scourge and demands (as best he can) that they become mates. Scourge is shocked—He's practically Rusty's dad! But Rusty rolls his eyes and dismisses that comment. He's admired Scourge from the start, and he's an adult now, he can choose what to do! It takes some convincing, but Scourge and Rusty become partners and face off with Tigerclan together, not bothering to give Tigerclaw the benefit of becoming allies. (or perhaps they still team up, but Scourge's/Rusty's two-cat leadership gives them more power, and Tigerclaw struggles to be the top-dog.
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chubfeather · 5 months
Fireheart x Morningflower AU Drabble
The old "what if I ship THIS rarepair as a joke?" but as per usual I get attached to said rarepair. Anyways. Here's some very scrambled `1 am thoughts.
I'll do something more concrete after I reread tpb again cause since Morningflower isn't a major character, somethings are blurry!
This is also a "Fireheart goes to Windclan" AU but its AFTER he's become a warrior of Thunderclan. Mostly because I thought it would be fun and also because I think it would be the most likely scenario for a Fire/Morning ship to work.
-In this AU, Fireheart fails to convince Bluestar that Tigerclaw is a threat. He's exiled, but finds refuge in Windclan [I think Jake tells Tallstar something about Fireheart at the end of Tallstar's revenge so that but its taken further]. Tallstar is more then happy to take in Fireheart when he both saved his clan and was talked about by his old mate [Tallstar/Jake is canon you can't tell me otherwise]. Tallstar almost sees Fireheart as a kit he never had.
-Kind of a take on what happens if one of starclan's prophecys fail cause they never do that and its lame [I'm only caught up to dawn of the clans so if they have done that afterwards my bad]. Since Bluestar doesn't end up trusting Fireheart's instincts "Fire alone can save our clan" doesn't pan out!!!
-Obviously this has a lot of implications when it comes to the main plot of tpb but I just like changing things to see where I would make them end up. Stuff like if Tigerclaw killed Bluestar, what happens to Yellowfang, what happens to Graystripe and Riverclan and Bloodclan, how Fireheart might be considered a traitor by other clans and how much Windclan would/wouldn't accept him. etc. lol. Big AU for tiny ship.
-Probably going to either fill in some windclan warriors or take a realllll close look at the allegiances between books because so few are actually listed in the first series.
-Not sure exactly when I want Fireheart's exile to take place- I think I would place it somewhere between Graystripe leaving for Riverclan and Tigerstar's murder attempt on Bluestar, but I'll think on that.
-Anyways onto the actual Fire/morning stuff.
-Other then talking at gatherings about how Gorsepaw is doing, the two don't really get romantic until after Fireheart joins Windclan. Originally on my main art blog I thought it would be funny if Fireheart was sneaking out to see Morningflower in the same vein Graystripe does with Silverstream, but I think that's too repetitive and a bit out of character for Fireheart [he's seen sneaking out and breaking the warrior code plenty sure, but he's also seen to be a complete goofball when it comes to romance]
-Fireheart acts as a sort of surrogate father for Gorsepaw [who lives in this au]. More father figures in Warriors please. [Pretty sure Morningflower's canon mate is Cloudrunner which is WILD becuase Cloudrunner was a moorunner warrior when Tallstar was a kit and Tallstar was Morningflower's mentor?????? What I'm saying is he's old as hell. I don't thin he's in TPB so I'm just assuming he's dead or generally ignoring his existence for now] Gorsepaw would absolutely adore having Fireheart in windclan
-Onestar and Fireheart being brother in laws is cute and they won't have the same kind of falling out if Fireheart is in windclan [Idk if Fireheart would ever become leader of windclan but hey. Question for another day]. Don't ask me about Ashfoot. I forgor what she's like
-I mostly like this ship because I like the thought of Fireheart being the one who comforted Morningflower in what was probably one of the darkest moments of her life!!! and also that Morningflower is such an underutilized character, with her retiring [rather early, i think she's brother's with Onewhisker?] to the elder's den after she feels like she avenged her son, but the way she fought so fiercely to do so always makes her stand out in my mind : (
-With how protective Fireheart is over Sandstorm in the last few books of tpb I think he would absolutely do the same for Morningflower and his adopted son.
-I have many doodles planned and will expand on this as I think of stuff haha. Will have to make some stuff up for Morningflower seeing as she doesn't appear in the books often.
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