#firestar fic
wolvebonez · 1 year
wwwhat the fuck. fanficton
emos your firestar...emos him... This came 2 me and i pulled out a google doc and wrote it in like 30 mins Enjoy! CW FOR: Blood, death, panic, disassociation ___________ So this is what it’s like to feel pain. It's sharp. It's sharp but then he’s fallen now, and that white red-stained paw is moving away, and he’s looking up at the stars. Then it burns. It burns like a wildfire raging through the forest, wrecking everything in its path, leaving ashes in its wake as it claws up his throat and blood floods his senses and now it is all he can taste, all he can think, all he can breath, and the pain doesn't stop, it's not stopping, it’s clawing his flesh from the inside out, it’s choking him and now he can’t breath, his vision is blurring and the pain still won’t stop, and everything is too much, too little, too dizzy, too still, too bright, too dark- dark. It’s dark. Not enough time, something whispers. And then he’s standing. He’s standing and he’s burning with pain and agony and regret and anger and he can feel his lives, he can feel the absence, he can feel loss and he knows something has been ripped from him and he will never get it back and then he lunges. He lunges and he bites and he knows the pain as he watches black bleed darker as blood coats his senses for a different reason, now. He knows the agony as he watches his opponent struggle and he remembers the loss and does not care, he remembers the agony and he does not care but- He remembers the agony. And he cares. The world erupts into action, yet it dies all the same. Cries are muffled, silenced, muted and it is just him, him and another hurt little kid. He thinks of Longtail, thinks of Tigerclaw. Thinks of Bluestar, thinks of Swiftpaw, thinks of so many more faces and names and emotions he can’t quite yet place. He watches Scourge and wonders if he is thinking, too. “I’m sorry.” He wonders if a cat like him could go to StarClan. Wonders if he deserves too. Wonders if he wants him too. Wonders about many things, but then there's cries of relief and celebration and then there's a familiar scent, someone pushing into his shoulder, saying, “You did it.” (It doesn't feel like victory.)
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harriertail · 9 months
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final-milf-ratchet · 7 months
I think there's a big untapped market for shockwave/female autobots. Mainly cause I wanna see shockwave destroyed by like 6 different spikes.
Remember girls! He can't do evil science if he's too full of spike to move! 😇
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0gaudeamus-igitur0 · 5 months
Firepaw dodged an incoming attack from Lionheart, rolling in the dirt and sand. He was out of breath and his legs were trembling from exhaustion but his green eyes were gleaming with determination and pride. It had been two moons since he joined ThunderClan and already he embraced the ways of his new clan, his once pudgy form was now lean and strong, his senses sharper than ever. Tigerclaw, Ravenpaw, and Graypaw were observing by the other side of sandy hallow, just as tired as Firepaw but excited at the prospect of battle training. They spent the better part of the day learning new moves and now that the sun was setting, it was time to put them to practical use. Life in ThunderClan was difficult but the feeling of freedom was incomparable to anything he had ever felt up to that point, so even though his muscles ached after long hours of training and his stomach was empty more than it was full, he was satisfied with the path he had chosen.
Graypaw already had his session with Lionheart and Ravenpaw had also finished his training with Tigerclaw, if the older tom throwing him around and belittling his attempts can be called training. So all five toms would probably head back to camp once Firepaw finished his mock fight with the deputy.
Firepaw charged at Lionheart right after getting up on his paws again, hoping to catch the golden tom by surprise, however, the experienced warrior was ready and instead raised his huge paw to bat the apprentice away. Firepaw was too close to stop his attack so he braced for the impact he knew was coming. Except it never did.
Confused and disoriented he heard surprised yowling and hissing, he was being pushed to the side and out of the way of Lionheart's attack. It took him a second to realize that an intruder had interrupted their training session. The intruder was holding Lionheart by the scruff of his neck, their teeth dangerously close to the warrior's throat. At first, the golden tom trashed under their grip but the other cat was bigger and heavier than him so his efforts only made the cat dig their teeth and claws deeper into his skin. The rest of the apprentices and Tigerclaw were on their paws immediately, spitting and hissing but not approaching, worried that the intruder might snap their deputy's neck or tear out his throat. Firepaw was so surprised that he didn't recognize the other cat until they spoke.
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"Get behind me, Rusty!"
The distinctly female voice shouted at him, muffled by fur but recognizable. The she-cat, Maple, towered over Lionheart and Tigerclaw, her white tail lashing furiously from side to side as she protectively stood between Firepaw and other cats. When he didn't listen to her instructions and instead took a battle stance, hissing at her, she stopped glaring at Tigerclaw to give him a look of confusion and betrayal.
"What are you doing? I said get behind me, there could be more of them!"
In her confusion, her grip on Lionheart must have loosened, as he tore out from beneath her and tackled her while she was unprepared.
Tigerclaw and Lionheart pinned her down while the apprentices took a defensive position around the ginger she-cat who was desperately trying to scratch and bite her way free of the tom's hold.
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"Maple stop!" Firepaw snapped at her.
After a moment the she-cat stopped trashing and looked at him, unsure of what was happening. Firepaw was torn, it was his duty to protect ThunderClan territory but he knew Maple wasn't the type to pick fights for no reason, so her attack was probably just a misunderstanding. Luckily before he had to decide what to do, Lionheart took the lead. He was out of breath and blood was dripping down his neck but his voice was strong.
"Do you know this cat Firepaw?"
Immediately, before he could reply, Maple spat at the golden tom "What do you care you big brute? Attacking kits that aren't half your size, you're lucky I didn't snap your neck!"
Tigerclaw immediately growled, speaking for the first time since the attack "Quiet rouge! He wasn't talking to you!" Firepaw flinched at the anger in his tone but Lionheart's insistent look gave him the courage to speak up after a moment of hesitation.
"Lionheart please let her go, this is a huge misunderstanding, I'm sure Maple will behave if we all calm down."
The deputy looked at him with obvious doubt but when Firepaw sent a pleading look towards the ginger she-cat and after a moment of hesitation she stopped resisting except for a few frustrated twitches of her tail, Lionheart sighed.
"Tigerclaw let her go" He ordered, knowing the tabby tom would protest.
"I said let her go, there's six of us and she won't get the jump on me twice" With that last part he sent a warning look towards the cat, who wisely chose not to say anything in return.
Tigerclaw grumbled, his tail lashing, but he listened to Lionheart and together they removed their weight off of her.
Maple immediately rose to her paws and shook her pelt of dirt and sand. She hastily made her way towards Firepaw and the other apprentices who quickly scurried out of her way, her every move being followed by the two warriors. She quickly checked him for injuries and finding none besides a few shallow scratches, Maple began washing his ears in relief and satisfaction, her loud purrs heard by all cats present.
Embarrassed, Firepaw shook his head and tried pushing her away, unsuccessfully.
"I'm okay Maple! They wouldn't harm me!" He loudly protested.
Clearing his throat, Lionheart had their attention again, he then repeated his earlier question.
"Firepaw, what's your relation to this cat?"
"Maple is my father's sister. She visited my siblings and mother a lot while we were still living together..." He explained shortly, looking slightly nervous.
Honestly, Maple was more like a second mother to him. Whenever she could she would visit their garden and play with them. She would also tell them stories and occasionally bring sparrows she caught. Those visits helped fuel the already present sense of longing for the forest inside the ginger tom. Firepaw hasn't seen Maple for a couple of moons now, not since he got taken in by his old two legs.
Lionheart seemed to think over this new information, looking between the two ginger cats as if he were looking for obvious signs they were kin. Tigerclaw on the other hand only grew more tense, his scarred face twisting into a deeper growl as he studied the tall intruder.
"Great, exactly what we need. More kittypets intruding on our territory." Firepaw bristled at the brown tabby's words but knew better than to oppose the experienced warrior. Maple didn't have such reservations, glaring right back at him. She didn't know what a kittypet was but she could tell by his tone of voice that it wasn't a compliment.
"Then maybe you should guard it better."
"Oh we will-"
"Maple please, you're only making things worse-"
"Enough!" Lionheart's voice echoed through the training hollow, effectively silencing the fight as well as startling the apprentices. They weren't used to seeing him get so angry or loud.
After a moment of silence, he gave Tigerclaw a look that had the other warrior shutting his mouth and looking away in frustration. Finally, he looked at Maple again, studying her expression and demeanor. She felt oddly stripped under his gaze, as if he was looking right through her yet she still raised her head defiantly. Looking at him right back in the eyes with challenge in her gaze.
"Your intentions might have been good but that doesn't give you the right to intrude on our territory. You need to leave now or we will be forced to chase you out." His tone was confident and strong, looking at the bigger feline with calmness but also authority. Had this been a patrol he would have chased an intruder like her away, however, there were apprentices present that he had to protect so a more diplomatic approach was necessary. This seemed to irk Tigerclaw more.
"Yes, I can see that Rusty- erm... Firepaw hasn't been harmed." Maple replied, eyeing the small apprentice out of the corner of her eye. Noting that he has gotten skinnier but also stronger since she had last seen him. "But I'm afraid I can't leave yet."
"And why is that?" Lionheart asked, narrowing his yellow eyes at the loner. It was clear that the deputy wasn't taking this lightly despite the fact that Maple wasn't being hostile.
"Firepaw's mother got word that he left his two legs to search for wild cats. She begged me to find him and make sure he is okay, I won't be satisfied until I see this clan of yours."
Firepaw grew more embarrassed and tense, but also... Regretful. Not of the fact that he left but more so about not saying goodbye, or at least making sure his mother and siblings knew he was okay. He should have known that his old life wouldn't be so easy to leave behind.
"Do you think you can just waltz into our home and make demands?" Tigerclaw seemed more ready to tear Maple's fur off with every passing moment, but a strict look from Lionheart was enough to silence the angry warrior.
"This isn't a permission I can grant you. Only Bluestar may say whether you'll be allowed to enter our camp or not." Lionheart meowed after a long moment, still keeping a watchful eye on Maple. "But you cannot stay here, or hunt on these grounds." If the situation got out of control this was a fight they could win, but the loner had already made it clear that she was a formidable opponent. Lionheart didn't want things to turn violent, especially not with the apprentices present.
"I will speak of this to Bluestar but if she rejects your request you will have to take your nephew's word that he is well looked after." Lionheart looked at Firepaw then, who seemed to shrink under his stare despite the deputy's demeanor being calm. He did not blame the apprentice for the intruder's presence.
Maple seemed to think this over, glancing at the ginger tom with a questioning look in her eyes. He seemed conflicted, his loyalty to the clan had never been tested like this, especially not against a family member but he did his best to remain strong and stand tall despite his obvious unease. After a moment she nodded.
"Alright. I'll wait for your decision at Ru- Firepaw's old home, but I'll be back if I don't receive a response soon." This seemed to irritate both warriors but Lionheart still nodded in understanding. Tigerclaw looked like he wanted to protest but kept quiet, glaring at the retreating intruder.
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Before leaving Maple stopped by Firepaw, murmuring her goodbyes and touching his forehead to hers which he had to restrain a purr at. He knew that his responsibility was towards his clan but he missed his aunt, mother, and siblings. Tigerclaw was instructed to follow the loner and make sure she left the territory while Lionheart escorted the three apprentices back to camp. They spoke in hushed voices about the encounter until they were just in front of the thick thick gorse surrounding the Thunderclan camp, Lionheart sent Graypaw and Ravenpaw ahead but requested Firepaw stay behind for a moment.
Firepaw internally cringed, he knew that more questions were coming and a part of him was afraid that the clan would kick him out now that he was proving to be more trouble than it was worth. After all, he's the reason Maple intruded on their territory and made demands. Lionheart paused for a moment, just observing the younger tom until he spoke in an even voice.
"Maple... Is she not a kittypet like you used to be?"
Firepaw was surprised by the question, he expected Lionheart to question whether she was a threat to Thunderclan or not. Then again the deputy might have already made that judgement himself.
"I- not really? I think she was born one, but she definitely doesn't live with her twolegs anymore. I'm pretty sure she hasn't for a while..." Firepaw wasn't sure where this line of questioning was going but he trusted Lionheart.
"Look, I... I'm sorry to have caused trouble. I didn't know she'd go looking for me, we haven't seen each other since my old twolegs-" Lionheart cut him off, shaking his head.
"It isn't your fault Firepaw. It's natural for your kin to feel concerned, I just worry this might cause Thunderclan problems..." The deputy had a thoughtful look on his face, he seemed troubled but maintained a sense of calm and control.
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"We can't have loners intruding on our territory. She might be your kin but your loyalties are with Thunderclan, you need to remember that." With that the golden tom sat up and entered the gorse tunnel, entering the camp and leaving Firepaw alone to ponder. The younger tom stayed there for a couple more moments, looking back into the forest as if Maple would appear again but there was nobody else here but him. With a sign he turned around and followed his deputy, hoping that this wouldn't further alienate him from the clan mates who were starting to accept him.
AN// Hiiiii, I haven't posted in a while (about Three years) but lately I was inspired to do a bit of writing
A lot has changed, I'm in college now but I still love warriors and occasionally draw my ocs. I really felt like writing something for my old Into the wild AU so I figured why not. This Au mainly focuses on Fireheart and his aunt (my oc) Maple who I inserted into the story because why not. It's not super developed so I might not post something like this for a while but It's kind of fun to make a chapter like this now and again. I guess this would be the prologue?
Anyway excuse the shitty writing, im an artist not an author so its not really something I usually do
If you want to see more or know more about my AU feel free to leave me an ask ^^ I love answering them
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phoenixofheaven · 2 months
Okay two more of aus of aus. Firestar is forced to follow in his father’s footsteps and service cats. He becomes taken in by one whose name is Onewhisker. Unfortunately his heartbreaks when he learns Onewhisker not only already has a mate but he is also using another cat named Smoke services. Firestar also doesn’t appreciate Onewhisker declaring he loves him before treating him as subhuman in public. Firestar tries to keep himself busy but Onewhisker keeps taking him. One day Graystripe arrives and is instantly enamored by Firestar. He dreams of taking him with him and living out their days together.
Here, Firestar would probably be serving Onewhisker while he works at the palace for the king. Onewhisker is a minor noble cat who only spends some of his time at the castle.
While at the palace, Firestar meets Onewhisker when he is called to the castle for buisness. He and Firestar cross paths and the lord is charmed by the servant. From then on, each time he's at the palace, Onewhisker visits Firestar quite often.
Firestar begins to fall for Onewhisker. He is so charming and he can't help but dream of him taking him far away from this place. The lord also talks constantly about he's lonely without a mate and Firestar just wants to keep him company since he's been so nice to him. His wish comes true and the next time Onewhisker comes, he takes Firestar with him.
For sometime, things seem happy. Onewhisker gives him everything he desires and even let's him run the household. He comes to visit quite often. Very soon they are lovers. Overtime, Firestar gets the idea that Onewhisker will marry him. He is so excited and thinks he's found true love ...
Then a white molly comes to the house and is confused as to why he's in charge when she is Onewhisker's mate.
The white molly, who is named Whitetail, patiently explains to Firestar that Onewhisker has had a mate this whole time. Firestar is heartbroken, but understands. Whitetail lets him stay while he plans to confront Onewhisker. When the lord comes by again, his mate rips him a new one.
Despite not liking the palace, Firestar moves back. He then meets a fellow servant named Storm. She asks him what his relationship was like with Onewhisker and he tells her the truth. Storm, now confused, says that she is also Onewhisker's lover and that she lives with him in their house. Firestar now learns that Onewhisker has another house and has been keeping Storm there, ignorant of him and Whitetail.
When Onewhisker comes back to see Firestar, he is turned down. Even when Firestar confronts him about Whitetail and Storm, Onewhisker brushes the pain he feels off and tells him to just ignore that.
Firestar does not. He is disgusted with how he so easily brushes them aside.
Firestar tries to remain distant, but Onewhisker keeps calling on him. Firestar realizes that he is only being used for Onewhisker's satisfaction and not because he truly loves him.
Moons into this miserable affair, a new cat comes by. Graystripe, son of a servant, meets Firestar while in the garden. He's very kind and charming, but Firestar doesn't want to be sucked into another mess.
Overtime, Graystripe proves himself to be way different from Onewhisker. He helps him out with his chores, enjoys his company, and even helps keep Onewhisker away.
Firestar learns how to slowly trust Graystripe. He starts to dream of going back to Earth.
Onewhisker still tries to pursue Firestar. Firestar's patience wears out and decides that he needs to leave the place for good. He thinks of taking Graystripe with him, but is just worried that he won't agree. He doesn't want to leave him behind. He eventually brings himself to ask if he could help him escape.
Graystripe is hesitant at first, as his family is still up here, but later agrees when his mother decides to head back home to Saturn. They make their plans and prepare to leave. The day before he leaves, Onewhisker calls on him again. Firestar comes to him, but tells him that he is ending this relationship for good. He calls him out for how he treats his mate and Storm. He also tells him that he knows he only sees him as one of his toys, not a full cat. He says that he hopes to never see him again and that he hopes Storm and Whitetail see the kind of cat he is. Onewhisker is furious at his words, but Firestar walks out on him for good without giving him time to respond. Knowing that tomorrow, he'd finally be free of him.
That night, Firestar and Graystripe escape the castle. They make their way to the moon and sneak onto a ship being sent to the Sky islands. Even though that's not home and he'll have a long way to go when they got there, Firestar is happy to be going back to Earth.
After a long journey, Firestar and Graystripe come to the island. Safe now, Firestar learns to love again and finally allows himself to fall in love Graystripe. Graystripe returns his feelings and promises to love him to the end of his days.
He keeps that promise.
They go on to live a happily ever after. :)
(They really deserve it)
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Kidnapped Firepaw AU (Shit-Post)
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Some shitty art for my original crack post.
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kudossi · 1 year
i've met the myth hanging heavy over you chapter 4
Chapter four is now posted!
Fireheart apprentices Hollypaw to himself. While her brother has Tigerstar’s piercing amber eyes, Hollypaw has his pelt and his blinding ambition, and that, he thinks, is far more dangerous.
Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw are the kits of Tigerstar and Goldenflower. This changes things.
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burning-thistles-bt · 11 months
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stormxpadme · 5 months
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I made a cover for a not yet existing story, for the Mood Board Madness of our @marvelrarepairbingo!
prompts - Singers/Band AU - Lingerie - Corsets
characters/ship: Spider-Man/Iceman/Firestar
story: Because they're obviously not busy enough with college and having a superhero team yet, Peter, Bobby and Angelica start a rock band when they discover they all got a little musical talent. After gigs, there's always hot aftershow parties between the three of them happening.
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entity9silvergen · 1 year
Warriors/Sanders Sides crossover fic!
I wrote this about 4 years ago probably but it’s 100K words and I wrote it in like a month so it’s just this big text I somehow blotted out of my memory. I don’t write for either of these fandoms any more but I think the story’s pretty good and it’s a fairly cohesive combination of the two series.
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ace-frog · 11 months
Not my warriors and my wings of fire phases coming back. Like i gotta reread these books now ig
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queenofmoons67 · 2 years
Fox On the Run: Chapter Two
Also known as "Bluestar's Future Heart Attack."
Bluestar wasn't expecting to stumble across a fox kit in the heart of ThunderClan.
Rusty just wanted his mother.
(Rusty is a fox, everyone else is still a cat, and this is totally going to end well.)
Chapter One
Rusty hadn’t seen much of the forest before; of the three moons he had been alive, a sixth had been spent with his eyes closed, mewling against his mother, and another sixth had been spent failing to sneak past his mother and out of their den. At a moon old, he had been allowed into the den’s clearing; at two moons old, he had started following his mother on hunts close to home, where he could still see the den’s opening if he just looked over his shoulder.
A quarter moon ago, his mother had left on a hunt by herself, and never returned.
Now, Rusty followed a strange cat into the underbrush, away from the safe, fading milk scent of his den and the sad, fading rot scent of his mother. They walked paths his mother had never showed him, both because they led too far from the den, and because his mother would never have fit between the bushes the she-cat did.
No matter how thin the gaps became, though, her tail never left his shoulder. She walked to one side of him, the tom on the other, and when they reached a thin path she slipped ahead, the tom behind, but their tails always, always draped over his back until the path widened again and they drew up against him once more.
Rusty wasn’t cold; he had opened his eyes in time to see the end of spring and the beginning of summer, and his full coat kept him warm besides. The additional heat of two full-grown cats should have been too much—but Rusty relaxed into it instead, letting his shoulders settle and his fur calm and his ears prick forward, his nose twitch, to catch any hint of where the she-cat led him.
All around him, though, there were distractions. Birds flitted about the forest canopy, out of reach of any fox fangs or cat claws, and little eyes peered out at the passing group from holes in the ground. Sunlight spilled onto the ground through the few spaces the wide spread of green leaves didn’t cover, from tall, thin white bark that seemed like they would bend at a breeze, to thick, solid brown trunks that bore the marks of seasons past.
The she-cat drew ahead again, and Rusty almost didn’t notice, too busy tracking a squirrel jumping through the trees—but then her tail dropped from his shoulder, and Rusty stiffened, legs locking under him.
“Where are you going?” he yipped.
The she-cat didn’t stop, though; she just kept walking, climbing down a small, boulder-filled ravine and avoiding the brambles that caged the path in with practiced ease.
The tom’s tail squeezed over Rusty’s shoulder, and Rusty glanced up at him. The tom’s gentle rumbling had long since stopped, but his ears were pricked forward, and as Rusty watched, he flicked them toward the ravine.
Rusty glanced at it. The she-cat no longer led him physically, but—they still wanted him to follow her?
Something brushed Rusty on the side the she-cat had left empty.
Rusty jumped, head whipping to look at—oh. It was the gray kitten. Rusty had almost forgotten about him, he’d been so fascinated by the older cats and the forest.
But the kitten just looked at him, his large tail—even fluffier than Rusty’s own tail—resting against Rusty’s side. The kitten’s tail was made up almost entirely of fluff, too short in length to drape over Rusty’s shoulder like the she-cat and tom had, but the gesture clearly meant the same thing as the kitten meowed up at him.
Rusty looked back at the ravine. The she-cat had long since disappeared from view, and something was going on down there; now that Rusty wasn’t so focused on the forest, he could smell dozens of scents leading into the ravine, some recent, some old. If that wasn’t hint enough, he could hear the she-cat talking—and she wasn’t alone, as other cats answered her.
The cats had taken him to their den.
Rusty took a deep breath—and then he stepped down onto the ravine’s first boulder. Cats don’t eat foxes, he reassured himself, even as the kitten’s and the tom’s tails followed him down, their sides pressed up against his.
There was nowhere to run, but… Rusty hoped he wouldn’t need to run at all.
He hoped he had followed the she-cat home.
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is your rewrite available to read anywhere yet
It indeed is!
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0gaudeamus-igitur0 · 5 months
Into the Wild: Fire's glow AU
Previous parts: // 1
Lionheart entered Bluestar's den, moving gracefully but not silently. He announced his presence with a quiet greeting, one which his leader welcomed warmly. She had been expecting him to come by and report on the apprentice's progress, unaware of the additional news he was bringing. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dim den, the bit of dying light that peeked through the entrance washed both him and Bluestar in a warm glow.
He had already visited Spottedleaf and the medicine cat covered the shallow cut on his neck with a thin layer of cobwebs and yarrow for infection. It likely wouldn't leave a scar but his chest still had the reddish tint of blood, only more noticeable against his golden fur.
"Ah, Lionheart, I see you're back from the training session with the apprentices. How are-" Bluestar cut herself off when she turned around and noticed the stale blood on her deputy, her relaxed demeanor immediately becoming more alert and her eyes turning sharp.
"Has there been an accident?"
"No, the training has gone well. Or, it was going well until we were attacked."
Bluestar immediately rose to her paws, a concerned look on her face as she asked more urgently. "What? Was it one of the other clans? Is anyone else hurt?"
Lionheart shook his broad head, his demeanor stoic but not particularly troubled. "No, it wasn't any of the clans and nobody else is hurt. All my injuries are superficial as well, the fight was quickly resolved albeit unexpected so deep in our territory. We were attacked by a loner, she got the jump on us but Tigerclaw and I subdued her."
His leader visibly relaxed, her bristled fur laying flat once more as she let out a small sigh of relief.
"I see, I trust you had no problem chasing her out after."
He hesitated here, a fact Bluestar quickly picked up on. Her ears perked up in interest as well as a hint of suspicion. "You did chase her out?"
"It was more complicated than that. The loner, Maple, is Firepaw's kin. His aunt."
"Ah..." Bluestar murmured, a surprised look on her face. It wasn't often Thunderclan dealt with outsiders or kittypets beyond just chasing them out, but she was under the impression that kittypets are separated from their mother and kin as kits. She never thought Firepaw might have a family he was close with before he joined the clan. She eyed Lionheart curiously, taking a more thorough look at the cut on his neck as well as his scuffed fur.
"I've never heard of a kittypet aggressive enough to attack an entire patrol, especially with senior warriors like you and Tigerclaw present." It was very rare that even apprentices got into fights with kittypets, the majority of them got easily spooked and were easy to chase out. Even loners avoided patrols.
"She was under the impression I was attacking Firepaw and reacted defensively. The wind was blowing downstream so we didn't pick up on her scent until she attacked and pinned me down."
At this Bluestar was visibly surprised, her bright eyes wide. Lionheart is a strong warrior, one admired by all the clans for his strength and prowess. His injuries were minimal but the fact that the intruder had him pinned spoke a lot of their power.
"But- is she, not a kittypet? Has she received some kind of training?"
"According to Firepaw she hasn't been a kittypet for a long time but I don't believe she received any training." Lionheart began, remembering the encounter. "She has experience but her technique was... Basic and predictable, had it been a real fight things would have gone differently."
"Honestly it's her size that makes her different. Bluestar this cat is bigger and heavier than both Tigerclaw and me, that's how she pinned me down. I can't remember seeing any clan cat reach that bulk." Lionheart was a big tom but when he got tackled by Maple it felt like crashing into a boulder. He has never seen a cat of that size, neither in the Clans nor the twoleg place.
The silver cat remained silent for a moment, carefully thinking over his words. This was an unusual situation but thankfully nobody had gotten seriously hurt and if Lionheart's assessment was correct, which Bluestar believed it was, then this loner posed no threat. "You said you didn't chase her out? Where is she now?"
"She left willingly but not before making demands. Maple said she wants to see our camp and observe how we live so she can be assured that her nephew is safe." Lionheart shifted on his paws now, seeming uncomfortable with the idea. "I told her I would bring the message to you before giving her an answer. Tigerclaw was sent to shadow her to make sure she leaves our territory"
"You did the right thing. I must admit, I'm curious about this loner..." Bluestar meowed thoughtfully, a faraway look in her eyes as she considered the situation. It has been two moons since Firepaw joined Thunderclan and he is adapting as well as she could have hoped for, a promising but not unusual apprentice save for his origins. Spottedleaf's words still echoed in her head, 'Fire alone can save our clan' but what did it mean? Was the prophecy really about the young tom?
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"Bluestar..." Lionheart sounded concerned, his golden eyes narrowing slightly. "Surely you aren't planning to invite another outsider into Thunderclan?" He sounded skeptical and for a moment she grew defensive.
"Firepaw is adapting well is he not? During your last report you praised his progress and hunting skills." She shot back, waiting for his response.
"Firepaw is still young, he joined when he was little more than a kit. He can learn, and grow loyal to Thunderclan but a fully-grown loner is different. We know nothing about this cat or her loyalties." His voice was steady and firm, while the deputy didn't mind and even liked Firepaw, it was different to invite more outsiders. The clan wouldn't be pleased about it either.
"I'm not planning anything, for now. But I'd still like to meet this loner or yours so I can tell for myself what kind of cat she is." Bluestar persisted and just by the look in her eyes Lionheart knew there was no changing her mind, he could only advise her as he always had.
"I trust your judgement Bluestar but some cats won't accept this easily."
"Leave those concerns to me. And rest, I don't want you agitating your wounds unnecessarily, I'll take Tigerclaw and Whitestorm with me tomorrow to find this loner"
Lionheart nodded, leaving the leader's den and entering the camp clearing. The evening hunting patrol had just arrived just as Tigerclaw also stalked back through the gorse tunnel. He looked to be in bad mood and the deputy could sympathize. Loners, no matter who their kin is, had no place intruding on their territory. Once Tigerclaw noticed him, he made his way over to the deputy with his head held high but his tail twitching in irritation.
"I followed her until she crossed the border. There weren't any incidents." The brown tabby seemed irritated by the fact which made Lionheart's whiskers twitch in amusement
"Yes, I'm sure you would have appreciated the opportunity to sink your claws into something other than Riverclan patrols." The deputy went over to the fresh kill pile, picking out a mouse while Tigerclaw grabbed a sparrow. The two of them settled by the bush to eat their prey with the rest of the warriors who came back from the patrol, although they sat a bit further away from the rest to keep their conversations private.
"A loner is not welcome in our territory, it doesn't matter if they have kin within the Clan." Tigerclaw grumbled but seemed calmer now that things had settled and he was in the presence of his old friend. He started to pluck his sparrow, his scarred muzzle full of feathers.
"Bluestar seems to disagree. She wants to meet with her tomorrow and she wants you and Whitestorm as escorts."
Tigerclaw's fur prickled again at this and he shot Lionheart a disbelieving look which looked somewhat comical with his face full of feathers.
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"She can't be serious, tell me she isn't planning on inviting another kittypet into the clan?" He seemed upset by this, a notion the deputy could understand considering everything that had happened with Pinestar.
"She seems curious but nothing is certain yet." Lionheart mused, taking a bite of his mouse and savoring the taste of fresh prey, thankfully food wasn't scarce this time of the year.
"I don't understand what she's thinking, it's bad enough we have one kittypet weakening our clan. The way things are going Thunderclan will be a laughing stock." The warrior tore into his sparrow a bit more aggressively than necessary.
"Maple doesn't look or smell like a kittypet anymore, I doubt anyone will notice." Although he had his reservations Lionheart would support his leader and defend her actions. They could disagree and argue in private but the clan needed them as a unified front during these times.
"And we both know Thunderclan needs new blood. It will help keep the future generations strong and healthy." Tigerclaw grunted at that but didn't continue arguing, knowing that Lionheart was right, adding new blood to the clan became necessary after a while. However, that didn't make him like the idea any more.
"I still don't like it, Riverclan and Shadowclan are growing too bold lately. We cannot afford weakness while we're surrounded by enemies." The tabby tom grumbled, licking his muzzle clean. Lionheart agreed with the sentiment even if the two warriors had different reasons for their concerns.
"Let Bluestar worry about the other clans. The next gathering is approaching, we'll get a better idea of the situation then." The two toms finished their meal in silence, splitting up once their prey was finished. The camp was already bathed in the deep shadows and the last hints of the sun above the horizon were disappearing, they could worry about the future tomorrow.
Fed and tired, the three apprentices were ready to settle down in their own den.
Ravenpaw settled down early, exhausted and bruised from the training. Firepaw couldn't help but feel sorry for his friend, battle training would probably be exhausting for him too if he had Tigerclaw as a mentor. The black apprentice actually did okay when his mentor wasn't breathing down his neck but whenever Tigerclaw tried engaging him in a fight it was almost as if he would freeze. His reactions became slower and his moves sloppy.
Graypaw's loud complaints about his paws hurting brought Firepaw back to reality, his ear twitching in amusement at his friend's antics.
"Maybe your paws would hurt less if you stopped tripping over them." He teased, chuckling when Graypaw gave him a betrayed look.
"S'not my fault, if you had big paws like me you'd be tripping too!" He protested as if his clumsiness was to be blamed on his awkward growing proportions. Getting a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned on Firepaw making the other apprentice yelp as he got buried beneath his weight and fur. "Not so nice is it?"
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"You're suffocating me! Get off, you tub of lard!"
"What's that?" Greypaw grew curious now and that gave the ginger tom enough time to crawl out from underneath him. Before he could respond he heard Sandpaw hiss at them to quiet down from the other side of the den, sharing a disbained look with Dustpaw as they settled down to get some rest.
Firepaw's ears burned in embarrassment but Graypaw didn't seem bothered by their attitude. He didn't even look their way as he started lazily cleaning his fur. The Sun was completely gone now and most of the camp had settled to sleep, they should too if they wanted to rest for tomorrow's patrol and training.
Firepaw went to settle into his own nest for the night, although not before flicking one of Graypaw's ears in retaliation which earned him a displeased groan. He gave his friend one last teasing glance before laying down and tucking his tail around his body, letting his body relax for the first time since coming back to the camp.
Now that he was alone with his thoughts, the ginger apprentice couldn't help but think back on the chance meeting with Maple today. He never thought he'd see her again, or any of his kin for that matter, and now that he was reminded of her voice and scent, he couldn't help but feel incredibly lonely. The clan was starting to accept him, but he knew he'd never be one of them like Graypaw or Ravenpaw were, they weren't his kin.
It was a distressing thought, always being the outsider in the back of everyone's heads. He didn't like entertaining such doubts but he almost wished he could have asked Princess to come with him. When he closed his eyes he could imagine the meows of his siblings or his mother's comforting scent as they fought for her attention. Firepaw's thoughts started to drift as his limbs grew heavy and his breathing evened out, and when he fell asleep he dreamt of a heavy familiar body pressed against him as someone groomed his ears the way they did when he was a kit.
//AN: Another chapter, I still don't think I'll turn this isn't a fic but it's kind of fun to do snippets
I know that canon Firepaw wasn't having these thoughts as much but I figured seeing a family member would trigger that same loneliness he got from seeing Princess in the books. It just happened a bit early here
I also hope I can make Tigerclaw seem more... Human I guess. I never really liked how the series portrayed him as an irredeemable villain because I felt like they could have made him more interesting. I want to put more emphasis on how close he is with cats from the clan and how much of a betrayal his actions really are.
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phoenixofheaven · 2 months
Another Au kind of based on your Emerald Warrior one. Fireheart has managed to make a home for himself but he learns he needs to marry in order to stay. He isn’t worried since he has the perfect person in mind. But when he goes to ask Graystripe he learns of his affair with Silverstream. Greystripe goes to live with her and her fathers. Fireheart wants to leave and find his father but the cats won’t let him. He learns his only options are either to become Tigerstar’s whore or marry Sandstorm. Fireheart chooses to the latter and makes nice with the she cat who was rude to him. He begins to the see the softer side of her and he falls for her. Unfortunately he sees Greystripe again with Silverstream having died. The gray cat is heartbroken to see Fireheart with a mate and kits by his side.
HAHA an au of my au!! It's funny bc I just dropped the second part the other day. I'll try to explain without spoiling anything lol
If this was the route the fic went...
After Firestar finds out about Graystripe's affair, Graystripe straight up abandons Firestar and goes to Earth without him. Firestar is distraught since he'd been wanting to go find his father for ages. He can't go because he is still a hostage in Tigerstar's palace.
He soon marries Sandstorm, a minor servant in the castle, even though he doesn't love her. She was often cruel to him when he first came to the palace on his mission and he thought their marriage would be bad too.
However, after hearing his story, Sandstorm starts to soften around him. She is sympathetic to him and even starts helping him in his plot to take down Tigerstar. She even starts telling him more about her past and they get closer.
Soon their marriage becomes a happier one. He gets over his heartbreak over Graystripe and lives happily with Sandstorm. They've built a strong relationship full of love and trust.
Eventually, Graystripe comes back around and sees them together. He regrets leaving him and tries to come back into Firestar's life. He shows up on his front door, begging for forgiveness.
But Firestar does not forgive him.
He tells him that if he had truly loved him, he wouldn't have cheated on or abandoned him. He says that he can go find someone else because he's not taking him bacl. He vows to never go through a betrayal like this happen to him again.
Graystrripe leaves and never comes back after this. Firestar and Sandstorm have two kits and try to live a peaceful lives.
They just need to get rid of Tigerstar.
Sorry if this is a little short. Honestly, this took me some thinking bc I had to write it in a way that wouldn't spoil what I have planned for the future of the au. But it was honestly fun to imagine!! I haven't gotten a "what if?" for my au before, which is my fault bc I don't really post about my au on tumblr which I really should. So thank you for picking my brain a bit!!!
If you'd like you can ask for other "what if" aus based off the Emerald Warrior one. It'll be fun for me!
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firestarwrites · 1 year
Slow Dance
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: None
Song: "Right Here Waiting" by Richard Marx
Extra Notes: None, but I wish this was reality
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It was the evening before prom and your heart was racing like crazy. You had never been so nervous but so excited before in your life. Everything you prepared - from your dress to your hairstyle - was for him.
After a huge fight broke out between your friend group, you realized that having a crush on a close friend was not the way to go. Your feelings faded for your close friend but flared up soon after for a guy in your favorite class. Every day, you dreamed of talking to him or hanging out with him. Everything from his hair to the way he held himself was perfect.
You knew he didn't like you back - I mean, it's common knowledge. Everyone at school knew who he liked and they were not afraid to tell you that. You brushed off those people and continued pining over him. Admittedly, you did start talking to him more in the past couple of weeks after getting his phone number. Now, the moment came - prom. You wanted to ask him but thoughts of him rejecting you filled your mind. You decided to ask him to slow dance if you saw him there.
The day of prom was going at a faster pace than you expected. You asked someone to do your hair in a pretty style, which to you looked very nice. Your dress was in perfect condition without any wrinkles. Your friend offered to take pictures of you in your dress and you agreed. While posing on a bench, you couldn't help but dream about him beside you putting an arm around you. You thought about him the rest of day leading up to that night and how you were going to ask him to slow dance. Would you pull him aside during the song? Would you ask him before you even walked in the building? Oh well, you'd find out when you got there.
When you arrived at the school, your eyes immediately sweeped the place for him. You spotted a bunch of other people through the flashing strobe lights and fog machines, but not him. You sighed and thought maybe he would arrive late. Your friends called you over to dance and you did. When the lights dimmed for the first slow song, you sat down at a table and softly sang along. You didn't have a date after all. You scanned the room again for your crush but came up short.
Halfway through prom, they announced the king and queen. The lights were all on at this time and everyone surrounded the catwalk. Your crush was nowhere to be seen. At this point, you assumed he didn't come to prom. Afterwards, you went home feeling dejected. The dark road was calming to you as opposed to the flashing lights at the school. You turned the radio off and drove in silence to your house. After that, you decided to text him. It wouldn't hurt to, would it?
"Hey, I didn't see you at prom tonight. Is everything okay?" you sent.
"Yeah, I decided not to go. I would just be third wheeling anyways." he sent back, not even a couple minutes later. He usually responds hours later.
Suddenly, a thought struck your mind. What if you were able to slow dance with him after all?
"I know it's late, but do you want to hang out? Prom was boring and I didn't have much fun..." you sent, waiting for a reply.
"You know what? Why not. Send me the location and I'll meet you there," he replied. Your heart skipped a beat and you smiled. You sent him your address and waited for him to arrive.
About twenty minutes later, he came dressed up in a suit. You didn't expect him to dress up but you could feel yourself slowly getting weak. He looked so handsome and you couldn't believe he was here, at your house.
"Let's go over here!" You smiled and led him to your backyard, where a small gazebo sat. It was made out of wood and had fairy lights wrapped along the pillars. There was a bench inside - the same one that you posed on earlier. Your crush smiled at the gazebo.
"I know you're probably tired right now, but I invited you here for a reason," you started.
"It's okay, just tell me," he stood beside you, looking at you and smiling.
"I wanted to slow dance with you," you sure were blunt about it.
"Oh! That was... unexpected," he said. Your heart dropped. You felt like it shattered on the floor when he said that.
"You don't have to. I just wanted to offer," you said, trying not to let the hurt in your voice show.
"No no, it's not like that. It's just... I've never been asked to dance before. That's all," he said, trying to comfort you. "I would love to."
Your heart slowly repaired itself after he spoke those last words. He did want to slow dance after all. You took your phone, searched for a song, and placed it on the railing of the gazebo. A few seconds later, "Right Here Waiting" by Richard Marx started playing.
You took your crush's hand in yours and led him up the stairs to the inside of the gazebo. You smiled softly as the song reached the first verse.
Oceans apart, day after day
And I slowly go insane
"Do you know how to slow dance?" you asked him. He nodded and put one arm on your hip and the other on your shoulder. You matched his movements and began to lightly sway. It was this moment you realized what it felt like to be loved. Even though he did not like you, the gesture was enough to feel something.
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
The moon shined down on the gazebo as you slow danced. You smiled and he pulled you closer. You glanded up at his eyes and found yourself getting lost in the reflection of the fairy lights. He looked so handsome and his smile slowly melted you. The bridge of the song played and you softly sang along.
"Oh, can't you see it, baby?
You've got me goin' crazy"
Your crush laughed slightly and you could see his pupils dilate. You could tell he was having fun. The song ended and you broke apart.
You sat down on the bench and tapped the place beside it, inviting him to sit with you. He sat down beside you and put an arm around you. If you could physically melt, you would have been a puddle on the ground by now. You put your head on his shoulder and sighed softly while looking out into the darkness of the night. The stars scattered across the sky and a shooting star passed through the shining night.
"Make a wish..." you whispered.
"I wish... for this night to never end. I enjoyed this a lot," he responded. You could feel the vibration of his voice from your position.
"I second that," you said, closing your eyes. He lightly hummed and rubbed circles on your back.
At that point, you felt true peace.
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I hope you enjoyed! Tag, comment, and reblog if you want!
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