#first drabble yasss
whumblr · 5 months
Crossed out Masterpost
Heavy footsteps slowly made their way up the stairs, the clanking sounds echoing through the silent hall as they drew nearer on the steel grated walkway.
The owner of those boots didn’t care it was nearing midnight, nor did he seem in a hurry. He took slow deliberate steps, knowing he had an audience who were all listening with bated breath. He knew most would still be awake, at least those with a guilty conscience, waiting, waiting for the inevitable, and praying for the footsteps to pass by their cell.
Lucas too lay wide awake, facing the cell door, seeing the drawn out shadow draw nearer through the bars.
He racked his brain, trying to remember if anyone else had drawn Nero’s attention today, had done anything to deserve a nighttime visit. When he couldn’t think of any – the day like all others had passed in a hazy blur – he tried to remember if there was anyone locked away in solitary.
Two out of three options he came up blank and the third option became very real all of a sudden.
Would it be him? Would this be his first visit, finally finding out – unwillingly – what happened behind those closed doors, what caused the begging and the screaming, what was the prime cause for the impeccable record of this prison’s stats for good behaviour?
Something heavy started forming in his stomach, something that spread to all his limbs. He shifted on his bed, the flimsy mattress barely protecting his bruises from the harsh, cold metal underneath, and kept a close watch on the shadow that now drew nearer.
Had he done anything today? Besides being his usual nuisance? He hadn’t talked back (hadn’t had the chance, really), mouthed off, or tried to instigate a fight. All in all, a quiet day. So by that logic, he should be safe. Should. But he knew Nero didn’t need a reason. And that he could hold onto a grudge, coming back with punishment for something that happened days ago. He relished in the false comfort and striking when the victim thought he was safe.
Yet everyone awake was now thinking back on their sins, severely questioning their safety, and praying they would be spared that night.
The shadow was now right outside his cell and he was sure he just made eye contact with the beast. Either time slowed or the man had stopped. But then he blinked and the shadow had passed his door. Clanking footsteps following in its wake.
His shoulders relaxed. And Lucas found himself exhaling his dread.
A couple cells ahead the footsteps stopped. Sounds echoed through the hall, a lock springing open, the creak of the door; the soft prelude. Then soft begging and sobs, whispered pleads. A harsh command. Then quicker footsteps, stumbling along with Nero’s marching, another choked off sob, whispered “please, please, no, I’m sorry, please, I’m so sorry!” as they got closer.
The begging stopped instantly.
The command wasn’t made out of concern to others, nor to not disturb their night’s peace or to remain undetected. Begging just was useless here.
Lucas saw the two dark figures go past, noticing how Nero used his favourite method of transportation: a vice grip on his victim’s neck and simply pushing them along.
A door slammed shut. Then there was silence.
Lucas pressed his pillow over his head, tried to calm his beating heart, to convince himself the storm had passed and he could go to sleep. Unfortunately, he knew the silence was a short lived one.
That it would soon be filled again. By muffled distant screams.
Continued here
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senualothbrok · 17 days
I just have this idea. A Tav that gets really grumpy if deprived of sleep, and Gale, who sleep-talks a lot. The first time he played it off with his usual humor, Tav exploded, and now they have some de-escalation to do.
Definitely not based on real-life events.
YASSS my friend, what a relatable scenario. The brain worms are worming, and I will do a drabble for you as soon as I can. *salute*
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floorbe · 1 year
Writing Commissions are OPEN!
Hey lads! I’m opening up writing COMMISSIONS, yasss, for money! If you’re interested or even just curious take a peek below and perhaps I can entice y’all
Drabble (100 words) - $5
Short fic (101-950 words) - $13
Medium fic (951 - 2,000 words) - $20
Long fic (2,000 - 6,000 words) - $25
Oneshot (6,000 - 10k (max)) - $40
Personalized letter - $10
Add on costs
+$5 for a specific oc added (either as reader, in fic, etc.)
+$4 for nsfw ($3 for lime / suggestive)
+$3 for any romantic character x character pairing instead of character x reader / oc
+$2-$5 for any modification of request made after 24 hours
this one can range depending on how far along in your request i am and how drastically i have to replan
this fee is only for plot impacted changes (if you’re unsure, ask!)
I’ll ask you to send the payment directly before I post your finished fic! I can always send proof of finished work if wanted before payment. More info and FAQ below!
What won’t you write? Are there any restrictions?
Yes, here’s a list of things I will not write:
Descriptions of graphic S/A (the event itself)
Do you write ___?
Message / submit an ask to me and I’ll respond! The answer will usually be yes, but if not, I’ll always work with you to find a compromise if we can!
Why are there add on costs?
Some things take more energy and time for me to write. Add on costs cover that extra time I take putting into those things.
What is a personalized letter?
Exactly what it sounds like! A letter from a character of your choosing to you! (Or to another character)
How long will my fic take?
It depends on the length, plot, etc. and it’ll vary from fic to fic depending. In general, I’d say to grant me a grace period of roughly 2-3 weeks. Anything past that and message me again to see what’s up
How do we pay?
Venmo works the best! I’m willing to work with you to find a way, though, ofc! Through cashapp, something else, etc. etc.
This seems really expensive.
Lads im a broke college student, did we expect any different here
I sent in my commission. Now what?
Wait! I’ll reply to you and confirm your prompt and price, and then I’ll add you on my commissions list. Just to emphasize, you are NOT on my commissions list until I respond and accept.
How do I commission you? Like, the process?
Dw lads I’ll give you an example and a step by step
1. Make sure comms are open (my header will say)
2. Either message me OR submit an ask. If you submit an ask, make sure to NOT send on anonymous so I’ll be able to msg you if needed! Example:
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I have the right to raise / lower prices. I will not do so without notice, and any comms taken before price changes will stay at the old prices.
Want examples of my work? Check out my masterlist!
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taegularities · 2 years
first of all; HAPPY LATE VALENTINES DAY!!! ur def my valentine (dont tell jungkook) 🤭i hope you had a happy, healthy vday! i love valentine's day honestly. i dont even have a valentine this yr, but i love seeing love everywhere, it makes me so happy 🫶🫶🫶
second!!! I LOVED THE DRABBLE OH MY GOD 🫡 their bickering was the cutest thing in the world 🙏 and the ROSE (i died truly, im deceased rn) i love them so much 🫶 im super nervous for the next chapter bc ik its going to break me, but i believe in you (dont hurt them 🔫) i just gotta keep reminding myself that theyre soulmates and it'll work out 🫡
- wife from war anon 💂‍♀️
a very late happy valentine's day to you, too, babe. i won't tell jungkook if you don't 🤫 and you're actually so cute, like? look at you loving love.. <3
and YASSS, i'm beyond happy to know that you liked the drabble !! sometimes when i post a fic, my mind drifts to certain readers and i'm like, "wonder how they liked it"... and you were def one of them hahah :') but so nice that you enjoyed everything from the bickering to the rose 🌹
yes, cmi7 has the potential to break us all wholly, but hold onto the faith you have in those soulmates. it'll be okay.. 🥺💕
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KiriDeku Relationship HC’s
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Pairing: Midoriya x reader x Kirishima
Warnings: Jus some poly fluff for you here
Author’s Note:
I keep telling myself that I’m going to take a break and go on hiatus, but then I proceed to just keep writing like I’m running out of time.
Anyway, shoutout to @in-this-house-we-stan-izuku​​ for shipping me with these boys earlier! They really are my favorites :) And thanks to anon Neo for sending me this request! Again, it’s taking me an atrociously long time to get through them, but I hope that will change these next few months. I’m really going to work at getting them done and clearing my inbox, I can’t stand leaving my requests closed for so long :(
Enjoy this rarepair! I love the concept so much and I’d like to write a full fic or drabble sometime in the future ♡ ♡ ♡
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● I'd say that y'all were a throuple pretty quick
● Izuku definitely had a crush on the both of you
● Kirishima was so cool to him, and he loved your personality just as much
● And it's likely you had a crush on both of them as well
● Maybe you and Midoriya ended up dating first, but felt like something might have been missing
● You realized that you'd both taken interest in a certain redhead, and it wasn't long until you invited him into the relationship
● And bam;
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● I think of Kiri as being the slightly more dominant one
● He's a little more openly protective of the two of you
● He's definitely the most open about your relationship, and he always wants each of you on one of his arms when you're out and about
● Eijirou and Izuku have a lot of mutual respect for one another
● They both admire the other's manliness and strong wills, and they're pretty good at working and training together
● They like training together, and if you're a hero, they'll train with you too
● Now, of course in the relationship, they treat you like the freaking royal you are 👑
● Respectful kings, we stan
● They're both great listeners and generally give pretty great advice if you need it
● Kirishima likes to tell you how manly you are and Midoriya is literally the sweetest most precious being
● They like pampering and spending time with you
● Eijirou always goes out of his way to shower you with his affection and love. Making you and Izuku smile or laugh is literally his new favorite thing
● He's a pretty big flirt when he wants to be and making the two of you flustered is now a primary goal in his life
● If you're also a flirt, you best believe you and Kiri are going to gang up on Midoriya to see who can get him to blush the most. All in good fun, of course
● Neither of them is the jealous type, so everything's pretty chill
● You're just always there for each other, no matter what
● When it comes to dates, these boys will go all-out in their own way
● Big on picnic dates in the park, or just hanging out at the beach for hours together
● They really like being out and spending time with you
● Y'all have banger movie nights at Midoriya's apartment
● His mom is literally the best and loves both you and Kiri to pieces
● Cooks for the three of you spontaneously, and basically takes you in as her own children
● All of you have fanboy/girl/person tendencies, which lead to long discussions and ramblings about both yours and their current obsessions
● DORKS, the three of you, istg
● You could stay up for hours just chatting, and it doesn't even matter what topics you pick, it's just fun
And now it's time for Sugar to lose her mind over physical affection
● Ok literally snkdnfkabnckjdbs this is super obvious by this point if you've been paying attention, but you've got literally one of the softest, sweetest, fluffiest relationships you could ask for here hajsbbaslksdnfh
● Think about it: Sunshine boi + sunshine boi + you
● Yasss
● I'd say that most of the time, during cuddle sessions, you're going to end up sandwiched between the two boys, in their arms
● They both just want to hold you so freaking much, and who are you to deny them?
● I headcanon that Kirishima is literally one of the warmest people ever (aside from like, Todoroki's left side or somth pfft) and he and Midoriya combined give the best hugs2
● Top tier, can't stress this enough
● Y’all love getting wrapped up in a huge blanket and just having some quality snuggles for an hour or two 👌
● Great time for deep convos
● Or even just taking a quick nap! Lord knows the three of you need it
● Midoriya's not big on PDA, but Kirishima's fine with it
● He will full on give you a good smooch in public if you already said you were okay with that
● And even if you're not, he'll respect that and wait until he can get you and Izuku in private
● Both of them like hand-holding though, no matter where
● Two hands? Two partners? Oh, it's all coming together
● If you try to get out of participating in hand-holding, they'll pout and give you puppy dog eyes
● Cold is the heart of whoever can say no to even one of their faces, let alone if both of them are doing it to you at once
● But don't forget that they'll never force you to do something you really don't want to
● Everyone has their insecurities, but it's hard to get too down on yourself with these two lovely boyfriends at your side!
● They always seem to know what to say, and they're never any less supportive of you
● And you've got their backs just as much. If someone has an icky day, the other two are there with blankets and snacks and kisses for the rest of the evening
● Midoriya tends to be more of a receiver than a giver when it comes to kisses since he tends to get flustered. But even so, his kisses are so soft and sweet
● Loves having his cheeks kissed. Kiss his freckles, play with his hair—do that and he'll love you forever (not like he already doesn't)
● You can fight me when I say that Kirishima loves being super romantic
● Gives some of the best kisses out there
● He's always so passionate and every time he kisses you, it's like he can't stop smiling
● He can't get enough when it comes to make-out sessions
● All in all, I think we need to see more of this
● They just love and cherish you so much and you're the best thing that ever happened to them >:(
● Overall 11/10 relationship, can and will daydream about constantly
Taglist: @basicaegyo​ @fourteenow @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @xoxopam4​
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staliasjeronica · 3 years
Riverdale S5 Ep13 Thoughts *Spoilers*
Thoughts under cut to keep the tag clear <3
- Archie having war flashbacks 😭💔
- Tabitha ❤️ I just know Betty’s going to not listen and get herself into shit because she never thinks things through. However, Betty in that trucker outfit looks so good. YUP predictable.
- Now how the fuck did Cheryl recognize Kevin in that darkness even I could barely see him fashdkfjsah also what the flying fuck Kevin?
- VEGGIE MUAH!!!!!! Though I’m taking Veronica saying “snake” as a Jeronica crumb bc I can
- Now wait wasn’t the last last episode, Cheryl was saying how she didn’t like religion because of her mom am I just dumb what the fuck happened… god can Riverdale do anything other than annoying cults PLEASE
- Whenever Betty “investigates”, the other person always has the better plans God how did Betty become an FBI trainee...
- Wait why are they talking to Fangs, Toni owns the Whyte Wyrm...
- DOGGO 🥺🥺
- “I’m a closer, give me a shot.” The one thing he’s wanted and he’ll get it from Veronica BYE VEGGIE IS SO ❤️❤️❤️
- Fangs ❤️❤️❤️ God he looks so fucking good ugh if only his boyfriend Sweet Pea could come back and date him smh
- Bingo? Archie’s platoon adopted a dog 🥺🥺
- Even though I’m a Jeronica first and foremost, Veggie will probably be endgame and while it sucks they never even TRIED Jeronica or gave them a chance, I won’t be upset.
- MOOSE’S BEARD… But also that’s so random but ehh better and way more interesting than Kangs tbh
- Veggie working together fucking finally!!!
- Five to fifteen damn Reggie… but fuck yeah taking her dad’s investors we love it! It took long enough for someone to finally go after Hiram like we’ve wanted this since s2
- “Ms. Posh.” WE STANNNNNNNN and again with the eggs yasss
- Why are they acting like Fangs did something wrong 😭😭 you already know you’re not good together?? Just move the fuck on!
- OMG THEEY ALL LOOK SO FUCKING GOOD!!! serpent Alice is back? 👀 Kevin asking about Fangs god let him go please
- “Cardinal Rule, no one goes off with any truckers.” Okay so we know Betty’s going to do just that because she’s dumb af
- God Archie don’t be like Betty and do dumb shit...
- Tabitha owning the stage I know that’s true!! But also does anyone else know that Betty isn’t an FBI agent anymore like that is definitely gonna fuck someone else over
- You know who could be here to help? Sweet Pea.
- Veronica 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 my wife AND HER HIGH NOTE QUEEN SHIT
- Dark!Barchie so sexy but dumb
- Isn’t it interesting how good it is when Betty investigates
- ngl I thought that was Chic. NO WAY THAT GUY’S DUMB ENOUGH TO HAVE BLOOD ON HIS HANDLE… also see wbk Betty was gonna go against her own rule and do something impulsively stupid.
- this dude really isn’t hiding anything how has he gone this far… first the blood, then talking about how he likes seeing the light leave people’s eyes when they die. Also, how does he get around to kill them like wouldn’t the girl’s see in the mirror? Again stop hitting people and turning your back! Though it’s really unrealistic that they get up after a few seconds.
- This fight is actually entertaining like omg?? But I KNOW Betty’s aim would not be that good but I guess since I’m enjoying this I can let it go.
- Wanna know WHY it’s enjoyable? Because Cole isn’t in this episode and there’s no Bughead whatsoever <3
- GOD BETTY HANDING HIM OVER GIVES YOU THE POLLY ANSWER?? YOU’RE SO DUMB!!! Why does she always have to be so fucking dumb and selfish… like??? Can she ever just think for once
- Why would Kevin be fired for cruising…?
- GOD LET FANGS GO MY GODDDDDDDDD this is why I’m writing a Swangs drabble about this situation where Sweet Pea and Fangs get together
- Yeah Kevin you broke up with Fangs to fix your trauma and problems… to stop cruising… that was the whole fucking point??
- Bingo 🥺💞
- Jesus Christ Superstar……………………………. someone sedate me
- the cinematography of Archie’s nightmares is so good tho
- Archie hallucinating Bingo 🥺😭 “I think I need help too” OMG YES now can we get Veronica
- “You’re in Riverdale” God Betty’s so fucking weird…
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mcaroonzy · 4 years
147! Takari of course lol
A drabble a day
Send me one of these prompts and 1-3 characters!
YASSS, that prompt screams Takari ok xD, so... I may have doubled the word limit I told myself to follow but I guess takari is worth it??? Alsooooo I stole your children for the ship and I’m not sorry. Just one of them appears here though uwu
147: “Look! Fireflies!” | Takari
“Will you need a hand mom?” asked Asahi, taking from her arms her tiny new grandson “I can always stay a little longer. At least enough to make dinner…”
The years had taken away the shiny cinnamon shade of her hair, along with the immaculate softness of her screen. She no longer had that natural grace of a ballet dancer, her back had twisted into a little humpback and her walk had become slow and clumsy. Still, Hikari Yagami had a childish gleam in her eyes, as if immune to that nostalgic aura that so many elders tend to get infected with. She still liked to talk about Disney movies, water the cactuses, and collecting so many pictures of her lovely grandchildren as her camera lenses allowed.
“Come on! You’re all aged up now, Asahi” she mockingly said, tilting her head with a smile as her left hand rose all the way to the baby’s face to pinch on his nose “You should know a woman deserves some time alone with her husband!”
“Your mother is the oldest teenager I’ve ever met…” commented between giggles her son’s wife, smiling tenderly as she covered the baby’s head with a green bear shaped hat “How’s Takaishi-san been doing? Asahi and I have started re-reading his books, they never fail to make me cry during the last few pages…”
Hikari’s smile trembled, an event so subtle only her own son was able to notice. “Yeah, his endings always carry a certain nostalgia…” was everything she dared to add.
Unlike his mother, Asahi didn’t smile. He knew her, he knew her underlined messages, and he had noticed the shattered glass look in her eyes as she pronounced those words. His mother wasn’t talking about the books.
The past four years had been rough on her - on her whole family - as Takeru’s presence in the house slowly started to vanish. At first it was almost funny; his uncoherent additions to their conversations, how he would always forget where he had left his glasses, his constant way of losing his hats at restaurants. Hikari used to laugh it away, maybe because she thought Taichi would’ve done that. However, when he forgot her name for the first time, her heart understood that she had to learn to treasure those few times in the day in which she still had a husband.
She had built herself a routine. Picking up old pictures, those dusty ones on which’s back they used to write messages on and then he’d take them to him. Sometimes he would remember, and the tears would roll out of his eyes as if he had just awoken from a bad dream. Some others, he heard them calmly, curiously, like a little kid hearing a story.
That night, they acted like two little kids: they hid under the bedsheets with a flashlight. Multiple pictures scattered around their legs. Pictures from middle school, when Hikari had first gotten herself a camera, and used to photograph Daisuke sleeping over his desk, or Miyako trying out different hairstyles, or blurred pictures of Takeru playing basketball in a helpless attempt of trying to get a dynamic picture.
Every now and then, Takeru would point at one or another, smiling almost blankfully as he waited for the story behind it. Hikari would pick it up and read the words that, most of the time, he had written behind them:
‘Today Daisuke decided to copy my fashion choices and try out some hats. However, I still think I wear them better.’
‘Mimi decided to do Yamato’s make up. I’m sorry you had to make so many copies of this by the way.’
‘We watched the new avengers movie as digidestined! It was pretty crappy, but at least we got Iron Man cups!’
It was bittersweet. They used to do that same thing a lot when Takeru’s was still completely there with her. Back then, it was funnier. They’d remember every word their friends had said, comment on it and laugh it off until the point their bellies ached from it. But now Takeru didn’t laugh or remember any quotes. He just studied them, at most let slip a smile, and then point towards a new one.
Eventually he pointed at one that, at least in Hikari’s eyes, looked the least interesting. The image was all black and blurry, so she had to lean it closer to her face in order to distinguish the vague shape of her white summer dress in the midst’s of that dark nothingness. She turned the picture around.
‘Of the day we went hunting for fireflies’ she read out loud.
“What’s a firefly?” Takeru asked, with a distant voice and lost eyes that didn’t seem to recognize any familiar face in her.
“It’s a star-like insect…” Hikari explained, caressing the picture with the tips of her fingers as the lingering phantom of a tear started to tickle around her eyelids “They shine like tiny flashlights, and hide within the leaves. There were so many we thought they should’ve appeared in the picture… but now you can see how it came out.”
“That’s a shame” he replied, curling up like a kid as he rested his head upon the pillow “I would’ve liked to know what they look like…”
And then, he shut silent. His eyes closed, and his breathing grew softer. He had fallen sleep, in the middle of a talk just like a little boy would have. Hikari wiped the humidity out of her eyes as she started to collect the pictures to store them back in her treasure box. She tried hard not to cry as she did so, fighting against the memory of a smiling Takeru grabbing a pen and writing down the memories that today were vanishing.
She wondered what that Takeru would have said if he had caught her crying. And with that question in mind, she let her mind slip into the bliss of nighttime.
That night, she dreamt she woke up on her summer dress. Her body was smaller, skinnier, younger. She rubbed her eyes almost confused at the curious sight that hosted the ceiling: a thousand shiny spots that quivered and floated from one corner to another as if all of a sudden the stars had descended into their bedroom.
“Look Hikari! The fireflies!” shouted a young boy’s voice, as he lifted from the bed picking on her hand and pulling her to repeat the gesture. Hikari was shocked. For laying next to her was no longer the vanishing man that had become her husband, but the vivid image of a living Takeru, smiling at her under the dim light of the insects.
“I’m glad I got to see them, with you, one last time”
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ariadote · 7 years
things you said that i wasn’t meant to hear. (kill me softllllyyyy)
(1)On the street of Rue Crémieux there is a bakery that she used to visit. The warm smell of bread that perfumes the air is what originally attracted her to the shop but it was the rows upon rows of homemade bread, jam, and pastries that lure her in frequently and to leave approximately 15 to 20 minutes later with the smell of rye bread and it’s caraway seeds cling to her clothing.
(She doesn’t mind.)
(2) The shop becomes a home away from home — Aria stops by often enough to be considered a regular. Soon after, one of the bakers offer her a cooking class for free, which she accepts. Aria falls in love with the little shop, nearly loves it as much as she loves Skyler. (but only nearly.)
(3) Aria takes small, careful steps each sound she makes seems to create a type of an echo that bounces off the hardwood floors and steel cooling racks as she approaches the pantry. Inside, everything is in a chaotic disarray. The footsteps left in the flour spilled everywhere give her a path to follow, and a pattern of behavior to help re-imagine the offenders process. 
First. they shoved the sugar packed tightly in packages of paper off the shelves where it fell to the floor and burst open. 
Second. the vanilla and other flavorings were also roughly pushed aside where it hit the granite of the counters and shattered into pieces. Aria turns away from the brown liquid that drips off the counter that currents places the room in an overwhelming scent of sweetness.
Third. A few of the shelves were upturned and then the boxes of aged wine are forcibly ripped open, yet their contents remain untouched. 
Fourth. Juwon finds what he’s looking for behind a pile of boxes. This is where Aria finds him, on the floor with an old vintage cinema projector at his feet, watching reel after reel of videos being projected onto the wall. His eyes are blood stained, his coat is covered in a fine layer of flour but a lazy, twisted smile rests on his lips because he’s found her out. 
He found her safe and broken into it. 
(4) Aria’s fury is containable. There is banging on the front locked doors of the shop, and she can hear the sounds of a million people outside. It wouldn’t be long before her subconscious gets into ripe him into shreds, tear his heart out, destroy him for betraying her like this. 
It wants him dead.
“Are you satisfied now, Juwon.” Aria’s tone is laced with bitter poison her eyes falling on the video of herself screaming as Jack pulls her away from the gruesome scene of the wreck that killed her parents. On screen, she fights him, scratches his arms with her nails, repeatedly trying to get him to let her go even though she’s bleeding, they’re both bleeding. The video switches.
Her breath catches in her throat when the image projected is one of Skyler during one of his episodes in the dead of night. He’s murmuring to himself fighting against his dead sister who keeps coming back for him, whispering to him to leave Aria. To take responsibility for what he’s done to her. 
“Do you still think that my love is easy? Is this what you wanted to see?”
(5) The scene of the video changes once again.
It opens up to a large ballroom. It’s washed in golden lights, and the ceiling is decorated with chandeliers that catch the light and reflect in a way that screams wealth. Skyler appears, trying to push the sleeves of his white tuxedo up as he walks quickly, weaving his way through the throng of people over crowding the room. “I’m done talking about this, Aria.”
“I’m not.” Aria follows after him tucking the fallen strands of her hair back into place behind her ear with the rest that is pinned back. “You know that he isn’t ready! Juwon is unpredictable, brash, and —“ she stops to grab a bit of her dress in her hands so she can lift the hem off the ground. After she does this, she speeds up in her pursuit. “And overall a mess. I don’t want him on our team.” 
“You could argue the same points against Jack.” Skyler responds through clenched teeth, still walking steps ahead. “Juwon has got all the credentials we need.He may not be as experienced but the kid has a sharp intellect.”
“You only like him because he’s just like you!” Aria snaps, finally catching up. 
A few people stare at the heated exchange with interest but neither stop to entertain them “I said we’re done talking about this, Ariadne.” 
That was her sign to leave it alone but of course, when Aria stops dead in her tracks she watches as Skyler starts to climb the staircase not bothering to look to see if she was still behind him she can’t let it go. 
“He’s not stable, Skyler.” 
Even with his back to her, Aria can see the shift in demeanor when Skyler stops, turns sharply on his heel to face her. “And I suppose you think that I am… stable?” his voice is soft, and dangerous. The question hangs uncomfortably in the air. 
 Aria immediately closes her mouth, small fingers let go of the red satin fabric of her ballgown to fiddle with one of her pearl drop earrings instead. She gives a small shrug of her shoulders. It’s the wrong answer regardless of wither she’s said anything or not.
“Ariadne.” Skyler repeats her name. All his emotions tied up into one word, before he shakes his head. “We’re all mad here.” 
(5) The video goes black she hears the glass of the front door shatter. In a matter of seconds, she is pushed aside as they attack Juwon. When they wake, Aria sits up slowly a sense of dread settles deeply in the pit of her stomach. “Congratulations,” Aria says bitterly. “You’re a part of the team.” 
Then she looks at Juwon, catching his gaze with hers, “You’ve just given Elymas the power to kill me.” This is when the angry, bitter tears start to fall. She wipes them away with the back of her hands, “I only ask one thing. Promise me you won’t tell Skyler.” 
Even if the mission fails or you have to leave me, don’t tell Skyler.
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Hi Chelle! This week’s been pretty weird honestly, and I’m kinda glad it’s over. How was yours? I hope it was well . Also since it is/was SHINee’s 11th anniversary (time zones are kind of a nightmare haha) and in honor of them becoming, essentially, my Ult group, I was wondering if I could get a fluffy drabble with boyfriend Key? It’s been one of those weeks and some fluff is needed haha. Thank you! I hope you have a good day/night 💚
Eleven years with the kings in my heart… it’s a blessing, isn’t it?! And yasss, ult that group! SHINee has been my home for 10 of those 11 years (it’s actually my 10th anniversary of loving kpop in 3 days) so I approve of anyone falling for these beautiful humans
I’m going to run out of fluffy Key boyfriend ideas soon! You seem to love them so much… it’s a good thing I do too XD
Pairing: Kim Kibum x reader
Word count: 195
Kibum was entirely disgruntled. You didn’t pick up on his mood, greeting him happily and walked over to the sofa he was stiffly sat upon. But as soon as you saw his eyes, your smile faltered. “What’s wrong?”
“Where were you? Do you have any idea what today is? I came home early and you’re late!”
And when you couldn’t hold back your stifled laughter, Kibum gaped at you, aghast.
Sitting down, you reached for your boyfriend’s hand. “You said when I celebrated our first month together, I was a little extreme. And then on our third month, you asked if I planned to celebrate every week with you too. By our sixth month, I wondered if me making a big deal about our milestones annoyed you. So I decided not to celebrate our anniversaries anymore.”
“Because as cheesy as it is, I’m celebrating every day with you instead,” you announced, and the pucker of his lips eased off, soon spreading into a grin. You mirrored the action and then pointed to the box you had placed down on the coffee table. “But uh, just in case, I brought a cake. Happy anniversary, Kibum.”
My requests and ask box are open for this week’s Chelle Chats!
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shesawriter39049 · 6 years
“Private show” BTS mini Smut Drabble 😏👅💋😈-OT7
“Private show” BTS mini Smut Drabble 😏👅💋😈
Spontaneously going out to a upscale gentlemen’s club in Vegas with your boyfriend, his band mates and there significant others ...actually was well ...as fun as you expected . Especially when no matter what’s going on around him he can’t keep his eyes , or hands off you!
Brief girl on girl playful teasing , public smut/daddy kink OT7 friendly . Not writing this about any specific member so imagine who you want 😏
You knew his eyes were burning a hole straight threw you . As you accepted a lap dance from the dark haired dancer covered in tattoos . The room was dark, minus the dim lights that were hitting the high points of your exposed skin . Sinfully rolling your hips against her as she straddled your lap playfully. You were having a blast , it was actually your idea , luckily the other guys who had significant others shared your same wild side …and confidence and were more than down to come out . You weren’t worried …I mean for what ? Your man leaving you for a dancer ? And not in any offensive light towards dancers. It didn’t matter who it was you knew (OT7 member of choice) loved you …he could damn near get a hard on just by you sashaying in the door. You had no worries, tonight your only concern was having a few drinks and looking at beautiful women .
Once she got off your lap…and well you were about 5 shots deep you swung her back on the chair I guess deciding it was your turn to give her a dance . “Yasss get it Y/N “ you heard (A OT7 significant other ) playfully yelled from the other side of the vip area you guys were in, The boys booked out the entire area. Swaying your hips as you ran your fingers through your hair , playfully winding your ass on her lap . You were drunk and feeling yourself , you knew you looked good and you knew no matter how many half naked women were in this place your mans eyes were only on you . Making eye contact with him , letting your tongue graze the corner of your mouth . As you elevated off her lap slowly , his gaze was still captivated by you as he sipped on whatever was in his glass. You could tell it wasn’t mixed …he was taking shots straight to the head . It kind of felt like a scene out of a movie as your boyfriend sat over there looking all posh in his suit with his drink in hand as the dim lights hit his face you all had just left dinner at Twist , so you were all pretty dressed up . Before walking over to (OT7 member of choice ) you turned around giving the dancer a pretty generous tip.
Letting your eyes meet his, running his tongue along his bottom lip he extended his hand to you . Your stride to him was slow , letting him take in every inch of the red statin material that clung to your body “ Hi baby “ Words coming out in a slight purr as you ran your fingers through your hair .A smirk moving up his face, as his eyes traced his baby up and down . Upon taking his hand you found your self lunged on his lap . Hands squeezing hard into your ass through the thin skin tight fabric of your dress . The lights were extremely dark at this point . Sloppy kisses worked up your neck, as the smell of tequila hit your nose . “You look so fucking sexy baby ..” hissing out against the skin of your neck. Rolling your neck slowly, guiding his lips to all the places you wanted . A flirtatious giggle left your mouth , dripping in confidence as you felt him start to stir from under you.
“Grab your coat…let it hang off your shoulders “ his lips cooed against your skin as he continued to kiss, lick, suck on every inch of your exposed skin . Doing as he said you let your oversized faux fur coat hang off your body. Then you figured it out ..he wanted it to drape over your sides so no one could easily see what was happening below your waist . You felt his hands move up your center as he growled in agony realizing you aren’t wearing panties . “Ooops “ you teased playfully letting your tongue flick his bottom lip . You could feel how hard he was through the fabric of his pants . “Grab my dick, and slide it in your Pussy ..” he said it so casually along your jaw you damn near chocked .” “What?!?” Pulling back from him , wide eye, as he just smirked down at you , rolling your hips against him again and you hissed. You could feel yourself running down his jeans . “I said slide my dick in , your coats big enough for two fucking people Y/N…nobody can see that pretty Pussy But me baby I promise . Now be a good girl …” letting his teeth meet your shoulder , he bit hard …he was in a mood …”And do as daddy said “ He wasn’t asking anymore words coming out through the grit of his teeth .
Undoing the zipper, you were able to free him through the opening that was almost too conveniently placed on his boxers . He could tell youre a little hesitant “Baby , trust me , nobodies paying us any attention right now …I just need you feel you for a minute..” kissing his way down your neck and you felt yourself give in . It was a losing fight anyway , you wanted him just as bad as he wanted you . Once you freed him your mouth almost watered he was already hard and ready for you. “Come here…” tone coming back down as a whisper as he grabbed your waist lifting you up just enough to position himself at your entrance. Kissing you hard and deep as he lowered you down..taking him in fully …not releasing your lips until you stopped pulsing around him . Your chest got tight , as your breathing became scattered as you moaned against his tongue. Digging your nails deep into his shoulders...He knew if he freed his lips from you while you were adjusting to the stretch of him ..you’d scream so loud that they’d know exactly what you were doing . No matter how dark it was ….A growl escaping his mouth , against your tongue as you continued to clench your walls around him …”Fuckkkkk that’s my baby “ praising against your jaw before his lips connected to yours again. Knowing he’d have kiss you the entire time to keep you quiet . The plan wasn’t to actually fuck you there, theirs no way he could pull that off without getting caught. He just wanted to tease you enough to have you ready to run back to your hotel . It was just the energy in the atmosphere, the music, dim lights, liquor everywhere , beautiful people everywhere you turned . Everyone just there to have a good time! To top it all off (OT7 member of choice) feening for you like it was his first time touching you, just made you feel like you were in pure erotica !
These are always spontaneously written on my phone so sorry in advance for grammatical errors !
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ororowrites · 6 years
•Off To College II• T’Challa x Reader x OC
A reader of my first “Off To College” Drabble @cupcakequeen1999 (and input from @airis-paris14)had the idea of T’Challa and Queen Y/N visiting Lesedi at Spelman. Let’s just say Daddy T’Challa caught some Kappa with his lips on the Princess.
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Lesedi’s freshman year came and went quicker than she thought it would. Being far away from home and her family was tough the first few months. Making the adjustment often meant many tears and calls home. After meeting a few friends, Lesedi was on her way. She joined BSU and participated in a couple of social justice groups on campus. Her cousin Erik always talked about the injustices their people faced in America. Lesedi had experienced that first hand when she witnessed a guy from Morehouse getting beat by the cops at the mall. After that incident, she joined movements that were taking place on her campus.
“Girl, I need you to do my hair next. Your twists are always on point,” her roommate, Nadine, said watching Lesedi finish her makeup.
“You just lack patience,” she said, rubbing her lips together, making a popping sound. “Ready.”
“Oh, who are you getting all fly for,” Nadine sang, looking her friend up and down.
With a orange jumpsuit and gold heels, Lesedi was exhibiting the highest form of Black Girl Magic.
“I’m meeting Reggie for lunch,” the Princess smiled shyly.
“Shit! Reggie Reggie? The Kappa from Morehouse?” Nadine’s brown eyes opened wide in shock. Reggie was a Juniorn at Morehouse and the brother was fine. When the Kappas were mentioned, Reggie was the first name that popped up. Not only was he good looking, he was on the Dean’s List every semester, he was in the Honors Society, and he stayed active in the community.
Nodding her head vigorously, Lesedi grabbed her clutch, “I’ll be back later.”
“Yasss,” Nadine snapped in a circle as her friend shut the door.
Reggie was waiting outside the dorms when the freshman walked out, “Hey, hope you were not waiting too long.”
“Nah, just got here. You looking good,” the handsome Kappa smirked, leaning down to kiss Lesedi’s lips before someone loudly cleared their throat.
Standing right behind them, the King and Queen of Wakanda eyed Reggie then the back of their daughter’s head.
“Surprise,” the Queen said, tapping her daughter’s shoulder.
Lesedi swallowed hard before turning her head to face her royal parents. “Mama! Baba! You-you didn’t tell me you were coming.” Reggie stared in confusion as a bald woman dressed in black glared at him and the hand resting on Lesedi’s shoulder. He quickly snatched it away and stuffed it into his jacket.
“We wanted to surprise you a few days early,” the Queen explained while T’Challa glanced at Reggie’s jacket. His wife had educated him on Black Greek sororities and fraternities, so he knew exactly what that crisp red and white meant.
“Oh. Well, I...I was just going to study with Reggie,” Lesedi lied, knowing her mother could see right through her fib.
“Hmm, does the library have a strobe light and dance floor,” the mother questioned, taking in her Lesedi’s outfit and heels. She turned her attention to Reggie. “Hi, young man. I’m Lesedi’s mother.”
“Re-Reggie, ma’am. Nice to meet you,” he nervously introduced himself, holding out his quivering hand.
T’Challa was still silent and had the young couple nervous. Especially his daughter who was staring at him with doe, yet fearful eyes. “Kappa?” The King finally spoke, pointing at the letters on Reggie’s jacket.
“Yes sir. You Greek too,” Reggie asked, hoping this would get him in the good graces of T’Challa.
“No, I’m Wakandan,” he answered bluntly, causing Lesedi to hang her head and the Queen to snicker. ���I see you fancy my daughter.”
“Um, yeah.”
“Enough to not take your affection where the eye does not see it,” T’Challa continued.
The student fidgeted, sensing the very protective nature of the father. “No...”
Frowning, T’Challa repeated, “No?”
“I mean-I meant yes,” Reggie exclaimed. “Sorry-“
“Mr. Reggie, you seem unsure. Were you this unsure when you were shimmying your shoulders to win my daughter’s attention,” the King egged on, having the nerve to move his shoulders mimicking the Kappas signature move.
If Lesedi were a few shades lighter, you would be able to see the red on her cheeks.
Reggie was horrified and clearly wasn’t thinking when he answered, “Yes sir.”
“Excuse me,” T’Challa lunged at the poor boy causing Reggie to sprint away from the scene. Too bad he didn’t know about the strength of the Black Panther because T’Challa was right on his heels.
“Baba, nooo!” Lesedi cried. “Mama what did you tell him about the Kappas?”
“That they could shimmy a woman out of her panties,” the Queen cackled, hugging her Princess to her chest.
The next day, T’Challa was an internet sensation. Someone had recorded him chasing Reggie through the campus and the video went viral. People did edits and even added the white woman from the BBQ to a GIF version. Lesedi was embarrassed out of her mind and vowed to leave frat boys alone.
Until she met an Alpha.
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chateautae · 2 years
sammy my love!! i forgot to tell you that im fully caught up on all of your works and im just so in awe!! first, im so glad to see hotter than hell jk again!! im down bad for that man and id fold so quick for him, im serious😮‍💨 the tension was BUBBLING in the car scene and im going crazy!! THE SECOND HOTTER THAN HELL JK GOES DOWN ON OC IS WHEN IM GONNA LOSE THE REMAINING BITS OF MY MIND!!! aghh i can’t wait to read the next part!! were both of their minds erased and how?? are they soulmates that will keep finding each other despite what happens to them? ALSO I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THE NIGHTMARE THINGY!! I HAVE SO MANY THEORIES AND QUESTIONS!! AGH PART II WENT CRAZY AND THIS SERIES IS TOO GOOD!! IM HOOKED!! (also i dont know if you know about jujutsu kaisen, but for some reason i just could not stop picturing hotter than hell jk having the same marks as sukuna?? 😩)
I also read the joon fic and i almost choked my GOD!! IT WAS TOO HOT STOP. ive been down bad for joon and his big body and sexy brain and that fic just 🤌🏼🤌🏼 prof joon is too hot and i needed three business days to process it😭 the roughness of prof joon really did it for me🫣
ALL OF THESE FICS REALLY WERE A HUGE HIGHLIGHT TO MY DAYS AND IM NOT ONLY FEELING RATHER HOT AND HEAVY, BUT IM ALSO JUST SO IN AWE!! you’re so so talented and i hope you know that im genuinely one of your biggest fans and supporters!! thank you for all of the content that you put out😭 you work so hard, and your passion and love that you put into your craft really shows in all of your fics! you rlly do inspire me to work harder, sammy🥹
HELLOOO SATURN ANON I AM SO SO SORRY FOR MY LATE ASS REPLY!! I was stuck at work because i finally quit my job (YASS 🎉🎉🎉) but my horrible manager retaliated by giving me 4 long closing shifts in a row RIGHT during finals time where i'm the supervisor and continued to bully me throughout all the shifts... it's been a lovely few days for me 😀 anywhooo let me reply to your lovely feedback babes!!!
FJWOEIFNOWO SPEAKING OF HOTTER THAN HELL JK GOING DOWN ON OC... YOU'RE IN FOR A TREAT THE NEXT CHAPTER THAT'S ALL IM SAYING!! I'm so so glad you loved the tension, that was my number 1 concern!! GOODBYEEEE yes yes i would love to hear your theories babes like i’m genuienly going ham with the backstory for this fic dwwoidenoawi and hELLO??? YES YES YES TO IMAGINING SUKUNA like idc that man is hot as hell,,, IMAGINE LUCIFER JK HAVING THE MARKINGS!! IMAGINE LUCIFER JK HAVING SOMETHING LIKE A DOMAIN EXPANSION AND IT LOOKS LIKE SUKUNA’S MALEVOLENT SHRINE DOWJEDPIO (ahem btw my fave character is my man fushiguro what about yours saturn anon 👀) 
YASSS tysm for reading bubs i just couldn’t get the idea of prof joon out of my head and the second i told my sister she freaked out and begged me to write it so it happened <33 joon really has me down bad for his big body and sexy brain like sir who gave you the permission 😣
AHH I’M SO GLAD YOU LOVED THE HOBI FIC!! It literally just randomly popped into my head when I was dreaming and then I remembered hobi bias-wrecking me in LA and i was like wait,,, what if he literally catches her in the act?? I GOT OUT OF BED IMMEDIATELY AND STARTED DRAFTINGOWEDOI
PLEASE I MISSED THEM TOO and ugh i love them the most for comfort. I couldn’t help but write our mid babies as parents either because they’re really just the softest family <33
GOODBYEEEE SATURN ANON THIS IS SO SO SWEET OF YOU?? Ugh everything you just said has literally always been my concerns with writing, I stress over tension and story-building a lot so I’m so so happy to hear that it delivers!!! 
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND ALL THIS LOVELY FEEDBACK MY LOVE!!! Seriously your support means the world to me and I couldn’t have asked for anything more, I’m so so grateful for you saturn anon you always manage to turn my heart into mush and always make my day better!!! YES YES NEW MID DRABBLE IN THE WORKS AND WILL COME AS SOON AS I CAN!!
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skipcount1 · 3 years
AAHHHHH helloo I'm back I'm here new medroom chapter just updated so ofc I am it's tradition now /jj
ANYWAYS. GOD FREAKING HELL you did not have to dump that load of sweet SWEET angst on me LAPIS DUO MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED WHYYYY.
Ok so before I go into ranting mode I have to ask who Thunder is :00, I checked the first chap, I tried to think of people who would fit it nothing fits man. I thought it was Foolish at first but that dude's name is Totem HMMMM.
Now that we have that out of the way *breathes*
Firstly the dynamic between Ant, Velvet and Ponk? ABSOLUTE GOLD. They are like the friends with that attitude of "Only I can bully my best friend if you bully my best-friend I will BEAT YOU UP" and I am all hear for it.
So tempted to draw the scene of Ant shooting water up Ponk's nose it was so unsuspectedly funny I cannot dude. Also the marker scene it was so cute, the way you portray their friendship really shows how comfortable they are with each other, and that just makes me so incredibly happy what???
Also actually using my extremely big brain literary knowledge, the marker is definitely the small detail that turns into the turning point of the plot and thats very very cool ayoo??
Now to Lapis Duo. Why did you have to do this to me?
Lately I have been reading lots of top tier Lapis Duo fanfic and it's almost like you saw all of the fluff and cutesy-ness of the fanfic I consumed and be like "but what if it was angst? BUT what if I just give Nou a reality check and remind her about the post-Banquet break up they have, the burnt bridge, then the apologies??"
Hits a bit too hard man. But also even if Lemon is my favorite, I am very bias indeed and also he's totally misunderstood and stuff (also everytime you write him panicking I just cannot- /pos ) I still cannot hate Totem.
I get what they feel man. Thats why it hurts so much bro.
Captain was absolutely such a rude middle aged woman /pos. Especially in like with the way Warden recounts her actions, like trash talking about Lemon leaving (which is rude bro shush he was having a mental breakdown you oblivious little-) for 7 hours PFFFF.
But I still like her though. The rude middle aged gossipy woman vibes she's giving off rn? YASSS!
Damn now THIS is long. I wanna say a bit more about all the short stories you've been posting and how it reminds me of the fluffy Awesamponk drabbles back in Feb 2021, good times.
Either way, this is long as hell, I blame it on me using a laptop, I'm somewhat done, FAREWELL!!
kjkfjsdak;jakld first of all thank you so much
second! thunder is jack manifold. i mustve forgotten to add him to the list. hes literally just a dude though the public thinks hes just got terrible terrible luck because he keeps being where niki is lmao
i promise foolish's gonna get better. i have very strong feelings about him actually. theyre gonna enemies to friends it. (everybody currently involved with investigating crimson is having a lot of trauma dredged up rn.) foolish has also been bringing eret and puffy to ponk for years, and they've had some close calls. the idea that one of them could die and ponk wouldn't even do anything even though she absolutely could is........... not foolish's favorite thought. (ponk is also... a bit of an outlier in the way her powers manifest - she got the short end of the stick in repercussions.) (i... do not watch puffy very much so im glad youre enjoying her vibes. i gave her more petty energy than she usually has i think kekw)
to ant, velvet and ponk - i am so glad people are enjoying their dynamic! i love writing them. theyre friends your honor. (even if ponk wont admit it lol) they are Important to me. (if you drew art i think i would legitimately keel over)
also yes. the marker was a turning point. yes. mhm. that was planned. that was something i intentionally put in there. the plot gnomes have not struck again. i would never make accidental symbolism. mhm mhm
those awesamponk stories have been in my drafts since............june of last year bc i was too shy to post them lmao. back when we still had a bit of awesamponk :pensive:
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Valentine’s Day Countdown: Day 4
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Valentine’s Day Countdown Collection
Day 4 of my Valentine’s Day Fanfic Countdown. If you’re interested in seeing your story/ship get written by me, found out more here!
So, without any further ado, here are the two requests that made today’s cut:
1) Loki Laufeyson x Reader 2) College!Peter Parker x Reader
Anonymous asked green-eyeddragonfanfiction: For your valentine thingymajig(i like this word)  Can you do a reader x loki where the reader has infiltrated the avengers compound as an avenger but she's (could be he as well i dont really care). The avengers find out and get all butt-hurt but loki believes in her and hes the first to trust her again. Also whats the difference between an imagine, a one-shot, and a drabble?
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader Warnings: swearing, angst, betrayal Word Count: ~1,163 A/N: yasss Loki. Also, sorry for the delay on these. I made poor life decisions yesterday.
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One year, three months, sixteen days, ten hours, thirty-five minutes, and four seconds.
That’s how long it took Earth’s mightiest heroes to realize you weren’t all you appeared to be.
Even with all of Stark’s money and a few of the best spies this world had ever seen, it took them months to sniff you out.
Which is why you now found yourself in a high-security cell in the basement of the Avengers compound in upstate New York.
“Just tell us who sent you, (Y/N).”
The Captain’s voice drew you from your reverie. You stared at those piercing blue eyes through the thick wall of glass. All traces of the shy, kind man you’d come to know were replaced by the cold, hard exterior of Captain America. Still, he didn’t have what it took to break you.
The red head next to him... she might be a different story.
“Dunno what you’re talking about,” you muttered, turning away from them on the rock-like cot in your room. Everything was a sterile white that already had you itching to punch something. Too clean. Too neat.
“Just tell us what we need to know, (Y/N). This doesn’t have to end this way,” Natasha said persuasively, voice as smooth as silk.
As though she wouldn’t slit your throat the second you looked at Steve sideways now.
Can’t tell you. Too dangerous. They’ll kill you. Tear you all to pieces... go through anyone to get to you.
When you didn’t speak- or even move- Steve let out a long sigh. “C’mon, Nat. We’re wasting our time here,” Steve said coldly. You could imagine the disappointed, betrayed look on his face in crystal-clear detail. It made your heart plummet to your stomach.
You weren’t supposed to develop feelings for your marks, but this ragtag group of idiots had grown on you like no other. Eventually, you realized you hated deceiving them. You wanted to stop. Wanted them to find you out so you could stop the charade.
Catch me. I can’t stop. They won’t let me. Catch me. Lock me away where the sun doesn’t shine. I can’t keep doing this.
“Well... you look like shit.”
You went still. You knew that voice nearly as well as your own.
“What do you want, Loki?” you asked, trying to sound as detached as possible. Getting close to Loki hadn’t been part of your plan. He was dangerous. Deadly.
And had enough suspicion surrounding him that he’d cast doubt on any near him, too.
That didn’t stop you from falling in love with him, though. He was a complicated man with enough twists and turns in his soul to keep your guessing for the rest of your life.
You liked it. He was adventure, wild and dangerous. A promise of fun and mischief. Simple in his complexity.
Not bad on the eyes, either.
“Why did you do it?” he asked, sounding nothing more than politely curious.
You snorted. “You don’t have any right to judge me,” you said scathingly.
Run. Away from me. Go. Before you make things worse for yourself.
You could practically see him regarding you as he thought. “No, I suppose I don’t... and I’m not. But I am curious.”
You spun to face him, unable to keep your composure any longer. “What do you want me to say, Loki? That I’m sorry? That I didn’t mean it? That it’s all some big misunderstanding? Well, I’m not going to fucking say it. Any of it,” you spat. He didn’t so much as twitch.
His next words made your breath catch in your throat. “What of us, then? Was that all a lie, too?” he asked, regarding you coolly. He was so deathly still that you knew he was struggling with his emotions.
You set your jaw and took a deep breath which you exhaled through your nose. “You don’t mean anything to me, Loki. You never did. I was just using you to throw suspicion off of myself,” you said as you glared at him.
It felt like you were being stabbed in the heart as you spoke. Your mind was racing.
Buy it. Believe it. Don’t attach yourself to me. Not when you’re just beginning to build bridges with everyone else. Save yourself like you always do, you fool.
There, in the back of your mind, was a smaller voice, I love you. Please, don’t leave me alone. Please. I beg of you.
You turned away and pulled your knees to your chest. “Goodbye, Loki. Don’t come back. I don’t want to see your face again.”
You didn’t hear him leave, but he was always a quiet one. Moving around undetected by even Natasha and Bucky seemed to be a special skill of his. You couldn’t bring yourself to turn around and check; the sight of the room on the other side of the glass being empty where just a moment before Loki had been... now that might break you.
So when a pair of lean muscular arms wrapped themselves around your waist, you couldn’t help the sob that escaped your chest.
“Please don’t lie to me, love...” he murmured, breath tickling your ear. You leaned back into his chest and let the tears flow down your cheeks. It was all too much, and you felt your resolve crumble away in that instant.
“I’m sorry, Loki. I’m so sorry. Please... please, I can’t- I can’t lose you. Not you,” you choked out between hiccuping sobs.
He ran his fingers through your hair and placed a kiss to your temple. “I’m not going anywhere, Dove,” he whispered. At that, you managed to calm down a bit, although tears still flowed freely down your cheeks. “Please talk to us. Talk to me... so I can drive my knives through the hearts of anyone who’s ever tried to manipulate or hurt you,” he said, voice somehow both endearing and deadly.
You snorted and wiped your tears from your face before you turned to him. You were wearing an amused smile and the sight made the corners of Loki’s own lips turn upwards. “I love you, Loki Laufeyson. And that’s the truth,” you whispered as you rested your forehead against his and ran your fingers through his long black hair.
His bright grey eyes locked onto you, sparkling with mischief and emotion as he spoke. “I love you, too. And if you ever tell anyone how sappy you make me, I’ll be forced to kill you to save face,” he joked.
You let out a short huff of laughter which he shared, a deep rumble of a chuckle in his chest. “Duly noted, my God of Mischief.”
His grin turned a little more feral and you felt a thrill of anticipation run through you. “I do so love when you call me that.”
“God of Mischief?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He truly was one for all the pomp and circumstance.
He smiled and shook his head. “Yours.”
sheerioasteroidpanda said to green-eyeddragonfanfiction: Okay so, for your valentines day thingy Could you do a College! Peter Parker x Reader and it be fluffy af Like maybe reader is super close to Bucky (like shes constantly hugging him and makes him give her piggy back rides idk) and Peter thinks that they are actually dating but then Bucky asks if she has plans for Valentines and reader gets all sad because she doesn't and Peter panics and asks her out in front of Bucky. IDK I just love you and I feel like Spidy doesn't get enough love sometimes
Pairing: College!Peter Parker x Reader Warnings: None... I think. Word Count: ~1,337 A/N: Obviously an AU a few years in the future where Peter is in college and therefore 18+
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Peter watched as you passed through the kitchen in a whirlwind, grabbing food and coffee while juggling your backpack and coat. His homework lay forgotten on the table in front of him, too distracted by your very presence to bother giving it any attention.
“You should really sit down and eat, Doll,” Bucky said with a frown from his spot at the kitchen island. Beside him, Steve nodded in agreement.
You barely even flinched at the request as you shoved a piece of toast in your mouth. “Can’t, Buck. I’m late,” you said hurriedly. Peter frowned when you slung an arm around him and placed a kiss to his cheek before giving Steve a hug and dashing for the door.
You paused at the doorway and turned to look at Peter, whose heart immediately began thumping loudly in his chest at your sudden attention. “See you in class later, Peter?” you asked, giving him a tentative smile. Peter nodded eagerly, his voice having spontaneously left him the moment you looked at him. You smiled at him. “Cool.”
And then you ran out the door.
Bucky and Steve had watched the entire thing and when Peter finally looked back at them with a goofy grin on his face he felt himself pale dangerously at the look on Bucky’s face.
He looked murderous.
Which, for an assassin with a metal arm, meant he was absolutely fucking terrifying.
“I’m just gonna- I’ll go study in my room,” he said, quickly gathering his books up and making a hasty exit, books teetering dangerously in his arms.
“Bucky...” Peter heard Steve say chastizingly, but Peter practically ran to his room and didn’t overhear anything said between them after that.
The clock hit 12:50pm and your professor dismissed the class. You and Peter stood up and gathered your things, chatting absently as you moved. You made it out of the building and towards the parking lot slowly, enjoying each other’s company. Peter was sure if Bucky saw the two of you together he’d punch his lights out.
Finally, he asked that question he’d been dreading. Why he wanted to hurt himself like that was beyond him. “So... you have plans with Bucky later?”
You thought about it for a second and even pulled out your phone to check. “No... why?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Well, cause... cause it’s Valentine’s Day,” Peter said, gaze glued to the ground.
You sounded good and confused now. “What does that have to do with anything?”
Peter’s gaze flew upwards to your face, but he quickly looked away nervously. “Well, he’s your boyfriend, so-”
“What?” you stopped in your tracks, face unreadable.
“Bucky’s your boyfriend, so I’m sure you guys are doing something tonight... right?”
You stared blankly at him for a second before wordlessly pulling out your phone and typing something Peter couldn’t quite see without straining his neck quite obviously. You shoved your phone back into your pocket and looked up at him and Peter tried very hard to look like he hadn’t just been trying to sneak a peek at your phone.
“Peter, Bucky’s not my boyfriend,” you said, deadpan.
“What? But you always hug him and give him kisses and you used to ask him to give you piggy back rides and-”
“Peter,” you cut across him. He instantly snapped his mouth shut and stared at you in confusion. “Bucky’s not my boyfriend. He’s my grand uncle.”
Peter’s eyes widened comically and you had to bite back a laugh. “He- You- What?” he asked, flabbergasted.
You laughed at that. “My Grandma Rebecca is his sister. We’re family.”
Peter’s mouth opened and closed a few times and you made a mental note of how he looked like a fish out of water. “So... not dating?”
You made a face. “Ew. No. Even if we weren’t related he’s over a hundred years old. I mean even if you count biological years he’s still got like ten years on me.”
Peter frowned and looked at the ground. “Oh.”
You peered at him, head tilted slightly. “Why do you ask?”
Peter went beet red. “No reason.”
You paused before plastering a smile on your face. “Oh, alright then. Let’s get back to base, yeah? Before Tony sends Steve and Natasha after us.”
Peter nodded and avoided your gaze. After a moment, his head shot back up, confused expression on his face. “Hey, what did you send on your phone a minute ago?” he asked curiously.
The grin on your face reminded him violently of Natasha and the glint in your eyes reminded him of Bucky. “Oh, I told the group chat you thought Bucky was my boyfriend.”
Peter went tomato red again as he pulled out his phone. Sure enough, the group chat had exploded with messages and he saw quite a few witty, sarcastic ones from Tony, Clint, and Sam. He supposed it was a blessing Loki didn’t have a phone.
“Stupid. Coward. Idiot.” Peter thumped his head lightly against his desk with each word. He paused his berating of himself when he heard the scuffle outside his door.
“Buck, come on- you can’t just-”
But Steve’s protests apparently didn’t stop Bucky because a second later he kicked the door open, six feet of muscle and anger blocking the light from the hallway.
Peter gulped loudly. “Uh, hi, Sergeant Barnes. Captain Rogers. Can... can I help you?” he squeaked.
Bucky stalked forward and stopped barely and inch from Peter who’d reflexively stood up in case he had to defend himself. “Fix it,” Bucky spat.
“Wha- I don’t-”
“Fix it!” Bucky hissed again. This close, Peter could feel his breath on his face.
Steve sighed; Peter could just barely spot a broad shoulder and the top of Steve’s blond head past Bucky. “Bucky, you gotta use your words.”
Bucky took a deep breath and took a half step back. “She’s sad. (Y/N). I can’t fix it. Not this. Already tried. Grow a pair and ask her out,” he said, glaring down his nose at Peter.
“Wait, what? You... want me to ask her out?” he asked, utterly caught off guard.
Bucky scoffed. “Hell no. But you make her happy. I see the way you look at each other. I’m not blind.”
“She likes me?” Peter asked, the words sounding foreign in his mouth even though he’d been wishing for them to be true for months. Years, even.
“Go ask her yourself and find out, punk,” Bucky said as he crossed his arms.
Peter nodded, mind going a million miles per hour, and moved to step around Bucky’s large frame, but his metal hand shot out and stopped him in his tracks. “If you hurt her, I want you to know- in no uncertain terms- you’ll regret it. I won’t go into details. I don’t need to. Just know I’m a man of my word,” Bucky said darkly. Steve sighed and shook his head, burying his face in his hands in exasperation.
Peter gulped and nodded. “I understand, Sergeant Barnes, sir.”
Bucky gave him one last glance before he removed his hand and nodded. “Then go.”
Peter didn’t need to be told twice. He bolted from the room, eager to leave The Winter Soldier behind.
He found you in minutes, knowing the places you liked to frequent off the top of his head. When you saw him rush into the room you smiled, though one of your brows was lifted in confusion. Even from this far away, Peter could tell you’d been crying recently. Your eyes were still a little puffy and red.
“Hey, Peter... what’s up?” you asked casually.
“DoyouwannagoonadatewithmeforValentine’sDay?” he asked, words blurring together in his haste to get them out.
You stared at him blankly, nod understanding. “Sorry... what?”
“You. Me. Valentine’s Day?” he asked haltingly, finer speech eluding him under your gaze.
But you finally seemed to understand, wide grin lighting your face up; one Peter instantly found himself mimicking as his heart soared. “Yeah, Peter. I’d love to be your Valentine.”
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poiregourmande · 7 years
Evan Ghang/Steven!
yasss anon, giving me life!!!
(i recommend watching this first, at least from 6:50 to 7:38)
Steven is screwed.
He’s always known Evan was handsome, sure. But he’d never been attracted to the guy.
Until now.
They’re at Articles of Style, and Evan is trying on his suit.
And Steven is utterly unable to look away. The cut of the suit emphasizes every single perfect angle and curve of Evan’s body, showing no mercy whatsoever to Steven.
Evan buttons up the suit and Steven had never noticed his hands before – strong, long, precise. A flash of these hands gripping his hips bursts through Steven’s mind and he gulps.
He hears the guys talking about the cut of the suit and he absolutely cannot join in, he cannot follow the conversation because his brain is currently cataloging every single part of Evan that he never noticed before.
And then he hears his name and oh they asked him a question and he should maybe pay attention to his own show.
“What do you think, Steve?”
What does he think? He thinks that this is the most amazing sight he’s ever seen; he thinks that he wants to pull Evan in by his tie, see if his kisses are as perfect as the rest of him; he thinks that he wants these strong shoulders, these sturdy arms to fold him in and keep him close; he thinks that he wants to wrap his legs around that slender waist and lose himself in these eyes.
“I mean, you look fine.” He forces himself to laugh with the others, forces himself to look anywhere but at Evan.
And then Evan calls “Hug test!” and he looks so endearing, a gorgeous smile on his face and it is both the thing Steven wants the most and the least because he can’t do that, not on camera, not with all these people around.
But he drags his feet towards Evan and lets himself be hugged. He’s stiff, not even facing Evan, because his pants are tight and wouldn’t conceal much if their groins came in close contact.
And Evan’s arms close around him, his hands pull him in and Steven just wants to give in but he can’t.
Maybe one day Steven will stop falling for his cohosts.
send me ANY two buzzfeed people and i’ll write you a drabble!
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ahornedgod · 7 years
got drabble - baby, i have 800 choices (yet i always choose you, again and again) iv
a/n: @jonsa-week so today’s prompt turned out to be the perfect excuse to update this multi-chap. and hey! i made it in time yasss!
forgot this: day 4 - modern au.
in which Rickon channels Robb and tries to play at being the overprotective older brother; it doesn’t work. sorta.
It’s Rickon’s idea, and he’s quite proud of it.
Well, Bran had given them the general idea first—make a YouTube channel to stream their playthroughs of the game, their online battles, trades, shiny hunts and any other thing they can come up with—but that idea had been given to Jon and Sansa as individuals.
Rickon is the one to suggest they create the channel as a team.
“You’re dating,” he says, “that’s not very common among the gamers that have a stream channel. You’re both recognized Champions by now. You’d be super popular.”
Read at Ao3.
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