#first peter wants to control scott by the bite
buckybarnesss · 11 months
Something that is really important to me is that Stiles is, at least at first, genuinely thrilled by the supernatural.
He wants to help Scott figure out how it works. He helps Scott with control, he gets involved. And a lot of that is because if Scott is involved then Stiles HAS to be, but he also is like "oh its cool that Derek's eyes flare so he never has an identifiable mugshot."
When Derek is done writhing around on the ground in Magic Bullet, Stiles says that it was awesome. Derek healed himself and it was awesome. He has a similar reaction when he does the magic circle (and he looks at Derek for confirmation that it is indeed cool)
He has this look of awe on his face when Derek defends him against Isaac.
All this to say, I genuinely believe that if Derek had asked Stiles if he wanted to be bitten then Stiles would have at least considered it instead of denying it. I think PETER being the one to offer it was the sticking point for Stiles (assuming Peter wasn't just being a dick, because Derek says that you learn to tell when people are lying because you know them enough to pick up on their tells, and Peter doesn't know Stiles at that point).
stiles seriously, genuinely diagnosing scott with You're A Werewolf, Scottie is still very funny to me. but like, he did research. he went all in and he was right. it never crosses his mind to abandon scott. stiles is a true ride or die. he is loyal to a fault.
stiles just thinks this is very, very cool aside from the awful, terrible stuff happening where people are dying. he's just a curious dude and wants to ask all the questions.
at some point you know he bothered derek with his list of burning questions about werewolves that either scott doesn't know or isn't willing to entertain stiles curiosity with
look you and i and everyone in beacon hills stiles asked derek if werewolves had knots. there is no way he didn't.
they imply derek and stiles talk outside of what we're shown.
stiles is also a lil' freak who keeps derek's mugshot on his crime board. he's fascinated.
derek offering stiles the bite or even bringing it up to stiles would've been worlds different to stiles than peter but i don't think derek ever would for many, many reasons and one of them being stiles scares the shit out of derek emotionally and even the smallest chance stiles could die like paige did probably made physically ill even if he couldn't parse it all out.
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Hiiii hope you're having a nice day!!!!
Could recommend any fics where Derek is the True Alpha instead Scott? Preferably Sterek, but no-pairing/gen is alright too
Thank you!!
Hey @mayetaisho! I got you.
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christabel by Petr1chor
(5/5 I 7,623 I General)
“Peter?” Stiles said, too shocked to keep it out of his voice, “Why are you calling?”
Peter sighed on the other end, genuine in a way Peter rarely was. “I thought you would want to know.”
“Know what?”
“About Derek.”
“Peter, I’m too old for your cryptic shit. Either spit it out or I’m hanging up.”
“Stiles,” Peter said, his voice shaky, somehow, “Derek is dead.”
Stiles had a phone in his hand, a shattered mug, a puddle of coffee and what might be a first degree burn on his foot.
“Stiles? Are you still there?” Peter’s voice sounded fuzzy when his phone wasn’t pressed against his ear. Without response, he hit end call.
Derek is dead.
Stiles goes back to Beacon Hills for Derek's funeral, but Derek isn't as dead as they assumed
..With My Teeth by Fayaheda
(1/1 I 7,763 I Mature)
"I'm gonna bite that incredible ass of yours, now..." She grins when she sees his cheeks flood and he looks down to his feet out of embarrassment. "...With my teeth."
The Bargain by dr_girlfriend 
(6/6 I 9,713 I Teen)
Time drags on, and it becomes apparent that this is not a part of the tradition. The wolves start to shift on their feet and murmur, but no one attempts to speak to Stiles. He stands, feeling the back of his neck growing red from the sun and his face growing red from embarrassment.
What will happen if Derek Hale cannot be coerced to the altar? Will the bargain be revoked?
The One You Choose by Asterekmess (Livinginfictions)
(7/7 I 13,495 I Mature)
Stiles hadn’t seen Scott in over a week, except for glances he caught during school hours.
You’re an Understatement (you’re getting worse) by LadySlytherin
(1/1 I 13,510 I Explicit)
Erica’s goal in life was to be hired by Neckz’n’Throats. Not as a model, though she knew she was hot enough for that. No, she wanted to be behind the camera. And to do that, she needed two things. A glowing recommendation, and a portfolio that would grab their attention; that would make them take her seriously. For that, she needed the right models. Thankfully, she knew just who to ask.
I found you hidden in plain sight (why'd I take so long?) by Gorgeousgreymatter
(7/7 I 25,419 I Explicit)
Stiles is pretty sure he’s hallucinating. He’s got to be. There’s no other plausible explanation, he thinks, as he sits on the sidelines of the lacrosse field and feels the cold, hard bench underneath him, the roar of the crowd at his back like the worst white noise machine in the world.
There’s no other reason why he sees it, the hulking, black figure of a wolf peering at him from the treeline behind the bleachers. Its eyes flare in the glaring glow of the stadium lights, but they’re the wrong color, he thinks: blood-moon red instead of cobalt blue, but the familiarity of it all makes his stomach roll and clench.
"X" marks the spot by mmspring
(3/3 I 39,796 I General)
"Please, bring my nephew back" Stiles stays silent for a second, before clearing his throat and speaking again. "Do you remember that time when you asked if someone in this town could stay dead?" he asks, and waits for the other man to confirm that he, indeed, remembers. "Well, let's hope the answer is still no".
Stiles has to save the day once again, but he doesn't want the recognition for it.
DNA by badluckvixen13 (fanaticmusings)
(28/28 I 127,882 I Explicit)
Centuries ago, the Alliance gained control of the majority of the free world. The rest of the world, the Frontier, are the magical wastelands where criminals hide and dark secrets are lost and the pre-Alliance divisions remain. To foster a sense of allegiance, peace, and progression toward human and supernatural equality, the Alliance created the Handler-Shifter system to enforce supernatural law on behalf of humans and supernaturals alike.
For a better alliance, Stiles enters the service just like his parents before him. For the sake of Pack, Derek returns to the Alliance and finds himself partnered with a smart-mouthed, pale, kid who has seen more darkness than most people his age. Together with Scott and Kira, they find themselves standing on the edge of a revolution thousands of years in the making with only one question to answer:
Are they strong enough?
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whimsicalmeerkat · 27 days
WIP Whenever
WIP Whenever
I've been tagged by a ton of people and just haven't had either the energy for the post or anything to share. This is from a fic for @dear-massacre that I'm writing as repayment for a somnophilia rec list. Fuck or die Deter under the cut.
Stiles had thought it was funny at first. He'd made a million jokes about sex pollen. They stopped when he looked up the flowers Peter had been sent. When he realized Peter would actually die, and this time it would almost certainly stick. Derek wasn't going to risk Peter's life on the slim chance that it wouldn't.
He would have said something already, but he really doesn't know how to tell two packs, one sometimes hostile, that he's going to fuck his uncle. He doesn't think the majority of them will see it simply as something he's doing to save Peter's life.
They would be right, but he's certainly not going to say that to any of them.
"I mean, it's Peter, so we already know normal rules may not apply, but yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. If we don't do something about this, Peter will die," Stiles confirms for the dozenth time. Derek has to give him credit. In spite of how little Stiles likes his uncle, he doesn't sound smug at all. He sounds completely serious for once. It makes Derek feel a little better about what he's getting ready to do.
Well, more like makes him feel better about what he might have to reveal if the pack doesn't shut up about who's going to have to bite the bullet and fuck Peter, like he isn't worth it. Like it would somehow sully them to fuck someone to save his life. Like he's not pack, like he wouldn't do it for any of them, like they haven't all done things they needed forgiveness for.
"OK, everyone, head home," Stiles says, standing. "Derek and I will figure something out for Peter None of your extremely reluctant volunteer efforts will be needed today."
His sarcasm doesn’t go unnoticed, but no one says anything in response. Derek bites back his growl, but doesn’t try to don a more neutral expression. Stiles looks just as angry, which makes him feel better.
The house clears quickly, until Scott is lingering in the entry with Stiles. Derek notices Stiles hasn't put his shoes or coat on but doesn't have much time to think about why. because Scott is glaring at Derek in a way he hasn't in years. His eyes are red and there's a hint of rumbling coming from his chest.
Derek isn't sure he could have stopped his eyes from changing or the growl he let out if he'd tried. He didn't want to, though, so he just let it happen. At the sound, Stiles' attention snaps to Derek. Stiles doesn't waste any time trying to talk them down. He steps between them. It makes Derek's wolf crazy, but Derek maintains control. He trusts Stiles.
"Alpha McCall, I am speaking to you as Emissary of the Hale Pack." Scott blinks and his eyes are brown again. He looks at Stiles, clearly confused. Derek tries not to look smug. He's been saying for years that Scott underestimates Stiles. He loves being proved right.
Low-pressure tags for either Wednesday or whenever: @dear-massacre @lucky-bishop @calenlily @definitively-different-drivel @yogi-bogey-box
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blackhholes · 11 months
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Agency and Autonomy in Teen Wolf
Agency and Imagination in the Films of David Lynch by James D. Reid & Candace R. Craig /  Redefining Biological Horror: The Aesthetic Evolution of an Infected Body in HBO’s The Last of Us by Flavius Floare / Superfluous Bodies and Loneliness in Under the Skin by Donald Prentice / ‘We are not who we are’: Lovecraftian Conspiracy and Magical Humanism in The Cabin in the Woods by Christopher Lockett
Agency and autonomy are brought up repeatedly throughout the show. The catalyst of the narrative is when Scott is bitten by Peter against his will and turned into something he doesn’t even recognise anymore. This idea is repeated throughout the show when characters repeatedly have their agency stripped from them by other characters. In just the first season we see peter repeatedly forcing Scott to turn, inducing homicidal urges and triggering amnesia. Both of these actions are then later in the show repeated by Scott on other characters, though the reasoning is different in such a capacity we as the audience are made aware that the loss of autonomy does not stem from bad faith. When Scott forces Malia to turn and when he bites Liam, it is done because it is the only way for him to save their lives. This is an important distinction as when Peter did this he only ever did it as a way to make himself more powerful, he needed a pack and for Scott to be part of that pack so he’d be strong enough to take on the hunters and Kate. It is also important to note that Liam and Malia are allowed within the narrative framework of the show to be angry about this. Liam directly at Scott when he is initially turned and Malia at Stiles as a sort of proxy-Scott within Eichen House. Because they are allowed to show their grief and anger at losing part of themselves, they are then later able to reconcile this anger they’ve felt with the reasons Scott acted as he did and they both become important members of the pack. 
Body horror usually follows instances when a character is stripped of agency, their body physically turns on them and they’re no longer able to control the things it does. This further visualises the invasiveness of what happened to the character for the audience, we now have a visually gruesome component to the incidents taking place, making it much more horrific for us to witness. This is particularly highlighted in season five with the chimeras. Chimeras within the show are repeatedly stripped of their agency and autonomy in an effort for the dread doctors to perform experiments on them. They don’t have any recollection of this happening to them, without their knowledge their bodies are changed and begin acting without their conscious decisions. When the pack brings Tracy to Deaton it’s a particularly repulsive image that greets the viewer, her back cracks open, all her bone and muscles are on show for us and a tail grows out of nowhere. When a character consents to something like the bite we don’t actually see the changes happening to their bodies. Isaac, Boyd and Erica are never given the same initial scenes as Scott of bodily changes, they simple weren’t werewolves then they are. The closest we get to this is the scene in the train car during the full moon, but during that scene it is not their bodies turning on themselves, it’s them turning on Derek. The violence is not turned inwards it’s turned outwards.
Then how come a character like Jackson who wanted the bite has multiple body horror scenes throughout season two? Jackson wanted to become a werewolf, the bite was merely the means to an end. Assuming Derek never told him it’s clear he had no idea there was a possibility he might turn into something like the kanima. He is not only turning into something he never wanted he is also in a sense being possessed. He is no longer the only occupant in his body, the kanima is someone he initially has no knowledge of, a creature that is basically using his body to commit murders at the will of Matt. Matt too becomes one of the theoretical entities possessing Jackson’s body as the show makes it clear to the viewer in Raving that the kanima and Matt have a sort of telepathic connection. 
Stiles’ possession by the nogitsune in three b is interesting because it is a clear instance of a character within the show having both agency and autonomy stripped from them but there are hardly any distinct body horror scenes to visually showcase this. The effect of the nogitsune’s possession has a more hidden and somewhat downplayed effect on his body than that of other creatures seen in the show. Stiles begins to look sickly as the season progresses, the bags under his eyes grow more pronounced, he becomes paler. The only true body horror scene the audience sees is when the nogitsune splits the two and starts ripping bandages from its throat in a sort of gruesome circus act. After this Stiles’ body continues deteriorating until he is no longer able to stand on his own and he looks like he’s on the brink of death. 
Lastly it would be impossible to write a post about agency and autonomy in Teen Wolf without discussing Lydia. It could be argued that the instances where Lydia is stripped of autonomy are less grand in comparison to other events in the show but it happens repeatedly to her and to such a degree that leaving her out would be a major disservice. The two major ones in my opinion are the season one finale where Peter bites her, and then uses her to resurrect him; and when she is in Eichen House in season five and Valack performs trepanation on her to make her more powerful. Peter’s action was done for the same reason he bit Scott, it was a way for him to gain power, to keep the upper hand. The following resurrection plot then becomes an event which even further strips Lydia’s autonomy, she now acts only according to what Peter wants, poisoning her friends to keep them distracted on the full moon for her to perform the resurrection. When Valack performs trepanation on her in Eichen House it’s despite Lydia’s many vocal no’s. He does not care if Lydia dies because of it, he even believes that doing something that will likely kill her is worth it and the good thing to do if she can find out who the beast is. It’s also interesting to note in regards to the trepanation that within psychiatry trepanning was the precursor to the lobotomy. Something which wound be a very interesting thing to look at from the perspective of a character analysis of Lydia. 
[Also this is me barely scratching the surface of this topic,,, both in the webweave above but also in the essay i wrote. like i could write an entire thesis about this topic i'm not even kidding and i had to hold myself back from using even more quotes than this even tho this is def the longest post i've ever made.]
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
your fic ideas are hella cool so dropping in another 📔 if you wish!
(another content warning, for abuse & gaslighting this time)
AU where instead of letting him go to suffer in his grief and guilt, Kate keeps Derek after the fire. she doesn't take credit for what she did, instead bluffing her way through convincing Derek that someone else was responsible for it. she offers him refuge. she can protect him. because she loves him.
desperate for comfort in the wake of all that he's lost (he assumes, and Kate reinforces the idea, that everyone else is dead), with the alternative too horrifying for him to even consider much less accept, Derek latches onto her and goes with her willingly because he's got nothing and no one else left.
it's a perfect foundation for the kind of emotional abuse that keeps someone feeling indebted no matter what their abuser puts them through. he'll do anything she wants him to, because doesn't he remember what she did for him? what she's still doing for him? keeping him safe. he knows what her family does, he doesn't he understand how much of a risk it is for her to harbor him from them? he can't possibly disobey complain when she's risking everything for him.
bonus points if he's desperate enough, and Kate a forceful enough personality, that Derek can latch onto her like an alpha to avoid omega status, in lieu of having a pack. we see atypical pack bonds in the show, Scott forming a "pack" with Stiles and Allison that was solid enough to avoid omega status and help him resist the sway of a real alpha, so i'm inclined to think it's possible. Derek, young and vulnerable, alone and grieving and terrified, submitting to the will of someone older, trusted, and powerful enough to make him feel safe.
little does Derek know, Laura and Cora both escaped the fire (and Peter, comatose still). he thinks they're dead, because that's what Kate told him, and he trusts Kate (because she's all he has).
he doesn't know they're alive, but they also don't know that he's alive. Laura and Cora fled town together after the fire, the way Laura and Derek did canonically. and they're drawn back the same way -- Peter's slowly returning consciousness, the mystery of the fire, etc etc. in this AU, it's Mrs Finch (the teacher at the high school from season 6 who's apparently been an alpha werewolf in hiding the entire time) that Peter killed so that he could start biting random teenagers in the woods. that's definitely something that Laura needs to look into and take care of.
it's also something the hunters are looking into, of course. Chris calls Kate for backup and, not having any more context than "rogue alpha", she comes. and she brings her boyfriend with her. whatever identity she's set up for him, it's well established by now, and Derek is (horror of horrors) one of her hunters. she's convinced him to fight the "bad" werewolves. it's not like werewolves didn't police their own sometimes anyway, if they deserved it, for the sake of staying secret and protecting innocents. it didn't take too much manipulating prodding to convince him to use his superior senses to aid her cause.
Derek is the one who finds the alpha. he has him in his sights.
only Laura has found him too.
and that's the first they see of each other.
Derek runs before there can be any kind of connection. he goes back to Kate and tells her what he saw. she, of course, gaslights the fuck out of him. he didn't actually see his sister. he couldn't have. they're all dead, remember? she saw the bodies herself, doesn't he trust her?
Kate, blindsided -- she knew Laura and Cora were alive, but she didn't expect them to be here, threatening her long con and her control on her favorite tool/toy -- runs back to Chris (completely in the dark on her machinations) for damage control. tries to turn him onto taking the other Hales out of the picture as quickly as possible without alerting him as to why.
code-loving Chris resists; as far as they know, those Hales haven't done anything wrong. they haven't broken the code, one of them is just 16, and it seems like they're all working toward the same end in taking down the rogue alpha. maybe they should just let them be for now, keep an eye on them, monitor the situation, etc. Kate, not happy about this, but unable to leave to handle things on her own without raising eyebrows.
meanwhile, Cora being the one to connect with Scott and Stiles. much less likely to stand out while sneaking around a high school she doesn't attend, lmao. Laura is busy with the alpha investigation (and with the whole "holy SHIT was that Derek?? that really looked like it might've been Derek, wtf wtf wtf" thing), so she does most of the handling with the boys.
Scott isn't nearly as resistant to her (or Laura) as he was to Derek, who was far more overbearing and uncommunicative, lol. Laura wants him to focus on getting himself and his shift under control, adjust to his new powers, just stay out of the way for now. she tells Cora that too, but Cora says FUCK THAT, Derek might be alive and you want me to stay out of it??? she may not have spent 7 years completely alone and fending for herself in this AU, but she's still headstrong and proactive. she wants to get shit done.
so she, Scott, and Stiles end up on their own little sub-mission. and they bring Allison into the fold because they don't have an Argent-traumatized Derek projecting all over them and insisting they can't trust her. they know Argents as a whole are bad, but they also know that Allison doesn't seem to have any clue what the rest of her family is doing. she's a total normie. Cora's much more likely to look at her and go "wow, you're so in the dark. maybe if we DON'T lie to you, we can get you one our side and you'll be an advantage!"
she starts explaining things to Allison and makes some mention of her brother and Allison's like "wait, Derek? that's Kate's boyfriend, they've been together for years, he's staying in our guest room" and Cora's like UM??
Stiles: "well, fuck, let's break in and rescue him right now!" Allison: "you know i have a key, right? it's my house" Scott: "idk if that's a good idea" Cora: "Laura would be so mad......let's do it"
meanwhile, Laura, more on the cautious side of things. she's desperate to get Derek back, if that actually was him, but she isn't sure it was and she can't take huge risks if it puts the sibling she does have in danger. keeping Cora safe has been her number one priority for the last 6 years, she isn't willing to jeopardize that just yet.
doesn't mean she can't take small risks. if Chris Argent gets all up in her face to menacingly wash the windows of her car, she may take a chance on a question or two.
Laura: "Kate's boyfriend -- Derek, isn't it? i had a little brother by that name. would be about that age by now, if he was alive." Chris: "what are you insinuating?" Laura: "nothing. just a funny coincidence, don't you think?"
she doesn't get an answer, but it plants a little seed of doubt in Chris, right as Kate's control over Derek is starting to fray a little bit. Cora & co get into the guest room where they're staying, intending to rescue him, but they miscalculate and no one's in there (which is probably good, cuz that would've gone badly for them). Cora gets frustrated and upset because there are scents here but she doesn't really recognize them enough to verify if it's her brother or not -- it's been a long time, and she was too young to remember properly.
but Derek wasn't too young. and when he gets back to the room, he and can smell her.
Kate insists he's wrong, he's not smelling anything more than perfume or air freshener, what is he smelling ghosts now? he starts to feel like either he's going crazy or maybe, maybe..... Kate is lying to him.
he's still fighting that realization, but the next time he gets sent out on his own after the alpha, Laura finds him. neither of them runs this time. Laura tries to get Derek to come with her, but Derek has been with Kate a long time and he doesn't know how to do or be anything else anymore. they argue. Derek insists that Kate has been good to him, that she saved him, that she loves him.
Laura: "Derek, she told you we were dead! do i look dead to you?"
over the course of this argument, Derek mentions smelling Cora in his room and Laura's like "you did what?? GODDAMN IT, CORA"
that's how Laura finds out they've let Allison in on the secret and she is furious. she may not have the very personal grudge and trust issues that canon!Derek had with them, but she's still got a very healthy aversion to hunters. she yells at Cora about how reckless and stupid it was to tell this girl anything. Scott steps in to defend her -- it was his idea, if she's gonna be mad at anyone then be mad at him. Stiles argues that it was a tactical advantage to have an inside man, so to speak.
Laura gets that, she does, but she just.....she wants everybody to be safe. she can't protect her loved ones (the ones she has left) if they won't do what she tells them to do. she's by far the more traumatized of the two of them. she went from normal teenager to The Alpha, the one with too much responsibility on her shoulders to be allowed to grieve and process properly. she sheltered Cora, still an actual kid, enough to let her fall apart and then put her back together again, but Laura never got to do that herself. she couldn't afford to break down when she had a child to keep safe and provide for.
but now Cora's old enough to take of herself, old enough to push for what she thinks is right, and Laura is still clinging to that Must Protect instinct because it's the only thing that's been keeping her going for the last 6 years. to be faced with evidence that she failed as an alpha, and as a big sister? that she let Derek get taken in and twisted up by hunters and she didn't even know? devastating.
it takes them all to talk her down. because honestly, she is being paranoid and irrational and stubborn, and that's not actually helping. it's not helping her, it's not helping Cora, and most of all, it's not helping Derek. if they want to get their brother back, they'll need all the help they can get, and Allison, Argent or not, has already proven that she can and wants to be that help.
in the end, they decide they need Chris as an ally too, if they really want to get somewhere, and they can use Allison to make that happen bit by bit. they get her to start hinting at things, asking leading questions about Derek, like if Chris knows where he's from or what he studied in school or how old he is. casual normal things that Chris realizes he doesn't have answers for, because Kate always answers for Derek when people talk to him and she's always vague.
not to mention, Kate is acting cagey lately. pushing so hard to kill Laura with no code violation. he's got Laura's voice in his ear now. i had a brother by that name. he would be about that age too, if he was alive.
aaaaand okay so i never got to the end of this idea, so you gotta imagine the rest of it yourself 😅 but you know at some point, either Laura tears Kate's throat out to rescue Derek, or Derek truly comes to understand just how deeply he's been victimized and does it himself. either way, i'm cheering them on.
send me a book emoji for the plot of a fic that i haven't written but daydream about!!
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lucky-bishop · 10 months
Snippet Saturday!
Thanks for the tag @dear-massacre ❤️
I've written 6.1k so far today on my Steter Bang piece, which is a S1 AU focused on the connection between a feral Peter and Stiles. Here's a fun bit from the third (and last) chapter that I wrote today:
Stiles wonders if Peter will have to turn him. If a werewolf’s mate also needs to be a werewolf. But he doesn’t focus on it - when he gets the chance to discuss all this with Peter, he’ll ask then. He does think about what it would be like. If he’d been turned in all the madness and disarray when Peter first woke up and all of this started - he doesn’t know how he’d feel about that. But knowing Peter, knowing the connection that they have now? He wants it. He wants to be able to keep up with Peter on a full moon run. Wants to hunt down a deer and present it for Peter, if the ritual is as important as Derek made it seem. He wants to know Peter’s heartbeat, his scent, his everything as intimately as Peter knows him. He wants to be equals in every sense of the word. It’s still scary and intimidating, though. He knows how hard it was for Scott to control himself in the beginning. But with Peter right there to support him - he thinks he could do it. It’s brutal, too, taking the bite. But if there’s anyone in the world Stiles could get down on his knees and expose his throat and belly for, it’s Peter. 
No pressure tags: @rosieposiepuddingnpie, @geekmom13, @mirrorthoughts, @midmorning-bomb, @meggie-stardust, @aurevell, @punchedbymarkesmith
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
What do you suppose drew Marin Morrell to psychiatry? Do you think she experienced something traumatic growing up that required her to see a counselor and that sparked her interest?
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I think that what drew Marin to psychological counseling is the same reason she does anything: To Maintain Balance.
(Caveat: while I have taken courses in psychology, they were over two decades ago. I won't claim expertise in this area and any speculation I make should be considered valid for entertainment purposes only.)
One of the things I find interesting is that when Morrell interacts with Scott and his pack, she's never spends any effort on futile recovery, by which I mean counseling the characters to get "back to normal." She has insight into the supernatural, so it's apparent she understands that once they enter the supernatural world, there's no going back for them. (This is in line with one of Teen Wolf's themes: what you know makes you responsible.) She focuses on providing with the tools to find their own balance.
"Lydia, what's it gonna take to get you to open up?" Morrell is introduced to us through Lydia's visits to her in Abomination (2x04) and Venomous (2x05). Lydia is sent there by her mother to deal with the aftereffects of the horrific trauma Peter visited upon her on the lacrosse pitch in Formality (1x11) and, unbeknownst to everyone involved, Peter's ongoing possession. We understand later that Morrell is probably aware of what exactly happened on that field to some extent. What's really interesting to me is that Morrell never asks about the accident, remaining entirely focused on coaxing Lydia out of the mean-girl pose that Lydia uses as protection -- epitomized by the wonderful make-up-as-armor scene in The Tell (1x05). Lydia is only going to be able to come to grips with what happened is if she openly participates in the world around her. This is advice which Lydia takes, asking questions and demanding answers, even going so far as to show up in Allison's bedroom to do so. Unfortunately, the rest of the pack is too consumed with 'protecting' her -- they have yet to learn the lesson that there is no "chance to get back to normal" -- and this leaves Lydia open to Peter's manipulation.
"If it's about survival, isn't a little agony worth it?" Again, when Morrell is talking to Stiles at the beginning of Battlefield (2x11), she's not focused on forcing Stiles to be honest with her. She's more interested in giving Stiles the tools he needs for what's coming. She allows him to lie to her, to keep the illusion of control, but she also suggests that he has to be prepared to endure as well. As he will find out by the end of the episode, going back to his pre-Bite desires of wanting to be first line and pursuing Lydia is no longer an option. The supernatural world is coming for the people he loves, and he has to have a better tactic ready than "ignoring a problem until it goes away."
"Malia, you said something about guilt the other day." Morrell focuses on guilt when dealing with Malia because of the details of her life. She doesn't try to argue that guilt serves no purpose and Maila should try to banish: it's real and permanent. In fact, she reinforces the physical nature of guilt "visceral," which means it's something, like learning to control the shift, that she has to master through practice -- practice that joining with Scott and his pack can give her.
"Why are you bothering with me, Scott, when you know the clock is ticking?" While this sounds harsh, it is actually sound advice, and a complement to Deaton's earlier advice "Don't stop them; lead them." Finding the identity of the Darach is only part of the problem; a way to stop the conflict in Beacon Hills is by Scott accepting what others have already realized: he's going to be an alpha. Scott keeps looking for a way to save everyone without his eyes turning red, fighting against another responsibility he doesn't want and didn't ask for such as when he rejects the power in Frayed (3x05) and Currents (3x07). His power will remain only a potential that Deucalion fears, as he mentioned in Tattoo (3x01), until Scott chooses to embrace it -- harkening all the way back to the trailer for Season 3A when he drowns the child to become the man. Morrell's cold hostility is meant to impel Scott into making the decision he already knows he has to make but doesn't want to.
Morrell's guidance always has one goal: to help these teenagers not only accept what has already happened but to adapt to these events by moving forward. Regret, nostalgia, delusion, and hesitation is just going to cause more trauma; confidence is going to help them keep their feet, even as the ground is shifting beneath them.
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teenwolfminibang · 1 year
Artists Claims!
Hello Mini Bang Artists! I am excited to bring you the summaries for the seven fics being created for this event! Please fill out the Google form here: Claim Form with your first and second choice (use fic one, fic two, etc). There is also an opportunity to state fics you would prefer not to create for and fics that you cannot create for.
After all of the fics are claimed, or by Jun 5th, I will connect each author and artist so you can communicate and work together. (I will be working off a first come, first serve model with respect to people's triggers/squicks.) If you have any questions feel free to message me here, on Discord, or send me an email! The fics without ratings had none sent to me- but I don't think any of them are explicit, authors let me know ASAP if I am wrong. Summaries under the cut!
(And I just wanna say I am sooo excited about all of these fics! They are gonna be so fun!!)
Updated to add claimed fics to make choices easier!
Story One: Claimed Rated: E Ship: Scott/Stiles
Summary: The story revolves around a dark AU where the tragic murder of Sheriff Stilinski sends Stiles into a dark spiral. With the awful deaths of both of his parents, he starts to idolize death instead of fearing it as a way to cope with the suffering they went through. He starts to kill people, bringing them peace through violent means. Scott finds Stiles in the act, after years of witnessing horrible people doing horrible things, he just wants to stop killers from harming innocent people. So he proposes an alternative to Stiles, instead of killing people who are innocent, go after other killers. From there it’s a stream of murders on a road trip, California, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado find serial killers ending their reins with a final kill. Unbeknown to the news, those final kills are the serial killers themselves being murdered in a way that mirrors what they’ve done to their victims. Scott finds it to be a job, but Stiles, he’s becoming more unstable, killing far more frequently than he had before and finding himself craving the release more frequently. Scott finds himself losing control of his weapon, and starts to panic about what their future really holds.
Story Two:Claimed
Rated: Teen Ship: Most Gen, Scott and Rafael, Kira/Malia/Scott
Summary: Scott goes to visit his dad during Christmas break in an effort to rekindle their relationship. Scott doesn't know that Rafael has discovered that he's a werewolf- and seeks to use that to his advantage. The focus is on Scott and Rafael and their relationship with a side of Malia/Scott/Kira and Noshiko and Melissa working together and being badass about it.
Story Three:Claimed Rated: E Ship: Scott/Theo
Summary: Two years after the finale, Scott and Theo must pose as boyfriends in order to catch a mysterious killer targeting couples. Their mission takes them to a mysterious hotel on the beach, where they must confront the past and their feelings for each other, before the killer catches up to them. This fic already has one chapter of it published here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44275597
Story Four:Claimed Rated: E Ship: Peter/Melissa/Chris
General Timeline: Post-series, pre-movie Summary: When Melissa takes a trip to a nursing retreat, Chris and Peter are left to their own devices for a week. She hopes that maybe it will give her two boyfriends the opportunity to actually bond. Melissa has always been the one to balance them out, and keep them from getting at each other's throat, and without her ever calming presence as a buffer, who knows what could happen? Drunk confessions and cuddling happens. Chris gets stuck in a life or death situation that leaves Peter with the hard choice of giving him the bite to save him, despite worrying Chris might hate him after. When Chris finally wakes up, alive and well, Peter lets slip exactly what he really means to him. Melissa is relieved they’ve finally stopped dancing around each other. In the end, they all fuck about it.
Story Five:Claimed Ship: Coach/Sheriff
Summary: “So,” Stiles greets from the couch where he’s been sitting in almost total darkness. There’s a light on in the kitchen but it only just reaches the living room. The sheriff startles, and while he doesn’t automatically reach for his gun, Stiles knows he maybe wasn’t that far off. “How was the conference?” - - - - - Sheriff Stilinski has been acting awfully suspiciously lately. Stiles takes it upon himself to snoop around and try to figure out why. A 5+1 style fic where Stiles sleuths out the truth of his father’s budding relationship with his Coach.
Story Six: Pairing: Scott/Theo: Claimed
Summary: Scott and Theo are brought together by a disaster that upends the separate peace they have formed for themselves. The decisions they made at the end of the canon series seemed like good ones back, then but all it takes is a shift in perspective to overthrow everything they thought they knew. All it takes is an Act of God.
Story Seven:Claimed Paring: Scott/Isaac
Summary: Scott wakes up after the fight at the abandoned mall, and he can't get Derek's off his head. Isaac, who has temporarily moved in to the guest room, is dealing with the alpha's death in a very different way. They both get ready for the cross-country meet, but they're both silent during breakfast. Before they leave, Melissa kisses them both and wishes them good luck.
That day ends up being a very long one.
Perhaps that was why neither of the two werewolves had expected to live through it again.
Basically, this is a time-loop scisaac fic focused on Motel California and the previous episode. The boys have to find out a way to break the loop. It may involve getting their heads out of their arses and admit what they feel, so Scott can get on the right track to be a true alpha later on. People may die in the loops that go Wrong (TM).
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ghost-wolf34 · 10 months
Peter Hale finds his mate.
Chapter five. Derek apologies
Peter growled out when he felt her bite him, bonding her to him. He felt his eyes go red as his fangs stayed, he soon pushed away from his now marked and bonded mate. "I will come back for you. You are mine." He told her in a deep tone, due to his wolf shining through.
He pressed one last kiss to her lips, before walking away from the porch shifting into his beast wolf form and howling. 
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As he disappeared into the forest again, he could now stay in contact with his mate and now feel what she was feeling. 
Shauna didn't know what to make after all of that, she smiled a little as she gently touched the mate spot that was now healed with a mark. 
She covered it up, just as Derek had just pulled up up the house and got out of the car.
She stood there calmly as he walked up to the porch, she didn't really say anything as she let him speak first. "I figured you'd be here waiting. Look I'm sorry about earlier, I was upset and irritated. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, this isn't your fault." Derek told her. 
Shauna knew that Derek was upset and irritated back at the police station, and she couldn't blame him since her brother, and their friend technically Scott's friend Stiles went digging up on his property for Laura's body. 
"You don't need to apologize Derek, but I do understand why you were upset and frustrated. The boys shouldn't have been on your property digging up your sister. And I understand that your mad about the whole thing with the alpha, even though neither of us could or can control that." She told him. 
Derek nodded his head. "Which is why, I need your help to figure out who it is and stop them from killing anyone else," he told her, knowing she probably wouldn't like it but they had to stop the alpha somehow by someway. 
Shauna nodded her head biting back her feelings. "How exactly are you planning on stopping the alpha and figuring out who they are?" She asked him, knowing she probably wasn't going to like that answer. 
"You know how. It's the only option, I'm sorry Shauna but I can't let your mate go around hurting people. As for figuring out who they are, we find clues and try to figure it out. You have more of a connection to it then me or Scott do. At some point it will show itself to you." Derek told her. 
Shauna gave him a hurt look. "You are not seriously going to use me as bait, to figure out who my mate is. Just so you can kill kill him." She told him hurtfully. "I'm sorry but I want no part in that." With that she started to walk away. 
"You can't walk away from this Shauna, this is your fight too." Derek told her, watching her as she walked off and left through the woods making him sigh in frustration. She was so stubborn and irritating.
At the McCall house
Shauna walked inside and went straight up to her room, he ignored Scott and Melissa who were asking her if she was alright since she had been out most of the day, and it was now evening outside. 
As she walked upstairs, Scott could sense something off with her but wasn't quite sure what. "What's gotten into her?" Melissa asked Scott with concern. 
"I'm not sure." He said as him and his mom both heard her door slam. Scoot looked at his mom, hearing her sighing. 
Shauna slid down her door once it was closed, she wrapped her arms around her knees and cried silently, as she sat there thinking about her mate Peter Hale. 
She soon looked over at her window feeling eyes watching her, she stood up and looked out her window seeing glowing red eyes watching her. 
Peter watched Shauna up in her room at the McCall house, he could sense her pain and sadness. He had been off in the woods when he had felt something wrong with his mate, so he followed her scent and followed her to the McCall house. 
He let out a small howl telling her to come to him, he waited for her to come out of her room and to him knowing that she wouldn't resist his calling to her.
Shauna heard his howl, which made her smile, as she just looked out her window at him. Before grabbing her backpack and putting some stuff in it. 
Shauna then carefully climbed out the window and onto the roof, before quietly but carefully landing on the ground and running over to where he was standing.
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Are you open to requests? If so can you find any steter fics with top!stiles and bottom! Peter? Thank you! :)
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Pillow Talk by SushiOwl
(1/1 I 1,834 I Explicit)
“You’re going to have to move if you want to fuck me, y’know,” he murmured in Peter’s ear.
Peter smiled. “I don’t plan on moving,” he told him. “I’m so comfortable.”
“Then how are…?” Stiles asked, sounding adorably confused. Peter gave him a moment, and he let out a soft ooh. Peter looked at him over his shoulder and saw him lick his lips. “You serious about this?”
“I wouldn’t have suggested it otherwise,” Peter told him, before he snuggled back into the pillow. “Think you can handle doing all the work?”
The One Where Stiles Stays by NiklausScratchIII
(1/1 I 2,861 I Explicit)
This is an alternate ending to chapter 8 in It's Just Like Catnip, but For Wolves.
This is for everyone that was disappointed that Stiles used his better judgment and left. This is a stand-alone chapter and will not be a series, just a variant reality of the story.
"So, this whole time?" Stiles asked.
"The whole time," Peter grinned.
Stiles backed out the door, his face numb and blood cold in his veins.
Peter laughed watching him turn and cross the bedroom.
Peter let him leave but walked out the stairs as Stiles crossed the living area below him.
"Told you I was in control," Peter called down.
"Fuck you!"
"And you did, brilliantly, I might add," Peter said wagging his brows.
Alpha Baby by cathcer1984 
(1/1 I 7,318 I Explicit)
Stiles goes to the Club to play. He gets a lot more than he bargained for.
We Hales Don't Spit by SquishySterek (Herm_own_ninny) 
(2/2 I 8,238 I Explicit)
Stiles and Peter have a family. It's kind of a cliche, but they've adopted abandoned werewolf kids and have them as their own.
This Could Be So Dirty That it Just Ain't Right by taylorpotato 
(1/1 I 10,830 I Explicit)
Ever since Stiles presented as an Omega, he hasn't been feeling the same urges as his peers. When he's around an Alpha that's not Scott (who is pretty much his brother at this point), his first reaction is to shrink away, not try to press closer. Until he meets Peter Hale. Who acts like the most annoying, entitled kind of Alpha on the planet. Except he's not one. He's an Omega. Of course, Stiles would turn out to be every type of gay possible.
Peter Hale's Hero by asarcasticwitch
(2/2 I 11,689 I Explicit)
The first time Stiles met Peter Hale, it had been entirely by accident.
An accident he will be grateful for until his dying breath.
The man had been brought into the station after allegations—which were later proved false—were made against him. The moment was akin to one of those cheesy Rom-Coms where the two love interest’s eyes meet across the room in slow motion; Stiles’s breath had seized in his throat, his heart hammering wildly in his chest, and, well, he fell.
He fell hard.
Halfway to Hell is a Long Way from Heaven by cywscross
(4/? I 30,472 I Explicit)
Peter offers to bite Stiles that night in the parking lot. To mark. To brand. To claim.
Stiles just laughs at him.
On hindsight, it was pretty laughable, in a terrifying skin-of-the-teeth sort of way, and on occasion, Peter still regrets ever opening his mouth with that particular question. Mostly though, he’s content, even happy, and that might be Stockholm Syndrome speaking, or even his mortal mind buckling under the relentless weight of Stiles’ desires, but either way, if he gets to live and live well under the protection (possession) of an eternal, immortal being, what does anything else matter?
Magic and other fun surprises by softcotton
(18/18 I 44,461 I Explicit)
Stiles doesn't talk to Scott, after having enough of Scotts' doubts about his ability to protect himself. He decides to find out more about his Spark and stumbles upon information about The Rightful Warriors, perfectly combined pairs of magic users, who are supposed to be the most powerful creatures in history of supernatural. Also, great BFFs. Will Stiles be lucky enough to be amongst the few who have their magical soulmate? Will he meet them and become powerfull? Is Peter a creeper who has been stalking Stiles for two years but can't anymore because he got caught?? (Yes, yup, and obviously)
Unpack Your Heart by Julibean19
(20/20 I 101,539 I Explicit)
The coffee table was on fire.
Derek leapt backwards as Stiles scrambled back on his hands in a crab walk until he hit a support beam.
"Stiles, what did you do!?" Derek yelled, eyes fixed on the flames. When he tore his gaze away to check on Stiles, he saw that his eyes were glowing a deep red. An Alpha red? Derek didn't have time to dwell on the exact color too long as the table top cracked and fell to the floor, flames rising higher.
Sequel to The Only Living Boy in which The Alpha Pack and the Darach attack, Stiles becomes the Hale Emissary, Stiles and Peter take their relationship to the next level, and everything is a bit more magic than anyone realized.
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letthestorieslive · 2 years
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Day 1 of @scottappreciation week : Scott + nightmare
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softboiidiaz · 2 years
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the things that come and go
for @elisela with all my love 💕 happy birthday day !! i hope you enjoy this 💛
It had been the only option at the time, his son had minutes left and the paramedics were still twenty minutes out. Sue him for trying to keep at least one of the two people that he loved alive. Stiles was desperate. He was afraid, angry, and sad all at once and when Scott offered to bite his kid to at least give him a fighting chance—Stiles didn’t have to think twice.
That was two years ago.
Now here Stiles was, bleeding onto the leather seats of his rental with a six year-old alpha sleeping in the backseat, ten miles from Breckenridge on his way to the only person that could help him. Sure it was a risk to come all the way to Colorado but he didn’t know who else to go to. Derek was safe. Location wise but also to Stiles. In the mists of chaos with his son and his newly found alpha status, Stiles felt like the only option he had left was to look for Derek.
Scott couldn’t take Jack’s powers even if he wanted to, Kira wasn’t a werewolf, and he was definitely not going to ask Peter for help. But most importantly, the only known way to take an alphas powers is to kill them and Stiles didn’t let his kid get bitten just to lose him again. So his safest option was Derek—his only option was Derek. The man he hasn’t spoken to or seen in years—and who could very much turn him away when he got to his doorstep. But yet again, Stiles was desperate. Body riddled with constant fear and impotency, clawing at his chest with every breath he took.
Stiles needed to find a way to transfer the power from his son and into Derek but that took time and it was something he didn’t have in Beacon.
He had been so lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t realized that he was at the base of Derek’s driveway or that it was pouring outside. He had a new gash running up his arm—something Derek must have smelled because he was standing on his porch when Stiles stepped out of his car. He looked different, older—the years weighing down on him with grey hairs filling his sideburns and scruff and oh, how badly did Stiles want to see his smile. To make sure that it was still as bright as the last time he saw him. Stiles let out a heavy sigh, leaning into the back seat and picking up Jack. They were soaked in a matter of seconds, hair sticking to their foreheads and clothes weighing down on them a little heavier. There was a split second of staring between them, visible concern written over Derek’s face as he took a step forward.
“I’m sorry…I didn’t know where else to go.” Stiles called out, rain pouring down on him and his breathing becoming uneven. The kid in his arms turning towards Derek, eyes flashing red.
“How did this happen?” Derek’s voice was soft, gentle and full of concern. They were the first words he’d spoken in the past ten minutes, too busy focused on not hurting Stiles in the process of tending to his wounds. It was funny, Stiles thought, how easy it was for them to revert back into their old selves. Quiet, knowing glances and all those unspoken words as they tried to find the right ones to say.
“He’s six, he can’t really control his impulsive thoughts yet—let alone the homicidal werewolf part of him.” Stiles said, sarcasm dripped from his voice, sighing softly when Derek gave him a pointed look. “It happened because I cheated death.” Stiles scoffed. “There was an accident, his mom didn’t make it and Jack almost didn’t but Scott was there and he offered to bite him and…” there was a pause, Stiles looking away from Derek and looking over at the sleeping child on the couch with a deep sigh, “I couldn’t lose him too, Derek.”
Derek leaned over and gave his knee a squeeze, looking intently at him, “I get it. You were doing what you thought was right.”
“I thought I could help him but then someone started messing with the Nemeton and everything just got a thousand times worse and eventually, I ran out of time. Scott had to take him and his kids to keep them safe but somehow, they got separated and Jack has this thing where he likes to climb trees and drop down on people. Well he got lucky and killed the wolf that was hunting them. We didn’t find out until after that it was an alpha.”
“How long has he been like this?”
“It’s been two months. I really tried helping him, but it’s getting to be too much for him. I didn’t know where else to go, Derek. I’m sorry.” Stiles' voice was soft, tired—mostly from the pain medicine Derek had given him, but keeping up with Jack had been taking a toll on him. He refused to make eye contact with Derek, keeping his gaze focused on his lap. “I really need your help.”
“I’ll help you.” Derek started, giving Stiles a reassuring smile when he finally caught his gaze. “Just tell me what you need.”
Over the next few weeks, Stiles and Derek looked for a non-lethal way to transfer status between werewolves. All they found were dead end leads that left Stiles frustrated a little more every time. During those weeks, Jack had a few tantrums that led to him losing the little control he had over his wolf side and Derek was there for all of them. Acting like a shield to protect him from all of Jack’s clawing and biting, and sometimes from his kicking. It was one of the most painful things to watch for Stiles. He would stand there, unable to do anything to help them and Derek—kind, sweet, selfless Derek—would try to reassure him that it was okay. That he was okay because he could heal himself, but really he could smell the stress and panic coming off of Stiles and Derek didn’t want him to worry about him.
“Nothing about this is okay, Derek! This is my fault. I did this to him. I couldn’t let him go, I was being selfish and look at what I did to him.” Stiles exclaimed, tears filling his eyes as they threatened to fall. “Look at what I did to you.”
Stiles’ breakdown happened on week five. The week they had found absolutely nothing. He was tired, hardly any sleep and Derek had been Jack’s punching bag more than he could count that week. It was taking Derek a little more time to heal than he normally did and that was understandable, he had been hurt too many times and in such a short amount of time. His body was getting weak and although Stiles knew he would never say it, he knew Derek was tired.
Following dead end leads went on for months.
Stiles had this internal conviction of whether or not he was capable of doing this. If he was capable of helping his son. Months had gone by. Months of Derek being ripped up like tissue paper, of Stiles coming up with nothing useful and it was getting to him. Restless nights where he’d fall asleep on his laptop, waking up to Derek’s gentle touch telling him to go to bed—he was feeling very hopeless and still, Derek found a way to reassure him.
He kept him sane and there were moments where everything was okay, where Jack wasn’t trying to rip Derek’s throat out but instead was bonding with him. The leads actually seemed to go somewhere and in those moments of peace, Stiles allowed himself to take it in and wallow in its domesticity. The things that could be, of what he wants it to be. It was simple and easy and right now, they needed that.
Then Stiles found it. In the middle of the night, as Derek snored beside him—because yeah, that happened one day during his stay—Stiles had found an old document. About a couple years old with a handful of others that supported the information, giving him just the right amount of hope. It was a ritual of alphas transferring status. Older generations of wolves ceding their status to their children or grandchildren in a way that didn’t kill them. It was like a prayer had been answered.
“Derek. Derek, wake up…Derek!” He whisper-yelled, nudging him with his elbow. “I found something.” he said, showing the older man the laptop screen and rolling his eyes when he reached for his glasses. “You’d think that being a Wolfe would help your vision from deteriorating, but apparently it doesn’t.”
“You love my glasses.”
“I do.”
They did it. The ritual turned out to be true and Deaton confirmed it after they had asked him to check with the pack that studied this tradition. One of their elders had offered to teach Derek and Jack how to do it when they learned about the child alpha, and to say Stiles was great full was an understatement. So they went to them. For weeks, the elders taught Derek and Jack how to do the ritual.
It was straightforward but the intention had to be set. Jack had to be willing to give up his status over to Derek or else the ritual wouldn’t work. It took them a few times to get right, not because Jack wanted to keep the powers but because Derek would upset him and he was still a child so he held grudges for days. Those days, Stiles didn’t talk to Derek.
By the third full moon, it had finally worked. Everyone was on edge due to it, especially his kid, but the ritual happening that night was also a factor. Stiles was biting his fingernails from the anxiety of it all, a habit he had lost over the years until recently. Derek tried soothing him with reassuring touches and kisses and glances, but by the time the ritual started, Stiles' fingers were tender and pink. He was standing next to one of the elders as Jack and Derek stood in the middle of the yard, which probably wasn’t a good idea given he was surrounded by wolves during a full moon.
“You may begin.” the elder hummed, stepping back into the group and motioning for them to begin.
“Okay, buddy, just like we practiced.” Derek spoke gently, smiling softly at Jack as he kneeled before him. “There might be a little yelling but I want you to remember that I’ll be fine, okay?”
Jack nodded, looking at him with a frown,“What if I hurt you?”
“I’ll heal, you know that. Come on, just like we practiced, buddy.”
Stiles took a deep breath, watching as Jack stuck his claws into the back of Derek’s neck and shut his eyes. It was all about intent in this moment and Stiles could only hope that Jack wanted this too. By the end of it, Derek was an alpha and Jack was not. He was a regular, little beta and Stiles couldn’t help but let the tears he had fall.
“Thank you!” He cried into Derek’s chest, holding onto Jack
And that could have been the end of it, Stiles could have dropped Derek off in Colorado and kept on his way back to California but as he helped Derek with his bag, Stiles found he didn’t want to let go.
“Have I overstayed my welcome?” He asked, voice soft and full of anxiety. Clammy hands setting down duffel bags and stepping up the last step of the porch to stand before Derek and glancing over at a sleeping Jack. “I told my dad I would be leaving indefinitely. That it was very possible that I didn’t return for a while. If you’ll have me…I’d like to stay indefinitely.”
Derek smiled, pulling him in by the waist, foreheads touching ever so gently. He nuzzled his nose tenderly, lips touching ghostly before capturing them in one swift motion. The kiss was long and tender and breathless, Derek’s hands resting on the back of Stiles' head, Stiles’ hands resting on Derek’s cheeks.
“I would love that.” Derek murmured breathlessly, resting their foreheads together and shutting his eyes. “I would love that more than anything.”
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'True Alpha' My Ass
You know, it would be nice to see more “Scott Gets Kicked Out of The Pack”  fics where it happens for reasons that match up with actual canon, AKA that Scott McCall is a toxic, abusive asshole and no one wants him around except maybe Stiles, because abusive friendships are hard to end.
"Scott McCall gets kicked out of the pack”  fic but he gets kicked out for any combination of the following canon reasons:
- stalking Allison 
- harassing Allison
- forcing Allison to go out with her stalker just to get Alison's mom off his back 
- patronising Allison and yelling at her in the middle of a crowded club 
- lying to Allison about her mother's death 
- trying to manipulate/emotionally blackmail Allison into getting back with him 
- creeping on Allison in the shower and throwing her against her bedroom's door 
- assaulting Stiles just because he had the audacity to put Allison and innocent people's life, safety and well being above Scott's jealous fits and temper tantrums ("Why are you trying to ruin my perfect life!?" ) 
- making out with Lydia, his rival's girlfriend and the girl his best friend liked, and then painting her as a bitch in heat just to stroke his own fragile ego and prove that he can have any girl he wants now that he's popular 
- using Danny (a gay POC) to get Coach off his back so that he could dance and smooch with Allison at prom 
- violating Derek and then boasting about it in front of his own victim ("Because you may be an Alpha, but you are not mine!" )
- claiming the Hales deserved to be burnt alive by the hunters in front of Derek Hale and his comatose uncle ("They Had A Reason!" ) 
- stealing the Hales' money for himself 
- framing Derek for murder (twice) just so that he can be free to play lacrosse, stalk the new girl on campus and endanger people's life to his heart's content 
- mocking Erica's trauma and epilepsy 
- mocking Isaac and calling him an idiot for wanting the Bite to defend himself from his abusive father 
- assaulting Jackson out of jealousy 
- assaulting Danny during lacrosse practice 
- cheating his way into first line 
- violating other people's boundaries, bodily autonomy and consent whenever it benefits him 
- plotting and conspiring with Gerard Argent behind everyone's back against Derek and his Pack 
- conspiring with Deucalion (Boyd & Erica's murderer) behind everyone's back just to assassinate Tracy and Josh, two innocent chimera victims 
- taking full advantage of his position of power and authority and assaulting Isaac (repeatedly) due to his own pathological jealousy and possessiveness 
- deciding everyone should keep Lydia in the dark about everything for 2 seasons and only telling her anything when they absolutely have to
- Scott's borderline creepy "I know we are going to be together"  speech when Allison wanted to dump his toxic ass 
- throwing Derek, Boyd, Isaac and Erica under the bus every time they were on screen during Season 2
- using, trying to control, belittling, gaslighting, victim blaming and dehumanising Stiles (the neurodivergent hero who kept risking his own life to save Scott's and everyone's ass without ever asking for anything in return) throughout the whole series 
- blackmailing Derek and threatening to leave him in his rapist's clutches unless Derek did exactly what Scott wanted, AKA protect him and Allison and kill Peter on Scott's behalf 
- lying to Kira about her Kitsune and patting Theo on the back for recording his girlfriend sleeping without her consent 
- pimping Kira out to Liam in an attempt to convince Liam to accept him as his alpha 
- saying "I love you"  to Kira and promising her that he would have waited for her and then cheating on Kira with Malia (Kira's best friend and his best friend's ex girlfriend) immediately after 
- keeping Malia’s heritage from her because “Oh no but her dad’s an evil monster! We shouldn’t tell her!”
- lying to everyone and not telling anyone anything and then acting wounded when it backfires on him 
- taking all the credit for his friends' heroic actions and achievements and blaming others for his own failures and mistakes 
- roaring Malia into submission and forcing her to shift back into her human form against her will
- bullying and mind raping Corey
- assaulting Liam and landing him at the hospital just because Liam's much more talented and better than him at lacrosse even without a werewolf upgrade 
- kidnapping and biting Liam without his consent, and then involving Stiles, because Scott can't even clean up after his own mess, or take responsibility for his own shitty actions and behavior 
- using Hayden as bait against the Dread Doctors without her consent 
- trying to emotionally blackmail Malia into helping his whiny ass ("What if I told you that you are the only one I have left?" ) 
- gaslighting Stiles ("You need me!" "You trusted him, too!" ) into sharing the blame for his own failures and mistakes and then forcing Stiles to draw his hideous 'property of twue alpaha Scott McCall' tattoo 
- being a faux moral warrior of the cheapest kind and making others do the dirty work for him because he's scared shitless of losing his precious true alpha title
- being a toxic, abusive friend and an even shittier boyfriend and werewolf 
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mona-stay · 3 years
Secrets part 3 Peter Hale
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Paring - Peter Hale x Reader
Warnings - smut finally
Part 1. Part 2
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You drove straight to Derek’s, still feeling a little shaken up after what Theo had done. Outside Peters Shelby wasn’t there, you didn’t know if you were happy or sad not to see it. When you got inside to your surprise Peter was there sat reading his book. He’d actually agreed to car pool with you.
Stiles and Liam both cheered as you walk in, Stiles calling you a good luck charm after the win today. How you managed to get coach to listen to your ideas. For the next few hours you all laughed, talked, drank and ate.
It was at this point, Derek being one of the closest to you noticed your neck. “what happened” he said, Peter now in his feet coming over to see. You explain about Theo’s threat and how he tried to strangle you.
“I’m gonna kill the little runt” Peter said heading for the door. You grabbed his arm, stopping him.
“don’t, Stiles’ dad’s took him, Coach is having him expelled and if he’s stupid enough to back at me then you all have my permission to kill him. But for now can we just forget about it” you say to him. Peter clenches his jaw but agrees he’ll leave Theo to sheriff Stilinski for now.
You watch Peter return to his book as Lydia pulls you to one side asking to talk. Stepping away to a more private part of the loft you wait to see what’s wrong. “what’s going on with you and Peter?” she asks outright.
You blush “nothing, what do you mean?” you say coyly. Maybe you needed to tone down your stirring at the handsome wolf.
“I seen him today at the game, his arms around you before fighting with Theo. Are you two dating now?” she asks a little concerned.
Shaking your head no “that was to wind up Theo. Peters version of leave her alone I think, not like it worked” you told her, not really sure why Peter had started on Theo the way he did. “and besides even if I did like Peter, I don’t think he likes me like that”. You say looking down not letting her see the sadness you felt.
“oh, I doubt that. The way he is around you, looks at you. I think Peter likes you, I’ve always thought that especially after you saved him” she says.
You wished it was true but knew differently, you’d kissed him wanted more he told you no. “No, I think Peter just likes the game, I know he wouldn’t want me like that” you say hoping to end the conversation.
Lydia eyes you suspiciously but doesn’t question it. She looks over at Peter who watches y/n out the corner of his eye like he’d always done. She was going to ask him but knew Peter would never tell her the truth.
Peter sat just watching everyone else, what he always did when Scott used the loft for after games celebration. It was only pack members but for Peter it was still way too many.
He glanced over to y/n now she’d finished her chat with Lydia, he was about to gain your attention until Liam got it first asking her to dance. To Peter’s annoyance you agreed, going over to dance with him, Lydia, Stiles and Malia.
Peter growled watching as they young pups hands tried to move down your body. He found himself thinking how dare Liam touch what’s his, even if you wasn’t, its all Peter truly wanted. He hated even more you hadn’t stopped it. That you just moved slightly so he wasn’t touching anymore still laughing and dancing.
For the third time Liam’s hand come inches away from your ass. This time you decide not to move out of his way, nope you decide to see Peter’s reaction. Your eyes lock with his, he’s stirring with a snarl. You wink at him hoping to push him to come over do or say something but he doesn’t.  He gets up and walked to his old room. You sigh Peter hadn’t got jealous.
With Peter gone and the song finished you went to find something to drink. Everyone turned seeing the loft door open, Cory walked in scanning the room. Mason was happy to see about to give him a hug but Cory walked past him straight to Scott, his eyes flicking to you.
“Theo’s been arrested and he thinks Peter is up to something. He says Peters an alpha and y/n’s in danger” Cory blurted out. You sigh, it wouldn’t take Theo long to spill Peters secret.
Everyone looks at you, taking one or two breaths trying to keep your heart beat stable. “is this true” Scott asked.
“not as far as I know” you say hoping the wolfs wouldn’t notice the lie. After being with Theo you learned how to control some tell-tale signs of lying. “Theo has been arrested for trying to kill me” you tell Corey showing him your neck. So now he’s using lies, he knows I’m living in Peters and trying to find a way to turn you lot against him. Peter wouldn’t hurt me, in fact Peters been more respectful in the last two weeks than Theo has in two years. So what ever he’s told you Cory ignore it, I would.” You say hoping the rest believe you.
Derek agrees “y/n right Peter would never hurt her, yes he’d hurt a lot of people but I don’t think he’d do anything to her” he says knowing his uncles not so secret feelings for y/n. Although the Peter being an alpha was something Derek wasn’t sure about, it’s possible but surely he’d know.
Peter walks down the stairs “what have I meant to done now” he smirks. He’s eyes meet yours a small head tilt and smile tells you he’d heard what you said.
“Theo thinks your an alpha”  Scott says eyeing up Peter, arms folded, more or less asking the question without words.
“if I was Scott, you’d be dead” Peter jokes knowing they wouldn’t question it more. “anyway I’m ready to head home, y/n shall we your my lift” add.  You nod saying your goodbyes.
Once in the car Peter seemed quiet lost in his own thoughts. “thanks” he said eventually.
“what for?”  you asked not sure what he was thanking you for.
“keeping my secret. You didn’t have to lie for me but you did so thank you” he said.
You smiled, you had promised you’d keep his secret and did. Even if Theo knew the truth you still wouldn’t rat Peter out. “I keep my promises, I’m a good girl like that” you say.
Peter laughs but doesn’t look up at you. “I’m sorry Theo outed you” you say. Peter just shrugs it wasn’t your fault.
“sorry he tried to strangle you” he said, thinking he was party to blame for pushing Theo. Also making a mental note to kill him next time he saw him. You smile back saying wasn’t his fault.
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Back at the penthouse you walk in the door, as soon as it shuts you take your t-shirt off, showing of your sports bra. Dumping the top in the washing basket you say to Peter your getting in the shower. Giving him a full view of your body hoping after today he’d still be in a touchy mood.
Peter headed straight to his whiskey cabinet. His mixed feeling were getting the better of him, ten minutes ago he was jealous then seeing you lie for him made him love you so much more. And then your mini show for him then left almost nothing to his imagination.
 He downed his drink refilling it, tonight he was going put an end to this dam game once and for all. No matter what you decide he was done playing.
You come down after your shower in short pyjama shorts and top. You didn’t miss the way Peters eyes widened as you walk past swaying your hips.
You watch Peter, he seems off you’d noticed it since the game ended. You smirk a thought coming to your head a way get what you want and cheer him up.
You open the fridge, getting out a bottle of juice, choosing not to have alcohol so he can’t say your drunk this time. You stretch up high reaching for one of the glasses on the taller shelf, making little noises to get his attention. Once you have the glass you smile giving him a small wink but he didn’t smile back. He turns his head away.
You sigh, filling the glass you walk to where he’s sat, sitting on the arm of the chair. “you know sour wolf is Derek’s nickname. This kind of pouting doesn’t look good on you” you say, swinging your legs over his, one foot resting on the top of his thigh, your toes dangerously close to his package.
“what are you doing y/n” he asks, unsure what else to do with his mixed feelings right now.
“I’m hoping to put a smile on your face, plus I owe you a thank you for coming to the game today” you say moving your toes a little to tease him.
He sighed keeping his face straight “I think you should stop y/n” he tone was stern.
You look at him confused, the first night from the bar flashing back at you. Maybe you worry wasn’t for nothing, maybe he really didn’t want you.
“Trying to find a way to cheer you up, do you really want me to stop. Peter.” You say nudging your foot over his cock.
Peter grabbed your foot, “y/n stop, I can’t do this anymore” he said looking you in the eye. Seeing your smile fade he went on to explain. “I can’t play this game we’ve been playing. I thought I could but I can’t.” He says low
You didn’t speak, just watch as he runs his hand though his hair, thinking about what he wanted to say next “I can’t handle your looks, touches the way you act like you want me. I can’t handle you falling asleep on my knee and I certainly can’t handle carrying you to bed and it not being mine. Ever since we kissed that night after the bar, all I think about is how much I want you, how you should be mine. How foolish I was acting like the good guy, pushing you away say no because you were drunk and upset, when I should have been the selfish bad guy”
He’s words were cut off when you grab him, smashing your lips with his. He was surprised by your action and didn’t move, just closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of you on his lips.
You pull back biting back a smile “good, I don’t think I could of handled it any more too, I was hoping you would have said something sooner” you say. This time Peter kisses you, this one more passionate but still light and closed mouthed.
His hand slides up the outside of your leg finding your hip. “I promised you I wouldn’t sweetheart, that night I gave you a choice, if you still wanted me in the morning I’d take you to bed, or promise I’d never bring it up” he laughed as his fingers traces circles on your hips.
You giggle, almost forgetting he’d said that “then take me to bed Alpha” you playfully order.
Peter had other ideas, he pulled you off the arm of the chair onto his lap. Kissing and nipping at you neck “thought you’d never ask” he said flashing his eyes red, scooping you do he can stand with you still in place.
You playfully slap him before kissing and biting his jawline and neck. He carries you up the stairs to his room, finally getting the girl he’d wished for and this time he wasn’t going to let you slip away. Peter laid you on his bed gently, leaning over you stirring deep into your eyes “you definitely want this sweetheart?” he asked once last time. You didn’t answer with words. Capturing his lips on yours pulling him closer for more.
Peter grabbed the hem of your vest top, slowly sliding it up, his lips following the material until he reached your boobs. He nips and kisses the parts of your boos that isn’t hidden by your black lace bra as he pulls your top off completely.
“Peter” you moan. He smiles at you as he comes back for another fast, hungry passionate kiss. He didn’t care how much you beg, he was going to take his time. He was going to make sure you never wanted anyone else but him after tonight.
You watched Peter when he broke the kiss apart, pulling his own shirt over his head. You look over his chest, taking in every line, curve and  ripple that makes him. Leaning up on your elbows to get a better, fuller view of him as he started to undo his jeans.
You bit your lip, as he slowly slid them off tossing the behind him. He smirked “like what you see” he chuckled before sliding his hand up your legs pulling down your shorts leaving you in your underwear. This time it was Peters turn to admire you, his eyes raked up and down your body “beautiful” he said coming to kiss you.
Your hands went to his chest, trailing around his neck, as you pull the hair at the back of his head. Arching your back so he can unclasp your bra he throws it the away like he did his jeans. He leans back to look at you again before kissing your boob his and playing with the other one.
Running your hands across his shoulders, digging your nails in as he bites on your nipple rolling the hardened bud in his teeth. You could already feel how hard Peter is, his member pressing against the top of your thigh. You moved your hips to grind against him.
Peter took it as a hint, he gently let his fingers down your stomach, sending goose bumps over your skin. He rubbed your covered core making you moan, under his touch. He smiled feeling how wet you were for him, how your body reacted to him. His kisses follow the same path his hand had stopping just above your pantie line. He pulls them down not taking his eyes from yours.
He only looks away when there off and he kisses his way up your legs biting your inner thighs. You reach down tangling your fingers in his hair as he licks along clit. You hum and whine as he teases you with his tongue, wanting and needing more. “quit teasing please Peter” you say.
“only because you said please”  he chuckles, sliding a finger in you. Your hips buckle as he wastes no time finding the spots that make you cry his name. It wasn’t long before he adds a second. He let’s them explore you, taking in the places that make you moan and cry for him. Before bringing his tongue too your clit to increase the pleasure you felt.
Peter knew you were close and didn’t let up swapping his mouth for his thick thumb. “cum for me sweetheart, I want to see you come apart for me” he practically sang. Before you knew it you were pushed over the end, clenching around his fingers, screaming a mix of ‘oh god and Peter’
Peter brought his fingers to his lips humming as he licked your cum from them. Leaning over you he kisses you, you feel his tip at your entrance. He let’s it roll along your swollen lips and cups your cheek with his hand. “I’ve wanted this for so long sweetheart” he says lining himself up.
He slowly enters you, feeling bigger than you imagined filling and stretching you in the most amazing way. The growl he makes, almost animalistic once he’s deep as he can go. “fuck me Peter” you cry, you didn’t have to ask twice, for him to start moving.
Peter was anything but gentle and you loved it. His thrusts were hard and sharp, hitting spots and places you didn’t know existed. You wasn’t gentle too, if Peter didn’t heal, your own scratch marks would have been visible tomorrow.
You could feel yourself getting closer to the edge, and so could he. You whine a little as Peter pulls out but before you could moan any words. He flips you over so your now on your hands, entering you again with one fast hard thrust. Once he was settled inside you, he pulls you close so your back is pressed against his chest. His hands on your boobs kissing your neck, all you could do was reach up to grab his hair.
You moan his name loving the new position your in. He bucks his hips sending a new pleasure though you.  Trying to turn your head, a new wave of arousal filled your stomach seeing him, sweaty, sexy and those bright red eyes. “Peter, make me yours, bite me” you moan out on the verge of your next orgasm. “make me your little wolf, alpha”  you beg. His growl mixed with his dick hitting your g-spot sent you hurling into your orgasm.
Your walls clenching around him as he feels you cum on his dick, mixed with your words send Peter over the edge. His thrusts get sloppy but he doesn’t let up, the sound of you begging he let’s his teeth scratch lightly over your neck but resists the urge to sink then in as he cums deep inside you. “your amazing” he whispers, not caring if you heard or not as he slips out of you.
You fall on the bed, out of breath, worn out. Peter hands you a drink before pulling you into his arms. Kissing your head
You laid naked in Peters bed, his arms around you, holding you close. He kissed the top of your head as you made little soft murmurs in your sleep. He was still stunned last night actually happened, that you’d chosen him, asked and begged for him. He hoped it wasn’t a one time thing. He also hadn’t forgotten your high on sex driven request of becoming his beta, butting and turning her. He wasn’t gonna lie, the thought passed his mind. He almost caved as you clenched around him begging to be his, his little wolf.
Peter didn’t do it, almost for the same reason he didn’t sleep with you the first night you entered his penthouse. He worried you’d regret it the next day and hate him for it. He decided he would bring it up again in a few days see how you felt then
He smiles as your started to wake, “morning sweetheart” he says, bring his lips close to yours, kind of testing if it was a one night stand for you. To his delight you lean up kissing him. “breakfast? He asked.
You shook your head no holding him tighter “I don’t wanna move or you to move, I’m comfy like this” you say. Peter smirks letting himself settle. You stayed there almost an hour, sharing hugs and kisses before you had to get up to go the bathroom. Peter kisses you heading down the kitchen in his boxers.
You take a second to take in how yummy his ass looked in the tight silk. When you go down Peter had you a coffee ready. He wanted to bring up what last night meant, if it meant as much to you as it did to him.
After breakfast he’d mentally asked you 10 different ways all sounds as bad as the one before. “what’s on your mind?” you ask him noticing him stirring into space.
“did you mean what you about wanting to be mine?”  he asked out right, there was no other way to say it.
You pull yourself onto his lap looking him deep in the eyes “yes I meant it, I meant it all. I want to be with you, be your little wolf I want you peter” you say before kissing him.
He smiles a full happy, and slightly relieved smile. “good it’s all I want too” he says kissing your neck. He promised to bite you on the next full moon but until then you were happy just to be his girlfriend. “you know both Scott’s and Theo’s pack won’t be happy if I turn you” he joked.
You kiss him again, “I don’t care what they think,  I want it and I’m happy with you” you say reassuring him. You smirk “buyt until we find a way to tell them it can be our newest secret”
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maximons · 3 years
All Is Lost
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Summary: Zombies have taken over the world, humanity on the edge of extinction. All hope was lost. Despite that, Wanda couldn’t seem to let go of Y/n, who had fallen victim to the plague herself.
Word Count: 2,263
Genre: Angst
Requested?: No
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, cannibalism, suicide, mentions of blood. Spoilers for Ep. 5 of What If...?
A/N: I know, I know, I’m gonna get into the stuff I promised soon. But for now, the Zombies episode inspired me and this came out. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, go watch it. Its amazing and depressing. Also this is DARK guys, probably the darkest thing I’ve ever written, so...Happy Reading!
The Zombie apocalypse was always something everyone joked about, but never something that anyone could actually predict.
Everything happened so quickly, Wanda could barely keep up. It’s hard to believe that everything was so normal only two weeks ago. Now, she was locked away with Vision in an abandoned military base in New Jersey. Desperate to survive for as long as possible while Vision worked on a cure.
Some of his experiments had been a success, most notably Scott Lang who he was able to revert back from his zombified state. However, the man was now only a severed head.
Despite the success, Vision was less than optimistic. For one, Scott was one of the first infected. While the cure worked on him, the android theorized that the disease has mutated greatly since then, and it was likely impossible to cure everyone. And even if he could, the technology to do so is beyond human comprehension and therefore doesn’t exist.
Vision might have all but given up hope, but Wanda didn’t. She couldn’t. She refused to give up on you.
Wanda and you have been best friends for as long as Wanda had been an Avenger. You were already a member of the team and greeted her with an open mind and open arms, despite all she had done. You had fire powers, and while your powers weren’t identical to Wanda’s, you still offered some basic tips and tricks to keep such explosive powers at bay.
It wasn’t a surprise that she fell in love with you.
But her stupid fear had to get in the way, and when you came to confess your own feelings for her, she panicked and rejected you. You were so heartbroken, Wanda didn’t need to read your mind to know that.
And it kills her everyday knowing that that was the last interaction she had with you. The last one with you as yourself anyway.
All that remained now was the flesh hungry, blood thirsty monster that wore your, now rotting, skin.
This wasn’t you, she knows that. She looked into your mind and saw no trace of the woman you once were, the one she loved with all her heart. She couldn’t feel you, you were gone.
Despite this, Wanda couldn’t let you go. She couldn’t handle losing you entirely. She already lost almost everyone.
She managed to convince Vision to keep you in the base for testing. You were locked behind a large steel door, with only a window to see you through. But you were here, and that’s all Wanda cared about.
The cure wasn’t working for you. Your powers caused it to incinerate when it entered your system, proving it to be ineffective. Still, she refused to give up.
Vision thought it best to terminate you after the failed tests, but Wanda begged him not to. Knowing he couldn’t overpower her, and sensing his friend’s distress with anything that comes to you, he agreed. As long as Wanda had it under control.
She doubted he knew that she was luring innocent survivors into the base so you could feed on them, but she did what she had to do.
Wanda spent most of her days sitting outside of your cell. The first few days, you were ravenous. Banging on the walls and trying to burn them down, growling and screeching with the inhuman noise that took over your vocal chords, but you didn’t manage to break free. After a while, it seemed you have given up, and just sat in place. Only moving when Wanda opened the cell and let some of your ‘food’ in.
There were times where Wanda thought that maybe, just maybe, the cure was working more than they thought. You seemed to have recognized her, your facial expressions formed into ones that she had recognized and missed dearly. But that hope quickly died when she would peek into your head and still sense nothing.
“Hey, Y/n.” Wanda walked up to outside your cell and sat cross-legged like she did everyday. Your head rose, staring at her with your now glowing yellow eyes. “Still no progress on the cure, but don’t worry, I’m not giving up yet.” You offered no response, not that she expected one. “It’s hard. It’s only getting worse out there...” She sighed as she trailed off. She raised her hand to the glass, like she always did. “I’m going to figure it out...we’re gonna get you back to normal, and I’m going to tell you every day how much I love you. I miss you so much, but...we’re almost there. I can feel it...” Wanda’s voice started choking up, as tears ran down her face. “We deserve our happy ending.”
Her hand was still pressed against the glass as she finished her speech. She was about to lower it, but then something unexpected happened. You stared at her hand curiously, beginning to raise your own. Wanda watched, smile forming on her face as your arm made it’s way to the glass. 
“Wanda! Please come here, we have a situation.” You had almost pressed your hand against Wanda’s, when Vision’s voice interrupted. Your attention turned to the direction it came from and you let out a growl, clearly angry at the interruption. Wanda sighed in disappointment, but she tried not to let it take over. You still showed massive improvement, something worth reporting back to Vision. “It’s okay.” She soothed you. “I’m going to go see what he wants then I’ll be right back, okay? I know you’re hungry, I’ll get you some food too.” You didn’t offer a response as she walked off.
“Vis! I have to tell you-” Wanda began as she walked into the main room, but cut herself off at the new faces. She didn’t recognize the bald woman with the spear or the wimpy looking man in a workers uniform, but she was familiar with Peter. What surprised her most though, was Bruce Banner. A man she hasn’t seen in over three years. “What is going on?”
“I ran into them outside the premises. Apparently word has gotten out about the cure.” Vision answered before turning his attention back to the guests. “As I told you, I am afraid we cannot help you. The cure seems to be a moot point.”
“Well, what about-” Peter began, but he was interrupted by a new voice.
“For something you have no hope for, you sure don’t have a problem bringing in new test subjects.” Wanda recognized Bucky Barnes’ voice. She turned around, and her eyes widened as she saw King T’challa on his arm, struggling to stand on his one remaining leg.
“My king! We thought you dead.” The bald woman exclaimed in relief and surprise.
“Your highness. I was not aware you were in the base.” Vision said, confused on how that got by him. It didn’t take him long to figure out why. “Wanda...”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda whispered, knowing she was caught. “The cure wasn’t working on Y/n, and in order to keep her at bay, I had to feed her.”
“So you fed her our King?” A spear was raised to her throat, threateningly.
“It was nothing personal, I promise. I have her under control and the cure is starting to work, I know it. We just need a little more time!”
“Why not just kill her? You lured innocent people to their deaths just for her when there a couple million more Zombies out there that you could use for testing. Ones that have a chance of being cured.” The whole room went quiet after Bucky said that.
“Uh oh. Shouldn’t have said that.” Wanda heard Scott say, but she was too busy glaring at Bucky. Her eyes started to go red, but before she could do anything, she noticed the spear held to her throat begin to glow red and melt. The woman dropped the spear as it began to burn her hands.
“Did it just suddenly get like, super hot?” Peter asked as he began to fan himself.
“Oh no...” Wanda trailed off. She looked up to notice the steal walls that led to your cell begin to melt. “You’ve done it now...she hasn’t eaten in days.” Before anyone could respond, the steel doors melted completely. The man in the uniform was unfortunate enough to be standing in front of it, as a strong burst of flame shot out and incinerated him on the spot. Only a second later, you flew out the door, covered in flames as you hovered above everyone.
Wanda watched in horror as you began to fight everyone. They weren’t holding up very well, and that’s when Wanda finally realized what she had done. This wasn’t you, and if you were still here, you would hate to see your body be used to attack and kill others.
“Vision! Get us out of here!” She heard Bruce yell, and Vision shot a blast towards the wall, blowing it up and letting everyone out. Wanda turned her focus back to you, you watched them starting to escape and you began to fly after them, but a red mist surrounded you before you could. You turned your head, starting to growl, but stopped when you saw it was Wanda.
“Y/n. Stop...” You tilted your head, still struggling to move as Wanda came closer. She took a chance and reached up, gently placing a hand on your face. “I am so sorry...you never deserved this...” Your face softened at the touch, beginning to show the signs of emotion that Wanda desperately held onto. However, it was clear now that it was too late.
You snapped out of it, as you managed to break free from Wanda’s hold. You opened your mouth wide, intent on biting and feeding on her, but something stopped you. You hesitated, and Wanda noticed. You settled for pushing her aside to the ground as you reignited yourself and flew out of the base.
Wanda picked herself up after a moment, intent on stopping you. She ran past Okoye’s body, charred and eaten, but she was sure there was little time until she turned. She ran faster to where you were, now facing off against Bucky. She sprinted further, about to take off and fly when she paused.
Vision was face down on the ground. She kneeled next to him, glowing red hand turning over his body, afraid of what she’ll see. Once he was turned, Wanda gasped at the sight. The mind stone was torn out of his head.
“Oh no...no, no, no...” She held his body, tears slowly building as she mourned the loss of her best friend. She had officially lost everything. “I am so sorry Vis...I’m going to make this right, I promise.”
She heard Bucky scream. She looked over to see you start to feed on him. She saw Bruce, Peter, Scott and T’challa in the distance, making their way to the jet. They were your next target.
No. Wanda wasn’t going to let that happen. It ends now.
She used her powers to propel herself forward, landing directly in your path. You growled at her yet again as she used her powers to hold you. “Y/n...please, stop.” You struggled to get out of the hold, but Wanda held on. “This isn’t you...you wouldn’t want this...I love you more than anything, and I’m so sorry...I hope one day, you’ll forgive me.” 
Wanda used her powers to grab the gun laying by Bucky’s side. She held in to your head, ready to pull the trigger...but she couldn’t. She let out a scream of frustration and dropped her hold on both you and the gun. The gun fell to the ground, but you haven’t moved.
“I can’t do it...I...I’m not strong enough...” Wanda began crying, shutting her eyes and waited for you to finish her off. She failed everyone, no one deserved death more than her. She opened her eyes when nothing came. You stood, staring at her with a tilt of your head. The yellow of your eyes dimming as you stared.
“W....Wan...” You struggled to let out, but it was enough for Wanda to hear. She cried even harder. She was right, you were almost there...but it was too late now.
You took in your surroundings as best you could, you didn’t have a lot of awareness, but you knew enough to piece everything together. You saw the influx of zombies starting to enter to base.  Everyone needed to get away. You turned back to Wanda, and you knew what you had to do. You felt the little control you had start to slip away.
You bent down and picked up the discarded gun. You shakily pointed it to your temple, the control slipping away faster and faster. “Love....you....I...sorry...” You managed to croak out. Before you could lose control completely, you pulled the trigger.
Wanda watched in horror as you shot yourself in the head. Pieces of your brain landing on her, your blood drenching her. She looked down to see your body, half your face still together, but you were gone. Truly gone.
She knelt down sobbing, as she held your body. After a moment she looked up to see the Hulk appear as the zombies began to overwhelm the base. She saw the jet take off, and she gave a weak smile. They got away. Wanda’s job was done. This is where her story ends. All was lost for her.
So when the zombies finally reached her, she didn’t fight back. Accepting her death with open arms.
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peterrparrkerr · 2 years
No Title
@snowstark @vaguekiwi​ and I wrote a fic. Please enjoy, it’s our best work! ps we’re drunk
“Did you just tell the person I was gonna go out with that we're dating?”
“Yes I did.” -TONY
“And that doesn’t strike you as a little, I don’t know, insane? Or controlling?”
Peter crossed his arms, struggling very hard not to scream in the otherwise-crowded hallway.
Tony lifted an eyebrow. “I might describe it as something other than controlling — cunning, ambitious, smart, maybe? So now that we’ve gotten past the logistics, how does Saturday night sound?” 
“I can’t.” Peter glowered. “I’ll be in Toronto.” 
“When are you leaving?” Tony asked, stepping a bit closer. “We could go earlier. When were you gonna go out with Scott? I’m free then.”
“It just so happens, Scott’s dad works with my dad and our families were travelling together. So we were gonna hang out then, but now he thinks you and I are dating and the whole weekend is gonna be super weird awkward silences!”
Peter shook his head and turned away, “Cunning, ambitious, smart,” he mocked, “You didn’t think this through, as usual.”
“C’mon, Parker.” Tony pouted. “You can totally make time, can’t you? And besides, Scott is cool, Scott’s a nice guy! He’s on the football team, and guess who just happens to be the quarterback—me. So he’ll totally get it.” He beamed at Peter. “Dress fancy. We’ll go to a restaurant. But not like, tuxedo fancy. You got me?” 
Peter scowled, fingers biting into the soft muscle of his arms. “No, Tony, I don’t got you. The whole reason I asked Scott out was because I wanted to go out with him. Not you. So why would I go out with you?”
Tony, with that stupid arrogant smirk, shrugged one shoulder. “Why not?”
“Because we — b-because you — because —” Peter stopped, “Well since you’re the one so keen on going out with me, you answer first! Why me, huh? Aren’t there enough people around this school willing to have a good time with you?”
Peter’s eyes drifted to Christine Everhart and a group of other prim girls bound for Brown or Cornell or the like. The girls were facing Peter and Tony, but their gazes and focus were clearly far more intent on the junior.
Tony snorted. “Please, Parker. I could stay here all night trying to convince you to go out with me and you still wouldn’t buy it. So let me just show you, okay? Actions speak louder than words.” 
Peter looked at him skeptically, raising an eyebrow. He could turn the quarterback down and just be done with it, but he was so persistent and Peter can’t deny he’s curious. What would it hurt? 
“Fine,” he huffed. “But I pick the restaurant and you have to pay.”
“Done!” Tony snatched up Peter’s hand and shook it vigorously — undoubtedly not the romantic kiss anyone else would have expected or delivered in this scenario. “Okay, let’s say 8 PM Friday night, Parker, you won’t regret it!”
Peter rolled his eyes, “Chill out, Stark. You realize I’m basically expecting the time of my life now.”
Tony grinned. “You bet, princess. You’ll be begging for a kiss by the time I’m done with you.” 
Peter didn’t give Tony satisfaction of a response. He turned on his heel and walked down the hallway, disappearing into the crowd.
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