#first post!! give me some applause?
silmforrookies · 1 year
Chapter I. Ainulindalë, or The Gang Creates a World
The story so far: In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. (©Douglas Adams)
Alright, so if anyone asks, blame it all on Eru.
("With all my due respect, Noldo," you may ask, "are you already making me learn names? In this economy?" Yes. Yes I do. This is Silmarillion, prepare to suffer.)
Anyways, back to the start. You see, in the beginning there was Eru Ilúvatar, aka "The One", aka "Dad Of The Millenia", also known as "God", and in the beginning, there was absolutely nothing. Zero. Nill. Nada. Only the Void.
Eru's been chilling in the Void for absurd amounts of time, unknown and unbothered, untill the loneliness became so dull he said, "you know what? Maybe kids are the flowers of life". And so, Eru created the Ainur, and now he was chilling in the Void with thousands and thousands of eldritch abominations who all had a weird obsession with music.
The kids, of course, started making friends, organizing in groups and trying out various music styles, but, since no music styles were yet created, they... didn't really know what to do with themselves? So they lingered in the Void, all confused and figuring themselves out, sometimes trying to sing, sometimes listening to others sing, and sometimes just cuddling with Eru because Eru was big and strong and steady in this scary world of everdeveloping musical styles and tastes.
Oh yeah. Eru.
You see, Eru knew how to sing. And after the initial amusement over his kids' behaviour and slowly developing social skills passed, he gathered them together and said,
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"To hell with sheet scores!" Eru proclaimed. "To hell with music theory! My children, by dearests, my beloveds, improvisation is the way to go! Listen and do like me!"
(The Silmarillion, Eru Ilúvatar, probably)
And so Ilúvatar sang, and since he was a God and also Allpowerful, that was the most beautiful song ever created; and it was so breathtaking, and its ending was so perfect, that the Ainur fell silent - until Eru told them to start singing, to weave their own Melodies around his grand and flawless Theme. Diversity-in-unity, amirite.
And the Ainur sang.
It was a great, mighty Song, consisted of many motives and of many Singers. The Ainur sang, pouring their very souls into it, rising their voices and mending them into a wonderful Harmony, brought together with Eru's Theme; and it was so beautiful it filled the Void, and the Void was no more - and it is said that never again did the Ainur create something compared in greatness to this.
And then, Melkor happened. If anyone asks, blame it all on Melkor. You see, Melkor decided that Eru's Theme wasn't enough. That maybe, just maybe, Eru missed something that Melkor can find and weave into his Melody. Melkor's an artist, it's his vision! He can claim artistic liberties and wander a bit off, right? Just so his Music is a tiny little bit louder. Just so he's heard above the others. Just so he makes sure Iluvatar knows Melkor disagrees with him on certain points.
And so, Melkor created a Discord, that was gradually growing louder and louder. That, of course, brought a certain confusion between the Ainur, and some of them stopped singing entirely. Others, though, said "yo, this guy SLAPS" and joined Melkor on the discord.
And what about Eru? Well, Eru's all for artistic liberties! But, come on, Melkor isn't Eru's only child. Melkor is one of thousands! And currently half of them are either Very Confused or going absolute badongas with the Discord. So Eru, as the good father he is, rises from his throne and sings a new Melody, gently correcting Melkor's, erm, "artistic liberties" and asking him to play nice and get along with his countless siblings. Melkor, of course, responds to this with chaos and outrage of an eldest child who never truly got the meaning of being the "eldest", and starts telling Eru that no, actually you're in the wrong, old man, and I will do what I want. At this point Eru thinks he should've invented discipline before inventing music and sings a new Melody, now with a stern look on his face.
Unfortunately, the Discord grew into something that could be hardly called "music" anymore, just banging and screaming and smashing of endlessly repeating sounds, and Melkor doesn't plan to stop anytime soon! So Eru, who by this time is absolutely pissed, grabs the Music and ceases it with one last perfect-wonderful-youknowthedrill accord. Everything falls silent, and the Ainur look at each other, wondering what in the everloving Void just happened.
"Great are the Ainur," said Eru, "and Melkor is the greatest of them! Now listen here, you little shits, I feel some of you didn't get the drill..."
(The Silmarillion, Eru Ilúvatar, probably)
So anyways, Eru has two rules:
He is the source of the Music, allknowing, allpowerful, allforseeing etc and no matter how hard certain individuals try, they won't be able to create anything outside his Vision™
Everyone who tries to break the first rule Will experience the Narrative and Will become an instrument for Eru's perfect plan
And, while Melkor was busy unlocking new emotions called "Embarassment" and "Anger", Eru showed the Ainur the world they created - Arda, and also introduced them to Eruhini - Children of Ilúvatar (Elves and Men), showed them the potential for creation and committed some other minor propaganda with intention to get the Ainur interested in developing and fleshing out the world - because, in reality, it wasn't yet created and was but a vision. So. Yeah.
Some of the Ainur were intrigued. They went into Arda and committed themselves to it, shaping the world for the Children of Ilúvatar. One of them - also the greatest of them - was Melkor.
Here's what you need to know about Melkor's motivation:
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Unfortunately, other Ainur weren't fans of Melkor getting Unlimited Power™ and having him as their King, so Melkor splitted from them - first peacefully, to do his own thing on the other end of Arda, but then, envying other Ainur's achievents, started causing problems on purpose - aka destroying things, leveling mountains to the ground, draining out the oceans, creating volcanoes and indulging in other vandalic activities. And so it was for Eru-knows-how-long: Melkor destroys, Ainur create; Melkor trashes the place, Ainur clean it out; Melkor behaves like a brat, Ainur grit their teeth and deal with the mess.
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Of course, with Melkor getting in the way of other Ainur's creative process, the world couldn't be shaped in the way Ainur wanted or the way they intended it in their own Song; but slowly, Arda was becoming more and more beautiful - more and more ready for the children of Iluvatar.
Well, that was it for the Ainulindalë! Next up is Valaquenta, aka "wow, that's a lot of names"...
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gaylactic-fire · 10 months
Ok so I PROMISE this is my last post on Link and Zelda height comparison, but having two popular posts about manlet Link that blew up I get notes every day like "Link is shorter in ALL the games." (Not true!! Misinformation!!) and also people complaining about the references I used. So I decided to actually put effort into finding good, side by side height comparisons. For my own sake, but also for artists who need references!
[BTW this is also solely based on in game models and not concept / promo art. Come to your own conclusion there, bc some art directly contradicts the models]
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First off, pretty much all the pixel Zelda games have Link and Zelda's sprites in and around the same height, give or take. There's definitely wiggle room here for interpretation (Zelda 1 Link having one spare pixel dedicated to his hat and Zelda in Zelda 2 appearing like she's crouching) but overall it's safe to assume these Links and Zeldas are around the same height if you're staying faithful to the sprites.
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Spirit Tracks, Twilight Princess and A Link Between Worlds Links are undeniably shorter than their Zeldas.
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Wind Waker is kind of a weird one for me?? Tetra and Link don't have many shots of them standing together and I feel I'd have to open the game to get an accurate comparison (F to my WW copy in the attic). Originally I had stated Tetra was taller but they are actually very close. Tetra still looks taller by a tiny margin(?)
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Ocarina Of Time is also difficult to pinpoint! Especially with Link's goofy ass triangle hair! Once again the margin is so slim it's hard to say, but looking at both Zelda and Sheik's models I would say Adult Link is ever so slightly taller.
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Round of applause for Skyward Sword Link for being the only Link undeniably taller than his Zelda! Extremely funny that trend did not continue down the timeline.
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Finally, Tears Of The Kingdom Link is not only shorter than his Zelda, but arguably has the most notable shortness in comparison to her (him and ALBW are joint contenders for that imo). Short king, manlet, little guy, etc.
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sssammich · 2 months
fic: come what may
a/n: this is a continuation of THIS post which was inspired by the fanart. please give that fanart some love if you haven't, it was so very compelling to me and that's why we're here.
anyway read the first part and then come back to this lol
Lena retreated to the single stall washroom after graciously thanking everyone around her for their applause and cheering. In the quiet of the small space, she was able to think about the last five minutes of her life. 
It had been a week since she had spoken last with the caped hero, the word ‘villain’ rang in Lena’s ears still to this day. 
It had stung her, lanced through her more like. But in this world, she had no choice but to keep moving forward if only to survive. She knew that reintegrating Lex back into her life was a risk, but what was the alternative? To let back in the one person she’d trusted with so much of herself only to be the same one who broke Lena irreparably? It figured that they would be one in the same. Supergirl had a habit of being duplicitous, after all. 
Despite all of these thoughts, the dance had been more than she anticipated. For a brief moment in time, her world narrowed to the size of the dance floor when she and her former best friend twirled and glided across the space, held close to one another, swaying to the beat of the song.
Until Supergirl called out to her, the tenor of her voice bringing up a world long gone, the time together but a distant memory. Only to then ask her, “what’s your plan here, Lena?” 
The illusion broke through and shattered all around them, and her eyes darkened, her heart hardened. 
“You will never trust me,” she announced finally when she looked at Kara’s beautiful face, her equally beautiful blue eyes. Now, an enemy. “I can see it in your eyes.” 
She pulled away and turned, not sure she could look at that face again, anymore. Still, she would admit that it was enough consolation to see Supergirl on edge, to put her on her red-booted back foot.
She recalled turning her head slightly and caught enough of Supergirl's departure from the middle of the dance floor and into the evening sky. It gave her some satisfaction, but not nearly enough to placate the ache in her chest. 
Lena stared at her reflection; her makeup remained impeccably applied, impeccably in place despite the exertion of their dancing. The heat of Kara’s hands lingered all over her body, the warmth of those hands pressed into her, holding her in the illusion of safety as the song notes progressed. Her former best friend was clumsy in her movements, at least at first. It would have delighted Lena plenty to see Supergirl stumble her way through her movements. Yet, she held her own and led the two of them throughout the dance floor in an acceptable tango. On any other day, any other moment, she would have been charmed by it, let herself be led around so long as they stayed in each other's arms.
But those moments were no longer accessible to them. 
She returned to her guests and maneuvered through the compliments and conversations, but every now and again, she glanced up into the open sky. Just in case.
In the end, Lex was defeated and rid of once and for all. The details of it were fuzzy to her now, but none of it mattered. Simply that he was gone from her life for good, that he would no longer be a terror to anyone and everyone, to those she loved. 
Once again, however, she was left to pick up what remained of his ruinous rampage, if only to be surrounded by something beyond her isolation. 
It was just a few scant weeks ago that she’d reached a truce with Kara and her Superfriends (nevermind that she’d once thought of them as her own friends, as well). Now here she stood weeks later: alone. 
Lena had run out of options or excuses and finally sought out help from Kara without hope or expectation for true reconciliation or forgiveness, from either of them. They’d drawn their lines from one another so long ago, she’d considered them carved in stone. 
Now she stood on her empty balcony overlooking the city just after the sun had set and the sky was now engulfed in dark blue. 
Without a brother, a mother, a father. An orphan, twice over. It seemed that she was destined to live in solitude. They say no man was an island, yet perhaps Luthors were. 
She gazed at the last remnants of the setting sun across the horizon, not giving away that she heard the sound of a cape billowing at the far end of the balcony. She made no move to say or do anything, simply took a sip of the amber liquid in her glass. If Supergirl had anything to say, then Lena was not going to stop her. 
“How are you?” Kara finally said, after minutes trickled past them. 
She scoffed, unable to help herself. She glanced over her shoulder and watched as Kara hovered outside of the balcony. She simply took another sip of her drink. 
Kara, never one to leave well enough alone, moved so that her feet touched the ground and she stood somewhere behind her. Lena closed her eyes and took a swig of all of her remaining drink. 
“You’re trespassing.” 
“I know.” 
“I can have you arrested.” 
“That’s fine.” 
“What do you want from me?” 
“A dance.” 
Lena quickly turned around, Kara standing only a few feet away, her arm outstretched. She glanced up and met blue eyes, an ocean of patience. 
Resigned, Lena unfurled the fist by her side and placed it in the offered hand. She took a step forward until their bodies were almost flush with one another, Kara’s other hand placed on the small of her back. An easy fit between them. A thought that Lena shoved into a box for rumination and reflection later on. 
“There’s no music,” she commented needlessly even as she put her free hand on Kara’s shoulder, her nerves manifesting in lightly scratching the fabric of the supersuit under her fingertips. 
“There’s always music.” Just then, Kara pulled her phone from a hidden compartment behind her and pressed the screen until soft music started playing. It was the final duet in Moulin Rouge between the two leads, where she and Kara shed a tear or two when they watched it in the past—a distant lifetime ago. They were now extraordinarily different people from those versions of themselves. 
“This musical was a tragedy.” 
The superhero shrugged, her eyes focused past Lena’s head. “I know.” 
“Are you trying to tell me something?” 
Kara eventually returned her attention until their eyes met and Lena waited. She watched as Kara took a deep breath and offered Lena a cautious smile, resignation plastered on her own face. “I’m trying to tell you a lot of somethings.”
She studied Kara’s face, wanted to glean any kind of information from her features alone, but Kara betrayed nothing. “Start with one.” 
“I’ve been practicing.” When she furrowed her brows in confusion, Kara clarified by twirling Lena out of her embrace only to pull her back into her orbit once again. This time without bumbling through any of the movements nor without a stutter in her steps.  
The move surprised Lena enough to take her breath away, her senses suddenly alight as she considered what any of it meant. When? How? Why?
“Tell me another,” she whispered, her hands grasping tighter onto Kara just as the song started to swell. 
“I want to start over.” 
Lena stopped in her tracks so Kara did, too. Distantly, Lena observed that neither released their holds of one another.
“Why? We’ll only hurt each other.” 
“Maybe. Probably,” Kara supplied before tugging Lena back closer to her and swayed side to side to encourage Lena to do the same. “But life without you in it is infinitely worse, I think. So if it’s all the same to you, I’ll take my chances.” 
Lena’s heart felt like it was getting catapulted across time and space. And maybe it was actually getting catapulted along with every sway she took with Kara. Still, she couldn’t help but push. “Even with a villain?” 
Kara grimaced slightly before flashing an apologetic smile. “Sure, Lena. Even with a villain.” 
“I was one, you know,” she offered, watching for Kara’s response. She was complicit, had gotten her own hands dirty. She owned up to that. 
“I know.” But Kara simply shrugged and brought them closer. “Believe it or not, I’ve been one, too. You’re not exactly very special in that department, Lena.” 
A small laugh that bubbled out of her caught her off guard, and Kara smiled at her before spinning her away and back together again until Lena hid her face against the crook of Kara’s neck until the song finally ended. 
They parted from each other, Kara taking a step back until she was a few feet away, her hands clasped in front of her. 
“Thanks for the dance,” Kara said. 
“You’ve gotten better.” 
“I appreciate that. It means the practice has been paying off.” As if nodding to herself, Kara gave her a smile and began to turn so as to take off into the night sky, but Lena stopped her. 
“Tell me one more,” she urged, realizing she didn’t want their interaction to end quite yet. 
Kara then looked over her shoulder. “Can I come back tomorrow?” 
“If you’d like.” 
“I’ll tell you tomorrow.” 
“I’ll hold you to it.” 
Kara’s body twisted so she was looking at Lena more fully. “Goodnight, Lena.” 
“Goodnight, Kara.” 
Lena watched as she took off into the sky, disappearing into the night. She’d stayed out there for a little while longer, the heat of her drink coursing through her veins while the moment between them warmed her against the cool breeze that passed through. 
Nothing had yet been fixed, and there was a long road ahead of them. But something in her caged heart had loosened, allowing her to breathe again. That was a start.
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alastor-simp · 20 days
Caught In Her Web - Angel Dust x Zestial Daughter Reader
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❥Summary- Zestial is holding a special event for all of the spider demons in Hell, and surprisingly Angel Dust was invited. It was hard for him to vibe with this kinda crowd, but that all change when he met Zestial's daughter
❥Tags: Angel Dust x Reader, Zestial , Zestial Daughter, Female Spider Demon, Hell Event, First Meeting, Developing Relationships, Fluff.
❥Notes: This is a request from my friend ValerieWinks777 on Wattpad. Decided to post it here as well for all of you to enjoy.
"Y/N? Hast thou finished getting dressed?" Zestial, your father, knocked on your bedroom door, curious if you were in your proper attire for this evening. "Almost Father. I'll be right out." You called out, as you slowly zipped up your dress from behind. Your name was Y/N, and you were the daughter of the powerful overlord, Zestial. Your birth happened between the undying love between Zestial and your deceased mother, who sadly passed away during your birth. Zestial took it upon himself to raise you properly with care and love. Similar to him, you possessed spider like features similar to him as well. While being the daughter of Zestial, your personality leaned more towards a rebellious nature, but you still carried yourself with grace and kindness, something that you had obtained from your mother.
Today was the day of the Spider Festival, it was a common event that Zestial held for the sophisticated spider demons of the Pride Ring, and this time you would be able to attend as you were now old enough to watch over yourself. Taking a look in the mirror again, you smiled as you watched your beautiful dress swaying in the reflection.
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“Perfect.” You said to yourself, as you made your way to the door, opening it to see your father standing, wearing a heartwarming smile. “How beautiful thou look. The dress suits thou perfectly.” Zestial placed a hand on your cheek, giving it a little pinch, earning a laugh from you. “Thank you, father.” Zestial removed his hand, and began to walk to the castles ballroom, with you following next to him. “This shall be thy first time attending the festival. Try to hast fun, yet also forbear mischief. Many of the guests are close friends of mine, so I wouldn’t crave 'em to regard mine daughter is a silly little wench.” You felt your stomach tightened at that. Last thing you wanted was your father to see you as a disappointment. You nodded your head at that, face wearing a somber look. Zestial caught on to your reaction, and stopped walking, leaning closer to wrap you in a hug. “Forgive me. 'I didn’t intent to causes thee upset. All I do lack is for thou to hast a fun night and enjoy the festivities. Possibly meet someone whom suits thy interests.” Hugging your father back, you told it was alright, while also laughing at the last thing he said. Zestial chuckled before removing himself, as the both of you headed to your destination.
The ballroom was decorated, from head to toe in webs, giving it an eerie feeling. The chandelier hanging above was lit with colorful flames, basking the ballroom with beautiful colors. The tables were covered in delicious hors d'oeuvres and cakes for the guests to enjoy, along with a large glass bowl containing refreshing punch. The guests were all a mix of different spider species demons, some as black widows and others as wolf spiders. Both you and Zestial had made your way down the stairs, causing everyone to stop and stare, as well as bowing to the both of you. Zestial smiled with pride and addressed everyone in the ball room. “Greetings ev'ryone. Thanketh thee f'r attending tonight’s festival. I desire thee all enjoyeth tonight and has't a pleasant exp'rience as at each moment” Zestial gave a small bow, while you gave everyone a polite curtesy, earning a small applause from the guests.
Zestial had to go and speak to his old friends, so he motioned you to go on and enjoy yourself, as he departed you. Feelings of anxiety began to rise in you, as you felt like a bug underneath a magnifying glass, being watched by everyone. You slowly made your way to the ballroom, observing everyone and making idle chat with some of the guests. Your emotions had finally calmed down, but you still felt a sense of unease. Probably due to it being the first time you attended the festival. As you wondered aimlessly, your eyes darted towards a tall peculiar spider. He certainly wasn’t someone you recognized. Out of all of the spiders you had seen, he was the only one that was coated in all white fur. He was wearing a black and pink tuxedo and tall heal-like boots. His hair was puffed up and slightly curled, and his heterochromatic eyes were very mesmerizing. You didn’t know what had possessed you to want to talk to him, but you body slowly made your way over to him.
Angel Dust POV
“Alright alright. This ain’t so bad. Just be yourself and not make a scene” Angel dust whispered to himself, as he observed the higher rank demons around him, as they conversed with each other and danced to the music playing in the back. Angel Dust still couldn’t believe he was even attending a fancy shamancy thing like this. He only got roped into going by Charlie, who heard about the event and advised Angel to go and make some friends, while also promoting the hotel a bit. Angel had expected the event to just be some typical orgy party, but not this. He knew how famous he was in Pride, given his porn status, but he knew he stood nowhere near the same level as the others here. He could feel the hard stares being directed at him, knowing he didn’t belong to this. “This is stupid. Should have never agreed to come to this little shindig.” Mumbling to himself, Angel motioned over to the punch bowl, pouring himself a drink, thinking that it may help calm him down. A sudden tap on his shoulder behind him, made him turn around. His eyes widen at the sight of you behind him. He had never seen the likes of you before, but my lord, weren’t you quite the looker. Your warm smile and eyes were looking at him, which confused him greatly.
“Hello. Are you alright, by chance? You seem a tad bit nervous.” You calmly spoke to him, while he continued to stare at you in awe. Shaking his head, he moved one of his hands to fluff his hair a bit. “ Y-eah yeah. I’m all good.” Nervously answering your question, he shot a small smile back at you. The two of you continued to stare at each other, before Angel sighed in front of you. “Sorry. I ain’t use to this kinda scene. More of a club life kinda demon.” His response earned a laugh from you. “Don’t worry. I’m not use to this kinda thing either. It’s my first time attending this festival. I’m guessing it’s the same for you?” Angel nodded his head, as he sip his beverage, but he quickly stopped, confused at your answer. “Whatcha mean it’s your first time? You look like you have been to a million of these fancy events. Especially when your dressed like that.” Angel pointed up and down at your dress, making you blush. “Haha. I wasn’t old enough to attend before, but now that I’m older, I can attend by myself. So we are in the same boat, you and I.” Kindly smiling back, you moved closer to him and stood next to his side, leaning back a bit against the table holding the punch bowl. Angel just continued to watch you, while you heard him mumble and “I guess.”
Standing next to each other in silence, the both of you watched the others around you, until you heard the man next to you speak up. “The name is Angel Dust. What’s your name, toots..I mean miss.” He quickly corrects himself, causing you to giggle. “Haha. First time I have been called that. My name is Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Angel.” You turned towards him, and gave a small curtsy, while he followed back with an awkward bow and then a handshake. You noticed he still looked a bit uncomfortable being surrounded by all these upper class demons, so you grabbed one of his hands. "Hey, we can go outside, if you want." Angel dust's eyes shot for a bit before he gave you a small smirk, saying "Lead the way." You held his hand as the both of you made your way through the crowd of demons, before you were stopped by a voice behind you. "Where are thou off to, mine sweet?" Turning around your father was standing behind you, eyes glowing in confusion. "Oh father! I was just going out to the outside garden with my new friend. Is that alright?"
Angel Dust nearly fainted from shock. This tall scary-a** demon was your dad, and an overlord as well?! His hands quickly started to fidget, thinking your dad was gonna kill him for simply conversing with you. Zestial eyes scanned Angel up and down, without any emotion on his face. Whispers could be heard from behind you, from the other demons, mostly saying "What is a commoner demon doing here?" "Wait, isn't that demon part of Valentino's group?" Your eyes widen at what you heard. How rude! Why did it matter what field of work he was it? He seemed like a friendly demon, and they shouldn't be so quick to judge a book by its cover. "Y/N. May i speaketh to thee in private?" Your dad had placed a hand on your shoulder, moving you away from Angel, who watched you with a sad expression. Both you and your dad had moved to speak against one of the pillars. "Dad, I know your going to tell me not to speak to him, but he's not a bad guy I swe-" Zestial had cut you off by placing a hand up, telling you to stop talking. You expected he was mad at you, but his face didn't show it. "It is alright y/n. I told thou to converse with other demons, didst i not? That young man possesses a kind soul, yet he hath been chained down and ridiculed by others. Do not let him slip past thou, mine sweet. Now run along!"
Your dad motioned his hand for you to go. Smiling, you gave him a quick hug and went to go back to Angel Dust. He wasn't in the spot you had last saw him, and began to look for him, heading to the courtyard. Angel Dust walked along the path that lead to the castle gardens. The area was covered in exotic plants, along with small statues of mini gargoyles. Hugging his arms around himself, Angel took at seat on the grass, heaving a sigh. He knew what had happened when your dad pulled you away. He could hear the negative things he was probably calling him right now, telling you not to associate with a whore like him. The sounds of feet stepping on the grass alerted him, and he turned seeing you coming towards him, with a smile. "Oh thank goodness. I thought you left." He watched your figured move closer to him, before taking a seat on the grass as well, causing your dress to ruffle up. "How are ya out here right now? Didn't your dad just speak to ya about me?" Angel exclaimed. You laughed at his reaction, saying it was alright and that your dad didn't mind at all.
The both of you just sat in silence, while you gazed around the garden and up at the blood red sky. "I don't care, you know." Angel looked at you in confusion, wondering what you meant. "About you being a sex worker or whatever. I don't care what rank you are or what you do for work. I would just like to get to know you." The lovely smile you aimed at him was making his heart skip a beat. Angel was at a loss for words at what you said. He was used to the ugly looks and stares people gave him when they knew what line of work he did, but you were the first that didn't care about any of that. Angel shook his head, chuckling as he smirked at you, flashing his gold tooth. "Ya wanna know me toots? Haha, buy me dinner first at least." You quickly laughed at his response, as you smiled back at him.
The two of you continued to chat amongst yourself in the castle gardens, discussing your hobbies and interests like music, fashion choices and what not. The both of you were just lost in each other, just enjoying each others presence and laughing at each others jokes. "HAHAHA no way your boss has that bad sight." You cackled, as Angel continue to tell his story. "AHAHA I'm serious toots. He can barely see whats on his phone half the time. It probably takes him hours to even send a text to anyone." He laughed out, as you followed along with him. Sadly, the peaceful evening the both of you had was coming to an end. Still wanting to spend more time with him, you walked with him back to the front of the castle, where a limo was waiting for him. "I really enjoyed tonight Angel. I would love to spend more time with you again." The fluff on his face, became dyed a soft pink, as he rubbed his neck with one of his hands. "Tonight wasn't all bad. I-I can give you my cell, if you wanna chat again." You widen your eyes at that, happy that he wanted to meet again. "Well, I don't have a cell phone at the moment. My dad is a little old fashioned, but I'm sure he can give me one if I ask him." Angel smiled back at you, as he pulled out a small pen from somewhere in his pocket, as he wrote his number on your palm. He soon hopped into the limo, and shut the door. The window rolled down, and he flashed a smile back at you, along with a wink. "See ya around, toots." You smiled back at him, as you nodded your head, waving him goodbye, as the limo drove off.
Back at the Hotel
Angel dust heaved out a tired sigh as he walked through the hotel doors. Charlie happened to be awake, wanting to stay up to make sure Angel made it home okay. "OH ANGEL!!! YOUR BACK!! HOW WAS IT?! DID YOU HAVE FUN? DID YOU MAKE ANY NEW FRIENDS?" Charlie enthusiastically chattered along. Angel was a bit too tired to answer all of Charlie's questions, so he just said it was okay and that he did meet a cool person at the party. Charlie was happy that Angel enjoyed himself and that he met someone there, but she knew he was exhausted, so she wished him a goodnight, while giving him a quick hug before running off back to her bedroom. Angel smiled at Charlie's cute actions, as he made his way upstairs to head to his bedroom.
Entering inside his room, he deeply sighed as he shrugged off his clothes and removed his shoes. Fat Nuggets was awake and ran up to him, oinking happily while trying to climb up on of his legs. "Aww Did-ja miss me?" Angel cooed, picking up Fat Nuggets and kissing him on his head. Angel walked over to his bed, and laid back on it, reminiscing about this evening. He couldn't stop thinking about you. Everything about you, your smile, your laugh, your kindness, your jokes was giving him butterflies. He wasn't use to this kinda feeling before, and it made him feel funny. You weren't what he expected when he first saw you. You were the daughter of one of the most powerful overlords in Pride, and yet instead of being a snotty bit**, you were thoughtful and compassionate. Even when you knew what he did, you still treated him normally, which made him melt. He felt trapped, caught actually, in your web. His body and soul was wrapped in your sticky threads and instead of struggling, he accepted it.
@alastorsgoldie @91062854-ka , @delectableworm , @iiotic
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@lousypotatoes , @l4zyb0n35 , @midorichoco
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ncroissant · 2 months
chilchuck tims x bimbo! reader x laios touden
summary: how your poly relationship with your little lock picker and blond himbo would start<3
wc: 1.6k
content warning: sfw (for once???), looottts of fluff
author's note: surprise!! i'm writing both lmaoooo bc i love writing sm u guys. also i saw @ququoquaw post about how they wanted more laios x reader and laios x chilchuck, so here's all of it combined teehee!! hope u enjoy !!
(alt nsfw ver. here)
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it was a slow day in the dungeon today that you all decided to just set up the camp and retired for the night. you, laios and chilchuck were the only ones up, playing cards around the warmth of the fire.
"i won again," chilchuck chuckled, already anticipating his win. laios threw down his cards in defeat while you gave him a little applause, yawning quietly.
to be honest, you were already dozing off mid-game. chilchuck and laios were the real night owls. you just had fomo and didn't miss out on the fun with the "adults".
"you feelin' tired, (name)? wanna head to bed?" chilchuck cooed, pushing off his knees to stand up. he noticed the way you were eyes would close for a second to doze off every time you blinked.
"mmnn...i dunno," you yawned even bigger this time, cupping your mouth with both of your hands.
"c'mon (name)! you gotta stay up with us, we're gonna have so much fun!" laios chuckled, shaking you awake. you gasped, trying to keep your eyes as open as possible. but you only had the energy to slump against laios' shoulder.
chilchuck stifled a laugh. you reminded him of his kids when they tried to convince him they weren't tired. "no, i think someone sounds a little tired," chilchuck walked over to kneel in front of you, brushing away the hair that fell over your eyes with two fingers.
"nu-uh..." you whined, rubbing at your eyes. "'m awake, chi." you were so not awake right now. it was way past your bedtime and you couldn't even bother to open your eyes.
"okay, okay, we're bringin' you to your room, squirt," laios nodded, lifting you into his arms. your arms and legs were securely wrapped around his body, your face stuffed into his neck.
"'m not a squirt, jerk," you mumbled, landing a weak punch against his back.
they both laughed at your deliriousness, placing you in the warmth of your bed, cocooned your blanket. "she looks like a caterpillar," laios slapped a hand over his mouth, hiding a loud laugh.
chilchuck didn't say anything in response, but his shoulders were shaking from laugher.
you were almost asleep, your arms splayed out on the bed and your head lulled to the side. you were breathing shallowly, feeling sleep slowly overtake you.
"alright, time for another round, chil!" laios silently ushered chilchuck towards the door, but a hand wrapped around chilchuck's wrist. the boys looked down at you with your eyes still closed, tugging his wrist towards you.
"can you guys stay 'n sleep with me?" you brought chilchuck's hand against your cheek, nuzzling against it. both boys had a fat, soft spot for you. like they could never resist you when you asked for something.
laios didn't understand his feelings at first. he thought he had some sort of "brotherly obligation" towards you like falin, but he quickly realized it was a lot different than that.
chilchuck, on the otherhand, was in denial for so long. he just thought you were ditzy and clingy. he didn't have the energy to deal with you at first. plus, he didn't even have any desire to date anymore. unfortunately, there were many times when you could be stupidly cute like this.
"y-yeah...we can. right, chil?" laios rubbed his neck awkwardly, looking at chilchuck for approval.
chilchuck bit his inner cheek in contemplation, looking down at the way you were leaning against the back of his hand like a puppy. "yeah, we can," he nodded, giving laios the same look.
they'd be so awkward slipping under your sheets, laying on either side of you to sandwich you in the middle. they kept a reasonable distance, not too reasonable since the bed was small and laios was a giant in comparison.
it would be so quiet. your eyes were still closed but your heart was racing. even if you opened your eyes, you wouldn't be able to see anything since it was so dark. you just laid there with your hands clasped on your chest.
"ummm...." laios started, cutting the silence. "am i taking up too much space?" he was nearly falling off the bed, just balancing on the edge of the mattress.
you pulled him closer towards you and chilchuck. "c'mere, lai," you nestled yourself safely into laois' chest, while pressing your back against chilchuck's chest. you could feel both hearts beat rapidly along with yours.
"thanks," laois mumbled, carefully putting an arm right above your head on the extra space of the pillow. his free arm was loosely wrapped around your head as he lightly patted the back.
chilchuck would grumble something about wanting more attention, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing his chin on your shoulder.
he was so close that you could feel his breath tickle your ears. it made you feel so tingly. "is this okay?" chilchuck pouted with puffed cheeks as you nodded, flushed. "i think it's time for us to sleep now, hm?" he rubbed your hips softly, lulling you to sleep.
"sweet dreams, (name)," laios hugged you tightly, ruffling your hair gently. chilchuck would be already asleep and laios would lay awake thinking about how small you felt in his arms.
the next morning, you and chilchuck would be well-rested, looking like babies fresh out the womb. laios would have the deepest dark circles, devoid of any rest.
"slept so well!" you were already sitting up, stretching out your arms with a hearty yawn. "what about you two?" you looked at them expectantly.
"that's good to hear. i slept like a rock honestly," chilchuck chuckled, combing through your messy strands of hair. "can't say the say for him though," he looked down at the way laios was trying to hide under the blankets from the bright rays shining through your window.
"uuuughhhhh....." laios whined, stuffing his face deeper into the pillow.
you pouted at his sorry state, lifting the blanket to reveal a very tired laios. "aw, you didn't sleep so well, did you lai?" you frowned, carding your fingers through his blond locks.
"no. i was too scared that i was gonna roll over and kill you in my sleep, so i just stayed up all night," he groaned, clutching his throbbing head in a tight grasp.
you stifled a laugh, covering your mouth with your hands. "you're so silly, lai," you giggled, biting back your smile. "'m tougher than you think," you flexed your arms, patting them lightly with a big smile.
laios looked at you with his mouth agape. he didn't know if it was because of the rays of sun or if you were just naturally this beautiful, but you were extra pretty smiling like that.
"i am so in love with you." he'd blurt out, thinking with his heart and not his head.
you lowered your arm, mirroring the surprised look on his face. chilchuck smacked his forehead, sighing. "what he meant to say is-"
"no, i meant it, (name)," laios cut him off, clasping your hands in his and looking up at you with serious look. chilchuck didn't expect him to be so bold, emotions stirring up inside of him. he didn't know if should add his piece into this mess.
"oh." you looked at him, not a single thought behind those eyes.
"i'm sorry if i messed things up between us, but i just had to tell you. i didn't mean to just blurt it out like that," laios apologized, removing his hands from your hastily.
"no, 's not like that, lai," you put your hands up, shaking your head. "'s just i like chi," you bit your lip, cheeks flushed.
both boys looked at you dumbfounded. one heartbroken, one with an equally flushed expression like yours.
"but i like you too, lai!" you reassured him, placing your hands on his. "i like...both of you," you frowned, feeling embarrassed from your confession.
it's not that you only liked one of them, but both of them. and you were having a hard time choosing which one you wanted, knowing both would be too greedy.
it was silent for a moment, but not for too long. both boys had figured out a way to ease your predicament. one look at each other and instantly figured out a solution.
"well, i like you. and chil likes you too, so," laios started, rubbing his neck.
"would you be open to dating us both?" chilchuck mumbled, his neck completely flushed. chilchuck was familiar with sharing since having kids, but sharing a lover with his best friend was completely different.
it wasn't that he was against it at all, it was just new. it flustered him. knowing he'd be dating both of you if you agreed with their proposal.
naturally, your eyes lit up at their suggestion. "really?" your smile was almost blinding, your cheeks flushed in excitement.
"yeah," the two boys looked at each other, nodding.
your squeal was almost deafening. you wrapped an arm around each boy, pulling them in and kicking your feet under the blanket. the happiness you felt was fathomable.
"you're both mine, eee!" you sung, rubbing your cheek against chilchuck's amber hair. "and you're both each others' too!" you gasped, looking at both boys.
"that's so cool!" you cheered, hugging them both tighter than before.
as tired as laios was, he could only indulge in your happiness. and as much as chilchuck didn't want to admit, you were the prettiest when you were happy.
the entire morning consisted of you goofing off with your himbo + dilf boyfriends !!
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dabislittlemouse · 10 months
Congrats on the follower milestone, you devilish genius. If you still have slots…
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“If y’keep undressing me with those eyes… I’ll catch a cold.” // SMUG, FLIRTY BASTARD DABI
Ahhhhzjsjs I can’t wait to see what your beautiful mind conjures~
- heiny
“𝐈𝐟 𝐲’𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬…𝐈’𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝”
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Dabi x Reader smut- MDNI +18
contains: seeing Dabi for the first time at ReDestro’s big event, Dabi being a flirty bastard, thick tension in the air, thrill and new feelings blooming, cunnilingus, possessive Dabi. Mentions of long hair since I tried to make it specific for Heiny
A/N: HELLO- posting this today as a little birthday gift for yew🥳 and it turned out a full fic :3 Everybody come wish Heinous a happy birthday or I’ll come for your throat 😡
Enjoy your dance with Dabi~
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The invitation letter to ReDestro’s big event found itself in your hands that day. The PLF had organised this event to celebrate a new beginning, the League of Villains that had supposedly taken charge and became one with ReDestro’s army. To celebrate for their future success and goals, to become one, united and indestructible, so it would be a pleasure for you to join as well on this glorious event, the invitation said.
You were kind of cautious about everything at first; you were familiar with the League of Villains and their doings, though the sudden dedication and admiration ReDestro had towards them, to the point of lending them all his power and people, made you feel skeptical.
But let’s give it a chance. There had to be a reason why ReDestro saw them as fit and trustworthy allies.
Though what you did not expect was to find yourself trapped and captivated by them as well, or to be more specific by him.
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The dress you wore was striking, kissing your body so well, the crimson color having everyone’s eyes glued on you. Your hair curled up, falling down your shoulders, red lipstick on your plump lips and smokey eyeliner to bring out the sharpness of your eyes, it was all you needed for you to radiate nothing but magnificence as you walked on the stairs of the big fancy mansion.
The ballroom was undoubtedly huge and glowing, already crowded with people, filled with nothing but cheering, laughing and talking. There were citizens, villains and powerful people; all invited to celebrate one singular cause. Eyes were peering at you as you headed inside, the tap of your heels and your fragrance making heads turn. The waiter approached you and you took a glass of champagne, smiling at the strangers and being friendly. You didn’t do well on crowds, especially when you barely knew anyone, anxiety would already fill you from the inside. The invitation could’ve easily been declined but something inside of you was urging you to go.
Not after too long ReDestro decided to give a speech, along with the new leader, Shigaraki Tomura by his side. It was followed by loud cheering and applauses, everyone already seemed devoted to Shigaraki, accepting him as their new supreme leader. The lieutenants came afterwards on stage, you recognised some of them, the little blood-obsessed girl, with a big cheerful smile on her face, the gecko, the magician…
Your gaze was stuck on the raven haired man, who you immediately recognised. His mauve burn scars painting half of his face and hands, decorated with metallic piercings all over, as his eyes lingered around the ballroom. You knew the pyromaniac named Dabi, and heard of his doings. You’ve heard that he was a cold-blooded murderer, a rude, arrogant and merciless villain that burned down towns and people. Not someone you’d want to cross paths with.
And here he was, in front of you, and the mere sight of him gave you chills down your spine. He stood tall, radiating confidence, power, his presence was enough to make anyone quiver. Dabi was wearing a dark blue, lavish looking suit, the tie almost loosened, holding a cigar on his hand. Attractive was an understatement when it came to him. ReDestro’s speech was inaudible in your ears as your brain turned mush, your eyes glued to the man, not realising you were biting your lower lip too.
Your breath hitched the moment his eyes locked with yours. You thought he’d avert his gaze and ignore you, but no. He was staring right back at you, his eyes taking in all your sight, from head to toe, his face expressionless but those eyes..
Fuck, even from this far you could feel that piercing gaze burning you from the inside out entirely. Dabi licked his lips in anticipation, a slight smirk gracing his face, not breaking eye contact with you. You swallowed hard, immediately averting your gaze somewhere else, heat creeping up your face.
God, what even was that..
As the speech was over, the celebration began, everyone took their drinks, some started dancing, swaying with the music, some enjoying the finger food. Though you noticed Dabi was approaching you the moment he came down from that stage. Slow, almost predatory steps.
Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck he’s coming my way…
You tried to keep yourself calm, but your breath hitched as he came to you up close. He was taller, looming over you, his strong cologne mixed with smoke intoxicated your senses and his gaze was too much to handle. Not knowing what to say, you gave him an awkward smile while he took a puff from the cigar.
“If y’keep undressing me with those eyes, I’ll catch a cold..” he said with a teasing tone in his raspy voice, making you flush in embarrassment. Damn, he was a flirt wasn’t he? You could feel your heartbeats getting faster, but your face expression remained neutral.
“I’m sorry about that” you replied back, taking a sip from your drink while giving him a sultry look. Usually, eyes were all that it took to seduce men and make them obsessed. And your eyes were your strongest weapon. “I’d offer you a… warm up, in case that happened. But I’m sure your quirk is enough for that”
His smile grew wider, more wicked, while he thought of all the meanings this warm up could have. You felt like crawling away and hiding into the furthest corner. One more word from him, one more look, and you’d turn into a puddle on the floor. He came closer, eyes focused on your cleavage, decorated with a diamond necklace.
“Never seen ya around here, dollface. You new?”
The nickname made your voice almost come out quivering. “Y-Yeah pretty much. I’m not a villain or a hero but.. just an acquaintance. I hadn’t been in touch with ReDestro for a long time though”
After that, the both of you stayed silent, it felt kind of awkward at first while he continued smoking.
“Y’wanna try?” he asked, handing you the cigar. You immediately shook your head.
“No thank you, I don’t smoke”
“You afraid of hurting those pretty lungs of yours or somethin’?” he said and before you could even comprehend, his eyes were looming over your half exposed chest. The blush on your cheeks didn’t go unnoticed as he let out a chuckle.
“Relax will ya? You gettin’ heated up already..”
“I am relaxed” you snapped, your eyes looking around the crowd, anywhere but him.
“You didn’t come here with anyone. A pretty thing like you, and you don’t have a man?” Dabi asked, and you watched his finger reaching to twirl some of your hair.
“No man. Surprised? Why is it a necessity for a pretty girl to have a man?” you frowned, this time staring right back at him. Though your tough facade was easily broken whenever you locked eyes with his.
“Didn’t say that. Was kinda hoping in fact that you didn’t have one” Dabi smirked as you bit your lip nervously. “Would be a shame if I turned them to ashes”
Your eyes widened at the continuation of that sentence, blinking twice and processing what you just heard.
“What?” He a wrapped hand around your waist. It felt warm and sent tingles on your body. “Is it wrong for me to want someone I feel very…captivated by? Y’know dollface, nothing, and I mean nothing, can grab my attention that easily. It’s hard to please a man like me”
Whether you knew or not, Dabi was already captivated the moment he landed his eyes on you, it’s like those eyes of yours lured him into a trap that he could not get himself easily out of. Just the way he lured you in too. And here the both of you were, tension thick in the air.
“..wait. So you’ve taken an interest in me? And if I had a man, you’d burn him to ashes, that’s what you’re saying?” you mumbled, gathering the pieces together. “That’s vile!”
“Atta girl. You’re so clever, aren’t you? ” Dabi chuckled and you rolled your eyes. He licked his lower lip, wanting to make those eyes of yours roll more from other reasons.
“I’ve always been vile, baby. I got a reputation out there, that’s brought me where I am now” he grabbed your hand, pulling you in for a dance as you both walked to the center.
“And in this world you gotta be merciless and vile to get what you want”
He didn’t even have to ask you appropriately if you wanted to dance or not, you were now swaying with him to the music, his hand on your back as yours were on his shoulders. Your face was mere inches away from his, the others around you had to stop and stare. Dabi was not known to associate with people often, let alone dancing. So everyone’s heads now were filled with questions as to who you were, and how weren’t you afraid of being this close to Dabi out of all people?
“So you think you can make me yours? Very bold of you. And you barely even know me” you smirked. The audacity of this man.
“Think? Nah doll, I will make you mine” he whispered in your ear as your breath hitched. “And I’ll have plenty of time to get to know every single part of yours”
Someone who’d be looking at the both of you from far away, would think that you two were kissing. That’s how close he was to you.
“Y-You’re too close..” you stuttered, but the expression in your face was almost blissful. As if his heat made you totally drunk on him.
“Too close huh.. is that bad?” he pressed his lips on your cheek, your body pressed hard against his, you could almost feel his toned body through his clothes. And something else.
“You don’t like me being close to you? It makes your heart feel all fluttery?“ he chuckles “Does it make you feel some type of way, maybe? What type of way would that be, sugar bun~”
You let out a gasp, your belly swarming with butterflies. “Y-Yeah..I feel kind of dizzy, um sorry I just- I think I need some fresh air.
You backed away from Dabi and headed out of the ballroom, leaving the dance in half. Though this did not discourage him, you could already feel his heavy steps coming from behind you. You inhaled a sharp breath, your face sweating and your heart pounding out of your chest.
The long corridor was empty and gloomy. Only your heavy breathing and his steps from behind you could be heard, along with the faint noises of the party.
“Where you goin’ huh?” he laughed, his voice echoing in the corridor. “I can’t let the newbie wander around freely around here now can I? That’s not what a good lieutenant would do. Especially when there are different kinds of villains wandering around here as well, who knows what they’d do when seeing a pretty thing like you all alone..” he says, grabbing you by the waist again and pulling you towards him. The look in his eyes is dark and twisted, almost possessive, as if he found the rarest gem in the world and no way he’ll let anyone else get it. He took in your scent, burying his head on your neck and letting out a soft moan.
“A-As if you’re different from them..” you snapped back, trying your best to not let any whimper come out of your throat.
“Ah.. You wound me with your words doll, I could never be like them” Dabi stared at you, a scarred hand wrapping gently around your delicate throat. “I’m worse”
Without a warning his lips crashed against yours, roughly and possessively you could barely call it a kiss. His tongue slid on your lower lip before entering inside, almost making you choke on that feverish sloppy kiss. He let out a low groan that made your whole body vibrate, his breathing and grunts as he devoured your mouth sent you to pure bliss, to the point you whimpered and moaned on his mouth too. His hand grabbed a handful of your ass, squeezing it as he slammed you against the wall.
“You like that don’t you huh..” he whispered between kisses, and all you could do is hum in response, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Mm yeah?” he hummed back. “I’ll make you fall f’me. Completely”
He backed away from the kiss, leaving you there fucked out and panting before going down on his knees. One of your legs was thrown on his shoulder before he lifted your dress. You were in pure bliss to even protest, your body needed this so you just let it happen. The thrill and danger this man’s eyes promised you, you wanted to taste it all.
“Wanna see you try” you responded, wanting to provoke him further. He smiled mischievously as he roughly tore off your laced panties.
“Hey! Those were pretty!” you cried out.
“Don’t worry baby, Dabi’s gonna get new ones for ya, alright?” he kissed your inner thigh and going further, leaving a trace of kisses and small bite marks behind.
“If you’ll be my girl, I’ll burn everything down to the ground and get you whatever you want..”
And with that, his tongue lapped on your cunt, sweet ambrosia making his eyes roll as he savoured you. You let out a high pitched moan, your hand covering your mouth.
“God, your taste..” he hummed, circling his tongue around your clit and down to your folds agonisingly slow. “Weeping for me sweetheart, aren’t you?”
“Mmhmmm” you nodded, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Good. I will make this pussy cry for me”
He placed his mouth against your cunt, his tongue sliding deep inside of you, then sliding out to lick and suck on your puffy clit. The wanton sounds you let out were music to his ears, encouraging him even more.
“Mmmhh that’s it princess, grind on it, just like that” he whispered as you continued to move your hips, riding and grinding his tongue, your head falling back in pleasure. “Fuck, you’re so pretty, so fuckin’ sweet”
He plunged two fingers deep in your cunt, curling and scissoring them while his tongue continued to lap your clit.
“Dabi!! S’too much!” you whined but he didn’t stop. The knot forming in your stomach was ready to snap anytime soon.
“Yeah? C’mon I know you can do it” he teased, his chuckle against your cunt sending vibrations through your body. His gaze never leaving yours as he admired you above him. “Cum for me, baby”
Your moans got louder, not even caring if someone would walk by to see you two like this. His groans got louder too as he sloppily made love with your pussy, his stitched muscle not letting a single part unlicked.
“Dabi.. M’gonna… gonna cum!” you called out.
“Yes, baby. Do it. Be a good girl and cum for Dabi”
That’s all it took for you to reach your high, cumming all over his tongue and fingers while your legs shaked violently. It felt like your soul almost left your body as he continued to lick you, moaning at your sweet taste.
“That’s it.. shit, so good” he growled, eagerly slurping all the juice dripping down your thigh before pulling away with a loud ‘pop’ and a satisfied expression on his face. As if he just ate the most delicious meal in the world.
Dabi stood up, admiring your blissful expression, your eyes unfocused and legs still shaking. He made a mess of you, and he loved it.
His hand grabbed yours, placing it on his hardened bulge that made your heart skip a beat.
“I think it’s time we continue our dance, doll” he said smugly, kissing your lips and making you taste yourself. “We gonna dance together all night long.. and we won’t stop. Until I make sure you’re completely mine”
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Tags: @mostlyheinous @shadowsandshapes @daniidil @mossy-opal @doumadono @highbats69 @spltbtch @bubblegumsblog @awalkingshame @dabislittlebeaniebaby @holydayaria @arinexeisnotworking @dabihawksluva @syrenkitsune @sukunas-bitxh @cherrykisssess
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hopelesswritergall · 4 months
Better than revenge (Part 1/?)
Summary: Aemond isn't aware of your feelings for him and brings his girlfriend to the family's vacation. Careful thought out plans, fucking a brother and a mean girlfriend leads to some interesting situations
A/N: I've decided to split it, to give myself more motivation and to post more :)) I have really, really really worked hard on this and would love to hear your guys's thoughts!
Likes, Reblogs and Comments aren't required but are much appreciated!!
Taglist (Send me an ask or comment to be added For this series or in general) @daenerysapologist @simp-aholic @howyouloveyourdragon
TW: Aemond being clueless(?), Alys being bit creepy, fingering, cheating (not on reader)
Aemond Targaryen x reader, Aemond Targaryen x Alys, (Slight) Aegon Targaryen x reader
The story starts when it was hot and it was summer
You never would’ve thought your summer would be this good. Six whole weeks of pure enjoyment, swimming, tanning, drinking and summer love. Your friend Helaena invited you to her family’s luxurious villa. You were practically packing your bags the moment  she mentioned there would be a private beach and sea, already imagining all the adventures that would take place on the beach. But when she mentioned that  you guys would be joined by her brothers…. That caused you to almost sprint out the door, buy a whole new wardrobe and get your nails done. It was the set up for a perfect vacation. Alcohol, beach, guys, and Helaena. 
And, I had it all I had him right there where I wanted him
Helaena did not exaggerate. The villa was more luxurious than the grandest hotels you’ve ever seen. It radiated rich energy. As you approached the villa, you could feel that this was going to be the best summer ever. You were in awe of even the smallest things, and Helaena found it quite amusing to see her best friend gawk at the stuff she found normal. Like the way they had the most beautiful view ever, the way the beds made you feel like you were in heaven and that the shower was a whole experience on its own. 
It was no secret to Helaena, at least, that you had a massive crush on her youngest brother Aemond. He was perfect in your eyes. He was tall, handsome, studying at university and he basically looked like he came right  out of an action movie as the bad guy. He was the perfect guy. Well in your eyes. So, you thought this little vacation would be the perfect opportunity  to make a move on him. You’d practically set it up, hinting at a possible crush on the man in front of him. But while he may be handsome and book smart…. He wasn’t the best at picking up the hints. You thought it was pretty clear what your feelings were. Because to any normal person, they would’ve picked up the hints. But we’re talking about Aemond here… and he did not.
She came along, got him alone and let’s hear the applause 
You were excited to finally see Aemond, and maybe for something to happen. But when he arrived at the mansion, he wasn’t alone. He was accompanied by a slightly older woman, and you never wanted to kill someone this much before. The way his hand was on her waist. The way he expressed his love for her when Helaena inquired about her. 
“Oh this? This is Alys, she’s my girlfriend.” 
That word, Girlfriend, made you want to punt Alys into the sun. The room went silent as he said it. Nobody knew, nobody expected it. If at all they expected Aegon to bring someone along. Helaena was the first to speak up “Great..for you? Idk man we just weren’t expecting this, or her.” She said slightly nodding to Alys, who was noticeably older than Aemond. You felt like you needed to know more so you asked a question for yourself. 
“How’d you guys meet? Aemond isn’t exactly known to go out and socialize..” 
She took him faster than you can say sabotage
“Oh, we met at the library, I was reviewing some essays and he was studying. I couldn’t help but see him and make a move on him. He just looked so cute, studying and being all focused like that.” Alys says as she rubs his upper arm. It made you want to remove your eyeballs from their sockets. 
I never saw it coming, wouldn’t have suspected it
“That's...great. I-I’m..i'm happy that he finally found someone, it was starting to get a little sad for Aemond…” you choked out, not meaning a word of it. Your eyes met Helaena’s, her eyes telling that she was clueless that this was happening. 
I underestimated just who I was dealing with
Alys didn’t look like someone Aemond would date, but also at the same time she looked exactly like someone he would date. It was weird, you’ve never felt so jealous in your life. Not even in kindergarten when someone else got selected to erase the board. This tops it all. 
She must’ve known the pain was beating on me like a drum
The look in her eyes… They told a different story. They told the story of a woman who was well aware that what she was doing was hurting you. To make it even worse she grabbed his face on both sides and kissed him, making sure to have him positioned like that so you could only see her face and the enjoyment on her face as she torments you. You tried to be strong and kept a neutral face.
She underestimated just who she was stealing from
“Let’s go and have some drinks.” Came your voice, breaking the silence as the ‘lovers’ finished kissing. Alys lifted her eyebrows in surprise, she hadn’t expected you to be so calmly about the whole situation. Inside you were screaming, crying and doing unspeakable stuff to Alys. But like I said, you’re strong. You grabbed a big bottle of whiskey and poured some of it into the 4 glasses present at the table. 
“Oh, Alys, we’re a glass short. We weren’t expecting anyone else to join. Do you mind grabbing another glass from the cupboard? I think it’s in the kitchen.” You said, feigning surprise that there was a glass missing. You knew damn well there was a glass missing. Just felt like pestering her a bit. 
“Oh, well I’m not so sure where it is. Could you show me? It would give my dear some time to talk with his siblings.” Alys said and it made your blood boil, she knew the game and she was a master at it. 
“Actually I’m not familiar with the place, I think it’s best if you take Aemond.”
“Well then it will be fun for both of us won’t it? Exploring the place, becoming besties.” You could feel the need to throw up getting increasingly stronger with each sentence she got out of her mouth.
Holding back words you accepted, as to not make it suspicious. 
“Fine… I’ll join you.” 
Everything about the woman made you want to drown yourself in the ocean, but the way he looked at her made you want to go through the fires of hell and challenge the devil to a boxing game. His look was full of love, love that wasn’t aimed at you. You followed her to the kitchen, trying to act like the perfect person.
“It was kind of inevitable, wasn't it?” Alys said as she grabbed the glass from the cupboard, twirling it a bit around in her hands
“What was?” You asked her, genuinely confused as to what she was aiming at.
“Aemond getting someone like me. I mean come on, you didn’t make a move, so I did. Can you blame me?”
This fucking bitch.
She’s not a saint and she’s not what you think,
How she talked to you at that moment. If only Aemond knew. She wasn’t the perfect little saint she pretended to be. She was just another common whore. Probably interested in the money he’d get if his father were to pass away. And the way she looks at Aegon, the same gaze in her eyes as the one she gave Aemond. 
 She’s an actress, whoa 
She doesn’t actually love him, you know of it. You caught her on a particular evening in hers and Aemonds bedroom. You were just walking by when you noticed the door was open, so you took a peek inside. There was Alys, laying on her stomach, wearing only her lingerie, taking photos. You knew they weren’t for Aemond because after she was done taking the pictures you heard her take a phone call. “I’ve taken some pictures for you Derek. You’ll be getting them soon, I hope you’ll like them cutie.” 
 You just needed to either show to Aemond that she is lying, or make him realize she isn’t the one without mentioning that part. And boy, oh boy, you got a plan. Involving none other than the player himself, Aegon. 
He was a moth to the flame
He seemed so impressed by her. Like she was everything he ever wanted. But still you couldn’t accept it. Somehow he still glanced over at you.. in a way that isn’t platonic. You could see the longing in his gaze when he looked at you. Like he wasn’t entirely happy in his relationship, which wasn’t surprising. 
She was holding the matches, whoa
Alys seemed a little too smug that vacation. It started, of course, when she walked in by his side, but the rest of the days she was awful. Not just to Aemond, but to basically everyone. Making everything about her, making everyone work for her, it was excruciating to watch and endure.
 “Oh, I’m sorry Helaena, I know you just went to the store to get the groceries for dinner. But I forgot to mention I don’t eat meat, you see I’m a vegetarian. Can you maybe work around that?” Alys asked ‘sweetly’
“Well… we’re making hamburgers on the barbecue today.. I can’t really work around that unless you want to eat only bread?” Helaena said to her truthfully 
“Oh well. That’s not very inclusive isn’t it? A shame, I thought you guys knew better.” She said before walking away.
The other incident was when you, Aegon and Helaena wanted to go to a club in the city and were asking them to join.
“Yo Aemond, Alys. We’re going to the club, you guys wanna join?” Aegon asked while leaning on the door frame.
“That’s sounds good-“ Aemond was quickly cut off by Alys
“But honey, you said we would walk down the beach together.”
“We can do that another time… I’d like to go to the club.”
“Well I guess you don’t love me then?!” She started to guilt trip him, it probably wasn’t the first time as it seemed a natural reaction. Whenever Aemond would say no, she’d start the guilt tripping.
You guys went with just the three of you to the club, leaving Alys and Aemond alone.
She had no issue flaunting her body during her stay at the mansion, after taking a shower she’d gladly only wear a towel around her or better only wear panties and his shirt. The smell of his cologne would fill the room and it was almost enough to reduce you to tears. And Aemond? He seemed under some kind of hypnosis by her, he was avoiding you like the plague, it really did make you wonder what she told him
Soon, she's gonna find stealing other people's toys
So you made an action plan, if not to get Aemond for yourself, atleast to have a little fun at your stay and not be a miserable cunt all day long. It would happen at the next beach party, where Alys would of course insist there would be lots of alcohol. Because, you reasoned, that’s the only way Aemond would think she’s pretty. Aegon knew about your feelings for Aemond, everyone did except him. So he was more than willing to help you out and get an evening of pleasure for himself. I mean who wouldn't want to, you were stunning. Aegon knew you were in love with Aemond, but still. One night together won't hurt anyone
On the playground won't get you many friends
You approached Aegon to go over the final points. You were both sitting on the terrace outside the mansion. You wanted Aemond to already feel a tad uncomfortable so your head was on Aegon's shoulder. “Okay so, let's just go over it one last time. Your room is next to Aemond's and Alys’ room. So we shall do it there.” You said while playing a bit with his hair, just because you wanted Aemond didn't mean you wouldn't enjoy the night with Aegon. You had heard the stories about his skills in the bedroom. Everyone has.
“Yeah, so after we've all relaxed on the beach and the rest goes to their respective rooms, you and I will go together to my room, already alluding to something being there. Then we have the best night ever, and then bam you leave the room after Aemond has left his and then it's all up to you.”
She should keep in mind, she should keep in mind
It was the evening you would commence your plan. It started off great, you guys played some monopoly, drank on the beach and just had a great time. Then Helaena spoke first “It was a great evening but it’s already getting late and I’m going to head for bed you guys.” You shot Aegon a look that said ‘This is the moment to go for it’.
“Yeah guys.. we’re going to head to bed as well.” He said while grabbing your hand and rubbing your knuckles lovingly. 
“Yeah we’re getting up early tomorrow to go for a walk to the village.” You said as you let yourself get led by Aegon towards the house.
It left Alys and Aemond quite confused to say the least. Aemond didn’t quite know why he didn’t feel happy. He was very confused as to why he felt jealous. He had Alys, why would he care that you and Aegon were heading to the house together. Maybe there was nothing happening between the two of you and he was just imagining things. He hoped at least.
“Well, I think we should go to bed then as well. It’s getting colder as well. Come on Alys.” Aemond motioned for Alys to join him, he wanted to see if you would go to your own room or join Aegon. The walk to the mansion was silent. Nobody said anything. There was just the sound of the sand crunching beneath all the shoes and the sound of the ocean in the background. Aegon opened the door for you and playfully bowed.
“My lady.”
You laughed at his antics before entering the mansion with him right behind you. Instead of going to the right, where your room was. You followed Aegon to the left, towards his room. Aemond’s heart dropped and he felt a tightness in his chest. Why did he feel like this? He had Alys, he shouldn’t have to mind that you and his brother were sharing a night. Sharing a room. Sharing a bed…
He quickly went to his own room when he saw the two of you enter the room. It felt like his world was crumbling down. But he had Alys.. that was what he wanted…..right? He started to doubt himself. Maybe the person he wanted had been right in front of him the whole time. Maybe he had been blind the whole time.. a small light bulb seemed to turn on in his brain. All the times you have tried to confess to him and he was just too blind to see it.
At New Year’s Eve when you wanted someone to kiss you, you had been looking at Aemond when you voiced your complaints. 
Last winter when you were cold and needed someone to hug you, it was him you were looking at. 
God he was a fool, he didn’t notice and now you’re in bed with his brother. 
He tried to forget about it, but his attempts were futile as his bed was directly next to the wall to Aegon’s room. Where you were voicing your excitement quite loudly. Moaning Aegon’s name, begging for more and making lewd noises. Aemond wished he was the one causing you this pleasure.
“Well. They’re having fun. Wouldn’t have imagined it.” Alys said
“Just shut up for once.” Aemond replied, his tone rather sharp. He was realizing his mistakes and he wanted nothing more than to rush into your room and kiss you. But he had Alys
There is nothing I do better than revenge (Revenge), ha
Aemond did not get a good night's rest. After you and Aegon were finally done fucking, he couldn’t close his eyes without picturing you. Well picturing you naked and underneath himself. It was wrong! He had a girlfriend, whom he loved… He thought at least he loved her, but now he isn’t so sure anymore. At 9 am he decided that to get through the day he needed coffee. So he went to exit his bedroom and when he opened the door his heart seemed to fall into a bottomless pit. 
In the doorway of Aegon’s room, were you. Standing in shorts and Aegon’s shirt. It was like the gods were playing a cruel game with him. Making him see you in situations he wished he was a part of. Wishing it was his shirt you were wearing right now as you were walking in front of him, also going to the kitchen. He had to restrain himself, to not go up right behind you and hold you in his arms. As you walked to the kitchen you plopped yourself on the kitchen island, completely ignoring the bar stools. 
“So you’re making coffee? Can I have some as well Aem?” He had his face to the wall where the coffee machine was, but if you could’ve seen his face as you called him Aem. It was completely red. He was blushing so hard, he had to cough to compose himself.
“Uh yeah for sure.” There was a short awkward silence before the machine pinged to let you know it was done.
“You’re up pretty early, that’s a new one.” You said teasingly 
“…..I couldn’t really sleep last night.” He said, not wanting to admit the reasons why he couldn’t sleep, but you knew. You hid your face behind your coffee cup a bit as you were biting your lip to not burst out laughing.
“Yeah….. I also slept pretty late, had a fun night.”
He couldn’t help himself anymore. As your legs were swinging while sitting on the kitchen island, he positioned himself between them, coming real close to your face. The smell of his familiar cologne and the smell of coffee hitting your nose. He gently grabbed your chin making you look up to him.
“Oh I know you had fun last night, the walls are pretty thin here. Princess.” You pretended to be absolutely embarrassed about the whole situation while you were cheering inside. It worked,
“Now don’t pretend this wasn’t your end goal. For me to feel jealous, for me to want you, wanting to show you who can make you scream louder.” Now this, this was even more than you’d ever dreamt of happening because you fucked Aegon.
His hands started to caress your thighs getting close to the place Aegon ate out last night intensively. 
Your breath seemed to hitch in your throat and you could feel your cheeks heat up. 
“Well… What if it was my goal? What would you do?”
“I think that if that was the case, hypothetically of course, I’d do something like this.” In one fluent movement he had freed you of your shorts and panties dropping them on the ground whilst still in between your thighs keeping them spread and giving him free access to what he wants. 
“Mmm look at you, all flustered. Am I having this effect on you princess? Am I making you feel stuff? Maybe….right here?” At the last part his hand was teasing your folds. Feeling the wetness already coating it.
“All for me isn’t it, pretty girl? Bet you had to refrain yourself from screaming my name last night didn’t you? You drive me crazy, you know that?” He said as he slowly entered his finger, making sure to hit your walls, driving you crazy.
“Aemond…. anyone could walk in..” You said. 
"Now, now.That didn’t seem to stop you last night now did it?”
Aemond continued teasing you before he brought you to your first climax, he pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean. He leaned in to kiss you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
“There’s more where that came from Princess, all in due time, all in due time…” He then walked away, with his coffee in hand like nothing had just happened. You on the other hand were blushing like crazy, pulling your shirt down and trying to compose yourself
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mrmiserymushroom · 4 months
my “theory”/point of view about Blitzø and his feelings
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Recently, I made a post with some drawn panels where I kinda give my opinion about what the fuck is going on inside blitzø’s head. Yet, I still felt like posting the entire thing and explain it with more details. Not sure if this is qualified as a theory (since I feel like it’s too obvious/just a headcanon) but it’s still a speculation. No need to read this if you don't care, I just want to post it somewhere :]
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FIRST THINGS FIRST! I know Stolitz is made to be canon. And I know, at one point, it's expected that Blitzø will confess his feelings and all of that. Everyone knows that soon he will realize he may not dislike Stolas at all and find out he, actually, is in love.
this will be a post trying to prove that this is not entirely true. Blitzø already knows that he is in love with Stolas and that he dug himself a grave from the start of their relationship. I'll be trying to prove that, in every episode, he is trying to supress these feelings to himself and the others around him, and even perhaps fell in love in the very beginning, way before Stolas fell for him.
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About his personality, we know Blitzø always try to act kinda tough when it comes to himself, but with the ones he loves, he never hesited to show how much he cares and appreciates them, even going out of his way to protect them at all costs. And he does that since he was little. As shown in S2E1 - The Circus, he tries to act unbothered and confident with the lack of entushiasm from the audience, but follows every single one of his father's orders, even when he is not okay at all with the idea, to rob the Goetia castle, just so he can help his mom out.
Still in The Circus, we can pretty much assume his relationship with his father isn't very good from what we've been shown. On the flashback we get in S2E6 - OOPS, we can see Cash giving Fizzarolli a gift card with the phrase "Wish You Were My Son". Blitzø also lived being reminded, everytime he needed to perfom, of the fact he was far to be the circus favorite, never getting the crowd's love and applauses. Even so his dad did not care at all if he was going to be there to perform or not when Paimon asked to get him to spend time with Stolas on his birthday. All of this can give us the idea that he grew up to be insecure about himself, his self-worth and feeling love starved. that's when Fizzarolli enter the scene.
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Fizzarolli was his first love. They were best friends since they were little kids and always got along very well. Even though, it's safe to assume Blitzø was, somewhat, jealous from all the love and attention Fizz got from the audience. making him carry a hidden envy. However, he never failed to be supportive of Fizz. praising him, trying to boost his confidence, giving him support, etc. Being there for the ones he loves, despite of how he feels is just how he is. But, still, this envy was growing inside of him since he was a child. Reinforcing the feeling of being unworthy and inferior compared to others. It wasn't just about wanting to be loved by the spectators, but it turned into a feeling of "everyone loves him and everyone hates me. I'm inferior"
and that is something pretty evident on his character. He always thought that he was inferior to Fizz and that he probably didn't deserve him. that his best friend needed someone better. I guess they've already made out a few times but it never went beyond that (since in S2E6 - OOPS, Blitzø mentions something about having tied up Fizzarolli several times before), yet, it was still stuck with him. That's what held him back and made him change his mind about giving the love letter to Fizz's on his birthday.
After that, we all know what happened. The incident took place and he lost all the most important people in his life. His mother died, his sister now hates him and Fizz got severely injured, besides "not wanting to talk to him again". With all the past trauma worsen, now he got a new one: abandonment issues.
Also, there was a time he dated Verosika, but she claims that she was the only one putting effort in the relationship, and now she despises him as well. Blitzø was probably still very affected by everything and was afraid of being envolved with someone and being abandoned again. Verosika was also a pop star, maybe making Blitzø feel like the inferior one again (but I imagine Verosika wasn't such a perfect girlfriend either).
With the passing of time, Blitzø started looking for help, got (slightly) better and created his own business. He adopted Loona, met Millie and then Moxxie. We can see he considers them as his found family. He is grateful for them (even if he doesn't verbalize it) and never fails to show how he is affectionate, even being a little invasive and annoying. It only shows more and more that he's a very sensitive and loving person. Always trying his best to protect, prioritize and take care of his new "family". He can go and insult Moxxie as much as he wants, scream at them, invade their personal lives, but, on the end of the day, he can't help but show how he feels towards people who are dear to him. So much so, it's even hard sometimes to hide it.
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With all that in mind, now we can finally talk about how he feels about Stolas and why I think what I think.
Starting with the day he went to take the Grimoire from Stolas. His plan was to use spells to create portals to the living realm so he could get on his business with humans instead of demons. He was going to trick the prince and then get away with the book. Until Stolas let out how much he crave for that kind of passion and how much it means to him that the one that is making this happen is his only ever friend.
As i said before, Blitzø is a sensitive guy, So when the royal boy reveals all of that emotional stuff, Blitzø ends up feeling a bit of empathy and give in, telling himself that this is going to be quick.
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In the end, he liked it way more than he expected and spent the whole night with the prince, only leaving by the morning. And in that night, he felt something he never felt before. Maybe it was a deep connection or maybe they were a really good casual match, it does not really matter. What matters is that he felt something really strong.
He secretly enjoyed it everytime and tried to convince himself it was just business and wasn't attracted to Stolas whatsoever. He feels more like himself and "free" when by his presence, as later implied in Truth Seekers, yet he does not want to get this feeling ahold of him. But he is still love-starved and so very emotional, of course this is going to dominate him whole as he spends more and more time with Stolas. And it eventually hits him hard.
Now, in S1E6 - Truth Seekers, we get a glimpse of Blitzø 's mind. Seeing how messed up his head is. He sees himself as a dirty clown, still tied up with memories about his past at the circus. He's tormented by everyone who is/have been related to him in some way, and his surroundings keeps getting messier and crazier as this goes on. It also address his trauma of being abandoned and left behind, as well as we get to know he does not really knows what he's doing half of the time. It all takes another turn when Stolas appears. Suddenly, things are not messed up and haunting him anymore. His appearence goes from the circus clown to his currently form, the form after he got his shit together once again and is trying to make a new turn in his life. He is wearing his work clothes and is not dirty.
Stolas is sitting in a throne at the top of a golden staircase, looking at him like he's just a plaything, representing how Blitzø feels inferior compared to Stolas (just like he felt with Fizzarolli). Then, he gets handcuffed of his wrists and neck, which Stolas is pulling by the chains. In the end, Blitzø make a expression like he is trying to endure something. Maybe the feeling that he likes Stolas, but can't do anything about that, since they are just business fuckbuddies and have to accept thing the way they are? Besides him being a inferior imp and a prince would never take him romantically? i dunno :P
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In my opinion, this shows how Blitzø sees the world before and after Stolas, how he feels like a new person and in his bestform when he's with him. nothing feels messed up anmore and he is, in a way, safe from what's tormenting him. However, this also shows how Blitzø believes this is all one-sided and he is being stupid for falling in Stolas game, that he clearly is just a toy and this feeling shouldn't get ahead of him. He is just an imp and is the only one who can be easily hurt. He should've known better than this. Stolas is a Goetia. Above overlords, he is unattainable.
Still in the same episode, before they are saved by Stolas, Blitzø get in front of his "family" to protect them. As stated before, he gives everything to protect who he loves and I imagine how out of his mind he would be if he couldn't be there to save them. This will come in handy later.
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When he comes to rescue him and his employees, he is surprised and admired about all of that. Thinking how amazing the prince is, reinforcing the image of a untouchable and powerful he has of the prince.
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On S1E7 - Ozzie's, at the ending of the episode, while he is deeply hurt, Blitzø starts pointing fingers and makes it clear that their relationship is just about sex, and then, he says:
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What gets me is that he doesn't say "it's about ME fucking YOU", he says "it's about YOU WANTING ME to fuck YOU", throwing all the situationship's wheight on Stolas side. Again, Blitzø thoughts Stolas only sees him as a sex toy and the emotional part is only Blitzø-sided. He is in love with Stolas already and reminding himself (and Stolas) what their relationship really is only hurts him more. He feels used and feels like at any time will be thrown away, that's why he tries his best to deny what he feels.
Then we have the picture on his phone. I don't think this is the latest pic on his gallery, I just think he had opened it before to find a random picture and came across this one. It might've got him right in the guts and he forgot to close the app.
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We are now on S2E4 - Western Energy, where Stolas get kidnaped and Blitzø can't be there to save him, since he needs to take care of his daughter first. When he realizes Stolas, someone already dear to him, even if it's is a secret, really is in danger and there's nothing he can do about, he loses it. His behavior/expression is very similar to the ones he had in Truth Seekers.
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In the end of the episode, he realizes Stolas maybe is not that unattainable as he thought so before.
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Finally, in S2E6 - OOPS, when he and Fizzarolli are stuck together, they start arguing until the subject lands on Stolas. Blitzø seems, again, to be visually upset reminding him and others that he and Stolas has nothing beyong business and casual encounters and that royal demons are far above dating imps like him or Fizz.
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He claims Stolas is only thrilled by the sex with a peasant, he trully believes all of the love and attention he is gave is merely manipulation. Even if he would like to believe otherwise, he can't risk being hurt and left behind because of a dumb choice. He would also be putting his job at risk with that. He tries to deny it to everyone, even to himself. Treating Stolas coldly or giving him the "I don't care" treatment would be a defense mechanism as well. harsh and kinda stupid, but that's just Blitzø.
He just doesn't wants to feel hurt and left in the cold again, so he just accepts his relationship with Stolas the way it is, but he also knows he was stupid for falling for him, all because the prince's sweet behavior is all just a fabricated "lie". If he decides speaks up, he fears he will be abandoned again. And even so, laughed at for falling in love when it's just "a silly roleplay". He wants to just throw this feeling away, but he can't help but feels what he feels.
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This is it! I may or may not have made any sense. Sorry for any grammar mistakes or if it looked like my brain melted in the middle of the paragraph. perhaps I'll just save this in drafts just so I can have it written down without having to show it to anyone. If you read it 'till this point, please feel free to tell me what you think or whatever :}
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redtsundere-writes · 14 days
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mmafigther!sukuna ryomen x femcoach!reader
Part 13. Last One Before Leaving
Beginning. ← Previous |
Sypnosis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Yuuji, Choso and Sukuna are brothers. Some characters are out of characters. Warnings: Cursed words, I only read it once. Word Count: 4582 words. Author's Note: I am going to edit the shit out of this fanfic after I drop the last chapter. I am not sure if I will post the next chapter next week because I have to work on some commissions, but I'll try my best because it will be a long one. I promise. Thanks for staying tuned!
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Back to old habits. The only thing I could see in the middle of the tunnel was Sukuna's gigantic back, I could raise my hand and trace his tattoos with my fingertips. I took a deep breath to assimilate that this was really happening. This was my last fight as the King of the Ring's coach. This was the last time I would wear the Team Black jacket. The last time I would march to the beat of Sukuna's favorite song. This would be the last time I would be able to support Sukuna this close. We emerged from the darkness and the crowd greeted us in a sea of applause and cheers. Gojo was at my side with a big bright smile, Yuuji was on the other holding his brother's bench and Nanami was behind me, holding the strategy notes. 
After the referee took over to check on Sukuna, he hugged everyone quickly before entering the ring. My lips formed a smile involuntarily at his warm touch. I was so proud of him. I was sure he would excel in this fight as in all the others. I already wanted to see him fight in all his glory. I hope I was good enough as a sparring partner for this match. 
"Give a warm welcome to Aoi, the demolisher of champions, Todo!” they announced. “I wonder what song he will enter with this time,” I thought curiously. 
It was true that Todo was a famous fighter because of his skills, strength and beefy body, but there was a reason why he is very popular. While other fighters enter the arena with rap songs with intimidating lyrics, Todo enters with songs of his favorite k-pop idols. Nayeon's POP! started blaring from the speakers. He came in dancing to the choreography of the said song with his team following closely behind. One could debate the fact that he was the best fighter in the UFC, but he was the one who puts on the best shows.
"What the fuck is this? " Sukuna asked as he stretched out near our corner.
"Oh, I love this song,” Yuuji told me excitedly as he danced to the famous choreography that went viral on TikTok. 
It didn't take long for him to get into the ring. In the distance, I could see Yuki waving with a smile as if we were friends. Poor thing, she doesn't know that Sukuna was about to smash her fighter to the ground. Maybe I should give her a sign. I showed her my thumbs down while mouthing the words “he's going down” in an exaggerated way. That was enough to wipe off her smile.
Todo and Sukuna gathered in the center to start the fight. One last fight and we're off. “Come on Sukuna, show me everything I have taught you,” I thought as I watched him excitedly. This would be Sukuna's last fight that I would be able to watch this close. I felt like a little girl again watching her first UFC fight on TV. I still couldn't believe I had come this far in my career. From being a rank-and-file fighter to being the champion of my division to directly training one of the best fighters in the world. I was proud of Sukuna, but I was prouder of myself. 
The bell rang and the fun began. The beasts went straight ahead to try to take each other down with their killing punches. For a giant mass of musclemen, Todo was incredibly faster than before. Yuki must have focused his training on speed since he is already strong. There was a moment where Todo was just lashing out jab after jab without Sukuna being able to return them, but he could get away from him to try to attack him from another angle. My fighter was defending himself very well, but he was eating a punch or two. Plus he wasn't working on his offense like we had practiced before. Something was going on. 
The third round arrived and Sukuna was still not improving, in fact, his body was beginning to lose resistance from all the missiles he was receiving. His movements were getting slower with every minute, his defense was fading little by little and his offense was not working. He was looking for any path that could lead him to victory, but they were all covered by the great wall that was Aoi Todo. If this was going to judges' decision, the odds weren’t on Sukuna’s side. “What the fuck are you doing wrong=!” I asked my fighter as if he could hear me telepathically. 
"Damn, he's getting fucked," Yuuji commented annoyed with the situation. 
Wait, his lucky ritual, is that why Sukuna wasn't in his best shape? Hadn't he had satisfying sex the night before? That couldn't be. Sukuna told me that Gojo had hired him a special prostitute the night before. Did he do something different this time? Whatever it was, luck was not on Sukuna's side. He would have to fight with everything his body could offer to keep his title. And after what seemed like an eternity, the bell announcing the end of the third round rang. There was one last round left that we could not squander.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Didn't you get a hard-on last night or what the fuck?” I asked him offended while Yuuji put ice on his bumps to reduce the swelling. 
"What the fuck are you talking about, shut up!” Sukuna barked, annoyed. 
"Then what the fuck is wrong with you?!” I yelled in his face. "I'm going to support you until the end, but please, stop fucking around and give him a piece of your fucking mind!” 
"I'm tired,” he sighed as he closed his eyes. I slapped him. Gojo and Yuuji looked at me, baffled. 
"You can rest once you give him a final punch! You're about to lose your title!” I screamed to wake him up from the trance he was in. If his luck wasn’t on his side, his anger would be. I grabbed his face and forced him to look at Yuki. "She's making fun of you, the woman who broke your brother's heart and blamed you for it! Are you going to let her make fun of the king of the ring?! Think about your fans.” 
"Sukuna has fans?” Yuuji scoffed. 
"If Sukuna has a fan, it's me. If Sukuna has no fans, it is because I am dead. If the world is against Sukuna, then I am against the world,” I said seriously, but the brothers started laughing. My cheeks blushed as I realized what a silly thing I had said. In fact, it was the first time I heard Sukuna laugh out loud. He had a cute smile on his face. 
"Stop joking around! We're running out of time,” Gojo scolded us. "Sukuna, you've been boxing all this time. Don't be afraid to use your legs. I know he's a little taller than you, but that's the way you can reach him,” Gojo advised him before they called the fighters back. 
Sukuna and Todo met again in the center of the octagon and the bell rang announcing the last round. This was no time to blink. Now everything was in Sukuna's hands. Aoi went at him, looking for the same knockout he had been unable to achieve in the last 20 minutes of the fight. Sukuna was still maintaining his guard as Todo directs his fists to his face. His feet were moving around the octagon in a tug of war that shortened and distanced them with each transition. My athlete looked more focused than he had in the last few rounds, but he needed something better than that. 
"Come on Todo, let your guard down,” Yuuji prayed out loud beside me. 
There was one minute left on the clock and every second was ticking faster than it should. They were bathed in sweat and blood from open wounds. I wondered what Sukuna was thinking in the midst of the chaos. Todo stepped into Sukuna's space to punch him, but he nimbly evaded it. Taking advantage of Todo being in his space, Sukuna kicked him squarely in the face with a spinning kick. His rival lost his balance, staggered backwards and fell backwards on the canvas. 
"Go for it!” I shouted euphorically to Sukuna, but he didn't need my instruction to know what to do. 
Sukuna pounced on Todo to beat him relentlessly. The crowd went crazy and Todo’s team was just yelling at him to get up. Team Black exclaimed incoherently from the excitement. Todo made no successful attempt to get up or defend himself. The referee stepped between them, announcing the end of the fight. Sukuna had won by technical knockout. The king of the ring got up tired and ran to the fence while the applause invaded his ears. 
"That bastard did it!” I exclaimed excitedly before climbing the fence to meet my champion and hug him. "You're the best, Sukuna!” I sobbed with joy. Tears of happiness cascaded down my cheeks. 
"Are you going to cry again?” Sukuna asked me, annoyed, wiping my tears with his thumbs. 
"Let me enjoy the last time I will cry for you,” I said with a smile. 
Sukuna half opened his lips as if he was about to tell me something, but closed them again. I have no idea what she could have been holding back. I couldn't overthink things like that when the king of the ring had beaten the demolisher of champions. 
I didn't hesitate to sign my letter of resignation. I was going to miss Nanami's office. The mahogany furniture made a nice contrast to the silver machinery in the rest of the gym. It was a little oasis of calm in the middle of a chaotic place. There were pictures of him with Yuuji, Sukuna and Gojo in Malaysia, collectible action figures of the king of the ring and plaques of all the fights won by fighters in Team Black. I handed over my official jacket, Sukuna's important analysis documents and my key to the gym on the desk. 
"It's a pity you have to leave, but we wish you the best of luck in your professional career,” Nanami said to me in her professional voice once he put the papers in their respective folders. 
"Thank you for offering me the job,” I told him. "Uraume will be here in a week. I'm sure it won't take Sukuna long to get used to them.” 
Having to leave for my gym meant that Sukuna would be without a floor technique coach, so I called Uraume to see if they were interested in the position. They were one of my first trainers when I decided to leave the Zenin temple. They were very strict, but that's Sukuna's style anyway. Nanami thanked me for the time and led me out of her office. As soon as she opened the door, I was in for a big surprise. 
"We’ll miss you, snake!” Yuuji, Gojo, Shoko and the rest of the fighters were gathered to bid me farewell. 
"Oh, guys...” I said while trying not to cry at how nice they thought of giving me a surprise goodbye. 
"I hope you like red velvet cake,” Megumi said appearing in the crowd with a cake decorated with a paper Medusa head and the words “bon voyage” in icing. 
"Megumi, you‘re here!” I squealed before hugging him. As soon as he hugged me back, I noticed that his biceps and triceps had grown. The training with his father was working for him. 
"Even though he no longer trains with us, he is still an honorable member of Team Black, just like you,” Yuuji said excitedly. 
"Thank you all for the nice surprise. I said with a smile while memorizing the faces of everyone present, although... someone was missing. "Hey, and Sukuna?” I asked. 
"He went to the CrossFit gym, but you'll see him tonight. Sukuna said you could choose a place to celebrate his victory and your farewell,” Gojo told me. 
A week had passed since the fight. It was a tradition to eat at Sukuna's favorite sports bar after every fight he won, so it had seemed strange to me that he hadn't invited us to lunch as was customary. I was glad to know that this time he wanted to give me the choice. In the end I opted to hold the celebration at a local Korean BBQ restaurant. 
The restaurant was bursting at the seams. Almost all the circular tables were occupied by Team Black members. My sense of smell was permeated by the meat cooking over on the grill in the center and the fermented seasonings. Gojo and Nanami chatted pleasantly while Yuuji and Megumi filled me in on how their father's gym was doing. A waitress brought us the bottle of sake Nanami had ordered to celebrate properly. 
"Come on, have a drink with me,” I asked Sukuna as I poured him a cup. 
"No,” he said before drinking from his glass of water in an attempt to ignore me. 
"Don't be like that, just one,” I begged him as I poured him a drink. He kept ignoring me. "Do it for me, as a parting gift,” I pouted. Sukuna looked at me, tempting to listen to me. 
"Drink, drink, drink!” Yuuji chanted excitedly along with Gojo. Gradually, the rest of the team began to chant for Sukuna to cheer up. 
"Just one,” He agreed before taking the cup that had been poured for him. 
"Here's to a bright future,” I proposed a toast with my glass in hand. 
"To a bright future!” They all exclaimed in unison with their drinks in hand. 
"Cheers!” I exclaimed before Sukuna and I downed the glass in one gulp. 
"Hey, do you like Star Wars?” Sukuna asked me, slurring his words from the effects of the alcohol. 
After he had a second glass of sake, Sukuna was red in the face and started to be funny with everyone. I could see why he had turned me down every time I offered to drink with me. I knew the “he didn't drink alcohol because of the calories and carbohydrates” was some bullshit. The reality is that he has zero tolerance for alcohol. As soon as Sukuna started saying things like “Yuki wishes I would fuck her”, Nanami asked me to bring him home. 
"No, why?” I asked him to keep him awake as I carried him to his room. 
"Because Yoda only one for me!” He answered before deflating like a balloon as if he had told the best joke in the world. I could only roll my eyes, but I still laughed. 
When we got to his room, I threw him on the bed to let my poor body rest. If Sukuna was a big, heavy man when he was sober, when he was drunk he was like carrying 5 bags of cement on my back. While he was telling terrible dad jokes, I took off his shoes so he could rest comfortably. Even though it was wrong for him to get drunk, I was glad to see him so happy. I always see him angry and worried about being the best. Now he didn't have to worry about that, he could be himself. 
"Stay here, I'll get you a glass of water,” I asked him before leaving the room. 
I looked for a glass in the cabinets and took the water pitcher out of the refrigerator. I smiled as I remembered the stupid joke I had made. Was this the Sukuna I didn't know? A joking boy with a cute smile that made me laugh out loud. It was a shame I barely saw this side of him after almost a year of working together, but I was glad I had seen him before I left. I heard some bare footsteps coming towards me, “Oh no way,” I thought before turning around to confront him. 
"Sukuna, I told you to stay in be-” I was about to scold him, but he shut me up in the most unexpected way. 
I didn't even have time to think by the time he had pulled me close to his lips, holding me gently by the nape of my neck. He hugged me to his body around my waist, so I could feel his heart beating like crazy, just like mine. I didn't know what to say, think or do. This was definitely not the Sukuna I had met in Las Vegas, this was a sweet, gentle, romantic man. This was the Sukuna I wanted to meet, why was he showing up here and now? His lips said everything and nothing at the same time. 
"No, you're drunk. You don't know what you're doing,” I told him before pushing him by the chest. 
"I know exactly what I'm doing,” he said with his cheeks still flushed. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or the embarrassment. 
Even though his eyes told me he was serious, I didn't believe him. I couldn't believe him. It had taken me so long to fall out of love with him and here I was, about to throw all my hard work away. Sukuna got closer to kiss my forehead softly. He ran down my face leaving little kisses all over, little love bites until he reached my ear. He kissed my ear and then proceeded to suck on my earlobe. A flirtatious tingle ran down my spine. This had gone too far already. 
"I can't, I like your brother,” I said as I pushed him again. 
"Yuuji is Megumi's boyfriend.” He confessed. I already knew that, it was so obvious. 
"I'm talking about Choso. I promised to call him when I stopped being your coach.” I explained. 
"You choose him?” He asked me in a whisper as if he was afraid that someone else would hear our conversation. 
That was the real question. I had spent almost a month mentally debating why Choso was a better match prospect than him. I should have told him “yes” for sure, but something was holding me back, and I didn't know what exactly it was. He grabbed my chin to force me to look into his eyes. Those deep eyes that the Itadori brothers shared, but his could stand out in a large crowd. 
"Yes…” I whispered. He nodded and turned away from me. At last, I could breathe again. "You should drink some water.” I said before passing him the glass I had poured for him. 
“Fine, under one condition.” Was this déjà vu? "You'll sleep with me tonight.” 
"I'm not sleeping with you,” I crossed my arms in offense. 
"I said ‘sleep’, not ‘fuck’,” he clarified. 
"Why do you want to sleep with me?” I asked confused. 
"I want to watch a movie with you.”
After Sukuna drank his glass of water, we sat under the sheets of her bed to watch whatever was on the old movie channel. I was really surprised that he wanted to watch Casablanca, I didn't think he was one of those movie suckers. Sukuna looked so good in his half open black robe, leaving his strong chest exposed, and his thick framed blue filtered glasses. I looked back at the TV as I realized where my thoughts were going. 
Even though we were a considerable distance apart, the atmosphere we had created felt so intimate. We were like a couple who had been married for over 30 years. There may not have been a spark of lust, but we knew for a fact that we were there for each other.
"I didn't know you liked these movies,” I said with my eyes glued to the screen. 
"I don't,” I answered. My brow furrowed on its own at that answer. 
"Then why are we watching it? I asked confused. 
"Because I have insomnia and this helps me sometimes sleep.” 
That explained why he was such a first"rate grump. He doesn't rest well, he can't take sleeping medication because it might show up as drugs on UFC medical tests, and his body has to be active during the day. 
"Why didn't you ever tell me?” I asked him while the scene where Rick and Ilsa say goodbye at the airport after spending a night together. 
"Would anything have changed if I had told you?” Why did I feel he wasn't referring to his insomnia?
"But what about us?” Ilsa cried to Rick. 
"We’ll always have Paris,” he answered with melancholy in his voice. 
“What the fuck is wrong with me, why did I think I was a goddamn romantic movie lead?! Those movies are already affecting me for the worse,” I thought as I took out the fury in myself on the punching bag. I was sweating like a pig and my shoulders were barely holding up to the exercise, but that was my punishment for kissing the girl my brother likes. The same story could not repeat itself. Choso was just coming back into my life, I couldn't do that to him. I'm a big, stupid idiot. 
"Hey, that sack has already suffered enough,” Gojo said, stopping me. "It's 9 o'clock at night, you've been here since 4 am. You ate here, slept on the stretcher and even bought a candy from the vending machine. I know you're a high-performance athlete and all, but this is too much,” Gojo took off my headphones to get my attention. 
Being Sunday night, the gym was practically empty. I was supposed to go home, but I couldn't do that. Y/n was there, I wouldn't know how to see her after I had made her sleep with me. I didn't even want to get out of bed in the morning to see her up close as she slept with her mouth open and her hair matted, but despite that, she looked so adorable. 
"I'm fine,” I said. I tried to go back to the bag, but my coach didn’t let me. 
"This is because she's going to another city, isn't it?” Gojo asked me. Was I being too obvious? "Your surprised face says yes.” 
I sat down on the weight bench behind me and ran a towel over my face to wipe off the sweat. Gojo sat down next to me and patted me on the back a couple of times. 
"Don't worry, you'll see her at other sporting events, maybe we can do a collaboration with her gym in the future. You will have many opportunities to see her.” Gojo comforted me. "Yuuji told me that Choso will ask her to be his boyfriend soon, possibly they will become a family.” 
Y/n getting married in a white dress, lace veil and a beautiful arrangement of white flowers in her hand. I would be at the altar waiting for her with my hand outstretched to live the rest of our lives together, have children and maybe probably a cat named Garfield. Only to wake up from my dream and realize that hand is not mine, but my little brother's. That thought just twisted my stomach and I slammed the water bottle on the floor from the helplessness of not being able to do anything about it. Gojo was startled by the sudden act. 
"I was the one who beat up her ex-boyfriend, I was the one who kept her safe, I was the one who defended her from my mother's aggressive comments! Choso hasn't even done anything for her!” I exclaimed annoyed with the whole situation. I jumped out of the seat to start walking from one side to the other in an attempt to get my anger down. "She doesn't know that Choso stopped wetting the bed until he was 12, that he's afraid of clowns and that he still thinks his ex-fiancée is the love of his life! We slept together twice, I showed her how much of a man I can be, how happy I can make her and still...!” I stopped as I realized that a tear escaped from my right eye and had slid down to my chin.
"Come here, boy,” Gojo said before hugging me. 
"She picked him...”. I cried to the only person I can trust. 
"God, I knew you liked her, but I didn't think it was that serious.” Gojo told me as he hugged me tightly. 
"I can't tell her. If I tell her, Choso will never speak to me again. I can't lose my brother again,” I said as I tried to wipe away my tears, but they wouldn't stop coming. "She was the only one who believed in me. Even when my parents and Yuuji didn't.”
She was the only one who supported me above all things and always made sure I knew that. She was loyal to me, in everything but love. What did it cost her to look at me with those eyes too? She has been the only woman I've ever seen that way, and I was about to lose her forever. I was sure I would never find someone like her ever. They might look alike in appearance like that prostitute in Brazil, but they weren't even close to her heels. 
Boxes kept piling up at the entrance. Boxes of clothes, boxes with decorations, boxes, and more boxes announced Y/n's upcoming departure. I helped her carry them down to the moving truck that Choso had rented to take them to the new apartment she would share with her friend, Nobara, in Nagoya. I told her I would pay for the entire move, but she said Choso would take care of it. 
"I think that would be it,” Y/n said before putting the last box in the back. "This is where we say, ‘I'll see you later.’” She said before shaking my hand.
I shook her hand for a cordial farewell. This would be the last time I would touch her smooth skin and feel her firm grip. I was devastated inside, but I had to fake a smile on the outside. It was for everyone's sake. This was for the best. 
"Thank you for allowing me to work with you. I learned many things. Please watch my fights,” she asked me cordially. I doubted very much that I would see them.
"Thank you for training me, even if you didn't want to at first,” I answered. 
"I always wanted to train you. Didn't I ever tell you the reason?” She asked me, surprised at herself. I didn't know what she was talking about, I thought she thought I was a big asshole from the start. "After your fight with Suguru Geto, my first coach, I was very curious to meet you to know the secret of your skills. Now that I know, I doubt I can replicate it,” she said with a playful wink, referring to my lucky ritual. 
"We have to go now, or it will get dark,” Choso said to Y/n while hugging her by the shoulders. 
"We'll be in touch,” she said excitedly. 
The new couple got into the truck, and they didn’t look back as I waved goodbye to them from the curb. I pulled out my phone to look up Y/n's contact to change her name from “Coach ♥️” to “NO ANSWER.”
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theillusionofpants · 9 months
One day in class this week we were talking about intellectuals. I had the kids write down who they considered to be intellectual in order to break down what is actually considered intellectual vs what is pedantic.
I had this one male student raise his hand and gave two names. The first was general and anticipated. He said Oppenheimer because the movie was out and he knew a new guy. Cool, put him on the board no problem. The next though, I thought we were done with.
"Andrew Tate"
Now here's a thing about teaching. It can be crushing to not validate kids. It's always a risk to raise your hand and volunteer information. Because it is early in the school year, I don't have as strong of an understanding with students and they don't know me yet. One wrong answer, one invalidation might make the difference for the rest of the year. So I'm in a spot here. I took a deep breath and answered
I don't think the kid was quite expecting so simple a reaction and so had had the "I don't agree with everything but I agree with some of his philosophy" ready and in the chamber.
And then I started explaining that philosophy or not, Tate and all the Tate wannabes out there don't believe in philosophies a single bit. Their sole purpose is to spread misogyny and puff themselves up by subjugating women (and other men, if I am being honest). We do not give lip service to people whose goal is domination and so his name does not go up on my board.
There wasn't a round of applause or a standing ovation or anything like that. 12th graders are waaay too cool for any of that. But I noticed an easing of tension in some of my students. My class became a little safer for them. Those that were laughing at first about the Tate suggestion were no longer laughing. They knew where I stood and knew not to push it. They knew that the jokes wouldn't fly.
I thanked the kid for the opportunity for a teachable moment and suggested he find better heroes. And honestly? Honestly he apologized. That's it right there. He's going to remember this moment next time. He thinks twice about it. He knows that there are some areas where he has to watch what he says. It isn't a lot. But it is what I have to make a small change. Kids hear their teachers calling out misogyny and it gives them license to do the same. It halts the behavior. Maybe it is only in my class and maybe it doesn't stick forever. But they will remember. And it gets a little harder to be sexist.
I have a lot to learn and I know I make mistakes, but I hope I can apologize when I fuck up too just like this kid. Lord knows I was once a teenage asshole as well. Shit, hopefully by posting this I haven't made some error in my reasoning. But if I have, maybe that'll be a teachable moment as well.
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user211201 · 13 days
Be of Service
--- Originally posted on 2024-04-06 by dumb-and-jocked.---
Round of applause to @mrrharper
I dumped my uniform and bag into the locker, my partner John doing likewise beside me. After a graveyard shift, the two of us had decided to hit the gym bright and early in the morning before sleeping through our day off. John and I had been partners since we had first joined the police force. As officers, we had done a lot together; rode together, drank together, laughed together. One time we were even in a foursome together with two chicks we had picked up at a bar.
Now in our early thirties though, we had begun to take life a little more seriously. Start choosing wisely, acting responsibly. Working out had been my idea, and after six months it had already shown some results. Both of us were average height and had gained some pudge over the years, but now we both had notable definition. I could not help but flex a little in the mirror, impressed by the beginnings of my triceps.
“Looking fire, broski!”
My eyes shifted over to one of the three football jocks who sauntered into the locker room. I was immediately annoyed by the trio of obnoxious meatheads, and I could tell John was as well.
“Have you been coming here for long?” the first asked. “We haven’t seen you around.”
“We come when we can,” I replied. “Working for the law gives us busy schedules.”
“Woah…so are you guys like, officers or something?” the second guffawed.
“Officers, yeah.” John was irked.
“Huhuhuh…cool bruh!” the third jock inserted. “You two should totally join us!”
Before we could respond, the first jock piped back in, “Yeah dudes! We could have a great sesh between the five of us. Brock here is stellar at arms, and Duke is the best at working those legs and glutes.”
“Jalen’s a pro with chest,” the second jock, Brock, finished. “And you two officer bros, what are you good at?”
I grunted, “Knowing how to refuse an offer.”
It took Brock and Duke, the third jock, a second to process what I had implied, their mental capacities obviously slower than the average male. Jalen was a little faster however, putting on a dumb smile. 
“Your loss bros, but totally understandable,” he shrugged. “In case it wasn’t obvious, we’re on the football team at the local college, so let us know if you need any workout tips or exercises.”
I barely nodded my head, offering a blunt, “Ok, thanks.” John and I then made our way past the bulky jocks, the three of them each larger than either of us. I took a breath as soon as we exited their collective earshot.
“Three cocky dicks,” I snorted. “No better way to start the morning.”
John mockingly agreed. Our workout was brutal, our bodies already tired due to our unusual sleep schedule. This, along with the occasional stare from one of the jocks, only encouraged us to work harder. Nothing was spared from our exercises, we utilized machines that hit multiple areas at once. Arms and chest, legs and back, abs and quads. At the end, we hit the treadmills for a thirty minute run, sneering back at the trio while they stood in front of one of the many mirrors and flexed their pumped arms, taking pictures for social media.
Eventually, we were back in the locker room cleaning up, both expecting the jocks to ambush us again. Fortunately, the lumbering footballers never arrived. John had joked they were probably still drooling over their own muscles in the mirror, and I had replied better they were drooling on themselves then us. I did not want their narcissistic, dim-witted reek all over me, and neither did my partner. We both opted to skip showers; we could take them back at our respective apartments before crashing into our own, cool beds.
As we left the locker rooms and headed towards the exit, we were immediately swarmed by our unwanted acquaintances. 
“You know, bros,” Jalen swung a beefy, sweaty arm around both of us. Brock paced behind me, and Duke followed suit with John. “We never caught your names? We’d like to thank you for your service, officers, whatever it is you do."
His tone was a little menacing, but I knew he would not try to pull something in broad daylight. “Darren,” I responded. “and John.”
Jalen grinned, moving his arms to pat the back of our necks. I felt a little sting at his touch, almost like an electric shock.
“Now c’mon bros, how about you come join us at the frat house where we can properly use your services.”
John frowned, and I retorted with, “I think you boys have had your fun.”
Brock chuckled, “Fun’s not even started broski.”
Duke’s response was even deeper and dumber, “Huhuhuh...dudes aren’t even ready.”
We had finally made it outside, the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon. I noticed our squad cars parked up front, we would be out of this mess in just a moment.
“Alright, this is our stop,” I exclaimed, making sure the three got my message. Suddenly, a piercing jolt was sent across my spine, traveling all the way from my brain to my toes.
“Our stop is actually over there, officers.” Jalen pointed to the two trucks past their cruisers. “Darren, you can come with me and Brock, Duke here is gonna take John.”
Robotically, my body followed Jalen’s command, tracing behind the first two jocks to their obnoxiously big vehicle. Although I could not turn my head, I could tell John’s body was following the orders as well.
“Disengage Operation Mode, security bypass JALEN, sleep.”
— —
“Engage 25% Operation Mode, security bypass JALEN, wake.”
My eyes fluttered open. I was standing in an empty room, not rigid but not slouching either. To my right, I could sense my partner’s presence, familiar with John’s aura. We were still in our dirty gym gear, although our body odor was nothing compared to the three jocks standing proudly before us. Through the windows behind them, I assumed it to still be some time in the morning, but that was the only piece of the situation that I could try to fathom.
“Bet you’ve never had a mind control chip implanted, have you, officers?”
I tried to respond with something snarky, but my mouth wouldn’t let me.
“We were just trying to be friendly, help some bros out, but you two insulted our kindness.” Jalen stepped a little closer, even from a distance I could feel his large, masculine presence. “Maybe next time you won’t mess with the son of a government-funded millionaire.”
Jalen pointed his fingers at his two goons. Brock and Duke each stepped forward, crossing the distance between them and John and I. They removed our shirts, and although I could see or move my feet, I realized my shoes had already been taken too.
“My dad gifted me some leftover mind-control chips he had built for the military, said I could use them if I ever needed them. Something along the lines of "accessing the nervous system" and "reprogramming capabilities". Didn't matter to me bros, it was all nerd-speak. I just needed the commands.”
If I could have, I would have gulped. Jalen stepped closer as the other jocks discarded our clothes.
“MC 1001, 50% Operation Mode.”
Suddenly, the feeling was restored throughout my body. I did not bother with attempting an escape, recognizing my body was still glued to the floor. When I turned to my partner, I realized John had not been released.
“What’s the plan, Jalen?” I spat.
“You were so rude to us back at our gym when you are employed to be of service” Jalen smirked. "The bros and I thought we should remind you of your duty, and what better way then by dispatching you as our new security guards who obey our every wish and command?”
“So what, you’re going to 'reprogram' us?”
“How about you see for yourself?” Jalen then turned to John. “MC 1002, engage Modification Mode, security bypass JALEN.”
“MC 1002, Modification Mode engaged, security bypass confirmed." It may have been John’s mouth that had opened, but I knew it was not him who was speaking.
“Brock,” Jalen invited. “How about you take the first swing?”
Brock laughed and scratched at his crotch, “Get him jacked bro.”
Jalen turned to Duke, “Anything specific you’d like to add?”
To my surprise, Duke did have something to add–a lot to add: “Make them former rugby players bro, cause rugby is for idiots and rugby players should serve football jocks, the real alphas.”
Jalen raised his eyebrows, a bit surprised too. “Works for me. MC 1002, enter in keywords ‘Rugby’ and ‘Jock’ to the personality frame and set both at 88. Raise ‘Muscle’ by 40 base points and remove any post-secondary education from the mainframe.”
Watching the football neanderthal list off a series of programming commands put our situation into a new perspective. My eyes grew with fear as the changes installed into John’s body. It was like watching a horrible balloon inflation, his body contorting as it expanded. John’s once meager chest bloated into two massive pecs supported by two trunks of legs. His arms cartoonishly bulged until they were practically circular, his pits filling with hair as a tattoo wrapped itself around his right bicep. His face thickened too, adopting a square shape along with a wider nose and thicker stubble.
“Keywords ‘Rugby’ and ‘Jock’ successfully installed.” John’s voice was now deeper, gruffer. “‘Muscle’ upgraded, post-secondary education deleted.”
Jalen nodded, “MC 1002, add 10 base points to his age as well.”
“Adding 10 base points to ‘Age’.” To my shock, I helplessly observed my partner grow older beside me. The skin around his body tightened, pulling in to reveal the more delicate details of his veins and tendons. Wrinkles began to develop across his body along with other age marks. It was painful to watch his hairline slowly pull back, his scalp thinning out into a well-maintained crew cut.
“Here’s the fun part,” Jalen mocked, noting my face of terror. "Lower cognitive abilities by 20 base points and independent identity by 30 base points. Install the ‘Security’ package to the mainframe and boost the ‘Obedience’ category to max potential."
Although there were no visible alterations, I could have sworn the light went out behind my partner’s eyes. “All actions executed, please confirm modifications to MC 1002.”
Jalen smirked, making direct eye contact with me. “Confirm MC 1002, disengage Modification Mode, reengage total Operation Mode.”
To my delight, I watched as John’s body reanimated completely, indicating he now had full control over his body. But any hope I had was immediately crushed as soon as he stood at command, dumbly  grinning with his arms crossed over his chest.
“How can I be of service, sir?” John asked Jalen.
“Go do a full sweep of the yard of something, bro.” Jalen tossed John a pair of sunglasses, not even bothering to hand him any other clothes. Apparently his now too-tight joggers were enough. “Oh, and by the way, you go by Hammer now.”
“Hammer…” John processed. “Yes sir, thank you sir.”
I watched as my former partner stomped out of the room, out of our reality.
“Why ‘Hammer’, bro?” Brock piped in from behind me.
“‘Cause he’ll be laying down the law of the land.” Jalen then shifted back to me. “Our other friend here will be ‘Brute’.”
I heard two empty-headed laughs from the two empty-headed jocks behind me.
“He’ll be nothing more than a wall of meat,” Jalen taunted. Before I could insult him back, he instantly shut me up. “MC 1001, engage Modification Mode, security bypass JALEN.”
“MC 1001, Modification Mode engaged, security bypass confirmed." My mouth was out of my control. I tried to fight back, reanimate myself by any means possible.
“Alright Duke, it’s your turn.”
“Same thing as last time, bruh.”
Disappointed, Jalen shifted back to Brock, “Got something else?”
I prayed Brock would not say anything too damaging “Make him huge dude,” he requested, putting me at ease before following up with: “And make him like a butler too.”
Jalen laughed, and if I could have I would have cried.
“Oh MC 1001,” Jalen merrily instructed. “Copy MC 1002’s personality frame and mainframe, and enhance body and clothes proportions to 1.5. ”
“Modifications downloading,” I stated, a sudden sinking emerging in my stomach. In moments, I sprung upwards towards the ceiling, my height soaring above the jocks to an astonishing six and a half feet. Muscles exploded out of my body, bloating me thick with bulk. My arms were plump and my hands meaty. Two juicy pecs larger than my head were now carried by my absolute barrel of a chest, stretched out and taut. My legs were colossal, so dense that I would permanently be forced to take wide, swaggering steps. Even my neck thickened, supporting my newly masculinized skull.
“Copy and paste procedure successful.” My voice was husky, low, deep and booming. “Body and clothes proportions at 1.5.”
“Look at his socks, bro,” I heard Brock snigger behind me. “Whattya think those stompers are?”
“Huhuhuh…I don’t know dude…maybe Size 15?”
“Looks like I missed something,” Jalen appeared disappointed. “MC 1001, reduce reproductive size to 3.”
“Redacting 4 base points from ‘Reproduction’.” I screamed, pleading for this to stop. But no words exited my mouth. Instead, I remained painfully silent as I felt my cock and balls shrivel down within my shorts. 
“Helps with the obedience factor” Jalen stated. “Now, let's lower cognitive abilities by 40 base points and independent identity to 15 base points. Install the ‘Security’ package to the mainframe, boost the ‘Obedience’ category to max potential, and add in keywords ‘Respect’, ‘Humility’, and ‘Subservience’."
I would not give up, I would not cave in. “Please confirm modifications to MC 1002?”
Jalen was finished with his game. “Confirm modifications, disengage Modification Mode, reengage total Operation Mode.”
After a moment, I blinked. My head felt fuzzy, empty, as if some great weight of responsibility had been removed. I dumbly chuckled to myself.
"Feeling good there, bro?” Jalen smiled. “Excited to serve us jocks?"
"Uhhhh, yeah bruh…be of service."
"Well said, Brute."
"Brute?" I smiled lazily. “What can I uh…do bro?”
"First, let’s get you in uniform.” Jalen signaled to Duke, who then tossed a black cap to me. I secured it backwards onto my head proudly.
“Now, clean the frat house from top to bottom. I’m talking dirty laundry in the machine, trash taken out, floors scrubbed–the whole deal. I want this place looking slick before the party starts tonight. Once you’re done with that, you can go patrol the lawn for any feds. Got all that?”
It took a while for me to process everything, but eventually the dumb grin came back to my face.
“Yeah bruh…whatever you need.”
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joelsmochi · 7 months
Us Against the World
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A/N: How easy is it to come back after a 4 month (unplanned) hiatus? Not easy. At all. Sorry for my absence darlings, a lot has been going on from moving to health issues to new jobs… It’s been so hectic that I am willing to admit that this piece of garbage was also being worked on over the entire 4 months I hadn’t posted. This was all I could conjure up, but I wanted to polish this off so I could move onto the next project, so I also apologize for how rushed this one kind of ends + it doesn’t have the same lighthearted tone as the first 2 parts. Regardless I hope you enjoy reading (don’t judge it too critically… I’m begging.) Also I think when I pasted this it got rid of my italicized and bolded words -.- (i am serious about italics)
warnings: 18+, kinda mean!jealous!insecure!joel, cclg/ddlg [attitude] dynamic, punishment (but it’s really a reward ;]), angst, more panty kink, some useless scenes, chance of getting caught, a little sadness and a bit cheesy, lazily proofread so expect grammar issues + typos!, i don’t wanna spoil so it ends there byeee (let me know if i missed any please!)
wc: 10k (will the length make up for how bad it is? no? ok >.<)
Read part 1 here, and part 2 here.
The bar was filled with laughter and short applause from people winning their games. It smelled slightly of stale alcohol and oak wood.
You had just walked in with Joel behind you. As you were taking in your surroundings, Joel had already seen a guy or two look you up and down. He chose not to say anything. They weren’t worth the trouble.
You both sat at the bar and ordered two beers though you weren’t necessarily trying to getting drunk tonight. You just wanted to keep your promise of making him jealous.
He didn’t think you’d actually go through with it, but when he saw your eyes go from your fresh drink to scanning the men around the bar he knew he was in for a real treat.
“You’re serious ‘bout this?” He rhetorically asked.
You only gave him part of a smile and a shrug to say and what if I am?
He half rolled his eyes and sipped his beer, immediately grimacing at its subpar taste.
“Fine. Do whateeeeever you want, little girl. Just like you always do,” he said. “Gon’ and dance for other guys. I don’t give a damn.”
You glared at him when he called you a little girl, keening a dark chuckle from him. He was poking the bear inside you, waiting for the moment you would choose to give up on your cunning idea.
You stood up out of spite and slowly walked over to a man roughly your age, clad in some lousy outfit that somehow made him stand out to you.
The teasing smirk Joel was wearing replaced itself with a scowl. You swore you felt him shooting daggers into your back as you whispered in the younger man’s ear.
“Wanna dance?”
The boy looked at you with excitement and surprise, bashfully nodding and following you when you pulled him next to the other dancing couples.
You pressed your back into his and looked everywhere except for where Joel was sitting, swaying your hips in sync with your dance partner and occasionally pressing back into his crotch gently.
Joel stared long and hard at the boy who was just using the curve of your ass to jerk off, yet when his eyes wandered to you, all he could do was think about using you like that, only with fewer clothes on.
The song ended and Joel thought it would be the end of your shenanigans; he watched as you whispered in the young man’s ear again, and once you pulled away he motioned for his friend to come over.
Another young man approached the front of you, and you gave him a flirty smile as your arms linked around his neck.
Joel was gritting his teeth so hard he was sure he heard one crack. He wanted to keep his cool, not give you the satisfaction, but watching you dance for men that were your age when he was already insecure about being thirteen years older than you pissed him off.
He knew you were just having fun, but fucking hell.
He hated seeing those idiots practically fucking hump you in the middle of the bar. They were feral and inadequate compared to Joel who knew they could never take care of you the way you needed to be taken care of.
Joel had about enough when the boy in front of you began slipping his thumbs underneath your baby tee and saw how it made you tense up so he reached in his wallet for cash to pay for the drinks. Then, he stomped over you and grabbed your arm, snatching your body from between the two men.
“Fuckin’ idiots,” Joel growled at them before pulling you behind him. He felt you resisting his grip after entering the parking lot so he grabbed your hips and picked you up. He sat you in the passenger seat then got in himself, driving back home without saying a word.
You knew you were in for it.
Once you two made it to his place you were trying to get Joel to speak to you. He just gave you a hard look and tossed you over his shoulder without further resistance; he carried you to his bedroom, sat down, and forced you to bend over in his lap.
“I’m sorry, Jo—ow!”
He had landed a firm slap across the back of your thigh and then broke the zipper on your shorts from yanking them down. Your hips ached from the waistband digging into your bones. You tried wiggling from his grasp causing him to grab a fistful of your hair and yank it back.
He smoothed a hand over the peaks of your ass for a few seconds, not wanting to hurt his precious girl.
But then he remembered how you left him without a care in the world just to spite him.
He gave you another spank that burned furiously against your flesh and forced a cry out of your throat.
“I’ll never do it again,” you pleaded, “I swear! Joel—“
Another smack.
“Fuckin’ damn right, you won’t,” he grunted, watching your ass color red. “You wanna fuck some dumb college boy, huh?”
You whimpered and waved your feet around desperately.
Smack! “Answer me when I ask you a question. Do you wanna fuck people your own fucking age?”
You shook your head frighteningly fast, waving your feet around more as if it would get him to release your hair but his grip only tightened. “No, Joel! I only want you—just you. Please, Joel, I’m sorry.”
He tugged at your panties, not too harshly, just gently enough to create a wedge between your cheeks. You were thankful he didn’t notice your eyes roll back and the soft moan that left you from the friction against your throbbing clit and asshole.
“My ol’ ass not enough for you? S’that it?” He whispered in your ear.
“Of course not—“
He popped you again from your words before pulling your panties up again, hating how you said it like it should have been obvious.
He watched you grind into the taut cloth, humping his knee. Although it was a subconscious movement from your body it didn’t stop him from letting out a humorous laugh.
“So fucking needy, ain’t ya?” He cooed, releasing the fabric and trailing a thick finger down the wet spot in your panties. “M’over here punishin’ you and you’re fucking my leg.”
“M’sorry,” you mumbled.
“You like it when I spank you?” He cooed in your ear; you nodded and he chuckled softly, tickling the hairs along your neck. “Yeah?”
“I like it when—… When you pull my panties,” you bashfully admit. “Feels good.”
He slowly let your hair go and cradled your jaw softly to keep your head up. With a smirk, he toyed with the linings of your panties. “You like when I hurt that pretty little ass a’yours?”
You hummed, taking one of his fingers in your mouth. He circled the pad of his middle finger around the rim of your clothed asshole, letting out a hum or a chuckle every time he felt it pulse.
“You’re gonna be good from now on, girl?”
“Yes, Joel,” you whispered against his fingers, spit drooling into his palm.
“Good,” he hummed softly, “good.”
“Can you,” you paused, unsure of why you were still acting shy. “Can you please pull my panties again?”
He happily obliged, starting a little gentler this time. He watched the shadow of your face contort with pleasure while you moaned softly, grinding your clit into his knee some more.
He watched one of your swollen pussy lips escape from the constriction so he pulled them some more to make the other lip appear.
You moaned at the thin fabric being engulfed by your cunt, clenching so more of your juices oozed out.
You felt his finger gently slip beneath the fabric to rub your wet entrance. You exhaled at his long finger slipping inside of you, collecting your slick before sliding it up to your asshole to circle it briefly.
He removed his finger and snuggled your panties up more. The friction stung your skin deliciously. He landed a smack on your ass cheek with the noise piercing your ears; you yelped and flinched, seductively laughing afterward.
Joel noticed the outline of his hand appearing along your flesh, red and bruised. He kneaded it with his palm and told you to bend over the edge of his bed. Once you were on your stomach again you felt him pull your shorts off of you completely, then your panties. His hands warmed over your thighs, grazing your ass and touching your lower back. He pressed his thumbs in slightly to massage you there for a few seconds before he slid his hands back down again to spread your ass.
You held your lip between your teeth throughout his touches, not wanting to make any noises in case he wanted you quiet.
The cool arousal leaving your body dripped down to your clit almost making you flinch from the temperature difference. Your pussy was clenching around nothing, seeking his fingers or his tongue or his cock — anything. His laugh was taunting and raspy, seeing how desperate you were for him.
"Such a needy girl, hmm?" He took a deep breath leaning into your flesh; his tongue scooped up your juices from your clit to your ass in one long, heavy lick. You gasped, surprised by the sudden contact. You were left disappointed when he didn’t continue lapping at you, but a rush of joy ran through you at the sound of his belt unbuckling behind you.
He heard your simpering little giggle, smiling at how cute it sounded but still popping your right ass cheek where you had begun to bruise. You hissed, chewing on your lip while he undressed from the waist down.
He teased his length along your slit, spreading your wetness upwards and slapping his fat tip roughly against the tight ring of muscle.
And it fucking hurt, more than you were expecting, but judging by Joel’s chuckle he already knew it would.
You understood his need to humiliate you. That was the whole reason for doing what you did. You wanted him to have his way with you just as you had a few nights ago.
But you hurt his feelings more than you expected to and much more than he would like to admit.
He slapped your puckering hole even harder to elicit a response from you, satisfied when you groaned his name.
“Joooel, that hurts.”
He lined up with your pussy, not quite touching you yet. His only response was, “Good,” before shoving his thick cock inside of you.
You screamed at him tearing your walls apart with cruelty, clenching furiously around him to try and adjust quicker.
But he wouldn’t let you.
He pulled out of you to watch your muscles flex for a second, then rammed back inside of you; he stayed as deep as he could.
After ensuring your stomach would remain glued to the bed his lips pressed a wet kiss to the rim of your ear. He listened to your soft cries, feeling your hips wriggle beneath him.
“You gonna be good for me?” He asked again.
You panted with annoyance and told him, “If you fucking ease up on me.”
It was an absentminded comment with consequences you’d be dealing with for days. Joel just clicked his tongue at you and dug his hips into your flesh deeper. His cockhead nudged your cervix serving up a mixture of pain and pleasure throughout your stomach.
He didn’t want to be too mean, however, so he pulled back and pushed his weight into your lower back from his palms. Your stomach being smooshed into the bed made the impacts of his thrusts feel deeper than they were.
Your precum enthusiastically coated his shaft, lubing your entrance as he rammed into you. Your voice was breathy as you spoke.
“Joel—th-that feels… That feels good.” Your eyelids hung low creating a blurry line of vision, head bobbing from his stuttering hips.
“You like getting fucked like a slut?” He spat to which you confirmed. “S’that why you act like one?”
You admitted your faults, not wanting him to ease up on you.
“You wanna fucking dance on someone again?”
You didn’t respond, too immersed in how good he was touching you.
He grunted, pulling out of you leaving strings of your precum mixed with his hanging; he flipped you around and wrapped a hand around the back of your neck, using his other hand to hold you at the base of your spine. He lifted you off of the bed, making you yelp.
Once he got into a comfortable position he removed his hand from your neck, showing you how strong he was being able to hold you up on his own. Your legs looped around his waist as he stood tall, your hands clinging to the broad peaks of his shoulders.
“Look at me,” he whispered; not wanting to be scolded again you lazily obliged. He laughed like a bully at your worn-out expression. “You’re so pretty like this, already fucked out like you can’t handle it.”
“Too much,” you complained against his lips in a short breath.
His hips snapped into yours, jolting your eyes wide open. “I don’t care. You wanted to act like a slut, so you’re gonna have to get fucked like one.”
He shut you up by shoving his free fingers into your mouth, while the nails of his other hand dug into your back.
He didn’t want to hear your apologies anymore, or your complaints. He wanted you to shut up and take it, like a good fucking girl.
He saw the hindrance of innocence in your eyes that tried to beckon his forgiveness. He ignored it, meeting you with a punishing frown. The heavyweight stare riddled your nerves with anxiety — you didn’t want to disappoint him again.
He ravaged your attitude, breaking you down until he got his way with you just like you had all this time.
“You gonna be a good girl?” He asked again, shoving his fingers further back. You hummed into his hand and nodded, eyes as wide as saucers. He gasped when you twirled your tongue around his digits, slurping up the taste of his flesh. “You like that?”
He experimented by pushing his fingers deeper, hitting the back of your throat; you gagged and coughed, but bit down on his knuckles so that he wouldn’t take them out.
His thrusts slowed because he was too focused on feeling your throat, something that felt entirely different against his fingers versus his cock.
Seeking his approval, you took this as an opportunity to fuck yourself on him. With your shaky fingers pressing into his shoulder blades you lifted you rocked your hips up and down, clenching around his length often.
“Look at’cha… You need to cum baby?” His fingers left your mouth indicating he wanted a verbal response.
“Yes, please,” you whimpered. “I’ll be good for you.”
“You’ll be good?”
“Yes. Fuck—yes. I’ll be so good for you, Joel. I promise. I’ll be a good girl for you.”
He moaned at your cunt gripping him, smiling at how you humped him. You couldn’t hide your deprivation from him any longer, but he wanted you to earn it.
“Put your fingers in your mouth,” he instructed, smirking when you did so immediately. He gripped your ass with both of his wide hands to steady you. “Yeah, there you go. S’pretty like this…”
Your hair was glued to the sweat on your face and your eyes were low with a wave of tears waiting to spill onto your cheeks. Your teeth waned behind your red lips as you gurgled from choking on your saliva.
“You’re so pretty for me, princess,” he cooed; despite the softness in his voice, his tone was still suggestive of his anger.
He was on the verge of forgiving you, but he still wasn’t quite there yet.
Your arms and core were growing weaker the harder you worked your body on his, but you were so determined to cum — and to do it on his command.
“Tell me how pretty you are,” he said with a devilish grin widening.
You were a little lost — what exactly did he want?
“Hmm?” You hummed, unintentionally slowing down.
“Tell me… How pretty you are,” he said again.
“Um…” Your mind was blank, God, Joel could really fuck you stupid, couldn’t he? “I’m—I’m so pretty,” you whispered.
You couldn’t think of what to say.
Maybe if I compliment myself the way Joel does…
“You like how pretty I am for you?” You asked. “All fucked out from your cock?”
His eyes rolled shut as he let out an obscenely long groan.
He liked that, you thought.
“I look so pretty with your cock stretching me out, don’t I? Hmm, yes, fuck—ah! You make me so pretty when you let me fuck myself on you, Joel—gah! Do you—fuck. Do you wanna see how pretty I am when I cum like this?”
His eyes shot open at the proposal, the only words his mind was able to compute being, “Yes, princess. Yes, yes, cum for me—mnh, God. You feel so fucking good.”
His words were encouraging enough to keep you going, long enough to light that fire that tickled you red.
“Show me how fuckin’ pretty you look when you cum for me, baby.”
Your ass stung from him squeezing where his punishment landed, adding fuel to your rising orgasm.
He saw it spread across your precious body: your eyes wavering between open and close, your mouth pouting with his name leaving your tight throat, your nipples peaking, goosebumps flaring across your entire body.
You were flushed red and heaving and Joel couldn’t look away. You looked so ethereal, wrapping your fluttering pussy around the base of his dick and grinding in circular motions.
Pins and needles poked your arms from holding your weight, but the climax felt too good to let up so soon. You were sensitive, knotty, and engulfed in the stillness you were finally able to have.
“My pretty girl,” Joel whispered sweetly.
You opened your lazy eyes, giving him a soft smile. “Show me how pretty you are when you cum,” you said against his lips.
He took a moment to catch his breath before propping his arms underneath your thighs one by one. Your body thanked you for the relief.
Your cunt squelched cum onto his balls while the air thickened with the aroma of sex and sweat.
So sleepy, you felt as he continued to drive his hips into you, but he was so handsome in the low light of the moon. You felt your soul tie to his own, blending your orgasm into admiration for the man.
This was anything but the casual agreement you two had come to weeks ago, but fuck was it well worth it. His jealousy was a sign of a weakness he only possessed when it came to you.
“I’m gonna cum,” he whispered with need. You wrapped your hands around his jawline and pressed his lips against yours.
The slip of your tongue against his was nasty. It was fucking filthy. You licked each other anywhere you could reach, coating one another in saliva as if to mark your territories.
Joel whimpered against your lips, admitting his arrival in the middle of the kiss. “I’m cumming. I’m cumming. I—…”
His mouth parted as he brought you impossibly close to his body, and he felt a knee nearly give out from the intensity of his orgasm. He drifted his body to the floor so he could sit on his knees, not wanting to drop you.
His thrusts were small and deep as he continued ruining your sore walls with his ropes of cum.
Still entangled in a series of kisses, they simmered to a savory pace. You tasted each other and relished in the filthy mix of bodily fluids.
You’d never been so sweaty from sex in your life yet it felt so fucking amazing.
He pumped you so full of cum that even with his cock plugging you a little bit of it managed to leak out. You both smiled at the feeling and broke away from each other's lips.
With your head tossed back on the edge of his bed and his head resting on your chest, you just sat there in silence.
His hands gloss over your back and your fingers stroking the wet curls on his head. You wanted to stay here forever, clinging to him like a bear to a tree.
He pressed a kiss onto your collarbone before raising his head to look at you.
“You hungry?” He asked.
“Mm-hmm,” you moaned shut-eyed, obviously very tired from sex. He grunted from standing up again and laid you in the cold bed before grabbing your panties and slipping them back up your legs. You finished it for him, making sure they were snug against your entrance to keep the cum from spilling out too much.
“I’ll go get some takeout, princess.”
You hummed with a small smile at his new nickname for you, feeling him press a kiss to your temple before you fell into a deep slumber.
“What are you doin’?” Joel yawned as he entered the kitchen.
“I am making us eggs and only eggs because you have a poor selection of breakfast foods.”
He snickered, closing the space between you and wrapping his warm arms around your waist. “Well, thank you, princess,” he mumbled against the curve of your neck.
His fingers slipped beneath the shirt you borrowed from him and found the hem of your panties. You didn’t allow his hands to distract you as you spread the fluffy eggs out over two plates.
“I guess this…” His fingers slipped inside of your partially wet cunt, curling just the way you like. “…is my breakfast.”
You shivered as goosebumps poked your skin from the motion of his hand, and you smirked to yourself when his other hand tugged at your panties. Once they hit the ground he bent you over slightly to pull his cock out, gliding it along your slit to tease you. You turned the stove off and gripped the counter, careful to not burn yourself.
Not even a moment later you felt his velvety cock smack against the peak of your ass, and you moaned at how warm he felt against your cold flesh.
“Joel,” you exhaled. “You’re fucking ruining me.”
“Y’say it like it’s a bad thing,” he grunted whilst sliding inside of you.
You moaned, eyes closing softly. “Not at all.”
He rolled his hips slowly, careful not to break you any more than he did just the night before. His hot breath filled your ears with decadent compliments about how good you were for him and how much he wanted to show his appreciation.
Joel fought a moan every time he saw your eyelashes flutter shut and heard you sharply inhale between gritted teeth. His confession of admiration seemed to hold more weight than before. That knot inside of you gushes at his rasps of affection, pushing you toward the edge.
You focused on how he felt, every little thing he was doing: his left hand held you steady at your hip while his right stroked your hair calmly as if you were his new pet kitten. His hips curled into the shape of you as if his body was planting kisses anywhere you managed to still be bruised from his punishments. His thighs trembled against the back of your stiff legs, urging you to let go whenever you were ready, not quite rushing you.
His voice was staggering and cracking, the words I love you straining against his throat from him suffocating it with praises instead.
You knew all of the you’re doing so good f’me’s and you sound so beautiful’s and you look so pretty with my cock inside of you’s were just invulnerably hidden I love you’s, but it didn’t bother you.
You understood what he truly meant and that’s all you needed for now.
His lovely teeth nibbled into the valley of your ear earning a giggle from you; you were so close—so fucking close. You needed more.
You tried rubbing your swollen and throbbing clit yourself but it wasn’t enough. Joel’s need to take care of you radiated from the heat of his body and you craved more of his touch; you moved his hand from your hip to your stiff bud, guiding his fingers to perform the way you sought.
His fingers were strong and thick and just what you needed to overflow, clawing at his bicep, leaning your head back to rest upon his shoulder.
It felt so good to be held by him. A longing that burrowed itself into your soul resurfaced. Ready to be fulfilled by him.
His words turned into simpering little mewls of yes’s and cum for me’s as you clenched around him.
He knew you were just barely there and he was adamant on not changing his pace or patterns if it meant he could watch you crumble.
Joel’s right hand left your hair and held your agape jaw to keep your head from bobbing too much after one of your legs buckled and your grip around his muscles tightened. He increased the force of his thrusts emphasizing the sound of his hips clapping against your heated skin.
His body was aching from the lack of rest but every moan you let out was so soft and subtle that it motivated him to continue.
Your breathing was shallow, filled with whimpers since he wouldn’t ease up on your sore cunt, but you loved it. Your body craved the sin of secrecy that had Joel’s name written all over it.
All the sneaking around, lying, and pretending you two are nothing more than long-time neighbors made all of this worth it. The games. Chasing each other. Waiting days—if not weeks just for a kiss was the thrill of it all.
Deep down you knew it couldn’t last forever; it’d either have to come out or come to an end. But couldn’t you live in the fantasy just for a little while,
moaning Joel’s name a little longer,
feeling the thick cum etched between your bodies,
feeling him stiffen up or jolt whenever your breath hit his sensitive ears,
laughing every time he accidentally slipped out,
getting so carried away that you couldn’t hear anything else…
…Like the garage door opening.
“Oh! Shit!”
You and Joel immediately pulled away, shocked by the sudden boom of Tommy’s voice; with trembling legs, you struggled your underwear back up while Joel tried to tuck in what refused to be hidden.
“Sorry, guys, I didn’t…” Tommy’s voice trailed off as he looked over and realized it was… You?
Wearing one of Joel’s big t-shirts and some rainbow-striped socks, Tommy said your name as if he couldn’t believe it was you. If you didn’t know any better you’d say he was kind of checking you out.
“Jesus, Tommy. Quit lookin’ at her like that,” Joel complained while ushering Tommy into the next room.
“Like what?”
“Like she’s a piece of meat.” Joel briefly looked back at you with those puppy eyes of his and asked if you were okay. You could only give him a tense nod in response.
You exhaled a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in before looking at the plate of now-cold eggs.
Embarrassed wasn’t even the word. Distress curled around every crevice in the pit of your stomach making you feel nauseous.
You inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, regaining enough composure to grab two forks from the utensils drawer and take them out to the living room where the two men sat and spoke.
“Here you go, Tommy,” you said sheepishly while trying to pretend that you weren’t avoiding eye contact. Turning to Joel you said, “I’m gonna head home.”
“You don’t have to leave ‘cus I’m here,” Tommy said, his apologetic tone emphasizing his indication. “I didn’t mean to impose or nothin’, it was… Just a surprise.”
“I gotta go shower and change my clothes anyways, so, uh…”
“Here, I’ll go help you get your things. I’ll be right back Tommy,” Joel said. You both walked up to Joel’s cluttered room where he shut the door softly and then apologized. “I forgot we picked up a job for today,” he explained.
“Well, I have been told I’m a pretty good distraction,” you teased, fumbling with last night’s clothes. He chuckled and watched as you got dressed, asking himself how it got to this point. “I probably can’t do anything until Sunday. My dad wants to take me to this new movie tomorrow, and then some event thingy Saturday.”
“Sunday, that’s…” Joel’s voice trailed off while he pretended to think about something.
You scoffed and narrowed your eyes at him for a moment before hitting his arm with his t-shirt. He caught hold of it and used it to bring you closer, the grin of a jester playing on his face.
“I’m kiddin’, princess. I know it’s your birthday,” he cooed against your lips. His kiss embraced your laughter and made him smile again, but this time much more humbly. “I got you a present—but if I give it t’ya now I’ll be empty-handed in two days.”
You cocked an eyebrow up and stared at his lips causing him to vapidly blush. “You won’t be empty-handed,” you whispered. You held his hand in yours and brought it next to your face.
“Mmhmm, ‘cus I’ll make sure to keep both’a your hands busy,” you teased.
He watched carefully as you brought his index finger to your drooling mouth and took it in slowly. You somewhat forced his finger down your throat pretending it was his cock. You choked on the thick digit and pouted at him with your eyes.
He gasped at the textures of your narrow throat, frowning in a way that let you you’ve ignited something in him. He fought his moans harder than he ever needed to before, staring at you gag and slurp and slobber around his finger.
You curled your tongue against the webbing of his fingers and licked all of the excess spit up into your mouth with a swift bob of your head.
This made him bite his lip to shut himself up; you decided to not bully the poor man any longer and released his hand, smirking.
“You’re gonna regret that Sunday, princess. I’ll tell you that right now,” he threatened, however, his tone was full of defeat and his voice sounded higher from the strain of silencing moans.
“What are ya gonna do about it, old man?” You teased before walking out of his room.
Your birthday was more fun than you were expecting, more than enough people showed up (granted more than half of them were your dad’s friends), and you spent more time being the photographer than the center of attention.
Joel and Tommy showed up fashionably late (you’ve chosen to believe Joel’s watch is set two hours back). Meanwhile, their arrival earned a few giggles and stares from your high school friends.
They tried to talk to you about how much hotter Joel and Tommy had gotten while you pretended not to feel the pang of jealousy in your chest whenever they gawked at Joel a little too long.
They asked if you two had hooked up since being back and the only lie you managed to conjure was, “Joel’s either always at work or with my dad, so… I haven’t really been able to try.”
“Wait, does your dad know you two used to hook up?” One of your friends, Bri asked.
Right now you were really regretting telling all those lies…
“No,” you said almost too enthusiastically, “and I plan on keepin’ it that way. Not worth the trouble.”
“Well, if Joel’s not worth the trouble to you then you wouldn’t mind if I gave it a shot, would ya?”
You resisted rolling your eyes, wavering the drink in your hand around and mumbling, “Go ahead.”
“Hey,” another friend said after tapping you on your extended arm, “there’s plenty of fish in the sea. Joel’s just one guy.” She must have noticed the defeat in your eyes.
Maybe to you, you thought.
Before you could respond Bri was sitting back down at your patio table with an embarrassed pout on her face, and for some reason, you were surprised rather than happy (okay, you were a little happy).
“What happened?” You asked.
“He said he’s seeing someone else,” she scoffed. “Do you know if he even likes blondes? Because I can always dye my hair darker.”
You chuckled, “I don’t think he has a preference.”
The rest of them changed subjects so when your eyes went searching for Joel, you found him standing next to your dad at the grill where he was already looking at you wearing a smile. You smiled at him and then turned your focus back to your friends for the remainder of the afternoon.
Once your friends had left for the night and your dad ended up in a game of dice with his buddies, you realized you needed some time to decompress from all the socializing.
Your dad insisted on cleaning up for you the way you always did for him, so you made your way upstairs intending to lie down for a few minutes.
With your back facing the door as you flipped through a magazine Joel was able to sneak into your room; it was the lock clicking that scared you.
“Jesus fucking Christ! Joel!” You gasped while throwing your magazine at him.
He chuckled hoarsely and leaned against the wall with the doorknob sticking into his back.
“Could at least make a little more noise when you’re following me!”
“The more noise we make the quicker we get caught,” he spoke under his breath.
Your eyes were wide as you took the sight of him in; his skin was beautifully tanned from the Texas sun, his biceps straining against his almost too-small t-shirt, and his jeans hung a little lower than usual.
His glossy eyes lingered on yours as he watched you stand up and check him out. He saw the fear on your face morph into lust, increasing as you walked towards him.
“What’chu nervous for?” He teased after watching your hand fidget with your belly button ring.
You barely heard him, thoughts immersing into thoughts of all the things you wanted him to do to you. “Hmm?”
Even as you got closer to him your eyes couldn’t leave the imprints of his muscles effortlessly flexing against his shirt.
“You play with your piercing every time you get nervous,” he told you after you pressed your body against his.
Ignoring his statement, you stared at the shadow of his collarbone and the light layer of hair coating his chest.
“Look at me,” he cooed, yet you only did it for a second, fueling that same attitude he had at the bar.
He tapped underneath your chin more roughly than you liked, almost like a smack.
But when you looked at his face again you saw that darkness you knew you wanted it like that night again, despite your attempts at hiding it.
Joel could always see past your bullshit.
“You like when I’m mean to you, girl?” He asked. You opened your mouth, ready to omit, but he held a warning finger up. “Don’t. Do not lie to me.”
You swallowed the dryness in your mouth and batted your eyes at him before naively nodding your head. “Yeah,” you said. “I didn’t peg you for the mean type.”
His eyebrows raised in amusement, a sly smile tugging at his lips. “No? But you like it?”
“I fucking love it,” you whispered against his wet lips.
You didn’t need to decompress. You needed to unwind.
“I bet you did, rubbing that needy little pussy all over my leg when I was bruising you up all sweet and blue,” he bullied.
Your eyes fluttered shut as your breath left your body, remembering how good it felt for him to punish you. When you looked at him again you saw an egotistical smirk had plastered itself onto his face.
“Problem s’that you didn’t disobey me tonight, so how could I possibly punish you when you were being such a sweetheart? Sayin’ thank you after opening every one of your gifts and offerin’ to help out.“ His tone was sadistic, taunting…
“Well, it is my birthday…” You said grinning. A heat burned through the pit of your stomach and spilled into your panties. “…and no one’s given me my birthday spankings yet.”
He remained quiet opting to run his hands up your arms until they cradled your face, thumbs stroking your lips and cheeks.
“You gonna count ‘em for me?” He whispered without breaking eye contact.
You smirked and kissed him tenderly. “Yes, sir.”
He pointed at your bed where you went to bend over the edge for him.
His boots softly knocked against the hardwood floor as he paced behind you, pondering in his head how he wanted to proceed.
Despite the curiosity that made you want to turn around and ask him questions, you stayed still and quiet until he gave you your first instruction.
“Take your shorts off.”
You reached for the button and zipper before pushing the denim down until it met your knees on the floor. Your hips wiggling more than necessary.
“No panties?” He said amusedly. You heard his body move behind you so that he became eye level with your ass. “You must’a really wanted that present from me tonight, huh?”
You nodded your head and reached under your stomach, using both hands to spread yourself for him. “I’ve been touching myself all weekend thinking about it.”
Joel stifled a moan at the sight of the creamy precum that revealed itself between your swollen lips.
You flinched and yelped at the sudden feeling of his middle finger spreading your cum around your tight hole making him smile.
“Rub your clit f’me, baby,” he rasped.
Licking your lips you rested your head down on the bed before listening to him; your ring and middle fingers rubbed perfect loops on your bud while your pinkie finger kept your cunt spread for his eyes.
He glanced at your ass which was still marked from his abuse nights prior.
“My God, girl… These my bruises?” He asked wanting to hear your submission.
“No one else I’d let do this to me,” you breathed out.
His calloused hands gripped and massaged your butt for a few quiet moments until a firm smack landed on your left cheek.
His touch left your body as he anticipated a verbal response from you but it took too long for you to compose yourself.
You were just so fucking eager for his fingers to dance around your cunt that you made the mistake of forgetting the arrangement that occurred only two minutes prior.
“I don’t hear you countin’, girl,” he warned.
“Shit,” you whispered, “sorry—“
He interrupted you with another smack, only this one landed on your spread lips.
“Ah!” You yelped, quickly burying your face into your sheets. It stung ruthlessly. “One… And two…”
You couldn’t see it, but you felt the mean smirk on his face burning into the back of your skull. “Take too long t’answer me again… You get the rest on that pretty little pussy a’yours. Understand?”
Your knees braced into the floor as you nodded. “Yes, I understand, Joel.”
“Mm,” he hummed grumpily. “Good.”
“Three,” you hissed.
The pain was starting to get to you in the best way possible.
You knew that for the next week anytime you would sit down on your bruised cheeks you’d remember how Joel took care of you in the way you wanted him to.
One spanking in exchange for one orgasm — that’s how you saw it anyway. He wasn’t into unnecessary punishment, but he went into this knowing he’d find a way to make it worth your while however you saw fit.
Joel only dominated you because you dominated him in every other aspect. When it came to sex he lived to serve you. So if 23 spankings is what you wanted, well then… What kind of man would he be to deny you of that?
By the end of the torture, you didn’t even want to think about sitting down for the next two weeks.
Joel saw your reflection in the mirror hanging from your closet, watching those red and puffy lips curl into a beautiful smile.
“Dunno how much longer we got, girl,” Joel grunted as he stood up. “Best make it quick.”
Your eyes softly close and you bite your lip, giggling and moaning at how his southern drawl sounded especially sexy tonight. He noticed how lazily you were acting and laughed.
“You already fucked stupid?” He said with a small smile.
You turned onto your back, hissing at the pressure on your ass but giggling again at his annoyed tone and pursed lips. “Hmm… Maybe.”
Joel opened his mouth to say something but you raised your feet to rub against the growing bulge in his worn jeans. He watched your bottom lip get stuck between your rows of teeth, shining a drunken smile at him.
“You wanna play around, girl?” He flirted, a crooked show of his grin sending chills throughout your body.
“Wanna feel you, deep…” You let out a strained moan, cunt gripping so tight around nothing your precum slid out.
His fingers slid to the bulky strap of his belt and pulled it from his waist so fast it ended with a snap.
“So pretty like this…” He whispered as he sprung his cock free from its restraints.
Your face warmed with blush and your nipples stiffened at the sight of his dick: so hard it only slightly curved to the right, with a red hot angry tip beaming with a thick droplet of precum.
He leveled with your body and slid into you slowly, not wanting to risk making you moan louder than the walls could handle.
“Need you to be quiet for me, baby,” he whispered, “can ya do that f’me?”
Your eyes were shut, lips still between your teeth as you hummed and mewled. You nodded, looping his curls around the webs of your fingers and legs around his soft waist.
A breathy grunt escaped his mouth. His breath hit just below your ear making your skin prickle with goosebumps.
As his hips softly crashed into yours you felt yourself tensing at the sound of people outside and downstairs. You’d managed to forget your father’s friends were still here, and any one of them could walk upstairs to use the restroom only to hear the soft squeak of your bed frame—your father could.
Joel was just so easy to get lost in. His scent, his pretty smile, his touch… The way his tongue lapped at your neck like a cat would milk. How his hands cradled your waist and thighs. When he’d move his head up just for a moment to look into your heavy eyes.
God, you were a fucking mess.
His cock slid effortlessly against your needy walls, pressing deeply into that perfect spot at an angle you’d never felt before. And fucking hell, you wanted to say his name shamelessly. Scream it and plaster it onto the fucking walls if you could.
You did everything in your power to keep quiet, struggling from how your bruised ass stung even more every time his body crashed into you.
Joel bit the meat on your shoulder to shut himself up. His body yearning to fill you up with his precious seed was almost distracting. Almost.
“Doin’ so good f’me, girl,” he whispered into your chest, the pace increasing. “Might need t’cum.”
“Joel,” you whined, not needing anything more. Your fingers tightened in his hair and your head was thrown back into the mess of your blankets.
The knot in your tummy twisted, curling tightly around itself. You let out too loud of a breath that turned into a moan, but nothing too incriminating.
“Do not make me have to pull out and stop, now,” he rasped before taking two fingers and shoving them into your desperately open mouth.
You choked at the surprise but settled down and bit at his knuckles.
His face pressed into one of your tits as another desperate attempt to keep quiet, but all he had to do was feel you cumming to finish himself. Joel’s cock was sensitive and overwhelmed, and despite his best efforts to keep going for the sake of satisfying you he just couldn’t fucking take it.
You pouted and tried to pull him back in after he slipped from inside you to no avail.
“M’sorry, princess,” he huffed, annoyed with himself. “Can’t handle you sometimes.”
You rolled your eyes but saw the disappointment on his face as he buckled his pants back up.
“Just sneak over tonight,” you flirted, “suck me dry.”
He smirked at your coy smile and slid your bottoms back onto your hips. “I’ll do what I can,” he promised.
“Don’t leave me hangin’, cowboy.”
It had been about a week since your birthday, and Joel did indeed sneak over to give you your well-deserved orgasm, give or take three more.
And his real birthday present was a small Eiffel Tower; he had remembered how you’d always wanted to visit Paris. While he wasn’t the most superstitious or spiritual man he said he’d hope it would bring you good luck with traveling for fashion.
Your dad on the other hand had been quite distant since that night and you wondered if he saw or maybe even heard something that gave your little secret away. Your dirty lies. Had they finally caught up to you?
Or were you just overthinking things? Maybe he’s just been moody or tired or in hermit mode. It could have been lots of things, right?
Needless to say, it was a shock when he called you downstairs as soon as you were done with your shower.
“Hey Dad, what’s up?” You asked as you entered the kitchen.
“You tell me,” he grumbled, eyeing you as you sat down.
“Ummm, the apocalypse is happening and flesh-eating monsters are taking over,” you answered sarcastically. When his facial expression didn’t even change in the slightest you stopped joking. “Uh, I…don’t know…”
“Whose shirt is this?”
A dull brown and red flannel was tossed onto the island and you just knew your face gave you away.
“Don’t lie to me either,” he said between gritted teeth.
Your father already knew it was Joel’s, you knew that. But he always gave you the opportunity to take accountability for your actions. Not like it made him less mad, it just softened the blow.
“Where did you find it?” You asked, voice shaking.
“Yesterday,” he said after some hesitation, “you were at work for your last day. I was doin’ your laundry and there it was, as plain as day.”
You shut your eyes, a tear of embarrassment rolling down your cheek that you wiped away swiftly. “It’s Joel’s.”
“Why is it here?”
You looked at him with eyes that begged for him to not ask, but his face was hardened.
“Because Joel was here,” you reluctantly answered.
“A… A few times.”
The tension was suffocating; you figured you were already caught so you may as well admit to everything—well, not everything if you could help it.
“Because we’ve been seeing each other,” you said softly, leaning your forehead onto your hand. “Since I got back, we’ve been seeing each other. Sometimes I go there, sometimes he comes here.”
“Since you got back?”
You nodded and faced him again, fighting your tears. It wasn’t that you were sad or worried about what your dad may have done, you just wished you were more honest from the start.
“Yeah,” you answered. “I made the first move. I was trying to get over my boyfriend and… He was there… And it just sort of happened.“
“S’good thing you’re going back to New York soon.”
Your heart sank—had your dad forgotten when you said you were thinking of staying in Austin to stay close? Not just for Joel, but everybody. Your family, your friends, you wanted to be near when Sarah graduated. You missed life in Texas, too much to go back to New York State so soon.
“I—I told you I wanted to stay, that I was thinking of staying close,” you rambled, “did you forget?”
“No, I didn’t forget. You’re not allowed to see him anymore. You in New York makes sure that happens.”
“Wh—not allowed?!” You almost laughed. “I’m twenty-five, I make my own decisions.”
“He’s too old for you,” he said.
You scoffed, standing up. “I’m not some mentally incompetent eighteen-year-old, Dad. I’m a grown woman dating a grown man!”
“Not here! Not when you’re living in my house.”
“Well, then I will just fucking move out!”
You ignored his protests and calls for you, feeling like a grounded teenager all over again.
What you and Joel had was fickle, you knew that. You weren’t stupid. It wasn’t built on a foundation, it was hardly dating even though you wanted it to be more.
Your dad would come around someday. Hell, maybe he would have already had you been honest from the start.
“Hey, Sarah, is your dad home?” You stiffly asked.
She frowned at your puffy eyes and red nose, looking over her shoulder before saying, “Uh, n—no, but he’s just runnin’ a bit late from work. Why don’t you come in and wait for him? He should be back any minute.”
“No, that’s okay. I don’t wanna impose. Just tell him to call me when he gets some free time, please?”
“You sure?”
You nodded, not necessarily trusting your voice anymore with how you were choking up from your tears.
Sarah’s shoulders dropped and she insisted you come in. “Come on, it’s starting to rain.”
After a moment of hesitation, you followed her inside after picking your bag up, wiping your nose, and clearing your throat.
Sarah was kind enough to bring you a glass of water, setting it on the coffee table and sitting down a couple of cushions away.
“Are you breaking up with my dad or something?” She asked after a minute or two.
“He told me a couple days ago, but I already figured because I heard him talking to you on the phone a while ago. Something about missing you,” she explained.
“I’m sorry, Sarah, I…” You sighed and looked at your hands. “I wish I was there to tell you.”
“No, that’s okay! I think it’s kinda cool. A little weird, but cool.” She assured. “But are you? Breaking up with him, I mean.”
“No, well at least I hope not,” you chuckled softly. “My father isn’t a very forgiving man.”
“He just wants to protect you. My dad said that’s just what fathers do. I’m sure he’ll come around someday.”
“Thanks, Sarah.”
The lock clicks soon followed by the door creaking open; you and Sarah watch as Joel walks in with empty hands before he notices you sitting on his couch. A look of worry spread across his face.
“Everything alright?” He asked.
“Yeah!” Sarah chirped while standing up. “She just came by to see us.” Sarah walked into the kitchen to give you some privacy.
Joel sat next to you and gestured at the ground. “Why do you have a bag?”
“Oh, I’m just going to stay with a friend for a few days,” you said.
He nodded reluctantly, sensing your nervousness. “Your dad find out?”
A wave of sadness took over you again, but you managed your tears away better this time. You only offered a nod, nails picking at a loose thread on your jeans.
“Why don’t you stay the night? I was gonna make steak for dinner.”
“I—I don’t wanna… Impose.”
He chuckled. “What d’you mean impose? You’re my girlfriend.”
Letting out a surprised sound, you frowned and looked around the room incredulously while Joel just stared at you anxiously.
He shrugged, leaning his elbows onto his knees. “Well. You are my girlfriend, right?”
“You never asked,” you laughed.
His eyes were a mix of amusement and surprise. “My apologies, darlin’. Forgive me for not having been gentleman enough.” He takes your hand earning a laugh from you. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
“You’re so sappy,” you teased before giving him a peck on the cheek. “I would love to be your girlfriend.”
“I dunno what I’m gon’ do,” you said softly.
You and Joel had been in bed for a couple of hours just talking about everything, with Sarah sound asleep in her room; the three of you had watched one of Joel’s favorite movies and Sarah gave him a fixed watch.
You shifted up to rest on your elbow and looked down at him. “How much longer you think he’ll be mad?”
“I don’t know, princess,” he said after sucking his teeth. “He doesn’t tend to hold grudges but I know he’s more mad at me. F’it’s any consolation.”
You let out a weak chuckle and leaned down to kiss him. His hand cupped your jaw just firm enough to keep you still. Your lips tangled with his, fingers reaching up to clasp his curls; he climbed on top of you carefully, humming on the tip of your tongue.
He began to grind and hump eliciting moans from you both while his right hand got to work beneath your shirt, thumbing the nipple just enough to tickle you.
Your hand snaked between your bodies to find the opening of his boxers; you pulled his velvety cock out and pumped it gently whilst not bothering to touch yourself as your panties were already pooling.
Your heart ached with so much pain and at the same time so much love. You needed Joel. In every fucking way possible for as long as you’d be blessed to have him.
His lips broke free from yours to greet your neck, then your collarbone, before planting around your now exposed breast.
You exhaled at his warm tongue swirling saliva around your peaked bud, sending waves of shivers down your arching spine.
“Joel,” you whispered leaning into his gentle touch.
With a throbbing clit and a slippery cunt you felt weak beneath him. You were enamored with pleasure that it overtook your body. You couldn’t control your breathing or your trembling. Hand awkwardly shifting around his shaft.
He took your other nipple into his hot mouth, shirt bunched around your arching neck. With daunting hands he traced the hem of your panties, pulling at them carefully.
He sat on his knees to undress your legs, adjusting so his cock lined up with your entrance. He slid in slowly, knowing the lack of foreplay could ruin this.
But it didn’t.
Your walls burned with a stretch so delicious it set your skin on fire. It took everything in you to not moan as loudly as your body begged to.
A soft gasp only leaving your lips, your head lolling back, eyes clenching shut… Yeah. Joel knew how to fucking work you.
Your walls clung to him fearing even just a moment of loss. His eyes burned into your feverish skin, watching the rise and fall of your chest and stomach as you took in deep breaths.
“You feel so good,” he whispered into your collarbone, placing a sloppy kiss on it afterward. “I lo—“
A pause in his voice made your eyes fly open; his hips stuttered the same way his voice did signaling something was wrong.
Joel’s heart punched against yours, but he kept grinding into you like he hadn’t spoken at all. Oh, but all the worry was written in his eyes.
“Joel?” You softly asked between moans.
He took in the softness of your hands cradling his uneven stubble. He hummed and kissed the meat of your palm before biting it gently.
You fought the nerves in your voice. Everything inside your body screamed that this was wrong, yet as you looked into his eyes your heart swelled with admiration for the man that helped you find pieces of yourself again.
“I love you too,” you finally said.
He stopped moving his body against yours and he just stared at you. He was conflicted with whether or not you said that only because he almost did.
But when you said it again and tightened your legs around his waist to affirm it he gave you a gentle kiss, finding his tongue bumping into yours along the way. Pulling back, Joel finished his sentence.
“I love you.”
“You love me?” You teased.
But his face remained serious, eyes boring into yours.
After a few more silent seconds Joel laid his head into the curve of your neck and began riding into you again. Hips rolling into you, breath hitting your neck, and hands gripping the sheets.
Your body was hot as molten lava, melting into the mattress. Joel felt so safe, so beautifully safe. Safe enough to say, “I love you,” in his ear over and over again, his voice overlapping yours with the same words.
He took care of you that night. Letting you immerse yourself into enjoying every damn thing he gave you. His grunts staggered and turned into short hisses of pain as you bit into his shoulder to keep quiet. That’s what fueled him: the pain of your undying desire.
He reached deeper inside of you than he ever dared to before, reaching reaching reaching to find your soul and bear all commitment to it. To serve you, as his gravelly voice whispered, “I fucking live for you.”
“I love you, Joel,” you responded. “It’s you and me. Forever. Us against the world.” A tear made its way from your eye to his forehead.
He kissed the trail the tear left and repeated you. “Us against the world.”
It was just sex talk — usually is, but Joel always knew what words would just make you fucking cum. Those words dripped from his lips like a poisonous honey for you to lap up and savor.
He wanted you cumming all over his sheets cock to fucking mean something. To permeate his love anywhere it could stain.
Joel had started to cum just a second before you did, forcing him to let out a moan. You held his head to your chest while he cradled your back.
Your head buzzed the same way it would when you got high, only it felt better. Quieter. More immersive. Your back arched into his touch and the rolling of his hips kept you in that limbo. Not here nor there. You were right where you needed to be, whatever that fucking meant.
You managed to keep quiet a little better than him, giggling softly when he just plopped down onto you after you had both come down.
He stayed like that for a few minutes while you just stroked the curls by his ear, his other one listening to your heartbeat slow down.
“I’ll get ya cleaned up,” he cooed, and just as he finished dressing his phone began to ring. He just answered it as he walked to the bathroom, letting you rest some more. A few minutes later, he came back and wiped wherever you asked. “I gotta go help Tommy real quick with somethin’. W’ya stay here, keep an eye and ear out for Sarah?” He asked.
“Yeah, for sure. Be safe.”
You shared a kiss with him again before looking at the alarm clock on his nightstand. Shit. 11:32 PM.
“Joel?” He looked back at you with a raised eyebrow. “Happy Birthday,” you said with a smile.
“Thank you, princess.”
taglist: @paleidiot @sarap-77 @mmeereaa (cant tag) @ssweetart42
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nogenderbee · 8 months
Hello! Do you still take request? If so, can you maybe write your recent post about vbs came to reader's concert but instead with wxs (separately)?
Thank u and have a good day/night bee!!!
Hiii! And of course! Sorry it took some time but I hope you like it!
Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, Rui on reader's concert
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @alicewinterway18 @indi-has-fallen @m3g-luka
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⊱ Tsukasa is the loudest in the crowd and in the room!
⊱ you know that "Tsukasa is banned from Leo/need concerts" theory? That's him right there.
⊱ okey but anyways, he just adores you so much he can't help but be the biggest fan
⊱ music can play so loud you cannot hear your own thoughts and yet, you'll be able to hear this energetic star
⊱ definitely learned small part of your dances if you have or thought of his own so he can cheer even with his actions
⊱ he's not necessarily dressed fully in your merch but he gotta have light sticks
⊱ surprisingly he never joins and sings along, but that's simply because he wants everyone to look at you and hear your charming voice!
⊱ gives a loud applause after and before every song you play
⊱ after show he'll quicky come up to you and hug you tightly as he's telling you how well you did right there and how proud he is from you!
"You were so amazing right there!! And when you had you solo, I thought I'm gonna cry from all the emotions! Let me treat you to some dessert for all the great work you did just now!"
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⊱ Emu literally had so much fun there! She was cheering for you, singing and even dancing a bit!
⊱ she wasn't the loudest there but you could still hear her voice in the crowd
⊱ she knows all of your bands songs by heart so she immidietly know what song is playing by the first few notes
⊱ definitely comes with like a hairband or a shirt from your merch to show some additional support
⊱ won't be surprised if she actually has a little dance that doesn't take much space but makes herself more visible to you for additional cheering
⊱ you go for taiyaki after every single show because she treats it as a special reward!
⊱ also wouldn't be surprised if security had to be additionally carefully because of her trying to sneak into backstage before or after show when she still didn't had the official permission
"Y/N! I wanted to give you some water before your show! I don't want you to hurt your voice... oh no! Bear guy is coming again!! See you!"
⊱ tells everyone about her experience and you can hear from your mutual friends that she was jumping from happiness when she was explaining how much she liked your show
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⊱ Nene most likely was really nervous before coming there and asked you what she should wear to blend into the crowd as much as she can
⊱ she doesn't want to be in the center of attention which leads to her not wearing any merch during your show
⊱ she also tries to not cheer too loudly and instead just sends you bright, shy smile every now and then
⊱ of course she knows your songs by heart and suffers every time you play hear favorite song and she's trying her best not to hum it
⊱ overalls she's a bit scared to be left alone right there so there's a high possibility of her bringing someone with her to your concerts
⊱ it's also really possible that she refused to go backstage even when she had a pass
⊱ after show tho, she'll tell you all about what she liked and what she didn't to repay her lack of cheering
"It was really great. My favorite part had to be your solo! I think you really made the atmosphere right."
⊱ if you're the type to cheer loudly on her performances, she might just have sudden burst of confidence and cheer a bit louder then usual, like clap her hands or so!
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⊱ Rui is the type to wear WAY too much merch on your shows
⊱ literally the only non merch outfit is his pants and shoes just because you didn't sold these
⊱ he's also cheering with light sticks which leads to him dancing a bit, he doesn't go as far as singing tho... he may hum but won't sing along whole songs
⊱ he's also easy to stop in crowd, not only because of how much merch he wears but because of his height and you really don't mind! It only makes noticing his happy expression easier
⊱ before he got the pass, he used to get close to backstage and call for you just to wish you great show and kiss your hand (security had enough of him)
"Hey darling! Good luck on your show! Look for me in the crowd because I promise to give you a wink once in a while~"
⊱ when he got the pass, not much changed except location and him teasing you about how much you wanted him to be there before your every show
⊱ after each show he'll treat you to some cafe date or so to give you a bit if a relaxation time
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daisyrb-gvf · 3 months
Cruising Into Love
d.r.w. x f!reader
My first post on tumblr, but definitely not my first fic. Danny's cruise picture had this story pouring out of me, so I hope you all like it! I thought this first chapter would be longer than it is, but the next part of the story deserves its' own chapter.
Words: 3.2k
Summary: After 3 mundane months of working on a cruise ship, you're met with the most gorgeous man you've ever seen.
Warnings: plenty of swooning, language and brief mentions of f masturbation.
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You sigh as you zip up the back of your fitted black dress. Another night, another performance. You love being an entertainer, and sitting behind the keys is as close to home as you can get on this ship, but after 3 months of your 8 month stretch, it is starting to feel so redundant, and there are only so many songs that are approved to perform at the piano bar. The boss wasn’t too pleased with your medley of LL Cool J songs with an audience consisting of mainly 50-80 year olds. Tight ass. 
“Just three more nights and you get a break,” you reassure yourself as you touch up your makeup in the pathetically tiny mirror that looks huge in this shoebox of a bathroom. 
“Alright girl, I’m off,” you say to your slightly-less-than-pleasant bunk mate. It could be worse, but it would have been nice to bunk with someone who actually seemed to give even half a fuck about you. At least she wasn’t mean. Just…distant. 
“Kay,” she replied with enthusiasm akin to a corpse, not bothering to look up from the sketch she was working on. You sighed again, feeling like you’ll never be able to chip away at that wall. You didn’t come here to make friends, but damn, a little human connection would be nice sometimes. 
– – –
Your body shuddered as you threw back a shot of tequila at the bar. “Thanks, Chris,” you said to the bartender-one of the few people who will have an actual conversation with you. He winked before flicking his eyes over to a young, classically hot dude. Boyish features, blue eyes, sandy blonde hair…you get it, but definitely not your type. 
“Down boy,” you say with a chuckle as you wink back at him. 
Settling down at the keys, the audience gives you a small applause as the chatting dies down. 
“How’s everyone feeling tonight?” you ask the small crowd, mustering up as much enthusiasm as you can. You get a small cheer, and a few whoops from the more inebriated folks. “You mind if I play a few songs for you?” A louder cheer encourages you as your hands start to dance across the ivory keys. 
Ooh you can dance
You can jive
Having the time of your life
Ooh, see that girl
Watch that scene
Digging the dancing queen
The crowd sings along with you-definitely one of the more tone-deaf groups you’ve played for, but at least they seem to be having fun. Dancing Queen is always a good opener, and one of your favorites, so you prefer to start the shows this way. 
The crowd cheers as you segue into your next number. People are getting tipsier with each song, and you have to admit, it is pretty entertaining. Drunk crowds are typically great audiences unless they get belligerent. 
“Alright, it’s been a blast playing for you all tonight,” you say as you start the intro to your final song.
I needed the shelter of someone’s arms
And there you were
I needed someone to understand my ups and downs
And there you were
WIth sweet love and devotion–
Holy shit. Who is that guy? A tall, dark, and handsome man emerged into your view after an elderly couple left the table in front of his. You miss a note and snap back into focus through the chorus. What the hell? Why is some random-admittedly gorgeous-dude throwing you off? That’s new. You make it through the second verse, but after that it’s impossible to not steal another glance. Your knees get a little shaky as you drink him in, thankfully keeping your shit together in your performance. You watch him sing along as he drums his fingers on the little bistro table. You realize you glanced a little too long once he smirks at you, locking eyes. You blush red and avoid the entire corner of the room where he is sitting for the rest of the song. Oh God, how embarrassing.  
The crowd cheers as the song ends and you take a bow before immediately walking back over to the bar…which, unfortunately, is far too near the gorgeous man in the corner. 
“One more tequila, please, Chris,” you say anxiously as he chuckles. 
“Little flustered there, aren’t you? Wouldn’t have anything to do with that yummy Greek statue of a man there in the corner would it?”
“Shut up, Chris,” you whisper, your face turning redder by the second. 
“Mmhmm, okay. Whatever you say,” he says with a smirk before walking to the other end of the bar serving the influx of post-performance guests. 
Walking out of the room, you make it maybe ten feet before realizing you left your phone behind the bar. 
“Shit,” you mutter to yourself, debating on walking back now or waiting until the crowd clears in hopes of avoiding the gorgeous creature who made you pathetically weak in the knees. 
“Oh, come on, he is just a man. Get the fuck over it,” you mutter again, rolling your eyes at yourself. You turn around and make it one step before slamming straight into someone. 
“I’m so sorry!” you both say in unison as large, warm hands wrap around your shoulders, steadying you. Of-fucking-course. 
“Oh, no worries!” the insanely beautiful man replies, dropping his hands from your shoulders. The summer breeze feels colder than it had before as your whole body flushes. 
“Oh-um-yeah, okay,” you sputter out with a nervous smile. Good God, get your shit together. 
He chuckles, “Your performance was great. We loved it,” he says warmly as a beautiful, tall, brunette woman walks up next to him. Of course. There’s no way this man could be single. It only makes sense that he would have one of the most staggeringly gorgeous women on his arm. 
“Yes, it was lovely!” she chimes in, hooking her arm through his as she reaches out a hand to shake yours. 
“Oh, thank you!” trying to stay as cool as possible and not show your disappointment, you shake her hand and flash a smile. 
“I’m Josie, and this is my brother, Danny,” she introduces. 
Oh. Brother. He’s her brother. The relief you feel is embarrassing and you hope it doesn’t show on your face. You sense it does, based on the tiny smirk Josie is clearly trying to hold back. 
“Nice to run into you,” Danny says with a chuckle, reaching his hand out to shake yours as well. He holds your gaze for just a moment longer than you expected. Just long enough for your breath to catch as you get lost in his dark hazel eyes…flecks of gold, brown, and green-the warmest eyes you’ve ever seen. He flashes a bright white smile that makes your chest tighten. 
“Yeah, uh, you too,” you reply with a nervous giggle, your voice barely shaky. Oh my God, you are so fucking embarrassing. 
“Come on, Dan. We’re late meeting mom and dad,” Josie says, leading Danny down the hallway. “Nice meeting you!” 
“Yeah, you too!” You stay glued in place for a moment, watching them walk away. Damn, the back looks just as good as the front. Danny turns around at that moment, catching you staring. He smirks and winks before turning back around, disappearing as they turn a corner. 
“Real smooth, you idiot,” you sigh, tossing your head back before walking back into the bar. 
– – –
You got almost no sleep that night, and it infuriated you. Losing sleep over a man you barely met. Get a grip…but, those eyes-such a warm hue, long lashes, smooth, tan skin, he had a little dusting of freckles on his cheeks and angular, almost avian, nose. His features were masculine and sharp, with a jaw that could probably cut glass, but his kind eyes and heart-melting smile made him seem so…soft. You could tell he was a man who wasn’t afraid to do some grooming and pampering. With skin like that and shiny, dark brown, perfect ringlets of hair long enough to barely brush his shoulders…yeah, he put some effort into his appearance. His demeanor didn’t seem cocky or vain, though. Confident, sure, but not full of himself. Ugh, and then that body. 
“Oh, come on,” you say exasperatedly to yourself as you roll over for what was probably the 20th time, trying to relax. “You’re not 13 years old. For God’s sake, you are 25. Act like it.” 
You take a deep breath and relax one muscle at a time, feeling the gentle rocking of the ship lulling you to sleep. You start to drift off and the image of Danny turning around to wink at you jolts you awake again. 
“What the hell? May as well just stop fighting it,” you say defeatedly, letting your mind drift off to Danny with no resistance. You close your eyes again as you try to remember every detail. His sun-kissed skin, broad shoulders, slender hips and legs, but you could definitely see the muscle definition under those tight black jeans. You let out a little giggle as you remember the cheesy little shark tooth necklace dangling on his collarbone, just above a small patch of black hair dusted on his sternum. His short-sleeved top was unbuttoned just below his pecs, leaving the rest of his torso up to your imagination. You find yourself imagining how it would feel to run your hands over his warm, undoubtedly hard, stomach before smoothing them around to his back, running up to his sturdy, broad shoulders. You know what would help you sleep, but even alone in your bunk, you’re embarrassed that seeing this man for a few moments would cause you to slip your hand into your shorts. You wonder if you had met him earlier in the day it would have given you time to shake it off. Maybe take a run around the 7th floor track that wraps around the ship on the deck. But for now, you need sleep, so you do what needs to be done. Thank God your bunkmate is working the overnight shift. It only takes a few minutes before you finish with a soft sigh, drifting off to sleep seconds later. 
– – –
Hard as you tried, you can’t help but feel a slight pang of disappointment when Danny doesn’t show up at the next night’s performance, and you feel pathetic for that. This is a huge ship. It’s impossible to do even half of the activities offered, so why would he come to the same show twice? To see you? Come on, girl. Get real. The self-loathing is bubbling up inside you as you attempt to exhaust yourself by running seven miles. Does it work? Absolutely not. You’ve never felt so electric and energized. Any other time you would have been grateful, but not now. Not when, despite your exhaustive efforts, you still find yourself relieving that ache in your core before drifting off to sleep. 
Rolling out of bed the next morning, you feel a bit better. The exhaustion from your run the day before caught up to you, and your legs feel like they are on fire. Thank God. Despite the pain, you brush your teeth, throw your hair in a bun, and slip on a tank top, shorts and running shoes, making your way to the 7th floor. Maybe after today’s run you won’t even think about him when you fall into bed tonight. 
A small smile forms on your face as you close your eyes, feeling the sea breeze enveloping you as you step through the double glass doors onto the deck. Most people you know prefer to run out on forest trails, feeling the crunch of leaves and soft dirt under their feet, seeing the sun filter through quaking aspens, hearing songs from morning birds harmonizing together. You love it too, but the power and energy that the ocean offers can’t be beat. You start off with a slow jog, warming up your aching muscles, before finding your stride. You feel as if the ocean is running alongside you, the waves matching your pace. You finally start to feel like you’ve found your footing again-literally and figuratively. After your first lap you see a few more people making their way onto the deck. Most come out for a nice walk, just enjoying the view they don’t get to see often. You see a sweet old couple, moseying along hand-in-hand. Just walking silently. Comfortably together. This is a common sight around here, but you feel a bittersweet sort of heartache for just a moment before someone whizzes right past you. 
Long legs, narrow hips, mess of dark chocolate curls tickling those broad, tanned shoulders with each step, the navy blue muscle tee giving you a much better view of those shoulders as they flex and move in tandem with his strong, lean legs. Legs that he clearly enjoys showing off based on the yellow shortie-shorts he’s sporting. You increase your pace with a surge of adrenaline, but also so you can get as close as you can to the view. As he reaches the curve of the track at the front of the ship, he looks over his shoulder at you, grinning before picking up his pace. Is he…challenging you? Oh, it is so on. You weren’t an all-state track star for nothing. You grin and take a deep breath, pushing yourself faster, the excitement dulling the burning pain in your thighs. Danny hears you round the corner as you catch up to him, chuckling through his steady, heavy breaths. You’re not letting those long, sculpted legs have an advantage over you. Ignoring the burn in your chest, you surge forward faster, eventually passing him. Looking over your shoulder you catch him staring at your ass. He quickly looks away and out at the ocean. If you weren’t puffing and panting so hard, you’d probably giggle, but it’s all you can do to stay focused and not let him catch up to you. You both run another lap, taking turns being in the lead before you both give up and just run at a steady pace next to one another. 
“Okay, I give up,” he says, holding his hands up in surrender. “You’re good! How long were you running before I came out?” You couldn’t help but shiver slightly hearing the deep timbre of his voice between his panting breaths. 
“Oh, just barely over a lap,” you reply, doing your best to not sound like you’re dying, and failing miserably. 
“Safe to say this is something you do often?” He runs the back of his hand down his neck, wiping off a bead of sweat that rolled from his chin down over his prominent Adam’s apple. 
Taking a big gulp of air that had nothing to do with your exhaustive run, you wipe sweat from your brow and try not to stare at his neck and shoulders glistening in the sunlight. “No, this is my first time,” you say as seriously as you can manage. 
“Are you joking?!” he asks incredulously. 
A laugh bubbles up at the sight of his adorably confused and surprised expression. “Absolutely. I’ve been running basically my whole life.” Your breathing is finally starting to slow along with his, the rise and fall of his chest and shoulders still exaggerated, but not as fast. 
“Oh, thank God,” he replied, flashing that bright smile, your breathing picking up again ever so slightly. 
“Bit competitive, huh?” You walk over and grab a couple of towels and water bottles from the recently restocked shelf. 
He chuckles, “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” You hand him a towel and bottle and he immediately chugs half of the water, a tiny bit of it running down his chin, the small stream of cool liquid mixing with the sweat on his neck, traveling down his protruding Adam’s apple again. “Thank you,” he says, wiping his brow with the slightly scratchy fabric of the generic beach towel. 
“Oh, yeah..uh, you’re welcome,” you awkwardly sputter, yet again embarrassed by the reaction this man is getting from you for basically just existing. 
He drops his head, clearly trying to be a gentleman and hide his knowing smirk. After a brief awkward moment he looks out at the water. “Bet this never gets old, does it-getting to run with the waves every day?” 
“Never,” you reply, with a contented sigh. “The ocean is the best running buddy I’ve ever had, no offense,” you giggle. 
He chuckles back at you, “None taken. I totally understand. I wish I could do this every day.”
You both saunter over to the railing and lazily lean over the smooth, wooden bar. 
“Well, they’re basically always hiring here. Want a job?” you ask with a chuckle. 
“Don’t tempt me,” he replies, his large hands gripping the rail as he leans back slightly, enjoying the breeze. His damp curls already drying from the salty air. 
“This sea breeze is really the only thing that could do any tempting. Cruise life behind the scenes isn’t very glamorous. I’m sure whatever you’re doing now is better than this.” 
“Maybe so. Depends on the day.” 
“So, what do you do?” you ask, turning around to lean your back against the railing as you take another sip of water. 
“Danny! I thought you said you were going to wait for me?” Josie bursts through the glass doors, looking irritated. “Oh hi!” she says, flashing a bright smile-very similar to her brother’s-at you. “It’s good to see you again. You want to join us on our jog?” 
Josie is so bubbly and bright. She has that magnetic energy that people are just naturally drawn to. Matched with her staggering beauty (that clearly runs in the family), you imagine that there are plenty of unsuspecting people out there who have been left in a haze by her presence. You find yourself just a bit jealous of whatever genes run in that family.
“Oh, thank you for asking, but I actually just finished up here. I don’t think I have another lap left in me,” you chuckle, finishing off what’s left of your water. “Not after kicking this guy’s butt,” you giggle nodding your head in Danny’s direction. 
“Excuse me?” he retorts, “I do believe that it was a tie,” he laughs. My God, he has the most adorable laugh you’ve ever heard-kinda dorky, actually, and you are so glad this Greecian god has been humanized a bit, even if it did make your heart ache more for him. 
“I believe you,” Josie loudly whispered to you with a wink, “and thank you for tiring him out a bit. Now I can outrun him,” she laughed before bolting down the track. 
“Oh come on, sis! That’s not fair!” he called out, running after her. After a few strides he slowed down and turned around, running backward, “It was good to see you again!” 
You watched him run down the track, frozen in place again, until he turned the corner. 
“Guess I’ll be losing more sleep tonight,” you mutter with a sigh before walking inside to take an ice cold shower.
LOTS more Danny in the next chapter, I promise. I'm a slow-burner.
Go to Chapter 2
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frost-queen · 1 year
I’ll risk it all for you (Reader x Cal Kestis)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex--awesome--22​, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers​, @merlieve​, @queen-of-books​, @glimmering-darling-dolly​, @denkisclown​, @wildieflower​, @meyocoko​, @bubblybrianna​, @justanothercoco​ @idkwhatmyusernameis,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23​, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr​
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You carefully looked where you stepped. Everywhere nothing but green. Kashyyyk was the planet you were on to find a Wookiee chieftain named Tarfful. – “Keep up Y/n!” – Cal called out, turning briefly to you. – “Scared I’ll fall behind?” – you responded with mischief in your eyes. Cal shook his head childishly, mocking your ways. He puffed loud, turning back to the front. His eyes widened when his foot took a step forwards. In a split second wrapped a rope around his ankle, shooting him up in the air. BD-1 having jumped off his back. Cal was hanging upside down, waving his arms around. 
You came closer, laughing your ass off. – “How’s it hanging?” – you asked lowering yourself with a tilt of your head to smile at him. Cal slowly swinging from side to side. – “Can you cut me down?” – he said irritated. You gave him a gentle poke in the chest, letting him swing a bit more, thinking. – “If you say pretty, please.” – you responded. – “Y/n!” – Cal groaned trying to pull his chest up with little success. – “I didn’t hear you say please.” – you made clear, holding your hand behind your ear. – “Can you for one second not be irritating?” – he already felt his blood lower to his head, making him dizzy. 
Shrugging your shoulders, you straightened your posture again. – “Bye Cal.” – you waved him goodbye, taking your leave. Cal pressed his palms against his eyes, groaning. – “Okay, wait!” – he forced out, hand stretched out to you. Curling up a smile, you returned to him. – “Yes Cal.” – you asked keeping him still as you let yourself bend down to meet eyes with him.
“Can you please cut me down…” – he asked. BD deliberately not interfering with your bickering. – “Sure.” – you answered. Pulling out a knife, you cut down Cal. He dropped with a loud thud, groaning at the sudden pain in his back. He came sitting down, untying the rope from around his ankle. – “See that wasn’t that hard, was it?” – you said out loud. Cal’s face stood sour, BD approaching. The droid hopped onto his back before he got up. You took a few steps, pausing to look at Cal behind you. 
“You might want to be careful; I hear there are boobytraps here.” – you teasingly exclaimed. Cal walked up to you, giving you a hard nudge. Making you nearly lose your balance. – “Very funny.” – you called out waiting to see his response, but there never came one. Following close by, you kept your eye out. You had been lucky to have not encountered any stormtroopers on your way. The war on Kashyyyk not being a pleasant one. Stepping up your pace, you took the lead. Taking a halt at a cliff. Cal coming to stand beside you. 
Hands on his hip he took a deep breath. He spotted a vine not that far, pulling it closer with the use of the force. – “So you want to go first or would you rather have us swing cozy together?” – he wiggled with his eyebrows making you roll your eyes. Cal shrugged his shoulders, taking a few steps back. – “BD, hold on.” – he said over his shoulder, gripping on tight to the vine. He started running, setting himself off at the cliff to jump across. You watched as he swinged in perfect balance across, landing steady on his feet.
He turned around waiting for an applause. You clapped briefly for his ego with a sarcastic smile. He gestured to you to be ready to catch the vine. Pulling his arm back, he let it swing hard back. You caught it, grabbing around with your hands to be certain you’d have it. Cal motioned for you to come. Taking a deep breath, you took some uncertain steps back. Running up to the cliff, you squealed loud at the drop off. The vine swung halfway across the cliff when a blaster shot fired your way. It missed you, hitting the rocky wall. 
Cal’s eyes widened, turning to where it came from. Up on another cliffy part, he noticed three stormtroopers. The sudden attack had startled you that much, you’d forgot to jump. Swinging above the deeps, slowing down with each swing. – “Cal!” – you called out in a panic, clamping onto the vine. He gasped loud, eyes wide with fear as you were a clear target now. You screamed, ducking a bit when blasters fired your way, missing you by a few hairs each time. Cal tensed his jaw, stretching his hand out upwards. 
He felt the strong push of the force, but the stormtroopers were too far for him to do any good damage. His eyes stood grant when a shot went your way. He forced his hand forwards, hitting you with the force. The vine got swung hard back to avoid being hit. You called it out, swinging hard back. There wasn’t much he could do. He needed to think quickly to avoid any concerning troubles. – “Y/n!” – he shouted. – “Hang on and when I tell you to, you let go and leap forwards.”
“What?” – you panicked at how ridiculous dangerous that sounded. – “Just trust me.” – he said in return. You nodded shakily as Cal used his way to make the vine move. You got blasted back, making you swing back. Blasts firing above your head. You went one more back, till you swung strongly back. – “Now!” – Cal shouted running up to the edge. You let go, jumping as you blind fully trusted Cal. Cal held his arm out for you to catch. Your fingers brushing over his lower arm down to his hand in the hopes he’d catch you. 
A blast fired Cal’s way making him flinch. You gasped loud, feeling your fingers brush against his, nothing afterwards. – “No!” – Cal screamed out; hand reached out down when he saw you fall. Your screams dying out down the pit you were falling. Cal got up, taking no second to dive headfirst after you. Hand stretched, wanting to reach for you. You had no idea what was below, eyes fixated on Cal who desperately tried to reach you. Light as a feather, you closed your eyes waiting for the worst. Then your back crashed against something hard, followed by wetness. 
Cal fell down into the waters, reaching for your body under water. You felt an arm go around your body, being pulled to the surface. Cal and you gasped above water. – “You okay Y/n?” – he asked worriedly, one hand pressed against your wet cheek. You splashed water in his face, confusing him for a second. – “What were you thinking!” – you called out furious. – “What?” – Cal replied confused. – “Why’d you jump so recklessly after me!” – splashing more water at him, you were angry that he would do something that stupid.
“I don’t know! I just did!” – he shouted back, getting as equally worked up as you. – “You could’ve been killed!” – you called out, arms trembling from the raw emotion. – “So could you!” – Cal responded loudly, staring intensely at you. Both holding that fierce gaze even when BD beeped loud on Cal’s back. Cal and you puffed, looking away. The two of you swimming to a little green island. Cal shook his leg in an attempt to dry it faster. You squeezed the water out of your clothing. A deep sound came from the caves not far from the little island you were on. 
It made you stumbled back against Cal. Cal holding you by the shoulders. – “Don’t tell me you are scared Y/n?” – he smirked, looking over your shoulder down to you. – “I am. Not.” – you confidently replied. Another sound made you shriek, clamping onto Cal. – “What was that Y/n?” – he laughed, all smug looking. You looked frightened around. – “It’s probably one of those spider creatures.” – he teased. Your eyes widened frantically, making you almost jump into his arms. Not wanting to be on the ground if it was. Cal laughing louder than ever at how needy you were. – “This isn’t funny Cal!” – you said rudely. – “You know I am deadly afraid of those things.”
“I know.” – he whispered in your ear, unable to hide the power it gave him. You pushed yourself off Cal, having a shudder go down your spine. – “It is probably nothing, Y/n.” – he reassured you. You weren’t so sure. Cal pointed at the caves as it was the only way away from this place. Swallowing nervously, you followed quietly. Darkness embraced you like a cloak when you entered the cave. BD turning his head lights on to light the way. 
Cal extracting his saber as it gave a faint light, reflecting against his face. Looking over his shoulder, he made sure you were close by. BD bleeped curiously, his lights beaming off the walls. Venturing deeper into the gaping cave’s mouth. You reached out to Cal, startling him. – “It’s just me.” – you said nervously. He took a deep breath, taking your hand. Guiding it to his belt where he insisted on you taking a hold off. This way he’d know you were close. Cal lowered his lightsaber when he came at an open space. Light from above falling into the pit. BD’s light dimming. 
The sunlight making you close your eyes for a second to adjust to it. Cal took a moment to observe. – “We can climb up right there.” – he pointed out. Not hearing you response, made him look down to his belt. Your hand wasn’t on it anymore, making him lift his head back up. – “Y/n?” – he said concerned, looking around. He found you standing not far from him, standing stiff. He walked up to you, tugging on your arm.
When you wouldn’t move, he knew something was wrong. BD bleeping warningly, making him look up. From a hole lighted up a few eyes. Cal gasped watching one of those spider creatures crawl out of it. His eyes widening, knowing how much you feared them. He pulled you behind him. – “BD! Stay with her!” – he ordered. The little droid jumping off his back. Cal readied his lightsaber with a twirl. He was about to launch forwards when he spotted another one coming. Soon three or four more came crawling out, making him back up. 
BD jumping warningly in front of you to move. You backed away, falling over a rock. – “Get back!” – Cal called out, waving his lightsaber around. BD moving frantically in front of you daring one to even come near you, for he would protect you till his last bleep. Cal launched forwards, striking his lightsaber at one of the spider creatures. Needing to keep his eyes on the others as well. From the corner of his eye, he saw one make his way over to you. Cal spun around, pulling the creature back by the way of the force. Gritting his teeth, he let it drop near him, sticking his lightsaber through it. With three at a time where they hissing and tapping their front legs forwards to Cal. Your heart beating out of your chest, too scared to move. Cal rolled back to block one’s path to you.
He fought them fiercely knowing how much it meant to you. Ready to fight them off for you. He struck another one down as two more appeared through the crawling space. One running rapidly over to BD and you. Your eyes wide with fear. BD electrocuted it as it only stung a bit. Cal shot his hand out, forcing it to be dragged back. He gasped when something sticky wrapped around his hand. 
The spider creatures fighting back. Moving his hand down, he started tearing it off. Two more spiders hissed their web his way. Making him drop his saber, hands bound together. Inhaling sharply was he now defenseless. They started surrounding him as he struggled to get free. Your eyes fixated on Cal, hearing him struggle. The urge to help him screaming louder inside of you. But what of those creatures you feared for so long. BD hopped on one foot, the other sticking to his body with a web. 
Slowly your friends were endangering themselves. Taking frantic breaths, you needed to act now. Something snapped inside of you, seeing them tackle Cal to the ground. Jumping up, you screamed it out, blasting at them. Cal turning his head in surprise at you. You kept firing, screaming out your rage. The spider creatures got several hits. One lost it’s leg as another one had pus trailing down it’s body. You got closer to them, acting on adrenaline to save your friends then to give in to your fear.
One exploded making Cal roll away. They started backing away to the hole they came from. You wouldn’t let them escape, taking your revenge on them. One by one shooting them till they died or exploded. Out of breath, you lowered your blaster. Cal frantically freeing himself to get to you. Knees buckling, they gave in, letting you drop down. Cal rushed in front of you, taking you by the shoulder. – “Are you okay Y/n?” – he asked worriedly. 
You let your hand rest against his cheek, catching your breath. Cal’s gaze moved rapidly over yours, taking a deep breath. – “You… you fought them Y/n… you actually fought them…” – he said half smiling. Touching your cheek he was very proud of you. – “Why? What made you overcome your fear?” – he asked. – “You…” – you responded. – “I couldn’t… I couldn’t watch losing you.” – you added, pulling yourself a bit up by his uniform. 
Cal let his finger brush against your cheek, sucking in a deep breath. Leaning in as he pressed his lips onto yours. Moving his hands to your lower back, pressing you closer to him. You kissed him passionately back. BD bleeping made you pull away. Cal got up to retrieve his lightsaber. You smiling admiring at him. He noticed it, chuckling. – “Are you going to continue drooling over me Y/n? or are you actually going to be helpful?”
You gave him a roll of your eyes. You walked up to him, standing near him to look upwards. – “It’s a pretty high climb.” – you stated. Cal moved his hand around your back, pulling you towards him. – “I know.” – he whispered before stealing a kiss from you. You gave him a playful slap for being so silly. – “Lucky for you, I can get us up in no time.” – he answered walking up to the wall. You followed, pushing him back with your bottom against his front. 
“I go first.” – you insisted. Cal smirking. – “Of course you are.” – he chuckled. You started the climb as Cal was right behind you. – “Eyes up Cal!” – you called out. – “Oh they are up.” – he replied mischievous. You looked down seeing him look up to you smiling. Rolling your eyes, you knew he was just enjoying the view. In no time were you back up to continue your search for Tarfful.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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kingdaddydaichi · 1 year
HAIKYUU BOYS & the things they do to you at some high-falutin social event
ft. post-timeskip asahi; atsumu; bokuto (and akaashi, sort of); daichi; oikawa; osamu; suga x reader (fem)
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☽⋆˙⟡ ASAHI ⋈
there’s something about a tall, dark, handsome man rocking a bun and a goatee who manages to look sharp as hell in a suit and tie even though he didn’t try very hard. you’ve had your eyes on him all evening and you finally muster the courage to talk to him when he approaches the busy bar where you’ve been waiting to be noticed by the bartender to order a drink. probably bc of his size, the bartender nods to asahi in just a matter of a few seconds.
the 6’2” man points his thumb at you then back at the bartender and says, “uhhmm…i believe she was here first.”
with a charmed smile, you thank him for his chivalry and order your drink. then the tower of a man orders his own and tells the bartender both drinks are on him. an hour later, his slacks are around his ankles and you're straddling him, gliding on his long, thick cock in a dark and otherwise empty conference room. no one can hear your loud moans over the thumping bass of the music as your ass claps against his huge thighs and your pretty manicured nails dig into his hard, broad shoulders. he had protested weakly when you started sucking his monstrous cock after dragging him in there, but when you drip some of his whiskey onto your tits and say “drinks on me now, handsome”, he smirks and wastes no time at all licking and sucking the liquor from your flesh while his big hands guide you along his throbbing length until your clenching pussy creams all around him.
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‎‎☽⋆˙⟡ ATSUMU ⋈
fingers you during the keynote speech while the satin, ivory tablecloth serves as cover. occasionally whispers in your ear, reminding you to be quiet lest someone figure out that he's knuckle-deep inside your sweet cunt. his palm, calloused from years of spiking mikasas, is grinding against your swollen clit as his deft fingertips tug deliciously at your g-spot. your thighs have his wrist in a death grip as your professionally manicured nails dig into his flexing forearm. tsumu listens carefully to your quickening breaths, accurately gauges the intensity of your tightening walls, timing his speed and pressure perfectly so that the loud applause of the dining hall drowns out your stifled moan when he makes you cum. a low groan rattles his ribcage when he feels your spend gush into his hand, biting his lip at the way his aching cock strains against the confines of his tailored pinstripe slacks. he watches as your long eyelashes flutter before pulling out and bringing his hand to his mouth to suck his fingers clean.
“yer cream tastes so sweet, babygirl," he says with half-lidded mahogany eyes and a devious grin. "if ya give me yer number, i'll do it with my tongue next time."
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☽⋆˙⟡ BOKUTO ⋈
sneaks the two of you onto the rooftop pool and starts taking his clothes off.
you’ve never seen him naked before so you spin around, burying your flustered face in your hands. “bo! what are you doing?!?!” you ask with a gaspy giggle.
“going skinny dipping! c'mon! get in with me!” he says with an unassuming chuckle just before you hear a big splash.
minutes later you're buck naked in the pool with him, his big, long cock brushing against your bare butt as he tickles you. motherfucker is so big it’s like a goddamn buoy, floating and bouncing in the water even when he’s only got a semi. you’ve been attracted to the pro ace since high school, even ended up going to the same university as him. you had bumped into him at countless parties in college but still hadn’t managed to tap it yet. well now was your chance. his erection was unmistakable as he pulled your back to his chest in the pool and brushed his lips across the back of your neck, leaving a soft trail of kisses and kitten licks along your upper spine. you spread your legs to let his huge cock float between them and up to your slick pussy. you were grateful for the fact that your back was turned when the rooftop access door squealed open. bo didn't miss a single beat...just kept right on railing you from behind in the shallow end - pool water splashing every time his thick thighs clapped against yours.
“hey hey hey, akaashi! come on in, the water’s fine!”
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☽⋆˙⟡ DAICHI ⋈
when you first arrive at the venue, he teases you in the car before pushing a little bullet vibrator into your pussy and makes you keep it in throughout the night. controls the speed and intensity with an app on his phone until he catches you playing with your clit under the table, trying to get yourself off. he yanks your hand from between your legs and quietly pulls you into the men's restroom just outside the dining hall. bends you over the marble countertop, flips your skirt up, and spanks your bare bottom with his big, strong daddy hand. takes your panties off your ankles, puts them in his pocket, then pulls his fat, angry cock out of his zipper and fucks you while making you watch in the mirror. both of you are so worked up, you cum before anyone catches you. a guy comes walking in as just as you're limping out while daichi zips his pants back up, his softening cock still twitching and dribbling a little cum to mix with your smeared cream inside the black fabric.
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☽⋆˙⟡ OIKAWA ⋈
shameless slut wants to pull an usher and fuck you in a dark corner of the dance floor, but when you grab his wrists and protest with a giggle, he squeezes your ass with a shit-eating grin on his pretty face.
nipping at your earlobe, he says, "you know, i've got a very expensive limo waiting just outside. would be a shame to spend all that money and not get to fuck in it." he seductively enunciates 'fuck' and smirks when he feels you shudder.
"say less. take me there now," you demand as you grab his chub through his pants.
moments later, your knees are on the floor of the luxurious limo with the side of your face pressed against the back seat. oikawa spits on his cock before pushing it inside you one thick inch at a time until he's fully sheathed inside the wet heat of your cunt. your hard nipples drag along the cool, ebony leather while the olympic setter uses a fistful of your hair as leverage to fuck his veiny cock into your squelching pussy. you're whining and crying out nonstop as he pounds into you so fucking hard, his hips driving yours into the edge of the seat with every powerful thrust.
"fuck, tooru! *gasp* god, your cock is so fucking big!" you whimper as mascara-stained tears stream down your searing cheeks.
"shhh...don't cry, princess. you're gonna cum so hard on my fat dick. i promise it's gonna feel so fucking good."
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☽⋆˙⟡ OSAMU ⋈
eats you out in a dark corner in the corridor leading to the back exit. has you pinned against the wall with his hands around your waist and one of your thighs draped over his shoulder. makes you cum in his mouth before he stands up, keeping you flush to the wall with one hand on your hip while the other fumbles urgently with his belt buckle. you can still taste yourself on his lips and tongue when you moan into each other’s mouths as he plunges his cock deep inside your messy cunt. your dress is bunched up around your waist while he bounces you up and down, his long graceful fingers dimpling the flesh of your bare ass as he guides your slippery pussy along the full length of his hard cock. he shudders when he releases inside you, a quiet whimper escaping the owner of onigiri miya as his hips buck erratically. puts such a huge load of his sperm into you that it leaks out and slides down the inside of your legs in thick, white globs when you hobble back towards the dark dance hall to rejoin your friends.
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☽⋆˙⟡ SUGA ⋈
teases you in subtle ways - putting his hand on your lower back every chance he gets, reaching out and twirling a lock of your hair around his fingers, (un)apologetically rubbing his lap against your butt when he walks by and shit like that. yeah, it’s all fun and games til you pull him into an unlocked storage closet and back him up against the wall. both of you are kissing and panting and groping at each other when you reach between your bodies to grip his hard cock through his tailored slacks that fit him just so. he moans into your mouth and puts his hand over yours, guiding your speed and pressure as you jerk him through his clothes for a minute. fuck, he’s so hard. finally, your patience runs out and you start unbuckling his belt as it clanks while he snickers with a smug grin on his pretty face.
“are you that thirsty for my dick, y/n? yeah?” he cards his slender fingers into your hair - careful not to mess it up too much - and presses down on your shoulder with more strength than is even required saying “pull my cock out…mmhmm good girl. See how wet you’ve made me? hm? what’s that? you wanna lick my precum? go ahead baby, you have my permission.”
you wrap your pink lips around his cock and moan at his flavor.
with a sharp inhale through his teeth, he says, “yeah, suck my cock just like that…”
minutes later, your middle finger is in his ass while his pretty balls spasm against your chin as he pumps all his cum down your throat.
“oh fuck god yes, y/n! choke on my dick,” he whines, legs trembling from the spasms of your throat around the sensitive head of his cock while he fills your gullet with his warm semen.
suga is a closet freak. literally.
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haikyuu mlist
tagging: @chaoskrakenuwu @crystal-lilac @briokayama @lanaxians-2 @yuujispinkhair @luvkun4 @ceo-of-daichi @mrs-sawamura @heroesfan101 @millenialfanfictionaddiction @honeybunny-sawamura @anejuuuuoy @darthferbert @whinestonecowgirl ++ if you're 18+ and you would like to be added to a taglist for a fandom/character i write for, lmk (dm, ask, comment, doesn't matter)!
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