#first post fyeah!!!
lilac-nites · 2 months
List of Lolita Resources
Someone in my comm encouraged me to make this list of resources for new lolitas. We were talking about how hard it can be to find information from Google search and there's just so much misinformation out there. I have a list of links that I've bookmarked and read over the past decade for when I finally become a lolita. I organized the list by sections in a specific order. It goes from information about the fashion and then to where to buy it.
To any new lolitas, there is so much information out there about lolita fashion that is still available. Part of the fun for me was researching the fashion, looking at coords, and learning what makes lolita lolita. There's so much information out there for you to immerse yourself in and even more stuff that's not listed in this resource list.
What is Lolita Fashion
Fyeah Lolita - This is my favorite blog and I still go back and read it. The last post was made in 2016 and the fashion has changed a lot since then, but it's pretty comprehensive and provides a good base knowledge. Imo, I think these articles (1 2 3 4) are required reading for anyone entering the fashion Lolita Fashion 101 - Bay Area Kei did several videos on lolita fashion during lockdowns. I recommend them for anyone that prefers video format. Raine Dragon's Lolita 101 series - Raine is a lolita that still updates her blog and has a lot of information on the history of lolita fashion. And she has a really great article on Chinese indie brands that should also be required reading for anyone new to using Taobao.
Costs of Lolita Manufacturing - One of the first things you'll notice is that lolita can be expensive. This resource breaks down the costs associated with manufacturing and why brands charge what they charge.
Substyles of Lolita Fashion
The below links are for the three basic styles of lolita fashion. If you research more, you'll find that there are more than these three, but I recommend starting with one of the three above to make it easier for to build your wardrobe. Classic Lolita Sweet Lolita Gothic Lolita
Where to get Lolita Fashion
Before even buying anything, you will need a tape measure to take your measurements. You'll need to measure your bust, waist, hips, and shoulder width in centimeters. That's how you will find out which clothes will fit you. Sizing can be different from brand to brand and country to country. I know many are used to buying using letter sizes, but it's best to go by actual measurements. Aim to buy clothes that are 4 - 6cm larger than your actual measurements to allow room for breathing/eating/etc. If you're brand new to the fashion, I highly recommend sticking to the sources listed in the videos below. It's very easy to get scammed if you don't know what to look for and I'd hate for anyone to lose their money on barely wearable clothes from Amazon/Ebay/Aliexpress. Where to Buy Lolita Fashion How to shop for Lolita Fashion online - secondhand is life for lolita fashion and there are so many options. PinkFakeFlowers goes in depth into the many ways to get it. I personally recommend 42lolita for anyone looking to buy from Chinese brands on Taobao.
Plus Size Lolita
Unfortunately, many of the Japanese brands and even some Chinese indie brands are not size inclusive. If you can't fit into the mainstream brands, don't worry there are still options. I always recommend Meta since they have a Plus Size and occasionally a Plus Plus size of their dresses and blouses that goes up to 160cm or even 200cm in some releases. Plus Size Lolita Crash Course Where to Start as a Plus Sized Lolita - This is a wonderful resource listing brands that are size inclusive.
Online Spaces for Lolita Fashion
Lolita fashion is pretty spread out now compared to the EGL (still recommend reading livejournal because its a cool time capsule of the lolita comm) days, but there are still groups on Facebook BSoLF - Great for beginners to ask questions and be helped by others. It's hard to search here but I recommend looking through the group for info. Your Local Comm (if applicable) - most are still on Facebook even if they still have a Discord. You can search for your local one on this list.
More Resources for New Lolitas
Lolita Tips for New Lolitas Three helpful tips for coordinating an outfit Lolita Tips Tumblr - I don't recommend Fanplusfriend anymore, but 42lolita is a good replacement. This tumblr is a great resource for inspo and there are many answered asks to reference. Unfortunately, polyvore is no longer a thing and many pictures are missing as a result.
These are just a mishmash of links to resources/lists/blog that I like. Lolita Collective
Lolita youtubers ask
Lolita tumblrs ask 20dollarlolita and her post on replicas
More plus size lolita brands ask Japanese Wikipedia entry for Lolita fashion and list of brands
Azuki Mikan
Old School Lolita
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auxiliarydetective · 5 months
Sorry I'm not explaining myself right
Literally just see you reblogging on your personal blog and then there's fyeah - but if there's other mods, then forget that what I said. I guess what I mean is I see you interacting with the same handful of people or if you pick a new person it turns out they're popular or in that group you already talk to like starcrossedjedis elmunson xotejays and others. I don't see you branching out of that little circle of people. You send them asks all the time, speak to them, reblog and praise them and ita just like why you so honed in on them. I don't mean your friends I just mean like people coming out and making OPLA OCs that you discover and like and never interacted with before. What makes them better than the rest of us. All I can say is that they command a big audience and also all know each other already and you want in and now they're your friends
It's like being back at high school
But please don't worry this is the last time I'm bringing it up I think I worked out my answer. I hope things get better in the community 💕
Okay, listen. It's quarter past midnight and I do not have the energy or braincells to deal with this right now. First of all, I think the point you're making is funny because:
1) I actually pretty much never interact with elmunson. They're a mutual-in-law, but I think I've only ever interacted directly with them once on here and twice on Discord
2) I rarely send asks. It's something I'm trying to work on because I would like to be sending more asks but I haven't sent any of them any asks lately
3) Reblogging is literally how Tumblr works? Like, what do you expect me to do, not reblog stuff from them?
4) You literally just described how friend groups work. You have your circle on friends and you get along and you support each other. But my friend circle isn't closed off, which leads me to...
5) I "hone in" on those people because I see them. I don't think they're better per se, they're just there. I've asked you multiple times to send me a message or a link to your OCs but you still haven't. I've been nothing if not polite but now I'm losing my patience. Discovering people and messaging them even though you've never interacted before is how you make friends on this website and it's how you could make me see your OCs so that your issue isn't an issue anymore. I literally looked through both the opla oc and one piece oc tag just for you and I didn't see any hints towards your OCs' existence? Maybe consider tagging correctly? Or send me the posts?
6) Regarding your "they command a big audience and you want in" point... That's literally not true? Some of them I knew before OPLA even released. One of them I got into OPLA. Most of them I literally just stumbled across in the fyeah tag.
7) Lastly, the ask you sent after this one: That's one conversation. A conversation in which, only one of the other three people involved is one of the people you said I was interacting with a lot in this ask. Things just aren't adding up anymore.
It's like high school because high school works just like that. You sit next to someone in class, you talk to them, you become friends. You don't even have to know them before hand. That's just how humans work. I really hope you stick to your last paragraph because, in my eyes, the OPLA OC community is thriving, and I've tried my best to help you. Have a lovely day, my friend, I'm gonna go to sleep now. Maybe you should sleep too, because you're not making sense.
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miyamiwu · 2 years
An Honest Guide to Tumblr for Twitter Refugees (Part 0)
So I had posted Part 1 first, covering basic technical aspects like configuring your Tumblr settings and customizing your Tumblr. And while I was writing my draft for Part 2, I realized that all these “How to use Tumblr” guides are pretty much useless if you don’t even know what the heck Tumblr is and why you should even use it… Thus, I’m just gonna go ahead and talk about that first.
So, what the heck is Tumblr?
I’ve mentioned this in Part 1: Tumblr is a blogging platform. The name “tumblr” comes from the word “tumblelog.” But this definition is just putting things simply.
I’d like to define Tumblr as your own personal corner in the internet. What it really is depends on how you use it. This blog where I’m posting this guide is a blog I use for the multiple fandoms I’m in. Here, I talk about the latest anime episodes, reblog gifs, and sometimes post theories and analyses. My dashboard, then, is full of users who are in the same fandoms as me, and the posts I see most often are those about anime and manga.
Fandom is just one Tumblr use-case. You can customize your Tumblr experience to however you want it to be.
If you’re a writer, you can join the writeblr community and post about your WIPs. You can also follow other writers and talk about their WIPs.
If you’re an artist, you can check out the #artists on tumblr tag and see what other artists are making.
If you’re a developer, you can try making your own Tumblr themes and even join coding challenges.
If you like science stuff, check out the #science side of tumblr.
And if you want to wax poetic about your latest hyperfixation, you can start an fyeah blog. You can go as wild as you want, and people won’t cringe and call you weird for it.
Great! So now I can start posting and joining the x/y/z communities on Tumblr, right?
Not yet. I mean, you can, of course; there’s no hard rule for it. But I advise against jumping right into things.
Someone posted about this before, but I couldn't find that post anymore, so I'll just say it again: Before starting anything here on Tumblr, it's best you spend a few days just lurking around.
Don't make an intro post, don't rush to advertise your blog, and don't start begging for followers yet (the number of followers don’t even matter here). Just lurk. Observe. See how the veteran Tumblr users are doing things and learn from them.
This has been said many times before, but please leave your Twitter habits out the door. Tumblr culture and etiquette is not something you can learn overnight, so it’s wise to just watch first.
Familiarize yourself with the Tumblr terminology. Like, what does “meta” mean? What are ask/tag games? What does it mean when a user says they’re “tracking tags”? There are many other terms, and although it’s not necessary to learn them, you’ll enjoy Tumblr more if you know what they are.
Oh, by the way, it’s called reblog, not retweet. God forbid you call them retweets. And no, adding content to a reblog is not the same as quote tweeting. (I’ll talk more about this in Part 2 or 3 of this guide.)
Why should I listen to you? I’m gonna treat this place like Twitter, fuck you
You don’t have to listen to me at all. But I’m telling you, if you treat this place like Twitter, you’re just inviting hate and ridicule upon yourself. As much as Tumblr users like to call this place hellsite and complain about how it’s always broken, we are oddly very defensive of it. We do not want it to become a Twitter 2.0.
Is Tumblr right for me?
As long as you’re not a brand always trying to sell us stuff or a celebrity only using the platform to promote their show/album/movie, then yes, you are welcome here.
To enjoy Tumblr, you have to treat it like a place where you just hang out and have fun and not just another platform to get sales or followers or to chase clout. That just doesn’t work here. There’s a reason why @/neil-gaiman is Tumblr’s most beloved celebrity, and that’s because he understands this.
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loveless-romo · 2 years
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[Id: a flag with horizontal stripes, from top to bottom: 3 bluish purple stripes ranging from dark to light, then green, grass green, rose red, dark magenta, dark purple, then 3 stripes ranging from light to dark cyan. End id]
Lovelessromantic: someone who cannot feel love/feels disconnected from love in any way, but can feel (romantic) attraction/doesn't feel disconnected from the concept of romance.
This can be both its own orientation, but can also be paired with other labels, such as "loveless biromantic," for example. People on both the alloromantic and aromantic spectrums can identify as lovelessromantic.
The layout was inspired by most loveless flags, the green stripes stand for the lack of love and aromantics, and the magenta stripes stand for romance and alloromantics. The bluish purple and cyan were added for people whose lovelessromanticism is its own thing, rather than lovelessness and romanticism separately.
(Alternative easier to edit flags, and tags for boosting are under the cut. If you don't want to be tagged, feel free to tell me!)
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[Id: 5 stripes from top to bottom: grass green, green, bluish white, rose red, dark purple. End id]
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[Id: the original flag, with the 4 middle stripes tigether being thicker than the rest.
Id2: same flag as the first, but instead of there being 3 purple and cyan stripes on each side, there are four. End id]
@loveless-aro @loveless-aro-culture-is @aroapl @romoaro @romo-aro-culture-is @questioning-aspec-culture-is @arosuggestions @arokill @a-romantic--aromantic @loveless-aplatonic
I edited the main flag above the read more on 25 June 2022.
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jaehwany · 3 years
tag game ✨
i was tagged by ali @metawin to answer these questions! thank youuuu 💜💜💜
1. why did you choose your url?
i’ve been a ken stan for many years so i think i’ve been using this url for at least 7 or 8 years?? and now i’m too attached to it to let it go. also i think i’m just honestly too lazy to ever think about changing it
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
none that are active! i used to help run a few fyeahs (lol remember when these were a thing...) and also had a fashion id blog. i currently only have one i use to save inspirations and references
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i’ve only been more active on here since quarantine last feb/mar but i’ve been on tumblr since 2010 :’)
4. do you have a queue tag?
nah i’m a spam reblog kinda gal sorry
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i think it was cool to have one way back then lmao i didn’t really start it for any particular fandom. it was also a good way to pass the time during boring lectures. but since then this blog has gone thru extensive phases (if you know you know..) to become what it is now
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
bc i couldn’t resist. she’s so cuteeee and makes the best expressions 🥰️🥰️🥰️
7. why did you choose your header?
love love loveddd this moment from the ep 2 ipytm doc. it’s just a super cute heart fluttering moment and i love the “imperfection” of it since it wasn’t used in the final take
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
um an exo post from almost 10 years ago that i’m too embarrassed to link lol but it has like >15K notes i think. but since i was more active last year, this IOTNBO post (which looks awful i knOW!! i used to screen record the eps bc i was too lazy to torrent them 😭)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i don’t actually know! enough to provide the validation i seek 💞
10. how many followers do you have?
shhhhhh 💞💞💞
11. how many people do you follow?
125. i do unfollow blogs regularly especially resource or translation blogs that i follow during specific hyperfixations and no longer have interest in following anymore (ahem skam) 
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
not really
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
right now probably daily! i’m more active usually when there are currently airing shows i’m keeping up with
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
not my non confrontational ass lmao. i remember someone indirected me on twitter once upon a time and it kept me up for days 😔
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
immediate gut reaction is a very defensive “don’t tell me what to do!!!!” but hmm yeah i agree with ali - interact with a post if u want to and don’t feel obligated to bc you’re in charge of your own social media experience and if you’re not in the right head space to do so then you shouldn’t feel bad about scrolling past. it’s always something you can revisit if you feel up to it or don’t that’s okay too. having empathy is important but we’re all human and there’s also a limit to the number of issues we can dedicate our time and effort to understanding and caring for
16. do you like tag games?
yes!!! they’re always fun to do and i try to do them as much as i can
17. do you like ask games?
i don’t usually participate bc i’m shy but i love dropping asks in other people’s inboxes and finding out more about them!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
idk 😭😭😭
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
i don’t even know what having a crush feels like anymore
20. tags?
i’ll tag: @clarawho @baijingting @baek1nho @surii @cryborgs @cuddlybitch @ramsking @ficklefackle @mmesutozill @belsmultifandommess @starfire-s @wjmild @gimme-a-chocolate @kateknowsdramas (hehe almost tagged your old url kate!! XD)
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arofili · 4 years
Do you have any Tolkien blog recs?
ok so first i’m gonna plug my tolkien sideblogs: @nblegolas for legolas content, @surpassingvalour for maedhros content, my art blog @annataryx where i draw mostly tolkien, @fuckyeah-kiliel and @fyeah-tauriel for kiliel/tauriel content, and @finweanladiesweek for content about the ladies of the house of finwe (all year round baby!!) in the past i’ve also run @kilielweek and @tolkiengenweek, maybe i’ll do one of those again someday…
@tolkien-heroines has a ton of great content, their blog is a go to for me :)
i’m part of @oneringnet which is a lovely network that does events and reblogs lots of amazing content
@arwenindomiel has a lot of MEPOC stuff, makes edits, is an all around great person
@glorfindel-the-golden and @silmarillionno find great stuff from all over the fandom
@eldamaranquendi posts stuff from off-site
@ambarto @kendrixtermina @warrioreowynofrohan have great meta
@docandlespitymoths @himrings @bisexualturin @feanope @maironsmaid @nowendil @galsinspace @tolkieniad @peredain @heraldofgilgalad @gorthaur-the-gay @wolffyluna @venwe @lendmyboyfriendahand all reblog great stuff and have a wide array of great original content
@elesianne @amethysttribble @hhimring @raisingcain-onceagain @zealouswerewolfcollector @morifiinwe @hangryeowyn for great fics
@hildorien for all your race of men appreciation needs
@lesbiansforboromir goes off about gondor constantly which we ALL need more of
@king-on-carven-throne for hobbit content
@penny-anna does hobbit/fellowship posts
@prismatic-starstuff and @sorcha-eilis for angbang
@absynthe–minded for russingon
@k3to-artblog for turin/beleg
@princess-faelivrin for COH and fin-galad content
@ao3feed-silmarillion is a great resource for finding new silm fic and is my #1 source for keeping tabs on what the fandom’s up to (aside from the #silmarillion tag)
@adanedhel @ayaosguqin @drawingelves @incendiak @yidanyuan @nevui-penim-miruvorrr @magpiecrown @princess-faelivrin @mallornblossom @elenwinga @vieryplus @windrelyn @gurthang @alackofghosts @egobarriart @alef-art @huanhoundofvalinor @lembas4frodo @celebrimbot @foxleycrow @ecthelionelessedil @aamuusva @yidanyuan @mithrandiirs @raiweljace for wonderful art
@faeithful is a new blog that’s got great stuff so far
@thelordsoftherings @areddhels @cuthalion @thegirlwhohid @thorinds @frodo-baggins @taurielsilvan @tlotrgifs @tarmairons @frodo-sam @damnitfili make great edits
annndd i’m sure there’s a ton more wonderful people but i’ve been scrolling through my blog and the tags i track for like half an hour now so !! i’m gonna end this post now!! a masterpost of amazing tolkien blogs timestamped 4/9/2020!!
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gimme-a-chocolate · 3 years
tag game ✨
i was tagged by @jaewany ty justine!! 🥰
1. why did you choose your url?
my url is from a song that jo jung suk sang in Oh My Ghost and i’m a huge jjs fan so… plus my old url was embarrassing so i had wanted to change it for a while (ty @haeyeongs for helping me with my redirect💕💕💕)
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
lol i have a multi kpop sideblog ( @hearteyedfairy, kind of new), a dormant bts sideblog (@smol-namjin) and a totally dead fyeah sideblog (lmao I’ve been on tumblr too long). Also a member of @kdramadaily
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
errrr 2012 or 2013?
4. do you have a queue tag?
no I never queue lmao
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i used to post memes and and screencap posts on pinterest and then kinda graduated to tumblr lolol
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
my fav + hearts. btw angela made this lovely icon for Valentine’s day💖
7. why did you choose your header?
eek I just realized I don’t have a header lol
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
i think it was an heirs meme that got 4,000 notes?  Idk lol
9. how many mutuals do you have?
Idk how do I check lmao
10. how many followers do you have?
not sure bc I never check lol
11. how many people do you follow?
not many, maybe 200?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
prob not rly but i’ve made plenty of irate drama comments and have reblogged a lot lol
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
daily lol but I haven’t been giffing in a while
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i guess so?  Maybe twice but it was about legit things, not like a fandom/ tv show argument (not that fandom arguments aren’t legit - i just tend not to get involved in those)
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
tbh they rly bug me bc imo they tend to be kind of self-righteous but they usually make me feel guilty enough to reblog lol. i mean i get the whole using your platform to get important messages across but my platform is so small i feel like it doesn’t rly matter?
16. do you like tag games?
yes!!! more pls lol
17. do you like ask games?
yes but sometimes I get like no asks and sometimes a lot so it’s hit or miss lol
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
not sure I have any? 
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
a couple hehe 
20. tags? @surii, @cuddlybitch, @gangtaes , @belsmultifandommess, @yesdramas, @deokmis, @baek1nho, @lavenderbyun, @therukurals, @chaeunwoo, @baijingting, @koreandragon,. @kimsunho, @haeyeongs, @kateknowsdramas, @uppoompat, @liveasbutterflies 💞💞💞
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
My Hero Academia Episode 87 “JP Hero Billboard Chart”
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Eri has reached peak adorableness.
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Mirio’s sweater game is on point and Miri/Tama is still going strong, confirmed.
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PEAK ADORABLENESS PART 2. Also I see what you’re doin there Bones. With Todoroki in the background, spying on Deku. I see what ya did there.
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DAMMIT WHERE’S MY BKDK PANEL FROM THE MANGA SCENE? (the one where they both react to AFO’s mention, cause, you know, OFA.)
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The top 10 pros! I only post this guy because he’s apparently (MANGA SPOILERS) the one Mina, Tooru and Aoyama intern with in the Winter arc, and I wanna know how that went. Bones you’d better bless us with lots of Filler in that arc about how the other internships went.
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FYEAH. I cannot wait to see how they animate those panels from the manga where she does, you know. Manga readers. YA’ll know.
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aka the main reason people are watching this episode.
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First impressions of fans: Ah, this guy seems cool. (MASSIVE MANGA READER SPOILERS: Damn you man you just effing killed Twice in the most recent chapter! and maybe Best Jeanist too! dammit, let me say it again for emphasis: fucking murdered Twice. Just straight up. OMG.)
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And thus begins the Buddy Cop Bromance of the year.
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METAHUMAN LIBERATION. hahahahaha cries in nervous manga reader sounds like “season 5 omg”
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CANTCHASEE KUN MAKES HIS ANIME DEBUT!! (sorry I didn’t grab a cuter screencap of him, this was just so good)
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You know if there wasn’t such a massive age difference between these two I’d be shipping them. This totally looks like a date. Ah fuck it, I’ll do it anyway. (SPOILER maybe they can bond now over abusing Shoto and fucking murdering Twice).
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HAHA more nervous Season 5 sounds. 
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YES WE ARE. OMG HOLY CRAP. Next episode is called “His start?!” OMG that chapter is a really long way off from this one. ARE WE DOING THE PRO HERO ARC RIGH T THE FUCK NOW?! WHERE ARE YOU LEAVING OFF SEASON 4? Are you really gonna do us like that?!
OK so now I cannot freaking wait for Episode 25. What the hell is awaiting us now?! Where is this season leaving off? Are we really gonna drop Anime onlys off right in the middle of the Pro Hero arc and leave em there for however long it takes to get to season 5? Oh you poor children. You poor anime onlys. (also let me repeat again SPOILERS: hawks you just fucking killed Twice wtf).
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agheaven · 4 years
How is the American Girl Tumblr community changed since you first joined? Do you have any tips for scanning American Girl books?
I think I was literally one of the first AG blogs in existence on Tumblr? I think I started this blog back in 2012, my senior year of high school. Back then when I looked through the American Girl tag it was either someone quoting the Tom Petty Song, porn, and then inbetween those posts would be something relating to the doll/book line. I used to post my scans on a AG forum, but I thought having a tumblr blog would be a nice central homebase for those scans, hence AG Heaven was born. To give you an idea of the time period, it was the trend at the time to name blogs dedicated to one subject ‘fyeah![subject]’, so this blog was very nearly called ‘fyeah!AmericanGirl’, but I figured a blog dedicated to a kid’s book/toy line would be better not referring to a *gasp* cuss. 
The fact that I see there’s a whole community of people having side blogs dedicated to their dolls interacting with this blog? That there’s more then one blog out there posting trivia and scans besides me? The fact that I see queer headcanons for the entire American Girl cast??? That definitely wasn’t around when I first started this blog! I'm genuinely glad to see all of it (especially the queer headcanons, the forums I hung around at the time were Painfully Straight and more focused on the materialism rather than any character lore)
As to tips for scanning, the only key advice I have is to make sure that you scan at 300 dpi. Anything lower than 300 dpi will reduce the quality and won’t let you zoom in as closely. If possible it’s stellar if you can do a higher dpi (I think I’ve heard folks say that a new standard is 600 dpi), but it makes the file size huge, and there’s only so much detail to be had in printed paintings in a book. If you find you need to use a photo editor on a scan to adjust the brightness or rotation, I recommend saving a copy of the original scan before making your edits. That way if in the future someone comes along who may be able to better adjust those scans to bring out it’s best, you can give them the original scans to work with.
I happen to have my own scanner at home, but your school/library may have a scanner that you can borrow and use to save to a USB to upload at home later. Places like Kinkos can also offer you access to a scanner. If your only available option is to take a photo, then some tips to take as clear a photo as you can is: lay down the book as flat as possible (have something weigh down the pages if you can), try to avoid glare (so avoid standing directly under a light), and position the camera as close as you can to the Illustration, limit zooming in as much as possible (I notice digital phone cameras can really distort and blur super zoomed in photos).
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chaossmagic · 4 years
Heyyy so you're pretty much the only person I know that posts Robron (I originally saw your aesthetic reblogs was like yeah I want that!) but now I've gotten into it as well I'm starting to look for more blogs to follow. In my other fandoms there's usually a type of fyeah*insert characters* blog for most of the mains do you know if there's anything like that for Aaron? Or just Aaron blogs in general that don't ship him with Alex or other stupidass ED men cuz I only found those
Oh my Gosh hello hi!! Welcome!!
Some Aaron-positive blogs who aren’t clowns who want him to jump on any dick except Robert’s that I can personally vouch for are @soft-husbands, @robandaaronsoulmates, @robron-til-the-end-of-time, @softlass27, @like-the-first-time-i-kissed-you, @sugdenlovesdingle, @kellykadesperate 
@toastandhoodies also posts Aaron/Robron content to correspond with different dates in years gone by which is always fun to look back on!
@scrapyardboyfriends does the CUTEST art for Robron and @illgetmerope does some incredible Robron artwork too, ranging from cute to downright pornographic ;)
I keep my fandom bubble small honestly, but a general rule of thumb is that if the person is a Robert fan? They’re usually Aaron-positive and Robron-centric. Not always, of course, there are weirdos in every corner of the fandom, and by no means is this a sweeping generalization, but that’s just what I’ve found personally.
I’d also stay away from Seb anti blogs as a general rule. There are a few of them about and they will usually be the ones shipping Aaron with Al*x or other nonsense random men under the guise of ‘wanting him to be happy’ through moving on with someone who isn’t Robert.
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ballplayersxo · 4 years
this really my fave blog tbh 😭 i wish I was on here when all the fyeah and basketball blogs was poppin cause y’all fr funny as hell
aww i’m happy you like it 😭❤️ you can always go to ballplayersxo.tumblr.com/archive and view posts from when i first made the blog. you can do the same for all the other fyeah’s. just a suggestion for if you’re super bored one day and wanna look back 🤣💗
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sternbagel · 4 years
I know I’m like a whole 2 days late but kept forgetting to do this when I have my laptop open, but thanks so much for tagging me, ali ( @quicksiluers )!!!
1. name: Jena! 
2. nickname/s: Sometimes people call me J for short but it’s been a while. My aunt and cousins call me “Ninna” and variations of my first and middle name mashed together. You can call me whatever you feel like, though, I ain’t picky
3. zodiac: Sagittarius 
4. favourite musicians/bands: God this answer is like always changing lmao. And my music taste is all over the place, as you’re about to see. I’ve always loved The Offspring, Daughtry, Tim McGraw, INXS, The Black Keys, Hans Zimmer, and a few others. Recently, I’ve been really into everything from Zayde Wolf, Vo Williams, Lizzo, The Score, The Midnight, THEY., and composers like Ludwig Goransson, Bear McCreary, Henry Jackman, etc. I like a lot of stuff lol
5. favourite sports team: Florida Gators baby! Also a fan of Auburn (familial bias lol). And the Mets, Rays, & Lightning. I don’t follow the NBA or NHL very much, and I kinda hate the NFL lmao. I like certain players and passively root for the Buccaneers but that’s it.
6. other blogs: I used to run a couple fyeah blogs, but now I just have this one and the two ones I’ve linked in my bio (though I’m terrible at actually keeping up with posting stuff I wrote on my stories blog lmao WHICH REMINDS ME I NEED TO POST SOMETHING THAT’S 2 MONTHS LATE ON AO3 whoops)
7. do you get asks? a few. Mostly people playing the ask games I reblog. I have an anon message sitting in my inbox from YEARS ago but I have no idea what they’re asking about so it just... sits there lol. 
8. how many blogs do you follow? ..... 800.... Pretty sure like at least 600 of them are completely inactive. I’ll clean it out eventually
9. tumblr crushes? no like romantic crushes, if that’s what you mean. There are a few that I admire and have like a friend crush on, if that makes sense? Like “god i wanna be friends but too shy to really ever say anything because you’re too cool” sorta thing. (if you’re reading this and I don’t regularly talk to you on here but kinda passively interact, this definitely means you lol)
10. lucky numbers: 8! I always wore it when playing sports
11. what are you wearing right now?  Big comfy sweater that says “Yawn” and Gators men’s boxers that function as shorts
12. dream vacation: Might be kinda basic but Hawai’i, Japan (specifically with my bestie who’s been twice; I don’t wanna go alone), and any of the Nordic countries. And several places in Greece and Italy. Wouldn’t mind going back to Mexico too
13. dream car: uh......... don’t kill me but a Tesla. Specifically for the self-driving feature. If another company comes out with a really good one, I’ll want it too. Market’s kinda bare on self-driving cars so.
14. favourite food: Mac & cheese and alfredo!!!!! And god I’m such a weak bitch for sweet Hawaiian rolls.
15. drink of choice: Southern style sweet tea and a tons of juices, can’t pick just one. Pretty sure my body is like 60% sweet tea at this point.
16. instruments: I used to play clarinet and bass clarinet in middle and high school. I wasn’t fantastic or anything but it was fun.
17. languages: English. Some rudimentary French and ASL, but I’m like no more than level 2 in those lol.
18. celebrity crush: just go through my “pretty people” tag. Y’all should know all of them by now lol (Chris Pine is still a solid #1 though)
19. random fact: I cannot ride a bike. Yes, you read that correctly. And I’ve broken my right ankle once, and twisted it at least 6 times (I stopped counting after about 5, but I think it’s 6 or 7 in total). Twisted my left one 4 times I think. I have BAD ankles.
20. favourite ecosystem: This is a very strange question but I terrestrial. Lotic is really cool too
21: favourite cat species: Maine Coons are fantastic, but I’m definitely not picky with cats in the least. Love ‘em all!
And I’m gonna tag @queer-piccolo, @trust-me-im-cooler-than-this, @princesszorldo, @dratij, @olivebenson, & @1863-project but don’t feel obligated to do it if you don’t want to. 
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fuckyeahasexual · 5 years
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# Fyeah Music Monday
Share songs that remind you of your a-spec identity. Doesn’t have to be an aro or ace song just something that means something to you.
# Fyeah Headcanon Tuesday
Read someone in fiction as a-spec? Post about it! This is a day where opinions are king.
# Fyeah Wild Wednesday 
Have you spotted ace colors in the wild, or are you wearing ace colors? Let’s see it!
# Fyeah Future Thursday
What topics do you think need to be talked about, this is a more serious and very community activism based day. Tell us what you are working on now for the future or what do you want to see in the future for the community.
# Fyeah Art Friday
Share your writing, art, pride photos, etc. Memes if you find them an art form. It’s basically show and tell say so have at it! Also consider supporting and submitting to @makingqueerhistory because they have a QueerWorksFriday. 
More Details: 
If you want/don’t want to see any themed posts they will all be tagged “fyeah days” 
If the tags aren’t working, @ us so we can find your post that way.
Don’t use the ask box unless absolutely cannot be out. They will be collected and made into one post. Asks not posted at the end of the day will be deleted. (Sorry still gotta keep the ask box for questions)
Any a-spec person can join in! 
If your content can fit in more then one day, go for it! All I ask if you don’t post the same thing more than twice that first week. Then the following week, pick different content unless you have updated/added to it. Ex: Good: Progress of something you knitted! Bad: The same selfie for 10 theme days back to back. 
If you send a theme post and it’s for the wrong day I’ll also delete it because the ask box cannot stand at over 800 and gaining. Sorry again! You can try again when that day comes up. 
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fyeah-chanyeol · 5 years
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190119 siwonchoi Instagram Update: 수고했어 세주야. 아니 찬열아 @real__pcy 그래서 어떻게 되는 거야. 그 게임 왜 만들었어. 일단 같이 본방사수. #SMTOWN #알함브라궁전의추억 Good job Sejoo-yah.. or no wait, Chanyeol-yah @real__pcy .. What should I do in this situation.. Why did you even create that game. But first let's tune in #SMTOWN #MemoriesofAlhambra Comments on the post: Chanyeol: I made the game wrong... I should have checked it... Now i've pricked Marco ... 😭 Siwon: Phew.. But first lets tune in 😆 BoA: Chanyeol-ah why arent you replying to me (crying) Changmin: Looking good the both of you... 🙈👍🏻 Translation by fyeah-chanyeol (Please take out with full credits)
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ughseoks-main · 5 years
fatherly advice
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
summary: you & tony have a sweet father-daughter bonding moment when he gets you to reveal your crush to him
word count: 700 (lmaoooo i suck sry)
warnings: none, just fluff! (& i didn’t edit this i just mashed it out and then posted it)
a/n: here’s a short little something for y’all since you’ve been so kind to me while i’ve been gone! i’m only kind of back, but as promised, this is something to at least hold you over until after the first of the year. i hope y’all enjoy & lmk what you think!
my masterlist
“Daddy?” you asked tentatively over the soft sounds of your father’s tinkering, spinning around on the stool you sat on as he set down his tools and wiped off his hands with a rag.
“Somethin’ bothering you, kiddo?” he asked, leaning over the table between you to look right into your eyes, searching for a sign that something could be wrong.
“How did you first realize when… when you loved Pepper? And how did you tell her?” you looked down at the floor as Tony’s eyes grew wider, taking in the question you’d asked him.
Instead of answering, he directed the question back at you, “Does this have to do with a certain… boy?”
“Dad!” you exclaimed, jumping up from your chair as he simply raised an eyebrow at you. After a few moments of a staring contest, you gave up, sitting back down and letting out a soft “Maybe.”
“That’s what I thought,” he motioned for you to move around the table to the stool next to him, “Now tell me, what boy has managed to capture my daughter’s heart?”
“No way in hell am I telling you,” you wave your hands in front of you frantically, wanting to avoid telling your dad about your  crush on Peter at all costs.
“Oh yeah?” he shrugged, “Well then, I guess you won’t be getting any advice from dear old dad, will you?”
Sticking your bottom lip out, you gave him your best puppy eyes, trying to guilt him into giving you advice. Much to your disappointment, he simply stared right back up at you, raising his eyebrows slightly as he commented, “That trick hasn’t worked on me since you were 12. Now come on, ‘fess up.”
“Ughhhhh,” you groaned, tilting your head back before squeaking out, “Imighthaveacrushonpeterparker.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” Tony smirked, raising his hands up defensively when you snapped your head down and glared daggers at him, “Okay, okay, fine. So, Parker, huh?”
“Can you just- just help me now?” you exasperate, your shoulders sagging as you huff out.
Tony smiled kindly, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Honestly, kid, if you know you know. Go with your gut. If it says that you get those cute little butterflies when you think of his angelic face, then it’s probably right.”
“But what if-” you pause, causing Tony to raise his eyebrows once more, “what if he doesn’t like me back?”
“Kiddo, there’s no way that anybody on this earth would ever turn you down. And I’m definitely not biased.”
“Okay, fine,” he laughed for a moment before squeezing your shoulder, giving you a look that told you he was serious, “But seriously, I can tell that Parker definitely has feelings for you. Pretty much everybody at the compound can, too. We’re all surprised that you haven’t noticed sooner.”
“Really?” you perked up, heart racing faster and faster as thoughts began to race through your mind, “He actually likes me too?”
“When have I ever lied to you?” he promised, unable to keep another smile from breaking out on his face. Sure, no father liked the idea of their daughter dating, but he knew Peter well and he knew that he was a good kid. Plus, seeing you this excited over something made him feel warm inside.
“Wait,” you froze, panic flowing over your features, “What do I do now??”
“Well, I’d say that you tell him how you feel, seeing as the kid would probably never work up the nerve to tell you himself,” he chuckled, motioning towards the door, “Go get ‘em, tiger.”
“O-okay!” you gave him a quick hug before jumping up and running towards the door.
“Hey! No funny business, kid!” he called after you, giving you his best ‘I’m not kidding around’ face.
“You got it, boss,” you threw the remark over your shoulder before exiting the room and pulling out your phone, dialing up Peter’s number as quickly as you could.
He picked up on the first ring.
“Hey Pete, think you could meet me at our normal spot in fifteen? I need to talk to you about something.”
@minnie-marvel @quxntumvandyne @lokis-sunflower-anna @cynicallystiles @laurfangirl424 @misslunala @secondsineternity @galaxy-parker @sighspidey @signed-potato @lokiislowkeyhot @highlady-ofthe-summercourt @0captain-marvel0 @delicately-written @thefallenbibliophilequote @buck-ets @newtimewriter @thedaughterofdawn @lltrashll @paradoxparker @propertyofmarvel @sagebrandy-loves-pancakes @flaminghottaquito @marvel-galaxy @moonkissedtom @yoinksholland @futzingclint @lokiismischief @whycantwebefriendz @hedwigthelegend @yellowkenyon97 @casuallytumblingdownthestairs  @yelyahryan @em-aesthe @peter-parker-fyeah @screechingtacoglitter @astral-parker @smexylemony @watermelonfruitsalad @thewildheroine @s0cial-retard
peter parker taglist;
@lostnliterature @lovely-dreamer
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Brienne x Jaime Post GoT Headcanon
I seriously still can't get over GoT's shitty last episode. There are just so many things that didn't sit right after years of story building amd character development. Case in point my favorite ship, Brienne and Jaime. They did them so dirty man!
That's why I'm sharing my headcanon to make me (and hopefully other distraught braime shippers) happy.
I don't know whether I should write this whole story or not but here's the gist:
· Jaime survives but everyone thinks he's dead.
· Jaime finds a way out and goes to a nearby town to get himself patched up.
· Due to an entire castle falling on him, he has susutained injuries that made him almost completely unrecognizable
· He catches wind that Brienne was promoted to Lord Commander to the Kingsguard
· Once he thinks he can take care of himself, he leaves for King's Landing in search for Brienne.
· Brienne meets Jaime while making her solo rounds. She didn't recognize him at first (because scars and other castle falling on him-related injuries), but knew it was him when they locked eyes.
· Brienne grabs Jaime and takes him to the side. She poured out all her rage and disappointment.
· But the tone changes when Brienne and Jaime start to cry together. They shared a tender moment of soft kisses and gently cupping each other's faces.
· Brienne knows she loves Jaime. Jaime knows he loves Brienne and regretted leaving her.
· They secretly get married and settle down in Tarth.
· They live a modest life and have kids. (BRAIME BUNCH FYEAH)
· Brienne is still the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard but regularly returns home to see her family.
· Since Jaime Lannister is presumed dead, Jaime gets to start fresh and creates a new identity as a farmer who takes care of the kids and is married to a badass knight wife. He is 100% happy with his life.
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