#first time i draw that guy and he's a little beat up chibi
braisedhoney · 2 years
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cesium-sheep · 2 years
the first volume of punch! felt very... of its time. early 00s localization that doesn’t look like it was ever completed, at least not digitally in english. the main character flip flops between that very specific style of anime girl and total chibi, both the guys are pretty and the actual love interest seems fine but the rival is very controlling and outright threatening at times, she often thinks about how afraid she is of him-- or of both of them really, it’s just that the actual love interest never threatens her like she’s used to from the rival. there is an attempted sexual assault by the rival partway through, and she screams and cries and accidentally hits her head on a table which makes him back off for the time being but.
that whole relationship is Really Really Bad to a degree that she and the author don’t seem to be completely aware of. so heads up for that.
the actual love interest seems fine though, he’s compelling in that “street punk with a heart of gold” way. I think I’d enjoy reading more, although the art is very dated and her fiance is a real fuckin bummer. at least since it is a fighting manga hopefully we will see the shit beat out of him before we run out of what did get officially localized and digitized.
oh, and there is a Tragic Blind Little Sister character and I Do Not Like how vacantly they draw her expression at times, but she doesn’t appear to be in a hospital or anything? just, separated from her brother into a foster home or whatever cuz they were left to fend for themselves. and the main character is immediately very kind to her without being condescending (at least in my opinion).
they also don’t seem to shy away from the homoeroticism of fighting sports, because the main character’s grandpa is outright like “our bond transcended friendship” about his rival but for some reason the decision was that their (grand)kids would marry each other, which does kinda sound like something an ignorant-but-not-actually-straight old man would do tbh. and there’s one panel where the rival is supposed to be looking over his shoulder but the way his tank top is drawn and his naturally feminine appearance make him look like a woman wearing a tube top, which I just find amusing.
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Please join our server “Genshin for Crackheads” administrated by @xiaosclover​, @tonedeafbardehe​ and me! https://discord.gg/qSWhvFzA
Okay, this demented carrot child always comes first in his year in practically every subject in Liyue Academy without breaking a sweat.
Then you came along from Mondstadt School for Gifted Students and came in first place, with Childe 1 mark behind you
This is obviously a huge blow to him, because no one has ever upstaged him and over 1 stupid mark too! 
School is shit too, so everyone makes a big deal out of it too
Childe swears to god that if he heard one more, “But you were always first place!” he is going to drown the school
As long as you didn’t beat him in P.E, you were safe from his wrath-
*Insert a visual representation of you wiping the floor with the poor boy’s ass in dodgeball*
You didn’t really make a big splash (haha) on your arrival to school as it was test week, but students flocked around you and Childe wishes that your innocent face were a little less cuter so that he could smash it in
He went up to you a few times too, looking for a fight that you tactfully avoided because feral children like Childe are to be ignored
You get bombarded with height jokes every ten seconds, and sometimes, a little whale doodle in found in the corner of your neat notes (in pencil, he doesnt hate you that much)
He becomes really studious at this point, taking notes in classes instead of daydreaming or playing Angry Bards on his phone 
“Joint first place...” You two mutter in disbelief, “JOINT FIRST PLACE?!” 
This is your breaking point too, this stupid orange beanpole cannot equal you in anyway
YOU DID NOT SUFFER A MONTH OF: “Can you reach that?” and variations of “Is the air more polluted down there?” Just for him to TIE with you
You look at him, his blue eyes shining with both fury and the thrill of a competition, both of you share an “It’s on”
This is it, boys. This is w a r
You and Childe squabble more often, perhaps not physically but there was this one time you tried to kick the back of his knees when he used you as an armrest
“You look a little tense down there, do you want a massage?” “I’ll massage your fucking neck-” “If you can reach it, that is.”
P.E is filled with sexual tension.
School is shit, so some of your classmates start shipping it
And though you deny it, and say that you would never date a note-sabotaging hooligan, you realise Childe incredibly gorgeous 
He knows you're beautiful too, which makes competition harder because sometimes he just daydreams about to next wrestling match you have with him. It's not because he likes you or anything he just looks forward to flirting fighting with you!
Then comes D-Day, the day when Childe got the message that he has a raging crush on you
So his brother Teucer, who's in primary school, is found crying in the school playground because he accidentally dropped the notebook his brother gave him into a puddle by none other than you 
You comfort him with chocolate and pick up the notepad, looking at the smudged ink that onced used to be a tutorial on multiplying fractions
Huh, this handwriting is familiar, and that whale doodle-  
Holy shit Childe writes notes for his brother? That’s?? So?? Cute??
Speak of the devil, hear comes the red head, his observant eyes catching the red rings under the small boy’s eyes
He grabs your collar, “What did you do to my brother?” 
Childe has never laid a hand on you before and doesn’t really overstep your boundaries, but if anyone touches his precious brother they will pay
Teucer looks at you two and nearly chokes on his chocolate, “They didn’t do anything! I just dropped-“
Small bub starts crying again and Childe hugs him, “Don’t worry Teucer, I'll write you more! I kinda forgot how to multiply fractions anyway!” He lies.
You’re on your way to the city centre, and since that’s close to where rich boy and rich boy jr lives, they tag along with you
“Thanks, y/n. Sorry for grabbing your collar, are you hurt?” He sheepishly scratches the back of his head, a little ashamed of losing his cool.
“I’m good. I never knew you had a brother!” You reply and Teucer jumps.
“Oh, is this the classmate you were talking about!? The one that beat you-” “SH-SHU-SHUSH TEUCER-”
And basically the rest of the day Teucer blabs about Childe’s crush on you
Childe just finds it adorable how you giggle at Teucer’s antics and how you speak so cutely and sofogohoho everything-
After that event, you kind of realise how nice Childe is
Like buying lollies for his senior, Zhongli during the summer
And sometimes he makes sure you eat well because he “can’t be happy when he beats you when you're not at your full capacity.”
He makes more height jokes, but they're in a gentler context now? Like, “You’re so angry and tiny, I should start calling you pocket rocket.” 
You’re slowly getting whipped for him too though. Sure, he draws those damn whale chibis in your notebook, but they have a little winky face and a heart now.
You don’t rub them out anymore, they’re too cute-
Childe burns himself out a lot, so you let him rest on your shoulder during free period and make sure he’s hydrated 
He’s whipped x2 now, good job
So now you guys go on study dates, and he’ll occasionally quiz you.
If you get something wrong, he gently flicks you on the forehead 🥺 But not too hard because “Competing against a person with dead brain cells is bad sportsmanship.”
Childe becomes more touchy (think chemistry, as time increases, the affection this boy has for you increases) like keeping you on one side of the road and ruffling your hair.
Everyone except you two know that you two are gonna be endgame at one point.
So 120000 coffee dates later, you ask him if he’s single or not (He’s popular with the ladies, gents and the non binary folk) and he shakes his head 
You twiddle your fingers and ask him out
Apparently, according to rumours, Childe is really harsh or incredibly sympathetic in terms of rejection.
Hoping to take the fall gently, you shut your eyes, but instead you feel your hands getting squeezing and you’re met with a red, flustered face 
Childe lets out a “Yes!” which comes out more shy than his usual coy tone of voice.
Ya’ll he’s so nice to you? He’ll still wrestle you and bully you about your height, but it’s so endearing?
So two new highschool sweethearts walk into school hand in hand all bubbly and lovey dovey. 
You both stare at the scoreboard of grades in your year...
You watch the colour drain from Childe’s face and when you look you feel like screaming...
“Joint... First... Place... AGAIN?!”
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chatonne-rousse · 4 years
Happy birthday, @tsuki-chibi​!  This one’s for you.  😘
A Christmas gift exchange story with unintended (though not unwelcome) consequences. 
Read it on Ao3.
This is not the first time it’s happened. It is, in fact, not even the fourth or fifth. It’s like he has a sixth sense or the fine-tuned hearing of a fellow feline, that leads him straight to them.
Often, it’s just one cat, skin and bones and scrounging in an alley for restaurant scraps. Sometimes it’s an entire litter, abandoned and alone, mewing frantically in search of a savior. Once in a while, he finds their mom there, too, ragged and worn and tired from life on the streets.
It always ends the same way.
Chat Noir knows the location of every animal refuge in Paris, their hours, and the names of each employee and volunteer he’s met so far. Several have even set up crates in a secure area for the cats he brings after closing. It’s amazing that it hasn’t made the news in all these years, but somehow, Paris’s own black cat has humbly and quietly saved the lives of dozens of the city's neediest felines.
Tonight, Ladybug accompanies Chat Noir to the SPA to drop off a one-eyed senior tomcat they came across on patrol. His solitary eye is cloudy with age, one ear torn from a long-ago fight, but he purrs contentedly in Chat’s arms, his demeanor as gentle as the hands that hold him close.
Once the cat who’d been affectionately dubbed Pirate upon his discovery is safe and secure in the little pen, Chat sends the rescue a quick email from his communicator to let them know about who they’ll find the next morning. Baton returned to his back, he crouches down for one more scritch behind the old grey tabby’s ears.
Ladybug is used to this, well aware after several years of partnership that her own kitty’s heart is a fathomless well of kindness, but it never stops warming her heart to see it. Without thinking, her movement mirrors his, reaching out to scratch behind his leather ears, her gloved fingers tousling his hair. His faux cat ears twitch, and he glances up at her, grin radiant even in the dim light of the refuge foyer.
“Okay, cat whisperer, let’s go. It’s almost midnight.”
He nods, still grinning, and turns back to tell his new friend goodbye.
“They’ll take good care of you here, Meow-seur Pirate, I purr-omise. Cat’s honor.”
Pirate meows his appreciation as Ladybug fondly rolls her eyes.
One hand kiss, one ‘sweet dreams, Buginette,’ and one chilly swing across rooftops in the crisp December air, and Marinette can finally crawl into the warmth of her bed and curl up against her cat pillow to go to sleep. The feline theme suddenly seems so prevalent in her life that she can’t help the snort of laughter she muffles behind its ears.
Tikki zips over to hover in the air above the bed. “What is it, Marinette?”
“Cats, Tikki. Everywhere. Cats.”
They share a giggle as the kwami settles down on the pillow to rest.
“You like cats, don’t you?” she asks. “I’ve seen a cat in some of your family portrait sketches.”
Marinette can feel her face heat up. “Tikki!” she admonishes, before trailing off into laughter again. “I love all animals! Well, almost all of them. But no one loves cats like Chat Noir.” She sighs in mock exasperation. “Give a guy fake ears and a tail and suddenly he’s a magnet for strays.”
Silence falls in the darkness of the loft, sleepy and comfortable, before it’s broken by Tikki’s tiny voice.
“You know, I think it has less to do with his miraculous and more to do with his heart.”
Marinette smiles against the pillow. “I think you might be right, Tik.”
Even if Père Noël no longer visits, Christmas is still exciting when you’re a teenager. If nothing else, there’s a two-week break from school to look forward to, and Marinette is counting down the days until she can shelve at least one of her many commitments, albeit temporarily. Alya, on the other hand, is living for the class gift exchange.
“I hope I get Nino this year,” she whispers excitedly, dumping her bookbag on the table and sliding into the seat beside her best friend.
Marinette’s brows furrow in confusion. “Why?”
“So I can give him something awesome and win Christmas, obviously.”
“But...if you give him a gift in class, what will you have for him on the actual holiday?”
Alya wiggles her eyebrows suggestively and gives her a sly smile.
Marinette laughs and elbows her, ears burning, just as the boys walk into the room. Nino gives a quick wave and Adrien settles into his seat with a soft smile toward the girls behind them.
“Damn, Sunshine. I hope you spend the holiday break sleeping. You look like you need it.”
Adrien leans back toward Alya, blond hair brushing Marinette’s desk. (This does not go unnoticed.)
“I think we all know that’s not going to happen,” he replies with a wry smile.
Alya pats his shoulder consolingly. “Truth.”
The morning slides by, and Ms. Bustier ends the lecture early before they break for lunch. She leans against her desk, holding a bowl in her hand and shaking it gently. It takes a long moment and a deliberate clearing of her throat for the students to focus on her instead of packing up their bags. She smiles kindly at them once she has their attention again.
“I’d have done this at the end of the day, but not every student will be with us in class then, so we’ll choose our gift exchange recipients now.” Adrien ducks his head. He hates when people make concessions for him, but at least Ms. Bustier is thoughtful enough not to draw further attention.
She starts up the stairs, shaking the bowl again, beginning in the back row this year. “You decided by class consensus earlier this week that your gifts would be €20 or less and no bigger than a shoebox.” Nathaniel takes a slip first, his face unreadable as he folds the paper again and lays one hand atop it. Shake, shake. “We’ll have the exchange on December 21st, during our holiday party in the afternoon. You may bring your gift in the morning and I’ll keep them all in a safe place until it’s time for the exchange.” Rose chooses, followed by Juleka. Both seem pleased.
As more and more students choose a slip from the bowl, the room buzzes louder with whispers and murmuring among friends.
Ms. Bustier’s voice cuts through the chatter again. “This is a secret gift exchange, so remember, do not share your recipient’s name. No trading. We’re all friends here.” If she glances quickly at the back of Chloé’s head as she says this, no one says a word.
Marinette waits her turn quietly. In three class gift exchanges, she has never pulled Adrien’s name, nor has he chosen hers. So much for ladybug luck. All she really hopes for at this point is to not choose Lila. She doesn’t want to break Ms. Bustier’s rules, but if that happens, she’s totally trading with Alya.
The bowl shakes near her ear, and she reaches up to blindly choose a slip. Slowly, carefully, she opens the folded paper, and suddenly all she can hear is her pulse roaring in her ears. Because there, in Adrien’s familiar script, is the name she’d given up hoping to receive.
She looks up just in time to see Adrien’s ears pinken and his shoulders scrunch as he hastily refolds his own paper slip. Marinette wonders for just a moment who he’d chosen before her brain kicks into holiday overthinking mode.
She’d rethought many of the gifts for his next several dozen birthdays, repurposed them for other friends or dismantled them to their raw materials and created something new. But a portion of the chest in her room still holds gifts meant just for him. She could choose one of those, or she could make something new. She could create a gift or purchase an item somewhere. Perhaps she could knit a hat or gloves to match his birthday scarf. Oh, the possibilities are endless!
A nudge in her side shakes her from her swirling thoughts and returns her to the din of the steadily-emptying classroom.
“Ready for lunch, Mari?” Alya asks. Nino and Adrien are looking at her expectantly, too.
“Oh. Sure! Yes! Ready for anything. Soup?”
A beat of silence.
“You heard the girl!” Nino says, slapping one hand on the table and standing up. “Let’s go get some soup.”
Alya just pats her on the back and shakes her head as they pack up their bags.
Soup actually turns out to be a good idea today, even if Marinette has no idea why she said that. The four friends huddle around a table in the warmth of a nearby cafe, full and relaxed and reluctant to return to afternoon classes. Adrien startles suddenly when a calico cat jumps into his lap and meows loudly, demanding pets.
Nino backs away a bit, but Adrien simply melts.
“Hello there, pretty girl!” he coos. “Do you want scritches? I can do that.” The cat twists her head, showing him exactly where she wants to be scratched, and he happily complies. Marinette can hear the cat’s contented purr from across the table. “Oh, you like that, don’t you? Yes, you do.”
Alya has her phone out and recording, but Adrien doesn’t even notice. This is the first time they’ve seen this cat at this particular restaurant, but she's definitely not the first resident feline to find them while they ate. Or shopped. Or hung out at the park. Adrien attracts cats like Chat Noir, and loves every moment of it.
“And here we see the Cat Whisperer in his natural habitat, among his harem,” Alya narrates the video as though it’s a nature documentary, and Adrien snorts with laughter before looking up, a sheepish half-smile lighting up his face.
“I just really like cats,” he says, and looks back down at the kitty. She abruptly headbutts his chin, making his teeth knock together with an audible clack. He stares at her for a moment before throwing his head back and laughing, rich and joyful, but loud enough to scare the cat from his lap. She trots over to the counter and stops to groom herself.
Adrien, still chuckling, brushes fur from his pants and shakes his head in fond amusement. “Cats.”
The proverbial lightbulb flashes on above Marinette’s head, the stirrings of an idea so crazy it just might work.
She has an executive assistant to email.
It’s shockingly easy to get permission for something so important.
“Do you think Nathalie even asked Mr. Agreste?” Marinette wonders aloud to Tikki above the whir of the sewing machine. “I can’t imagine she didn’t, but…” she trails off, shaking her head. Adrien’s household is a web of very strange relationships she has never quite understood.
Tikki hums and shrugs a tiny shoulder. “If Nathalie said yes, I guess the answer is yes.” She flies from her perch on Marinette’s shoulder to sit on top of the sewing machine; Marinette promptly releases the pedal and meets her kwami’s gaze.
“I’m glad she did, but the longer I think about it, the more I wonder if this is a terrible idea.”
“You still have a few days to decide,” Tikki reminds her.
Marinette nods before she catches a glimpse of the clock on her computer and jumps up in alarm.
“Gah! I’m late for patrol! Again!”
Chat Noir is waiting quietly at their appointed meeting spot, knees pulled up to his chest and tail dangling down the opposite side of the pitched roof. He unfurls like a night-blooming flower when he hears her land nearby, legs flopping to the roof, arm raised to wave at his partner, tail animated and alert. His bright smile makes Ladybug smile in return as she plops down next to him.
“Sorry I’m late, kitty. I lost track of time.”
“It’s okay, Bugaboo.” He bumps her shoulder with his own. “I knew you didn’t forget me.”
“As if I could!” she laughs, bumping him back.
He’s still smiling, but silence descends over the pair after a moment.
“You okay, Chaton?”
“Yeah, just thinking. Our class is doing a gift exchange for Christmas and I’m having trouble deciding what to get for my...my person.” He glances at his partner, but she only nods in response. “I got one of my friends this year. Not that they’re not all my friends, but...she’s special.”
“Special, huh?” Ladybug asks, a teasing lilt coloring her voice.
“It’s not like that,” Chat rebuts. He breathes a laugh, but his smile turns impossibly soft as he looks out over the lights of the city. “We’re friends, but she’s...I don’t know. There’s no one like her. She deserves a gift as beautiful as she is.”
Ladybug blinks once, twice, caught off guard by the tenderness in his voice. If she didn’t know any better, she might think the feeling in her chest was jealousy, but that can’t possibly be right.
His words catch up to him when he looks back at her again and frantically waves his hands between the two of them. “Oh! Not like that!” he repeats. “I mean, like, beautiful on the inside. Her heart.” He holds a clawed hand to his chest, and Ladybug quirks an eyebrow.
“Okay, she’s beautiful on the outside, too. But it’s...really, it’s not like that. She doesn’t like me that way, and I…” he trails off. “You know.”
Ladybug takes pity on him and tucks her hand in the crook of his elbow, patting his forearm indulgently as the inexplicable knot in her chest loosens a little. “Yeah, kitty. I know. Maybe I can help. What does she like?”
Patrol is forgotten for the evening as two superheroes take the time to simply be two friends chatting about Christmas above the city they protect.
Some of his ideas need to be reined in.
(“It’s just a skein of wool!” he gripes.
“One of the most expensive in the world, Chat! Don’t you have a spending limit?!”)
Others are nixed immediately.
(“You are not buying her an embroidery machine!”)
Finally, he decides on a pool of several items that might work - he's leaning toward tickets to a fashion show, and Ladybug is only a little bit envious of Chat's 'very special classmate' - and settles back on his hands, relieved.
“What about you, Bug? Your class does this every year, too, right?”
She nods in assent. “Yep. But I already know what I’m getting him.”
Maybe he hears it in her voice, or maybe he’s just returning her earlier tease in kind. “Ooooh, him? Did you draw Mr. Mystery Crush’s name this year?”
Ladybug doesn’t answer, but her blushing cheeks do.
“Well.” Chat clears his throat and starts over. “Well, what is this lucky guy getting for Christmas from Paris’s favorite bug?”
She turns to him with a grin. “A cat.”
It’s his turn to be left speechless with his own twinge of jealousy.
“Before you ask, I already got permission from his family. Sort of. Well, I...the bottom line is that I got permission. I’m going tomorrow to the SPA to choose one for him. I’ve already called and made sure that I can bring it back without a problem if he doesn’t like it, but I can’t imagine that happening. Chaton, I’ve never met anyone else whose love of cats rivals yours. It’ll be perfect.”
After a long moment of silence, Chat seems to come to a decision before he stands and bows gallantly to his partner. “It would be my honor to accompany you to the shelter tomorrow to choose a feline fur-ever friend for your friend. I am the chief cat-bassador of Paris, after all.”
Ladybug looks up at him and thinks of how he cradled Pirate in his arms the other night on the way to the refuge, the calm, gentle way he whispers to tired mother cats, his delight in being approached by the everyday cats of Paris out for their evening strolls before returning home for the night. It has less to do with his miraculous and more to do with his heart, she hears Tikki whisper from the back of her mind.
She takes his hand and lets him pull her up before wrapping her partner in a hug.
“It would be my honor, kitty.”
And that’s how Marinette finds herself at the SPA just before closing on a Saturday afternoon, suited up as Ladybug and accompanied by Chat Noir, to adopt a cat for her friend Adrien, who happens to be a teen supermodel.
She thinks distantly of how she once said she was an ordinary girl with an ordinary life and wonders what in the world she was thinking.
The staff at the shelter are friendly and positively bubbling over with excitement to have Ladybug and Chat Noir in the facility to adopt a cat instead of simply dropping off rescues. Chat is eating it up, and Ladybug can’t help but smile with pride. He’s ridiculous, but in a dozen lifetimes, she could never find a better partner.
They make their way to the cat room amidst the distant sound of barking dogs from the other side of the shelter. She knew to expect it, but the look of absolute delight that crosses Chat Noir's face as he walks in the room is like the first rays of sun after a week of rain - brilliant, bright, and beautiful.
A cacophony of cat vocalization fills the room as they walk the rows of cage enclosures, from tiny mews to hearty meows. Little paws extend through the bars when they approach, and Chat tickles their toe beans or brushes their soft fur with his own clawed fingers. It's all a bit of sensory and emotional overload, so Ladybug purposefully brings her mind back to the task at hand, turning toward a shelter employee.
"I'm thinking of a relatively young cat, but not a kitten. Calm and friendly."
The employee nods. "We have a few that I think would be perfect for you." She smiles warmly toward Chat Noir, who is currently holding a giant ginger tabby who'd been roaming free in the room. "He's rescued several of the cats housed in this room right now. We're so grateful for him." She leads Ladybug to a bank of cages to the left, swinging open the door of an enclosure at eye level. "I've been calling this fellow Sable, but your partner was a bit more creative with naming when he brought him to us."
The label on the cage reads: My name is Zibeline. I'm super happy to be here instead of on the street! I was brought to the SPA on 14 December. I am about 8 months old, fixed and up to date on my shots. I'm a little shy, but I love treats and cuddling and I'm good with kids. I get along well with other cats after proper introduction. Are you ready to take me to my forever home?
Ladybug's heart twists. She can't choose the very first cat she sees, can she?
"Oh, you found my Zibby Bear! Hi, buddy!"
Chat Noir resituates the ginger tabby cozied up in his arms and reaches out a hand over Ladybug's shoulder to scratch Zibeline under the chin. The cat extends his neck and purrs happily.
He turns to the staff member. "He looks amazing. I knew there was a gorgeous coat under all that matted fur."
"It's true. He's like a brand-new cat."
A few moments later, Ladybug finds herself sitting cross-legged on the floor, dangling a little mouse with a bell in it over the head of a deep brown Burmese mix, falling more and more in love every time the cat turns his big yellow eyes toward her. He's active and alert but still mellow and sweet. As soon as she tucks the little toy behind her back, he climbs into the space between her crossed legs and settles his front paws on her knee. She looks up at Chat Noir helplessly, and he and the employee both laugh.
"Well, that was easy," he says. "Is The Zibster the one?"
She nods, running her gloved fingers gently through the cat's thick sable fur. She can't wait to pet him with her bare hands when they get home.
The staff member leads them to the front desk while another volunteer prepares the impending adoptee for his freedom ride. As they walk, Ladybug notices a large posterboard full of photos on the wall just outside the cat room door. "Thank You, Chat Noir!" is spelled out in die-cut letters across the top. Some photos are of cats looking out from their enclosures, some include Chat Noir himself holding either cat or crate. She does a quick count by fives and is astonished at the number she comes up with.
"Chaton, you've rescued 32 cats?"
His cheeks heat up, but his smile is soft. "At this shelter, yes."
Ladybug swallows quickly around the lump in her throat, changing tack to cover her sudden surge of emotion. "And do you give all of them ridiculous names?"
"Hey, I'm an excellent cat namer, thank you very much."
"What does Zibe-whatever even mean?"
He laughs. "It means sable - it's a little animal like a mink. My mother had a long sable coat that I remember her wearing to big, fancy events when I was little. Zibby's fur reminded me of that when I found him. Er, well...I thought it would once he was cleaned up."
"Why not name him Sable?"
Chat spreads his hands out in a grand gesture. "Well, I'm a learned gentlecat who speaks four languages, Buginette. Also, I already named one Sable last year."
Ladybug just shakes her head and laughs. This dork is truly one of the best people she's ever known. Perhaps she's luckier than she thought.
Monday morning dawns bright and lovely, a cold, crisp Winter Solstice to mark their last day of school before the long holiday. Marinette wakes to a shaft of sunlight across her bed from the skylight above, illuminating the deep chestnut fur of her temporary companion purring against her side. She can't resist reaching down to pet him, rousing him from sleep. He lifts his head with a questioning "mrrr?" before he closes his eyes again.
"Do we have to give him to Adrien, Marinette? I want to keep him." Tikki looks up at her with huge blue eyes, and she almost, almost decides to just give Adrien the forest green beanie she knitted for his 28th birthday. But she doesn't have time for a pet, her parents are busy with the bakery, and, well...this is already Adrien's cat, even if he doesn't know it yet, and she can't take that away from him.
"Sorry, Tik," she says with a yawn, sitting up and scooping the cat into her arms to help him down the ladder to her room. "We'll just have to swing over and visit him at Adrien's sometime." Her cheeks flush at the thought.
She preps a small gift bag with the supplies she purchased with her €20 - a little bag of catnip-infused toys, a shaker container of treats, and a bell collar embroidered with brightly-colored fish. Adrien doesn't need to know that the shelter waived the usual €150 adoption fee, nor that the neon green litter pan and carrier were thrown in for free as well. She has a feeling those were a donation by a certain masked black cat, but no one mentioned it outright and she didn't ask.
She kisses the little cat on the nose with a reminder that she'll be back for him later, opens her purse for Tikki, and sets off for school.
The class is abuzz with excitement. They've slogged through a morning of last-minute assignments and a pop quiz that brought groans from the students until the teacher said they could use their notes. Lunch was spent trying to get each other to give up the secret of who their giftee was, but none of them would budge. Marinette had made a quick trip across the street to "pick up something she forgot" just before the lunch break ended.
Finally, finally, it's time to return to homeroom for their Christmas party. Nino's phone plays a curated playlist of holiday music that provides a cheery background the students' chatter. Ms. Bustier's desk and a little table set up next to it are filled with snacks and treats. Red and green macarons decorate a silver tray, and a bowl filled with berry punch sits next to it, little splashes marring the smooth surface of several adjacent cookies. Marinette snags those for her own plate and slides the tray a few inches away before going back to her seat.
When everyone's plates are left with only crumbs, the teacher finally gets their attention. Nino turns the music down but not off, and everyone scrambles to get their gifts for the exchange.
Marinette sends a quick text to her mom before setting her phone on the desk beside the little gift bag. Adrien, she notices, holds a simple envelope in his hand, tapping it nervously against the desk.
Gifts are given to squeals of delight, oohs and aahs and one "whoa, rad!" from Alix.
When Sabine Cheng peeks in just as Nino is digging into his gift bag, Marinette excuses herself for a moment before returning with a carefully-ventilated shoebox. Okay, it held a pair of her father's giant shoes, but Marinette still followed the gift-giving guidelines. Sort of. She settles back in her seat, the contents of the box making a loud scrabbling sound, followed by a plaintive meow.
Every eye in the classroom is suddenly on the second row.
"Why don't you give your gift next, Marinette?" Mrs. Bustier says, eyes focused on the now-wriggling box.
Marinette slides the box forward on the desk toward Adrien, who is already turned in his seat, eyes wide. His gaze flickers to hers, to the meowing box, and back to her.
"Joyeux Noël, Adrien."
Chloé huffs at the look of wonder on his face as he brings the box into his lap, but no one else makes a sound.
Slowly, reverently, he begins to lift the lid. After just a few centimeters, a tiny black nose nudges into the open space, followed by one little paw covered in deep brown fur, then a second, before the cat pushes the lid up and off and climbs Adrien's t-shirt like a tree. His hands wrap gently around the cat's body and hold him close to his shoulder. Oblivious to the class going crazy, Alya filming the moment in shocked glee, and Ms. Bustier remarking to no one in particular that she thought they'd been told not to give living creatures as gifts, Adrien simply buries his face in the cat's fur.
"I thought you'd like, crochet a blanket or something, Mari," comes from somewhere behind her. Across the aisle, she hears, "Or bring a cake or madeleines or, I don't know, not a cat!" And, predictably, "Giving a cat as a gift is utterly ridiculous." But none of that matters. The world narrows to Adrien's shaking shoulders and the beautiful chestnut cat sniffing at the hair above his ears, making no move to wriggle free of the hands that hold him firmly but gently in place. For several frantic moments, Marinette is gripped with the fear that she has made a horrible mistake here.
When he finally raises his head, Nino surreptitiously passes him a tissue and pats him on the back while he reluctantly hands the cat to a squealing Rose, the first of many in a long line of cuddles in the cat's immediate future.
Marinette couldn't have said whether she was breathing or not before Adrien's eyes meet hers, but she's distinctly aware of the moment her breath catches. Where she thought she'd see the same joy he'd displayed during his many feline encounters over the course of their friendship, she finds something different. Gratitude mixes with a tinge of sadness, but behind it is something profound that makes her feel exposed and comforted all at once.
He blinks, his brow furrows, and the moment is gone.
"Marinette, I...well, my father..."
"Oh!" she exclaims. "I got permission. I can show you Nathalie's email if you'd like." She reaches for her phone, but Adrien stops her with a hand over hers.
"You're amazing, Marinette," he says, voice painted with the same wonder that shines in his eyes.
Alya is making a sound like a whistling tea kettle behind her still-recording phone. It takes Nino asking, “So, mec, what are you going to name your new little dude?" to truly bring them all back to the moment. The three sets of eyes in Nino's immediate vicinity snap to him, but the rest of the class looks to Adrien for his answer.
He rubs his neck and glances at the floor before answering. "His name is, um...Zibeline."
"Ziba-what now?" Kim asks, and half the class laughs.
"It means sable," he says quietly. "His fur reminds me of a coat my mom had that she'd wear to fancy events when I was little."
Max pipes up, “Adrien is correct. The sable is a type of marten found in the forests of Central Asia." He looks down at his phone for more info. "In fact, its scientific name is Martes zibellina. Zibeline is a little-known term in both French and English used to describe the sable or an item with sable-like qualities."
"Well, it's a very fitting name, Adrien. I do hope you enjoy your new pet." Ms. Bustier gives Mylène a pointed look, gesturing toward Adrien with her head, and the cat is reluctantly returned to his new owner. "Next year, please, no live animals in the gift exchange."
Alya nudges a malfunctioning Marinette, who nods absently. "Got it, Miss," Alya answers for her.
Marinette hears none of this. Her heart pounds in her ears, drowning out the class, their teacher, Alya. She stares, transfixed, at Adrien's bare hands holding Zibeline, trying and failing to reconcile that those same hands, previously gloved in black, had scratched the cat's chin two days before at the shelter. It can't be true that the same doofus who makes incessant cat puns and throws himself toward danger with a smile, who finds and saves the most vulnerable cats and kittens in Paris and has loved her for literal years is sitting in front of her now, cradling the cat they adopted together and looking back at her with those big green eyes she's seen in her dreams since she was thirteen. Right? Right?
Except...he can. He is. She sees it with perfect clarity as soon as she allows herself to truly believe it.
Less about his miraculous and more about his heart, indeed.
She's brought back to the moment when a crisp white envelope slides across her desk.
"For you, Marinette."
(Oh, even his voice is the same. How did she never realize?)
Inside are two tickets to a fall preview fashion show in early January, just as she knew there would be, just as she and her partner had discussed at their chilly rooftop meeting point on Friday night.
"Thank you," she whispers, finally meeting his eyes and finding a guarded hope that makes her heart ache.
Well, that won't do, she thinks.
Ms. Bustier wraps up the gift exchange, thanking the students for their participation and wishing them a very happy holiday. The class moves around them, students getting more snacks and punch, Christmas music turned up again to party volume for the last few minutes of the day. Alya and Nino get up together to refill their drinks, leaving their two seatmates and one cat.
There's a beat of silence between them.
"Beautiful on the inside, huh?"
Adrien's eyes widen in relief and he hides a laugh in Zibeline's fur. "I'm pretty sure I said inside and out."
Marinette giggles helplessly as a giddy glee spreads through her. "You did. And then you picked out your own Christmas gift." She reaches out to pet the cat but Adrien goes one step further and presses Zibeline into her arms. The cat settles happily, propping his paws on her forearm before laying his head on top of them.
"I love him, Marinette. Thank you."
Her breath catches in her throat again. Ostensibly, he’s talking about the cat, but his eyes speak something slightly different, with a weight that compels her to respond in kind.
“You’re welcome. I...I love him, too.”
His answering smile is pure, radiant joy. It makes her heart beat a little out of rhythm, and she clutches Zibeline just a bit closer, grounding herself in the feel of his thick fur. For a moment, Marinette is stunned by the wave of emotion that rises in her chest, a sudden vision of limitless possibility that makes her feel as powerful and determined as she does wearing her spots.
As he slides from his seat to refill his plate with likely-forbidden snacks, Adrien gives her a cheeky wink and leans in close enough that she can smell his familiar cologne. “That embroidery machine is still on the table, by the way. Seems like a super gift for a girlfriend who’s beautiful inside and out, doesn’t it?”
Marinette sputters as he saunters away, her ears and cheeks burning.
“Well, well, well,” Alya drawls as she sets down her drink. “Three years and two dozen failed schemes, and it turned out all it took to make something happen between you two was a cat.” She pops an entire macaron in her mouth and chews thoughtfully. "You won Christmas, by the way."
"I thought the competition was between you and Nino?"
Alya shrugs and points at Zibeline. "No one can beat that." After a long swig of punch, she reaches over to scratch the cat behind the ears. “Girl, I hope you like cats, because in a few years, this one’s going to be yours, too.”
Marinette looks down at the cat in her arms, then back at her best friend, and all she can do is laugh.
“Don’t worry, Alya. I love them. I always have.”
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Headcanons for Izuku, Tamaki and Mirio developing an instant attraction and HUGE crush for the new student at U.A., Mt. Lady's younger sister. But she's incredibly bitter because she couldn't make it into the hero course - because y/n doesn't have the same quirk as her older sister. She has the opposite - she shrinks until she's just six and a half inches tall and is chibi-fied. She HATES her quirk so much, but she wanted to go to U.A. anyway, at least so it'd look good on her application.
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Izuku was naturally curious, which is why when he heard a student in the school was related to the pro hero, Mt.Lady. He made it his new mission to track them down, “This will be a great chance to take notes on how Mt.Lady’s quirk works and from someone who actually knows her!” he said to himself, notebook and pencil in hand ready to write down all he could.
Once he found you, after confirming with others that you were indeed Mt.Lady’s sister, he walked up to you. “H-Hi!” he said nervously, “My name is Izuku M-Midoriya a-and-” he suddenly stopped speaking when you turned around to face him. You were about to ask if he was okay when you saw his cheeks turning red. But decided against it when you noticed he began to back away from you.
Though you still saw him around, his face always buried in that book of his. He was always writing something down, this was true for the most part. However, you were unaware that as of late. Izuku was admiring you from a distance. Carefully studying your movements and thinking of how he could possibly talk to you again. You had caught his interest in more than one way but he felt as though he blew his first chance away.
In the meantime, in the comfort of his own dorm. He would sit at his desk with his notebook open. Carefully adding the finishing details to the several drawings he had made of you, “I c-couldn’t possibly tell her how I feel, could I? I mean it’s logical to like her but how would I even t-tell her?” he questioned out loud, could he even get near the sibling of a pro hero? He didn’t exactly like the idea of Mt.Lady coming after him.
Still, Izuku couldn’t help but want to get close to you. As a hero, he knew he had to swallow down his fears. So, he once more found you and though his heart was racing, he politely bowed. “I-I’m Izuku Midoriya, from uh, w-well, I’m sorry about the f-first time I t-tried to talk to you. But um,” he glanced away a moment, “Would you mind if I a-ask you for an i-interview? I’d like to k-know more about your quirk and m-maybe Mt.Lady’s?” though you didn’t like being constantly reminded of your sister, you found yourself agreeing to the interview.
Of course, it came as a surprise to Izuku that you claimed you hated your quirk. Unlike your sister, you could only shrink. But, watching Izuku shake his head and begin to disagree with you. That was new, “T-That’s amazing! You h-have such a t-tactical quirk! The possibilities of w-what you can do a-are endless!” he claimed as he quickly wrote down some that came to mind. You couldn’t help but laugh, was he joking?
But, come to find out. He wasn’t, in fact, he made it a point to show you his notes. Pages upon pages were filled with ideas on how to adapt your quirk for heroism. However, you weren’t expecting to see sketches of yourself. Though they weren’t that good, it was oddly flattering. When you asked Izuku about them, he only blushed in response. Frantically moving his arms around and stuttering out an explanation. You couldn’t help but laugh, suddenly he didn’t seem so strange.
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There were many amazing and strange sights in this super powered world. But, by far the strangest thing you witnessed was a member of The Big Three walk straight into a locker. You thought his name was Amajiki and you had locked eyes with him in the hallway. As a result, the boy didn’t see the open locker and well...you decided to scurry away rather than apologize or make sure he was okay. 
But, what you didn’t know. Is that as shy as Tamaki is, he tended to share everything with his friends Mirio and Nejire. He talked about how he saw you in the hallway and how he couldn’t exactly look away. He left out the part about the locker. “Oh yeah! I know who she is, I think,” Mirio said as he looked to Nejire who smiled excitedly. “Her name is Y/n! Mt.Lady’s little sister, can you believe it!?” Tamaki’s eyes widened, oh God.
He was even more surprised when he found you were in General Studies, then again being a hero was too much pressure. All eyes on you, people cheering your name, it made him anxious just thinking about it. But, still. He wanted to at least try to talk to you, especially after you had locked eyes in the hallway. But every time he tried to say something to you. His stomach would twist into so many knots, it’d make him nauseous and he’d end up running away.
But, when he stared at you from a distance. He felt butterflies instead and his cheeks would turn red. Was it strange he found himself liking you? He had never really thought about someone as much as he did you, Mirio aside of course. Still, he wished he had the courage to talk to you. But he knew he would never and honestly, it made him feel like a bit of a failure. Why couldn’t he be brave like others?
Meanwhile, you felt bad you had made him walk into a locker. So you made it your goal to track him down and finally apologize, maybe get to know him. When you walked up to him, he had his back to you. Though you should have taken into account that when you reached up to touch his shoulder combined with a loud “Hey,” he would get scared. Though it was interesting to see his quirk slip and you couldn’t help but giggle as you saw his tentacles get stuck to the lockers.
From then on, he seemed to blush every single time he was near you. Though you had tried to strike up a casual conversation. The way Tamaki glanced down and stuttered out his words was almost too adorable for words. It was a privilege to slowly learn more about the timid Big Three member. Of course, you couldn’t resist reaching over to pat his head on occasion. He’d always look at you with those big indigo eyes and lean away.
Mirio always encouraged him to tell you how he felt, though Tamaki wasn’t sure if confessing was a good idea. Mostly because he couldn’t handle the thought of rejection. The fact that you were related to Mt.Lady was also a problem, he didn’t want you to think that he liked you because of your lineage. “I t-think I’m uh...f-fine liking t-them from a d-d-distance, I...I’m j-just, I-I’m happy if uh, w-we’re just friends,” he confessed, maybe one day he’d get you to see how he felt about you. But that day wasn’t today.
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Mirio wasn’t sure how he didn’t know this, there had been talk of a transfer student. The rumor was that they had been placed in the Department of Support. When he asked around, he learned that they were transferred from another school because of their older sister who happened to be Mt.Lady. “Really? Wow, that must cool!” heck if Mirio had a sibling who was a pro hero he’d be psyched.
So of course, Mirio had to seek you out. After all, he couldn’t pass up meeting the new student. Of course, he had to ask around again and eventually found you in the Development Studio. “Hi, there! I heard you're the new transfer student! Name’s Mirio Togata! It’s nice to meet you!” of course he didn’t expect you to walk away as he extended his hand out. Hm, weird.
Still, your cold attitude wouldn’t make him stay away. In fact, Mirio made it his personal mission to get to know you. This means whenever he saw you, he’d walk over and plop down next to you. “Hi! I’m sorry if I offended you before, but I think you’re super cool and I’d totally like to get to know you!” he said with a big grin, of course, you were a little suspicious. But Mirio turned out to be a sweet guy and you ended up enjoying your conversation with him.
In fact, you accidentally slipped about your feelings relating to your sister. Honestly, you hated that people expected you to follow the same path or just wanted to be your friend because you were related to Mt.Lady “Hm, well that’s okay! I want to get to know you for you. Just know I’d never try to hurt you and hey if you want to be a hero! Cool, I’ll support you. If not, I’m here for you,” of course, he didn’t expect to make you laugh, but either way. He felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of it.
The more you hung out with him, the more you discovered how encouraging he could be. “Come on please! Just once! I’ve shown you my quirk, so, please. I promise I won’t make fun of it,” he said and you sighed, you honestly didn’t want to show him. But nonetheless, you shrunk down to your six and a half-inch stature and nearly gasped when Mirio picked you up in his hand, grinning like a mad man. “You’re so cute!” he commented and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes, despite the fact you were blushing.
Still, you enjoyed Mirio’s company. Though you hadn’t expected him to ask you out, that was strange. “Aw, come on! Look!” Mirio grinned as he pulled out a bundle of flowers, you looked at them wide-eyed and confused. But nonetheless, reached out to take them. “Um thanks?” you replied before he grinned. “Of course! Anything for the gal I’ve been crazy about,” he said, nearly making you jump in surprise. 
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siderealscribblings · 4 years
Sillybug Ladynoir July Days 1, 3, 5 (The Wall Between Us, In Denial, Banter )
Sillybug AU Breakdown: Reverse Lovesquare AU where Ladybug is the silly, free-spirited one and Chat Noir is the more cautious one. 
“Sometimes...I wish there wasn’t this barrier separating us.” 
“I hate having to look at you every day and know that I can’t take you home with me…” Ladybug sighed, face pressing against the cool surface that separated her from the dearest treasure of her heart. 
“If could only shatter this wall between us and give you the love you deserve…” Ladybug sighed, eyes resting on the five foot tall 300 euro chibi Chat Noir plush staring blankly back at her. 
“LADYBUG!” Ladybug turned around to see her actual partner tangled in the vines of a plant akuma, twisting back and forth as he bludgeoned the thing with his staff. Blinking, Ladybug looked down at the Lucky Charm’d shears she had in her hand. 
“Oooooooh...that’s right,” Ladybug winced, suddenly remembering what she had been doing before the incredibly expensive doll of her partner had caught her attention. “Sorrysorrysorry!” 
“No rush!” Chat Noir grunted, wriggling his other arm out of the akuma’s clutches. “Not like I’m about to be devoured by the entire produce section or anything!” 
“Sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy!” Ladybug called, voice warbling as she swung through the air, landing next to Chat Noir. “Hey...so you know how it’s twelve days until two months until my next birthday?” 
“I will buy you the dumb plushie if you would please, respectfully, help me stop this thing before it spreads any further!” Chat Noir hissed, wincing as Ladybug’s shears sliced through his bonds. He flopped back against the ground with a groan as Ladybug leaned over him, face inches from his. 
“Does this mean I get to pick my prize next time too?!” Ladybug chirped, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her eyes were sparkling with a glint that told him she had yet another insane idea about to burst fully formed from her brain like a Looney Tunes Athena.
“There needs to be a next time first!” Chat Noir sighed, gently grabbed her cheeks and tilted her head back up towards the monster attacking the city. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I’ll take care of it,” Ladybug said, grabbing his hands and hauling him to his feet. “You know, that plushie is really expensive-” 
“So I’ve heard,” Chat Noir said, ducking as Ladybug twirled her shears like a helicopter, slicing through them as they beat a path towards the heart of the akuma. 
“-but, you know, movie tickets for two are much more affordable,” Ladybug said, squeaking as Chat Noir grabbed her around the waist to gently pull her out of the way of a giant vine that slammed down from above thm. 
“Those are getting pretty costly these days,” Chat Noir said evasively, extending his staff as Ladybug wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He vaulted them up over the streets, twisting in mid-air and sending them both crashing on a rooftop nearby. They rolled for a few feet and ended up with Ladybug on top of him, a teasing smirk on her lips.   
“But that’s something we could both enjoy,” Ladybug said, finger lightly jingling the bell that hung around his neck. “Come on, kitty; what’s wrong with having a little fun together?” 
Think about Marinette, Chat Noir thought to himself, forcing himself to ignore the objectively pretty girl in a form-fitting supersuit sitting in his lap. Sweet...beautiful...sane Marinette!
“I’m just saying a guy who’s the toast of the town should have an equally miraculous lady on his arm,” Ladybug said, sparkling blue eyes batting at him from behind her long eyelashes. This close he could see, for the first time, a constellation of freckles that stretched their way across Ladybug’s face. Her breath tickled his parched lips, so close he could almost taste her lip gloss. 
“How long are you gonna pretend you don’t want to be with me?” Ladybug asked, head tilting to one side as she regarded her partner like a lioness regarded a gazelle. 
“Who’s pretending?” Chat Noir said, voice cracking and drawing a giggle from Ladybug who rolled off him, kipping up and landing on her feet. 
“Okay, deny yourself all you want,” Ladybug said, shooting him a wink. “I’m just gonna have to keep showing you how awesome I am until you admit it.” 
With a flip, Ladybug fell off the building, latching on to a skyscraper and swinging around with a mighty whoop of joy as Chat Noir fell back against the rooftop with a sigh. 
“That girl never gives up…” He muttered, hands pressed against his burning cheeks. ______________________________
@Chat_Noir_Official: this could be us but u playin
At two thirty in the morning, Adrien blinked wearily at the image on Ladybug’s timeline that showed her staring straight into the camera as a gigantic overstuffed Chat Noir grinned at him from behind her. 
“Plagg...were all Ladybugs completely out of their minds?” 
“Not like this one, kid,” Plagg said, patting him on the head. “Not like this one.”
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Chapter 14: Oikawa x reader
Hey! Sorry for the late update, I’ve had a hectic past few days. We’re getting super close to the end of this fanfic, I love you if you’ve stuck with it this long. I think next week’s chapter is going to be the final one so stay tuned :) 
Oikawa POV:
During class on Monday, I could barely keep my eyes open. Our teacher seemed to lecture for hours, and every minute seemed to take a week. To occupy myself, I simply stared at Y/n. 
It had started when she had first become our manager, when I was trying to get a reading on her and whether or not she would be a good fit for the team. In the end, I just found her a billion times more interesting than anything else. 
With my head resting on my palm, I watched her scribble violently on the page in front of her, her head tilted and forehead scrunched up. It didn’t look like she was taking notes, which meant she was probably drawing. I knew that it was a hobby of hers--she always seemed to have lead stains on her finger tips from smudging--but she rarely let me look at any of her work. What I had seen had blown me away, but she always would get all red and flustered if I tried to ask to see more. 
It seemed that she was having a particularly hard time with the sketch she was doing now, her hand clenched tightly around the pencil in frustration and an annoyed look on her face. I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing as she began cursing under her breath, erasing violently. 
I sighed. How was she so pretty? And what was I going to do? Because being close to her all the time without confessing was looking more and more impossible with every day that went by. 
Y/n POV:
The bell rang and I let out a long breath, closing my notebook and packing away my pencils. I glared one more time at the stupid sketch of Iwaizumi and Oikawa, which just didn’t look right! It was something about Iwa’s nose that was off…Since I was in class, I didn’t want to risk using my phone for a reference picture, but I would fix it later. 
As I got to my feet, Oikawa came over to stand by my desk, hitching his bag on his shoulder. He had taken off his white blazer and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, his red tie a little loose around his neck. 
“God that was so horrendous…” he groaned, running a hand through his hair. I nodded, laughing as he made a face at the teacher. I noticed a few girls glaring at me out of the corner of my eye, but I ignored them. He wasn’t with them right now; he was with me. 
I swung my bag over my shoulder, scooping up my sketchbook and following Oikawa out of the classroom. Iwaizumi met us in the crowded hall, glowering at everyone who passed. When he saw us, he looked vaguely relieved, which instantly melted back into annoyance as we started the journey out of the packed space. 
We were almost to the door when a first year sprinted around a corner, crashing directly into me. I grunted and dropped my sketchbook, papers scattering everywhere. 
“Oh sorry! I’m late to class!” The first year said, not even trying to help me clean up as he took off once again down the hall. 
“Hey!” Iwaizumi yelled, looking ready to chase down the students and make him apologize. 
“It’s fine,” I sighed, patting his arm and leaning down to start scooping up my papers. Iwa and Oikawa moved to help me, and I felt my heart practically stop as I realized what they would see. 
Too late. Both Iwa and Oikawa stared at the pictures scattered on the ground, Oikawa’s mouth slightly open and even Iwa’s eyes a bit wide. 
They were all of Oikawa. 
Ok, maybe not all of them. Some of them were sketches of the whole team, or of Iwaizumi. I had a bunch of all us three, and some just random doodles. But the majority were of Seijoh’s captain, different angles, different styles, color or no color, his hands, his eyes, his hair. Dear god, it was like looking at Oikawa through a many lensed mirror. 
I felt my entire body flush, and I quickly began to snatch up the papers as fast as possible, not caring if they crumpled or tore. 
“Woah, what are you doing? Be careful with them!” Oikawa said, carefully stacking the drawings and handing them to me in a neat stack. His cheeks were tinted pink, but he smiled widely. “Why are you so red, Chibi-chan? These are amazing!”
“Ugh,” I was so embarrassed I could barely speak. “You-it’s not-you’re just easy to draw!” 
Oikawa grinned smugly. “Hear that Iwa-chan? Y/n likes drawing me! Makes sense--I am extremely attractive, after all.” 
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and smacked Oikawa on the back of the head. “Stupid pretty boy,” he grunted. 
My laugh was a bit strained, but I managed to stuff all the papers away before getting to my feet. “Let’s get out of the middle of the hallway.”
As we walked outside, Oikawa turned to me. “Have you ever considered going to art school?” 
I blinked in surprise. I had in fact considered applying to a few, but I knew my parents would never let me go. How did he know that? 
“A bit but...my parents…”
Both Iwa and Oikawa knew how strict my parents were, and how much I was pressured by them. Oikawa looked frustrated, crossing his arms and stopping in the middle of the path, making Iwaizumi and I turn to look at him. 
“What?” I asked. 
“I think you should apply, if that’s what you want to do.” He pointed to the sketchbook I clutched close to my chest. “Those are so good, Y/n. You could really do something with your talent.” 
I bit my lip. “But--”
Oikawa put his finger on my lips, stopping me from speaking. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. But think about it, ok? It’s your life, not your parents’.”
Later that day, I sat down on my bed and began to research art schools in Japan. 
“Alright everyone, circle up!” Coach Nobuteru yelled, and the team dropped their volleyballs and headed over to the bench. I tapped my clipboard with my pen, where I had written out comments for each of the players. “Good job today everyone. We have a practice game coming up, so keep up the good work. I’ll let Y/n give you any comments she has about your form.” 
I nodded, smiling. “Everyone has improved so much, I’m so proud of you. I just took a few notes to hopefully help you out.”
I went around and read my comments, which were pretty brief, before letting everyone start cleaning up. 
I began picking up extra volleyballs while the boys changed, rolling up the net and packing up my stuff. My team began filtering out, waving to me as they left. 
“Have a good day!” 
“See you tomorrow!” 
I grinned. “Great job again everyone!” 
Iwaizumi and Oikawa emerged last, and Iwa told us he had to get home to see his mom. Apparently she had started a new treatment where she needed to be in the hospital far more, so he wanted to see her at home when he could. 
I turned to Oikawa, shuffling my feet a little bit. “Um.”
He looked at me curiously. “Yeah?”
“Well I--I don’t know, I was thinking-- I kind of want to um...learn how to serve?” 
Oikawa blinked. “You do?” 
“Yeah, I just. I don’t know, I always give you guys criticism, but I don’t even know how to play. I know I won’t be very good but I just thought…” I trailed off. 
When I glanced up at Oikawa, his eyes were bright and excited. “Oh my god, you’re so cute! I’ll totally teach you how to serve, I’m the best after all.”
I sighed, laughing a little. “Ok then. What do I have to do?”
Oikawa rolled the basket of volleyballs over to the end of the court, showing me how to hold the ball and position myself. 
As I expected, I was absolutely horrendous. I hit the net over and over, or my tosses were too weak to even get close. I cursed violently, but Oikawa thought it was hilarious. He was a good teacher, and obviously an excellent server, but I couldn’t seem to get the hang of it. 
“Don’t worry, it takes a lot of practice. It took me years to get this good.” 
“Ok…” I pouted. 
“Here,” Oikawa wrapped his arms around my waist, adjusting my arms and stance. I shivered, the feeling of his muscles flexing behind me making my heart race. “You throw it like this.” 
He tossed the ball in the air and spiked it hard over the net. I leaned my head back to look at him and smiled. “I think I’ll leave the serving to you.” 
His face was inches away and he gently touched my chin. “Whatever you say, Chibi-chan.” 
We packed up the volleyballs and net, and I locked the door as we headed out. The sky had darkened, and I shivered a little as we headed towards the student parking lot. 
“What are you doing tonight?” I asked, glancing at Oikawa. 
“Ugh, just homework mostly. I have an essay coming up that’s due soon.” 
“Oikawa-san!” A voice called from behind us. “How are you?” 
We both turned, and I clenched my teeth as two pretty girls moved across the grass towards us. I noticed Oikawa grimace before his fake smile was pulled across his face like a mask. 
“Hey! I’m doing good. How are you?” 
One of the girls giggled. “Great. Are you busy tonight?”
I swallowed, turning away without looking at Oikawa. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Oikawa-san.” 
I walked away towards the cars, not looking back. I could hear the girls still talking, but I tugged my beats from around my neck and placed them over my ears to block them out. 
As I unlocked my car, I felt a hand on my arm spinning me around. Oikawa gazed down at me imploringly, tugging my headphones off my ears. 
“Why’d you leave me like that?” He asked, looking betrayed. 
“Huh? I thought you’d want to talk to them.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re so oblivious.” 
I raised my eyebrows. “So you didn’t want to talk to them?”
“No, why would I when I have you?”
I went red, hiding a smile. “Ok then.” 
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
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et-lesailes · 5 years
missing linc // chapter three
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series masterlist
pairing: ceo!dad!steve x reader
word count: 2950
series summary:  you are a college student working at a daycare full time during your summer break, and you have grown especially fond of one of the toddlers in your class, lincoln rogers. you are certainly not expecting to develop such a huge crush on his dad steve when you meet him for the first time, but you can’t help but be attracted to the businessman– despite the fact that he’s married. however, as intelligent and mature as steve comes across, he has a few secrets behind his marriage- one in particular he may never be able to make up for.
series themes: romance, drama, age gap, infidelity, smut in later chapters
chapter summary: steve and reader start getting to know each other more. while steve is on his business trip, reader is asked to babysit and ends up seeing something she definitely was not meant to see...
taglist:  @viarogers , @evanstush , @chibi-crazy , @chalamet-evans , @world-of-losers , @songforhema, @sebabestianstan101 , @tanyam93 , @bval-1, @wonderwinchester , @little-miss-exo, @poerebel , @pining-and-tired , @gogomez-509 , @patzammit, @a-distantdreamer, @malthestorytellerblog, @rainbowkisses31, @jbug491writinghelp, @quaiderade, @melannie77, @gigistorm, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @firstangeldragonranch, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @honeyloverogers, @capsiclesdoll, @qrndevans, @mcueveryday, @drkstrangeson, @bangtan-serendipity, @heyyouwiththeassbutt, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyiamthatbitch, @captainscanadian, @kaithezaftig, @morganhoran1671, @booktease21, @hista-girl, @steeeeverogers, @okilover02, @collete04, @sadella-adams, @rumoured-whispers, @aletteredaffair, @shannon124, @isawritesstories, @knuffeltuff, @wxntersoldiers, @kelbabyblue, @macgruberrr, @troublermalik, @deepmuffinspymaker
notes: i swear if the taglist notification thing doesn’t work this time i will just resort to sending out an email newsletter to yall like i just am so done w tumblr ok. anyways, just wanted to say thank you guys for all the love and support you’ve been giving me for this fic, and tbh if you wanted to give a little extra tonight i’d really appreciate it because i’m having a suuuuper shitty night. :c
** please send an ask if you would like to be added to the taglist!
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For the rest of that week, Steve dropped off and picked up Linc from daycare, much to you and your coworkers’ delight. Besides his enthralling looks, he was a genuinely charming and kind person, and it was easy to keep up conversation with him. He did not come past 6 again, but he did generally come at around 5:45 or 5:50, which still had Linc being the only toddler left in the class with you.
You supposed because it was just the two of you there with Linc and no other children for you to watch, it had been a given that there would be more conversation. He did not have to rush to get anywhere and neither did you, and so each day became hanging around slightly more whether it be in the classroom or out on the parking lot, chatting just a bit more than the day before. You would make sure to clean the room before he got there so he could walk you out, and you couldn’t help but wish this could be an everyday routine-- unfortunately, he had told you he would be traveling again just the next week.
You now knew a little more about him, and he about you. He knew you were a college student, a soon-to-be junior, to be exact. He knew you studied psychology and that you eventually wanted to work with children and child development. He knew where you were from, your favorite foods, hobbies, interests-- mainly the basics, really, nothing too deep. He had told you that he was a CEO of a pharmaceutical company and that he grew up in New York. He liked running and exercise in general (of course) and drawing-- he had even shown you a few photos of some sketches he did in his spare time and you were blown away, especially upon a particularly realistic portrait of Linc as an infant. He had told you that he loved seeing the ocean and that he wanted to be able to take Linc to the beach soon, hoping his son would appreciate the water just as much as he did.
When Sunday night came around, you were a little sad knowing that you would not be seeing Steve the next day. You weren’t even sure when he’d be back-- when you had asked, he said that it depended on how long it would take for him to get his current project done. Still, being with Linc throughout the days felt even more special than it did before. Now that you knew he got so many of his traits from his father, you felt more connected to him thanks to the many conversations you had shared with Steve throughout the past week.
You hadn’t expected to hear from Steve while he was gone; he hadn’t even sent you a message ever since he got your number, probably because he hadn’t needed any babysitting during that time. However, when a random number popped up on your lockscreen with a message underneath it at 1:30 AM on Wednesday, your heart skipped a beat simply from seeing the name that came with it.
Hi Y/N. It’s Steve. How are you?
Why were you acting like a girl with her first crush over this? You had been about to go to sleep, figuring you probably should since you had to be up at 8, but now you simply had to reply. You saved his number to your contacts before texting back.
Y/N: Hi Steve! I’m good, what about you? How’s the Philippines?
The screen showed him typing already, and you couldn’t deny you were pleased. The thought of having his full attention made you feel unnecessarily happy, but you also needed to force yourself to stop thinking about it so much.
Steve: Great. The beaches here are beautiful, I think you’d like them too.
He was already typing again and so you waited, biting your lip as you stared at the screen.
Steve: I told Tiana that you were open to babysitting and she wanted me to check with you if Thursday night would work. Maybe from around 6:30-9:30? She has a dinner event for work.
Y/N: Sure, I’m available that night! I’d love to help
Steve: I’ll let her know. Thank you- how much do you charge?
Y/N: Would $15 an hour work?
Steve: $25 it is ;-) Thanks again. Have a good night, Y/N.
You blinked and widened your eyes, wondering if he had made a typo, though the winky face told you otherwise.
Y/N: Wait, you meant 15 right?
You waited a few moments, but unlike before, no typing bubbles appeared.
Y/N: Just to clarify, 15. Just 15! 25 is too much!
Again, no typing bubbles. You stared at the screen in disbelief, though you couldn’t help but smile. Not because of the extra money, but just because of him. This was not good. You could not be catching feelings for Steve, it made absolutely no sense. You still barely knew the guy, and he was a married man, for God’s sake.
Putting your phone on your nightstand, you sighed as you settled into bed, wondering if you should explore dating options within your school-- anything to get your mind off Steve.
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Thursday came around faster than you thought it would. Steve had texted you the address the night before, and you were now on your way there from work-- your boss had actually let you leave slightly early for once, and so you figured you’d just show up and wait in your car so Tiana did not feel rushed. She had seemed grateful to you when she had come to pick Linc up-- she had assured you she would have him fed before you got there, so you would only need to bathe him and get him ready for bed.
When you turned down Steve’s road itself, you were already in shock as you stared at the huge houses lining the street. Of course, Steve’s was at the very end and the most grand of them all, extending father both horizontally and vertically looking like a mansion right out of a movie. As you pulled into the long driveway, you noticed three cars-- Steve’s Mercedes, which made sense because he had probably been dropped off to the airport, and two others. One had to be Tiana’s, perhaps the other was another car they both used? To be honest, you were surprised there weren’t even more cars in the driveway, if that was the case.
You parked in a spot that was out of the way of all three cars, not knowing which one Tiana would use-- the driveway was quite roomy, and even if you were on the far side of it, it was probably the most convenient seeing she’d need to get out. You were parked on the other side of a rather large Range Rover, your much smaller car practically hidden behind it. Checking your phone, you saw that it was only 6. Eh, you could probably just go ahead in-- now that you were already in the driveway, it felt weird to simply sit there. You were about to open the car door when you noticed movement coming from one of the home’s large windows. When you looked towards it, your eyes immediately widened.
There stood Tiana and a male who was certainly not Steve, engaged in a rather steamy lip lock as his hands moved over her waist. She was continuously trying to pull back but giggling at the same time, clearly not bothered by the situation, gladly allowing him to keep pulling her back in for more kisses. You froze, staring in shock before making yourself look away, completely in disbelief. She was cheating on Steve? Who the hell could cheat on Steve? The more you thought about it, the more angry you got, but you took a deep breath. It was not your responsibility to be upset with her or lecture her, but you could tell Steve about what you had seen. In fact, you were itching to at that very moment, but the curtains suddenly closed and you were frozen again. Had she seen you? Did she know that you saw her? Did staying in your car look too suspicious, like you were spying? To make it seem like you had just gotten there, you quickly got out of the car, sliding your phone in your pocket. You could tell him after she left.
Trying to act as normal as possible, you walked up to the front door and rang the bell. She answered moments later, a smile on her face as she opened the door, though you could tell she looked a little nervous. “Hi there, Y/N!” You smiled in return as best as you could. “Hi, Tiana. Sorry I’m a little early, I got off work earlier than expected and figured I’d just head here. Is that okay?”
“Of course,” she assured, perhaps assuming she was in the clear if you didn’t seem like you knew anything. “Linc actually ended up passing out pretty early tonight, he was exhausted after dinner,” she explained as she let you in, and you couldn’t help but discreetly look around while listening to her; where did the man go? “So you can just sit back and relax-- there’s books in the study if you’re into reading, or the TV has Netflix, Hulu, cable, whatever you wanna watch. Oh, and feel free to help yourself to anything in the kitchen.”
She showed you around the main parts of the house just so you would know where everything was, and although you were still tense about what you had just witnessed, you couldn’t help but marvel at how luxurious this house was. It did not even seem like a toddler lived there until she showed you the playroom, Linc’s nursery where he was fast asleep, and even his own personal bathroom. She showed you where his diapers and other personal items were in case he were to wake up before bringing you back downstairs. You were still extremely confused on where her little “boyfriend” could be, wondering if he had actually snuck out of the house-- until she called out, “David? Are you still in the study?”
‘Wait, what?’ you thought, now even more shocked than before. She was blatantly admitting to having this man in her home? She looked to you with a smile. “David is one of my associates at work. We were just going over a presentation we have tonight.”
‘Is it a presentation on French kissing?’ you thought to yourself in disbelief, seeing she was clearly trying to make it seem like they were only coworkers. “Ah, I see,” you said politely nonetheless, then looked up as David came into the room, dressed in a suit and tie matching the shade of Tiana’s dress. “Hi. My name’s Y/N,” you introduced yourself, and he shook your hand with a smile. “David. Nice to meet you.”
“Alright, we should get going-- wouldn’t hurt to get there early.” Tiana picked up her purse. “Thank you again, Y/N!” You nodded and waved them off, waiting until they left before letting out an exhale and turning around, making your way to the living room. It was a little disappointing that Linc was sleeping, considering you had been excited to play with him, but at the same time, maybe it was for the best. You wouldn’t be able to have this conversation with Steve if you were bathing a hyper one-year-old. Plopping down on one of the leather couches, you took your phone out and typed a message.
Y/N: Hey Steve, are you busy right now? Think you could call me?
You figured telling him over the phone would be better rather than simply in a text, and besides, you did not exactly want potential screenshot evidence that you were involved in this mess, if it were to somehow come back to bite you in the ass. Your phone dinged a few minutes later and you immediately turned it on silent, even though there was no possible way Linc could hear it all the way from his nursery. The only reason you would even be able to hear him was because of the high tech baby monitor on the TV stand.
Steve: In a meeting right now, so unfortunately I can’t at the moment. Why? Is everything okay?
You couldn’t help but take note that he was texting you despite being in a meeting, but then reminded yourself to stay focused.
Y/N: I saw something and I wanted to talk to you about it. Just call me whenever you’re free? Linc is sleeping so I should be able to answer.
Steve: Sounds good. You’re okay though right?
You hated how nice he was, how thoughtful-- only because it was making you more angry that Tiana would have the nerve to cheat on him.
Y/N: Yes I’m okay it’s not about me or anything. Just call me as soon as you can okay?
Steve: Ok. Talk to you soon.
You started scrolling through Instagram to distract yourself, but you still couldn’t believe it. This probably had to do with what Stephanie had been saying about Steve and Tiana seeming to have an odd relationship based on how they acted with one another; had Tiana really been cheating for that long, though? How could she live with herself? You felt so disgusted with her, getting more and more irritated that she couldn’t appreciate what literally any woman in this universe would-- being married to Steve Rogers.
You realized you weren’t even looking at the photos on Instagram but rather absentmindedly continuing to scroll with your thumb; God knows how many you had missed. Sighing, you swiped out of the app and leaned back on the couch, resting your head back and staring up at the ceiling. What would happen now? Were you about to destroy a marriage? You felt guilty thinking about it that way, but it had to be done, right? It was wrong to withhold such information from Steve, he deserved to know.
Thankfully your phone rang, and you answered it almost immediately, just wanting to get this over with. “Hi, Steve. Thanks for calling me…”
“Of course, Y/N. I have a bit of time before my next meeting. What’s going on? I gotta say, you’re worrying me here…”
You wished you could tell him it was alright, but you really couldn’t, and you felt horrible.
“I, uh-- there’s really no easy way for me to say this Steve, but… um, well, I got to your house a little early,” you finally began, trying not to be so tongue tied. “And I saw Tiana in the window and… w-well… she was kissing another guy.”
There was silence for a few seconds, and your heart was racing. Why were you drowning in anxiety over here? You could only imagine how Steve felt in this moment. Was he just going to hang up on you? Was he going to explode? Was he going to cry? You didn’t know him well enough to know how he would take news like this, and each second was killing you.
“I.. see.” He finally spoke, and you bit your lip, wondering if he was maybe still processing. He sounded strangely emotionless, but perhaps that was how he showed his own disappointment or upset feelings. “I-- uh, wow. Thank you for telling me, Y/N.” You blinked. How was he so composed? Was this what being an adult was about? Maybe he was far too mature for you, because had you been in his shoes, you would have probably been flipping out. “Are you okay?” you somewhat blurted out, wondering if he was maybe just bottling up his feelings. “You.. you can talk to me about it, if you want, I mean I know it’s none of my business and that we barely know each other and that I just take care of your son but-- I, I’m sorry, I just--”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” he cut you off, and you swore that based off the sound of his voice, he was even smiling a little. “I really appreciate it. I think I just need some time to process and think about all of this. I wasn’t really expecting a call like this, you know?” You immediately nodded despite the fact he couldn’t see you. “Yeah, yeah of course. I get it. I-- I guess I’ll let you go, then? Again, I’m sorry, I just thought you should know… it felt wrong if I didn’t tell you.”
“Of course. You did the right thing.” Steve assured you, and you felt a weight lifted off your shoulders-- and then you felt guilty for even having that weight there in the first place. You had no reason to be feeling as if you were the burdened one from this. You wanted to help him as best as you could, but he was right. He needed some time to himself. “I’ll talk to you later, Y/N.”
You said your goodbyes and hung up, a loud sigh escaping your lips. You were still in shock over how… calm he was. Part of you wanted to sneak up to his and Tiana’s room to try and snoop around for more information, but you knew that was going too far. If anything, his maturity about the situation was actually somewhat inspiring, and so you picked up the remote and turned the TV on, telling yourself to stop thinking about it.
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koshofthevorlons · 5 years
The Bad, the annoying, and just plain wrong Sailor Moon Fanon
Given Sailor Moon was released back during the early 90s and the ...issues the American dubbing had, a whole lot of fanon has sprung up about the series. Some of it is good and some of it is incredibly bad -- though this most often shows up in crossovers. Years ago, I made up a list of some of the most common misconceptions which I stumbled over and figured it might worth posting here.
Crystal Tokyo
The Senshi going out of their way to make sure Crystal Tokyo will come about.
People in the 30th century are obeying Usagi because the alternatives are freezing to death or being exiled into the far reaches of space. The only people “exiled” where criminals, such as the mass murderer who eventually became Wiseman/Death Phantom.
Usagi using mind control to set herself up as Queen of the World. Both sides in the future state she was elected to her position in the future of Crystal Tokyo by the population of the world. Which yes, is unrealistic but it is shojou manga and it is worth considering what Usagi brings to the position: she’s a neigh immortal God-queen who freely gave people millennia long lifespans, access to ancient lunarian supertech, and the knowledge that when the local eldritch abomination appeared, she would be there to kick its butt. Her extremely positive reputation with various galactic powers was merely the cherry on top of all that.
Utopian and dystopia Crystal Tokyo. There is still crime in Crystal Tokyo and people are still capable of being petty and selfish creatures. It's a better world but it isn't perfect. Some of the few examples shown people outside the future versions of the cast in Crystal Tokyo are kids who bullied Chibi-Usa and snobby politicians.
Usagi/Neo-Queen Serenity
Power hungry Usagi. Her stated dream at the start of the series is being a bride and house-wife. She constantly goes on about people’s right to make their own decisions and at the end of the Dark Kingdom arc in the manga, turns down the chance to crown herself.
Usagi being an force of stasis. At the end of the series, Usagi flat-out states the need for there to be change and growth in the universe, no matter how painful that it might be at times. That at times fighting was necessary for a better future. Of how the end of a war would lead to hope for the future and how it was all part of a balance.
Usagi as some type of valley-girl or crybaby post-series. Please, give the girl some credit. She beat back several demonic invasions, saved the world several times and managed to redeem an enemy that had supposedly wiped out all life in the galaxy/universe depending on whether you're using the manga or anime. Not to mention several times going to what was certain death for her, but doing so anyway. Hell in the manga, Usagi is shown through the series growing into a highly charismatic leader and skilled fighter. And even in the anime, she is shown growing at least some.
Usagi as some insensitive clod who's incapable of being charismatic. One of Usagi's strongest traits in both the manga and anime is her incredibly sensitive to people's feeling and ability to sway people’s hearts. This is the same girl who would eventually be elected by the world's population to lead them into a new future and had such a force of presence that she managed to redeem an enemy that had supposedly wiped out all life in the galaxy/universe.
The spamming of the Ginzuishou in a anime inspired story. Manga's understandable since it had no consequences. But in the anime she only used it at full power against Death Phantom and Metallia and once in the R movie. The anime emphasized the Ginzuishou would kill her if she used it. She had three one-time saves saving her life every-time. She had plot armor for the sake of the first arc because they thought the series would end with that episode and she wished to go back to being a normal girl as she lay dying. In R she and Chibi-Usa's wish to protect each other canceled out the effects. The third time, Fiore gave up his life to save her. Each time the senshi warned her she would die from the crystal if she used it. Yet she accepted it anyway.
Guns can hurt the senshi. Anime shows the Senshi being bulletproof while the manga!senshi are blatantly superhuman.
The girls lives entire lives being wrapped up in their role as Senshi or the idea of Crystal Tokyo. ALL of girls are shown to have actual lives and dreams completely outside of their duties of being a Senshi.
The senshi all showing up to fight some no-name canon fodder. The senshi have only been together once during a whole fight and that was with Nehellenia. During S, Pluto died before Saturn appeared. The inners and outers are constantly separated and the outers tend to have their own lives to live. 
Minako, Rei or Makoto giving up Usagi for some guy who happens to come by. In the manga, the inners all pledged to each other that no matter what happens Usagi would always come first and that boys would come later because she was so precious to them.
The Senshi betraying Usagi out of their own free will. The girls have repeatedly proven willingness to die for Usagi when the chips are down. Even more importantly in the Dark Kingdom arc, when they all believed that Sailor Venus was actually Princess Serenity, their loyalty was still first and foremost to Usagi.
Haruka being super masculine. In the manga she was androgynous and enjoys both male and female outfits. Following her gender being revealed, she generally wore feminine clothing and has been show to enjoy wearing short skirts. Also, she is is canonically stated to be bisexual.
The Senshi being unwilling to kill human opponents. In the manga, the Senshi usually ended up brutally murdering their enemies. In comparison, the anime has the majority of the enemies being either mind controlled or manipulated by an outside force, but even in the anime, they were willing to kill if necessary.
Mamoru being a pedophile. In the manga, there is only a three years difference, with Mamoru seventeen years old vs Usagi's fourteen years old. In Japan, fourteen years was very much legal as the age of consent was thirteen in the Tokyo region at the time the series was being written. With marriageable age thirteen for girls and sixteen for boys with parental consent.
Mamoru being willing to betray Usagi. They are engaged by the end of the series and happily married by the end of the manga. They are quite content with each other and even in the anime where Mamoru has often acted like an ass too her he's almost always had the reason that his generally being mind control during this time of the week.
Chibiusa's hair color came from nowhere. Ikuko, Usagi's mother and Chibiusa's grandmother in the manga has pink hair.
The Senshi simply being magic users who happen to be able to draw upon a planets mana. They are literal avatar of that planet's spirit made flesh. A Senshi is born when a Sailor Crystal nest inside a newly formed planet. And are the ones affected when something happens to their planet. As long as a Senshi exists in some form their planet, star, moon, asteroid etc has a chance to be reborn at a future date. The only senshi for whom this is not true is Usagi. Instead, her starseed is implied to have been a piece of the starseed represents the universe...
Setsuna as some figure of of absolute order and/or stasis. Sailor Pluto is the 'Solider of Change AND Revolution.
Pluto using Space-Time Door as the "TV of Time.” She does not possess the ability to watch events through it. The Space-Time Door’s  purpose is time travel, nothing more.
Setsuna as a some ice princess. In canon, she is a lonely woman who loves her Princess, her closest friend is Chibi-Usa, and she considers the Outers to be her family. She has dreams (to be a fashion designer) and fears (Cockroaches). She is not some manipulative shrew but instead a person who has a job that leaves her distant and with trouble relating to other people.
Pluto manipulating events to create Crystal Tokyo or purposely killing thousands. Her job is to stop time travelers from abusing the time stream. She remained guarding the doors through the fall of the Silver Millennium, the canonical restart of evolution on Earth, and all the way into the 30th century. Pluto only left after she died trying to reach Chibi-Usa while she was Black Lady. The only reason that she was able to have a life outside of her duty is due to Neo-Queen Serenity reincarnating her backwards in time so that there are two versions that currently her existing. Her older self-guarding the Space-Time Door and the younger one living with the Outers.
Chaos, its spawn and various servants
Beryl as a super-important person during the Silver Millennium.  She was a maid and small-time witch/sorceress who made a deal with the local eldritch abomination sealed way in the sun.
Wiseman being anywhere close to that of a good guy or even neutral entity. Death Phantom is a Cosmic Horror born from the root of all evil in SM-Verse.
The Black Moon family being freedom fighters against the tyranny of Crystal Tokyo. Their ancestors are flat-out stated to be religious nuts who thought that the infinite power of the Ginzuishou and its ability to give people eternal youth went against God's will. They  willingly fled to Nemesis after being told by Wiseman they could gain they could power and are implied to be responsible for transforming the planet into the living hell it became. The very first actions that people of Nemesis took when they returned to Earth was to kill countless innocent people without mercy by bombing planet and using poison gases on civilians simply because they believed long life went against god. Both sides also state the Black Moon's goals were only about their hostility toward people’s lifespan and later, to try to take over earth.
Chaos representing “just a little chaos" or serving as a “force of change/growth.”  Chaos in Sailor Moon canon hearkens back to Chaoskampf of older myths. It is a primordial force of nothingness and destruction, which predates the Big Bang and is still salty about the universe existing. Every terrible thing, every planet destroyed, every life lost in the SM-verse all lead back to it. Chaos was behind the corruption of Galaxia, and Metallia, Death Phantom, Tau Ceti were all incarnations of it.
The Dark Kingdom only targeted Tokyo. They mind controlled everyone in China during Sailor V and it was her efforts to stop them got Venus so famous famous as Sailor V.
Calling the 'Space-Time Door' the Gates of Time.
There is no Juuban ward. Azubu Juuban is a neighborhood in the Azabu district of the Minato ward. It even says they live in Minato is volume one of the manga.  
Anime "purification" is mind control. It is repeatedly shown as the process of outside forces leaving the victim’s body. Whatever that purification is it ISN'T about enslaving people to one monochrome will, something that the Senshi's enemies often did and what they fought against tooth and nail against. It is the realization you can be yourself AND stand strong with others. And if you don't like it you are free to leave or return but not find strength and purpose in hurting others.
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artgurusauce · 5 years
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Haven’t posted here in a while since the guidelines changed but I thought “Fuck it why not” since this is so huge.
Yup just go ahead and throw some shitty google translate kanji up there you dumb American hahaha Seriously tho I was just too lazy to do dialogue in english ;w; Anyways, been scrolling through the Haudion tags on here for the past couple of days and while I already have a Haudion fic on my plate and I'd rather not do 3 fics at once, I got inspired after watching "A Silent Voice" by Kyoto Animation on Netflix after being recommended to me by several people (Yes, I am aware of the arson attack btw, that was mostly why I was getting recommended). So I decided to make a special secluded AU thing here and share it with y'all. Not gonna elaborate on this further so please don't ask me. You guys are all free to write something of your own out of this if you want, though. But this little binch is just too tired and too overworked -▽- Now I did a doodle page of Gladion and Hau as Shoko and Iida but after clicking around on here and AO3 some I decided to make a new and more original doodle sheet. Gonna go over each doodle one by one, starting from left and going to right and also starting at the top and going to the bottom. Hopefully it's not too confusing lol. Context: This AU essentially is just "If Glad was a greaser" but also "Hau is blind/deaf". Gladion is a gang member, straight up. Not much to comment on, other than he is in constant conflict with an opposing gang that sometimes trespasses on his turf (The Skull Gang). He is in fact an ex-member of this particular gang, but quit after a huge falling out in which he actually left the leader with a scar on his face. Unfortunately, I didn't get to build much on his background for this since I wanted to keep the focus on the relationship. But you can fill in the blanks. Hau is basically a Helen Keller type deal, and while he can speak it is slow and stunted and sounds very awkward. Usually when talking to someone he doesn't know, he will attempt to sound out words while using his hands to communicate. He has a special sign language he performs by tracing and moving his fingers a certain way along someone's palm. 1.) Greaser Glad Reread an AO3 fic that was Haudion drabbles. I came across a chapter titled "Seven Kisses" and a particular scene was rather interesting. After reading the comments, I found someone who I was actually familiar with and has sent me fan art before talking in-depth about a possible Haudion Greaser AU and I thought it was a pretty cool idea (Obligatory shout out to @the-kawaiifan you should totally check out her page). So this first doodle is just concept art basically. I looked up Greaser fashion and I do in fact have my own Southside Serpent leather jacket so it was pretty easy for me to draw up lol. 2-3.) First Meeting I would imagine they first meet when Hau is being mugged on Gladion's turf by Skull Gang grunts. Of course, Gladion is mostly just beating their asses for trespassing on his turf, and he drives them away pretty quickly. At first he mistakes Hau for a girl as he is rather small and feminine looking with long hair. At first he warns "her" to leave but he quickly notices it seems that "she" can't hear him. Hau eventually manages to communicate with Gladion and figure out what happened to him and he speaks aloud while tracing on his hand to thank him for his help. Gladion is off-put by this and quickly realizes Hau is actually a boy and while he feels embarrassed and shameful he shakes it off. (Dialogue in number 3 translates to "Thank You") 4.) Chibi Smoking Sucks Just a cute doodle of the boys. Hau don't like the smell of smoke. 5.) You're Beautiful Now I've been taught a lot about how blind and deaf people work and the thing I hear most often is that their other senses are extremely heightened as a result of their other senses being cut off. Basically, since less attention is put on those senses, way more attention is put on others. And in Hau's case, I'm sure that's probably double the case. Just a generic scene of one of the first times Gladion realizes he's totally in love with this cute clueless boy. He's beaten up (Fill in your own context by whom and why, personally I'd insert a Skull Gang beat down here lol) pretty badly and Hau touches his face and basically examines him and he just says out loud that he thinks Gladion is beautiful. This pretty much has greaser boy totally head over heels for him buuut he hides these feelings cause he feels like he'd just be taking advantage of Hau. (Dialogue in this one translates to "You are beautiful") 6.) Obligatory Rain Snuggle Poor poor Hau is not very popular with other kids in his neighborhood. On a particular day going on his way to visit his best friend Gladion he's cornered and beaten up by a bunch of jerkwads in his class. They steal his jacket when they see it's about to rain and leave him there. He keeps on his way to visit his friend even in the pouring rain and starts to catch a cold. By the time Glad finds him he's pretty much blubbering incomprehensibly aside from Gladion's name and sobbing profusely. Gladion offers him his jacket and lets Hau trace on his hand to tell him what happened. He just hugs Hau and takes him inside somewhere to get him warm. Gee, what a nice gangster. Is his heart warming up lately? 7.) Confession Time Obligatory confession scene. This is pretty basic. After learning from Hau how to speak in his special signing language and eventually getting over that god darn insecurity of his he confessed to Hau by tracing on his hand. Hau is shocked initially and Gladion immediately regrets it. He decides it'd be best if he just went away. He tries to leave and Hau trips trying to follow him and begging him to come back and Hau confesses he's super in love with this dumb greaser boy. They kiss and hug and all that good stuff. Happily ever after, yay~ Or is it...? (⚆_⚆) 8.) Blind/Deaf Hau I tried looking around at 1950s-1960s wear that might look cute on him, but I ended up half assing on the clothing for this one. Hope it doesn't look too out of place lol. I imagine since he's blind wearing his long ass hair up is probably unnecessary. Not much to comment on here, tbh. Ain't he cute? .w. 
I haven’t slept since yesterday when I started editing this bout to pass out now bye
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renardtrickster · 5 years
I had a weird dream last night.
The first notable thing is that I was either back in High School, or in College, and the teacher was talking to the class, something about literature and writing, and decided to use No More Heroes as a discussion point. I nerded out. This somehow culminated in the teacher pulling out copies of No More Heroes 3, pulling the class into the computer lab, handing everyone a Nintendo Switch and earplugs, and letting us play one of the missions. It was just as gory and profanity-laden as the rest of NMH is. I think somehow that mission we played related positively to trans people, not in a "Travis said trans rights" way but in this apparently profound and well-done manner that I don't remember.
So I go home to brag to my brother about it and the post-apocalypse happens. All of a sudden me and my family are living out of a van. I got into a "keikaku battle" with Dad, which entailed predicting each other's moves, and he won somehow by buying a cat and dog beforehand, and sent me to retrieve them from the trunk. It's these two white boxes that could maybe hold a sandwich, and inside is a small kitten and a tiny puppy the size of one of those wedding ring boxes. We immediately lost them. Dad sent me and my brother out to look for them, so we did, beating up raiders together. Then he got pissed when I nabbed a good weapon and like, fast-traveled to a nearby town (which I'm 90% sure was Megaton from Fallout 3), which I couldn't do, so I had to take a train.
This resulted in me meeting this one guy who was like this weird racially insensitive invention of my mind? Like imagine every Hollywood stereotype of a voodoo practitioner. He's dressed like Baron Samedi without a shirt, he's holding a machete and gestures with it when he talks. And speaking of which he talks exactly like you'd expect someone like this to talk. Deep voice, kind of crooning at me, dragging near the end of his sentences like a Disney villain, like he's about to offer me power at a great cost. Like imagine Nazeem if he talked like Jafar. The weirdest thing was though, was that he was white as shit? Like the world ended and there's this pale-ass Caucasian dude cosplaying as a racial-religious caricature and nobody can stop him. It's even worse because I don't have any affiliation with or connection to Voodoo or any place where it's practiced. I don't know why my mind would show me this What Is The Purpose?
The post-apocalypse eventually ends when we drive over the Golden Gate Bridge (I have no connection to California), and my little sister beats the crap out of some kaiju that look like turtles with spiked shells, duck heads, and snake's necks. Apparently it was these that made the world look like some dust bowl. It's also revealed that the puppy and kitten were hidden in her hair the entire time, and may have given her superpowers. So we just go home and pretend nothing happened. My brother's here too. So I show him this post because I was proud of it and he said it was cool. This segues into the weirdest part of the dream.
Some dude responds to my post, and it's a real dude whose URL I recognize and follow, which is why I'm omitting it (the real life version wouldn't do this which is additionally messed up). He just starts laying into me for no reason at all. Like it's really rude and impersonal and serious for no reason like some Literally Who commenting on your fun doodle to criticize it. One of the criticisms was that I made a character's flaw "clumsiness" which he's seen a million times, but this was in referenced to the character whose flaw was "perverted". Which either means my dreaming mind twisted the facts for no reason, or he edited the post despite directly reblogging it where anyone could see it. Then he dragged me for making a character with an impossible-to-read/pronounce name, Detective [I don't know how he spelt it but it was pronounced "neh-zeh" apparently]. The only problem being that 1) I specifically omitted everyone's names and 2) none of them have a name resembling anything like that.
The worst part was yet to pass. He talked about "how brave [I] must be" to associate Korekiyo Shinguji with triangles, because apparently he has a very obvious triangle/number 3 motif. Not only did I not mention Korekiyo at all, but his proof was fanart of chibi Korekiyo with his sclera & pupil replaced with a triangle (I literally have a character with a 3 & triangle motif why didn't he use that). Then a criticism of one character who was pound for pound a description of the probably-racist voodoo guy, who not only is not in the post, but I never mentioned him before, not even to my family. Any answer as to why he knows about that guy and my association with him is spooky. At this point it just devolves into stuff that reads like an amalgamation of predictive text, unrelated images pulled from Google, and a criticism of various characters from Call of Duty (apathetic to it), Fallout 3 (I played it once), and possibly other media/real life/"real" life probably. The only additional one I could remember was calling me tasteless for drawing parallels between Jesus Christ and some dude whose death somehow led to his two sons not getting found guilty of some crime.
It was scary on a "dude what" level. And I responded in a "dude what" way before my brother stumbled into the room. He was green-skinned, frothing at the mouth, and promptly fell over. When we got to the hospital, it became clear that by showing my brother that post, I exposed him to that dude's reblog, which was so full of cringe and What that it destroyed his immune system. At that point there was just so much going on that I woke up before something crazier happened.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S3 Ep4: Pharaoh Kitsch
Ah, I just found out what happens when you put a quesadilla in an air fryer (it was still delicious but looked a lot like modern art) So now that nothing else can possibly surprise me today lets go over to Yugioh. Bear in mind, I am still sick as a dog and my brain only recently came out of a pretty intense fog so I think this recap makes sense but it might not. Which is on brand for this show so wtv.
Tea went to hell recently. She’s still kicking. But, unfortunately in hell.
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Yugi’s still getting harassed by a swamp person who can’t stop talking about how good he is at Business.
I’ll be honest I’ve been on dates with guys professing to be Business experts (they’re not) where I basically wanted to lie on the ground exactly like this mid conversation in the middle of the damn restaurant.
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So anyways, it’s this episode where Pharaoh decides to try something new. Mostly it’s because he had only a limited number of cards to choose from but also because it’s everyone’s favorite kitschy thing that I guess is back in fashion again that’s right it’s a rainbow.
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This sounded like a joke on the show but I was just me talking to myself in this last blurb. *long, exasperated sigh*
(read more under the cut)
Anyways I just deleted about 4 or 5 different art rants (I’m pretty sure it was like 11 rants actually, I get pissssssed when I’m on Dayquil) where I pretty much snapped about trends, and it went way off topic. Apparently Dayquil me is just like up in arms about the neon 80′s pink rainbow unicorn trend that was super fun for a little while, but it’s been like 6 years and it’s *still here* and it’s like guys, while I was super down 6 years ago, now I am 30. Do any marketers out there even know how old millennials are supposed to be?
Anyway, before obsessive bad marketing happened and rainbows became a meme to comfort us in these hard times, rainbows used to be out of fashion when this episode aired in 2001. Just bear that in mind if you are a baby in the room and you think unicorn stuff everywhere is normal, it didn’t used to be. It used to be wearing multiple belts was normal and dying your bangs blonde and then parting them aloft and to the side, only allowing your freshly dyed hair to touch water maybe once a week. The cover “Mad World” just came out on the radio and we listened to it unironically. So Pharaoh using a rainbow was supposed to be a joke. Not like...a mundane thing we wouldn’t blink twice at in 2019 because rainbows are freakin everywhere.
And I should clarify that I’m referring to the the hyper cute Lisa Frank Revival. Not about how rainbows are a political symbol since the 90′s--that’s fine--that’s always been a thing, and I’m not docking the actual use of a rainbow both as a pride flag and as a Hawaiian license plate. I’m docking the market saturation of rainbows aimed at the five adults who can wear this stuff and still go to work somehow.
Anyway, a lot of Yugi’s duel is centered around Gansly making fun of his cute ass Kuriboh and saying it was too adorable to ever be effective so now I guess Pharaoh has decided to destroy the hell out of Gansly with a rainbow to get his revenge and to get his point across. Which is very Pharaoh of him despite the fact that this card is the opposite of Pharaoh’s entire emo/alt-rock aesthetic. Pharaoh just really needs to get in the last word always.
We get some more vignettes of what everyone else is up to and I gotta say they made a great use of Joey.
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Photoreal penguin sure asked a lot out of me. My brother on the other hand who freakin loves penguins was like “THIS IS THE BEST.” and I was like “but how did the penguin pick up a ROPE?” and he was like “shshshshshhh don’t ruin penguin for me!”
I guess using it’s beak? Or maybe there’s little human fingers on one of it’s little flipper wings?
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Anyways, the Kaibas have recovered from their orphanage/falling off of a cliff episode and are back to arguing in the way where Mokuba kind of lectures/begs his older brother and Kaiba goes “hhhrhhghghhhhh”
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Mokuba is also just going off about whether or not Seto was a good parent. He’s not. Seto is a terrible parent, and I am shocked that Mokuba is still surprised by this. Seto is a freakin child, but hey I guess Seto is better than a war criminal?
Mokuba just expects a lot out of Seto Kaiba. Over the course of this show, it’s becoming apparent that Mokuba is slowly starting to see the cracks in his older brother, I’m just surprised at how long it’s taking Mokuba to figure out that his brother has not just cracks but is spilling out basically everywhere and getting everyone they know possibly killed in the process. Most likely Duke Devlin. Still shocked Duke Devlin is still alive.
Mokuba’s not quite there yet, he’s still holding out. He’s still trying to reason with this kid who is flying a blimp onto an island he once blew up like a James Bond villain so he can play a bunch of cards on it. Mokuba’s...pretty delusional, but I guess so are all Kaibas.
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On the other side of town, Yugi decided he was kind of feeling bad about Pharaoh falling repeatedly on his own face. Which is also Yugi’s face. But also neither of their actual face since this is entirely in VR.
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Nothing was even fired at Yugi’s direction. He didn’t even get a chance to like...reach for his cards. He was just like “Oh damn never mind oh damn.”
Like all the rest of these characters seem like they still function pretty good at like 400 HP but Yugi is just out at like 1200 it feels like. Shouldn’t it be you can play until you hit 0? Not like it matters since Yami would just take over anyway.
On the other side of town Tea is rewriting memories with characters who were absolutely not here for this moment in S1.
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Could be that Tea has finally decided to recognize Duke and Serenity into the fold as much as Tristan, Joey and Yugi, or it could be that her memories are so freakin borked from S1 Pharaoh’s mind wipes, that she actually legitimately thinks both were there.
Funnily enough, she did not add Bakura to this memory. Whenever any other friend has had a vision where their buddies rallied them on, Bakura has always been included, but not this time. Nice. Maybe Tea is the only person who has figured out Bakura ≠ friend. Or maybe Bakura was just straight up written out of everyone’s memories when he died? Hell knows, the show still hasn’t talked about it. Bakura hella died, and no one has even talked about it. Of course no one is really next to each other at the moment so fine, I’ll let it pass.
Anyway, she decides to use this opportunity to prep for the upcoming Ironman challenge that I’m pretty sure she does once a year.
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There she goes, on her way to probably save Mokuba’s ass with her own ass, yet again. Tea and her weird strength. I have no idea where she stores it. I have no idea where it comes from. But Tea is like some sort of primal force of nature and she rarely ever uses it.
And then..........this happened.
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And then a purple horse with a scantily clad knight on it crosses this bridge to stab the fishman in the heart-it was a lot of unexpected stuff, guys. Again, completely normal for 2019. I could probably get a shirt with a rainbow and a unicorn with a knight on it from like...Target.
Oh My Oh My I just typed “unicorn on rainbow shirt target” into google and one of the first thing that popped up was a shirt with a chibi rainbow unicorn dabbing. My eyes. There were so many search results. Freakin dabbing. This particular shirt is clearly for children and not for 30′s but man I know like 6 people my age who probably already own this shirt.
Anyway, my apologies to all the fans of this fad, this is your time to shine, make the most of it, you are all valid and it is fine to love what you love. We all like different things. I’ll be here in my corner eagerly waiting for this fad to mercifully end so I can finally go back to the Tim Burton wannabe illustrator I used to be before I had to adapt to the hyper cute phase we’re in right now. I mean you have to humbly deal with the cards you’re given, and sometimes that means you have to draw some rainbows both in cards and also in actual drawings.
Doesn’t mean I have to like it.
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So, when Noah realizes he can’t exactly beat Yugi with cards he reaches for this instead:
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And guys, Yugi doesn’t even hesitate.
Like remember how Pharaoh walked straight into a creepy clown tent and shoved himself into a little tiny box in a dark room and got hellllla abducted in less than 2 minutes? It is SO EASY to abduct Yugi Muto. In fact, on seeing this magic door appear, Yugi even told Pharaoh “that’s a trap” and Pharaoh was like “that is a trap” and they both were like “I see no other options.”
When it’s like, Yugi, you are OUTSIDE. There’s no walls here--you could go literally anywhere else but the door.
But WTV, it’s Yugi logic.
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The Spy Comic (7-10 + Q&A #2 and a fic)
Alrighty guys, this took a while to post and draw!
The Spy Comic (1-6 + Amino Q&A)
The #10 took me a while to do, but otherwise I hope you guys enjoy this stupid comic!
#7 Criminal Scum
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#8 Unscripted Wrestle
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#9 Wow Wow Chibi Cuties!~~♡
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#10 A Catastrophy
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QNA #2
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And last, but not least, a little story I wrote way back in August with the origins of the Spy Crew, adding to the lore. Whoops. Yes my mind went that way.
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Agent Punny sighed deeply. How did it get to this point? How come her job doesn't bring any joy anymore? She was looking at the new recruits training, going back in her mind to what could've started all of this mess.
It started out really well. Her skills proved to be very useful in the agency, and she became the top newbie in a matter of weeks. The best agent, Agent King, invited her personally to pass the hardest test of all - becoming his partner. Nobody has passed it before, until Punny proved herself to be worthy.
She was ecstatic, for she admired him from day one. He was funny, had good work ethic and just was so super cool... And she wanted to get to know him better. At first, being the partner of the Best Agent of C.R.O.W.N. (Crime fighting Rentless Operators Whamming No good) was the best job ever. She got to spend with him every single day, going on epic missions full of danger and action. He did most of the action though, Agent Punny was very observant and helped Agent King to get through all sorts of tough situations.
Agent King turned out to be a complete workaholic. He would care only about doing a good job, and he seemed to be enjoying what he does, but Agent Punny wanted something more. She did everything in her power to grab his attention, but he only saw her as a friend and a partner. It was bumming her out a lot, to the point of having a slightly worse work performance.
She remembered it clearly - that day she almost sent Meme King to his death, by forgetting to tell him about an acid trap laid down by the enemy. They were sitting on a bridge, waiting for C.R.O.W.N. bus to pick them up, along with the bad guys...
But before Agent King could confront her about it, a guy looking just like Agent King approached them. He was immediately accepted to C.R.O.W.N., due to having great powers and high morals, and in a matter of a week, he was accepted as one of the top agents, breaking all the records the company had before. The guy was dubbed Agent King Junior, for being an almost exact copy of Agent King.
What Punny found, however, is a new friend. She was bouncing between both Agent King's, going on different missions together. But it didn't improve her mood much. While Agent King Jr. turned out to be a very good friend, he wasn't all alone and there was no way Punny was going to ruin somebody's relationship over her selfish desires.
That quickly changed on the faithful day, when C.R.O.W.N. discovered the man behind many of the troubles the company faced. His name was...
"Doctor Fell?" Agent King Junior scratched his head, as he and Agent Punny were looking through the files.
"This is a side mission the HQ has given us. In between missions we must spy at him and find out everything that we can." Agent King has already read the file and was instructing his young colleagues.
"But there's not much to read," Agent Punny raised the only sheet of paper that they had on the guy.
"The agents that tried to do research on him, have all mysteriously disappeared, so it's up to us to get the data on him." Agent King had tossed a different file towards Agent Punny. "Me and Tori will have to go on the next mission, so the first phase of data gathering falls on you."
She was looking at the bad quality photo of Dr. Fell in the files, thinking that it would be nice to have a better look. There was a written description, of course, so that it would be easier to identify him, but that side mission was for another time.
Or so she thought.
Apparently, their next mission involved stopping somebody from spreading a chemical with who-knows-what to a building full of innocent people, who turned out to be Dr. Fell himself, in flesh (or, rather, bone). Both she and Agent King had a good look at Fell, before he escaped, not before they managed to stop him from poisoning an entire building. As she suspected, his golden tooth and wide grin looked better in person. And his coat looked absolutely badass, making him look really cool. Agent Punny kept reminding herself that Fell was an enemy.
That night Agent King and King Jr. located the house Fell was living in and tried getting in, but were almost killed by the traps set by the Doctor. Their clothing was all scratched and cut, and Agent King had a piranha stuck to his cloak, but they were all alive and well, and brought a lot of data to the company.
Ever since then, both Agent King's and Agent Punny were rotating in spying at Dr. Fell. Agent Kings mostly tried getting as much data on the traps as possible, and she was spying on Fell whenever he got out in public in civilian clothes.
Little did they know that Doctor Fell was completely aware of the eyes on his house and himself. He was really annoyed at the fact that a couple of stubborn idiots were sticking their noses, where they weren't suppose to. He didn't want them to know what's he's been experimenting on, and went an extra mile to set up high security around his house and motion detectors with mini cameras on his neighbours houses. Eventually, Agent Kings were getting more and more traps, and spent a lot of time disabling them, but they could never make it in time. Fell made a habit of going out for not more than an hour at the time, which sort of annoyed Agent King, who had never had trouble with traps beforehand.
He also noticed that some goat lady monster was seemingly following him around, whenever he went out. Intrigued, he decided to lure her closer, thinking she had something to do with those annoying skeletons in his backyard. She was definitely not bad looking, from the footage he'd seen of her spying on his house.
Agent Punny was appointed to spy on Doctor Fell all the time, for Agent Kings got busy with plenty of missions she wasn’t aware of. Though whenever they got free, they would check on her or even replace her, if she was falling from exhaustion. To Fell’s disappointment, the goat lady was never truly alone. She would either be with those pesky skeletons, or other agents of all sorts, and she would always be nice to them. He sometimes teleported to listen to what they were talking about, and not too long after that he decided to pursue after Agent Punny and spend a night with her.
And, oh boy, did he succeed… But she was getting ahead of herself.
Whenever she was alone or wasn’t looking, he’d slip little notes and gifts in her surroundings and even her pockets. Agent Punny was rather puzzled, but it didn’t take her too long to figure out who it was from. She did notice a skeleton hand putting a flower in her pocket once and, in the rare instances she was left alone, one time he opened up the window on the front and blatantly waved at her! Something irked her to keep this attention to herself, though. It was mysterious and special. Eventually, she was looking forward for those little things and she kept every single note to herself. Just like Fell hoped and planned.
And none of the C.R.O.W.N. agents could get close even to the front door.
But then, it happened. Something that would completely change her outlook on things.
One hot afternoon, after a night in a casino, she didn't have time to change to casual clothing from her field dress, so she was hanging out around Fell's house, looking at the front door, being totally fabulous. She remembered, how the sun was burning everybody alive, and how loudly nature made itself known with the birds and the insects singing together in chaotic harmony. She was under a tree shade, though, so the sun wasn't as bad on her fur. To her surprise, she heard a voice from behind her back:
"Hey there, Sweet Momma, I've noticed you've been hanging out around my house a lot."
It. Was. Fell!!! Her heart started to beat fast, and she tried to keep her cool, but she suddenly started sweating and her cheeks turned red involuntarily. Thankfully her shades were shielding her panicked eyes. She noticed him getting closer as he said just loud enough for her to hear:
"Why don't you come over and have a cup of coffee?"
He was inviting her to his house?! WHAT??? How did it even-
The next thing she knew is that she was sitting in his living room, holding a cup of iced coffee and him sipping his own coffee next to her. Her cheeks were red from how flustered she felt. She just stared at her mug and muttered:
"I don't even like coffee..."
She could hear Fell putting down his half empty mug on the coffee table, and reaching for her mug, levitating it with his magic.
"Well, you don't have to drink it if you don't want to."
Her special C.R.O.W.N. mobile device started vibrating in her pocket, getting Agent Punny's head back in place just enough.
"I-I really shouldn't be here-"
"Ssshhh..." her sunglasses were lifted up with magic and her eyes met with his. When did she turn her head?
"They can wait after we have some fun~"
He knew that at this point, she wouldn’t say no.
She snapped back into reality, and turned towards her colleague Agent Screen, that has been calling for her for the past minute.
"Are you alright? You've been zoning out a lot for the past hour without moving an inch."
"Ah... Mmm, I'm alright." She stood straight up and stretched, bringing relief to her stiff body.
"You sure? We're all worried about you."
She noticed other agents were looking at her with worry in their eyes, making her smile nervously.
"Well, don't worry about me, I'm really fine. Maybe tired a bit. I'm gonna go to the chill room and grab a snack or something..."
She waved to the agents that were looking at her and hurried to the lounge. Agent Screen coughed and fixed the screen on his head, as the Special Forces caretaker Agent Dance asked:
"Was it me, or was she smiling the second before she snapped back to reality?"
Drinking some tea and munching on a sandwich, she was sitting in her favorite spot in the corner, where she could watch other agents come and go. Agent Cocoa was snoring on one of the couches and Agent Scram seemed to be very busy with his documents. She wanted to get her situation sorted out, so she tried to remember what was the last thing she was thinking about...
... Oh that.
She still remembered what happened that day and night. They were definitely having LOTS of fun. The next morning she woke up in Fells bedroom, completely naked and alone, in shock of what had happened. She sat up, looking for her dress, which had been carefully laid on a chair next to the bed. Grabbing the blanket to cover herself, she got to her dress and pulled it towards herself, searching for her C.R.O.W.N. mobile device. She flipped it open, to see at least a 50 missed calls and around a 100 new messages. Knowing that the 10 agents that tried to contact her must be worried sick, so she wrote her superior, Agent King, that she had infiltrated the house...
... But why does she feel so bad about telling on Fell to the CROWN HQ?
Punny sent the message and sat on the bed, with the blanket covering her front and her hands pressed against the chin. It didn't take her long to realize why she was feeling bad.
"Good morning, hun~" she heard and felt a peck on the cheer.
I don't want to work for C.R.O.W.N. anymore, she thought.
She felt something being put on her knees. It was a plate with bacon, eggs and thick pancakes, complete with a side of mustard being poured all over the bacon.
"Breakfast is served~"
At first she smiled and thought that it was a really nice gesture, but then she remembered who was she with.
"I can't eat this! What if you laced it with poison?!"
Fell looked as if he was deeply insulted.
"Why would I poison the food I eat myself?"
As to prove her wrong, he grabbed a piece of bacon off her plate and ate it in front of her. She just stared at him and started giggling. She had a good knack for when people were lying, and this was not the case here.
That was a start of a very weird relationship. She never reported on what she did with Fell in his house, but she did report on some other things. Like how he said that she's welcome to come over anytime. Agent Punny didn't use the privilege often, though. Mainly because her co-worker friends wouldn’t leave her side anymore.
He'd start bringing her tea at times or other snack food and chit chat when the other agents weren't looking. They had a lot in common, surprisingly, and the chats were always warming her heart. Sometimes he would tease her, by kissing her in front of other agents and flipping them off before disappearing... And the more Fell did that, the more the thought returned to her head.
I don't want to work for C.R.O.W.N. anymore.
I don't want to work for C.R.O.W.N. anymore!
She looked at the empty paper cup in her hand with a wet teabag on the bottom of it. Is she really ready to leave the agency she's been apart of for many years now? Two months ago she'd say no.
"Tori! Quick!" Agent King teleported to the room, disturbing Agent Scram’s documents, making them fly all over the room, and ran up to her. "We've got information of Dr. Fell!"
She looked rather calm. "What's wrong?"
"We've got information on where that evildoer  will appear next! He's got some evil plan going on! Make sure to look presentable!" He teleported away with a pop.
"Oh boy..."
Right after that the first comic of the spy series happens.
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nutslovesdolts · 6 years
Qrowin week submission day 1
Family feast
Winter sat alone in the cold empty Atlas base. She was tasked with keeping it secure during the Non-descript winter holiday while the rest of the troops and supplies were moved back to Atlas.
The base was a relatively small one just south of Vale and not that far from the island of the Xiao Long home, nevertheless it used to be a pretty important stronghold before the fall of beacon, now it was moot point. They had already moved most everything out, Her main objective was to prevent looters and scavengers from taking what was left.
It wasn't that she had anywhere to go anyways, there was no way she would ever go home and risk scrutiny from her father as always. Being in the military they usually held a short gathering where there were festive rations and decorations, nothing like the overly extravagant parties her father would throw.
No, she was alone.
The only sound coming from the small empty halls was the ticking of a clock that was left for some reason down the hall. This was the life she had chosen, and this is how it would be.
She had planned to spend this year with Qrow at the Xiao Long homestead but she knew deep down it was too good to be true.
She was cold
As soon as Qrow’s foot touched the porch of the Xiao Long home he was instantly tackled by Ruby seeming to materialize out of nowhere.
Qrow -Hey easy there kiddo, you hit harder than most Grimm hehe
Ruby -Uncle Qrowwwwww!... hi
Qrow -Heya kid, where’s your dad? Who else is here?
Ruby -Dad is helping Yang in the shed, Weiss, Blake and Jaune are here, Nora and Ren are upstairs getting ready, thats it so far.
Qrow -haha no Winter? It’s not like her to be late…
Ruby -You didn’t see her letter? She has to watch some old Atlas base, she can’t come.
Qrow looked over the note and frowned a little bit, at least if she had some other troops or something there he would have felt a bit better, but alone?
It's not that she couldn’t take care of herself, Boy does he know she can, but being alone… it was something that both he and Winter finally could be without.
They had only finally confessed to each other during a duel which left them both breathless and at a draw. Winter’s cold hard deminer finally broke down as she started to laugh, it wasn't a shrill cockey laugh as he had expected, it was a beautiful warm laugh that seemed to make the world brighten up a little. It put Qrow at ease and the uncontrollable urge to laugh as well washed over him.
Qrow -Hey Ice Queen
Winter still laughing a bit -hmm?
Qrow -how much longer can we keep this up?
Winter -I…
Qrow - we are evenly matched, all we do is fight, your laugh is perfect and I don't think I want to keep fighting a flock of angry mini nevermors every time I see you.
Winter -Oh I definitely had the upper han.. Wait what (a look of curious surprise came over her face and He saw a slight twinkle in her eyes), you think what?
Qrow smirking -I just don’t think that was proper form hehe, you wanna grab a drink or something? (he said reaching out his hand to help her up)
Winter (grabbing his and and pulling him down to her) -I think we’ve earned it haha
Qrow handed the letter back to Ruby
Qrow -thanks pipsqueak (he said with a melancholy smile)
Ruby noticed this and grabbed his arm -come on in its cooollldd
As the two walked inside and was created by the warm house with smells of holiday food and cheer filling the air (*1)
Later Tai and Yang came back in dressed in ugly holiday garb with lights flashing through the santa grimm laden sweaters,  with overszed bells, causing Ruby to fall out of her chair laughing, making Weiss crack her first real smile of the evening.
Qrow seemed distant for the entire event which was unspokenly noticed by the Tai, Yang and Ruby., the three huddled together and hatched a scheme.
Winter had thought of calling Qrow to see how things were but the tower was already taken down by the Atlas soldiers earlier that day.
She sighed, there was just enough rations and her own personal supply of hot coco (*2) to make a nice warm meal to pass the time, she was a terrible cook as She and Qrow had learned the hard way… The thought of him made her a bit sad actually, she hadn't expected it being a hardened soldier, but there was a freedom when he was around, she could be herself and not be reprimanded for it.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud bang that echoed through the empty base followed by the shuffling of feet in one of the halls.
Great, she thought, more scavengers… at least this will keep my mind off things
She rose to her feet and placed the coco on the table next to her. Grabbing her weapon she headed for the door.
It made a loud creak as it was opened, surely heard by the invaders.
Before she took her first step a OOF and a thud were heard through the halls, causing winter to pause in her tracks.
After Blake had tied up the scavenger Qrow snuck up ahead to see Winter standing frozen looking in the opposite direction
Qrow,you know Ice Queen… I get you have an image to uphold but you could always turn on some heat in here jeez
Winter spin around and immediately attack without a second thought charging forward until she saw who was standing there.  She tried to stop but ended up tackle hugging Qrow and pinning him against the wall, her sword clambering down next to her.
Winter- QROW HOW DID YOU, (she turned beat red as she realized she still had him pinned to the wall
Qrow Smirking *3 -you know, I would have waited till the bedroom to pin me to the wall, but this’ll do hehe
The rest of the party tried to hide their giggles but couldn’t contain themselves (except Weiss who was glaring at Qrow menacingly)
Winter quickly got off Qrow and brushed her self of trying to maintain any scrap of professionalism but dropped it with a sigh, she could be herself now, surrounded by friends
After an hour they had set up a nice cozy gathering in the mess hall, tiny lights and food and all,
Qrow looked at Winter laughing with Weiss who was still a bit red in the face from her and Ruby’s Mistletoe mishap (*4)
He had never been so at peace himself, even just in her company he felt warm and welcome, he walked over to where Ruby Yang and Tai were sitting
Qrow -hey… I just wanted to say.. Thanks, you guys really did me a favor tonight
Tai, oh Qrow, she's almost a part of the family already, just don't make ME and uncle too soon alright
This caused Qrow to turn beat red
Winter overhearing this walked over and wrapped her arms around Qrow and placed her head on his shoulder
Winter - no promises mister Xiao Long, wrapping tighter around Qrow making him turn even more red
Over by the Atas fire place (*5) in the corner
Jaune turned to Nora and Ren,
Jaune -huh, I always figured Qrow would be making Her blush
Nora - Oh please you saw her stand on his sword in that one fight, pg euphemisms are CCrRAAZZYY
Jaune -wha..?
Ren -don’t even try
In the closet the scavenger squirmed against his ropes,
Scavenger - mmmmph mph mmph hmhpmh mhh pmhmh (*6)
In the end all gathered around the table and had a great evening, when it was over the family loaded up everything back into Tai’s car (before it was destroyed in that one chibi episode) and headed off
Qrow stayed behind to help clean up a bit more and of course to stay with Winter a bit longer
Winter stopped what she was doing and looked up at Qrow with tears in her left eye
Winter -Qrow…. Thank you, you don’t know how much I needed this
Qrow -It was Tai yang and Ruby’s idea… but I’m just glad to see you Snow angel (he smirked) ((jaune internally screeching in the distance))
Winter -You don’t have to go you know… I mean I am allowed to have guests, if you want to…
Qrow stopped her with a kiss
Qrow looking deep into her eyes -I’m not going anywhere
Winter turned deep red and seemed to melt in his arms
They stayed like that for a bit until Winter snapped up and tightened her grip on him with narrow eyes and a demanding pose
Winter -If you think our last “fight” was tough, you aren't ready for this one she said walking towards what was at the time her room gesturing Qrow with one finger
Qrow now legitimately kinda frightened for his safety -ooooohhh boy hehe
With a swig of his flask and a quick hop to the door, (((I leave this part of the story because tumblr and morals and i'm writing this so I don’t have to study for my AI test)))
Back at the Xiao Long home the gang was unpacking the car
Ruby -I think we really did a good thing for Uncle Qrow
Tai - hehe I haven't seen him that happy or embarrassed over a girl since Beacon
Yang -where is he anyways, I thought he was just saying goodbye
Weiss had the realization set in that not only were her sister and Ruby’s Uncle likely tearing down the atlas base, but that she could be Ruby’s Aunt soon
She immediately dragged Ruby back under the mistletoe
Weiss -No way am I waiting till this is even more weird come here
Back in the closet of the base the bag falls off the “scavengers head”
Oscar -Guys… I just wanted to join you… hello…
Ozpin -I told you we should have brought Fruit cake
Oscar -...
So this train wreck is my first ever fic and yeah hope you like it or not whatever its for Qrowin week so yeah this kind just went on and on sorry about that, i'll get better the more I do have a nice day and yeah
Authors notes? What even
*1, what the heck does “holiday cheer” smell like? Cookies? Eggnog? Idk BLood? Eeh its up to you,
*3 because what else (insert Lenny face)
*4 would literally anyone read that cuz it could be fun
*5 just roll with it
*6 he’s is apparently the pyro from Team Fortress 2
I didn’t re read this or proof it so sorry if its trash
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kurogabae · 6 years
Tsubasa: Trainwreck Chronicles
And Why Bee Train Personally Owes Me At Least a Grand; an Essay by Popular Demand
part 1 part 2
For those of you who might not know, I love Tsubasa Chronicle. So much. But for the love of Kurogane’s beautiful biceps is the anime awful. Now, I’m not one of those “manga purists” who always insists the manga is better than the anime, I tend to find them equal pretty often. This is not one of those cases.
Once upon a time CLAMP made a deal with Bee Train for a Tsubasa anime. Cardcaptor Sakura had done so well! CLAMP was a solid name to back! Bee Train had nothing to lose - except the trust of every CLAMP fan ever. I don’t know how hands on CLAMP (or rather Ohkawa) were in the production but I feel like “not at all” is a fairly solid guess. It was a mess folks. Production was rushed, story was disregarded, plot was cut up and Frankensteined back together, I’m not even going to talk about the English casting.
In fairness, it wasn’t without it’s good points. The soundtrack was flawless, the Japanese cast was amazing, and when Bee Train tried they really did manage to make the series look nice, which imo makes the rest of the subpar animation even more of a slap to the face. They even had some genuinely enjoyable filler episodes - the chibi episode and the Kero and Mokona episode are always the first to come to my mind - but overall? Not even a hot mess, just a mess. 
Under the cut we’ll go arc by arc. I’m not going to rewatch the series just to write this so forgive me if I’m missing facts or if something I say is slightly inaccurate. Also, beware of spoilers for the manga if you haven’t finished reading it. That means you Nick. I’ll write you up a spoiler free copy of this later. Anyway, let’s go.
Opening and introductions:
You’d think, as the start of your series, you’d want the first episode or two to look really nice right? Catch the eye, impress the new viewer. Not Bee Train! [x x] The whole thing is subpar at best. Syaoran and Sakura’s introduction isn’t so bad for the most part, they’re cute and Bee Train tried to add a little more interaction between them before Sakura loses her feathers, which I am all kinds of behind, but... there’s a point where they run from castle guards. And Syaoran sort of just... grabs her and runs and Sakura is left literally flapping in the wind? [x] Also Sakura looks stoned out of her mind in like 90% of the shots she’s in. Touya probably thinks Syaoran is giving her drugs. But honestly, I don’t have too many problems with how the intro happens, mostly just the way it looks.
Fai’s intro can go by with almost no comment aside from the fact that his face looks like it’s melting. Sadly, this is not the worse his face will ever look. Pretty meh.
Personally I think Kurogane’s intro got the short end of the stick visually and I’m not just saying that because he and Tomoyo are my favorites. They both look pretty awful and, as always, where’s the beef???
Also Yuuko deserved better. 
If possible, the animation gets even lazier. We’ve added Mokona to the party and they cannot decide how big she is. I’m not being nitpicky either. Her size fluctuates wildly. Here are just a few examples set only in Hanshin. This problem persists throughout the series. Also I don’t know how to exactly put this into words but... everyone’s eyes are just extra jacked up. 
Plot wise we mostly follow canon. Until they decide Sakura should get more screen time. “Great idea!” I can hear you say. “We love Sakura!” Well so do I. Problem: she has one (1) feather to her name and is comatose. Sakura is not really going to do anything. Yet the camera keeps going back to her- oh wait she’s awake. Sort of. Oh she’s getting dressed now, we even get a very weird little montage of her trying on clothes. Now she’s wandering the town, meets up with the leader of the Mohawk Gang whose kudan Kurogane beat the crap out of. Luckily she’s a super cute girl (who is barely conscious and doesn’t even talk? She’s so far from Mokona she probably can’t even understand these guys anyway but...) so they take her out to lunch instead of doing something Terrible. To the restaurant Touya works at. He serves her and doesn’t recognize her, meaning there is no Sakura in this world, at least not one related to him. This happens a lot.
In the anime Sakura is sometimes, for reasons unexplained and inconsistent, “drawn” to her feathers. She’s looking for her feather. There is an absurd Looney Tunes moment where she climbs some sort of tall thing (oil rig? construction site? world’s weirdest flag pole?) and jumps off of it before Syaoran and Co. (who have located her after Arashi, who would never have lost track of her in the first place let’s be real, tells them she’s gone AWOL) can stop her.
And then she flies. Literally and truly fucking flies. Through the sky. Thanks I hate it. 
Syaoran catches her, brings her back home, and the story pretty much continues. One fun change was that the whole family had to share a room, they didn’t get separated like in the manga, so we get treated to this Gay Fucking Scene(tm) of Kurogane waking up and the first thing he sees if Fai sleeping while angelic music plays in the background. So that was nice.
Oh god hang on, I had to come back and add this because I literally always forget: Kurogane sees a version of Tomoyo in this world and goes running after her, leaving Fai and Syaoran to meet Touya and Yukito on their own. This results in both of them missing Kurogane’s kudan fight and Kurogane missing the “same face, different person” talk/reminder. They still can’t draw Tomoyo. 
Also this.
Where’s the beef?
Much in the spirit of Hanshin, Koryo keeps mostly to the plot and has overall meh animation with a few choice moments of dear god why. Surprisingly, they made a few changes that I didn’t hate - the village had gotten a group of rebels together against the Ryanban. He also stole Chu’nyan’s mother’s body, making it so that her spirit could never find peace, making him even more of a dick.
This is where we see the first instance of the anime really being geared towards younger audiences than CLAMP had planned for. In the manga Sakura wins everyone new clothes via dice gambling, but in the anime she wins a lottery. Not a big deal, but we see more of this. Another thing change is that there’s a whole secondary plot added to everything when they try to, again, give Sakura a more active role. There are better ways to do this, but Bee Train sort of just tosses her into action and then tosses Syaoran in after her. It’s always bad and pointless and never amounts to anything. 
Anyway, she ends up inside the castle, somehow Syaoran manages to follow after her. Goodness knows what the dads are up to. (Probably this.) Some Really Weird Stuff happens and from what I remember the spirit of Chu-nyan’s mother hops a ride out of the castle with Sakura. Who, uhh, teleports her and Syaoran out. Yeah.
The rest of the arc goes pretty much how the manga does with a handful of minor changes - like the fact that Kurogane never bought a manga in Hanshin, so in order to block Kiishim’s killing blow he’s tucked the hammer he was using to fix the roof in his shirt, which is a much smaller shield than a whole ass book and I think that’s dumb. Still can’t get Mokona’s size right, to awkward and hilarious results.
And remember kids, we won’t show you dice but we will show you this.
Big Lake and Shipper Fish:
The animation in this part is actually pretty nice. Considering. The things they changed were needless and weird.
Sakura and the fish talk. How? Why? We don’t know, it’s never explained or examined. We are meant to accept it Because Sakura, which only works most of the time. The fish tries to tell Sakura that she knows Syaoran - we all know this will not and cannot work. Why does this happen? What was the point of adding this? It is so weird and awkward. It messes up the flow and is so extra. I understand your desires Shipper Fish, but please, let things take their course.
Fuck you and fuck your animation. It looks The Worst, which is a bummer because this world changes the fewest amount of things. Anything I could point out are really minor:
somehow Fai can read
they never show how the family gets their clothes, and 99% of the scene in the tavern is skipped
breaking and entering!
Mokona bites Kurogane in the ass
they don’t have horses
no Kuro-dork looking at the snow like an excited child
they nerf Kurogane’s BAMF
the feather isn’t hidden behind a wall, they need the pure hearts of children?
Kyle was a way lazier villain 
Filler #1 - Lightning Jazz Hands:
Alright, that looked neat as hell, I’ll admit. My compliments end here.
Story: nosy little shits got themselves cursed. Gonna fight in a competition to win a Big Magic. Is the Big Magic a feather? Stay tuned! (It’s not, because then the girl would die and that would be Too Sad.)
So the people in this country can shoot lightning out of their hands, that would be awesome and possibly scary, but I guess Kurogane is water/ground type because he gets it and only says, and I quote, “it tingles”. So your lightning powers mean nothing, add no stakes, and the Fam can’t do it so what is the point?
This filler is also famous for its KuroFai baiting, which is impressive, seeing as the anime tried very hard to make them Not Gay. I mean it failed but yeah.
Syaoran is the only fighter they have left because Kurogane and Fai are children and Sakura is making friends with the cursed girl. Keefer... Keepha... fights Syaoran, and obviously Syaoran wins because we’re supposed to think this is a feather. They really play it up to, even after we learn the Big Magic isn’t a feather Syaoran still hesitates before handing it over. For dramatics I guess? I don’t know, there’s literally no reason for him to not give it to the needy couple.
Boring filler. Only fun was watching Kurogane get excited over fighting people.
tbc... with Outo
[part 1] [part 2]
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Each tattoo is a story - Batmom x Batfamily
Tumblr media
Good idea. I wrote it in the very short free time I had available today, hope it’s still ok, and that you guys will  like it : 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
It’s Tim, who wondered about it first. 
You guys were all coming home from a (rare and peaceful) day at the beach, when he noticed it. And curiosity got the best of him.  
Of course, you’ve always had a lot of tattoos even before you became his mother. It was so normal for him, so part of...You, that he never even wondered once what they meant.
Until that day.
Until he noticed a small symbol on your ankle, surrounded by bigger designs that attracted all the attention. And it surprised him so much, that he just had to ask you. He resisted the urge to ask you right away, thinking it was none of his business but...it was too much now. He couldn’t stop himself. And as all the family is helping Alfred putting away their beach stuff, Tim cracks. 
You noticed him staring at you for a while now, so you were expecting a somewhat personal question (which never bothered you, why would you have secrets for your own family ?). But nothing really prepared you for what he was about to ask : 
-Mom...Why do you have Superman’s symbol tattooed on your ankle ? 
Bruce freezes. Your other boys are suddenly very attentive, and Alfred...Oh bless Alfred, he couldn’t help but smile because he thought that the way Bruce tensed up each time the word “Superman” was uttered was just the cutest (they all knew by now, that you and Clark used to date). 
Your husband turns toward you and, his brow furrowing, asks : 
-...You have a Superman symbol tattooed on your ankle ? I never noticed...
-You should have had, you often kiss it when we...
-OH PLEASE MOTHER ! No details about anything regarding your intimacy with father please. Just tell us why you have a Superman tattoo...Please. 
You chuckle a bit at your youngest son’s comment, but your gaze doesn’t leave Bruce’s, and you smile at him...it’s not a mocking smile, far from it, and he relaxes. You’re not going to tease him about Clark once again (ever since he discovered you had a thing with him, one of your favorite past time was to make comments about it, just to provoke a reaction in him...and oh a reaction it provoked each time alright...a very nice and pleasurable reaction you might say). 
But you’re in no mood to tease him on the subject, especially since you had such a pleasant day and you just don’t want to ruin it by making him grumpy (even though he never stays grumpy very long once you manage to get some time just you and him). Besides, you can see it kinda disturbs him that he never noticed this particular tattoos...He thought he knew your body by heart ! And yes, he did kiss your ankles more than once so...why did he never notice it ? If you could read his mind you’d tell him that maybe, he was always a bit too busy to actually pay attention to that minuscule tattoo. 
To be honest, you’re quite surprised Tim saw it...Bruce was right. That boy really was the most observant and smartest you’ve ever met. You were pretty sure that he even surpassed his father in that area and...the fact he noticed that tattoo while Bruce had your ankles right in his face more than once proves it (oh the number of time your ankles ended up on his shoulders, and he turned his face to kiss it as he pumped into you...well, come to think of it, maybe that’s why he never noticed indeed, you guys were always quite busy when your ankles were close to his face...). 
You smile at your sons and you say : 
-It’s just because Clark has been an important part of my life, and still is. He’s one of my best friend. Just friend dear, don’t make that face. 
They can’t help it, they can’t help but snickering at their father’s reaction, this little “jealous face” he always make, where his nose and mouth crease. 
But, what you just said about this tattoo makes Tim think and he asks :
-Do all your tattoos mean something ? 
You give him an enigmatic smile and nod. And you just know they’re going to ask you what they all mean. 
And that’s how you all end up in the main living room at the manor, with you in a sport bra and shorts, explaining what every piece of art means on your body. 
The bat’s meaning on your collar bone is obvious. You don’t even have to talk about it. So are the four little bird following it. 
The huge piece you have on your back, that seems abstract...actually isn’t. It’s the blueprints of your birth place, The Narrows, one of Gotham’s poorest and most dangerous neighborhood. You got it tattooed when you turned 18, it was your first tattoo, and you got it in honor of your parents who were murdered, and of your brothers who unfortunately hung out with the wrong people and got killed in a drug bust...You also got it tattooed to remember where you’re coming from. So that no matter where you’d go, you’d always know that the Narrows were printed into you. That it was just part of you. 
Your arms were bare, when Bruce first met you, and Dick even remembers that he saw you with tattooed less arms too...And yes. Yes it makes sense because...Your arms are dedicated to your sons. 
The little circus on your bicep is for Dick, when the official adoption papers were signed. Below the circus is written a date, the day Dick Grayson officially became your son, and next to the date are little symbols that do not seem to make any sense...That is until you explain that, when Dick arrived home, a lost little 8 years old boy, he was just so shy. And to communicate with him, you’d draw things. Like, yourself smiling and hugging him...and slowly but surely, he warmed up to you. Hugging you for real, calling you “mom”...but when you still communicated only through drawings, he drew things for you and...you got them tattooed on your skin. 
Those symbols meant something, and just showed how bad at art Dick used to be. They was a heart that looked like an apple. A house or...maybe a gift ? There was a stick figure...dancing ? And the face of a character smiling. 
Dick tried his hardest not to cry at the thought that you got tattooed on your skin those silly drawings he made for you...and the memories of how amazing you’ve always been to him were almost too much. 
On your forearms, there was a tire less car and...oh that was about Jason for sure. It was an aston martin (one of Bruce’s favorite car...you couldn’t really get the bat mobile tattooed) and it missed all its tires. Below that, there was a silhouette of a boy wearing a hoodie, with a comic bubble that read : “Haha gotta run faster old man”. Bruce wasn’t amused (but deep down, he thought it was extremely cute). 
The two tombstones on your other bicep didn’t need any explanation either...and the little arrows below them that pointed to a two bright star design didn’t either. Every thing was symbolizing Jason’s and Damian’s death, and the stars were them coming back to you. 
You had a small coffee cup on your wrist. For Tim of course. Next to the coffee cup was written “X 9324″ and your family couldn’t help but laugh at your accurate portrayal of the number of coffee cups your son drunk. There was also a little computer, and a “sleep is for the weak”. 
You had a lot of arabic things written on your arms too and Damian almost teared up when he realized they were things he  told you that you loved...Things he told you that came straight from his heart. 
You had each of them drawn as Robins. Dick being the biggest one, blue. Then Jason, red. Tim, yellow. And finally, Damian, green. 
Above your elbow was a drawing of Damian and Tim drawn Chibi style, and they were fighting. Above was a very exasperated Dick, and a “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT” Jason and they all burst out laughing when they realized that those little characters on your arm, it was indeed definitely them. How did they never notice ? They were just so used to your tattoos...
And oh there was so many tattoos on your arms related to them...A staff, Dick’s two stick, a gun in a “stop” sign, their symbols, their date of birth, their favorite food (Jason got excited to see you tattooed some chicken drumsticks on you, he thought it was hilarious) etc etc...your arms were a canvas in honor of your children, and oh how touched they were by all of that. 
Your legs had massive pieces on them. One leg was...just wonderful. A sort of abstract depiction of your relationship with Bruce. From the day you met at a charity event you organized (one to give easier access to books to poor population in Gotham) which was represented by books flying off at the start of your thigh, to your wedding, represented by a lot of colors (your super friend’s costume colors) and two rings, to when you adopted your children (four colorful dots tattooed with the aquarelle technique...one blue, one red, one yellow and one green). Everything was there. Even the way you were so sickeningly in love with each other, there was definitely your silhouette and his kissing...Gross. 
Bruce’s heart beat wildly as he realizes you had an entire leg tattooed just for him...That it symbolized your life with him...And he never even wondered what all those things meant ! 
On your other legs you your favorite places in Gotham drawn. One of the park. The rooftops. The docks. It was just a lot of wonderful pieces about your favorite city in the World (though not many understood why you loved that place so much), and there, lost in the middle of all of it, was that superman tattoo...You told them it was one of your first one. You didn’t really expect to have that many tattoos. 
Alfred full on cried when he saw that you had a “butler” drawn on your ribs, but hey, why wouldn’t you ? Alfred was such an important part of your life...You also had other things on your collar bone that didn’t have the bats and the birds, related to Alfred : a few tea cups, and a “sassy, butler is sassy” that made everyone laugh. The other side of your ribs were still bear, so was your stomach and belly in general, and you told them that, once another important event would occur, you’d draw something there too. 
All of your tattoos had meanings. All of them. And you had too many to explain everything to them but...Now they knew. 
They already knew how important they were in your life, but now even more than ever. You had your skin permanently changed with reminders of them...
Many hugs were exchanged, many laughs too as some of your tattoos were just based on very funny memories (like for example, you had a “R.I.P Sledges” with a broken red sledge representing all the sledges you broke with your sons over the many winters you all had together), and almost tears too, as some memories were painful, or just made them have happy tears. 
You spend the entire day talking about your tattoos. And finally, you told them about everything and...satisfied their curiosity. 
After kissing your cheek lovingly, your sons’ follow Alfred in the kitchen for their snacks ritual of the day (tea and crumpets...for real) and you’re left alone with your Bruce. 
He comes closer to you and asks : 
- What about the one you have...you know...between your thigh, right before your...
-I know which one you’re talking about Bruce, and this one ? It’s just a meaningless cute one. 
You can see he doesn’t believe you, and as he narrows his eyes at you you just smile and can’t resist to laugh. 
-Meaningless cute one uh ? 
You nod, but you damn well know he won’t let go off this. And you also know what his technique to make you talk is...When the first tickle wave hit you, you are able to hold your laugh in but...Oh it’s always impossible. He knows all your sweetest spot. He knows where to touch you to make you beg for him to stop tickling you. 
-I won’t stop until you tell me what’s that tattoo means ! 
And it stops. But he’s ready to start again if you don’t actually comply...You look at him and you say : 
-It’s about my first time. 
-Your first time ? 
-Oh please, you know what I mean. The placement is pretty obvious really. 
-I just wanted to hear you say it and...Wait, why is it a manta ray ? 
You slyly smile at him and manage to slip away from his grasp, and can’t help but laugh loudly and run away when you hear him say : 
-Don’t tell me your first was Aquaman !?
Hope you liked it. Wrote this during my pause at work, so like in 5 minutes so if it feels rushed I’m very sorry. Hope it’s still fine. 
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