#fizz angst
janis-1987 · 1 year
Fizzarolli’s Backstory Part 2
Hey all, here’s part two! This part covers from the signing of the contract to when Asmodeus buys his contract.  Part 1 X
Tw: Mammon, abuse, graphic injuries, PTSD, phantom pains, incontinence, low self esteem, arguments, break ups, alcohol and weed mentions and lots of angst. 
Mammon finished explaining what the contract would entail and even presented it to him. 
In all honesty, Fizzarolli didn't like the sound of this deal much. It didn’t sound like a good deal at all, he was basically trading away all of his freedom to Mammon. He wouldn’t own his own likeness, his name, his limbs, anything. But he didn’t see what choice he had, if he didn’t take this deal he would be left critically disabled for the rest of his life with no way to achieve his dream or even perform ever again, and the thought of that made him feel even more sick to his stomach than the idea of giving everything to Mammon did. 
Fizzarolli sighs softly, “Can I have a day or two to think over my options?” He asks meekly as he grits his teeth to deal with the immense pain he was still in. 
Mammon glares a growl coming from him, “Fine. You have until tomorrow afternoon. I hope you make the right choice.” He says as he stomps out of the room. 
As Mammon leaves the room, Blitzo enters, holding a small bouquet of flowers. He smiles meekly at Fizzarolli, “Hey baby.” He murmurs to him.  Fizz glares daggers into Blitzo, he could scream, he should scream, he should scream and shout and tear Blitzo a new one after what he did. His voice fills with venom as he practically spits his words at Blitzo, “Don’t you fucking dare hey baby me.” He snarls, “You nearly killed me you fucking idiot!” That’s when he realizes something, Blitzo is entirely uninjured. Besides his voice being a bit raspier than before, he was fine. Fizz growls at Blitzo, it wasn’t fair, how come he had to get broken practically beyond repair but yet Blitzo, the one who caused this, was completely fine. He was going to lose it. 
Blitzo stares at his distressed boyfriend, “Um.. I’m really sorry about-” He starts. 
Fizz cuts him off with a bout of cruel laughter as tears sting his eyes, “Oh you’re sorry?! Oh you’re fucking sorry alright, you are a second rate clown at fucking best, and you are the absolute shittiest boyfriend in the entirety of hell! You only ever think about your damn self. I don’t know how I lasted a fucking year with you as my boyfriend. I should have abandoned that shit hole of a circus and you along with it when I had the chance!” 
The words hit Blitzo like a semi truck, Fizz knew exactly was to say to get under his skin, he drops the flowers, he was not going to cry, not now, not in front of him, he was going to hurt him just as badly as he hurt him. “Oh that’s rich coming from a sellout like you. You didn’t even talk to me about it! What kind of boyfriend does something so big without talking to their partner?!”  The two go back and forth until visiting hour is over, and Blitzo is dragged out by security screaming and shouting. The last thing Fizz says to him is “AND DON’T COME BACK YOU NO GOOD WANNA BE!” 
However, once it was just him, alone in the cold, sterile room, tears fall from his eyes and he whimpers, wrapping his tail around himself for comfort no matter how badly it hurt. He had just lost the only person who would have cared about him genuinely in this state. He looks at the contract Mammon had left for him. He really had no options left but to sign it. He manages to get a pen into his mouth and sign the damn thing.  When Mammon came to see him the next day, a wide smirk graces his features,  Fizz was already regretting his decision.  It took a whole month for Fizz to finally be released from the hospital, he had a plethora of meds to take now, not to mention he had started to learn just how badly his injuries were going to affect him on the daily.  He stood on unsteady robot legs, it felt wrong, he had been going through physical therapy and he would need more. The whole experience was humiliating, he had to learn how to do everything all over again. Save for talking thankfully. He was thankful to finally be free from the hospital until he realizes that there are multiple reporters in his face. He looks at Mammon in panic, he had no idea that he was going to have to do a press event right now. At least it explained why he was in a new jester costume rather than something comfortable.  Lights flash in his face and he stumbles backwards, his tail nervously flicking. With no time to prepare for the questions or the swarm of people he was caught completely off guard and had no answers prepared. He felt like shit and hardly could think of anything witty to say as he was bombarded with questions.  He could feel a cold glare from Mammon, it sent shivers down his spine, oh Lucifer, he was royally fucked for this failure of an interaction. As soon as they were in the limo, Mammon smacked him across the face. Fizz yelps in pain as he’s sent flying back from it. His tail flicks as tears well in his eyes.  “You idiot! How hard is it to answer a few simple questions, don't tell me you’re a waste of money already!” Mammon roars.  Fizz shakes his head and whimpers, “N-no, I’m not a waste, I w-was just caught off guard. I’m sorry.” He answers quickly, his whole body shaking, he doesn't even notice that he’s wet himself in fear.  Mammon looks at him with disgust, “You’re disgusting. Clean yourself as soon as I drop you off. You start working again tomorrow so you better figure out your shit.”  Fizz can only nod, his head hangs low in shame, he can’t believe he had wet himself. Mammon shoves him out of the limo. Fizz looks up at the trailer in front of him. Well, at least he wasn’t living in a tent anymore. He walks inside and looks around, finding the bathroom with ease. He tosses the soiled suit into the laundry basket and turns on the water for a shower. Tears slide down his face, as he tries to keep himself calm. He’s shaking like a chihuahua and he swears he can feel a sharp pain in his left arm, despite the impossibility of that.  Eventually, he got used to his new life, to the abuse. He expected it at this point. He had also found out that Mammon saw his limbs as a privilege that he could revoke. Fizz hated when he did that, because he would be left to lie in his own filth when that happened and there was nothing he could do about it. He could take the abuse, he was a tough little imp, and he could just zone out as it happened besides everything Mammon did to him was nothing compared to the accident. What he couldn't handle was the PTSD attacks, he couldn't escape what had happened to him at every turn, every night he was plagued with night terrors and he would always wake up in a cold sweat. On really unlucky days he would wake up with his tail dislocated or worse, his limbs gone.  His life felt like a constant downwards spiral, he turned to weed and alcohol to numb everything. His personality on stage was still as eccentric and fun on stage, but behind the curtain was a different story, he was detached. Completely void of most anything feeling, and mean. He used to be able to be friendly to people he worked with but now he was snippy and a bit rude. He would always apologize when he caught himself. And most people let it go, they knew the imp was living through the worst thing anyone could really think of and had that horrible accident happen to him too.  Life was quickly becoming meaningless to him, even performing was starting to feel more and more like a chore. His joints ached and his shoulders and hips cracked on bad days, and were silently painful on good ones. Constant trips to the chiropractor for his fucked up spine eventually were replaced with doctor visits as his a metal rod was added to support his spine and help keep his limbs stay more securely attached to him. And he couldn't care less.  He sat alone in his trailer, drinking straight from the bottle of some expensive wine or another. He didn't care about anything anymore. He had so many regrets. He glared at his reflection in the bottle, “Worthless. That’s what you are.” He slurs to himself, he throws the bottle at the wall shattering it, “Shut up.” He tells the glass.  Eventually Mammon got him an apartment near LooLoo Land, Fizz didn't really see the point in it. All it did in his opinion was give crazed fans more chances to jump him. What did it matter? He was going to die tragically young in an alley due to some obsessed fan. He was sure of it. But how could he complain? He had gotten everything he had ever wanted. He was famous, known throughout hell. But that didn't matter to him anymore. Nothing did.  “Ragdoll!” Mammon roars, getting Fizzarolli’s attention.  Fizzarolli stopped practicing and looks at Mammon, a clear lack of care in his eyes, “Yeah, Mammon?”  “Meet me in my office. Now.” He says with a glare.  Fizz sighs, what did he do wrong this time? He swears half the time he hadn’t done anything and Mammon just wanted to take his anger out on someone. And Fizz happened to be his favorite victim. 
They arrive at Mammon’s office and Fizz freezes as he notices who else is there. Asmodeus, the demon prince of lust sat in the chair next to where Fizz was meant to sit. Oh great, now Mammon wanted to turn him into a whore.  “Ragdoll, meet Asmodeus.” Mammon says, gesturing between the two.  Asmodeus waves to Fizz. Fizz raises an eyebrow, but offers a small wave in return.  “He wants to buy your contract from me. I figured you should be made aware of the change in ownership.” Mammon says simply with a shrug.  Fizz just nods, little did he know, his life was finally about to turn around. 
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tooshnado · 9 months
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some things never change
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knightinink · 9 months
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The first time Fizz messed up an act, Cash blew up on him, shouting & cursing every worst possible thing one could say. It took everything within Fizzarolli to not break down crying until he was in Blitzo’s arms, & Blitzo hates it when Fizz cries.
It breaks his heart more than anything.
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indigoash-art · 4 months
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I've recently finished watching Helluva Boss and I couldn't help but draw them. I love them so SO deeply and I see myself in Fizz on a level that I never experienced before with any other character T.T
I have nothing much more to say other than I hope you enjoy this one!
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catherine-sketches · 8 months
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♥️💙💜Fizzarolli, Queen of Lust 💜💙♥️
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blitzosicedcoffee · 15 days
For the Oopsiversary, did we ever talk about why it was called "OOPS"?
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hideawayfairy · 1 year
I know we talk about how Fizz would get nightmares about the hostage situation in "Oops" (please don't stop making content about that; it's fantastic), but what if Ozzie got nightmares about that day?
Imagine: in Ozzie's nightmare, he's too late to save Fizz. He goes on a rampage as his heart is broken over losing Fizz. Then he wakes up and sees that his Fizzie Frog is still here with him. He holds him close, not wanting to let him go again.
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nigaki · 11 months
Imagine creating a universe where royals are a thing, and with them, you create a jester character. But you don't utilize it and he and everyone else call him and treat him like a clown. But he's not even that and acts and performs like a pop star instead.
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sentientsliotar · 1 year
The Necklace-
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So we all know how Blitzo wears his mother Tilla’s necklace. I’d always assumed it was a gift she gave him- but Blitzo isn’t wearing it in this scene:
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Right before the fire she died in- Did he only get the necklace after her death?
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anenbyraccoon · 1 year
Ok so...
I may or may not have gotten myself obsessed with Helluva Boss
So obviously I have to think of stupid angst because why not.
Au where Blitz did try to get Fizz out of the fire, but when running by the family tent, Blitz stops. Panicking, he puts Fizz down to try to save his mom.
Cut to in the hospital, Fizz is informed that both Blitz and his mom has died in the fire. (Which is obviously a lie while Blitz is informed that Fizz doesn't want to see him)
Fizz goes on with life thinking his best friend is dead.
Not fully fleshed out, if you want to add on you can.
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crenmir · 11 months
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short-boii · 2 years
I haven’t seen anyone do this with sonic yet so-
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Sonic’s personality is so consistent like kingdom hearts lore
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knightinink · 9 months
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“There will come a day where I won’t be here anymore, but for now, I’m right here, Oz. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, I promise.”
Ozzie has a nightmare of Fizz dying (& he's even more afraid of it because he knows it's gonna happen one day).
Based on a little headcanon that Oz can change his forms based on emotion, & when he’s extremely scared or sad, he morphs into this tiny flickering flame.
In this form is Asmodeus at his most vulnerable.
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its-ok-to-smile · 1 year
Depressing Headcannon: What if before the accident; Fizz had Alex Brightman's normal voice. But the fire also damaged his vocal-chords.
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jizzlords · 6 months
i mean this with full sincerity, my whole chest, total and absolute adoration when i say this. everyone's writing is so good, so fine, whenever I send Ozzie to any of you and the response comes back im so into it i gotta regroup like
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blitzosicedcoffee · 2 months
I don't know if this is something that others feel so please jump in with other comments.
I think the natural progression after repairing things with Stolas (which to be honest could take a second) is to repair Blitz's relationship with Barbie.
But obviously he can't do it like he did in Happy Campers. He's being a better Blitz. He's learning boundaries. I think he's going to have to ask Fizz for help. At least to get him and Barb in the same place, or help convince her to hear him out.
And I think Fizz is going to be all for it, but also it's gonna be emotional as fuck cause Barbie is still going to lash out. She's going to try and get in Fizz's head about the fire. And it's going to be a true test of where Fizz is in his journey of forgiving Blitz and being best friends with him again. If he can tell her genuinely, I forgive him, you should too.
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