#flat belly exercises
robertasgym · 8 months
30-Day Belly to Toe Fat Burning Workout
Step into the 30-day Bell to Toe Fat Burning Workout, a fitness routine that is meticulously crafted to shape your physique, enhance metabolism, and kindle fat reduction from your abdomen down to your toes. This revolutionary exercise schedule blends specific workouts, cardiovascular routines, and flexibility training, offering a well-rounded strategy to reach your fitness goals! You're not just burning calories; you're building a stronger, healthier, and more resilient version of yourself. Remember the bigger picture. You can do it! Goodluck and have fun working out!❤️💪 **If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday! 
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daiisoo · 9 months
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Flat/Tone Stomach progress for the start of the year 💫
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fitkitty · 5 months
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freeonlineworkouts · 26 days
Which exercise is best for a flat tummy?
10 exercises for flat belly and weight loss:
Spot run. In a comfortable position, begin running. ...
High knee. Simply maintain a straight posture and, alternatively, bring your knees to your chest. ...
Plank. Start in plank position. ...
Side planks. ...
Mountain climbers. ...
Plank jack. ...
Leg raise. ...
Jumping jacks.
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anasavemeimnotcrazy · 1 month
Having a high intake is a slow process, but it’s worth it, I’m starting to see a thigh gap and I haven’t binged yet!!
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Man istg if another person tells me I should just work out when I'm trying to talk to them about dysphoria-
First it was my ex bf, then it was my roommate, and I'm like good for yall that you're motivated to exercise and are able to commit to making that a habit and all, but slimming down a little bit or building muscle is not the same thing as chopping my tits off
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fattofitsure · 1 year
Weight loss workout🏋🚴💪
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marianapeixoto · 1 year
Snooze-Inducing Yoga: 8 Poses to Enhance Your Bedtime Routine for a Deeper Sleep
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8 Poses to Enhance Your Bedtime Routine for a Deeper Sleep
Are you struggling to get a good night's sleep? If so, incorporating yoga into your bedtime routine may be the answer you've been looking for. In this article, we will explore eight snooze-inducing yoga poses that can enhance your bedtime routine and promote a deeper, more restful sleep.
Yoga has long been known for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. By practicing these specific poses before bed, you can create a calming and peaceful environment that can help you unwind and prepare your body for sleep. From gentle stretches to soothing breathing exercises, these poses are designed to quiet the mind, release tension, and encourage a state of tranquility.
The importance of a bedtime routine for better sleep
Having a consistent bedtime routine is essential for getting a good night's sleep. Our bodies crave routine and thrive on predictability. When we establish a regular routine, our body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm, becomes regulated, making it easier for us to fall asleep and wake up naturally.
Incorporating yoga into your bedtime routine can be a powerful tool for improving sleep quality. The practice of yoga helps to calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. By engaging in a series of gentle movements and stretches, you can release tension from your body and bring your mind into a state of tranquility, preparing yourself for a restful night's sleep.
Understanding the connection between yoga and sleep
Yoga and sleep share a deep connection that goes beyond the surface level. Both practices aim to create a sense of balance and harmony within the body and mind. Yoga helps to alleviate physical and mental stress, which are often the culprits behind restless nights and insomnia.
The practice of yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the "rest and digest" response. This activates the body's relaxation response, lowers heart rate, and promotes a sense of calmness. By engaging in yoga before bed, you are essentially signaling to your body that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep.
Additionally, yoga helps to regulate the breath, which plays a crucial role in promoting relaxation and sleep. By focusing on slow, deep breathing during your practice, you stimulate the body's relaxation response and quiet the mind, allowing for a peaceful transition into sleep.
Benefits of practicing yoga before bed
The benefits of practicing yoga before bed extend far beyond a deeper, more restful sleep. Incorporating yoga into your bedtime routine can have a positive impact on various aspects of your life, including your physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.
One of the primary benefits of bedtime yoga is stress reduction. Yoga helps to release tension from the body and quiet the mind, allowing you to let go of the stresses and worries of the day. By reducing stress levels, you can experience improved mood, increased energy levels, and enhanced overall well-being.
Another benefit of practicing yoga before bed is improved flexibility and mobility. As we age, our muscles and joints can become stiff and tight, leading to discomfort and decreased range of motion. By engaging in gentle stretches and movements before bed, you can help to alleviate muscle tension, increase flexibility, and promote better posture.
Furthermore, bedtime yoga can also aid in digestion and relieve digestive issues. Many yoga poses gently massage the internal organs, stimulating digestion and promoting healthy gut function. By incorporating these poses into your bedtime routine, you can support optimal digestion and prevent discomfort that may disrupt your sleep.
Preparing your space for a bedtime yoga routine
Before diving into your bedtime yoga practice, it's essential to create a peaceful and inviting space that promotes relaxation and tranquility. Your bedroom should be free from distractions and clutter, allowing you to fully focus on your practice and prepare your mind and body for sleep.
Start by dimming the lights or using soft, warm lighting to create a calming atmosphere. Consider using candles or soft lighting fixtures that emit a warm and gentle glow. This will help to signal to your body that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.
Next, clear any clutter from your space. A cluttered environment can create mental and physical tension, making it challenging to relax and unwind. Take a few moments to tidy up your space, ensuring that everything is in its proper place. This simple act can help to create a sense of order and calmness in your surroundings.
Finally, consider incorporating aromatherapy into your bedtime routine. Certain scents, such as lavender and chamomile, have been shown to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Use essential oils or scented candles to infuse your space with these calming scents, enhancing the overall atmosphere of tranquility.
By taking the time to create a welcoming and peaceful environment, you are setting the stage for a restful night's sleep and a deeply satisfying yoga practice.
Warm-up poses to relax your body and mind
Before diving into the specific bedtime poses, it's important to warm up your body and prepare it for movement. These gentle warm-up poses will help to release tension, increase blood flow, and cultivate a sense of relaxation in your body and mind.
Child's Pose: Start by kneeling on your mat with your knees wide apart and your toes touching. Sit back on your heels and slowly lower your torso down, resting your forehead on the mat. Extend your arms forward or alongside your body, palms facing up. Take deep breaths, allowing your body to melt into the pose and releasing any tension or stress.
Cat-Cow: Come onto all fours with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Inhale, arch your back, and lift your gaze towards the ceiling, creating a gentle extension in your spine (cow pose). Exhale, round your back, and tuck your chin towards your chest, creating a gentle flexion in your spine (cat pose). Continue flowing between these two poses, syncing your breath with your movements.
Standing Forward Fold: Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. On an exhale, slowly hinge forward at the hips, reaching your hands towards the ground. Allow your upper body to relax and hang heavy, releasing any tension in your neck and shoulders. Bend your knees slightly if needed to maintain a gentle stretch in the back of your legs.
Read More: How To Do Chair Yoga Poses: A Guide To Getting Started
These warm-up poses will help to gently awaken your body and prepare it for the deeper stretches and relaxation ahead. Take your time with each pose, focusing on your breath and allowing your body to move with ease and comfort.
Gentle stretches to release tension and promote relaxation
After warming up your body, it's time to move into gentle stretches that will help to release tension and promote relaxation. These poses are designed to target areas of the body that often hold stress, such as the neck, shoulders, and hips. By releasing tension in these areas, you can create a sense of ease and relaxation throughout your entire body.
Neck Rolls: Sit comfortably with your spine tall and your shoulders relaxed. On an inhale, gently drop your right ear towards your right shoulder, allowing your left shoulder to relax. As you exhale, roll your chin towards your chest, bringing your left ear towards your left shoulder. Continue this circular motion, moving at your own pace and allowing your breath to guide you. After a few rounds, switch directions.
Shoulder Rolls: Sit or stand tall with your arms relaxed by your sides. Inhale, roll your shoulders up towards your ears, and exhale, roll them back and down. Repeat this movement, allowing your breath to guide you and releasing any tension or tightness in your shoulders.
Seated Forward Fold: Sit on your mat with your legs extended in front of you. On an inhale, reach your arms overhead, lengthening your spine. Exhale, hinge forward at the hips, reaching towards your toes. Allow your upper body to relax and hang heavy, focusing on releasing any tension in your lower back and hamstrings. If needed, bend your knees slightly or use a strap to support your forward fold.
These gentle stretches will help to release tension and promote relaxation in your body. Remember to listen to your body and move with ease and comfort. If a pose feels too intense or uncomfortable, modify it to suit your needs or skip it altogether.
Restorative poses to calm the nervous system
Restorative poses are an essential part of a bedtime yoga routine as they help to calm the nervous system and promote deep relaxation. These poses are fully supported by props, allowing your body to completely surrender and release any remaining tension or stress.
Supported Bridge Pose: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart. Place a bolster or folded blanket under your sacrum, supporting your lower back. Allow your arms to relax by your sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and take deep breaths, allowing your body to melt into the support of the prop.
Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose: Sit sideways against a wall with your knees bent and your feet on the ground. As you exhale, gently lie down on your back and extend your legs up the wall. You can place a folded blanket or bolster under your hips for additional support. Allow your arms to rest by your sides, palms facing up. Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing your body to release tension and relax.
Supported Child's Pose: Place a bolster or folded blanket lengthwise on your mat. Kneel in front of the prop, with your knees wide apart and your toes touching. Sit back on your heels and slowly lower your torso down, resting it on the bolster. Extend your arms forward or alongside your body, palms facing up. Close your eyes and surrender into the support of the prop, allowing your body and mind to fully relax.
These restorative poses will help to calm the nervous system, release tension, and promote a deep sense of relaxation. Stay in each pose for 5-10 minutes, allowing your body to fully surrender and let go.
Breathing techniques for deep relaxation
Deep breathing is a powerful tool for promoting relaxation and preparing the body for sleep. By slowing down and focusing on your breath, you can activate the body's relaxation response and calm the mind.
4-7-8 Breath: Sit comfortably with your spine tall and your shoulders relaxed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to settle into the present moment. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 7, and exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. Repeat this sequence 4-8 times, allowing each breath to become slower and deeper.
Alternate Nostril Breathing: Sit comfortably with your spine tall and your shoulders relaxed. Close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale deeply through your left nostril. Close your left nostril with your right ring finger, and exhale through your right nostril. Inhale deeply through your right nostril, close it with your thumb, and exhale through your left nostril. Continue this alternating pattern, focusing on your breath and allowing your body to relax.
Box Breathing: Sit comfortably with your spine tall and your shoulders relaxed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to settle into the present moment. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 4, exhale through your nose for a count of 4, and hold your breath for a count of 4. Repeat this sequence 4-8 times, allowing each breath to become slower and deeper.
These breathing techniques can be practiced in bed as you prepare for sleep or as a standalone practice before moving into your bedtime yoga routine. Experiment with different techniques and find the ones that resonate with you the most.
Incorporating meditation into your bedtime routine
Meditation is a powerful practice for calming the mind, reducing stress, and promoting a restful night's sleep. By incorporating meditation into your bedtime routine, you can create a sense of stillness and tranquility that prepares your mind for sleep.
Body Scan Meditation: Lie down on your back in a comfortable position, allowing your body to fully relax. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath. Begin to scan your body from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. As you exhale, visualize tension leaving your body and sinking into the ground. Continue this body scan, bringing awareness and relaxation to each part of your body.
Loving-Kindness Meditation: Sit comfortably with your spine tall and your shoulders relaxed. Close your eyes and bring to mind someone you love and care for deeply. Repeat the following phrases silently or out loud: "May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be safe. May you live with ease." Allow these phrases to resonate deeply within you, extending these wishes to yourself and eventually to all beings.
Guided Visualization: Lie down on your back in a comfortable position, allowing your body to fully relax. Close your eyes and bring to mind a peaceful and serene place, such as a beach or a forest. Imagine yourself there, fully immersed in the sights, sounds, and sensations of this place. Allow yourself to be fully present in this visualization, letting go of any thoughts or worries.
Conclusion: Enhance your bedtime routine with snooze-inducing yoga poses
Incorporating yoga into your bedtime routine can have a profound impact on your sleep quality and overall well-being. By engaging in gentle stretches, restorative poses, and calming breathing techniques, you can create a peaceful and tranquil environment that promotes deep relaxation and a restful night's sleep.
Remember, consistency is key. Make a commitment to yourself to practice these bedtime yoga poses regularly, allowing your body and mind to fully reap the benefits. As you make these poses a part of your nightly routine, you will begin to notice a significant improvement in your sleep quality, waking up feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the day.
So, grab your mat, dim the lights, and get ready to embark on a journey towards a deeper, more restful sleep with these snooze-inducing yoga poses. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to a night of blissful slumber.
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robertasgym · 2 years
Wonder how you can get a flat tummy by simply exercising at home without using any equipment at all? Wonder no more! 
Today's video workout contains 10 simple abs exercises to help you achieve a flat belly! This happens by exercising to burn overall body fat and eventually targeting the stubborn fat in your stomach area to reveal the abs muscles hidden beneath all those fat! 
I suggest that you do this workout on a daily basis to achieve the best result. It's challenging indeed but of course that means you'll be able to burn fat, lose weight, and develop gorgeous abs, right? Like we always say, no pain, no gain! 
Good luck and let's begin!!❤️💪
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fitnessmantram · 1 year
Belly Fat loss exercises for women #short #bellyfatexercise #bellyfatlos...
Belly fat loss Exercise for Women
Plank: The plank is a great exercise for strengthening your core muscles, which can help to burn belly fat. To do a plank, start in a push-up position with your forearms on the ground and your body in a straight line from your head to your heels. Hold this position for as long as you can.
Crunches: Crunches are a classic exercise for targeting the abs. To do a crunch, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands behind your head and curl your upper body up towards your knees.
Leg raises: Leg raises are another great exercise for targeting the abs. To do a leg raise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Raise your legs up towards the ceiling, keeping your lower back pressed into the ground.
Russian twists: Russian twists are a great exercise for targeting the obliques. To do a Russian twist, sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Hold a weight in each hand and twist your torso from side to side.
Mountain climbers: Mountain climbers are a great full-body exercise that can help to burn belly fat. To do a mountain climber, start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Bring your right knee up towards your chest, then return it to the starting position. Repeat with your left knee.
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These are just a few of the many exercises that can help you to lose belly fat. It is important to find exercises that you enjoy and that you can stick with. You should also combine strength training with cardio exercises for the best results.
In addition to exercise, there are other things you can do to lose belly fat, such as:
1.Eating a healthy diet
2.Getting enough sleep
3.Managing stress
If you are serious about losing belly fat, it is important to talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian. They can help you create a safe and effective plan to reach your goals.
Read More : Forbidden Weight loss Secrets 
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laymyhairbeauty · 1 year
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(via Fit Inspiration - LayMi'Hair-Essentials)
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anbuselvi1 · 2 years
Best Belly Fat Burner: Top 7 Thermogenic Fat Burning Pills of 2023
Best Belly Fat Burner: Top 7 Thermogenic Fat Burning Pills of 2023
(Ad) Belly fat is one area of the body that seems to be the most resistant to diet and exercise. When calorie reduction and regular exercise just aren’t enough, it’s not uncommon to seek the best fat burner supplements to help rev up your weight loss journey. The best fat burning supplements can help boost metabolism, suppress appetite, increase energy levels, and help you burn belly fat…
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lilac-melody · 2 years
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freeonlineworkouts · 3 months
Flat Belly Workout: How to Get Flat Stomach at Home?
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lossweight · 2 years
In the world of weight loss and fitness, there are countless tips and tricks for how to lose weight fast without exercising. But these methods don’t work for everyone or for every body type. Some people can lose weight without working out by eating a specific way or cutting out certain foods, but not everyone can do this. In fact, most people need to exercise in order to lose weight and keep it off. Losing weight through exercise is one of the best ways to improve your health, reduce your risk of disease, and even increase your lifespan. Even if you’re not able to cut out certain foods or eat in a specific way in order to drop pounds quickly without exercising, you can still use some tricks and tips that will help you shed pounds faster than usual. Here are 10 simple ways that you can lose weight fast without exercising:
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Want to lose weight without any effort? No exercising, no diet, just try Breakfast Burn. Click here to order.
Change up your diet One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to change your diet. Simply eating less calories than your body needs will lead to weight loss, but if you’re able to do this without cutting out certain foods, you’ll be healthier than if you were to follow an extreme diet plan. In order to change up your diet, first, write down what you normally eat. Then, look for ways that you can replace certain foods with healthier options. Swap out high- calorie snacks for lower-calorie alternatives like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. If you’re trying to lose weight without exercising, it’s best to eat less fat, carbs, and sugar, while increasing your protein intake. Protein helps you feel full throughout the day, making it easier to avoid snacking on high-calorie items.
Add in more protein If you’re trying to lose weight without exercising, increasing your protein intake is one of the most effective ways to do so. As we mentioned above, protein is extremely important for overall health, and it also makes it easier to lose weight. Protein is rich in nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and iron, as well as B vitamins and amino acids, which help your body process carbohydrates, fats, and proteins easier. Because protein is so nutrient-rich, you can eat a larger portion while still staying under your calorie limit. Protein-rich foods include lean meat and fish, eggs, tofu, beans, tofu, and dairy products like yogurt and cheese.
Commit to strength training If you want to lose weight without exercising, you should commit to strength training at least two times per week. Strength training helps you lose weight in two different ways. First, it increases your resting metabolic rate (the amount of calories your body burns throughout the day while at rest), which leads to more calories being burned even when you’re not working out. This can be helpful for those who don’t have time to work out for hours each day but still want to lose weight. There are also several ways that strength training helps you burn more calories during a workout. Certain exercises, like lifting weights and squatting, require more energy from your body than cardiovascular exercises like running or biking.
Get enough sleep When you’re lacking sleep, it’s easy to stress out about life and overeat, which can lead to weight gain. While you can’t change your genetics, you can change your lifestyle in order to lose weight without exercising. Because stress can lead to weight gain, one of the best ways to lose weight without working out is to get enough sleep. Sleeping seven to nine hours per night will help your body release less stress hormones and more appetite-controlling hormones, like leptin and adiponectin, which help you lose weight.
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Order Here For Your Trial of Breakfast Burn
Incorporate short workouts throughout the week If you’re looking to lose weight without exercising, you should incorporate short workouts throughout the week. You don’t need to work out for hours each day to lose weight. In fact, most experts recommend that you exercise for about 30 minutes per day, three days per week. What types of exercises should you do? It doesn’t matter whether you prefer running, biking, swimming, or lifting weights — anything that gets your heart rate going will help you burn calories.
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Try Breakfast Burn to burn belly fat without any effort at all. Click here for your order!
Don’t stress about exercise While exercise is an important part of any healthy lifestyle, you don’t need to work out for hours each day to lose weight. Most people who are trying to lose weight also focus on eating less calories than they burn, which is why exercise alone isn’t enough to drop pounds. If you’re eating more calories than your body needs, you’ll never lose weight, no matter how much you exercise. If you’re trying to lose weight without exercising, you should focus on eating fewer calories than you burn. You don’t need to be in a rush to lose weight, either. If you want to lose a pound per week, you can do so by eating 250 fewer calories per day.
Try intermittent fasting If you’re trying to lose weight without exercising, you may want to try intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is a diet where you eat all of your calories within a specific time period, usually 12 to 16 hours. If you eat all of your calories within 12 hours, for example, you’d consume all of your food for the day between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. During this time, you’re not allowed to eat or drink anything besides water. While this diet may sound extreme, it can be a simple way to lose weight without exercising. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting increases the amount of energy your body burns, even when you’re at rest. This can lead to faster weight loss, especially if you’re eating fewer calories than you need. When you’re fasting, it can also be easier to control your cravings, which can help you eat less food overall.
Bottom line There are many ways to lose weight without exercising. You can change your diet, commit to strength training, get enough sleep, incorporate short workouts throughout the week, and try intermittent fasting. You don’t need to spend hours at the gym to improve your health and look and feel better.
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No Exercise, Just Try Breakfast Burn to Melt that Belly Fat Off! Click Here to Order Now
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