contact-guy · 14 days
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Part three for THE SIGN OF THE FOUR, some bits I thought were funny, drawn as I write two more big narrative comics in this chapter!
(Part one) (part two)
(This is part of the Watsons sketchbook series!)
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rookisaknight · 3 months
I know he was like suicidal or whatever but instead of just slumping back and dying menacingly would it have killed Jacob to wrestle us into the dirt a little bit before he went
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leathfaic · 1 year
So both Soap and Ghost spend christmas on base for reasons™️ And Soap absolutely let's his LT know he's getting him something for christmas, which kinda pressures Ghost to get him something
Soap gets Ghost a really expensive bottle of scotch. Ghost gets a really really expensive bottle of bourbon for Soap.
They end up drinking a courteous sip each before giving each other a knowing look and switching bottles again, then they proceed to get hilariously drunk together.
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swallowedabug · 10 months
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HANNAH JOHN-KAMEN Killjoys 5.01 (2019)
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belltari · 8 months
a/n: okay so like my head is full of thoughts of them that need to be put out in some way and since i cant put the time in to drawing rn i offer some horny writing instead. and maybe if people enjoy it i can write some more? maybe share some of the drabbles i have written and maybe some for the cowboy au?
"Lemme take care of you" Johnny breathes into Simon's ear.
Simon smirks as he leans back in his chair, spreading his legs farther apart and resting an elbow on the armrest, propping up his chin with his thumb and resting his forefinger on his scared cheekbone. "Alright Sargent, let's hear it."
Johnny steps in between Simon's legs and grips both armrests, caging Simon in, he licks his upper lip and leans into Simon's neck. He places a tender kiss on a scar there, Simon told him it was a bullet graze early in his career, a 'near miss' he always jokes. Johnny trails kisses up to his ear, "lemme strip off this rig" he slides his hand under the shoulder strap and pulls, bringing Simon closer to him. "Let me lay you doon on that cot," he motions his head to the bed in the corner of the room.
"Oh? A moldy mattress? Very romantic." Simon remarks. "'Fraid it's the best I can do on such short notice." He smiles into the shell of his ear. "Unless you'd prefer the chair?"
"Dunno, you tell me. Which one lets you 'take care of me' better, hm?" Simon reaches for the harness firmly strapped to Johnny's thighs, pulling as he hooks his fingers around them.
Johnny pulls Simon's hands away "Hands off LT. This is about you." He lifts his left leg, placing his knee on the edge of the chair, resting right up against Simon's crotch. He can feel Simon against this thigh. Johnny leans away, standing tall over him, he grips Simon's hair at the nape of his neck, forcing him to look up at him. He pushes his knee into Simon, griping his hair tighter.
Simon lets out a deep groan.
Johnny bites his lower lip smiling down at him.
"Like what you see, Johnny?"
"Aye. Like what I'm hearin' too." He leans to place a gentle kiss on Simon's lips. Only Simon beats him to it, he desperately reaches up to grip the back of Johnny's neck, pulling him into a heated kiss. Johnny deepens the kiss by gripping both straps of Simon's rig, only after both their lungs are burning does he pull away.
"I thought snipers were supposed to be patient?" He teases.
"I am. But not when what I want is right here in front of me."
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Randomly thinking about Roach getting drunk and getting ahold of a cowboy hat. He takes it off of his head and plops it onto Soap's head with a grin. No explanation.
Soap does not remember the cowboy hat rule, so Roach tries Ghost. He takes the hat and puts it on Ghosts head before stealing it and putting it on his own. No reaction. He's very disappointed and takes it back.
Jackson see's this and (also drunk) convinces him to do Karaoke. They sing Save A Horse (Ride a Cowboy). Ghost and Soap are very suddenly reminded of the cowboy hat rule. Roach gets what he wants by the end of the night akndjfkfjdjfjf
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amypihcs · 9 months
End of the story! What is our most Bistinguished doctor telling us today?
First of all, he's diving from bistinguished to bisaster
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Oh well, Holmes will end this whole thing with the greatest flirt ever soooo... Just Watson looking respectfully. Can't fault him!
Holmes is not impressed AT ALL by this young captain. He has his own strong blond man
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And i just... the power of this scene, i could see the granada adaptation in my head!
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Be truthful or you're fucked. And fucked for good. -Holmes.
Let's begin the story with the greatest declaration of love EVER after y'know it-was-worth-a-wound thing.
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Man's a simp if i ever saw one. Good for him and the lady! Story continues. And then... Well
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bammete! I don't fault Captain Crocker, the baronet will NOT be missed OR mourned.
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Holmes agrees AND he approves so much of this young man that HE SHAKES HIS HAND. Holmes as a rule DOESN'T shake hands.
'Well, captain... you could just get away, y'know?' -Holmes
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'Thaffuck you saying? NO, it would be bad!' -crocker
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And they shake hands AGAIN. Holmes REALLY approves of this man.
Now, to arrange matters.
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Also, you are a romantic, as much as you try to deny it. I REALLY hope Watson will point THAT out in a couple of hours when you and the... ah yes, 'gentle-man' retire.
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freckleslikestars · 1 year
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Not bad for a girl who hates to do homework.
FARSCAPE | 1.17 Through the Looking Glass
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must4rds33d · 5 months
villetteposting again
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source: x (last photo is from the official poster!)
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anothercrisis · 1 year
/Hides their face inside their elbow and violently coughs/
Guess who's back? Back again. Tamo's back. Tell a friend.
Anyway, I'm back with Nikolai thingy..? Yea.
I believe he learnt a language at school. Of course english, every school teaches english, and maybe it started with french. Honestly? The hardest language I'm learning rn but he was so good at it, the best ill correct myself, and got invested in it. Who needs sports if there are so many languages out there. Then he found a german, georgian, polish, spanish, ukrainian (his favourite in sounding, truly beautiful language, i can recommend some songs if you want). He can't speak all of 'em but knows enough to understand.
Your lungs okay..?
(I’m learning French too but it’s not that much of a pain in the ass for me. But then again I don’t usually struggle with languages—)
But Nik? Nik, who knew early on in his life that he was different and could feel the way it was altering the path of his life. Nik, who could see, hear, and feel the disappointment his parents had in him when they figured out he was gay. Nik, who took to hiding in literature and languages to escape and dream of somewhere else. Nik, who had a real talent for languages and the time and care to learn them. Nik, who isn’t as good at speaking them as he is at reading and understanding them, because he learned most of them on his own. Nik, who was able to list them all as skills when he went to join the military. Nik, who joined the 141 as an asset because of the long list of things that other people saw as skills: the languages, the piloting, the craftiness. Nik, who spent so much time alone and hiding that he figured out ways to care for himself, figured out how to learn things on his own, how to get ahold of the things he needed.
Then there’s Price. Price, who was always shit at languages, which royally sucked because of his profession and the vast variety of people he worked with. Price, who meets Nik and is immediately enamored by him and his language talents, even if Nik’s German is stunted it’s still passable, even if his Spanish doesn’t flow right. Price, who’s interest and fascination was completely innocent at first, but then Nik starting flirting with him in Russian, in French, and he was a goner.
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I don't even know how I want to reply 😭😭😭
Lowkey i was planning on role-playing a double agent, but now... 👀👀👀
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arkygifs · 22 hours
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I Love You, Phillip Morris (2009)
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pleafyistired · 1 year
hmmmm mutuals seem to be asleep is it safe to post cupcler x magical john yet
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axemetaphor · 11 months
sonic prime s2 ending has me thinking of aro sonic And shadow, where sonic flirts with him Just to be annoying
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john-smiths-jawline · 2 years
John: *Yawns*
Sherlock: It must be tiring, being so beautiful.
John: Then you must be exhausted.
Mycroft: Can both of you shut up, some of us are lonely.
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