#flo studies
sexy-raccoons · 2 years
So something interesting I’ve noticed is how people treat Lockwood’s character especially how they handle his obvious suicidal tendencies. I mean, Winkman picked up on it within literal minutes of meeting the kid it’s not like he’s hiding it well, but anyways
George: George treats Lockwood’s tendencies as something you have to work around. He doesn’t really like it, but he doesn’t try to hard to stop it farther than telling Lucy she has to be able to tell him no or she’ll “make him worse”. We see this and we know George cares about him a whole deal and we know that they’ve been bets tied for a while now and yet George hardly knows anything personal about Lockwood. George doesn’t extend a helping hand so Lockwood doesn’t attempt to take it
Kipps: We all see how Kipps treats Lockwood’s disregard for life. He believes that there is no saving Lockwood and the best thing they could do is let him kill himself before he drags someone down with him, which we see when he talks to Lucy saying “you don’t know what he’s really like” and something along the lines of “you better leave before he drags you down with him”. Kipps not only doesn’t extend that helping hand but he takes it and runs from Lockwood as fast as he can, and so Lockwood doesn’t even pretend to like him (plus he’s a bit of a jerk but they’re all jerks Lockwood just has a tolerance for some of them)
Lucy: And here’s where it gets interesting. Unlike the others she doesn’t run away or dance around the problem, she looks it dead in the eyes and tells it to stop. She offers Lockwood her hand again and again and each time she does it Lockwood gets a little closer to taking it because each time she does it is a time no one else tried. Everyone had given up on him, decided that he was a lost cause and his fate was sealed, but Lucy just wouldn’t stop and so when she offered her helping hand, Lockwood took it. Yeah he doesn’t quite know what to do with it now that he has it but the fact that he took it is what important. It’s why she was only there for a couple months or so and he was opening that door when George couldn’t even ask about it after a year of living with the man
The reason why I love Lucy and Lockwood together so much is this. It’s because Lucy never gave up on him and it gave Lockwood hope in himself. The two make each other better people and that’s amazing
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doueverwonder · 2 months
the only thing standing between me and a wttt as vines comp is the fact that i have negative idea on how to download videos or edit.
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neversetyoufree · 2 years
The trumpets at the end of that song —that’s what love feels like to me.
Cringe is dead. Watch my amv
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tvheadfalls · 2 years
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felt like posting again 👉👈 the last one is new but the others are all from old sketchbooks, was feelin nostalgic
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lesbicosmos · 9 months
i shouldn't be allowed to listen to this song at 11pm when im trying to get an early night for school tomorrow
i actually go insane over it
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bluehandprint · 8 months
Tomorrow i have another appointment with my job advisor. This time i'll try to not listen to her because i know what i want, i studied for it during 7 years and i won't take a job just because she need to show her efficiency
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rapojin · 1 year
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Flo has a quest for you!
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reorganize-my-life · 1 year
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sept 11 2023 /// 🎧 : chocolate Rain - flo milli
thinking about applying to grad school !!!
ahhh !!!!
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avernusdamned · 1 year
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i think so hard abt this sometimes
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littlerequiem · 1 year
— you honor them by living ˚⁎⁺ a character study of levi ackerman
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Day 6: Sleep/Rest for Levi Week 2023 - A story that explores what sleep represents for Levi's character. Written for @leviweek2023. Cross posted on AO3.
CONTENT — Gen fic, canon-compliant violence & character deaths, manga spoilers, angst, insomnia, ptsd, an exploration of levi with a happy ending (wc: 1k)
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Levi never slept more than two hours at a time.
His insomnia began shortly after his mother’s death, when Kenny plucked him out of his childhood and placed a knife in his hands. His uncle took him under his wing there and then, and showed him how to survive in the Underground. 
“Trust ya gut, runt. Always,” Kenny once told him.  
And Levi learned the rules: 
Sleep only for a few hours. 
Sleep with one eye open. 
Sleep with a weapon tucked under a pillow. 
And no matter what, don't look back. 
These were hard and unforgiving rules Levi had to abide to, but it was what was required to survive.
And survive Levi did. 
He sharpened his skills. He made a name for himself. He found a group of people he cared about—a family of sorts.
Until one day, Levi escaped the sewers of the Underground and felt the warm rays of the sun on his skin for the first time in his life. 
But life above the surface would prove to remain sleepless for Levi, just as barren as the darkness of his past. Erwin offered him a hand that pulled him out of the Underground, only to place another knife in Levi’s hands. 
Levi turned that weapon towards a new cause.
And soon, Levi became the beating heart of the Survey Corps.
Humanity’s Strongest—a promise to eradicate the titans no matter what. Levi’s strength, which had saved him and his friends below ground, suddenly became hope for thousands.  
(Levi's wings were the real thing after all.)
And still, despite this newfound purpose, that title would prove to be a heavy burden to bear.
The burden to survive.
The burden to watch people die. 
The burden to give meaning to those deaths.
Dedicate your heart, right?
Piece by piece, Levi did just that. He gave and gave, ripping so much of himself to give respite to Humanity.
Which is why, in all his years as a soldier within the Scout Regiment, sleep was not something Levi could afford to make time for. Despite the luxury of having his own bed, the Captain never found refuge in the wisps of dreams. Instead, he rested any way he knew how—reclined in a chair, a weapon always close-by, sleeping for a few hours at a time.
(Always ready for a fight.)
That was the way of life. It's what would prove to be his to live through for the decade to come. 
And all the while, he watched those he cared about slip through his fingers, despite his best attempts to save them. Furlan and Isabel, his squad, Kenny, Erwin, Hange. All of them, gone in a heartbeat of a moment, leaving Levi behind to live through the rest of the story alone.  
Scars, both physical and mental, lingered on his weathered body. Levi endured, wondering what would await him at the end of all things.
Until one day, that end found him.
Because the fight is over now. His role in that story is finished.
And what happens at the end of it all, once the fight is over?
As it so happens, sometimes, peace is found.
“Captain, we got the croissants,” a familiar voice calls out to him in between the realms of dreams and sleep. Levi stirs, but doesn't move to open his eye.
“Shut up, Connie, you're going to wake him up. Let's just prepare lunch while he sleeps.” This time, Levi recognizes the voice. It's Jean, expressing disapproval. "Onyankopon will be here any minute now."
"I was quiet as a bird, I swear!" Connie then retorts.
A scoff. "You're quiet as a bear, you mean."
"Shh you two..."
"Shh yourself!"
"Oi. I'm awake, you brats," Levi drawls at last, because he knows better than to expect quiet at this point. Despite the rebuttal, there's a note of affection etched at the back of his words.
Brats. Levi still calls those shitty kids like that, even after all this time.
As he straightens from the hamak that hangs in his back garden, the face of Armin, Jean and Connie blink at him, something sheepish to the way they stare at their Captain. Despite being fully grown adults, they still treat his words like the gospel of an older family member.
Levi studies them for a moment, watching them stand next to the rosebush he trimmed just this morning.
Armin looks every bit the Commander, making both Hange and Erwin proud. Jean looks serene, like he found peace with the family he created. And Connie looks happy, that same spark of contagious fire still sparkling bright.
Levi sighs and stares upwards at the sky, clouds of endless white swirling up in the blue vastness greet him back. It reminds him of his friends, of those he lost in the past, and the legacy he carries by living.
It's strange, to feel a sense of serenity at this thought, at the memories of his past. Perhaps that's what being old does to the mind.
For the peace he found in his new life allows him to sleep between soft duvets. He's still a light sleeper (that part will probably never change) but Levi's found happiness in this quiet life. He can have a full night's sleep now, and not need a weapon within reach.
For Levi now tends to his tea shop, like he always dreamed he would. He gardens and grows his own vegetables. He enjoys strolls near the sea. He has a cat, which loves to follow him around the house. He has people he cares about and who care about him back.
And remembering all of this, Levi settles back in the hamak, which swings under his weight. Armin, Jean and Connie continue to talk quietly as they set the table for the dinner that is to ensue, where everyone Levi knows is invited to attend.
And while they work towards that, Levi gets to rest.
The faintest hint of a smile settles on Levi's lips as he closes his eyes again. Levi enjoys the sunshine found on this delicate spring day.
He can almost sense the presence of the ghosts of his past, watching him with pride.
Never forgotten, but cherished.
And the promises of tomorrow bloom just over the horizon.
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Song Insp: Memories by Danny Elfman (from the movie Black Beauty).
— Masterlist
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vivwritesfics · 6 months
Best Dad Ever
Lando is the best girl dad. When his little girl wants to ride horses, he makes it happen
For @nurse-buckley for studying
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Lando didn't have many regrets in life. He didn't regret karting from a young age, he didn't regret joining McLaren. He didn't regret getting married young or having a child either.
Actually, those last two were the best decisions of his life.
What he did regret was letting his four year old meet his sisters horses.
Lola fell in love. Lando hoped that she'd find Flo's huge horses terrifying and scary. But she loved them. She really really loved them. She giggled as the horse took the treat from her hand. Auntie flow had shown her exactly how to do it
She didn't get to ride Flo's horses. They were top show jumpers, Flo didn't want to put her niece at risk like that. Something Lando was incredibly grateful for.
But soon, Lando was strapping her into her car seat and driving her home. "Papa," she began as she looked out of the window, at the horses in the passing fields. "Can I start riding ponies?"
Lando should have seen it coming. It shouldn't have been a surprise that Lola had found love for those great big beasts in the same way his sister had. "Let me speak to your mother, yeah Lols?"
"Okay daddy."
Her mother didn't need a lot of convincing. "Hell yes she can go riding!" Y/N insisted. "I always wanted to as a girl but I never could," she said as she cuddled up to her husband.
"But, what if she realises she want to do karting like her father?" He pouted.
She held his hand to her lips and kissed the back of it. "I promise, Lan. The next one we have you can introduce to karting."
Lando really liked the sound of that.
For Lolas first riding lesson, Lando was there, watching. He arranged it for a date he wasn't at a race and held his wife's hand as he watched. He was so incredibly nervous. Even if all Lola had to do was sit there, he was still terrified.
Soon she was riding every week. Lando desperately wanted to be at every lesson, but, before he knew it, he was at a race.
He wasn't there for the first time she trotted. "Please video it, baby," he said to his wife as they spoke on the phone.
She did just that, recording as she sat tall, the little pony beneath her trotting. Lando watched the video again and again, showing it to anybody that would watch.
He was there for her first lesson off the lead rope. He couldn't stop the smile on his face as she steered the small grey pony over the set of poles.
Lola kept up her riding lessons for a year. Lando attended as many as he could.
When that year of riding lessons was up,y Lando was on a mission to do something big.
It arrived at his location in the mid morning. As soon as it did, Lando put his phone to his ear. "Baby, bring Lola to the yard," he said.
Without questioning him, she got Lola into her riding boots, strapped her into the car and set off for the stables.
"Where's daddy?" Lola asked as they drove.
"He's gonna meet us there, sweety," Y/N said as she drove.
Lola frowned. "Why?"
"I don't know, Lol's."
As soon as Lola was out of the car, she was running towards her father. "What's going on, Daddy?" She asked.
Taking her hand, Lando walked Lola towards the barn. "I got you something, Lol's, " she said.
Lola gasped when Lando pointed to a stable. In that stable was a black pony, wearing a pink headcollar. "Lola, baby, I'd like you to meet Raven," said Lando. "He's your new pony."
Lola let out a little, quiet scream. "Really, daddy?! He's all mine?"
"He is, baby."
Lola through her arms around her father, squeezing him as tight as she could.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 2 months
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-Plan your day , be organized - daily planner .
-enhance your vocabulary.
-Summarizes books
-Motivational quotes
-Inspirational quotes , success stories , gratitude , affirmations.
- Track your menstruation cycle.
- Track your sleep cycle.
- Affirmations
- Create routines and track your daily habits
- Meditation
- Gratitude journal, vision boards , affirmations
- enhance your vocabulary
- Learn new language
- Facial yoga
- Workout
-Study timer
- Track your water intake
- Journal , habit tracker
-Pomodoro timer , focus for productivity
- Planner
- Flashcards , memorize words easily
- Horoscope
- Meditation
- Learn new facts , build knowledge
- Meditation
- Learn new facts
- Pomodoro timer
- Boost your self-esteem
- For art and museum lovers
- Inspirational talks
- Meditation , develop mindfulness
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youaintnothinbuta · 3 months
“I promise you the bed will be so much comfier” — Austin butler x reader
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Summary: you are Florence’s bestie and meet Austin through her while she’s on set during filming for Dune :)
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: fluff! Slow burn, no real romance, friends before dating typa cuteness! I wrote this while extremely tired so sorry if there are typos </3
Your best friend, Florence, was in the UAE for filming for Dune. When Florence told you she was going to be spending those 5 shooting weeks either in the desert or alone in the apartment they would provide for her, you offered to find some time to visit her for a bit, but it ended up in you just coming with her for almost the whole time.
You settled into a routine with her nicely, though you didn’t see much of her for more than a few hours at a time. Mostly you filled your time with exploring the nearby areas, reading and occasionally visiting Flo on set. It was during one of these days that you first met Austin.
It was easy to get along with his relaxed demeanour, and his charm made it even easier to strike up a friendship of sorts. It wasn’t long before your friendship with him felt as though there wasn’t a time where you hadn’t known each other.
One early morning, you found yourself tossing and turning in bed. Sleep eluded you, and the more you tried to force it, the more restless you became. Frustrated and tired, you grabbed your phone to check the time. 6:14. Florence had long shoot this day and you didn’t want to wake her up any earlier she had to be up. Pushing past the straining sensation the light of your phone gave your eyes, you decided to text Austin, who didn’t have to be on set until the evening.
“You awake? I can’t sleep.”
No reply as you scrolled aimlessly, waiting. Figuring his silence was a ‘no,’ you put your phone down and tried for the hundredth time to fall asleep. Just as the the room fell back to darkness, a buzz beside your head alerted you back to full consciousness.
“I am. Come over, door will be unlocked for you.”
You didn’t hesitate. All the cast and crew were staying in houses along the same strip and Austin’s was conveniently just across the road. You slipped on your shoes and quietly made your way over, the early morning air cool and refreshing against your skin as you knocked lightly before pushing the door open. You found Austin in the kitchen, already making his breakfast and a coffee.
“Hey,” he greeted you with a warm smile, “you look sleepy.”
“Because I am,” you replied, with slightly more attitude than you intended, “I just couldn’t get comfortable.”
You turned to leave, going to curl up at the end of the couch in the living room.
He soon joined you, placing his food on the coffee table. You lifted your head from the back of the sofa to look up at him.
Austin motioned towards his bedroom. “If you want to try and get some more sleep, I promise you the bed will be so much comfier.”
“Are you sure?” You asked, hesitating for a moment.
“Yeah, of course,” Austin said, leading you towards his room. “Make yourself at home.”
You slipped into his bed, instantly feeling enveloped in comfort. Austin closed the curtains but left the door open, ensuring you could rest without feeling too closed in. His sheets smelt divine, just like the way he smelt every day, but softer. And between you and well, you, there may have been some feelings starting to develop for him.
You actually did manage to get some rest, when the sound of conversation woke you. You heard Florence’s voice ask if he’d seen you.
Austin replied, “Yeah, she’s in bed,” nodding towards his room.
Concern painted Flo’s face, “she slept with you?”
Austin shook his head, setting down his coffee. "No, she came over earlier. She’s just having a nap. She couldn’t sleep at your place."
Florence crossed her arms, studying him carefully. "Mhm. And are you trying to sleep with her?"
Austin met her gaze evenly. "No, I’m not trying to sleep with her."
"So, there are no feelings for her? And it’s normal for you to let anyone you’ve known four weeks sleep in your bed?" Florence pressed, her concern evident. She was your best friend, and you did only know Austin a few weeks. She really was only looking out for you, even if she was being a bit pushy for half seven in the morning.
Austin sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Right now, my feelings for her are friend deep because that is all I’ll let them be. If she makes it clear to me that she wants me to make my move, then I will allow myself to feel more.”
Florence nodded slowly, her expression softening. "I just don’t want you hurting her."
"I promise, that is the very last thing I want to do," Austin assured her.
Florence glanced towards the bedroom, then back at Austin. "Alright, I’ve got to go. I’m already late. Thanks for the breakfast," she said, holding up the small to-go container he gave her.
"No problem," Austin replied with a warm smile. "Don’t work too hard."
Florence gave him a cheeky nod and grin before disappearing, her voice yelling, “I will hurt you if I find out you try anything on her,” earning a laugh from Austin.
You decided to pretend to still be asleep so he wouldn’t know you heard any of their conversation. Austin took a moment to gather himself before heading towards his bedroom where he thought you were still sleeping. He approached the doorframe and knocked gently. You groaned softly, stirring but not quite waking.
"Sorry," Austin whispered, not wanting to startle you. "Are you ready for some breakfast?"
You shook your head, still half-buried in the pillows. Austin smiled softly, about to walk away, when he heard you mumble his name.
"Yeah?" he responded, turning back towards you.
You reached out towards him, and he stepped closer, thinking you were asking for help getting up. But instead of taking his hand, you wrapped your arms around his neck, insisting on being held.
He leaned down, his strong arms easily lifting her from the bed. You nestled against him, your head resting on his shoulder.
"Where do you want to go? The couch?" he asked softly.
You shook your head, your hair brushing against his cheek. You laid your head more comfortably on his shoulder, and Austin took the cue, gently swaying back and forth, like rocking a baby. His arms were strong and steady, capable of holding you for as long as you needed him to.
You stayed like this for several minutes, the morning light casting a soft glow through the partially closed curtains. Austin felt a deep sense of peace, content just to be there with you. Eventually, he felt you shift slightly, a sign that you were ready to move. He lowered you gently back down, your feet touching the floor. You looked up at him with a shy smile, your eyes filled with warmth.
"Let’s get you some breakfast,” he smiled back.
A/N: hi I’m back !! I missed y’all 🥹 sorry this is bleh imma bit rusty
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I would say I was bored but. I wasn't. I've got a bunch of tests over the next two weeks that I need to study for buuuuuut I didn't feel like it-
Also I haven't drawn in a while so I thought why not lmao
So say hi to Flo Ig
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bluehandprint · 8 months
Taking things slow today cause head's been spinning since last night and i feel like i've low blood pressure
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rapojin · 1 year
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