#flop loser king
nucleqr · 5 months
more bg3 screenshots hot off the presses! i'm a TERRIBLE person in this playthrough it's fineee
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kavehater · 2 months
LMAO TWO PEOPLE IN MY FRIENDS LIST JOINED MY WORLD and one is a girl one is a boy me and the girl were just talking about dottore and how much we love him and the guy was like 🙄 HELP
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muirneach · 3 months
also i kind of touched on this earlier but of the three masters titles that daniil has yet to win…. two are the only masters titles that andrey does have. they make me so sick. anyways one of them needs to take indian wells so between the two of them they have a full set
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i have got to draw takezame more
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rogueddie · 1 year
Runner / End Of Beginning
Steve has never seen his father as upset, as furious, as he was when he got home with his final exam results. He'd known- suspected- that his father would flip when his results came in...
His father got angry at small things. Hearing that he'd had a party while they were away, that a girl went missing at that party, had been the closest Steve thought he'd ever get to recieving a beating.
But when he came home with his grades... when his father realized that his son, his supposed prodigy, barely passed...
Steve has never ran as fast as he currently is.
As soon as he'd seen an openning, a clear line to the door, he'd stumbled to his feet and bolted. He'd picked a random direction and ran. He isn't going to stop running until he physically has to stop, knowing that his father is most likely in his car, trying to find him.
He can't stop. He has to keep running.
Eventually, he has to pause. He has to catch his breath.
He leans against a trailer, panting. He prays that no one thinks to look outside and spot him. He prays that no one will-
"Fuck." He hisses, squinting up at- "Munson?"
"What the fuck happened to you?" He says, eyes widenning when he finally gets a look at his face. "Second round with Hargrove, or what?"
"Nothing happened, I'm fine."
Munson eyes him for a moment, frowning. "Is someone after you?"
"What do you care?" Steve heaves a deep breath, forcing himself to stand up straight. He brings his knees up in a few knee highs, gearing up for another sprint.
"Ugh. Just- you can come into my trailer," Munson says, sounding as though Steve is forcing him to make the suggestion. "No one would think to look for you there. You can, like... I don't know. Drink some water? You jocks do that, right?"
"Wh- I don't need your help!"
"I'm not waiting for you all day, come on, let's go!" He makes a wide, exaggerated gesture for Steve to follow.
"You just assume I'm gonna follow?"
He sounds so confident, so sure, that Steve can't think to do anything other thank blink and say, "fuck it, yeah, alright."
Steve is a little surprised at how much space Eddies trailer has. It's cramped, but in a nice way- the way a home gets when people actually live in it. When the people inside are actually happy and chase those joys.
Munson does get him a glass of water, mumbling at him to "sit anywhere", before flopping onto the sofa himself. He turns the TV on, focusing on that.
"Thanks," Steve eventually mutters, awkwardly sitting down.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Nothing to talk about."
"There isn't," he insists, despite how casual and accepting Munson is acting. "It's my fault, anyway. I deserved it."
"Did you?" Munson turns to him, eyebrow raised. "All us freaks and losers can talk about these days is your change of heart. King of Hawkins High turned lame boytoy."
"Thanks, that makes me feel so much better," Steve sneers.
"Even Jeff thinks you're alright now," he barrels on. "Said he bumped into you, pretty hard, knocked all your shit down, and you apologized. Said his coffee ended up on an essay, or something. Thought he was about to get his ass kicked and you just..."
He waves his hand at him, as though that's explination enough.
Steve doesn't know a Jeff, but he's pretty sure he knows who Munson is talking about, and; "I wasn't looking where I was going. If anything, we were both at fault."
"See?" Munson waves his hand at him again, a little more pointed. "Don't doubt you've got a long way to go, but you're not half-bad. You didn't deserve whatever the fuck happened to your face."
They fall quiet, both pretending to watch whatever is on the TV. Steve is so zoned out that, when someone clears their throat, he flinchs.
"Sorry to startle you boys," the man chuckles. But the humor quickly teeters out, once he gets a good look at Steve. "You alright, kid?"
"I'm fine."
"He's not," Munson grins wide when Steve glares at him.
"Staying the night?" The man continues, only looking at Eddie now.
"If I can convince him," Munson shrugs.
"I can't stay the night," Steve tries.
"Good," the man nods, as though Steve hadn't said anything. "I'll start making us all some dinner." He finally looks to Steve. "You got any allergies?"
"I can't stay," Steve tries again, insisting.
"No," Munson answers for him. "No problems with meat either."
The man gives Munson a thumbs up, heading through to the kitchen.
"I can't stay," Steve repeats, turning to Munson. "Really. I have to go back or... I have to go back."
"What will happen if you don't go back?"
Steve grimaces. "Nothing. Just- I can't stay here."
"Why not? They gonna hit me too?"
"You know what, Munson? Yeah, probably. And your- your dad?"
"Uncle," Munson snorts, standing, stretching. "No one messes with us though. We're too scary." He wiggles his fingers in Steves face as he passes by. "And call me Eddie."
"It's my name."
Steve awkwardly follows him to the kitchen, hovering a good distance from the two of them, watch how they move around each other with so much comfort and ease. It makes something in Steves chest ache.
"Oh, hey, you like football right?" Eddie asks, pointing to him.
"Uh, yeah, kinda. Not enough to have, like, a team." Steve shrugs.
Wayne turns around slowly, eyebrows raised. "You don't got a team?"
Talking football with Wayne is so easy that, until he's halfway through the dinner he cooked, Steve doesn't notice how fast the time is going. He can't bring himself to be bothered though. It's too nice.
Plus, Eddie is almost bouncing with joy at how well Steve and Wayne are getting along.
Someone starts banging on the door, loud and aggressive, as they make their way to the kitchen.
"Alright!" Wayne calls, rolling his eyes. "Hold your horses."
Steves stomach drops when the door opens and his father is on the other side. He smiles at Steve, sickly sweet and dangerously calm.
"Oh, thank God," he sighs. "Steve, your mother and I have been looking all over for you. When you didn't get home-"
Wayne blocks his way when he tries to step inside. "Who are you?"
"Robert Harrington," Steves dad sniffs, leaning back so he can physically look down at Wayne. "I'm here for my son."
"He ain't here."
Robert Harrington splutters, face tinting red with anger and frustration. He points to Steve, voice raising as he says, "he's right there! And he's coming with me."
Wayne turns, slow and casual. "Huh. That's odd. Don't see him."
"Steve," he snaps his fingers at Steve, like he's a dog. "Come on. We're going home."
Eddie shifts so he's standing slightly in front of him.
It's enough reassurance for him to finally snap back; "I'm not going anywhere with you."
"Get off my property," Wayne snaps.
His father glares at them, waiting, as though he expects them to back down. When he doesn't, he snarls; "this is kidnapping."
"He's 18," Eddie drawls.
Grumbling, he stomps off.
"Asshole," Wayne mutters. He shuts and locks the door, sliding on the chain too.
Steve has to sit down, with how much his legs are shaking.
"You alright?" Eddie asks, hesitantly sitting beside him.
"Yeah," Steve says. He's surprised to find he means it. "Yeah, I'm good."
"You can stay here, long as you need," Wayne offers. "You'll have to bunk with Eds though. Not a lot of room."
"Why can't he use the sofa when you're-"
"Nope," Wayne cuts him off. There's a glint of mischief in his eyes that has Steve squinting in suspicion. "And you'll need those cuts looking at. Eddie, why don't you go with him. Medkits in the bathroom."
Steve goes ahead when Eddie points the way to the bathroom.
Eddie tries to give Wayne a warning look but he's unbothered and, with Steves back turned, he gives Eddie an encouraging wink.
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nobody-nexus · 11 months
More TADC Incorrect Quotes
(Warning some may be nsfw) Contains Ragapom as well because why not
Jax, to the Squad: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, that’s easy. Just don’t die. That’s it. Refuse to die. There you go Pomni: But how- Jax, ignoring them: “But how”, you may ask. Well, easy. Just don’t do it. Refuse to. Say “no thanks”
Pomni: That was so hot, Ragatha Ragatha: I literally called the person who just flirted with you a degenerate dog and told them I hope they get dragged through the streets. Pomni: I'm so in love with you.
Ragatha: Hey, Zooble, where are you going? Zooble: Well, it depends. When I die, probably hell Zooble: But right now I’m going to McDonald’s
Jax: What kinds of sounds annoy you? Kinger: Are we talking real sounds or imaginary ones? Jax, now interested: Lets say imaginary Kinger: Spiders wearing flip flops
Pomni: I would do anything for money. later Pomni, covered in blood: THE STATEMENT STILL STANDS!
Zooble: I just watched Pomni jump off of a spinning chair. Luckily, they weren't hurt that badly. But the whole time, Jax was screaming for help, which caused Ragatha to run in to help Pomni. Just note that all of this happened in the span of six minutes
Bubble: Bye Caine! Bye Pomni! Bye Gangle! Bye Jax! Bye Caine! Kinger: You said ‘bye Caine’ twice- Bubble: I like Caine.
Caine: Okay happy circus members! If you were a fruit, what would you be and why? Zooble: I'd be a tomato because no one accepts me as part of the group. Caine: ... Zooble: ... Caine: OKAY HAPPY CIRCUS MEMBERS-
Pomni: Love is weakness and an evolutionary mistake Zooble: You are literally making a Valentine’s day card for Ragatha Pomni, pointing their hot glue gun towards Zooble: You’re on thin f#&king ice.
Jax: If I die, my funeral will be the biggest party ever and you're all invited Pomni: "If"? Zooble: Great, the only party I'm ever invited to, and he might not even die
Caine: Jax, my old friend! Jax: I think you tried to kill me at some point Caine: That was obviously just my way of getting to know you
Gangle: Do you see yourself as a glass half-full or glass half-empty kind of person? Kinger: Half-full, definitely! Kinger: Half-full and constantly rising. Kinger: Soon the water will escape its container and consume us all.
Ragatha: I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumba$$es and dumba$$es exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight. Pomni: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther? Ragatha, already taking off her clothes: God, Pomni, you’re so f#%king stupid.
Ragatha: Truth or dare? Zooble: Truth Ragatha: How many hours have you slept this week? Zooble: Zooble: Dare Ragatha: Go to sleep. Zooble: I don't like this game.
Jax, texting Zooble: Any plans for tonight? Zooble: No Jax: Loser
Caine: You three, explain right now! Pomni: It was Jax Ragatha: It was Jax Zooble: It was Jax Jax: Jax: …fuck.
Caine, holding an antique bottle: Is this whiskey or perfume? Bubble: grabs and chugs the entire bottle Bubble: Bubble: It's perfume :D
Ragatha: Kinger… Kinger: Oh no, 'Kinger' in B flat Kinger: You're disappointed
Pomni stumbles into the hall of dorms, absolutely drunk, takes off her hat, and stands in Ragatha’s bedroom. Ragatha: Babe, are you.. coming to bed? Pomni: No thank you, I’m sure you’re lovely but I have a girlfriend. Pomni: Lies on the ground and falls asleep Ragatha: …
Caine: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier Caine: Violently practices Kinger: Violently studies Ragatha: Violently sleeps Gangle: Violently shoots pictures Zooble: Violently boxes Pomni: Violently murders people. Ragatha: Violently worries about the previous statement
Jax, knocking on the door: Gangle, open up! Gangle: It all started when I was a kid. Jax: Wha- OPEN THE F#%KING DOOR
Jax: You need to be more careful, dollface Ragatha, who was dragged into Jax's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Thump noise Pomni, from the other room: What happened?! Jax: Gangle’s shirt fell Pomni: Why was it loud? Jax: It had them inside
Kinger: Hi, who's this? Jax changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures Gangle: What's mine? Kinger: Dwarf Gangle: THEY'RE SO MEAN, I'M NOT THAT SHORT! Kinger: Oh, hey Gangle Gangle: F#%K!
Zooble: If we’re in trouble, just throw Ragatha at the problem, and hope for the best
*Gangle teaching Zooble to drive and taking Jax along for the ride* Gangle: That's a pothole. To the left! Zooble: Take it back now y'all *Drives into pothole* Jax, sticking their face into the front over the center console: Cha Cha real smooth. Zooble: I don't think that's how the song goes. Gangle, crying and gripping the handle: Please just take me home. Zooble: Country Roads. Jax: To the place. Zooble and Jax in unison: I Belong! Gangle, crying harder: What the f#%k?
Jax: You know, there’s only one person in this world who can tell you what you are Ragatha: Yourself! Jax: No. Jax: Me
Jax: "What are you into?" is such a broad question, like do I reply with a TV series or choking?
Pomni: Good night Ragatha: Sleep tight! Caine: Don't let the bedbugs crawl up to your ear and whisper threatening things that make you question yourself! Jax: Great, now Ragatha's crying
Gangle: Tomorrow's garbage day Jax: I can't believe they made a whole day dedicated to you
Pomni: My mom is calling… hi mom! Ragatha: Come on guys, stop. They’re trying to talk to their mom. Jax: loud fake sexual noises Caine: EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP! Zooble: is asleep Kinger: gets really close to the phone Tell her I said hi.
Jax: What did Ragatha do this time? Zooble: More like WHO did Ragatha do this time?
Ragatha: Dom or sub? Pomni: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though
Zooble: Who would you kill out of the four of us, Ragatha? Ragatha: Jax, easily. Jax, laughing: What the f#%k, girl Ragatha: Well, Pomni would be too easy. They’d probably be into it. Pomni, now standing in the doorway: What the f#$k, Ragatha!?
Pomni: Guys, I didn’t memorize my lines! Caine: Just use your lack of common sense! Everyone knows the characters in plays are dumb! During the play Gangle: Hey! You finally made it! Did you get the donuts? Pomni: W-what’re donuts?
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snaillock · 1 year
hi!! it's me again 😭😭 I was going to ask for one of my favs, my boy Barou ☹️ I love this trope and even more with his personality 😓. So yk he's like so strong characted and it's like 🤨😠 well what about a small drable(? (I think it's called that way, like a little fic? bcs rules say u don't write much of that and I don't want to press 😿) when he's like that even with m reader (when they're in public) but in an affectionate way? like angry love, and when they're alone he's a complete cutie pay 🤭 I love him so much please 😭😭
anyways if you can do that please it would be great! take care!!
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i’m sorry this took a while to finish😭 for some reason, i was having so much trouble writing this so i hope it’s to your satisfaction. also bc of this request, the rules have since been updated cause there were worded very very poorly (my bad) but it should be all good. hopefully there will be no more confusion from now on
tags: male reader, barou’s loving insults w.c: 0.3k
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“barou!” you yelled out before running towards him and wrapping your arms around him, “great job at practice today!”
“god, don’t do this around here, you idiot,” barou complained while glancing back at his teammates but still hugged you back.
“oh please, me being here doesn’t take away from your king status.”
he rolled his eyes and released you, “shut up and let’s head home already, dumbass.”
you giggled and grabbed his hand, “alrighty you asshole.”
“ugh,” he groaned and averted his eyes away from you but didn’t pull his hand away, “don’t embarrass me in front of the team”
“why do you care about what they think?” you raised an eyebrow in amusement, “you once told me that ‘they’re a bunch of lowlife servants that only exist to live under your rule’”
“whatever let’s just go already, you damn loser”
once you got to barou’s house, you immediately dropped your backpack on his bedroom floor and flopped onto his bed.
“nope! bag at the door and no uniform on the bed.”
“come on… you’re really going to make me sit on the floor, baby?” you whined, already relaxing in his bed.
“don’t think you can sweet talk me of all people just because you’re my boyfriend.” he crossed his arms.
“yes i can. now get over here.” you patted the spot right next to you.
barou glared at you in disbelief before sighing and giving in, sitting right next to you. you grinned and threw your arms around him, leaning on his shoulder. “see you can’t resist me because you love me!”
he rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around you. “yeah unfortunately you’re right. i do really love you,” he said, unable to hold back an adoring smile. he then kissed your forehead. “you damn idiot.”
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taglist(if you want to be added let me know!): @userwithlotsoftime (ty for asking to be in a taglist btw!)
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batsplat · 4 months
Thank you so much for ur work for this community 😭
thank you!! so, listen, I need to get some casey, jorge and valentino images out into the world
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this is from the 2007 qatar post-qualifying press conference. obviously it's not just the three of them given colin edwards is like. right in the middle. (and *checks notes* gábor talmácsi is also there.) but still a photo of historical significance... casey's first ever race with the ducati (which he very much wins), plus valentino with his then-current teammate edwards and then-future teammate jorge... it's a bit unclear when jorge was actually signed - lin jarvis implies it was in 2006 but if that's the case, edwards seemed to be under the impression for a little too long that he wasn't going to lose that seat. anyways! look at wee nineteen year old jorge lorenzo, look at his utter absence of anything approaching a smile... look at him
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misano 2007 post-qualifying press conference and a very powerful photo imo... some nicely contrasting vibes here, good composition... jorge had already been announced as valentino's teammate, and the title is already more or less in casey's pocket (even more so after casey won here and valentino had a mechanical dnf lol - they'd basically brought the race back to the calendar for valentino so this was. not ideal! incidentally still the last race with an entirely non-european podium.)
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not much from 2008 tbh. casey and vale took turns to flop in the first bit of the season and then jorge started crashing his brains out. anyway these are from indianapolis, at a time when jorge was just about in the process of getting his act together while casey had crashed in his last three races (including laguna where he picks up the bike to finish p2). quite fond of this race actually, bit of a mess due to the weather and ends up getting red-flagged
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first race of 2009.... casey's scheduled annual qatar win. decent shout for his most boring one of the lot, sorry king
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pre-event presser before mugello, where valentino had won seven consecutive times headed into the 2009 race. if I'm valentino I low-key never show my face again after the le mans catastrophe but whatever it's fine
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the le mans fiasco in question
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anyway mugello is another wet-ish race that valentino ended up playing too conservatively because of the le mans horror show. so casey wins! also jorge beats valentino! old man's washed! just about scams his way onto the podium
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italian press weren't particularly kind to valentino for having the audacity to lose mugello. they said it was over... he was finished... imagine only winning a race seven times in a row. was he even trying any more? loser
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valentino bounced back at catalunya 2009 in highly dramatic fashion (y'know, it's the one with the last corner overtake). moment of deep historical significance in which jorge pulls valentino down from the podium to give him a hug
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first race where casey was really struggling with his mystery illness... idk if I were valentino or jorge I'd maybe check if the third guy on the podium isn't about to drop dead but. well. professional athletes, never really been known for their empathy. they did clap along with the journalists in the post-race press conference when the moderator thanked casey for actually making it to the presser, so that's something?
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we all have our struggles
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the very next race. immaculate vibes imo. the 2009 title fight going into assen had all three of them tied on 106 points... #heritage
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anyway the race itself is pretty boring (as unfortunately are many of the races that year), but it's valentino's 100th win so good on him ig. he got out a special banner with photos of all his wins, which would've been an absolute pain to lug around if he'd not immediately won the next race after his 99th
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cute. unfortunately, this is now very much mystery illness period for casey... heroic effort to get himself to the podium but not much more was possible at the time
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laguna 2009 post-quali presser. jorge is sitting for the photo, because even though he'd bagged pole, he had a massive highside right at the end of qualifying... hurt both his ankles and his shoulder. he'd also had a horrendous highside right at the start of laguna '08, did a good job to banish his gremlins in order to win at the circuit in 2010
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qatar 2010... can't have been after the race because casey crashed :/ valentino grabbed the win, before immediately injuring his shoulder in a motocross accident. all went downhill from there, really. damn the eruption of eyjafjallajökull we were robbed
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laguna 2010 podium, most memorable as 'that time when they accidentally played the italian anthem rather than the spanish one and valentino thinks it's extremely funny' (clip here). extremely poor quality photo shows casey found it funny too. very #them thing to happen to them. valentino buddy the cap's supposed to remain off for the duration of the anthem
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this is very much post-leg break btw, still pretty cordial with each other given some of the stuff they'd been saying about each other to the press during that period lol (not casey/jorge, they were basically fine by this point)
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presser right after jorge and valentino's little motegi misadventure... gifs from the presser. valentino's smirk vs casey's grin while jorge is being interrogated, I think about you often...
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this was casey's fourth consecutive phillip island win (of six total)... isn't that just like. an incredibly cool circuit to be goated at. does mean the fight for the victory was generally quite boring - though the battles behind casey weren't always exactly thrilling either, so you can blame that on the era too. 2008 and 2010 has decent action behind casey, 2009 is the closest casey was pushed for the win and 2011 at least has a bit of weather-related jeopardy
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valencia 2010, photos taken before unfortunate events
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last shared podium!! le mans 2012, a fun wet race that featured the final proper casey/vale duel at the race after casey's retirement announcement so has real sentimental value... congrats to valentino for not collecting casey this time. presser clip where he shows he's also pretty glad about how he (just about) managed this
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You're French right? How about a French ask? Skeletons are eating their very first Epiphany/King cake (Galette des Rois) and skeletons find the lucky charm (la fève)! S/O claims he's now the King and gives him a paper crown! Reaction?
I have no idea if it's only a French tradition (I think in Belgium, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal too?), but in case everyone is wondering, we're celebrating the Epiphany on January 6th, and in France we eat what we call La galette des rois (King cake). Basically, it's frangipane or apple cake in which you hide a lucky charm (la fève). Whoever finds it becomes the King or the Queen for the day! If you swallow the lucky charm, you have a dare (and you probably die since lucky charms are huge nowadays lol).
Undertale Sans - Of course, he has the lucky charm because he saw it when you hid it and drew a small cross to mark the spot with a knife while it was cooking. He mainly did it to have a reaction, he's not gonna lie. Now that he is the King, he has the right to prank everyone for the entire day and no one can't say anything about it. Papyrus hates you now.
Undertale Papyrus - He's in shock? He's the King? Oh my god? He never thought he would be a King someday! He's a bit overwhelmed right now. He's going to make a twenty minutes speech as the new King of the Underground, and all of it right in front of Asgore who is not sure if he should be worry or not about this new tradition. I mean, how many King cakes are there outside? How many monsters are going to steal his throne for the day? Also he doesn't want to not be the King anymore???
Underswap Sans - He screams, ecstatic, as Honey just flops on his chair, so upset lol. Blue is running around the table with his crown above his head like he won the Football World Cup lol. He's going to brag about it for DAYS, because he's the King and you're all LOSERS.
Underswap Papyrus - Of course, he chokes on the lucky charm lol. Blue thankfully knows how to do the Heimlich maneuver and saves his life. Even if he says he didn't swallow it, you still gave him a dare and forced him to dance the Macarena for two hours. He's not sure he likes the Epiphany very much after some thinking.
Underfell Sans - He breaks the lucky charm in half because of his sharp teeth, and swallows one part. Uh... Eh, he still has half on it so good enough? You say yes. Edge says no. The brothers start arguing over if Red should or not do a dare and you quickly have to intervene before they start fighting for good. Gosh, what a bunch of idiots.
Underfell Papyrus - Of course, he has the crown, he is the superior mind in this room! He puffs his chest, so proud, and he's going to be a little shit all day long, treating you and Red like his peasants. At the end of the day, Red is so upset he suddenly snatches the crown from his head and eats it lol.
Horrortale Sans - He's a bit confused, but ok. He wondered why there was something hard in his cake, and then you just start screaming and congratulating him and he has no idea why??? He's not questioning it, simply purring happily as you decided he's the King or something. Whatever you like. If you're happy, he's happy.
Horrortale Papyrus - He won...? He's a bit unsure about why it's such a deal, but uh, he wins, so it's fine! He's wearing his crown happily, but since Oak is sad he doesn't have a crown, Willow gives him his crown to make him happy. He doesn't need to be a King, he already has all he wants.
Swapfell Sans - He looks at the crown, an eyebrow raised. What do you mean it's a crown? That? It's bullshit. A little rain and it's dead??? Clearly, humans are inferior to monsters on this. At least monsters know how to make a real crown. You tell him you can give his crown to Rus instead, he snatches it from your hands. Like hell! He's the King, not his brother! There's no way Rus has it!
Swapfell Papyrus - He's so happy he's going to twerk at Nox's face just too piss him off even more. He doesn't care, he's the King, he's invincible! It's the best day of his life! He's going to be sooooo difficult all day long, just being a little shit. He will also bring somehow twenty raccoons inside the house and exile Nox and you because they are his people and you are intruders. You swear Nox is going to kill him.
Fellswap Gold Sans - What do you mean he's the King but he's not the King for real and can't just go in the Castle and push Toriel out of her throne? You said he was the King! Make your mind already! King have a castle and it can only have one King of monsters so clearly he is legitimate to take the throne??? If you humans don't understand anything to royalty, why are you crowning random people on January??? That's crazy!
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Uuuuh... No thanks, he doesn't want to be the King. He knows everyone wants to kill the King so go to hell, he's not doing that. He throws his crown to Wine and disappears to have an anxiety attack in his room. It's too much pressure, he's going to die.
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manygeese · 2 months
the fifth and final part of my valgrace sleeping beauty au. this is just them getting married bc they deserve it
Five years later, Jason was this close to punching his sister in the face. Thalia had abdicated her role as heir to the throne almost as soon as she had turned eighteen, and had since spent her time being a pain in the ass.
“Are you going to ask me if your dress makes you look bad? Because it does,” she commented with a sneer.
“I’m not wearing a dress,” Jason stated, turning away from the mirror to give her an annoyed stare.
“That’s because you’re a coward.”
Jason sighed, poking his head out of the door to find a messenger. Finding only Piper, he settled for her. “Can you ask Leo when he’ll be ready? Thanks, Pipes.” He ducked back into the room.
“Clingy much? Jason, man, you gotta work on this. Your precious fiancé’s gonna get sick of you if you keep it up.” She cackled, finding herself endlessly funny.
“I’m going to hit you.”
Leo was studying himself in the mirror, trying to decide if he looked good in white or not. He jumped when he heard the knock at the door, seeing as Beckendorf had promised not to let anyone in. “Come in,” he called anyways.
Piper barged in and flopped onto his bed. “You need to hurry up,” she said.
Leo sighed. “I thought I was supposed to be the dramatic one today.” He sat on the bed next to her. “Two questions: why do I need to hurry and do I look good in white?”
Piper sat up urgently. “Of course you look good in white. White is your color.”
“You say that about every color.”
She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Be stubborn. But Thalia’s being annoying and I think your fiancé is gonna go into cardiac arrest if he has to deal with her any longer. And if he dares to have a heart attack today of all days, you know Hera is going to kill him even if he survives.”
“True. But consider the following-“
“If you say you’re not going through with this, Hera’s gonna kill you.”
“Of course I’m going through with it!” He held a hand to his chest dramatically. “I was going to say that I think my hair could use some work.”
Piper scoffed and motioned for him to turn around so she could do his hair. “Is that it? We’ll have you ready in no time.”
Jason was impossibly closer to punching his sister and father in the face. Maybe his mother too, if he was feeling ambitious.
Thalia was, in her words, “hyping him up” as his best man. By that, she meant she was making fun of him in front of both their kingdom and Leo’s. He was fairly certain no one could hear her, but it didn’t make the situation any better. Meanwhile, his father was asleep in his chair, no doubt because of his hangover from the rehearsal dinner.
His mother was fussing in her caring, if chaotic, way. She had tightened his tie more times than he could count, and wiped imaginary dirt off his face even more. Currently, she was prepping the altar where she would officiate for the wedding and discussing the number of chairs with King Hephaestus. Jason was impatiently waiting for the moment his “bride,” as Thalia affectionately called him, would walk down the aisle.
As if on cue, which it most definitely was, organ music started and the audience quieted. “Aren’t you supposed to be with them?” Jason whispered to Thalia as the people of honor walked towards them.
“That’s for losers,” she said like it was obvious.
Piper and Hazel walked arm in arm to the altar, splitting off once they got there. Hazel elbowed Thalia when she got into her place. Thalia didn’t straighten up, only leaning on the flower arch more heavily.
Next was Annabeth. She gave Thalia a serious glare as she passed, which was quickly transformed into a hesitant smile when Thalia replied with a silly face.
A couple more of Jason’s cousins and Leo’s friends walked down after, rounding out the lines on both sides. He tapped his foot as he waited for the last, most eagerly awaited person to arrive.
Finally, Leo proceeded down the walkway, arm in arm with his mother. The other prince was positively beaming, like he almost always was, but there was something special about it today. It was contagious- by the time he made it to the altar, Jason was smiling ear to ear like an idiot. Thalia was gonna make so much fun of him for this.
Sure enough, he heard an annoying giggle from behind him. Deciding to be the bigger person, Jason took a deep breath and tried to keep the frustration off his face. He was barely aware of his mother talking beside him.
“I do,” Leo chirped, probably in response to whatever Queen Hera said. Jason was too busy admiring at his soon-to-be-husband’s smile.
“And do you, Jason Grace, take Leo Valdez to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do,” Jason sighed happily, without a doubt in his mind.
The three good fairies watched as the happy couple finished their first dance and disappeared into the crowd.
“All thanks to me,” Piper said as she sipped her champagne.
“Thanks to you?” Annabeth asked incredulously. “How is it thanks to you?”
“I put the spell on him that allowed him to find his true love.”
“By that logic, this is all thanks to Gaea,” Hazel piped up.
“Gaea?” Annabeth was getting surprisingly frustrated for a day as happy as that one.
“She put the first curse on the baby, and that was the only reason Piper had to put a spell on Leo, so he never would’ve found his true love if not for Gaea.” Hazel flagged the waiter down for more champagne. She had a feeling Annabeth might need it.
“How do you know that I wasn’t going to give him the true love spell as my original gift, Hazel?” Piper retorted.
Hazel scoffed. “Because no one in their right mind would tell a literal newborn who they’re gonna grow up to marry. Especially with no good reason. That’s creepy, Piper.”
Piper made to grab the new bottle of champagne to refill her glass. “Well, I think it’s sweet-“ Annabeth snatched the bottle away to use for her own nefarious purposes.
“Do you think they’re arguing?” Leo looked over his husband’s- he couldn’t get over the fact he could call Jason his husband now- shoulder to the three good fairies in the balcony. His eyes widened when he saw Annabeth drink her alcohol straight from the bottle.
“Can’t see ‘em. I only have eyes for you,” Jason whispered into his ear. Leo could hear the smile in his husband’s- there it was again- voice. He couldn’t help but match it.
Leo giggled giddily. “Well, Annabeth just chugged a whole pitcher of champagne, and Piper is at Hazel’s neck for some reason.” Jason snorted.
Out of the blue, Piper appeared in a cloud of glitter next to them. Leo looked at her exasperatedly as he wiped the sparkles off of his suit. “Don’t look at me like that, this is important!” She cried.
He swished his champagne around in his glass. “Well, go ahead and enlighten us, Pipes.”
“Who do you think is responsible for all this?” She wagged her finger between the two of them.
They stood in a baffled silence for a moment before Jason spoke. “By ‘all this’, do you mean our marriage?” He asked. He sighed when she nodded.
Leo barked out a laugh. He shook his head disbelievingly as he considered the answer to Piper’s question. “Um, besides us, probably Hera.”
His husband hummed as he nodded. “She is something of a matchmaker,” Jason agreed.
Piper groaned. “Goddamnit. Annabeth is going to laugh so hard at me.”
Author’s Note
We OFFICIALLY did it! Yayyyyy. Not going to lie I hate this with a burning passion 🤗 I think I could’ve done better ❤️❤️❤️ especially the last segment 😃 but Thalia is surprisingly fun to write and I love her. Thank you @scentednightdonut for helping me edit :)) and thank all of y’all for reading!!! Now my purpose is completed and I can finally find peace
The people who wanted tags from my original post (let me know if you want to be untagged):
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tri-punisher · 8 months
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drawing my living dan again, been thinking about him recently. my backstory for him sorta flip-flops back and forth between "guy who was bought into the royal guard against his own wishes by his rich family" and "guy who bullshitted his way into a job he didn't really want and now he's in too far deep to back out" which has him ill-suited for it either way. kind of interesting how multiple iterations of the same story can lead to totally different takes on the character like that. i like to think of him as at least somewhat sympathetic regardless, cus he immediately looses all his charm as a cringefail loser if he's an outright scoundrel like he's presented in the comics, which contradicts everything the games mention about him, which has you assume he must have been particularly charming if the king gave him an honorary knighthood cus he was so good at telling stories
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sanstropfremir · 5 months
ok nana unsubtly kicked me in the ass about this and i realized they were mostly done anyways so here we go! only four months late!
best stylings 2023 - first half
runners' up
rising - triples
there are two good stages with funky athletic wear, but it wasn't enough to bump it up to the overall category. mcountdown 230216, the show 230221
abyss - woodz
didn't promote it which is a shame, but the variety in the costuming for the different versions of himself is well done and it's a beautifully shot bottle mv.
moody - superkind
you got a fake member you gotta make it spooky!!! he's not real that's inherently spooky!!! anyways this is what i wanted them to do right off the bat some i'm glad they finally got my psychic memo.
golden hour - mark
absolutely fucking crazy. fantastic imagery. i think i talked about it earlier in the year but it's such a stupid and hilarious idea to make a whole diss track mv about a several year old meme and then actually make it strange and weird art. obsessed with it still.
sos - kang daniel
i'm also including the wasteland music sequence here because holy shit when this dropped i lost my mind. i'm always surprised by what kang daniel does bc i can never predict it, which over the last few years i'm coming to enjoy. and i absolutely did not expect him to produce basically an entire wild west mad max movie with equal the production value???? literally how did he do this. how. and then everyone paid it dirt??? it's an amazing mv and one of my faves of the year, the only reason it's not bumped up categories is bc although the styling was actually one of the only times tactical gear has been thematically relevant to a cb, its been so overused that it has no punch anymore, which makes me sad bc the tactical gear was good! and a good choice! and i feel bad saying it has no punch bc it should have!
small talk - kim sungkyu
we love when sungkyu acknowledges that he's annoying and a loser. all these outfits were so losercore. i loved this deviation from form for him; he's normally king wailer supreme, but he does smooth upbeat rock very well and it's a nice contrast with the capital y yearning that's in the bsides. it's only here bc he didn't promote much and i'm mad at him for putting dancing in the mv and then not dancing in any of the stages. mcountdown 230629, music core 230708, inkigayo 230709
ay-yo - nct 127
this is just here for taeyong's urchin outfit. well i'm a bit of liar it is actually a really fun early 00s inspired mv, but we all know the urchin outfit stole the show.
stamp on it - got the beat
i will hear NO slander against got the beat in this house, this was a great mv i love hot women planning a heist.
tricky house - xikers
FANTASTIC debut. does a really great job of establishing a character for them as a group and it's got such unique flavour. kq has made great use of their ateez money and also the lessons that they learned with ateez. i'm excited to see where xikers goes in the future, and since i'm writing this section from the future i can say that i do like where they've gone with full confidence. the only reason it didn't make the top list is bc the styling is kinda average for this era of kpop.
best overall
rose blossom - h1 key
i was aware of h1key before this but they hadn't really grabbed me, but damn this cb was so good. the mv is a nice mix of story and dance sections. plus a surreal section in the middle! and by virtue of being like the first cb of the year, they got the jump on this alt girl look that would be the dominating look for ggs this year. and i do think first did it best in this case, all the looks are smart with good group synergy and and a lot of creativity; when you do this type of alt-y punky style it's important that there's a diy element to it, which a lot of groups fail to grasp bc stylists are obsessed with luxury branding. h1key manages to avoid that mostly by being flops, but i'd like to believe its also bc their creative team cared about capturing the true spirit of the style.
stages: music bank 230106, mcountdown 230202, music bank 230203, mcountdown 230119, inkigayo 230108
tic tac - 8turn
honestly i was kinda ready to not like these guys since mnh shat the bed with chungha, but then i remembered that the mnh creative team is very good at their jobs, so here we are. this is one of the few debuts/cbs this year where every single stage was a hit and it was very hard to narrow down to just a few for here; lots of good emphasis on shape and colour and accent pieces with repeated motifs, which was a big part of the fashion in the 00s that they are remixing here. very strong debut especially for so early in the year and i'm looking forward to more.
stages: show champion 230208, mcountdown 230202, music bank 230203, show champion 230222, music core 230211, mcountdown 230223, music core 230225, inkigayo 230226
bonus: this absolutely hysterical 4minute cover (they even got the name bucket hats! not in the stage, but they had them in photos)
sweet juice - purple kiss
i'm not normally a fan of wes anderson or wes anderson inspired aesthetics because i find them too twee and perfect, but this wasn't too direct in it's inspirations and definitely had the spooky purki flavour. i really liked the uniformity of the costuming, both literally using uniform motifs and using the same fabrics; i really do miss the days when kpop costumes were design to actually be costumes with the group image in mind.
stages: mcountdown 230216, inkigayo 230219, music core 230225, music bank 230224, inkigayo 230226, music core 230304, inkigayo 230305
sour & sweet - bambam
bambam again proving that he's one of the few idols that knows his shit in terms of interesting styling. also if anyone knows where he filmed the mv/performance vid please tell me i need to know bc its so beautiful.
stages: mcountdown 230330, music bank 230331, inkigayo 230402, music bank 230407, music core 230408, inkigayo 230409,
bsides: music bank 230331, inkigayo 230409,
macarena - blitzers
i'm so so so glad blitzers got a bit more attention this year bc they deserve it and macarena was so good. perfect culmination of their goofy ass talents and the unusual creativity of their performance + creative directors. i'm even linking the mv teaser here bc its so goofy and offbeat and different. honestly i'd recommend watching as many of the stages as you can find bc they do different intros every time and it's very funny, but unfortunately tumblr has a link limit so i can't link them all.
stages: show champion 230426, music bank 230428, music core 230429, inkigayo 230430, inkigayo 230514, music core 230527
bouncy - ateez
yea yea yea nobody is surprised so sue me. this was a crazy followup to halazia and proved that ateez can deftly switch between serious dramatic performance and comedic but no less dramatic. i'm very happy to see how much work has been going into the main ateez mvs in the last year because it has very clear and striking direction that fits both their performance style and their creative ambition, as well as their growth as a group. also yea i'm not immune to neon cowboy shit.
stages: inkigayo 230618, music bank 230616, the show 230620, mcountdown 230622, music bank 230623, mcountdown 230629, music core 230701, inkigayo 230702
kick it 4 now - tnx
tnx had an absolutely banging 2023 and although kick it 4 now is has superior and more comprehensive production, love or die is also a very good cb, and both of them together have shown that they have a really good grasp on the genre of teen listlessness, from two different directions. kick it 4 now has been i think the most successful cb to actually capture the feel of first gen, and the creative team did a lot of extra work in order to pull that off. from all the graphic design to the goofy lil 90s style music show promos, to the styling, they had a clear goal and achieved it. i think it will be quite difficult for any other group to pull it off this thoroughly.
stages: music bank 230609 (the giant lyrics!!!), music core 230610, show champion 230614 (more giant lyrics!!), music core 230617, mcountdown 230622
shooting star + left right - xg
we all already know that left right was my most listened song this year, but the fact that the mv was b movie sci fi star trek themed? it's like simon made everything about this specifically for me thank you. xg blew everyone out of the water this year on every front; music, styling, choreography, you name it. i said i wanted groups to commit to their bits and i got it. they were completely unafraid to actually commit to the y2k nostalgia AND to harajuku styling; a lot of groups have weakly pawed at it but always back away due to the fact that harajuku and y2k are not actually 'pretty' fashion trends, which leaves their attempts half assed with no real understanding of why and how those trends happened. xg came saw and conquered the current trend in a way that only a japanese gg can do. my only annoyance is that they tone down the stylings when they promote on music shows, and i know why they do it, so it's not an annoyance at them, it's an annoyance at everyone else.
stages: shooting star - mcountdown 230202, con-tour 230217, the show 230221, inkigayo 230212, inkigayo 230205, con-tour 230224
left right - the show 230228, show champion 230222
circle - onew
absolute masterpiece. album of the year in every way. it's a profoundly beautiful unpacking of grief and the sadness that comes with acknowledging that things change, and the way that in that change life and humanity and story is eternal. a circle. the theatre imagery combined with the 60s style children's tv show use their similar but contrasting forms to illustrate the same point: something can be eternal and fleeting at the same time, and that heightens its value rather than diminishing it. the promo campaign was so thought out as well, i love the integration of the theatre imagery into the highlight medley and i highly recommend you watch it if you haven't. one of the best cbs from a solo artist in years.
stages: mcountdown 230309, music core 230311, music bank 230317, inkigayo 230319
ignore the fact this was almost five months late even though i started writing in like. november. i'm busy ok. it's planting season and i have to send so much post. the choreos post is the next most finished so that will probably be out before the styling second half one.
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itsmm4hiii · 1 year
Rematch Of Feelings - S. Baro
Synopsis: Y/n and Baro's usual soccer 1v1 rematch brings in a large crowd monthly, however this month is not what she expected. With a sick Baro on her hands she simply can't verse him. Taking him back to his house she runs into more unsuspected issues, including Baro's usual afternoon routine. Pairing: Shoei Baro X Reader Warning: N/a - slight swearing/name calling
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Shoei Baro, just the thought of him made my lips curl and a grin begin to entertain itself upon my lips. The soccer ball rolled under my foot, back and forth at pace none of the looming crowd could ever do, all for this one moment they were here. A monthly habit that always falls on the first of the month. A greed between two egoist that had to be settled to see who was the usual victory, the best striker out there. We all knew I was, just gave him the crown to feed his usually big ego. 
‘He’s late.’ they shouted, 
Who wouldn’t be late with the title of “king”, I looked to the distance where the crowd had begin to loosen and draw to either side. When he stepped against the flatten grass I could feel something was up, it wasn’t in myself rather him. His whole aura was off, and affected and I questioned if I should be concerned as it didn’t feel like him rather flat and tired. His eyes drew to the floor as he made his way over till he loomed over though in actual fact it felt like I was looming over him. With one look I knew that if we would play it would be mine without hassle. 
‘Baro?’ I whispered, 
The boy’s eyes loomed with heavy bags, his face pale and he was already breaking a sweat. His eyes danced, casted by dizzy spells and I knew he was too sick to play a good game. I kicked the ball up and caught it, throwing it into my bag cursing that I wouldn’t go against him if he’s in this physically unwell for this, it only made him angry. 
‘I’ve been waiting all month to go against you and you call it off?’ An onslaught of coughs and words that obviously caused him much pain slipped his lips, 
By the time it had slipped his lips, my things were collected in one bag and hung over my shoulder in a duffle bag, arms crossed as he gripped my collar in anger. 
‘I’m not going against you when you're obviously unwell, if I go against the king then I go against him when he’s at his best, you got that?’ I questioned him in annoyance, a spiteful tone lifted from my lips.
 It wasn’t rage, just annoyance, and he was sick, and though it was weak for me to say I cared for him, there were some underlying feelings there, ones I couldn’t act on for more or less obvious reasons. The collar of my shirt scrunched within his hand, it held my weight as my feet dangled though it was for a spilt second too much energy just to pick me up. He had begun to sway in front of me and I questioned if I had to catch him. 
‘I’m fine, just a common cold. Too scared to fight me, princess?’ 
Princess wasn’t his usual nickname for me. His cheeks burnt and I questioned if it was a misslip of the tongue, where were the usual commoner or snarky side-remarks? I grumbled releasing that that there was no point in arguing such nonsense to someone who obviously wasn’t with it. I turned to the upset crowd and smiled. 
‘It’s over losers, see ya next time.’ 
‘Don’t say that shit to me princess.’ he growled, 
He was weak and I estimated he would be roughly eighty kilos with a physical physique like that. I lifted him over and he flopped over my shoulder. His stomach engulfed my shoulder, and though I would probably drop him on any normal day, him just standing there swaying over and over caused more questions than it answered.
‘Fuck Baro, couldn’t you’ve been lighter today.’ 
I knew he was passing out, in residual comfort as he began to weigh down more upon my shoulder than he originally did. He gave me his address slowly out of spite or confusion- whichever came first. He was sure tough, it wasn’t a regular common cold to take down a mammoth like him but I was sure his mother of three children would have at least some medicine to ease the sweltering temperature forming on his forebrow otherwise I'd have to buy it, and make him pay me back. 
꒪   യ   ★    🍙    。゚
His body bounced as I threw him onto the doona of his made bed. He grumbled how it was now messy and began to crease yet that wasn’t the first thing on my mind. I slipped the messily tied shoes of his feet, then the socks and shin guards, the rest he could easily take off when I leave as I wanted to not see other unmentionables. I sighed and grabbed a clean training towel of his wiping the sweat away from my face before throwing it into his dirty laundry basket. I could see him begin to stagger up yet pushed him down with my hand in annoyance. 
‘Baro, you're sick, you need to rest.’ I grumbled, 
His hair had fallen out of its usual gell position, laid in strands around his face. He was agitated but both agreed and disagreed with what I had said. Still trying to get up it took most my weight to keep him down, in annoyance I bluntly questioned him, 
‘What’s you deal, You need to rest so can you just fucking res-’ 
‘Big brother we’re home!’ 
I heard the faint angelic voices from downstairs, his eyes widened as if he some sort of consciousness left. My lips parted as he was becoming more of the vein of my existence than an issue he I thought originally. I pushed him back down and fumbled with my things, throwing them to his desk as I stretched to deal with the situation. 
‘They’re my sisters.’ 
No shit sherlock. I grumbled and told him I’d distract them until the medicine at least took some effect and he could do something even if it was sit on the couch and watch whatever eye gouging show they thought was brilliant. I left his room to see two bug eyed, black haired girls standing in the hallway grinning at me as if I wasn’t some random person who had broken into their house with their unconscious brother momentarily. I smiled. 
‘Hi there I’m Y/n-’ ‘Are you big brother’s girlfriend?!’
It was the first time my cheeks have gone pink, they were warm and I looked away. It was too hard explaining my rivalry with Baro and just to add extra salt to the flesh wound of being carried away by his rival who was a girl I said yes. They giggled and questioned where he was, their innocent eyes staring upon the door with big frowns that took up most of their faces. I closed the door and gave them a soft smile, the medicine should sink in soon otherwise I wouldn’t know what to do with two children especially if they were as horrid as Baro. 
‘He’s sick, mind if I get you some afternoon tea and watch a few things till he feels a little better?’ 
They nodded and jumped in glee and as the two hours rolled passed and the girls had fallen asleep within my lap. By their looks on their faces they would be asleep for multiple hours, kindergarten must have made them pass out. I slipped up and toppled over the back of the couch knowing my presence wouldn’t be needed anytime soon. I snuck into Baro’s room, pulling up a spare blanket on to the cold body of his I couldn’t help but kiss his forehead as I collected my things and left. 
꒪   യ   ★    🍙    。゚
‘I heard it didn’t go down to good for you yesterday,’ the small talker had paused looked down at his books and back up where still no eye contact between me and him was made, I was preoccupied by an incoming message from a certain someone, ‘I know you were excited about the whole thing, ya know going against the king and all. 
‘It’s fine.’ I grunted out a mutter, fingers playing around loosely with the sides of my phone as he moved away to class with urgency, 
My cheeks fluttered a peach color, my eyes snapped around to see if someone had seen me blushing before I disappeared quickly into the bathroom. The stall door closed behind me with a thud. My hands trembled around the edges and an uncomfortable feeling was looming over one that left my stomach in knots of butterflies. 
Shoei Baro (11:30am) - “Thanks donkey for yesterday. Though calling yourself my girlfriend was a low blow, guess you ought to come around soon they can’t stop speaking about you.” 
You (11:43am) - “Is it just the girls or are you just saying it about yourself because if I remember correctly I was a princess to you yesterday, dumbass.” 
I could see him typing and got nervous, though it was only Baro- nothing more nothing less. I’m sure he got a shock when I revealed his secret nickname to his now aware and conscious state and I wished I was the fly on the wall. 
Shoei Baro (11:45am) - “It’s that the pot calling the kettle black? Didn’t you kiss my forehead yesterday too if i’m not mistaken? I can tell it pissed you off that I know that- why don’t we have a rematch my place tomorrow or not if you’re too afraid.”
You (11:50am) Unfinished - “Sure you royal pain in the arse, just don’t cry when I win. Now go back to whatever work studies you got, I gotta go do actual school-” 
It laid in the box for a while, unfinished the sentence because when you minus the egos he scared me yesterday. Got my stomach in knots and myself all worked up because he was sick. I didn’t want to see him like that again. I stiffened out a sigh, my head pressed against the door rolling back and forth until I had found the words to finish my sentence to add onto the unfinished messaged to Shoei Baro that showed I actually cared.  You (11:52am) - “Sure, you royal pain in the arse, just don’t cry when I win. Just don’t ever scare me like that again, I honestly thought you were going to die, you stupid moron. - I’ll see you tomorrow for that rematch I’ll obviously win, bye for now, Baro.”
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
hiii, can i request a reading on how other 4th gen boygroups view zerobaseone? or how the big 4 companies view zerobaseone?
because they've broken a lot of records already and have a lot of gp support as well as a dedicated fandom... if you look at wannaone, they dominated their generation and were second to only bts. groups flourished after their disbandment. it's also well-known that a lot of 4th gen bg fans have transferred to zerobase1 and even bgs like ateez and skz have admitted knowing about it.
so i'm suuuper curious. i wanna know if it's like "we have to beat them" or "why are they even successful" or "they'll disband anyways lol who cares"
thank you :D
p.s. i love how you answer interesting asks like the bts book lmao some tarot readers don't do it in fear of controversy or something i guess
ZEROBASEONE reputation in the idol industry.
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(in bloom soty and youthintheshade aoty btw!!!!)
How do 4th gen boygroups view ZB1? Wheel of Fortune rev, 9 of Swords, 10 of Wands, The Star, 6 of Cups, The Hierophant, The Tower, 3 of Swords, The Fool, Strength, Ace of Wands
Some see them as a group with a lot of determination and that has been through a lot psychically and mentally. They are seen as successful and stars. I feel though some view them as not as traditional? Ohhh it's because Zhang Hao placed 1st as a Chinese which is unheard of. I'm getting some jealous vibes too ngl. However they can be seen as too successful to the point some may wish for chaos? I feel that the jealousy comes from them debuting off a really popular show and mnet which can have people be jealous of their privilege. I feel that their talent, hard-work, creativity and visuals are appreciated amongst boy groups. 8 of Swords is underneath so again their some real jealous sore losers that envy them (I have a feeling some groups from big companies can see them as a threat ngl)
How do the big 4 companies view ZB1?
SM: Strength, The World, 3 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, The Hierophant, The Fool, 9 of Pentacles.
Quite positive! They are seen as successful, determined boys who are willing to take risks. They see them as breaking norms (aka having 2 Chinese members and one placing first) and The Empress is under deck so they seem to like their concept!
YG: King of Cups, Knight of Swords, The Hierophant, Knight of Wands, King of Pentacles, 9 of Swords.
Mostly positive. Creative, Talented, succesful boys breaking norms. However I sense some may even be intimidated by them and feel the need to work harder? (10 of Wands underneath). It's like seeing how good your classmate is and wanting to do better.
JYP: 4 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 2 of Swords, Judgement, Strength, Knight of Cups, 7 of Cups, Queen of Wands, The High Priestess, 9 of Swords.
Mmmm the stingyness begins lmfaoo. Idk what type of beef JYP has but jealousy is present. I can imagine some male saying "How are they even successful?" so people probably doubted their success or think it's fraudelent. It's not only their success that they envy but their creativity, determination and concept. (Idk why but I can see them secretly wanting them to flop, again lots of envious energy. I can picture "We are from JYP but they are more successful then us??". They keep a lot of secrets about them and are probably really judgy "What type of name is zerobaseone" is a bit of an example.
HYBE: 6 of Swords, 5 of Swords, 2 of Swords, King of Cups, Page of Cups, 3 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, The Tower, 6 of Swords.
Succesful and talented trainees. However I feel some may secretly be wishing on their downfall. They think they are a well rounded group and will keep their eyes on them. Justice is under deck so I won't be surprised if HYBE snatches a member or two.
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mihrsuri · 8 months
A List Of Tudors OT3 Verse Villains/Antagonists by how much respect you should have for their Goal Setting as inspired by @emilykaldwen
Duke of Norfolk. Listen he is smart, he knows what he wants and he’s very nearly going to get it. May character twist his way into not being a villain after all.
Earl Of Norwich: smart, absolutely knows what he wants, makes pretentious ancient roman/greek analogies to everything, looks like Rupert Graves, would slay except you know…All That.
Lionel Grey. Thinks he’s a historical romance hero, actually a [redacted]. Pathetic. I award him no points.
Thomas Seymour. I hate this man. Fail. Fail on so many levels. Loser.
Henry Percy. UGH. I mean I guess man is dedicated to his main focus in life - being ‘in love’ with a girl he asked out once for his entire life after that.
Bridget Grey. Failed girl boss. Admittedly very clear about her goals but also Sucks At Actually Getting Them and when she tries to plot is a flop. 16th century pick me.
Hugh (Restoration King). Points for being a wife guy, minus several billion for being a bigoted authoritarian. Spoils his kids.
Abdication (1930s) Analogue King. Also a pick me (they won’t). Tbh his wife does most of the villain shit he just sits there like a pathetic wet cat man having Angst and Issues. Sulks about it.
Abdication Kings Wife. Honestly yeah she’s a racist would be war criminal but also her family was Not It and doing all the above was just how you get your parents to maybe like you sometimes and she does mostly do it well. Mostly. For a given value therein.
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supermaks · 1 year
what is toto doing lawd he just comes off so bitter when he complains about max and Red Bull like u can complain old man if ur trying to be serious on track but he ISNT he’s just praying for lighting to strike him twice
Toto such a basic whore for that ‘nobody checks Wikipedia’ lil diss like u literally employ the stats king of all time, and suddenly it’s cringe to talk about numbers??? Be so fucking for real. Lewis greatness can be understood wid numbers, it doesn’t have to be, it’s not limited to that, but it IS important that he has the most wins, the most podiums, like that shit matters and it illustrates his story as the competitor that he is, always has been. It comes from a level of efficiency and skill and complete domination that m£rc apparently flops at now. Lewis isn’t in goat conversations wid Schumacher, Senna etc because of the VIBES. like you’d think a numbers person wud refrain from that type of nonsense. SORRY that verstappens numbers are getting scary but that’s what happens when u leave the talent of the century alone in a car he can wrestle into a dominant performance while u go idk [jerk off in German] into one of ur 8th constructors trophies or whatvr. u fucking loser
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