#flower shop au but make it military
ceilidho · 7 months
prompt: forced throuple au; Ghost decides that you and Johnny are his (part 5; ghoap x reader) part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Give him blood and he’ll give you something new to chew on.
Except that isn’t the way it goes. Not this time at least.
He tries to talk Ghost out of it, but it falls on deaf ears. Blatantly ignored. The car barrels down the motorway under the cloak of night, a swell of stars overhead as the city falls farther behind. Radio shut off. Johnny thinks if Ghost had his way, the radio would’ve been pulled out entirely, just wires and an empty, black cavity in the dashboard, but it’s a rental. 
And no one wants to deal with the paperwork involved in damaging military property. Not even Ghost.
Ghost won’t so much as glance over at him. Unaffected as ever, as if they didn’t just fuck. Johnny’s stomach hurts when he thinks about it. Even without her knowing, he’s broken his girl’s trust. Not for the first time; maybe not even the last. His guilt echoes not only that he let Ghost make him come, but that he liked it—that the buzz in his bones says do it again, please god, again, please let me come, I need to come, touch me, please—
He thinks about his girl, then turns to Ghost again.
In the pit of his stomach, Johnny knows this is wrong. In his rational mind, he knows it. If he were in a better place, he wants to think that he’d make a real attempt to change Ghost’s mind, maybe get him to turn around at the next gas station, but he can’t deny the excitement bubbling in his belly at the prospect of seeing his girl again after a week of nothing. 
The silence has been eating away at him. Bits of his brain flaking away, moth-eaten. Checking his phone again and again to no new messages, getting the same voicemail message whenever he calls. Something flutters high in his chest, an itch he can’t scratch; it tells him to take off in the middle of the night, drive all the way back home and pound on her door until she’s forced to answer it, forced to talk to him face to face.
Again and again, he tries looking at it from her perspective—tries to empathize with her. What he would’ve done in her shoes had she allowed a coworker to grab his dick in front of a crowd of strangers. It’s more than fair, he thinks. His own shame leaks out of his pores in the middle of the night, sleeping on top of the covers because he sweats right through the sheets. 
And yet, he keeps butting up against his own anger. Talk it out with me, yell at me, he growls into her voicemail, anger growing as the days pass one by one. 
It’s the road that alerts him to their arrival into the city more than anything. More cracks in the asphalt, the car rattling over sewer depressions and potholes in a way that says home sweet home. Usually it’s a source of comfort, like seeing the silver lining on grey clouds or the iridescence in an oil spill, purples and greens catching the light. Not now. Now the road winds like descending into the underworld, each turn coming with a sinking feeling. 
They park down the road from the flower shop, tucked just out of sight. A cool breeze wafts over his hot face when he steps out of the car. It nearly rocks him back. When he glances up, his heart stutters at the sight of her bedroom window, sealed tight now. Only cracked open during their sleepovers, when Johnny runs a bit too hot at night for them to sleep comfortably with the window closed. 
“Should I…do ye want me to give her a call to wake her up?” Johnny asks tentatively, shutting the car door softly so as not to make a noise. 
Ghost shakes his head. “We’ll let ourselves in.”
Johnny’s picked hundreds of locks in his time; he’s jimmied open doors with crowbars, set up explosive charges, used a good old fashioned ram from time to time—no stranger to the trade—but it feels decidedly uncomfortable with Ghost at his back, staring down at him as he breaks into his own girlfriend’s apartment. 
“This is a bad idea,” he grumbles, turning the pick in the lock until he hears a familiar click inside. 
Ghost doesn’t answer, just raps his knuckles against the back of Johnny’s head. A silent get a move on. 
Her apartment looks the same but different when they enter it. His muscles remember the layout though. The pink couch in the living room with two dimpled pillows on either side, the footstool by the door, the stand with her shoes all piled in neat little rows, the vase on her kitchen island with a fresh new bundle of flowers, fragrant when he dips his head to take a whiff. He’s loved flowers ever since meeting his girl. 
Ghost doesn’t try to muffle his footsteps for once. He rummages through her cabinets and drawers with all the finesse of a first time burglar looking to get caught. It smacks of intentionality. Johnny’s worked with him too many times in the field to know that if Ghost wanted to disappear into the darkness, he would. He’d be the thing creeping silently through the shadows, tread lighter than air, close enough to touch but never see. 
So it’s more than deliberate when he noisily shuts a drawer. Baiting her out. 
It’s no surprise when Johnny hears her creep around the corner from out of her bedroom. He’s tucked in the shadows of the living room, just out of the light, so he sees her first when she comes silently down the hall, whole body trembling with fear, the bat she keeps beside her bed drawn over a shoulder. Even her hands shake around the grip.
Of course she yelps when Johnny says her name, stepping out of the shadows, swinging wild. He winces when the bat smashes into a lamp, shattering it on impact. 
“Fuck!” she screams, scurrying backwards into the wall behind her. Several framed pictures rattle against the wall, nearly knocked off their hooks. 
“Noisy, isn’t she?” Ghost grumbles from the kitchen, tossing a bored glance over, unbothered by the commotion. He undoubtedly heard her creeping down the hall as well. 
“What the fuck?” she gasps, chest heaving when she breathes. Her eyes dart from Johnny to Ghost’s massive form in the other room. Poor nervous thing. She must recognize Johnny’s voice saying her name even through the panic because her lips droop in a frown, more confused than petrified.
“Hen, it’s jus’ us—nothing to worry about,” Johnny coos, hands stretched out in front of him to show he means no harm. 
It gets her to lower the bat, but only just, the slightest dip that has him darting forward to pry it gently from her hands. The ceramic shards on the floor will have to be swept up later, but he’s relieved that at least she didn’t step on any of them. 
Up close, she’s just as pretty as he remembers. Pretty as pie. How could she not be? In the glow of youth still, not like it's been a decade since they last spoke face to face—only a little over a week. A sight for sore eyes, even though Johnny’s narrow when he stares down at her and thinks about the week of his texts and calls going unanswered. His jaw undulates, rage held back by the thin thread of her scent that wafts under his nose, making him lean into her. 
Breathe in and out. 
“Us?” she repeats, brow furrowing.
She glances over at Ghost again, the man still ambling around the kitchen, at home in her little one bedroom apartment like he visits her frequently. Like it’s his as well. 
“Aye…Ghost wanted to come—Simon wanted to apologize…for the other day,” Johnny explains. 
“You broke into my apartment in the middle of the night…so Simon could apologize for sexually harassing me?” she says, the disbelief smacking in her words. 
“Hen, it's no' nice to say it like that—” 
“No time like the present,” Ghost says, not ashamed in the slightest. “Heard you weren’t taking Johnny’s calls. Might not’ve had to do this if you’d picked up.” 
Johnny doesn’t believe a word of that, but there’s no reason to call him out on it now. 
He can see her wrestle with a trifecta of emotions competing for first place. Anger, embarrassment, and then, a smidge of worry holding up the rear. Aware of the fact that she woke up to two grown men, one practically a stranger, breaking into her apartment under the guise of having a conversation. His heart aches at the thought. The lion’s share of the blame rests with him, but still it’s her that suffers for it. 
“You…you shouldn’t be here,” she rasps, flinching when Johnny lays a hand on her waist, towering over where she’s still cowered against the wall. Bat gone now, defenceless. Her pupils narrow to a pinprick. He almost tuts, poor thing. Scared out of her wits. 
It feels so good to touch her though. Soft and yielding. 
“‘Was Simon’s idea, hen, but, ah—” his breathing picks up when his fingers tighten on her waist and she squirms “—I was goin’ crazy thinkin’ ye were pissed for what happened last week. Couldnae get a wink of sleep—kept closin’ my eyes and seein’ your face. Nearly broke me.”
“I am pissed at you,” she snaps, temper getting the better of her.
“I ken, I ken,” Johnny coos, ducking his head until his lips graze her temple. “Simon’s sorry—we came all the way here so he could tell ye to your face, but fuck, hen, I’m sorry too—shoulda said something instead of standin’ there like a fuckin’ dolt—”
“You should’ve,” she interrupts, still fuming mad, an iceberg melting right in front of them. It makes his cock pulse.
“—Aye, hen, I’ve no excuse, none at all. Shoulda told Simon to fuck off and keep his hands to himself—”
“Careful, Johnny,” Ghost says warningly, finally stepping into the living room. He fills out the archway imposingly, almost forced to twist his body on an angle to step in. 
Her eyes cut over to Ghost, narrowing, lips pursing. Johnny’s heart jumps in his chest. It’s one thing to see his girl again in the flesh, but to see her all righteous and on the verge of an argument—he could bend her over the back of the couch now, sink into the plush, delicate folds of her pussy, reacquaint himself with deep, languid thrusts. Heaven after not getting his cock wet in a week.
He flinches when he thinks about the last person to touch his dick. 
“So you’re sorry?” she says to Ghost, her disbelief clear. Difficult to see why she wouldn’t find it hard to believe that the man that shamelessly grabbed her ass in broad daylight in front of a group of his colleagues and her boyfriend would now choose to apologize. 
Johnny knows the answer is no when he sees the way Ghost’s eyes rove over her body, taking stock of her little cotton pajamas and her bare feet curling against the cold floor. Ghost tilts his head to the side, eyes travelling back up to meet hers. “Sure I am, bird. Don’t I look sorry?”
Neither of them answer that. Arguing with Ghost feels different, like inviting in danger. Moving too suddenly in front of a hungry dog, jowls loose and salivating for a bite. 
He takes a step closer. “Complete pillock, wasn’t I? And now Johnny’s getting the silent treatment ‘cause of it. Just couldn’t bear another second of him moping around base on the verge of tears.” 
Johnny frowns at that. His girl frowns too, but there’s something more to it. He wouldn’t blame her for not accepting Simon’s apology, if he could even call it that—nothing about it rings sincere, more like words spoken softly to call a kitty over—but questioning it feels worse somehow. Like detonating a bomb at two thousand feet above ground. 
“…Okay,” she says instead, voice trembling a little. “Apology accepted. You guys can go home now.”
“Bird’s forgiving, huh, Johnny?” 
Johnny preens despite himself. “Aye. She’s a good girl, Lt. Told ye so.”
Ghost nods. “That’s right. A good girl who’s gonna let us make it up to her ‘til we have to report back in forty-eight hours.”
“Wait, you can’t—” she starts, then cuts herself off when Ghost’s eyes flash.
He can’t help the way he shudders at the helpless look on her face. Downturned eyebrows, pretty lips slack with disbelief, just the slightest hint of a whine building in her throat that dies when it dawns on her that nothing short of calling the cops will make the two of them leave. 
And she’s a good girl—would never call the cops on him. His perfect girl. Sweet as pie. 
Johnny falls in love a little bit more when she presses her squeezed fists against her eyes and exhales. “Fine. I’m too—I’m going back to bed. We can talk about this in the morning.”
Ghost doesn’t react to her acceptance. It’s taken as a simple fact of nature—he says something and it happens. He speaks the world into being. 
“I’ll take the couch,” he grunts, finally sitting down to unlace his boots. He looks comically large on her little couch—it’s more than likely that his feet will hang off the end, if not everything from the knee down. 
Johnny already figured as much. No point in them driving all the way back to base when they both have the next two days off duty and there’s a perfectly serviceable couch for Ghost and the other half of her bed for him. He thought they’d have to convince her a bit more or strong arm her into it (a putrid thought; he’d rather have sweet talked her into the idea), but his girl always manages to surprise him in the best way. 
On that thought, he looks over his shoulder towards the bedroom door, cock throbbing again at the thought of getting to hold his girl’s body against his. Touch starved dog. Mangy mutt, tongue lolling out at even the possibility of a pet. 
Ghost must notice the object of his gaze because he sets him straight. “You can take the floor, Johnny.” 
His tone brooks no argument. When Johnny whirls around, the words already on his tongue, she’s my girl, I’ve already slept in that bed ten times over, the sight of Ghost’s bare face, the mask now off, dangling in his hand like some scrap of fabric, makes him lose his train of thought. It’s not often he’s granted the luxury of seeing Ghost’s face—wide, clean shaven jaw, buzzed blond hair, old burn marks like a half-moon around his eye, nasty old scar slicing through his lips—and to see it now, here, makes something in him give. 
Saturnine man with a wolf’s appetite. Ravenous. 
It burns him that his girl looks slightly relieved at having the bed to herself. Irks him. Makes his jaw clench on a mean remark, half tempted to spit out something cross. Just because things have gotten complicated, now he’s not welcome in her bed? After the week he’s spent toiling, trying to make amends? Pleading desperately over the phone, stewing in guilt and heartache—Johnny knows she’s a good girl, but if he finds out that she’s replaced him with someone else in the week since they last saw each other—
Even the thought makes him see red.
He watches her as she turns around to retreat back to bed, more than a little displeased. 
“Give Johnny a little kiss before bed, why don’t you, bird?” Ghost lightly suggests. Not a suggestion. 
She freezes mid-turn. His expression dares her to put up a fuss. Johnny again nearly clucks his tongue, troubled on her behalf. Her spitfire nature is snuffed out easily under that stare. Grown men with experience in the field wither under Ghost’s stare. It’s no weakness of hers that she acquiesces time and again to his demands, glancing up at Johnny from under her eyelashes before shuffling over, pressing the lightest of kisses to his cheek. 
“Better than that,” Ghost grunts, unimpressed. 
His poor darling. Humiliated now. No skin off his back though. Johnny’s heart pumps double time when she presses her lips to his; soft petals that spread when he slips his tongue into her mouth, too eager after a week of nothing. Touch starved. Desperate to sink into her, lap his tongue over her lips and the roof of her mouth and press her jaw open to spit messily in her mouth. Take it, hen, every piece of me.
She rips her lips from his and dances away when he tries to get his hands on her, eyes wide, casting one last glance over at Ghost before hightailing it back to her room. 
He barely resists going after her. Only Ghost’s stare roots him in place; his voice in Johnny’s head that rumbles, heel. I’ll tell you when to go.
He still doesn’t know what it says about him that he angles himself towards it. Bows his head to it. Moth to a flame that shocks him to the bone when he touches it.
Ghost tosses him the second pillow from the other end of the couch and takes the only blanket for himself. No matter. Johnny’s bivouacked on snowy cliff sides, chilblains blistering his toes for weeks; nights spent camped in torrential downpours, his tent on the verge of collapsing; windswept baysides chilling him to the bone. He can handle a pillow on a hardwood floor. 
The ebb and flux of an ocean in his ear, and then Ghost’s voice from the couch: “I’ll take first watch.”
Whole body falling loose as if snipping a cord tethering him to the world. 
“I’ll clean up the lamp in the morning,” he mumbles, vision already blurring. Ghost hums low in his throat.
He falls asleep with Ghost’s voice in his head, his girl’s taste still in his mouth.
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earthlyruins · 9 months
"beauty and the beast au where zoro's the beast and sanji's—" okay sure yeah but what about when sanji's the beast and zoro's the beaut.
zoro's good with kids and good with math. we've seen this. we've experienced it. he play fights with the kids regularly and helps out with stocks and sales of local shops
think of link twilight princess... big brother swordsman
also better than All of the knights in the village. this includes a very certain red, blue, and green haired trio. they're all very bitter about it. among other things
zoro's also the only person to ever use three swords so like. there's that. everyone thinks he has a few screws loose. he doesn't. or so he proclaims
insert kuina backstory... he makes a promise to himself to become the greatest swordsman in the world. it's just that he's, in a word, broke. and also a little sentimental but don't let nami hear him say that
judge is the head of this mini military and is very adamant on trying to recruit zoro to siege the palace on the hill. for Some Reason.
nami conspires with zoro that it's because he has some long lost enemy up there. Little Does She Know
meanwhile sanji lives alone in the castle, cursed. but not in the way you'd think. rather than a hulking beast, he's pretty much the same if not for the fact that he has a helmet on his head. thanks, dad.
thinking about the rest of the straw hats being little dancing singing objects. that was more or less an accidental side effect of the curse (sanji took off his helmet once, and it knocked luffy into a candle and ussop into a clock and well.)
he's slowly starving (hence why he tried to take the helmet off). the cook who cannot taste his food. throw in a wilting rose metaphor and when the last petal falls is when he dies
fortunately he has an old man by the name of zeff who literally won't let that happen. also all his friends that will fight death to keep sanji kicking
quite literally in some cases
so that's why when nami goes missing trying to explore the mysterious castle and zoro immediately goes to follow her, zeff practically knocks down his door to set the fear of god in him
too bad zoro doesn't believe in any god
but hey fine he won't hurt the creature in the castle. creature. period. zeff hits him over the head with a baguette
zoro finds nami and also sanji. decides in a split moment to announce he'll trade places with her. she is sitting on a couch. unharmed. she wouldn't have Been harmed. nami proceeds to call him a fucking idiot
sanji laughs at him, and zoro refuses to leave out of spite. he learns that sanji is a priss and a prince or sometimes a princess depending on the day, that he has a brilliant passion for cooking (whose skills are similar to a certain chef back in the village), and that when he laughs, zoro finds himself laughing too.
discovers sanji's dream of the all blue, and zoro finds himself telling sanji about his dream of becoming the greatest swordsman, of wado, of kuina
and eventually, Eventually, he finds out the details of sanji's curse. why he sometimes can't dredge out the energy to get out of bed (and why it's getting more and more frequent these days), and why he can't take off that helmet when the key is right there. and what the flower is all about.
proceeds to Book It when sanji tells him about judge and his brothers. except he doesn't tell sanji this, so sanji is sitting around in the castle, heartbroken and wondering Why he's heartbroken, while zoro is marching back to his village, Pissed
zeff pulls him aside though and they go and find reiju after zoro tells him that sanji's condition is worsening
zoro comes Back but this time with sanji's real dad and sister in tow and after a lot of tears and yelling (at zoro) ((and zeff)) (((then at zoro again))) they devise a plan on how to take judge down.
zoro plans on beating up ichiji niji and yonji simultaneously which sanji disagrees with. specifically because he wants to be the one to kick niji into next week
yadayadayada insert fight scene bc this is already ungodly long and judge gets exiled and imprisoned. niji gets drop kicked. the helmet comes off just as the timer runs out (thinking that the only way it could come off was to not only have someone fall For "the beast" but to have said beast love himself too. which zoro did. #love)
happily ever after. sanji eats and cooks and zoro fights and they take care of each other and find all blue. okay goodnight
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
✨ jai polls ✨
Hi friends, this is for everyone who reads my mxm fics 🙏🏽
I joined an event on AO3 that encourages writers to finish at least one active WIP by the beginning of October. Those who know the truth about me know I have many unfinished series already posted on AO3 and many upcoming fics I've signed up to write for fests. This event will help me complete my unfinished series since it gives me a hard deadline, and I work best under pressure.
Anyway, please vote for one of my unfinished series to prioritize. The summaries, moodboards, and poll are under the cut so you can make an informed decision 😌 I'll eventually crosspost all these fics on Tumblr.
Disclaimer: This poll only includes the WIPs I'm okay with finishing later in the year. For example, I want to finish "Keep Singing This Lie" before October, so it's not part of the poll. 
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cosmic collision
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A responsible weedman, Yoongi always tests out new marijuana strains before selling them to his customers. When his supplier offers him a new strain, Cosmic Collision, Yoongi is eager to try it. What he doesn't expect is the alien that comes with it.
○ Pairing: Weedman!Yoongi x Alien!Jungkook
○ Genre: Supernatural, humor, 420 blaze it
the flower knight
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A disciple of the Mugunghwa Temple, Yoongi has lived a pious life free of the vices of the outside world. That is until the temple must become a safehouse for wounded soldiers when war breaks out, and Yoongi catches the eye of a certain military commander.
○ Pairing: Soldier!Taehyung x Healer!Yoongi
○ Genre: Historical fantasy, pistilverse, forbidden love
i always thought we could be perfect
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It would be Jimin's luck that the first time he sees Hoseok nearly a year after their break-up is to get tattooed by him.
○ Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Hoseok x Jimin
○ Genre: Tattoo shop au, exes to lovers
love galore
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Law student Taehyung is determined to fight for the rights of hybrids in a corrupt world. Little does he know that the adorable bunny he adopted is a hybrid wary of humans.
○ Pairing: Human!Taehyung x Hybrid!Jungkook
○ Genre: Hybrids, strangers to lovers, law school au
trying my best
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Forced to attend Alcoholics Anonymous by his manager, Yoongi, a washed-up frontman recently kicked out of his band, struggles to come to terms with the fact that he needs help. Jungkook doesn’t know much about music but knows how to be a good sponsor.
○ Pairing: Rockstar!Yoongi x College Student!Jungkook
○ Genre: Rock band au, Alcoholics Anonymous, hurt/comfort, recovery
witches & devils
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Yoongi has a habit of getting himself into trouble, and Jimin is exceptionally good at mending wounds.
○ Pairing: Vampire!Yoongi x Witch!Jimin
○ Genre: Fantasy, enemies to lovers, idiots to lovers, humor (?)
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mistydeyes · 1 year
OMG THERES 1K OF YOU!! I cannot believe it! Thank you all so much for all the love and support these last few months :) Literally tearing up at how many people love my works. It all started with a silly little pharmacist fic and look at where we are now!
To celebrate, I will be opening up my inbox for some prompts! For the next week, feel free to send me a character, a prompt below, and any other details (ex. female, male, or g/n character) :)
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aesthetic prompts 💌 - CLOSED NOW! thank you for all the submissions :)
soft and cute - all fluff!
vase of flowers - they return home to your door with a small bouquet of flowers with rudy
loveseat - shopping for furniture for your shared home
linen tablecloths - hosting a dinner party (one that is pinterest worthy)
orange juice - sick days call for the best care
vintage maps - a spontaneous trip with an event filled itinerary
cherry lip balm - what was your first kiss like? with graves
paper rings - “put this on” “why did you make a ring out of the straw wrapper?”
ramekins of soup - you both are not experienced chefs but you try a new recipe in the kitchen
tuberose- looking at old photo albums and reminiscing on old memories
tote bags - “hey can you hold this for me?” “why do you have so many things?” “it’s not my fault these pockets don’t hold anything”
sugar cubes - they surprise you with your favorite dessert/sweet treat with price
music - “i made you a playlist!”
pearls - a fancy dinner out with expensive clothes and dining
folded sheets - "hi, i'm your neighbor across the hall :)"
gold - a small gifted ring as a token of your love with price
unlit cigarette - meeting in the most unexpected of places
hot chocolate - a warm snowed in cabin with nowhere to go
house plant - “for your new apartment!” “you know i’m not here enough to water that”
pastel bonnets and rattles - “we are NOT naming our child that”
perfume - perfume bottles decorate your bureau and you decide to let them choose your scent for the day with gaz
friendship bracelets - friends don't look at friends that way, is there something between us? with ghost
shower of tears - angst
crystal glasses - a fight ends with shattered wine glasses and someone is left to pick up the pieces with gaz
running mascara - "i can't believe you would say that to me" with the 141
hyacinth - they decide to interrupt the wedding just as you're about to say your vows with ghost
cardigans - "please don't go, please don't leave me" with ghost
sea salt - you can't do this anymore and just need to get away from them
stars - "do you think in another universe things would have worked out for us?"
cubic zirconia - you both come to the realization that your relationship is beyond repair
cold sheets - "can you hold me just one more time?" with soap and gaz
hydrangeas - a sudden death leaves one of you without the other for the rest of time
cocktails - "you need to stop drinking too much" "what do you know?"
graveyard - "please i don't want to die" with price
enlisted - military au
empty cartridges - "I want you to run, I'll cover you!"
uniforms - they sure clean up well as you look at them in their dress uniform with price
cigarette smoke - you share a cigarette (and exchange indirect kisses) while on patrol with ghost
confidential files - you're the newest addition to the team and you recognize a familiar face
jacket - you forgot to pack you winter gear and they're helping you avoid the cold
angel - this time you're their knight in shining armor as you save them with soap | with price
manila folders - "I'm being transferred to another unit"
bandages - you are the only one with the med kit and are tasked with patching them up
barbells - "you're doing it wrong, let me show you"
MREs - "can we switch? this food is absolute shit"
hit the showers (18+) - a prank ends with you getting your clothes and towel stolen with soap
wigs - you get sent undercover with them
hot and seductive - smut (18+)
lace (18+) - “wait for me in the bedroom, i have a surprise”with soap
stained lipstick (18+) - rough kisses in the back of an uber with gaz | with ghost
stolen glaces (18+) - "are you going to kiss me or not?"
tanning lotion (18+) - you just wanted help with an even lotion application but now their touch is venturing elsewhere
black and white photos (18+) - you take a few photos so they can remember you (and your body) while on deployment with price: part i and part ii
fruit juice (18+) - "let's test out that theory about drinking pineapple juice"
morning sun (18+) - you have nowhere to go and decide to spend it in bed ;) with ghost | with gaz | with price
silk (18+) - “you look absolutely gorgeous tonight”
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surreal-duck · 6 months
screw it. midoyuzu sdv au (very long bullet point post warning in advance)
midori inherits his late grandpa's farm. parents' greengrocers shop in the city used to get a good chunk of their crops from there til his passing and the farm was since abandoned
kanata is definitely handling the fishing shop. though he spends more time in the water puka pukaing than actually fishing and manning the store but its fine she manages somehow. when midori gets the fishing rod kanata just straight up pops outta to water to give him the rod and floats away 👍 souma helps out there also
chiaki owns the saloon and bartends even if he does Not drink himself and the only thing that ever plays on tv are tokusatsu shows
as for the others i havent thought abt as much and subject to change. kuro blacksmith with his apprentice tetora maybe . nagisa the museum and library curator (and by extension i think itd be really funny if ibara was a joja executive. mostly to keep an eye on nagisa but also keeping the yzib hostility). eichi is the mayor though keito his vice mayor does most of everything and his boyfriend wataru organizes the town events and such like the valley fair etc!! natsume is the forest wizard w his apprentice sora and tsumugi comes by weekly in that traveling cart thing. madara owns the ranch probably.
everybody else is probably just normal townsfolk, among others hajime and hinata take care of the towns plants n stuff!! tatsumi priest, mayoi is half shadow person and hangs out in the sewer (of which noritama at some point explore together and shinobu befriends and invites to visit the surface). i said i didnt think about this much but thats a lie at this point. mika stays in an atelier in the forest (owned by shu whos in the city but does visit on occassion) to cultivate his own art, still best buds with arashi. jun koga adonis and maybe hiiro part of the adventurers guild, trick5tar are their own lil band!!
some charas r not present most of the time or yet like tori who is off at uni w his longtime academic rival and childhood friend and also now roommate tsukasa. their presence is very important for later trust me. rich family rivalry still remains here (along with military camp Because)
due to tori being at uni and learning independence yuzuru is off of his usual butler work for a while and working in the general store owned by the himemiyas! partly to pass the time partly encouraged to find something new to do outside of his servant duties. he calls and nags at tori regularly to make sure hes fine and such
the request board outside of the store is always a good source for side jobs and one day a request for foraged spring onions is pinned up with a terrifying drawing scribbled on it. midoris head over heels Immediately and she already has a good amount to spare so why not take it
hes probably a week into living in the valley already? while yuzuru had just started working over at the store therefore she wasnt aware of this yuzuru fushimi and finds the very one while looking for who put up the request!! the master artist + fan dynamic goes from then on
other than the usual chitchats and more requests with encouraged atrocious drawings accompanying them, been thinking a good amount of the specific town events that happen through the year!! other misc things are various quests and errands from each of the characters, like helping mika gather cloth or hajime requesting various flowers to brighten up the town
Y1 Spring: egg festival, noritama hanging out, shinobu sweeping the egg hunt; flower dance , as they havent gotten to know each other to well enough to actually dance (just like in the game) (haley please. anyways) its mostly just small talk and maybe including some other side pairings i like djdhhfjdj chiaki with a suspiciously soaked kanata and hina dragging off tetsu
Y1 Summer: acquiring the rusty key from nagisa, noritama sewer exploration and befriending mayoi; luau, nothing special particularly for this one; dance of the moonlight jellies, from here yuzuru and midori get a lot closer playing in the sand and just getting along (a bit like siosai marina)!! probably some background drop for the both of them like takamine gramps' farm and yuzurus actual role as a butler while telling him about tori as well dkhdhdjs. they spot the rare green jellyfish together here too
Y1 Autumn (yeah im calling it autumn sue me): valley fair commences, led by everyones own wataru whos hopping here and there somehow managing three attractions at once. yuzuru obliterates the shooting game; spirits eve, chiaki is desperately being clingy out of fear. just more shenanigans in this one
Y1 Winter: festival of ice!! i kinda want to recreate the snow bunny/cute critter scene in jingle bells here, while the fishing contest isnt even a contest at all except between souma and kanata; feast of the winter star ill probably keep somewhat similar to that in the recent luck fest campaign gift exchange!! midori -> hajime and yuzuru -> kanata at the very least. just good vibes all around. community centre would also be finished by then so while joja closes, ibara ends up assisting at the museum w nagisa instead jshshdh
Y2 Spring: only thing of note is that This flower dance they do get to dance together!! 👍 had to get those hearts up beforehand sjhdhdjshd midori at this point fully realized he really does like yuzuru, but kind of the calm before the summer storms
Y2 Summer: gets a bit (a lot) more complicated from here. yuzuru receives word from tori that he'll be visiting from midsummer til the beginning of autumn, and coincidentally tsukasa is tagging along to meet up with his pen pal and friend sora!! bickering the entire way there and due to circumstances yuzurus hosting tsukasa as well in the end, having to share toris room with him aksjdhjwjs
tori gets introduced to midori. the famed young master of midoris crush and this random farmer boy tori had heard so much about for some reason. midoris rather intimidated in the end but it ends up not Horribly to say the least. didnt quite help how tori had noticed how yuzuru softened up even just a bit when interacting with him. sora as well finally meets tsukasa and "the torikun he's heard so much about through tsukasas letters" 🎉 toris awfully smug and tsukasa tries to salvage it saying he was badmouthing him the whole time (not completely a lie but definitely not completely the truth either. dork)
with toris arrival inevitably comes yuzurus duties as a butler, its plain to see his priorities and out of consideration midori backs off a bit. she thought he'd only have to keep his distance until tori's gone back but little did she know toris main reason for coming not only was to assess how yuzurus faring (well and to meet eichi again) but had planned on bringing yuzuru back with him too to which yuzuru of course though not without feeling a tinge of pain for a reason unknown to him agrees to it
midori hears this from tsukasa, how he didnt think yuzuru would stay in town for much longer. and of course midori ended up pretty devastated at the news but who is he to stop yuzuru from leaving? in the end yuzuru would all but abandon his duties, and after all that same diligence and devotion is what midori had fallen for in the first place. if this short year really is all he'd get to spend with him then at the very least she'll have to make the most of what time they have left
the moonlight jellies come around again, probably one of the last times they both thought they'd be able to spend together and went off with just the two of them. a bit of an awkward air around them, yuzuru comments on how toris been complaining about the sand and other attempts at casual small talk as usual but its painfully obvious theres still that tense atmosphere
midori finally asks if yuzurus really leaving after all, to which she got a yes. midori simply nods and had long since accepted that inevitability, and already resolved that when the time comes to put an end to his feelings and get rejected properly. and so he confesses, and while saying she didnt need yuzuru to give him any proper answer in return, all yuzuru could really say was an "i'm sorry" while finally realizing what that awful ache that has been eating at him the entire time was. even if he did realize he felt the same, no matter how much he wanted to say it back theyve both resigned to the fact that its not something that could or would really ever happen between them
once the jellies have all left, their parting was pretty awkward, with that one goodbye feeling a lot like their last. tori notices something off about yuzuru and that something had probably happened between them, but didnt pay it much thought until a while later
yuzurus made more mistakes than whats normal, miscategorizing the stock or putting salt in his coffee, tori and tsukasa are both shocked and tried to pry it out of him but hes a brick wall that wont budge even a bit. it was only when midori came around for his usual errands and groceries that tori could note how distant and awkward theyre both being and that slight bit of hurt behind yuzurus all perfect mask
after much uncomfortable tension and quietly longing gazes enough is enough amd tori eventually confronts him, that while he did say yuzuru could come back to the city asks him if thats really what he wanted. and of course, all hes ever wanted or rather, knew how to want was to be able to serve tori to the best of his ability and really theres no other reason to stay anyways. even more frustrated now tori brings up midori, if he really wont regret leaving things like that when theyll surely drift apart to the point of no return if he keeps it up
argues that whatever was between him and midori has nothing to do with it!! tori is Mad and says if yuzuru is hiding behind his role to run away from the depths of his own feelings hes being a freaking idiot. eventually tori calms down and while he did want yuzuru to come, never wanted him to tear himself apart so much and that he didnt need to sacrifice his desires or getting close to anyone else for his sake, and how before being a servant yuzuru is his family as well and he just wants him to be happy too. then asks one last time if leaving the valley really what he wanted
yuzuru finally thinks it over again and apologizes first. for letting himself get so caught up and carried away for even daring to get close to someone else (tori glares daggers at him. he stops) and affirms that while he did wish to stay, theres still nothing more important to him than tori and his wellbeing and even should he open up and find more people in his life its not gonna change that fact
toris finally satisfied, reminding him again that even if he were to run off to be with some farmer boy hed still be his butler and that he wishes them the best. then proceeds to grab the bouquet from over the counter, shove it into yuzurus hands and lock him out of the store until he has a proper talk with midori. yuzuru tries to argue but it all goes one ear and out the other with tori he is Not gonna let him back inside until then
eventually gives in and goes looking for midori. he asks all around town and seems to just miss him each time, til eventually it starts pouring and into a pretty hard rain. at this point all he could rly focus on though was wanting to see him so pushes on until running into her taking shelter in the forest. yuzuru is Soaked and disheveled and with the wind and rain the bouquet is stripped down to only a few of its flowers left but he does not care at this point
midori is understandably shocked and tries to dry him off with what he had, lending her jacket and asking what he was doing out in the rain like that. well with yuzuru only being able to think about wanting to meet him had completely ignored the rain and brushes it off saying there was something more important he wanted to say
even knowing that he'd (somewhat) rejected midori before, asks if he could give him a proper response this time if midori would give him another chance. she agrees, yuzuru lets him know he wont be going back to the city after all to midoris surprise. goes on that before he knew it midori had become important to him as well and that he truly does adore him, and if his feelings havent changed would like to court him properly. midoris just processing the entire thing before crying. never thought his feelings would be reciprocated and between sobs hugs him. rain clears up, a nice rainbow arches over and while midori accepts what was left of the bouquet they almost had a moment until yuzuru starts sneezing. cue them running back to the store before he gets sick
while yuzurus taking care of himself it leaves midori and tori in the store together. tori gives her a bit of a shovel talk and if he dared do anything to hurt yuzuru he could have his entire farm shut down. and asks to take care of yuzuru for him too. they do talk a bit and end up getting to know each other a bit more before tori and tsukasas impending departure
once midori leaves, tsukasa, having seen the whole conversation, asks tori if hes really okay with it and while tori cant say hes absolutely happy is glad someone cherishes yuzuru just as much. and even if he is a bit lonely will always have tsukasa anyways half as a tease and half being genuine
Y2 Autumn: tori and tsukasa leave the valley, promising to come back next year!! theres a lot more ive planned out from this point out but i am keeping it to myself for now. or maybe forever it depends 👍 my apologies if youve read this far you deserve a medal thank you for listening to my silly rambling 🏅
theres some other things like mini chara arcs/episodes and such (or stuff like specific "heart events" of a sort) i thought abt but among them is tatsumi and mayoi meeting and [omitted] or tetoras apprenticeship under kuro, or shus visit to observe mikas progress and [omitted], and specifically a certain trks episode also
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justinelark · 4 months
"Identity Porn"
Identity porn is a trope where character A doesn't know who character B really is. One example is that Lois Lane knows both Clark Kent and Superman and doesn't realize they are the same person. Another example is in the movies "The Shop Around the Corner" and "You've Got Mail," where the characters are corresponding anonymously with someone who they know and don't like in real life. I love the dramatic irony of it all. Eventually the characters will find out, and then what??
SidClaude: I Know Everything You Don't Want Me To by whimsicalmerkeet, E, 10660 words The NHL decides the players need anonymous pen pals to deal with the quarantine. Nobody likes the idea, but Claude Giroux finds more in his partner than he expected.
My comments: At first neither of them knows who he's writing to, but Claude figures it out. open up your plans, and damn, you're free by vaguelyfamiliar, T, 14392 words No, Sid doesn’t genuinely think it’s his childhood celebrity crush Steve Yzerman making him mixtapes and leaving chocolates on his desk, but he has no idea who it could actually be. Hilary knows he’s gay, Claude hates him, and everyone else hardly talks to him. My comments: AU in which Sid and Claude are both interns for the 2007-08 Detroit Red Wings learn not to look at you with scorn by ologist, M, 4559 words Claude Giroux has a ridiculous crush on Sidney Crosby. Clearly, the only way to resolve this is to woo him anonymously. SidGeno: I thought SidGeno would be very tricky to do because of Geno's English but these brilliant writers have figured out a way!
Academic Dishonesty by iBear, T, 10437 words For years now, Geno has managed to keep his two lives separate. Academics and hockey rarely intersect, and with his very specific interest in Russian military leadership in World War II, he doesn't expect the streams to cross. Ever.
Sidney Crosby always does break expectations.
there is a lake in me by hauntologie, E, 21812 words In retrospect, Flower can totally understand why Geno didn't tell Sid who he actually was. Sid is incredibly persuasive when he wants to get laid. My comments: Geno unexpectedly wakes up in the body of a woman. This story features Sid keeping a logbook of stats on his sexual encounters. Someone New by getoffmyhead, E, 25233 words Zhenya knew he’d messed up when Sid’s eyes darted over to him, and his face didn’t brighten with fondness. Sid always seemed pleased to see him and responded with the most sincere smile.
Instead, Sid’s eyes found Zhenya with a puzzled squint, and Zhenya’s blood ran cold. He knew what Sid was looking at—a total stranger. Sid didn’t know why the stranger was speaking to him.
Zhenya had been around Sid long enough to know how this would go. Once he figured out he definitely did not know this guy, Sid would nod with a tight, fake smile at the stranger. He would never break his stride, politely but firmly indicating that he had somewhere to be. He would exit the stranger’s presence as quickly and unobtrusively as possible.
Except that wasn’t what happened. Sid’s steps slowed, feet turning to approach Zhenya directly. “Hey,” he said with a smile—not the profoundly fond one that brightened his whole face in an unmistakable expression of delight at seeing Zhenya. This smile was something sharper, more focused.
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Flowers For My Love (Gaz/Jackson)
For Gaz Week over on Twitter! Day 1 of the SFW prompts was Flower Shop AU and you guys know I will take any opportunity to write Gaz/Jackson. Day 1 NSFW prompt coming later.
Warnings: None
Word count: 2.2k
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“Gaz,” Soap’s voice was tilted down into a teasing lilt, immediately catching Gaz’s attention from where he was spraying some of the plants in one of the corners of the shop. He narrowed his eyes at him, noting the way that he was peering out the window with a big grin on his face, “Guess who is walking down the street, headed this way right at this very moment?”
Gaz rolled his eyes and turned back to his plants, shaking his head at his friend, “Let me guess? Your rich boyfriend’s coming to visit you again?”
“Nope,” Soap popped the p in the word and turned to him excitedly, “It’s your ex-military boy.” 
Gaz froze in his place and took a moment to fully register the words that Soap had just said. As soon as he did, he was off. He could hear Soap snickering at him as he rushed over to the front counter, yanking his apron around him tighter and tugging the cap off of his head. He threw it under the counter and pulled out one of the little mirrors he kept stored around the shop, checking his face and appearance quickly to make sure he looked at least halfway decent. 
“I don’t know why you do all that,” Soap commented, casually moving up to the counter with him, “I’m pretty sure that your pretty boy would like to jump your bones no matter how you look.”
Gaz felt himself flush as Soap settled next to him and he shot his friend a glare, “Shut it.” Soap raised his hands in surrender, watching in amusement as Gaz shoved his mirror back under the counter just as the bell at the front door rang, signaling that someone had just stepped inside. 
“Paul,” Gaz called out to the man, a grin pulling across his lips. He did his best to ignore Soap’s snickering from beside him as he rounded the counter to better greet the man, “You’re in a little early, aren’t you? I wasn’t expecting you for your usual until Thursday.”
Paul Jackson was a man who had stumbled into Gaz’s flower shop a few months prior. Gaz had spotted him looking rather overwhelmed as he observed all of the different flowers that the shop offered. Jackson was attractive, a tall man with strawberry-blonde hair and two different colored eyes that had stunned Gaz the first time he met him. He was strong too, apparently owning his own gym and spending most of his days teaching classes. All around, he was one of the most attractive men that Gaz had seen in his life, and, over the months that he’d been coming into the store to talk to Gaz and buy flowers, Gaz had developed a little crush on him. 
He usually came in every Thursday to buy flowers for his apartment, apparently, he had three different vases around the house and he alternated which vase he bought flowers for each week. It was a good idea and meant that Gaz got quite a bit of business from the man. However, it wasn’t a Thursday, which meant that Jackson’s appearance was a bit of a surprise to him. 
“Sorry,” Jackson gave him a bright grin, “I’m actually not here for the usual reasons, so I’ll still be here Thursday too. I know you’re so excited to see me again.” He shot Gaz a wink and, despite the fact that it was clearly a joke, Gaz felt himself flushing a bit. 
“Well,” Gaz cleared his throat nervously and gave a short chuckle, “thanks for the warning.” Jackson seemed to grin wider at his words. “So, what brings you in today if not the usual?”
Jackson shifted a bit and, for a moment, he looked nervous. “It’s a bit embarrassing,” he warned briefly, “see, I’m planning on asking this guy out today and I wanted some flowers to do it with.” Gaz’s face fell, but he did his best to quickly cover it up, trying to avoid showing how the words had squeezed at his chest painfully. 
He cleared his throat nervously and plastered a smile on his face, his hands balled tight in his apron. Jackson didn’t deserve to have to deal with his heartbreak, it wasn’t his fault that Gaz had a crush on him. “Wow! Congrats, I’m super excited for you. I bet he’s going to love it!” He shifted a bit and, even behind him where Soap was he heard no noise. His friend obviously knew just what he was going through. “So what type of flowers are you thinking?”
“Well,” Jackson crossed his arms behind his back and gave him a grin, completely unaware of his sudden drop in mood, “See the thing is that he spends a lot of his time around flowers. Like all day.”
“All day?” Gaz asked, feeling a bit more upset, “What does he do?”
“He owns a flower shop,” Jackson responded enthusiastically, “A really good one, super cute. I come in every Thursday to buy flowers from him.”
Gaz could hear Soap gasp from behind the counter and, he had to admit, that he wanted to gasp as well. He couldn’t believe that Jackson had apparently been going to another flower shop as well as his and that, against all odds, rather than falling for Gaz he’d fallen for the owner of the other shop. If he could, he would scream. 
“Wow!” He grit out, still forcing his smile. “I guess since it’s your happy day I won’t tease you about going to a shop other than mine,” he tried to joke. The words pulled a small odd laugh from Jackson and a full snort from Soap across the room. “So what type of thing are you looking for?”
“Well,” Jackson shoved his hands in his pockets, “I’d like to find something that someone who works with flowers a lot would still appreciate.” 
Gaz felt his face soften. Even when he was upset, he just couldn’t help it. Jackson was too sweet, always thinking ahead about everything and trying to make sure to give the best he could to the others around him. He could have wailed over the fact that he was losing his chance with the man. “I’m sure that whatever you give them,” Gaz started carefully, twisting his hands together, “they’ll appreciate just because it's from you.” He cleared his throat before nervously adding, “I know I would.”
Jackson’s face went a bit pink at his words and he stared a little wide-eyed at him for a few moments. Gaz worried that perhaps he’d said a bit too much. “I- um,” Jackson cleared his throat, “What, um, if it was you, hypothetically, what type of flowers would you like to be given?”
“If it was me…”
Gaz paused for a moment, imagining what it would be like to be presented with a bouquet of flowers by the man in front of him as he shyly admitted his feelings for him. The idea made his mind a bit hazy and a happy feeling blossom in his chest. It was quick to disappear when he remembered what this was for. 
“If it was me, carnations or honeysuckles, maybe both if you’re feeling a bit feisty.” Jackson nodded along to his words, his face twisting up in thought.
“Do they work together?” He asked after a moment, tilting his head curiously at Gaz, “Could you make a bouquet with them for me?”
Gaz gave a small smile, “I can make a bouquet with anything, give me just a few minutes.” Before Jackson could respond, he was darting into the back room of the shop. His face fell as soon as he was alone and he leaned against one of the tables in the room, desperate for some sort of air. 
He took several moments to try and gather his composure, fighting against the disappointment inside his chest and how his heart seemed to squeeze painfully tight, constricting with the knowledge that, soon, Jackson would be asking someone else on a date. Soon, he would be handing someone else a bouquet of flowers made with Gaz’s hands and confessing his feelings for them. 
The thought had his hands shaking, but it didn’t stop him from expertly cutting the flowers that he needed and organizing them into a nice display. Once he was happy with how everything looked, he took the time to carefully wrap the flowers up, tying a careful ribbon around them. Once he was finished, he took a moment to examine the flowers. He’d never been so proud of a bouquet and hated it all at once in his life. Part of him wanted to rip it to pieces and the other part wanted to keep it for himself. To pretend that Jackson had given it to him. 
He pushed past that selfish part of himself to delicately gather the bouquet in his arms. He emerged from the back room, immediately spotting where Jackson was leaning up against the counter, chatting idly with Soap. He took a moment to admire him before stepping toward the two men. 
“Alright,” he carefully handed the bouquet over to Jackson, “how does that look?”
Jackson looked over it with wide eyes, a grin slowly pulling at his lips. “Gaz, you’ve outdone yourself, this is gorgeous!” 
“Thank you!” Gaz gave a bright smile, the compliment pulling at his heartstrings even more. Why did Jackson have to be so sweet? “Will it work for what you need? Do you think he’ll like it?”
“Do you like it?” Jackson looked up at him with a tilted head, observing his face with close eyes. 
Gaz was a bit surprised by the question but was quick to answer, “I do. I think the combination is beautiful.” Jackson met his answer with a short nod and a grin.
“Then they’re perfect. How much is it going to run me?” 
Gaz moved behind the counter, ignoring the bright grin that Soap gave him in favor of typing a few things into his little computer system. He didn’t understand why his friend was grinning at him. Didn’t he understand what was going on? Didn’t he understand that Gaz was fighting through his own heartbreak? 
“Hey,” Soap drew Gaz’s attention toward him, “I’m going to step into the back for a second.”
“No reason,” Soap gave a grin. He turned to Jackson, “Nice to see you man, good luck with asking your guy out, though,” he glanced toward Gaz for a moment, “Something tells me you won’t need it.” He gave a quick pat on Gaz’s back before quickly disappearing into the backroom.
Gaz glared after him before turning back to the computer, trying to type everything in as quickly as possible. It was difficult when he could feel Jackson’s eyes watching him closely. He’d misclicked around six times before he finally managed to get everything in and read off the amount. “Fifty-two dollars and sixty cents is the total.” He took Jackson’s offered card and swiped it through. As usual, the payment went through without issue. “Alright,” he handed the card back and leaned tiredly against the counter, “You’re all set. Good luck.” 
Jackson gave him a bright grin, “This is really nerve-wracking for me, you know.” 
“I’m sure you’ll do great,” Gaz encouraged, “Just go for it. I’m sure they’ll say yes.”
“I hope you’re right.” Jackson took in a deep breath before holding the bouquet out for him. Gaz stared at it for a long moment, trying to figure out what he was doing. 
“Is something,” he looked up at Jackson with furrowed brows, “Is something wrong with it?”
Jackson gave him a bright grin and shook his head, “They’re for you.”
Gaz took the offered flowers slowly, his brows still wrinkled in confusion, “But I thought you said they were for the guy you were asking out? The one who owns the flower shop and- oh.” His face lit up red as he realized exactly what was happening. “Oh- wait, is this- you mean? You- the guy?”
Jackson gave a low chuckle at his nervous stutters and nodded his head. His eyes had a sort of amused and adoring twinkle in them and Gaz felt himself flush harder. He was quick to hide his face in the bouquet. “The guy is you. I’m not going to lie to you, I’ve kind of only been coming for flowers over the past few months just to see you. I don’t actually need so many flowers, my apartment is covered in them.”
“You’ve been coming just to see me?” He was sure he was going to melt into the floor. All this time that he’d been crushing on Jackson, all this time that he’d wanted to say something and Jackson had been doing just the same. It made his heart flutter in his chest. 
“I have,” Jackson admitted with a shy sort of grin, “I was hoping, though, that I might be able to see you more than just once a week. If you’d like?”
Gaz just stared at him for a long moment before practically leaping over the counter to grab at the front of his shirt and tug him closer. He pressed their lips together, a grin on his face as he finally was able to taste the other man. It was better than he could have hoped and, as Jackson leaned across the counter to better kiss him, he couldn’t have been happier.
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prepare4trouble · 1 year
I don’t know if this is a weird thing to send, but I was scrolling through your blog and remembered a really early headcanon I had for Sammy and the Frogs. I remember imagining that Sam had been brought to Santa Carla to visit his grandparents once, or twice when he was really little. His memories are super hazy, but he does have a distinct memory of a pair of “mean looking girls”, who he would spot walking around the town unattended, holding hands. In fact these where the Frogs, who at the time had long hair and wore hippyish clothes like their parents. He did not connect up the memory with them until he was a grown man, and nearly fell out of his seat. I was wondering, if Sam had been moved to Santa Carla when they were all younger, before the Frogs thought anything of monsters, would the dynamic have been different?
Mean looking girls. 🤣 I love this. I wonder how he would have realised who they were. Maybe Mr and Mrs Frog give him access to some old family photo albums one day, Edgar and Alan are out of the room so can’t stop it, and he sees the pics of them as kids and it knocks the memory loose.
Sam would never stop teasing them about the pics, though he does feel a bit bad for laughing and maybe let thin look at his old photos to make things even. (I doubt he has changed much though tbh so they wouldn’t see a lot they could get back at him about)
Hmm I wonder at what point the Frogs changed from their parent’s hippie style to their own military-style look? And if Sam had already been in Santa Carla, what he might have said about it.
“Uh, guys… I know I said you need to lose the flower-child look, but I think you might have gone a bit too far in the other direction.”
How things would have been different if he had moved there earlier… I think he would definitely have known them. I don’t know how many schools there will be in Santa Carla, I get the impression it’s not a huge place, but probably big enough for there to be a couple of schools there. I like to assume they go to the same one though, because it helps for fic-writing purposes. Even if they don’t, they’re in the comic shop, and Sam loves comics, so they’d have met that way, just a few years ahead of schedule.
I feel lIke Sam isn’t the kind of kid who would fit into any one social group at school. I mean, he’s not the football player type, or a surfer, he’s into comic books, but not your traditional nerd, he’s probably the kind of kid who would have friends across a range of groups, and his comic obsession and kind nature would probably lead him to befriend the Frogs since firstly they might give him access to comics, and secondly, he would feel bad that they didn’t have any other friends (probably not caring that they didn’t want other friends).
So I think since the Frogs will become aware of the vampire activity in town in this AU just as they did in the movie timeline, they’re still going to warn Sam about it, since he’s somebody that has inserted himself into their lives. Sam would probably have reacted much the same way as in the movie at first; assuming they’re crazy. I think he might have come around to the idea pretty quickly though. Living in Santa Carla he’s going to see his share of mysterious disappearances, and nobody else will be offering any explanations. I think eventually he’s going to go with Edgar and Alan’s idea until someone comes up with something better, and since they don’t, vampires it is.
I don’t think the dynamic between them will be that much different though. The Frogs are all gung-ho ‘destroy all vampires’ and Sam is along for the ride. Maybe since he’s been aware of the vampire infestation for longer, Sam will be more clued up though. He’s probably going to be actively involved in trying to warn people about it. I think he’d have something to say about the way that Edgar and Alan go about trying to warn people about the vampires. He’s right in there telling them their Superman filing system is all wrong, I imagine he’d be just as critical of the way they aggressively try to force horror comics on people in the store.
“Guys, you can’t just walk up to people, scowl, shove a horror comic at them and tell them to read it.”
“Why not?”
“Well, because… I mean, people might not want to read that. What if they’ve come in for Archie comics or something? They’re not going to want Vampires Everywhere instead, are they?”
“We’re not stopping them buying something else too, we’re just suggesting that they…”
“I think you mean demanding, not suggesting.”
“We’re just suggesting that they read this as well.”
“Yeah well, your ‘suggestion’ just sent that kid fleeing without taking the vampire book or buying the stack of comics he had in his hand. So how about you let me handle the PR from now on, huh?”
Or something like that.
Thing is though, since they moved there younger, things will play out differently and there’s a good chance that Michael won’t get involved with the Lost Boys in the same way he did in the movie though. He wouldn't have been there to see Star on the boardwalk, he wouldn't have drawn the attention of David, Lucy might not have ended up working at the video store, and so might not have drawn Max’s attention. Of course it’s entirely possible that things will play out exactly the same as in the movie, but I doubt it.
So unless they find the vampire coven some other way, maybe end up helping some other kid with a vampire problem, or something like that, things might end up very different, and the three of them might even get a shot at a normal life.
That’s a nice idea. But it would mean a lot more deaths in town, which isn’t a trade-off that any of them would agree to if they had any choice in the matter.
Ooh… now there’s a very angsty fanfic idea…
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trishacastover · 1 year
I have an update for the Eldritch! Wally au! I've been thinking a lot and have started to iron things out.
Wally's second form is going to be called his Minor Eldritch/Minor form.
He can hide the extra limbs of this form, such as his tail, wings, and extra arms, the whites of his eyes are back but the eyes themselves remain the same.
I am also introducing a new character: Avia!
Avia is a great horned owl that was rescued by Wally. In exchange, she not only becomes a resident in Home, but also is his eyes and ears, giving him info on possible deals that he can make with others.
Thanks to the deal she and Wally have, Avia has a human form.
She's an average height woman wearing a white sweater that slightly slides off of her shoulders with a black tank top underneath. Simple white pants with white military boots with black laces and soles. She also has a pouch like necklace that has Wally's sigil on it.
Her hair is white with black spots and are feathers. It's pulled into a rat's tail and there are pieces that look like her horns. Her eyes are a bright yellow and her teeth are slightly sharp.
She lives in Poppy's barn and is the pest control of the entire neighborhood, eating rodents like rats and mice.
She can come off as lazy and rude, and she's very standoffish and nonchalant, but she's very hardworking and believes in "Work smarter, not harder". She cares about the neighborhood, even though she states otherwise.
Technically, Wally and Avia are Master/Servant, but Wally sees her as a friend and won't make her do anything that she doesn't want to do.
Although he may "toy" with her a bit, such as treating her as a lover, or even some other act, but it's just to save face in front of those outside. He also calls her like this: "Oh my, sweet sweet Avia.", and "My dear Avia."
Avia is also the main person keeping Wally on a leash.
Wally's personality is a mixture between Discord and Alastor, he loves messing with people and watching them freak out by just showing his mere presence. It's also hard to know what he wants out of a deal.
And despite him being a yandere, he is a romantic person. If romancing and charming Y/N is the fastest way to get them, then he'll go down that route instead of just straight up kidnapping, or messing around until Y/N says yes.
The neighborhood does know of Wally being an Eldritch. Howdy would sometimes ask for Wally's help around his shop in exchange for apples. Eddie would ask for some stamps from the outside world. Frank would ask for bug encyclopedias and other books. Julie would ask for dresses or picture books with flowers. Poppy would sometimes ask him to get some baking ingredients or cook books. Sally would ask for play scripts.
I will also be taking requests(SFW REQUESTS ONLY!!!) and answering some Q&A, I might need help opening a request and Q&A boxes. Please note that I have ADHD and new to taking requests, it may take some time before it gets posted, so please understand and be patient with me. I also welcome fanart and fan fiction as long as it's not NSFW, we respect Clown's boundaries in this household.
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
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As promised, I will introduce to you guys the concept of my Cod Zombies Au before showing you the character portraits and emblems 💖
Title: Under the Red Moon (Mostly focuses on Primis only)
(Note: These 5 countries are fictional and only inspired by real life countries.)
Set in the 1920s, Aetheria, a land where it is divided by 5 countries; Schtulberg, Kirizaki, Yelenovsky, Maloñoz, and Bromden. Vampires hunt down their prey during the night as death rates keep getting high due to the casualties that every city of the country encounters. The 5 made an allegiance with each other to form a group of vampires who will aid the military for killing vampires, which is named Los Caballeros de Drácula or Dracula's Knights. They will hunt vampires through the night and will make sure to keep humanity safe from the clutches of the blood-thirsty vampires and rogues who will bring chaos to the land of Aetheria. 
Valena Villanueva (OC):
- First Lieutenant of the Los Caballeros de Drácula.
- Born in Savodiña, Maloñoz.
- A former marksman and works as a florist in their flower shop in Savodiña.
- Was bitten by a vampire while trying to save her parents and saved by an unknown group of human-turned vampires, making her a vampire as well with immortality and immunity from the sun.
Nikolai Belinski:
- A nobleman from Yelenovsky.
- Born in Anugrad, Yelenovsky.
- Aside from being a nobleman, he is also a writer.
- Was saved by Val from a vampire while having a stroll during a full moon.
Edward Richtofen:
- A scientist in Schtulberg.
- Knows much about vampires and usually makes technological weapons for the Knights.
- Born in Volkrieger, Schtulberg.
- Lost his parents when he was young.
- Has a little sister with him.
Tank Dempsey: 
- A captain from the Bromden Army.
- Born in Oakridge City, Bromden.
- Aids the DK with any weapon that can repel the vampires.
Takeo Masaki:
- A swordsman under the Kirizaki Force.
- Born in Mizuna, Kirizaki
- Knows traditional techniques in taking down the vampires.
- Even though he uses traditional ways to kill his enemies, he also mixed his weapon with technological enhancements.
Los Caballeros de Drácula/Dracula's Knights:
- An organization where a group of vampires from different worlds hunt down monstrous vampires during the night. Mostly used technological weapons and their incredible abilities as vampires, Members of the DK have a tattoo on their neck with the logo of the organization. All of the members are not immune to the sun, which the organization made an extract that is mixed to the blood where they can be immune to the sun.
Catilisia Militia:
- A military organization in Maloñoz who use Maloñozan enhanced weapons as they build it with enchanted artifacts for their weaponry. 
Bromden Army:
- A military organization in Bromden who aids the Red Moon with ammunition and weapons for their vampire hunting sessions during the night. They made technological weapons with the help of the blueprints from their neighboring world Schtulberg.
Kirizaki Force:
- A military organization in Kirizaki where these men use both traditional and technological methods of killing vampires. Their weapons are also made from blueprints from Schtulberg.
Group 539:
(Note: I just reversed 935 to 539 cause I ran out of ideas to name it.)
- A group of gifted scientists who help the 4 countries in aiding them by building  and enhancing the weapons with the latest technology they can offer  for the organizations, especially for the DK.
Slavidogrod Association:
- An association in Yelenovsky where trained men used heavy machinery and latest technological weaponry which are provided from Schtulberg. They also made their own enhancements of their weapons and exported them to the other worlds.
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voidendron · 2 years
Modern AU Rambling
as I slowly start figuring everyone out for the AU, I'll add them to this/update their info! idk I just think it's a fun little AU <3
The gist: my SWTOR OCs in a modern/coffee shop AU-type setting. No war (though a few of them are discharged/retired vets), just something casual and domestic. not set in any particular city, but will be set in America so I don't have to research things and just keep this as a chill AU I can dabble in whenever in the mood
Xaerez: Alexander Zimman. Fine with Xander, doesn't like to be called Alex. Former sniper in the military, he has an unrecorded number of enemy officer kills. He was discharged due to injuries sustained on the field - injuries resulted in severe scarring to right side of face, loss of three fingers, hearing damage, and nerve damage in one leg that has him using a cane a lot of the time. Caused by the building he was perched in collapsing after it was bombed.
He comes from a rich and snobby military family; he moved out of country and cut contact with them. Without their support, he struggles for a while to keep a stable residence and job. Eventually finds a coffee shop that accepts him and he mostly works in the back. It's here that he meets the others.
Terrin: Tera Cadera. Married to Torian Cadera, with two young kids - Axel and Anya. She's lived in the area most of her life and frequents a number of the places that the others work. She's the one who connects them all, knocking some sense into a few of them and getting others to join in with her dumbassery, depending on what's needed.
She's a bouncer at the bar near the coffee shop. And yes, she's both teased and jokes about her rhyming name. Likes to go to the coffee shop in her off-time, and it's normally her place where they all get together for backyard barbecues and parties. She's terrible at cooking, however, so either Torian does it, or they do a potluck-style thing and everyone brings a little something.
Tera's the first one to befriend Xander. She just kind of... drags him along behind her while he scowls like an angry cat, and eventually introduces him to Theron.
Synnda: Sylas Vespa. Always had an interest in art, and by chance had the opportunity of an apprenticeship with a tattooist. On his mentor's passing, he found the shop passed to him in the will, and continues the practice. Keeps fresh flowers displayed in his shop.
He's tattooed head to toe with mostly flowers and somewhat religious imagery (angels and whatnot). Gentle giant, but has scars across his hand, face, and chest from armed thieves attempting to rob his shop to show that he's no pushover. He defended it and himself, sending them both to the hospital; his injuries were minor in comparison to theirs.
He lost an arm and leg in a crash as a teenager. Specializes in tattoos depicting nature, with a particularly strong point in flowers, but can do most anything.
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Qizulth: Kai Verona. Spent most of his life moving place-to-place; didn't have many connections growing up because of it, so did a lot of reading. Picked up an interest in history at an early age, and for years wanted to be a history teacher.
Instead, he ended up an archeologist, and is extremely fond of the job. He makes sure the people working with him on-site don't damage anything, that everything gets properly recorded, and gets excited with new discoveries. Especially loves uncovering ancient tombs. Has a really odd vendetta against the city's museum that no one can explain.
Most of his tattoos are from Sylas' shop. Has really pretty creeping vines across his top surgery scars that Sylas was more than happy to do for him. The two are close friends, and when Kai is in town the two are together often when Sylas doesn't have clients.
Varrich: Vince Toft. Former Navy SEAL; was discharged due to severe injury from a bombing on the job that cost the lives of his squad. Injuries include: lost right arm (didn't want prosthetic), left eye (uses glass eye), scarring to face, chest and back, and spinal damage that's resulted in chronic pain once he healed from the injury itself.
Now, works in a greenhouse. Mostly tends to the plants, but can sometimes be found working the till if he's the only one around. Social recluse, but his sister drags him places when they both have time off so he at least has some interaction with other people who aren't customers and coworkers.
Lina: Lina Toft. Trauma nurse. She gardens as a hobby, growing her own fruits and veggies, and was the one who helped Vince find his current job since that's a place she frequents when she needs new plants or fertilizers.
Likes to work out when not gardening or with her brother. Has yet to lose an arm wrestling competition at the local bar.
Jen: Jensen Sept. Prefers Jen, don't even think about calling him Jensen. Delivery man, he ends up all over the state for his work but is always happy to get back home to his husband and kids. Everyone calls the man he's married to "Kitty," Jen and Kitty included - most don't know what his actual name is because the nickname has been used so much for so long. Has five kids, three of which are adopted, and loves them all dearly.
Can often be seen in the coffee shop or park with Kitty and the kids, or the bar with just Kitty. Very cheerful person; it's hard not to loosen up at least a little around him.
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Leo: Calliope Viteri. Prefers Leo most of the time. Pretty cheerful and gentle, also great with kids despite not wanting her own. The Cadera kids, Axel and Anya, consider Leo and her girlfriend the "cool aunts."
She's a baker at a small family-owned place just down the street, and for parties she often brings cupcakes and such.
Azan: Azaria Tanzer. Role undecided, though may be a security guard someplace?
Atten & Araa: Axel & Anya Cadera. Tera and Torian's kids, with Atten being just under a year older than Anya. They're closeness in age means they do pretty much everything together and they're best friends. Both pretty young, so still get into a lot of trouble. Axel tends to be the brains of their little operations, while Araa is the one who actually climbs the cupboards or breaks the child locks so they can get into things.
Jessi, Jeva, Liakige, Riza, and Luci: Jessie, Joel, Liam, Rose, and Lucy Sept. Jen and Kitty's children, with Jessie, Joel, and Liam being adopted. They're a big family, but they're close - especially Joel and Rose, who do everything together. Jessie is a fair bit older than the rest of her siblings and has started college, but she visits home from the dorms across the city most weekends and holidays.
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The Boxer and the Beekeeper
Au divergence with Boxer Simon and Beekeeper gn reader <3 no y/n, just the constant use of the word "you"
cw: profanity, blood mentions and violence bc boxing, not to reader; just general cute fluff, tbh
. In this au, since Simon isn't into the military and doesn't deal with Roba, I'd love to think that his family is safe and sound (save for his dad bc ew). Our man's still traumatized, though, and keeps his family and work life pretty much separate
. Ghost is a formidable brick house son of a bitch, still though. Like, deals with threats pretty seriously either outside or inside the ring bc he doesn't take to kindly when his family are being targeted by opponents
. It's kinda hard to approach a scary asf big man in a mask from a horror movie franchise, covered in blood and sweat, giving off an intimidating aurora. Ghost is a well-known boxer within your own hometown community, though, and even a sweet bee-keeper like you either is or isn't into sports, his up-coming match is pasted all over billboards
. Travels a lot to different boxing matches, so either in the U.K or another place where you're probably at, he's there.
. I'd like to think Beekeeper reader has a shop that sells honey/products and flowers, and their bees and shit are in the backyard or something.
. Anyways. Imagine this brick-house, intimidating son of a bitch, fresh from a fight, bloody, sweaty, now dressed up and ready to go home, visits your quaint little shop so he can buy his mother fresh flowers
. Love at first sight? Ofc. His eyes are expressive, but like c'mon, this man thinks he's being obvious and reader? For our sake they're oblivious asf bc this is a masked stranger
. He pays more than the flowers are worth, much to you're protest, and promises to be back. And he does. Again and again, making small talk during each and every little visit throughout the year/s.
. About how the flowers are for his mother, upcoming matches, so on. Of course he asks you a lot of questions, how a plucky small (compared to his tall ass you are) beekeeper such as yourself are doing, what are the bees names, just anything in general.
. He's a good listener, sipping on the tea you've made him, mask ridden up to his face, yet at this point you've probably seen his face, idk. You offer for him to see your bees and flowers, trying not to giggle when he's all suited up, a ghost mask underneath the beekeeper hood I can't-
. It's getting dark out and you've realized that this is one of the many circumstances that he and you could talk for hours, or at least you, and him listening intently.
. Gives you tickets and a ride to see his upcoming matches, tbh. Like, his mum hugs you as you greet her in line, as she gushes on how Simon talks a lot about you, despite the hilarious look her youngest son's giving her.
. You bet your ass his ears are flushed red and he's a blushing mess underneath that mask.
. Takes the two of you a while to realize that you're dating, btw. Idiots in love bby
. Flowers! And snacks/food made with honey??? Always are gifted to him and he's so touched he doesn't know what to do- Like, small awkward hugs become more easy-going and lingering as time flies, honestly.
. This man would probably be into whittling wood or some cute/cool shit like that. Makes you little flower or bee figurines, or something different, like celtic knots or hearts bc I firmly believe this man has a little bit of Irish heritage (prolly from his grandpa or smthing idk)
. A hc I have of him, is that his birthday is November 1rst, or All Saint's Day bc why not, and you can fight me tooth and nail- but this bitch is a Scorpio- But anyways, after thoughtful planning of flowers, wine, and a lovely night out, is prolly when the two of you share your first kiss
. His mom, brother, sister-in-law, and hell even Joseph know that you two were dating even before ya'll started, so cue the knowing grins and smiles
Alright this is now off my chest, time to crawl back into hibernation <3
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vix-vibes · 2 years
Okay, so, Trisha Elric. Ishvalan AU. Let's go.
So I'm getting back into FMA (Fullmetal Alchemist, for those who don't know - though I don't understand why you're here) and among the tags of Ao3, I have stumbled across and greatly enjoyed the Ishvalan Trisha Elric/Ishvalan Elrics AUs. But I had a thought.
In all of these fanfics (that I've read so far), Ed and Al get to learn Ishvalan culture from their mother, the language and the festivals and the behaviors and everything else that makes an Ishvalan an Ishvalan. They often spend time with Ishvalan refugees and act (mostly, given they are alchemists, military, etc) just like Ishvalan people. Because their mother taught them her heritage.
But not all immigrants are like that.
I'm a grandchild of immigrants, and I never heard them talk about Holland. They would talk about the flower shop & nursery they started when they got here. They would talk about stories from AFTER they emigrated. They. Did. Not. Talk. About. Holland.
My mother has told me how she tried to learn Dutch culture from them, the Dutch language. They wouldn't teach her, just say "We live in America. We are American now." Mom had to go out and try to learn on her own, or from the other Dutch families in the town they lived in. But many of those families took the same stance.
So what if Trisha Elric hadn't taught the boys anything? Especially when you consider that she was likely an immigrant, not a refugee.
The Ishvalan Civil War, going by the wiki, started in 1901. Edward and Alphonse Elric were born in Amestris in 1899 and 1900, respectively. So Trisha was settled, married, and had 2 sons before the war ever started. So, likeliness of her being a willing immigrant? High.
Refugees did not want to leave Ishval, so they would still practice their culture, their language, etc. Trisha Elric could've left Ishval under her own power, her own choice, without being forced. Leaving her culture behind willingly.
So what if Trisha, like my grandparents, hadn't taught her sons Ishvalan culture?
And what if Ed and Al, like my mother, wanted to learn?
I wanna see that story.
Show me two boys with Amestrian names and Amestrian faces trying to learn about the people that their mother belonged to. Show me a State Alchemist that wants to be Ishvalan almost as much as he wants to save his brother. Show me two boys, denied their mother's culture, trying to learn it from the mangled scraps of whatever's left.
That would be a bookmark for sure.
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justwritedreams · 2 years
I'd fight for you | Jeno
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Captain Jeno x Reader Word count: 2775 Genre: fluff, action. Author: maari Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, violence, guns and death (not the main characters). Note: i suggest to read while listening to i'd come for you by nickelback (●'◡'●) Request: hello! i love your imagines and i really love your writings. can i request between jeno or jaemin you can choose, soldier au like sehun's and chanyeol's? from those two saves the reader and her little sister? thank youu ^^
"So you're definitely back now?" Y/N smiled as saw her sister Jieun ask once more. The youngest didn't seem to believe the news.
“Yes, I came back to stay.” she replied to the youngest. "I'll keep my promise, remember?"
Although they were 10 years apart, the sisters were very close. When Y/N left the country to study in America, an opportunity she jumped at with all her might, she promised would come back to take care of her sister.
And now she was fulfilling, officially.
"I know." the sister replied, smiling. "There is another person who was happy with that."
"Oh yeah? Who?" Y/N asked interestedly while texting on her phone.
"Jeno." Jieun spoke and saw her sister stop what was doing to stare at her with a silly smile. "Mom said he kept asking dad when you were back in town."
Y/N bit her bottom lip to keep from grinning, maybe because she was talking to the guy right now or because she was also happy to be back. Or maybe both.
Jeno and Y/N had known each other since they were children, their parents were friends since high school, they were born and raised together.
Y/N had a crush on him back then, they'd kissed once in their teens and he'd never hidden that liked her. Of course, his plans went awry when she decided to move to New York, but they never stopped talking.
Y/N had even followed Jeno's early military career from a distance and had been overjoyed that he had managed to make his dream come true.
"He told me." Y/N spoke and saw her sister looking suspiciously. “After leaving the bank, we’re already heading to the coffee shop to wait for him.”
The idea was for Y/N to sort out everything she needed to get back, including problems with her account that required her to be at the bank, and then find Jeno to spend the afternoon together like they hadn't done in a long time, and Jieun had gone with her since she was on vacation.
The two were walking calmly down the street towards the building when a car screeched and stopped abruptly in front of them, not giving time for either Y/N or Jieun to react, two men jumped out and went towards them, Jieun was separated from her sister who tried to scream to let go of the youngest, but she was forcefully pushed into the car.
Y/N saw that her sister was thrown inside in the same way and before she could ask what was happening, she felt pressure on the back of her neck and lost consciousness, her eyelids getting heavier and heavier and it was hard not to give in to the darkness.
Jeno was happy, he didn't even hide his smile.
The bouquet of flowers he'd just bought in one hand and his phone in the other, he checked the time on the watch he wore and felt a pang of anxiety as realized the time was approaching.
He would meet Y/N for the first time in so long. They would make up for lost time.
He was close to the coffee shop they had arranged to meet when felt the phone vibrate in his hand, promptly answering when saw Y/N's name on the screen.
"I'm not late." he warned, laughing.
"It's a good thing you're punctual, because you'll need to be on time." an unfamiliar male voice spoke, causing Jeno to stop where he was.
He hadn't liked the tone of voice.
"Who is it?"
“No need to worry about that now. This is a kidnapping and you will do everything I say if you want to see your girlfriend and the little kid again.”
Jeno lost strength in his fingers and clenched his jaw so tightly that heard the grinding of his teeth.
"What do you want?" he asked slowly.
“500 thousand dollars in an hour.” Jeno looked at the clock once more and wanted to huff, but tried to make a plan in his head.
"I'll send you the location and I warn you, don’t involve the police."
"I want to talk to her, I want to make sure she's okay." Jeno asked and heard a complaint on the other end of the line.
“Jeno!” he heard Y/N's startled voice and felt his heart squeeze so much it hurt.
“Y/N, don't be afraid. I will find you both, I promise.” assured but heard her complain once more and her voice disappeared.
"If I were you, I would run." the man answered before hanging up.
Jeno grunted in anger, holding back the scream he wanted to give, grabbed the phone tightly and stuffed it in his pocket before he could throw it on the floor. He retraced his steps to the car and hurried out of there, completely forgetting about the bouquet lying on the sidewalk.
He wouldn't involve the police. He didn't need it, he had enough resources to act on his own.
Jeno drove to his base while calling his partner along the way he used to do in 10 minutes, he managed to do it in 5.
When he arrived at the base, he went straight to find Jaemin in the command room and rushed inside.
"You got it?" Jeno asked worriedly and saw Jaemin smile.
“The signal comes from the north.” Jaemin pointed at the computer screen and Jeno stared with determination. “It's in the suburbs, it's a not-so-safe area and…” Jaemin looked at Jeno, realizing that he was about to act, decided to speak: “I know that look. What will you do?"
"What do you think?" Jeno returned the question and strode out of the control room, followed by his partner.
“Jeno, you’re crazy but not suicidal.” Jaemin remembered as he walked beside him to the locker room. “The problem is not getting into that area, the problem is getting out.” the partner spoke but Jeno was more concerned with putting on his black uniform and vest. “Do you really want to go there without backup?”
“You would do the same, wouldn't you? In fact, you already did.” Jeno remembered.
“It was different.” Jaemin replied and saw Jeno snort. "I wasn't a Captain and I was on a mission."
"My current rank is irrelevant, I'm not going as a soldier." Jeno spoke as he strapped the gun to his waist.
Jaemin took a deep breath, he knew his friend was stubborn and wouldn't be able to do or say anything to stop him.
"You said Y/N's sister was also kidnapped." Jeno nodded, too busy holstering the knife at his ankle. "I've got your back."
Jeno stared at him, surprised.
"That's not what I asked of you."
"I know, but I can't let the Captain go alone." Jaemin replied seriously, in a way that only happened when there was a mission, Jeno pondered.
It wasn't an official army mission, couldn't even call in reinforcements, he barely had time for that.
He needed to act as quickly as possible and knew that no matter how skilled he was, he would need help and no one better than Jaemin. Jeno trusted him more than he trusted himself.
So he just nodded and tapped his friend on the shoulder twice.
"Thanks!" he spoke and received a smile in response.
Quickly, they headed to the parking lot towards Jeno's car after Jaemin grabbed the laptop to trace the signal.
Jeno drove visibly nervous, ran through so many red lights but that was what worried him the least.
“The phone signal is 1km from the delivery point.” Jaemin warned and Jeno looked at his watch.
“We have 10 minutes before the deadline.” he warned and Jaemin indicated where he should go.
Jeno stopped on an empty, dead-end street.
"It's that house." Jaemin pointed to the place and closed the notebook, throwing it on the floor of the car.
“We only have 8 minutes.” Jeno warned.
"Enough time."
The two got out of the car, drawing their weapons and adopting a rigid position, Jeno watched the place while Jaemin analyzed the house. All in silence.
Without needing to speak or point, Jaemin took the lead covering Jeno. They crouched down so their silhouettes wouldn't appear in front of the window and Jaemin pointed to the back door, it was clean.
Jeno strode along, gun in front of him and finger on the trigger, ready to fire if need be. The back door was open and he looked inside the house, from where he was standing he could see Jieun from afar, tied to a chair with her mouth covered with a threadbare cloth.
He moved his head so that Jaemin would go ahead and he would follow, so they did, the girl's eyes widening with tears.
Jeno motioned for her to be silent as he took the knife out of the holster with one hand, the other hand that carried the weapon was lowered, Jaemin kept close but was aware of any noise that could indicate someone approaching.
Jeno took the ropes from Jieun and hugged him tight as soon as she felt her arms free, she cried on his shoulder as he patted her back.
"Where is your sister?" He asked in a whisper and the girl moved away, he put the knife away again and dried her tears.
"They just took her to the second floor, I think they're going to hurt her. They're armed." she explained and Jeno looked at Jaemin seriously.
Jeno felt his blood boiling, adrenaline coursing through his veins.
"Take Jieun out of here and call the police." he ordered and saw his friend falter before agreeing. "How many?"
"Two." she replied, trembling.
The three heard a noise of glass breaking upstairs and Jeno stood up quickly with both hands on the gun.
"Go!" he ordered and Jaemin ran with the youngest one while Jeno went in the opposite direction.
He scanned the floor below quickly and when he realized that there was no one, he took two steps at once going up the stairs to save time.
He was just as careful in the hallway and heard a grunt.
“Stay still, pretty, I guarantee it won't hurt. Too much." he heard male laughter and approached the room.
The door was open and Jeno saw Y/N lying on an old mattress that was thrown on the floor while a man had a knife near her neck and another watched a little further back with his gun pointed.
Both on their backs without noticing his presence, then Jeno took advantage and aimed at the head of the one with the gun, he squeezed the trigger and hit the target, the noise of the falling body caught the attention of the one holding the knife and Y/N tried to scream.
"What the-" he started to speak as walked towards the door but didn't finish as Jeno got in front of him and shot in the middle of the forehead.
The body fell back and Jeno maintained the position, the hatred he felt made him want to unload all the ammunition in the bastard's face but seeing a shocked Y/N crying, turned his attention to her.
All that mattered was her.
“Y/N!” he lowered the gun and approached her, taking off the cloth that covered her mouth and a sob escaped her lips.
Jeno put the gun in his waist and took out the knife so he could cut the ropes that held her.
“Shh, okay. It's alright." she met his gaze and couldn't control a cry of relief. "You're safe, I'm here." with his free hand, Jeno pulled her by the back of her neck until she was leaning her face against his shoulder.
Y/N hugged him tight, feeling him reciprocate and caressing her hair.
"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." he assured and heard sirens, knowing it was okay he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
He had arrived on time.
After calming down enough to get up, Jeno took her outside and Y/N ran to hug her distressed sister waiting for her. The two cried and were examined by the ambulance paramedics that Jaemin had asked for, Y/N asked Jaemin to stay with her sister while she went to testify to the police alongside Jeno. The youngest was just mentally traumatized, no scratches. Unlike Y/N, she had her lip split from the slap she'd taken from one of the men when she'd protected her sister from being taken by him. Her entire body ached as she had forced it against one of the kidnappers, causing him to slam against the glass of the second floor window, she was pushed to the mattress on the floor and ended up hitting her head against the wall. That was before Jeno appeared. Paramedics suggested she go to the hospital to make sure she didn't have any concussions.
“We were on the street, going to the bank when suddenly a car stopped in front of us and two men pushed us inside, they hit me on the back of the head and I passed out.” Y/N spoke and Jeno hugged her sideways, patting her arm. “When I woke up, we were both strapped to two chairs, back to back, they forced me to unlock my phone and called the first person that came along.” Y/N looked at Jeno.
“They told me it was a kidnapping and they wanted money within an hour, they would send me the address so I could leave the amount there, but I couldn't involve the police. I knew they would kill them both so I decided to act on my own.” Jeno explained and watched the policeman write it all down, while he nodded in agreement.
"Have you seen many cases like this, Captain?" the policeman asked.
“Unfortunately yes, that's why I came with my partner.” he pointed back to where Jaemin was. “We entered the house and saw Jieun trapped, we freed her and I heard a noise, when I went up I saw that they were about to kill Y/N. Both were armed so I fired.”
Y/N shivered and lowered her head, Jeno hugged her tighter as if saying he was there to protect her.
She knew it, now she was more sure than ever, but the memory was still fresh in her memory and it made her shiver. She really thought she was going to die.
“Alright, Captain. Do you want to take on the case?”
“Yes, leave it to me.” Jeno replied and the policeman agreed, leaving shortly after.
Y/N took a deep breath and let herself be led by Jeno, he made her sit on the sidewalk.
“It would be nice if you go to the hospital, make sure you haven’t had any head injuries.” he said, worried.
She shook her head as looked down at her hands.
"I just want to go home." she spoke low and unwillingly.
She was tired and scared.
"Hey." Jeno brought his hand to Y/N's chin and lifted it so she was facing him. Her watery eyes made him caress her skin. "You were very brave."
"I had to keep my promise to take care of my sister." She smiled weakly.
Jeno felt his heart heat up like it hadn't in a long time, since Y/N was gone to be exact.
"And so do I." he admitted and Y/N looked at him confused. "When you left, I promised myself that I wouldn't waste time the day you came back, that I would be by your side." Y/N was surprised but felt the truth in his words. “I would never let anything bad happen to you. I would fight for you, I would give my life for you.”
Y/N was taken by surprise and her heart started to beat so fast that she felt it against her ribs, unable to think of another way to thank him for what he had done, she fixed her gaze on Jeno's lips and approached to let her lips gently touch his.
He moved his hand to her cheek and held it there longer, not wanting to let go of the soft touch.
When they parted, Jeno put their noses together and moved like he was giving an Eskimo kiss making Y/N smile.
He kept his hand on her cheek and stared at her deeply, a shiver running through her body.
"You know I would always come for you."
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evanjinx · 3 years
alternative universe buddie fics recs :)
note: the links weren't working the first time i wrote the post but i edited and they're okay now!! if it still isn't working for you is probably because you're trying to open from a reblog from before i edit it, so try open directly from the original post on my profile.
Blind Date by @sassypopstar [complete | teen and up audiences | 3.8k words]
Buck feels a little ridiculous dressed in a jacket and a shirt. But Maddie had insisted on him dressing up for the occasion and even Chimney had quipped that it’s the right thing to do. So Buck, who never went on a blind date before in his life, listened to his big sister and her boyfriend because apparently that’s who he is now. Or the one where Buck goes on a blind date with someone called Eddie.
Buckley's Bouquets by awashleyno [complete | teen and up audiences | 23.4k words]
A world where Buck owns a flower shop and manages to develop a huge, massive, ridiculous crush on a handsome firefighter that comes in for a visit one day. Or, 5 times Eddie gives flowers to other people and the 1 time he gives them to Buck.
Call It What You Will - Fate? Destiny? (A Tsunami) by @abow123456 [complete | mature | 20k words]
Evan Buckley's day of relaxation is cut short when a tsunami hits the beach he was relaxing at. He has to fight to keep himself and a lost little boy safe from the water, as well as anyone else he finds. After, he meets the boys father and family, and it causes a snowball effect of good things for him, for once.
Capuccino with extra, extra sugar by buckbng [complete | teen and up audiences | 2.7k words]
Buck is the cute barista and Eddie is the grinch that hates coffee. Until, he doesn't. Because if Buck says he looks like the kind of person that would love a cappuccino, who's Eddie to disagree with him? OR Eddie really doesn't like coffee but pretends he does just so he has an excuse to see the cute barista at the coffee shop.
Confirmation Bias by strifechaos [complete | mature | 31k words]
After the fallout with his ex-wife, Eddie believed he could only trust his family with his son. He hadn’t imagined falling for his son’s sweet-hearted nanny, Buck. With his own family so distant, Buck never considered that he’d be lucky enough to find a home for himself, let alone people he could count on. Not until he meets the Diaz boys. AU: Buck was never a firefighter, and becomes Christopher's sitter when Shannon's job takes her away from Eddie and Chris for the summer. Eddie tries to not fall for his son's nanny, he's not very successful.
dream of some epiphany by extasiswings [complete | mature | 7.3k words]
Evan Buckley is lost. It’s happenstance that he wanders into the navy recruiting center—he’s been in San Diego for a few weeks, bartending late nights and weekends, living in a house with three other guys not because he needs the roommates but because he doesn’t want to be alone, and the military is…respectable. Stable. So Buck thinks maybe and opens the door. Buck leaves ten minutes later with a set of printed instructions for sending his first letter, assured that he can drop it off whenever he’s ready, and a name. Staff Sergeant Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz.
Frequent Flyer by red_to_black [complete | mature | 13.4k words]
In his entire time being a firefighter, Eddie has never met anyone as accident-prone as Evan Buckley. And Buck - well, he's quickly becoming the 118's best customer. (Or - the one where Eddie is a firefighter, Buck isn't, and Eddie finds himself rescuing Buck from increasingly sticky situations. Sometimes literally.)
Gave me no messages, gave me no signs... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 7.4k words]
"Buck is beyond nervous, and he’s really trying to convince himself that the familiarity of the situation is not some sort of bad omen. Just because there are parallels of the start of his relationship with Eddie to that of his relationship with Abby doesn’t mean that this new adventure is destined to end in the same miserable fashion. He hopes it won’t, has to believe it won’t. Because even with Abby, he hadn’t fallen this hard for her before their first official date. With Eddie, everything is already intensified by a thousand." Or, Buck covers a shift for a firefighter at the 136 and it leads to a budding relationship through text messages.
Gotta Find My Corner (Of the Sky) by doctornineandthreequarters [complete | general audiences | 31.3k words]
It was the last day of 2016 and two lost souls found themselves in a quiet dive bar, as the loud noises of the city celebrating New Year’s Eve buzzed around them. Most people chose loud, flashy bars with DJs and entrance fees and promises of champagne for New Year’s Eve. But both occupants of the dive bar preferred the quiet. They both didn’t need the added chaos when everything around them already felt chaotic. --- Or, Buck and Eddie meet on New Year's Eve, 2016, a meeting that sets of a series of events that changes the trajectory of both of their lives.
I Didn't Know I Was Lonely 'Till I Saw Your Face by @hmslusitania [complete | general audiences | 10.4k words]
After the ladder truck and the blood clot and the tsunami, Bobby makes Buck go to therapy before he does something stupid (like sue the city). Buck's not totally comfortable being alone with a therapist, but fortunately he makes a friend and ally who's willing to help him out - Eddie Diaz from the 136 who's just been caught in an illegal fight club. OR Total strangers Buck and Eddie go to couple's therapy together to get out of the therapy requirements their captains have placed on them.
i want your midnights by allyasavedtheday [complete | teen and up audiences | 36.3k words]
In which Eddie decides to rent out his spare room to help with mortgage repayments right around the time Buck decides to move out of Abby's place after some not so gentle prodding from Maddie. It's a coincidence. Or serendipity. Or maybe just really good timing.
i wanna be know (by you) by @starlightbuck [complete | general audiences | 12.5k words]
“I didn’t mean to do it.” Hen glances down at Eddie’s phone then back up at him in disbelief.
“How do you ‘not mean’ to download a bunch of dating apps but still have them on your phone?”
Or  In which Eddie delves into the intimidating world of online dating.
if i got locked away (would you still love me the same?) by @firefighterhan [complete | general audiences | 3.7k words]
Buck gets accidentally thrown in jail after meddling in a fight outside of a grocery store. There, he meets an unexpected guest, famous music artist Eddie Diaz, who is being suspiciously quiet about how he ended up here in the first place.
if only in my dreams by @buttercupbuck [complete | general audiences | 5.4k words]
Years before Eddie joins the 118, Buck meets him at an airport bar on Christmas day.
in a week by @buttercupbuck [complete | explicit | 78.9k]
in which Eddie joins the U.S. Forest Service and in the meadows of California, finds the things he thought he lost and the things he thought he'd never have.
It Started With A Bang And A Hostage Situation by JayJay__884 [complete | general audiences | 6.6k words]
Buck goes to the store one late night to buy food because of Maddie's pregnancy cravings. Whilst at the store, Buck accidentally gets caught in the middle of a robbery and gets knocked out. After waking up in the backroom, Buck finds himself as a hostage with a handsome and caring stranger.
Leading with the Left by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 84.7k]
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico." And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?" In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
Lift me up by @captain--sif [complete | teen and up audiences | 5.5k words]
Buck gets stuck in his apartment building's broken elevator with his good-looking neighbor from the sixth floor.
Love and Bullets Both Shatter Hearts (But Only One Can Put You Back Together) by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels [complete | explicit | 11.2k words]
Agent [Redacted] Diaz is the best at what he does. Usually. But lately there's this real pain in the ass* who's been ruining his missions: Code Name "Buck."
*stupidly handsome and annoyingly talented rival spy
Mr. Buckley's After Hours Detention by aresaphrodites [complete | mature | 11.4k words]
It’s not like Eddie Diaz planned on this. Really, there was no scenario in his mind where he would ever be bringing his son’s teacher a freaking goody basket to class; a homemade goody basket, no less. Then again, Christopher has never had a teacher quite like Evan Buckley.
MukbangsWithBuck by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 19.3k words]
After growing tired of eating alone in his loft, Buck decides to start a YouTube channel where he records himself eating dinner and telling stories about crazy things his team has encountered on calls. He eventually gains a substantial fanbase, and he is led to the channel of another LA firefighter who uploads informational videos and also casual vlogs with his ten-year-old son. It isn't long before the two start a friendship through messages, both of them secretly hoping it will turn into something more. Or, Eddie and Buck are both firefighters/YouTubers and they end up falling in love.
Objects in the Mirror by SevenSoulmates [complete | explicit | 139.1k words]
The voice had always been around, Eddie remembers it, like a stream of consciousness that babbled incoherently to the point where Eddie just tuned it out.  But then the voice started speaking directly to him. Conversing like he was a whole person standing right in front of him. Like he could see what was happening around Eddie. Eddie shook his head. No one was talking to him, and Eddie most certainly was not talking back. He wouldn’t talk to the boy in his head ever again. There was no boy in his head. 
Passive Aggressive Flirting by @starlingbite [complete | general audiences | 4.5k words]
Buck and Eddie have never met. They both work at the 118 but just on different shifts. That's all about to change when Buck finds a sticky note message, signed E.
String of hearts... by @reallysmartladymariecurie [complete | teen and up audiences | 11.1k words]
“Now. Eddie is this incredible presence. He’s funny and smoking hot, and he has a son who sounds wonderful. And he’s serious and vulnerable at times. But so enjoyable to be around, every single second that he’s there. And how can I put myself out there when the expectation is so high? When the thing I might lose is so beautiful?”
In which Buck owns a plant shop in LA, and Eddie becomes his new favorite customer. Pining ensues.
check out my post of buddie fics with dad!buck
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thetragicallynerdy · 3 years
I'm having thoughts about a Leverage Flower Shop/Tattoo parlour au.
Specifically, Eliot who owns a flower shop, Parker who runs the tattoo parlour next door, and Hardison as the hot geek who moves in to the apartment over their shops. Featuring:
Parker just covered in tattoos. I could see her having things like birds, something free and light that reminds her of climbing and free falling (and also at least one open lock, because she's still a thief - or used to be, at least)
Eliot and Hardison of course also with some ink
Eliot's are all flowers and plants, some covering up older military ones he doesn't like anymore, some nicely framing the military ones he still like
Hardison's are subtle geek references, but he also a nice once that says Nana (he has the chemical composition for orange soda tattooed somewhere on his body, let's be honest with ourselves)
Parker who still steals things because it's fun, Eliot who still beats the shit out of punching bags and assholes when he needs to, Hardison who is still a hacker and a computer genius.
Their shops that aren't in some nice quaint little neighborhood, but in a more run down part of town - there's a shitty coffee shop across the road, and a community health clinic around the corner, and while it's not always the best, they love it there, couldn't think of anywhere better to be. And it's cheap rent, for all 3 of them
The plot happens maybe something like this:
Eliot and Parker have know each other since they opened their respective shops - they're pals, sort of, the sort that doesn't really know a lot about each other but will still drop anything to come give them help if they need it. Eliot gives Parker some of the end of day flowers to brighten her shop, she designs tattoos she thinks he should get, and they both stop in each other's shops if they're doing a coffee run to get the other's order. Eliot shovels every winter, Parker fixes his locks for him, it's a good trade off. They don't talk about a lot of things, but they don't need to. They like each other, a lot, but neither has ever bothered to take the relationship beyond where it is, this easy place of kindness and mutual trust.
Hardison meets them in bits and pieces - Eliot gives him a hand with the last few boxes on move in day, tells him to come by if he ever wants flowers. Parker is persuaded by Eliot not to break into Hardisons place and snoop while he's gone, but it's a near thing. She meets him instead in the shitty little coffee shop across the road, the one that only ever has stale donuts, much to her dismay. Hardison is staring at the donuts in consernation, and she stops to tell him that they're not that awful, she promises, but that next time she or Eliot are doing a run to the good bakery a few miles uptown, she'll buy him one, and won't even eat it before he can pick it up, she promises.
When Hardison talks to Nana later that night, he can't help but babble about his two very attractive neighbors, much to Nana's delight.
It goes on like that. They say hello, and goodnight, and start picking up coffee orders for Hardison. Eliot cooks too much and brings them both leftovers, and Parker starts designing tattoos for Hardison without telling him. And then Hardison asks them both to dinner at his place, stating that Nana says he needs friends, and he isn't much of a cook but he can at least barbecue something.
They go, and Eliot takes over cooking after 5 minutes, and it becomes a weekly thing. Parker and Eliot still don't talk a lot, but that's alright; Hardison talks enough for the both of them.
Hardison, eventually, makes a tattoo appointment. And of course, because this is fanfiction, he comes in early to find Parker finishing up a piece on Eliot's chest or back. They both smile at him when he comes in, and he has this moment of "oh, they are much hotter than I told Nana they were. Oh, I like them, I like them both"
I can't plot more, but they fall all three fall in love slowly, gradually, spending more and more time in Hardison's apartments, or over at Eliot's house, or Parker's condo.
And maybe, just maybe, one time when Hardison comes down to Eliot's shop to find Parker there with fresh coffee for both of them, he kisses Eliot, and then he kisses Parker. And then babbles about how he meant to ask them if they wanted to go on a date before he kissed them, but they were there and it just kinda happened and -
Eliot rolls his eyes and kisses him to shut him up. Parker grabs his hand, and tells him very gravely that she'll come on a date with him, if Eliot will too. Eliot of course agrees, and grumbles that he should cook them dinner instead of wasting money on a restaurant, and that is that.
Just soft people falling in love gently, kindly
They eventually move in to a big house together, and Hardison makes the apartments over the shop into a community computer centre, and they live happily ever after etc etc
Just. Flower shop and tattoo parlour au. I probably won't ever write this, but I like thinking about it.
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