#fluffy duck butt hair
kingsandbastardz · 5 months
ok for ppl who are into languages! Here's a couple interesting clips:
This is a promo clip from an episode of 田间的少年 (Youth In The Field) where Xiao Shunyao reads poetry in one of the Qinghai dialects (And fails to teach his fellow castmates).
I think he's translating on the fly and I have no idea which dialect it is. According some searching the internets, like the rest of china, the region has a whole bunch of dialects and of the major ones, there are 2 branches -- turkish and tibetan. And of those two there are sinicized versions + additional offshoots?
Here's a link to Bilibili where some dude from Qinghai University is chattering to his audience. (Is it the same one XSY is an alumnus of?) To my untrained ears, it sounds like he's either speaking the same dialect or something similar. [X]
XSY clearly has significantly clearer diction because he's been trained to do so - and he's reading poetry. Also he's apparently still fluent enough he can translate very quickly into mandarin, which -- for anyone who's had to do live translation, it's a real skill! It's really easy for your brain to get words tangled together and suddenly you're dropping half a word in one language, and the other half in another and then everyone is confused.
There's a clip somewhere from back in his MIC days where he's live translating to english for the group's choreographer who was American. Imo english isn't... ah... his strongest language, but the fact he can communicate well enough to translate live so someone can at least get the gist of what's going on = pretty fantastic.
Honestly, envious. I don't think there is a single language I know that I can speak well without sounding like a mealy-mouthed weasel. LMAO.
Anyway, here's some airport photos of him leaving Hengdian after wrapping up Shui Long Yin shooting.
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sunboki · 9 months
CYCLE IN, CYCLE OUT. ⎯ a short Minho fiction
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Lee Minho x gn. reader
• trope. established relationship, fluffy, comfort
• word count. 0.6k
• notes. felt vv in love w our favorite MC on these 2 kids shows…
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Lee Minho had a scheduled routine. He’d arrive from practice, unload his bag, fix himself a drink, and set up at his desk for the night. It was easy, normal. Occasionally, a beloved feline would climb itself into his lap, curled up while the man continued to work for a few more hours.
But, as he slowly opened the door only to witness you, passed out asleep where he usually sat, he can’t help but feel surprised.
And here Minho was thinking his butt was going to be the only thing making an imprint.
Your cheek, smushed into the skin of your forearm earns a quieted coo, his tone amusedly comforting when you grumble your dismay upon being poked. Time and time again he’s reminded of how enamoring you are. …Even when there’s drool smeared on your chin.
“Min…” You whine, half-asleep expression knitting with obvious frustration. He carefully (as if you weighed nothing) rolled the chair back, leaving just enough space that he could fit in between and see you face level.
Ducking down, Minho smiles giddily, head tipped to the side just like Soonie does, curious.
“Mm Bubby? What’re you doing sweetness?” He’d whisper, index tenderly swiping some saliva from off your slightly parted lips.
Good sleep, he thinks, chuckling to himself. You’re too cute for him to handle.
And if you had to name one trait of Minho’s you absolutely adore, right now it’d be is ability to turn on that “lovey-dovey” mode. That sugarcoated, saccharine voice he spoke to the kitties with.
It made you melt, even while barely conscious.
“..Bed…” You say, the words coming out as more of a grumble than anything, though your boyfriend seemed to translate no problem.
“Bed? Is my Y/n sleepy?” He teased, waiting to see if your biting ego takes action to no avail.
Minho, eyes softening, already begins shuffling his arms beneath your elbows, a reassuring peck to the outside of your lips causing you to involuntary grin — one that’s quickly returned.
Wrapping your legs around his waist like a tree-hugging Koala, a sturdy hand finds purchase on the back of your thigh, another sweeping disheveled strands of hair away from your eyes along the way.
You both release loud sighs of utmost relief upon flopping down onto the bed, his fingers nimbly unhooking the clasp of your bra while removing his shirt, allowing either of you supreme comfort. Not sexual nor inviting (not like you had any energy anyway), but familiar, loving.
“Long day?” You muttered, his equally familiar palms slipping beneath your top, simply resting atop your stomach. His groan is enough of an answer, breath deepening, eyelashes dusting closed.
Minho habits most people aren’t aware of? He’s touchy. Touchy in terms of wanting to know you’re there, feel you beside him while he sleeps whether that’s his knee wedged between your legs or a chin nuzzled into your shoulder when you wake up.
You love it. The sore shoulder blades, him kicking you from a nightmare, it’s always enjoyable.
You wouldn’t take it back for the world.
Before he would’ve stayed hunched over work for hours, graced by the enjoyable yet lonesome company of his kitties awaiting an unseen bedtime. Cycle in, cycle out.
Except, the first day you walked into his apartment, that loophole routine changed, drastically.
And for the better.
Like tonight, curled up around you like a protective blanket, his hair tickling the back of your neck, chest flush against the expanse of your bare back.
You understand each other, understand without having to say anything. Unspoken consideration, love. Consuming love.
Hard work, busy schedules, nonstop. But arriving home and finding you filling that once empty space, you who he loved with everything in his being, made everything feel worth it.
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sunboki, may 2022 ©
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The Devil and The Duck
Duck Adam Au
When Adam first realized that he was a duck after waking up in Hell, he was fucking pissed. What kind of bull shit was this?
It took him a while to get around to a pond in a park and realize that maybe it wasn't so bad. No one knew it was him, he could just swim all day, and eat what people gave him. The other ducks didn't seem to mind him.
Then one day Lucifer showed up, he was feeding the ducks when he noticed this yellow one with black and golden little horns. He was bigger than the other ducks. Lucifer didn't know why, but he was drawn to that duck.
Adam was surprised when the King picked him up one day and started taking him to the hotel. "You're so cute, would you like to be our pet duck?"
"Pet!?" Adam said, but the devil only heard a quack as a response and took it as a positive answer.
That was months ago, everyone at the hotel has voted on making Adam their mascot and named him Grumpy die to his demeanor.
You'd be fucking grumpy too in his situation.
Angel and everyone bought him outfits to dress him up in, Adam really loved the sunglasses he had. He looked bitchin.
Everyone loved him as a duck, well, Alastor that fucking asshole tried to eat him from time to time but Adam always got away or was rescued at the last minute.
There were times where Adam would perch himself on Lucifer's hat or he would sleep in the King's hair. It was surprisingly soft and smelled really nice.
Currently he was sharing a slice of pizza with Lucifer, being a duck meant he could only eat so much.
"Dad, should he be eating that?" Charlie asked, she wasn't an expert in ducks but she didn't think they should eat pizza.
Lucifer brushed the comment off. "It's fine Char, he's mainly getting the crust, sauce and a little cheese. No harm done!" Charlie didn't seem so sure. "If it makes him sick I'll take care of it I promise."
"Piss off girlie let me enjoy this." Adam said as he nibbled the pizza, not having to worry about what he said cause no one can understand him was nice. "Let me eat pizza."
Lucifer smiled and patted his feathers which Adam found he oddly liked. "See he likes it." Lucifer picked Adam up and walked back up to his room, Adam, or as Lucifer knew, Grumpy had his own special pillow in Lucifer's room.
Adam settled into his pillow and quacked happily. This was better than the pond.
Adam always knew that Lilith was crazy.
Lucifer changed and crawled into bed. He was looking at the ceiling. "I really miss him Grumpy." So it was one of those nights. Lucifer would tell Grumpy about how much he missed Adam and how he wished he could have saved him and how he was his first love back in Eden and why he chose Lilith was because she threatened to kill Adam. How Lucifer looked out for both his boys when they died and came to Hell.
And so many more things that made Adams heart swell.
Grumpy quacked at him, as if listening. "I hope wherever his soul ended up that it's at peace. He deserves it. I just wish I could have told him how much I love him." Lucifer said sadly, he knew what happened to souls like that. He didn't like to think about it.
He looked at Grumpy who seemed to be watching him. "I'm glad I found you Grumpy. You remind me of him."
Gee I wonder why that is, Adam thought.
Lucifer sighed. "Good night, my Grumpy duck. Sweet dreams." Lucifer leaned over and placed a little kiss on Grumpys beak before snuggling into bed.
Adam felt a tingling sensation in his little body. What was wrong with him?
He gasped when a flash of light took him over, Lucifer gave his own noise of surprise. When the light was gone, Lucifer looked on with wide eyes. "Adam?"
He wasn't an angel or a duck anymore, but a sinner with black and gold horns and red and black wings that looked fluffy like a duck.
Lucifer tried not to look down as Adam was butt ass naked.
"What?" Adam asked and he touched his face. He had fingers! He wasn't a duck anymore! "Holy shit!" Embarrassment settled in when he realized how naked he was. He used his wings to hide himself.
"You're alive?! You were Grumpy? Wait." Ooooh Lucifer told that duck so many feelings and secrets. "Adam, I-"
Adam launched himself at Lucifer and kissed him properly on the mouth. "It's okay Luci, I forgive you. Thank you for everything."
Lucifer swore he was gonna cry from how happy he was. Adam was alive and he forgave him. No better gift. He kissed him again and this time the kiss was longer and deeper. "I'm so glad you're okay."
They snuggled under the covers and talked about everything the last few months. They knew they would have to address everyone in the hotel about the situation.
But that could wait until morning.
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pricegouge · 3 months
I'm really struggling with the next (last?) chapter of fatted rabbit so I wrote a stupid little non-canonical drabble instead. Takes place before John would've told bunny about him being a shifter.
This was written on my phone when I was supposed to be mingling at a brewery, whoops. Have a pic of the view to make up for how rushed this is lmao
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Just fluff beneath the cut but still, MDNI please!
John frowns at the Ikea box on his stoop for a moment, wondering what the odds are that the one time the UPS driver manages to find his actual personal door - round the back of the building as it is - is for a misdelivery. A quick inspection of the box, however, reveals it is addressed correctly - care of a certain bunny who's probably upstairs right now cooking them dinner, still insisting she's not slowly moving herself into his place because she's a stubborn thing.
Well, it's not often you use a friend's mailing address. Less often you buy them cheap furniture.
He can't help a sly smirk as he ducks to pick up the package, frowns again when he nearly launches it through the awning after finding the box is much lighter than flat pack furniture should ever be. Curious, John gives it a shake, but the soft thump is just as mysterious as unexpectedly light weight. He's still puzzling when he finds bunny in the kitchen shucking fresh corn as the smell of chicken rushes to greet him. John hums appreciatively and the rabbit smiles, leans up to accept the kiss he plants on her cheek.
"Smells good honey," he tells her, nose very much buried in her hair.
"Mm, so do you." She abandons her task to turn and sink her nose in his chest as she's grown wont to do when he first gets home, but she's distracted mid turn by the oversized box he's got perched on his hip. "Oh!" she peeps and John shakes it at her.
"What's this, rabbit?" He teases. "You nesting?"
She ignores the jab, grins in embarrassment instead, "Now, don't be mad."
John places the box on the counter, careful of her piles of corn. He places a kiss on her forehead and keeps his lips pressed close as he assures her he's not. "You can fill my place with as much cheap furniture as you want, bunny."
She wrinkles her nose at him, pulls a clean knife from the block. "I'd never presume that much," she assures.
"Lot of curtains, then," John scoffs as he eyes the size of the box. Would explain the weight.
"Mm, might take you up on that yet." She pulls the box open to reveal a big mass of soft brown fabric and her smile nearly cracks her face in half. But when John tries to get a better look, she snaps the flaps of the boxes down quick as can be. "Don't be mad, and don't laugh at me, either," she demands.
John squints at her, takes a subtle sniff of the air which she somehow manages to catch, her own sly smirk growing. He ignores it in favor of shifting past the hearty smells of dinner to find the fresh packaging scent and beneath it, the cotton and polyester twinge of the actual product she's ordered. A blanket?
"I promise," he chuckles and bunny's cheeks dimple with her returning smile.
"Well, I spend most nights here at this point, and I found myself missing my friend the bear," she explains as she re-opens the box. John takes in the mass of brown fur again, mouth twitching in amused understanding even before she removes the squished beast from its nest and gives it a good fluff. The plush bear's head flops limply a few times before she squeals and kisses it, shakes it at him in demonstration. "I was missing my bear, so I went and ordered myself one! And look, I can cuddle this one!"
The stuffie is frankly huge. Slightly saggy, but in an endearing sort of way. Fluffy enough, if the way the rabbit clings to it is any indication, anyway. "You can," John agrees blandly. He reaches out to give the thing a squeeze on its frumpy butt. Not as densely padded as him, he notes with a small chuff of pride.
"Innit cute?" Bunny sing-songs as she uses one of its paws to stroke John's cheek. It's fur is lacking, but he doesn't tell her that.
"Very," he asserts, tries to convince himself. The stuffie stares apathetically back at him from oversized doll's eyes. He can't help but huff at it.
"Oh don't worry, I'll still cuddle you too," the rabbit promises before unceremoniously chucking the giant teddy into the living room where it lands precisely in John's spot on the couch with a dull fwump.
John frowns at it a moment before turning back to bunny with a forced smile. "Not jealous of a stuffed bear, honey." He's not, damnit. Just a little miffed that she apparently thinks he's not a good enough snuggler, is all.
A suspicious hum. "Think my bear would be?"
She sounds far too sly, eyes him from under her lashes with much too perceptive eyes. John busies himself with checking on the chicken, hackles raised. "Depends… you trading up?"
"Hm. Mister man's yet to offer a cuddle party so apples to oranges, I guess."
John huffs, turns to properly see her. "Well, did you ever bother to ask him?"
"The bear? No..." She straightens up, meets John's eyes unflinchingly. "Would the bear like to snuggle?"
There's a crease forming between his brows, he can feel it. "Not if you go 'round smelling like other bears, I don't think." He forces a chuckle, nods at the big stuffie in the living room illustratively.
The rabbit grins, far too many teeth for such a fluffy little creature. "But if I go around smelling like you, that's fine?"
She nods once. "Apples to oranges?"
"Erm. Precisely, yeah."
The rabbit stares him down a moment longer. Another. John twitches and all at once the spell lifts. Bunny smiles wide and shrugs, returns to her corn. "Makes sense," she comments and John nearly sags in relief, although he's not sure what for.
Later, as they're climbing into bed for the night, John notes he's not being pushed off the bed by some overgrown teddy with some relief. "Where's your new friend, bunny?"
She hums in contentment as he scoops her to his chest, snuffles into the hair there. "He can stay on the couch, I guess. Don't wanna make my bear jealous."
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cakerybakery · 2 months
Childish Behaviour part four.
“Okay. Now you try.” Micheal was being friendly but Lucifer rolled his eyes. He’s seen Micheal turn into a bird and it didn’t look hard at all.
He concentrated on what kind of bird he wanted to be. Lucifer wanted to be a duck. Then he could show Lilith and Adam, if they could find him, his new toy and how well he could turn into a duck.
He tried to think about what kind of duck to turn into and couldn’t make up his mind. They had all kinds of colours of feathers and even bills. He’d seen one with a blue bill once! What kind would his friends like?
Lilith’s shiny blonde hair came to mind and he remembered the baby ducks he and Adam had watched at one of the ponds a few days ago when they had still been friends. It’s fluffy yellow feathers and how Adam had thought they were cute.
Lucifer concentrated on those little ducklings. Their little bill and fluffy feathers. Their little webbed feet and tiny wings. Then closed his eyes and transformed with a little pop.
He opened one eye and then the other. Looking up and Micheal was HUGE!
A quack popped out of his bill in surprise. It worked! He clapped his little wings and tried to take a step.
He tripped over his own webbed feet and quacked as he giggled. Lucifer tried to get back up but couldn’t figure out how to get his feet under him again. Lucifer wiggled his tail feathers as he tried to push up his back end up but he just pushed himself along the ground.
Big hands wrapped around his belly and he was gently lifted up.
“Well done, Lucifer. You did a very good job!” Micheal praised him with a smile.
He quacked happily as his tail feathers wagged uncontrollably.
Micheal said he did a good job! Lucifer couldn’t wait to tell Sera all about it!
Sera! She was here to pick him up!
He wasn’t allowed to go to his lessons on his own anymore and she picked him up to go to Eden for the afternoon too because she didn’t want him skipping or getting lost.
He was a whole fourteen days old! He’d been to Eden on his own, like, four whole times! She worried too much. He could even turn into a duckling now. He was very grown up.
Flapping, he wiggled from Michael’s hands and landed on his fluffy butt. Michael put him on his webbed feet and he waddled as quickly as he could to Sera, hopping around her and quacking excitedly because he wasn’t sure yet how to talk as an animal.
She smiled at him and scooped Lucifer up. Sera looked him over and nodded approvingly. “Excellent job, Lucifer.”
Joy burst through him and he could barely stand because his tail feathers were wagging so hard.
Sera thought he did a good job! And excellent job! Lucifer couldn’t wait to show his friends!
Micheal scratched his head as Lucifer plopped down in Sera’s hand. He wait impatiently as the grownups talked about him but he was too busy thinking about what games he was going to play with Lilith and if she had found Adam yet to pay attention until they were finally saying goodbye.
“You don’t want to turn back?”
He shook his head no and let Sera carry him all the way to Eden.
Lilith was going to be so so SO surprised!
The whole trip down he was very good and patient, even though it took forever for Sera to find Lilith being given a bath in one of the shallow ponds by an angel lady Lucifer didn’t know.
Before he could help himself he paddled his little legs furiously, excited to get into the water and surprise Lilith.
“How did you get so dirty?” The angel tutted scrubbing at Lilith’s hair while she pouted.
“I’m bored! I want to play in the mud again!”
The angel just sighed and dunked her under to be rinsed off.
Unable to contain Lucifer any more Sera let him go in the water and he paddled over to Lilith, who was shaking her head to get the water out of her ears.
He raised his head proudly and paddled close by her, giving a little quack to get her attention.
Lilith gave him a curious little smile and reached out to pet him. “Hello pretty bird.”
He let her.
The little smile grew and she gasped as she touched his feathers.
“Ohhh, so soft.”
Lucifer couldn’t contain himself anymore and lost control of the transformation. No longer buoyant, he sunk into the pond.
Much like Adam had the first time they met, Lilith gave a surprised shriek and jumped back.
He sat up, spit water out of his mouth and put his wet hat back on. “Hi Lilith! I learned to turn into a duck! Want to play?”
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omgg disney princess FL kickstarted my own brain, you're so good at this💜💜
imagine little ducklings following him in a neat little line!! (since iirc tartaglia in cn is close to the word duck). the little escapades you could get into from trying to stop them from following him, the ducklings nipping at his wings to stop him from leaving them and of course his soft heart won't be able to even think of leaving these little guys. just an adventure of trying to find mama duck around Liyue, taking naps in his fluff when the ducklings are too tuckered out!!! (imagine their little butts sticking out his fluff as he purrs), maybe go on a swim too, tho probably stand back when they're all soggy and shaking off the water
small yellow fluffy babies getting led by a bigger, fluffier, sparkly baby (at heart) and the noise! the cutest chorus of noises from both FL and the ducklings 🥹
- mothnip anon again, sorry for constantly babbling here
hope you have a nice day 👉👈
okay okay small story this place near-ish to where i live sells gardening equipment and in the springtime they get live chicks so people can raise them into chickens and ahhhh they're so cute!!!!!
all the ducks can fit in his hands, no questions asked. he kneels and holds out his claws and the ducks all pile on, much to your amusement and slight dismay- where was their mother? there's no way you and Legacy can take care of all the ducklings, neither of you are nearly qualified enough! yet the tiny fledglings seem quite content in his grasp, and Legacy purrs at them contently as they quack, looking from you to the ducklings and back again pleadingly. with a sigh you relent and nod, met with a chorus of happy chirps and quacks from Legacy and your new little friends- of course, you make Legacy promise to help you find the ducks' mother, and to look after them while you're gone at work. he chitters in agreement, a few ducks already nesting in his fluff, and you can't help but smile at the adorable scene
taking care of the ducklings actually goes smoother than you expected, with Foul Legacy taking care of them when you're gone and everyone waiting to greet you in the evening. the little birds get into the habit of following Legacy in a single file line, having conversations of trills and quacks as they putter around the house. or if they get tired, the ducks bury themselves in his hair and fluff for a quick nap, as soft as the nest they're used to. and finally, after a few weeks of searching, you come across a distressed mother duck looking for her babies- it's actually one of the ducklings that alerts you, the one that likes sleeping in your pocket, quacking and squirming until you set it down and it waddles over to its relieved mother. you're both sad to see them go, Legacy letting out a low whine and pouting as he watches his little friends trot away into the water to follow their mom, and you give him a gentle squeeze of reassurance
but a few days later you find a collection of ducks standing outside your door, the mother gracefully herding her little ones along- seems the babies wanted to visit :)
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crissiebaby · 10 months
Double Diaper Dare: Chapter 5
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, WAM, hypermessing, hypnosis, diaper filling, slime transformation, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Watching from afar, Crissie wasn’t sure if she should step in or let Codi lie in the bed she had made for her. With Lotte cornering Codi step by step, her time to act was fast depleting. As much as her bratty nature wanted to let Codi anguish in kinky misery, she figured should be a good sport and give Codi a fighting chance. 
Running over to the counter, Crissie leaped onto the register stand, much to the nearby employees’ disapproval, and snatched the PA microphone. “Attention all CrissBaby shoppers, this is your blushy friend, Crissie, speaking. Yes, the one and only CrissieBaby” she said, stiff-arming the male employee next to her as she rambled on, “We’ve got a wide selection of fluffy diapers on sale in aisle 69. For a free coupon, please check in your butt-OOF!”
Before Crissie could continue, a plain-looking security guard showed up to put a stop to all the fun. He quickly grabbed Crissie around her waist and pulled her off of the check-out counter. “Causing trouble, are we?” said the guard, sounding almost delighted to have someone acting out in the store. He set Crissie down on her feet, keeping a firm hand on her wrist.
“Uhhhhh…no?” said Crissie, lowering her head and giving the guard the biggest pair of puppy-dog eyes she could muster. Sadly, the look the guard gave in return was more than enough to let her know she wasn’t getting off the hook that easily.
Meanwhile, Codi had taken Crissie’s distraction and ran with it. It wasn’t much but it got Lotte to look away long enough for her to dash into the nearest aisle. However, much like a wolf with her scent held deep in its nostrils, Lotte refused to let Codi get away so easily, forcing Codi into stealth mode as she snaked her way through the rows of diaper supplies until she reached the far back wall of the main floor. With nowhere else to go, she ducked through a nearby entryway into the next room only to be utterly shocked by what she found.
Next to the main CrissBaby sales floor was a space that looked more like a daycare than an actual store. There were changing tables, a playpen with dozens of toys set up, and a small media area where a TV was playing Finding Dori on loop. Unsurprisingly, no CrissBaby setup would be complete without a bit of kinky fun. Beyond the babyish stuff were a few punishment tools that looked more fit for a dungeon than a nursery.
With her jaw hanging open, Codi took a step backward, wanting to put as much distance between herself and this room as possible. The last thing she needed was for Crissie's mind to explode with ideas over the discovery of an in-store play area. Sadly, as she backed up, she bumped into a squishy set of boobs. She didn’t even need to turn around to know who it was.
“First, my butt. Now, my boobs. Someone needs to teach you that foreplay is supposed to wait until after the first date…or during if you’re feeling kinky enough,” said Lotte as she ran her fingers through Codi’s hair. Brushing the strands away from Codi’s ear, she leaned and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ve been told I’m a wonderful teacher.”
Before Codi could formulate a proper rebuttal, she was being led by Lotte through the nursery over to where the more dungeon-esque items were stationed. “W-Wait, I swear I’m not normally like this,” she pleaded, fumbling over her own words in an attempt to avoid punishment, “I’m so, so sorry that I hit your butt. I promise I’ll never do anything like that again.”
“Oh, I know you won’t, sweetie, but that doesn’t mean you’re getting out of this. Bratty girls like you need to be taught a lesson,” said Lotte as she guided Codi toward a set of two sex chairs. The chairs were simply designed with two leather, padded pedestals to kneel down on and a central padded platform to lean over, placing the subject in a perfect spanking position. The bright red color of the leather chair clearly stood out against the pastel wonderland that made up the rest of the nursery.
Codi was sweating bullets as she was forced to march toward the sex chairs. “P-Please, I’m really, really sorry! This was all just a big joke! My friend Crissie and I were playin-MMMMMF!!” said Codi, her words suddenly cut off by a large pacifier being shoved into her mouth.
“That’s enough outta you. I don’t know who your Big is but they clearly need to show you a lot more discipline,” taunted Lotte, giving Codi a firm swat on her padded rump and causing her to yelp in anticipation of more to come.
However, right before Lotte could get Codi hooked up to her sex chair, the security guard made his grand entrance with Crissie tucked under his arm. “Lemme go, you meanie head!” shouted Crissie as she kicked her legs back and forth, refusing to let the guard get away with an easy capture.
“Not until you’ve learned your lesson,” said the guard, who was undeterred by Crissie’s flailing tantrum. He walked up to the row of sex chairs and proceeded to strap Crissie into one before yanking her diaper down, “Hey Lotte, get a load of this! Our resident Crissie impersonator is looking a bit chaste.”
As the guard tapped Crissie’s chastity belt to make a big show of his discovery, Crissie was dying of blushiness. She buried her face into the padded bench, silently cursing Codi for giving her such a rotten dare. It was already bad enough when she got recognized by random bystanders. To be taunted as a fake version of herself was somehow far worse.
“I see you’re also dealing with a naughty troublemaker, Lotte. Do you mind taking this one off my hands? I need to get back to my post,” asked the guard, giving Crissie’s right butt cheek a playful thump. 
Nodding her head, Lotte joined the guard in strapping down her mischievous Little. “I should be more than capable of handling these two. See you after work, hot stuff,” she said, leaning in and planting a kiss on the guard’s cheek. The guard then bashfully tipped his cap to Lotte before rushing out of the room, while Lotte wandered over to a wall of paddles, carefully selecting her weapon of choice.
“Well, that was adorable,” commented Crissie, her mind already filling with ideas of a diaper store worker and her adorably subby security guard hubby. She whipped her head toward Codi wearing a cheeky smile, “Hey Codi, now would probably be a good time to turn to slime so you could escape your restraints.” Sticking her chin out and turning away from Crissie, Codi refused to let Crissie get the satisfaction of watching her alter her form, even if it meant being on the receiving end of a brutal spanking. Besides, she had far more tactful ways of dealing with her situation than aiming for a risky escape plan.
Speaking of which, Lotte returned with a wide, pastel pink paddle in hand. Its wooden surface had seven holes carved into it, which were certain to add an extra sting to each impact. “Okay now, little ones, it’s time we teach you what happens when you decide to be on your brattiest behavior here at the CrissBaby Store,” she said, a twinge of sadistic joy reverberating throughout her tone, “Now who wants to go first?” “She does!” screamed both Crissie and Codi, not hesitating for an instant to throw the other under the bus.
Amused by Crissie and Codi’s bullheadedness, Lotte quickly came up with a compromise that was sure to make neither of them happy. “How about I just go back and forth then,” she said, her words drenched in condescension. If these girls were still refusing to repent for their brattiness in the face of an excruciatingly painful punishment, then there was no chance she was going easy on them.
The crackling sounds of wood and skin crashing together were as haunting as they were wince-inducing. Out in the main area of the store, shoppers listened in to the mother of all spankings being dealt to the pair of helpless, yet deserving girls. Still, much to their surprise, neither girl could be heard screaming out in pain.
“OH, FUCK YES!!!” shouted Crissie, as what should’ve been painful stings were partially nullified by her chastity belt, both of which vibrated tremendously with each smack, “Don’t be afraid to- *SMACK!* OHHHH! …put your back into it.”
Meanwhile, stationed next to her, stoned-faced, was Codi. While Crissie’s spanks were taken pleasurably, Codi had selected a much different approach to surviving her punishment. Just before each impact, she had her rear revert back to its slime form for a split second, making it so not even as much as a pinprick was felt no matter how hard Lotte swung. Her only regret was that she couldn’t enjoy hearing Crissie beg for mercy. “Of course, a diaper perv like her would find this scenario pleasurable,” she thought, slightly regretting her previous decision to lock her into that chastity belt.
After several minutes of non-stop wacking, it was Lotte who ended up conceding. Lowering the paddle, she leaned against Codi’s sex chair to catch her breath. “What are…your asses…made of?” she asked, gasping for air. The paddle slipped from her fingers and clattered to the ground as if to signal a white flag.
“Mmmmmm,” moaned Crissie, recovering from the immense satisfaction she got from having her butt brutalized, “You up for another round, Codi?”
Heyyo! Can't wait until next week for more Double Diaper Dare!? Subscribe to my SubscribeStar or pixivFANBOX to get early access to main series chapters like this one, as well as exclusive content you won't find anywhere else! Join my dollhouse today!
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Edited by AllySmolShork
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Sweet enough to eat - Harringrove
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“Oh.” Billy voices as soon as the door is pushed open. It’s endearing just how quiet he sounds.
It’s definitely a sight Billy has seen before, but not as sweet and as cuddly as this. His boyfriends hair is an absolute mess, all soft and fluffy and covering his pale skin, fresh foiled highlights lightening further under the warmth of the sun. It seems like the knocking Billy had created had only just now awoken him, the sleepy flutter of his eyes a small giveaway.
Steve’s cropped pyjama shirt hangs loosely around his limbs, covering over his small hands and holding by his thumbs as he stretches an arm up, using the other to wipe the sleep from his eyes. “Hi Bills.” He yawns, a small squeak following, but Billy is far too focused on the other males attire to hear Steve speak, his eyes doe wide and mouth agape just the slightest.
Matching shorts hug Steve’s waist, heightening against his thighs in an upward motion to show off the smallest amount of the warm skin of his butt, curved and fucking adorable. Billy can’t help but gawk at the sight, every ounce of confidence washing clean from his body, unable to mutter a single word.
“Billy..” the softness, the shyness, of Steve’s voice snaps Billy back to reality and he catches his boyfriends gaze, frowning. Steve’s head turns downward in an instant, kicking his foot and rubbing his arm. “Why.. why are you looking at me like that?”
Billy can’t seem to speak. Just continues watching the sight in front of him, his heart racing and chest fluttering with butterflies. Because Steve, beautiful, sweet, caring Steve was his. Was Billy’s. His and only his. And fuck, was he lucky.
“Fuck..” whispers Billy, blinking and licking his lips. Steve lifts his head. “You’re so beautiful.”
Chocolate button eyes widen, and Steve makes a soft whine like sound as a blush paints his cheeks a dark red, the tips of his ears colouring. “Billy, don’t say stuff like that.” Steve mumbles, ducking his head down.
“Don’t hide that face from me, pretty boy.” Billy presses a finger underneath Steve’s chin and lifts ever so slightly, smiling as his boy looks back up at him with bright eyes and even brighter cheeks. “God, you look sweet enough to eat.”
That same whine escapes from Steve’s throat and he hides his face in Billy’s chest, forcing a sound of shock from Billy’s lips. Even after all of this time, Steve was still that same, shy person who melted at Billy’s every word. Fuck. Billy thinks to himself, pressing a kiss to Steve’s head of hair. I love him so much.
“Did you just wake up?” Billy asks, reaching a hand down and pinching the bare skin of Steve’s butt just to make him squirm. “These shorts are cute.”
Steve squeaks, and pulls away, hitting Billy’s chest lightly as he laughs. “Yes.” Blushes Steve. “Robin helped me pick them out..”
Billy grins, he can’t help it. He wasn’t usually one to so easily, but since Steve, since Steve showed him what love was supposed to feel like, Billy found himself smiling and grinning any second of the day just at the sound of his boyfriends voice.
He can feel Steves wide eyes on him, then, just watching him as he laughs and grins, so fucking happy, so easily, his mouth falling open with a soft gasp as it did every time. “You’re so pretty.” Steve says, before he is blushing and hiding his face back in Billy’s chest. “Fuck- sorry- shit-“
“God, you’re adorable.” Billy chuckles, rocking them side to side. “Who knew Steve Harrington would be this much of a blushing mess?”
“Shut up.”
Billy only laughs harder.
“Are you going to come inside, or are you just gonna keep making fun of me?” Steve mumbles as he pulls away from the warm embrace, pouting as Billy ruffles his already messy hair. “Oi!”
Billy walks inside of the house without a word, snickering as Steve chases after him with soft mutters, throwing his arms around the taller males waist. “You’re a bully, Billy Hargrove.”
“And you’re still dating me, Steve Harrington.” Billy chirps back, slipping around and cupping Steve’s cheeks, placing the softest of kisses against his lips. He feels Steve melt into the kiss, his arms dropping from around Billy’s waist and coming up to hold his wrists, sighing happily.
Steve pulls away, and Billy surges for more, but the other male holds up his finger. “Kisses after coffee.”
Billy groans.
Smiling, Steve makes his way into the kitchen, flicking on the jug and getting out two cups. Billy follows after him like a lost puppy, taking a seat at the counter and watching as Steve makes them a coffee and some food, swaying his hips as he does so.
“You know,” Says Billy, catching Steve’s attention. “You should wear that more often.”
“Shut up.” Steve fires back, pouting and throwing a piece of bread at Billy’s face, but can’t seem to hide the smile the words tug at the corners of his lips.
Billy holds his hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying, I’d happily watch you do quite literally anything if you wore that. You look.. too good to be true.”
Steve doesn’t say a word, but Billy knows what he was thinking. He doesn’t even have to look at Steve’s face to know. He just did.
“You’re beautiful, Harrington.” He breathes, sliding off of his seat and placing his hands on Steve’s hips, pressing his chest against his back and holding him close. Steve shivers. “Sweet as sugar.”
“Billy..” Steve warns, but his voice cracks with soft desire.
Billy smiles against his neck. “I want to kiss every part of you, show you just how beautiful you are.”
Dropping the spoon into the sink, Steve discards the cups of coffees and surges into Billys space, kissing his lips with a new sense of desperation. Billy falls into it with ease, holding Steve closer and closer until no space could be found between their bodies, his hands roaming underneath the striped shirt hanging from Steve’s shoulders. “Please.” Steve breathes between their lips, before closing the space once more, whining into Billy’s mouth. “Please do.”
And Billy does. Carries Steve all the way to his bedroom, lays him down on his bed and kisses every single inch of skin that he could. It wasn’t sexual, it wasn’t heavy breaths and moans for more. It was soft. Sensual. Full of love and stuttering words, Steve’s chest rising and falling quickly, his eyes fluttered closed as he takes in every kiss, every soft mumble of “beautiful. So fucking beautiful, my love.”
I love you
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vminkookminv · 2 years
🔞snippet: patreon drabble vminkook: daddy kink, dumbification, cock milking (2000 words)
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“Use your words, sweetheart,” Jimin tells him, tucking a lock of hair that’s escaped a hairclip behind Jungkook’s ear.
“How long do I have to keep it on?” Jungkook asks in a small voice. 
“Only for a week, baby. Taehyung’s going to milk you so we can put it on, and then we’ll play with your hole, okay?
“Mh-hm. Won’t it hurt?”
“Cock cages don’t hurt, silly,” Taehyung teases him, spreading his cheeks open just to tap a finger against the buttplug that’s inside Jungkook. “It’s for baby boys like you, to stop you from playing with yourself when you shouldn’t.”
“Only daddies can play with you,” Jimin reinforces. “Just like we keep your little hole safely locked, because it’s ours right? Now your little cock is ours too.”
Jungkook understands. His daddies own his precious little parts, and they belong to them to play with. It only makes sense that they would keep them safe. They’re older, and they know better, after all.
Taehyung pushes one of his legs down his lap, effectively spreading him apart.
Even though his daddies have seen him in this position before, multiple times,  Jungkook feels shy all of a sudden. It’s not just the prospect of getting milked so that his cock cage can fit him, it’s everything. The fluffy bunny, his cute hairclips and soft t-shirt that says “Daddys’ Boy” (he’d meticulously used whitener and fabric markers to put the apostrophe where it belongs) —all of it served to make him feel him soft, and warm, and loved—and the shyness peeks out when Taehyung wraps a hand around his erection. He ducks his head.
Did he have to be so hard, already, from this?
“Don’t hide, baby boy,” Jimin is quick to chastise him. He tugs at Jungkook’s chin to lift his face up. “I want to see your face when you come.”
Summary: When his sugar daddies told him they’d very much like it if he called them daddy, Jungkook was initially a little hesitant.  But eventually, he grows to like it, and even plays out his daddies' fantasies.
Tags: sugar daddies that are into babying jungkook, age gap, power imbalance, plushies, cock milking, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, shy jungkook, daddy kink, baby boy jungkook, sex toys, butt plugs, cock cages, orgasm control, chastity, mention of fleshlights and pacifiers, dumbification, crying jungkook, dacryphilia, photos, filming, corruption, unreliable narrator
A second snippet.
Click here to read the full version on Patreon. (2000 words)
This is written as a Tier 3 patron request. ♥
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Fluff headcanons for dating Nadia from QOT? I know people are busy right now but if anyone feels up to it, and has the time that would be awesome, thanks!
Written by: Squirrel
You want to talk about spoiled? Oh boy.
Dating Nadia you are treated like royalty. She knows she has a habit of getting very wrapped up in her heists so she makes up for any lack of attention by lavishing you with gifts later.
She isn’t a tactile person and not fond of PDA. If anyone knew you were dating you could be used against her.
Behind closed doors she likes giving you little touches. Pinching your butt. Touching your cheek. Ducking in to kiss or bite your neck. Then, walking away grinning like the cat that got the canary.
When it’s just the two of you she loves touching. There is a throne in her bedroom stolen from a certified royal. (You wonder how she got it into the apartment) Her favorite is sitting in it with you on her lap and her lips on any part of your body. 
The former is particularly true if she’s upset or having a headache. Your closeness and the weight of your body is one of few comforts she allows herself.
Even if you don’t like jewelry, you’re going to wind up owning plenty.
At first she’ll steal a variety of things. Different stones, metals, and styles to see what suits you. 
Once she’s determined what stone brings out your eyes and what metal goes well with your complexion, nothing in the world is safe.
Remember that throne in the bedroom? You definitely have a crown because you are her princess.
In bed Nadia is always the big spoon. No exceptions. 
If you’re not spooning she will be holding you one way or another. She runs hot so you always have your own personal space heater.
In the summer, you have to have AC. Sleeping apart any more than necessary is not an option.
Her long hair is gorgeous. However you have inhaled it plenty of times by mistake.
Dates range. Sometimes you’re taken to the opening of new museums or art galleries. Other times it’s a club that’s so selective you would never know it existed without knowing Nadia.
Nadia loves dressing up. The only thing she loves more is seeing you dressed up. Especially if you’re wearing something she stole for you.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you’re on a date, or if she’s casing her next mark. Either way she makes sure you enjoy yourself.
Since Nadia’s heists can sometimes involve long cons, she likes to make sure you’re not alone. 
You were overjoyed to be presented with not one, but two puppies. Both large breed dogs who are amazingly well trained.
It’s not your imagination, they’re two guard dogs. They travel with you wherever you go.
The names you pick aren’t cool or vicious. They’re fluffy and sweet and don’t match the dog’s personalities. Nadia will never complain, but you can tell by the barely concealed sneer she’s not a fan. 
Whenever you catch her grimacing over their names she will stroke your cheek and grin, “As long as you’re happy.”
A lot of time is spent traveling. Unlike the Poppy, Flashpoint doesn’t have safehouses in every country.
You’re always put up in pricey hotels from a few particular chains to assure your surroundings are familiar and comfortable.
Flashpoint’s crimes are higher profile and not limited to theft. They are more likely targets for law enforcement internationally and thus can’t afford to travel privately.
Nadia hasn’t had a home in a long time. Now she calls home wherever you are.
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catboyfurina · 1 year
😂+🐶 =3c
😂: What always makes you laugh? badgood puns.... yeag :3
🐶: Do you have any pets? If so, describe them. If not, are there any pets you would like to have? i have 3 cats! dusty is a gray and white tabby with a healthy nose and soft fur and his tummy and butt and tail are disproportionately fluffy. he is Large Boned and Long and he uses his Length to go really fast and stand under as much of your feet space as possible. He will sometimes play fetch but not usually with me :/ and he likes to chew holes in blankets (especially mine) max is a yellowish orangeish tanish and white tabby with a squashed up nose and he is a shorthair. everything on him looks round and this is only partially because he is fat (but he is on a diet and has been for years.... aurgh) he was dumped as an adult and lived outside for a few months to a yearish before we figured out that he Was Not the neighbors and he's just a big sweetie. he drools when he purrs. chocy is an old lady and shes medium/long haired and a tortie calico and she is also so sweet but she doesn't visit me :/ she does like to chew on my hair when i visit her though. (i have to let her put her face on my head in between pettings so that she has a turn petting me). she is tiny and demands food loudly and often and eats barely any of it also theres chickens and ducks and peafowl but i don't interact with em often because theyre in the outdoors....but i do say hello birds when i have to go to my appointments
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awkwardgaydude · 1 year
QUEER SHIT - 11, 20
**BONUS DARES** - 92 (no ducking out), 93
2. Can you remember the names of everyone you’ve slept with?
Yeah I've not slept with that many people tbh so I can remember all the names
6. Where’s the most unusual place you’ve had sex?
I gave a blowjob in an underground parking lot and on a bus
11. How would you describe your sexuality using only adjectives (describing words–busy, fluffy, squishy, etc.)?
This is gonna be hard... weird but also basic?
20. What’s the queerest shit you’ve ever done?
Oh god I don't even know I keep to myself alot so I've nit done all that much queer shit? Maybe dancing with a guy I gad a crush on at our prom? (He kissed me afterwards too)
25. Describe your nipples in too much detail.
Reasonably average? Possibly somewhat small maybe a little over an inch in diameter a light pink surrounded by hair
28. (Penis-owners) Describe the size and shape of your penis. Are you happy with it?
Pretty damn straight maybe a very slight upward curve around 5 inches long I'm fine with it
34. Do you ever find yourself fantasising absent-mindedly, or is it something you do on purpose?
Both I do both
39. Have you ever fantasised about something by accident, and felt weird about it after?
No I don't think so when I fantasise about something it's usually something I know I like
48. Have you ever revealed a kink to someone and had them react negatively?
I'm gonna go with yes? Someone saw some of my kinky posts accidentally and blocked me because of them
49. Do you have any kinks that you’re ashamed of?
Somewhat tbh
56. Do you find it easier to orgasm with another person, or through masturbation?
I think I find it easier to cum alone usually I'm too focused on the other person
59. What’s the best orgasm you’ve ever had?
I hadn't jerked off for months and then jerked off to a story on here and had the most explosive orgasm I've ever had I came so much and it just felt so damn good
63. Describe your oral sex technique.
Not sure how to describe it. I'll say pretty average trying to focus on the head while also trying the shaft and playing with the balls
68. How sensitive is your mouth? Is it an erogenous zone, for you?
My mouth isn't very sensitive I wouldn't call it an erogenous zone but it can definitely be a good way to control me
74. Can you take a lot in your butt, or just a little?
Not very much its been so so long since I've taken anything tbh
77. (Prostate-owners) Have you ever received a prostate massage?
I have not but it sounds very good?
84. Do you enjoy watching your partner(s) having sex with others?
Eh no feelings either way
88. Have you ever teamed up with someone and given a double blowjob/double cunnilingus?
I haven't but I'd love to
92. Post a naked selfie.
I'll post one in a moment in a separate post
93. Tag your biggest tumblr crush.
I don't wannaaaaa ;-; I don't wanna reveal feelings and tumblr crush like just who's blog I like most or the person I think is the hottest?
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theninjasanctuary · 2 years
Really drowsy upon waking up, which means I was pressured for time even before the cat managed to get lots of poop in his butt hair... Thankfully the boyf was still home, showering a poopy cat is a 2-person job. He didn't make a sound until it was time to towel him dry, by which point he made grumbly noises and tried to escape, but didn't bite nor scratch. Got lots of treats and calmed down fast, as usual, thankfully. Took an app taxi to the meeting and wasn't even late in the end. And the cat was back to his fluffy and affectionate self by the time I got home.
The cold snap is here, but I've got adequate gear, so being outside wasn't too much hassle. The fancy meal after the meeting was ok, I work with people who are cool and nice, so the company was great; I had excellent blini with caviar for starters, but the venison main was rarer than assumed, as in, basically bleeding. Idk why I even felt like red meat, must be PMS telling me to up iron reserves, and I somehow assumed it'd be more of a stew-type situation rather than steak. I ate it, as the sides were good and the taste was okay, but tbh I am not a steak person, and am not a fan of how my gut flora has gone into overdrive turning it into farts.
The whitefish main was reportedly the correct pick this time, as feedback on the duck option wasn't any better than the venison's. It all evens out though, at the pre-Christmas fancy dinner (which ended up costing over 4000 € per office gossip), I got lucky as both the starter (whitefish tartar) and the main (quail) I picked were stellar (and the crème brulée was ok), but people who picked fish or squid mains were unimpressed. None of us are paid enough to map the best dishes of the city. And am in no position to complain since I wasn't paying.
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herbirdglitter · 2 years
So today, my sister runs in to tell me one of the livestock guard dogs has escaped and is in the yard chasing the cats, so I drop everything and follow her outside. The dog, as soon as she sees us, takes off round the house. My sister follows and I turn and sprint through the house to the front to cut her off. I get there on time but she slips past me, takes off down the hill, past sheep, the ducks and the other guard dog, and jumps the fence into the neighbors field. She takes off across hundreds of yards of beautiful fields, through a healthy amount of horse droppings, and jumps the fence into the neighbors yard. I had of course, immediately sprinted after her and was still climbing over the first barbed wire fence. I can no longer see her as there are several hills she’d crossed, so I follow at a walking face, hopping over horse shit as I go. 
So she’s in the neighbors yard, right? the place looks deserted, but this is rural America. California, but rural America nevertheless. There is some risk of being shot for trespassing. I clamber over their fence into the yard as quickly as I can, and finally manage to corner her. Luckily, I had had the presence of mind to grab a leash as I passed the livestock earlier. Now the only way to get her back home is to squeeze through the gap under the latch in the neighbor’s gate and take her back along the highway. I cannot make her jump the fence again, and all gates are locked. We squeeze through, walk the hundreds of yards back with only a little break to visit the ponies across the road, and squeeze through an opening in the barbed wire until we were finally back on our property
then she refused to move an I had wait a whole hour and then tie her up until everyone else got home, but that wasn’t the problem. No, the problem was, that when my sister had called me to get the dog, my incredibly frizzy butt-length hair was not tied up, I was wearing a fitted shirt with no bra, I did not have my phone, I was not wearing my glasses, and I was not wearing shoes. 
So there’s me, having tied my hair into a knot on top of my head, hoping madly that it would stay, blind as a bat, tits out and shoe-less, sprinting through a shit-covered field towards possible guns in fluffy socks after an idiot dog. And then I had to walk back along a public road. 
Anyway my neighbor’s think I’m insane.
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hansensgirl · 4 years
here, kitty kitty.
summary | Your sugar daddy wants his wildest dreams to come to life. You, on the other hand, aren’t really into it.
warnings | Dubcon, dark themes, pet play, Dark!Sebastian Stan, Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby relationship, degrading, praise, humiliation, spanking, overstimulation, use of a leash, spanking via a paddle, butt plugs, no this isn’t beastiality; pet play is a kink, she’s not a furry, public sex? (the reader takes her panties off in the car), tail plug, dildos, vibrators, kneeling, cat ears (headband), smut, rough sex, anal play, dacryphilia?, use of a vibrating butt plug, double vaginal, finger sucking, crawling, + more!! this is a dark fic!! if you aren’t comfortable with reading any of these things, then don’t read this fic!! i am not responsible for your media consumption. +18!!!
pairings | Dark!Sugar Daddy!Sebastian Stan x Shy!Reader.
authors note | this is a birthday drabble for the lovely @peachyteabuck. happy birthday bb! i hope your day is amazing, wonderful, special and full of love and happiness!! you’re such an amazing person and friend, and even though i don’t know much about you, i can tell you’re an even more amazing person in real life. happy birthday, ily! also, this is a dark!sebastian stan fic. i am not implying that sebastian would do this, it’s basically an au. it’s fiction, and fiction isn’t real! any hate comments will be deleted and you’ll be kindly blocked, even if you’re a mutual <3 also i am not trying to wipe the existence of alejandra, once again, it’s fiction! it ain’t real. gif credit to my special baby @mypoisonedvine !! ily!
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Your dainty fingers flittered over price tags carelessly. Dollar signs filled your eyes, gleaming and glittering with awe and shock. You couldn’t believe yourself. Once upon a time you used to stare at clearance tags over and over, wondering how gravely it would affect your financial situation. Trips to the bank grew frequently and so did the pile of job applications on the wonky kitchen table you owned. You grimaced at the painful memory, there was no way you’d ever be able to go back to that living nightmare. You sighed as you couldn’t find anything you liked in the store. Associates decked down in all black stood in the back of the store, per your sugar daddy’s request. Sebastian Stan, one of the highest paid actors and a complete heartthrob. You remembered how you both had met, you were his waitress at some expensive French restaurant. You were getting an earful from one of his team members and he had swooped in and saved the day. Soon after that came lavish dates and gifts, and eventually the ultimate proposition that changed your life in the blink of an eye.
He made quick work of moving you out of your cardboard box of an apartment and into his regal condo that laid in the Upper Eastside of New York. Your wardrobe was wiped clean with name brands that made your heart flutter. Decadent jewelry was donned as he liked it -- simple, yet elegant. Pearls laid on your clavicle, not too tight yet not too loose. He dressed you himself that day, as he did everyday. He took care of you like a little pet, one that he was very proud of. He stood right behind you, eyes trailing up and down your body as he admired you. You felt shy under his stoic gaze, ducking your head down. “Babydoll, did you see anything you liked?” He asked, placed his hand on the small of your back. You hesitatingly relaxed into it, nervous yet comforted at the same time. He always kept you on your toes. One minute, his hands would be constantly roaming your body, and the next, they’d be gone.
He had done a marvellous job at keeping your relationship private. You knew how paparazzi would camp outside his many residentials, vying for a simple snap of the actor. But he was smart, always one step ahead. “No, Daddy…” You trailed off, your voice no more than a quiet whisper. You were always shy towards him, especially in public. Quite frankly, you were intimidated. And he loved that about you. You always worried that the other workers in the store would judge you, envy you, sneer at you, or even take pictures of you and him. They were paid hush money, a crisp Benjamin would be slipped into their hands discreetly and sometimes along with a ticket to his latest movie or an autograph. An Italian suit framed his body perfectly, slicked back hair and a strong jawline that made your mouth water. It was grey, almost like the muted tones his eyes held in the midst of cerulean. “Poor baby, you want Daddy to choose something for you?” He asked, the name making you whimper.
You nodded timidly, the heat of embarrassment creeping up your cheeks as shame crawled up your body. His large hand came up and rubbed your bottom lip gently, loving the way it had a slight pout to it. “Go to the dressing room, baby.” He decreed, making you nod and walk over to the room that was closed off with velvet curtains. As soon as he heard your footsteps recede farther, his voice boomed around the store. He had heard the workers talking about you, saying degrading things that would undoubtedly make you cry. He was protective, and he wasn’t going to let some measly, ill-mannered people dishearten you. Maybe you did hear their words, that’s why you couldn’t find anything. “I swear to god, I’ll make sure none of you get a proper job for the rest of your lives! You’ll live in your families’ basements and you’ll neve be happy for the rest of your lives. I’ll ruin you all.” He yelled, revelling in the way they all had tears in their eyes. He dismissed them calling the owner to make sure they got fired.
Veins popped out and his face turned red as he desperately tried to calm down. He searched the store for something for his baby, but prevailed with nothing. He stormed to a mirror and smoothed his hair down, checking his suit for wrinkles and swallowed thickly. He walked through the velvet curtains and spotted you sitting on one of the leather ottomans, one leg bouncing with anxiety and your lip between your teeth. You were lost in the deep sea that was your thoughts, not even noticing that your sugar daddy came for you. Strong hands weighed down on your droopy shoulders, squeezing them slightly to disrupt your far too long thought train. “Did you hear anything, baby?” He asked, leaning closer to you. His warm breath fanned against the back of your neck, lips soft against your ear. You furrowed your brows and turned to look at him.
Worry, fury and dominance etched his features. “Hear what?” You asked, pure naivety lacing your tone. Worry morphed into relief, and his frown turned into a small smile. “Nothing, we’re gonna go now. This store is quite -- how must I put it? -- lackluster.” He smiled, ushering you to get up. You followed him like a little puppy, latching onto the bottom sleeve of his suit. The clicking of your heels on the floor were almost in rhythm with your breathing. Long strides managed to keep you up and deep breaths calmed your nerves. You knew anyone could be watching, phones out as they readied to expose you. You could never brace yourself from the sharp teeth of the internet, as they were always ready to tear you both apart. You ducked your head down and cowered behind him as he led you away from the preposterous mall.
He turned around and looked down at you, sternly telling you something. But you don’t pay attention. Instead you chose to ignore him and marvel at the small dog in a stroller. Sure, it was flamboyant in it’s own way, but how could anyone ignore the sight? The dog is a mix between a shih-tzu and something else that you couldn’t quite figure out. You watched as the stroller passed you and headed into the mall, getting lost somewhere in there. “...Are you even listening to me, kitten?” He asked dubiously, raising one of his eyebrows. “Hmm?” You hummed, turning to look at your Daddy. “Sorry, Daddy, there was just a cute dog in a stroller that I saw!” You exclaimed, pouting slightly out of habit. Sebastian took a deep breath before sighing heavily. Squeezing his eyes shut, he tried his hardest to not lose his cool.
He had given you a set of rules when your relationship started. They toed at the line of strict and controlling, but after he explained every single kink and reward they were reasonable in your naive, doe-like eyes. You didn’t dare to question them or his authority, knowing that would only end with him engulfing in flames of rage and fury. He had a short temper, one that he had developed over time. Maybe it was the stress and the pressure of his privileged, well-earned life, but you’ll never know. Listening to him was one of those rules, high on the list that he always prioritized over most things. He loathed it when you didn’t listen to him. “I said, go sit and wait in the car. Oh, also, ditch the panties.” He snapped, making you whimper. In the two years of your relationship, you were never fond of his harsh tone. “Yes, Daddy.” You squeaked, walking away to the sleek Jaguar that was parked along with the other luxurious cars. You bit your tongue as you weaved your way through millions of dollars that were on wheels.
You carefully opened the passenger door and sat in the leather seat that had a pink, fluffy blanket covering it. You closed the door and set your small, round, pink Chanel handbag under your seat. Hesitatingly, you reached up your dress and your fingers blindly found your panties. You hooked your thumbs around the lace fabric that was a bit too expensive for your taste. You lifted your lower body up and slowly pulled the fabric down, falling into a jumble at your feet. You struggled to untangle them from your heels, before finally triumphing with a small grunt. You shoved the panties into your purse and bit your lip. Embarrassment gnawed at you as you saw people walking by. But they couldn’t see you at all. The darkly tinted glass was like flimsy armour for you in your eyes. Nobody saw through them, but it still made you feel like you were being watched. Leisurely, you began to get lost in that deep sea of thoughts again.
What would he do?  Was he going to take you to another mall? You picked at the ends of your Kate Spade dress. It was fancy, dainty, something a princess would wear once and throw away. It made you look classy and tasteful. Underneath it, though, was a different story. Numerous hickeys, bruises and bite marks littered your skin. The marks made you feel small, submissive and owned. Possessed like a play thing, like his pet. Sebastian loved to see you all marked up, it was like you were his work of art and he was the artist. You shyly spread your legs and felt a sweat beginning to form on your back. Your palms began to sweat too, out of pure nervousness of course. You gripped the seats and sighed, before wiping your hands on the blanket. You looked up and saw Sebastian walking out with two bags in his hands. He clutched the silky handles of the bags and walked in long, harsh strides. A small scowl was on his face, seemingly displeased with the day so far.
He weaved his way through the cars as did you. He harshly opened the door for the driver’s seat as if it wouldn’t cost a fortune to repair. He sat down and sighed, shoving the Tiffany & Co. bag in the backseat. You pouted, feeling the anger radiating off of him like heat. The other bag remained in his hands, but you couldn’t recognize the store name. “Daddy got you a few gifts, okay kitten?” He handed the bag over to you as he spoke. You nodded but didn’t dare to open the bag as he hadn’t given you permission. “Thank you, Daddy!” You giggled, your voice holding innocence He smirked at you and crept his hand up your thigh, slowly but surely. Ring-donned knuckles grazed against your wet folds, bumping up against your swollen, sensitive clit. You let out a whimper at the feeling and slick drooled out of you from his touch.
“Daddy…” You whined, looking down at your lap. “Yeah baby?” He asked, playing dumb to the fact that he was toying with your sensitive pussy. You bit your tongue before you could beg and plead for more. You knew he didn’t like it when you were greedy for more. He pulled his hand away from your pussy and you both admired the way his fingers glistened with your arousal. He shoved the same fingers into your mouth, making you gag and drool. You sucked on them as if you were starved, the sweet yet slightly bitter taste of your slick filling your mouth. He pulled his fingers out with a sounding ‘pop’ that made you giggle. “Good kitten, guess you’re not so dumb after all.” He husked, the mix of praise and degradation making you wetter. He revved the engine of his car and began to pull out of the parking lot, driving ensuite to his Upper Eastside home.
The rumble and vibrations of his car went straight to your pussy, reminding you of the time where he sat you stark-naked on the hood of his car and revved the engine just to tease you. Later that night, he chided and punished you for being a messy little kitten. The vivid, lewd memory made you clench your thighs as you were desperate for some sort of friction. Sebastain’s right hand danced all over your body as his left hand gripped the steering wheel tightly. You both got lucky that afternoon, as rush hour traffic had yet to start. Smoothly, he parked in the private garage that housed some of his other cars. They were all worth more than anything, probably hundreds of thousands of dollars. He led you out of the garage and into the elevator, a sweet jazz tune playing at a low hum that was almost missable. You still held onto the bag that he gifted you and you even dared to try and take a peek inside.
The sparkly tissue hid the gift well from your intrusive, detective eyes. You bounced on your feet as you wondered what it could possibly be. It was slightly heavy, but you partially blamed your weak muscles for that. Sebastian never let you lift a finger when it came to hard work. You barely paid attention to the ding of the elevator as you had reached the floor of his penthouse. Sebastian gently dragged you out, your short steps barely keeping up with his long strides. The click of your heels no longer made a sound as the carpet of the hallways muted them gently. “Now when we get inside, I want you to strip everything and kneel on the floor.” He ordered, voice at a low baritone that made you even wetter. Your noticed that your inner thighs were slightly damp with arousal, your pussy leaking with want.
 “Yes, Daddy.” You smiled, easily obeying him. You could already feel the ache in your knees that would come with kneeling on the floor. He opened the door and you swiftly  made your way to the bedroom. You swung the door open and was met with the room that you spent most of your time in. Grey hues illuminated under the brightness of the chandelier. You gently kicked your shoes into a corner and quickly shed all your clothes off, gently laying them onto the white divan that was at the feet of your bed. You bit your lip as you wondered whether or not you should take a peak in the bag. But you reminded yourself of the consequences your curiosity always brought you. He knew, he always knew when you let your hands and eyes wandered like tourists in Venice. You hesitatingly set the bag onto the dresser, before clumsily unclasping your pearl necklace. You were out of breath at that point, chest heaving like you had just ran a marathon. You hugged your naked body as you moved back to the divan, kneeling in front of it. On the floor, the fluffy carpet dug into your knees slightly, making you wince.
You looked down at the ground and clasped your hands behind your back. The cool air made goosebumps rise like the dead rising from their graves. Your cunt throbbed with anticipation and neediness, you just couldn’t wait for him. Your heart clamoured wildly as you heard him walk closer to the bedroom, opening the door to be pleased by the sight of you on your knees. “Such a good little kitten.” He praised, loosening the expensive tie around his neck.  The blazer of the Armani suit was strewn somewhere in the kitchen and all Sebastian was left with was his dress pants and dress shirt. He rolled his sleeves up as he walked around you, making the hairs on the back of your neck raise. You were undoubtedly nervous for what was about to come. You heard the rustling of the bag from the dresser, the sound reverberating throughout the room. “You’d let Daddy do anything to you, right?” He asked, pulling out the bottle of lube from the bag.
“Of course, Daddy!” You exclaimed, knowing it was another one of his rules. Let daddy do whatever he wants to you. He smirked as he pulled the glittery box out of the bag, carefully setting it down next to the bottle of lube. He grabbed everything else from the bag, leaving only the tissue paper. “Close your eyes, kitten.” He demanded, and you listened easily. You slowled your erratic breaths down and furrowed your eyebrows at a foreign feeling. A headband laid on your head and was tucked behind your ears. Then you felt his hands ghosting around your neck, followed by the feeling of cool leather. Sebastian fastened the collar together and tightened it just enough to have you slightly gasping for air. His hands left your neck and his fingers played with the little bell on the front of the collar.
The sound made you even more confused and lost. But you didn’t dare to open your mouth. “Such a cute little kitten.” He cooed, walking back to the dresser. He hastily opened the box with a loud rip and marvelled at its contents. Headbands, tails, buttplugs, paddles, handcuffs, ball gags, dildo gags, dildos, vibrators, leashes, and nipple clamps of all kinds were at his disposal, all for his little kitten - you. He grabbed the pink leash and unwrapped, it carefully, opening its clasp to attach to your collar. “Now open your eyes, kitten.” He instructed, gripping the leash tightly. You opened your eyes and gasped, panic taking over your body. “Sebastian, what’s this?” You nervously questioned, your bottom lip quivering. The smile on his lips quickly turned into a scowl, as you had broken a rule. Never, ever call him Sebastian. He tugged on the leash harshly, pulling you up. “What the fuck did you just call me?” He growled, clearly in no mood for you to act out.
“S- Sorry, Daddy.” You quickly apologized, terrified of his hell-sent wrath. You hesitatingly reached up to touch the headband. Your eyes went wide as you felt ears that would resemble cat ears. Cat ears, the leash and the collar… You added it all up and gasped as it dawned on you, he was into pet play. “Now listen, kitten. You gotta listen to the rules, and if you don’t listen then I could punish you by ending this little relationship, okay? I know you can’t survive without me, and you should remember that.” He spat, making your throat tighten up with an impending sob. You swallowed it down and nodded, deciding to listen to him. “Good kitten.” He praised, smiling once again. He pushed you down and pulled your ass up into the air, and you let him manhandle you. Your dripping pussy was exposed to him and shame bit you like a snake.
He let go of the leash and walked to the dresser, and for a split second you thought you could have ran away. But as soon as he turned back around, those thoughts went away. The coolness of the lub made you flinch as he poured some onto your ass hole. He carefully spread it around but didn’t bother to warm you up. You shouted when you felt the tip of the tail plug push into your puckered hole. It stretched your ass out painfully and you couldn’t bear the pain. It shot up your spine and made you feel dizzy. You thought you were going to pass out as the large part of the plug forced its way into you. Finally, the excruciating pain stopped increasing. Into died down to a low thrumming and throbbing and soon dwindled into an aching pleasure. You felt full yet empty, which only made you whine pathetically.
“Poor kitten, so desperate for your Daddy, hm?” He snickered, making you shy away from him. Your wetness coated your inner thighs and began to drip from your cunt, the sweet scent of it making him moan. “Before I fuck that tight little pussy of yours, I believe I have to punish you.” He spoke, shrugging his shirt off. You watched from the corner of your eyes as he stripped down to his birthday suit that was always a delectable sight for your eyes only. Your mouth salivated as you saw his large, hard cock in his boxers. You couldn't fight the urge to rub your thighs together at all. The slight friction was euphoric, but it just wasn’t enough. Sebastian picked up the paddle that had the word ‘mine’ engraved on it. He walked back to your bent over form and soothingly rubbed your ass before speaking.
“Count them, and don’t forget to thank me.” He implored, smacking the paddle harshly on your right ass cheek. “One, thank you Daddy.” You squeaked out. He took turns on each cheek, hitting you with the same amount of agonizing strength. Tears streamed down your face as you sobbed after each spank. Your ass was bruised, the word ‘mine’ indented all over it. “Twenty, thank you Daddy!” You whimpered. “You like this, don’t you? Such a good little kitten, all slutty and dripping for your Daddy.” He gently barked, making you nod. His words only added gasoline to the fire that was your shame and arousal. You felt a harsh tug from the leash and suddenly you were on your hands and knees, just like a kitten. Your mascara was leaking, smeared on your face like in those angsty-heartbreak movies.
Sebastian wiped the tears and ruined mascara away, but he only made you l;ook more pathetic than before. He’d love to fuck your beautiful face until you passed out, or to slap your little cheeks until you begged for more. He wanted to break you, to turn you into his little kitten. You gulped down your fear as you waited for what he’d gladly give you next. Your eyes fell to his hard cock, still stuck in its confinement that was his Hugo Boss boxers. They hung right where his intriguing v-line was, the same path that would lead you to your treasure -- his cock. You looked up at him, watching as he sucked his bottom lip between his pearly whites. “Beg for it.” He growled. You knew how much he loved to hear you beg. It made him feel superior, it fed his ego but it made you feel submissive and desperate. But oh, the rewarding praise it would come with was so addictive, like ecstasy.
“Please daddy? I’ll be a good little kitten! I need your big cock daddy, please?” You begged, your voice slightly strained from the screaming and yelling. You looked up at him and unintentionally gave him those puppy eyes that always made him weak in the knees. Glazed over orbs that were slightly sad, begging in their own language that was silence. Sebastian let go of the leash and stalked away from you, keeping his predatory eyes trained on you. You admired the scratches that were stained on his back that your well manicured nails left behind. Just like a kitten. He sits on the bed and crosses his arms, large muscles bulging and the sight makes you whimper -- loudly. You loved the way your small hands would struggle to grip his large biceps as you’d scramble for purchase whilst he’d rail into you.
The phantom feeling of his cock driving in and out of you sparks something inside of you, pushing you into a light, floaty headspace. The loud snap of his fingers made you jump with fear. He pointed at the floor next to him and you furrowed your eyebrows with mystification. You knew he wasn’t going to help you out then, no. You were all on your own. Sebastian raised his eyebrow as he waited for you to crawl towards him, just like how a kitten should. He wasn’t going to help you out, you needed to learn on your own. He longed for you to fully fall into the headspace that would make you all dumb and stupid. He loved to break you, to see you depend on him for everything. “D- Daddy?” You called out, waiting for him to tell you to do something. But he remained as silent as a stone. “Here, kitty, kitty...” The snapping, the pointing, and the waiting… He wanted you to crawl, didn’t he?
You gulped and winced as you put one knee before the other, one hand before the other. You soon met Sebastian's bouncing feet, before looking up at him. All your arousal leaked all over you, and as much as you hated to admit it, the whole thing turned you on even more. The dominance, the degrading, the feeling of needing him, it all made the passionate fire in your abdomen continue to burn. Sebastian turned to face you and ran his thumb across your lips, smearing your saliva around. He pushed his thumb in your mouth and you eagerly sucked on it as if it were his cock. He abruptly pulled it out, making you put. “Nuh uh, none of that.” He chided, feeling his cock stirring in his pants. “Such a good, dumb little kitten. Take daddy’s cock out.” He jeered, and you nearly sobbed. Finally, finally. You swiftly pulled his boxers down, watching as his large cock bounced up and hit his lower abdomen. Thick ropes of pre-cum leaked down the shaft of his cock and you never wanted to suck him off more in your life.
You involuntarily darted your tongue out to lap up all the pre-cum, but a harsh tug on the pink leather leash halted you. “As much as I’d love to stuff your cute, slutty little mouth with my cock, I’m in the mood to fuck you until you’re just a braindead kitten.” He belted, leaving no room for argument or begging. He leans down and captures your lips in a heated, rough kiss. You can barely keep up with the Greek God-esque man. The kiss is dominating; arduous and vehement. His teeth nipped at your wet lips and you whimper into the kiss, only adding gasoline to the fire. He forcefully pushed his tongue into your mouth and you let it explore everywhere. You sucked out it softly, rubbing your thighs together to alleviate the burning ache that just seems to only intensify. He pulled away from you all at once and you felt dizzy. Your lips were throbbing and suddenly you’re thrown onto the bed.
You felt the plug push farther into you -- further shocking you as it already was so deep. It grazed against each and every one of your sensitive spots, making you cry out. It was the kind of pleasure that was also painful, but the kind of pain that made you want to be hurt more and more. You wondered if you were a masochist, if Sebastian had turned you into a masochist. But at that time, that was the least of your worries. From the corner of your eyes, you saw the glint from the glittery box that Sebastian had purchased. He flipped you onto your stomach and slowly pulled the tail out, stroking it every now and then. “Ngh.” You moaned out it was pulled out all the way. Sebastian stared at your gaping hole, wishing he could just stick his cock in you and fuck you into oblivion. He could, but he shouldn’t; not yet at least.
You gripped the sheets tightly, silk slightly slipping from your sweaty hands. A gasp flew past your lips as Sebastian puckered his lips and spat on your puckered hole, before rubbing it in. You fought the need to push your hips back against his thumb, slowly pushing into you. The stretch was just as painful as the plug, your poor ass burning. He pulled his thumb back out before grabbing another plug, one that had a pink tail. He swiftly pushed it in and your eyes rolled back into your skull at the feeling. It wasn’t as painful as before, it was actually pleasurable. You swore you lost your vision for a brief second, and even your breath as well as your morals. Well, you lost your morals a long time ago, to be frank.
You felt him stroke the fluffy part of the tail again, almost trying to soothe you. He fiddled with the base of the plug, trying to find the little nub that was supposed to be there. His fingers flipped it and suddenly the plug began to vibrate. Muted, strong vibrations radiated throughout your ass and up your spine, even reaching to your poor little pussy. You moaned pornographically, bucking your hip involuntarily, humping the air. “Aw, poor little kitten is so needy.” He taunted, even though it was the same case for him. He was harder than anything and it was almost painful. Pre-cum leaked from his aching, silky and dripped down to his swollen balls.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He pulled your hips back towards his and grinded his cock against your dripping pussy. You were so wet that you could smell the slightly bitter scent of your arousal in the air. It was muted, faint, but anybody would have noticed. Sebastian grabbed the base of his cock and bumped the silky, bulbous head of his cock against your clit. You cried out, “Please daddy!” But he only turned up the vibrations and continued to rub the tip against your pearl of nerves. His cock teased your drooling hole, and you just couldn’t take it anymore. “Please fuck me, daddy!” You pleaded. Sebastian sheathed his cock into your wet pussy, impaling you. You wheezed as he slowly bottomed out, his cock slightly grazing your cervix.
You didn’t mind it, though. He stayed still, his cock throbbing inside your core. He reached for the pink hitachi wand and turned it on, pressing it onto your poor little clit. You shrieked at the abrupt amount of pleasure, your hand darting down to where the wand was. You held it in place even though your hands were shaking. Your body held a slight tremor and Sebastian began to pound into your pussy. The sound of skin slapping, both of your moans and the obscene squelching from your pussy filled the room. “Oh fuck!” You yelled, feeling your orgasm building up already. “Fuck, so tight.” Sebastian groaned, thrusting into you even harder. His cock kept nudging against your g-spot, each time making you dizzier.
“D- Daddy… Can I cum? Please?!” You squealed, your voice louder than the banging that came from the bed headboard against the wall. “Fuck- No, hold it.” He growled, before moaning loudly, You clenched around his cock, the pleasure pushing you closer and closer to your release. Sebastian watched as your juices coated his cock, glistening with your arousal. “Please daddy?” You begged, knowing all too well that you might pass out if you don’t cum — at least that’s what it felt like. Your pussy squeezed him with all it’s mine, wetness dripping all over the sheets and you struggled to stop screaming. “Oh!” You gasp as he pushed the plug into you deeper. “Yeah, take in deep in your slutty, tight little pussy. You gonna cum, kitten? Such a good little pet!” He shouted, and you wailed. “Cum, cum all over my cock.” He commanded. The dam inside you broke as you came all over his cock, milking him. “Thank you, Daddy!” You mewled, bucking against his cock.
You babbled dumbly as you soon became overstimulated. Sebastian tugged on your leash and the bell on it rang non-stop. You tried to run away from him, the pleasure becoming too much. But you soon found yourself moving back against his cock, fucking yourself. “Poor kitten, can’t take my cock now even though you fuckin’ begged for it.” He spat, his thrusts growing sloppy. Your pussy spasmed as you came for the second time, your vision becoming darker than usual. You fell against the bed but you didn’t relent your grip on the wand. Your body was on fire, heart clamouring at such a rate that you couldn’t calm it down. “Oh fuck…” He groaned, pulling out of your pussy to stave off his orgasm. Your cum dripped from his cock as he flipped you onto your back and spread your legs wide.
Sebastian plummeted his cock back into your pussy and grabbed the sparkly dildo in the box. Before you could ask him what he was about to do, he slowly pushed the dildo alongside his cock. It wasn’t as big as his cock, no, but it was enough to have you screaming at him to stop. You pushed at his hard chest but he didn’t budge. Instead, he growled at you to stop. “...If you don’t listen then I could punish you by ending this little relationship, okay? I know you can’t survive without me, and you should remember that.” His words echoed in your mind like a memory that you wanted to forget but you were always reminded of it. You both moaned once he stopped pushing the dildo into your stretched out pussy. You were sure that he ruined you for anyone else.
He slowly began to thrust both his cock and the dildo in and out of you. His thrusts were slow but sharp and hard, even though they were slightly sloppy. You came for a third time, your mouth falling open as you let out a silent scream. Tears streamed down your cheeks again and you couldn’t take it anymore. “One more, kitten.” He bargained even though you knew you couldn’t object. His cock and the dildo hitting your g-spot over and over, the butt plug, and the hitachi wand were all too much for you. But they all ruined you over and over, and they all made you cum over and over. “Oh- Oh my god! ‘M gonna cum so fucking hard!” You preened, arching your back off the bed. You unintentionally pressed the hitachi wand harder against your clit, only intensifying your orgasm.
You gushed around Sebastian’s cock as thick, white, hot ropes of cum painted your walls. His cock pulsed in your pussy as he continued to fill you up. Shockwaves were sent throughout your body and you left the conscious world for a few seconds — making a quick trip to heaven. Or hell. Sebastian pulled out and watched as his cum followed both his cock and the dildo. Your sore hole gaped slightly, all fucked out and ruined. He turned the vibrators off and you curled up into a ball. You slowly descended from your powerful high, sighing heavily. You shut your eyes as you ushered Sebastian to cuddle you. But he just chuckled like a sadist. “Oh no kitten, did you think we were done?”
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“family holiday” (pt. 1) (chilumi fic)
Lumine finally arrives in Snezhnaya and takes Childe’s offer of visiting his home (mansion). 
(some domestic fluff uwu) 
lots of ppl have been asking for more and i love that! tysm for the encouragement and support <3 sorry this took so long to upload, i am trying very hard for all you lovelies ;__; 
also this is being split into two parts bc it is a bit longer than my other fics...but i swear im writing part 2 as fast as i can!! i just wanted to post this now so i wouldn’t keep you lovelies waiting <3
[Fic Masterlist]
“family holiday” (pt 1)
“Lumineeeeee!” Teucer shouted as she walked through the door of Childe’s home. He tackled her into a hug. 
“Well hello to you too, Teucer,” Lumine greeted back. Just as energetic as I remembered… 
“Hey! Paimon’s here too!” Paimon crossed her arms. 
Teucer broke his hug and waved energetically at Paimon. “Hi, Lumine’s toy!”
Paimon’s jaw dropped, ready to go on a rant, but Teucer already turned his attention away. 
“Big brother!” he cheered, tackling Childe into a hug as well. 
“Teucer!” Childe said enthusiastically, picking him up and slinging the little boy over his shoulder before swinging him around. Teucer erupted into gleeful giggles. 
“Big brother? Is that you?” a soft voice called. Coming down the grand stairs was a little girl who looked exactly like Childe and Teucer, her long brown hair tied in a half-up crown braid, her large blue eyes like innocent doe eyes. She looked about eight. Behind her, another sibling came trudging down the stairs, scowling, his hair appearing more ginger than the rest of the family; his face had a splattering of freckles across his nose and cheeks, more prominent than Teucer’s. He was a bit older, around 11. 
Childe set Teucer down, and smiled. “Tonia,” he greeted her, gentler. He got down on one knee, and Tonia ran down the steps—her white dress flowing behind her—and jumped into his open arms. 
“It’s been too long!” she said, her voice muffled by Childe’s shoulder. 
He laughed. “It certainly has, princess.” He looked to the last sibling still standing by the stairs. “Come on, Anthon. Come here.”
Anthon let out an exasperate huff, but still made his way to his older brother, and joined Tonia in their embrace. “We don’t have to make such a big deal out of this,” he grumbled, though his arms tightening around his brother betrayed his attitude. 
“Looks like we’ve been sidelined,” Paimon muttered. 
Lumine tilted her head. “It’s kind of nice to see though…” 
Anthon’s eyes flickered to her. “Who are you?”
Tonia broke from the hug, ducking under Childe’s arms to look at Lumine, while still gripping tightly to his jacket. 
Teucer bounced over to the traveler, and placed his hands proudly on his hips. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Lumine!”
Tonia gasped and skipped over to her, her eyes bright. “Lumine?! Like from the letters?” Teucer nodded enthusiastically. 
Childe stood and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yup, the one and only. This is her first time in Snezhnaya, so everyone be on your best behavior.” He gave Anthon a look, to which Anthon crossed his arms. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Tonia and Anthon,” Lumine said. “Your brothers have told me a lot about you two.”
Tonia smiled shyly and peered at Lumine’s face. “Woooow,” she whispered in wonderment. “You really are just as pretty as he said!” 
Lumine felt a shock to her system. Childe told them I was pretty?
Childe let out a nervous laugh, quickly scooping Tonia off the ground and ruffling her hair. “Very funny, Tonia! Why don’t we decide on dinner plans, hmm?” 
Paimon, after grumbling in the corner about being ignored, perked straight up. “Food?”
“Let’s celebrate brother and Lumine coming home! We should go to the bestest restaurant in the city!” Teucer suggested. 
“You don’t want to eat brother’s cooking?” Tonia asked, a bit of sadness tinged in her voice. 
“I think that’s a great idea, Teucer,” Childe said. He patted Tonia’s head. “How about we eat dinner at the restaurant, then we can come home and I’ll make you your favorite cake?” 
“Yay!” Tonia cheered, jumping from Childe’s arms, and joining Teucer in celebration. 
“Anthon? What would you like to do?” Childe asked. 
He shrugged. “Whatever sounds good to me.” 
“Then it’s settled! Let’s all go get ready then, okay?” Childe said. The children all ran up the stairs, and soon the foyer was quiet once more. The Harbinger let out a heavy sigh. 
“Whew! They’re a handful!” Paimon said. 
Lumine nodded. “How do they even survive while you’re away?”
Childe chuckled. “Year round I have a dedicated staff of servants and maids to look after them and the house.” (Mansion, Lumine thought.) “I gave them the weekend off while I’m back.”
“You can handle all three of them?” Lumine asked. 
“Oh? You don’t think I’m capable?” 
“I just can’t imagine you as a child raising type,” she said, recalling their various battles together. How bloodthirsty he could get. 
“The battlefield is different,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. He glanced at the stairs. “I’ve been raising my siblings since we were little.” 
No parents? She thought of her and Aether. On their own for as long as she could remember, having to explore and learn alone. Except she and Aether were twins; she never had to look after a younger sibling—let alone three. 
“Ready!” Teucer announced, bouncing down the stairs. 
Childe crossed his arms. “Just your hat? Where are your gloves? Coat? Boots?” 
Teucer giggled. “Oops! I forgot!” He raced back up the stairs. 
“And you?” he asked, turning to Lumine. “You don’t look ready either.”
“I was okay on the journey here,” she answered. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
He shook his head. “It’s almost dark now. Snezhnayan nights are freezing, even more so during this time.”
“Ahh...well...we didn’t really pack...anything…,” Paimon said sheepishly. 
“Paimon I expected, but you, Lumine?” 
The traveler crossed her arms. “I’ve been a bit busy.” 
He scoffed. “Right, right. Well, we can’t have you freezing to death in the street. I’m sure there’s extra coats around here,” he said, heading up the stairs. “Come with me.”
“Oooo, Lumine, they’re probably super expensive and fluffy! Let’s go!” Paimon said, flying after Childe. Lumine rolled her eyes and followed. 
The three passed by the children’s rooms, all clothes being thrown around and excited chatter, before coming to a large door at the end of the hall. Childe’s room. He opened the door and they entered. 
It was a grand room—octangular in shape with huge windows and a tall ceiling—large, spacious, and empty save for a large bed, standing wardrobe, and side tables. There was a fine film of dusting covering all the surfaces, and the bed looked like it hadn’t been slept in for a long time. The colors were sparse, only grays, whites, blacks, and the occasional red accent. 
Childe opened the doors to the wardrobe, revealing an assortment of heavy winter coats. He pulled one out and held it out for Lumine. “I think this coat is a little older—probably the smallest one I have.” 
She put it on, the sleeves running a bit long to her fingertips, the feathered hood obscuring her face up to her nose. Childe laughed, and she stuck her tongue out at him after pulling the hood down. Despite it being old, she could still pick up a faint scent of Childe: a smell remnant of ocean waves and sandy beaches. Unexpectedly pleasant...
“If that’s too big, she can have one of my coats!” Tonia said from the doorway.  
“That is very nice of you to offer, Tonia,” Childe said. “But I think your coats might be too small.”
“Oh,” she said. “Well, we’re all ready now, brother!”
The family—plus Lumine and Paimon—gathered back in the foyer with everyone bundled in their coats, hats, and gloves. And then they were on the way to the restaurant. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Lumine, look!” Teucer said, pointing at a large pond. “There are so many fishes!”
They were waiting to be seated in the restaurant lobby. A large, grandiose building, with marbled floors, vaulted ceilings, and gold furniture. There was a large pond in the middle—a miniature waterfall flowed into it. 
Too extravagant, Lumine thought. And I thought Liyue was expensive...
“Do you think we could take some fish home to eat?” Paimon asked, peering into the pond. 
Lumine gave her a deadpan expression. “Go ahead. I’ve always wanted to see how Snezhnayans deal out punishment.”
“On second thought, nevermind…”
Tonia pulled on Childe’s jacket. “Can we go to the toy store after this?”
“Toy store! Toy store! Toy store!” Teucer chanted. 
“Yes, yes, of course,” Childe said. The two children cheered. 
“They’re always so loud,” Anthon grumbled from his seat next to Lumine. 
“They’re just excited your brother is back,” Lumine said. “Aren’t you excited also?”
“I guess…” He looked at her. “Why are you here anyways?”
How do I explain that I’m on a quest to find my brother after we were banished from our journeys by an unknown god? “I want to meet all the gods of Teyvat.”
He scoffed. “Yeah, right. That’s impossible.”
“Actually I’ve been quite successful,” she told him. “I’ve already met a few.”
“Really?” His brows were furrowed. “What’re they like?”
Venti: drunk. Zhongli: broke. “They’re...interesting. Very powerful.”
Childe walked over to them. “Is he bothering you?” he asked Lumine. 
“She was just telling me she’s met some of the gods of Teyvat. Is that true?” he asked, scrutinizing. 
“Very much so. She’s quite strong, so don’t get on her bad side.” He gave Anthon a wink. 
“Strong enough to beat you, brother?” 
“Of course,” Lumine said, standing up. “I’ve beat your brother before.” 
“Paimon can confirm that! We kicked his butt!” 
For the first time, Anthon’s eyes seemed to light up. “You did? How?”
Childe chuckled through gritted teeth, disguised as a strained smile. “Now, now, Anthon; you seem like you want me to be beaten.”
Anthon frowned. “No, I didn’t mean that.”
“Sir? Your table is ready,” a waiter said, approaching the family. 
As Childe went to wrangle up the younger kids, Lumine stayed behind and tapped on Anthon’s shoulder. 
“Hey,” she whispered. “Why do you want to beat your brother so bad?”
Anthon shook his head. “You guys have it wrong. I don’t want to beat my brother…” His pale face flushed a bit red. “I just...I want to be stronger than him. So he doesn’t have to work so hard to protect us…” He stopped and watched his siblings sit around the table in the distance. “He shouldn’t be the only one protecting us. I can see it’s really hard work for just him. I want to be strong enough to protect him, Tonia, and Teucer also.”
Lumine’s heart warmed at Anthon’s love for his family. She missed Aether a little more. “I’ll help you.” She put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I know what it’s like, wanting to protect a sibling.” She then gave him a teasing smile. “Plus, I’ve already beaten your brother, right?” 
“Right!” He had a little smile as well. “And he’s the strongest person I know! Well...I guess that person would be you now, right?”
Tonia came marching up to the two. “Come onnnnn, let’s go eat!” She grabbed both Lumine and Anthon’s hands and dragged them to the table. 
Afterwards, the family enjoyed an exquisite meal, and were all stuffed full of expensive foods and cheerful laughter. (The children were amazed at how much both Lumine and Paimon could scarf down.) 
The children, very quickly after finishing their meal, practically teleported to the toy store. As the children ran through the store, Lumine and Childe took the moment of rest, silently watching over them. (Paimon had retreated back into her world to recover from the feast.)
“I don’t know how you do it,” Lumine said. “I had a hard enough time with just Teucer in Liyue.”
“It’s not easy,” Childe confessed. He looked at his siblings softly. “But when I see them smiling and happy...despite everything bad in the world? I think it’s all worth it.”
How nice… His love for his family definitely matched her love for Aether. Something we have in common. She found herself enjoying this time with Childe, and his family, more enjoyable than any time she had been adventuring. It was almost like...she was...back home…
Soon enough, everyone was lined up, toys all selected and ready for purchase. Teucer tiredly tugged on Lumine’s coat, then silently held his hands up. At first, Lumine blinked, not understanding. 
“Teucer, just ask her to pick you up,” Anthon said. 
“That’s okay,” she said, pulling Teucer up off the ground—now understanding—and placing him on her hip. I think this is how you carry a kid? She didn’t have much experience with kids, save for the few she had met while in Teyvat. And those kids are far from normal... She let out a little sigh of relief when Teucer relaxed, laying his head on her shoulder. 
“Are you tired too, Tonia?” Childe asked. She shook her head, tightening her grip on his hand, clutching a doll in the other. Teucer was hugging a hilichurl stuffed animal, and Anthon held an action figure of a Lawachurl.
Upon reaching the toy seller, the old woman at the counter smiled at Childe and Lumine. “You two have such beautiful children,” she said. 
Lumine almost dropped Teucer. What?! 
“Though I have to say, they do take after their father quite a bit,” she remarked. “A shame, seeing as the mother is so beautiful.” 
Before Lumine could explain, Childe spoke. “Yes, what a shame indeed—I completely agree,” he said while smiling. 
[part two]
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