#fndm drama
The fndm's hate for rwde is so fucking weird. As if crit tags for medias haven't existed ever since there's online fandom. Like. Come on. Not everyone can like your faves could they?
I still do not understand it like most fandoms people just wade through the hate for the thing and move on. Meanwhile RW/BY can’t even handle the existence of criticism in a tag they can block and ignore. They intentionally go into a tag they know only has criticisms for the purpose of getting angry about criticism existing it’s pathetic honestly.
Everything no matter how good it is has people who criticize it. It’s just a thing that happens. Sending death threats to people for posting criticisms is insane to me.
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peace-fantasia · 1 year
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So you harassed multiple rwders despite them being women who are BIPOC and/or queer for ages who obviously don’t like Jaune. I myself, a black disabled women you accused of being homophobic just to silence me.
You declared them sexist or homophobic when they criticized Rooster Teeth. And when they defended themselves you vanished.
So now you’re just making stuff up whole sale about them now to get people to get mad at people who dislike a problematic show. Have shame.
Nothing you said has been remotely said in the tumblr RWDE tag at all.
But knowing your deceptive way of attacking people. You’ll probably just say you didn’t mean the RWDE tag despite you harassing multiple queer and bipoc women for days that any RWBY fan can see if they look at tag.
You’ll say probably just say you meant RWBYcritics or something like that.
Posting under the RWBY tag because people need to see your despicable cowardly behavior.
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"sends themself anon hate to respond to"
Okay, seriously?
Just how many lies have you people spread about me!
Are you seriously saying that of all the anon hate asks I've received, not one of them came from the RWDE community?
Do you realize what the hell you're saying? I just need you to think about how ridiculous that sounds.
once again, no one said "all." By deflecting with that you're not helping your case. I've said MANY TIMES that hate comes from both rwde and fndm circles, and none of it is okay. I even said to you several times that I'm sorry you get hate and that it's not okay.
And again, they aren't lies - you literally admitted to a fake account that harassed cal being yours. We have actual proof of several instances of you lying, yet somehow your response is always "nuh uh people are mean to ME"
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papillaee · 4 months
It's honestly concerning how the rwby fandom specifically doesn't care how much rwby is often problematic, but instead of criticizing that, they go after fans making fanart and fanfics, that sometimes aren't even doing anything problematic to begin with.
I have seen artists leave the fndm multiple times because rwby fans keep trying to police who should be part of the fndm or not based on arbitrary rules. The fndm can be extremely unwelcoming, even to the most dedicated fans.
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werewolf-cuddles · 10 months
Oh boy, what did the wasps do now?
Oh, same annoying behaviors as usual, just even louder than before because now they're emboldened by the ship becoming canon.
Even dare suggest that Yang is anything other than a lesbian, and you will immediately be met with hostility and accusations of lesbian erasure.
And god forbid you ship Blake and Yang with anybody but eachother, that's strictly forbidden now apparently.
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strqyr · 1 year
at first i was annoyed about twitter forcing me on the "for you" feed all the time but really it's a nice reminder why i don't use my account there for posting so maybe i judged it too harshly too quickly
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cherry-bomb-ships · 9 months
So since Ripto is coming to CTRumble soon, uh. I thought of a dumb silly AU thing where Ripto sees R. Marie (since I imagine her being in the Rumble too hehe) and being like "awooga hot evil chick" even tho she's enby but wHATEVER, just to have a whole scenario thing where Cortex and Ripto fight over her 😌💖
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citadelofmythoughts · 11 months
So, in an attempt to inject some optimism into the FNDM let’s talk about something the V9 epilogue reinforced in my feelings about how the rest of the story plays out.
The tone.
 Vols 7, 8 and a good portion of 9 were extremely heavy, depressing and our heroes have taken a lot of losses but the ending of V9 along with the epilogue that was shown at RTX marks a shift in the tone going forward.
We’re moving closer to the endgame and we have a united Remnant, our heroes are returning from the “dead” stronger and more united than ever.
I think that V10 will be a very hopeful, optimistic volume with a lot of healing and renewing of bonds. Not to say that there won’t be drama (I’m looking at you Raven. I think Ruby and Yang are due some answers from you) but I think overall it’s going to be upbeat. 
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powertaco · 17 hours
FNDM Creator Bio - Power Taco
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Power_Taco on Ao3.
I try to write, often badly, but I do try.
Favorite Characters: Maria, Ruby, Weiss, Qrow, Nora, Ren, Carmine, Robyn, Cinder, Winter, Ilia, there are more but we can cut 'em off there.
Favorite pairings: Death's Whiterose. Ruby/Weiss/Young Maria Calavera. (praise @amelia-yap for the incredible art!)
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My goal is to make them the most popular, ie numerous ot3 for RWBY so 400 more fics to go.
I also will write WR, or them with a +1/2, and enjoy them with lots of fun ladies. Especially getting to take background characters, and flesh them out. May Z, Ilia, Ciel, etc.
Also a big fan of Jailbirds.
Tropes: Not sure. I'm alright with most, but I don't care much for uneeded drama/angst ie not talking out things that would resolve a situation in 5 minutes instead of 30 chapters. I have no idea what tropes I really love though.
Crack is fun I guess. Not sure if that's a trope.
Share fics I'm proud of: Well to try and not be a stereotype let's go with non DWR work I guess.
Frozen Milk and Cereal. Set in the IQD au RWBY and JNPR took the nightmare grimm as a serious wake up call, and upped their training. Friendships are formed between the teams as they struggle with the upcoming dance when Ruby overhears Weiss asking Neptune leaving Pyrrha to be a bit brave, and ask Ruby instead.
Short story featuring the teams interacting, and talking to each other, and hopefully as friends.
Crack series. Ruby writes the 'of love' book series. Somehow this will save the world. A series of 1 shots that result in ruby forming the ultimate polycute and saving the world. We poke fun at harem tropes, and somehow a plot ended up appearing. It's weird to me too man.
Creator's Note: Not much to say you can send me an ask about anything you really want.
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tumblezwei · 1 year
Hey TZ, what’s your opinion on the claim that “Bumblby is being rushed/forced Bc it’s the most popular ship in the FNDM”?
As someone who’s been watching RWBY since Vol 3, I can’t help but feel like RTs original intent was for Blacksun, but around Vol6 they realized that BB was more popular and ditched BS in favor of the bees. I know it’s probably more complicated than that, I just wanted your opinion.
(Forgive me if this sounds like I’m trying to start shipping drama, that’s not my intention. I do love the Bees, they are very cute)
I'd have to disagree with that I think.
In my opinion, even if the bees weren't planned from the start, the very latest I'd say it was decided on was volume 3. Adam's lines were just too blatant given later context.
And honestly I've always thought that it doesn't really matter if they knew day 1 that BB would be a thing. vol 1-2 weren't exactly the most polished, and I can pick out plenty of things that were in them that just felt like the writers throwing ideas at the wall and seeing what stuck. If they had put Sun in with the vague intention of him being a love interest, but then realized BB would be more interesting to explore, then that sounds plausible and perfectly reasonable to me. If they knew all along that Sun was just a red herring, then that's fine too.
Because in the end this is where we're at. And I'm sorry to say to BS fans, but what we have with Blake and Yang is infinitely more interesting to me than whatever we could have gotten with BS. There's just a lot more complex stuff going on with BB that BS wasn't really set up to fulfill. Even if they did change it because it was popular (which I heavily doubt), it's a change I fucking support. Good, I'm glad they realized most of their fan base liked BB and decided to do it. It was for the better in almost every way.
As for the first part of the ask, it's not rushed. The only people who call it rushed are the ones who spent the past 10 years denying any romance between Blake and Yang and calling every single canon romantic interaction platonic. It's their own fault if they see this coming out of the blue. You can't ignore the dozens of "road closed ahead" signs along the route and then act all surprised when you get to the road and it's closed. BB may have started as sudden blushes and flirting for them, but for literally everyone else it started with Burning the Candle and "starting with her."
It's also not forced. If Sun is allowed to wink, once, and then do fingerguns, once, and have people say he was robbed of a relationship because of it, then Blake and Yang are allowed to have an incredibly slowburn romance that involves some blushing and some flirting. BB has basically double the number of volumes that BS had to develop, and some of those volumes have done it so subtly that nobody fucking believed it was real. But yeah, sure, Sun being an overt flirt and everyone just assuming they'd end up together because of it is somehow less forced.
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You know the FNDM is just too far gone when they say shit like calling out racism in media is harmful. I just cannot even begin to comprehend the mental gymnastics needed to justify that take.
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peace-fantasia · 1 year
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This is where you name names.
You’re clearly trying to villainize a community with every post that you do that again has a lot of BIPOC and Queer members Into a monolith that hates women.
So who exactly said this. Post a screen shot. And say this specific user said it.
Because RWDE has clear receipts of your harassment and you trying to paint the community with a terrible brush.
For example.
Here’s you calling me homophobic and saying I used slurs. Anyone who looks in my post can see I did neither. Again, I’m a black disabled woman you’re trying to silence by accusing of being racist and homophobic z
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Here’s you saying @the-path-to-redemption i(a queer woman) is a awful person for liking a fictional character.
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Here’s you comparing people wishing death unto fictional characters to real life people being told to kill themselves.
Stop saying RWDE community did blank. We are not a hive mind. We all have different opinions.
Stop harassing everyone in the tag.
Every time you post a accusation post a receipt for with a user name or I’ll post another of your terrible behavior.
You sent messages to multiple members of the RWDE community. We all still them have in our inbox. And I’ll keep posting your terrible behavior for everyone to see again and again and again.
And I’ll keep showing it in the main RWBY tag so they can see how awful you are too.
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Do you remember sending me an anonymous ask telling me to stop tagging RWDE in my posts because you were upset?
You sent me anonymous asks twice, defending RWDE.
Now tell me...why on earth are you accusing other people of sending anonymous hateful asks to themselves, when you have literally sent anonymous asks to the very people you are accusing?
Do you even hear the cognitive dissonance in this?
Do you want proof of the first time I was impersonated?
I can provide not only a Twitter Link, but a Tumblr post. Where the person who accused me later acknowledged that it was an imposter.
Or you can embrace tunnel vision and think that any time you've sent me or somebody else an anonymous ask, that person was sending them to themselves and it was never you?
If you believe anything about somebody you don't like, then you will fall for everything.
Now my friends and I are working on building up evidence to prove my innocence. that person already accused them of being me.
But then again, you refuse to believe that anyone would defend us. That bias of yours is why you are so deadset on believing the worst of others.
Drop the tunnel vision. Drop the hyperfixation on the bias. And start trying to see if impersonation is possible.
I'm going to try find a way to prove how those discord screenshots were doctored.
uh, no, I do not remember that. If this is Canonseeker talking,
A) everything I said to you was off anon
B) I didn't tell you to stop tagging rwde, I made a generic post saying that posts tagged "anti rwde" still show up in the rwde tag, making it so the tag is flushed with hate, when it was created to avoid hatred and vitriol from people like you who harass anyone with a different opinion, as well as me letting y'all know if you tag with "anti rwde" instead of "antirwde" then rwde folks will see your posts and you may not have wanted that
C) come off anon yourself
D) Uh did you mess up that last sentence? Cause yes, your discord screenshots were absolutely doctored and very obviously fake. Oh, or are you trying to "prove" the post calling you out and debunking your lies was doctored? Cause, no... you're just defaulting to your oldest tactic: when accused, respond with "no, YOU did that to ME" even though that does nothing to counter the proof already exposed about you (you also just did that when going "well someone impersonated ME so you can't accuse me of making fake accounts!")
E) you're the one who targeted me, sending yourself anon hate and tagging me in it with "THESE ARE THE PEOPLE UR DEFENDING??" when I had clearly stated several times that I did not defend hatred or harassment of any kind. You then started tagging anyone who agreed with me in this hate, even after I asked you to stop.
F) what happened to your asks/replies telling me I'm "one of the good ones" who makes "thought out and kind critiques"? What changed besides me calling you out for the harassment and bullying you've engaged in for years?
G) That's not what hyperfixation means. Look it up and learn about ADHD before throwing the term about willy-nilly, please
The only part of this ask I'd potentially be willing to take at face value is the part where you got upset for me claiming you send yourself anon hate. You're right, that's something I don't technically know. (idk why you assumed whatever anons you're referring to are me). But there have been enough instances of you clearly pretending to be someone else, including a time you've ADMITTED to having done so. Regardless, even if you didn't do so, that doesn't undo any of the awful stuff you have verifiably done. Countless people have shown evidence of your lies and hate, and I wanted to believe they were wrong, but that time of hopeful ignorance has passed.
I am an understanding person who gives the benefit of the doubt, as well as second, third, and hundredth chances. I want to see the good in everyone, including you. Time and time again you've shown that if we give an inch, you take a mile, and use our kindness to further harass anyone who dares stray from your own opinions or interpretations. And I don't mean 'harass' as in 'sending a mean anon', I mean repeated hate, slander, and block evading, making fake accounts just to continue trying to make people's lives miserable, etc. I tried to give you a chance and extend that opportunity for you to listen, grow, or change, but you won't admit any wrongdoings, and that's a nonstarter.
[If you're not seeker, I have no idea who you are, and as such do not know where to go from here. Come off anon or message me privately if you're someone else, and I'd be more than willing to have a conversation with you about this.]
PS: Something funny I've laughed about many a time -- even after all that's gone down between us (aka you being hateful and lying about me and me explaining to no avail since you refuse to read), I'm still on your list of positive rwby blogs to follow. Which is extra funny, because you linked that list in your answers to hate anons you tagged me in, going "here are some GOOD rwby blogs to follow" with me on it. As amusing as it's been, I'd like to be removed when you get the chance.
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dextixer · 11 months
Man, it never ceases to amaze me how the anti-RWDE crowd are all fake ass progressives that care more about projecting than anything else. RWDE does not care about the workers? Back when RT drama came out we are the ones who organized to actually help the victims, linked their donation pages, donated etc. YOU people in that moment instead thought it prudent to attack RWDE and did not even talk about RT at all! In fact, some of you even decided to DEFEND RT abuses!
I know that you hate Ironwood and Adam, but can you take your hateboner for those characters (That are not real people) out of talking about the abuses of workers by RT?
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Your narrative that "RT is not CRWBY" is false to anyone who can open up google. Its EASY to see that Multiple FOUNDERS of RT or other high-level workers were involved in CRWBY.
Miles was the HEAD WRITER OF ANIMATION. Hes not some random writer. He was responsible for RT as a whole in terms of writing of animated shows.
These people KNEW what was happening around them and said and did NOTHING or even PARTICIPATED in it.
And once again Xelianthought the fake ass "progressive" then decides to lie that people are buying merch. I will need a source on that. I will need a source that RWDE people are buying merch. Because this is yet another narrative, another lie you are clinging onto to have ANY excuse to defend RT (Which you DO).
In reality, its people like YOU who are buying the merch and supporting RT. All so V10 would get greenlit. Because you dont give a shit about the workers, you just want product to be consumed.
All of this bullshit you just stated? Its just projection. Projection from people who do jack and shit besides DEFENDING corporations you love. Fake ass progressives.
It is about the workers. Those who you abandoned the exact time they quit. The people the RWDE people supported.
The only people who are being played are the people listening to your lies in defending a corporation. This is why people like you are dangerous. Just like corporations you pretend to be on the side of the progressives, while arguing for the status quo. You fake ass progressives sicken me.
Now either provide proof that RWDE people are buying merch as you say, or piss off back to your corporate overlords.
(And you know what you are doing, Xelianthought is adept at creating new narratives for corporate defending anti-RWDE ppl to focus on, he knows thats hes lying, he just doesnt care, because being a consoomer is more important to him)
And that is why you people are frustrated. Because many dont believe you. Because many more people know the truth about RT and CRWBY. And you cant stop them. Because your narratives dont work on everyone.
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werewolf-cuddles · 3 months
>goes into Blacksun tag
>immediately sees post bitching about Bumbleby being canon
>closes Blacksun tag
I see we're still doing this stupid petty "my ship is better than your ship" shit huh?
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So the choice is to believe CRWBY or some rando on Tumblr about Bumbleby being planned from the start. Yeah, you're an idiot.
(The post this anon is referring to)
What does me saying Bumbleby could have gotten together earlier (especially since Volumes 7-8 gave them several chances to do so after the confrontation with Adam) have to do with me being an idiot?
All I said was that a working theory some viewers have was that they ended the "Will they or won't they?" drama to win over enough fans in order for Volume 10 to be greenlit.
I didn't insult Bumbleby shippers or the FNDM. I just criticized how long it took for the ship to become canon despite CRWBY saying it was planned from the start.
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