#fo jones au
missamyshay · 9 months
Tumblr media
• maroon | E | 13.4k | Peter and MJ spend an eventful 24 hours together after three years apart.
• A Sticky Situation | T | 4.9k | A college love story, as told through sticky notes.
• On the lifespan of houseplants | M | 7.5k | Peter and MJ’s first month as a couple who live together.
• your kiss is warm (and your touch turns me to pieces) | M | 6.9k | Peter and MJ finally get round to watching that show everyone’s been talking about.
• wait for me to come home | G | 2.7k | When Peter goes missing for two weeks, MJ finally gets their wedding photos developed.
• The Balcony | T | 6.4k | Peter spends an unlikely New Year’s Eve with his neighbour and her cat.
• baby, I know… | E | 4.6k | The night before their wedding, MJ and Peter would much rather be with each other.
• right next to you | E | 2.9k | Under a sliver of moonlight, Peter and MJ choose each other one more time.
• Love, Nana Jones. | E | 4.6k | In which Peter Parker finds an unlikely wingman.
• keep driving | E | 5 chaps | This is not a happy story.
• timeless | T | 3 chaps | On December 8th, 2018, Peter Parker meets MJ Watson. It’s not the first time.
• glitch | E | 3 chaps | Yes, sleeping with your ex is objectively a bad idea. Except when it isn’t. (WIP)
• chiaroscuro | G | 2 chaps | Famous!MJ and Photographer!Peter meet again after high school. (WIP)
• sparks and embers | M | In which MJ and Peter find their ways back to each other—taking the long way round. (WIP)
• Curious Time | M | 21 chaps | Twenty years of Peter and MJ, every June 26. A One Day AU. (WIP)
• spotlights and moonlight with @seek--rest | M | 16 chaps | A Bodyguard AU. (WIP)
Tumblr prompts:
• “We shouldn’t be doing this. Not here.”
• “Tell me again.”
CoffeeBeanGang & FOS:
• on my way | T | 21.3k | Five years after a tragedy that shook their lives, Spider-Man and his friends meet for coffee on Christmas Eve.
• across the hall | E | 33 chaps | The Friends AU no one asked for.
May & Peter:
• for unexpected mothers and fathers | T | 10.6k | May, Peter, and the challenge of unplanned parenthood.
• milk & eggs | G | 3.8k | Post NWH, Peter gets five more minutes with May.
Spider-Man & New York City:
• honey, come over. | G | 7.6k | Post NWH, Spidey’s first Christmas.
• still life | T | 10.7k | the night Gwen Stacy died, and what came after.
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dragongirl642 · 4 months
Davy Jones x female reader (soulmate au) part 2
Author note:
It's been a while but a sequel is here!
Cross-posted on Wattpad.
Part 1
(Y/n) pov:
Life on the dutchman was getting off to a great start. Can you sense the sarcasm?
I'm cold, tired, narrowly avoiding being constantly drenched by the leaky ceiling, and the food is terrible. I've been here three days and I want to die.
I haven't seen the infamous Davy Jones since my unwelcome boarding of The Dutchman. Sure, I'd seen his shadow on the wall a few times, I don't think he realised I could see him, and I'd heard his footsteps late at night when I was trying to sleep; but he hasn't actually come to talk to me again after the whole soulmate revelation.
Meals are delivered twice a day. A small cup of gruel in the morning and another cup of gruel in the evening. Everything tastes and smells of fish. I'm sick of salt. I'm sick of fish. What would I give for an apple or anything really; that wasn't pulled from the briny blue.
However, there is one ray of light in this perpetual darkness. A hole in the brig wall. I've been keeping an eye out outside.
The second I see land; I'm going to make a break for it.
I've tested the hinges on the cell door, and they were as easy to remove as I expected. Just use a stray board anchored against a bucket and lift and voila.
Right now, the ship was gently rocking as soft rays of sunlight drifted through the hole. Lighting up the cell and filtering through a few remaining shards of glass in the window, casting the coral encrusted walls in vibrant hues pinks and blues and greens. If not for the constant rumble of booted feet above, it's almost peaceful.
The opposite of yesterday's violent ride. I'd been thrown around the cell as the ship bounced and dipped in the waves. I had several bruises from where I'd hit the floor and the bars until I'd been flung back and become trapped on the bench during the storm, by hooks made of coral that twisted and looped around me, like the ship was alive.
Well, moving on. New day, new opportunity.
Warm beams of sunlight stream through the hole in the hull.
I skip over and look outside. The warming rays feel like a blessed balm on my skin, chasing away the bone chilling cold.
There on the horizon. A dark strip of green and yellow.
A beach? An island? A town? Whatever it is, we are getting closer.
Lady luck must be smiling upon me today. I can hear the shouting of the crew above. My breakfast was delivered about 2 hours ago, so I have a few hours to make my escape without being seen.
First, a disguise. I move to the bench and started kicking the coral. Adding a few more pieces to the pile I had been gathering for days under the bench.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
I froze, listening for approaching footsteps. The sounds had come no closer than what I assumed was the end of the corridor. Hearing no more steps, and no tell-tale breathing, I set to work. Ruffling my hair out, I pick up a few pieces of coral and begin to entwine them in half of my hair.
'Uh this will be a pain to remove later.'
Picking up some more coral I hook it in the laces of my boots, snag it onto my clothing and around my belt.
Looking down, I give a wiggle...The coral swayed but didn't fall off.
'Alright, disguise is in place...Now I just need to not die.'
Gripping the vertical bars of the door, I squat low and brace before straightening out my legs. The door lifts and I fall back slightly before lowering it quickly. The clang as it hits the floor is muffled by the crew above. At least I hope it is.
Creeping quickly forward, a glance shows no-one around the cells. I crawl up the stairs and step among the crew, hunching slightly so the coral obscures my face. The monstrous crewmembers spare me no more than a passing glance, the few other human (or still mostly human) newcomers hurriedly dart between the more established crewmembers carrying bundles of rope or cleaning supplies.
The dutchmen is dark, if not for the streams of light pouring through the various cracks in the hold and from the stairs. The shifting of the crew flows around these beams; those cursed to wander the dark veil of death, subconsciously seeking the light.
I look around for the stairs. 'Keep moving like you have a purpose (Y/n), and no-one will question you.'
I weave through the hull until the brightest beam of sunlight guides me to the stairs. Just as I make to ascend, a shadow blots the light and I jump to the side. Backing into the area besides the beams, hiding in their shadow as the hammer-headed crewman descends.
He pauses at the bottom and sniffs the air, head tilting as he looks around confusedly. Searching.
"Oi Maccus!"
He perks up at the call of his name, head snapping towards the piranha-headed crewman calling from the depths of the hold. The cat-o-nine-tails at his belt sways along with the ship, barbed tips stained dark with memories of violence.
I crouch subtly more, hands pressing into the beams at my side as I strive to inch further into the shadows.
The wood vibrates, the beat complicated, unlike the natural shudder's ships make as the waves toss them to-and-fro or the marching tempo of booted feet crossing the deck.
A rhythm...music!
I wonder where it's coming from. But, there's no time for that.
The beat seems to seep into my hands, soulmark tingling in time. I quickly pull my hands away from the boards and look around.
I sigh in relief, as Maccus goes to see what the whip-carrying crewman wants, I scramble around the corner and up the steps.
Head down, eyes darting around, I make my way to the stern.
In the light, the crew look even more horrifying. No longer hidden in the shadows of the hold or the shade of the night. I keep my eyes down as I grab a bucket sitting near the steps. Lifting it to hide my chest, I slink through the crew.
Looping the deck takes almost an hour.
Blending in with the other deckhands low in the hierarchy, means stopping every few minutes to scrub absentmindedly at the deck or rails.
Just keep your head down and keep looking.
"Oi, watch where you're going."
I stumble back as a shell-encrusted crewman shoves me to the side. I stumble against the railing and fumble with the bucket, almost dropping it.
Shit, did they see anything? Suspect anything?
I throw a glance at their back from under the coral, but they walk away uncaring of the "lowly deckhand" they'd just accosted.
I can't help the sigh that escapes me and quickly pretend to scrub the railing.
Davy Jones Pov:
I find myself crossing the line again.
Stretching my senses through the walls of my ship to check on the woman in the hold.
When we sailed through storms, I made sure she was held safe.
When the cold became too great, I ordered my crew to sail to warmer waters.
Now, I am here again, at the bottom of the steps to the hold. Just a few steps away from turning the corner and standing before the bars.
Every time I so much as have a passing thought of her, the words on my wrist burn and I find myself standing here again. Drinking in this strange feeling of calm emanating from just around the corner. Listening to their even breaths.
'I want to talk to her.'
No sooner had this thought crossed my mind, that the hole in his chest pulsed in mimicry of a distant heartbeat. A surge of rage swells within and I turn to leave.
I step though the Dutchman's wall and emerge in my cabin.
The gleaming keys of the pipe organ glimmer and I find myself drawn to sit and play. As I always am.
A familiar melody fills the air, and my gaze is drawn to the music box. Her gift.
For the first time in years, I stutter over the tune.
The air turns bitter and my soulmark begins to beat, not like a heart, more like a drum. I do something I've never done before; I draw my gaze away from the music box and focus on the keys, not to focus on playing the music box's melody, but to play something new, just to see if I could. With the beat of the bond in my chest and an electrifying spark on my skin, I begin to play.
At first, I test the keys carefully.
A high note here, a low chord there.
Slowly a melody begins to emerge.
Flickering up and down the keys with the unpredictability of flames, accompanied by the steady beat of a blacksmith's hammer at the anvil. Melodies whispering low, then swelling into a crashing crescendo, then drawing back with the unshakeable predictability of the tide.
The pitted surface of the keys, the distant groans of the crew, the creaking of the ship. All begin to fade away as the music fills the air.
The music box is open. I don't remember opening it. The melody
I don't dare voice the words I wish to accompany her name.
Can I ever be free of you?
A flickering catches my eye, and I look up to see a face reflected in the crusted metal of the organ's pipes.
I hear a sigh. So soft I almost miss it. The tone is relieved, of fear released.
I take a moment to place it before I realise it must be her, in the brig.
I pause. The mark burns again, and I'm suddenly filled with the need to know just what had scared her so.
I stand, clenching my good fist and unable to stop my beard's tentacles writhing as sudden unease grips me.
I almost charge through the walls of the Dutchman, landing heavily outside the brig.
The door lies on the ground, the cell is open and empty.
The cell is empty.
How dare she escape?
Did she leave me?
Where is she?
Conflicting feelings swirl within me; sudden rage at the brazen audacity of the escape, sorrow at the apparent abandonment, and fear...fear that I would never see her again.
These emotions catch me off guard with their strength, but I'm helpless to resist the siren song of their pull.
My soulmark burns and I draw on the strength of the Dutchman and authority as her captain.
Find Her!
(Y/n) Pov:
There isn't a small-boat on this cursed ship.
It makes sense. They never go on land and the ship full of creatures who can breathe underwater wouldn't need a means to escape a sinking ship.
I stop in the shade of the stairs, rubbing my temples to ease the stress headache I can feel building. Crouched under the railing, with the bucket in front of me, so it looks like I'm cleaning the barnacles of the aged wood.
Suddenly there's an unknown pressure. A whisper. Spreading through the crew like a ripple in a pond. Slinking up from the depths of the hold and up onto the deck.
It looms over me, and I fight to catch my breath. Its anger and sorrow clawing at my skull.
Suddenly the ship vibrates as a distant muffled roar-like sound travels up from the hold.
The eyes of the human-looking and distinctly non-human looking crewmen alike all cloud over for a moment, all overtaken by the powerful force seeming to emanate from the very bones of the ship itself.
The crew begin to murmur. Eyes and feelers shifting this way and that.
"Find the girl."
Oh No!
I quickly slip through the door beside me, wincing as the crew outside begin to shout. The wooden interior is worn and covered in algae like the rest of the ship. Which makes sprinting down the short corridor hazardous. I almost slip down the short stairs at the end, hitting the wall when they twist back on themselves.
There's another door. Heavy and pitted with barnacles, hinges leaking rust. But it opens smoother than I would have thought it would.
There's light. A pale blue light fills the room. Streaming shadows flicker and wave on the ceiling, but there is no pool of water or windows to make these reflections.
The room is a dead end.
A bunk to my left, a chest to my right, and a massive pipe organ dominating the opposite wall. The silver pipes gleam and shimmer and pale bone keys shine bright against the encrusted frame.
I approach the instrument.
Maybe there is a secret lever or a space behind or somewhere I can hide.
Close up, I can make out the pits and scrapes making a pattern of age across many keys, while others are worn smooth; whoever plays this must play the same song a lot.
I reach out and feel around the sides of the organ, before kneeling to look underneath the keys. There's a faded elegance to the organ, and a beauty to the way the coral spirals with the grain of the wood. I knock on the panels below.
I freeze. Something just fell.
A gentle melody begins to fill the air. I crawl back and something catches on my foot. I awkwardly turn to roll out from under the organ and grab the object.
It's a music box. The sorrowful melody continues to twinkle from the small locket as I pull myself to stand.
My soulmark burns.
"What are ya doing'uh?"
I flinch, almost dropping the locket but I catch myself and instead slam it shut. I spin on the spot and hold the locket behind me like a child caught dipping into the pantry before dinner.
Davy Jones is stood in the centre of the room. Thunder in his eyes and chest heaving like he's run a marathon. He stomps forward to loom over me. "Why are ya here?" and not in the brig.
The music box is freezing in my hands, even as my soulmark continues to throb and burn.
I fish for an excuse, but don't dare step back or lean away. "Um...I..." the reflection of the organ in his eyes catches my attention, "...I heard music..."
The captain's eyebrows (ridges?) raise slightly in surprise.
"It felt nice so I was wondering where it came from." Time to make a gamble. I lean forward slightly, "do you play?"
Something unreadable flashes in his eyes, and his expression darkens.
Oh shit! Subtle shuffling back as the tingle of a bead of sweat drips down my back. This is how I die. I gulp.
Davy Jones' gaze snaps down at the sound before he meets my eye again and steps forward. He circles past me and takes a seat at the organ.
I jump as he starts to play, the air vibrates from the force of the sound coming from the pipe organ. The vibrations from the music reverberate through the deck beneath my feet.
The beat feels familiar.
The vibrations I'd felt earlier, they must have been him.
The music weaves around us, seeping into the wood and coral of the dutchman.
It doesn't look like he will stop anytime soon. I take a hesitant step forward. No movement. I take another, and another, and soon I'm stood beside him.
For a moment, I'm transfixed by the flurry of movement as his hand and beard tentacles fly across the keys. His eyes are closed, brows slightly furrowed.
I know I've never heard this song before, but something about the melody feels familiar. The push and pull of the tide, the steady beat of a hammer on steel, the call of a gull, the crackle of flames.
Something inside me tugs at my heart and the locket is quickly tucked back into its place as I slowly inch closer to the fearsome captain.
There's a space beside him on the seat. If he notices me sit, he doesn't show it.
His eyes are closed, face softened in contemplation. A shadow falls over him from the brim of his hat, outlining the angles and ridges of his face and, when it angles just right, giving me a glimpse of the human face he once bore.
His clawed arm rests on his thigh next to me, the sharp tip resting on the edge of the organ.
I reach a hand forward to rest a finger against the wooden frame of the instrument under the keys; just beside his claw. The vibrations that travel through my hand are soothing.
I can feel the cold brush of his claw against my knuckles. I don't move, either to pull away or place my hand over his arm.
He doesn't move either, just continues playing that hauntingly familiar song.
I close my eyes, taking this moment to rest before I plan my next move.
It sounds like home.
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reap-the-game · 1 year
About that Davy Jones/Calypso style AU
You know, the one I’ve gone crazy posting gposes for.
To start with, it is ENTIRELY due to this cover of “Davy Jones”, so if you have any complaints about its existence, please file them with RafScrap. It was cooked by combining PotC lore with Greek mythology and applying it onto a FFXIV base, resulting in this AU that got me by the throat and balls both. I will now spend many words talking about it.
Gia, aka Calypso
Unlike your usual Gia, Gia in this AU is a demigod: the offspring of a god of the skies and weather, Atlas, and a Vieran woman he fell in love with. As such, Gia’s physical form resembles a Viera, but due to his divinity he is not (usually) bound to the physical. His mother raised him under open skies to stay closer to Gia’s sire, and though his father’s domain was indeed the sky, Gia’s inherited influence fell as the rain down to the waters beneath and he grew up into a divinity of the sea. Calypso is not his name, it’s his title, but it’s by Calypso that most knew him as. As much as he loved his mortal mother, after she walked into the storm to join his father and left Gia alone, there was no one to keep his pride in check. Proud and arrogant was exactly what Gia became, thinking little of the mortals that sailed his seas. Playthings, entertainment, ants; despite himself possessing mortal blood, Gia saw himself above the mortals. Though he had a penchant for sirenesque seductiveness, he never gave himself to a man, too caught up in his own sense of superiority to lower himself in that manner.
Callus and Ogygia
Why the past tense? Because there was one mortal man that was not satisfied with just roaming the seas under the capricious fancy of a god. His name was Callus, and he wouldn’t only dream of taming the sea, he turned his dreams into reality. Tricking and binding the sea goddess onto land on the island of Ogygia, his plan was to use and possess, body and soul—trap Calypso to serve him and him alone. He might have fully gotten his way if he hadn’t left the island after taking his fill for the time being. He should have been able to return at any time. Calypso should have always been waiting for him, unable to return to the sea the goddess had formerly ruled. But though he had lost his freedom, Gia didn’t accept his new lot so easily. Using his power over the sea and the influence over the heavens his lineage granted him, Gia was able to create an undying storm to surround the entire island to serve as an everlasting barrier preventing Callus’s return. To try to brave it was suicide, and though imprisoned on that island, cut off from the sea he belonged to and that should have belonged to him, Gia knew safety—and solitude. Painful, aching solitude until his title faded into legend and “Calypso” became not a god to be feared and revered, but an old story of ages past. And all the while, Callus continued to leech on his power even from afar, gaining immortality by his treachery.
The Shipwreck
Gia’s storm claimed many ships over the long, lonely years, but each time all hands were lost, debris and the odd broken, drowned body the only things that ever washed ashore on the prison island. That is, until one man proved far luckier than the rest. One lone sailor made it to his shore alive, no matter how beaten by the shipwreck. Imagine Gia’s surprise, and his hope that the mortal would survive so he would no longer have to be alone. To that end, Gia delivered the half-dead man to his little house and used what modest healing and medicinal skills he had to nurse him back to health. Not unscathed. Ilya was left with scars and entirely lost sight from his left eye despite Gia’s best efforts, but he survived. And after an age, Gia was no longer alone. That was a state of affairs he was not intending to let change again. He would not go back to being so lonely. He’d refuse. And he was still a divinity, no matter what. No matter how stuck, no matter what deceit he had fallen for, he was still a god, with immortal powers at his disposal. These he used on Ilya to freeze his body in time and prevent him from ever aging, from ever leaving him due to something so natural for mortals: age. But he didn’t stop there. Gia used his influence, his charm and wile and allure, to addle Ilya’s mind and keep him from wanting to leave. Keep him content, keep him obedient and pliable with words and touches, soft and gentle and impossibly sweet, but so very persistent. He would not be alone again. Neither time nor will would take his companion from him now. A century they would continue like this. Gia did not give his true identity, did not reveal what he was, who he had been, or the circumstances the island was surrounded in a veil of surreal due to. The sun would travel the sky, sunshine and rain would take turns, moons would pass– But always there was that storm right there on the horizon. Always was Gia gripped by longing and sorrow he could only do his best to cover.
A Broken Spell
A century. For a hundred years was Gia able to keep Ilya under lock and key the same Gia himself was chained to the island. They became lovers. They fell in love. By Gia’s will, they made the best of their circumstances, even if the god could never truly be happy separated from the waves he belonged in. But Ilya had a life before this. He had a love he was always meant to return to, and though it took him over a thousand moons, he was eventually able to escape Gia’s influence and leave the island. Not without freeing the goddess in the process, though. Intentionally or not, Ilya broke the wards holding Gia on that island to secure his own escape. He ran. He left. But so did Gia. So could Gia. So could he return to the sea he belonged to. At last, they were both free. What a bittersweet freedom it was for Ilya, though. His love, the one he had wanted to return to... Death is what a hundred years will bring to most mortals. Time had stolen him—and why? Because of Gia. Because of Gia’s refusal to let Ilya go, his manipulation and desire for companionship. Oh, the anger that gripped Ilya at those realizations, at having to face the truth of how much he had lost to the goddess. Time, freedom, free will. What became his desire was revenge, and so began his hunt for the goddess he had set free. To the seas he took, again a sailor, with his one goal of finding the divinity that had ensnared him and have his payback. But Gia... He rejoiced on his return to his domain, he did, but his heart was taken. It would not move on from the memories of the mortal he had kept with him for so many years. Had his love turned genuine? Was his affection now sincere, no matter where its beginnings were rooted? In obscured truths and selfish wants? Needs? Had he come so far from his origins that he would fall in love with a mortal? It seemed so. Let him continue to be selfish, then. Let him continue to refuse let nature run its course, and so would Gia extend his hand and still, still keep his mortal love from aging. No matter how many years would go by, not a day would Ilya’s body age. Such was Gia’s decree and his denial. What of Callus, though? What now that his spell was broken? Oh, he began to age. He noticed Calypso’s escape. Turned back to mortal and losing his prize after being denied access to it all this time... Rage. That was all he felt, and thus did he swear to return Calypso under his control.
So became the goddess of the sea hunted by two men with differing motivations and conflicting goals. Ilya was the one to reach him first. He didn’t even need to corner Gia, because despite the danger, Gia’s heart had already made its choice and he was the one to approach, to come to Ilya’s ship, unable to keep away from the man he loved. Of course he was met with anger. Accusations. Threats. He had wronged Ilya. He knew he had. Why? It didn’t matter how long they had known, it was only in this freedom that Gia would divulge the story of Callus and the foolish young divinity that had fallen for his trap. What did Ilya feel upon hearing what had led to his own imprisonment? What he wanted to continue to feel was anger... But a century was such a long time to spend with another, live with another. Share their sorrows and joys, their bed and their body. Day after day, week after week, month after month. Year after year. Decade after decade. He wanted to hate, and he did, to some extent– But so did he love. He could not make true on his threats. So many nights he had spent with this one man, this demigod... And another night did they spend together, there, on that ship upon the waves his love belonged to. Ilya let the goddess go in the morning. He could not bring himself to harm him. And Gia... Still was he selfish. He was the sea, and forever did he want Ilya to belong to him, bound to him. He had not been able to save the sight in Ilya’s eye, but it was within his power to now grant him a different sight to replace the one he had lost: to read the sea, its currents and its movements– And by extension, the path of the god that ruled over it all. In the guise of a penance did Gia shackle Ilya to the deep, dark waters. “I never want to escape you,” he did not say, “and you can never escape me,” he did not say. “You’ll always see me, wherever you go.” None of this he said, his true intent left for Ilya to realize on his own. So would Ilya never be free from him. So would Ilya always find him. So would they reunite, again and again, their relationship troubled by their shared past, but their love for one another refusing to be denied despite everything. ...Who would dare forget the third player, though. Trust Callus to continue his hunt, his pursuit, and should he reach Gia, what good could come of it? But there’s only one man the sea favors, and it is not Callus.
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lollo-sw-br · 1 year
SW: World Academy AU: Book 7 (Epilogue): Yumi: The True Super Wing
Everyone knew about what happened to the three legendary Super Wings, Sophie became a Super Wing and recovered from Mr Jones's shot at her, Speaking of which, he was arrested along with Phantom and they were charged with kidnapping, attempted murder and triple murder, Marae and Ellie also became Super Wings, but are saddened that Yumi was unable to graduate as well due to her sacrifice for Grand Albert.
Dustin was expelled from the World Academy and taken to a reform school, and besides he will never step foot in the World Academy again losing the right to be a Super Wing.
Yumi's wake will be held today, all the Super Wings were there, learned about her sacrifice, they wanted to support their companions who saw her go. Tino, Jett and Grand Albert were completely dejected, and wanted to see Yumi as a Super Wing who fought to be one, but unfortunately couldn't fulfill her biggest dream.
Yumi was placed in a glass casket, bedecked with flower chains, Yumi was also brazen with flower petals, as well as holding a beautiful bouquet.
Seeing Yumi lifeless two on each, Grand Albert recovered from his injuries, which caused a scar on his bodywork, this would be a memory of Yumi and her sacrifice, as she had saved him of death. He told everything that happened and everyone was amazed at the courage and altruism of the young student, thus wanting to accompany the wake and burial in the form of thanks.
Jimbo began to speak about Yumi and it was clear that everyone there had their eyes filled with tears.
- Yumi was a very dedicated, sweet and kind student, always willing to help her loved ones, without bothering to give his life to protect someone - said Jimbo - and that's exactly what she did, she sacrificed herself to save Grand Albert's life and helped save the other legendary Super Wings, that was really a noble act, worthy of a Super Wing, in fact, Yumi even dead, it will be declared as a Super Wing, and its act of sacrifice will be remembered for generations to come, follow Yumi's example, don't mind sacrificing yourself for someone you love.
Ellie started to cry a lot, because with Jimbo's words, a movie played in his head, about all the happy moments with Yumi, Sophie and Narae, having to be comforted by his grandfather, who tried his best to be strong, but unfortunately Yumi's sacrifice will be a memory he will never forget.
- Yumi, you will be remembered as a true Super Wing, and your example will follow for generations to come - said Jimbo - Rest in peace Yumi, even though she's a student, you built a great legacy, You are indeed a True Super Wing.
Yumi's wake was over, from there a big procession began, that would lead to the cemetery to be buried, a curiosity was that this cemetery are buried the already deceased Super Wings, Yumi even being declared as such, will be the first student of World Academy to also be buried there.
Yumi's tombstone was beautiful, and it said Yumi: The True Super Wing.
Years Later
Sophie, Ellie and Narae, now extremely well known Super Wings, were giving a talk similar to what Jett did while they were students and they were telling Yumi's story inside the World Academy until one of the students called Arthur asked.
- Super Wings how would each of you describe Yumi?- asked Arthur
- Ah my young man it's hard to say, Yumi had many qualities - said Narae - Yumi was very smart, intelligent, insightful and cautious.
- Yumi cared about everyone - said Ellie - fighting for everyone to be heard equally.
- She was very creative and made the best fanfics - said Sophie - I remember drawing some scenes she wrote from her stories.
- So she really was a great Super Wing! - said Arthur - she has always been my inspiration.
The lecture was over, all the students had left, Narae, along with her friends, went to the school library, where a giant painting of Yumi was placed, they put a table where students leave flowers, letters and short stories for her to read in the other world, to remember her passion for literature and her skills with books.
The three friends would leave flowers for her every time they visit the World Academy, just like they do on her tombstone, when the other Super Wings visited the World Academy, they also made a point of leaving flowers for Yumi, both in the library and in the cemetery.
- Here is Yumi, lavender your favorite flower - said Ellie - I sinned from my last mission with Jett
- Here is one more story for you to read Yumi - said Narae - I'm not as good as you but I hope you like it.
- I hope you like my drawings - said Sophie - the Super Wings said they improved a lot
After the two left, hours later Grand Albert came to the library to see Yumi, and handed her another bouquet of lavenders, Ellie had told her about her loving lavenders and he also insisted on taking them, every time he visited Yumi.
- Hi Yumi, I brought you lavender - said Grand Albert - I still haven't gotten over your death, I didn't want it to end like this, I hope you are well, i miss you so much and this scar is a reminder of what you did for me, thank you for everything Yumi, you saved me from being killed and forever marked my life, I will never forget what you did for me, That I can guarantee you are a true Super Wing,
The end.....
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ordinary people
by hollow_dweller
Ned rests his chin prettily on his hands, grinning shamelessly at them. “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb,” he says, serious intonation at odds with his expression.
“Fuck off, Ned,” MJ and Peter say in unison.
A Twilight AU.
Words: 1634, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Michelle Jones Watson, Ned Leeds, Harry Osborn, Gwen Stacy, Flash Thompson
Relationships: MJ/Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Twilight Fusion, Yes Really, Peter is still Spider-Man, the CBG/FOS are all vampires, comedy of errors in which the vamps think Peter is a vamp, and Peter thinks they're all mutants, Crack Treated Seriously, not that seriously though, gratuitous use of Twilight quotes, technically canon compliant with Homecoming, except I’ve stolen Ned MJ & Flash from that narrative in order to make them sparkly vampires, I'm not sorry
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/46163119
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ninimackbrews · 6 years
I Found
This is based off of a song so i hope you like it and i highly recommend listening to the song. The bold italics are the lyrics and the regular is the actual plot.
Pairing: FP Jones x Andrews!Reader
Warnings: Just angst, some kissing, violence, mentions of being shot
Song: I Found by Amber Run
Word count: 2,164
And I’ll use you as a warning sign, that if you talk enough sense then you lose your mind.
You walked into the prison, your head low, red hair covering your tear stained cheeks.
“I’m here to see Forsythe Jones,” you mutter to the lady behind the glass. She looked up at you over her glasses, pity in her eyes.
“Thats the fourth time this week young lady.” You only nodded as she rang the buzzer. You had come to tell FP that Jughead had decided to become a serpent, then you came to just see him the other three times, but now, well now was different. You were in pain, you didn’t know what to do and he was the only on you wanted to turn too. You took a seat in the cold metal chair waiting for FP to sit across from you. Your hands twitched in your lap as you tried not to cry, allowing yourself to stare down at them. A tap on the glass in front of you made you look up. FP sat on the other side of the glass, phone in hand. You quickly grabbed the phone to your left.
“Y/N... what are you doing here? Its eight in the morning,” FP hadn’t taken a good look at you yet until now. Your hair was in disarray and your eyes were swollen from crying. His expression changed from playful curiosity to worry.
“FP, he...he was shot,” you choked, you hand covering your mouth to hold back a sob. FP had no idea what you were talking about. Was it Jug in the initiation? Was it Sweet Pea with the Ghoulies? He leaned in close to the glass.
“Baby girl, be a little specific, who was shot?” He whispered your nickname into the phone. You glanced up at him without sobbing.
“Fred, FP, Fred was shot and I don’t know what to do. Archie is at the hospital with Jug and the Coopers and Fred is in surgery, I don’t know what to do FP, I can’t lose him, I can’t support Archie, I need-“
“Y/N, slow down Princess,” your eyes locked through the glass. He set his hand against it, motioning for you to do the same. The glass was cool beneath your fingers. He gave you a serious look. “Calm down, Fred is strong, he’ll pull through. Stop thinking about what you can’t do and think about what you can. Your brother is a strong bastard, you know this.”
And I’ll use you as a focal point, so i don’t lose sight of what I want. And I’ve moved further than I thought I could, but I’ve missed you more than I thought I would.
“I need you FP, I need you outta this hell hole and here with me. I got that job at the Wyrm, but i miss you so damn much Jones,” the tears spilled down your cheeks quicker. The thought of losing your brother was bad enough, but not having FP there to help you through it was even worse. FP sighed balling his fist.
“I know Baby Girl. I feel so shitty not being able to be there with you,” FP dropped his head, clenching his jaw tightly. You gaze at him through your tears, seeing how torn he is from being in prison. His facial hair had grown out and his eyes were droopy, like he could fall asleep at any moment. You realized how much you missed touching his jaw with your hands and breathing in his scent of leather and smoke from spending his time in the Wyrm.
“FP... I love-“ “Don’t you say that,” he interrupted you. His eyes were teary and his hand was white knuckling the phone. “Don’t say you love me when I can’t say it back.”
And Ill use you as a warning sign, that if you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind
Your throat stung and your nose began to run. “Fine, I’ll come back when I know more about Fred,” you stood abruptly, the chair toppling to the floor. FP stared at you.
“Baby girl,” you ignored him, “Y/n! Y/n!” You heard him beating on the glass as you turned your back walking away with tears streaming down your cheeks. You got in you car slamming the door. Your throat burned from all the crying you had done. Throwing your head onto the steering wheel, you let out a frustrated scream.
Oh and I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be, right in front of me, talk some sense to me.
After sitting in the parking lot for thirty minutes you made your way into the hospital. In the waiting room was Jughead, Betty, Veronica, and the rest of the Cooper family. Jughead shot up when he saw you, pulling you to the side before the others could get to you.
“Where have you been?! Archie is going crazy and none of us can get to him,” Jughead whisper yelled at you. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose, there’s the headache you were waiting for.
“I had to go see someone, but he was of no help. Where is Archie?” Jug frowned, pointing the opposite hallway.
“He went to call his mom,” You nodded, “Don’t think I don’t know where you were Y/n.” Your eyebrows knitted together.
“I don’t know what you mean,” “Cut the crap Y/n, I know you went to see my dad.” Your eyes widened, you gripped his bicep, pulling him away from passerby’s.
“How do you know? We haven’t said a word to anyone,” you crossed your arms over your chest. Jughead rolled his eyes, mimicking your action.
“My dad has been happier since you came into town, he was never that nice. And plus I found your bra in his laundry basket, the one you were wearing when you came out of the bathroom and Archie and I were leaving for school.” You blushed at he mention of your favorite undergarment, a black lace number that was FP’s favorite also. “You should tell Archie and Mr.Andrews, really, I doubt its that big of a deal.”
“Im going to find my nephew and you mister,” you poked his chest, “are going to stay quiet about this until I tell them myself.” Jughead put his hands up in defense. You turned and went in search of Archie.
You found Archie sitting on a bench with his head in his hands. With a small sigh you sat next to him, placing your hand on his back rubbing soft circles.
“Hey kid, he’s tough alright, he’ll get through this and in turn so will we,” you said in a soft voice. Archie looked at you over his shoulder, his brown eyes shinning. He said nothing, but he sat up and wrapped himself around you tightly. You gasped at the sudden contact, the force almost knocking you over, nevertheless you held him, one arm rubbing his back and the other holding his head to your shoulder. He shook with every sob and gripped your shirt fiercely.
“I called my mom, she should be here within a day or so,” Archie said when he caught his breath again. You shook your head, “Look I get that you don’t like my mom, but you weren’t here and I need to talk to someone.”
“No, Arch, I understand she deserves to know either way,” you reply, stroking your nephew’s cheek. He leaned into your gentle touch.
“Where were you anyways?” Your stomach dropped, forgetting this part.
“I was where I wasn’t really supposed to be. I, well, went to see FP.” Archie pulled away slightly, giving you a confused look.
“Why’d you go see him?”
“He and I have been seeing each other for a little while now,” Archie didn’t budge, “as more than friends Archie.” Your head dropped not wanting to see the look on your nephews face. Archie sat in shock for a moment, trying to comprehend that his aunt had a boyfriend who was his best friends dad and his dads best friend, how confusing.
“Aunt Y/n, it’s okay,” he whispered grabbing your hand in his. You caught his eye, “It’s really okay. You needed someone just like I did, so you went to him.” You were shocked to say the least, you hadn’t expected him to be so accepting of the situation.
“Well you took that better than I thought, now all I have to worry about is your father” you chuckled, running a hand through your hair. Archie smiled, an all knowing smile that meant everything would be okay.
And I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be, right in front of me.
An: So i have to make a part two to finish because it wouldn’t let me finish it on here. So there is a part two im posting right after this!! All Love Nik💗
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greyjedireylo · 5 years
"not indulge in some girlish fantasy" and the role of clayton in this au will obviously be the twitter professional writer men(tm) who know star wars doesn't have any of that pesky romance in it
omg I forgot about that line afjsldkfjladjf BASICALLY
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spideymichelle · 2 years
is there by any chance good mj fics? idc if it’s spideychelle or a different ship, i just want some more mj povs and stuff :)
hey nonnie ofc i can rec you some good mj focused/pov fics it's literally my favourite genre like the mcu ? who ?? i only know the MJCU
time & spaces. by @promiseofthepremise literally obsessed with fic like it is so good and it had me tuning in every week "irondad but make it MJ"-- Post-Blip Meta Edition
to stand on your feet and dance by blondsak, Klloggs, thesemovingparts - a homecoming au, a very interesting approach to mary jane watson and michelle jones and i absolute adore it "Mary Jane Watson is seventeen years old when she has a baby girl and calls her Michelle. They watch each other grow."
bright star (would I were stedfast as thou art) by @seek--rest, blondsak - it's literally a love letter to michelle jones watson like !!!! "a celebration of MJ, as told by those who love her."
got my heartbeat (skipping down sixteenth avenue) by cosmicwritings - literally one of the cutest fics i have ever read - everyone knows peter and mj have been dating for months. except maybe mj.
Continuing on, down the list of things I should know by @abc2411 - written by one of my fav writers <3 - After getting her memories back, MJ starts to panic that she and Peter might have jumped into things a little too soon. Feeling as though she doesn't know the man he is today, she takes a step back.
Did you think I wouldn't hear all the things you said about me? by @abc2411 - model!mj i will always be your advocate - It is a truth universally acknowledged that Peter Parker will find a way to stumble over his words and start on the wrong foot. Michelle learns how to come to terms with that.
other fics that i have enjoyed from them are We could be the way forward (and I know I'll pay for it), One of us has gotta try to keep a promise and it's nice to have a friend
Rarely Pure and Never Simple series by @seek--rest, @promiseofthepremise - one of my favourite series in the fandom - A month of politically-motivated capture and torture leaves Michelle Jones with a lot to sort through, but a lot of people to help her do it.
one heart broke, four hands bloody by @i-lovethatforme - what can i say i adore villain!mj - Peter lost everything. They know that - they don’t even know who he is under the mask, no one does anymore. But everyone knew that Spider-Man lost his wife. Lost his true love. And everyone noticed the difference in his fighting style when he finally left his apartment thirteen months later.
the monsters creep into your house by @i-lovethatforme - this fic literally broke my heart like soulmate aus aren't supposed to hurt like this
growing together series by @coykoii - i absolute adore this series like it is just such a nice read - the fos squad growing up from high school freshmen and into adulthood as seen by michelle’s pov
these are just some of my recommedations you can go through to any of these authors works because they are all top notch
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mothmanchronicler · 2 years
jugpea werewolf au i guess lol
The detritus of the forest floor, those sticks and rocks and pine needles, rips into his palms as he runs through the trees and the undergrowth whips against his face and ears and shoulders. He doesn't remember why he's running. Where he's going is a vague shape in his mind, but he can't bring it into focus.
He knows which direction to run, knows to stay on this side of the river, knows to avoid the lights and the smoke and the rumbling. If he can just slow down maybe he could think, could remember.
His legs keep hauling him towards his destination. His body is not his own. He can't remember ever being able to run this fast. He can't remember anything. He's so hungry. Is that why he's running?
There's a blur of orange to his left. It's too bright, unnatural. What is that? He couldn't tell. God, he's never been so hungry. He's sure of that. It's the only thing he can remember. The gnawing at his gut informs his body that he has a new destination.
Suddenly can smell it. What is that? He wants to follow it and bury his nose in it and sink his teeth in. That's weird, he thinks.
He hears a shrill screech. It reminds him of when the stray dogs in the trailer park would get ahold of a bunny. They scream like women when they're being torn apart. The memory makes his heart rate pick up. He's panting now.
And he's wet. That's weird, he thinks. He can feel it all over his hair. It's so slick and heavy. It's everywhere. He's not hungry anymore.
He's running again. The cool air feels amazing on his wet hair. He didn't realize he was burning up before. He feels incredible. He still can't remember why he's running.
"-ake up man, come on-"
"-all FP, tell him we fo-"
"-the fuck happened to h-"
Everything is too bright when he opens his eyes. Someone is shaking him gently by the shoulder. He tries to blink back tears as his eyes adjust.
"Where...where am I?" His voice sounds rough. His throat feels like he's been screaming for hours. Someone's patting him down, squeezing his arms and legs and he tries to bat their hands away.
"You're outside of my trailer. Stop moving. I'm checking you for injuries."
He holds still and squints up towards the voice. His vision comes into focus and Sweet Pea is leaning over him. His face is pulled tight with worry.
"Why am I on the ground?" He asks. It's still too bright. Sweet Pea looks like he's going to start crying. That's not normal. Something's wrong.
"Where have you been? Everyone's been looking for you," he says, so quiet and gentle like he's never been before and Jughead needs that to stop or he's going to start losing it.
Sweet Pea's eyes anxiously move up and down Jughead's body, coming back up to meet his gaze with increased desperation on each pass. He looks down at himself. Completely naked. Covered in blood. He pushes himself up to sit, feeling the bile rising in his throat. He's not in pain. It's not his blood.
"Sweet Pea, what's happening?" He twists his body and reaches out to grab onto Sweet Pea's forearm. He knows he must have a wild look in his eyes. Is he crying? He knows he's not actually floating above his body because Sweet Pea's skin is so hot under his palms. "What are you talking about?"
"Jones, you've been missing for a month."
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beanzykin · 4 years
What I Write For
When requesting:
Please remember to be polite and patient when requesting. I don’t do them in order, I don’t care how many times you put in the request. If your request doesn’t follow my guide-lines I will decline it or do the best I can to give you what you’d like. I will write drabbles, I might get carried away with the idea though. You are allowed to send in prompts, gifs, images or a song that you’d like to base the writing off of. You may request multiple things at once.
I write Head Cannons as well
I write for all genders and race! (I don't know much about culture)
I do not write lemon or smut
I do not write romantic age gap
I write in English (Yes, I actually had to put this in)
I will only write for the fandoms listed below
No swearing
No romantic family relationships
Types of relationships I write (Reader):
AU’s I write for (Let me know if you have one and I’ll see if I can write it):
High School AU
Body Swap AU
Coffee Shop AU
De-Age Au
Going back in time AU
Future AU
Enemies to lovers AU
Childhood friends AU
Yandere AU
Marvel: Who I write for
X Readers:
Natasha Romanoff
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Peggy Carter
Peter Parker
Sam Wilson
Carol Danvers
Bruce Banner
Michelle “MJ” Jones
Peter Quill
Goose (Yes, I write for the raccoon so why not the cat?)
Clint Barton
Stephen Strange
Ned Leeds
May Parker
Pepper Potts
Loki Friggason
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Maria Hill
Daisy Johnson (I haven’t finished Agents of SHIELD yet, please keep that in mind)
Jemma Simmons (I haven’t finished Agents of SHIELD yet, please keep that in mind)
Hope Van Dyne
Scott Lang
Cassie Lang
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Gwen Stacy
Miles Morales
Darcy Lewis
May Parker
Clintasha (Clint Baton x Natasha Romanoff)
Gwiles (Gwen Stacy x Miles Morales)
Stucky/Starbucks (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
Scarlet Vision (Vision x Wanda Maximoff)
Spideychelle (Peter Parker x Michelle “MJ” Jones)
Pepperony (Pepper Potts x Tony Stark)
Black-Pepper (Natasha Romanoff x Pepper Potts)
IronStrange (Tony Stark x Stephen Strange)
IronDad (Father Tony Stark)
SpiderDad (Father Peter B. Parker)
Brutasha (Bruce Banner x Natasha Romanoff)
Bruce (Thor Odinson x Bruce Banner)
Mama Spider (Mother Natasha Romanoff)
Science Bros (Tony Stark x Bruce Banner)
Stony (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)
Aunt Peggy (Peggy Carter x Tony Stark {Family})
FitzSimmons/Science Twins/Science Babies (Leo Fitz x Jemma Simmons)
CoulSkye (Phil Coulson x Daisy Johnson {Family})
Mayson/Phillinda (Phil Coulson x Melinda May)
Maysy (Daisy Johnson x Melinda May {Family})
Skimmons/BioQuake/SkyJem (Daisy Johnson x Jimma Simmons)
BlackTie (Natasha Romanoff x Phil Coulson {Family})
Romanrogers (Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers)
Winterprincess (Bucky Barnes x Shuri {Friends})
Bowtie (Clint Barton x Phil Coulson {Family})
Capsicoul (Steve Rogers x Phil Coulson {Fangirling Coulson})
IronHusbands (Tony Stark x James “Rhodey” Rhodes)
Winter Falcon (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes)
SHIELD Wives (Natasha Romanoff x Maria Hill)
ScienceShocks (Darcy Lewis x Jane Foster)
Snow Bird (Clint Barton x Loki Friggason)
Sifki (Lady Sif x Loki Friggason)
All Caps (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers)
Barbershop Quartet (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff)
Black Bowtie (Natasha Romanoff x Clint Barton x Phil Coulson {Family})
The Avengers Fam (Original 6 Avengers {Family})
Anwin (Edward Jarvis x Ana Jarvis)
Black Thunder (Natasha Romanoff x Thor Odinson {Family})
LangDyne (Scott Lang x Hope Van Dyne)
Science Teens (Peter Paker x Shuri {Friends})
StarMora (Peter Quill x Gamora)
Bucket (Rocket Raccoon x Bucky Barnes {Friends})
Interwebs (Ned Leeds x Peter Parker {Friends})
Agent Widow (Peggy Carter x Natasha Romanoff)
Nebora (Nebula x Gamora {Sisters})
FOS (Michelle “MJ” Jones x Peter Parker x Ned Leeds {Friends})
World War Threesome (Peggy Carter x Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes)
Jeggy (Edward Jarvis x Peggy Carter {Friends})
Supreme Family (Peter Parker x Tony Stark x Stephen Strange {Family})
CarterWood (Dottie Underwood x Peggy Carter)
Michelle Jones x Shuri
May Parker x Michelle Jones {Family}
The Good Doctor: Who I Write For
X readers:
Claire Browne x Reader
Morgan Reznick x Reader
Audrey Lim x Reader
Breznick/Clairgan (Claire Browne x Morgan Reznick)
Audrey Lim x Claire Browne
Morgan Reznick x Alex Park (Only like best friends, sorry)
9-1-1: Who I Write For
X readers:
Maddie Buckley x Reader
Buddie (Eddie Diaz x Evan Buckley)
Mama Athena (Athena being a mother to the 118)
Dad Bobby (Bobby being a father to the 118)
Buckies (Buckley sibling bonding)
The 118 as a huge family (with Karen, Athena, May, Michael, Harry, Maddie, etc)
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unspeakableaus · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Betty was content with her life. As an elementary school teacher in her hometown, she loved being able to mold the young minds of the next generation. It was her little way fo trying to make the world a better place. Until Jughead Jones showed up at her doorstep, soaking wet and needing a favor.
Jughead was her first boyfriend. Her first everything, but when they went away to college they'd grown apart and before she knew it, more years had passed since they'd been separated then they had been together.
Now he was an extremely successful author, who'd unexpectedly gotten custody of his little sister after his father's arrest, and he needed someone he could trust to take care of her.
The money was too good to pass up, and she'd never been any good at saying no to Jughead. She'd just have to remind herself she was there for Jellybean and Jellybean alone, no matter what history Betty had with the girl's brother.
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freelancearsonist · 4 years
WIP List
Here’s a collective of everything I’ve got cooking (in no particular order):
Bud Cooper
- Domestic pregnancy fluff
- Flithy hot dom!Bud railing reader on every surface of the house while her husband’s away on a business trip
- Bud and his hotel maid 👀
- Mob Boss!Bud
Poe Dameron
- A short series of single dad!Poe after reader dies during childbirth
- College!AU based loosely off of “Community”
- Shut Up part 2 (pegging/sub!Poe)
- Poe taking care of a group of refugee kids
- Best friend!Poe offering reader her first orgasm
- Pornstar!Poe
- Reader and Poe have a very steamy goodbye the night he leaves to fight for the Resistance and then he comes back a year later and reader has a baby
- Reader and Poe arguing and he casually follows her into the shower to continue the fight (smut ensues)
- Poe catches reader reading a smutty novel and they reenact scenes
- Reader being tag-teamed by Poe and Rey
- “FO!Poe taking you over his desk and he doesn’t even stop fucking into you as two of his pilots come into the room to talk to him about some last minute details for a mission and he somehow manages to keep his voice steady and level and face neutral like he’s not balls deep in you” thank you Hadley :)
- “Being a princess and Poe is head of your transportation and security” (smut)
Santiago “Pope” Garcia
- A 9-part series with Romanian!reader based on the album Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap by AC/DC (and if you’ve heard the song “Squealer”... woof)
- Santi almost dies on a mission, and when he wakes up in a hospital bed he decides not to wait any longer to tell reader how he feels about her
- The group takes a vacation at a lake house and Santi finally makes a move on reader
- Dad!Santi and Dad!Frankie getting into a very passive-aggressive war with the PTA and a bunch of Karens
- One second Santi and reader are sparring and the next they’re dry humping on the floor
- Bartender!reader falling hard for karaoke master Santiago
- Marathon sex in a mountain cabin while trying not to get caught by the rest of the team
- Strip poker with Santi and the boys
- Miller!reader getting WRECKED by Santi while her brothers are nearby
- You and Santi get it on the night before he leaves and then when he comes back a few years later you have a surprise
- Pregnancy smut/fluff (pretty much a second part to Now and Forevermore)
- Reader leaves Alexandria before the battle between Christians and Pagans because it hurts too much to watch Orestes fall in love with Hypatia. But then Orestes flees Alexandria after Hypatia’s death and there’s a reunion
- “what if you were feeding Orestes grapes or something and things got a little flirty and experimental and reader and Orestes end up eating fruit off each other’s bodies 👀” YES ANON THIS IS HAPPENING
- Modern!AU based off of ABBA songs
- Siren!reader, I don’t make the rules
Blue Jones
- Blue getting dommed so hard he almost breaks
- Part two of Blue getting dommed so hard he almost breaks
Evgeni Kolpakov
- Evgeni asks reader out as a dare from a coworker because she’s really pretty but then he falls really hard
Llewyn Davis
- Victorian!AU
- Dad!Llewyn with a bunch of babies :)
- Love confession and very very very soft smut the night before Llewyn leaves for Chicago
- Soft bath time
Nathan Bateman
- Very kinky dom!Nathan
- Canon-compliant origin story because why not
Mikael Boghosian
- You get one night with Mikael before his arranged marriage
- A few years after the events of the movie, Mikael has a successful clinic in America and there’s this one beautiful and interesting patient who he keeps falling deeper for every time she comes in :)
- A lil bit of cockworship 👀
Abel Morales
- College student!reader who interns at Standard Oil and has a little side thing with the boss ;)
Laurent LeClaire
- Mortician!reader who benefits from his... uhhh... habits
- Super secret Halloween thing that I’m not allowed to talk about yet
That’s a whole lot of WIPs!
And my requests are always open, so send in more! I’m going to try to keep this updated as best I can, so if you send a request in it might be a good idea to check here every once in a while to make sure I got it (you all know how Tumblr likes to eat asks ;-;)
If you have any questions about anything ever, just let me know! My inbox is always open :)
Last Updated: 10/02/2020
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hopepotterscribbles · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @theoceanismyinkwell I love getting writer tags (next time could you please use my acc @hopepotterwriter bc that one is dying lol)
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I can’t remember honestly bc their are so many with like 3 lines but lets see:
1. when the pendulum swings (peter parker)
2. spideychelle college au
3. amy santiago anxiety fic (no title)
4. baker/dressmaker au (spideychelle)
5. masks and fraud
6. what goes on in delmar’s deli (mr delmar centric)
7. sw (social worker)
8. she got the call in art class (this is an anxious class daydream)
9. mj
10. jones (au abt the origin of jones soda/ FOS mcu)
11. jessica jones
rn i can’t find the others lol so here it is. half of these don’t have titles y’all bc they are WIP’s and i don’t name them.
I tag: @quilliumwrites @thechoicewasallmine @vrepitspidey
PLEASE check out my blog thing @hopepotterwriter for snippets of my fics and ask me abt these if you like!
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ghostcat3000 · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
I was tagged by @irazor​ and I’m late on my reply. sorry. my apologies.
Name: ghostcat3000 here and Ghostcat on AO3
Fandoms: SKAM, Call Me By Your Name, The Defenders/Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Veronica Mars, Gilda, The Clouds of Sils Maria, You’re the Worst, The Zero Effect, New Girl, The Handmaid’s Tale
Where you post: AO3 (link above)
Most Popular One-shot: II. Andante, which, while technically part of a larger series, can stand-alone. For CMBYN, romantic dithering in late ‘80s NYC. 
Most Popular Multichap: Also, technically part of that same series, but III. Rondo: Allegretto Moderato. A first-person exercise in fevery Id. CMBYN and could be read as a stand-alone but works best when read after the story above.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: My favorites are almost always stories I am currently writing. In this case, it will be:
1. My SKAM Nordic noir AU Rest Easy which is my first time writing a proper, plotty genre story. I really love these versions of the characters and the whole vibe of the piece. A labor of love with ten readers and I know them all by their actual names. Everyone else will be like, que?
2. [spoiler redacted]* (*not the actual title) which I am currently co-writing with @irazor​ since--checks chat--October of last year. It was supposed to have been a porny one-shot but it has become a long, tonally complicated love story. It is so profoundly lovely in parts (Raz) and incredibly fucking goofy in others (me). We’ve written it with a lot of laughter and love so we hope our readers love it as much as we do.
3. For posted stories, I’m going to say Five Stages of Grief (The Never Mind The Albatross Remix). It’s a remix of an excellent story by igrockspock but it’s about something else entirely and it’s less than 1k words. It’s very simple but I think it packs a punch.
Fic you were nervous to post: Probably IV. Finale: Rubato e affettuoso, also from the CMBYN Piano Sonata in G Major, "Pense-bête" series. It’s so tricky, structurally, it has to mirror the final movement of a sonata, which are the previous chapters...and it’s smut-heavy, but like, feelings porn heavy on the characterization piece. I worked super, duper hard on it and kind of lost it a little. I really liked parts of it a lot but I had a feeling it wouldn’t be well-received. There’s still one chapter left and a part of me thinks that maybe an unfinished sonata is the way to go. I know how it ends, which is well, so I know I’ll finish it eventually. I have a few dedicated readers that I definitely think deserve a good landing on that one.
How do you choose your titles: Song lyrics usually. Or poetry. Something relating to the story itself.
Do you outline: In my head. 
Complete: I have four unfinished stories. This is why lately I have been trying to post only when a story is complete. So I can stop being that person.
In progress: See above. Plus bits and bobs of some very strange AU ideas, one of which will definitely be part of... 
Coming soon/not yet started: ...SKAM Big Bang 2021, which I am helping to moderate. The stories I am juggling have the TBD titles of: Slug Juice, Rødekornet, and Drinking the Kool-Aid. Plus a Killing Eve AU that would disappoint everyone.
Prompts?: I don’t do prompts because I will fuck up your prompt so hard that you’ll be left wondering what you did to deserve such horrors.
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: Good ole [spoiler redacted]* and Rest Easy, fo sho.
Tagging: no pressure of course @ferrame @blithers @angel-in-new-york-city @isaksbestpillow @etal-late @teejaysnow
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sublimateradiate · 4 years
For anyone wanting a distraction...
Bury yourself in fic! I’ve been rereading my favorite long (10k+ words), completed Bughead fics in my two favorite genres: mystery and scifi/fantasy. Please feel free to add any I missed.
1. Teenage Talk by DarlingDearestDead
A classic, Betty and Jughead reunite at their 10 year reunion for the most romantic of reasons- to solve a murder.
2. Chiaroscuro by FormerGirlWonder
Everyone loves noir, right? Jughead is a PI helping the beautiful and mysterious Ms. Cooper find her missing sister.
3. Before There Were None by @typing123​
Like your noir a bit more modern? Detective Jones solves a murder at Pop’s diner while all the suspects are locked inside.
4. The Final Girl and the Thaw by ThePointOfTheNeedle
Betty’s the detective here. Something’s rotten in the St. Clair family, and she’ll figure it out once she figures out the mysterious (but hot) stranger hanging around her job.
5. Death of the Author by @happilyshanghaied​
Betty the FBI agent learns that the worst time to reconnect with your one-night stand is when you’re responsible for keeping him from being murdered. Or is it the best time?
6. Degrees by @mistressofmalplaquet​
In a strange, almost post-apocalyptic world, Jughead knows there’s something strange about the new girl and won’t stop until he figures it out.
7. Snakes and Crowns by @cooperandjonesinc​
Betty would have the murder of Clifford Blossom all figured out if she didn’t have to deal with her sudden, unwanted soul-bond.
8. Born Losers by @sylwrites​
Two writers who don’t like each other but love investigative journalism are thrown together both by their friends and some hot tips from Betty’s investigative news beat.
Bonus amazing WIPs (that have been updated recently):
A Revelation in the Light of Day by @iconic-ponytail​
Sheriff!Jughead and (redacted)!Betty try to solve an old murder that Betty may or may not be tangled up in.
Three Wise Monkeys by Meditationonbaal
I just started this one and I’m obsessed. 1980s magical realism at a prep school full of secrets, taking bits from every season of canon.
1. The Space Between Us by @mistressofmalplaquet​
Meta-aware comicverse Jughead and Betty are suddenly thrust into Riverdale and have to figure out how to survive in a strange world.
2. Clear Signals by @darknessaroundus​ Jughead is secretly the superhuman teen with superhealing that’s destined to guard Riverdale and Betty is hiding some superhuman powers of her own. 
3. Glass Darkly by @writeradamanteve​ Jughead knows something is wrong with his life but doesn’t figure it out until he meets the ghost in the mirror.
(also check out ‘Wicked‘[Witch!Betty and Slayer!Jughead], and the entire Cowboy Jones series [Space bounty hunters!] from the same author)
4. Hearts Desire by @lovedinapastlife​ A lonely djinn finds herself captivated by a human boy. This fic made me happy-cry for fictional characters.
(also check out  'Show you What all That Howling is For'[werewolf!Betty] 'The Second Coming'[Fairie!Jug], and 'Strange and Unusual' [Beetlejuice AU] from the same author)
5. Cooper's Monsters by @cooperandjonesinc Betty takes care of a monster boy she finds near her house, not realizing that a real monster is closer than she thinks.
6. Devils Don't Fly by @thetaoofbetty Betty’s got a (supernatural) secret and Jughead is determined to figure it out.
7. Red Sunrise by Lusterdust
Love & surviving the zombie apocalypse. (Kind of depressing for the current situation, tbh.)
Bonus amazing WIPs (that have been updated recently):
Wild Creatures by AvaRosier
Bughead’s soul-bond is accidentally tripped, then tripped up by Jughead’s secret life as a werewolf. Werewolf!Serpents.
The Hunger by @mistressofmalplaquet​
Jughead is a vampire set on helping Betty escape from the brutal Evernevers that kidnapped her as a child. Vampire!Serpents.
Daemon Bound  by @writeradamanteve​
Steampunk-magic-talking-to-the-dead amazingness!
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Fic Tag Meme
Tagged by: @dame-lazarus and @luthienebonyx
AO3 name: nire
Fandoms: right now, GoT/ASoIaF, specifically Jaime/Brienne. I've written for:
On defunct ffnet accounts: Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Mass Effect
On ao3: Arrow (TV), Mystic Messenger (Video Game), Spider-Man: Homecoming (MCU), Wonder Woman (2017), & Circe (Madeline Miller).
Tropes: I'm not picky. I prefer thinking about the mood of the fic when writing it, rather than the tropes specifically, though I will use tropes unflinchingly. Execution is key over anything else.
When reading, I'm fond of canon divergence, arranged marriage, soulmates AU, though again, not picky. I've a few trope squicks but I can be persuaded to read them, too. (I've read a few ABOs. Still not my thing.)
Number of fics: 28 on ao3. Two are WIPs that WILL get completed eventually, damn it! (Since I am waaaay too lazy to log in to ffnet, the following questions are limited to my fics on ao3.)
Fic I spent the most time on: Hm. I don't keep track, but I suspect it's either A Beauty By Any Other Name or A Good Match. ABBAON has been around for longer, so maybe that one.
Fic I spent the least time on: I wrote redder than the solo cup in her hand drunk and in one sitting.
Longest Fic: A Good Match, by a mile and a half. Even if I halve the word count because I wrote it with @slipsthrufingers and so half of it is hers, it's still longer than my previous record holder, Hold This Threadbare Heart By Needlepoint.
Shortest Fic: sharing a bed and all it entailed
Most kudos: The Universe Conspires, a Peter Parker/Michelle Jones Soulmate AU.
Most comment threads: A Good Match
Most bookmarks: Five Times MJ Doesn't Need Rescuing, also Peter Parker/Michelle Jones.
Total word count: 184,278 though 61,680 of them are in joint custody with slips.
Favorite fic I wrote: A Good Match, because it is
New, and
Probably the most fun I've had when writing in quite some time, since it's a collaboration.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I have for a long time been itching to rewrite there's a ghost in my lungs; it sighs in my sleep because it's just so. Unpolished. I guess you can say that fic has been haunting me.
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: now that A Good Match is finished, my next priority is on ABBAON, and the next chapter is an epistolary to cover a little bit of a timeskip! Here's a smol excerpt:
goldenhand [03:16]
hey rohanne
i hv a great idea
what if we buy an ad on raventube fo ur song
that way web tnrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
goldenhand [03:19]
sry i fell asleep on my keyboard
ad, yay or nay
Rohanne Storm [05:37]
Tagging: @scoundrels-in-love @slipsthrufingers @samirant @robotsdance @ajoblotofjunk and you, yes you.
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