#foaming at the mouth for all of this
sophsun1 · 3 months
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lotus-pear · 7 months
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happy (very late) halloween!! take skk dressed as my fav detectives 🫶🏼
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konigsblog · 4 days
no way, this SCREAMS stepbrothers simon, kyle, and johnny, you can't tell me otherwise... (🌽 link)
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Synopsis: Being passed around by your stepbrothers: Simon, Gaz, and Johnny.
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Your stepbrothers have always kept watchful eye on you. They don't deny that they're overprotective and perverted towards their little stepsister. They simply just can't help themselves from you. You fill the hole in their heart and satisfy their sexual needs, as if you're nothing but a fleshlight, your only purpose being to take cock.
“That’s it, little sis.” Simon growls out, tightening his grasp on your hips as he begins ploughing into your soft, slick folds. Gaz holds down your arm while stroking himself, fisting his lengthy and hard cock to the sight of your misery and pain. It's sadistic for them to get off to their little stepsister's pain and fear, but they can't help himself; it's addictive. Johnny records the entire thing, the way Simon cooes at you for squirming, for weeping, before slapping your cheeks, all three men chuckling at your horror. You look pathetic with tears rolling down your sensitive cheeks, mortified when you gaze down between your thighs, disgusted by Simon's perversity.
You didn't expect this from Simon. Of course, you were familiar with Johnny and Gaz being creepy and perverse, the way they'd grind against you and beg for a handjob. But you didn't expect this from Simon. He was your safe space, a shoulder you could lean on, a deep breath away from your perverted stepbrothers. It was part of Simon's plan to gain your trust so he could use it against you. Now, here you were, forced down against the dining room table while your parents were away, with Simon's gross cock stuffing you full.
Your cunt ached at the stretch, the way his filthy touch lingered and stained your bare skin. You cried harder when he would sympathise with you, slowly rocking his hips, dragging out his orgasm so he could spend more time inside his little stepsister's pussy. Your cunt was tight as hell, almost like a virgin pussy. Simon couldn't help himself as he began to pound into your gummy slit, his sticky and creamy tip rubbing and nudging against your bruised cervix. You gagged at the intrusive thoughts rushing through your mind, the way your body reacted to Simon's touch despite the way you'd wail and sob out for Simon to stop.
“Ya’like takin’ dick from your stepbrother, don’t‘cha? I can see it in your eyes - you like bein’ forced down and fucked hard...” Simon grumbled out. Your pussy clutched onto his veiny shaft at his filthy words. The feeling of being stuffed full with Simon's hot load left you silent, choking on your words as he rolled his sturdy hips into you, filling your hole with his creaminess.
After Simon's betrayal, you were numbed. You didn't care what would happen afterwards, who would take you next. You could only cry thinking about Simon's sudden change in behaviour, his brutality and cruelty.
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vcrnons · 2 months
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DINO April Shower
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huginsmemory · 3 months
Everytime someone draws laios with the usual anime chiseled abs an angel dies
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k2ntoss · 5 months
jason todd is the kind of boyfriend that learns to paint and do your nails with pretty colors and desings just because he finds out he likes to see his work when you jerk him off
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glitchedcosmos · 4 months
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He just loves rotting brains
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wen-kexing-apologist · 5 months
Hey, are y'all seeing this shit?
Phaya and Tharn in reality:
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gif by @firstmix
Phaya and Tharn in fantasy:
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gif by @wanderlust-in-my-soul
Clearly Phaya had a very informative morning.
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autumncloudyart · 3 days
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dusting off my tumblr because i have to yap, have Jean and Cat at the beach as my offering.
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theinfinitedivides · 3 months
'somebody kiss this man so i don't have to' ykw what we call that in this house. we call those some famous last f*cking words, Eliot Spencer sir
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lucydoodlessometimes · 2 months
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soooooo. shes addicting
concept credit still goes to @pisoprano @blur0se and @asukiess, i just yap onto a page
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tervaneula · 1 year
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Old man Mikey and his flags
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buckevantommy · 1 month
you're telling me the episode titled Buck, Actually includes a happily married old gay couple and a montage of their many years together (with music reminiscent of Queen) ?????? and Buck comforts the widow ?????? he doesn't say anything just lets the guy talk about his love then offer sincere condolences ?????? then says: I GUESS I CAN ONLY HOPE TO FIND SOMETHING THAT GOOD ????? and then he let them be together while he gathered the scattered photographs of their life ?????? and then Buck tries desperately to save the widow's life ????? AND THE WIDOW'S NAME IS FUCKING THOMAS ?!?!?!!!!
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jvzebel-x · 9 months
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here's an update for all the "tOuRiSm iS fOr ThE pEoPlE" fucks. always remember that the second anyone steps foot on that land in the name of "tourism" or any other haole institution, that is colonizing&that person is a fucking explicit modern colonizer who made the conscious decision to be one and has spent a lot of fucking money on that trip to get their title. only that kine want more of their kin there-- don't pretend that shit is for anyone else.
drop dead of spontaneous combustion specifically, not even the sharks would want that pīlau fucking meat.
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cashmere-caveman · 2 months
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when u are a guy who is super normal about his boss and also his boss' wannabe arch-nemesis (more terror text post memes)
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origami-butterfly · 11 months
Fucking hell.
I've just seen the stage adaptation of @neil-gaiman 's Ocean at the End of the Lane and it has changed my brain chemistry. The symbolism in the lighting, the sound, the costumes, it was all amazingly thought out, the suspense was built up so well, the PRACTICAL EFFECTS!!! Adapting fantasy is always difficult, because there will be things that don't exist normally, but GODDAMN, that was amazing!!! If you can, I highly recommend going to see it, because that 2-3 ish hours felt like a spiritual experience. It has awoken emotions in me that I never knew I had.
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