#follicular study
Follicular Study - Agarwalfertilityclinic.co.in
The purpose of a follicular study is to determine the size of the eggs that may be present in ovaries and determine the probability of ovulation for natural fertilization. \
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jeevanwomenclinic · 2 months
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Follicular Study Procedures
Initial Assessment
The follicular study begins with a thorough assessment of the patient’s medical history, menstrual cycle regularity(menstrual problems), and fertility concerns. 
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blogwan · 9 months
Hairtransplanttr - Silver
Hair transplant surgery is a procedure used to treat hair loss and baldness. The process involves taking hair-bearing skin from areas of the scalp or body and grafting it onto the thinning or balding sections of the scalp. Various techniques are available for hair transplant surgery, including follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). In FUT, a strip of scalp is removed from the back of the head, and the extracted hair follicles are transplanted onto the balding area. In FUE, individual hair follicles are removed from the scalp and transplanted onto the thinning or balding sections of the scalp. The procedure is typically performed in a doctor's office under local anesthesia. Hair transplant surgery offers numerous benefits, including improved appearance and confidence. Hair loss can have a significant impact on an individual's self-esteem and confidence. Hair transplant surgery can restore a fuller head of hair, improving the overall appearance and attractiveness of an individual. Additionally, hair transplant surgery is a cost-effective solution for hair loss, as it eliminates the need for expensive hair loss products and treatments. Hair transplant surgery can also eliminate baldness and improve styling capabilities. Furthermore, studies have shown that hair restoration can significantly increase self-esteem and satisfaction with appearance. In conclusion, hair transplant surgery is an effective solution for hair loss and baldness. The procedure involves taking hair-bearing skin from areas of the scalp or body and transplanting it onto the thinning or balding sections of the scalp. Hair transplant surgery offers numerous benefits, including improved appearance and confidence, and is a cost-effective solution for hair loss. The procedure can also eliminate baldness and improve styling capabilities. Overall, hair transplant surgery is a viable option for individuals looking to restore a fuller head of hair and improve their overall quality of life.
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maaarine · 1 month
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men (Caroline Criado-Perez, 2019)
"Digging deeper into the numbers, another issue the authors completely failed to address is whether or not the drugs were tested in women at different stages in their menstrual cycles.
The likelihood is that they weren’t, because most drugs aren’t.
When women are included in trials at all, they tend to be tested in the early follicular phase of their menstrual cycle, when hormone levels are at their lowest – i.e. when they are superficially most like men.
The idea is to ‘minimise the possible impacts oestradiol and progesterone may have on the study outcomes’.
But real life isn’t a study and in real life those pesky hormones will be having an impact on outcomes.
So far, menstrual-cycle impacts have been found for antipsychotics, antihistamines and antibiotic treatments as well as heart medication.
Some antidepressants have been found to affect women differently at different times of their cycle, meaning that dosage may be too high at some points and too low at others.
Women are also more likely to experience drug-induced heart-rhythm abnormalities and the risk is highest during the first half of a woman’s cycle.
This can, of course, be fatal. (…)
Perhaps most galling from a gender-data-gap perspective was the finding that females aren’t even included in animal studies on female-prevalent diseases.
Women are 70% more likely to suffer depression than men, for instance, but animal studies on brain disorders are five times as likely to be done on male animals.
A 2014 paper found that of studies on female-prevalent diseases that specified sex (44%), only 12% studied female animals.
Even when both sexes are included there is no guarantee the data will be sex-analysed: one paper reported that in studies where two sexes were included, two-thirds of the time the results were not analysed by sex.
Does this matter? Well, in the 2007 analysis of animal studies, of the few studies that did involve rats or mice of both sexes, 54% revealed sex-dependent drug effects. (…)
It’s a tantalising finding that inevitably leads to the following question: how many treatments have women missed out on because they had no effect on the male cells on which they were exclusively tested?"
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bolshefem · 7 months
Biology students, help me out.
I was reading this article about males on hormone therapy having cycles resembling menstrual ones, trying to see if I could critically evaluate the claims made, and I noticed something really confounding and potentially reaching unprecedented levels of academic dishonesty. The argument basically hinges on the idea that males on HRT have "estrogen dominant" hypothalamaic function, and thus their levels of luteinizing hormone and follicular stimulating hormone cycle* cycle accordingly.
"In short, the hypothalamus has two modes, T dominant and E dominant. If you’re running on estrogen, your genes tells the hypothalamus to cycle your hormone levels, regardless of if you actually have ovaries. The hypothalamus doesn’t know there’s nothing there to listen to those signals, it just knows how much estrogen it expects to be in the blood stream, and it responds accordingly with regulation of GnRH output."
Yet when I check the sources for this idea, they both seem to be studies performed *exclusively* on female mice. This seems almost like blatant lying, taking advantage of the inaccessibility of scientific literature and people's propensity to believe what they want to manipulate and obfuscate. Am I missing something, or did the author of this piece make a claim on how male endocrine systems respond to estrogen based on a study of female endocrine systems? I would love it if someone more educated on the topic could help me out here and give this article a read.
*this ignores the fact that virtually 100% of symptoms are thought to either be generated by drops in estrogen + progesterone or the uterus' production of prostaglandins. It's my understanding that LH and FSH do not cause symptoms, they regulate hormones that cause symptoms. In men, LH and FSH cause the testicles to produce testosterone in women, estrogen production in the ovaries. This is not at all convincing as a premise even were it true, it is absurd to me that that would cause menstrual/pre-menstrual symptoms in people with male reproductive systems.
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covidsafehotties · 22 days
Published Jan 16, 2022
As the coronavirus pandemic is far from ending, more questions regarding the female reproductive system, particularly fertility issues, arise. The purpose of this paper is to bring light upon the possible link between COVID-19 and women’s reproductive health. This review emphasizes the effect of SARS-CoV-2 on the hormones, endometrium and menstrual cycle, ovarian reserve, follicular fluid, oocytes, and embryos. The results showed that endometrial samples did not express SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Regarding the menstrual cycle, there is a large range of alterations, but they were all reversible within the following months. The ovarian reserve was not significantly affected in patients recovering from both mild and severe infection in most cases, except one, where the levels of AMH were significantly lower and basal follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were increased. All COVID-19 recovered patients had positive levels of SARS-CoV-2 IgG in the follicular fluid. The amount of retrieved and mature oocytes and the fertilization rate were unharmed in three studies, except for one study, where the quantity of retrieved and mature oocytes was reduced in patients with higher levels of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The numbers of blastocysts, top-quality embryos, and euploid embryos were affected in most of the studies reviewed.
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amischievouscat · 8 months
Trans People Are Valid - And Here's Proof (Not That We Needed It)
Hi! Whether you're just scrolling through your dash or happen to be someone who was sent this post by someone else, I invite you to take a seat. This post was written as a place for people to be directed if it is so needed; so that others don't have to use their time to write out 5+ replies in the comments of a post.
A while ago (back in April, in fact) I wrote a series of replies in the comments of a post talking about the Nebraska lawmaker protesting the passing of an anti-trans bill. You can find the post here if you'd like to read it and my replies. In doing this I realized that the person I was arguing with (no, it was not a debate. Debates are two-sided and in good faith) would not listen to my points no matter what I said or how many articles proving my point I sent.
So instead, I decided to make one post and be done with it! If you happen to see a transphobe in the comments of a post arguing against gender-affirming care, saying that they'd never respect a trans person, or anything else along those lines, you can link them to this post and move on, secure in the knowledge that this post contains a wealth of scientific studies and news articles. To view the post, expand it.
Note: AFAB stands for "assigned female at birth" and AMAB means "assigned male at birth".
Oh, if you were sent this and don't read it, you can be secure in the fact that you're arguing in bad faith, and always knew that. I implore you to at least read my post, as I have quotes from the articles I link.
Some Context
Many times, in my browsing of this and other websites, I have come to see a disappointing number of people who do not understand completely (or at all) what "Transgender Healthcare" entails or is in the first place. I am of the mindset that education is the best way to combat hate; and as such I will be explaining (with links to studies and further reading, of course) what the phrase "Transgender Healthcare" means. My own personal ability to speak on this subject comes from my biology courses.
What most people refer to as "Puberty Blockers" are actually a type of medication that prevents the release of a hormone in the body called "Gonadotropin (gonad-oh-trope-in) Releasing Hormone", or GnRH for short. This hormone is a releasing hormone, which means it tells other glands in the body (in this case, the Anterior Pituitary Gland, located at the base of the brain) to release hormones.
Normally, GnRH is released into the bloodstream at the onset of puberty. When the GnRH reaches the pituitary gland, it causes the pituitary to start to release two hormones: Luteinizing (lute-in-eye-zing) Hormone (LH) and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH).
LH has two effects:
In AFAB individuals it causes the onset of ovulation.
In AMAB individuals it causes the production and release of Testosterone.
While LH is being released, FSH is also released alongside it.
FSH's effects include:
In both AMAB and AFAB individuals, it stimulates the maturation of germ cells (cells that will eventually become either sperm or eggs, known colloquially as sex cells).
In AMAB individuals, it triggers spermatogenesis (production and maturation of sperm cells)
In AFAB individuals, it causes follicular cells to begin to mature. Think of follicular cells as the container that an egg is held in before it is released during ovulation.
The usage of PBs blocks all of this. Which means, in simple terms; it does exactly what it says it does. It doesn't "make people trans", it very rarely causes irreversible change. once you stop taking them GnRH is released as normal and all of the changes above will still take place. PBs simply delay puberty. You can read more here.
The Reason We Need Trans Healthcare
In my comments of the post that I linked at the top, I referred to a study (which you can find here) that aimed to "investigate changes in mental health over the first year of receiving gender-affirming care and whether initiation of puberty blockers (PBs) and gender-affirming hormones (GAHs) was associated with changes in depression, anxiety, and suicidality."
This study found that there was a whopping 60% decrease in the rates of depression and a 73% decrease in suicidality among youths aged 13-20 years old who took Puberty Blockers and/or Gender Affirming Hormones (commonly known as HRT — Hormone Replacement Therapy among the transgender community).
"After adjustment for temporal trends and potential confounders, we observed 60% lower odds of depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality among youths who had initiated PBs or GAHs compared with youths who had not."
This study also found that there was no correlation between the use of either Puberty Blockers or GAHs in youths and increased anxiety.
It's Not Unsafe Either
Another very common reason that I see people oppose GAH is that it is "unsafe", "experimental" or "off-label" (I.e. not approved as medical care). This statement is blatantly false, as many different organizations across the US identify it as life-saving. You can click on the names of the organizations within that link to view their statements on the matter.
Oh, and kids aren't getting double mastectomies. The isolated cases often brought up in arguments (of which I could only find a few) against transgender healthcare fail to mention that this goes directly against the Standards Of Care from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health itself. According to these guidelines (Chapter 5 - Assessment Of Adults, and Chapter 6 - Adolescents) before an adult is able to receive care, all of the following must be met:
The experience of gender incongruence is marked and sustained;
Fulfillment of diagnostic criteria is met;
Other possible causes of apparent gender incongruence prior to the initiation of gender-affirming treatments have been identified and excluded where applicable;
Any mental and/or physical health conditions that could negatively impact the outcome of gender-affirming medical treatments are assessed, with risks and benefits discussed, before a decision is made regarding treatment;
Capacity to consent for the specific physical treatment prior to the initiation of this treatment has been assessed;
Capacity of the gender diverse and transgender adult to understand the effect of gender-affirming treatment on reproduction and reproductive options with the individual have been discussed prior to the initiation of gender-affirming treatment;
The role of social transition together with the individual has been considered;
A single opinion for the initiation of this treatment from a professional who has competencies in the assessment of transgender and gender diverse people wishing gender-related medical and surgical treatment has been received;
A minimum of 6 months of hormone therapy as appropriate to the TGD person’s gender goals before the transgender person undergoes irreversible surgical intervention has been considered.
All of these criteria must be met before an adult receives any form of gender affirming care. In adolescents they must fit the above criteria AND:
The adolescent demonstrates the emotional and cognitive maturity required to provide informed consent/assent for the treatment;
The adolescent has reached Tanner stage 2 of puberty (the starting stages);
The adolescent had at least 12 months of gender-affirming hormone therapy or longer, if required, to achieve the desired surgical result for gender-affirming procedures, including breast augmentation, orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, hysterectomy, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and facial surgery as part of gender-affirming treatment.
As demonstrated by these guidelines, a child must have at minimum one year of HRT before they are able to have any gender-affirming surgeries, on top of all of the other requirements regarding therapy and differential diagnosis.
Furthermore, many of the effects of HRT are reversible, as shown by the graph on the Trans Primary Care website. According to the graph, of 11 physical characteristics that are changed with taking Estrogen in transgender women, 4 are completely reversible, 1 is reversible/variable, 5 are variable, and only 1 is irreversible, that being breast growth.
The Bathroom Debate Is A Joke (And Trans People Are Suffering)
There's a common idea being spread primarily online that cisgender men will use trans women being allowed to use women's restrooms as a method to get into women's bathrooms to rape cisgender women. This rhetoric has bled into our lawmaking system, as shown by the Trans Legislation tracker, which records that of 568 anti-trans bills proposed in the United States this year alone, 83 of them have passed, while 360 are still active. That's a pass rate of 14.6%.
The data, however, does not and never has supported this idea. One study in Massachusetts found no correlation between allowing transgender people to use their preferred restroom and increased assaults.
There is, however, overwhelming evidence to the contrary. There are many articles about transgender people being harassed and even killed for entering the bathroom that is perceived as "incorrect" by onlookers. An example is this 12 year old trans girl (second article) who was forced to move after violent threats were made to her family for the second time in a row. Her mother, Brandy Rose, stating that while going to school in Texas after she transitioned male students had forced her daughter, Maddie, into the boy's restroom and taunted her to commit suicide. After their move to Oklahoma, the young girl's school district was forced to shut down for 2 days following violent threats directed at the 12 year old over Facebook for using the girl's restroom at school.
Another example can be seen in this 29 year old homeless transgender woman, who was assaulted by a group of 3 men outside of a restroom in Puerto Rico. In a recording of the incident, the men verbally harassed her, driving off and later returning with what is presumed to be either a paintball gun or a silenced handgun, and firing at the woman repeatedly. The woman was found dead on the side of the road with multiple bullet wounds later that same night.
This study reports that:
"Seventy percent of survey respondents reported being denied access, verbally harassed, or physically assaulted in public restrooms."
Another study found the following, out of 3,700 respondents:
"36% of transgender or gender-nonbinary students with restricted bathroom or locker room access reported being sexually assaulted in the last 12 months. Of all students surveyed, 1 out of every 4, or 25.9%, reported being a victim of sexual assault in the past year."
The argument that transgender people are a danger to cisgender people or that the "modern trans movement is radicalizing activists into terrorists" (quote here) is a complete fabrication. Isolated cases of transgender women being the perpetrators of violence does not mean that being transgender is the cause (correlation does not equal causation after all).
Transgender people are over 4 times more likely to be victims of violent crime than their cisgender counterparts. Another study reported that, of 7 transgender high school students interviewed, 2 of them had been set on fire and all of them had been victims of mass bullying and physical assault.
This marks the end of my post. Good job, you made it! Hopefully you've come out of this feeling more knowledgeable.
If you notice a broken link or have information that you would like me to add or change, you can send me a message/ask. My asks are also open for those with questions. Please note: if you are rude, arguing clearly in bad faith, or obviously did not read my post, I will delete your ask without responding. I don't have time for dealing with that. Revaluate yourself if you feel like being a jerk online is the best way to solve your problem.
Have a good day, and I hope you learned something.
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answersfromzestual · 1 month
"Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle and Causes of Hair Loss"
The hair growth cycle involves three distinct phases:
Catagen. The transition (catagen) phase signals the end of active growth. It can last several weeks.
Anagen. The growth (anagen) stage is when new hair fibers actively form within the hair follicles. What you might not know is that this process can last several years. TL;DR: Hair growth definitely doesn’t happen overnight.
Telogen. The resting period (or telogen phase) is when hair follicles become dormant. At any given time, up to 15 percent of the hairs on your body (including facial hair, arm hair and even chest hair) are in the telogen phase. This stage can last up to a year.
Shedding hair every day is normal — up to 200 strands, give or take. Shedding more than this might indicate an underlying hitch in the hair growth cycle.
External and Environmental Causes of Hair Loss
Many factors can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to increased shedding such as:
Poor nutrition
Medication reactions
Constantly wearing hats
Tight hairstyles (ex man bun)
As for the case of male pattern baldness, hormones and genetics are at play.
Let’s start with how hormonal treatments can disrupt your T-levels.
Hormonal Causes of Hair Loss
There is a link between low testosterone levels and issues such as a lower sex drive and poor sexual wellness.
Low-T is a factor and can be caused by conditions like diabetes, autoimmune disease, and thyroid disease.
The following can also cause a temporary dip in testosterone levels:
Poor nutrition
Certain medications
Testerone Hormone Treatment (often called HRT or TRT) comes with potential side effects, and in some people, it may trigger hair loss.
High testerone causes hair loss, so more T isn't better. Stay with your doctor's instructions. Don't mess around with your dose.
Genetics influence how sensitive your hair follicles are to circulating dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a byproduct of testosterone and one of the most potent androgens (male sex hormones).
Testosterone and DHT are interlinked, and when T levels rise, DHT levels typically rise as well.
Researchers noted in a 2017 study that was done in Germany, which backs up previous research suggesting that developing bald spots from male pattern baldness might have more to do with sensitivity to testerone than the level itself.
Testerone converts a small amount of what is in your body into DHT by way of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which is found in small amounts in the body.
Secondary sex characteristics: any physical characteristic developing at puberty that is not directly involved in reproduction.
Why do we have DHT?
In young males, the body needs DHT to ensure the healthy development of the genitals and prostate. Ftm trans people obviously do not have testicles or a prostate. We focus on secondary sex characteristics like voice, muscle mass, and body hair.
As an adult? DHT doesn’t really have a large job to do anymore. Therefore, it can cause problems, like hair loss. In fact, researchers have found more DHT in balding scalps compared to non-balding ones. But not every guy’s hair follicles are ultra-sensitive to this sex hormone.
The more testosterone, the higher the levels of DHT in your body. That’s not necessarily a death sentence for your hair, but it is a fact.
DHT can attach to receptors in the scalp and gradually shrink hair follicles until they can no longer produce hair — a process known as follicular miniaturization.
If you have a genetic predisposition to DHT sensitivity, too much of it can cause hair loss.
While TRT doesn’t directly cause hair loss, increased Testosterone can lead to androgenic alopecia if the patient has a genetic sensitivity to the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
Androgenic alopecia is also known as male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. Is the most common cause of hair loss in men and women.
Diagnosing Your Androgenic Alopecia
The first step to avoiding hair loss on HRT is to identify whether you have a genetic sensitivity to DHT. If you don’t, then it’s unlikely that HRT (and a resulting increase in DHT levels) will trigger hair loss.
Male-pattern baldness most often occurs in an M-shaped pattern starting at the forehead. It may also manifest as a slowly growing bald spot on the top/crown of the head. If you notice either of these patterns in your hair, then it’s possible you have male-patterned baldness.
Because androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition, you can also look at your family line for any signs of hair loss, as well. A common myth is that hair loss is inherited from the mother’s side, but in actuality, both parents can pass down the genes that lead to androgenic alopecia. This condition is polygenic, meaning it comes from multiple genes rather than just one.
It’s useful to work with a knowledgeable provider when diagnosing androgenic alopecia. Defy Medical offers consultations to discuss this topic in detail.
DHT Blood Testing
If you’re experiencing hair loss but aren’t sure it’s androgenic alopecia, or if you don’t have any symptoms but still want to check, you can order a DHT blood test. This test measures your DHT levels to determine whether your levels are elevated. Elevated DHT levels along with hair loss often indicate androgenic alopecia.
How to Avoid Hair Loss on (T)HRT
If you do have androgenic alopecia, there are several treatment options to slow and minimize hair loss.
It’s important to catch hair thinning and hair loss as quickly as possible, so you can preserve hair follicles. It’s much more effective to slow hair loss than to grow hair back after it’s gone.
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sneakers-and-shakes · 2 years
All About Cycle Syncing
The reason why most common fitness and nutrition advice doesn’t work for most women is because the research is predominantly done on male bodies.
That was the beginning to the tik tok that introduced me to the world of cycle syncing at the end of last month. The girl who made the video went on to explain the concept of cycle syncing and recommended a book: In the Flo by Alisa Vitti which I immediately read.
And so I entered the world of cycle syncing and this post is to share with all of you what I’ve learned thus far.
A few notes before I begin:
-I will be summarizing my main takeaways from the book and other research I’ve done. I highly recommend you read In the Flo and others like it yourself to get a more comprehensive understanding.
-Not all women menstruate and not all people who menstruate are women. For the sake of biology I’ll be using the word ‘women’ but please know that this is meant to be inclusive and welcoming to all people.
-If you are trans or don’t bleed due to medical complications, you can still follow cycle syncing to be more in touch with your ‘feminine energy’ as Vitti describes in her book. Syncing to the phases of the moon in particular can really help tune that. (I suggest reading that part of the book for more information)
What is cycle syncing?
Basically, women, at a certain age, develop our infradian rhythm which is the 28-day cycle our bodies follow. It’s our second ‘clock’ so to speak along with our 24-hour circadian rhythm.
The 28-day cycle is broken up into four phases: Follicular, Ovulatory, Luteal and Menstrual.
Cycle syncing is the practice of living in tune with those phases rather than fighting against them. Each phase means a different hormonal makeup for your body, so eating certain types of food, doing specific types of workouts and trying to play to your strengths during each phase will allow you to be more in tune with your body and feel better for it.
Vitti describes how she was able to put her hormonal issues, PCOS and cystic acne, into remission by doing this. I won’t be speaking too much on that and I recommend reading her section on hormonal issues if you want to know more.
Some of the surprising things I did learn though, are:
-You shouldn’t be experiencing PMS, bad cramps, etc. These are not things we just have to live with and if you are experiencing these symptoms it means that there is too much of one hormone causing things to go off balance.
-Birth control doesn’t regulate your period. It just suppresses your hormones and the period you get while on birth control is a placebo.
-Very very few studies have been done on female bodies, so much so that almost everything commonly known about nutrition and fitness is just based off male bodies.
The Phases
As I mentioned before, your cycle is typically 28 days long and has four different phases. I’ll go through each one and my main takeaways.
The follicular phase happens right after you finish your period, lasting around 7-10 days.
Think of this like spring. You’ll be slowly gaining your energy back after winter and want to eat light, cooling foods.
General: Your hormones that were very low during the menstrual phase are now starting to increase in concentration, specifically Estrogen.
Nutrition: Since Estrogen hasn’t peaked yet, you’ll want to consume plant-based compounds that mimic estrogen to balance things out. Consuming pro-biotic rich food at this time is also beneficial.
Ex: kimchi, sauerkraut, string beans, zucchini, carrot, oat, lettuce, broccoli, avocado, orange, plum, black-eyed pea, lima bean, cashew, olives
Wellness: As your energy levels rise, this is the best time to do cardio which will help boost your metabolism, help you shed weight and build lean muscle
Ex: HIIT, biking, jumping rope, dance
Creativity: This is your planning phase. Explore, research, prepare, plan and set intentions during this phase.
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Next is the ovulatory phase lasting about 3-4 days.
Think of this like summer. Your body is “hot” and eating raw and cooling foods will help as your energy rises.
General: Dramatic rise in Estrogen, Testosterone and the LH hormone, this will be the highest level of hormones. High energy levels and low metabolism.
Nutrition: Too much Estrogen is also not good and can cause things like acne during this time. To counterbalance, eat the most raw foods during this time (think salads and smoothies) to provide higher levels of glutathione to help you liver metabolize the excess Estrogen.
Ex: red bell pepper, spinach, tomato, leafy greens, raspberries, strawberries, corn, quina, eggplant, apricot, fig, guava, almonds, pecan.
Wellness: High Testosterone and Estrogen mean you can go all out with cardio and strength.
Ex: HIIT, kickboxing, interval sprints, indoor cycling
Creativity: Best time to communicate and socialize, pitch your ideas.
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Next is the luteal phase lasting around 10-14 days.
This is like fall, your body is starting to cool down and you’ll need more warming foods as your energy starts to slow down.
General: Rise in progesterone, hormones will reach their peak then begin to fall in the second half of this phase before your period begins.
Nutrition: Metabolism starts to speed up during this phase and your body needs more calories. To curb sugar cravings during this time eating slow-burning carbs with shift your diet to nutrient rich foods. High-fiber foods will help flush out extra estrogen in the first half. In the second half when estrogen is low you want natural sugars and complex carbs.
Ex: brown rice, cooked veggies: cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, ginger, onion, sweet potato, squash, apple, peach, pear, raisin, chickpea, walnuts
Wellness: During the first five days of luteal phase you’ll still have high hormone levels and energy. Maximize lean muscle building with strength training. Second half, shift to muscle build mode:
1st half: strength training, weight lifting
2nd half: Pilates, yoga
Creativity: This is the best time to put your head down and complete all your tasks. It’s a completion period where you can get organized and accomplish the projects you planned in your follicular phase
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The last phase of the cycle is the menstrual phase typically lasting 3-7 days.
Think of this like winter, your body needs warming foods and rest.
General: Your hormones are at their lowest, metabolism high and energy low.
Nutrition: you can counterbalance the lack of hormones with protein and healthy fats and nutrient dense foods. This will also help set you up for a better ovulatory phase the next cycle.
Ex: kidney beans, buckwheat, beets, kale, mushrooms, water chestnut, kombu, blackberry, blueberry, watermelon
Wellness: Your hormones and energy are at your lowest so doing anything high-intensity will backfire by turning on fat storage and putting stress on your cardiovascular system. Do restorative exercises and getting deep restful sleep will help with weight loss.
Ex: Walking, gentle yoga, breath work, stretching
Creativity: This is your time to rest and reflect. Your intuition is important to listen to during this time as you note any areas that need improvement.
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Seed cycling:
Quick note about how to seed cycle along with your infradian rhythm.
Follicular and Ovulatory: 1 tablespoon of flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds
Luteal and Menstrual: 1 tablespoon of sesame and sunflower seeds
A very important note: Remember that these are simply phases of a cycle which means they will naturally blend from one to another and overlap. Don’t view this as a hard and fast rule. It’s totally okay to eat things meant for one phase in another, no need to stress about following this exactly.
This is simply a guideline to follow to the best of your ability. Vitti recommends adding something every week one by one rather than starting with everything all at once. For example, Week 1: try following the nutrition, Week 2: try following wellness and so on.
Ultimately, this is about listening to your body and doing what feels right for you. The best way to know about it is by tracking your cycle. Whether you use an app, or a journal, track things like how you feel in each phase, your energy levels, your hunger, sex drive, heaviness of your flow if you’re bleeding, etc. Tracking will allow you to see what your body is doing.
The notes above are not all encompassing, these are just the aspects that I will be focusing on as I start my cycle syncing journey. I wanted to make this blog post not only as a quick reference guide for myself but to share with any of you who might want to come along on the journey.
I plan on doing an update blog after a few months have passed to talk about how this has affected me and my results.
I am very excited to start cycle syncing and have already started incorporating some foods. (Especially seed cycling, which is the easiest to start with).
It was very refreshing to read a book that focuses on women’s bodies and allowed me to finally learn more in depth about my body in way I’d never seen before. Women are critically underrepresented in every aspect, including education about ourselves. I recommend you read this book and others like it simply to learn more about your own biology.
And with that, I’ll leave this post here. Please comment if you’ve heard of cycle syncing, follow it, or if you want to start. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
See you!
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scalpsavior · 2 months
Invest In On your own - The worth of Turkey Hair Transplant Offers for Hair Restoration
Have you been Uninterested in observing your hair thinning or receding? Would you aspiration of having a full head of hair once again? If so, you're not by itself. Hair decline has an effect on a lot of persons throughout the world, and it might have a big effect on self-self-assurance and All round nicely-becoming. But Imagine if I instructed you that there is a Remedy that can help you reclaim your hair and your assurance? Enter Turkey hair transplant deals – the last word expense in yourself.
At Cash Hair Restoration, we recognize the struggles that come with hair decline, And that's why we're dedicated to giving best-notch solutions for guys and ladies throughout the British isles and Ireland. With around twenty years of encounter during the hair restoration sector, we've aided numerous people today regain their hair as well as their self-assurance through our impressive remedies and individualized support.
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So, why should really you think about buying a Turkey hair transplant package deal? Let us break it down.
First of all, Turkey has emerged as a leading spot for hair transplant surgical procedure, and permanently reason. Not merely are the processes extra cost-effective when compared to numerous Western international locations, but the standard of care and knowledge made available from Turkish clinics is second to none. In reality, new statistics present that Turkey performs in excess of a hundred,000 hair transplant methods each year, which makes it One of the more sought-following Locations for hair restoration solutions all over the world.
But what sets Turkey hair transplant packages aside from the rest? To begin with, these deals present in depth solutions that include every little thing from session to article-operative treatment. This suggests you'll need usage of experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and top-notch accommodation – all at An inexpensive value.
Get John, by way of example. John had been fighting hair reduction For a long time and was hesitant to go through a hair transplant method on account of Value considerations. Nonetheless, right after studying his alternatives, he found the value of Turkey hair transplant offers and made a decision to go ahead and take plunge. Right now, John couldn't be happier with his decision. Don't just does he Use a fuller head of hair, but he also feels far more assured and self-assured than previously in advance of.
But it's actually not nearly the cost – It is also about the outcome. Turkey hair transplant processes have a success amount of above 90%, with lots of sufferers going through significant hair expansion in a few months with the treatment. This can be thanks to State-of-the-art strategies such as Follicular Device Extraction (FUE) and Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), which might be extensively employed by Turkish surgeons to realize natural-hunting outcomes.
Besides the physical Gains, investing in a Turkey hair transplant offer can also have a beneficial impact on your psychological and psychological effectively-remaining. Picture waking up day after day sensation self-confident and proud of your visual appeal, knowing that you've got taken the mandatory steps to reclaim your hair along with your assurance. It's a priceless experience that cash can't acquire.
At Funds Hair Restoration, we are proud to supply Turkey hair transplant package which have been tailored to meet the exceptional requires of each personal. No matter if you're coping with male pattern baldness, feminine hair thinning, or alopecia, We have now an answer that can help you attain the outcome you need.
So, why hold out any more? Spend money on yourself these days and get step one toward a brighter, extra self-assured future with Turkey hair transplant packages. Your hair – as well as your self-assurance – will thank you for it.
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Follicular Challenges
Narvi and Celebrimbor (Gen, no warnings)
Celebrimbor learns quickly that some things are non-negotiable in dwarven company. Fellowship of the Fics January trope challenge: Hair Braiding and Awful First Meeting.
Celebrimbor could have cut the atmosphere with a knife. As he sat at the table surrounded by the masters of the Craftsdwarves Guild, the Architects Association and the Royal Company of Smiths of Khazad-dûm, he wondered to himself what had gone wrong. Looking from face to face, he noted the same scowl, the same cold, hard look and the lack of small-talk. And it wasn’t like these dwarves were somehow prejudiced against elves: he knew for a fact they would had worked together and traded with elven artisans before. But as soon as he had stepped through the door and into the private dining hall, something had changed.
There was one empty place at the table that was yet to be filled, and Celebrimbor eyed the brass markings on the fixture which held the dwarven daycandle, noting the late arrival of the individual. The thick, white wax cylinder burned low with the passing of each hour, an ingenious device that Celebrimbor had discovered marked the passage of time inside the mountain. Each daycandle was produced to the same exact specifications and calibrated as accurately as any elven astronomer could craft a sundial. Mesmerised slightly by the flickering yellow flame, Celebrimbor shook his head and jolted back to reality. The soup they had for their starting course was already gone, and some of the dwarves were muttering in quiet conversation as they waited for the meat to arrive on the table. Perhaps their dour mood was because they were hungry — was that it? No… not with the quantity of thick potato soup, bread, cheese, and ale they had all quaffed (Celebrimbor had only partaken of a ladleful of soup and a round of hard black bread; he’d watched the King’s Chief Smith eat a whole loaf with a pat of butter). Celebrimbor made eye contact with the Chief Smith and forced himself to smile. What he got in return was a stiff nod of the head, and then the dwarf quickly averted his eyes back to his companion.
The elf sighed. The empty place beside him was laid out for the Master Craftsdwarf of Moria. A meeting with the King himself had overrun, apparently, and the dwarf, Narvi, was on his way down. Celebrimbor sometimes forgot just how large the dwarrowdelf was, and that it took over a week to cross to the other side of it. There was something uncanny about mountain travel, hidden from the sun and star light. It felt very much to him like an endless labyrinth where time melted away with an elf’s senses. He had no idea how others of his kind could venture in so far, and shuddered internally at the thought of living down here.
The door opened after a couple more minutes of waiting, and Narvi was announced. Celebrimbor stood out of courtesy with the other dwarves, eager to get a glimpse of the craftsdwarf who he had been told so much about: it was he who Celebrimbor would be working with directly on the construction of the doors of Moria.
Narvi was a head shorter than most of the other dwarves — in fact, Narvi could have stood on his own shoulders and his nose would come up to Celebrimbor’s lips. His dark skin, so richly black that it almost shone blue, was beaded with perspiration. One of the dwarves handed him a handkerchief to mop at his face, and Celebrimbor distinctly heard Narvi mutter something about running half the way there, which drew a laugh from the crowd. Taking advantage of the fact that the silent scrutiny of his mere presence had lifted for a moment, Celebrimbor cocked his head to one side and studied him, head to toe. Aside from his diminutive stature, the dwarf radiated a self-confident energy and strode to his place at the table with a swagger. There was no mistake that he was handsomely paid for his skills: his thickly plaited hair was braided through with threads of silver and gold, and golden rings studded with handsome rubies hung from his nose and ears, mirroring the numerous rings on his fingers. Long-fingered, calloused hands gripped at a wide belt across his midriff, and as Celebrimbor stepped forwards to formally greet the dwarf, he noticed pure mithril on the toes of his shoes. No steel-toed boots for Lord Narvi, apparently.
“Hail, Narvi, and well met! I have heard many high praises about your work and I am pleased that you were able to join our gathering tonight. Come — you are placed beside me, that we may get to know one another better.”
The dwarf met his eye, craning his neck upwards to do so. A sleek eyebrow arched, his lips pursed, and the expression that crossed his face was one which might appear if he saw a cockroach scuttle out from underneath his dinner plate. “Indeed. Well met, Lord Celebrimbor,” said Narvi tersely.
Celebrimbor steeled himself and knocked on Narvi’s study door. After a brief pause, he was bidden to enter. Whatever social error he had made, Celebrimbor would right it. He would not be the elf that soured relationships between his people and Moria. He would not allow his legacy to be tarnished like this.
Narvi glanced over his shoulder, and Celebrimbor could already see his jaw tighten. “Ah, Lord Celebrimbor,” said Narvi. His tone was clipped and strained, the tone Celebrimbor might use when trying to end conversation with an overstaying house-guest. Nevertheless, the elf bowed deeply, his hand across his breast. “Good evening. I — I wanted to speak with you, if I may?” Narvi gestured to an armchair across from his long drafting table, and Celebrimbor sat in it gingerly. The dwarf crossed the floor and threw himself down opposite him, gripping the armrests with both hands and his fingernails digging into the upholstery. His bitterness was palpable; his attitude towards the elf hadn’t changed a jot despite Celebrimbor trying to make conversation for the entire evening at yesterday’s dinner. What on earth was these dwarves’ problem? “I—” How was he going to begin? He grit his teeth and folded his hands across his lap. There was nothing for it than to get right to the point, and hope that the Narvi would appreciate his bluntness. His race always seemed to. “I fear that I may have done something to anger your companions yesterday. Many of them looked — well, they looked very displeased with me. I may say that you yourself do not seem disposed towards me. Please, if there is anything I have done to disgrace myself or my people, do inform me. They say elves live with their heads in the clouds, ignorant of the customs of our neighbouring races, and if that is the case here I beg you to enlighten me, for I intend no ill will or disrespect to you or any of your kind.”
He exhaled, running out of breath towards the end of his spiel, but at least that was now out and dealt with. His words hung in the air for a long while, but slowly the expression on Narvi’s face changed from one of coldness to one of bewilderment. His deep brown eyes widened, and he looked at Celebrimbor as though the elf had sprouted an extra rapidly-growing head. “You… you really don’t know?” Narvi asked quietly. Celebrimbor shook his head, a creeping feeling of unease rising in his stomach. Was he really so thick-skulled that his transgression was obvious to everyone aside from himself? “No,” he said earnestly. Narvi scratched behind his ear and then pulled unconsciously at a strand of beard hair. “Are… really?” he asked again, his voice rising in exasperation. “I am, unfortunately, that ignorant,” said Celebrimbor gravely. A flicker of a smile flitted across Narvi’s lips before it faded, and the dwarf’s shoulders dipped as his body relaxed into the back of the chair. “It is… well, do elves usually braid their hair? To go out in public?” It took Celebrimbor a moment before he realised they were indeed still on the same subject. “We may do, or may not,” he said carefully, trying hard to screen his words for anything that would dig him a deeper hole, “it is historical custom for the Noldor not to bind their hair and to leave it loose — though in battle or for work in our smithies, we do tie it simply with a leather strap in order to avoid any unpleasant accidents. There is no bias either way.” “Huh. Is that so…” Narvi sat back, taking stock of Celebrimbor as though suddenly being given permission to look at the elf for the first time. He seemed to be genuinely intrigued, eyes now wandering to take in the smith’s auburn, flowing hair that reached down to his elbows. “Is this about my hair?” asked Celebrimbor self-consciously, running his fingers through the locks. At this, Narvi balked and rapidly averted his eyes away to the open fire, grimacing in embarrassment. “It is — I am sorry nobody thought to tell you sensitively, my lord. We thought you elves… well, we thought you knew.” “Knew that…” Celebrimbor could tell that Narvi was forcing himself to make eye contact. His brows were knitted with pain, and he was biting his lip instead of speaking. Finally, he blurted it out, the words sounding as though they were being ripped from his throat. “Unbraided and unbound hair is a very rude custom among the dwarves. We thought that you purposefully left your hair loose.” He breathed in deeply and shut his eyes for a moment before refocusing them on Celebrimbor. “Sorry,” he said again. Celebrimbor grinned in relief, the muscles of his cheeks feeling as though they had been unused for months. Was that it? Was that all of this had been about? Hair? “In that case, master Narvi, I shall rectify the situation immediately! Do you have a mirror?”
Narvi glanced away into a corner of the room as Celebrimbor’s fingers worked, holding a small mirror in front of the elf. It was the only mirror he had, but Celebrimbor vowed he wouldn’t set foot outside of the room before making himself proper in the eyes of Moria’s citizens. He ducked his head to one side and looked over the top of the mirror to the craftsdwarf. “What do you think?” The braids were simple: two fishbone plaits that hung over both temples, tied with string Narvi had found after rummaging around on his desk, and one simpler style that began from the top of his skull and finished at the nape of his neck, which the elf had fastened with an emergency hair tie he kept in his pocket for forge-working. It was a little lopsided, but it would do. All of this he swept back, so that the offending hair was neatly secured behind his shoulders. Narvi, looking relieved that Celebrimbor had finished (perhaps watching another braid their hair was simply far too intimate — he would enquire further once he got past this particular stumbling block), glanced over his head. A small smile broke out on his face and he nodded is approval as the elf turned, gesturing clumsily behind him. “Good enough, do you think, master dwarf?” “Aye — impressive that you did that in only a few minutes and with only a candle to see by! If I had tried that, it would look as if a dwarfling had let loose on my head.” Narvi brushed a handful of his own braids over one shoulder and looked at them proudly. They glimmered in the half-lit room, lusciously oiled and decorated today with stones of vibrant jade. He looked up slyly and grinned. “Though, I wager I have more hair than you.” Celebrimbor chuckled and sat down again. “Aye, I would not bet against that.” Narvi produced a bottle of something from underneath his desk and poured some into a glass, which he wiped off on a rag. The amber liquor was strong but Celebrimbor raised his glass and knocked it down in one — something else that earned him a raised eyebrow. “You shall look and drink like a dwarf now, then?” the craftsdwarf said, a gleam in his eye. Another pour, and another toast. Celebrimbor clinked the rim of his cup against Narvi’s, and they both held their hands there together for a moment. “I shall do whatever needs to be done to forge a bond between our people. And if that means imbibing more drink — I will suffer gladly.” He winked and drank again, relishing the sound of Narvi’s laughter rather than the dwarf’s scorn. “You know what, elf? I think we will indeed begin to like each other.”
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nordfjording · 1 year
hi, I've read a systematic review and it concluded there wasn't any effect of menstruation on exercise. If one has pains that might hinder, but there's nothing else that causes that. if you don't believe me look for systemic reviews/research papers and stuff. Remember that there are single studies that say the earth is flat, you want to read systemic reviews
I can only speak for my own extremely anecdotal experience that things like pain during menstruation sure but also the sometimes mildly extreme energy fluctuations between follicular (cocaine-addled lab rat pushing an electic stim button over and over on 3hrs of sleep) and luteal (recovery position staring at my bedroom wall too tired to turn over and check the clock which is just as well because the alternative would be to get up and drown myself in the fjord) has some effect on my workout regime.
And I understand that me not seeing this connection vs thinking it was all in my own head and I needed to just kick my lazy ass into gear doesn't mean it's a systemic failure of communication. I just think it would have been nice to have been given some clues earlier in life, rather than the effect of my hormone cycle on physical output being reduced to continuous harping that your uterus wringing itself of blood and mucus is no excuse to skip a workout. And I get bitter sometimes.
I'm sorry if my previous post suggested I was talking about something else.
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Sorry men, nature just made women more creative. Not sorry
Women tend to generate more novel ideas during ovulation compared to non-fertile phases of their ovulatory cycle, according to a new study published in Frontiers in Psychology. The findings add to a growing body of research that indicates creativity plays a role in sexual selection.
“I am generally interested in evolutionary psychology, as it can explain the functionality of many of our traits,” said study author Katarzyna Galasinska, PhD candidate at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. “As humans, we had to develop qualities helping us to deal with survival and reproduction. It applies to both physical and psychological traits. We can easily infer that traits pointing to health and strength correspond to survival, but beauty is not required for survival. Instead, it can really upgrade our reproductive value, and due to that, all aspects associated with our mate value.”
“Creativity seems to be an ontologically old trait. It is defined as a capacity to make something new and useful, so it probably helped our ancestors to deal with survival. However, it is only the lower half of creativity that is associated with problem-solving and intellectual qualities. All the rest of creativity has strong connectivity with beauty. And that means, it could be linked to reproduction, helping to attract mates.”
“As we can see, love can be really inspiring for artists,” Galasinska explained. “Of course, it is hard to prove that creativity evolved through sexual selection, as a sort of signal attracting mates’ attention. It surely found a lot of different applications across time. But if we assume such an explanation, we can look for evidence hypothesizing ‘what if’. And if studies confirm all these hypothetical situations, we can trust our assumptions more.”
“So, if creativity has developed as a signal for mates, it should be enhanced for example during the fertile phase of the ovulatory cycle in women. And this is what I tried to solve in my studies. I have already showed this effect in my previous study using self-reporting ovulatory cycle data. In this latest study, I used more reliable measures of the cycle phase to be sure of its relevance. However, there are many more situations to explore, also associated with intrasexual competition.”
In her previous work, Galasinska found that the originality of women’s ideas increased as the probability of conception increased during the ovulation cycle. However, in that study, the participants reported the first day of their last period and the researchers used that information to estimate the current cycle phase.
In their new study, the researchers used more reliable measures (saliva- and urine-based test kits) to determine menstrual cycle phases in 72 women between the ages of 18 and 35. The participants were not pregnant, breast feeding, or using hormonal contraceptives.
The participants completed validated measures of creativity during the follicular, ovulatory, and late luteal phases of their menstrual cycle. One creativity assessment was the Alternative Uses Test, in which the women were asked to list as many alternative uses as possible for an everyday object. Their ideas were then scored by four trained, independent raters. The other assessment was the Remote Associates Test, in which the participants were shown three words and asked to come up with a fourth word related to all of them.
In line with the previous study, the researchers found that ideas generated during the Alternative Uses Test tended to be the most original during the ovulatory phase. The results provide additional evidence that “women’s fertility may be associated with mental abilities such as creativity,” Galasinska told PsyPost.
“So, maybe monitoring the ovulatory cycle can help women understand their mentality and to resonate with it. In this view, all fertility-altering agents should be treated with caution. In one of my previous studies, I tested creativity in women taking contraception and I found no changes across the cycle. Furthermore, the originality of ideas among these women was lower compared to naturally cycling women.”
On a broader level, the findings also indicate that “creativity may be associated with mating, helping women to attract potential mates,” Galasinska said. “Other studies showed that both sexes value creativity in a potential partner and I showed that it can be a sort of a tactic. Specifically, being original may be functional in this context.”
But fertility was not associated with scores on the Remote Associates Test — which measures a type of creativity known as convergent thinking.
“We need many more studies to indicate that creativity may be an adaptation to mating,” Galasinska said. “It should be tested in many contexts associated with increased mating motivation, such as attraction to a partner or rivalry for a partner, both in women and men.”
“We also still don’t know the mechanism of enhanced creativity during ovulation. I tried to look for arousal or mood as mediating variables, but found no effects. Hormonal studies would also be enriching. Evolutionary psychology provides explanations as to why the phenomenon probably occurred in our past, but it does not prevent us from looking for factors that can promote it here and now.”
The study, “Enhanced Originality of Ideas in Women During Ovulation: A Within-Subject Design Study“, was authored by Katarzyna Galasinska and Aleksandra Szymkow.
Ladies, let’s encourage each other to keep track of the ideas we come up with during our cycles.
And is menopause just nature giving us the time to work on all the ideas that we came up with in the decades between the onset of puberty and the end of menstruation?
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recommendedtoelle · 2 years
Academic Time Management
Bloom Planner Templates (@oledanyeller)
Brain dump, then organize into the planner
Can split brain dump into categories
Treat School Like a Job
Pick a 9 hour block of time, i.e., 9 to 6
Include an hour lunch break
Try to get as much of your work done as possible during this time every day, including when you’re out of class
Must be up and moving *before* this “shift” starts
Start by making an outline and doing research
Find an accountability group — try focusmate
Work in small increments
Working When Unmotivated (via @college_ta)
If there’s a task you really need to do, convince yourself that the other tasks you could be doing are worse
Write a to-do list right when you finish class
Try numbering your tasks by how much brainpower they will take
Using a Planner
Add homework assignments on left
Add clinical hours on left
Add work on left
Tasks like groceries and cleaning on right
Workouts on right
Appointments on right
Try to list things in chronological order during the day
Color code and use stickers (@planitwithstickers)
List top 2 priorities for the day
Making a Study Schedule
List what you need to do that day and add an amount of time
Give yourself a 30 min buffer: eg 1 hour to 1.5 hours as an amount of time
Also set times for breaks!
Sample Schedule
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Menstrual Phases
Menstrual cycle business planning
Follicular: create content, outreach, networking/events
Ovulation: live broadcasts, sales meetings, workshops, in-person meetings
Luteal: clean up computer files, assess and redesign workflow, deep clean home and reorganize office, recap what has and hasn’t worked, catch up on courses and professional development, journaling, create recommendations to consider when planning next month
Menstrual: plan month, create SMART goals, organize computer, plan content, find events/new connections to pursue
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scientia-rex · 2 years
Reference post for myself
OK, next up in my series of posts for myself to reference for gender care, see prior disclaimer (I Am Not Your Doctor And For All You Know I'm Actually A Dog) in dr kristophine's gender emporium tag. PITA factor = pain in the ass factor, not necessarily side effect but something to consider.
Preventing hair loss (will be relevant both for people undergoing masculinizing therapies as well as people aiming for feminization who do not want to lose their head hair).
Minoxidil: topical (Rogaine, multiple brands available). NOT prescription-only; however there are online services that will sell you access to a doctor to include both minoxidil and other, Rx only therapies. Not sure if those are worth it, probably not if you have a good PCP but if you don't, might be an option. Must be used continuously BID, significant PITA factor. Gains lost if treatment stopped. Some evidence for combination with microneedling treatment to improve penetration but this carries infection & scar risk so use with caution. Personal note: suspect cotreatment with DMSO would increase permeation into substrate but this is potentially carcinogenic?? But I saw a bottle of DMSO on shelf at local hippie store???? Look that up more later. --note: DMSO appears to be a bogus cancer cure. jfc. it's a solvent for fuck's sake.
Spironolactone: systemic, anti-androgen, will stop peripheral DHT conversion that drives follicular atrophy. Used for hirsutism in cis women, likely less useful for trans women per my friend, but should decrease androgenic alopecia in AFAB people starting testosterone & also in AMAB people who have not yet experienced significant hair loss but are looking down the barrel of it. Genetics inherited from mom's side so look at maternal granddad/uncles for likely hair loss patterns. Once significant hair loss experienced, I doubt spiro could reverse, but some data do suggest could reverse early loss? Can be used in combination with minoxidil. Electrolyte abnormalities, frequent urination. (Spiro/finasteride may be more useful for body hair than facial hair in trans women per my friend.)
Finasteride: systemic, 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Some similarities to spiro. Highly effective (about 65%, so don't get your hopes too high) in cis men. Data lacking in trans patients. Some thoughts of risk of mood SEs but not well supported bc poorly studied. Trouble with erectile function likely for both finasteride and spiro but again poorly studied in trans women. Sexual side effects likely to stop with cessation of therapy, source.
Dutasteride: another systemic, 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Appears to be useful in the same ways as finasteride with potentially fewer side effects, source. Always suspicious that "fewer side effects" just means haven't studied it enough yet.
Laser: lots and lots and lots of devices sold, I get a shit ton of targeted ads bc I've searched alopecia, but these are not FDA-approved and rarely even FDA cleared (HairMax is the only cleared one to my knowledge). Hundreds of dollars. Not worth it per any research I've seen. Unfortunate bc there probably IS something there given possibility of paradoxical hair growth with laser hair removal, but not yet delineated & developed for market as far as I know.
Ketaconazole shampoo: what the FUCK. This is a thing??? Unclear mechanisms, extremely poorly data, but really low side effects, available OTC, and may inhibit peripheral DHT conversation. Anybody tried this shit????
Prostaglandin analogues: used successfully in lash growth serums. Results on scalp less promising, likely due to thicker skin, trials in progress, if I were going to recommend this would probably suggest considering combo with microneedling as well. I've tried the version available from Sephora for the bald spots after I had a couple of trichilemmal cysts removed and it's not dramatic but didn't give me any horrible SE either. Available OTC. Annoyingly expensive, think it was like 80-90 bucks for the jar I got.
Other therapies are currently in trials for autoimmune mediated hair loss, but this is not typically going to be the type of hair loss seen with hormonal therapy, so I would ignore Janus kinase trials and PRP injections for now unless further benefit is demonstrated for multiple forms of alopecia.
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marketblogresearch · 7 days
CAR-T Therapy Market Share, Growth, Sales, Trends, Supply, Forecast 2030
The “CAR-T Therapy Market Share, Size, and Trends | 2030” is market research by The Insight Partners. The CAR-T Therapy market has perceived tides of change in the recent past. This study offers precise projections after detailed scrutiny of a range of factors impacting the business.  Considering the present market scenario, this report brings forward correct predictions on revenue, market size, and CAGR of the CAR-T Therapy market. The novel market research which is based on a fact-based foundation is now accessible for purchase. This report can make a variance in wide decision-making and drive business forward in the right direction.
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Business is no longer a game of instincts when it comes to capitalizing on new production lines. In a highly competitive CAR-T Therapy market, companies may face several challenges. Having trusted market research is always endorsed for both veteran and new entrants. CAR-T Therapy Market report presents a thorough analysis of local, regional, and global market scenarios through the following details.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
By Targeted Antigen
CD 19
CD 20
Therapeutic Application
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Follicular Lymphoma
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Novartis International AG
Kite Pharma, Inc. (Gilead Sciences, Inc.)
Juno Therapeutics (Celgene Corporation)
Bluebird Bio, Inc. (Celgene Corporation)
Sorrento Therapeutics Inc.
Mustang Bio, Inc
Aurora Biopharma Inc.
Legend Biotech (Genscript Biotech Corporation)
Pfizer, Inc.
CARsgen Therapeutics, Ltd.
Other key companies 
Competitive Landscape
Knowing the state of rivals is a strategically right move to outperform them. This report is the right place to explore key strategies, developments, and recent launches by key CAR-T Therapy market players. This report emphasizes an analysis of business strategies and expected growth opportunities for brands.
Key Coverings:
Current and Future Market Estimates- CAR-T Therapy Market Share, CAGR, and Forecast | 2030
Market Dynamics – Drivers, Challenges, Regional Trends, and Market Opportunities
Market Segmentation – Product, Application, End-use Industries, and Regional Growth Prospects.
Competition Matrix – Key Market Players and Strategies
Recent Developments and Innovation Contributing Market Growth
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Key Questions Addressed in the CAR-T Therapy Market Research Include:
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