#food is my prevailing thought
im devastated. i got a microwaveable curry from costco and. its not good. Why
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a-hazbin-reader · 8 months
Vox with an unlucky s/o?-
What about Alastor with a lucky s/o?
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Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: None?? I think??
Description: ☝️⬆️
Unlike with Vox, Alastor immediately believes you when you tell him you're naturally lucky
However, maybe you should've kept it to yourself because what he takes away from that is that you're indestructible
Always sending you in somewhere dangerous first because he knows you'll come away unscathed
Physically anyways
Motherfucker you'll never psychologically heal from this
Sometimes he tries to use you as his good luck shield charm but it backfires and he ends up on his ass
"What just happened?"
It only cools down a little once you two are together
Somehow the fact that you're so lucky is something Alastor takes pride in as if he's the one responsible for it
If you're bragging about it then he's bragging about it
Even if you're not bragging about it
He's eager to prove it too, just waiting for someone to try and call bullshit
"Okay now I know you're exaggerating, Y/N isn't that lucky-"
"Wanna bet?"
Not him shoving you into traffic just to watch you miraculously spin back to him with some tasty food in your bewildered arms
"You're so thoughtful, my dear! That looks delicious~"
Fuck off you can't have any after pulling that little stunt
Alastor is so pleased when your supernatural luck pulls through because he knows he doesn't have to worry about you all the time
You get kidnapped?? Somehow you always end up home by the end of the day with your kidnappers blown up
You're stuck in a street fight??? Somehow you come out on top and the territory is yours now
Sometimes Alastor is genuinely baffled by just how lucky you can be but he's learned to just stop questioning it
You're his amazingly lucky S/O and he's so impressed by it, will use you to help him win bets/place deals
"Wanna make a deal that Y/N will land on their feet after I push them off this building?"
You're gonna make him so powerful
Sometimes you wonder if he's trying to kill you but all your anger melts away at the sight of his proud face
You can't stay mad him, not when he just wants to show you off and genuinely seems to believe in you
It helps that he rewards you afterwards with some affection, rubbing his cheek on you and telling you what a good job you did
Shut up and keep rubbing my head you psychopath
You can always get him back if you really wanted to, your luck would prevail and you'd come out on top
Not that Alastor knows that
You should get revenge
"Mm...you're so gonna get it...~"
"What was that now?"
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The chaotic side of me took hold but I hope you still like it!!
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edenesth · 5 months
TWTHH Spinoff: Stitched Hearts [2]
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Pairing: dressmaker!Hongjoong x noblewoman!reader
AU: historical au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 7.7k
Summary: Throughout his entire career, Hongjoong has received nothing but praise for his work. Never once had anyone suggested his dresses were anything short of perfection. That is, until he met the youngest daughter of the Baek household—the family's black sheep, an enigmatic spinster whom he found utterly confounding.
Part 1 | Main Story | Spinoff Masterlist
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"Go home, hyung, and think carefully about what I've said," Yunho insisted, ushering the dressmaker out of his clinic, "I really can't talk right now; I need to close up."
As Hongjoong made his way back to his shop, an internal struggle ensued between his mind and heart. His mind urged him to proceed with the job, reminding him he had no reason to be so troubled. Yet, his heart protested, insisting that it wasn't right. By going along with this, he would be complicit in someone's unhappiness.
Various scenarios played out in his mind as he imagined the aftermath of the makeover he was about to undertake. There was no doubt that you would attract attention from all directions, which wasn't the issue. He could picture potential suitors vying for your hand, but the thought unsettled him for reasons he couldn't quite grasp.
By the end of the night, his rational side prevailed, leading him to choose to proceed with the job. He concluded that entrusting another dressmaker with your makeover was out of the question; after all, he was the best in all of Joseon. You said it yourself; what you liked or wanted did not matter. If you were willing to comply with your family's wishes, then who was he to object?
He chastised himself for letting his emotions cloud his judgement. Despite feeling bad for you, he reminded himself that you were simply another customer. He shouldn't allow himself to be so affected by matters that were none of his concern.
Over the next few days, he dedicated himself entirely to crafting the most exquisite hanbok. He meticulously coordinated every detail, ensuring it would meet the approval of your family. As he finalised the sketch of your ensemble, along with the hairstyle and makeup he envisioned for you, he couldn't help but notice the absence of a smile on his drawing of you. It dawned on him that he had never seen you smiling, not even once.
Although a part of him entertained the idea of coaching you to flash a killer smile, his heart twinged at the realisation that any smile he coaxed would be forced, "Snap out of it, you idiot!" he scolded himself, shaking off the unnecessary thoughts and redirecting his focus to other aspects of the design.
In the meantime, Hongjoong's name seemed to echo through your days ever since his arrival. Your family would lavish him with endless praise for his dedication to his craft, simultaneously lecturing you for not being more courteous toward him, for expecting him to seek you out without you bothering to greet him upon his arrival. If only they were aware of the cruel words he had uttered to you recently. Would they still support him so fervently? Perhaps they would side with him and reprimand you even further for not showing him enough appreciation.
"My dear, why not try being a bit more hospitable today and give Mr. Kim a little tour during his visit, hm?" your mother suggested during breakfast, her tone tinged with exasperation, "It's hard to believe he's already been here twice and has only seen the library and your quarters. Take him around the gardens, at least, will you?"
You pursed your lips, feeling a hint of irritation rising within you, though you didn't show it, "But mother, he's here to work. He's not a guest. Why should we extend such hospitality to him?" you muttered, taking another bite of your food.
Haeun scoffed in response, "Are you even listening to yourself? Mr. Kim is doing you a huge favour. He even closed his shop just to come here for you. The least you could do is show him some courtesy," your father and brother instantly agreeing with her.
Feeling frustrated, you decided to keep your mouth shut, realising that nothing you said would ever satisfy your family when they teamed up against you to highlight your supposed shortcomings.
This is dumb, he's getting paid anyway.
"What a pleasant surprise, Miss Baek! How kind of you to finally greet me and offer to take me on a tour!" the dressmaker exclaimed with raised brows as he was met with your blank stare while you stood waiting by the entrance of your family estate.
Shaking your head, you gestured for him to follow you, "Trust me, Mr. Kim, it's not my idea, and I dread this as much as you do. Please endure it for a bit for the sake of pleasing my family."
He blinked, trying not to let your bluntness affect him. He should know better than to be surprised by your straightforwardness by now. Nodding quickly, he rushed to catch up to you, already several steps ahead, apparently unconcerned whether he was following or not as you began the tour, "Right, my lady! Of course!"
Amused, he chuckled softly to himself at your bored expression as you walked past main areas like the living hall and dining hall before reaching places he recognised. Speaking in a monotone, you pointed out, "You've already seen these places. This is the library, and my quarters are just over there, but you already know that."
Turning to him, you furrowed your brows, "Is there anything funny?"
Biting his lip to suppress his laughter, he shook his head, "Not at all, Miss Baek. Please continue," he reassured, finding your reluctance somewhat endearing.
His eyes widened in wonder as you both arrived at what appeared to be a small play area for the children, "This is a mini playground my father had our servants create for his grandchildren," you explained, gesturing toward your nieces and nephews who were running around joyfully, their laughter echoing through the air. Glancing over at you, he noticed a hint of envy in your eyes, as if you longed to experience the simple happiness the children were enjoying.
After a moment, you took a deep breath and shook off the sentiment, "Well, let's move on to other areas then. I'm sure you don't have all day, Mr. Kim," you said briskly.
Without giving him a chance to reply, you headed off in another direction. He sighed before running after you again, silently cursing you for keeping him on the move. Yet, despite that, he couldn't find it in him to muster any irritation toward you. There was something about your behaviour that felt refreshing. For once, he appreciated being treated simply as another person, rather than being placed on a pedestal for all his accomplishments or appearance.
Arriving at your next location, you remarked rather sarcastically, "Of course, we can't forget the most crucial place in the entire estate, the kitchens," your voice hushed to avoid attracting attention from the busy maids for fear of disrupting their work.
Just as you were both about to leave, a burst of laughter echoed through the kitchen, accompanied by a blunt remark, "I bet the young miss will end up divorced early in her marriage, even if she miraculously finds a suitor after the makeover Mr. Kim gives her. She's an absolute nightmare! What sane man could tolerate her for long?"
Hongjoong felt his blood boil at the audacious words, growling under his breath, "How dare they—" He clenched his fists and took a step toward the door, seemingly ready to confront them.
Surprised by his reaction, you reached out and grasped his wrist, causing him to look down at your hold before meeting your gaze with a questioning expression. You sighed heavily, "Forget it, there's no point in doing whatever you intend to do. I'm already hard to like as it is, and I don't want them to dislike me even more than they already do. Let's just get out of here, Mr. Kim."
Feeling a pang in his chest, he couldn't shake off the aggravation that washed over him at the acceptance in your tone. The realisation that you were well aware of everyone's dislike towards you, yet you had resigned yourself to enduring it, stirred an unsettling mix of emotions within him. Just how long had you been suffering all this alone?
When he remained rooted in his spot, you squeezed his wrist and whispered, "Please, can we just go?"
With a defeated expression, he squeezed his eyes shut and nodded, "Fine, as you wish."
As you both left the kitchen behind, his mind buzzed with unanswered questions. Why wouldn't you stand up for yourself? And why wouldn't you let him be the one to defend you? It frustrated him to no end. He couldn't comprehend how someone as strong-willed as you could endure such treatment.
The weight of your silence hung heavy in the air, leaving him feeling helpless and conflicted. He wanted to reach out, to offer some form of solace or support, but he couldn't find the right words. Instead, he walked alongside you in silence, his mind racing with thoughts of how to help you.
Glancing at him, you could easily discern his struggle to contain his annoyance. But what you couldn't understand was why he seemed more bothered by it than you, especially considering his apparent dislike toward you. Eager to move past the incident, you decided to follow your mother's suggestion and led him to the gardens.
"I hope you like flowers, Mr. Kim," you offered as you strolled among the blooms, "These are some of my mother's proudest collections, gathered from other provinces."
Relief washed over you as he appeared to be distracted, showing genuine interest as he examined some of the rare flowers not typically found in this area.
Giving him a moment alone, you scanned the area, straining to hear a faint meowing. Your eyes widened and you gasped as you spotted a cat stranded atop a tree. Without hesitation, you rushed forward, calling out, "Don't worry, kitty! I'll rescue you!" Your hands reached for the tree branch as you searched for a secure foothold to climb.
"Ooh, this one's pretty! Where did this come from?" he pondered aloud, his brow furrowing at the lack of response. Glancing up, he did a double take upon seeing you attempting to scale a tree.
Hastening over, he halted your ascent with a firm grip on your arm, "I turn away for one second and—have you lost your mind? What in god's name do you think you're doing?!"
Clicking your tongue in frustration, you pointed to the poor little distressed animal above, "Let me go. I'm going to save the cat, whether you like it or not."
The dressmaker sighed in exasperation, slapping a palm against his forehead as he observed the determination in your eyes. With a roll of his eyes, he relented, "Ugh, fine. Step aside, I'll do it."
You huffed, conceding to his offer, and relinquished your position. As he handed you the bag containing your latest hanbok, he rolled up his sleeves, muttering to himself, "I can't believe I'm doing this," before proceeding to climb the tree with surprising agility. However, he soon realised the tree was taller than expected, and panic gripped him as he reached the top, letting out a startled yelp, "Oh my god, this tree is way taller than I thought!"
"Quit wasting time and save the cat!" you urged, frustration creeping into your voice. When he shot you a glare, you narrowed your eyes and challenged, "If you're so scared, get down here then! I'll do it!"
"No, no, no, don't you dare! What kind of man would I be to let you do it, huh? You stay put and wait down there," he insisted firmly, before reaching out tentatively for the frightened animal, "Come here, kitty. It's alright, just come to me and you'll be safe."
With bated breath, you observed as his hand shook pitifully. Slowly but surely, the animal inched closer to him, bit by bit, until it ended up snugly in his arms. A sigh of relief escaped you as he succeeded. Holding the rescued feline close to his chest, he carefully made his way back down.
As soon as he handed the cat over to you, his legs gave out, and he sank onto the ground. His face was blank, as if he were still trying to process what he had just done. The last thing he expected when coming here today was to do something like this.
Seeing his defeated posture, unlike his usual composed demeanour, you couldn't help but let a smile sneak onto your face, eventually bursting into a fit of giggles as you replayed the scene in your head. At the sound, he glanced up, captivated by the melody of your laughter. Frozen in place, his heart skipped a beat as he beheld your smile for the first time, genuine happiness lighting up your features. At that moment, he realised your beauty, wanting nothing more than to see that smile more often.
How pretty.
Since that day, both of you appeared to have grown more at ease with each other. He abandoned the formalities, as you urged, and shed the false pleasantries. Finally, he felt comfortable enough to be his true self around you, letting his unfiltered thoughts flow freely and speaking his mind without reservation. You didn't seem to mind, especially since he hadn't intended any offence with his words.
While you wouldn't go as far as calling yourselves friends, there was a comfort in each other's presence that had developed. Even in moments of silence, there was never any awkwardness, only an unspoken understanding between you, a connection that required no verbal declaration; you simply understood each other.
Over Hongjoong's recent visits, a routine had formed. You would courteously greet him at the entrance before guiding him to your quarters. There, he would assist you in trying on the hanboks he had crafted, ensuring they fit perfectly and required no further alterations. He would experiment with different makeup and hairstyles, exploring which suited you best.
After weeks of diligent work to assemble the perfect ensemble for you, today marked the culmination of his efforts—the day he would finally unveil your complete makeover. With an array of hanboks he had brought from his previous visits, they were sufficient to constitute an entirely new wardrobe for you. This was the moment your family had eagerly anticipated, the outcome they had engaged the dressmaker for. He observed you scrutinise the items he had meticulously prepared, your expression unreadable.
"Are you ready, Miss Baek?" he inquired.
You shot him a look that seemed to convey 'are you kidding me', your lips pursed, "Does it matter? Just do what you have to, Kim."
With a nod, he began with your hair and makeup, his heart quickening with every movement under the weight of your attentive gaze, fixated on his handsome features. Unbeknownst to him, you held your breath whenever he moved a little closer to perfect your eye makeup. Cursing himself, he attempted to steady his trembling hands as he moved on to your lips, "Could you please look away or close your eyes?" he requested.
"Why?" you inquired, devoid of any jest.
He sighed, "Look, it's... it's distracting, okay? I find it hard to concentrate when you're watching me so intently."
Rolling your eyes, you acquiesced and closed your eyes, "And you claim to be a professional," you remarked.
For once, he lacked the energy to retort, his heart dancing with sensations he had never experienced before. Despite having applied makeup for countless women, he had never encountered such a physical reaction. Puzzled, he struggled to understand the inexplicable effect you seemed to have on him and his poor heart.
"Everything's finished, except for putting on the hanbok," he announced, placing his tools aside before excusing himself momentarily as your maids began assisting you with one of the most elaborate hanboks he had produced. Stepping outside your quarters, he was taken aback to see your entire family assembled and waiting. Bowing respectfully, he greeted them, "Ah, you've all arrived right on time. Miss Baek is almost prepared."
Hajoon stepped forward, extending his hand to shake the dressmaker's, "With your assistance, I'm certain she'll look stunning. Thank you so much for your dedication, Mr. Kim," your parents chimed in, expressing their gratitude for his hard work.
Suddenly, the attention shifted as one of your nephews pointed towards the entrance of your room, exclaiming, "Look, a princess!" All eyes turned to catch a glimpse of you.
A chorus of gasps escaped from your family members as they beheld the sight before them. Your family was overcome with awe, your mother and sister shedding tears of joy as if you had finally fulfilled their deepest wishes. Turning around, Hongjoong's breath caught in his throat as he took in your completed transformation for the first time, mirroring the astonishment of everyone else. You appeared breathtaking, meeting society's standards of perfection and seamlessly fitting into their expectations. Yet, the absence of joy in your expression failed to bring him satisfaction.
She's not happy.
In truth, a foolish part of him clung to the hope that you might still be impressed by your transformation once you had seen your beauty, despite knowing your reservations. He harboured a fleeting expectation that your initial reluctance stemmed from never seeing yourself adorned in such finery before, and that your perspective would shift upon witnessing your present appearance. But he knew he was wrong as soon as he observed your evident discomfort, your fingers clutching the hanbok's skirt tightly, your gaze averted while your family showered you with adoration.
Confusion enveloped him at that moment. He should have felt elated that his vision had come to fruition; your family's satisfaction with his work signalled the success of his mission. However, instead of joy, remorse consumed him; your family's praises fell on deaf ears, and all he could see was the despair in your hunched shoulders.
"Mr. Kim, this is utter perfection! You've truly outdone yourself! Please join us for dinner tonight before you leave! It's the least we can do for all the work you've put in over the past few weeks!" your father invited, excitement evident in his tone.
Normally, he would reject such offers, but he realised he wasn't ready to leave you just yet. With only you in mind, Hongjoong accepted, "It would be my pleasure, Official Baek."
Seated beside you in the dining hall that night, the dressmaker did his best to engage with your family members. However, his attention kept drifting back to you, noticing your silence as you picked at your food, showing little appetite. He grew concerned seeing you repeatedly reach for the wine glass, drinking more than eating. Haeun's disapproving glare didn't escape his notice.
"That's enough, maknae. No man likes a drunkard for a wife. With your enhanced looks, you'll be attracting a suitor real soon. Now's the time for you to start training to be a proper lady," she scolded.
Hajoon chortled, "Let her. Perhaps she'll be a better wife when drunk. That version of her might be more tolerable than her usual self."
To Hongjoong's dismay, your sister and parents joined in the laughter, despite your brother-in-law and sister-in-law exchanging apologetic glances in your direction. At that moment, he lost his appetite completely as he watched you quietly enduring it all, much like when the maids made fun of you.
Before he could inquire if you were okay, your father addressed him, "Mr. Kim, we apologise on our youngest's behalf for any trouble she may have caused you. Surely, she couldn't have been easy to work with. We will compensate you nicely for all your efforts."
Wanting to use the opportunity to stand up for you, he plastered on his most professional smile and spoke, "Not at all, my lord. Miss Baek has been an absolute pleasure to work with. She's remarkably selfless, unlike many customers who approach me solely for superficial reasons. Despite her reservations about fashion, she wholeheartedly complies for her family's sake. And I deeply respect her for that. The opportunity to make her clothing is reward enough for me. I consider myself fortunate to have such a client."
His response surprised everyone, including you, with its sincerity and absence of flattery or deceit. Your mother blinked, ashamed of herself for laughing moments ago, "Oh, that's reassuring to hear. Perhaps we should give her more credit for her efforts."
The atmosphere turned slightly awkward after the dressmaker's indirect words, making it clear he disapproved of their conversation about you. It seemed as though his remarks had prompted them to reflect on their behaviour, recognising the cruelty of mocking their own family member. Despite your usual straightforwardness, they understood that you truly never meant to hurt anyone's feelings. Guilt washed over them as they realised their earlier actions had been intentional and hurtful.
Absorbing the aftermath of Hongjoong's defence of you, a surge of emotion welled up inside you. His words resonated deeply, touching a part of you that had longed for such validation. No one had ever stood up for you in such a manner, not even your own family, who were supposed to be your closest allies. To hear someone speak so kindly of you, with genuine sincerity, was a rare and precious gift.
Looking up at him, you felt a warmth spread through your chest. Perhaps, in that moment, he had become more than just a dressmaker to you. Maybe, without him even realising it, he had earned the title of friend.
As he gently confiscated the wine glass from your hand and replenished your bowl with food, a tiny smile tugged at the corners of your lips. His gesture felt like a moment of genuine concern that warmed your heart. Whether or not he realised it, he was showing you a level of care you hadn't experienced before, and it felt comforting to be treated with such thoughtfulness.
"Stop drinking so much and eat more, my lady. You'll be sick if you keep up like that," he lectured with a soft grin.
You wondered if this was his way of showing that he cared. Regardless, it felt nice to be looked after, to have someone pay attention to your well-being in such a simple yet meaningful way. As you took a bite of the food he had placed before you, a sense of gratitude washed over you, grateful for his unexpected kindness in a world that had often felt cold and indifferent.
After the meal, he said his farewells to your family but insisted on walking you back to your quarters before departing. Upon reaching your room entrance, you turned to him, saying, "Well, I'm here safe now. You can leave, Mr. Kim."
He scoffed lightly, "Would it hurt to have a little chat before I go?"
Taking a seat on the short staircase leading to your room, he patted the space beside him, gesturing for you to join him, "Come on. I don't know when I'll see you again after this. Let's just... talk."
Your heart felt uneasy at the reminder that today marked the grand finale, and with it over, his job here was considered done. He would have no reason to visit your family estate unless summoned. Reluctantly, you settled down beside him on the step.
Despite his desire to converse, there was a moment of silence as you both pondered what to say. The ambience was filled with the chirping of crickets and the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze as you sat side by side, your shoulders lightly touching. Mustering his courage, he finally broached the subject, "Be honest with me, Miss Baek. Do you hate my designs? I've noticed your unease since you put them on."
Gazing down at the vibrant hanbok adorning your frame, feeling the weight of the accessories on your head and the unfamiliar thickness of the makeup on your usually bare face, you let out a sigh, "I don't hate them. It's just... honestly, I don't feel worthy of such finery. They're undeniably beautiful, but they don't resonate with who I am. And if this is what it takes to attract a husband, I can't help but wonder... what good is a man who would only value me for my looks? What kind of marriage would that be? The maids had a point. Any man fooled by this appearance would likely end up divorcing me."
Frowning, he turned to you, seeing the rare display of emotion as your eyes glistened with tears, "That's not true, why would you think you're unworthy?" he questioned, genuine concern evident in his voice. Though he wanted to agree that a man like that did not deserve to be with you, he opted to address what truly mattered.
You let out a humourless chuckle, a sound that tugged at his heartstrings. It was unlike you to expose your vulnerabilities in such a manner. Perhaps it was the comfort of Hongjoong's presence or the effects of the alcohol. Or maybe it was a combination of both. You shut your eyes as your world began to spin, whispering, "I've never been good enough for anything or anyone. My parents made that abundantly clear since I was a child. Nobody has ever truly liked me, and don't pretend otherwise, I know you disliked me too. I just... I'm so tired. I want to be loved for who I am. Is that too much to ask...?"
It really isn't, my lady. I'm right here.
Your voice trailed off, a tear tracing down your cheek as you rested your head against his shoulder, succumbing to exhaustion. His heart ached as he hesitated, then gently wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Once he was certain you were truly asleep, he carefully slid his other arm beneath your legs and carried you into your room.
The dressmaker felt as if his life hadn't been the same since taking on that job. It had been nearly a week since he last saw you, the image of your tear-stained sleeping face lingering in his mind as he tucked you into bed. A heavy weight settled in his heart as he silently bid you farewell that night, making his way home with a sense of numbness.
Every day after that felt unsettling.
The initial satisfaction he anticipated from accepting your sister's job offer eluded him. Thoughts of you consumed his mind relentlessly. He wondered about your well-being—whether you were eating properly, sleeping soundly, finding happiness. Despite his yearning to see you again, even just a glimpse to ensure you were okay, he knew he had no reason to visit the Baek estate. The job was completed, and he had received his payment in full. Alongside the surge in his reputation, he had earned widespread recognition for transforming the once pitiful youngest Miss Baek into the stunning beauty you are today.
Consequently, his business flourished. Recognising his inability to change the situation, he threw himself into his work, attempting to maintain a semblance of normalcy. Day after day, he laboured tirelessly in his shop, his pockets filling up, yet his heart growing emptier with each passing moment.
"Huh, who would've thought this day would come? It seems someone could rob you in broad daylight, and you wouldn't even notice," the sudden familiar deep voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Looking up, he found Seonghwa standing right beside his work desk, "What's up with you, Kim Hongjoong? Need a break?"
"I told you, he's been acting all weird since he completed the Baek family's job," Wooyoung chimed in, appearing behind the general.
The dressmaker blinked, "Wh-what are you two idiots doing here?"
Seonghwa scoffed, "Oh wow, is that really the way to greet your friends who care enough to come check on you?"
Flustered, Hongjoong cleared his throat and returned to work, "Why do you have to check on me? I'm doing just fine."
"Are you really? That's not what Yunho told us. It sounds like someone's finally having girl problems," the investigator retorted.
The general grinned, "You know, for someone who gives so much relationship advice, you're rather terrible with matters of the heart when it comes to yourself."
With a sigh, the dressmaker rolled his eyes, "I don't have any problems. You two should worry about yourselves instead. Haven't you heard? Taken men have more issues than single lads like myself." The two had been exceptionally insufferable ever since the younger man had also begun courting his precious Miss Han, always borderline making fun of the rest for still being single.
"Really? So you're not bothered that Miss Baek has finally found a suitor?" Wooyoung teased. At that, Hongjoong dropped the pencil in his hand, head snapping up with wide eyes, "What did you say?"
His friends exchanged knowing grins before the younger one repeated, "I said, the youngest miss of the Baek family has finally found a suitor. The eldest son of the Yoon family has asked for her hand in marriage."
The dressmaker felt his heart drop, "The Yoon family...? Aren't they the ones on the verge of bankruptcy?"
Seonghwa nodded, "That's correct. I guess they must be taking the opportunity to forge a union with the Baek family to save themselves financially. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad now that the youngest miss is finally pretty enough to marry."
"Don't you dare say that about her; she's perfect the way she was. Her appearance doesn't define her," Hongjoong growled, glowering at his friend for the first time.
Rather than reacting negatively, his friends applauded his response, the older man smirking, "Congratulations, you're in love."
"I'm not—"
Wooyoung sighed in exasperation, "Listen, it doesn't matter to us whether you think you're in love or not. But if you aren't, I suppose it wouldn't matter that today is the day the Baek and Yoon families formalise the engagement. Do what you will with that information; we have a double date to enjoy."
At that moment, he came to the realisation that what he had been feeling all along was love. Looking back, he should have recognised the signs from the very beginning; despite his irritation with you, genuine anger never surfaced. The incessant thoughts of you had been consuming every moment of his life, a clear indicator in hindsight. Yet, he couldn't fathom why he had persisted in denying it. It was evident that he wasn't fooling anyone except himself.
The dressmaker's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he watched his friends leave his shop, "W-wait!" he called out, his voice tinged with a hint of nervousness, "Thanks, guys. I appreciate the help."
With a playful wink, the general teased, "Atta boy, go get your girl. I'm looking forward to making it a triple date next time."
God, I sure hope she feels the same.
Meanwhile, you wandered through the gardens of your estate, accompanied by Byungho, the eldest son of the Yoon family and your soon-to-be fiancé, a sense of unease lingered within you. The suddenness of his proposal, along with his family's involvement, left you in a state of shock. While you had anticipated attracting suitors after your makeover, you hadn't expected everything to unfold in less than a week. Despite Byungho's outward appearance of kindness, you didn't know how to feel about spending the rest of your life with him.
Besides, you weren't entirely clueless.
You'd heard all the rumours circulating about his family's financial troubles, stemming from a failed business venture that had left them on the brink of bankruptcy. You understood that his proposal wasn't solely motivated by your newfound beauty; rather, you were seen as a solution to his family's predicament. And since he was still unmarried, it would be like killing two birds with one stone.
Even as you walked alongside the man who was supposed to be your future husband, your thoughts were consumed by a certain dressmaker. Amidst the familiar scenery of the garden, memories of your shared moments played on a loop in your mind.
Like the cat you had rescued and set free, you couldn't help but wonder about both of them—the stray animal and its saviour. Did he ever think of you, even fleetingly? The maids had recounted the events of your final night with him; how he had carried you back to your room and tucked you in with care. You regretted being influenced by alcohol, wishing you had bid him a proper farewell.
Now, you knew you would never see him again—the first person to show you genuine kindness despite a rocky start, the first to truly care, the first you had considered a friend... and perhaps more.
I miss you, Kim Hongjoong.
Little did you know, he stood just outside the entrance to your family estate, struggling to catch his breath. He pleaded with the guards stationed at the gate, conveying the urgency of his situation, "Please, I left behind a crucial tool that I need to retrieve."
"We apologise, Mr. Kim, but the Baek family is hosting important guests today, and we cannot permit entry to outsiders without a valid reason. Perhaps you could return tomorrow," the guard explained respectfully, bowing his head in apology.
As he regained his composure, a sense of desperation gripped him. He knew exactly who those guests were and the purpose of their visit. He couldn't afford to wait until tomorrow; he had to be there to stop it all now. However, he couldn't reveal the true reason to the guards, fearing it would only lead to his expulsion from the premises.
Summoning his typically fearless demeanour, he planted his hands on his hips and fixed the guard with an unamused stare, "Listen, I have a significant client waiting on her hanbok for tomorrow. If I lose her business because of this delay, will you take responsibility for my losses? I doubt your salary could cover the cost. So, soldier, are you prepared to shoulder that burden?"
The guard swallowed nervously, "I-I..."
Rolling his eyes, Hongjoong pressed on, "All I need is a moment to retrieve my belongings. What harm could my brief presence possibly cause? Do you think the guests will be bothered by a mere dressmaker dropping by to pick up his things?"
Lord forgive me for deceiving this poor man.
Finally relenting, the guard stepped aside, "I suppose you have a point, sir. My apologies."
As soon as he was out of the guard's line of sight, he moved stealthily like a spy. The last thing he wanted was to draw attention to himself and face a barrage of questions. His heart raced in his chest as he scanned every corner frantically in search of you. Inside, the living hall buzzed with activity, hosting both your family and the Yoons. However, you and the eldest Yoon son were conspicuously absent. Panic and protectiveness surged within him at the thought of you being alone with another man.
He felt a wave of relief wash over him when he discovered your quarters were vacant. The mere thought of finding you with another man in your room made his stomach churn with jealousy. Passing by the library, he was once again grateful to find it deserted. These were sacred spaces shared only between the two of you, and he refused to let anyone else intrude upon them.
Finally, a sense of calm settled over him when he spotted you in the garden with your prospective betrothed. Taking cover behind a nearby tree, he strained to eavesdrop on your conversation while contemplating his next move. Walking up to you and blurting out his feelings like a madman seemed out of the question. Not only would it be reckless, but he also had to consider what your family would think of him if he acted so impulsively.
He needed to devise a careful plan of action.
Perking up, his attention sharpened as he heard the eldest Yoon son's words to you, "My lady, we've been here for a while. Would you perhaps like to have some tea in a more... secluded spot?"
Hongjoong's blood ran cold at the suggestion, his fists tightening involuntarily until he heard your firm response, "I'm not in the mood for tea, Byungho. If you want some, feel free to go ahead and enjoy it yourself. I'll be right here." A surge of pride swelled within him at your characteristic straightforwardness.
That's my girl, you tell him.
A tense silence hung in the air before Byungho's frustration reached its boiling point, "Enough of this, I've had it with you," he burst out, "Do you honestly believe that just because you've become more attractive, you're suddenly something special? Do you know what men outside are saying about you? Sure, you finally look pretty enough to marry, but they would have considered you if only you were a couple of years younger. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror, you're old. Be grateful I'm willing to marry you. You have no right to be playing Ice Princess with me right now, you hear me?"
The dressmaker's blood boiled as he listened to Byungho's disrespectful tirade against you. Unable to contain his anger any longer, he emerged from his hiding spot and strode purposefully toward the two of you.
"Look who's talking," he interjected, his voice laced with fury, "If she's so undesirable, why the hell are you and your family here begging to have her hand in marriage?" He narrowed his eyes at the bastard, his words dripping with disdain, "Look at yourself, Yoon Byungho. You're going broke and are relying on a woman to save yourself. I don't think you should be the one to talk."
Byungho's face turned red with anger as he shot back, "Who the hell do you think you are? Wait a minute, I know you. Aren't you just a lowly dressmaker? You have no right to speak to me like that."
But Hongjoong stood his ground, undeterred by Byungho's attempts to intimidate him, "I may be a dressmaker, but at least I have the decency to respect others," he retorted, "Unlike you, who seems to think you can treat people however you please just because of your family name. Would you prefer to back off on your own, or would you like me to repeat your earlier words to Official and Lady Baek word for word? Do you reckon they'd still want such a son-in-law?"
As the tension between them escalated, you watched in shock, unsure of what to make of the confrontation unfolding before you.
You didn't know how to react when Byungho scoffed in disbelief, "Whatever, I can't stand her anyway," he said before turning to you, "And you, don't come crying to me when you can't find someone to marry."
"Oh, don't you worry, she won't," the dressmaker sneered, watching the despicable man huff and stalk off.
Still in a state of shock, you blinked rapidly, trying to process Hongjoong's sudden appearance and his unexpected action in ending your engagement so abruptly, "M-Mr. Kim...? What have you done?"
He narrowed his eyes at you, "What have I done? More like, what are you doing, woman?" he retorted.
"I haven't done anything," you fought back.
"Exactly! Were you really just going to marry that douche of a man if I hadn't shown up? Even after he said those things to you? Don't you want to be happy?" he questioned.
Massaging your temples, you struggled to understand his point, "I don't get it, Mr. Kim. What are you trying to say? You know better than anyone my happiness never mattered."
He ignored your question, "Of course, it matters! And what the hell are you wearing?!"
Confused, you looked down at the hanbok you were wearing, one of his designs, "What do you mean? This is your—"
"Only wear what you want and do what you want! Why should you be so unhappy? This is your life!" he interrupted, frustrated.
Exasperated, you sighed, "In case you haven't been paying attention, no man will ever want me if I were to—"
He cut you off, gripping your shoulders firmly as he looked into your eyes, "I do! I want to be with you, okay? Your happiness matters to me more than anything else!" he declared before bravely pulling you into his arms. He felt like he could finally breathe again when you lifted your arms to hug him back.
A week had passed since that pivotal moment, and it was remarkable how one single moment could alter the course of your life. Hongjoong's unexpected intervention had changed everything. Byungho's decision to call off the engagement had left both families in shock, particularly his own, given their desperate need for financial assistance. The bastard was more keen to preserve his reputation, fearful of the repercussions of his outburst towards you. Strangely, your family seemed somewhat relieved by the turn of events, although the reasons behind their reaction remained unclear.
Eventually, it became clear when the dressmaker approached them, seeking permission to court you. The knowing grins exchanged among your family members answered your unspoken questions.
Haeun's laughter, unexpected to both you and Hongjoong, was joined by Hajoon's, "I knew it! I knew there was something between you two! Your actions spoke volumes, Mr. Kim, especially your protectiveness towards her that night. We've been waiting for you to realise it."
Your parents nodded, "You have our blessing, Mr. Kim. So long as our youngest is happy. But ultimately, it's her consent that truly matters. You should ask her if she's willing."
The dressmaker hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest as he reached for your hand, "I did ask her..." His nerves eased when you willingly intertwined your fingers with his, "And she said yes."
And ever since that moment, he hadn't let you go for long, always claiming to miss you. Though you were too shy to admit it aloud, you felt the same. Now, as you stroll along the bustling streets of town for the first time in what feels like forever, his hand securely holding yours, he shows you around, "Come on, beautiful. There's still so much to see."
He slowed his pace, noticing the slightly overwhelmed expression on your face, and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, "Are you feeling alright, darling?" he asked, scanning the surroundings, wondering if you were perhaps feeling insecure due to any stares, "Is it the hanbok? I promise I'll make an even simpler version next time."
You shook your head immediately, "What? No! I like this, Joong, I really do," you said, smiling down at the simple yet elegant pastel-coloured fabric he had picked especially for you. He had replaced all the previous ones he made for you with a new batch of minimalistic hanboks you'd prefer.
Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, he persisted, "Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything."
You chuckled softly, and he felt a flutter in his chest at the sight of your beautiful smile, "Of course, you know I can't lie to save my life."
His laughter echoed with realisation, "That's true, how could I forget?"
Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, you leaned your head against his shoulder, your favourite spot, "I was just thinking..."
"About what?"
You blushed, "About us."
As you reached a serene little bridge spanning over a gentle river, you both paused to admire the tranquil scene below, leaning against the ledge side by side, "What about us?" he asked.
Turning to meet his gaze, you softened, "I just find it amusing how we ended up like this, together. I recall how much you couldn't stand me when we first met, and I thought I'd never see you again once the makeover was done. Yet... here you are."
He grinned warmly, leaning in to rest his forehead against yours, "Here I am, my darling. I was an idiot then, but I have no intention of ever leaving your side again."
Your heart brimmed with joy, a sensation you never thought you'd have the pleasure of experiencing. Similarly, Hongjoong felt a sense of pride as he observed you gradually opening up, becoming more at ease in expressing your emotions around him. He was proud of the progress you had made.
Caught up in the moment, he summoned the courage to finally kiss you. Truth be told, he had been searching for the right moment to share your first kiss but wanted to respect your boundaries. He knew you must have been new to all this, and to be fair, he wasn't much more experienced than you. While he had seen many couples throughout his life and displays of affection were nothing new to him, he lacked firsthand experience. He often wondered when would be the right time to take such a step.
Sensing his gaze fixed on your lips, your breath caught in your throat. Was the moment finally here? Were you about to share your first kiss? You closed your eyes instinctively as he leaned in, taking it as his cue to press his lips against yours.
Here goes nothing.
As your lips met, a rush of euphoria swept through him when he felt you kissing him back softly, enjoying the sensation of your lips on his. Slowly pulling back, you both broke into shy smiles, "That felt nice," he said, and you nodded in agreement, "It really did." Just as he leaned down again, intent on kissing you once more, you were both snapped out of your trance by the sound of a child yelling for help.
Reaching for his hand, you immediately pulled him towards the source of the commotion, only to find a little girl pointing to the top of a tree, "Help, please, somebody help my poor little kitty!"
You couldn't help but burst into giggles at the familiar scene as Hongjoong shook his head, "Nope, absolutely not. Someone else can help her," Pouting, you tugged at his arm, "Please, Joong? We have to help the poor thing! I'll give you a kiss when you do."
His jaw dropped before determination filled his being, "You know what? Deal. You best not go back on your words, woman."
Rolling up his sleeves, he approached the tree with a shake of his head in disbelief, "Goodness, the things I do for her," he muttered. But as he glanced back and saw the beautiful smile on your face, he realised he would be willing to save a thousand, no—a million more cats if that's what it takes to make you smile like that every day.
Anything to make you happy, darling.
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If you haven't already read the first bonus chapter of TWTHH, please do so soon! I'll be working on the second bonus chapter after this hehe also, I hope you're all excited for Yunho's spinoff next!
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list (1/8): @itstheghostofmypast @huachengsbestie01 @minghaoslatina @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @the-kpop-simp @writingwieny @stayatinykatsy @skzline @green-agent @stayinhellevator @vampzity @tinyteezer @evidive @vantediary @superbbananananana @kimyeolchan @chocolate-scoups @decadentstrangernacho @vic0921 @foxinnie8 @marievllr-abg @sunnyhokyu @seungmin-in-thebuilding @heyitsmetonid @sansaurora9904 @darkestacademiamindsx12-blog @pay13 @kpop17 @professormingisglasses @newworldwritings @chicken-fifi @thunderous-wolf @shythinggiver @madnpan @yandere-stories @anxiousskylar @frobin4ever @starssongs98 @kamabokogonpachro @dollce-exe @jan-l @lovelyred2 @haven-cove @watermelon2319 @dreamingofyeo @akimkim @scuzmunkie @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @borntoshineateez @st4rhwa @ddaeing @tropicalsstuff @bts-army380 @skteezcursed @beauty143 @naps-over-degree @idfkeddieishot @sis-101 @lemon-sage17 @jcalicocatj
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562 notes · View notes
rainybubbles · 7 months
141 coming back to you after a eight months mission
Plus size reader :) !
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC)
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-Eight long months, every fiber of his being yearned for a hot shower, his eyes struggled to stay open.
- Yet, it wasn't his shabby apartment that the taxi drove to.
-Simon, buried beneath the Ghost's mask, still held a glimmer of humanity within him, a breath hidden beneath Ghost's blood, death, and violence.
-But on that evening, what he ardently desired was them: their gentleness, their scent, their warmth.
-Like a wild animal slowly tamed by food, he returned to them whenever possible.
-Under the pouring rain, he advanced, hastily thanking the driver, the heavy bags weighing on his shoulders.
-He stepped into the still slumbering pastry shop, and the bell rang.
-And there they appeared.
- Covered in flour, with a pastry cap and apron, they were surprised to find someone there at five in the morning.
-"Simon," they murmured.
-The sound of his name was so sweet, so soothing.
- But he wanted more.
-He wanted them to whisper his name over and over again, filled with desire, until they could only utter it, clouded with pleasure.
-His bags fell to the ground, and his arms enveloped them in an instinctive movement.
- Their hair smelled of sugar and butter, the flour staining their black sweater. Simon wanted more.
-" I missed you," they whispered.
-He couldn't bring himself to respond, to admit this longing, but they could sense it.
-His arms didn't let them go.
-"Scone?" they asked.
-"No. "
- "No."
-" Croissant?"
- "You," he finally said.
A silence stretched between them.
-"I have to finish my batch, I open in an hour. Do you think you can wait?"
-No, he couldn't. But reason prevailed, and he nodded.
-"I'll help you," he murmured.
-"You barely know how to fold a dough."
-"I can follow orders."
-"Sorry, soldier."
-Their laughter echoed, and a sense of relief washed over him.
- He wanted to hear that sound again and again.
- In silence, they worked. Simon followed every move, ignoring the pain, stretching each muscle. He was ready for anything.
-When the last batch was ready and the saleswoman arrived, Simon breathed a sigh of relief.
-Y/n gave their final instructions and left.
-Alone on the street, they walked together.
-Like a starving beast, Simon jumped at every crumb of affection, grabbing their hand, his fingers brushing theirs through gloves.
-"We need to talk, don't we?" they finally admitted.
-"Yes," he replied.
- "About what happened before your deployment…"
-The kiss. A hurried kiss, without thought.
- Lips so soft, erasing the bad news of his deployment and eight long months of silence.
-"I… "
-'Don't say you regret it," he finally said.
-"No, I don't. I mean it. But I don't want it to destroy us."
-"It won't."
-"I know you avoid people, Simon. Attachment."
-But not them, he thought
- Since the moment his feet led him to that pastry shop. Simon knew he was doomed.
- A stupid cake for Soap's nephew, and he found himself charmed by a baker making incredible scones.
-Simon had become a regular there, a man of habit enjoying the good things, he told himself.
- It was close, he said.
-Close to his shabby apartment, to his gym.
-Just a daily stop for coffee and scones, he reasoned.
- But every morning, his eager eyes searched for their silhouette.
-Their rolls, their belly, their thighs, that smile.
- Every crumb he could get, he took.
-They eventually noticed him.
-A mountain of muscles, hidden by a mask, softened by scones, it wasn't the most discreet.
-They greeted him.
-Always the first customer at dawn.
-In reality, Simon came so early out of military habit but also to avoid the saleswoman.
-Simon desired the baker, not the small, slim saleswoman.
-Slowly, they spoke to him, and everything fell into place.
- They had become his anchor, an anchor in reality.
- A tough mission, and he came to them silently, without needing to place an order, without having to face the crowd, slipping to the back and watching them work.
-No questions, just comfort.
-The smell of sugar, flour, and eggs permeated his clothes in the most exquisite way.
-And now he dreamed of a life where this scent would be constant.
-"I don't want us to drift apart," they said.
-"We won't," he assured them.
-"So, what do we do, Simon?"
-"Kiss me."
-It was a prayer, a barely audible order, a cry for help.
-Slowly his mask fell.
- Their eyes met, hesitant but filled with desire.
-And they kissed him.
- In that dark street, under the pouring rain.
-"Again," he murmured.
-"We have to go back," they said.
- "I don't care about going back," he replied.
- "Simon, you don't want to spend your leave sick."
-"If I stay with you, I do."
- "For you."
-Their laughter burst out, and Simon kissed them again to capture it.
-Slowly, they finally arrived at their place.
-Their dog welcomed them, barking happily at Simon. And after eight long months, Simon could finally breathe.
-"I'm home," he murmured.
- "We were waiting for you," they replied.
-Nothing surpassed this feeling, he thought as he kissed them again.
-Simon was a man, and like any man, he had finally found his long-desired home in their arms.
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-In an emotionally charged atmosphere, Price let the water flow slowly, carrying away the remnants of blood under his nails.
-After eight long months, he felt like a ship drifting without a course, without a real destination.
-At least that's what he claimed to anyone who would listen, but the ring hanging under his uniform whispered different truths to him.
-Staring at his own reflection, Price read the inscription inside the ring, a name he hadn't uttered in years.
- Like enchanted by a spell whose charm he feared, he hesitated to whisper it again.
-Yet, his heart demanded it.
-He knew it was the longing that drove him.
-Without those eight months, he wouldn't be here, longing desperately to have them back in his arms.
-(It was false; since the divorce was signed, he dreamt of them.)
-Since the day their marriage ended, he had wanted to throw himself at their feet and beg them to come back.
- He desired their warmth, their ridiculous work stories, their cooking, their scent, their fingers, their kisses.
-They were the oasis in the desert of his life, and through negligence, he had let them evaporate.
- It all dated back to before his promotion to captain.
- Back then, he was just a young lieutenant full of ambition, willing to sacrifice anything to obtain that coveted title.
-But the long hours at the office had gradually poisoned his time with them, an absence they had signaled to him, one he had ignored, one he had maintained until everything exploded like a grenade.
-Now, he stood there, on the minefield of his emotional life with a ring they had probably forgotten, longing to hear them say yes once again.
-As he dried himself off, Price settled into his office.
-He told himself it was just simple nostalgia, but the bitter taste of tobacco wasn't enough to distract him, remembering how much they hated that smell. He extinguished his cigar.
-To take his mind off things, he decided to go to the nearest bookstore. A good book would be welcome, he thought.
-That voice, which had haunted him for three years and eight long months of divorce.
-It had been so long.
-Too long, he thought, seeing them so different.
- He admired their new haircut, their new clothes. What a lucky man he had been.
-"Yes. Still teaching?"
-"Yes. And you, did you manage to become a captain?"
-The silence stretched, their eyes avoiding his.
-"But it wasn't worth it," he admitted.
-"Too much work?"
-"Not enough of you"
-"John," they interrupted.
-"I'm not trying to get us back together, far from it. I know it won't happen, but I wanted to be honest with you. I think this divorce has been the biggest failure of my life, and you deserved better than me."
-Hesitantly, they opened their mouth, a mouth he had kissed so many times, one that had shared all their troubles, all their doubts.
-"Thank you, John. But I'm also to blame. I should have told you everything that was going on in my head, everything that wasn't right."
-"You couldn't, when all I listened to were orders."
-"Good person, wrong time, it seems."
-"Nothing prevents us from correcting the timing, right?"
-John raised an eyebrow.
-"It doesn't mean we have to start all over, but… you've been a pillar in my life, John. I missed you. Whether as friends or more, it doesn't matter."
-"Thank you, love," John murmured.
-They approached him, and during this long absence, John could finally feel human warmth again.
-To just be John again, not Captain Price.
-Their hands wrapped around each other.
-They both knew it wouldn't be purely platonic, but like a suspended promise, for now, they would stick to it, hoping that one day the rings would find their respective places again.
-Theirs from their drawer to their finger, and his from his neck to his hand.
-"I missed you."
-"You too. Tell me what I've missed."
-And John could only smile.
-If these eight months of hell, these three years of desert led him back to them, then it was worth it, he decided.
- So when he packed for his next return, the soldiers watched him curiously because for once the captain had a home where he really wanted to be.
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-Immersed in an ocean of turmoil, Soap returned after eight months of absence, longing to celebrate his return with his family.
-His thoughts, drowned in alcohol and his mother's reprimands, were rocked by the cheery laughter of his nephews and nieces.
-Between the urge to scream and the desire to simply savor their presence, he oscillated.
-When the festivities finally came to an end, he could finally breathe.
-Eight months.
- Alone in his flat, memories flooded in, evoking strategies, bombs, deafening tumult, and lingering smells.
-Everything was an attempt at distraction; the television, the rain, a run, a cup of tea, messages on his mobile.
-He longed for something, even if he didn't know exactly what.
-But it was missing, creeping under his skin little by little, scratching at the door of his mind.
-"Again, really?'
-His eyes fell on his neighbour.
-The same one who had endured his screams at three in the morning, his hurried departures on missions, his heavy suitcases dragged at seven in the morning.
- And now, at four o'clock, they stood before him, a mischievous gleam in their eyes, the result of an incident involving dumbbells in his hands.
-"Sorry.", he apologized.
-"I'm starting to think you're doing it on purpose."
-"On purpose…? "He raised an eyebrow.
-"So that we see each other. You know, like in those cliché romances where the noisy neighbour ends up seducin' the complainin' neighbour."
-Incredulous, he couldn't help but laugh.
-"Ye wouldn't need that."
-A teasing smile stretched across his neighbour's lips.
-"I know. But you seem to need it. Not an adventure, but a distraction."
-They referred to the dumbbells.
-"I make cookies." they said.
-"At 4 a.m.?"
-"I know how to keep myself busy in silence."
-"Interested?" they asked.
-The latent feeling under Soap's skin resurfaced.
-He nodded and followed them. And then he realized.
-The warm atmosphere, the decor, the unstacked dishes, the soft carpets.
-That's what he had missed, a heaven of peace.
-"They won't be the best cookies in the world, but they'll do."
-"Ah'm good at it." he said.
-"Pastry chef?"
-"Hm, that explains a lot. "They gave him a complicit look.
-"Like what?" Soap asked.
-"This horrible haircut."
Laughter erupted in the kitchen.
-"Ma haircut is incredible."
-"For a 6-year-old."
-"Ah look handsome with it."
-"Even without it."they said.
-"Good at flirtin'?"he asked.
-"With the right person, yes."
-Soap smiled.
-"Ye would be bonnie with a mohawk."
-"No thanks. But, well, I understand the muscles and the irregular movements now."
-"Aye, Ah don't choose my hours."
-Too bad, you'd think criminals can't be punctual, huh? "they joked.
-He smiled.
-Hands in the dough, Soap couldn't help but let his gaze drift over his neighbour's curves.
-He admitted that sometimes his door slammed a little louder in the hope of catching a glimpse of them, like a good luck charm before a mission.
-Curves he longed to explore, letting the eight long months fade from his memory to be replaced by love for them.
-"Ah should hae made more noise if it means havin' cookies."
-His neighbour smiled.
-"Maybe. I was worried about this silence, you know."
Soap felt touched by their concern.
-"Ah'm sorry."
-"Don't apologize, you didn't decide on that. It's just… maybe I could give you my number? If you ever have plants or stuff like that, I'll take care of them."
-"Okay." he acquiesced.
-He took the paper feverishly, keeping it as a precious treasure, and continued cooking.
-At the end of that day, returning home, Soap could finally close his eyes.
-The creeping feeling had come to an end.
-That longing, that emptiness, it was them, the sound of a life together.
-He brushed the paper, a smile on his lips.
-Getting up, he decided to drop a dumbbell loudly.
- A noise at his door rang out, and he smiled. Nothing was worth his neighbour.
-So slowly he opened the door, and dinner followed to apologize.
-Then another to repay.
-And slowly, they erased from his mind the eight long months that had haunted him.
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-After eight long months of absence, Gaz finally found a moment of respite in his humble accommodation on the base.
-The deafening noises of the base's incessant activity, the hurried faces, the soldiers' rushed departures, everything seemed to dissolve into a chaos filling his ears.
-Everything seemed to fade away as soon as he could cross the threshold of his room.
-Here, in this haven of tranquility, he could finally silence the external turmoil.
-His pulse slightly quickened as he reached for his phone, his fingers instinctively finding his favorite contact: them.
- He felt this visceral need to reassure them, to feel their presence through the voice that was so dear to him.
-In this suspended moment, he longed to hear nothing but their soothing breath, to lose himself in their tender words.
-His ears buzzed, every beep deafening his eardrums and…
-"Y/N," he murmured, relieved and tender.
-The echo of their voice provided him with a welcome comfort, a balm for his weary soul.
-"Kyle. Back among us?"
-"Yes, I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you."
-"No, I'm on break. I have a shift tonight."
-A silence stretched.
-"Is everything alright?"
-Kyle hesitated before speaking.
-Is everything alright? The blood, the bruises, the cries, the deaths… Everything seemed to still be on his skin, vivid in his mind.
-"I don't know," he admitted.
-"You didn't break an arm, did you?"
-Kyle smiled at the memory.
-After a rough mission he had rushed to his flat ignoring the pain in his arm and the medics.
-Yet he ended up to E.R days later with a blue arm and broken bone.
-Y/n was one of the nurse who was in charge of him and his cast, they kept contact.
-"No, I don't know how I managed to cope without hearing from you."
-"Charming," they laughed at his attempt at flirting.
-"More seriously?"
-"Tired," he admitted.
-"I would tell you to sleep, but I imagine you don't want to."
-"I can't."
-Not when he knew the nightmares awaiting him.
-"…I finish at 1am, if ever. I'm not implying anything, I know your base is super far, but I know that company can help."
-"Hmm, I don't know, will there be food?"
-"My company isn't enough for you, Kyle?" they joked.
-"I fear not."
-"Damn," they exclaimed, laughing.
-Ah, there it was.
-A tender smile stretched across Gaz's lips.
- In this exchange, he found comfort, a precious connection.
-His body relaxed slightly.
-"I missed you," they confessed.
-"You too."
-"You know, I bought those awful biscuits you talked about so much, hoping you'd come eat them at my place."
-"I'll take it as a declaration at this rate."
-"Shut up, I know you'd never buy them because 'no time'."
-"I like speed."
-"Even in bed?"
-A mischievous smile formed on his lips.
-"That's for you to find out."
-"You always say that."
-"I mean it."
-"I know, after eight months of absence, it might just be the longing speaking, but… the only thing I wanted was you. Coming back to you, holding you in my arms, making you laugh one last time. And… staying friends… it's worse."
-"Worse than eight months without me?" -"Yes."
-"You're horrible for doing this."
-"I know."
-"At a distance, over the phone. I can't… I can't guess anything."
-"I guess I'm a coward."
-"Shut up, I… I swear I'm going to hit you and then kiss you."
-"Kiss me?"
-"Of course, do you really think I answer all your calls at any time out of friendship?"
-"Last time there was an eight-hour time difference."
-"You told me…"
-"That there were only two, yes, because… I didn't want you to worry. You're a stubborn idiot always thinking of others, so I wanted to be selfish for once that you are."
-"I am. I want you, Y/n."
-"Then come get me."
-Kyle smiled and hung up.
- In his car, stress, fear, adrenaline surged. But for once, the enemy wasn't to be fought.
-Once in front of the hospital, hours of driving later, he stood at the entrance and saw them come out.
-Their name spoken from their lips, and he embraced them.
-"Never again," they whispered.
-"I can't promise anything, but I'll try."
-"I swear I'll kick Price's ass if he does that again."
-"I'll help you."
-And he kissed them.
-Suddenly the eight long months evaporated on Y/n's couch, his fingers sliding through their hair, and his lips on theirs.
-The silence returned and Kyle could finally breathe.
If you want more : my masterlist
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mcflymemes · 4 months
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (2005) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you must know... surely, you must know it was all for you.
you are too generous to trifle with me.
if your feelings are still what they were last april, tell me so at once.
my affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever.
you have bewitched me, body and soul, and i love... i love you.
i never wish to be parted from you from this day on.
i have struggled in vein and i can bear it no longer.
these past months have been a torment.
i came to [location name] with the single object of seeing you. i had to see you.
are you too proud, [name]? and would you consider pride a fault or a virtue?
we're doing our best to find a fault in you.
i have fought against my better judgement, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance.
you really do love him, don't you?
please, do be seated.
this is a charming house.
all these things i am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony.
how are you this evening, my dear?
may i have the next dance, [name]?
my brother gave it to me. he shouldn't have.
i wish you would not call me "my dear."
what endearments am i allowed?
what should i call you when i am cross?
i cannot believe that anyone can deserve you... but it appears i am overruled.
are you out of your senses? i thought you hated the man.
have you no objection other than your belief in my indifference?
i do like him. i love him.
only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony, which is why i will end up an old maid.
i love you. most ardently.
please do me the honor of accepting my hand.
i appreciate the struggle you have been through, and i am very sorry to have caused you pain.
believe me, it was unconsciously done.
are you... laughing at me?
i wonder who first discovered the power of poetry in driving away love?
i thought that poetry was the food of love.
what do you recommend to encourage affection?
i'm very fond of walking.
i do not have the talent of conversing easily with people i have never met before.
perhaps you should take your aunt's advice and practice?
so this is your opinion of me. thank you for explaining it so fully.
those are the words of a gentleman.
from the first moment i met you, your arrogance and conceit, your selfish disdain for the feelings of others made me realize that you were the last man in the world i could ever be prevailed upon to marry.
forgive me for taking up so much of your time.
maybe it's that i find it hard to forgive the follies and vices of others, or their offenses against me.
my good opinion, once lost, is lost forever.
i cannot tease you about that. what a shame, for i dearly love to laugh.
i will not and i certainly never shall.
you have insulted me in every possible way, and can now have nothing further to say.
i must ask you to leave immediately.
i have never been thus treated in my entire life.
i can admire you much better from here.
do you talk, as a rule, while dancing?
i prefer to be unsociable and taciturn.
i dare say you will find him amiable.
it would be most inconvenient since i have sworn to loathe him for all eternity.
no one would suspect your manners to be rehearsed.
i've come to tell you the news.
not all of us can afford to be romantic.
i've been so blind.
they are far too easy to judge.
i was wrong. i was entirely wrong about him.
i am well aquainted with you, [name], to know that i cannot alarm you, even should i wish it.
your skills in the art of matchmaking are positively occult.
i've never seen so many pretty girls in my life!
i do not deny it.
has the pig escaped again?
we are all fools in love.
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aemonds-sapphire · 2 years
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Summary: Ser Erryk makes the mistake of looking for too long at you and Aemond makes sure he pays for it.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW. Jealous/Possessive Aemond. Exhibitionism. “Just the tip”. Dry humping. Creampie.
A/N: If you recognise this is because it’s a rework of a short fic I posted a few days ago. I added a smut scene and some other minor changes. Hope you like it!
A/N2: Can be read as part 2 of “Precious Stones”, but also as a stand-alone.
Word count: 2.5k
“Ask Ser Erryk if he wishes to preserve all his limbs intact.”
“My prince?”
“You heard what I said, Cole.”
To anyone unaware of what had provoked such serious solicitation, it would seem that Prince Aemond was merely poking fun.
But Aemond does not fool around when it comes to what belongs to him.
You swallowed your wine quietly, crossing eyes with Ser Erryk Cargyll whose stare was bold enough to have your heart clench.
And it was not because you welcomed the daring attention, but because you knew Aemond wouldn’t.
Aemond Targaryen had made his claim, and anyone who dared defy him would face the consequences.
You watched as Ser Criston Cole walked towards Ser Erryk to deliver the prince’s message.
His reaction was appalling.
The young member of the Kingsguard, entrusted with protecting Prince Aegon, decided that scoffing and chuckling was an appropriate way to respond to Aemond.
How wrong he was.
Sitting beside you, Aemond shifted in his seat, eye fixed on the man in front of him. “What is so amusing, Ser Erryk?”
You thanked the Gods that the king and queen were absent from supper, but you weren’t as fortunate when it came to Aegon.
“Oh, this ought to be good,” said the young prince, relishing in the eminent conflict.
Ser Erryk dropped his smile at once. “Nothing, my prince.”
“So you laugh at nothing? That is… concerning.”
Aemond was an expert where taunting others was concerned. He would know just what to say and how to say it, in order to set anyone off, ultimately prevailing as his skill with sword matched his words.
The silence was so thick you could hear the flames flickering on the candlesticks and the wind wailing angrily outside.
“Aemond…” you began, placing one hand on his thigh.
“Give me one reason not to behead you.”
Ser Criston Cole was tense through and through. “Prince Aemond, what happ—”
“Now why would you behead Ser Erryk, dear brother?” Aegon spoke, visibly amused. “Is my safety of no concern to you?”
Oh Gods…
Helaena would have no part in this, and simply kept to herself, lowered gaze and focused on downing the food in her plate.
“Stay out of this,” Aemond said calmly, his eye never leaving Ser Erryk.
A wise person would have followed this warning, but Aegon was not wise. In fact, he was a fool who thought himself to be wise. And there was no bigger foolery.
“I shall not,” Aegon voiced his indignation. “What is his crime, brother? Staring at her?”
Cold sweat ran down the back of your neck as you felt his eyes on you.
“Prince Aemond, I meant no disrespect,” Ser Erryk said as dutifully as possible given the current situation. “I apologise.”
Aemond gripped your hand tightly. Even though he excelled at keeping his composure, he had difficulty reining in his feelings when it came to those he cared about.
Aegon huffed in annoyance, twirling the fork in between his fingers. “Ruining our meal over some wench… I mean, really, Aemond…”
At this, your lover rose to his feet, banging his fist on the wooden table, nearly spilling the glasses of wine in the process.
But his anger wasn’t aimed at Aegon and his infantile demeanor.
After all, the cause of such commotion was far simpler.
Ser Erryk had made a mistake, and now he would pay for it.
“I may have lost an eye,” he told the kingsguard, voice dripping with poison. “But you are the one who is too blind to see that there is no scenario in which you come out victorious.”
The man responsible for prince Aegon’s well-being swallowed hard, but stood his ground, not showing anything other than respect for the dragon prince.
“Prince Aemond,” Ser Criston spoke once again. “Let us all calm down. I will make sure nothing of the sort happens again.”
Aemond chuckled. “First and final warning. Next time, you will not be so fortunate should you glance in her direction again.”
The young man nodded, staying silent.
“Mother will be delighted to know you’re threatening to kill my protector because of our sister’s lady-in-waiting,” Aegon said, clearly wanting to provoke his younger brother.
Aemond snapped his head at him. “If your own protection was of any concern to you, you wouldn’t dismiss his services so you can disappear into Flea Bottom,” a smile curved his lips as Aegon’s face dropped. “Do tell mother. Tell her that my flaw is caring for those I love, as she does. See how far that will get you, dear brother.”
Aegon’s eyes shot daggers at his younger brother in silence, and you vaguely wondered why he hadn’t snapped at his words.
But then again, Aegon thrived for simpler things in life other than picking fights with someone who could best him in whatever weapon of choice they’d decide to wield: sword or words.
As such, the rest of supper remained uneventful, with Aemond keeping one hand firmly on your thigh at all times.
That sense of belonging swept you off your feet completely.
Knowing that Aemond would not hesitate to let others know how strongly he felt about you.
By the time all cups and plates were emptied, Aegon left his seat, waving one hand dismissively at Ser Erryk as he exited the dining hall, proving once more that Aemond’s words had been true.
Aemond scoffed, raising to his feet while taking your hand in his. “Shall we?”
Heat flared in your cheeks as he tightened his grip lightly on you.
Nodding, you crossed eyes with Helaena. “I shall meet you in your bedchambers, my lady.”
Her eyes dropped to the sapphire necklace you had put on and she curled her lips into a warm smile.
Aemond held your hand closely as he paced across the room, until he was standing in front of Ser Erryk.
“Seeing that my brother won’t require your services, may I make use of them?”
It was a simple inquiry and it sounded innocent enough coming from him, but the look on Ser Erryk was far more revealing.
Criston Cole shared the sentiment, stepping between both of them. “Prince Aemond, I-"
Aemond heaved an audible sigh that effectively silenced him. “Ser Criston, you forget I’m skilled with my dagger,” he said, removing the blade from its sheath, twirling it effortlessly in his fingers. “If I wished to bring harm to Ser Erryk, I would have done so before you could blink.”
The young member of the Kingsguard did not seem all that convinced, but stepped aside regardless.
A mischievous smile danced on Aemond’s lips as he sheathed the dagger.
The sudden realisation that he was up to something suddenly hit you.
Never letting go of his hold on you, the three of you paced quietly along the vast corridors of the Red Keep.
There was certainly no need for Ser Erryk’s services and, for a fleeting moment, you wondered if Aemond actually intended to harm the young man.
But your fears vanished quickly when you reached the door to his bedchambers and watched as Aemond asked him to stand guard.
Ser Erryk held a blank expression, not daring to look at you.
Your lover let go of you hand and you felt him get behind you, pressing both hands on your shoulder.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
As soon as those words left his lips you turned to face him, embarrassed washing over you. “Aemond!”
One hand slid to your neck, slowly bringing his warm fingers to angle it, exposing more skin to his touch.
“Answer the question, Ser Erryk,” he said, caressing you with his thumb. “You may look at her now.”
His face hardened before your eyes, and he swallowed hard, probably thinking it was bait.
Embarrassment eventually subsided and made way for a fluttering sensation in your stomach as Aemond’s tender caressed kept you yearning for more.
Ser Erryk eventually turned his gaze to you. “Yes, she is, my prince.”
A low chuckle escaped Aemond’s lips before pressing a soft kiss to the crook of your neck.
Your eyes immediately fluttered shut and you thanked the Gods that his hold on your shoulder was enough to ground you, for your knees momentarily faltered.
He lingered for a while before drawing back, leaving a wet spot that made you shiver. “Do you trust me?” Aemond whispered in your ear.
You shouldn’t.
You couldn’t
But you wanted to.
Just to see how far he’d go to make you his.
You open your eyes only to be met with Ser Erryk’s that seemed to be fixed on you.
“Ser Erryk,” Aemond said in between scorching kisses to your skin. “Would you want to touch her?”
The young man blinked in confusion. “My prince?”
“Oh, do not misunderstand,” he said and you could feel his smile. “It is not an offer.”
The hand on your shoulder moved to your belly before he settles his forearm right under your breasts, pulling you into his embrace and sealing your heated skin of with another kiss.
“Answer it.”
Through half-closed eyes you watched Ser Erryk swallow, visibly unsure of how to react. “No, my prince.”
Aemond scoffed, pulling you even closer, until you started to feel the outline of his cock being pressed firmly against your ass. You parted your lips, unable to control your breathing as pleasure overtook your senses.
His breath fanned your neck one last time before he let go of you at once.
“Ser Erryk, you are to guard this door.”
He threw one last look at you, straightening himself.
Aemond swung the door open and pulled you in, and before you could process whatever was happening, he had you pinned against the wooden boards until the foor slammed shut.
But he would have none of your words.
Hunger and possessiveness commanded the kiss he took from you, framing your hand with his strong hands, and grunting from having his cock rubbing against you.
He tore his lips away, ruffling the fabric of your dress up your thighs. “Legs around me. Now.”
The sense of urgency in his voice jolted you, but you immediately wrapped one leg first and once he had it secured with one hand, you lifted the other, immediately bringing your core into contact with his strained cock.
Aemond immediately bucked his hips into you, purely out of reflex, and you moaned as he held your jaw with his hand, forcing you to gaze at him.
“He’s… outside… my prince,” you managed to breathe out, nearly rolling your eyes when the fabric of his pants rubbed against your throbbing clit.
“And he will know I’m the only men who is ever allowed to have you,” he said before pressing hurried kisses along your jawline. “He will hear it.”
Lust had taken over and guided your body to sway alongside his, welcoming his desperate thrusts and your own need to quench the thirst you had for this man.
Your eyes had fluttered shut when his took your lips in his, but quickly snapped open at the unmistakable sound of a blade being drawn.
Aemond had removed his eyepatch and his stare nearly took your breath away as he lifted his dagger to rest on the sapphire necklace he had gifted you.
You widened your eyes and let out a gasp once he dragged the cool metal along you skin, careful enough not to hurt you, settling it on the neckline of your dress.
“Do you trust me?” he asked for the second time that night.
You bit your lip, staring into his own sapphire. “No.”
“Allow me to change your mind.”
And with no further warning, he slide the dagger into your dress ripping it at the front, the tearing sound filling your ears.
You watched in shock as he threw the dagger to the blade to the floor.
Had Ser Erryk heard it too?
Even if he had missed it, he surely wouldn’t be able to miss the obscene noise of Aemond latching on to an exposed nipple, desperately sucking on it.
“Aemond…” you gasped, feeling your own wetness starting to coat your folds. “Aemond… Aemond…”
You kept on repeating his name like a prayer, not sure whether you were urging him or simply too lost in your own pleasure to say anything else.
He grunted as he rolled your nipple in between his teeth teasingly.
It was your time to snap your hips into his, and he immediately halted his ministrations to let out the most delicious growl you had ever heard.
“The many times I have wished to take you like this,” he whispered into your lips, rolling his clothed cock against you, one hand resting on the sapphire necklace. “You’re mine.”
A deep moan filled the room joining the rhythm sound of your body being slammed against the wooden door, certainly letting the man on the other side know the how it sounded to defy Aemond Targaryen and what he deemed as his.
“Ask him,” Aemond suddenly whispered as he fumbled with his pants.
His hand finally managed to spring his cock free and, wasting no time, he pressed it on top of your soaked folds, applying just enough pressure until it sank in between them, relishing in your wetness.
“Tell him who you belong to,” he managed to say in between heavy pants.
As if to serve as motivation, he moved his hips to have his cock sliding up and down, the underside rubbing your clit.
“Ser Erryk…” you said, grasping his shoulders with both hands to keep the balance. “Ser Erryk…”
“Yes, my lady?”
His voice was low but firm, and you nearly let out a another breathy moan when Aemond brought his lips to your neck, sucking soundly.
“Who.. who..” your voiced died in your throat as the young prince’s cock relentlessly collected your wetness and spread it. “Who do I belong to…”
The member of the Kingsguard cleared his throat. “To… prince Aemond.”
Aemond removed his lips from your skin and planted a kiss. “Just marking you. Ser already Erryk knows you’re mine, and now others will, too.”
At this point you immediately realised you weren’t going to last much longer. Between his thick cock rubbing steadily into you and his words of lust, you knew your body wasn’t meant to withstand the unbearable level of pleasure.
You reached your peak first, crying out his name and pressing your head firmly against the door as your body rolled and your walls clenched around nothing.
Aemond pressed his forehead to the door, panting heavily into your ear. “Let me… just the tip…”
“Gods!” You sobbed as pleasured blinded your vision.
You felt him quickly shift under you, and gasped loudly once you felt him push the head of his cock into you.
Your legs quivered reflexively as he spilled profanities in High Valyrian as your walls clamped around him, rhythmically pushing him over the edge.
By the time Aemond went over the edge, you had already descended from your high, but still managed to find bliss in feeling the hot spurts of cum dripping from you.
Aemond threw his head back and his lips parted in a loud growl that you were sure would be heard across half of the Red Keep.
Both of you were left panting and by the time he had let you slide off his waist, you were able to feel the droplets of his released coating your folds and sliding down your thighs.
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tainsan · 11 months
misfits XII
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⇥ pairing: ot8 ateez x fem! reader
⇥ warnings: kiss scene :O, mentions of suicide, swearing, anxiety
⇥ word count: 14.1k
⇥ a/n: i'm sorry for my poor updating schedule, ive been going through some things at home and also a major burnt out. i hope you can understand and thank you to all those who are still excited for the new chapters :)
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Just as you finish hanging up the final clothing piece into your closet, you take a moment to truly appreciate the full cupboard, never having seen your closet this full before. At that moment you realise you still need to buy undergarments, forgetting it completely at the shopping mall. Perhaps you can go with Jisung, then you also have a chance to talk to him and tell him how everything went. All of a sudden a soft aroma of garlic and herbs wafts through the air, filling up your room with a comforting embrace. 
Yunho, his sleeves rolled up, moves gracefully around the kitchen, the familiar dance of cooking a symphony he knew by heart. Pots clinked, knives whispered against cutting boards, and the sizzle of food met the occasional hum of a tune he hummed to himself. Today, however, was different. Today, the melody of his culinary creations carried a silent promise, a melody meant only for you.
Meanwhile, in your room, you find yourself lost in thought, your mind wandering about how on earth you are going to break the news to Jisung, without him breaking the sound barrier with his scream. Yet, the delicious smell of food snaps you out of your deep thoughts.
The minutes tick by and you find yourself becoming increasingly curious of what is being made in the kitchen. The tantalising aroma was difficult to ignore, its invisible tendrils weaving a spell that beckons you towards the kitchen.
Taking a deep breath, you finally venture out of your room, your gaze immediately drawn to the source of the mouth watering scent. There Yunho is focused and intent, his fingers moving with a practised ease as he deftly tosses the food in a pan.
Your steps carry a hint of caution, yet your curiosity prevails. You find yourself standing at the threshold of the kitchen, positioned right at the juncture of the three rooms that belong to you, Seonghwa, and Yunho. There, you observe Yunho with a sense of reverence, quietly taking in his presence and actions. Just then he looks up, and the surprise that paints his features is quickly replaced by a warm, genuine smile.
"Hey," he greets, the hum of the stove momentarily forgotten.
"Hey," you reply, unable to keep the smile from tugging at your lips.
Yunho quickly turns off the stove and walks toward you, a glint of excitement in his eyes. "I hope you're hungry."
Titling your head, you are confused by his words, a question forming in your eyes. "Hungry for...?"
Yunho chuckles, a deep, melodious, beautiful sound that resonates within you. "Hungry for your favourite. The one meal I… refused to give you on your first night here." You notice the way Yunho cringes at himself, remembering the incident.
Eyebrows shooting up in surprise, the realisation sinks in. "Wait, you're making it again?"
He nodded, a playful grin tugging at his lips. "Yes, a peace offering, if you will."
Your heart swells, the gesture touching you deeply. "Yunho, you really don't have to,"
He delicately places a finger over your lips, effectively silencing any protests that might have arisen. In that moment, Yunho briefly brushes aside the sensation of your soft lips beneath his touch, focusing on his intent. 
"I want to," he insists gently, his words carrying a weight of sincerity. The fleeting awareness of the texture of your lips doesn't escape him, but he remains steadfast in his purpose. "Besides," he continues, his expression earnest, "I figured I owe you this. It was a huge dickhead move."
His gesture sends your heart into a rapid rhythm, the gentle touch of his fingers against your lips igniting a flutter of butterflies that seems to take flight throughout your entire body. The sensation is electrifying, a mixture of excitement and nervousness that courses through your veins. In that fleeting moment, his touch holds a power to evoke emotions you hadn't anticipated, leaving you momentarily breathless and utterly captivated.
Gazing into his eyes, feeling a warmth spread through your chest that has nothing to do with the delicious aroma enveloping them. "I agree,” you laugh out before  continuing, “thank you, Yunho."
Yunho's regret for his past actions becomes increasingly evident, a shadow that lingers in his eyes as he interacts with you. His earnest attempts to amend his past mistakes are palpable, and he dedicates himself to making things right and extending a heartfelt apology. You're not blind to his efforts, each gesture and word reflecting his determination to bridge the gap between you. His commitment doesn't go unnoticed by you; you see through the genuine sincerity in his actions. 
The appreciation you feel is profound, as you recognize the depth of his remorse and his sincere desire to mend the bond that was strained. His willingness to take responsibility and make amends speaks volumes about the value he places on your connection, and you're moved by his unwavering dedication to repairing what was once broken.
“You know… I never hated you.” Yunho admits, with a sorrowful expression on his face, “I wanted to talk with you, I was going to wait a little longer but I just needed you to know.”
“What do you mean? I'm fairly certain you would feed me to a pool of starving piranhas.” You reply, a joking undertone to your words.
Sighing, Yunho runs a hand through his hair, shaking his head, his expression pained. "Back in high school… I thought you had left because you believed the rumours, even though the night before you said you would help. I was wrong about you. I didn't want to let anyone in again. I didn't want to get close to someone just to have them hurt us again."
You nod in understanding, remembering how guarded Yunho used to be. "I get it. You had your reasons for being cautious."
Yunho's eyes meet yours, and they're filled with regret, as he speaks his voice cracks, "I never knew the real reason. I had no idea you were dealing with so much pain, that you were grieving for your mother and brother. And I didn't even bother to ask. I judged you without knowing anything about your situation."
His words hang in the air for a moment. You can see the depth of his regret, and it's clear that he's carrying a heavy burden of guilt.
“Yunho,” you call the man's name, seeing he is starting to get slightly restless, “it’s okay. Like you said, the mind is a powerful thing. I don't blame you for thinking like that. I am so sorry, when my mom died I should've found you guys,” 
“No, no. It is not your fault, tiny.” Yunho exclaims, moving closer to you, “we should have done better, I should have done better.” 
“I understand you were hurt.”
“That doesn't validate my behaviour,”
With a delicate touch, the taller man's hands find their place on your face, his palms cradling your cheeks with a tenderness that's both reassuring and profound. The gentle pressure prompts you to lift your gaze, locking eyes with him. 
The emotions that swim within his gaze are more intense than you've ever witnessed before; sincere, affectionate, and raw. They mirror the same love and intensity you remember from years ago, as if time hasn't dulled the depth of his feelings. In that moment, his embrace has a tangible effect on you, causing a gentle quiver in your knees. 
The vulnerability and closeness shared between you create a connection that's both soothing and electrifying, a reminder of the powerful emotions that have always existed between you two.
Yunho's gaze turns tender as he looks at you, his tears now flowing freely. "I realised after the one trip to the store for your moisturiser, that I care about you a lot more than I let myself believe. I was so scared of letting someone in, of getting close to someone again, that I pushed you away."
Your heart aches at his vulnerability and his raw emotions. "Yunho..."
He interrupts you gently, his voice quivering, "Let me finish. I just… it’s eating me alive."
Yunho's voice trembles as he struggles to maintain eye contact, his emotions finally spilling out after years of being buried deep within him.
"All these years I was trying to find an excuse to hate you, to get you out of my mind but I just couldn’ t. I... I had finally started to open up to you," he begins, his words coming out in a shaky, broken cadence. "But then we ran into Danny at the store, and it just... it ruined everything." Yunho's voice cracks, and he takes a deep, ragged breath to steady himself.
You can see the pain etched on his face as he continues, his words laden with regret and sorrow. "Just as I allowed myself to open to you, I felt like I was losing you all over again. You didn't come home for a week, and I thought... I thought everything from four years ago was happening again.” 
His admission is raw and vulnerable, and it tugs at your heart. You reach out and gently place a hand on his, offering support and understanding.
"Yunho," you say softly, your voice filled with empathy. "I had no idea how my absence was affecting you, and I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. I’m so sorry for putting you through this."
“It’s not your fault, tiny.” Yunho’s voice trembles as he speaks, “I… have this horrible vision in my head everytime I close my eyes. You on that rooftop breaking into pieces when we said we would be there for you. Fuck, I should’ve stayed and looked for you.” 
Yunho looks at you with tears falling out of his eyes, and his grip on your hand tightens as if he's afraid you'll slip away once more. "I should have trusted you, believed in you. And I should have told you how I felt."
You squeeze his hand reassuringly, tears also starting to well up in your eyes. "Yunho, we can't change the past, but we can learn from it and move forward together. I want you to know that I care about you deeply, and I appreciate your honesty now."
A glimmer of hope flickers in Yunho's eyes as he meets your gaze. "Really?"
You offer him a warm, genuine smile. "Yes, really. I don't want you to feel like you have to hide your feelings anymore. We can work through this together. Get that vision out of your head, I’m here now that's all that matters."
Yunho visibly relaxes, and he lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank you for understanding and for forgiving me. I promise I'll make it up to you."
"Yunho," you murmur his name, the single syllable carrying a weight of emotion and longing. Tears fall out of your own eyes as you listen to his words, your emotions becoming far too much to bottle up. The intensity of the eye contact between you both only amplifies the effect, causing a gentle quiver to run through your legs, threatening to make your knees buckle under the weight of the moment. The connection you share in this instant feels almost overwhelming, as if the unspoken emotions between you are echoing in the space between your gazes.
Yunho inches closer, the charged atmosphere between you and Yunho creates a palpable tension that seems to envelop the space around you. Both of you are on the brink of something electrifying, drawn by an irresistible pull that transcends words. The world around you fades into the background, leaving only the two of you in this suspended moment. 
His gaze locks onto yours, the intensity in his eyes mirroring the depth of the emotions swirling within you. It seems as if your breaths synchronise, you feel the warmth of his proximity, a magnetic force that draws you closer and closer. It's as if time has stopped completely, allowing you to savour every heartbeat, every heartbeat that echoes the anticipation in your chest.
The space between your lips narrows, the distance between you diminishing with each heartbeat. The air feels charged with an almost tangible energy, and you can practically taste the closeness as your eyelashes brush against his skin. Every cell in your body seems attuned to his presence, and your heart races in response to the intimate connection that's about to be forged.
Just as your lips are about to meet in a moment of breathtaking intimacy, a sudden interruption fractures the enchanting spell that had woven around you. Jongho's voice breaks through the charged atmosphere, his innocent question about dinner piercing through the cocoon of intimacy you had created. 
“Hey, when's dinner gonna be ready?"
The moment shatters, and the almost-kiss dissipates like mist in the wind as both you and Yunho jump away from each other, shocked by the sudden intrusion to your tender moment. Both you and Yunho are left suspended in the aftermath of what could have been. The emotions that had built up still linger, leaving you both with a sense of longing and a mixture of amusement at the unforeseen interruption.
Despite the interruption, the lingering tension and the unspoken emotions continue to reverberate between you two. The memory of that suspended moment remains etched in your mind, a testament to the unspoken bond that connects you and Yunho. 
“Uh…” Yunho clears his throat as he rests against the counter, trying to regain his composure. Yet, the red faced, jittery expression he wears is a clear indicator for what might have been transpiring before Jongho entered the room, and he momentarily feels awfully guilty for stepping in on your moment. “It’ll be ready in about ten minutes.”
Yunho wipes his eyes and returns to his cooking duties, the clatter of utensils and the sizzle of ingredients filling the space as he carries on with the task at hand. Meanwhile, you opt to take a seat at the kitchen island, positioning yourself so that you have a clear view of him. Your gaze remains on him, watching his every move, the tension between you both still lingering in the air like an unspoken secret.
The intense atmosphere persists, the electricity of the almost-kiss still crackling beneath the surface. It's a noticeable presence, a reminder of the emotions that had surged between you just moments ago. Yet, despite the lingering tension, you make a conscious decision to tuck it away for now. 
There is something intimate about watching Yunho work, a kind of vulnerability in seeing someone so capable and confident letting his guard down in the space you share.
Time seems to blur as you talk, about everything and nothing. He shares stories of his experiments in the kitchen, his culinary triumphs and disasters, causing an eruption of giggles to emit from you. 
The story of him trying to cook pasta without water makes you almost topple over from your chair at the island, another wave of laughs erupting when you see the playfully offended look on his features. 
“I had never cooked before!” Yunho exclaims, pointing a spatula at you, a pout evident on his features.
“I thought it was common sense to cook pasta in water?” You say, wiping away the tears from your eyes, “did you just put it in a frying pan with oil or something?” 
“Yes?” Yunho admits, laughing at himself along with you.
"Actually," he begins as he gives you a small spoonful of the pasta sauce to taste, a twinkle in his eyes, "I used to cook for the guys a lot before we came here. They were my first official taste testers."
You grin as you take the spoon of the creamy sauce in your hand, "So, I'm guessing you've had plenty of practice."
“They have seen my best and worst meals, Wooyoung, Seonghwa and I cook a lot now,” he says, a tender expression on his face “but today is different. Today, this meal is just for you."
You put the spoon into your mouth, and it is a work of art, the flavours exploding on your taste buds like a symphony of tastes you can never get enough of.
"Is it good?" he asks, his gaze fixed on your reaction.
All you manage is a frantic nod, unable to speak as you savour the dish. When you finally find your voice, you look up at him with appreciation. "Yunho, this is amazing."
He chuckles, relieved by your response. "I'm glad you like it.”
With your fork suspended mid-air, you study Yunho closely. "You didn't have to do this, you know? But I'm really glad you did."
Leaning back against the counter, Yunho’s expression softens, a smile spreading across his features. "I know, but I wanted to. I wanted to make it up to you."
Putting your fork down, your eyes meet his. "You already did."
Yunho grins, a genuine, heartfelt expression that makes your heart flutter. "Good."
“I’ll call the boys to get down,” you say, standing up from your chair. 
“___, wait,” Yunho calls out from his place behind the stove.
Turning to him, you raise your eyebrow gently, silently asking him to continue.
“Thank you.” Is all he says, “for accepting me.”
“Likewise, Yu.”  
Finishing the meal amongst the eight men, the laughter filling the house, the conversations flowing effortlessly makes you feel alive. As the evening sun casts a gentle glow through the dining room windows, you realise that this simple meal was more than just food. It was a symbol of friendship, love, of understanding, and of a connection that has only grown stronger.
Now, the late-night hours cast a quiet stillness over your room, illuminated only by the soft glow of your desk lamp. The steady hum of your laptop fan provides a rhythmic backdrop as you focus on the assignment your professor had sprung upon you unexpectedly. 
But despite your determined efforts, your mind remains ensnared by a web of thoughts, every keystroke a struggle against the memories of the almost-kiss shared with Yunho earlier in the kitchen. Your fingers dance across the keyboard, forming sentences and paragraphs, but your mind keeps drifting back to the intense atmosphere that had enveloped you both. The vivid recollection of his gaze locked onto yours, the almost-touch of your lips, and the way time had seemed to stand still, it's all etched into your mind like an indelible mark. 
The cursor blinks on your screen, waiting for words that elude you. Your thoughts are a swirl of sensations, the memory of his proximity evoking an electric shiver that refuses to be ignored. You imagine what could have been if Jongho hadn't walked in, your mind painting vivid scenarios of a kiss that never happened. The tempting "what if" lingers like an unfinished melody, taunting you with unexplored possibilities.
A sudden, daring thought tugs at your consciousness, the idea of seeking out Yunho, of finishing what was nearly initiated in the kitchen. Yet, the notion feels bold, an uncharted territory you're hesitant to traverse. Your fingers hover above the keyboard, caught between caution and longing, your heart pounding in your chest. You don't want to come off as needy or pushy. You remind yourself that he likes you, yet it seems like you would be pushing an unspoken boundary set by yourself.
Frustration simmers, the assignment all but forgotten as your desire for resolution intensifies. Unable to bear the confines of your room any longer, you push away your laptop, rising from your seat with a mix of determination and trepidation.
The hallway outside your room offers a breath of fresh air, a fleeting relief from the weight of your thoughts. But just as you take a few steps, fate intervenes – Yunho emerges from his own room, swinging the door open with a determined force. Suddenly, the corridor feels an awful lot smaller, the tension that had driven you out now amplified in his very presence.
“Yunho,” his name slips from your lips like a whisper, laced with longing and vulnerability. The shared tension is palpable, the intense air heavy with unspoken emotions that hang between you. Your call for his name was all he needed to hear, the longing undertone obvious in your voice.
Yunho's response is almost instinctual, his strides purposeful as he bridges the distance between you. There's a shared understanding in his eyes, an acknowledgment of the shared longing that has brought you both to this moment. His hands reach for your face, his touch gentle yet tinged with urgency, and the next instant, his lips crash onto yours.
The collision of your mouths is an uncontainable release of the emotions that have been building, a fervent union that's both messy and desperate. Your back meets the wall with a soft thud, the sensation distant against the fervour of the kiss. His lips move against yours with a fierce tenderness, each touch a testament to the emotions that have long been simmering beneath the surface. It's a kiss that speaks of longing, desire, and unspoken words, a passionate confession of everything that words can't convey. In this shared moment, you both explore what could have been, pouring the unvoiced feelings into this raw and unfiltered connection. The kiss, messy yet loving, has brought you to the precipice of something uncharted and thrilling. 
In a bold and decisive move, Yunho's lips remain locked onto yours as he gently pushes your body backward. The transition from the corridor to your room is seamless, his movements confident and calculated, as if he's familiar with every nook and cranny. His lips stay connected to yours, the kiss deepening in intensity, a passionate exchange that leaves no room for hesitation.
With a practised finesse, he navigates your room as if it were his own domain. His hands, once cradling your face, now slide down your arms, his touch electric against your skin. The door clicks shut behind you, leaving the outside world behind and creating a cocoon of shared desire within the confines of your room. Yunho's skillful manoeuvres paint a vivid picture of his determination and longing. It's as if he's been waiting for this moment, seizing it with a confidence that matches the unspoken emotions that have been building between you.
Guiding you further into your room, his lips never leaving yours, the air is heavy with electricity, the intensity of your connection noticeable. The sensations of his touch, the taste of his kiss, and the intoxicating feeling of his presence leave you both breathless and wanting more. 
When you feel the edge of your bed hit the back of your calves, a slight stumble causes your balance to waver. Seizing the moment, Yunho's quick reflexes come into play. His strong arms encircle your waist, pulling you closer to him with a reassuring strength. In an effortless display of his capabilities, he lifts you up, your feet momentarily leaving the ground.
His actions are seamless and purposeful, his movements confident as he turns the two of you around. Before you know it, you're being lowered onto your bed, the softness of the mattress cushioning your fall. With a gentle yet firm touch, he guides you to rest atop him, your bodies now intimately aligned as you now lay to straddle his waist, your chest pressed flat against his.
The weight of your bodies pressed together is both comforting and electrifying, a tangible representation of the connection you share. Yunho's presence beneath you is a witness to his desire and the unspoken emotions that have been simmering between you.
Yunho's lips stay against yours, a rhythmic and intoxicating movement that ignites a surge of sensations. His kiss is accompanied by a daring exploration, as his tongue gently presses at the barrier of your lips. The moment you grant him access, the kiss transforms, deepening in both passion and intimacy. It's as if the floodgates have opened, allowing a torrent of emotions to surge between you, each touch of your lips amplifying the intensity of your shared desire.
The world beyond your room becomes a distant echo, the insignificance of the outside fading into oblivion. The entirety of your focus is now on this moment, on the sensations that ripple through your body with every brush of his lips.
Yunho's embrace remains tight, his arms encircling you in a cocoon of warmth and desire. One arm secures your lower waist, drawing you closer to him, while the other curves around your upper back. His hand anchors you at the nape of your neck, a touch that's both possessive and tender, as if he's afraid you might slip away from him.
In a swift yet graceful motion, Yunho once again shifts your positions. The world tilts and adjusts as he manoeuvres, and now he rests nestled between your legs, your back against the bed. The shift in your arrangement only serves to fuel the fire between you. The kiss becomes more fervent, igniting a blaze that courses through your veins, warming every inch of your body with an undeniable desire.
With every brush of his lips and every touch of his travelling hands, the intimacy deepens, and the connection between you two intensifies. It's a moment that transcends words, a silent conversation of longing and need that finds its expression in the press of your bodies and the rush of your kisses. In this stolen moment, you're both suspended in the midst of a passion that's both tender and consuming, aching to explore every corner of the uncharted territory that you were so scared of.
Time becomes an abstract concept, as minutes slip away unnoticed in the embrace of shared desire and pining. The sensation of Yunho's lips moving against yours, the taste of him, the heat of his body pressed against yours, it's as if the world outside your room ceases to exist. In this intimate space, the only thing that matters is the sensation of being wrapped up in each other, the only thing that matters is Yunho
Every touch, every stolen kiss, is evidence to the unspoken connection that binds you together. The taste of him on your lips is like a drug, an intoxicating elixir that you can't help but crave more of. The press of his body against yours ignites a fire that burns with an intensity you've never experienced before. It's as if all you need, all you want, is right here in this moment, in his arms.
With each passing second, you find yourself falling deeper into the abyss of your own desires. The taste of him, the intensity of his kisses, and the press of his body against yours create a symphony of sensations that you're powerless to resist. The feelings that swirl within you are a heady mixture of longing, lust, and possessiveness – emotions that take root and refuse to let go.
When his large hands slip slightly beneath your shorts, their warm touch against your skin sends a shiver down your spine. The sensation of his large hands massaging your hips lovingly creates a surge of desire that's almost overwhelming in its intensity. The sudden rush of lust catches you off guard, and a twinge of fear flits through your thoughts. What if you aren't good enough?
The sudden tenseness in your body doesn't go unnoticed by Yunho, as his lips part from yours, concern etching itself across his features. The sudden shift from intense desire to a cautious distance creates a palpable shift in the atmosphere. 
“I am so sorry, did I go too far?” His worry is reflected in his gaze, and his question hangs in the air like a delicate thread, waiting for your response.
Your thoughts are a whirlwind, emotions swirling within you, and the weight of his question settles heavily on your shoulders. As you gaze into his eyes, you find yourself at a crossroads, torn between the yearning you feel and the need to address your own reservations.
“No, it’s not that.” You begin, and you see the man above you relax slightly, “I haven't really done anything like this in a while.” you hesitate in your words, “Seonghwa and I kissed yesterday…” you watch carefully for Yunho’s reaction as you admit what transpired yesterday between you and his older friend, however when Yunho stays calm, only a reassuring smile on his features, you realise he doesn't mind you kissed Seonghwa, so you continue, “I haven’t really done anything like this in a long time, let alone with this many emotions, it's a little new to me.” 
Yunho lets your admission render in his brain, as he thinks of an adequate response. 
“It’s okay, tiny. We don't have to do anything.” Yunho says, bringing his hand up to brush away a stray hair from your face. “I’m happy to just be here with you.” 
“Can we maybe…” you begin, not quite having the confidence to voice your wishes.
“Go ahead, I won't judge you.” 
“Can we just lay here, with each other?” you question, feeling an intense heat travelling up your neck, “and kiss a little?”
“You want to kiss me?” a playful smile tugs at the corner of Yunho's lips as he teases you, his fingers gently pinching your cheek. His touch is light, yet it carries a spark of mischief that's mirrored in his eyes. The delicate pinch elicits the most adorable reaction Yunho could imagine, your cheeks puffing out in embarrassment, a gesture that has Yunho’s belly blowing up with butterflies.
Caught between his teasing and your own bashfulness, you can't help but hide your face in your hands, seeking refuge from the playful banter. A soft laugh escapes his lips, the sound a warm melody that dances through the air.
The atmosphere shifts from intense desire to a lighter, more lighthearted mood, as his teasing draws out your natural charm. 
“Of course we can, tiny. Warning you though, I might fall asleep.” Yunho responds before laying his head on your chest, hugging your side tightly.
Yunho's form cuddles into your side, a sense of disbelief washes over you. The events of the night feel like a dream, a surreal turn of events that you could never have predicted. The contrast between the man who was once distant and rude to you and the person now nuzzling against you is staggering, leaving you in a state of wonderment.
His presence, warm and comforting, feels almost too good to be true. The way he holds you close, like a puppy seeking comfort, is a stark difference from the impression he had initially left. It's a transformation that you can't quite wrap your mind around, leaving you in awe of the complexity of human nature and the potential for change. 
As you lay side by side, the weight of the night's events lingers in the air, mingling with the comfort of his embrace. The stark difference between his previous demeanour and the person he is now raises questions in your mind. Could the others have hidden depths as well? Could they, too, harbour hidden facets of their personalities that have yet to be uncovered?
The intimacy and vulnerability you've shared with Yunho have opened up a world of possibilities. The walls that once separated you from each other have crumbled, revealing a new layer of understanding and connection. In this moment of quiet reflection, you can't help but wonder what other surprises await, both from Yunho and the others who share your living space. 
Yunho's gentle breathing against your side indicates that he's gradually drifting into sleep, finding solace in your presence. As you bask in the quiet comfort of the moment, the sudden ding of your phone startles you. You instinctively reach for the device on your bedside table, your movements careful so as not to disturb the slumbering man beside you.
With your phone in hand, you illuminate the screen to reveal the new text message. As your eyes scan the words, a mixture of shock and apprehension washes over you, sending a shiver down your spine. The message contains something that leaves you both shaken and concerned, and you can't help but feel a knot of anxiety forming in your stomach as you read over the cryptic words.
‘Have fun with my boys. It won't last long. &lt;;8’
The morning sun peeks through your curtains, a cascade of soft, golden light floods your room. You inhale deeply, savouring the warm aroma of the dawn, as you snuggle in the embrace of your fresh, crisp bed sheets. The faint melody of chirping birds reaches your ears through the open window, their songs leaving you with a sense of calmness. Meanwhile, the gentle caress of the cool breeze sends delightful shivers cascading down your skin, awakening every nerve, leaving goosebumps upon your skin. It took you very long to fall asleep last night, the cryptic message you received replaying in your mind.
It takes a fleeting moment to regain your bearings, and the chill from the open window prompts you to cuddle even deeper into your warmth of sheets. Yet, your efforts are briefly halted as you sense the comforting presence of another person beside you, an arm enveloping your torso in a secure embrace.
Turning your gaze to the unexpected warmth, you're momentarily taken aback. However, a wave of relaxation washes over you as you discover Yunho's relaxed sleeping image just inches from your face.
His face bears a slight puffiness, his lips softly parted, and his cheeks adorned with a gentle, rosy hue. His tousled hair covers his forehead, pointing in many directions, the image causes a fond smile to grace your lips. 
At this moment, you still find yourself struggling to fully comprehend the sudden shift in his demeanour. You are most definitely not unhappy with his change, yet you do realise it will take some getting used to.
Staring at Yunho for a few moments longer, it suddenly occurs to you that you must get up and ready for school, Yunho, and the strange message temporarily leaves your thoughts. You make a cautious attempt to extricate yourself from the slumbering presence beside you, but as you shift, he stirs in his sleep, responding by drawing you even closer, nuzzling his nose into the curve of your neck.
In a soft, raspy voice, Yunho murmurs, "Don't go yet," sending a flurry of butterflies swirling through your stomach. His face remains nestled against your neck, his breath fanning your skin, causing goosebumps to rise up your neck.
“I have to get ready,” You attempt to say, trying to ignore the way his raspy voice sends shivers down your spine.
“Please stay.” Yunho mumbles and you can almost feel the pout upon his lips.
“I have to, Yunho.” You say, holding in a fond giggle as you see him desperately tug onto you.
“Okay,” he mumbles, the pout on his face increasing as he turns around fully, grumbling into the pillows. A soft laugh escapes your lips as you tenderly ruffle his hair, and with a lingering glance, you reluctantly leave the room, making your way to the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen, your eyes lock onto Wooyoung, and a pleasant surprise lights up your face. Normally not an early riser, spotting Wooyoung in the morning brings an immediate smile to your lips. Beside him stands Jongho, whose presence you had anticipated. They engage in a lively conversation, genuine smiles gracing their features. 
You take a moment to observe the pair, noting the relaxed way they chuckle together, the tender glances they exchange, and how their bodies naturally gravitate towards each other. It's a sight that warms your heart.
You realise that you haven't had a proper chance to talk with Jongho since he approached you at school to settle the conflict with your eight roommates. As you approach them, your heart quickens at the way their faces light up upon noticing you. 
Jongho's voice, soft and affectionate, calls out your name, leaving no doubt about the warmth of his feelings.
“Where are you off to? I thought your lessons started in the afternoon?” Wooyoung asks, and for some reason you sense a trace of sadness in his tone, you aren't sure as to why it is there. 
“I’m going to see Jisung, we want to have breakfast together.” You reply, sending a curious look in Wooyoung's direction, to which he avoids eye contact and immediately looks away from you, playing with the mug in front of him, causing your curiosity to further intensify. Looking over at Jongho, you notice he also has a trace of curiosity lining his features.
“No breakfast with us today?” Jongho asks, a joking pout upon his lips.
“Not today, I’m sorry.” you answer, offering him a warm smile to which Jongho seems to take well.
You head to the refrigerator, retrieving a bottle of water, all the while keeping an eye on Wooyoung. His unusual quietness doesn't escape your notice; he appears deeply engrossed in his mug, his typical remarks conspicuously absent. It leaves a noticeable void in the atmosphere, and concern gnaws at you, wondering what might be weighing on his mind and making the space feel somewhat strange.
Just as you muster the courage to inquire about what might be bothering Wooyoung, he abruptly rises from his seat and strides toward the room's exit, heading upstairs. A rush of unease and apprehension washes over you, leaving you feeling suddenly upset and anxious about the abrupt change in his demeanour. For a fleeting moment, you think that you might be the cause, given that he had been perfectly fine just moments before you entered the room.
In response to your unspoken worries, Jongho speaks up, his voice tinged with a touch of concern. "He's fine, ____," he reassures you. "Don't worry."
With a subtle nod, you retreat back into your room, your heart pounding with an unsettling intensity. Fear creeps under your skin like an unwelcome guest. Does Wooyoung no longer have feelings for you? Was his previous confession a mistake? You stand there, facing the closed door, locked in a battle of uncertainty, wondering if you should muster the courage to return and seek answers, all the while grappling with the unsettling unease that has wrapped around you.
The abrupt interruption of your thoughts by your ringing phone startles you. You hastily glance at your bedside table, realising it's responsible for stirring the sleeping giant in your bed, Yunho. For a moment, you'd forgotten he was still there, and you can't help but chuckle at the sight of him, cozied up to one of your stuffed toys. It appears that Yunho is quite the cuddlebug.
Rushing over to your phone, you fumble to silence the ringing, determined not to rouse the slumbering man beside you. As you answer, it's Jisung's voice that greets you on the other end of the line.
"Hey, Ji, what's up?" you whisper, trying to keep your voice low.
"Hey! Why are you whispering?" Jisung's curiosity cuts through the speakers, tinged with a hint of excitement.
You attempt to offer a nonchalant response, although you're not particularly skilled at lying. "No reason, it's just early."
"Okay… we're still meeting in an hour, right?" Jisung inquires, thankfully not probing further into your behaviour.
"Yeah, I just need to shower quickly," you assure him.
"Alright, see you in a bit!" Jisung quickly hangs up, and you can't help but smile at his somewhat chaotic nature.
With your phone now silent, you turn your attention back to the peacefully sleeping Yunho, who seems to have settled even more comfortably with your stuffed toy. You can't help but admire his endearing cuddly side, a stark contrast to the confident and mature persona he often displays. With a warm smile on your face, you prepare to get ready to see Jisung. 
Strolling down the pebbled path, the rhythmic sound of your footsteps crunching under the stones echoes softly in the serene surroundings. Your eyes scan the familiar landscape until they land on your best friend, nestled beneath the sprawling canopy of a large blossoming tree. He is deeply engrossed in his notebook, pen dancing across the pages as he pours his thoughts into words. It was a familiar sight, your friend lost in the world of his creativity, likely penning lyrics for another one of his songs.
You had always held a deep appreciation for his creative side. His lyrics and melodies had an uncanny ability to resonate with you, often touching the chords of your own emotions. Each song he crafts is like a piece of his soul laid bare, and you are fortunate to be one of the few who could witness the birth of these lyrical masterpieces. You are then reminded of Mingi and his own creativity. Mingi and Jisung would definitely get along.
Approaching quietly so as not to disrupt his flow, you watch him for a moment. The rays of sunlight filtering through the blossoms above cast gentle patterns of light and shadow over him, accentuating the intent look on his face. His fingers tapping the notebook rhythmically as if coaxing the words from his heart.
Your heart swells with pride for your friend's artistic talents. It was moments like these, witnessing his creative process, that reminded you of the depth of your bond. As he continues to write, you can’t help but smile.
"Hey Ji," you say softly, now standing close enough for him to notice your presence beneath the blossoming tree.
Jisung's head shoots up from his notebook, surprise flickering across his face before breaking into a wide grin. 
"Hey!" He closes the notebook and sets it aside, inviting you to join him in the small patch of shade beneath the tree.
You ease yourself onto the ground beside him, the grass feeling cool and inviting. The delicate scent of blossoms fills the air, and you inhale deeply, savouring the moment. 
"What's the inspiration today?" you ask, gesturing to his notebook.
Jisung's eyes twinkle with excitement as he leans in closer, as though sharing a secret. 
"I've been thinking about that road trip we took last summer, you know, the one to the coast? The waves crashing against the shore, the salt in the air… It's all coming together in my mind."
Your heart flutters with nostalgia at the mention of that memorable journey. You notice Jisung is in a sentimental mood, like he is most of the time when he writes, causing you to feel yourself falling into the same mood. It has always been alien to you how much your and Jisung’s moods can mirror each other.
"I remember it very well," you say, a soft smile playing on your lips. "That sunset was insane.” 
Jisung questions you, his eyes wide and sparkling, “what was your favourite part? I need more inspiration.” 
You ponder on your thoughts, recalling the trip, “probably when we had that huge bonfire, and you were determined to roast marshmallows, but the fire was way too wild and you almost burnt off your eyebrows.” 
Jisung lets out a loud laugh, remembering the scene as if it was yesterday.
You continue, “the smell of the sea, the fresh air. The feeling of freedom...”
Jisung's gaze softens as he gazes at you, his eyes filled with gratitude. 
"Exactly, ____," he whispers. "Those moments, those feelings, nostalgia and feeling free. They're all part of this song."
You can't help but feel touched by his words. It's as if he has a unique ability to capture the emotions and shared experiences and make them into melodies. 
"Well I’m very grateful you love me so much to make a song out of it,” Jisung chuckles before nudging your shoulder with his own. You continue talking, “your songs have a way of making memories even more special," you tell him.
He laughs modestly, running his hand through his hair. "I guess I have a good way of turning what I feel into words."
“That's what makes you special.” 
The two of you sit in companionable silence for a moment, taking in the serenity of the blossoming tree and the memories it holds. It's a place you both frequently visit, a spot of quiet reflection amidst the hustle and bustle of life. The tree’s delicate petals dance in the breeze
Jisung offers you a warm smile as he passes you a croissant. Jisung had brought a small picnic with him, a collection of your favourite snacks and a thermos of hot coffee to ward off the slight chill in the air. The two of you used to do this all the time when you first started this school. The story of your friendship with Jisung traced its origins back to the very first day of university, a day etched in your memory for its mix of confusion and chance.
It had been a chaotic morning. You were a wide-eyed freshman, clutching a stack of textbooks and notebooks to your chest like a lifeline. The huge university campus had felt like a labyrinth, and you had no idea where to find your first class. In your quest for the dean's office, where you hoped to get directions, you navigated through a sea of students, your nerves escalating with every passing minute.
Jisung, on the other hand, had always been something of a whirlwind. He had a tendency to be lost in thought, even while navigating the bustling campus. On that fateful morning, his mind had been consumed by thoughts of class schedules, room numbers, and the whirlwind of university life, along with the gentle hum of music through his headphones.
And so, it happened. You both collided in the weirdest way. You, with your arms full of books and your gaze locked on a campus map, didn't see him coming. Jisung, equally oblivious, was deep in thought, head buried in his own class schedule.
The impact was both comical and chaotic. Books scattered like confetti, your class notes tumbled to the ground, and Jisung's schedule ended up in a similar state of disarray.
For a moment, you both stared at each other, shocked and disoriented. Your books lay in a haphazard pile at your feet, and Jisung's papers fluttered around you like autumn leaves caught in a gust of wind.
"I'm so sorry!" the blonde male manages to blurt out, scrambling to pick up his errant schedule. "I didn't see you there. Are you okay?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. "I think so. Are you okay?"
He flashed you a sheepish grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yeah, just a bit scattered. First day jitters, you know?"
Both gathering your belongings, you realised that this stranger who had literally bumped into your life might be your saving grace on this bewildering first day.
"I'm actually looking for the dean's office," you admitted, your voice tinged with embarrassment. "I'm completely lost."
Jisung's expression brightens as he extends a hand to help you up. "No worries! I'm headed there, too. We can find it together."
From that moment, your friendship with Jisung began to take root. He became your guide through the maze-like university campus, showing you the ropes, introducing you to his group of friends which you found out they were all from the same highschool, and sharing in the ups and downs of the university journey.
The blossoms continued to fall around you, a reminder that even amidst the chaos and uncertainty of life, beautiful friendships could bloom from the most unexpected collisions.
"Isn't this place just magical?" Jisung exclaimed, his eyes scanning the pink and white canopy above. "I can't believe we're graduating this year."
You nodded, a bittersweet smile tugging at your lips. Graduation was indeed on the horizon, and it brought with it a mix of excitement and nostalgia. You cherished these moments with Jisung, knowing that they were soon to become cherished memories.
“You look better, ____. I’m glad the talk went well.” Jisung smiles at you and you recall the talk you had a few days ago. You feel grateful that Jisung doesn't pry for knowledge. 
As you nibble on the croissant, you realise you owe your best friend an explanation of what happened, so you muster up the courage to speak about the topic that had been gnawing at you for a few days. 
"Jisung," you began, your voice soft and hesitant, "there's something I need to talk to you about."
He turns to you, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "Of course, anything. You know you can tell me anything, right?"
Taking a deep breath, you decided to dive right in. "It's about the boys. They... they said they have feelings for me, romantic feelings."
The words hung in the air, and the rustling of leaves seemed to hush in anticipation. Jisung's gaze remained steady, his expression an anchor in the sea of emotions swirling within you. There is a visage of shock upon his features, yet he doesn't speak.
"They've all been so kind and caring," you continue, your voice barely above a whisper. "I can't deny that I've grown close to them, too."
Jisung nods slowly, processing your confession. "I see. That's quite a situation. But that also proves how awesome and lovable of a person you are."
You sigh, a mix of emotions welling up inside you. "I appreciate that, but... I'm scared, Jisung. Scared to give an answer. Scared of hurting them or losing the friendships we've built."
Jisung reaches out and places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his touch grounding you in the moment. "It's natural to be afraid, especially when it involves the hearts of people you care about. But you can't let that fear paralyse you
You meet his gaze, finding comfort in his wisdom. "But what if I say yes and it ruins everything? What if I say no, and it still changes everything?"
Jisung chuckles softly, his voice carrying a sense of understanding. "Life is full of uncertainties, ____. But it's also full of opportunities for growth and love. You don't have to have all the answers now. Take your time, communicate openly with them, and trust that the bonds you've built can withstand these challenges."
Sipping your coffee, the warmth spreads through you, you can’t help but be grateful for Jisung's presence and wisdom. Jisung, always open and honest, begins to share his own experiences. He speaks about his own relationship, how it hasn’t always been perfect, but how it had thrived because both he and Minho were willing to work through the challenges.
"Love, whether it's romantic or platonic, requires effort," Jisung says, his voice gentle but firm. "It's about understanding, compromise, and a willingness to grow together. Sometimes, things get tough, but it's the willingness to work through those tough times that truly defines a relationship."
You listen intently, savouring his words. His insights shed light on the complexities of love and the importance of communication.
"As for the boys," Jisung continues, "they care about you deeply, and it's clear that you care about them, too. Take the time to understand your own feelings, communicate openly, and remember that love has a way of finding its own path."
"Thank you, Jisung. I knew you'd have the right advice."
He gives you a warm smile, his hand squeezing your shoulder gently. "That's what best friends are for, isn't it? Though I can’t say I'm not jealous."
“What are you saying?” You laugh, questioning his words.
“The Park Seonghwa likes you, along with all of them. They are very good looking.” 
“That’s not the reason I like them, idiot. Their looks are just a huge bonus.” 
“Okay, okay.” 
A mischievous spark dances in your eyes as you decide to inject a playful twist into the conversation. "We kissed."
You delivered the words with a deadpan expression, your voice laced with just the right amount of nonchalance. It was a statement so out of context that you knew it would elicit a humorous reaction from your best friend.
Jisung's eyes widened in surprise, his composed posture coming to an abrupt halt. He blinked at you, clearly taken aback by the unexpected revelation. "What, you kissed Park Seonghwa?" Jisung almost screams as he hears your words.
You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, all the while trying to shush him in case someone overhears the conversation.
"Jisung you need to learn to control your volume levels," You laugh.
Jisung suddenly scurries towards you on his knees, a mischievous look plastered on his features.
“With tongue or without?” he whispers, as if he is a kid in highschool talking about their first kiss.
“Grow up Jisung,” You laugh loudly at his immature question, Jisung also falling backwards, laughing at himself.
Jisung lets out a dramatic sigh, placing a hand over his heart. "I need to know if I have to buy a suit and a fancy hat for the wedding."
“We are not getting married now, and if you turn up at my wedding with a fancy hat I will not let you in.”
“My fashion ideals are beyond your comprehension.” Jisung rolls his eyes whilst crossing his arms.
Eventually, Jisung turns to you, his eyes filled with curiosity as he seemingly remembers something. "So, what had you whispering into the phone earlier?" he asks, suddenly he gets overly excited, “Did you sleep with Seonghwa?” 
You can't help but blush, feeling somewhat exposed. Jisung knows you well, and secrets between you two are a rarity. "We did not," you reply with a grin. "I was whispering because I might've woken Yunho, but it turned out fine."
“Wait, Yunho? I thought you guys weren't on great terms,”
“Well, he apologised, very well I might add. He made my favourite meal then… we almost kissed in the kitchen, it was intense, you would have screamed Ji. But then Jongho walked in…”
“Ugh, homewrecker,” Jisung rolls his eyes, getting annoyed that Jongho ruined the moment, yet he cannot seem to stay mad at Jongho, seeing as he had become rather fond of him after the confrontation the other day.
“Ji, he just walked in at the wrong time,” you exclaim, slightly exasperated but laughing gently, “Well, in the evening I couldn't sleep because of it so I went to go find Yunho.” 
“Did you guys have sex?” Jisung almost screams, getting way too invested in your story.
Panic surged through you as soon as those words slipped from Jisung's lips. You knew the topic of your roommates and their romantic feelings was something that needed to be kept under wraps, at least for now. You hastily reached out and clamped your hand over Jisung's mouth, your eyes wide with urgency.
"Shh! Jisung, not so loud." you whisper urgently, your voice barely more than a hushed breath. You shot a quick glance around, making sure no one was within earshot.
Jisung's eyes widened in realisation, and he nodded as best as he could beneath the constraint of your hand. You slowly removed your hand, ensuring that the coast was clear before continuing the conversation in a hushed tone.
"We can't let anyone overhear us," you explained quietly. "It's... a complicated situation, and I don't want to cause any unnecessary drama." You say, laughing, but also exasperated by your bestfriends words. “And no, we didn’t.” 
“Oh, I forgot that you’re gonna be a virgin for life,”
“The only reason I'm still a virgin, is because I would have to lose my V card and I never lose. I’m not a loser, I'm too sexy and macho…” 
“Shut the fuck up.”
You two stay silent for a few moments, before bursting into laughter. As the two of you sit together beneath the blossoming tree, you're reminded once again of the connections that enrich your life. Whether it's sharing creative inspirations with Jisung or quietly embracing moments of friendship, these bonds make life's journey all the more beautiful. The delicate blossoms above seem to nod in agreement, as if nature itself acknowledges the preciousness of these connections.
For a second, you wonder if you should speak to Jisung about the weird message you received last night, then it seems as if Jisung remembers something, his eyes lighting up for a second, causing you to momentarily forget your concerns.
“I am going to a cute cafe this afternoon with Minho and this girl we met at the mall yesterday. You finish at three today, right. Do you maybe want to come?” 
“Mall? I was also there yesterday, I didn't see you guys.” 
“Oh, really? That’s so weird, we were mostly in the game stores.”
“Hmm, that’s why,” you nod in agreement, “but sure that sounds fun.”
“I'll meet you at the East exit then, we will meet them there.”
“Sounds good!”
The final lecture of the day concluded, and you couldn't have been more eager to meet up with Jisung at the east wing as planned. As you made your way there, your anticipation grew, and your steps quickened.
True to his nature, Jisung arrived with his usual bright smile, his infectious enthusiasm immediately lifting your spirits. His friendly hug was a warm embrace that signified the beginning of another memorable outing.
"Hey!" he greeted cheerfully, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I hope you're ready for some quality time with your favourite person."
Returning his smile, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the day ahead. "Absolutely," you replied, matching his enthusiasm and returning his smile, genuinely looking forward to catching up with Jisung and Minho.
Honestly, you are slightly afraid to meet the new person that Jisung said was coming, you sometimes get awkward meeting new people, so you hope you can find some common interests with them to start a flowing conversation.
Walking together to the cafe, Jisung fills you in on what's been happening in his life, since you told him about yourself in the morning. He talks about his recent adventures, college life, and the projects he and Minho have been working on. Your conversation flows effortlessly, and you feel lucky to have Jisung. Attentively listening to his words, you walk side by side towards the cafe.
“You’re going to love it here, I’ve seen this place all over TikTok.”
Upon arriving at the cafe, you spot Minho already there, sitting with a girl who must be the girl they met at the mall. As you approach, Minho's face lights up, and he stands to greet you with a warm hug. 
"Hey, ____, you look great. I'm glad you're feeling better.” Minho says quietly in your ear, his words full of genuine care.
You reciprocate the hug, feeling instantly welcomed by Minho's friendly demeanour, him not being big on hugs, you relish in the fact he gave you one so carefreely. 
“Thank you, Minho."
When you part from the hug, you notice the sandy blonde haired girl sitting across from Minho and you put your full attention towards her. She offers you a polite smile and a nod of acknowledgement. 
"Hello, nice to meet you, You must be ____." She says, her words pleasant enough, but her tone seems a touch distant, even with a trace of something behind her words, yet you can't quite distinguish what it is.
You take a seat next to Minho, feeling a bit uncertain about the girl’s demeanour. 
“That’s me!” You reply, trying to keep positive and lively. 
“I’m Ryuha,” 
Nodding back, you offer her a smile, and you can't help but notice the way her smile falters ever so slightly. Nevertheless, you continue to hold conversation. Perhaps she is shy around new people.
The small, cosy café gives a warm buzzing atmosphere, the usual clatter of cups and the soft hum of conversations surround you, yet despite the comforting ambience, the vibe that Ryuha is emitting leaves you feeling extremely weird.
As you take a sip of your drink, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you turn your attention to Ryuha. Her presence has been somewhat enigmatic since she arrived, and her dismissive attitude towards you has piqued your interest to say the least. Leaning in slightly, your eyes meet hers, and you can’t help but ask, "So are you going to school around here?"
Ryuha's eyes, sharp as a hawk's, bore into you for a moment before she replies, "No, just visiting here. I go to school by the west coast." Her voice was smooth and measured, but her gaze held an intensity that left you somewhat uneasy.
"That's nice," you continue, trying to keep the conversation flowing and hoping she will warm up to you. "Any reason why you're here?" A warm smile accompanies your words, an attempt to break the ice and bridge the gap that seemed to separate the two of you.
Ryuha's response, however, was far from welcoming. She maintains eye contact with Minho and Jisung, her tone noticeably more pleasant when she answered, "Oh, just exploring a bit, meeting some friends." It was as if an invisible wall had been erected between you and her, and she seemed perfectly content with keeping it firmly in place.
Ryuha continues to engage in the conversation, but something about her body language strikes you as off. While she appears friendly with her words, her eyes occasionally give you a subtly scrutinising look, almost as if she's sizing you up. As the conversation progresses, Ryuha makes comments that are laced with passive-aggressiveness. She offers what seem like compliments, but her tone and expressions suggest otherwise. 
For instance, when you mention your recent accomplishments, she responds with, "That's impressive," but her raised eyebrow and faint scowl make it clear she doesn't entirely mean it. Or when Jisung complimented your outfit and she replied with, “it's definitely…unique.” Again when you mention a book you are enjoying, and she says, “that’s not my cup of tea, but everyone has their own tastes.” 
When the third passive-aggressive comment slips from Ryuha's lips, a subtle but growing sense of irritation begins to gnaw at you. You can’t help but feel a bit upset, wondering why she seemed so fixated on you, creating an atmosphere of discomfort.
Ryuha's persistent comments left you feeling isolated, as if she had singled you out for some unknown reason. It puzzled you why she would choose to be passive-aggressive with you, while her interactions with Jisung and Minho were filled with kindness.
Despite the growing unease, you opted to maintain your composure. You weren't one to engage in confrontations, especially with someone you had just met. Instead, you focused on the positive aspects of the gathering, cherishing the time spent with Jisung and Minho, and hoping that the mysterious tension created by Ryuha's comments would eventually dissipate.
It is when the subject of dating comes up that Ryuha suddenly seems awfully curious all of a sudden. 
Ryuha leans in slightly, her tone carrying a touch of curiosity as she asks, "So, do you have any boyfriends?"
Jisung, ever the friendly and open one, began to answer, "Well, she—"
But you do not let him finish. Something about Ryuha's tone and the way she had been subtly probing throughout the conversation put you on edge. You met Ryuha's gaze with a polite yet guarded expression, deciding to take control of the narrative.
"I'm not seeing anyone at the moment," you reply evenly, your words carefully chosen. It wasn't that you were opposed to sharing, but you had a gut feeling that Ryuha might have ulterior motives for gathering such information. Your trust wasn't easily earned, and you weren't about to hand over personal details to someone you had just met.
Jisung, catching on to your hesitation, offers a supportive nod and changes the topic, steering the conversation toward lighter subjects. Ryuha, though her curiosity remained apparent, seemed to respect your boundaries, at least for the time being.
“How about you?” You ask, trying to continue the conversation and ignore the awkward atmosphere that has shaped around you.
“I’m not seeing one at the moment, but I’m interested… they will likely be mine soon.” 
Ryuha's eyes locked onto yours with an unwavering intensity, the sudden wave of confidence in her statement became overwhelmingly intimidating. It was as if she possessed an uncanny ability to dissect your thoughts and emotions, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. At that moment, you are almost certain that there is something behind her cryptic comments.
Glancing over at Minho, who is seated next to Ryuha, you cannot help but notice the baffled and almost disgusted expression on his features. It makes you bite back a smile when you realise it is clear that he has caught onto Ryuha's dismissive and rude behaviour. Seeing his reaction provides reassuring confirmation that you weren't imagining things, Ryuha was indeed being impolite and disrespectful.
The silent acknowledgement between you and Minho serves as a small source of solace amidst the uncomfortable atmosphere created by Ryuha's demeanour. It is a silent reminder that you weren't alone in your assessment of the situation, and that there was validity in your discomfort.
Yet, when you shift your gaze to Jisung, who is still lively and enthusiastically chatting with Ryuha, it becomes evident that he has not caught on to her behaviour. His obliviousness to the underlying tension provides a stark contrast to Minho's reaction, highlighting the complexity of the situation.
The conversation flows, yet you cannot shake the feeling that there was more to Ryuha's inquiries than simple curiosity. You decide to stay cautious and trust your instincts when it comes to sharing personal information, especially with someone whose intentions remain shrouded in mystery.
Throughout the conversation, you notice that Ryuha's attention frequently drifts away whenever you speak. It's as though she's dismissive of your words, and you can't help but feel a growing sense of discomfort. Her actions don't align with the polite facade she maintains with her words.
Despite her subtle rudeness, you remain polite and try to engage in the conversation as best as you can. It's important to you that you make a good impression and enjoy this time with Jisung, Minho, and their friend, even though Ryuha's presence remains a mysterious and somewhat uncomfortable aspect of the gathering.
It takes an hour for the gathering at the cafe to come to an end, you have to stop Minho twice from saying something back to Ryuha as she issues yet another passive aggressive comment in your direction. You would rather not have to face a conflict in the middle of a bustling cafe.
The moment you step out of the café and feel the cool breeze on your skin, it is as though a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. The atmosphere inside had been heavy with tension, and the sense of relief outside is a welcome change. You take a deep breath, savouring the crispness of the afternoon air.
Turning to leave, you are taken aback when Ryuha turns toward you, her sharp gaze still fixed on you. She speaks, her voice smooth and confident, with a hint of something you can’t quite place. "It was nice to meet you, finally," she says, her words hanging in the air.
You furrow your brow, utterly perplexed by her statement. The two of you had never met before today, and you were sure of it. What does she mean by "finally"? You can’t help but wonder if there had been some misunderstanding.
"I mean, Jisung told me so much about you yesterday," Ryuha continues, her tone carrying a sense of familiarity that left you feeling slightly out of place. Her words added to the growing puzzle, as you tried to reconcile her earlier dismissive attitude with this newfound knowledge. 
“Anyways, I have places to be. There’s something important I need to do.” 
Her enigmatic behaviour continues, leaving you with more questions than answers. Watching as she exchanges warm goodbyes with Minho and Jisung, you cannot help but notice that she doesn’t bid you farewell, further deepening the mystery surrounding her intentions.
“Holy shit, remind me to never meet with her again.” Minho exclaims as soon as he sees Ryuha out of earshot.
“What? She was so nice.” Jisung says, confused to what Minho is saying.
“I’m sorry babe, but you have to have your head up your ass to not see she was a raging bitch. Are you okay?” Minho asks as he turns towards you, scanning you for any trace of discomfort.
“Minho what are you saying? What happened?” Jisung questions, oblivious to the situation.
“It's nothing Ji, she was just kind of off.” You reply, not wanting to start something yet also getting slightly irritated at Jisung’s way to easily trust people.
“Wait, was she?” Jisung questions, yet starting to believe you, seeing as he knows you are able to see through most people.
“She was weird as fuck, almost a pick me, ew.” Minho contributes, a disgusted look on his face, which almost makes you laugh.
“I don't know, I thought she was nice.”
“You're just going to have to trust us, she was strange,” Minho replies.
“Okay…then I hate her. If you don't like her neither do I.” 
Laughing gently, you feel grateful for Jisung’s complete understanding. The three of you start to walk towards your respective homes.
“Do you know what is even weirder?” You say after a few moments of silence, judging by the curious looks on your friends face, you decide to continue, “she is so familiar, yet I cannot for the life of me put a name, place, to a face.” 
“Creepy.” Minho says, with another disgusted face.
“Maybe you met her before and you were mean?” Jisung adds before correcting himself, “nevermind, I don't think you've been mean to anyone in your life.” 
Minho hums in agreement before going deep into contemplation, then speaking once more, “Whatever it is, hopefully we never see her again.”
All you can do is nod in agreement, a profound sense of gratitude filling your body.
After entering the house, you automatically kick off your shoes and hang your coat, a familiar routine that brings a sense of normalcy to your day. However, something catches your attention, something that doesn't quite fit the usual order of things.
The basement door stands slightly ajar.
Your brow furrows in confusion because you distinctly recall that this door is typically kept shut. In fact, you've walked past it countless times without giving it much thought, almost forgetting the existence of a basement altogether. It's a part of the house that you haven't had the chance to explore since moving in.
A wave of curiosity washes over you, particularly as you recollect the conversation you had with Wooyoung and Yeosang about converting the basement into a movie room. With the day's confusing events and the strange messages gnawing at your nerves, the idea of seeking some comfort becomes rather appealing. The prospect of losing yourself in a movie before dinner sounds like a welcome distraction from the mysteries of the day.
Tentatively, you push the basement door open wider, the hinges creaking softly as if revealing a long forgotten secret. The descent into the basement is dimly lit, and as you take the first step, your heart races with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.
The air grows cooler as you make your way downstairs, and you're struck by the transformation of the basement. The space has been meticulously converted into a cosy movie room, complete with plush bean bags, cushions, and a projection screen that spans one of the walls. The soft, warm glow of fairy lights traces the contours of the room, casting a magical ambiance that feels like a comforting embrace. The aroma of freshly popped popcorn hung in the air, adding an inviting touch to the atmosphere.
Strolling through the room, your eyes take in every detail of its inviting setup. In the midst of the warm ambiance, you spot Wooyoung. He is lounging on a sofa, his back turned towards you, his gaze seemingly lost in deep contemplation. Approaching him, you can’t help but notice that the usual playfulness that usually defines him has been somewhat subdued. It is a stark contrast to the vibrant, charismatic Wooyoung you had grown accustomed to.
A soft, genuine smile graces your lips as you greet him, your voice carrying a soothing undertone that seemed to resonate with the room's tranquillity. "Hey, Wooyoung."
He turns to look at you, slightly surprised by your presence, yet his smile is warm but tinged with a hint of melancholy. 
"Hey muffin," he replies, his eyes holding a depth you have not seen before.
Taking a seat beside him, you turn to face him, “How has your day been?” You attempt to strike up a conversation, excitement evident in your tone. You haven't had much alone time with Wooyoung, you are excited for this time together.your concern evident in your eyes. 
“It was fine,” he replies, his smile not reaching his eyes, like it usually does.
"Is something bothering you?" you ask, your voice filled with genuine worry. "You've seemed a bit different lately."
Sinking into the plush couch in the dimly lit movie room, a strange sense of unease washes over you. It's as if the comforting embrace of the room has given way to an eerie feeling of vulnerability. The malicious messages you have been receiving, the slightly ajar basement door, and now this unsettling thought creep into your mind, and you can't help but feel a wave of fear.
Suddenly, your thoughts become a turbulent whirlwind, and a nagging doubt begins to gnaw at you. Could it be that Wooyoung, the one you had grown so close to, no longer has the same feelings for you? The idea takes root in your mind, and irrational fears start to twist your perception of reality.
You remember the somewhat subdued demeanour he displayed earlier in the kitchen. Your mind starts to interpret it as a sign of detachment, as though he's pulling away.
The warmth of the movie room, once so comforting, now feels like a suffocating cocoon of uncertainty. Your heart races, and a lump forms in your throat. What if it was all a mistake? What if your connection with Wooyoung was just a fleeting moment, destined to fade away?
In the dim light, your mind conjures up all sorts of scenarios, each one more distressing than the last. You want to shake off these irrational fears, to find solace in the familiar sanctuary of the movie room, but the grip of anxiety is relentless.
Wooyoung cuts off your thoughts by sighing softly, his gaze dropping momentarily before meeting yours and it seems as if he was reading your mind. "I still really like you, ____," he admits, his voice laced with vulnerability. "But... I'm a little scared."
His confession takes you by surprise, and you search his eyes for an explanation. "Scared? Of what?"
He runs a hand through his tousled hair, a habit of his when he is unsure of how to express himself. "I've always been flirty, you know? It's just who I am. But I've never felt this strongly about someone before, and it's... intimidating."
Your heart swells with understanding and compassion. Reaching out, you gently place your hand on his. "Wooyoung, you don't need to be afraid of your feelings. It's okay to care deeply about someone."
He seems relieved by your understanding but presses on. "I'm also afraid that you might see me as a playboy, or someone who's not interested in something serious because of how I act."
Shaking your head, you offered reassurance. "I don't see you that way, Wooyoung. People are complex. Your playful side doesn't define your capacity for something real and meaningful."
Wooyoung smiles tentatively, grateful for your words. "And there's something else," he admits, his voice softer. "Back in high school, I didn't talk to you much. I worry that you don't like me as much as the others because of that."
You let out a sigh, understanding his insecurity. "Wooyoung, it's not a competition. I care about all of you equally, and I have precious memories with each of you. High school was a long time ago, and people change. You've shown me a different side of you, and I appreciate it."
Wooyoung's smile grew wider, a mixture of relief and gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, muffin," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I needed to hear that."
Giving his arm a reassuring squeeze, you smile back at him. 
"Anytime, Wooyoung. We're all here for each other, remember? I’m here for you."
Intertwining your fingers, Wooyoung holds onto your hand gently, the action making your heart race as you share a smile with him. The both of you settle back into the plush cushions, surrounded by the warm embrace of the fairy lights, you knew that this moment was a step towards a deeper understanding and connection.
"I really like you, Wooyoung." The words escape your lips in a whisper, soft and filled with sincerity, and it's as if the world around you holds its breath, waiting for his response. In that moment, everything seems to hang in the balance, your vulnerability exposed in the dimly lit movie room.
For Wooyoung, those words are a revelation, a cascade of emotions that threaten to overwhelm him. His heart flutters, and he feels a warmth spreading from deep within. It's a feeling he's been yearning for, yet never quite dared to voice.
"Thank you for liking me, all of you," you continue, your voice holding a gentle grace that resonates with him. It's a sentiment that he's been unable to express, a gratitude that goes beyond words. 
“How can we not?”
Wooyoung hesitates for only a moment, his emotions too strong to contain. In one fluid motion, he pulls you close, enfolding you in a warm, earnest hug. The position is a bit awkward, given that you're both sitting, but at that moment, neither of you cares about comfort or convention.
Your bodies are pressed together, and it feels like an unspoken promise. In the embrace, there's a sense of completeness, of two souls finding solace in each other's presence. Tears well up in Wooyoung's eyes, and he holds you tighter, as if afraid that this beautiful moment might slip away. The dimly lit movie room bears witness to this intimate connection, the air filled with unspoken emotions. 
In this tight embrace, you both find comfort, solace, and a shared understanding that goes beyond any uncertainties or fears. It's a simple yet heartfelt affirmation of your feelings for each other, a promise to explore the uncharted territory of your hearts together. The cosy movie room seemed to hold its breath, as if recognizing the significance of this moment.
With a sense of shared understanding and comfort, you and Wooyoung turn your attention to the old projector, both blushing profusely, ready to lose yourselves in the world of cinema. The room, with its warm glow and soft furnishings, felt like a cocoon of safety, shielding you both from the uncertainties of the outside world.
As the movie begins, you couldn't help but steal a glance at Wooyoung. The flickering light of the screen cast a mesmerising glow on his features, highlighting the handsome contours of his face. His eyes sparkled with a quiet intensity, and a soft genuine smile tugged at his lips.
You couldn't help but admire how effortlessly handsome he looked, the warm illumination accentuating every angle of his face. Your gaze falls upon a tiny mole just beneath his eye, a charming imperfection that somehow added to his allure. Another mole adorned his lip, drawing your attention like a magnetic force.
For a moment, an intrusive thought crosses your mind; the idea of kissing that mole on his lip. It was a fleeting fantasy, a tempting daydream that brushed against your consciousness like a gentle breeze. But as quickly as it appeared, you banished the thought, your cheeks tinged with a faint blush at its audacity.
Your gaze lingers on Wooyoung's charming mole beneath his lip, you're drawn into a brief reverie, a fantasy that dances at the edge of your thoughts. However, before you can dismiss the whimsical notion entirely, something unexpected happens.
Wooyoung, ever perceptive, notices your lingering gaze. A mischievous glint sparkles in his eyes, and he offers a playful, enticing proposition. "You know," he begins, his voice a low, husky whisper that carries a hint of amusement, "if you're thinking about kissing this mole..."
He raises a single finger, gently tracing it over the tiny mole on his lip, his lips curving into a sly, teasing smile. "You're more than welcome to give it a try."
Your heart skips a beat at his audacious invitation. It's a playful dare, a flirtatious challenge that Wooyoung has always been known for. A rush of emotions floods your senses – surprise, anticipation, and a flicker of desire. It's a moment filled with unspoken tension, a playful dance between temptation and restraint.
For a moment, you're left in a tantalising dilemma, caught between the allure of his suggestion and the awareness of your surroundings in the cosy movie room. The glow of the screen casts soft, shifting shadows, creating an atmosphere of intimacy that's hard to resist.
As you steal another glance at Wooyoung's inviting lips, a thousand thoughts race through your mind. It's a choice you have to make, a moment that teeters on the edge of something more profound, all set against the backdrop of a movie playing in the background.
"Dinner's ready!" a voice calls from upstairs, breaking the enchanting moment between you and Wooyoung. Startled by the interruption, you hastily stand up from the couch, your heart still racing from the intense emotions that had been building.
Wooyoung lets out an almost inaudible groan of frustration, clearly annoyed at the timing of the interruption. He rises from the couch as well and follows closely behind you as you ascend the staircase. However, just as you're about to take that final step to exit the basement, Wooyoung gently grabs your waist, his touch both firm and gentle.
Your back is pressed against the wall, the proximity between you and Wooyoung electrifying. He stands on the step just below you, his eyes almost meeting yours, him looking up at you with wide eyes, and you can feel the tension in the air. It's as if the missed opportunity from just seconds ago has come full circle, and now, you both find yourselves on the cliff of something unspoken.
His eyes, filled with a glint of longing and vulnerability, look up at you, and a moment of intense connection passes between you two. It's a gaze that speaks of unspoken desires and a tantalising yearning. Your heart flutters, and you can't help but feel flustered by the close proximity, your thoughts racing with the possibilities of what could happen next.
Wooyoung's expression is one of longing, like a lost puppy seeking comfort and affection. His eyes are filled with an unspoken question, a silent plea for something more. You imagine what it would be like to lean down and capture his lips in a tender kiss, to explore the depths of this uncharted territory that beckons.
But the knowledge that dinner is waiting and the awareness of your surroundings pull you back to reality. The moment remains suspended in time, an unresolved tension that lingers in the air. Wooyoung gazes up at you, the glint in his eyes ignites your imagination, and you can't help but wonder what might happen in a different situation, if he was looking up at you in a different situation.
"The offer is always open," Wooyoung murmurs, his voice a warm invitation as he gently pulls you closer, your lips nearly touching in a tantalising promise of a kiss. His breath caresses your lips, and the world around you seems to fade into the background.
"My lips are yours," he whispers, his words a sweet promise that lingers in the air. The moment is charged with desire, and you can feel your heart racing as you lean in, ready to close the distance and savour the taste of his lips.
But just as your lips are about to meet in a gentle kiss, Wooyoung moves away, leaving you breathless and wanting. He looks at you, his eyes roaming over your flustered state, a smug sense of pride blossoming within him as he senses the desire that courses through your veins.
With a sly and teasing smile, he turns away and heads to the kitchen for dinner, leaving you standing there, your heart still pounding, and aching for the taste of what could have been. The promise of that kiss lingers in the air, a tantalising reminder of the unspoken desires that simmer between you and Wooyoung, just waiting for the right moment to ignite.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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gnocchibabie · 1 month
Desire and Blood (Chapter 6)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen/Strong OC (Jaenara Velaryon)
Tags: AU - canon divergence, enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, Targcest (uncle/niece)
Wordcount: 4.9k
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Against all odds, the love between childhood friends prevails and the Dance of Dragons is avoided.
However, peace comes at a cost. With the unexpected proposal of marriage between Alicent Hightower's son and Rhaenyra Targaryen's only daughter, can love truly blossom between sworn enemies? Or will Jaenara Velaryon be reduced to a mere pawn?
Love may yet arise where enmity once thrived, but Aemond's relentless pursuit of power threatens to shatter everything they hold dear, including each other.
A/N: You can find the previous chapters on my masterlist!
If you are liking this series, please consider showing some love on my AO3 posting of this fic :) thank you x
A feast sits before the princess, and yet she is unable to find her appetite. Her fingers glide over the carved wood, finding a small divot as she traces circles absentmindedly. The servants continued to lavish her plate with food, but she neither noticed nor cared, her mind lost in a turbulent sea of thought.
All morning, and most of last night for that matter, Jaenara had been thinking of Aemond – of their “scandalous” meeting in her private chambers. Nothing had transpired between them, not really. Save for some words of vulnerability and a fleeting touch to her hair. 
Something so seemingly innocuous made the princess feel as though she were committing some great sin. 
She was not so sure why she had let Aemond into her room last night. Her intention had been to offer comfort, sensing his distress and knowing him well enough to understand he would not reveal what was troubling him.
But why did she care to comfort him at all? Why did seeing him in such a state stir something within her?
She was meant to feel only indifference towards her uncle, as he did for her. 
What kind of indifference, she wondered, was relief in her words of comfort? 
What kind of indifference was leaning into each other’s touch?
What kind of indifference was Jaenara finding immediate sleep, so that she may seek out her betrothed in her dreams?
Surely, indifference did not define their relationship. Perhaps, it was the beginning of something far more profound and complicated than either of them had anticipated…
“Jaenara?” Rhaenyra Targaryen’s voice halts her daughter’s ruminations.
The princess raises her gaze to her mother, who sits across from her with an expectant look. “Oh—yes?”
Rhaenyra sighs, repeating her inquiry, “Are you not hungry, child?”
Jaenara clears her throat and shovels a few bites into her mouth hastily.
“I suppose my mind is just…elsewhere.” she replies, making a show of chewing.
Daemon scoffs beside her mother, “Clearly…and don’t choke yourself.”
Jaenara stifles the urge to roll her eyes at her stepfather, taking a few gulps of water to wash down the hastily consumed food.
“Is something troubling you, dear?” Rhaenyra exchanges looks between her daughter and Daemon, concern etching her features..
Jaenara seizes the moment. “I haven’t been able to attend your council meetings of late, Mother,” her voice measured and calm. “Are there any significant developments I should be informed of?”
She chose her words with care, hoping to steer the conversation away from the discord that simmered beneath the surface of her impending marriage.
Daemon interjects before her mother has a chance to respond, “Certainly none that should be discussed during our morning meal. Now, I believe your mother asked you a question.”
“Daemon…” Rhaenyra breathes, now leaning forward to meet her daughter’s gaze, “Is it about the wedding, Nara?”
Jaenara returns her hand to tracing the table, feeling as though the food she just pushed down her throat may come back up at any time. After a moment, she drags out a sigh and brings her attention to the couple sitting before her.
Jaenara’s hand returns to the table’s surface, her unease growing palpable. She exhales deeply before meeting their eyes. “I am well, though I confess to some… anxieties regarding the wedding.” She clears her throat and rises, her chair scraping loudly against the floor.
“There is little to be gained in discussing it further. I must go meet my betrothed in the training yard to select my sworn sword.” She spits out her addressal of Aemond, as if it was acrid on the tongue. Without waiting for a response, Jaenara sweeps from the room, her steps brisk and purposeful.
Daemon rises, meaning to halt his step-daughter for leaving so abruptly. 
“It’s alright, husband.” Rhaenyra sighs beside him, slumping ever so slightly in her seat.
The king consort huffs and takes his seat once more, “She grows bolder and bolder by the day.” he mutters.
Rhaenyra hums thoughtfully, looking at her husband, “Yes, she reminds me of someone.”
“That girl is you, born again.” Daemon snorts.
“Perhaps she has picked up a few…traits from the both of us,” she places a hand on her husband’s arm, “I think I have upset her. I sell her off as though she were a brood-mare to perhaps the one person in the realm she has come to despise the most. And now that I am Queen, I barely have time to console her over the unfortunate pairing.”
“You two act as though Aemond is any kind of threat. Unpleasant perhaps, both to gaze upon and share company with. But harmless. Truthfully, Jaenara should be happy over the pairing. She is to marry a Targaryen prince, rather than be shipped off to somewhere she would grow miserable – like that wasteland they call the North.” 
Rhaenyra's gaze settled on Daemon with a thoughtful expression. "You wouldn't truly understand, Daemon. You have the privilege of agency over your marriage."
Daemon’s face hardened. "And yet, I was born a man of consequence, my own hand traded for political gain. You forget my ill-fated first marriage. Rhea Royce was merely a pawn for securing Runestone’s favor. I had no say in that union. Viserys made the decision with a wave of his hand, and it was settled." He took a casual sip from his drink, as though discussing the weather. "Jaenara would do well to accept her role and its demands. Besides, Aemond seems quite taken with her."
Rhaenyra’s hand fell away from Daemon's arm, her eyes widening. "What?"
"Well," Daemon continued, "they dine together occasionally. I've seen them walking in the gardens more than once. He even seems to have been the one to press her about selecting a shield."
Rhaenyra sighs and drops her head into her hands, “And all this has been lost on me? I find myself too busy at present to know the lives of my own children. I did not even know Jaenara had not yet chosen a sworn sword! To think she has been wandering around the Red Keep unprotected, and I had not even noticed…”
Daemon furrows his eyebrows at his wife’s self-scrutiny, “You have had much more important matters as of late. Allow the dust to settle around the crowning of the new Queen, and you will soon find time for other priorities once more,” He meets Rhaenyra’s eyes, “And your daughter has been well protected – Aemond knows what would become of him if he did not see to that.”
Jaenara strides briskly through the halls of the castle, making a hasty exit to the training yard. She begins to nibble on her lower lip once more, hoping the sting will quell the swirling of her mind. As if her disturbance concerning Aemond had not weighed on her enough, she now worried she had offended her mother, or worse – saddened her. 
The princess focuses her gaze on the rich red rugs that drape across the stone floor, signaling her path to the training field, her stare too narrowly fixed to notice the figure bumps into.
“Careful, niece.” Aegon scolds, though his eyes and the smirk on his face are playful. 
Jaenara came to the conclusion that the gods, old and new, surely had it in for her this morning.
Not caring to prolong the unwanted interaction, she kept her reply short, “Apologies, uncle.” she muttered and set back on her path.
“Are you looking for my brother?” Aegon called after her.
Jaenara, back turned to her uncle, allowed her eyes to roll. “I am meeting him in the training yard.” 
Aegon hummed, “Right. Do make sure he doesn’t go…wandering off anywhere.”
Jaenara finally turns to face him, noting that his tone drips with mocking amusement. His smirk only deepens, underscoring his lack of genuine concern. 
The princess casts one last bewildered glance at her uncle before resuming her pursuit for his brother.
Has he gone mad?
Aegon giggled to himself, deciding not to reveal where he had found Aemond just the previous night. He’d save the revelation – for now.
For once, the training yard is considerably quiet. Save for the stern words of Aemond that echo throughout the grounds, reverberating off of the dozen knights that form a line before him. 
Jaenara lingers above for a moment, watching her uncle pace back and forth in front of the men, his face as intense as ever.
She supposes he took this matter much more seriously than she did. The princess stands stock still, trying to stall for as long as she can and wondering if she could blend in to the wooden posts surrounding her. She watches the sunlight glint off of the armor of the knights below her – watches her uncle continue to saunter up and down the yard. His mouth moves, though she is unable to make out any of his speech. 
Though she found she cared little to know what he was saying, so long as she could continue to watch his lips curl and twist and enunciate the words.
Seven Hells. Am I the one going mad?
These were precisely the kind of thoughts plaguing her mind all last night and this morning. This is what had driven her away from her mother with such haste. 
Jaenara hated it –- how it made her second guess herself. Keeping her composure around Aemond was sure to prove a monumental challenge – so much so, that she began to slowly creep away from the scene before her, hoping to retreat to the safety of her chambers. 
Though she was not quick enough.
The moment she took a step back, it was as if her camouflage amongst the balcony was relinquished – with Aemond looking up to meet her gaze.
“Princess Jaenara,” he announced aloud, causing the knights to take a knee from the mention of her name.
Letting out a puff of air, the princess began her descent down the stairs leading to the training yard.She navigated the muck of the training yard with a purpose, her heart racing despite her attempt to remain composed. Aemond met her halfway, his expression unreadable.
“Good morning, niece,” he greeted, his tone betraying a hint of warmth that contrasted with his usual stern demeanor.
Jaenara managed a small, polite smile and a nod. She was not ready to speak, her emotions too close to the surface. 
Aemond notices the terse air about her, though he continues on, “I petitioned the help of Ser Criston and Ser Arryk to assemble a few capable knights. But it would seem they brought me boys when I demanded capable men. You may dismiss them and I will personally see to it that–” 
“Greatness must start somewhere – for everyone,” Jaenara replies stiffly, eyes quickly scanning the man over, “Thank you, uncle.” She dismisses. Aemond furrows an eyebrow at the peculiar coldness of his niece. She had been so unexpectedly warm around him lately – especially last night – that he had forgotten how biting her icy demeanor was. 
Jaenara takes in the men before her and realizes Aemond was correct in his judgment. The knights all looked young and green, certainly having never seen battle. She makes her way down the line of men, observing how they all avert their eyes under her pointed gaze, suddenly becoming very interested in their shoes or a cloud in the sky. She passes by one knight, and finds hazel eyes staring back at her, head held high and fixed forward. 
The princess pauses.
“And what is your name, Ser?”
The knight keeps his eyes ahead of him. With a voice both steady and respectful, he answered, “Ser Relyn Redfort, Your Grace.” He concluded his introduction with a subtle nod. Aemond watched intently from behind Jaenara, though Relyn’s attention remained unmoved.
“Ser Relyn…” Jaenara said thoughtfully, a flicker of recognition crossing her features. “I believe a kinsman of yours serves in my mother’s Queensguard. Ser Adrian Redfort, is it?”
“That is correct, princess. He is my cousin.”
Jaenara hums thoughtfully. “I hear he is a man of great skill. I assume you are as well, to believe you are fit to guard my own life.” 
Relyn showed no sign of intimidation under her scrutiny. Instead, he seemed to draw strength from her challenge. “Indeed, princess. More so than the rest of these craven boys,” he declared with a grumble.
The other knights in line responded with derisive scoffs, and Jaenara could hear Aemond’s soft chuckle from behind her, clearly amused. The princess herself smirks.
Aemond leaned closer to Jaenara, his hand resting on her shoulder, and whispered into her ear, “This one carries an arrogance that may prove troublesome. You’d be wise to—”
“I find some truth in your assessment, Ser Relyn. Yet, it is actions that will validate your words.” Jaenara’s voice is louder now, cutting off the man who whispered into her ear. A resolute glint in her eyes makes the knight stand even straighter.
Aemond stared down at his niece incredulously. Had he done something to upset her? The last time he’d seen her had been the previous evening – or rather the wee hours of the morning – even then, she had been filled with laughter, jesting, and offering him solace.
But now she was acting…well – like him.
Had Aemond been so difficult with her before? So aloof and disdainful. So frigid. Was she now seeking to repay him in kind, serving him a taste of his own medicine?
Aemond peered into her lilac eyes once more, searching for something. Any sign of what troubled her. The prince recognized something within her expression – whether it be the furrow in her brow or the resolute look settled amongst her eyes – he saw, no felt, the same emotions that had burdened him yesterday.
Was she too consumed by thoughts of him? As he had been – still is – with her?
Gods…what a tangled web.
Despite his warm touch to her shoulder, Jaenara did little to let on what the lingering graze did to her. Ignoring her uncle still, she addresses Ser Relyn once more, Aemond’s gaze searing into her.
“To affirm your skill, I will have you–”
“Fight me in single combat,” Aemond’s voice soars over Jaenara’s with authoritative command, “Then, we will see how worthy you are.”
Murmurs broke out amongst the other men, clearly perturbed by the proposition. Aemond was known to be a formidable opponent, but to risk the chance of bringing some kind of harm to him – it would be mad to agree to it. 
Jaenara spun on her heel, her braid slicing through the air and brushing against Aemond’s chest.  
Finally, she looks at me.
“Are you mad?!” she hissed at him, her voice a fervent whisper filled with both incredulity and frustration.
“Oh, come now, niece,” Aemond said with a sardonic smile, his tone both teasing and resolute. He leaned in close once more, his breath warm against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. “We both know I am the most fearsome in this yard. I told you in the garden that I intended to act. I was sincere then. Let me prove it to you.”
He straightened, his expression hardening as he walked with deliberate steps toward the center of the training yard. His gaze remained fixed on Jaenara a moment longer, a silent challenge in his eyes, as he prepared to face Ser Relyn.
“Uncle!” Jaenara called out, though the plea fell on deaf ears. “Mittys.” she mutters.
“I will serve you well, my princess.” Relyn called out. If he shared the sentiments of the other knights, he hid it well. 
He is infuriating. 
Jaenara watched as Aemond picked up a practice blade of his own, shifting it from one hand to the other and feeling its weight. Her mind was racing now, fearing what may unfold before her. She worried for Ser Relyn’s safety, knowing that Aemond was not the type of man to hold back.
She felt more concerned however, that some harm may befall her uncle. The thought made her stomach churn. And why was that?
Because you care about him damn it!
And truly, she realized, it was futile to believe otherwise. 
From across the yard, Aemond stole one more glance at his betrothed. He watched her gnaw at her lip once more – surely it would be red and raw by the time he returned to her. Her unease was palpable even to him. Jaenara shifted from one foot to the other anxiously, chest rising and falling quickly. 
While observing her fretful form, Aemond was suddenly struck with realization.
Perhaps she did care for him. She could verbally deny it all she’d like, but actions spoke louder than words. It’s why he found himself doing this, after all. 
But there was no time to linger on the thought if Aemond meant to win this fight. Certainly this was no time to even consider what this may mean for his grand scheme.
Ser Relyn Redfort stared back at him, already in a fighting stance. The other knights had formed a loose circle around the combatants, their whispers a low hum of anticipation and concern. The prince had picked up a practice sword of his own, feeling its weight and balance in his hands.  The blade was blunt, designed for training, but it would still deliver a telling blow if wielded with precision.
“You are quite eager, Ser Relyn.” Aemond slowly approached the man and came to a stop, his stance confident and commanding. 
To lose, Aemond added to himself.
“At your word, my Prince.” The knight was ever eager to prove himself. 
Aemond shifted his footing, prompting the knight to do the same. Soon, the two men began to circle each other, ready to see who would strike first. 
Jaenara had since returned to her previous vantage point amongst the stairs and wooden posts. From above, she watched the fight threatening to break out from below, as though she were a hawk high in the sky.
Of course, she wanted her uncle to win. To prove victorious to all the men in the yard – and to prove something to her.
Though the thought of Ser Relyn being bested did mean that the undesired affair of choosing her knight would only be prolonged. 
It was a difficult choice, she decided, though she still found herself muttering to herself, “Come on, Aemond.”
As though her mumbled petition was a signal to commence the fight, a glint of light flashed across the yard – a sword catching the sunlight. 
Relyn Redfort had swung first, attempting to send his blade crashing upon Aemond from above, though he parried with ease. 
Aemond recovered quickly, his sword clashing with Relyn’s with a sharp clang, the sound echoing across the training yard. The force of the blow rattled through both men, but Aemond's stance remained steady. He sidestepped gracefully, his eyes locked on Relyn’s every move. The younger knight’s aggression was clear, each swing executed with fervent determination, though Aemond’s experience and calm demeanor gave him an edge.
Relyn pressed forward, his strikes quick and relentless, trying to overwhelm Aemond with sheer force. He aimed high, low, and from the sides, each attack calculated and precise.
Aemond parried and deflected, his movements fluid and controlled. Despite the blunt practice swords, the impact of each blow was palpable, their exertion evident in the strained muscles and beads of sweat on their foreheads.
Jaenara watched with bated breath, her heart pounding in sync with the clash of blades. Her gaze darted between Aemond and Relyn, the tension in the air almost tangible. She had hoped for a clear victory but found herself enthralled by the display of skill and determination. The way Aemond moved, so effortlessly, only heightened her anticipation. She clenched her hands around the wooden railing, her muttered encouragement growing more fervent.
“Come on, Aemond,” she whispered again, her voice barely audible above the din of the crowd.
Relyn’s next swing was aimed at Aemond’s side, but Aemond anticipated it, shifting just enough to dodge the blow. He countered with a quick thrust, forcing Relyn to retreat. The knight’s eyes narrowed, a mix of frustration and respect flashing across his face. He adjusted his grip on the sword, his focus sharpening as he prepared for another assault.
The fight became a dance of sorts, each combatant testing the other’s limits. Relyn tried a feint, hoping to catch Aemond off guard, but Aemond’s sharp reflexes allowed him to deflect the strike and respond with a swift counter. The two warriors were evenly matched, their skill and stamina pushing them to their limits.
As the duel continued, Aemond’s strategy began to emerge. He let Relyn expend his energy with vigorous attacks, occasionally allowing the younger knight to land blows that were more symbolic than damaging. Aemond’s movements became more calculated, waiting for the right moment to exploit an opening.
The moment came when Relyn, after a particularly forceful swing, overextended himself. Aemond seized the opportunity with deft precision. He sidestepped Relyn’s blade, using the momentum of the young knight’s overcommitment against him. With a swift, decisive move, Aemond’s practice sword connected sharply against Relyn’s side, the blow delivered with controlled force that would have been crippling in a real battle.
Relyn staggered, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he tried to regain his balance. The impact of the strike was evident, and the young knight’s strength faltered under the weight of Aemond’s expert maneuvering. His sword lowered, he found himself at a disadvantage, his earlier confidence slipping away.
Aemond stepped closer, his expression stern yet respectful. “Yield.” he commanded, his voice carrying the authority of a prince who demanded both respect and acknowledgment.
The sight alone made Jaenara’s head spin for a moment, though her uncle’s tone of voice had her gripping the wooden railing impossibly harder.
Relyn hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between Aemond and the ground. The fight had taken its toll, and the weight of defeat was clear on his face. He lowered his sword completely, his shoulders slumping in surrender.
“I yield, Your Grace,” Relyn said, his voice a mixture of respect and resignation.
Aemond helps the man to his feet, though not before delivering a blow of words, “You cannot expect to guard the life of a Targaryen princess if you can’t even cut me do–”
“You fought well, Ser Relyn,” Jaenara’s voice echoes throughout the yard as begins her descent once more, “Truthfully, not many men would dare face off against Prince Aemond. I have seen myself that you are not only daring, but capable. Perhaps, your skills need polishing – though that will surely come during your time here…” She regards her uncle with a testy look before continuing, “I will have you as my sworn protector.” 
A grateful expression begins to break across the knight’s face as he takes a knee once more, “You honor me, Princess. I thank you.”
Jaenara smiles slightly, “Well, you may not thank me so soon. I am told I can be difficult company.”
A dry chuckle leaves Aemond’s throat, which she pointedly chooses to ignore. The princess turns to the knights scattered throughout the yard, “I thank you all for coming – you may return to your duties.”
The crowd of knights began to disperse, their murmurs of respect and admiration concerning the fight that had unfolded fading. 
“I will see you on the morrow, Ser Relyn.” Jaenara finally nods, dismissing the young knight. 
The training yard was left with only Aemond and Jaenara, her previously polite smile fading as she turned to face her uncle.
“You had no right to do that,” she said sharply.
“To defeat him?” Aemond replied with icy calm.
“To humiliate him!” Jaenara’s voice was laden with frustration
To put yourself at risk. She dared not speak that thought aloud. 
“We were merely assessing his skill, niece. I will not have a man who cannot hold his own be tasked with guarding your life,” annoyance flashes over him, “And yet, you still chose him. For what reason? To vex me?”
She gave a scornful laugh, “To vex you?”
“Yes, to vex me. You are quite skilled at it. With your smooth words in the evening and your cold attitude by day,” he closes the gap between them, “Do you know what you do to me?” 
“What I do to you?” A mixture of hurt and immense sadness swells across her face, threatening to consume Aemond as well.
“Well, I apologize, uncle,” she spits, “I am sorry I am the woman you are doomed to marry. I am sorry you are stuck with me – and for whatever I do to you –”
“Jaenara, that is not what I intended –”
“And do you have any idea what you do to me? As though you are any better. One day you tell me our relationship is nothing but duty. You call me a bastard – and the next, y-you compliment my dress…your gaze lingers over me for much too long – you give me fleeting touches and–!” the princess all but stomps her feet, frustration boiling over, her words stumbling as she tries to articulate her pain.
“I cannot do it, Aemond.” Jaenara finishes, with a palpable sadness in her voice and wetness in her eyes.
“Jaenara!” His call was in vain, and all Aemond could do was watch as his niece fled the training yard, desperate to escape and put as much distance between them as possible.
His heart pounded in his chest, the adrenaline he had felt during his fight with Ser Relyn paled in comparison to the frenzied emotions he now felt.
The prince lets out a frustrated groan, slinging his practice blade across the field.
“Damn it all!” he shouts aloud. He hadn’t wanted to make Jaenara feel like that. But what he said was true – his niece had left him reeling as of late. Apparently he had done the same to her. 
This was not a part of the plan.
Surely his increasing attraction to his niece, and perhaps even their growing attraction to each other, had not been expected. Though to Aemond, it was certainly not unwelcome. He found something in himself when he was near Jaenara – a part of himself he previously did not know even existed. 
He could love her, he thought, though the idea scared him. 
And if his own ambition to dethrone Jacaerys was not enough, surely his love for Jaenara was. 
Things could still go to plan.
Aemond eased his ragged breathing, regaining his composure bit by bit. He would seek her out – apologize to his niece at dinner tonight, allowing her the time to cool down. 
The day crawled by for Aemond, each hour dragging slower than the last, a stark contrast to the chaotic morning he had endured. The prince was allowed ample time to mull over what he would say to his niece when the time finally came. Embarrassingly enough, he had spent most of the day with Vhagar, pacing in front of her as she slept, entirely unbothered, whilst practicing what he would say to Jaenara. Soon, a cool evening settled around the Red Keep, enveloping all of King’s Landing in dusk. 
He now sat at the grand dinner table amongst the rest of his family, awaiting the arrival of Jaenara. Helaena was seated next to him, muttering something to herself as she fiddled with her hands in her lap. 
He frowned, struggling to make sense of Helaena’s muffled and cryptic speech.
“...a shadow of the sea…drifting through the city’s heart…leaving ripples unseen…”
The prince furrowed a brow, trying to decipher what Helaena could have possibly been talking about. 
But dinner came and went, with no appearance from Jaenara. Aemond had even dared to speak to his half-sister halfway through their meal, asking of her whereabouts.
“She requested her dinner be sent to her room,” Rhaenyra replied, her gaze revealing curiosity at her half-brother's worry. “She claimed to be unwell.”
Aemond excuses himself early and makes his way to his niece’s chamber. Stopping in front of her door, he sees the plate of food sitting there untouched.
Had her servants not even bothered to enter her room?
He knocks on her door, “Princess. It is me…” a pause, “Aemond…” he adds awkwardly. But he is only met with silence. The prince tries the door, but finds it is locked.
Panic set in as Aemond dashed back to his room. He ran his hand across the stone wall, finding the loose spot in a corner of his room. Hurriedly, he pushes down on one of the rocks, causing the hidden pathway to reveal itself once more. Running to Jaenara’s private chambers, he finds them barren. Making a round throughout the entire room, he finds no sign of his niece. 
A deep sense of urgency gripped him. She was not in her room, and she was likely not in the castle at all. Where had she gone?
Where did you go, damn it?!
He searches her room once more, gleaning for any clues that may indicate where she had run off to. From the corner of his eye, Aemond catches a deep blue fabric peeking out from under his niece’s pillow. Ripping her sheets back, he finds the fine dress Jaenara had been wearing that morning, folded neatly and placed here, as though she meant to hide it. 
Helaena’s words filter into his mind suddenly: Drifting through the city’s heart.
Aemond then remembers the revelation that Jaenara had shared with him the previous night, which had nearly sent him into hysterics: 
You are not the only one who apparently enjoys sneaking around King’s Landing.
Aemond dropped the gown, sprinting out of Jaenara’s chamber to grab a cloak and find one of the castle’s many concealed passageways that would carry him out into the night.
tags: @aleemendoza2425-blog @toodlesxcuddles @marsmallow433 @frozenhuntress67 @deeeeexx @marialikescherries
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cutieeva · 3 months
Honey Comb Trap
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Female Reader
Warnings : Manipulation. Obsessive behaviors. Brainwashing. Attempt child harming. Childbirth. Murder. Torture.
(Y/N) believed herself to be fortune not only did she wished to have a happy ending of her future love story, she also got the best husband she ever knew existed in real life apart from fictions and dramas she grew up watching. He is sweet, sweet like the honey she loves to indulge in very much yet why does that seems dangerous suddenly ?
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These two words are intertwined to each other always. Many questions arise in one's mouth hearing the word love following with 'When are you goona marry ?' And if the word marriage following questions asked 'Do you love your partner ?' These are universal vital question any adult would ask to another they care about because these words are connected. Not only love brings marriage for sake to never be separated and be together forever but also that brings the families of lovers together and this is where the word family enters.
Love, marriage, family. Not only marriage beings lover closer only for the couple to craft a little family of theirs but also it brings the families of the couple becoming a joint bigger family where supposed strangers become intertwined to one another. It could be a very positive or negative result depending on the situation. And very fortunely for (Y/N), the order of love, marriage and family were in right orders in the most wholesome way possible. She still to this day recalls the moment where she was at a art gallery smitten by the most beautiful of paints and sculptures of old figures only to met a emerald eyes man unbeknownst he is the future husband of hers for eternity. A lover unlike the prince charming that sweep her feet off nor a knight shining armor always there to protect or a villain who would burn the world for her rather he is much more sweeter, gentler and kinder. He is a wealthy man who's always cut the crust of her breads she doesn't like to eat, always orders food properly instructing her allergies, checks her water temperature, not let her soak in the rain longer, stands at her at any arguments yet teach her the mistakes of her anger in private, calms her down and most importantly loves her only like no other.
He is the epitome of perfect husband but in genuine ways. He has his own set of temper but he never takes on her, he has his shameful moment yet he learns from it. Nevertheless in her eyes he is the most perfect person to ever prevail upon. So, after their sweetest marriage, spending three years with the man her heart belongs to, she was pleasantly surprised with the little guest arriving to become their family.
"Asher ! I am pregnant !" (Y/N) jumped into the embrace of her beautiful husband bursting the amazing surpise.
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However all (Y/N) felt was paused actions, unreturned embrace and blank stare. Nervous creeping into her as she let her husband go watching as the blank stare crumble into one of a astonished.
"W-hat are you saying ?" He stuttered.
"I am pregnant". Breathlessly she whispered after all it was bound to happen when they let her birth controls free and his condoms to rot in trash.
Finally his husband's turn into the expression she hopped to and was hit by relief seeing his smile lift into most widest she ever saw alike of the one when she said yes to be his girlfriend, soon his hands held her figure and swing into the air and spinning into the joys of laughter.
"O my god. What a happiest news you told me. I am goona be a dad". Asher without letting her feet touch the ground, touch her back of nape and kissed her until air become a need. "You are goona be a mom". He rest his temple onto hers to which she nod.
"We are goona be the best parents". She thought.
And this was proven more when she noticed from that day on he rarely let her do the only kitchen duties she adores and plop her on bed for twenty four hours watching something she desires, eating and let all the chores to the countless servants they have and (Y/N) openly loved it because this only shows how much he cares for her making her fall with him little more daily.
Even the usual meeting he has with his company has drastically decreased only spending time cuddling her, resting his head on her chest and staring at her growing stomach.
"How much would your stomach grow ?" She chuckles knowing he is the only child of their family and his relatives are rather distant from each other only meeting in parties or any festivals so meeting a pregnant woman is rare for him plus he never pays attentions to any of that making her ponder how he never talk about children unlike other husbands she has seen.
"Not much. It's only been three months". She caress her stomach not noticing his frown. "Do you wanna touch it ?" She hold his wrist tried to place over her stomach but he easily wave away touching her cheek and smiling.
"It's alright. I will meet when they come out". (Y/N) shrugged noticing how not once after she become pregnant. His hands were all over her body expect her stomach albeit she notice him often staring blanking.
"He is scared nothing more". She brush off the gut feeling of how distant he is related to children. Unaware he never wanted children.
After (Y/N) slept. Asher wake up unlocking his phone to search 'Does miscarriage hurts woman psychology or physically'.
Miscarriage is a traumatic event which affects every woman differently, but can lead to grief, anxiety, depression and so on, the words are written that he carefully read searching more and more until his curiosity was satisfied. "Shit ! That means I can't order any servant to miscarriage her". Frustrated and blaming himself of how he never cared to check her monthly period or anything which wouldn't had lead to a parasite taking place. Yes, a parasite is what he ought to like. An unwelcomed creature exhausting his wife that he gave her everything. He slightly doesn't like of anyone entering between them so naturally he doesn't like the idea of children who would snatch his wife away and only be ungrateful in the near future.
A parasite that settle inside his love who's life could be in danger during childbirth and when they grow their minds and sharp tongue to speak hurting things to his wife who's happy enough to gave them a life. "I wasn't at all happy when she announced her pregnancy". He still remembers like an nightmare of how he heard the words he didn't liked in his wife's mouth yet still acted all gleeful to not sadden his beloved. How could he ? Never in million decades would he afford to bring tears on those (E/C) eyes he adores like jewels and he can never images those 'I love you' into 'I hate you' at all. He didn't suffer only to have his wife know his true colors.
He didn't practice the ideal man to be hated by her. He didn't at all lied and beautifully crafted the setting for her to notice him at a art gallery rather than two months ago at a friend's party where she wore the gorgeous fluffy color dress she loves and in that moment he swore the cupid's arrow pierce his chest and written her name over his mind, soul, heart and body. He didn't simply became the gentle ideal man she would like for her to have. He created this whole persona of how supportive he is when she argue with someone and later talk with her when in reality he is clenching his anger and waiting for the right moment to kill the person burning flesh into ashes and bones to grind to the away. He memorized every little likes to dislike, frown to brighten eyes and every single thing. In simply words he unknown to her even made her thought of something that he planted in her mind first before she even came with it.
And this will be her bliss life of obvious. Ignorance is a bliss but his miscalculation was this parasite, now how can he get rid of that without effecting (Y/N)'s bliss life ? "I will see it later". He decided himself exhausted from the constant thinking and smiled contently at his wife's warmth.
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"The child is five months and the doctor said it's twins". (Y/N) has begin seeing the signs of her belly evolving larger as the month pass even though this sign sometimes scares her of how much her skin could stretch. Sometimes she also imagine what if the skin brust ? She knows it's silly imagination or at least that what her mother told her though the phone call she seconds ago ended. Currently she is walking out of her room about to walk down the stairs to living room when she saw her husband coming out of his office room too, smiling ear to ear "Asher, dearest !" Yelled his name and stretch her arm to indicate of wanting a embrace when a female servant suddenly in hurry holding a pile of clothes run at her not aware of (Y/N) standing resulting crashing over her.
"ASHER !" She screamed feeling herself falling yet nothing out of her desperate grip came to pull or hold onto only gazing at the emerald eyes of her husband, she fell for. "Why isn't he running towards me ?" A terrifying question came upon her mind as her eyes closed on itself feeling her body to be crash soon that's when a grasp left her lips.
"What !" Her eyes opened in surprised as her husband's strong pair of arms held her waist and pulled before her body could touch the stairs. She blankly stare at Asher who seems oddly calm, holding her tight and bringing her to their shared bedroom.
"Are you alright ?" His eyes moved to her trembling hands and dilating pupils and held breath. "I guess not". He layed her on the soft fabric, covering her with blanket and gave her a glass of water to drink. After the cold touch in contact snap her to speak.
"Weren't you just stood ?" If she recalls correctly he seems to stand and stare at her not at all looked panicked unaware that few minutes ago before saving his wife, a second thought came to his mind.
"This will make the child die for sure". His heart almost dropped when he saw his life almost falling from the stairs yet the dark thoughts of his was gripping him in his place to rot the parasite he despise so much while not getting his hands dirty however.
The curve of her smile when her soft palms rubbed her swollen stomach whispering "I am happy, my love. This child created by us". changed his mind otherwise leading him to save the growing ungrateful brat and his wife.
"I was so shocked that I felt my body wasn't mine anymore". Asher smiled that didn't reach his eyes, glancing at the growing stomach covered by her long flower pattern frock.
"Oh". (Y/N) gulp the water thinking back to the expression he had with dead eyes and pressed thin lips shadowed by his hair. "It was scary". She never saw that expression adored over her husband before concerning yet fluttering her heart warm because that means he cares for her enough to risk everything and try to save her right ? Yes, she believes so.
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"P-lease. Forgiv-e me". Pleds of forgiveness echoed the empty space of the nameless female servent he has not care to know name yet Asher express nothing. Like literally nothing of anger, pity, sadness, disgust. He blankly stare at her as his most loyal four men beat her at his orders without question and quick. Maybe because they too share the same fear of getting beat like the innocent woman by their master they serve loyalty to.
"And why should I forgive you ?" Finally he asked lifting a hope of light upon the bruised woman.
"Because I will make sure it never happen again". She breathlessly swore.
"Huh ?" He titled his head, smiling nothing like the angel he does to his wife rather this one sinister and far more darker filled with bloodlust. "What makes you say you will get another chance ?" Her heart dropped so does her hope.
"Now, fracture her hips". He commended tuning out the unwanted irritating of her screams and the cracks of her bones. He really doesn't like such unpleasant noises instead he like the giggles of his dearest, the snort of her laugh when she heard something unexpected, the cute hum of her, the music of her tune singing mindlessly. For all and each he solely find peace in his wife.
"Break little by little her spine". Asher close his eyes, deafening the chilling howl and bawl of her rather drowning himself into the image of his wife hmming her favorite song he learnt to love too.
"Crash her abodmen". He unconsciously mimic the images of his wife, watching how in her warmth of light home, she is hugging his torso, fingers over his disheveled hair and singing sweetly like an nightingale he never knew enjoyed.
"Bend her arms and legs alike of an accidental sprain". (Y/N) smiled at him mirroring the smile he wore in his lips, her fragile pads of fingers trace his lips like it's hers and indeed it is. Asher smiled more at the scenario building inside his mind totally indulging into the heven of his when he is hell for the poor shrieking woman helplessly under brutal force of hurting, tears has dried from how much it spilled yet another wail pour when her arms were sprained.
"Injure her neck alike of an whiplash". The men who were beating in heartbeat trembled questioning how on earth their master at perfect time is giving them the next order while closing his eyes and humming a pleasent tune. It sends shivers over the men and fear continue to do it's work.
"Finally". He opened his eyes, smile ghosted, eyes dead stare at the almost breathing woman. "Smach the head".
Darkness welcome the woman and blood wash over her head, cracking from the skull to touch the dirty sliver floor. A huge sigh of relief left his lips placing him into the happiest and relax mood he was. "Don't forget to cremate her body and grind the bones to vanish all evidence". His polish shoe turn towards the exist of his separate garage basement away from his house for ten miles.
The whole reason he punished the woman so painfully not because he wanted her torment or apologizes. No, one thing he learnt in his life that when an nagative action is taken place, no way in hell would apologizes ease the burns of the actions because he has seen it, playing in front of his life how once those schoolmate who bullied an nameless poor student later came begging to their feet, how once proud business men crawl their way to kiss up the people they unawarely mess up. He saw it all and he would be fool to be the next so he make sure any apologize of his mistakes that came out of his mouth is only planned, an act to sweep away the princess of his life. Thus, the woman's punishment was hurt the same way his wife could had been when she fell from the stairs carrying the leechs inside her stomach.
Back and neck.
Arms and legs.
Fetal distress and injure and more that he had took time to offer the woman one by one.
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"Honey. I am afraid". Little tears welled into those (E/C) as her palm clutch into his much larger. "What if I die ?" Asher's suck his breath and tried his best to act the gentle husband she needs.
"My lovely, lovely (Y/N)" His fingers tuck the single hair behind her ears. "If god gifted you into my life then he won't dare to take away too. I promise". (Y/N) smiled at those comforting words, leaning into him before going to the operation room gathered by doctors and nurses.
"If I was the one to bring you into my life then I can also keep you". Soon the nurses took his wife wore dull hospital gown he realized doesn't suit her and watched her shut behind the doors.
"Mr. Harris, please sign your signature in the form". Asher eyes goes straight to the complication written as his wife is about to have c-section birth that he chosen after listening which is the least painful. Tighten the grip on the ballpen he signed.
"By the way doctor". The man dressed up ready to head to the surgery. "Save my wife". He finished, not a pled or request. It's an order that the doctor noticed.
"We will try to save the both—".
"No, if the child gives any slightest complication to my wife then immediately cut it out. My wife is more important". Those words were filled with vulnerability of how much love he bears for his wife yet the doctor felt bitter seeing how less connection the soon to-be-father is with his child. Yes, in his field he seen many husband choose their wives but the way the man utter so easily without any care of the child is unheard for the doctor.
"I understand. Your wife is the priority". Asher nod easing to able conveying his thoughts and his sight followed the man went into the room leaving alone the married man.
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Cries of children rung the white halls turning the red light to green and the huge doors opened with the nurse carrying his twins and doctors coming out of the operation room.
"Congratulations ! You have twins, one girl and another boy". The female nurse cradle the newborn into her brace showing the father searching for any heavy emotions she has seen the past years working.
"How's my wife ? Can I see her ?" But Asher blankly question the woman trying to see a glimpse of (Y/N) not even sparing a glance at the children he shares his surname and blood leading the nurse a little baffled however she forced a smiled.
"Yes, you can but she is sleeping. Exhausted—". About to talk more when a whisk of air pass through her finding herself alone holding the children.
"The father left ?" Speechless is what she became. Meanwhile his emerald eyes soften and smile rose genuinely drank at the beautiful sleeping figure of his heart, his wife.
"I knew you wouldn't leave me". He message her skull, running smoothingly her hair and press a chaste kiss over her soak sweat forehead. "And I will make sure you never do". Because he few hours ago realized that having children shared with her will make her never again.
This stage was what completed and utterly chained her ankles to him and he swore she will only be showered by love and happiness even if it's an illusion crafted by him but one can't deny his love surely is real. "For you". He whispered. "A Honey comb trap".
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cozzzynook · 3 months
I love the ideas of each City having their own culture and traditions.
So here's a few I thought up for you to use if you wish :D
Icaon having the tradition of having their sparklings dressed in fancy head dressing while they are blessed by a prime or priest.
Vos hosting flight racing once every Steller cycle while having fancy parties to honour their greatest fliers.
Tarn Miners would sing old song while decorating a newly conjuxed pair with the rarest of jewels.
That's all i got so far. :D
Anon whoever you are i love this idea so much you have a wonderful brain!!
I’d like to add that in Kaon they would sensually spar with the bot they wanted to mate and conjunx.
They’d also show off their skills in front of them as well. Show off how strong they are and best opponents in-front of them. They typically liked strong conjunxs but many conjunxed someone considered weak. A show of strength, a way to say “i will protect you even until my frame grays.”
In the dead end they’d give what little food they had as a sign of courting or what little possessions they owned they’d give to the bot they wanted to conjunx. A show of trust and care even in the harshest of places. A love that says “i will never forget or throw you away, the way our planet has done to us.”
On Nyon they had a few traditions but the most prevalent was touch.
They didn’t have much food and they didn’t have gold or rare metals anymore since the high council took them.
They were robbed of their culture but still they prevailed and used a form of touch as courting.
Touch and optic contact. Optics were another way to look into a mechs soul and touching a way to the spark.
They would dance and hold their servos over the thrum of the others spark as they stared into the others optics until eventually, they did a sensual dance in berth and opened their sparks and let them join together feeling each other in every sense with touch, taste, smell and their sparks. It was a rare form since it was permanent. Its a way to say, “i will want you until every star burns out in this life and hopefully the next.”
Just some ideas.
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sexydoffyman · 23 days
genre: romance/fluff
characters: Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
A/N: If you wnat to be in a taglist, write in the comments.🦀
P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4 P.5
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Four in the morning at your newly assigned base. You turned around in your sleep. “SMACK!!!” Your door flew open. Ghost walked in like the room belonged to him. Soap was following behind him, wondering what was Ghost going to pull this time. With his hoarse voice Ghost almost yelled out “TRAINING NOW!”
It has been a few hours and you are drenched in cold sweat. The usual mornings in England aren’t very warm. You were covered with dirt from head to toe. Your body was ready to give out, but you prevailed. Ghost was torturing you with his “light training”. Soap was right next to you just to show you how weak you are. His endless energy made him handle everything just fine.
“Stop playing and come inside to eat you, muppets!” You thought it was an angel. The one that was sent to save your life. But as you turned to the source of the voice, the only one you could see was the old man. He could only sigh in disbelief. “How far do you think will he take it?” Gaz asked Price as he watched from behind him. “Ghost is a rough man, but he won’t take it to an extreme.” Gaz looked at Price worriedly. “Seems pretty extreme to me.”
You followed Ghost inside. Soap ran past you a while ago. “That man has way too much energy.” You think to yourself. You walk through the door, but before you can walk away to get some food, you get stopped by Price. “Take a damn shower first.” He said as he patted your shoulder.
Time pass
You walk into the canteen with a new set of clothes. You get some food and sit next to a guy from the task force. His name is Gaz, you remember. “Hey, fine if I sit with you?” You ask him. “I don’t mind.” You sit in front of him and start eating your food. There is an awkward pause of silence… “Saw you earlier today, he really let you know your place.” He said, trying to break the silence. “If this is how my next few days are gonna go, then I’m going to need to buy more clothes.” You say jokingly, but when you said that, you actually wondered if you had enough clothes.
“No, don’t worry.” You look at him confused. “He wanted to see if you are a weak bitch or just weak.” He says like it is the simplest thing, but you cannot comprehend what he meant by that. Noticing your confusion, he speaks. “He wanted to see how long it would take for you to chicken out.” “Wait, so he planned for Price to come at that exact time?” You are impressed by his planning abilities, but also a little worried. “Yeah, kinda creepy if you ask me.”
“I hope I will fit in.” You say with a laugh. “Well, Soap probably already likes you. I like you. I’m not sure about Price, but when he finds out that you are useful, he will see you as part of the team immediately.” His words manage to comfort you. You know that it won’t be as bad as you thought it would be. “And Ghost?” You ask. “We will see. Tomorrow we will be wrestling each other. You better bet that he will put you to the ground. If he holds out his hand to help you get up, he likes you. As simple as that.”
“Simple huh?”
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darlingofvalyria · 11 months
❝I have these two great friends called Birth and Control.❞
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part 06 | it's called a love bug, lovebug
chapter summary:
[ Sunday dinners are actually made for confessions. As Alicent braves it with a wine and a blush, you brave it too. With a boy and a view. ]
[ 2,963 ] [ series masterlist ] |best friend's brother!aemond targaryen x f!reader, ft. cregan stark x f!reader & aemond targaryen x alys rivers,
contains— angst - hurt/minimal comfort(?) - no kings, no martyrs, no betas.
a/n— alexa play it's all coming back to me now by celine dion. it might read a little stilted, i struggled a bit with this chapter as i wrote it in different times. ps. i didn't translate aemond's valyrian with intention. hope it still works? comment, reblog & like at will, mwa ♡
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You had never heard of a more reverbrating sound than Helaena's smack to a poor, traumatised Daeron. "You toe licking, armpit looking, ugly garbage can!" Healeana shrieked, promptly dragging her youngest brother further away as you and Aemond scurried deeper into the safety of the darkness and shame, folded defensively onto one another, laughing your asses off.
"Oh my god," you exhale. "I am never going leaving this maze. I am going to live here, eating brambles and shit, and die here. Leave me now and prevail, Aemond. I will be fine. I'll haunt you in two to three business days."
Aemond chuckles from below you, unseen from your gaze, the mesmerised adoration he held as he can still feel his lips tingling from your desperation, still feel the curves of your body, the soft skin— he clears his throat, holding you steady by your hips before moving around until he's hovering over you as you adjusted your dress, eyes fluttering his with pressed lips trying not to laugh.
"I have a feeling dinner is ready."
"I also have a feeling your mother and grandfather knew exactly what we were doing minutes before and I fear I'd rather die here than face that."
He laughs, offering his hand and you take it regardless. "Then my mother would be glad. She didn't exactly feel the new bliss of couples between us."
You scoff. "Only because you treated me like you were cosplaying a Frost Giant." At his raised eyebrow and choked, surprised laugh, you blush. "Oh, get off with it. Your sister really likes the idea of Jotun!Loki and I am not one to kinkshame."
He strangles a laugh, peeling stray twigs from your hair. "I wouldn't dare assume. Let's go eat."
You tighten your hold on his hand, worry crescent on your forehead that Aemond straightens. "And talk?" As good as that felt, as perfect as puzzles sliding in together, you were past the age where burrowing it deep with the good parts and ignoring the pressing talks that need to be addressed.
And Aemond deserved better than that at least.
"Okay." He nods, swallowing. "Later, please."
"Okay." You try and reassure him with a smile and that seems to appease him, if a little.
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Once Aegon had made five jokes concerning Daeron's loud rant— he was promptly shut up by his sister smacking him in the back of the head as soon as their mother was fretting in the kitchen and their grandfather's phone pinging for his attention, spoon on his mouth that might have been a medical nightmare — dinner went smoothly.
Daeron had successfully refused to look at your general direction, or his brother, or both since you sat together, churlish in giggles, in chatter and light arguments. Aemond kept taking the nicely marinated baby potatoes on his plate to yours once you finished up your own, and exchanged it with shuffling green beans to his plate because he loves them— it's nice.
It's more than nice. It's everything you could hope for when you think about dinner with your boyfriend's family. It's a softened thought that brews to yearning. You want this. You want be sat next to Aemond like this again, making jokes, piling food onto each other's plate, ribbing with his brother until he blushed then standing up against him when it got too far— seeing the smile he sends your way, endearing, loving, and for a moment, for this one realised moment built on lies and chuckle-fuckery ease, you let yourself indulge.
You joke about spoon feeding him dessert and blush as he envelops his soft lips over the spoon, Daeron and Aegon mimicking gags while Alicent is blushing, unable to stop a girlish giggle, a sound so surprised to her own person that she hiccups.
You are with him and you give yourself strength to break his heart.
Dinner finishes off with a lazy flick, Alicent and his father descending into business talks that usually included Aemond and though you tell him you can go hang out with Helaena— Daeron and Aegon deciding on playing The Last of Us in the game room because Aegon said he needed a good cry but also to shoot things — Aemond who had taken your hand sometime ago and has been brushing his thumb over your knuckles in a soothing gesture, implores you with a look.
You swallow and give a nod, trying for another smile that fails, noticing the moment Aemond sees it fail, his brow curling, lips pursing but doesn't say anything.
As he moves to lead, he pauses, turning back to you. "Where—?"
"Your room?"
Just as he nods, Alicent's soft and embarrassed, "Keep the door open, please," pulls you both to a blushing stop.
Otto— and Helaena rifling through ice cream in the kitchen — crow simultaneous, "Alicent," and "Mom!" as Alicent raises both her hands, the wine in her right sloshing. Though she is pink-cheeked, she maintains eye contact with her son while Aemond is struggling.
"I know you're old and smart enough, young man, and you are such a lovely girl," Alicent says to you, "and I would no doubt adore the grandchildren you will provide me—"
"Oh my gods," you stifle your giggles as Aemond makes a discordant sound in the back of his throat, like a cat hacking a saw. Otto is laughing into his wine while Helaena is making gagging noises in the background.
"— but I hope to have them when Aemond's at least graduated, so that he can provide well for you." Alicent nods, blinking. You can tell that the wine is catching up to her. "He's a good boy so I'm sure he'll do right by you. But I at least want you both to be married, of course, I would prefer if Aegon or Helaena got married first but—"
"— and that's my cue to stage left, folks," Helaena says, making a face as she grabs the entire tub of cookies and cream. "If anyone needs me, I'm in my room trying to find a husband so my baby brother can get married, gods forbid he carries on with bastards from his beautiful girlfriend— whomst, by the way, is my best friend, dunno how we're forgetting my credit in all of this."
Aemond shakes his head. "They're not sleeping here, mom, and providing you grandchildren is not in my agenda." He tugs your hand, smirking as he pulls you close only to whisper playfully, "Not tonight at least."
You shiver, laughing under your breath. "I dunno if you know this, but I have these two great friends called Birth and Control."
He breaks into a laugh and that, at least, eases the tension until you round up in his room, trying to give Helaena a meaningful look but you don't think she understands it with how she salutes you with her spoon, winking audaciously.
"Here." Aemond flicks the light on and his childhood bedroom brings a smile to your face. It's cerebral, the faint blue of his textured wallpaper, the perfectly lined books, even the framed achievements. But there's also the Oasis poster, the little figurines that you know is part of some Old Valyrian battle replica he collected when he was younger, even his old fencing gear and an exact photo of it alongside his club master, his grandfather, and family friend, Criston Cole.
"It's been a while since I've been here," you tease lightly. "It's kind of funny of your mom to think I'd be the first hot girl to christen your childhood bed."
He hums, turning away as he closes the door. When he turns back, he's rolled back his bottom lip between his teeth as he looks at you with sincerity.
"It wouldn't be much of a competition to beat. You were the first hot girl I'd ever got inside my room."
"Ahh. Right. Teasing you before your growth spurt was the highlight of my week."
Aemond let out an aggressive sigh as you laugh. "I was a senior in high school when I met you, riña, this is getting ridiculous. Borderline paedophilic since I had you moaning an hour ago."
You heave, slapping his arm. "Okay, stop, you made it weird now. Gross. Eugh."
"Promise you'll stop now?"
"Fine, I promise."
An awkwardness settles before Aemond nods at the double French doors. "Wanna talk on the patio? You've always liked my room's view than Lae's."
"Yeah," you grin.  "'Cos you got the only view of the lake."
"You can barely see it with the trees. And this darkness." Reason out all he wants, but he opens the door for you, and the cool air is crisp and nice against your warm skin.
You hold out on the ledge, squinting your eyes so you can see peeks of luminous bounce of the calm lake between dark sways of forest. Once in a while, it glitters and glimmers, making itself known.
"It isn't fully true though."
"What is?" Aemond fixes his elbows, warmth pressed against yours as he stares at a fixed point of nowhere. But you can feel his tension, feel his questions he's trying to be patient to keep in. You're glad for it. Grateful. Because it gives you enough courage to confess.
"I hung out in your room because I liked hanging out with you," you admit. "Teasing you was the highlight of my day."
"Gee. Thanks."
"I was more surprised you kept letting me hang out with you when I did nothing but annoy you."
"Why do you think that is, ñuha riña?" he asks softly.
"Because you're sweet?"
The way he's looking at you... it makes you breatheless. Especially when he moves to turn fully toward you, taking you by your elbows, and you close your eyes when he leans in expecting his mouth on you, your heart dancing in the palm of his hand because it feels so, so easy to trust Aemond with it, instead he presses his lips underneath your eye, nuzzling against your nose. It shatters and remakes your heart, making you hold onto his shirt for some semblance of comfort.
"Because I've always liked you," he whispers against your skin as if it's his best kept secret. "Because I'm weak when it comes to you. Because you," he breathes against your mouth, taking your bottom lip between his teeth and giving it a tug, "make it easy to want you."
A weak laugh escapes your lips and his mouth follows the sound as if he wants to swallow it, but you press a palm to his chest. He growls.
"Easy there, tiger, that didn't sound much like a compliment."
He pulls back, holding your face. "Sorry, shit, I didn't mean— I'm not good at this. I meant... you're unattainable. Not just as Helaena's best friend but... you're cool, you're fucking gorgeous and incredibly hilarious."
"Ñuha jorrāelagon." He breathes care into the word. The word is lost on me and I force my brain to pocket it like a love letter so I can search it up. "I never thought I could be here, touching you like this." Without warning, he moulds his lips to yours in a harsh, deep kiss. It's quick but it leaves you breathless, his voice coming up ragged. "Kiss you like this. It feels like I'm in a dream and I'm struggling to let go of it. So a while ago... after..."
You nod, pressing your forehead against his, unable to look at him in the eye. You focus on touching him, your hands sliding down, making him shiver when you go underneath his shirt, skating his side until you warm your cool fingers with his spine.
"That's the thing, Aemy," you whisper. "In your head, by your words, I'm always a version to you."
 He calls your name, leaning back and you're forced to see the confusion on his face.
"Helaena's best friend. Past that, an unattainable crush. Now a fake girlfriend. Someone you use to get Alys' attention, and who better than the unattainable crush? It's a pedestal, Aemy."
"It's not like that, that was a bad, convoluted—"
"But it's the truth, it's how I feel. And though that sucks, I understand." You take his hands as you step back and he's frowning harder, the lines deepen and his jaw is tight. "I knew what I was getting into, you know? But things change because I've changed."
 "It's Cregan, isn't it?" he snarls, tugging his hands away.
"Oh, you jealous idiot, it's you! We've gone over this, you incredible dumbass!"
"Me? How the hell is this about—"
"— because I love you!" you shout. Then stop, inhale. Blink. Aemond copies it. It's almost hilarious. "Or I know I can be."
He works his jaw, turning away. "I don't understand."
"Okay, here it is." You inhale. "Just listen and breathe for a second, okay? Okay? Don't turn away from me." You pull him back by his chin, smiling faintly at the pout you form. "Say you understand."
He sighs, taking your hand. "Yes, I understand."
"I can't compete with someone you've loved for so long," you start softly, staring at your conjoined hands wondering if this is the last time you'll get to hold him like this. "Without you showing you can love me for more than that. I can't compete with your own ideal happy ending if I'm not part of it. I won't. I refuse." Your smile is wry, it's heartbreak and it's strings. You wish you had the energy to scream, to act like a brat and demand his heart, his promises in gold-ink and pink-veined hue. It's what your heart wants.
But you're of big age. You've seen love in its spaces, how it takes root in people, how it affects the world around you.
And you know you cannot love him if he does not make the effort to love you in the same way.
Your heart is in your throat but the words come out anyway. "Because I love you, Aemy. And I know I can fight for you. I can fight for what we have. I can wake up tomorrow and choose to love you with the same degree, if not fiercer, if I could. And I could do that again and again. That's how love works. You have to wake up tomorrow, see me, and choose to love me all over again."
You smile gently, sadly. "I can't allow myself to be loved in halves. I've done that before, I'm not doing it again. Not even for you."
You bring yourself on your tip toes— damn tall, beautiful rat bastard — and brush your lips on the corner of his. His eye closed. "I'm not going to pressure you for an answer. Alys was... Alys is a big part of what you know is love, and I respect that. I understand that it'll be hard, but I need to know if you're willing to let go of it for me. Because I can promise you I can love you. But I won't. Not without assurance that you can try for me."
"What are you asking me?" he asks softly, straightening. There's a hard line going into his body, like a dutiful student given an assignment.
"I'm asking you to think if you can see past the little statue you've made of me. See me breathing. Alive, just like this." You press a hand to his face and retrieve it back before he can hold it. He shots you a look of betrayal. "I'm going home with Hel. You know how to message me, okay? Bye, dōna zaldrīzes."sweet dragon.
His eye flick upward, shock and heartbreak and confusion moulds and twists into such a beautiful blue, mouth agape trying to find words he can't find— and you smile wryly, turning away and leaving.
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You get to Helaena's door quick, knocking soon after.
 "You're either getting choked by a robber or masturbating, and really Hel, I need you to make two grunts to tell me the former so I can bust down the door because I don't want to see you bust a—"
The door swings wide, Helaena's face in a comical irritation.
"That is so fucked up, I hope you know— hey, hey." Her irritation sweeps into a frown as you fail to contain your watery eyes. "What happened? What's wrong? What did Aemond do? Oh, that little twerp—"
"— it's not him, it's not him, chill, I just wanna go home, yeah? Get our cakes and go, please?"
Hel's frown deepens, eyes darting back to Aemond's door.
"Please, Helaena," you beg. "I'll tell you when we get home. I'll make us special drinks."
She takes your hand, determination wound tight with concern. "Sure thing, babe. Let's go."
When you make your hasty departure to her grandfather of all of them, Alicent already in bed and the other boys still in the gaming room, cakes in hand, you tow over Helaena's baby blue buggy— she leans over at you with a hand on the ignition, whispering as if she was afraid, "You— are you meeting Cregan tonight? After, I mean." Her eyes widen. "I'm not judging, I'd never—"
"No, no, I understand. You'd never judge me for that, I know. But no. Just you and me tonight."
She smiles softly. It's not like Aemond's but they don't look that apart that it still stings. "Love you."
"Love you too, lovebug."
Loving Helaena isn't hard.
Just as you know loving Aemond wouldn't be, despite it all. But it isn't you that has issues that needs handling, and you've put everything in his court now.
And yet you can't deny your hope.
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TAGGED: @snowprincesa1 @gemini-mama @fan-goddess @snh96 @valeskafics @opheliaas-stuff @tempo-rary-fix @fantasticpeaceharmony @diannnnsss @iamavailablesstuff @spinachtz @at-a-rax-ia @bespinnn @tsujifreya @moonlightfoxx @kemillyfreitas @joyouart @bananzaa @honey-on-mars @alexa4040 @cinnamonbambii @wintrr13 @wxb-slingrr @astroswift @queenofshinigamis @helaenaluvr @kaetastic @jxdgodfrey @laniii-on-your-left @watercolorskyy @microwaveallthedemons @kazuyatokue @herfantastyworldd @averyyreads @urmomsgirlfriend1 @bellstwd @jiminie-08 @ttkttt @nockerin @backyardfolklore @random-ocity @hc-geralt-23 @vendettasblog @cicaspair418 @malynn @anehkael @schadenfreude-and-sarcasm @honey132
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choidaisy · 8 months
 ⊹ ⋆。˚ . ˚✧ .  ⊹ ⋆。˚ DAISY SCENARIOS ! #1
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𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚢 𝚠𝚊𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚍𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝.
genre: angst, fluff, 14th member words: 1,482 warmings: emotional strain, exhaustion, skipping meals, public image pressure
The morning started unusually in the dormitory. The clock read eight o'clock when Daisy, normally radiant and full of energy, crossed the kitchen in complete silence. Her steps were light, but the curious gaze of everyone at the table turned to her, as if something was amiss.
Seungcheol, the group leader, couldn't help but feel concerned as he noticed that something was off with his usually lively friend. "Good morning, Daisy. Are you okay?" he inquired, turning in his chair to examine her more closely. Surprisingly, she didn't respond, just stared at her glass of water.
"Good morning, Daisy?" Seungcheol insisted, raising his voice slightly. The tension at the table was palpable, and everyone awaited a response at that moment.
Daisy finally turned to face him, revealing a tired expression that contrasted drastically with her usually lively nature. Seungcheol, suspicious, questioned, "Did you sleep at home? Were you working out?"
The response came abruptly, surprising everyone at the table. "I would have loved to sleep, but I spent the damn night wide awake," grumbled Daisy, turning abruptly to leave the place. The sound of Seungcheol's fork dropping onto the plate echoed through the room, drawing the attention not only of his friends but also of Daisy herself, as he raised an eyebrow.
The tense atmosphere in the kitchen reached a new level when Seungcheol, unable to contain his concern, stood up abruptly, dragging the chair with him. He approached Daisy, whose eyes were now on the verge of tears.
"What's going on? Where are you coming from?" he asked, demanding answers. Daisy, arms crossed, shot him an accusing look. "Didn't Soonyoung tell you?" she challenged, as Seungcheol turned to Soonyoung for clarification.
"Daisy, please, we talked about this yesterday. Stop being childish. Are you really going to start another fight now?" commented Hoshi, casually chewing his food.
"Childish?" she retorted, raising her voice. "I'm being childish?" Daisy laughed incredulously at the accusation.
Amid the prevailing confusion, Seungcheol, who always valued order, began to lose patience. "Can SOMEONE PLEASE explain what's going on? What do you mean another fight?" he demanded, visibly irritated.
Daisy, feeling exhausted, annoyed, and hungry after a week filled with commitments, could no longer contain her emotions. She shouted, venting all her frustration. "I'm coming from the dance studio because my dear performance team changed the song in the setlist without telling me. I was informed last night, and the change is already in effect for today." Her words hung in the air, laden with tension, as everyone at the table absorbed them.
"Wait, Daisy, have you been rehearsing since yesterday?" Jeonghan asked, surprised, and she nodded. "I warned that changing the song wasn't a good idea."
Jeonghan's prior knowledge triggered an even greater rebellion in Daisy, who felt completely left out. "What? You knew too?" she questioned, indignant.
"Daisy, I've told you we thought you were aware. You're being overly dramatic; it's annoying," Soonyoung commented, trying to downplay the situation.
"How could I be aware if none of you informed me?"
"We barely saw you this week, Daisy. We asked them to inform you," he defended.
Before Daisy could unleash more emotionally charged words, Seungcheol intervened, trying to restore order to the conversation. "Did none of you ask her if she was okay with the change?"
"No, Cheol. Nobody consulted me. The four of them decided without me," Daisy retorted, tears now escaping involuntarily. The combination of tiredness, hunger, and frustration was pushing her to the limit, heightening her irritation.
"Anyway, we were the majority. And we wanted to change the song," justified Soonyoung.
"Why not just remove me from the team then? Since my opinion doesn't matter," Daisy vented, tears now flowing freely. Her vulnerability only intensified the moment, making her even more frustrated with the unfair situation she found herself in.
Seungcheol closed his eyes for a moment, rubbing his head. He couldn't believe that he would have to deal with group problems so early in the morning.
"Enough, it's already sufficient," he said, holding Daisy by the shoulders. "Go rest; we have a flight soon, and you haven't slept yet," he added, trying to convey calmness to his exhausted friend.
As Daisy withdrew to regain her energy, Seungcheol returned to the table, clearing his plate. The impasse had taken away his appetite, and he still had a conversation ahead with the leader of the performance team. "Finish eating and come to the room for a talk," he ordered Hoshi.
Hoshi sat next to Seungcheol, who patiently awaited him. He took a deep breath, feeling the seriousness of the moment. For Hoshi, all the drama seemed unnecessary, considering Daisy's excellence in choreography.
"You know that communication is crucial to making things work, right?" Seungcheol questioned.
"I swear we thought she was aware, hyung," Hoshi replied.
"But she wasn't. She's visibly tired and stressed, and you called her childish and dramatic."
Hoshi took a deep breath, acknowledging his mistakes. "I'll go talk to her."
"No. Let her rest now," the older one said. "But you guys need to consider everyone's situation, not just the majority. We all know how busy she's been with commitments outside the group."
"I know, I understand," Hoshi agreed, lowering his head. "I should have listened to her side."
Seungcheol gave Hoshi two reassuring pats on the back, wanting to show that, despite defending Daisy at that moment, he was there to support Hoshi in whatever was necessary. "Don't handle everything alone. If you find it difficult, just call me. We'll find a solution together."
The impending departure time brought with it the challenging task of waking up the young woman who had spent the night rehearsing the choreography of the song that triggered the entire confusion.
"We need to wake up Daisy," Joshua reminded.
Mingyu volunteered to go there.
Before entering the room, he knocked on the door three times, opening it slowly to carefully check if he wasn't intruding on her privacy. "Daisy," he murmured as he walked in, but she didn't hear.
So, Mingyu crouched down next to her and called her again. She slowly opened her eyes and mumbled words he couldn't understand.
"Sorry for having to wake you up, but we need to go, sweetheart..." he said softly.
She nodded with a sleepy expression. "I'm coming," she said, yawning.
"You need to get up now," he insisted, laughing softly.
Daisy sat up in bed, her face and hair in disarray.
"Alright," Mingyu said, hugging her affectionately. He then informed her that they had let her sleep as much as possible, but now they had only fifteen minutes to leave.
Daisy came downstairs without delays, accompanied by Mingyu, who held her backpack, while everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Still half-asleep, the taller one guided her to the car, laughing when he noticed she was about to lose her balance.
Upon entering the car, DK handed Daisy a coffee and a sandwich he had prepared himself, realizing that she hadn't eaten yet. Although she was without appetite, everyone insisted that she eat. The first bite was enough for her to realize how tasty it was, and in a few minutes, she had devoured everything.
On purpose, Seungcheol had arranged for the members of the performance team to travel in separate cars from Daisy, considering that her energy was not fully recharged.
At the airport, Daisy couldn't hide her mood. Even though she had to wave to several people and appear cheerful in photos and videos, she simply didn't have the enthusiasm for it.
While she and the other members answered questions from fans and paparazzi about how she was doing, she just waved and forced a smile, saying she was fine. Mingyu, attentive the whole time, touched her back in a supportive gesture.
The journey was safe, and Daisy spent the entire time listening to music on her headphones, memorizing the choreography.
In the backstage, before the start of the show, Hoshi attempted to talk to Daisy to resolve the grievances before the performance. However, she didn't want to talk to anyone, not even her dear little brother, Dino.
As the vocal team performed, Daisy's heart raced, especially because she was very anxious and nervous about her team's performance. That's when she was surprised by Minghao, who hugged her without saying a word. The other three members of the performance team also joined them. "Sorry, Daisy, we won't ignore your perspective anymore," said Hoshi, and she accepted the apology.
The members of the hip-hop team, watching from afar, felt proud of their colleagues.
Despite the apprehension about the new song, Daisy was incredible at memorizing choreographies and shone on stage. Even with everything going perfectly, Hoshi promised her that he wouldn't subject her to stresses like that again. The experience, although challenging, served to strengthen the bonds among the group members, highlighting the importance of communication and mutual support.
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tb3ih · 2 years
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BLOOMING SEASON (pt. 2), kamisato ayato/reader.
SYNOPSIS... people like Kamisato Ayato who are not like the seasons do not have hearts that can withstand the test of time OR perhaps at the end of the day, you are well-deserved of change (or Sora says so).
⋆ warnings, kamisato ayato & fem-presenting!reader, gentle angst, hehe in-laws, THE CHILD (sora), introduction of reader's family, + comfort for once :) [making a part 3 bc i want a better happy ending tbh]
⋆ notes, thinking about how i was just sobbing my eyes out to 'nobody gets me' by sza for no reason
⋆ tags! @stellakito @iiyumii @neverlandlostchild @hotgirlshit5 @jureminha @yunniemai1 @iamnotobsessed @irisxiel @lumpywolf @mrs-heelshire @kunikuzushisbeloved @pineapplesneedrights @kiyoomiwo @hyunromi @simplyhumanlol @esthelily @chiisananingen
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"Y/N-CHAN?" you know that voice too well, all the might in your body you used to hold yourself together wavering at the simple honorific.
your twin brother looks half asleep, deep burgundy hair lopsided and unstyled, black yukata not even properly tied, and eyes hardly able to remain open. even the guards at his chamber doors appeared startled.
you choke out his name, unable to even make it a step before your throat starts burning and closing up. gou wastes no time in rushing forward in that instant, vision alight and a worried emotion in his eyes as he pulls you into him.
for once in your life, you are grateful for him having grown into such a tall, well-built older brother, his arms firm and unyielding in the way they hold you against his chest. if you remember correctly, this was the way it had always been when you as the only daughter of the hayashi clan took the brunt of the elders' prevailing orders, from attending events in place of your late parents to managing foreign affairs for the clan.
or even giving yourself away to kamisato ayato in hopes of civilizing relations between the clans.
arms tightening just a little as you continue your sobbing, his eyes fall to akane who stands a little distance back carrying your resting daughter.
"anata? is everything alright? who's out there at this hour?" emica, gou's bride and perhaps one of your most cherished people, steps out from the bedchamber as well. gou is hesitant to let you go, but he does, allowing you to collect yourself just a little to face your sister-in-law. "y/n-san? you're—oh archons! come here, sweetie!"
you waste no time rushing into her arms, the smell of peach blossoms and the ocean filling your senses as she envelops you. if your loveless marriage had brought you any sort of joy (other than your daughter) it would be that gou was able to marry for love. kaedehara emica, oldest sister to kazuha and named matriarch of her clan in absence of her brother, she was a samurai to be reckoned with. albeit her brazen attitude towards the elders of the hayashi estate, she was kind and always ready to welcome you into her arms.
"gou, honey, bring sora to the twins' room and let her rest in there," emica says, her hand soothing against your back as she allows you to weep on her shoulder. "poor lady akane has had a long night and doesn't need to hold her anymore."
gou nods, "of course, dearest." another attendant appears to guide the three away down another hallway.
it takes a few minutes for you to recover, but emica is patient, never faltering in comforting you. after all, having been engaged only a few weeks before your parents would pass, she too would come to witness the cruelty of the elders and their treatment of the only daughter of such a highly regarded clan. she would scowl at the thought.
emica hums, "y/n-tan, are you hungry?" you meet her eyes, her expression soft and warm. "i bet cook will make his favorite patron some omurice if she were to ask~ hm?"
you laugh a little, throat a little hoarse from crying. you were a little dizzy, so you supposed some food wouldn't hurt. plus, chef was perhaps second to only your mother in terms of authority figures in your childhood. it would be a shame if you didn't stop by to pay respects to him. "i suppose you're right..."
your sister-in-law giggles, slipping an arm around your waist to walk beside you to the kitchen. "of course i'm right, i'm always right."
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"I'LL kill that bastard, i swear it to celestia," gou seethes, setting his cup of tea back on the table. "how dare he speak in such a manner? has he forgotten his place?"
you are currently on your third plate of omurice, eyes observant as you watch the couple before you take in the information you have just set before him.
emica laughs softly, "now now, dear i'm sure even y/n would like to push war as one of the very last options of action. i'm sure she's at least thought of something more civil which might resolve the conflict at hand. y/n?"
you clear your throat with a sip of milktea. "divorce. seeing as how the yashiro commission had much to gain from this union, we have nothing to lose except friendly relations." you take another bite and speak once more after swallowing. "besides, had it not been for the hayashi clan, the raiden shogun would not have even considered a pardon for the yashiro commission all those years ago."
gou snorts. "i'm sure there are many things this whole damn city wouldn't have had, if it weren't for the most gracious hayashi clan." he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose before once more meeting your stare. "your solution would definitely be opposed by the elders, is that something you're willing to take on?"
emica takes your hand squeezing it lightly and offering the warmest smile. she turns to her husband. "even if it isn't, she mustn't forget the simple fact that she won't be alone and never again will be."
the thought has you smiling softly to yourself. in light of all the struggles and conflict within the noble clans of inzauma, you were happy to find a home within the people you cherished.
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"AUNTIE! auntie!" two giggling and nearly identical figures come running up to you, hugging at either of your legs. akio is the one who exclaims out, asking "when did you come home?"
kentaro, tugging gently on the skirt of your kimono on your left, though curious, refrains from being as loud as his counterpart. "is everything okay, auntie?"
you kneel down, embracing the two in a tight hug, ruffling their burgundy hair just enough to get them to exclaim out. you supposed they were at the age where they liked to keep up appearances, even if just a little. "now now, didn't your mother teach you it's rude to bombard guests with questions all at once? hm?"
reaching out to poke him lightly on the cheek, kentaro makes a frown, mumbling a small "told you so" to his brother, who in return sticks his tongue out. you let go of them, opting to hold their hands instead.
"auntie and cousin sora are going to be staying here for a while, there's some building going on back at uncle's mansion. is that okay with the twins?" you feel a small pang in your heart at the mention of your husband, whom the twins hardly ever see.
the two nod, akio once again speaking first. "that's okay with kentaro and akio! i hope the building gets done soon!"
kentaro hums in agreement. "as long as auntie is comfortable in our home."
"akio! kentaro! where are my little boys?" emica calls them from the entrance of the courtyard, waving lightly to you. the boys respond accordingly, going to run off to their mother, but not before kissing you on either side of your cheeks and racing off.
standing up once more, you wave back to your sister-in-law before she heads in with the boys, reminding you of why you came out to the courtyard, to begin with. "okaasan?"
sora stands behind you, a couple of sakura blooms in her hands, the beautiful pink petals still crackling a little with electro. you smile warmly, holding your arms out to catch her in your arms and hoist her on her hip.
"having fun?" sora giggles, nodding and showing you the bloom in her hand. her vision glows on her headband, lavender strands of hair threatening to spill out from behind the hairpiece.
"akio and kentaro were showing me around the garden and i thought okaasan might like a sakura bloom!" her smile is proud and chuckle.
"well, it's very beautiful, thank you." the two of you watch as she brings her powers to life, electrifying the petals only to scatter them in the air above. "where did you learn to do that?"
sora giggles. "guuji yae! i finished my lessons at the shrine early and she said to practice this so i could show you." pausing, she continues the next part a little softly. "okaasan's been sad lately and hasn't been playing with sora..."
an ache pulls at your heart. "awh, my sweet, i'm sorry," you apologize, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. "it's true, okaasan's been a little sad lately."
her small hands go to twist lightly at your hair. "does okaasan's heart hurt? sora's heart hurts a little when she's sad too!"
oh, my little sora...
"y-yeah... okaasan's heart hurts a little." you watch her expression carefully, her violet irises continuing to be attentive to your hair.
she taps her chin, as if to think. "hmm, kentaro says to get better from being sad you have to say 'farewell' to the things that make your heart hurt." sora smiles as she lets go of your hair, seemingly satisfied with her styling job. her eyes focus on your own.
"sora loves otosan, but if okaasan is sad, sora thinks it's okay to say bye-bye."
the pink sakura petals have begun to rain down, floating slowly with the absence of wind. sora cuddles softly against your chest, yawning softly. you think back to when ayato had called you naive to hope for love. "sora loves okaasan too."
you stare at the falling petals, the courtyard shifting in hues with the setting sun. it is quiet where you stand holding sora, the trees mute and the clouds watchful as they pass a mother and daughter from overhead.
your chest does not feel heavy when you weep this time, but rather, the ache seems to lessen as you cry softly with sora against you. it smells like spring all around you and you are comfortable in your kimono in the early evening. there are potted glazed lilies that have begun to peek out to watch you, the naku weed glowing softly around the perimeter. perennials all around have also begun to fill the greenery with pretty colors.
just as seasons change, you thought, so should you.
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part 1 ! | part 3 ! | part 4 ! | part 5 ! (still in progress)
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© tb3ih mmxxii all rights reserved.
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chuckeroo777 · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi Volume 13 Part 2
Welcome back! Things are about to get crazy, so let's dive right in!
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Is it any wonder the community unanimously decided this was Marcille's chimera-sona? She's cute, she's sky-fish adjacent, she has a flower crown (A hallmark of only the most mentally stable characters). What's not to love? And as Mithrun will agree, snake women are sexy.
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Later, Kabru suspects Laios stumbled into saving the world, but my man was seriously planning six steps ahead. He came up with the ultimate plan to kill the ultimate monster.
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Marcille is understandably upset that the lion stole her cool outfit. She wanted to show that to Falin later!
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Nothing personal kid.
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The demon isn't malevolent my ass. It knows what Mithrun wants. It just can't be assed to bother.
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I know the right page is the important one, but oh my god. Laios, did you seriously doodle blueprints of your stupid "Falin lives in a hole now" plan? Did you seriously doodle your "female faligon" idea?
Anyway, as is tradition with ultimate chimera appearances, here is another one of my creatures!
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I'll leave it to the viewer to try and figure out what inspired this freak.
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Of course Laios' takeaway from the succubus was that Scyllas are cool. Fun fact, some of these details are actually relevant. The ability to change shape is apparently how he managed to return to human form, and the poop thing explains why New Melini is forested despite being underwater for 1000 years.
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Marcille isn't even surprised at this point. Just deeply disappointed.
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Toshiro, why are you smiling? Kabru, that looks more like awe than fear.
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Bitch, I'm fabulous.
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Marcille, you're the one who created the monster that vores people, that's it's whole job.
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Don't worry Marcille. This disaster is due to an incredibly complex confluence of unpredictable events. In other words, it's everybody's fault! Hooray!
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God, this is so funny.
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Leave my boy alone! At least we can all agree the collar is cool.
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Oh, that's a neat detail. Time is stopped for all the humans, but the monsters can still move.
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When I first read this, I thought the plan was that now that the lion is in a finite body, we can eat it. Like, I thought that was how it was going to end as soon as they swapped. But Laios is way ahead of me.
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Good to see the rest of the party came to the same conclusion I did. And Marcille's eyes are still on the prize.
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Famous last words.
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Yeah, but we're expressing a desire regarding his treatment you raging douche-muffin. You're freaking infinite. We've seen you have the power to pacify monsters peacefully.
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It's so fitting, that Laios, our favorite dog, saved the world by eating something he really shouldn't have.
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👏Full Circle!👏
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Oh Marcille. I'd have thought you'd have learned by now to have a little more faith in your brother-in-law.
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Ah, dungeon food. To eat is the privilege of the living. There is no hierarchy.
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That sounds like the words of a loser to me.
And that's it for volume 13! Didn't have as much to say as I thought I might. Guess this climax speaks for itself. What a powerful and thematic ending to the demon. See why I'm having trouble figuring out what direction to take my AU? Figuring out the changes to monster of the week chapters is easy. Figuring out how to do the big thematic battles against Thistle and the Demon are hard. It's hard to imagine anyone but Laios prevailing against such opponents.
Anyway, see you next time for the finale! Here, have a couple of extra Marcilles. I thought I would need more of them.
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A precious image.
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okeyyy i have an idea...
it's simple but last night when i went to bed i imagined Tangerine trying to make a dinner for his love. like, he doesn't really good at it, mostly Lemon prepares foods at home or he just orders something. but he knows his love is coming home so tired and he just wants to do something special, something he made for her to feel better. (hope i explained it clearly hehe)
it was just so cute to think about and would be soooo nice to read from your work too 💗💗
hii honey!! this is so cute I love it. ugh you’re so sweet, thank you for requesting, hope you like it <3
tangerine x f reader
wc || 338 (sorry it’s so short- my week hasn’t been so groovy)
₊✧ masterlist + taglist
Tangerine is talented in many ways, but cooking is not one of them. Although he deems himself as quite the perfectionist, there was just something about cooking he could not knack. He would try at it continuously, and with no prevail, he'd fail. 
He always wants to look after you, care for you. So whenever you have a long day, Tangerine would do anything to make you feel better, even if that's a homecooked meal that he miserably failed at- it's the thought that counts. He wanted to surprise you with your favourite meal, something heartwarming and tasty to soothe the soul, which was what you desperately needed after your day.
"Hey, I'm back," you call out, entering the house and closing the door behind you. You kick off your shoes and shrug your jacket off, leaving it in a pile by the door- far too tired to sort it out now.
"Hi, love," Tangerine grins, pacing towards you with open arms. "Aw, come 'er," he sadly smiles, wrapping you up in a tight hug, stoking your back with comforting strokes. "I made dinner," he says, his tone sweet as if he was trying to entice you. 
"Yeah?" you smile, pulling away to look at his pretty face. "What'd you make?"
"Surprise," he grins, slipping his hand into yours, leading you into the kitchen. 
"I hate surprises," 
"I know," he chuckles, pulling out a chair for you. "Alright, fine. It's your favourite,"
"It is?" your mood instantly lifts.
"Yeah, but I'm afraid I butchered it. It looks like complete and utter shite,"
"Probably," you playfully smile, pouring yourself a glass of wine from the bottle in front. "I'm just kidding. I love it either way,"
Shortly after, Tangerine brought over your plates, setting them down on the table where you chatted over the homecooked meal he had prepared. You spoke about your day while Tan offered calming and reassuring words, comforting you after your shitty day. After a while, you began to feel better, and he noticed.
— — — — — — — — — — ☆ — — — — — — — — — —
tangerine taglist: @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @like-a-fine-skylark @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @ugh09876554444 @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @sporadiccherryblossomfan @landryslove @daenerys-supremacy
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