#foods i can eat on a keto diet
sanguith · 10 months
i'm glad i decided to try out a ketosis diet again (aka changing my metabolism to basically only use ketone bodies made from fatty acids for energy by reducing carb intake to max 20g/day) for a few weeks because it was a neat experiment but i'm also glad I decided to stop because now i get to enjoy life's greatest fucking simplest yet finest delicacy: mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes with melted butter and salt. i cannot understand how i could live without that. just. vegetables. keto has opened my eyes to new ways to cook foods and experiment with ingredients but i don't think i can live without carbs. i doubt that the majority of people could. also have you any idea how much good simple near-zero effort food there is out there like holy gosh darn in heaven. i don't have to spend hours cooking something to have a nice meal
#food mention#diets#actually anything carb with butter and salt. how can it be so good. call me a lazy goob but i once just microwaved corn and butter#added salt. and it was the most delicious fuckin thing ive ever eaten#i've done low-carb in the past and tried keto a few times and always it felt so great after the keto flu disappeared after a few days#but this time the keto flu did not go away. i felt so weak and awful but at the same time i had less brain fog. and never felt hungry.#but it was werid. i think it might have been because i've been kinda high carb for the last few years and the change was so strong & sudden#also electrolyte imbalances can happen on keto if you're not careful. it's complex.#anyway it got me to eat a bit healthier like (almost) completely avoiding processed foods and unnaturally high sugary stuff#which i just want to generally avoid for personal health reasons which is a whole can of worms but i just dont want to overindulge#sure i can eat an entire bag of candies or chips in an evening if i feel like it but I *feel* my body just being like “nooo” and sure enoug#the next morning i do feel a little bit extra like shit#and another thing: i think i benefit from abrupt diet changes now and then. it feels natural in a way. ye olde scavenger hunter genetics#ya know. our nomadic ancestors would probably have to do that a lot when things weren't year-round available#sometimes only meat for months on end in cold seasons/areas#sometimes basically only plants and nuts roots and seeds and stuff#it's actually remarkable how human metabolism can adapt so much depending on what's available to eat#sometimes fasting for days when food was just nowhere to be found.#i'm not saying “stress your metabolic system it's good for you'” (it probably isnt) just idk. mixing it up a bit at least works for me#btw disclaimer i HATE the whole thing about diet-pressuring and some people claiming that certain diets will solve everything#it doesn't solve all health problems magically. ”"”superfoods“”“ are not a 100% faultless scientifically proven thing.#shit like ''the paleo diet is the number one key to optimal health without medications!!'' no. shut.#on the other hand i do believe diets can help a bit like a nudge. it's just one factor out of many that affects how we feel#ANYWAY conclusion: eat what you want. do what feels right for you. find your own ways to make the food you eat help your health a bit#or don't! be yourself! love yourself!#the chosen method is gonna be different for everybody#but from now on im gonna try and eat as close to natural unprocessed foods as I can in this day and age. it feels right for me somehow.#i think *my* preferred method/diet whatever is to mainly eat natural unprocessed foods and to mix it up a bit now and then with change#for that sweet ''METABOLIC ADAPTATION'' perk that feels good for me#(why did this post become so long. nobody cares. anyway i don't care if nobody cares. i care. *I* care!!! wooopp)
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ofdinosanddais1 · 1 year
My mom, out of nowhere at least five times a week: "You need to be on this very specific diet and eat no sugar or salt whatsoever."
My doctor: "So what is your appetite like"
Me: "Oh, I usually eat small meals throughout the day because if I eat a regular sized meal then I get sick. I also know when I need to eat salt and sugar and protein because of very specific cravings I get."
My doctor: "Oh, so you're intuitively eating. That's what I would recommend to someone with unexplained digestive problems and chronic nausea. I think you listening to your body and your cravings has probably been a big help in preventing serious medical problems. I don't see any excessive amounts of LDL cholesterol or salt or sugar in your blood so it's not like there's any proof your diet is poor that can't be explained by digestive problems so let's figure out what's going on."
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frecklenog · 5 months
i want you all to understand this.
insulin pens are very often used by diabetic children (or their parents, but they were very easy to use during the short time i was prescribed them when i was a child myself). they’re less cumbersome, produce less waste, and are far easier than pulling insulin from a vial with a single use syringe, as syringes are much more susceptible to air bubbles, which result in the diabetic not getting enough medication. i’m explaining this part because i know that some diabetic adults do also use them, and i’m sure that that’s true of diabetic adults in palestine with such scarce resources. when it’s life or death, you can’t really be picky.
the israeli occupation is now banning insulin pens from entering gaza.
lack of insulin results in diabetic ketoacidosis — essentially a very, very dangerous version of the effects of the keto diet. insulin is a key for the sugar from one’s food (both slow and fast acting, since all food has some carbohydrates, from nuts to potatoes to table sugar) to get from their bloodstream into their cells. without insulin, the body resorts to eating through its own fat stores rather than the sugar it cannot access and tries to flush the excess glucose that is in the blood through the urine. this results in weight loss, headaches, nausea, dehydration, blurred vision, abdominal pain, impaired mental faculties, and, if left untreated, will result in a coma, and eventually death within a matter of weeks. not “can.” it will kill you if not treated, and was largely considered a lethal diagnosis until insulin was discovered in the early 1900s and made readily available in 1922.
i’ve been in dka. admittedly, i was very young and have blocked much of it out. but i do remember that it fucking sucked. i couldn’t focus on anything, i was ravenous no matter how much i ate, and the room spinning to the point i felt like i was going to throw up became an increasingly regular occurrence. i was seven years old and wasting away like i was starved. i was dying. a few more days, and i likely would’ve gone into a coma and might not be here now.
to inflict that, willingly and knowingly, on innocent people, is nothing short of a crime against humanity, and violates the geneva conventions (item 2.a.ii. torture or inhumane treatment, including biological experiments and item 2.a.iii. willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health). not that the israeli occupation cares, of course, as south african prosecutors have already extensively detailed their crimes in the icj, and this one in particular has already been committed near-countless times.
this entire occupation is a genocide, and this is only one more nail in that coffin. but, as a diabetic — as a human being who has been in that state and was lucky enough to have the resources to live almost another fifteen years (with the anniversary of my own diagnosis about halfway through next month), i can’t find the words to express my disgust and rage anymore. maybe it’s selfish to be so deeply impacted by this particular blow. i don’t know. but these people have done nothing wrong but be disabled in gaza, and as someone with the same disability, i know that no one deserves this, even if they have committed a crime (which, again, these civilians, largely children, have not). i will not fucking stand for it.
we need a ceasefire. we need an end to the occupation. we need a free palestine. now.
here’s a masterpost of how you can help.
EDIT: here’s a post on how to help diabetics in gaza specifically
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the-angry-folklorist · 11 months
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AHHH hii angel thank you so much for responding to my last request, it was more than perfect!! 💗
idk if you'd do this because it's a very sensitive topic and i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable but i need a little bit of comfort and reassurance since my bday is in like an hour hehe.. but can i have a bucky with a reader who's attempting to lose weight by dieting and working out but it kinda goes downhill (i think you know what I'm hinting at), and she's like a bit insecure and compares herself to models. and bucky finds out and helps her.. and just a bit angsty but turns out very fluffy with cuddles and stuff. you absolutely don't have to write this request if it's too overwhelming, lot's of love, take care! 💗💗💗💗
- 🦢
my love hi!! you’re more than welcome, glad you liked it!! happy belated birthday, hope you had a great day!! I love stuff like this so it’s no problem. sending love, hope you’re well. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
bucky barnes x fem!reader — angst & comfort
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word count. 1073
warnings. potentially triggering content? mentions of dieting and working out. might be a hard read for some?
Comparison is the thief of joy. 
It's something you've always struggled with, the endless questioning of yourself, picking yourself apart in ways you believe you don't fit in. It's an easy habit to slip into but a difficult one to break out of. 
As of late, those feelings resurfaced - finding more and more 'faults' when you put yourself up against others. Models. It was as if you got sucked into a spiral of scrolling through images and doubting yourself, all of it leading to you curled up crying in bed. Always. 
No matter how upset you'd be, you'd still find yourself swiping up to see more - feeding that little gremlin in your mind. 
And after a little while, you decided you wanted to do something about those feelings - granted the reasoning behind it wasn't coming from a good place, but you'd be bettering yourself, and that's what you originally wanted.
So you changed your routine: waking up before six, secretly squeezing in an hour workout before joining Bucky on his morning runs, coming back home to have breakfast —an apple— then going about your day only to workout again once you get home. 
You thought food was the enemy, so you restricted yourself with crazy diets and regimes you hear about in Hollywood. You tried a water cleanse, a juice cleanse, keto, even fasting, but no matter how hard you thought you tried, your efforts would not be enough for what you wanted.
All it left you feeling was tired and crappy. No matter how much you hated your body, your body hated you more for what you were doing to it.
You thought you were being sneaky and secretive in the way you were going about it, but you couldn't be more wrong. Bucky, your boyfriend, knew something was running rampant in your mind: every dismissal of a snack you previously loved, every time he watched you dodge a mirror —or on the contrast of seeing you stare too long in one— all of it only confirming what he had hoped not to be true.
It's a sensitive topic, especially to bring up to a loved one. Bucky knew you weren't going to be forthcoming, so he wanted to take the first step.
You were in your shared bedroom, sorting through your dresser to find a clean pair of workout clothes - all of your others drenched in sweat from your previous workouts. 
"Hey, honey?" Bucky calls out, knocking on the ajar door. 
You turn around to see his sweet face, your own almost embarrassed from being caught. "Yeah?" 
"It's almost dinnertime. What do you say about going to that restaurant downtown? The one you love?" he asks, trying to scope you out.
"I have some stuff in the fridge. I bought a bunch of kale that needs eating before it goes bad," you reply, turning away, redirecting your focus to the clothes in your drawer.
Bucky leaves his spot in the doorframe, instead walking over to take a seat at the foot of the bed - behind from where you stand. "That's not food," he softly shakes his head. "Rabbits eat that. Let's get something good. What about a chicken sandwich? Pizza?"
"It is food," you reply. "Put on some pepper and olive oil, then bake it— it's good," you add, trying to convince him and yourself. 
He faintly sighs, resting his elbows on his knees. "No one likes kale."
"Maybe you're not cooking it right," you playfully protest, trying to distract him. 
"No, I cook it right," he stands up, walking to stand beside you. "We haven't gone out to eat for a while. I miss spending time with you like that."
You missed it too - far more than you'd ever anticipate. But you didn't want to slip up again. You already had a few times this week and you didn't want to make a habit of it. 
"I do, too, but I already ate. Maybe in the week?"
"What did you have?" he asks, craning his neck to look at your face.
You hesitate, not having an answer. "I can't remember."
He exhales weakly, your unknown confirmation making his heart sink. His hand reaches for yours, the act like he was pulling your attention back to him. "That means you haven't eaten," he utters, his tone soft - the meaning behind his words almost scolding. 
You feel cornered, and once again, you have no answer for him. 
His grip tightens, gently turning you back to him. "You need to eat, honey. Your body needs it... I know what you've been doing."
After hearing something you didn't want to, your stomach drops. Bucky knew.
"I should've said something when I noticed it," he shakes his head, feeling at fault. "You know you can't keep doing what you're doing?"
You nod meekly, avoiding his eyes. You did know that what you were doing was unhealthy, but you wanted to be like them. If they can do it, why can't you?
"Why have you been doing it?" he asks faintly, cocking his neck to meet your gaze.
"Are you telling me off?"
He's quick to shake his head, denying it almost instantly - both his palms reaching to cup your face. "God, no," his soft eyes bore into yours. "Of course not, honey. Never," he reassures, thumbs grazing over your cheeks. "I just want you to look after yourself."
"I do," you hesitate a response, the words delicate - almost inaudible.
"You don't," he mumbles. "The working out, not eating? You're hurting yourself," he pauses. "If you want to change, I can help you. But we'll do it the right way, okay? None of what you've been doing."
All you can do is nod, silently acknowledging your accidental wrongdoings.
"Just small changes," he leans in, pressing a kiss to your lips. "That's all you need, okay?"
"Okay," you faintly smile, agreeing to the help. 
"So," he starts, removing the placement on the sides of your face. "We're going to go out for dinner. And you're going to order whatever you want— whatever it is you've been wanting to eat," he pauses, noticing the hesitancy in your expression. "And we're going to order water instead of wine. Small changes."
The thought of ordering a meal you've restricted yourself from is enough to make your smile genuine. The idea of having your lover's support making it all that much easier.
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AITA for "not forgiving" my mom because she ate my chocolate chips?
🍫🍫 to recognize
This is probably a ridiculous argument but I genuinely don't know if I'm in the wrong or if my mom's an asshole, so, here we go.
I (mid 20s M) like to make pancakes for dinner sometimes. I tend to accompany them with chocolate chips, honey, and banana. I only make the pancakes for myself and not for my mom (mid 50s F), whom I live with, because she's in a "keto diet" and doesn't want to eat carbohydrates, which is an entire argument on its own, but it is not the focus (although relevant).
Some time ago (from the date I sent this, two or three weeks ago I think???) I accompanied my mom to buy some groceries, and I bought a bag of chocolate chips for myself, alongside other things for my pancakes (like flour and banana). I left them on the cupboard (except the banana ofc), and I expected them to, y'know, stay there.
Except a week or so ago I was looking through the cupboard looking for something else and noticed the chocolate chips bag wasn't there. My mom does have an awful tendency of eating my food or at least things that were bought by ME to be consumed by ME, so I straight up asked her if she ate them and she said "yes :(" almost ashamed. I honestly got pissed off due to the previously mentioned fact that this is not a first time thing, and then she started saying things like "well it's chocolate" and "I didn't ate them all at once I ate them slowly" and "you left them there for a long time" and "I bought them anyway", with the last thing being a lie because I bought them with MY money, thing she apparently "forgot".
I honestly haven't "forgiven" her yet, and with "forgiven" I mean I still expect her to go to that place and buy the chips again, this time with her money, and I told her so multiple times. But she's meanwhile expecting me to go with her again to that place and buy them with my money... when I shouldn't because I already bought them before! And she ate them! But now she's telling me I'm exaggerating and that in big families there's no such thing as "my food" or "someone else's food", everything's shared. And yeah, as you can guess from this now, I'm an only child (and only grandchild and the only nephew my child-free uncle has), so I guess the only point she has is that I'm not used to have to share things with siblings or cousins.
So Tumblr, I'm an asshole for expecting to have my own food and not wanting to share with my mom, or she's the asshole for taking things that weren't bought with her in mind?
Note: By the time I sent this ask, she also ate an entire jar of honey and crackers I also bought with my money a few nights ago because "she couldn't sleep, was anxious and thought she could calm down with eating". This is the second jar of honey in the month I buy that she ends up eating on her own and that I meanwhile could barely consume anything of. I didn't even opened the crackers.
Note 2: You can eat chocolate in keto diets as long as it is dark chocolate, but this one was milk chocolate. Honey and crackers are definitely not keto. So she's breaking her own precious diet.
What are these acronyms?
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libraford · 7 months
I'm legit worried about my brother.
So mom has a history of disordered eating- was anorexic in high school and college, growing up she was orthorexic (when.youre allowed to eat, but theres strict rules to what you can eat, usually cutting out entire food groups. Fad diets.) There's been some improvement in that she does let herself eat more than she used to, but it's still there.
My brother is a gym rat. And for awhile he was on paleo, then he was on keto and I disagree with the lifestyle but he seemed to be doing okay.
So then he cut out alcohol, which I think was a good move. He didnt drink copious amounts, but a few beers a week and overall alcohol isnt great for you so I think this was smart.
He showed up to Thanksgiving today like...super thin and tired looking and he was shaky.
So now he's cutting out animal products. He like... just drinks a smoothie with chia seeds and some tofu and vitamin supplements. Hes on some like superfood that has like 1000x daily dosage of vitamin c.
He says that his inflammation has gone down and he feels great, but he looks a lot like my grandpa did when he was going through chemo.
All he could talk about was his diet and all the things hes omitting from his food and crossfit or whatever the more intense form of crossfit is.
His wife was super irritated with him because he refuses to see a doctor about a possible misaligned disc because 'the doctor's just gonna tell me to put ice on it's which he does but then he just goes back to the gym where he irritates it more. And I think hes refusing to see a doctor because a doc is gonna tell him that he needs a more varied diet.
He goes on and on about his quality of life and how he doesnt want to decline slowly, but hes only 41. And I think like yeah staying active is good but theres a difference between doing a yoga class once a week and doing an intense workout twice a day- the more you exercise, the more prone to injury you become.
And I think like... psychologically its fear driven. Because we lost our aunt (76), both grandmas (96), great uncle (92), and an aunt by marriage (79) all in the past 2 years, all of the men of the older generation died in their 70s, and his wife's mom is starting to have health problems. So I think hes getting scared of getting old, I think this is the midlife crisis everyone talks about.
But like...
When my hands are shaking it's because I'm either anemic or because I'm short on protein. If you feel great why are your hands shaking?
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rederiswrites · 1 month
So ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and fibromyalgia are two syndromes (collections of symptoms often found together, with unknown causative mechanisms) with largely overlapping symptoms. They're currently classified as different diagnoses, but there are plenty of people who aren't convinced that they're actually different things. The biggest diagnostic difference seems to be whether the pain or the fatigue is the biggest problem.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who, like me, couldn't possibly say which of those is ruining my life more. I, like many, fulfill all the diagnostic criteria for both. I have the specific patterns of pain and inflammation characteristic of fibro, but I also have the postural orthostatic problems (Stand Up Feel Real Bad disorder) and extreme fatigue of ME/CFS. There's no test; diagnosis is an inherently subjective thing.
This is just gonna keep being about medical problems, so have a cut.
I also have problems that may be related or may be separate or may be part of the constellation of physical issues associated with ADHD, like loose tendons that lead to terrible core strength and janky joints. So while generally the pain spots for fibromyalgia are considered to have no actual material cause, I am pretty sure that my right hip and shoulder are in fact fucked up, and fibro is just making it experientially worse. I've also got a rib that spends more than half its time in just slightly the wrong goddamn place. I have multiple friends who have hypermobility problems that make mine look like a papercut, but combining them with fibro isn't a lot of fun.
A few months back, at my bestie's prompting and with his help, I started eating keto, which is essentially just restricting carbohydrates so harshly that they represent less than 20% (or less than 10%, this seems to be bioindividual) of your diet, at which point your body begins building energy transport molecules out of fat (ketones) instead of glucose. This has a history of treating several conditions (originally, seizures, but now also diabetes and inflammatory conditions), well before it became popular for weight loss.
It was an experiment. Believe me, I have mixed feelings about the fact that it worked. At first, it worked really, really well. I went from mostly bedbound to up and working full days outside. I've started to hit diminishing returns and having to nap more often, but it's still a radical improvement. I just forget how bad it was too fast. I hate how fast we forget how far we've come.
I haven't talking about it though, because I am so conflicted about restrictive diets as a thing. This started as an experiment, and as an experiment I could sell myself on no apples no potatoes no rice no crackers no no no no etc for a few weeks. After a few weeks I could decide whether it was worth it. And now here we are and it works.
But I've gone through So Much food restriction, starting when Phantom was two and we discovered that gluten fucks us both up. Then the Boy was sensitive to so many things as a baby that I cut out the entire Top Eight allergens (let's see, can I remember? Milk, eggs, peanuts, gluten, corn, soy, uhh....others...) for a year while he was nursing. Once you've cut wheat AND eggs AND corn out there is almost no commercial product you can eat and you have to prepare everything from scratch. With a toddler and a baby. I was literally starving. I used a calorie tracker for a while and found that I was nearly a thousand calories short per day, on average. I could barely think.
It's become a huge depression trigger for me. I tell people that my last major depressive episode was triggered by not being able to eat dairy, and I'm not kidding. I'm struggling with it now, too. Most of the time I'm good, but still, despite medication, I get very low and I just want to be able to fucking eat something tasty and comforting and EASY. I just want...cheese and crackers. A whole piece of fruit. A baked potato. Rice with my stir fry. But then I eat too much fucking watermelon and I can tell the difference in my wellbeing the next day.
Food becomes a minefield. Every meal becomes a struggle. You question every bite, every symptom. At least once a day the whole thing is just too annoying and I decide to just not eat, because fuck it. I dunno if it reaches eating disorder levels, but it's certainly maladaptive. I hate that I've gotten here because what you eat actually DOES matter. it's like the question of how you talk yourself out of anxiety when the world is objectively falling apart.
But I can do the things I love. I owe all this garden progress to not having had a glass of juice or a bowl of pasta in four months. Not to mention the abrupt cessation of all my dermatitis problems, frequent "silent" heartburn, a ton of digestive problems, migraines, most headaches, and more. "Nothing is worth risking depression" but is it though?
I'm holding on to the hope that these changes will allow me to heal. That I'll be able to make long-term progress, as many people say they have, and reintroduce restricted foods gradually. That I'll be able to cement the opportunity diet gave me with regular movement and conditioning and slowly claw my way up the spiral.
But on days when I feel like shit anyway, and I can't have some fucking chips about it....yeah. It's not great.
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whiteskinandbones · 1 month
New Diet Plan
Writing this so I can stick to it ! <3 Workout: ❧ Walk to and from school everyday (2.8k) ❧ 500 jumping jacks everyday (100cal) ❧ Dance for an hour on thursdays ❧ Walk on Saturday mornings
Diet Rules: ❧ 500 cals per day MAX ❧ Have a 0 cal soft drink whenever hungry ❧ Have fruit for breakfast to prevent binging after school ❧ NEVER eat at school ❧ ALWAYS have half a portion for dinner ❧ 2L of water per day ❧ Big mug of tea after school and after dinner ❧ Mug of keto fat burning coffee in morning and after school ❧ ONLY small binge on fridays (a couple sweet things ect) ❧ Avoid eating out ❧ Monster energy before dance (no fainting here) ❧ Allowed something small if feeling like going to faint ❧ Spit and chew if I want something sweet/unhealthy not on friday Food Ideas: Breakfast: ❧ Tea ❧ Keto coffee ❧ 0 cal soft drink ❧ Water Lunch: ❧ Egg whites ❧ Cucumber ❧ Soup ❧ Plain toast ❧ 0 cal drink ❧ Water Dinner: ❧ Whatever were having but half (on free for all nights) ❧ plain toast ❧ water crackers ❧ chicken ❧ cucumber ❧ broccoli ❧ mixed veggie bag ❧ cucumber sushi Snacks: ❧ Plain toast ❧ Cucumber ❧ Apple ❧ Monster energy ❧ 0 cal soft drink ❧ Monster energy
Things to distract myself: ❧ Writing fanfic ❧ 0 cal drinks ❧ Listening to ed playlist ❧ Scroll on tumblr ❧ Monster energy ❧ Go for a bloody walk ❧ Go on pinterest ❧ Leave the house and do anything ❧ See friends ❧ Dance ❧ Scroll on tiktok ❧ Sleep ❧ Get into bed and go on computer
Imagine how soon you could achieve your goals if you just stay committed for a short while. Food is always available. It's all around you in abundance. You ALWAYS have the choice to eat. So CHOOSE not to.
Don't make excuses. NEVER make excuses. The only reason you binge is because you choose to. You are in control. You are always in control. Every time you binge, that is your decision. Your action. Each time you reach for that bread, you could just as easily remove yourself from the situation. Walk away.
Hunger is only temporary. You will always get to eat again. Remember your reasons. Think about your future. Think about your rewards. Resisting the urge to binge will always be worth it. Stop dreaming about what you COULD look like and MAKE IT BLOODY HAPPEN. You've hurt yourself enough to not see results.
Sw: 60 Cw: 52 Gw: 45 Ugw: 40-35
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vegance · 3 months
I have celiac and went vegan four years ago. A friend of mine needs to eat keto for her epilepsy and is still vegan. Sans meds/supplements, which you can usually find plant based alternatives for, I honestly can't think of a disability that would stop you from being vegan
I‘m glad that you and your friend are able to eat vegan! It’s so beautiful to see people from all different walks of life choose this lifestyle 🩷
but there are still things that can keep you from being able to adopt a fully plant based diet. People relying on a specific type of liquid nutrition, people with a range of severe allergies, some people with ibs, people with severe food aversions
and I think even more importantly than just the physical aspect is the mental load. a person with some severe food restrictions might be theoretically able to eat a plant based diet, but it would take so much more work and effort in our current system. For someone dealing with chronic illness, poverty and mental illness that extra effort might just be too much for now.
And let’s not forget the people living in situations where they cannot choose their own diet.
I understand the frustration with people using health issues as an „excuse“ to justify them not being vegan, since many online leftists misuse this argument tu justify animal exploitation, while not being in these specific situations themselves. And many people just don’t know enough about veganism to accurately judge if it would be possible for them.
But I don’t think that it is helpful or appropriate to question the lived experiences of people, and the struggles they face. Ultimately it’s a small subset of the population in the global north that cannot go vegan for health reasons, and the more veganism advances the smaller this group becomes.
I think veganism is better served right now by focusing on those who would have an easier time to go vegan, while also making significant harm reduction a valid choice for those who struggle to go all the way <3
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nostalgicamerica · 4 months
My Weight-Loss Journey
Over the last three decades, despite a relatively active lifestyle, my weight has steadily increased a pound or two per year. I could see it was becoming a problem every morning in my foggy bathroom mirror.
I finally realized that I had to do something about it last fall when I walked out onto my porch one morning. The neighbor's kitten came over to say good morning and got caught up in my gravitational field and went into orbit around my waistline.
It was then I started looking into different diets. Keto, Caveman, high fat, low carb, lima bean, Atkins. Holy crap! The number of different diet choices were staggering. Greater still were the numbers of dieticians and nutritionists shrieking that this diet is best and only a booger-eater would choose that diet.
After a bit of cogitation, I started researching the Carnivore diet.
It sounded right up my alley: eating nothing but meat, cheese, eggs, and dairy products, and drinking water. And I could eat bacon. Basically, I could eat anything that is animal-based.
The bacon thing sold it for me.
The week before Thanksgiving 2023 I started my new diet plan. You might think that dieting during the holidays wasn't a grand idea, and you'd be right. Eating nothing but meat while watching my family chowing down on traditional holiday meals (turkey and all the fixings for Thanksgiving, and ham and all the fixings for Christmas) and stuffing their faces with cookies and candy and pie and everything else associated with the holidays was as much fun as stuffing a cactus up my rectum.
But I stuck to it.
To this point in my life I had never been disciplined about anything related to food, but somewhere along the way I found the strength to keep anything not indicated by the diet out of my pie hole. (except coffee - I'll be cold, dead, and buried before I stop drinking coffee.)
And the weight came off. 3,4,5 pounds a week. It seemed to literally melting off me. My initial goal was 50 pounds by the end of February and then I'd transition to something more sustainable.
It wasn't easy, at times, especially during the first 2 or 3 weeks. I bought some bite-size sugar free candy to take the edge off for the times when I was jonesing for sugar. And I ate a ton of bacon.
By Christmas Eve I had lost 20.5 pounds. By January's close I had dropped 34 pounds. On January 8th, 2024 I got out of the shower and looked down and saw my penis without a mirror for the first time since about 2003. Also, I could see a six-pack peeking from behind what remains of my belly fat. As of this writing I'm down 39 Pounds. I have a few more days to go, but I don't think I will hit 50. But that's okay.
On March 1st I will start introducing fruits and veggies and whole grains to my diet. I intend to stay away from cane sugar and continue drinking only water.
There have been some negatives along the way. 1. I now abhor the sight of steak. 2. My dog won't stop licking my legs. 3. I have had to go out and buy essentially a new wardrobe.
What I've learned - coupled with portion control - is that 90% of weight loss happens in the kitchen, and the plain fact that bacon makes everything better.
Even though I didn't meet my first goal of 50, I intend to keep going until I've met my ultimate goal of 60. I know I can do it by the end of this year.
I don't know if this will work for everyone; I only relate what I did and what happened. Overall I feel great, I am sleeping great, and my spousal unit says I look better than I have since the beginning of the Clinton administration, although she wants to buy a new car so she may be playing me...
There is enough info about the carnivore diet on the interweb-thingee so I won't add anything else except to say if I can do it, anyone can.
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ovaruling · 5 months
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@thebloodiestmary its idea is that fat should make up the largest percentage of your dietary intake, with as few carbs as possible. carbs are demonized to an extreme that has made them synonymous with “weight gain” and they’re treated like toxins or contaminants. there is an obsession to have as close to zero carbs as possible in your daily intake, although the general starting point tends to be “under 100g” as the novice and then graduates to “under 50g” as the intermediate.
most of the diet is, of course, animal products. high fat, slightly less high protein (excess protein is converted to glucose and thus evil), and minimal carbohydrates.
fiber, however, cancels out “bad” carbohydrates in this theory. if a food has 10g carbs, but 4g of those are fiber, then in the keto world that food contains 6g of “net carbs.” it is a crazy-making algebraic way of calculating your intake. and even though fiber is a focus, it is de-prioritized completely in this diet which is so full of animal protein and animal fat that i am not surprised to see many keto fanatics come out with bowel cancers or leaky gut or heart disease or high liver enzymes/fatty liver disease or gallbladder disease/gallstones.
the idea is no sugar, no carbs. as little glucose activity as possible.
people tend to lose weight on it usually because they are actually eating fewer calories than they usually would, but not realizing it. keto usually counts by macros, not by calories. in fact, it often discourages calorie tracking. this sounds promising, but it also means most people who lose so much weight with it don’t tend to realize that it’s because they’re in a large caloric deficit. it’s a scam! if you tracked your calories you’d probably realize you were in a deficit all along, and that THAT’S why you’re losing weight, not bc of some magical keto spell.
only eating meat and dairy and eggs will do that. meat and dairy and eggs are PRIMARY weight loss foods and always have been. keto fanatics feel smug because they’re eating bacon and steak and fried eggs and full-fat cheese, but they don’t realize how few calories they’re taking in by eliminating all other foods.
keto has a bad reputation for making its dieters paranoid about fruit, beans, whole grains, and even vegetables.
hardcore keto dieters barely get any of those in their diet. but they lose weight, so it must be healthy!
their boasting of “lower cholesterol” and “lower blood sugar” is almost certainly bc they are losing weight IN A CALORIC DEFICIT.
it is not possible to lose weight if you are not in a caloric deficit.
there is the famous “keto flu” onboarding stage where you feel sick and tired for about a week or sometimes more as you “wean” off of carbs. that is your body starving for nutrients lol. it’s starving. you feel sick and exhausted bc you have almost nothing going in.
and i can say this with confidence bc i fell for this diet hardcore when i was 20. i lost tons of weight eating “fatty” foods. what was actually happening was rabbit starvation—i was getting so much protein and so few other nutrients that i was actually starving myself.
it’s a poisonous diet, nothing more than a weight loss fad, wholly unsustainable, and wildly expensive btw.
any “benefit” that anyone claims comes from it is usually simply from the process of weight loss in a deficit if one’s original health problems (usually heart or diabetes related) were due to being overweight.
and yeah again i won’t even bother to get into what happens to one’s colon and bowels in general eating that many animal products and hormones and that much fat with little to no fiber. with all its parading of red meat and bacon and sausage and other cured meats, it’s a recipe for colon cancer, that’s all i’ll say.
it’s done so much damage to our understanding of food and balanced nutrition and it’s sneaky and dishonest in its ~famed results. it’s a fancy way of getting yourself into a caloric deficit, that’s all.
if all you ate in one day was a McDonald’s value meal at 1200 calories or whatever, you’d lose weight. you’d be in a deficit. keto makes you think it will be possible to consume 5000 calories of fatty fried foods and lose weight—but that literally is not what happens. you usually remain in a deficit because you’re starving trying to keep your carbs as low as possible. and you don’t notice it bc you’re not keeping track of calories, only grams of carbohydrates vs grams of fat.
so many topics exist on keto forums like “why am i not losing weight with keto?!” and answers will urge the user to eat less lmfao. or go on a “fat fast” to “get your body to prioritize burning fat as its primary source of energy” which is eating mostly like 90% fat as your intake majority with 0g of carbs. aka starvation.
you cannot train your body to “prioritize” fat as its primary source of energy. it will ALWAYS prefer carbohydrates as the most efficient and easily digestible source of fuel. the only way you can sustain “ketosis” (which is a dangerous medical condition btw) is by never feeding yourself enough carbs so that your body literally thinks it’s starving—BECAUSE IT IS!!!! you’re “burning fat” bc you are STARVING!!!!
and yeah. just. terrible for your gallbladder, your liver, your digestion, your heart, your inflammatory system, everything. horrific diet.
tl;dr—snake oil, low energy starvation recipe for bowel cancer!
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not-another-robin · 2 years
What do you think are the justice league member's favorite snacks/meals they like to cook/eat?
Dear anon, I am so glad you asked. Allow me to explain
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J'onn - literally everyone is concerned. J'onn eats stuff that's not food just because he can. He will snack on drywall. He eats bugs off of leaves. The actual food he eats isn't much better - his diet consists almost entirely off of processed sugar. Obviously chocos/oreos, but also just the kind of things a seven year old would pack for lunch. Twinkies, sugary cereal, actual candy, donuts, popcorn, chips, etc. He tries, half-heartedly, to insist that Martians nutritional needs are different than humans, but there is literally no evidence to suggest that. Someone in the JL takes him out to eat/brings him food almost every day to make sure he doesn't die.
Wally - only marginally better than J'onn in that he won't eat chalk unprompted. We all know speedsters, they need a lot of food to keep up with their metabolism and energy, but Wally is especially ludicrous in the "will eat anything" category. He will put anything and everything in the fridge into a sandwich, which sounds like a fun thing to ask about, but eventually everyone realizes they just don't wanna know. Also a connoisseur of wild food combos ("icing in chili??" "Hey don't knock it til you try it")
Shayera - A little bit more normal but the bar is in hell so that doesn't mean much. She will try anything at least once, especially on a dare. She also just has an insane pallete for space food. Meals on thanagar were really just anything slightly edible thrown into a trough, so anything that's cooked is fine dining. Also sometimes things that aren't cooked. Raw chicken is one of her favorite snacks - She likes to chew on (and eventually eat) the bones
Bruce - now we're reaching slightly normal human foods, but that doesn't mean Bruce's diet is normal. Honestly, he's just autismcore with a splash of "do rich people really eat that?". His schedule is so fucked he rarely ever has time for an actual meal, so mostly he eats what he can when he can. I have fully adopted the fandom canon that he eats shredded cheese right out of the bag. When he does eat a real meal, it's part of a carefully crafted food schedule developed over decades. He essentially has 31 meals, one for every day - a good mix of recognizable foods and "some guy I traveled the Amazon with made this for me in 1986".
Diana - we have now reached the "can cook" section. One caveat for Diana though, she has no idea how kitchen appliances work. If the oven isn't made of stone she may set something on fire. She's used to the best Themyscira has to offer, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and elaborate feasts. She can't really manage a feast in her apartment, but she knows a good few meals, she eats well. However, she's often too busy to make her own food, so it's like 60% take out.
Clark - this boy eats three square meals a day no matter WHAT. If you sleepover with Clark there will be pancakes and eggs on the table by the time you wake up. He's just a big country boy, his ma taught him well and he uses it. He cooks for himself pretty much every day, the only exception being occasionally going out for lunch during work or picking up a hot dog from a cart (he loves them, no one can understand why).
John - John is your uncle that got really into meal prep. He is religious about his food intake, he only eats the best and has every meal scheduled like a month in advance. He picked up a few recipes from his mom, but he really just picked up a passion for cooking well at some point just to challenge himself. He also eats really healthy, he's known to occasionally go on some weird keto diet that everyone makes fun of him for. He's the kind of person who eats overnight oats. He lectures Wally about his eating habits daily.
So. That was a ridiculous amount thought and effort for a simple headcanon question. This is what they inside of my brain looks like 24/7 thanks got asking <3
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dietcokewith0sugar · 12 days
So i kinda just realised that drinking coffee(w sugar) during fasts can break the ketosis process. THAT means all those days without food won't count becoz of coffee? DAMN. So I haven't eaten for 14 hours now and I'm really confused if I should do the keto fast without any sort of calorie or normal fast where I drink coffees. To be honest it sounds like hell without any coffee becoz i need caffeine and before you come at me saying I could have energy drinks, no I can't, it's really hard to find sugar less drinks here except for coke zero. Also I've been noticing that people who started ana as a normal diet and then realise that they've spiralled into an ed are different than ppl who just stopped eating all together becoz the first one starves but it's more like healthy? and the latter, similar to me, eat junk just to feel full but under the calories still somehow? basically like junkorexics I might be wrong here so... Because I literally stopped eating, i just eat either rice crackers or some fruit or vegetable and stay under 200-300 calories. I'm always fasting becoz if I don't I end up binging, so im always just .. fasting? Basically eating once in two days ig. Food scares me.
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WIBTA if I asked my mom to stop keto-fying recipes?
this is either gonna be a complete non-issue or get people mad at me, i can tell lmao. unfortunately this has been bugging me for weeks. :D
To be clear, I'm almost 25, but I and my adult/teenage siblings still live with my parents bc the economy is ass. Also, Mom hasn't been doing it to every recipe…yet…but the ones she has changed have been recipes where a carbohydrate is an important part of the main meal.
For instance, replacing the potatos in a beef-carrot-potato stew with a rutabaga.
Mom's been on a modified keto diet for a while now, and while Dad is the only one intentionally doing it with her, the rest of us are aware of her diet and are generally chill about it. For a while, we would have nights where the parents would have Thing A, which was diet-compliant, and the rest of us would have Thing B, which was not. Those of us who are not dieting are all old enough to make things for ourselves, by the way, and that's usually what happens. For most of these "split meals," one parent usually doesn't wind up cooking two meals, one of which they can't even eat.
The stew is usually a "split" meal that gets made by one person who does most of the prep just by virtue of knowing the recipe, then one person who peels and chops the potatoes, and then one who wrangles the peeling and chopping of the rutabaga. The rutabaga then gets combined with a proportionate amount of The Rest, and those of us who aren't dieting are welcome to taste-test it. I've tried it, and the rutabaga's okay, I guess, but quite a bit too sweet and non-safe-food-y for me in the context of the stew, especially when I'm so used to potatoes. Wrangling the rutabaga is a bit more fun than eating it.
…except the most recent time we had the stew, Mom and Dad made an executive decision and just made a full-family pot of rutabaga stew without really seeing if everyone else was on board with it. Two of my siblings seemed fine with it, one is an enigma on a good day so I don't even know how they felt about it, and I hated it. I didn't get the chance to say so, however, between everyone else complimenting the altered stew and the conversation quickly switching to something else.
Unfortunately, our parents have decided that we will be making the stew with rutabagas only going forward.
Not "the family has decided."
The parents have decided. For adults and a teenager. Not for little kids.
Since then, in other conversations where recipes come up, such as conversations about the teenager's recent baking kick, Mom has been mentioning keto versions of whatever's being talked about in the nonspecific way that I'm pretty sure is her hinting/telling us that we should make it. In the context of teen baking, a keto chocolate cake, or keto cookies.
Look, I'm not here to debate the worth of a diet or lack thereof. I have plenty of those opinions and I'm not going to change them or let them distract from the core of the matter: when any of us are making food for the others, why are we letting two people's diets dictate what the rest of us should eat? If we're making something specifically to align with the keto diet, then that's a parent snack/meal. If we're not, it's a "kids" snack/meal. It should be as simple as that. Why make a full-family-sized meal if it's going to be pushing low/no carbs onto people who, historically, have not wanted to or needed to drop carbs? (It's me, I'm people. I know, I'm not really subtle, am I?)
I'm considering, the next time the stew comes up as a dinner plan, asking what a single-sized portion of the potatoes would be and just making it for myself. Given I have the spoons to do so that night, anyway. However, I really don't want to insult Mom's family recipe (which…she's already altered…and I would be reverting to its previous state…) or her cooking skills (which haven't lessened, even if I personally think her ingredient choices are a bit lacking lately).
What are these acronyms?
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werecreature-addicted · 2 months
Hiii, i love your fics! 100% ignore if this is too personal or doesnt apply, but did your chronic pain have to do with your back? If so, which specialist did you go to for them the finally get something done or how did you finally get the treatment you needed? My doctor's are also giving me the good old gaslighting 😅
no sorry, I had gallstones for 2ish years which would cause me to get really nauseous/ throw up every single time I ate something as well as just randomly hurting. for a long time, no one really knew what was going on with me and there was a long process of tests, but then we figured it out. although they still treated me like shit afterward, I would show up to a doctor's appointment with an ultrasound showing I had gallstones and they'd still be like "Have you tried eating more fiber? Maybe you should talk to a therapist," it was really frustrating because while I was losing a ton of weight and throwing up daily I did not have a fucking eating disorder!!! and no one fucking believed me!!! they also suggested I try a bunch of different diets, some worked okay some nearly killed me (Keto)
I had to push really hard to get a surgery referral, the doctor treated me like I was begging to get a nose job and not, you know, get the rocks taken out of my body. but I finally got my surgery and it's like night and day. I still can't eat fatty foods but I can EAT which is so nice. I cannot express how good it feels to eat broccoli and rice and not need to lie down on the bathroom floor for 30 minutes.
That sucks that doctors are treating you like that I hope they give you treatment and also someone throws a rock through their window for being so shitty.
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