#for a high school pal I don’t know the specifics of fandom or what she already has
obstinaterixatrix · 8 months
mom was saying how she wasn’t good at getting gifts and was like “I don’t even know what to get you :(” and I was like. no mom. I’m the problem here.
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Thank you, lemonheads
Disclaimer: non-pandemic AU; winter setting; fluff; a pinch of spice to make everything nice; swearing; Length: 3906 words; Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen AU; Characters: Yuuji/Sukuna x Black!Fem!Reader
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The alarm did not go off at 7 am since it was Saturday, yet your eyes have been wide open for about one hour. The sun rays brought light on the ashy winter sky and you lazily shifted in your bed to check the time. How is it only 7:47 while I feel I’ve been laying here forever? You asked yourself in a deep sigh before you threw away the blanket and sat up on the edge of the bed. A life-saving decision you had taken the night before when you braided your hair, for not a single molecule in your body was able to deal with those shoulder-length thick curls after you wasted your night staring at the ceiling. Your body has developed a habit to wake up around 1 am for no particular reason and have you losing your mind over it. Usually, you managed to fall back asleep quickly, but that night between Friday and Saturday you just couldn’t. No one was online on any social media platform, you knew it would take you more time than available to pick one of the thirty million shows that you wanted to catch up on and you didn’t want to fuck up your night completely, so you forced yourself back into slumber. But now it was morning, your eyes tired and your body heavy.
With your mind set on still having a wonderful free weekend, you rummaged through the cabinets in the lovely apartment you had been thrilled to finally afford, in a futile attempt to grab a bite. You breathed deeply while counting down from ten after finding exactly half of a package of Lemonheads and some leftover seafood on a plate in the fridge. The initial plan was abandoned with the calamari as you headed for the bathroom, knowing for a fact that a nice scrubbing session during a dangerously hot shower will whoosh away all the fatigue and annoyance.
Fresh smell, moisturized gleaming skin, proud dark-brown eyes staring at you from the mirror made you put on a cheeky smile and leave the bathroom barefoot. One step into your bedroom and your stomach almost shouted at you. Ah, I do gotta eat something. McDonald’s it is, then. You were quick to agree to yourself and also to get dressed and leave the house. It has been snowing for a few days so the pavements were covered in a dense layer of white wonder, which made you decide to walk to the breakfast provider, instead of driving there. It wasn’t that far and you also loved the city landscapes.
The neon-yellow combat boots contrasted considerably with the red coat and drew the attention of the entire crowd inside McDonald’s, including one specific young man that was sitting alone at a table in the back. He watched your silhouette walk by a group of boys that didn’t even try to mask their reaction to your looks as you headed to the line to place your order.
“Even I know that it’s not nice to stare,” Sukuna talked all of a sudden, startling poor Itadori and causing him to sink his head deeper in the hood.
“Shut up, someone could hear you,” the boy whispered, looking down on his tray to avoid being heard by other customers.
“Is that the girl you’ve been going on about lately?”
“What girl? There’s no girl. What girl?” Yuuji panicked a bit, the heart racing in his chest letting Sukuna know he was right. Again.
“It’s not that hard. Just go there, what the fuck are you so scared about?” The otherwise thoughtless demon cared to push his host up on his feet.
Swallowing his anxiety along with the gallon of saliva in his mouth, Yuuji left his table, threw the sandwich’s wrapping paper in the trash bin when he passed by and stalled in your proximity on his way out. He just wanted to see you better than he could do it on the high school corridors in the lunch break, but blame it on the coincidence theory, that was the exact moment some Lemonheads slipped from the pocket of your black cargo pants when you pulled out your phone. That was a chance he was not willing to sacrifice. He dropped in a squat, picked the wrapped candies and smiled at you.
“I think you dropped these.”
You turned your head in the direction of the familiar voice only to find the cheerfully grinning pink-haired boy that you could’ve sworn you would fight anyone for.
“Hi. Oh, yes, thanks,” you replied in a pretty much measured tone and grabbed the candies from his palm.
“I’m Yuuji, by the way.” The shot was fired and his blood started boiling under the tension of his mind analyzing all the possible ways you could’ve answered to him. You could’ve laughed, whooshed him away, cringed at his boldness, pulled away or even cut his words. But he did not expect you to shake his hand, with a big smile plastered on your face.
“Alex here. Hi. Do you wann-” the number of your order appeared on the big screen and you paused your question, “-be right back at ya,” you smiled at Yuuji and went to the lady waiting with your bag.
As soon as your eyes got away from his face, Itadori let out a brief silent sigh and filled his hoodie pocket with his fists. This is good. I can do this. What if I ask her out? He was deep in thoughts when a lady shook his shoulder. “Young man, are you ordering, or just blocking the line?” The “I’m tired of you teenagers’ attitude” look on her face disturbed Yuuji and he left the spot, joining you at the front desk.
“Wasn’t you supposed to tell me you were out of the pancake meal? Why did you take my money then?” You tried really hard to hold back some yelling, but a vein on your forehead was definitely popping out.
“What’s the matter?” The boy asked, stopping next to you.
Pure sarcasm on your face when you looked from the staff girl to Yuuji. “I shall be starving to death today.”
“Miss, we can give you something else for the same amount. My colleagues weren’t awa-“
“Just give her a refund. We’ll be fine,” Yuuji stepped in and had both you and the other girl confused.
She gave your money back a bit half-hearted, and truth be told, you were feeling like that too, not only because you were hungry, but man, you loved the pancakes and the bacon and the eggs.
“Where are we going?” You asked, following Itadori out the restaurant after he motioned you to do so.
“I always wanted to try this food, instead of the usual fast-food.”
You had no idea what he was talking about, nor where he was leading you, but your guts weren’t agitated. There was something about that boy that screamed “safety” in your ears. The trip to the unknown food place he was taking you was short and you didn’t really get the time to make any small talk. Yuuji turned his body to face you, suddenly spreading and lifting his arm high up, a cheeky grin on his face when he exclaimed, “I present you ‘Gyros’, my new obsession.”
The fact that no word came out of your mouth as you stood in front of him, with your eyes blinking quickly, wiped Yuuji’s smile away. His confidence took a hike when his hands dropped from the air, where they were pointing at the ‘Gyros’ sign. “Should we just go back to McDonald’s?” He asked, rubbing the back of his head and frowning bashfully, not only because your glare fixed him, but also because Sukuna was laughing powerfully inside his mind.
“You. You have no idea where you just brought me,” your voice sounded more serious than you intended, so you giggled on purpose to loosen the tension because Yuuji looked like he was about to pass out from embarrassment. “Boy, relax. I was kidding-“ you barely held back a laugh, “-this is not my first ride with Gyros,” you finished and rested your palm on his shoulder. The pressure in his chest got released once he realized your playful attitude and he redirected his attention to placing an order he was about to pay for entirely.
Food hits differently at the standing tables and so do conversations. There you were, eating one of your favourite foods, chatting with your newest pal and enjoying the view of the tall city buildings that surrounded you. Once he found comfort in your presence, Yuuji opened up and he appeared even cuter to you than he did before. His eyes would gleam when you found his stupid jokes funny and his loud laughter would join yours when you gossiped like two best friends. The cutest thing about Itadori that you found yourself adoring was that he closed his eyes every time he bit on the gyros. You allowed a discreet smile to form on your lips as you admired him and he wasn’t aware of it. No matter how big of a portion you would’ve bought, it couldn’t take you an eternity to finish up your plate. You actually finished yours sooner than the boy, to steal a few more seconds of watching him perform such an automatic and usual activity as eating because he looked so precious doing it.
“Here, help me up.” Yuuji’s voice pulled you out of your daydreaming just as swiftly as the fry that he pushed into your gaping mouth. You chomped on it instantly and caused Yuuji to laugh at your confused face. “Listen, are you busy today? I was wondering if we could wal-“
“Yes, let’s go,” you answered almost instantly, chugging the rest of the Sprite in the paper cup and grinning back at Yuuji who was once again flustered.
The boy’s face flushed red and he smiled at you right before wiping his lips with a napkin and gathering all the food wrapping. “Where do you want to go?” You asked, watching him have a brain glitch for having to wipe his hands on his pants because he has thrown away all the tissues.
“I was thinking of arcade games, but we don’t have to if you don’t want to, I mean…” Yuuji suggested in a low voice causing Sukuna to roll his eyes aggressively. You are even dumber than I thought, brat. The poor boy shook his head to get rid of the voice and by doing that he missed your reply.
“Hey, did you hear what I said?” You shouted, thinking that he didn’t hear you because of all those car horns on the street.
“Yeah, no, sure. Of course, we can do that instead.”
“Bruh, you’re damaged!” You shouted again and started laughing. “I said I will destroy you in the arcade,” you continued, still full-on laughing, the slight touch of your hand on his arm sending him your cheerful vibes.
“If you say so, let’s test it.” Yuuji caught some courage and sped up the pace. “Can you run in those?” He pointed at your boots and chuckled when you threw him a very offended look.
“Excuse you, I can beat you to it!” You accepted the challenge and sprinted away from Yuuji. His light-brown eyes widened in surprise and he started running.
No, you did not win the race. He was already inside RedLine VR when you managed to arrive at the doorstep, barely catching your breath. “I-… I need- … whoa… where did you get that stamina from?” The mock-neck long-sleeved top was practically suffocating you.
“I don’t know. Guess I’m gifted.” Again rubbing the back of his head bashfully, that boy could not be cuter. Or so you thought.
He led you inside the place and even helped you take your coat off as you cracked your knuckles in preparation for beating Yuuji’s ass up in video games. The coloured light from the video game’s display reflected in your gold hoop earrings as much as they reflected in your wide-open gleaming eyes. His eyes spent more time taking in the shape of your face and the colour of your skin more than they did on the actual screen. You unknowingly made him bite his bottom lip when you let out a different type of chuckle. You wanted it to sound devilish, but it didn’t come out quite like that.
Imagine her moaning with that voice, Sukuna busted in Yuuji’s mind, his own rather full of your image, and caused a deep blush on the kid’s face. It was annoying how much affect you had on Yuuji, and he tried to not look at you like that anymore.
Itadori was good at sports, not games, and you won countless rounds leisurely. Each time you shouted your victory, you clapped your hands in delight and made a funny face to Yuuji. He faked slight envy at first, his pathetic whines giving Sukuna a real headache, but eventually, your general happy state made the boy smile. If somebody observed him, they would’ve figured it out in one second that you completely entranced him. As funny as it was to see him struggling to fight you for the first place in the game, you grew bored of the arcade and suggested you went somewhere else.
“Do you want to go to a park?” Yuuji asked, his mind quickly mapping the area for the closest park.
Too many people around, huh? An evil chuckle hit the corners of the poor boy’s head and he tried to keep his secret hidden furthermore.
“A park sounds good, Yuuji. Can I call you Yuuji?” Only after you said it out loud, you remembered about the Japanese courtesy and, feeling a bit weird, you made yourself busy with putting your coat back on.
“Yeah, sure, you can call me Yu-,“ “Daddy,” his voice was cut off by Sukuna’s who whispered loudly enough for the teens around you two to hear.
“YUUJI!” He tried to mask the demon’s voice and covered the mouth on his cheek instantly. “You can call me Yuuji.” He swallowed hard and then smiled as if nothing happened.
“You’re weird, but cutely,” you said with a cheeky smile as you made your way out the room.
He followed soon after scolding his so-called co-inhabitant and walked by your side, between you and the busy road. You took your time walking to Winnemac Park since it would’ve been too much of a bother to take the bus for only one short station. Once inside the park, you felt like the world around you changed: there was undisturbed snow everywhere, Sun was slowly going down and it was silent. Your romantic side emerged and you hung your hand on Yuuji’s forearm. Your affection was electrifying, and even if he didn’t see it coming and hadn’t prepared for it, the boy accepted it gladly by sticking his hand in the hoodie big front pocket, to help your hand rest better on his arm. Fifteen minutes of walking through town have been filled with school gossip, laughing and “get-to-know-you-better” stuff, but as the cold settled down, you both became quieter.
“Hey, look.” You left Yuuji’s side by a couple of steps and you squatted down to grab something from the pavement.
“Wha-“ Boy didn’t stand a chance against your mischievous snowball attack. “Oh, you did not!” He laughed and leaned to the side to gather some snow for his part of the game.
The war was set into motion. Yuuji found it admirable that you managed to dodge many of his shots even while you almost choked on your own laughter. He loved to see you smiling and having a good time, especially because it was due to his actions. For a second, he got lost again in your smile and the snowball that you threw hit him right in the face. The hand he held a snowball in was frozen above his head, as he had prepared to throw it at you before falling in trance. He had no reaction whatsoever and it worried you a hell lot.
“I’m so sorry, Yuuji, are you ok?” You rushed closer to him and wiped the snow off his face with gentle and burning hands.
When his eyes opened, you hated yourself for falling into that old trap. His arms circled you abruptly and he intended to make you fall in the snow, but you proved more agile than he thought and you escaped. Your freedom didn’t last long, though, for he tackled you. Only, he didn’t see that you have reached the margin of the sidewalk and you would’ve fallen on your ass if it wasn’t for his strong grip. He looked astonishing towering like that over you, and not only the situation was somewhat hot, but you also hated to see him win the fight. One of your legs jerked fast and cut Yuuji’s balance, making him fall over you in the snow. Light-brown eyes met dark-brown ones and the imminent sparkle tied your insides in a tight knot. His face was so close to yours that it had you imagine what would happen if you kissed him right then and there. Yet, none of you two moved a muscle, except for the throat muscles who kept gulping timidly.
Alex and Yuuji are in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g! Sukuna’s words echoed in Itadori’s mind and they added to the closeness between your face and his, making him blush deeply. He stood up slowly and helped you on your feet too. Again silence as each of you cleaned the snow off of yourselves, avoiding the awkward moment.
“So, what now? I’m not cold anymore.” You snapped out of it and gave your best to look as normal as before in front of him, even if your stomach had a watermelon-sized hole inside.
“It’s getting late and I don’t really know the city that well at night. You want me to walk you to a bus station or something?” He asked, barely holding his composure in front of you while Sukuna yelled in his mind nonsense like You’re a chicken. A loser. Fucking lame-ass, stupid motherfucker. You could’ve kissed her. You should’ve kissed her! I should’ve taken over the control and kissed her right there!
“Sure. I don’t live far from here actually, you can walk me home if you want,” you suggested, hoping that he won’t interpret it the wrong way.
The weather became surprisingly harsh after sundown and your little coat didn’t do much in protecting you. Instinctively, you neared Itadori more, lured by the warmth his body radiated. As you balanced your gravity centre from one leg to the other, constantly moving your hands to try to keep them from freezing, your hand brushed against Itadori’s, which was hanging loosely by his body. He definitely felt it because you saw his jaw clenching, but he didn’t bring it up. So you did it again.
Oh, man, she’s got balls bigger than you, Sukuna mocked his host and then proceeded to laugh. You’re not gonna do anything about it?
Your ring and middle finger brushed the side of Yuuji’s hand softly as you two continued walking. When his pinkie interlocked with yours, you were no longer cold. The hole in your stomach filled with butterflies and you could feel your heart pounding against your chest. You hated yourself for being that flustered and weak, but from the way his other fingers circled your hand, you knew the feelings would only get more intense. The dark fell rather quickly and you found yourself squeezing Yuuji’s hand, to which he chuckled.
“Are you afraid of darkness?” He asked in a low tone, caressing the back of your hand with his thumb.
“L-lol, no,” you stuttered a bit but smiled as you looked up to Yuuji, who was just teasing you with a gentle look in his eyes.
The way back home is always shorter and you reached the front door of the building you lived in with a lump in your throat. It was time to let go of his hand and maybe, who knew, let go of that moment too. You didn’t know much about Yuuji other than he was a foreign exchange student, who came for who knows how much time in Chicago, he liked Gyros as much as you and he had a lot of running stamina.
“Well, this is where I live, so… see you at school?” You asked sheepishly, slowly growing aware of the blush on Itadori’s face that was now visible because of the street light close-by.
Do it, brat. Do it now. Don’t be a pussy.
“Listen, Alex… Today has been a very nice day and I’m glad you dropped your candies.”
You scoffed at his hilarious confession and attempted to pull your hand away from his, but just as before, in the park when he caught you, Yuuji’s grip remained firm. “No, let me hold it a bit more,” he whispered, taking a step closer to you.
JUST DO IT ALREADY! You’ll thank me later. Sukuna could hear all of Yuuji’s thoughts and feel the desperate hollow in the boy’s chest. He couldn’t take Yuuji’s reticence anymore. Black marks began appearing on Yuuji’s cheekbones and chin and as soon as he sensed his conscience being ripped from him, the boy shouted. “Ok, ok, I’ll do it!”
“Uhm, I didn’t ask you anything… What’s wrong?” You squeezed his hand once more as you tried to understand what was just about to happen to his face and why he screamed like that.
“Ignore that. It-it’s a long story and I’d rather not tell it now,” Itadori released your hand and stared at you dead in the eye. “How mad would you be if I kissed you right now?”
Your face caught fire. Your ears were burning and your stomach was doing front flips. You barely got to whisper anything before Yuuji’s palms grabbed your cheeks and he slammed his lips on yours. They were soft and warm and he kissed you so slowly that it had you melting in his arms. Your own lips parted to welcome him just as hungrily as your hands tugged at his hoodie to keep him close. He pulled back, eventually, and you smiled at each other in the surprise of what just happened. His forehead leaned on yours and the way you burst into laughter made Yuuji laugh too.
“I hope I didn’t ruin today…” he whispered, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs, but not parting from your figure yet.
“I can’t wait to see you again, boy,” you cooed, stealing another peck from him before you turned to enter the building.
You barely walked up the stairs with a grin splattered on your face and increased heart rate and once you entered your apartment, you slid down your door and laughed alone for a couple of minutes. That just happened and you were there and he was there and what’s gonna happen now? In the same way, Yuuji called himself an Uber and got inside with palms sweating and a happy frown on his face.
“Finally taking my advice. She was too cute to waste, man. If you didn’t take the chance, I would’ve.”
“Sukuna shut the hell up. I kissed her first.”
I just want to thank @half-baked-biscuit for writing this fanfic for me that I sent in as a commission. I really do appreciate her writing a black fem reader and her taking the time to write this amazing fluff with yuuji/sukuna. I love you bitch T^T. Also credit to the artist for the picture above @hinamie. This was an amazing design so I just had to use it! Please like, reblog, and comment :3
Heres the link to the original post of the artist: https://hinamie.tumblr.com/post/635380113076355072/th-designs-in-this-show-r-god-tier-thank-u-jjk 
Taglist: @half-baked-biscuit @siriusimie @mangobxbbletea @corduroyrose
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fkevin073 · 3 years
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#when all u want to do is read books and stalk ur high school crush but you have a devil pact :(
My Top Posts in 2021
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Fear Street Trilogy (TV), Fear Street Series - R. L. Stine Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Christine "Ziggy" Berman/Nick Goode Characters: Christine "Ziggy" Berman, Nick Goode (Fear Street), Original Characters, Deena Johnson, Josh Johnson (Fear Street), Samantha "Sam" Fraser (Fear Street), Cindy Berman (Fear Street) Additional Tags: pregnancy au, what if nick and Ziggy had a baby, Angst, accidentally have a baby with the guy who has a devil pact :(, Sex, both Ziggy and Nick are emotionally stunted, i don't make the rules, we love a badass mom and murderous dad, Ziggy is more morally ambiguous in this fic, though not totally evil, Nick Goode is a simp, Secret Relationship Summary:
It’s November 1988, and Ziggy is staring down at two little pink lines.
ahh I hope u guys like this second chapter! let me know what you think ❤️
34 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 05:26:45 GMT
Ever had an AU idea that made you go "This would be amazing...if someone else did it." But no one does it! And you just go crazy?
LOL omg yes definitely there are a lot of AU’s that have gone through my mind or I’ve seen that I was like omg yeah that’s fantastic. I think my favourite ones to read so far are the fics that I never even thought about. Like there’s this really great one shot on ao3 about Ziggy catching Nick in the middle of the sacrifice at Nightwing and then she turns evil with him. that one’s great. I didn’t think I could pull something like that off and the author did it amazingly. 
But in terms of other ideas: 
- there’s the AU we talked about a few days ago that I thought was great. Would love it if someone explored that. 
- I had an idea of there being a time-loop. So Nick is stuck replaying Nightwing over and over again until eventually the loop breaks (maybe Ziggy gets caught in the loop with him? after he’s been through it a few hundred times). My idea was that Nick would have to kill himself or reunite the hand with the body for it to end. I heard of a few other people thinking about doing a fic like that so I was like yay and then nothing came of it. 
- a gender-swapped Nick/Ziggy fic. I think that analyzing the gender-dynamics of that flip would be cool, though I don’t know how the specifics would work or if the dynamic would be too altered
- there’s also a fic idea I'm developing now (inspired by someone’s comment on one of my stories) where Nick tells Ziggy the truth right after the massacre and then they just leave Sunnyvale. like a super fucked up and toxic relationship where Ziggy just feels helpless to do anything and just takes his hand. this may or may not come to fruition. idk I have a lot going on already
- After I posted “the last great American dynasty” a lot of people talked about writing their own “Ready or Not” Au’s. If you haven’t watched it it’s a great movie about a rich family that also has a secret, murderous satanic pact. it’s great :) I really liked the ideas those other users had. 
- another AU where Nick and Ziggy are childhood pen-pals, but I’m thinking about working on that one. still deciding if the pact should exist in it or not.
- this isn’t about Nick/Ziggy specifically, but I've always been intrigued by the idea of Sarah Fier actually being the one behind the curse. like the plot twist is so great and works well thematically, but when I watched that scene with her and Hannah being like I’ll make a deal and we can get out of here I understood where she was coming from. So like making Sarah Fier a sympathetic person whose deal just went way out of control and had consequences she didn't forsee
- this has been discussed by others on this app, but I like the idea of Nick/Ziggy being ghost hunters like the Warrens in the Conjuring. You could even make it like a buzzed unsolved romance/modern type setting. 
- another idea I had was that Nick’s dad made a second sacrifice after Ruby but before he died and Ziggy’s family was wiped out so the Goodes take her in “out of the goodness of their hearts” since she has no next of kin and her and Nick get into all kinds of trouble. 
wow okay I need to stop this is already way way too long sorry! I'd love to hear what your thoughts are 
35 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 22:59:19 GMT
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Fear Street Trilogy (TV), Fear Street Series - R. L. Stine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Christine "Ziggy" Berman/Nick Goode Characters: Nick Goode (Fear Street), Christine "Ziggy" Berman, Will Goode (Fear Street), Cindy Berman (Fear Street), Deena Johnson, Sarah Fier (Fear Street), Hannah Miller (Fear Street) Additional Tags: Violence, Alternative Universe - FBI, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Romance, First Love, Tragedy, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, ??? - Freeform Summary:
Nick Goode was born the second son.
(It makes all the difference in the world)
38 notes • Posted 2021-07-23 05:35:49 GMT
okay, so we all wished we had gotten more content of ashley as adult nick, so if there had been like a deleted scene or just one extra scene, what would you have liked to have seen? like, what kind of scene would have given you some real insight into this guy? lol
(this question is actually really hard bc we couldn't really see much of nick since the twist that he was evil had to be protected but let's pretend that doesn't matter lol)
okay omg this is such a good question I will proceed with an essay because I thought about this for far too long than I should have: 
before we get to adult Nick, I want to talk about scenes I wished we saw in ‘78 with Ted, because I still have a lot of questions about younger Nick: 
1. interactions with Nick and the other counsellors (beside Kurt). I think a big question we all have is why he said Tommy’s name. Like he knew Tommy, obviously, so seeing them interact (esp Nick with Cindy, maybe her giving him a bit of the side eye because she caught him staring at Ziggy) would have added an interesting dynamic to his character, esp with what we know later
2. nick visiting Ziggy in the hospital after Nightwing, and seeing her tell him to fuck off and how he tries to justify himself for not backing her up. I don’t have much reason for that scene other than it’s angsty and I thought Ted/Sadie had really good chemistry. just for the angst (and also seeing how Nick works after the massacre would have been cool)
okay, now onto Ashley and adult Nick. This was a lot harder to come up with: 
1. I just watched 1666 recently, and it never made sense to me why Nick went straight to the site of Sarah Fier’s body. Did he just see the kids there on his way to Ziggy’s and stopped? did he know her body was there and was ready to kill them? anyway, seeing Nick go to Ziggy’s first and seeing them interact would have been cool. Like we know nick slipped Ziggy that note so he could weasel his way back into her life, so seeing him interact with her and act contrite/heroic before going to “help” the kids would have been cool. I also just think Ashley/Gillian should have had more scenes together (also, how did he know where she lived? like they must have had some kind of interaction in the intervening years. even if Ziggy stayed in her childhood home and never moved at all, how would he know?)
2. scenes with adult nick and will. I love how we all agree that Nick just thinks Will is an idiot. Like he does not care for his brother at all. But it would have been interesting to see Nick navigate the Sunnyvale social setting and have that comparison with adult Nick and how young Nick acted with Ziggy, just to emphasize how he became everything he didn’t want to be when he was a kid. Ashley had a interview where he said that Nick is just a really lonely, miserable guy, so seeing Nick just not giving a fuck about Sunnyvale and idiotic business men would have been cool
3. I think another interesting point would have been the kids realizing that the local boy who saved C. Berman was Nick and have them confront him about witnessing a massacre in 1994 part one. Like a) I think that would have caught him off guard and b) I think that was probably the worst night of Nick’s life (which obviously doesn’t mean shit considering it's all his fault) but seeing how Nick responds to the reminder that he saved Ziggy (and only Ziggy) would have been interesting
4. more of a confrontation with Nick and Ziggy in the final showdown. Ashley’s expressions as he walks through the mall before finally reaching Ziggy convey so much regret, tenderness and apprehension after looking so utterly evil and ready to kill. I love that scene, but I wish more had been said. Like Nick trying to justify himself and Ziggy just asking what the fuck happened to you or you betrayed me and nick just being his idiotic self like Ziggy I love you or something.
this is all I can think of for now! I’d love to hear what you all think! 
56 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 04:50:00 GMT
Okay, so I'm thinking about the Mafia AU and I only have an inciting incident: Ziggy steals from Sheila and gets away quietly with Nick letting her go. He makes a joke (kind of) that he would like to have dinner with her.
Later on, he goes after a theft ring that's trying to muscle in on Goode territory. They go after everyone, but it turns out that Ziggy was working for them as well. So Nick decides to let her go again but this time he has to actively keep her safe because her connection with these people got a target on her.
oouu this is interesting!!
I like the idea of Nick catching Ziggy stealing from Sheila, especially because it mirrors canon where he defends her at the Hanging Tree. I like the idea of Ziggy rebelliously keeping her hair long (because women in the 20s/early 30s kept it short, I think) and Sheila about to razor it off as punishment for catching Ziggy stealing and Nick just walks into the room and is like yeah, nope not gonna happen.
Maybe he escorts her off the grounds/walks her to her house because he's such a "gentleman". He's really charmed by her, actually, (maybe he's seen her before? I like the idea of Nick pining over Ziggy from afar like it was hinted at in Nightwing, but I'm not too sure how well that works in this AU) and feels strangely protective over her, which is ironic because a) she's Ziggy and b) Nick rarely feels protective over anyone.
And yeah, I think Ziggy would definitely be working around for other gangs stealing things for them to help support her family during the depression. I like the idea that when Nick finds out he says to his associates just leave her alone. Like a no-contact/harm order and all his underlings are like uhh why are we leaving this street rat alone?
But everyone who so much as looks at Ziggy wrong magically ✨disappears ✨ and soon the message is sent even if Nick is too chicken shit to actually talk to her (or court her, I think that's the proper term).
I think maybe Ziggy catches on because her criminal associates start to refuse associating with her and eventually she pressures/threatens someone into telling her why, and she is not having it. She doesn't give a shit if Nick's the King of Sunnyvale or whatever and this wealthy, powerful guy. She goes and confronts him - maybe corners him an alley with a gun, because why not - and he legit is just like can I take you out for dinner, but seriously this time.
Ziggy is so shocked she almost shoots him. There's a bit of back and forth I think but eventually it kind of just happens.
What do you think - should devil pact be a part of it? I know we all like the angst of it. I'm undecided for this AU though, not gonna lie. Maybe some smaller variation of it, where the Goodes recruit people to "sacrifice" themselves to Satan (with no resulting massacre) in return for the Goodes financially supporting their families and making sure they don't starve.
I think during the depression, especially, many would be willing to take up the offer. But who knows? I'm curious to hear what you think.
73 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 03:38:56 GMT
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
Hi! I've seen you rec fics before and I'm wondering if you have any recommendations for Harry Styles fics that deal with gender. Like Harry being either nonbinary or that being the focus of the plot in some way. Thanks!
I have GOT YOU, my friend! I answered a similar ask a long time ago, so I’ll bring those recs over, plus add newer ones, just to keep us up to date. Same caveat as before, though--these fics delve a bit deeper into the genderfluid side of the fine line rather than just the “harry in panties” side because I think you’re more interested in the former, but if I’m wrong, let me know! Enjoy!
Us, Me, We, @homosociallyyours, 2.3 (Harry/Harry, Harry/Louis). Featuring Harry trippin’ balls and truly seeing “her” in the mirror.
you make me wanna (how deep is your love), orphan_account, 2.5k (harry/louis). As the notes say, “straight up porn,” featuring trans Harry.
Friendly Fire, @vondrostes, 2.6k (Harry/Ny). Look, you’ll see a lot of Terran here, I had to hold *back*, but he writes tons of pairings, so there’s something for everyone, and I rec it all! In this case, Harry learns an important lesson about why he shouldn’t date straight women.
No Control, thegirlwthekittentattoo, 2.6k (Harry/Louis). The dialogue here is EVERYTHING, it’s cute and hot and emotional yet still funny, like Harry’s bra being named Christi with an “i”, and I loveeee how much is packed in here.
Silent Night, @sulkingroom, 2.7k (Harry/Xander). I’m 99% sure this is Melissa, not orphan_account, but she’s another author who writes stunning fics that play with gender, this one featuring trans Harry at Christmas.
She, Myself, and I, @vondrostes, 3k (Harry/Nick). Angst city, with Harry telling Nick exactly who “she” is.
Every Drop of Rain, haemophilus, 3.3k (Harry/Taylor). Told through Taylor’s eyes, a fascinating look at Harry and his gender journey. (I highly rec this author’s work in other pairings for similar vibes!)
if they find out, will it all go wrong? blankiexrry, 3.4k (Harry/Louis). Gender exploration behind the scenes when the D played MSG, plus extra kink added!
The Assassination of Harry Styles’ Dignity, wishforwishes, 3.5k (Harry/Nick). This one was in the pubefest, and it’s gryles angst hours gorgeously done as Harry ponders shaving past and present (highly rec this author for gender exploration in other pairings, too).
She Feels So Good, Zedi, 4k, and its sequel, Turns Out She’s a Devil In-Between the Sheets, 3k (Harry/Louis). Mannnn, this universe is so good! Part one is behind the scenes of the Late Late Show after Kiwi, and part two is sexi times in Italy. I utterly adore how this Harry shifts right along with her pronouns.
Fertile Ground, Blake/ @newleafover, 4.4k (Harry/Louis). Jesus wept specifically at this story, CHRIST, so much dysphoria-related angst!! The sheer number of moments guaranteed to make you stare at the wall for one (1) hour, help!
into joy i’m sailing, @hereforlou, 4.6k (Harry/Louis). The tenderness LEAPS off the screen in this one, Harry forgets he’s wearing a dress when Louis comes over for dinner, and I peel my heart out of my throat every time.
weird honey, orphan_account, 5.4k (Harry/Louis). I’m a big lurker in fic comments, and these ones give me joy because big names from a time when this Harry drew even more hate than today are here, spreading love and support--who was this author? This story is so GOOD, I’d love to know what else they did! (In this case, a sex toy helps Harry deal with not having a vagina.)
violence of my own touch, 14hrflight/ @got2ghost, 5.2k (Harry/Louis). Chi is yet ANOTHER author to read for spot-fuckin’-on genderfluid characterization (here, it’s alpha/alpha with all kinds of bdsm, dysphoria, angst, and more).
it’s you i want to take apart, orphan_account, 5.9k (Harry/Louis). This author--in the year of our lorde 2012--watched the nail polish interview and created a work of art that went even deeper, their MIND!!! What else did they foretell??!!!!!
Love at Home, @vondrostes, 6.9k (Harry/Xander, Harry/Zayn/Xander). This fic is HYPER-current, like, mid-quarantine, and it features some Zarry history, some pregnancy-related dysphoria, and so much more, plus horses!! (The horses aren’t actually all that involved, I just love to see ‘em.)
Vinyl and Lace, objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 7.5k (Harry/Louis). This one kills me because it’s XF days, and you get the full-on sensation that this is meant to be kinky play funtime, but it’s going to end up being something much bigger on so many fronts, we love to see it!
Are You Gonna Be My Girl? LoadedGunn, 7.5k (Harry/Louis). EASILY my fave fic this author wrote, basically, Louis talks about his first time with a girl, Harry decides to be that girl, and the dirty talk hits different in the end!
call me anything you like, but my name is, wishforwishes, 9.9k (Harry/members of CHASM). [muffled internal screaming whenever I think of this fic] It starts with BSE Veronica/Zayn and ends with Harry Veronica/Zayn, and so much revelation happens in between, goddddd bless.
fallin’ and laughin’ at the drinks we spilled, enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 14k (Harry/Louis). Asia’s description in the notes kills me, but #vanlife Louis runs into proud Harry in some bar and shenanigans ensue is the upshot!
But She Doesn’t Know Who I Am series, jaerie, 15k (Harry/Louis). I love that one of the tags here is “louis asks inappropriate questions” because that’s honestly most of what happens!! 
o/o angst series, HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals, 17k (Harry/Louis). I miss Nina’s writing like a phantom limb, and I doubt they’ll return to this universe, but I swear, I will read (and rec) ANYTHING they produce when the muse visits them again! This one is as its title says, and it doesn’t disappoint, heavy sigh.
Grenadine Sunshine, objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 18k (Harry/Louis). This fic is a peach of a pearl written as a gift for one of this fandom’s best authors, and it perfectly captures the Mood of that author, with so much softness, makeup, gender, and tender.
Alpha Louis/Alpha Harry series, 14hrflight/ @got2ghost, 22k (Harry/Louis). SO MANY GENDER ISSUES EXPLORED HERE, WOW!! College roommates come to terms with their identity, and, mannnnn, do I love it when a/b/o gets unstraightened, if you will, chef’s kiss all around.
Nothing You Can Do (But You Can Learn How to Be You in Time), Teumessian, 28k (Harry/Louis). Also known as the pinterest fic, this one is just so soft and lovely, an identity story told through hair (among other things).
genderfluid!harry series, istajmaal, 33k (Harry/Louis). This entire series hits just as hard today as it did when it was written in 2013, a time when people were aggressively trying to make fetch frat boy Harry happen (some of ‘em still are, lmao). Anyway, this is another author I highly rec for all their other fic, but this one does an A+ job of describing Harry’s gender exploration mid-D madness. 
Amor Victorious, HappyPrincess/ @pattern-pals, 38k (Harry/Louis). Another brilliant work from Nina, you feel like you’re on this journey with them, PLUS it dives deep into gender identity struggles, PLUS it throws a/b/o for a loop, all of which equals a big yes from me!
hush., wankerville, 41k (Harry/Louis). One of my all-time faves, this one tackles so many phobias, all while being set in a small-town America high school AU and managing to be the softest, most gorgeous, most hopeful thing in spite (because?) of that.
Time Passed, coffinofachimera/ @belialsmiracles, 66k (Harry/Louis). LISTEN, I WILL NEVER, EVER SHUT UP ABOUT THIS FIC, I can only hope the author will bless us with a timestamp or something else entirely, it’s so beautifully done, it makes you think of nothing else for days, it RUINS you for other fic (I highly rec the author’s other work, too). You’ll never look at Tokyo Harry the same way again (or listen to “She” or “Fine Line” without getting more than a little misty). GOLD STAR!
Made of Lightning, @vondrostes, 74k (Harry/Louis, Harry/Liam, Harry/Louis/Liam). Just...the tags on this don’t do full justice to the journey of it, to the imagination of this specific timeline! I adore how Terran writes trans Harry!
Second Spring, @vondrostes, 103k (Harry/Louis). Speaking of Terran writing trans Harry, this one covers all the ins and outs of her surgical transition, how she recovers, and how she and the people around her deal with puberty no. 2. 
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t100ficrecsblog · 4 years
an interview with @queenemori (she/hers)
what are you working on right now? I recently started posting We Don’t Need To Say It, which is a multi-chap Memori actor AU. It’s a slow burn, don’t ask me how I looked at Murphy and Emori and decided to write a slow burn, but it’s what’s happening. I really do mean slow, the chapter I just finished writing is only the beginning of the angst, you’ve been warned. My beta tells me she hates me at least once a chapter if you want an idea of how angsty this is gonna get. I started out writing for Bellarke in this fandom, and I’ll be going back to that later this summer. Anyone who follows me knows I’m obsessed with Emma, and I have an Emma Bellarke AU that’s in the outlining stages currently. I’m hoping to work on it more once I get further into this Memori fic.
what’s something you’d like to write one day? The fic I’m working on now is actually the thing that I was like, “I want to write that one day”. I love actor AUs and I wanted to write one for some fandom at some point, and in January I got this idea, but I was working on other stuff, so I was like, well maybe I’ll write it this summer. And now I am! Though I would like to write something featuring dad!Murphy in the near future.
what is the fanwork you’re most proud of? It’s actually one I haven’t published yet! I participated in Bellarke Big Bang this year, and I wrote a soulmates rom-com fic. I’m excited to share it soon once we get the go-ahead, and the artist I got to work with @clarkeindra has made some amazing art to go with it! For ones that you can actually go physically read, I will say You’re Already Breaking My Heart. It was my first fic I wrote for t100 fandom, and also the first thing I wrote after a really long time of just not writing anything, so I’m proud of it for getting me back into something I love and I’m glad that other people seemed to enjoy it. It’s what got me more into this fandom in the first place and how I made some of my first friends.
why did you first start writing fic? I got more into writing around the time I started college, though I always used to write little stories. There were a few times I almost wrote fanfic before then, like the time I almost wrote a Glee fic in ninth grade, or the time my junior year of high school where I almost wrote a Downton Abbey fic where Sybil and Branson were pen pals while Sybil was on her nurses course in season 2. But the summer before college, I wanted to write, and didn’t have any ideas for characters, but I had just read a really amazing next-gen Harry Potter fic called “Potters, Weasleys, and Misguided Snogging” which made me ship Scorpius Malfoy and Lily Luna Potter, or Scorily. So I started writing a couple stories specifically for that ship, back when I still used FF.net. It was just a one-shot and a multi-chap I never finished, but it was fun to interact with people and get to hear what they liked about the story and that they hoped I continued it, so I guess I caught the fic writing bug then.
what frustrates you most about fic writing? I wish people would leave more kudos. I’ve had this discussion with some friends before where they’re like, “What makes you leave kudos on a fic?�� and I leave kudos on most fics I read, so it’s very interesting to hear people say they don’t do that as liberally as I do. If I made it to the end of the story, I’m probably going to leave kudos. The writer kept me engaged long enough to get to the end, which I think is worthy of showing some sort of support, even if I don’t leave a comment. Though I am trying to get better about leaving comments more often. Kudos are a very low stakes way to show you like a story that someone put out. Afraid to comment, but want to show the author you enjoyed reading? Leave kudos. A couple of stories I have out have gotten a fair amount of hits, but the amount of kudos in comparison to the amount of people who have probably opened it is a little disheartening. I’ve also heard people say they don’t want to leave kudos on stories that have been out for a while, but I love to get kudos on my old work! It’s fun to see that people are still reading things I put out in like 2017 or even just last year. Kudos brighten my day just as much as comments do sometimes, especially when I know not everyone feels comfortable leaving a comment!
what are your top five songs right now? The answer to this is 98% always related to what I’m listening to when I’m working on a certain writing project lol.
Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex Heartbreak Weather by Niall Horan I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie Bye-Bye Darling by Borns Fire for You by Cannons
what are your inspirations? Red, White & Royal Blue, since I read that recently. It honestly just made me want to write a movie, and I kind of hope that whatever TV or movie adaptation it ends up getting in the future I’m able to work on. I want to be a screenwriter, so I tend to get inspired by TV a lot. The Mindy Project, Insecure, and even Never Have I Ever are big inspirations for me. Or more like, anything that Issa Rae or Mindy Kaling are involved in, to be honest. I write a lot of modern AUs, so just anything that shows good relationship progression or has fun with mundane, everyday situations.
what first attracted you to Memori? what attracts you now? So fun fact, I stopped watching the show for a bit. I binged basically two seasons in a weekend while visiting a friend in like 2017, and I enjoyed it, but I wasn’t obsessed? Then I started s3 and a bunch of characters were getting on my nerves so I put it down for a while. Then I was on Tumblr at the beginning of 2019 and saw a gifset from 3x05 of Murphy and Emori kissing and I was kind of like, “That guy’s still alive? And he has a girlfriend?” So I started watching again, legit only because I was shook Murphy had survived lol. So the thing that first attracted me to them was just the fact that they were a couple at all, I guess. I’d say now that I’ve rewatched the show and seen their relationship develop, I love that these are two people who have always had to fend for themselves and kind of had that “me against the world” mentality. And then they find this other person that cares about them and wants to take care of them, and life becomes a lot less lonely. Also now we get to see their relationship after years together, so they’re very domestic, which adds this lovely sense of normalcy on this post-apocalyptic sci-fi show that I absolutely adore. Their interactions especially in s7 just read as a married couple who are very comfortable with each other, but still incredibly devoted to one another and in love.
Besides Memori, what character or pairing do you like best on t100? For ships, I also really like Bellarke. When I was more casually watching the first time around, I didn’t have much of an opinion on them/didn’t really ship it until season 4, but ever since then I’ve been on board. It’s very clear I’m a huge Memori person, but I do ship Murven, though mainly in AU settings. And Memoraven are my OT3!! My other fave character is Bellamy. And I feel like Gabriel has also quickly become a favorite for me. It’s definitely a mixture of his confused, but obsessed with science vibe on the show and the fact that he has been very fun to write in my actor AU when he makes appearances every so often.
why did you decide to start writing for bellarkefic-for-blm? Ever since I’ve been home due to the pandemic, writing has kind of been my escape. Weirdly enough, I’ve written so much (both fic and some real life stuff), even though I’m still working and everything like that. And when the BLM movement was getting a lot of traction specifically in our fandom spaces, I was immediately skeptical of people’s intentions because as a Black person in America specifically I’ve seen this happen before where all the attention is on this issue for a couple weeks and then everyone goes back to posting what they normally post about. And I guess this time things are a bit different, but the thing that began to frustrate me was seeing people shame others for saying they were going to watch the next episode of the show or for working on their fanfic. Fandom spaces have been my biggest escape from the news since March and while I was glad people were focusing on this sort of thing, I kind of hated the way people were making it out to be like this was a new issue when in reality it’s just my life. When I close my laptop and go out into the world, I’m still Black. I had considered opening my ask box up for prompts in exchange for someone donating to a bail fund or something like that, especially since I had just reached a follower milestone, but when I saw that Sam was organizing this and it was going to be an ongoing thing rather than just for a certain period of time, it was heartening to see someone realizing that this isn’t something we can just stop talking about even when the media moves on. The structure of these prompts makes it so that a person has to do a bit of research on BLM and educate themselves or confront the issue in a way they might not have had to before. And it gives me a chance to write things like my fluffy Memori wedding fic ! It’s a way to have my little fandom escape and also stay aware of what’s going on in the real world.
what’s your writing process like (esp for prompts, chopped!, etc)? I LOVE outlines! The Virgo in me loves to talk about my fic outlining process lol. With some short one-shots, I tend to just go in with a sentence or concept that I write at the top of the document and just write and see where that takes me. I also put at the top of the document all the things I want to tag it as when I go to post to AO3, so I don’t have to spend too much time thinking of those when it’s time to post. With multi-chap fics, I first make an ideas dump document which is just me typing out a bunch of thoughts, things like who’s in it, the premise, stuff like that. My actor AU has three preliminary documents: My ideas dump, the actual outline, and then the outline for what happens on each season of the TV show the characters are all on, since I reference those plot points a lot. For things like Chopped or prompts I receive, I do a mixture of the outline/ideas dump in one document. I put at the top all the information I received (so with prompts I tend to just copy/paste the ask from my inbox, and for Chopped the different tropes and theme), then think about what characters I want to use if it wasn’t specified, then kind of do bullet points on what happens in the story. These have all been really helpful in terms of keeping me on track, but I make sure to remind myself that things can change as I write and take a different direction than I expected. So my outlines are constantly changing, but the general idea is already written somewhere so I don’t get too stuck.
what are your thoughts on dad!murphy? The concept of dad!Murphy has really been living rent-free in my brain since before the beginning of season 7. I just kind of love the idea of Murphy (who is a character at first glance I feel like people don’t picture as much of a father figure) kind of falling into being a dad in an unexpected way, and then realizing how much he loves it. It’s just such a sweet thought, and I talked about it so much with some of my friends, that we started a Dad!Murphy Enthusiast Club server on discord (we’re always accepting members so DM me if you’d like to join us!). We just kind of talk about our dad!Murphy headcanons, share fics featuring dad!Murphy, and then get excited when people make new dad!Murphy content. It’s a fun time and though I am a very large Memori, I’m a multi-shipper at heart, and Murphy is one of those characters that I find easy to ship with a lot of people, so we love dad!Murphy in all forms!
what are some things you’d like to recommend?  This is a mix of Bellarke and Memori stuff, since that’s what I mainly read.
Literally everything @mobi-on-a-mission writes, but if I must get specific, then Revive and The Cockroach. 
Almost Paradise (We’re Knocking On Heaven’s Door)  by @nakey-cats-take-bathsss , 13 hours by Kats_watermelon, feat. by Debate, and of course, my comfort fic so i sing a song of love  by twilightstargazer.
The best place to find @queenemori is here on Tumblr. You can find her ao3 here. Request a fic written by her via @bellarkefic-for-blm.
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swissmissficrecs · 4 years
hii! love the blog, it’s helped me find tons of great fics to read. do you have any recommendations in which john and sherlock are internet friends/pen pals? specifically high school aged, but if not, that’s fine too. thanks!
Reply: I don’t think I’ve ever read a high school one, but here are some where they have a long-distance epistolary relationship, whether that is via email, letter, or texts:
Epistolary Johnlock (online relationships)
A Finger Slip by pawtal (46K, G, Johnlock, Mystrade) All dialogue AU in which John sends a text to the wrong number by mistake. Little does he know the person he just texted will impact his life more than he could have imagined.
All the Rest (of What I Want) by philalethia (68K, E, Johnlock) After being invalided home from Afghanistan, John takes his therapist's advice and tries to meet people online. Specifically, he joins a fetish site, where he ends up interacting with a man called SH who keeps paying him money to perform odd tasks and seems very keen to take care of him.
Dear John by wendymarlowe (23K, E, Johnlock) With Sherlock dead, John eventually (under duress) makes a profile on an online dating site.  And falls into a long-distance relationship with an enigmatic partner who reminds him of Sherlock in all the right ways. (Hint: it turns out to be Sherlock.)
In Need of Quiet Affection and Gentle Words by kinklock (16K, E, Johnlock) After John's girlfriend (of sorts) sends him an online sex guide, John finds himself more intrigued by the guide's author than anything his girlfriend might have had in mind.
keywords: Gay, Loving, Boyfriends by lookupkate (17K, E, Johnlock) John starts writing gay romance while holed up in hospital. Sherlock reads the first fic on accident, and it sticks with him for days. He can't help but read more from the unknown writer. Little does he know, the writer isn't exactly unknown to him. The writer happens to be the A&E Doctor he's feuding with.
Level 65 Paladin Looking for Group by etothepii (10K, T, Johnlock) "I think I met someone," John says at his next therapist's appointment. "A friend." "Really?" Ella asks. She sounds pleased, and also surprised. "What's his name?" John nods. "Really. His name's Sherlock. He -- he plays the same game as me, the online one. We party together."
Leveling Up by philalethia (36K, M, Johnlock) John plays video games, Sherlock writes a guide on GameFAQs, and they get on quite well together... eventually.
Something Like Love by Calais_Reno (28K, M, Johnlock) The last time, it was transactional, uncomplicated. Now, it’s something else. Last time they got the basics covered in a twenty minute conversation, went to Sherlock’s hotel. In the morning, they’d parted ways easily, knowing they would never see one another again. But Sherlock, socially tone-deaf, has made everything awkward. What was a perfect movie— exposition, climax, end credits rolling— is now the disappointing sequel nobody asked for. Except he did. He asked John, and John said yes. Summary: A year after a one-night encounter in a hotel in Germany, Sherlock texts Watson.
The Dangerous Edge of Things aka Sherlock Holmes has a Boyfriend who lives in Canada by dreamingrain (10K, T, Johnlock) Sherlock Holmes has a boyfriend who lives in Canada.
The Printer is Jammed by startrekto221b (40K, G, Johnlock) John is a disgruntled customer who just wants his money back for a shoddy printer Harry ordered for him off of a catalogue. Sherlock is a bored customer service rep working the summer he has off from Oxford. They are both about to get more than they bargained for.
The Theory of Narrative Causality by falling_voices (Length unknown*, E, Johnlock) Sherlock and John are BNFs in Sherlock Holmes fandom. Together, they fight crime. (Always.) And write porn, incidentally. (* Comprises 8 LJ posts.)
Plus bonus from ACD canon:
Rewriting History by rachelindeed (10K, T, Johnlock) A correspondence between Holmes and Watson in the immediate aftermath of the Great War in which they discuss questions of history both public and personal. 
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
Tumblr media
Name: Juliet
Writing Blog URL(s): @wonderlustlucas
Nationality: American
Languages: English, beginner level French, teeny tiny bit of Korean
Star Sign: Virgo
Favorite color: Pastel yellow
Favorite food: My mom’s Sunday gravy
Favorite movie: Howl’s Moving Castle (The Lion King is a close second though)
Favorite ice cream flavor: Specifically Turkey Hill’s Double Dunker (get it— it’s so good)
Favorite animal: Humpback whale
Go-to karaoke song: She’s Kinda Hot by 5 Seconds of Summer
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): Neurosurgeon! Or a Twitch streamer HAHA
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering?  Ahhh probably coffee, I love tea but I need my coffee </3
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? Shapeshifting! Clearly the superior superpower I don’t take constructive criticism.
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? This is weirdly specific, but I would love to be in Scotland during the 1700’s. Alternatively, the 1980’s.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? 100%. I know everything happens for a reason but getting a redo and being able to fix all the big mistakes I made would be pretty nice.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? One horse-sized chicken! 100 tiny horses would be crazy tiring.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? I would probably be the gay side character that gives good emotional advice but is hella lonely LMAO
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? Yes, both!
What are some small things that make your day better? Driving with the windows down and music blasting, picking up coffee, playing video games, & talking to my internet friends on Discord.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? I discovered my love for writing through Warrior Cats roleplay😭
What fandom(s) do you write for? Right now, only Kpop, but I wouldn’t mind writing for 5SOS or some of my other fandoms!
When did you post your first piece? On WattPad, December 2015. On Tumblr, April 2018 :)
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? I write everything! Fluff/smut/crack is my favorite and slight angst (usually just slow burn though cus I’m soft).
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? Again, I write anything and everything! Currently, second or third person reader inserts are my main style, but I also do ships and would love to write more OCs.
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? Before Tumblr, I was on WattPad for different fandoms but eventually fell off. Then, when I got into Kpop in 2017, I found that urge to write again and decided to move to Tumblr since WattPad was becoming… weird. Plus Tumblr was a better fit for me!
What inspires you to write? To be completely honest, it’s the little things throughout the day that inspire me. For example, “Honey” was inspired by me not being able to open my locker in high school. “I Hemoglobin You” was based off my friend giving me a head rub while I was donating blood. Kpop idols just so happen to be my muses that I like to put into random moments of inspiration!
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? High school or college AUs are my favorite, along with some good ol’ friends to lovers slow burn. Angst isn’t my forte so I usually just stick to fluff, smut, and some crack. I haven’t written any but fantasy AUs are some of my favorites too! (RIP to my League of Legends AU that I started and haven’t touched in months.)
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? Just like other fanfiction authors inspire me, I hope some of my work inspires others. Considering fanfiction is free, there is so much out there to read and when I find a good story that inspires ME to write better, I’d love for my writing to do the same.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? 3 options: 1) Skip that scene and jump ahead to one I’m excited to write; 2) Erase what part I’m on and completely redo it; or 3) Drop it. The majority of my works usually take a few months to write as I will completely stop working on it until I find the right inspiration again. 
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? “Four” is definitely my favorite work. It’s one of my longer pieces and there was a lot of raw emotion in there on my end. I love the relationship between Hyunjin and the reader and especially love the ending. “Greatest Gift” for Chanyeol is my most successful, and one of my other favorites!
Who is your favorite person to write about? Easily Hwang Hyunjin. It’s so easy to place him in any of my works, and sometimes it’s a struggle to NOT write him. It sounds stupid but sometimes I really feel like I “know” him so being able to describe him physically and mentally is easy for me.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? Yes and no. Yes, because most of the time, fanfiction is totally original as well and requires just as much thought as a 400,000 word novel. No, because fanfiction uses a specific person as a muse.
What do you think makes a good story? Detail and realistic dialogue! Of course, everyone has their own style of writing, but detail is especially important to me. Sure, you can have a great plot, but having concise, detailed writing to get immersed into makes a story so much better. I also find realistic dialogue to be a big deal— I hate when teenage characters are speaking in deep analogies because, if we’re being honest, my daily language is 95% just “Bruh.” If you’re like me, I’d actually prefer realistic dialogue over anything else.
What is your writing process like? Process… yikes. Sometimes… I have a random thought and then I’m like… hell yeah let’s write that. I actually have no process. I don’t outline, I just start writing and keep writing until I’m finished. Then I’ll read it all over to make edits, then I’ll use the Read Aloud feature to catch any mistakes I missed, then I’ll run it through Grammarly before posting!
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? Hm, maybe? In the future, possibly, but as of right now I wouldn’t use any of my fics to do so.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? Oh, gosh, tropes. Gotta love them. Friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, stuck together (AKA forced to share a bed), and fake relationships are my favorites. They may be corny, but I also love truth or dare or 7 minutes in heaven games in fics cus… they’re just classics. Also love fics with a popular x shy pairing. I can’t say I dislike many tropes, but I definitely have a love/hate relationship with vampire and werewolf tropes because of how romanticized they are.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? Hm, to be completely honest, only a little bit? I mainly write for myself, it’s like a guilty pleasure to just get all my thoughts and desires out, and then I just so happen to make it public on Tumblr. Nevertheless, receiving comments and asks actually make my day, and sometimes I still struggle to wrap my mind around people enjoying my writing! So, thank you to everyone who has ever left me a kind message, I truly appreciate it ♥
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? Getting involved! I think one of the best ways to grow is to join networks, which not only gives you the opportunity to share your work on a greater scale, but also allows you to make connections. Like real life, making connections and making friendships with other writers can play a huge role in growing as a writer and growing your account.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? Yes :( As someone who’s involved with other fandoms, I’ve heard the way some people think of fanfiction and it’s really sad. People do not know how much goes into writing and just see it as cringey and disgusting when it’s just… not.
Do you think art can be a medium for change? Yes! In all its forms, art is something a creator can use to influence their audience (in a good way, hopefully).
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? Like I said in #40, I mainly write for myself. Even when I’m writing a request, chances are if I like the request enough I’m going to create a story out of it that fits my personal desires the most.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times?  No! However, I’d still consider myself a small account and do not have TOO many works posted. But so far, I don’t think I’ve faced this problem :)
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? Only a few! My best friend Maggie is on Tumblr with me and only 2 of my other pals know I write fanfiction.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? How much I love each and every one of them for supporting me and sticking around even when I won’t post for months🥺❤️
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? Don’t psych yourself out! In the time I’ve spent on Tumblr, I’ve never received any substantial hate. My main advice is don’t write fanfiction to get popular on the app, write fanfiction because you love to write and love your muses!
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? No, as much as Tumblr can be annoying at times, I love the people I’ve met and the content I’ve found and wouldn’t have wanted to use any other platform.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? @pinktea99 — Mo, you’ve been around since the beginning honestly, and without you I wouldn’t have been able to come out of my shell! Thank you for all your love & support & for being my SF9 buddy❤️
Pick a quote to end your interview with: 
“Like mate, stop procrastinating.” — 3RACHA
6 notes · View notes
lightsandlostbells · 6 years
Skam España, S1 episode 1 reaction
Aka how to troll the part of your audience that’s seen this story seven times.
Sorry this is late, but it took me longer to write this because there were a lot of changes, and that means more to talk about! Skam España surprised me at how much it diverged from the source material. It’s hitting the same beats, of course, but it felt much more like a remix of the original than a remake, if you follow me. 
Thanks to everyone who subs and uploads clips and other content for the non-Spanish audience! You are the best for taking the time to do that for the fandom.
Episode 1
So this wasn’t in a clip, but it was included at the beginning of the full episode. We get the iconic intro speech, except this time it’s from Eva. And not Eva reading Jonas’ words, it seems, but Eva herself talking about teenagers presenting a happy appearance that masks their insecurities and loneliness. It’s very fitting for her character and taps into some areas that directly affect her, such as wanting to be liked but not knowing how, struggling with her studies, and not knowing who she is. I’m glad she got to give this speech. 
And actually, I think it’s important that she didn’t give this speech within a clip itself, to an audience of her boyfriend. It’s like she’s talking to us and only us, the audience, and no one in her life knows what she’s thinking or the full extent of her insecurities.
Clip 1 - And now for something completely different
Spanish Jonas (Jorge) doesn’t get his opening monologue but he does get the first words, though they’re very casual, about diving in the pool.
There’s some obvious framing here with Eva and Jorge sitting together on one side across from Lucas on his own, setting up their third wheel dynamic.
Jorge and Lucas tease Eva, like in the original, but it’s very much a good-natured thing, not something that makes her uncomfortable or feel bad. However, I do think you can read into the dialogue - Eva not knowing how to dive in head first is like her lacking confidence or not being able to take initiative.
We get a focus on Lucas’ uncomfortable face as loud smacking kissy sounds play. I’m always mixed on when the remakes focus a lot of the Isak’s discomfort with Eva/Jonas, because it seems to give too much away. A longing look is OK, maybe, but a moment that wouldn’t be noted from Eva’s POV seems too much. Still, that was a nice way to shoot it, and Lucas gets in some nice facial expressions. And at least there’s ambiguity as to why Lucas is not here for it. At this stage it doesn’t mean he likes Jorge; he could like Eva, or he could just feel bored with his friends making out or lonely that they’re paired off, without having romantic feelings for either of them.
Random detail but I love all the dirt and grass on Jorge’s pants when he gets up. 
This is a cute bit of dialogue between Eva and Jorge with him predicting her future. I don’t think this is the case but I would loooove if Spanish P-Chris was Jorge’s height and had curly hair, just for his prediction to happen, just not in the way Jorge means.
I would also love if the money and house on the beach ended up being references to the school trip.
Eva’s future dog being named Nymeria is a reference to Arya’s direwolf from Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire.
This closing image is VERY different. In the other versions of the opening clip Eva ends up alone, setting up her isolation and loneliness. In this one, we close on her and Jorge together, kissing and being intimate, after he’s told her that he’ll be there for her.
Actually, I want to talk about what all the changes in the opening could mean for the season. Hopefully the show takes these changes into account and goes somewhere with them, rather than developing relationships and clips differently but ending up in the same place just because, you know?
So here’s what’s different in the first clip:
Jorge doesn’t have any of that air of condescension that Jonas did, and he and Lucas banter with Eva in a friendly way without any serious insults. (I mean I guess she could be really bothered by them poking fun at her lack of diving ability but lmao, that’s not the same as poking fun at her grades or intelligence.)
We haven’t seen Ingrid or Sara yet and don’t get a hint as to the friction between Eva and them. We do learn that Eva worries about the first day of school but like … there could be literally any reason for that at this point. 
We didn’t hear anything about Jorge hanging out or going to Elias’ and there’s no clip later that night where he’s being shady about his whereabouts. 
Jorge is extremely kind and supportive, telling Eva that he’ll be with her if there are any problems. But we know that he won’t be able to fulfill this promise, so it’ll feel like an extra slap in the face when he disappoints.
Clip 2 - First day of school
Eva is alone this time… and a lot of people walking into the school are in pairs, including two girls swinging their hands together. Sure is a great reminder of how you lost your BFF.
We do get the Ingrid slow-mo death glare in this clip. “Jungle” by X Ambassadors and Jamie N Commons is a good song choice, on the nose, but Eva does feel like she’s heading into the jungle. High school as dangerous terrain is a common but well-deserved trope, like in Mean Girls with the wildlife comparisons played for humor.
Lol and Jorge notices Ingrid (Inés) and her pals, too, then goes back to kissing Eva.
So Lucas interrupts them making out, but he’s with some other boys! Are they setting up the boy squad this early? Is one of them supposed to be Elias? They seem like kind of a cute, doofy squad.
You can tell Eva feels increasingly left out as the boys are wrapped up in a discussion that doesn’t involve her, they’re talking more to Jorge than her and mostly not even looking at her when they tell the story. Although not gonna lie, the story the boys are telling seems kind of inoffensive, not isolating or uncomfortable in itself. I think it’s mostly that she doesn’t have a squad like this herself and has to hang around her boyfriend’s.
And Lucas goes over to her to talk and specifically asks her to the show on Friday, awwww. Unless you think he did it to stir up shit since Jorge forgot to tell her about the show.
Because Jorge forgot to tell her about it, Eva probably won’t be able to get a ticket. So it’s not that Eva invites him somewhere first (like in the original), it’s that he’s already got a thing and that she’s excluded from it. She says she’s cool with it but of course it’s just another small way she’s left out.
Eva ends up outside of the conversation, literally. The boys turn away from her and get engrossed in their own stuff. I was wondering how this was going to go because in the first clip, Jorge was so supportive and she and Lucas seemed tight, and it made a point of showing her together and not being alone. But lmao, teenage boys are maybe not great at living up to their promises.
There was another post about this, but there was a weird zoom on Eva at the end of this clip that felt like someone’s finger slipped on the camera or something. Felt like it needed another take. I hope it was a weird but intentional choice rather than sloppiness. 
Clip 3 - Mystery girl
Eva is sitting alone and SHIT, we see the Sana character walk by! Hajar Brown, her actress, is awesome. She features in her own Skam homage, please watch (this version has English subtitles). I’m really happy that she can be part of this project.
It seems that Spanish Sana (Amira) is wearing hijab for the first time, which was mentioned in the show synopsis. The other girl says Amira didn’t wear it last year. It’ll be interesting if we hear more from Amira herself on this development.
Also, did we ever hear people openly talking badly like this about Sana so early in the show? Because obviously we had Vilde running her mouth, and similarly ignorant comments from people like the biology teacher, but until S4 I don’t think we ever witnessed random students gossiping about her like this. I might just be blanking on some of the OG moments, but here we get to see Amira react directly to random hurtful comments.
And of course there’s Lara.
I was really thrown by this clip because it seems very soon to introduce the Noora. As we all know, she makes a more dramatic entrance later on. And yet they have this character wearing Noora’s signature red lipstick, in an extremely Noora-ish outfit, come in and sit next to Eva in a scene very similar to Noora and Eva in episode 3 of OG S1 (and most of the remakes). Except … this character says she’s Lara. From the press release, Skam España’s Noora is supposed to be called, well … Nora. I was so confused. I clearly heard her introduce herself as “Lara” but I figured I was just hearing wrong and somehow she said Nora?
Anyway, Skam Spain fucked with everyone’s expectations by introducing a Noora expy, with the same personal style, with a scene similar to one of Noora’s first, only not to make her the Noora … just to throw everyone off? Because honestly, I applaud them if this is the case. Keeping everyone on their toes.
My guess so far is that she might be Sara, or a Sara equivalent. She might befriend Inés and end up shunning Eva because she hears all about what a bad friend Eva is.
Anyway, Lara makes an impression right away for Eva, talking a lot about herself.  She’s certainly not shy, and she’s got an interest in theater and photography. She seems a bit humble-braggy, like her GPA is so good that she can do whatever she wants! She seems to have the confidence Eva lacks. If she’s unsure of herself, it’s because she wants too much.
And then Lucas comes in to talk about school elections, setting us up for the Vilde and the russ equivalent of this show. He doesn’t get her name right but he clearly means Viri. Viri is the only one running for president so better just hand off the position to the person who wants it.
Eva checks out Lara, like all Evas do with Nooras, but lmao, this ain’t Noora.
Clip 4 - Eva at home
Eva is doing homework when she gets the urge to check Instagram and ends up scrolling through Inés’ pics wistfully.
Eva’s mom says she’s going to the hospital so I assume she’s a doctor/nurse/medical professional? If she’s working shifts that conflict with Eva’s schedule, that makes sense as to how Eva could be left alone and have a distant relationship with her mom.
Eva gets a little smile on her face when she views Lara’s profile.
Did Eva actually hit the follow button for Lara or not? I couldn’t tell.
Tbh it’s pretty interesting to see the difference in the Evas’ rooms across remakes. For instance, Spanish Eva has pretty light and sparkles and the word LOVE suspended above her bed, whereas in the Dutch remake, Dutch Eva sleeps under the word FUCK.
So this is clearly taking on Eva’s friending Noora saga, but Lara ain’t Noora, so again, what’s going on? What if Lara’s IG reveals her as a huge weirdo and Eva realizes she doesn’t want to be friends with her?
Skam Spain is trolling everyone and I love it. 
Clip 5 - Hello Viri and ALEJANDROOOOOO
Eva is sitting alone in front of the windowsill and skimming through Instagram when Lara shows up! She’s happy to see Eva because she doesn’t know where her next class is. Eva is obviously overjoyed to see her and volunteers to show her where the classroom is. Eva is positively beaming at her. Like she’s in loooooove. But Eva barely gets a second of Lara’s attention before Elvira, aka Viri, aka Spanish Vilde runs up and introduces herself as the class president.
Lara’s outfit seems noticeably less Noora-ish this time around.
Lara shoots Eva a look when Viri is talking, and I don’t know what to make of it. Annoyed at Viri’s attitude? Annoyed that Viri interrupted her moment with Eva? Not annoyed, just trying to check out Eva? IDK, man.
Viri is super grateful that she’s been elected (even though everyone just voted for her because she wanted the job) and is eager to get activities rolling and to get people involved. Lara semi-cuts Viri off from her excited ramble.
We pull back on Viri and get a wide shot … I don’t really know why.
Viri says she’s new, so I guess she doesn’t know Cris that well, which is a big change. Vilde and Chris have always been friends, Chris is the one who’s been her friend all along, but Cris isn’t tagging along with Viri on her quest to recruit more people as in the other versions of this scene. I wonder how they met?
Viri calls Cris “the pretty one” and while I think Ina/original Chris is beautiful, Chris has never been framed as an attractive character in canon so I’m wondering what they’re going to do with this. Cris is also surrounded by people so she seems like a popular, well-liked person. It makes you wonder how she got roped into hanging with the weird girls in school.
Lara says she’s in if Eva is, and Eva agrees. WHAT ARE YOU DOING SKAM SPAIN. You got your Noora in my Lara??? Except Noora only agreed to go to the russ meeting when Sana did. For Lara, it’s Eva she needs to also go. On that note, Lara sure seems into Eva. And Eva agrees because she wants to spend time with Lara...
Viri’s mom is having a meeting, or “meeting,” so maybe they’re going with the same backstory for her as Vilde.
She cuts herself off as she notices William - Alejandro - through the window, and like, if they had named this character Alejandro but not played Lady Gaga’s “Alejandro” at some point, I would have felt cheated. I feel like they could have timed or edited the scene better to make it funnier, but I did still appreciate the effort.
I saw people upset that this William looks like an embryo but I’m fine with it. I can completely get why he would be considered a cute boy on campus among these 16/17-year-olds.
Please note Viri’s facial expressions as she takes him in. It looks like she’s glitching. 
She’s so turned on by Alejandro that she’s grabbing Eva’s leg.
LOL at Alejandro looking straight at the camera just to smolder. Wow. I’m imagining that this is just a thing he does on purpose, walk around Blue Steeling into invisible cameras.
Is it just me or does he look a bit like Mikael from the original show? Just … floppier?
Clip 6 - Damn, Inés 
I think that’s Amira walking across the screen out of focus at the start.
Eva walks up to see Inés hanging out with some girls, the reluctance on her face. And then she sees Lara with them, and the despair crosses her face. Fuuuuuck, this budding friendship is over before it really started. (WAS I RIGHT? I knewwwww it! Lara is going to get turned off by hearing Inés tell her side of the story, and she won’t want to be Eva’s friend. Then the girl squad will step up.)
Getting mild Darlene from Mr. Robot vibes from Inés. Except less unkempt. 
Eva going up and talking to Inés in broad daylight, at school, totally sober? Brave, very brave.
We get a closeup of Inés’ face when Eva talks to her so it can sink in that whatever happened with them didn’t hurt only Eva - it’s Eva who seems to be at fault. It’s POV breakage that we maybe didn’t need consider the rest of the scene also establishes that Inés is really hurt by what Eva did, but it did help show Inés as more vulnerable.
Ouch. Inés is right to be pissed (as we know her reasons) but she’s ice cold to Eva, especially with making her repeat that Eva will never be around her again. That is really harsh, worse than any “your eye makeup makes you look like a slut” comments. 
Clip 7 - Interrupted by dancing dudes
Cris is seen leaving the school ahead of Eva and Jorge. I like that they’re planting the major characters around the school, casually showing them going about their lives. I mean maybe they were just filming other scenes that day and used all of the actors they had on set, lmao, but it feels realistic.
Jorge meets Eva and seems supportive, she’s not alone walking out of school this time. But she spies Inés again outside, there’s eye contact, and Eva is clearly upset over what happened earlier. Even Jorge notices.
She doesn’t want to open up to him, he keeps asking her to open up, and just when it seems like she might tell him, he gets a notification of his friends being goofballs and watches them on his phone.
Jorge promises to be all Eva’s tomorrow, and lol somehow I think it’s a promise made to be broken.
Clip 8 - Sad blue-tinted lonely Friday clip
Eva is hanging out in her kitchen heating up food in her not-leaving-the-house attire, alone, not doing anything on Friday night. She gets a text from Jorge and looks at all the fun her boyfriend and his friends are having at their concert.
She watches it fondly and sends him some texts back, then goes back to that solitary microwave life.
Viri sends a message asking if someone can host the end of the year trip meeting. Eva goes back to munching. But we know what she’s really hungry for ... is friendship. 😎
Clip 9 - Goddammit Jorge
Eva is on the sidelines watching Jorge play football. You know, not that you can’t support your significant other, but being a teenage girl and watching your boyfriend be active while you sit there watching is maybe not the most fun activity? Let’s be honest, would a lot of these teenage boys sit and watch their girlfriends play a game together, one that wasn’t like an “official” game for school or anything, and cheer them on while not participating themselves? Girls are expected to support their boyfriends’ activities in a way that frankly is not reciprocal.
Lucas comes up behind the bleachers, wearing sunglasses and doing this face that would probably be meme-worthy if it were more in focus. Like he actually does that peer over the top of the sunglasses look. And I was like, lmao, why is the fuck is he doing that, but then I realized he was probably checking out Jorge.
Jorge comes up to Eva all drenched with water and sweat so you know Lucas is taking advantage of his sunglasses to peep that manly sight.
It sure didn’t take long for Jorge to go back on his promise. Jorge makes a comment about wanting to go home and sleep, Eva says they were supposed to hang out today, he’s like “well I’m going to play video games with the boys, but you can come if you want.” Lmao this is uncharitable but I’m imagining he means “you can come and watch” not “you can come and participate.”  
She suggests they go out together and he’s like, nah, do that shit yourself. Wow, so supportive. And yet a realistic depiction of dating high school boys. He tells her she’ll make a bunch of friends soon and forget all about him, which is sweet, except if you think that later, in the tradition of past Jonases, he’s going to get all miffed about the school trip and be passive-aggressive to Eva about her activities and friends? Less sweet.
I just want to mention that Lucas is oh so casually lying there and soaking in all of this dialogue. Noticing that Jorge is ditching Eva. Not saying a word, but you know. Absorbing this information, in case it’s pertinent.
Jorge asks Lucas if Eva is a good catch, for reassurance, and he pauses before commenting on her hat. Well, he can’t exactly say he doesn’t know, can he?
Jorge and Eva kiss before Jorge gets called back to his game, and Lucas asks Eva what Jorge tastes like, L O L. She answers sweat. We see Eva, deflated now that Jorge has bailed (like “I came to watch you and put on this hat and now you don’t even want to hang out?”) while right beside her, Lucas has … a look. That sweat comment will fuel his fantasies, don’t lie. 
I mean I’m going to be honest, my attention was focused on Lucas instead of Eva at the end, since I was trying to see if he had a ~meaningful look.
Clip 10 - Class trip meeting
This is pretty easily inferred since Eva is desperate to be social but she volunteered her house off screen via text message.
Viri is super hyped about this meeting even though it’s apparently only going to be her, Eva, Cris, and Cris’ friend. She thinks more people will want to come to their meetings once their project gets off the ground. I think she is concerned about popularity, but not gonna lie, I’m getting less “social climber” vibes from her and more “type-A overachiever.” But I guess she could be both!
Ding dong! Who’s at the door? Why it’s Cris, and she brought Amira! Good God, the way the smile drops off Viri’s face when she sees a Muslim is in her presence. She greets Amira and all, but Viri looks like she’s been told her puppy got run over.
She backtracks from Mallorca, and when Amira asks why, Viri’s like, well it’s all beach. Holy shit, Viri, have you never seen Muslims on a beach? Cris is “just like wear a burkini,” Amira says she’ll get one, and even Cris seems to have a moment where she has to backtrack. It’s like she mentioned the burkini as a joke but didn’t take it seriously. Amira clearly is a bit exasperated by this turn of conversation. Like it’s othering to her, she has to hold these people’s hands. 
See I’m really curious about the nature of this trip, because when you say “school trip” I’m coming from my own experience, and I think of like a trip with adult chaperones, guided activities and tours, strict supervision. Partying and sex do happen, but it’s not a free-for-all where the students are running around on their own. What Viri is describing seems more like a casual beach trip? How much independence would the students have? Obviously this is a different culture than my own (and a lot of the strict chaperoning on US school trips comes from wanting to curb underage drinking, which wouldn’t be a problem here) and I’m not familiar with how Spanish schools operate these kinds of excursions, but I’m trying to figure out what are Viri’s plans for this trip.
@skammovistarplus explains some context behind the trip in this post.
Viri gets happy about her trip again and starts talking about it, and she very obviously looks back and forth from Cris to Eva as she talks about it, not making eye contact with Amira. The camera in this part of the scene is pulled back so we can see just how excluded and distant Amira is from this conversation, almost like we’re in her shoes.
Amira talks a lot of sense and says more people should get involved in trip planning. I mean, yeah, otherwise just plan a trip among yourselves and leave the school out of it? Seems easier. 
The doorbell rings again, Eva thinks it’s Lara, but when she opens the door it’s …. Nora! Also wearing red lipstick.
Amira gave Nora the address so they’re already acquainted. That’s a change, Nora joining the group because of Amira. Noora said she wanted to get to know Sana better, but Eva was also the one who got her acquainted with the other girls.
This clip cuts off right at Nora’s introduction, and I can’t help but laugh at the context? It’s kind of dramatic, though less in the full episode. Like if I knew nothing about this show, I’d be like … is this supposed to be some twin shenanigans??? Is one of them the good twin and the other the bad twin? Lara and Nora? But I guess this moment is for the existing Skam fans. It’s …. Nora! The one you thought was Nora was emphatically not Nora! Plot twist!
This was the least gay Noora introduction, though.
Clip 11 - More meeting
There was a post about the clips and problems with the length and timing and I completely agree that posting multiple shorter clips is not good. If they keep doing this, it will minimize emotional investment - we won’t be able to sink into a scene without them cutting it off at a certain point. I guess Viri and Amira have been arguing for like an hour which I’m sure was enjoyable to witness for the other girls.
Viri is getting cringy, like I thought she did an OK job of Tracy Flicking it up but she’s getting OTT in a theater kid kind of way. Stress will do that to you.
So I guess a Mr Wonderful notebook is just a brand of notebook with cheesy motivational sayings, and Viri talks like that earnestly, lmao.
Amira thinks they need cool girls to be at the meeting, like Inés. Eva is affected by this. Nora seems to notice.
Nora is from Madison, Wisconsin, holy shit. As a Midwesterner I am rolling on the floor.
I have been to Madison, Wisconsin. It’s a very nice city! I love Wisconsin! I recommend visiting the cheese castle! But it’s just funny that Nora the cool girl is from a place that’s as mundane as Wisconsin. Like there’s that storyline from Love Actually where the awkward guy thinks he can get laid in America just by having a British accent, so he books a ticket to America, to a “fantastic place” called Wisconsin. That’s the joke. It’s supposed to be funny because it’s Wisconsin.
Hajar Brown does a good job as Amira, I like her. She points out that they’re all losers who have nothing better to do on Saturday so they’re at this meeting. Viri says they’re not weird, they’re unique, and Cris asks what about twins, and Nora seems to laugh at herself. SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT HER AND LARA BEING TWINS… the secret will come out.
Why is Cris here, anyway? I get why the other four would be weirdos and hanging out together - Eva has been shunned, Viri is a racist Hermione, Amira is Muslim, and Nora is the new girl in town - but Cris seems, frankly, not a lot like original Chris and appeared to have some other friends in our first glimpse of her.  What’s her deal?
Nora asks why the cool girls would want to come to them and Amira’s like, well, you’re very pretty, Nora. Eva, you could be pretty if you wore some makeup. L M A O. I think Amira was saying that to fuck with Viri, since she gave her a considering look before moving on to Eva, and Viri looked offended, but lol, as if the four who are supposed to flirt aren’t all pretty, skinny, conventionally attractive girls. (I mean, I hate debates over which characters are the best looking, I just don’t give a shit, but if you ask me, Nora is not noticeably prettier than the other girls. Tbh I kinda didn’t like that they changed it to Nora from Eva since, if they follow the rest of the show, Noora was so singled out for being special and attractive among the girls anyway.) 
Viri is beside herself with rage at how this meeting turned out.
Lara never showed so presumably she heard all about Eva’s history from Inés. She also leaves the trip group chat later.
Clip 12 - Eva spies Jorge
Eva is guiding Nora to her bus an hour later. Nora questions whether there will be another meeting and Eva says she supposes not because they don’t have anything in common. Nora says nay, they’re the weirdos at school. It’s cute.
I was about to ask what was the point of this scene since, other than a moment between Eva and Nora, it’s not adding much, but then “Jungle” kicks in again, a bus goes by, and Eva sees Jorge on that bus. Looking like he is talking to a girl. Who may be Inés. Eva realizes she’s been duped! Dramaaaaaa!
That does appear to be the same shiny backpack that Inés had earlier in the episode.
General Comments:
Regardless of execution, in a lot of ways this is what I want from a Skam remake? If I can’t have brand new stories and characters, I’d like to see remixes of the scenes with new dialogue and focus. Very little of the dialogue was taken straight from Skam, iconic moments were left out, new plot elements were introduced. So it makes me want to keep watching to see what else they do.
Unless Skam Spain has a different contract than the other remakes, so far it’s ripping holes in the idea that the remakes were required to be exactly the same as the original.
They sure crammed three episodes into one. I will give them credit, though, it didn’t feel rushed for the most part. I think the girls’ meeting suffered the most since we basically had to meet a bunch of characters at once (only Viri had really been introduced), whereas in the original we’d gotten a solid scene with all of the girls by the time of the meeting and had an inkling as to their personalities. However, the Jorge stuff and Inés and the other elements felt fine, pacing-wise. I love S1′s beginning episodes and things like the cabin episode, but they can easily be condensed if needed.
There was controversy over Chris being skinny in this version, and just to go over that - this isn’t the first version of Skam that’s had a thinner Chris, Druck and Skam Austin had Chrises who weren’t fat, Skam NL does too. I think Skam España got the most flack for this because the Chrises in Druck and Skam Austin were WOC, and while race and body size are two different areas of representation, those characters were still members of an underrepresented group. Skam NL has a thinner white Chris, but it also has the first Noora who’s a WOC so the girl squad has additional diversity besides the Sana character. So I think it’s a combo of everyone being thin + everyone other than Amira being white that made Skam España get criticism in particular.
I do think it is disappointing that all the main girls appear to be thin, because overall I think the various Skams have done a decent job of showing girls with a variety of shapes - not just in terms of skinny or fat, but even the “thin” characters often have different body types than are often seen on TV. And I hope there are more POC in the cast later. That’s all I really want to say about it at the time. 
I mentioned this in my Skam NL recap, too, but I think so many characters are called Lucas because it’s a religious name that can be used for symbolism, like Isak.
I feel like some of the more technical aspects are off, like camerawork/editing, and the acting overall is mixed, but it does feel like a down-to-earth low-budget production that cast actual teenagers and that’s my jam, so I am very willing to cut it some slack in this regard.
Some highlights of social media: Lucas posting a shit-stirring #TBT post with him, Eva, and Inés, that’s pretty cold, dude. Eva and Lucas taking turns third wheeling in it group photos.
@skammovistarplus is writing some awesome posts detailing some of the cultural aspects in the clips, go check it out!
I’m not Spanish so if I misunderstand something, feel free to let me know!
Thank you for reading!
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
6th Comedy Monologue
“So folks, that whole Brexit rubbish is finally over isn’t it?”
“I know, some of us could see it coming and Teresa May looks like the spitting image
of the stepmother from Cinderella
how come nobody has noticed that yet?
we all have politicians we don’t like don’t we?
at times like this, I have to remind myself Teresa May is a very well liked woman
but then I remember back in the day Margaret Thatcher was also a very well liked woman
don’t you think she and Teresa may are quite similar?
well this is how she’d treat a political problem
*attempts impersonation*
“what’s that? ok men I did you to do this and then this and then this and this”
whereas Teresa may would handle the situation like…
*attempts impersonation*
what’s this? oh leave it for a few months
but the main thing is they both hate poor people so who cares what they think
I actually sort of understand why people like Jeremy Corbyn but I had written that previous gag back in late June of last year, speaking of outdated gags
Pirates were the communists and socialists of the 17th century
they wanted money, disagreed with colonialism and didn’t care what the government thought of them
like with communists they were accepting and inclusive but they wanted gold
the pirates accepted many on their ship they allowed homosexuality, they allowed women in strong roles  there were great times had on the high seas
even with the loot, they got they’d share it evenly what other power was involved with being inclusive with most things except money Oh Yeah! the communists
Yes, Yes we’ll handle it we’ll accept you but give us all your money
communism is a good concept but in the end, people get greedy for the money
like with pirates
we’ll accept you matey but give us some gold
however they didn’t agree about the government, they had their own independent pirate crews and disagreed with colonialism and capitalism
kind of like some of us, I think
we criticize politics, we like to party and we accept most people except colonialists …and capitalists...
Oh well, at least there’s been good music with Marina and the diamonds, Ariana Grande and the 1975
We, humans, love music
which makes me think about bands related to Homosapians
in the 60s we had the Monkees good band good name
and now we have Arctic Monkeys, Gorillaz, Rang a Tang and Apes
what about the lesser known homosapian types
Chimpanzees and Baboons
if music existed in Planet of the Apes
the Kate Bush hit Babooshka would be about a
monkey looking for love after getting his heart broken seeing his wife cheat on him with an older mandrill
only to fall in love again with who he’d call his baboonska
Animals are interesting creatures whether they are made of glass, made of 1960s haircuts or made of the first songs of a math rock band
Another good thing about music and animals is that Roger Taylor is going to help us save the bees
Thinking bee! Thinking queen! thinking bee! Thinking queen!
Speaking of which there’s been a whole glam rock/synthpop revival going on
And I love that
although as a kid I watched media from all sorts of different decades
While they watched Jersey Shore and Love Island I was watching Disney and CBBC sitcoms mixed with Japanese cartoons and shows from years before like Jem and the holograms, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the original my little pony series.
I would also watch funnybones, the original noody series from a VHS I “borrowed” from my neighbours, as well as the Muppet show and some classic cinema.
I think it’s amazing that this revival is happening it’s like the 60s,70s,80s,90s and early 2000s are all going on at the same time.
Revolutionary anarchic protests, Androgynous rockers, Neon colours, post-punk indie shows, peculiar fashion trends and reality shows as well as the cybernetic future beyond
But I’m also cold and angry about how this is happening because on the other hand, there are things carried over from previous decades that shouldn’t still be around...fascists in positions of power, nonces in the entertainment industry, Threat of a nuclear war, low economy, Jamie Oliver, Piers Morgan, Death, Pollution,Misogyny,Misandry,Sexism,Racism and White Supremacy
I could list more, but I can’t think at the moment I’m focusing on my work while morons on Twitter and Tumblr are yabbering on about vegan sausage rolls.
I’ve never tried Greggs before but I’m sure the vegans and vegetarians are happy that a mainstream chain like Greggs has made a product catered specifically for them, whereas before if you asked for a “vegan option” at a restaurant the waiter would scratch their neck.
However not all restaurants are like this,having to work overtime dealing with angry parents,screaming children and the odd nazi at Mcdonalds is not an easy task,yet so many waiters and workers across the world are able to somehow keep those businesses afloat,you guys, girls and comrades don’t get enough credit,you should be paid more,no wonder so many mainstream restaurants are having strikes or running out of food and people are either going to more independently funded places or ordering online to get their daily dose of fast fried convenience.
and while I would be interested in trying a vegetarian diet,It would be hard for me to give up eating chicken that quickly but I don’t really eat meat that often,and before you say anything as long as cannibals don’t use their choice of food in a dangerous way they’re ok with me, it’s no different to when our prehistoric ancestors had to hunt to find food in order to survive,some people still have to do that,it’s sad...it really is,while Christianity isn’t something I believe in anymore, it did say in the bible that Jesus shared his bread and food with his people,and I think some of us should start doing that,and if you already do whether it’s a snack you have or leaving out leftover food from your side takeaway business, that’s brilliant your making more people happy and your allowing more people to enjoy food and to have access to that basic human necessity that we all should be able to have to access to.
Sharing is another primary school lesson it feels like half of humanity has forgotten about outside of basic decency and kindness, but I’m probably not the one to talk about that since I was called “Rude” for most of my life.
there’s a big difference between telling someone they’re a plonker and making someone more aware of how they can improve themselves as a person.
Most of us all have flaws, most of us have had toxic moments,
we’ve all at times had moments where we’ve said something wrong that we didn’t mean,
or times where our cowardliness has accidentally caused misunderstandings and drama
or times where we didn’t intend to sound hurtful but that’s how it came across, or times where we’ve blindly followed toxic people, imitating their actions without meaning to or just generally times where we’ve been ignorant little eijjits.
Even people some would say were flawless had flaws or problematic aspects about them
David Bowie wasn’t too nice to his wife Angie in later years, Graham Lineman and Robert Webb are transphobic, Rowan Atkinson supports Boris Johnson’s “so-called” jokes and Ricky Gervais doesn’t like hearing people with different opinions than him.
Overthinking however can exaggerate this, overthinking can take that one time you were a bit rude as a child and that problematic “fandom” phase you had as a preteen and make you feel like your worst person in the world.
Your not, but most of us have had moments,there’s also the “not like other girls/boys phase” sometimes it’s just a light-hearted comparison drawing or blog post taken out of context other times it’s the grown-up equivalent of saying “I like this thing over your other thing that means I’m better than you”
Considering my at times cold thoughts it’s weird that I’m the person of all people telling you this
It’s perfectly ok to be prideful and narcissistic just don’t be so arrogant that you forget about your morals and the people that you're close to, but if at times because of mental health you question your levels of empathy, sympathy and compassion that’s ok too, your voices deserve to be heard, and there is help available you can find it through helplines, organizations or even your own comrades.
Outside of all the twits in this horrid fishbowl of a world, there are also millions of very kind nice people, I don’t know where I’d be now without my comrades
The offline pals who are like my sunshine because they brighten up my day,the old secondary school friends that made me feel less alone,the online people who I can vent to, converse with and joke with,the bloggers from years ago that I still sometimes keep in touch with and the creators who through their work in Media, Theatre and the Arts were able to encourage me to keep going, keep working, keep creating.
I think your all lovely and beautiful and creative human beings, no matter what identity you are, what music genre you listen to or what topping you prefer on your pizza
I will most likely adore you and if I haven’t it’s probably because I haven’t met you yet
You are one biscuit of cells, on this fishbowl planet, your mind is a land of wonder and your body is the garden surrounding it, take care of yourself like how you take care of your garden, your pets or the fictional characters you write about.
Your future might not be the future you expect, but it’s one you’ll enjoy.
if you are doing something you love which harms nobody, be as happy and passionate about it as you like
you are a person who deserves the world
Don’t push yourself too hard, if you know you’re doing a good job keep at it, don’t stress yourself too hard, but remember not to procrastinate, your mental health is important, some people might not understand all of the issues you’re going through, but you can make it out alive.
You're, not a number or statistic you're a person, your a beautiful, Kind, incredible, wise person
spread some love and don’t forget what the late Freddie Mercury said,
Keep yourself Alive!
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ninawritesastory · 6 years
(1) what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? (2) is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore? (3) what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? (4) what’s a ship you hate that most people like? (5) what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? (*) future sexuality hcs for the kids including younger sibs?
1.) Oh hell, I’m not sure if I can actually pinpoint my first ship. The first I can actually remember is probably Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, way back when I was five or six and finally got my hands on The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Of course, I had no concept of romantic vs. platonic or subtext or anything like that, but I did know this John Watson fellow really seems to spend a lot of time talking about Sherlock, and Mom always said you talk a lot about the people you like.  Honestly I still ship it.
2.) Hmm…Fred and Daphne from Scooby-Doo. I know it’s hinted with all the subtlety of a burning building, but as I got older I kind of fell away from the series and when I drifted back in every so often, it just never had the same appeal or finality it used to.
3.) Probably Clydi (Clyde/Heidi)? It doesn’t seem to have much of a following, at least none that I’ve found, and while it’s a recent ship of mine (borne purely out of a superhero au I’ve been tinkering with) I really like it. I think it’s a pairing that has a interesting dynamic, and I think Clyde is capable of being a good boyfriend when he’s genuinely invested. It would probably be more of a high school relationship, though; Heidi needs to stand on her own two feet for awhile again before she looks into dating.
4.) Kyman. Specifically when it’s played off as healthy and mutually desired. Until Cartman works through his issues (and the kid could keep an army of therapists in business for decades), he’s not capable of a healthy relationship in the long term—just look at what happened with Heidi. And I really hate everyone buying into intense hatred meaning there’s romantic attraction in there. It’s a dangerous bit of heterosexual/patriarchal thinking geared towards normalizing and romanticizing abusive relationships. Just because Cartman likes to pull Kyle’s pigtails and Kyle reacts does not mean there’s grounds for a relationship. I’ve given the ship a try, but it bothers me like hell when people sweep Cartman’s many issues under the rug (and at the same time feminize Kyle) in order to make it work. I’d much rather Kyle end up with someone who fully respects him and has no interest in tearing him down as a person.
5.) An underrated ship? Probably Amir and Shelly. Or Larry Feegan and Shelly. Those were really cute ships that only lasted an episode each. I really liked the storyline between Larry and Shelly; it was cute and wholesome and honest. And the one between Shelly and Amir was sweet and awkward, and very much like what you’d expect between a couple of twelve/thirteen-year-olds. I wouldn’t expected them to last into adulthood, especially since Larry’s dead but it would’ve been nice to see them last a bit longer than a single episode.
(Putting the headcanons under a read more because it’s fairly lengthy. There are a lot of kids in this show.)
(*) Stan: Gay. 100%, dyed-in-the-wool gay. Might experiment with genderfluidity for a bit in college, but would decide he’s most comfortably with a male identity and pronouns.
       Shelly: Bisexual. She’ll likely experiment a bit in college and find out she likes girls just a little bit more than guys. She’s also a cis-female.
Kyle: Gray-asexual, demi-romantic. Might identify as agender or as a demiboy as he gets older, but would likely still use male pronouns because it’s easier than having a discussion on gender identity every time pronoun usage comes up.
        Ike: 100% straight. The kid’s been obsessed with ‘taming strange’ since he was a damn toddler. He might go through a ‘bi-curious’ stage around high school or college, but he’ll definitely be more interested in women.
Cartman: Severely closeted homosexual who will spend his entire life insisting he’s straight. He’ll probably marry a woman and have a kid or two before it blows up in a messy divorce once he finally comes to terms with liking dick. Will also never stray from a cis-male gender identity, but will cross dress intermittently.
Kenny: Technically has three sets of sexualities and gender identities, since I headcanon him as having D.I.D. Kenny is a pansexual, panromantic, and agender. He doesn’t really feel much claim to a masculine or feminine identity, but like Kyle he sticks to male pronouns because it’s easier. Mysterion is a straight cis-male, and Princess Kenny is a pansexual, biromantic, transgirl.
        Kevin: Straight cis-male. Not that he ever really thinks too deeply on it, though.
        Karen: She’ll probably be either a cis-female or identify as a demigirl. Demisexual and heteroromantic.
Butters: Bisexual cis-male. I know a lot of people love transgirl!Butters (I do, too), but we’ve only ever seen Butters dressing as a girl in one episode. If anything, he’s effeminate, but very decidedly male.
Craig: Demisexual, homoromantic, and a demiboy. He doesn’t really think too much about how he identifies, but when he checks out an LGBT+ group on campus, he discovers a plethora of identities and picks out what seems to fit best and leave it at that.
       Tricia: Lesbian. Cis-female and up until the end of high school her style can be described as ‘baby butch’. (Or something like that; like, you can tell she really likes the butch aesthetic but her parents won’t let her accomplish the full look. I’m not certain if there’s an actual term for that.)
Tweek: 100% homosexual. The kid couldn’t be gayer if he tried. Cis-male and his aggressive, take-charge tendencies are kind of a huge turn-on for Craig.
Clyde: Heterosexual, biromantic, cis-male. He tries dating a couple of guys in college, but no matter how much he loves them, he’s just not in to sex with guys. He has a relationship with an asexual homoromantic guy that lasts for awhile, but it eventually ends on amicable terms.
Jimmy: 96% straight. Occasionally he’ll find a guy he likes, but Jimmy’s more interested in girls and doesn’t really think ‘bisexual’ applies to his tastes. Also a cis-male.
Token: 100% straight, incredibly traditional views of romance and relationships, and very firmly identifies as a guy.
Wendy: Bisexual, probably leans a bit more towards lesbian. Identifies as female, but doesn’t really feel a very strong connection with female pronouns.
Bebe: 100% lesbian. Demi-romantic, though, so actual relationships are rare for her. Very self-reliant and has a strong sense of self.
Red: 100% lesbian as well. Most likely goes through a dozen relationships throughout high school and college, will likely get engaged and married with her father firmly convinced she and her wife are just ‘gals being pals’. I headcanon her dad as Skeeter.)
Heidi: Hasn’t really thought about dating girls, tentatively considers herself bisexual since she doesn’t mind the idea of dating and having sex with girls, but doesn’t really act on it. Cis-female.
I think that’s everybody… at least everyone who gets an amount of screentime. If I forgot someone, let me know and I’ll give my two cents about them! :)
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marcydcy-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
name: marceline joanne day age: thirty-nine sexuality: heterosexual (bicurious ) pronouns: she / her occupation: baker , owner of ‘ witching flour ‘ bakery and cafe sign: taurus  pinterest: here
* ¦ AMY ADAMS + MARCELINE DAY you have finally arrived. i’ve heard they describe you as the WINE AUNT. i think you come from the DC UNIVERSE, isn’t that right? it’s nice to meet you, welcome aboard. 
HELLO, your name is?
character’s name: marceline joanne day
DO YOU, come from a regular city, or a fandom?
i come from: the DC universe.
WHAT IS YOUR, label?
i’m known as: the WINE AUNT
WHAT’S YOUR, personality like?
i can be: patient , organized , supportive , selfless , careful , dedicated , a hopeless romantic , and stubborn , lazy , frugal , overly cautious ,  controlling and a workaholic. 
WILL YOU, attempt to leave?
i will: not.
IS THERE, anything else you want to tell me?
i’m just really confused as to how i got here still , but i’ve sorta’ gotten used to it and am making the best of it !
okay so i wrote all this junk up last night and ofc i lost it bc i was too stoned to think properly. anyway i’m posting the about form here but you will also be able to find it on her blog soon and under this i’ll put some bio bullet points for you to get to know my earth angel marcy day
marceline was born and raised in jump city ( come @ me teen titan bbies ). home girl really never left either , she had no reason to bc hello it’s jump jump city bitchhhh 
family was things weren’t exactly ideal. her mother left her father when she was two and hooked up with another man who would later then become an addict and the bane of her actual existence
she has two younger  ‘half’ sisters and a little ‘half’ brother ( feel free to hmu to fill these connections ) but they never refer to one another as such. she was v much a leader and took on also a maternal role almost as if to replace their absentee father.
anyway life was rough on them growing up with an overworked mother and a drug addicted stepfather who could barely maintain a job most of the time so they lived paycheck to paycheck and were always on the verge of being on the street. many a time the family shared a single can of corn or peas for dinner. 
yadda yadda she p much just struggled through life dealing with the dysfunction of her family and the many issues that caused for her growing up. she graduated and finally got something from her poverty and that was a full ride to college
marcy went to school for baking and pastry and two years later she’s graduating and working as head pastry chef in a high end restaurant !!!
it wasn’t until she was well into her 30s that she finally decided you know what ? i don’t work for anyone else ( men specifically lol all her bosses were men and ) ! i’m a strong independent woman ! really she’s just super stubborn and p much hated to not be in control 
so at like 33 ( ? ) lil mama opened up her bakery cafe ‘witching flour’ named bc she loVES HALLoWEen !! honestly she seriously just loves loves loves the holidays any holiday
so now she p much just works and that’s it ? she lives above the bakery so she literally never really gets a break from work , she doesn’t bring work home she lives in it so catch her opening super early or staying open late at the most random times bc she can’t or won’t sleep
marceline day is a lot like giselle or jessica day lol imagine that but yeah she’s a sweet sweet angel like literaly sunshine. a soft , golden, but sometimes bossy overworked wine-o 
best (boy)friend: i would really like for her to have a bff that’s a male that she’s probably known for a long ass time and they’re super close and platonic and stuff but maybe there’s a will they/won’t they vibe or unrequited love involved or just a ship depending on the vibe we get you know ??? 
childhood friends: she was born and raised in jump city and has never left until ending up here
ex-boyfriends/flings/dates: she had maybe one or two bfs in hs but they probably weren’t that serious but also like her prom date could be a plot connection ? she has probably had a few one nightstands through the years and dates but she’s never been a big dater or anything 
fwb: like for real friends with benefits like been sleeping together for years probably lol bc she likes the consitency of a good lay but not the commitment of a real relationship but she probs genuinely cares about her fwb
“nieces/nephews”: she’s considered the wine aunt so i think having some muses who are younger than her that she is close to and sort of mentors ? in a way ? not really but just that she’s there for and gives advice to sort of like your aunt might but like your cool aunt that will let you drink some wine 
gal pal(s): i’m down for marcy to have one or two females that are her like bffs and they might’ve been older when they met but they still like to have a good time and shit ! grigio girls by lady gaga type’a shit 
employees: she owns a bakery so if you want your muse to work there either as a baker or a cashier then hmu
college??: i’m not sure /where/ exactly she went to college ( could be entirely made up ) but they could’ve attended together or something ? been roommates ? 
ex coworkers: she has worked in a couple different high end restaurants so that’s a potential plot connection ? 
customers: could be from the bakery or could be from other restaurants she worked in
dc universe: she’s from that universe so she will probably know who your muse is at the v least if you’re muse is also from the dc universe and considered a hero or villain 
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pagesofivy · 7 years
Back to School Challenge
So I’m nearly to 200 followers and I don’t want to wait to put this out. I fucking love writing challenges. And it’s almost time for me to go back to school. So I came up with this great challenge with a ton of prompts. There are songs, vague words, specific scenarios, and dialogue prompts. Some could be multiple. You’ll see.
I’ll throw all the information and prompts under the cut!
You don’t have to follow me but that’d be cool
Pick a number, and send me an ask to let me know!
Can be any fandom- seriously, I’m in so many, I want to read from it all.
Due by November 25th. 
Tag me and tag it #twx school challenge
Feel free to send it to me via messages too, especially if I haven’t reblogged it within a day or two.
Any questions, just ask!
Home for the holidays
High school au
College au
Professor x student
Nerd x jock
Study buddies
Teen au
Nerd x punk
Marching band
Doing laundry/laundry room on the dorm floor
Communal showers
School shopping
School supplies
Lab partners
Pen Pals
Coffee shop au
Meet cute
Meet awkward
Someone stole your (unassigned) seat
Support animals
Job searching
Unrequited love
Childhood/high-school sweethearts
The one that got away... Is now back.
Someone has extra meal plan and you have none so they take pity on you and share theirs
Enemies to lovers
“Centerfold” by The J. Geils Band
“Are you following me?”
“Not you again.”
Accidentally calling/texting the wrong number
You’re my tutor for this class but you’re talking way over my head please dumb it down for me more, I’m so sorry.
Kink/sex education club
“Wrong room, sorry!”
“Dancing Queen” by ABBA
“Girl Crush” by Little Big Town
“Not My Type At All” by Jacob Whitesides
Disney movie marathon
“Just A Kiss” by Lady Antebellum
“Picture” by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow
Sports game/match/meet
“Stranger” by Jay Hayden & KingVodka
“Take a Hint” by Victoria Justice/The Victorious Cast
“You think I want to do this?”
First date
“What I Never Knew I Always Wanted” by Carrie Underwood
“I wish I never met you!”
“You need a study break. Dance with me.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
“Is it so wrong that I love you?”
Being dragged to a party by your roommate.
“Okay... This is new.”
That one person who doesn’t study but passes everything.
“I don’t think before I act, it’s part of my charm.”
“My uterus is shedding and I really want to stab you right now.”
Walking to class/school together.
Mistaking the professor for a student and bashing their class.
Being overheard talking about someone... by that person.
“This is the dumbest idea you’ve had in a long time.”
Artist/Art Major for a roommate/significant other
You’re the tech/IT person and you come to my room to check the (sucky) wifi and you’re cute I’m so sorry my room is a mess.
I’m taking this class so I can understand what the hell my best friend/significant other/whoever is talking about.
One night stand is accidentally your new professor. Whoops.
Being a nude model for art students/classes because you need the money and “it’s a good way to learn to love my body.”
College acceptance/rejection letters
Pretending to date to get your/their family off your/their back
Going to a speed friending/dating thing and “oh fuck you’re actually really sweet. Here’s my number, let’s get coffee?”
 We have to share a bed because my parents misread our friendship- We can be adults about this, right?
Spin the bottle/7 Minutes in Heaven
Drunk Twister
Strip poker
Everyone forgot my birthday but it’s- What? I thought you hated me? Thank you!
Halloweentown/Magic College Au
I told my parents I was with someone and now they’re coming to meet them, please pretend to be my significant other. I’ll do anything.
“I’m a fucking theater major. Of course I’m dramatic!”
I invited you to my band’s show/play but I didn’t expect you to come, thank  you so much.
Studying abroad/foreign exchange program/students
Soulmate au
Fake dating/married au
Escort au
Mean Girls Halloween- It’s a college Halloween party and you dressed up as something “normal” and not sexy but everyone else is in sex costumes and “Oh shit ok thank God it’s not just me, don’t leave my side.”
Accidentally matching with someone you see/someone in your class so “Okay now we have to be friends”
We’ve had four classes together in two semesters, and here we are again. It’s a sign. We’re friends now.”
“These bruises are marks of a good time. I’m proud of him. And I’m pretty sure he/she is too.” 
Tagging for interest and possible signal boosts: (honestly I scrolled my messages and my dashboard)
@winchester-with-wings @mrswhozeewhatsis  @myfand0msandm0re @feelmyroarrrr @kazchester-fanfiction @district-12-erudite @deansleather  @winchestergirl-13 @distinguishedqueenofbooks @uselessace @delightfullynoisystarlight @barbedwireandbubblegum @saxxxology @quiddy-writes @curliesallovertheplace @bladebarnes @retroasgardian @nichelle-my-belle @angryschnauzer @ursulaismymiddlename @marveloznerd @mysaintsasinner @daniyell619 @hunters-hiraeth @samsgoddess @supernaturalismalife @sassy-losechester @captainsbabysitter-blog @auduna-druitt @bkwrm523 @evansrogerskitten @natasha-cole @team-gabriel @sams-little-toy @pinknerdpanda @papi-chulo-bucky @plumfondler @vintagevalentinexx @vvintersouldier @tssweets @this-kitty-has-claws @lacqueluster @wonders-of-the-enterprise @impala-dreamer 
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keyismykitty · 7 years
tagged by @easy-eight to list my 10 favorite songs!
(i know i’m the worst ever and i don’t have to list why each one is my favorite but as easy-eight can tell you i don’t play by the rules)
(seriously it got long and i’m sorry)
in no particular order:
1. redemption by zack hemsey: i first heard this song in 2009 attached to a trailer for the movie the town. i wanted to download it but forgot about it, although for the next few years i kept saying to myself “i really liked the trailer for the town. i want to go download that song. eventually, eventually.” in 2011 i found the song on youtube and downloaded that and it was one of my favorites, and then six months later finally got around to checking out the trailer for the town, thinking “i really like redemption but i remember this trailer was /so good/ so i’ll probably like that one even more”. turns out it was this one and i already had it.
2. wake me up by avicii: this is the first song on my work out playlist. it’s got a good beat and i’ve pavlov’d myself into getting off my ass whenever i hear it (awkward though when i hear it in, like, target, because i immediately want to start lifting and the employees ask you to leave when you start doing pull ups in the fitting rooms)
3. can’t hold us by macklemore: this song was really popular during a pretty shit time in my life, so they played it on the radio a lot and honestly the only thing that kept me from killing myself was staying at @robotponiesn7‘s on the weekends (u da real mvp pal) and we’d tool around austin all weekend and whenever this song came on we’d get really pumped and roll all the windows down and sing along and it was pretty great
4. how far i’ll go from the moana soundtrack: this one is just kind of special to me. i first saw moana about a week before i built my outrigger and i related to her a lot. i don’t actually like the ocean very much (i can’t even swim), but building my outrigger was such a great experience because not only did i actually finish it in time (something i rarely ever do) but i built it entirely by myself with my own strength and that was a big deal for me
5. radioactive/my songs know what you did in the dark crossover by imagine dragons and fall out boy, respectively: this one is for two reasons: the first is that radioactive is another song that was popular around the same time that can’t hold us was, and we’d do the same thing with radioactive (i specifically remember this time, we were driving down the highway doing our best “imagine dragons gasp” and i for some reason could not do it lol). the other is because this is the song i associate with gray and maccready and i just love my babies so much
6. don’t fear the reaper by blue oyster cult: there’s not really much to this one. i just really, really love this song lol (and also it has such a dad energy about it like if your dad didn’t listen to don’t fear the reaper and didn’t have at least two grateful dead posters is he really even your dad)
7. arrival to earth by steve jablonsky: if it weren’t for this song, i can honestly say i wouldn’t be the person i am today. this is the theme that plays when the autobots first arrive to earth in the 2007 transformers film, and at the time, i was a freshman in high school, smack in the middle of my gangly, awkward, friendless stage, and then i saw the transformers movie and was kind of skeptical about it, until this part and i absolutely fell in love. i don’t care how tacky the movie is, for the first time i felt comfortable embracing “nerdy” things because /holy shit/ if you can’t see the beauty in this piece i don’t know what to tell you. from there i embraced the transformers fandom fully, which is what led to my friendship with @shirobutterfly, which led to going to botcon and making more friends, which led to moving to texas, which led to me coming home and catching up with old friends and eventually building my first gaming rig and getting fallout 4 so if i hadn’t heard this song i would literally have none of the friends i have today
8. the allspark theme by steve jablonsky: another piece from the 2007 transformers film. imo, just an absolutely fantastic piece of music and it’s very nostalgic for me. i listened to it a lot when i was building cliffjumper
9. we belong by pat benatar: this is me and my best bro’s song, because the lyrics go something along the lines of “we’re always gonna be together, even if we fall apart we’re always gonna come back to each other”, and that’s us. also it’s really fun to sing loudly as you’re stumbling down the road in the old port drunk off your ass
10. walk this way by aerosmith: this was one of my dad’s favorite songs (although i didn’t really know until i was older), but there was this one summer that my cousin came up and we’d both been writing our first novels and we spent the whole time roasting each other’s work and building a fort on the beach and playing ratchet and clank ( @soon-but-not-today “QUARKTASTIC!”) and for some reason we listened to this song a lot. it was good times anyway lol
i tag @robotponiesn7 because she’s the only one who ever plays along lol
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belfromhell · 7 years
@flying-toes and @leslipigeonoficial tagged me on this. Why am I doing it? I truly don’t know, but I love their blogs (go and follow them, now!) so I’ll do it with a smile on my face. (Btw sorry if there’s grammatical mistakes, english isn’t my first language).
Ps: @flying-toes is the one of the best persons I’ve met in this page, she’s so funny and sweet all the time! Ilysm girl, thanks for listening and care, ¡te adoro, eres genial!
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people.
I tag: @rubbersoles19 @fandom-weirdness-for-life @punk-rock-princess-626 @xjustahoneymoon @astronautswife @honeybun-holland @gweniings @mermaid-with-flowers-in-her-hair @s-sun-kissed @petersyoink @havikenhayes @pocketandheart @flylikeajetpack @lawryn-w @allisondra @danceratthestillpoint @tomhollandhollaatme @cassieandra0721 @dorkiustothemax @thebreenutgallery
I love lots of blogs but my memory is just shit so I’ll tag my last 20 followers instead.
the last
1. drink: a very strong lemonade. Basically a lot of lemon juice, a tiny bit of water and almost no sugar. LIKE THE REAL MACHOS.
2. phone call: My mom? I wanted to know how make chicken soup but we ended talking about my new neighbor and her annoying chihuahua. Never got my soup, though.
3. text message: a friend. She’s with her boyfriend’s family so basically she’s having a mental breackdown cause the mom of the boy hates her, lmao.
4. song you listened to: OMG NOOOO HAHAH. “Abrázame muy fuerte” by Juan Gabriel (we miss you mi amor :c).
5. time you cried: last night? I’ll be honest with you guys, I was reading a very emotional fanfic, it’s just science. I couldn’t help it.
6. dated someone twice: My ex, I think. Idk, I’ll date him again soon probably. I’ll use him to get free food and a Netflix account >:v
7. kissed someone and regretted it: LAST MONTH AND SHE’S MY EX LMAO. What can I say? She’s very nice and persuasive o-o
8. been cheated on: Never.
9. lost someone special: My great-grandmother passed away five years ago. I haven’t lost someone special since her, thank God.
10. been depressed: My life consist on been depressed and and angry 24/7
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Last week. I FINALLY GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL FUCKERS. (By fuckers I mean my teachers, I love you all okay?)
3 favourite colours
12. Black
13. Blue
14. Red
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: Yep. Some thanks to other friends, some others thanks to my habit of losing important stuff.
16. fallen out of love: No, I still love the same guy, so ???
17. laughed until you cried: Yesterday, my friend’s mother put INTENTIONALLY soap in his eyes.
18. found out someone was talking about you: YES, I WAS WAITING FOR THIS QUESTION. Last month, some girl was talking shit about my whole classroom, just because we are genious and her classmates are total toddlers. It was graduation practice, AND MY PALS AND I WERE CONGRATULATED, NOT YOU SMOL LIL SHIT.
19. met someone who changed you: I’m always making friends. On web sites, on the street, everywere, so I’m always changing cause all of them teach me something everyday, even if they are just being themselves. Watch and learn.
20. found out who your friends are: I’ll just say yes while I keep my eyes shut to avoid cry.
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: yeah, me and my friends still play 7 Minutes in Heaven, so imagine how that turns out.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I’ve had the same Facebook account for five or six years now, and I’ve being in lots of fandoms. So, to make it short maybe I know five hundred of the three thousand? My school was really big and I’m just a sucker for friends and new people. 
23. do you have any pets: Nop, my last pet was a cat called Noah but she run away. But I have lots of plants, does they count?
24. do you want to change your name: Nop, I’m Karla Belén and that’s how family calls me, but other people call me just Karla or Belén or derivations of those two. My closest friends call me Kiwi or Kabe. My teachers used my last name and all my doctors call me Belito. I love my name cause some people has take their valious time to make nicknames or they call me in a certain way cause maybe a thing I’ve made reminds them of something specific and I’m okay with that, so no, I don’t want to change my name.
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I was at my uncle’s house, the whole day we traveled with my parents to the capital, and when we arrived my aunt had cooked fried chicken. It was very simple but my dad let me drive a little bit and my mom was in a good mood, so it was really cute.
26. what time did you wake up: I stay till one am reading fanfics, so I usually wake at ten or eleven am.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Talking with @flying-toes​ about my horrible life decisions.
28. name something you can’t wait for: Start college on September, if they answer my call this Monday. The rest of the MCU movies. Dinner.
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Five minutes ago? She’s staying with me this days, but nah I don’t care really.
31. what are you listening to right now: I’m watching Parks and Recreation actually, so I’m listening to their voices?
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes, my friend’s brother is called Tomás, but we call him Tom cause Tomás sounds really pretentious.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: My family, the college applications THAT HAVEN’T BEEN ANSWERED, not having money to waste in shits and stuff.
34. most visited website: AO3, Instagram, and Tumblr.
35. hair color: Black.
36. long or short hair: Both, I like long hair to make braids but I like short hair cause is easy to comb. Now I have it long but that may change next week if I feel like it.
37. do you have a crush on someone: TOM HOLLAND’S GOT MY HEART AND MY SOUL AT THE MOMENT.
38. what do you like about yourself: I’m determined, I like to think that we should all be aware that we are part of a larger project and we must do something about it, but something good, something that helps the rest and make the stay in the planet more enjoyable. I am committed and fight a lot for world problems. I go out to protests and stuff, but I hope to be a politician someday to work for people who are forgotten by people with power.
39. piercings: Nope, just normal earrings holes.
40. blood type: I truly don't know, I think I’m O-, or some weird thing cause the only time i’ve need blood we had to look for a donator cause my family isn't compatible.
41. nickname: Kiwi, Kabe, Belu, Belito, Flaca, Nena.
42. relationship status: Trying to return with my ex but failing.
43. zodiac: Capricorn.
44. pronouns: “she” “her”.
45. favourite tv show: Parks and Recreation, maybe.
46. tattoos: A little moon on my right hip.
47. right or left handed: right.
48. surgery: twice.
50. sport: HA! Noooooo.
51. vacation: My grandparents house is my perfect vacation place.
52. pair of trainers: Converse or Vans? I don’t care about shoes, honestly.
53. eating: I eat everything except for sardines.
54. drinking: I drink everyting.
55. I’m about to: Read some Spideychelle fics?
56. waiting for: UPDATES OF MY FAVORITE FICS. And the damn college card.
57. want: Love.
58. get married: I’m still a baby, but I really want to get married someday.
59. career: I just graduated high school, soy un Bachiller de la República del Ecuador :D, but I want to be a lawyer.
60. hugs or kisses: Hugs.
61. lips or eyes: Eyes.
62. shorter or taller: I don’t care, but I prefer taller people cause I’m a little tall and people is dumb about it.
63. older or younger: I don’t care x2. Age it’s just a number, I’m still pretty inmature but I’ve know people of my age that is very responsible and older people that needs to get back to their parents house. 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: Nice heart? I like a nice body, but I don’t care x3 about aparience. If something or someone is cute, I like them. If they have fit bodies is cool, and is also cool if they don’t.
65. hookup or relationship: Relationship.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: TROUBLEMAKER AS FUUUUUCK. I have some strong opinios about delicate stuff and usually I get into trouble defending it.
67. kissed a stranger: Yeah, drunk or high.
68. drank hard liquor: Yeah, since I was fifteen probably.
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Never, I can’t live without my glasses so I never leave them, at any moment.
70. turned someone down: Never.
71. sex on the first date: Never x2.
73. had your heart broken:It’s still broken but I'm pretending I'm fine reading lots of fanfics and going to the dentist.
74. been arrested: Once but I escaped before they called my parents or asked my name. I’m not proud of it but well...
75. cried when someone died: Yeah.
76. fallen for a friend: Yeah :(((
77. yourself: Sometimes, when I’m sure that things will go okay, and if I’m not I just stay positive.
78. miracles: I don’t know, I’m not a religious person. But I think that sometimes things are meant to be and happens in weird ways that can be considered as miracles.
79. love at first sight: No, that’s bullshit.
80. santa claus: Nop, here in Ecuador we don’t believe in that. It’s something that foreign brought like a comercial thing.  
81. kiss on the first date: It deppends.
82. angels: Maybe.
84. eye colour: Dark brown.
85. favourite movie: El 49. In 1949 a earthquake shake and destroyed my city. Help was sent from all the country and from close countries but it never came. People with power taked those things and made total empires using all the provitions. But my city didn’t give up. People that lost everyting worked harder that ever and the next year the city was reconstructed and since that year we celebrate on February the FFF (Fiesta de las Flores y de las Frutas) that means Flower and Fruit Festival. I love that movie cause reflects all the pain of those poor citizens but the determination of the ambateños (My city is called Ambato, do the math). 
IF YOU GOT TO THE END YOU HAVE A LOT OF FREE TIME. THANKS FOR READING! If you think we have something in common you should send me a message. I’am always willing to talk or listen.
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chaoticpanenergy · 4 years
ksdfghjkl @agnesandcecilia​ tagged me so here goes!!
Rules: answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you want to get to know better
Nickname: on tumblr i go by peregrin! after peregrin took from lord of the rings, my favorite character from my first serious fandom. <3
Zodiac Sign: virgo! i know nothing about the zodiac! what does virgo mean! one time i did the birth chart thing and like the first 4 or 5 things were all virgo and i showed one of my friends who’s actually a zodiac person and they just stared at me in horror and said “are you OKAY???” which, absolutely not but i doubt the zodiac has much to do with it, why do you ask, botany my pal. [for the record, please don’t get worried anyone, i am fine. mostly. enough. would be more fine if my parents would let me go to therapy but we’ll work on that one i guess.] 
Height: 5′5″ (i was 5′4″ for the longest time and for some reason was super salty i never hit 5′5″ and then i went to college and somehow grew an inch my first year??? idk how that worked but regardless i hit 5′5″ and it matches and i’m happy now!!)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw. people are never surprised to learn this. i think this means i am doing ravenclaw right. 
Last thing I googled: “how many people zoom” - i was arguing with a classmate over the max amount of people our college’s plan can fit on a zoom call + i didn’t want to bother with enough words to make sense when i knew those words would get me the result i wanted. (for the record, i was right.)
Song stuck in my head: rn it’s gotta be “go the distance” from hercules. probably bc it’s one of the only ones on the roman sanders playlist thomas just released that i already knew. i am but a simple nonbinary that only listens to like 3 kinds of music and disney is one of them. 
Following and followers: following 208, 58 followers! huh they both end in 8 rn that’s random and cool. 
Amount I sleep: hhhhhhhng probably not enough lol. the last couple of weeks i was staying up until about 2-3am and then sleeping in until between 10 and noon, but now school is running again i’m heading to bed between midnight and 1am and getting up at 8:30. so. i don’t know how to do math i’m a humanities gay but,, however much that is? minus the like hour it typically takes me to fall asleep once i go to bed.
Lucky number: 29! it’s a prime number and also pippin from lotr turns 29 during the course of the book & he’s my fave character. plus i just think it’s a neat number. 
Dream job: hmmm this is tricky. okay, dream life situation is to be a parent of some kiddos, be able to write my stories & hopefully publish them, and hopefully do graphic design work too—designing book covers is the ideal. so a job that involves/allows for those elements. idk lol. 
Wearing: a red t-shirt with the logo of a writing club at my college that i’m an officer for, a red leather jacket i bought from the thrift website thredup last week, and black high-waisted jeans from american eagle (the only brand i have so far found that consistently fits me well). also socks and a green barrette (i have a side part in my hair on the left and it makes my hair fall in my face unless i clip it back) and gray fingerless gloves bc i get cold + overstimulated easily & the gloves help w/both of those things. i own like 5 pairs of these exact gloves it’s great. a watch on my left wrist with a mother-of-pearl type watch face & a narrow pink leather strap, which my parents gave me for christmas. my pocket is full of fidget toys. 
aaaand bc i’ve been working on and off on this it’s now a whole different day! i’m now wearing a gray heathered tee with a big old heart on it in the nonbinary flag, a light pink & dark blue flannel from costco, and the same black jeans with a pocketful of fidget toys. also the same gloves & watch. my barrette is purple today! & i’m wearing dark gray slippers to keep my toes warm. 
also i wear glasses every day, purple frames in a shape kiiinda similar to canon logan & patton’s from sanders sides. 
Favorite song: ksdfghjkl this is harddddd uhhh “the wizard and i” from wicked never fails to make me have happy feels and a lil bit of like, good angsty feels, ya know? also “show yourself” from frozen 2 is a gem and queer anthem bc i’m queer & i said so.
Random Fact: i’ve been a vegetarian my entire life! meat as a concept seems very gross to me personally lol. i don’t really care about others eating it, though. not my body, not my choice (which is a great phrase in many contexts) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
Favorite Authors: I’ve been a fan of Tolkien’s work since I was 5 years old. patricia c wrede is really great. the only works by leigh bardugio i’ve read are the six of crows duology but those were PHENOMENAL and contained the first straight ship a YA book has managed to make me ship in quite a long time (i would die on the spot for inej ghafa), so definitely would count her as a fave. i’m a pretty big harry potter fan but,,, ah,,,,, not so keen, let’s say, on jk rowling herself. tamora pierce is fantastic for whenever i’m in the mood for some classic Good Old FantasyTM. also a bunch of fanfic writers!! especially @/tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors [i am too shy to tag]​!!!! laoft is INCREDIBLE and i’m a huge fan and i get SO EXCITED every time a new extra comes out. so much talent!!!!!
Favorite Animal Noises: ooh. hm. my parents are not pet people so i haven’t always been exposed to a lot of animals and can be shyer than i’d like to be of critters. kitties are very good. the lil “mrow” noise specifically. also birds can be fun. 
Aesthetic: pastel blue, pink, purple, with silver accents and teal, aqua, and dark purple as secondary colors. space & dainty things, w/a little bit of soft nerdiness thrown in. essentially if ravenpuff didn’t have a specific color scheme associated with it. (fun fact, i wear so many bright clothes that one day i wore all black just for funsies and a friend of mine saw me and literally assumed a family member of mine must have died and i was in mourning. bc she was so surprised to see me not in brightly colored clothes. i could not make this shit up if i tried. if ur reading this, love u moon mom.)
aaaaaand i currently have too much anxiety to tag people & i’m gonna say that’s okay for now <3 but totally message me if u wanna be friends!! i will reply when i have appropriate levels of social energy <3
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