#for anyone wondering this just came out 12/5 but i believe it was recorded in september
bongwateriero · 6 months
much to think about
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torchickentacos · 4 months
15 Questions!
Tagged by @gaycey-sketchit !!!!! Thank you so much for the tag, and I loved reading yours! Long post, sorry lol.
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope! Not to my knowledge, anyways. Though if my mom told me that she named me after Taylor Hawkins from Foo Fighters, I would not be shocked.
2. When was the last time you cried? I think monday? I cry really often, at every single emotion. Happy? I'm going to cry about it. Laughing? My high school theatre class would always point out when they made me cry laugh. Sad? ABSOLUTELY crying about that. I didn't cry but I DID tear up yesterday because I was really happy about something nice someone said to me.
3. Do you have kids? Nope, and no intention of having them. Regardless of my desire to or not (usually not, being the oldest of four is enough for me), my health is not, and never will be, in an acceptable position or ability to go through that, and I've accepted that for a while now.
4. What sports do you play/have you played? As a kid, I played soccer and did gymnastics! In middle school, I BRIEFLY did fencing. My mom told me that when I was fencing is the only time she's ever seen me look truly graceful (lmao, love my mom dw. She's right). Then health stuff came up and I had to stop, but fencing just came as easily to me as breathing did. I always wonder where I'd be if I could have stuck with it. Nothing's ever immediately clicked with me the way fencing did, but it's hell on my joints.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Sometimes, usually when I'm annoyed which isn't TOO often. Or if I'm being hyperbolic for a joke.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? No clue. I guess their demeanor- if they seem happy or not, if they look stressed, how they're feeling (or how I perceive them as feeling, I guess).
7. What's your eye color? Blue! My friend swears up and down that they're kind of green. I think she's colorblind.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings!!! I am not built for scary movies. I can do some buzzfeed unsolved and I can watch markiplier play indie horror games but that's kind of my limit. I LOVE some types of horror, but my anxiety does not. I will be paranoid for a month after.
9. Any talents? I can play music by ear. Give me a guitar and a random song and ten minutes at most!
10. Where were you born?
Tumblr media
11. What are your hobbies? Landscape/scenery art (also other art but it's much harder), writing, playing guitar (used to play piano too but not well. I also own a ukulele that I'm bad at, but generally I can play something on any instrument you give me). But mostly, I pick up and put down hobbies all the time. I've dabbled in crochet, embroidery, sewing, painting, archery, coding, needle felting, gardening, cooking, a little bit of everything. Never long enough to get good at most of them, though. I get bored too quickly.
12. Do you have any pets? A lovely husky (shelter girlie <3) and a gecko! And, for the gecko, a bunch of crickets at any given point in time, which I guess counts because I have to take care of them, too.
13. How tall are you? 5'2 and a half. 5'4 with my doc martens.
14. Favorite subject in school? Assuming lunch doesn't count, I was a theatre girlie. Assuming THAT doesn't count, English. I liked English because if I didn't have an answer, I could just bullshit one, but I usually did enjoy it and had real answers. I'll tell you why the curtains are blue and why they're the specific fabric they are and what the rest of the room means- if I'm interested, anyways.
15. Dream job? Oh boy, uh. Still trying to figure that out. DREAM job, like, without worrying about money or my physical ability to do it? Pro fencer, but I gave up on that a looong time ago. I genuinely believe I could have done it if my knee hadn't gone to shit at fourteen. I'd love to work in a record store or a music store, though, which is a little more in-reach.
Tagging: Anyone who sees this, lmk if you do it from this post!! But also, NO PRESSURE AT ALL but @soulsilversprings @nowandevermore @lostlegendaerie @mozukumi !!! Also whoever else wants to, I get nervous to tag people so assume you're tagged, too!
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starspatter · 4 months
Heroes and Thieves, Ch. 23
Title: Heroes and Thieves Fandom/Universe: BTAS, pre/post-RotJ flashback
Summary: A story about second chances, healing, and having hope.
Rating: PG-13, for references to character death, child psychological torture and trauma.
Genre: Romance/Family/Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2,196 Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
Also on ff.net and AO3.
We were just kids just living in Wide-eyed innocence Minivan floor like a tenement We were just kids who believed in More than just dreams In more than just justified ends to a means
-Switchfoot, "Who We Are"
Gotham Central Park.  A harrowed, hunched form had parked himself on a bench overlooking the playground, where a group of children were engaged cheerfully.  Peacefully.  Safely.  Hanging upside-down from the monkey bars, taking turns on the slide while their doting parents watched and applauded at each successful landing; boosting their precious little ones on the swings, higher and higher towards the horizon.  It reminded Tim of the time he and Cassandra had sat there together, holding hands for the entire length of the afternoon.  …She wasn’t here now though.  He was alone.
…Or so he thought, but he suddenly felt a familiar shadow fall over him.  Only stocky rather than slender.  He didn’t even need to raise his head to guess who it was.
“I thought you and Cass were in Hawaii.”
“We came back as soon as we heard the news.”
Conner reclined on the resting next to Tim, who retained silence for an agonizing interval before finally stating:
“My wife’s pregnant.”
A thump on his back.
“Congrats, man.  You finally knocked her up.”  His companion grinned.  “I was wondering if you two even did it, to be honest.”
Tim shamefully hung his head in regret.
“…It was an accident.”
“That’s a real nice way to refer to your future offspring.  Look at it this way, you’ve got a story to tell the tyke when it grows up.”
“This isn’t funny, Kon.”  He descended his frazzled forehead further into his palm.  “What am I even gonna do with a kid?  I can barely handle functioning normally on a daily basis, how the hell am I going to be able to take care of someone else?  I mean,” he added spitefully, “it’s not like I exactly have the greatest track record of role models to go by.”
Conner’s own brow furrowed in faint frustration.
“Look, you think you’ve got daddy issues, you’re talking to the guy who has half of Lex Luthor’s and Superman’s DNA.”
“Sorry.”  Tim swallowed sympathetically.  “It’s just… What if I do end up like my dad?  I could’ve inherited something bad from him…”
Conner sighed.
“Tim, buddy, you’re the one who told me genetics don’t work that way.  Remember when I found out Luthor was my secondary DNA donor, I thought I had a 50% chance of suddenly turning ‘psycho’ myself in my sleep.”
“Or of going bald.”
Tim couldn’t help but taunt, and Conner flushed slightly, recalling that nervous period of constantly checking his hairline in the mirror each day.
“Point being…  Everyone’s expected me to turn out to be either the world’s greatest hero – or the world’s greatest villain.”  He looked down at his fist, clenching tightly in determination.  “Ultimately, I chose to use my powers for good, not because of Superman, or Cadmus – but because I wanted to.  Carve my own path.  Show I can be more than just a weapon – what I was designed and purposed for – no matter what anyone else says.”
He clapped his company’s shoulder.
“Listen: You can choose who you want to be.  You’ve already proven that by becoming a hero yourself.  You are not your father.  You’re you.  And you’re the coolest, smartest, nicest guy I know.  So stop worrying, quit beating yourself up, and trust me when I say you’re gonna be fine.  ‘It’s’ gonna love you, because I do.  So does Steph.  And Cass.  We all do.”
Tim rotated slowly to confront Conner, who beamed broadly.
“Remember, I’m here for you.  All of us are.  If you need help with anything, just ask.”
Tim stared at him, before restoring his gaze to the ground.
“You know… When the two of us first met, I was in a really bad place.”
“And now?”
“…Now?”  He lifted again, and smiled.  “Now… I’m in a good place.  Thanks to you guys.  You’ve all been as much of a ‘family’ to me as Dick and Barbara.  Heck, you’re practically like a second brother.  I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t met you when I did.  I’m… really grateful for you being there.”
Conner rubbed his neck in embarrassment at the gushing words of appreciation.
“Ah, jeeze.  C’mere, you.”
A large limb lunged around Tim’s shoulders, drawing him suddenly into a half-embrace.
“Kon!”  Tim glanced apprehensively aside at the sound of giggles and whispers coming from two teenage girls passing nearby.  “Hey, c’mon, we’re in public.  People are watching.”
“So?  Let them watch.  I want the world to see how much you’re valued.”
Tim blinked, but accepted the bear hug, reciprocating amiably.  Burying his face into the symbol on the other’s wide, warm chest.  For a brief instant, it brought back a vague, tingling memory of being held and soothed by someone of similar size and build, dressed also in black…
Finally separating, he laughed sheepishly at the sappy scene, surreptitiously wiping his eyes.
“Look at us, two grown-ass men – acting like total chicks.”
Conner chuckled as well, and as if to assert his masculinity, lightly tapped the other’s cheek with a playful punch, teasing in a mildly mocking manner.
“I take back what I said before about you being cool.  You’re still a dweeb.”
“And you’re still an ass,” Tim parried risibly with visible good humor, ribbing back in riposte.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
As they idled there like inept idiots, awkwardly avoiding acknowledgement of affection after the fact, another visitor with red on its breast ironically fluttered down onto the path before them, seeking handouts.  Conner glimpsed anxiously at his comrade out of the corner of his eye, but Tim remained relatively calm as he obliged and pulled out the leftovers from the work lunch Steph had packed him, compassionately scattering crumbs of sandwich crust.  After a minute of mute feeding, Conner quietly cleared his throat.
“…For what it’s worth, you’re still a ‘superhero’ in my eyes.  Absolutely nothing that’s happened since then can ever change that fact.”
Tim wryly rolled his eyes, emptying out the residual rye before crumpling the wrapper and tossing it towards the nearest bin – marginally missing the mark so it bounced off the brim instead.
“You never even knew me when I was Robin,” he snorted.
“Yeah but…”  Conner squinted contemplatively up at the sky.  “For some reason it feels like I’ve known you my whole life.”
“That’s because you pretty much have.”
“Touché,” Conner conceded.  “As far as I’m concerned though...  You’re my Robin.  Always will be.”
“And you’ll always be my clone boy.”
Tim replied with a hint of sarcasm, but smiled sincerely all the same.
As he stood in order to pick up the litter and put it in its proper receptacle, Conner followed suit.  Taking advantage of the opportunity, he again bumped the neurotic neat freak on his bent backside, bolstering boisterously.
“Just to make sure you’ve got the message, I’ll say it once more: You’re gonna be an awesome dad.  …A dork dad, but an awesome one.”
“Thanks…  I think.”
Conner patted supportively.
“Go home to your wife, Tim.  She needs you now more than ever.  If you back out from this, then I seriously will kick your ass.”
His senses piqued as he turned towards something in the distance.  With a wink, he continued:
“Speaking of which, I should probably get back to mine, before she glares a hole in my skull.  Heck,” he cupped his palm in a hush, “you’d think she’s the one who has heat vision.”
I heard that.
A stern voice resounded in both their brains, as Conner winced.  Releasing dutifully, he revolved and hastily walked off with a reverse wave.
“See you around, nerd.  Remember, I’m always a holler away if you need anything.  Even if it’s just to talk.”
Tim observed him go, approaching a dark-haired woman and a child with identical bangs and bold blue eyes.  Conner stooped to ruffle the boy’s top, before hoisting the bundle up onto his shoulders.  Cassandra smiled and nodded towards Tim.
She’s waiting for you.
With that, she took her husband’s hand and strolled off through the garden.  Tim breathed out, before heading off in the opposite direction – towards home.
Stephanie was still seated at the kitchen table when Tim arrived at the house, having apparently yet to clear away the cups from a surprise guest tea with her college girlfriend, who dropped in unexpectedly after receiving a confidential call just this morning.  Instead she was surveying absently out the window, running her finger along the rim of the mug, deep in thought.  Her eyes elevated upon his entrance, and she smiled.
“Hey.  Welcome home, honey~”
Tim crossed over and immediately answered her by leaning into a long, intimate kiss, to which she certainly didn’t object.
“Boy, considering I was throwing up in the toilet the last time we saw each other, you’re in an awfully adoring mood now.”  She made a whooshing motion in order to jog – jibe him.  “I mean, you just ran out of here like you saw some roadkill.”
Gulping, he cast a quick, knowing look towards the containers on the counter.
“Conner came to see me today too.”
“Oh, I see.”  Steph pouted, pushing him away.  “So that’s why you’re being so romantic all of a sudden.  You feel guilty for cheating on me, is that it?”
Tim gave a weak laugh, and wrapped his arms reassuringly around her.  They stayed like that for a while, his chin nesting gently on her golden crown as they admired the similarly-hued sunset.
“…I’m sorry for leaving you like that.  I… haven’t really been able to figure out how to react to all this.  If I should be happy, or terrified, or…”
She swiveled around, petting his jaw in forgiveness and understanding.  She could see from the shaded lines around his sockets how stressed out and scared he was.
“It’s okay to be both, you know.   I’m scared too.  When… I gave birth to my daughter, I had a dream that my dad came to take her away from me.  Even though he was supposedly ‘dead’ at the time, I was still so frightened he’d suddenly show up one day and claim her, train her to become a criminal like him.  …That’s part of why I gave her up for adoption.  I thought she deserved a better life – not one raised by the Cluemaster’s own dumb daughter, who went and got herself ‘preggers’ while still in high school by dating another loser deadbeat.”
Tim lowered himself down to her level, kneeling before her as he gripped her tautly balled knuckles.
“We’re not our parents, Steph.  You’re clever and kind and beautiful, plus the strongest – not to mention most stubborn – person I know.  You’re gonna be a great mom.  And I promise I’ll be here with you from now on, 100%.  Every step of the way.”
Her grasp unfurled, and he uplifted her tips, lips caressing in a courteous gesture that made her feel like a princess.  She smiled, and responded to the noble deed with a token of her own fondness to her templar’s temple.
“We’re gonna do this together,” she agreed.  “And we’ll be better.”
After a pregnant pause, she considered:
“Wait, so does this mean you’ll wait on me hand and foot now?”  A mischievous grin formed.  “‘Cuz if so, not to be cliché, but I’m really craving me some pickles dipped in mashed potatoes at the moment.”
Tim chuckled again.
“Whatever you desire, milady.”
“Hey, the little guy wants what it wants.”
At that, Tim tentatively reached out towards her tummy, and she indicated it was okay to touch, guiding his curious paw there.  He felt the softness of the fabric, well aware that a fetus wouldn’t be showing any signs of movement at this stage, but marveling at the notion there was indeed a life growing inside of there.  A life he helped to create, that he had – must have – experienced once (even if he couldn’t bring himself to recollect it anymore), nurtured and safeguarded against the harshness of the outside world.  Who knew nothing yet of pain or sadness – just how cruel the world could be – only pure, unadulterated love.
…And when his son is finally born and he holds that tiny, squirming life in his trembling palms for the very first time, he makes a vow: To protect that unpolluted innocence at all costs.  That he will never let anything bad happen to him; that his father will never abandon him.  …Urging him to cry all he can now, because there would eventually come a day when he can’t anymore – even if he wants to.  When he needs to be both brave and tough, and keep moving forward despite whatever difficulty he may encounter, make his own choice someday.
And yet… He feels tears rolling openly down his own ducts as the infant’s mother – his partner – family – rests against him, exhausted but elated.  He soon realizes his own weeping isn’t an expression of sorrow either… but one of joy.
And when they simultaneously ask Cassandra and Conner to be the baby’s godmother and father, respectively, the two are more than honored and glad to be of service.  …After all, they’re only returning the favor.
They said it's complicated They said we'd never make it this far But we are They said the fight would break us But the struggle helped to make Who we are We've got nothing left to lose There's still time enough to choose
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kosovoisnotserbia · 9 months
The Stuff that Dreams are Made of (Ava Bekker x OC!Reader) Chapter 1 🥶
OC!Reader: Marcus Aaron Rose
Warnings: 18+ only, implications of smut, swearing, OC!Reader is trans, alkeyhole consumption, tr@nsphobic parents, mentions of abvse
Word Count: 1743
Dr Bekker does not off Dr Rhodes' father in this story
*buzz buzz buzz* The sound of your alarm woke you from your restless slumber. Rolling over, you looked at your clock to see the time. To your horror, the clock read 5:40 am.
"FUCK" you swore, jumping out of bed. This was bad. Really bad. Today was your first day as a surgeon on Dr Latham's team, alongside Dr Rhodes and Dr Bekker. You had pined your trade in the ED alongside Dr Halstead and Dr Manning, but secretly admired the emergency surgeons for you felt that they "did more for the patients". Regardless of your feelings, you put your best effort in at your job, never wanting to fail. It was only yesterday that you had been called into Ms Goodwin's office. As you were driving to work, you remembered how it went down.
*Yesterday, 16:00*
"Dr Rose, I need you in my office, now." Ms Goodwin said.
I was in the break room having a cup of coffee, and was slightly annoyed at this interruption. Setting down my cup of coffee, I followed Goodwin upstairs, wondering what I could have *possibly* done for her to need me in her office.
As I entered her office, I saw Dr Latham was also there. I was confused, as I had not let anyone know of my secret aspirations to be a surgeon (although I had done surgery at this hospital before, I was ultimately not accepted full-time).
"Ms Goodwin, Dr Latham, what is going on here? I have to get back to work." I said, still confused.
"Dr Rose, I believe Dr Latham has something that he would like to say to you." Ms Goodwin said.
"Dr Rose. I have reviewed your records, and I like what I see. You were previously on surgery at this hospital and were quite good at it. I don't know why you were cut from the rotation, but I disagree with that choice. As such, I would like to extend you an offer to be a full-time surgeon. This will be a position under my watch, where you will work alongside Drs Bekker and Rhodes." Dr Latham said.
Trying to contain your excitement, you graciously accepted his offer. Profusely thanking them both, you strode out of Ms Goodwin's office bouncing back down towards the ED.
You hurriedly arrived at the surgery department, hoping that you were not too late. Putting on your scrubs, you ran into the newly built surgery conference room.
"Dr Latham, I am so sorry. I overslept my alarm and did not wake up until 20 minutes ago" you profusely apologized.
"Dr Rose, please follow Dr Bekker to OR-1. I accept your apology, but please, next time, do not be late. I will cut you some slack as it is your first day." Latham deadpanned.
Now in the observation room of OR-1, you were sanitizing yourself, familiarizing yourself with your surroundings and your coworkers.
"I see the spring chicken isn't all that" you heard a voice in a thick South African accent say from behind you.
"And I see that you want to be with Corny," you said, using your nickname for Dr Rhodes.
Turning around, you spotted Dr Ava Bekker, whom you had a crush on ever since you arrived at Gaffney. She wore an expression of extreme shock on her face, jaw hanging like a body snatcher from Assimilate. Brushing past her, you headed out to the OR, awaiting your first patient.
"Marcus, what do you mean by 'And I see you want to be with Corny'? He and I are just friends." Dr Bekker stated.
"I see the way you look at him. I've seen the way you blush whenever you look at him. For your sanity, please, ask him out." you pleaded, suddenly feeling fed up
*12 hours later*
As you left the ED, a strange feeling came over you. Reflecting on the past day, you almost walked into Dr Bekker on your way to your car.
"Dr Bekker, I'm so sorry." you apologized.
"Please, Marcus, call me Ava. And by the way, I took your advice. You know, about telling Connor how I feel about him?
"It didn't go so well. He said he was flattered, but that he didn't do workplace relationships." Ava lamented.
"Oh. I'm sorry that it didn't work out how you'd hoped. If you need to talk, here's my number," you stated, giving her your phone number.
Thanking you, Ava walked away. As you two parted ways for the night, you never expected what would happen next.
You were now at Molly's, about to drown out your stress with a few drinks. Always one with a high tolerance, you took pride in being the opposite of a lightweight. In fact, while in college, you were Delta Kappa Epsilon Harvard Chapter's undisputed drinking champion for eight years running. All throughout undergrad and med school, you were punching above your weight in alcohol. Sitting at the bar, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you saw it was Ava.
"Fancy seeing you here, Marky," she said.
"You know, I don't even know how you knew that was my nickname. I've only ever let my family and closest friends call me that. As we are colleagues now, I'll let you call me that. But only if no one else is around." you stated matter-of-factly.
Finding no fault in this arrangement, Ava agreed and sat on the stool next to you. You two spent the next hour or so chatting about life, pretty much anything that came to your minds.
"So, what was life in Cape Town like, Miss Ava?" you asked.
"Quite different from the United States, to be honest. Not very much snow, but a lot of football." Ava responded.
"You guys play football down there? What team do you support? Personally, I support the San Francisco 49ers" you asked, incredulous that the NFL had made it to South Africa.
"49ers? I support Kaizer Chiefs" Ava said, bearing an air of confusion in her statement.
"Kaizer? Are you talking about soccer?" you asked.
"Yes, I'm talking about soccer. We call it soccer, I just wanted to fuck with you" Ava snickered, giving you a playful smack.
"Respectfully, bruh" you stated.
This elicited a laugh from Ava. All night, she and you had hit it off. Feeling a good chemistry between you two, you decided to risk it. Steeling yourself, you asked her if she wanted to come back to your place. Taken aback, but happy nonetheless, she accepted.
Now, the two of you were sitting on your living room couch, laughing and talking. For the first time in a long time, you felt truly happy. Not the kind of happiness that you manufactured to please others, but the kind of happiness that only comes from truly connecting with someone.
"Marky, my Marky," Ava crooned, snapping you out of your daydream. "Let's watch a movie."
Agreeing to this statement, you quickly put Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in the DVD player you had. As you settled in for the movie, you felt a hand on your upper thigh. Looking down, you saw it was Ava's.
"I don't want tonight to end," she said, staring lovingly into your eyes.
"Neither do I", you stated.
"You complement me. Two wholes working together", Ava said.
"You think so?" you asked.
"I do. What can I say? I've fallen for you." she confessed.
Stunned, you sat back a bit. Thoughts running through your mind, you ran through them. How could this be happening to you? All your life, you had been looked down on by your family and any women you liked. Your father, in fact, had delivered the worst of it. When you told him you were trans, he did not take it well. In fact, he had beat you so severely that you almost died. You had awoken in a bed in a hospital, surrounded only by machines and a lone cop. That, however, was in the past. You had worked hard to put that past you, going to therapy and not dwelling on it. Even so, you still suffered from low self-esteem, thinking lowly of yourself. You never thought that a woman would like you, let alone one that you also liked. So why was your coworker, Ava Bekker, different?
"Marky, is everything all right? I apologize if I was too forward", Ava said, concern filling her face.
"No, no, you did nothing wrong. It's just that I'm new to this whole romance thing. I've never even had my first kiss. I'm still a virgin. I've never had a girlfriend. Admittedly, that was because back then, I, too, was also a girl. Yes, I am a transgender man. All my life, my family was quite conservative. When I told them I was trans, my father beat me so badly that my skull fractured. I've been rejected by potential dates. As such, it's closed me off to love and relationships. But for you, I'm willing to try." you stated, letting out a sigh of relief at finally being able to tell someone about this who was not a therapist of yours.
"I'm so sorry, Marky. You deserve so much better than that. And you being trans, that doesn't matter to me. You are a man, and I am attracted to men. I am attracted to you. I do not see a difference between you and a cisgender man. To me, you are both men.
"In fact, ever since you arrived at Gaffney, I've harbored a crush on you. Your strong arms. Your toned chest. My, that deep voice of yours. And don't even get me started on your beard. I always found you attractive but never worked up the courage to ask you out. I only ever asked out Connor as I felt that he would actually say yes. I did have a crush on him, don't get me wrong. But it was never as strong or true as my feelings for you, Marky." Ava stated.
Leaning in, you gave her a giant hug. As you pulled away, she took hold of your head and pulled you into a kiss. A kiss. For the first time in your life, you were kissing someone. Your first kiss. This was really happening. Still in an embrace, Ava stood up with you.
"Why don't we take this to my bedroom?" you asked.
"I'd like that very much, Marky", she said.
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god-whispers · 10 months
jul 27
God is waiting on us
"and therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you...blessed are all they that wait for him." isa 30:18
i know many of you are already beginning to think we have once again been disappointed in our expectations.  perhaps that is the way it will turn out, but i would remind everyone - there is still time on the clock.  i would remind everyone that we said to watch the few next succeeding days.  we are still in the "season" and all the signs that pointed to it have not gone away.
if anything, i am seeing an intensifying of some of them and new ones besides.  no.  i will never quit expecting.  when labor has commenced it is too late for anyone to say, "i've changed my mind."  delivery is going to ensue.  maybe just a few more pains and pushes.  (women may need to explain that to men and childless ones.)
we must not only think of our waiting upon God, but also of something more wonderful still - God’s waiting on us.  the vision of Him waiting on us, will give new impulse and inspiration to our waiting on Him.  it will give us unspeakable confidence that our waiting cannot be in vain.
let us seek even now, at this moment (in the spirit of waiting on God), to find out something of what it means.  He has inconceivably glorious purposes concerning every one of His children.  and you ask, “how is it, if He waits to be gracious, that even after i come and wait on Him, He does not give the help i seek, but waits on longer and longer?”
God is a wise husbandman.  "therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord.  see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain." james 5:7
He cannot gather the fruit till it is ripe.  He knows when we are spiritually ready to receive the blessing to our profit and His glory.  waiting in the sunshine of His love is what will ripen the soul for His blessing.  waiting under the cloud of trial, that breaks in showers of blessings, is as needful.  be assured that if God waits longer than you could wish, it is only to make the blessing doubly precious.
"God waited four thousand years, till the fullness of time, ere He sent His Son.  our times are in His hands; He will avenge His elect speedily; He will make haste for our help, and not delay one hour too long." — andrew murray
"then believed they his words; they sang his praise.  they soon forgot his works; they waited not for his counsel; but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.  and he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul." psa 106:12-15  if our day "seems" postponed, it is only for a time and for a reason.
we read of moses, that “he endured, "as seeing him who is invisible."  exactly the opposite was true of the children of israel in this record.  they endured only when the circumstances were favorable; they were largely governed by the things that appealed to their senses, instead of resting in the invisible and eternal God.
in the present day there are those who live intermittent Christian lives because they have become occupied with the outward, and center in circumstances, instead of centering in God.  God wants us more and more to see Him in everything, and to call nothing small if it bears us His message.
here we read of the children of israel, “then they believed his words.”  they did not believe till after they saw — when they saw Him work, then they believed.  they really doubted God when they came to the red sea; but when God opened the way and led them across and they saw pharaoh and his host drowned — then they believed.
they led an up and down life because of this kind of faith; it was a faith that depended upon circumstances.  this is not the kind of faith God wants us to have.  the world says “seeing is believing,” but God wants us to believe in order to see.  the psalmist said, "i would have lost heart, unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." psa 27:13
our hope is not dashed,  it is only delayed, and yet, still coming before most think it will.
i do not ask my cross to understand, my way to see — better in darkness just to feel Thy hand, and follow Thee.
we believe on when faith is all we have to hold us up.  "faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe." st. augustine
look upon another day delayed as another day to reach another soul; to restore one who has strayed from the "narrow way."  God's knows the end from the beginning and we must trust He will make it so.  "did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" john 11:40  so what is our mission?  the same as it's always been.  we watch.  we wait.  we occupy.  we do what we know to do.  we still see the day approaching and today we are closer than yesterday.
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Final Fantasy 7 prompts # 73
1. Puppet! Cloud drops out from a random vortex after his master was defeated. Where did he land?
On Sephiroths office desk in Shinra tower of course. Sephiroth poked him with his pen a few times before Cloud woke up.
"Master!" The blond exclaimed as he wrapped the larger man in a hug. Of course. Of freaking course, thats when Genesis barged in with a stack of paperwork tucked under his arm, (not even bothering to knock mind you!) "Ugh, Seph, you are not going to believe-" the redclad figure stopped in his tracks.
"...this isn't what is looks like."
Genesis wiggled his eyebrows suggestivly, "Sure it isn't." And he was back out in the hall without another word. The soft click the door gave seemed much too loud in the silence and only seemed to add to Sephiroths humiliation.
Thus began Cloud following around his "Master" wherever he went while Sephiroth and the SOLDIERS/Turks did everything in their power to stop him, only to fail hilariously or get beaten up by the (comparatively) petite blond for thier efforts
2. The Holy Trinity encounter Winged! Cloud from the future or a parallel dimention or something and instead of viewing him as a monster they think he's an actual angel and treat him accordingly.
3. Cloud had just finished burying a dead chocobo (may she rest in peace) he had found when he heard a twig snap from behind him.
He reached for Tsurugis handle only to pause when he saw a bright yellow ball of plumage peek out from behind a tree. The blond let out a small laugh. That was by far the fluffiest chick he had ever seen, hells, it was a perfect circle/
Cloud reached down and picked up the baby, "Hello there, are you lost?"
"Kweh!" The little circle cried out and Cloud was quickly surrounded by three other chicks, all wild and overly fluffy. He absently wondered if this was a new breed while they preceeded to peck at him with little effect. He just scooped them up and drove them to Bills place after a ruddementry search of the nearby area.
That was the end of it.
Until he woke up the next morning with three of the chicks sleeping on top of him. The blond was baffled and got up to search for the fourth, only to find it perched on Denzels head, shifting its balance as to not fall whenever Denzel began nodding off, threatening to fall asleep and plant his face in his breakfast.
If Cloud took a picture-or a dozen-no one would have to know
4. A mysterious ailment has been effecting all the creatures Hojo created using Jenovas cells causing them to run amok. With Cloud missing and AVALANCHE busy dealing with rampaging monsters, Denzel and Marlene sneak off to search for the missing blond, but will they find him in time? Or will Cloud be in the same state as the others?
5. Reno found Cloud at a mall in some nowhere town dressed as a girl. He was originally planning to use this as blackmail material before Cloud came out to him as trans.
Now Reno goes out with him and helps him keep his cover...while disguised of course. Wouldn't want anyone to recognize him and- by extention- Cloud.
Besides, if anyone did recognize them, Cloud had full permission to blame Reno and let him take the fall for it.
6. The SOLDIERS apparently had a "Chocobo protection squad" when Cloud was a trooper. He had no idea why Reeve had insisted he read this annoyingly thick file on it until he realized half way through the first page that it was about him
He was the "precious cutie chocobo that must be protected from the evils of the world"
Cloud wanted to burn it on principle...but was too curious to stop reading. Apparently most of the members were still alive and it seems he owes them a great deal, so maybe he should take Teef and the kids to visit some of them. Maybe bring gift baskets...
7. Cloud cursed as he stepped on the edge of his cloak, sending him tumbling down from the path and deeper into the cavern.
Cloud picked himself up from the ground, grateful his goggles kept any of the dirt and debris from entering his eyes.
He heard something from behind him and whirled around to slash at them with his dagger...except there was no one there.
Oh no. He looked down at the little creatures, wearing cloaks much like his own, only brown instead of the worn black fabric the professor gave them. The blond looked down sadly at the number tattooed on the back of his hand.
Guess I won't be going to the Reunion after all. Shame. Mother had said Zack would be there as a guest and he really wanted to see him again.
One of the little creatures- Tonberry- mother supplied - was clutching the edge of his cloak and attempting to lead him somewhere.
Did...did this creature think himself one of them?!
Aka Numbered! Cloud! gets adopted by Tonberrys
8. Hojo waking up strapped to one of his own tables with Cloud and Sephiroth standing over him, grinning like mad men.
9. Au where Sephiroth escaped as a child and fled into the wild and was eventually taken in by the "dead" professor Gast and his wife Iflana
He was "never found" by the Turks and eventually grew up to be a bad ass vigilante.
Cloud shared a similar fate but kept running instead of being taken in, eventually becoming a vagabond until the fateful day when their paths crossed and the pull of Reunion drew them together
10. Enraged blue eyes locked on to the blond. It may have been nearly a thousand years since Shinra fell, but he would know that man anywhere.
Not just anyone could have destroyed a corporate entity as powerful as Shinra and in the span of a single month no less! But he didn't care much about that, oh no.
He cared about the fact that this lovely creature killed him and his fellow firsts and then had the audacity to just disappear into the sands of time, stripping materia of its power and somehow causing Gaias mako to sink deep beneath the soil, never to be seen by mere mortals again. After it did, monsters began appearing less and less frequently, until they stopped appearing at all.
With Shinra so thoroughly destroyed and no other sustainable power available, information and records deteriorated, leaving Shinras history spotty at best and non existent at worse (probably didn'thelp that records seemed to conveniently disappear). Now Shinra, monsters and magic are all considered fairytales from a bygone era.
He and the others occasionally visit the lake that was once the city of Midgar to light candles in honor of all they had lost. Like hell he was going to let the blond escape again. Genesis opened his phone and made a call, "Seph, I found him."
11. Cloud meeting Female Sephiroth. Shes rather impressed that he's completely unaffected by the boob window. It had been the death of many men before him, that was for certain.
Too bad he wants to kill her, she has a feeling she would have liked having him around. Maybe she'd introduce him to Angel's puppy? She had the peculiar ability to befriend everyone she met
12. Time traveler Sephiroth saves time traveler Cloud from the labs with Genesis and Angeal.
Cloud is wondering why Sephiroth saved him and what he's planning.
Meanwhile, Gen and Geal are freaking out and asking annoyingly sane questions, like "Who is this guy?", "Why do you seem to know him so well?", and my personal favorite "Why is there a man being held captive in the labs?!"
13. Lab Experiment Cloud au where teenager Cloud barrels into Sephiroth in the middle of escaping the tower and asks if Sephiroth is his dad.
Sephiroth stops functioning and he just stands there frozen in a full battle stance while Genesis fights and subsequently captures the teenager, who he then promptly kidnaps.
Sephiroth bursts into the labs and confronts Hojo, asking if he was a father.
Hojo laughs and says "Of course you are! Do you have any idea how many creatures I've spawned with your DNA?"
Cue Sephs mental breakdown and Genesis's rampage on behalf of his friend.
Angeal does his part by babysitting with some office secretaries
Aka: the trinity raising a broody teen
14. Post OG Nebilheim is super duper haunted and Yuffie is NOT okay with that.
Cloud is even less okay and they talk about it while sitting on the roof of Clouds abandoned house...well, the fake one anyway
15. Everyone gets therapy but its from the perspective of a therapist who is %1000 done with Hojo
Bonus: This is actually questions posed by a friend and it helped spawn number 10.
What would Shinra do if Mako where to suddenly disappear? How would that even happen?
Bonus Bonus: What would be the quickest/ most brutal way to take down Shinra and/or SOLDIER? How would the Firsts feel about being completely owned by a stranger who appeared out of nowhere? (This was also my thinking about 10)
Announcement: Due to lack of interest, list #75 will be the final one. Thank you for reading my ideas. It made me super happy!
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haikyunicorn · 4 years
⋇ can i have this dance?
[ dancing hc’s with sakusa, atsumu, akaashi and bokuto ]
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sakusa kiyoomi
Since Sakusa isn't the biggest fan of crowds, I don’t see him very eager to be dancing in public
Dancing, in general, isn’t his strongest suit, so he feels very awkward about it as well
But that doesn’t mean he won’t do it with his S/O in the privacy of their own home!
He’ll come home at around 12 am after an extended practice, expecting to see you already asleep because earlier he specifically texted you to not wait up for him
So he’s half-surprised to see the kitchen lights still on and hear soft music from the radio playing (half-not surprised because he knows you well by now)
From the kitchen doorway, he watches for a while as you have your back turned to him, standing by the counter, making a cup of tea and humming along quietly to the radio
Sakusa silently walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your head
“What are you doing up? I thought I told you to go to sleep.” “I couldn’t sleep without you anyway.”
Sakusa almost melts on the spot. He stays in the same position so you can’t see the light pink blush forming on his cheeks.
He starts swaying the both of you from side to side to the slow rhythm of the song - at first you can barely notice he’s doing it because he starts off so gently, but the both of you eventually get into it. You’re completely relaxed against his warm chest and his arms are holding you a little tighter, he’s occasionally leaving feather-light kisses on your head
After some time, you somehow ended up facing him, bodies still pressed together but you’re hugging him back now, as the both of you continue moving around the kitchen
Will twirl you around because he loves hearing your soft giggles when he does that  
One of you have to pull the other to bed otherwise y’all will stay like that forever
sigh dream man🥺
miya atsumu
Party boy #1
Atsumu knows how to and loves to let loose on the dance floor at after parties/clubs
And will drag you along with him LMAO
Most of the time, his dance moves are wild and barely make any sense because he’s probably already had a drink
But one thing he’s perfected is body rolls (he saw it in a boyband choreography when he was in middle school and thought it was so cool he wanted to teach himself. Osamu has the footage and if you offer some food in exchange he might give it to you)
If you’re a little shy or hesitant, he’ll grab your hand and pull you in close to him and encourage you to relax and join him
“Just pretend it’s only the two of us here, babe!”
Even if you’re in a crowd or in public, Atsumu likes to keep you close to him. He’ll keep his eyes on you, or he’ll be holding your hand, or just straight up dancing so close your bodies are pressed up against one another
He’s not very interested in taking classes or learning proper choreographies to songs
He’ll take dance classes for your wedding day🥺
And he’ll take it very seriously. He feels so awkward and almost embarrassed, in a way, when he first starts but he thinks of you and how much he wants your first dance to be perfect and pushes himself to keep going, even in the midst of his own busy schedules
Was trying to memorise it one day during volleyball practice and subconsciously moved his feet along. Everyone was wondering why the fuck he was doing the waltz steps out of the blue.
And Atsumu’s super nervous about it on the day of! Even after the ceremony his nerves won’t go away because he’s scared he’ll mess up and embarrass the both of you on your wedding day
But when he takes your hand in his and meets your gaze, his breath hitches and all the anxious thoughts dissolve. He’s only thinking of how much he loves you, and his body is automatically moving by itself to the soft song.
He executes it perfectly from start to finish, even adds a big smooch at the end as he dips you down
Years after your wedding day, your wedding’s first dance is still the only dance choreography he knows
akaashi keiji
Strongly believe Akaashi has taken some dance classes when he was younger. Namely: ballet
It was something his mother signed him up for when he was 5 and he only did it for 2 years before he decided he wanted to do volleyball instead
Still, he learned so much from those classes and it greatly helped him in the sports he’s doing now
Physical strength, flexibility, focus, coordination, sense of rhythm - all of which are qualities that make him such a talented setter and he first picked them up from those ballet classes
as well as looking so pretty and graceful all the time
But it’s something he tends to keep to himself. After all, it’s not like he’s still actively doing ballet
You only find out when you came over to his house one day and his mother happened to be tidying up some old stuff, including old photo albums
And that was the moment his secret was exposed to you - in the form of a well-preserved photograph of 7-year-old Akaashi Keiji on stage while in the middle of a performance
Akaashi doesn’t think he’s ever blushed more in front of you than when you ran up to him and held up the picture, demanding, “Explain.”
Eventually he tells you about it, because it’s really no big deal, right? no, sir, it is because how are you so good at everything
Anyway moving on to present-time Akaashi
If you bring up taking a dance class together he’ll give you a pointed look that silently says I know this is because you found out I did ballet but if you hit him with the puppy eyes he’ll give in, he loves you like that❤
He will excel at it too?! Akaashi is such a quick learner, the dance instructor is wondering why they’re even there
Will use it as an excuse to hold you closer when he’s “guiding you through the moves.” But we all know he secretly just wants to be closer to you and he won’t pass up any opportunity should it present itself
Akaashi is not keen on dancing in public, unless it’s a relatively small crowd of his friends and he’s not doing it alone
If at these gatherings, anyone bokuto happens to pull him to the dance floor, he’s pulling you along right with him so good luck <3
bokuto koutarou
Party boy #2
Pulling people to the dance floor? He’s the one who started the dance party LMAO
Everyone knows Bokuto has a boundless amount of energy and this is now inevitable at this point
Bokuto surprisingly knows a lot of dance moves? Mostly from trends and such but if you ask him to do anything from pop culture from the past three decades, he will be able to pull it off flawlessly
Probably tried to learn b-boying in his younger days as well and he kind of knows a few moves
So his dancing is a variety of different moves strewn together but is somehow still in time with the beat and works really well together. Several people have stopped and just watched him.
But he doesn’t mind! He’s super excited, especially when you join him.
He doesn’t care if you’re doing the most intricate dances or it’s just a jumble of uncoordinated movements, he’ll be your number one hype man and cheer for you
That being said, Bokuto actually prefers all of the above to happen in a more private setting, like at a party or gathering
He doesn’t mind clubbing but he would rather be having fun with the people he actually knows around him, than constantly bumping his elbows against strangers
If you ask him if he’d like to take a couple’s dance class with you, he will say yes without any hesitation. He’s very eager to spend time with you doing something new and fun! Doesn’t matter what kind of dance you’re trying out
Bokuto’s a little clumsy and sometimes he gets the choreography mixed up, but he’s trying his best!
The both of you spend a lot of time giggling at your mistakes during the class, like when you accidentally run into each other or when you lose your balance and crash into him (don’t worry, he’s there to catch you in his big warm arms)
Sometimes he gets a little pouty if he can’t seem to get a certain part right. But that’s okay, as long as you’re there to tell him what a great job he’s done so far (and he has!!) and offer to try it out one more time with him
Will record the both of you dancing together and post it on his social media. And it will go viral. Everyone is jealous of the both of you.
Bonus: he’s probably very extra at Just Dance and somehow manages to always get first place
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[ taglist: @dorkyhaikyu ]
note: repost bcs tags aren’t working🤡
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boredoverlord · 3 years
Bucky X Reader - Hold the Line
I came in here to show you a good time, so here's my personal work and my very first fanfiction of all time. And because I'm a thirsty bitch, of course it's smut.
Summary : As a young and talented psychologist specializing in difficult people in prison, you believed in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with the SHIELD. Turned out you were tricked to work for HYDRA.
For three years they made you do horrors in the name of an ideology you despised, but you may have found the occasion to finally make a change for the good, when they introduced you to your new patient. 
The Winter Soldier.
Rating : Explicit, please kids, look away ( of course you won't because you're cute little rebels, but please do it)
Word count : 6.4k (chapter 1)
TW:   Light BDSM (for now) Because Bucky is a massive Sub and it seems nobody agrees with me, so I have to do the lord's work here.
Foul language, mention of violence and murder, Masturbation, male orgasm and a tiiiny bit of choking. I started lightly 
 Please consider reading this on Archive of our own or read it below the cut. Lemme know what you think !
Chapter 1: A Story of Almost Everything
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You never were the type to brag. But one thing you know is : you’re damn good at your job. Years and years of psychology studies, you barely got to parties, you hardly made any friends, and your sleeping schedule is still a nightmare. Those were sacrifices you did for one sole purpose : helping others. To be the last resort for people who have lost everything. You always firmly believed that you could make a change in the world, even the slightest, even for just one person. That would have been enough to make your lifetime worthy. What's more noble than just a genuine try to make it better, after all ? So you wasted your youth on studies, without a damn blink. And never one ounce of regret. You did it because it felt right. You’re not very brave, but you decided to face your fear a couple of times. You even were an intern in a high security prison, talking to broken men and women who hated your guts. Trying to lead them to another path of life. You heard stories that could break any mind. Only time could tell if you actually helped them. But that’s part of the job. Hope. And hard work.
  That’s why when you started to have a growing reputation, at 26 after five years of studies and several years working in prison and rehabilitation, you were ecstatic when S.H.I.E.L.D contacted you. You quit everything, starting with your homeland in Europe, to fly to Washington DC, to visit the headquarters. The new building, the thrill of novelty, the clean rooms, the medical wing, and Alexander Pierce himself coming to shake your hand and telling you personally the wonders they have in mind for the psychology field. You could prepare people to save the world, you could have all the resources to make research, and fix minds that were supposed to be beyond repair. It was supposed to be just a quick trip, but the visit wasn’t even done when you looked at your guide with enthusiasm : you weren’t going home. Just cancel the fly. You’re taking the job immediately.   It was three years ago.
Enough to understand how fucked you are.
 You didn’t save anyone, you didn’t even work to make the world a better place. Oh but you did work to make a change. A change for HYDRA. They tortured you to make you swallow their ideology, but even if your body surrendered, your mind didn’t, even if it was still a perpetual work on yourself. You never believed in this masquerade, but you know it doesn’t matter. Because HYDRA knows how good you are at your job, and you’re a precious asset. So precious that they pushed all your buttons to make you obey. You tried to act and escape. Their last resort is the Damocles sword they put over your family’s head. Next act of rebellion, heads will roll. And it won’t be yours : no, no. HYDRA won’t give you this relief. It will be your loved ones. So you’re doing what you have to do. It’s the most cowardly choice, you know it. And you’re ashamed. But you’re too terrorised to make it otherwise. So you’re here to twist people's minds to swallow whatever Hydra wants. You make them understand the importance of the organization, when they can’t take it anymore, you make them understand that not only they can, but they must . You saw vulnerable people giving their life to this awful cause, and you are the person to make them understand it was the right thing to do. They gave you kind people with dreams, morals and passion, and you turn this into anger, hate and war, worshipping a crazy doctrine that spoils everything you believed and fought for. You have blood on your hands. You’re THAT good at your job.
 So when they called you for a highly secret mission, you weren’t exactly surprised. Just disgusted by them, and mostly yourself. In the guts of what was called the Ideal Federal Saving Bank, you’re obediently following the chef himself : Alexander Pierce, to your next place of action. “I believe you have read your mission’s order, Y/N ?” “Yes Sir.” You said. “It did mention I will have the whole file today, though. I need to take a look at my patient so I can work in proper condition.” “Whatever you call it.” He said, opening the door of the clandestine laboratory in the now abandoned bank. If not for the machinery, we could still believe that those art deco walls filled with safes would still contain treasures of a lifetime for some people. Now there is nothing of value in here, not even the very skin of every PoS present. And you were including yourself. Making your way in the middle of the heavy set up, you slowly reach the pod in the middle, chewing secretly the interior of your cheeks. You know what’s inside, and it makes you want to puke. Mr Pierce continued “Doctor, as your mission was presented to you, your one on only assignment will be the physical and mostly the psychological perfect condition of the Winter Soldier, for the entire length of this mission on american soil.” Basically, be sure his brain is a fucking slushy. You reluctantly nodded and drew closer. “What’s his condition ?” At the top of your height, barely 5’3, you tiptoed to actually look at him by the window of the cryostasis chamber, since you never got this close of a look, not without the file and basically crumbs of info that were thrown at your face. They expected you to keep a dog on a leash, not making actual work on him, and it shows. White man, late 20s to early 30s, approx 5”7, long dark messy hair, not shaved, geez, it seemed like the poor guy was barely cleaned up before being pushed here.  Good physical condition, breathing was steady. You could see the steam of his breath on the glass. He may be clinically asleep, but she highly doubted he would be in his best shape. He looked uncomfortable, and tired. It wasn’t a restorative sleep. It was a prison. You couldn’t help but notice his prosthetic arm, even if that was the only thing you knew about him. It’s a fascinating work of science, that’s for sure. And even if transhumanism and biomechanical wasn’t your forte, you wanted to have a closer look, to satisfy your curiosity. One of the scientists watching his screen responded : “He’s gently defrozing, should be half conscious in 5 minutes. You may want to take a step down.” You ignore that, and lean your hand to your superior. “May I finally have what I have been asking for ?” With the most irritating smile, he gave you the Winter Soldier’s File and you quickly opened it to have a first look at all the fuss. Basic physical information, previous missions report, date of entering and ending of cryostasis, bare minimal medical record, notes by her predecessor, fucking trigger words to make him kneel like a 12 years old in front of any boysband... nothing about his previous life, his antics, his name, actual disorders, no name, nor adresses… You glaced a bit at Pierce and threw a polite smile. He knows what he’s doing, and he knows you know. You’re extremely good with very violent patients. You have endured rapists and murderers spiting in your face and swearing to bite your head off and fucking your skull. You were traumatized and you cried yourself to sleep, but the following day you did your job again. You’re just here to handle the worst of the worst. And you’re going to do it.
Or he’s going to break your neck and fuck your skull. You’re fine with that.
“Thank you it’s going to be very helpful.” As helpful as a band-aid on a wooden leg. “What’s this device ?” You point your chin to another machine not far away from it. One of the two men finishing installing it, raised his head to look at you. “A memory suppressing machine. Usually he doesn’t need it as much as he used to, but it’s mainly for safety. He must be prepared.” “He’s in a state where he willingly takes it. So don’t hesitate if he’s starting to be annoying, or excited. That can happen. But that mean you would probably have to work more with him to make him fully ready for his mission,” “Understood, thank you for clarification gentlemen.” You smiled and they smiled back. You’re a woman, so you’re used to it. Basically this shit was supposed to hack his brain, and it must be painful. “I would strongly recommend not using it at such a time. From what I quickly read he needs stability and time. Wiping everything out will more likely create more confusion.” You took a look at the file again and took it upon yourself to not have your eyes double in size and screaming at this bunch of idiots. “... and it does seem he’s using it a lot.” 
“We want the asset to be as focused as possible.”
“I understand that, but that's a temporary solution at best. He’s got a brain, not a harddrive. We still don’t know how it can store information, and if it can…” “The last time we used him was five years ago…” Started Pierce, with diplomaty, but also with a tone that wasn’t allowing any more debate on the matter. “And this mission is an absolute priority. The asset is strictly under cryostasis procedure as soon as he’s not needed anymore. The machine will be used if needed.” “I understand your point.” You absolute psychopath. “Then my request is simply to be here if it happens, and to be able to control the shocks. Also, I insist that he must be in perfect condition when you launch the procedure, I’ll personally make it happen and give you a green light.” “Thank you for your hard work.” He said, raising his hand, that you promptly and politely shook. You could feel the angry grasp. “I know you’re the perfect woman for this hard job. Your work is an inspiration for us all.” You wish you could end your life right here right now, instead of being told such atrocities. But you think about your mom and dad. At this time of year they start to prepare the pool for the summer, for the future neighborhood barbecues where they will brag to everyone about their incredible psychiatrist daughter who is doing secret stuff over sea to help save the world. You have to be strong. At least for them. At least for now.
“Hail Hydra.”
“Hail Hydra.” You responded, while your tongue feels like sandpaper.
  “Ok he’s starting to wake up…” Someone warns, as Pierce leaves the room, unbothered. The pod opens before your eyes, as the asset -you hate this term- is being roughly handled and carried away by two dudes to his seat. The one dangerously close to the memory suppressing machine. You squatted in front of him, the time for him to blink several times and look around him. Confused, but it’s not exactly his first rodeo either. His eyes are quickly focused on the first thing in front of him : you. He looked like he was trying to remember who you are, but quickly realized he didn’t know you. Two blue spears digging right into your soul. That’s making you a bit uncomfortable. The same weird feeling of unease you have when a cat is watching you taking a shower. “Hi.” You started, in english, even if he could be from italy you had no freaking clue. You guessed that he was probably slavic. But the file says he’s speaking more than ten languages. And it wasn’t specified when and how the hell did he learn that. “Can you hear me?” He took a few more seconds to look at you, probably the time to finish reading every embarrassing moment of your life, right into your eyes, like your drunk 18th birthday when you finished in your panties swimming in a city fountain, but he nodded eventually. You actually know this look. But it’s the first time you have a super soldier in front of you so it’s of a rare intensity. He’s dissecting you. Gathering information. His eyes moved slightly down : a recent scar on your neck. Right : an ex piercing on the top of your ear, now unusable. Down left : he just realized you’re slightly unbalanced so he knows you have a hip issue. And down right : he’s looking at your hand, you don’t really know what he saw here, maybe calculating how to break them ? You were literally a foot in a viper’s nest. Were you terrified ? Absolutely. Will that forbid you to do your job ? Nope. “Can you follow the light ?” You asked, moving slowly your phone’s lamp from left to right in front of his eyes. He did it without questioning. “Ok good.” You tried a smile, not really knowing why. If he was at least a tenth as clever as the file said he was, he perfectly know that you’re here to fuck him up. But you couldn’t help it. Poor dude. He was visibly more or less your age. He could have been a prince, or thief, a womanizer, or a priest, whatever, HYDRA took everything from him. From his free will, of his right to grow old, to his sleep. “Can you tell me your name ?” He frowned, perplexed. “Winter Soldier.” Shitty answer but at least he was fully aware, and his tongue was working properly. “Nice to meet you, I’m doctor Y/N. We’re here to work together in preparation of your next assignment. Do you understand ?” He nodded, unimpressed. “Good, can you get up ?” He did, so you did it too. And he realized that you were… very short. His eyes literally went up and slooowly down. That was a bit mean, actually. You carefully took a glance behind you, and your eyeroll could probably trigger an earthquake. “Can you all nice gentlemen let down a bit of their weapon ?” You said at the 6 dudes with rifles literally fixed on him, ready to shoot at the wrong twitch of muscle. No wonder he wasn’t talkative. “You won’t say that when he will break your neck with two fingers, ‘mam.”
“He’s pretty stable for now. Plus he’s not fully awake, let’s give him time before threatening him, shall we ?”
Nobody moved for ten seconds before one of them complied, since you didn’t move. The rest of the bunch reluctantly followed . You looked at your patient, hoping that that would have made him a bit more relaxed. Nope, he didn’t give a shit. He wasn't even looking at them. He was looking at you. You’re the mystery of this room to him. But you didn’t need extra vision to understand that Docs treated him like a guinea pig, so he was very understandably extra careful with you. Standing on his feet, all his muscles ready for action,  that’s the exact moment you realized how close you two were. Indeed, if he decided to, your jaw would fly across the room in a single move. You never had such a display of sheer raw strength, and you could feel the heat of his body radiate.
 “He needs a shower, and clothings.” You said, having a look at his 5 years old combat suit still reeking the smell of his sweat. It was intoxicating. They didn’t even allow him to clean himself. Poor dude was frozen in his own filth for the last five years. And you didn’t know why you took an even deeper breath. “And I’m talking about comfy workout clothes, no combat suit. Please escort him and handle him with care, before bringing him to my office.” You actually decided to be sure he wouldn’t be mistreated, by waiting outside the man’s bathrooms. You weren’t certain of how he could react, and you didn’t trust anyone here. If one of them decided to do a piss contest with your patient, it could end badly. So you put your hands in your pockets, looking at the two armed men waiting for the most dangerous assassin in the world to finish scrubbing himself with soap. The atmosphere was heavy and the silence was loud in itself. Even the sound of the shower was stressful and menacing.
 When the Soldier was escorted to your improvised office into the archive, directly linked to a storage room that will be your bedroom for the next weeks, you let him take a seat and promptly blocked the access to the room of the two escort members. “Thank you sirs, that will be all. Please wait here.” They look at you like you just told them you were dating their daughters. “Sorry Miss, but we can’t…” “Sorry Doctor , and I can’t work properly with weapons in my office.” You raised your hand, showing your device on your wrist. Something that would not only call for aid by a simple pressure, but could stun an opponent. Neither them nor you were stupid : it wouldn’t stop The Winter Soldier, maybe he would blink a second at most. But you really wanted to be alone with him. Was he dangerous ? Yes. Were you absolutely certain that you would leave this room alive if you closed this door to their face ? No. But it’s been three years since your priority wasn’t your survival anymore. So you forced a smile and slapped the door. They needed you more than you needed them, so they will obey.
“Douchebags.” You muttered to yourself while coming back to your desk. Your patient didn’t even move a muscle at your little argument. He wasn’t totally inexpressive actually, mostly terribly broody. His hair was still wet from the shower he took, wearing cargo pants, heavy boots and hoodies, generic clothes by HYDRA. You got those too, since you’re not allowed to carry anything personal for mission to mission. You had a tablet for books, music and movies, but that was it. You haven’t opened your shelves yet, but you know it’s full of ugly clothes and generic black panties of doom. 
You took a large inspiration, sat on your desk in front of him, and started : “Ok ‘Winter Soldier’... how are you doing ?” He didn’t even flinch. He was staring into your soul with his eyes lost into dark circles. Depriving someone of proper sleep is a basic rule for brainwash. “You enjoyed the shower ?” Nothing. You waited for a bit to see if he would finally respond. Ten seconds. Twenty. fourty. a minute. When he gathered that you were actually looking for an answer, visibly a first one for him, he finally gave you the courtesy of one. “Yes.” “Perfect.” You didn’t hide your slight smile and tiled your head. “I’ll be sure you’re in your best condition for your next mission. If something’s on your mind, I need to know about it. Nothing will get out of this room. Both of our priorities are your goal, and your condition is the key to success. Which makes you , my high top priority. Do you understand me ?” “Yes.”
“Ok so let’s get going.” You took another file, and took a picture out, ready to handle it to him. “Is the name : Nicholas Fury, ringing some bells to you?” “Yes.” He took it inside his titanium fingers and finally moved his piercing blue eyes away from you to look at the picture. “In two weeks, you’ll be in Washington DC. An entire squad will be deployed to assassinate him. Fury is the leader of the S.H.I.E.L.D, not a mere target. He will break free and fight back. That will be when you’ll show up.” He wasn’t looking at the picture anymore. One thing for sure : at least he was paying attention to you, and what you were saying. And that made you actually kind of proud of yourself. “That was part one. I’ll personally supervise your training with the VR machine and your physical health and condition. I really need you to communicate with me all the time about anything that could be in your mind. The more focused you are, the more Hydra’s plan will succeed.” And what’s that plan ? You have not a single clue. You were a cog in the machine, disposable. Not much more than him. “Do you understand ?” “I understand.” Oh shit, two words this time!
“Good.” You smiled. He didn’t. You move your hands closer to him, to take a grip on the picture. He opened his prosthetic hand, leaving you to take it back. Nothing in his gesture seems dangerous. Just normal, somehow cordial. “I must ask : are you in any pain right now ?” His eyes significantly get from right to left. He must probably wonder why you are asking him that. Did nobody ever ask him such basic questions like : ‘are you in pain?’ This man's sole purpose was to fight, that made no damn sense for you.
“Sir ?” You insisted for an answer, even if the ‘sir’ sounded absolutely ridiculous to your ears. You didn’t know his name, and you don’t feel comfortable calling him “Winter Soldier” , “Soldier”, “Sir De Winter”, “Hey you,he soviet assassin” so it will be “Sir” for now. “Sir are you in pain right now ?” “I’m not in pain.” A complete sentence, that’s progress. You breathed a bit better “Ok good.” You got up from your desk, which was honestly barely taller that him remaining on his chair. He didn’t let go of your eyes and you decided to make a bold move. For now, he was always being responsive so you slowly moved your hands toward him. To his prosthetic hand. “May I take a look, please ?” You glanced at each other, nobody made the first move. In complete silence, if it wasn’t for both of your breaths. You’re almost sure that it has been at least 5 minutes since you decided to speak again. Slowly, and gently, with no signs of confrontation in your body language or speech. “I will not do it until you comply. And you can refuse the contact.” He didn’t answer right away but he finally nodded. 
Slowly, you took his hand into yours, lifting it from his thigh where it was resting. At the beginning it was just taking a look. But he wasn’t making any moves, so you decided to take your observation a little further. You used your other hands to start to move each finger separately, taking a step closer to him. Finally, you made one  of your hands slowly sliding into the hoodie, to feel the muscles, the nerves, how it feels like a real arm. It was cold, but you felt it shudder to your touch. That was the line you decided to not take it further.
“Thank you, Soldier.” You said with a smile, taking away your hands from him. You moved behind your desk, opening your notepad to take a bunch of notes, breaking the contact with him. Just a second. But when you raised your eyes again, The Winter Soldier wasn’t in sight.  
 You shuddered and didn’t make a single move. If it wasn’t for your fingers grasping your desk. You did your best to have a steady respiration and not start to panic. Your throat dried up immediately. You took a deep breath and say : “Please, get back to your seat.” You slowly moved your head to look right back at him. He was standing. His eyes were black, taking loud deep breaths, fixing your behind your shoulder. Tall. Dangerous. You were terrorised. And he could smell it. He didn’t move so you stood up as well, and slowly faced him. You try to remain in total control of your body and not start to fidget. You could scream for help, but for whatever reason, you still had the feeling you could handle the situation. Trying to convince yourself that it wasn’t the first time a patient was disobedient. The only difference was that this one could crush your skull in a bat of an eye, 
 “Get back.” You said once again, bearing his piercing eyes, but he didn’t budge. So you took out your hand and put it on his chest. You felt like an ant against a mountain, but you pushed him a bit. “We will go nowhere this way.” You resumed trying to get a step closer, even if it will be creating a proximity that could be even more lethal to you. “So please, get back to…”
Something happened. It was obvious, and clear as day : you felt the bulge between his legs. Right above your navel. Hardening even more now that he could feel your body. You decided immediately to repress the shameful feeling of your very inside warming up and tickling you. “Winter Soldier.” You growled, angry but trying your best to remain as professional as you could. Of course, of fucking course. This guy was gorged on serum and hormones, quick, violent actions, and adrenaline. Pumping in his veins, burning 24/7. His body was on the edge all the time, and he just awoke from a dreamless slumber. He was a human, whatever all these idiots were thinking, not a freakin’ cyborg. When was the last time he saw a woman that he didn’t smash the head on a wall ? You even suspected that Pierce was counting on it. Nonetheless, you were alone in an office, literally glued with the world's most dangerous assassin, who was having a massive hard-on. Throbbing against you. You had your share of very awkward situations in your short life time. But nothing, nothing prepared you for this. And you had even less of an idea of what to do because he was doing nothing . He was feeling uncomfortable, that you could say, but he wasn’t really doing any moves to attack you, or even take you. He was standing here, with heavy breathing, his eyes still piercing you. And you slowly slided your gaze to his lips, finding the vision of his hard laboured breath strangely mesmerizing.
 Short of ideas, your reflexes took the best (or the worst) of you, and without you realizing it, your hand was around his neck. Your palm pressured on his glottis, and you clearly felt him swallow. As clearly as you felt him becoming even harder. Your breath was starting to shake, as you felt a not-so subtle chill coursing your spin. You drew his face and your face closer, as you finally moved forward, forcing him to move as well. Forcing was a strong word : the last time you hit a punching bag, you hurt yourself and sobbed for an hour. But for whatever reason, he did whatever you wanted. As if he was testing your resolve to make him obey. But there was nothing on his file about this behaviour. He tried to attack, kill and escape. Nothing about testing the limits of anyone.
“You. Will. Sit. Down!” you spat, through your teeth, forcing even more your grip around his neck, as your other hand was reaching for his hair. You pulled it, not too harshly, but you could definitely smell the musk, and the wetness of what stayed of his shower.
You did it. He was sitting down again. And your bodies departed for one another. For once he tried to escape your gaze, which was a strangely human reaction. You both managed to get your breath back, before you decided to call the guard to adjourn your observation.
As soon as the door closed behind them, you felt your legs giving up and you sat on the ground, back against your desk, a small wimp leaving your throat. You felt your eyes starting to wet, and your teeth rattled a bit so you tried to cuddle yourself to try to retake control on your body. Your hands were shaking uncontrollably as his intoxicating smell was still all around you. It was by far one of the most terrifying experiences you ever felt, and it was all clouded by the phantom feeling of his body against yours. You could still feel his gaze, his heat, his… well, his cock against your belly. You were still chilling, trying to repress whatever you were feeling at this instant. Because it wasn’t right, for you. Nor him. Everyone in this godforsaken organisation was treating him like a dog, just here to attack and do tricks, but you swore to yourself not to do the same. You will succeed at your mission, but you’ll do it from the crumbs of humanity and morality that HYDRA left you. You will do anything possible that the mission will be complete, the most painless possible for this broken man you just saw. Wait a second.
Painless .
You jumped on your feet, ignoring the numbness of your legs caused by the shock, and you ran at the door, screaming at the three men at the end of the corridor. “HEY !” The guards startled a bit and looked at you “I changed my mind. Bring the Winter Soldier back to my office.” They briefly exchange what seems to be a bunch of insults about you, but they comply to bring the Soldier back. Him ? He seemed absolutely unbothered. 
You closed the door behind the both of you, to the face of the guards yet again. He was standing here, showing his back as you slowly got back in front of him. Hands in your pocket, not really sure of what to do nor how to do it. He was looking at you, this same feeling of unease than before. And for reasons : a small glance confirmed that he was still rock hard. You didn’t make any move for a long time, until you finally put your hand on his chest. You felt his breathing becoming slightly quicker. “You’re not in pain.” You whispered, and he shook his head, negatively. “That was the wrong question. I’m sorry... “ Without you noticing, you had the palm of your hand on his cheek, scrubing lightly his stubble with your thumb as an apology. You breathed in, just couldn’t believe what you were about to say. “Do you need help ?” His expression didn’t change, but his eyes ? They became a bit brighter, you could even see a bit of relief when you saw him nod.
You swiftly move your other index on his pillowy lips as you still lower your voice. “They cannot hear us.” He nodded again as the only feeling of your finger as close to his mouth made him shiver with anticipation. He was literally dying of anything that could relieve him. And for what you understood, as your conversation continued, he trusted you with his body, to provide him with the sweet touch he has been totally deprived of. You slowly push away your index to gently slide your thumb between his lips, and he sighed with pleasure as he took it with an eagerness you would never have believed possible. The most deadly assassin in the world, the legendary Winter Soldier that everyone wishes he wasn’t real, was purring while sucking your finger. If you weren’t the shrink, you’ll be needing one immediately. You gently moved him to make him sit in his chair, he was way too tall for you to handle this with ease. “What about the showers?” You asked him, as you removed your thumb to make it gently slide on his lips, your other hand crawling across his chest to his pants. He swallowed before whispering. “I could but... “ his well built square jaws started to tense, with a visible revulsion. “... They can watch.” Disgusting. He couldn’t even close the damn door of the shower. “You’re safe here.” You said as your hand was finally reaching the bulge behind his Hydra cargo pants. You didn’t know what you expected but… it was way beyond that. He hissed a bit at the feeling of your hand as you started to touch it gently over the fabric. 
Now he was panting, looking at you as you were a single oasis after years of thirst in the desert. “Please…” You heard, barely audible when he was starting to lose it. “I got you, but you have to promise me to be good.” “Anything. Please…” 
And at your very surprise, you obliged him. Using your hand to plunge into his pants, while the other fast pressed into his mouth, muffing the immediate deep moan that escaped at the very second you touched his pulsing penis. He started panting even more, as he used his flesh arm to drive you onto him. His forehead against yours. You couldn’t stop yourself from getting closer and closer. Actually you let go of his -massive- erection a second to just drop out his pants, and his breach. You stopped a second, only to watch him begging you with his eyes, as you could feel his saliva at the palm of your hand while you muzzled him. It was it. You realized what kind of power you have over this man. He has been used and abused in every single way, but for once : someone’s finally doing what he wanted. You had his pleasure in your very hands, and for once in years, you could finally help someone. So you’re gonna do it, you’re going to make him feel good. Very good. “Good boy.” You muttered, without knowing where the hell that could come from, and you reached him again. Stroking your hands up and down his shaft, nourishing yourself over the vibration of his muffled moans against your hand. His eyes weren't leaving yours, if it wasn’t for when they seemed to roll to the sky. His vision periodically blackened by the waves of forbidden pleasure he was feeling over his body, who was barely him anymore. Your eyes were gorging on the vision of his handsome muscular man, surrendering himself to your touch, sweating, trembling and panting for you. You were saluted by an utterly satisfied noise the moment you decided to lean over his manhood to drip a large amount of your own saliva moist what was already on the edge of ruin. You rolled your thumb against his tip, massage his veins with just one finger… anything to make him feel something. Anything that wasn’t pure anger, hatred or apathy. You were inclined to believe the file saying that he was nothing but a perfectly built weapon for HYDRA to command. But now, when you tickled, teased and made him shiver, and you felt all his sincere gratitude, you were certain : There is a man in here. And he was finally feeling good .
But soon, it wasn’t enough anymore. Seeing his bare thighs, powerful, thicken by years of training and super soldier serum, tensed by all the nerves and muscles deliciously answering to your call, made your inside warmed up. Your core was aching, screaming for proximity and intimacy, and before you understood what happened, you sat astride on his left thigh. The soft flesh between your legs immediately responded with delight, making you shiver. Almost instantly, you felt his grip on your hip, of the cold metal digging into your flesh with despair. It was a super soldier, with the stamina of several dozen men, but it’s been so long, and you were touching him with perfection. You felt his head on your shoulder, and slowly you started licking his temple, tasting the very fruit of your hard work : his sweat. 
Galvanized by his intoxicating smell, and the thrusting he started giving to your hand, you started to move like a snake, rocking against his skin, looking for some pressure despite the fabric of your pants, mercilessly acting like a barrier of your own pleasure. You could get it off, but it was a limit that you forbid yourself to cross. But it’s true, as you were working him, you couldn’t stop yourself to think of how this would feel. Sliding inside you. You were so very short and fragile, and compared to your hand, his phallus was gigantic. He could ruin you, split you in half, using his bare hands and make you do anything. But the only person in control here, were you. And only you. You never felt anything like this before. And it’s highly probable than neither did he. You tried to vanish the thought, but the more you could feel his thigh between yours, the more you became obsessed.
 The more he was approaching, the more eager the soldier became. Both of his hands firmly gripped on your behind, almost certain that it will leave bruises, but you didn’t care at this very moment. His grunts against your hands became more and more intense, and you started to feel he was about to give in. In between your fingers, small drips of salivas were started to escape. You couldn’t give up your grip now, so you made it even more tight, drawing your lips closer to your hands, you whispered as your sore wrist fastened its path “I’m here for you. Give everything to me.”
 His panting became incontrolable, his eyes rolled out, his head dropped back, before he finally reached his peak. You felt the deep vibration of his ultimate cry on your hand, as your other hand was dripping of hot seed. You slowly removed your other hand from his face, and could contemplate your masterpiece :  the Soldier absolutely looked like a mess, with his red face, his eyes blinking furiously, covered with his own saliva. You left his leg, both your hands dripping of his bodily fluids. You used the one that was on his lips to pick his head and forced him to look at you. You ravished your vision of this man who absolutely surrendered to your good care, deeply satisfied with your attention. You cradled his face, and you took a large lick of his spit from his chin to his mouth. Where he leaned for a wet and warm kiss. You took a good taste of him, intoxicated by whatever pheromones he could diffuse around you.
 You look at him another few seconds, before recluandly moving away, to the bathroom where you not only washed your hands, but came back with a wet towel. You first cleaned with infinite care his face, and then his genitals, making sure he wouldn’t have any kind of unpleasant sensation as he had a big day ahead of him. You were his doctor and caretaker, and he had a mission to prepare. He seemed to respond well to the cleaning, not really expressive, but he made no sudden move. You could see him sighing with ease, closing his eyes as he rubbed his cheek in your palm again, when you were caressing him with the wet towel. You could still hear a loud satisfying purr. If you didn’t specifically ask him to kill someone less that an hour ago, you would actually find this absolutely adorable.
 You breathed in and out, making sure he was okay. “Are you feeling better ?...” He nodded, visibly relaxed, as he was closing his pants but not much more expressive than before. He stood up, in front of you, like nothing happened. “Yes.” But to your surprise he added a second later. “Thank you, doctor.” You smiled at him as you couldn’t keep yourself from making your knuckles caressing his cheek, and finally tracking the shape of his jaws. “Good boy.” You heard yourself say, wondering what the fuck was wrong with you.He didn’t react. All the shivers, purring,  sighing, and moans disappeared as soon as his pants closed. It was for the best, and you quickly took your hand back, clearing your throat. You call the guards. The Winter Soldier was fully ready for his mission preparation, and you asked them to give him some time to recover from… his cryostatic, before you would start the procedure.
 In the meantime, you need a shower. A long, hot, steamy, shower. 
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c-grace · 3 years
Since there are loads of [unnecessary] opinions on how Aloy looks, which I, frankly have nothing to complain about. I still believe she is very beautiful and her looks makes sense, not to mention the original model is stunning.
So lemme just take some time to write out this scenario I thought of that I found very cute and emotional, idk 'bout everyone else but it did make me cry when I thought of it.
POV: You and Aloy are both outsiders, but you were cast out from being a "defect", the both of you only got to know each other during the last few years before the proving.
A little something I wanna mention, this is sorta a Y/N fanfic but without the Y/N, so wherever you feel like you need to add your name in the dialogue, you can do that but I did it so that there would be no need for the name. I hope you enjoy~
T.W: Slight mention of death and injury.
Aloy × F.reader/G.N
Also this has song lyrics in here, if that's not to your taste, I'm sorry but I couldn't think of anything else
"Oh! I found something!"
"What? What did you find?"
"Tada! Another audio file!"
I lifted the device and showed it to Aloy and waved it with satisfaction. "And here I thought you found something useful." Aloy grumbled.
"It's important to me, you know how I love to study the old ones' musical pieces, especially the singing, they all sound.....I don't even have words to describe them." I held tightly onto the device. Using Aloy's focus I scanned the device and played the audio, and without a doubt, it was a musical piece.
"You sure love music, huh?" Aloy smiled and eyed me for a moment, "Yes, all the pieces from the metal world have a certain, essence to them, it feels like it's calling out to me." But that joy was cut short once I remembered of the proving.
"But then, with the proving coming along, the matriarchs might not let me visit any ruins and I won't be able to study them anymore." I huffed and kicked a rock away.
"Who cares? I'll take you to see more of the ruins, they didn't care for us for so long. What is it to them that we see who the old ones really were?" Aloy never understood, nor took high regard to any of the tribal laws and I do agree with her but I have no one other than her to accompany me to explore all these new wonders.
I believe Aloy can do whatever it is that she wants, no one, not even the matriarchs will be able to stop her from going to where she wishes to go. I only have her and if she were to be cast out once again just because of me, I don't think I would like that all that much.
"Thank you Aloy, oh that reminds me, I learned this song, I want you to hear it."
"Can't wait to hear it then. I can't believe it's tomorrow, how are you taking to it?" She looked at me worried and I could get where it was coming from. I get anxious quite often, taking down a watcher, without any preparation, will make me sick to the stomach. "Yeah, I've given myself a 'pep-talk and I think it's working, I don't feel too worried about it now."
"Thats good, alright, I think it's time we leave, Rost said he needs to meet with me." She stretched her hand over to me and I held on firmly, it was calloused yet warm, I felt safe by her side.
The both of us went on our ways and I made it back to the little tent that I called my study and home, I have journaled all the music I have found and dated every one of them. So far, I have recorded 12, 5 of which were addressed to someone else, it was as though they had sung while they mourned for them, wishing they could be with them and the rest were of random order but interesting nonetheless.
I set the recordings aside and tried to make myself fall asleep, the proving was not too far from now. I didn't train my whole life for it but rather, I just wanted to belong somewhere. Aloy is.....different, to her, the tribe means nothing but a means to know more of the world, she said it herself, she wishes to know why she was cast out and never once thought of the tribe in good light.
I had no sense of conflict in me, unlike Aloy, I liked to keep to myself and I ran away at the sight of the tribe members because I was afraid. I was afraid of how they would treat me but that sense of fear became a threat to me.
I learnt how to live on my own, I knew why it was that I was an outcast. My parents didn't want me, said that I would often act strange and I never understood why, till one day the matriarchs marked me an outcast and left me on my own. It was a little over 3 or 4 years ago, where I met Aloy, we grew close.
I never told Aloy, why I was cast away, I didn't want her to be burdened. I kept to myself but this time, with these songs I wanna let her know, all these withheld emotions are making me feel like I could rot from the inside. I am in a way excited for the proving.
"Aloy! Watch out!"
'I didn't think it would come to this, no, please, stop this.'
"Stay where you are, I'll come to you, alright?!" She shouted but the sound of blasts had muffled all the sound around me. The proving was going well, with Aloy and I being named braves but the celebration was cut short when all of a sudden, intruders had marched in and openly attacked everyone on sight.
"Kill all of them, don't let anyone of them come out alive!" The invaders sounded.
I frantically grabbed my arrows and shot at a few of them, two had missed and the rest 4 had all landed a hit, killing them on contact.
"We can't hold them!"
Aloy had been covering for all the braves and took a stand at holding them down, I decided to let myself all out and help Aloy and guided the remaining to the exit but not many made it.
"I'll hold them down, go! Make it to the slip-wire! Vala! You go too, I'll cover!" I directed all of them, Vala looked reluctant but went on ahead. "There's more of them!" I heard Bast shout and I whipped my head and shot my arrows, this time, all of them landed.
Vala and Bast had got caught between the shots, I watched their bodies hit the floor and a look of dread had washed over Aloy but I could feel the anger that brewed within. She shot them down, all of them.
But it wasn't long before a man had grabbed her by the neck, and something in me snapped, all I saw was that Aloy was in danger. My body moved on its own and I had grabbed my dagger and drove it into the man's side, he screamed but he lifted his arm and thrust it to my gut, sending me straight to the ground.
Before I had lost my senses, I caught a glance at Aloy who had laid on the ground, at least, no longer choked by that man.
"A-Aloy! You're awake! You're awake...Aloy..." It hadn't been too long since the attack but my injuries are far from okay but at that moment, all that mattered to me now was Aloy. She awoke but her face was pale and her breath, uneasy.
"No, no, no......ugh, I—I have to get out of here..." She clutched on to the side of her head. "Aloy, I'll gather your armour and Focus, just wait here, I'll co—"
She grabbed onto my hand locked her fingers around mine, her hands were shivering. "Aloy?"
"You're alive, I...I thought I lost you..too...." She whimpered, I crouched down and held on to her hands softly, "You can't take me out that easy." Slowly caressing the side of her face, I smiled meekly.
"Rost...he saved me...but."
"He didn't make it Aloy. I don't know what happened either, you'll have to talk to Teersa."
"Where are we?" Her feeble voice asked, "We're inside the sacred mountain, I'm not sure why, I was nursed outside the mountain, they didn't say much when I asked if I could see you." She nodded and slouched down. I went on ahead and brought in her focus, there was another focus with it but I just handed them all to her without questions.
I quietly left the mountains and waited outside for Aloy. It took a while but she came out with Teersa.
The two walked to the rest of the matriarchs, they were talking amongst themselves and it was then I heard that Aloy had been bestowed the mark of a seeker, Lansra did not take to highly of this decision and made some unwanted remarks to Aloy.
I glared at her, hoping that it would do something but she huffed and grunted, walking on just fine.
The rain had poured on harder with time, it felt like it was meant to weep but was choking instead, an odd feeling but that was how I had felt.
"Aloy, of the Nora? Or would you rather prefer, Aloy, a seeker from the Nora?" I tried to put a little lightness to the heavy air around. "I don't think I like either of them." She made a face at my names.
"Alright, then....Aha! Aloy.....despite the Nora?"
"That sounds better." She smiles wide. "Listen...I need to go, I need to find out who those killers were and why they came here, which means that I need to leave the sacred lands." Her smile drops and she looks at me apologetically.
"No no, you have more to worry about than me, it's alright, I can hold my own." I reassured her but her look of response was doubting all of it.
"Aloy, go, I know how much this means to you. I would only be a burden if you were to worry about me. I want you to go out of this place, I know you've always been curious about the lands beyond." There was so much I that I wanted to convey.
So much that I wanted to ask but I pinched myself to not do that.
"Before I go, I wanted to hear that song you wanted to let me listen to, at least let me hold on to that." She pleaded and held on to my clothes. "I-I don't know Aloy, right now, if I did that, I would appear more—"
"Here, you can just record it on my focus."
She removed her focus and placed it in my palm, I looked at the device and glanced back at her. I heaved a sigh and excused myself from the area.
'Am I seriously doing this now? Yes, c'mon me! You can do this!'
There goes my heart beating
'Cause you are the reason
I'm losing my sleep
Please come back now
There goes my mind racing
And you are the reason
That I'm still breathing
I'm hopeless now
I'd climb every mountain
And swim every ocean
Just to be with you
And fix what I've broken
Oh, 'cause I need you to see
That you are the reason
I started to cry at thought of having to let go of Aloy, she would be far off and I would be here, possibly just waiting. I wouldn't have the slightest clue where she would be, but I would hold strong, not only for her but for myself.
I won't have any more music files for me to explore so this was the last of all of them. Before I stopped recording, I quietly whispered, "I...I...love you, I love you Aloy and I hope you will be safe. I may or may not be here when you come back but if it weren't for you giving me a reason to be here, I would have never bothered going on with that life I had..."
"And I would have lost myself if it weren't for you."
At the familiar voice, that was none other than Aloy's, I had lost all reason and the shock had gotten me wailing silently.
"I'll be back, you are all that I look forward to when I return." She grabbed my face and pressed our foreheads together. "You sang well, I didn't know I meant that...much to you..." She whispered.
"You are the reason I'm even here. Come back safe, Aloy-despite the Nora." I clutched on to her clothes.
She placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and went on her way, she didn't turn back and I looked at her back, fading off.
'I'll be here, Aloy.....my Aloy.'
Alright! Phew, that was done. I have never written a one-shot ever, I don't even know the word count cause I was just writing without thinking too much.
Anyway, it was more emotional in my head so I did cry a little but it's pretty meh on paper 😂
Aight, this distracted me from all the bs of the world, I hope it distracted some of y'all too.
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tlou-1 · 3 years
Joel x Reader (Home) - Chapter 17
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13| Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 TBA
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Chapter 17 - Ellie discovers the truth and a Birthday
“Joel just be careful you don’t take him too close to the steps” you call from your seat on the porch where you sat strumming Joel’s guitar. 
Joel had been trying to teach Patrick to walk for a few weeks now, “Our boy will be walking by his first birthday, just watch him” he called back. He was standing behind Patrick, holding the child’s tiny hands in his to hold him up as they tried making their way across the porch towards you. To put it simply Joel was an amazing father but you already knew this was the case from watching him with Ellie over the years. 
He picks up Patrick and takes the seat across from you, “What you playing?” He asks. 
“Nothing” you smile resting your arm and chin on the body of the guitar, “Didn’t sound like nothing” he props Patricks on his knees. 
“It was just something Ellie and I were learning together a while back” you sigh. Ellie had been visiting less and less often in the recent weeks.
“Play it for me” Joel says softly sitting back in his seat with Patrick. 
“All I can taste is this moment
And all I breathe is your life 
And sooner or later it’s over
I just don’t wanna miss you tonight 
And I don’t want the world to see me 
Cause I Don’t think they’d understand 
When everything made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am” 
“You’re finger pickings gotten pretty good.” Joel smiles at you  
“Ellie helped with the arrangement, you spoken to her recently?” You ask trying to sneak Ellie into conversation. 
He fell silent, you both seemed to know something was the matter.
“Are you ever going to tell her the truth?” You continue placing the guitar down, again he doesn’t say anything. You hated when he got like this, closed off, “She might understand why you did what you did.”  
“She wouldn’t understand. That girl went through hell to get to the fireflies, she would never understand” he says shortly but quietly, even when no one was around it was like Joel was worried the air would hear what he had done to protect Ellie that day. 
“They were going to kill her, she didn’t even know” you reply but Joel clearly doesn’t want to carry on this conversation announces its late and that Patrick should be going down for the night. That was the last time you discussed it before Ellie returned to the hospital. 
Joel had went out back early to wake Ellie for patrol, it was still relatively dark out and you were still in bed. He ran back into the house and to your bedroom. He looked around frantically as he filled his bag with different supplies and pulled on his usual coat, “She’s gone Y/N, she’s taken off for Salt Lake City, for that damn hospital” he announces. You begin to get out of bed to get ready to go with Joel but he says someone needs to stay with Patrick, he was right.
“Bring her back and you be safe, you hear me?” You say to your husband as he gently presses a kiss to your forehead.
“Ain’t I always?” he smiles as he leaves. Nothing good could come from them returning to the hospital. 
You pace the house for two days, keeping yourself busy with Patrick to try and take your mind off the idea of Ellie and Joel out there on their own. You hear the back garden gate open and you rush round back to Ellie’s shed expecting to find both of them but you only find Ellie. 
“Ellie, thank god! Where is Joel?” You ask as she flings her backpack on her bed, something in her body language made you stop. 
“He shouldn’t be much longer, I left ahead of him” She sits down on the bed, “Did you know?” She asks quietly, her head in her hands. You don’t know what to say, you try to speak, to act like you don’t know what she is talking about but Ellie see’s past it, she knew otherwise she would never have asked. 
“He told me after we got married… I was furious at him for telling me, for making me keep it from you but what he did, he did the right thing Ellie” 
“The right thing?” She repeats.
“Yes Ellie, I don’t want to argue but I would have done the same thing”.
“I am done with him, I said I would stay in Jackson but that’s it” she says lifting her head from her hands to look at you.
“And what about me and Patrick? Are you done with us too?” You can barely look at her. 
There is a long pause before Ellie speaks, “I don’t know”. 
You sit on the steps of the front porch waiting for Joel. When he see’s you sitting there, he knows you knew and stops in tracks. You rush towards him and enwrap him in your arms,  “Let get you inside, you must be exhausted” you say pulling back and brushing a bit of hair our of his gaze. Joel doesn’t say much while you cook dinner for the evening. When you sit down to eat together, you reach out across the table for this hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, “She will come round eventually”. 
“I don’t know about that darlin” he smiles softly appreciating the gesture but knowing better than to believe it. Once you finish eating you clear the table, as you go to take his empty plate you hover over him and place kiss and top of his. Joel lets out a sigh and holds the hand you placed on his shoulder to keep you close, pulling you round he sits you on his lap and holds you. 
“I wouldn’t change it you know, what I did” he says into your shoulder.
You pull back so that you are looking each other in the eyes, you notice Joel’s are tearing. Placing you hands on each side of his face, feeling the roughness of his beard below you kiss him and say “I know”. 
Ellie is true to her word when it comes to Joel, she avoids him at all opportunity, they no longer patrol together and she tries to avoid crossing paths in town. Every time they did bump into each other, Ellie’s coldness towards Joel was painful for anyone to watch the last couple months. The two who had laughed, protected and loved each other wouldn’t say two words. Ellie was still having difficult feelings when it came to you, because your part in this had only came about because of Joel, you would still speak in town but there was this dryness to every conversation. You are heading to work at the Tipsy Bison for the evening while Joel stayed home with Patrick when you spotted Ellie in town. 
“Ellie, do you have a second?” You ask her. She shrugs, “Sure”, here we go again with the stale conversation but you were going to really try. 
“I was just wondering if you would be coming to Patrick’s first Birthday? It’s not a big thing just us, Tommy, Maria, Molly and Jesse who is bringing Dina. I just thought with your friends coming, it would be nice if you did?” Ellie doesn’t say anything, “I know Patrick would love to see you too” you finish.
Ellie is fidgeting with the string of her hoodie while she mulled over her answer, all she could say is that she would “Think about it” and that was better than nothing. 
“I still cant believe this little man is a year old - and didn’t I tell you he would be walking?” Joel smiled. To say Patrick was completely walking would be an exaggeration but he was able to take a few steps on his own. It was a little bit like how he said Patrick’s first words was “Pa” but you hadn’t heard him. Molly, Tommy and Maria all arrived at the same time in the late afternoon. 
You were finishing up on the food and Patrick was sat with his Aunts and Uncle. That was when the door went, “I’ll get it” you called as Joel was still setting up the record player. You open the door to Jesse, Dina and to your surprise Ellie. You invite them all in smiling, Ellie hangs back behind Jesse and Dina looking slightly uncomfortable. “Thank you for coming Ellie, it means so much you’re here” you whisper to her.
“It would have looked too odd to the others if I hadn’t”” she says. When you and Ellie join the rest of the group, Joel looks like he saw a ghost but Ellie just gives everyone a general hello.
Patrick who was currently sat on the floor with Jesse, pulls himself up and begins taking small steps toward Ellie reaching out for her. 
“Look at you” Ellie smiles at him and picks up the growing child, “Walking all on your own, you’re getting so big”. 
Dina puts a paper crown she made for Patrick on his head during dinner, she made one similar for Ellie a few years back. Tommy had brought his camera, “lets get a photo of the Birthday boy”, he perches directly in front of Patrick who was sat in Joel’s lap. “Tell you what, why don’t we get one of the family” he suggested pointing at you and Ellie, he knew what he was doing here. Ellie began to protest but Tommy had a way of insisting that made it difficult to argue, both you and Ellie stand behind Joel. It takes Patrick reaching up for Ellie to make her smile enough to take the photo. Once dinner was over and Patrick was down for the night, you headed to your drinks trolley. 
“Well I think it’s about time we cracked open this one” you sigh picking up a bottle of whisky Joel had found a while back. 
“Y/N now that aint cheap stuff, if we” Joel begins but before he could finish Tommy has taken the bottle from your hand, “I think so too” he laughs and begins to pour everyone a drink. A few drinks later and the discussion turns to birthdays, “What is everyones best Birthday” asks Dina.
Tommy starts “One year before everything went to shit. I had always wanted to just get on a Harley and drive, don’t know where. So that’s what we did, Joel arranged it and we just took off. That was a great day” he smiled thinking back on it. Everyone else’s stories are a little less exciting and then it gets to Ellie. 
“Come on Ellie, everyone else has told us theirs” Dina egged her on. 
Ellie huffs slightly and takes another sip of her drink before starting her story, “I guess a couple of years ago” she begins, her fingers picking at the rim of her glass. “Joel had found this museum. It was full of these dinosaurs and this space exhibition. There was this replica shuttle we were able to climb into, it had the buttons, joystick, everything. He passed me this tape and told me to listen to it” she explained. Joel’s eyes had been on Ellie the entire time she had been speaking. “What was on the tape?” asked Jesse, Ellie looked up at him and then to Joel. “He had found the Apollo 11 landing on tape for me” she said quietly. Everyone was pretty quiet for a minute. 
“I’d love to hear that one time” Jesse smiled and then everyone went back to chatting. Ellie got up from the table, said she was feeling tired and that maybe she had drank too much before leaving for the night. It had been short lived but it had been a somewhat nice moment. You whisper to Joel and if he is okay once Ellie had left for the night. “Yep” he said his voice slightly cracking. 
“After those two stories, I think you are going to have to up your game for my next Birthday” you chirp and nudge him slightly in an attempt to lighten his mood. It didn’t really work. 
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thetaylorfiles · 4 years
To your anon asking about TTB promises. She promised no second wedding, no male pronouns or male love interests on Lover, a coming out, Karlie leaving in August, no Josh at holidays, no way they go to awards, absolutely would she not include him in her documentary because it woul be about coming out. The list is rather long. The truth is people left over stopped calling her out on always being wrong. And every month for the last 2 years dont worry, its almost over the girls are fine.
Wow. Great memory.
Let’s list all of TTBs lies, promises and predictions that never came true. For posterity.
TTB promised there would be:
1. No Joshlie wedding. At all. And no second Joshlie wedding. (Both happened!)
- in fact the plan, according to TTB was: to gently introduce Kaylor to the public.
- announce engagement > call off engagement > have Taylor be seen providing emotional support to a heartbroken Karlie > after a while, explain that spending time together amid this upset made them realize they were more than just friends!
Oops. Never happened.
2. No male pronouns on Lover (several songs with male pronouns!)
3. No male love interests on Lover (clearly a male interest in Lover. And no, London Boy isn’t satire. It’s tongue in cheek)
4. Karlie being “free” in August each and every year. (and many, many more times)
5. No Josh at holidays.
(Yet somehow they seem to be together for thanksgiving and NYE and several Jewish holidays every single year.)
6. Joe and Taylor not attending awards shows together (so far they’ve attended: Golden Globes, Cats premiere, and NME awards)
7. Joe not being included in the documentary (Taylor literally runs into his arms backstage)
8. The documentary would be about Taylor coming out
I remember (and edited to add other peoples recollections)
9. Taylor was supposed to come out after Rep tour was over.
10. Taylor was supposed to come out the day she announced her new single “ME!” In fact, the announcement was meant to be her coming out, but instead was her new single.
11. Joe would be gone before Rep Tour
12. Joe would be gone after Rep Tour.
13. Joe would be gone before Lover Promo
14. Joe would be gone after Lover release.
15. Karlie would be free from Josh literally too many times to count. She always says that the contract is up in August. Then she says Karlie re-ups.
16. Taylor was going to come out on the last day of Pride month but scrapped those plans and instead released her statement about Scooter and Scott. That the masters changed everything so she couldn’t come out.
Now, had she intended to come out, and changed her mind that very last day upon learning of the master sales, she would’ve had to:
- add 4 new songs about a male
- chang all pronouns on lover from “her” to “him”
- remanufacturing every copy (how many DNAs did that need)
- create and chang diary entries
- all this would’ve had to be done whiles Taylor spent the first week of July with her friends on vacation. And while Karlie was on a yacht with Scooter, posting several instagrams documenting it.
- Then she went straight into filming ‘Lover’ video with a man. All this in a matter of a week or two, while on vacation, right before Lover came out. (Thanks to the anon for help!)
17. She claimed Karlie never followed Joe, when in fact, she did after K’s Rep concert. A week later, she unfollowed him. Also her sisters and Josh unfollowed Taylor in that same time frame.
18. She claims that when a beard wears blue, a breakup will occur and Taylor will be free of her contract. That Taylor plans it this way. TTB has said the inevitable breakup is going to happen when Joe wears blue numerous times yet this has never come to fruition.
19. Any time there is an article about Joshlie or Joe and Taylor, ttb claims its ALWAYS “seeding” a breakup. Yet, the breakup never, ever comes. (And no one in entertainment uses the phrase “seeding”. That’s a pure conspiracy theorist term. Like “crisis actor”).
20. She once promised a nervous anon that Josh and Karlie would never actually marry. They’d only be faux engaged to make it all seem real.
21. Claimed that Karlie and Josh didn’t go to New Zealand together over the New Year. Said Josh went alone and Karlie only flew in one day to take all the pics with him- in multiple clothing changes- to get all the pics necessary for the “stunt”. Even though everyone outside of Kaylorland already believes they’re a married couple and the “stunt” got zero publicity.
22. TTB claimed many times no beard would ever attend an important event or red carpet with Taylor. Then Joe went to the Golden Globes with her, then the Cats premiere, and then the NME awards. Oops! Wrong each and every time.
23. When Joe and Taylor vacationed in the Turks and Caicos TTB claimed Joe was flown in for a quick photoshoot and flown right back out. Except the next day, he was still there and there were new pictures.
24. Claimed for MONTHS after the Joshlie wedding that it was a “photoshoot”, not a wedding. That it would soon show up in Vogue. Then it was Vogue Brazil. (The wedding was never in a magazine)
25. She also claimed it was all a giant ad for Dior. The photoshoot would be one big advertisement for Dior. (The wedding was never an ad anywhere for Dior)
26. After several Vogue magazines came and went after, TTB claimed that Josh was having the article and photoshoot put on hold so that they could release it at a time that Trump made a big gaffe and Josh would need good press. The idea being that if Trump messes up, this somehow reflects badly on Josh, though it never has.
27. TTB and Kaylors claim that the reason why Karlie and Taylor stopped hanging out in public was so as not to tarnish Taylor’s reputation by being associated with Trump. Yet, Kelle went backstage at Rep after Trump was elected.
Anyone who knows about magazines or has seen the documentary The September Issue knows that the magazine layout is planned months in advance and articles and photo shoots are put in in a timely manner. Someone like Josh would have no bearing on getting to hold it back. (The wedding never showed up in any magazine and Trump made gaffes constantly).
28. TTB also claimed that they were no longer being seen in public anymore so that the public would start to ask and wonder why they weren’t “friends” anymore. Which would “seed” a coming out story.
29. Ttb claims she’ll have definitive proof this Monday, 9/7/20/, in the form of “tea” she’s been dangling in front of her followers for months now, that will prove the existence of Kaylor.
And she posted a submission that proved absolutely nothing! Just a screenshot of Karlies insta story from May that shows the reflection of one open white umbrella and one closed white umbrella. Apparently Taylor has two white umbrella near her pool in Beverly Hills. Ttb believes this is definitive proof that Karlie and Taykor have been together in LA for months.
This was wholly underwhelming and easily disputable. Taylor’s jet has been in Utah, with Joe posting a few pics of him hiking there. Her jet has also been in RI. Then the jet went to England. While the jet doesn’t prove Taylor wasn’t in BH the whole time, it sure does make it much more likely than a reflection in glass of an umbrella.
30 TTB claims that josh posted an Instagram on 9/3 of a sunset to indicate the sun setting on his relationship with Karlie. A message sent to Kaylors. No divorce as of yet!
31. Going along with the above, TTB also claimed that she expects Joshlie to announce their divorce on 9/4/20 because it’s the slowest in the news cycle. A Friday afternoon before a holiday weekend. Yet, no divorce news and Trump calling fallen soldiers “lovers and suckers” is dominating the headlines.
32. Prior to the Kushner biography being released TTB predicted/promised that it would mention Josh’s homosexual proclivities in some way: the bearding or Mikey. And at the very least, it would paint him to be the giant criminal that she claims he is.
Instead it did nothing of the sort. It only talked about how strong his love for Karlie was. That despite his parents being unkind and unaccepting to her for several years, he stuck it out with her. It also addressed her conversion to Judaism.
33. Ttb likes to claim that Karlie never converted to Judaism. She says that because Karlie has never spoken the exact words “I converted” that it means she hasn’t. Despite the fact that many Jewish people have told her that when Karlie told Andy Cohen that she “joined the tribe” that, was, in fact, how Jewish people say they converted.
Karlie has also spoken at length in interviews and her own musings about her conversion. Ttb still refutes this and sometimes will post anons who write in questionable and anti Semitic references.
34. There was a period of time where TTB claimed that Josh needed Karlie as a beard in order to get an inheritance from an old aunt of his. This aunt stipulated in their will that he MUST be married to a woman in order to collect the money. Shockingly (to no one) TTB started claiming this right after josh and Karlie got married.
A few months later, the aunt and the inheritance disappeared never to be spoken of again. Which was absurd to begin with considering Josh is reportedly worth $800 million. Which could be off considerably, but even if it is? Even if he’s only worth $100 million? Yeah, he’s good. He doesn’t need an aunts inheritance.
35. These days (September of 2020) TTB is claiming that Karlie is staying with Josh in the contact for bearding willingly. This is a drastic change of narrative from years past when she claimed he was essentially blackmailing her to stay. For the Aunt inheritance, for not telling the world her and Taylor’s secrets, etc.
**** this hasn’t been updated in a few months. It’s now Dec. 1st. I’ll do my best to fill in a couple more below soon. There’s been a handful or two of lies that need to be recorded.****
36. People Mag announces that sources close to Karlie say she’s pregnant with Josh’s kid. Ttb refuses to believe it until Karlie herself confirms it, though in the past she has specifically stated that People is the one mag you can trust as publicists use it as a vehicle to get the truth out about their client.
36. Ttb stated emphatically and multiple times that IF Karlie is pregnant it CANNOT be a Kaylor baby because it would not tarnished by having a Kushner last name and being tied to that “organized crime” family. Nope. Taylor is in no way involved.
And now that Karlie has confirmed the pregnancy, what do uou know? Ttb conveniently changes her time, forgets all she’s said in the past and seems to be firmly on the “oh, it’s totally a Karlie/Tayklor baby. I thought so all along”.
Now, Karlie is there willingly. And when an anon asked whyC her answer was “it’s all part of the narrative.” As if that’s a sufficient answer.
37. TTB said Joe and Taylor’s career paths would never intertwine.
And now they’ve written 5 songs together. One on which he played the piano too.
There’s a lot more especially about Karlies pregnancy but I don’t have the time or energy to fill it in right now. Back soon to do it.
Anyone else remember anything specific? Let’s come up with a comprehensive list.
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imjustthemechanic · 3 years
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The Price of a Soul
Part 1/? - Agent Russel Part 2/? - The Letter Part 3/? - Miss Lake Part 4/? - The Stewardess Part 5/? - An Assassination Part 6/? - Fallout Part 7/? - Face to Face Part 8/? - Deals, Details, and Other Devils Part 9/? - Baggage Part 10/? - Private Funding Part 11/? - Just Passing Through Part 12/? - Party of Four Part 13/? - Resolute Part 14/? - The Wreck Part 15/? - Body Snatchers Part 16/? - Out of the Frying Pan Part 17/? - A Miracle Part 18/? - A Matter of Circumstance
A chapter for anybody who’s been wondering just what Lake’s deal is.
It was dark by now.  Peggy headed out on the deck, and got a blast of icy-cold air in the face. They were moving west, back towards American waters, and it made Peggy wonder if the Canadians even knew they were up here.  In the darkness and wind there was nobody else on deck except the essential staff. All she had to do was find somewhere sheltered.
The wind was from the west, so Peggy went around behind the ship’s superstructure.  One of the lifeboats was in need of repairs and had been lashed to the deck there, keel-up, so men could work on it.  Between it and the superstructure was a nice little triangle that was out of the wind and away from prying eyes.  With the ship and the sea drown out the noise, Peggy leaned against the wall and bawled.
Steve was alive!  He was alive and awake and solid and real.  All this time Peggy had been mourning his loss, trying to get over this beautiful brave fool of a man she’d once hoped to build a life with, he’d been up there in the ice waiting to be found!  The moment she’d seen his eyes open, all the work she’d put into moving on had been utterly wasted because there he was.  She was overjoyed at the same time as… what was she going to do?
Peggy loved Daniel.  He understood her.  Their relationship was based on working together in peacetime on a very different set of problems… that was something she would have had to build from the ground up with Steve and three years ago she’d been ready to do it, even looking forward to it, but now?  Steve didn’t even know the time had passed.  He might think they could still make their date at the Stork Club. Somebody was probably telling him about it right now.  What would he think?  Would he wonder why Peggy hadn’t told him herself?
Was she going to have to break his heart?  Was she going to have to break Daniel’s? What about her own?  And was she really so bloody selfish that at a time when Steve’s return was going to mean so much to so many people, people like Daniel and Lieutenant Harbottle who’d never felt they got to properly thank him, she was thinking about this?
The answer to that last question was yes.  Yes, she absolutely was, damn her.
Hot tears slid down her face and froze to her cheeks, and her sobs mixed with the arctic wind and flew away across the sea on it. For what seemed like half the night, she felt like she might never be able to stop.  Her head began to ache, her nose ran, her throat went sore… Steve was in there waiting for her to come back and she was going to look the ugliest she had in her life…
Then, at last, she ran out of tears.  For a moment she stayed perfectly still, just listening to the wind… and then she heard the sound of somebody singing.
Perhaps she’d imagined it.  Over the creak of the ship and the sound of her own shuddering breaths, how could Peggy have heard anything else?  But there it was again, and after a moment of straining her ears, she realized it was coming from underneath the upturned lifeboat.  She knelt down for a look.  It was very dark under the boat, but once her eyes adjusted, she made out the shape of a woman lying on the deck, curled around a life vest she had clutched to her middle and singing softly to herself.
“And if I’m flying solo, at least I’m flying free,” she sang, slow and shaky.  Peggy did not know the song, but she could tell it was off-key.  “To those who’d ground me, take a message back for me…”
“Kay?” Peggy asked.
Kay opened her eyes.  They were red-rimmed, and her cheeks were stained with tears.
“Are you all right?” Peggy wanted to know.
“I’m fine,” said Kay hoarsely.
“No, you aren’t,” said Peggy.
“If you already knew that, then why did you ask?” Kay rolled over to face away from her.
Peggy spent a moment wondering if she ought to say something more, then decided no.  She’d never gotten a straight answer from Kay yet, and this was not the time to try. She should go in and wash her face, and see if she could talk to Steve without bursting into tears all over again. Peggy stood up.
“Don’t go,” said Kay.
Peggy knelt down again.  “Why not?” she asked.
Kay was still lying with her back to Peggy, and did not move to change that.  “Life’s not fair,” she said.
“No.  No, it’s not,” Peggy agreed.  It never was.
“Have you ever noticed that nobody ever says that like it’s a bad thing?” Kay asked.  She sniffled, and Peggy saw an arm move to wipe her nose on her sleeve.  “It’s just the way it is.  We’re not supposed to try to change it.”
“Yes.  The people who say life’s not fair are the ones who have some advantage they want to press,” Peggy agreed.  “Whether it’s a parent to a child, a boss to an employee, or…” she could think of other examples, but they hit a little too close to home.  “Or Steve’s lady friend, talking to the woman who risked her life for him even though he doesn’t even know who she is?”
This time, Kay did roll over.  “Who do you think I am, Peggy?” she asked.
Peggy’s heart started beating a little faster. For all she’d just had a very personal breakdown, there was enough professional left in her to know that this might be her only chance to learn something very important.  She was not sure how she felt about Kay – they certainly weren’t friends, but after what had happened today, could they really be enemies anymore? – but she could use this emotional moment to get some kind of truth from her.  The question was whether she would hate herself for it later.
“Can we talk about this indoors?” Peggy asked.
Kay uncurled a little from the life vest she’d been crying into, but she did so in defeat, not because she wanted to open up.  “You want me somewhere you can record me.”
“No,” Peggy backtracked.  “I want you somewhere we can both wash our faces and have something hot to drink, because we’re cried out and it’s brass monkeys out here.”
“It’s okay.  I’d do the same thing,” said Kay.
She squirmed out from under the boat and Peggy helped her stand, and they both stumbled back inside and found a washroom.  On a navy ship all of these, except the one for the nurses, were supposed to be men only, but most of the sailors who came in and saw the two of them washing up just turned around and left again – and the ones who stayed politely decided to use the stalls.  Peggy and Kay were still red-eyed and miserable as they went to the mess hall, but Peggy at least felt a little more presentable.  She got them each a mug of tea, and they went to a little table in the corner, far from anyone else present at this hour.
By the time they got there, she had settled on how she was going to answer Kay’s question.  Peggy gave the other woman her tea, and then said, “I think you definitely came from the same place as Olga Barynova,” she said, “and I think you may have been telling the truth when you said they sent you here to find her.  But I also think you have your own agenda, which your superiors may not approve of.  What that has to do with Steve I’m not sure.”
Kay shook her head.  “Nobody sent me.  I came here on my own.  I…” she took a deep breath.  “I knew you wouldn’t believe me if I told you, so I thought I’d let you figure it out on your own, but I don’t care anymore.  I’m a time traveler.  I’m from the future.  I’m here to fix it.”
That was not an answer Peggy had been prepared for, and her instinctive reaction was that it had to be nonsense.  Yet… hadn’t she seen stranger things?  She’d seen tiny Steve Rogers transformed into Captain America.  She’d seen the awesome technology of the Valkyrie, a plane the size of this aircraft carrier roaring into the sky as if it weighed nothing at all.  She’d seen the unbelievable power of the tesseract, the bizarre properties of the Zero Matter, and the corpse of a giant her superiors thought must have come from outer space.  Who was Peggy Carter to say that time travel was impossible?
“Tell me more,” she said.
“I was born in 1984,” said Kay, “and you’re right, the Red Room got me… but the Soviet Union collapsed when I was still a child, so they began using us as assassins and spies for hire instead.  The controls weren’t as tight as they used to be, and eventually I went rogue.  The organization the SSR evolved into sent a man to kill me, but he…”  She looked up at Peggy, and seemed to arrange her words carefully before she continued.  “I guess he thought I was worth more alive.  So I ended up working for them instead.  I was with the group who found Steve in the arctic in 2012.”
Peggy had been thinking that recruiting somebody like Dottie sounded far too dangerous to her, but that number brought her train of thought up short.  Twenty-twelve didn’t even sound like a real year.  It was the sort of far-flung future one saw in serials where people regularly rode rocket ships into space.  “And he was still alive?” she asked.
“Yeah,” said Kay.  “When I met him, when they thawed him out – they let it take a few days, so he recovered better than he did today – he was so lost.  Everybody he knew was dead and the whole world had changed, but somehow they expected him to just get back into it and be Captain America again. And he did, because he didn’t know what else to do.”
Peggy could just picture it… poor Steve, wandering in a world like something out of one of Howard’s fantasies, all flying cars and cities on the moon.  Not in itself a terrible future, but not one anyone wanted to see alone.
But apparently it was a terrible future, because Kay went on: “by that time, people like Zola meant that HYDRA had completely permeated the United States government.  You almost couldn’t get it out without tearing the whole thing down. Steve and I found out about it and exposed it, but it was a horrible mess.  People looked back on the last sixty years and realized there were so many wars that didn’t need to happen and people who didn’t need to die.”
When talking about the death of Zola, Peggy recalled, Kay had sounded like the murder had been very personal to her.  There was more than that, though: “were you in love with him?” Peggy asked.
“Love is for children,” said Kay.  “Captain Rogers was my friend.  We worked together for years.  He missed you.  He missed Barnes, he missed Stark.  Finding HYDRA was still active made him feel like he’d sacrificed himself in that plane wreck for nothing.  There are so many things he would not have stood for, but those won’t happen now.” She sat up a little straighter. “Because Zola is dead and Steve is alive, and the future is going to be better.”
Peggy didn’t know if she believed a word of that… but it was certainly a compelling idea, and she couldn’t deny the reality of the two facts Kay had just stated.  Zola was dead, and Steve was alive.  And if the other things she’d said were true, then the future was going to be… perhaps not necessarily better, but certainly very different.
He was my friend.  That was why she’d been crying, because he’d woken up and looked at her and said who are you?  If he’d done the same to Peggy, she didn’t know that she would have been able to just keep smiling as Kay had.
“What are you going to do next?” Peggy asked.
“I’ve got a list,” said Kay.  “There are some more like Zola who have to go, and the Red Room, but we’re not talking about people who keep their records for seventy years. I need information, and to get it I think I need Barynova.”
“Then why run off to follow me?” Peggy wanted to know. “Why not stay in New York where they’re working on that?”
Kay gave an uneasy shrug.  “I just felt like I should be here.”
Peggy supposed she ought not to argue with that. If not for Kay, Steve would be either on a dissecting table or burned alive in the boiler room, and Peggy would never even know she’d killed him.  The thought made her shudder.
“What’s your real name?” she asked.
“Natalia Alianova Romanova,” was the reply.  “If I had any friends they’d call me Natasha. Or just Nat.  But don’t call me that,” Kay added firmly.  “I don’t want that name getting into the history books later. I don’t want anyone ever knowing this wasn’t the way history was originally supposed to go.”
“Because you don’t want anyone trying to put it back,” Peggy said.
“That’s right.”  Kay heaved a shuddering sigh, as if she might start crying again, but she did not.  “Do you believe me?”
“I don’t know what to believe,” Peggy replied, with complete honesty.  “But you did lead me to him, so… thank you for that.”  Even if Peggy had no idea what she was going to do about it.
“You’re welcome,” said Kay.  “You were the love of his life.”
“He was mine, too,” Peggy said, and wondered what Kay would think of the problem that presented her with.  Did she know something else about Peggy’s own future that Peggy did not?  Was she destined to be unhappy in marriage?  Or had she even thought about it at all?  Maybe Peggy was only here because Kay expected her to play her role in Steve’s future, and had never considered that Peggy might have developed other plans in the meantime.
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Part 2 with da angst
2: Young Ranbob did not understand at all what was going on, infact he refused to believe he ever had anything to do with the sabotages, it was only when Dream took over completely and gave Ranbob enough of his mind to know what he was doing, did he finally accept it. He tried and tried to break Dreams control and get control of his body back, but nothing he did ever really worked, and the more he tried Dream eventually began to punish him, forcing him to stop. He felt aboustely awful, like a failure, a murder, and just a shitty person during all of this. His journal shows basically all of his mental decline, it went from normal, him recording special things during the day, to semi-normal, him expression concern and fear over the sabotages and killings (with some out of place words or sentences here and there appearing half way through, showing Dreams presence), to recordings from someone with obvious mental distress (misspelled words, extreme fear, showing fear of himself, hasty writings and drawings, very obviously out of place sentences (their neater than the rest and written differently, written by Dream), and meaningless words and sentences, obviously trying to say something but not knowing how too), all they way to flipping entries of when Ranbob is in control (sadness, despair, hasitly done, regret, and just heavy sentences) to when Dream is in control (Neat writing, stating "facts", showing a level of glee). Ranbob does still have it, he actually still uses it to record what happens in the groups and how far he's come. To the Gladiators its more of a "Hey I found this thing, lets read this thing." "No let's not read the thing." "Im going to ignore you and read it anyway.". The pictures are from the current ruined state of the City of Mizu, and pictures showing Ranbob at the fishermens house, struggling to walk and even eat on his own, though a few are from before Dream ever got a hold of Ranbob. 
3: The way you just said "Causally drops some trauma on them, huh?" And "Traumatized gremlins" made me laugh so much. Its so accurate and made me just think of the brothers vibing toghere before I just pop in and drop tons of trauma on them before dipping. "Ah, damn, the opponent stared me in my chest." "WHY ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS!? YOUR BLEEDING OUT!" "Oh im used to this. Trust me I'll survive...probably." "RAN I SWEAR!". And "Ranbob when did you last eat?" "Uhhh, 2 days ago I think." "..." "D-did I eat too soon? I dont have to eat for another day or two max-" "Ranbob shut up and eat." "B-but-" "If you dont eat I'll tell Benjamin." "OK ok I'll eat."  Ran thinks its normal to get stabbed often, while Ranbob thinks its normal to only eat every 2 or 3 days, and to not sleep for a long time. There is one particular hunter that's been hunting him the longest, they go by Raq and are the most determined to get Ran, though they don't plan on killing him, but rather kidnapping him and exploting him for pearls. It was a bit hard at first, Ran kept having to leave to wander around the City for a bit, though he eventually successfully got accustomed to staying in one place, though he does sometimes wish he could travel again. 
4: A bit of everything, him getting violent and trying to run at first. But after that it fades more into what resembles a depressive state, with him refusing to move and crying while being lost in his head. He requires space to move around but be monitored in the first state, while for the second he needs constant comfort and physical contact. The aftermath was the fishermen and Jackie staying close to Ranbob for the next 2 days, while Grievous and Watson try to find Ran after he stormed off in anger and disbelief. Ran does know what a relapse means, but during the time he believes Ranbobs relapse might be something else (like his facade faulting maybe).
5: Not long at all, while Ran is carrying Jackie and Cletus makes fun of them as Ranbob is following him, Jackie quickly points out how Ranbob is like a lost puppy, and the same thing is basically happening to the two of them, but showed different ways. (The brothers making sure their family is safe by sticking close to them).
6: By the time they travel to Subbin, Ranbob has gained like 80 pounds and is a way more healthy weight and looks much more healthier than when the fishermen first found him. 
7: Their usually either getting materials, looking around the area/exploring, being taught things by someone, or sleeping. Charles was the one who revived the nickname! He called him that when trying different tactics to calm him down from a nightmare, Ranbob immediately froze and after a while started to cry, Charles panicked but Ranbob quickly comforted him, saying he just hasn't heard Bobby used in such a long time and brings back both incredibly happy and incredibly sad memories. And with permission, Charles starts using it more. Ran also freezes when hearing it, immediately going ridged and almost ripping a map he has in his hands, when asked by Grievous what was wrong, he just growled out nothing and moved on. Though he does mull over it later, conflicting emotions running all over him. 
8: Helping separate Ran and Ranbob was already big for the gladiators. As most people would just watch with glee. Then when they get time to talk and make the connection between Ran and Ranbob, they decide to make a exception and willingly put in effort to bond with the other group. Also them just naturally connecting made the bonding and trust easy between the groups. 
9: They do both! They keep some books, pictures, and other stuff, but sell others as relics. Ranbob mostly disapproves of them selling the items, but also knows it'll probably be best to sell them, and have them either spread the story of Mizu as a warning, or have the story of Mizu destroyed by assumptions and twisting of the story. 
10: I'm thinking maybe a Wilbur decendent is inhabiting a certain town, and when the groups stop in for a break, Wilbur decendant  houses them and listens to their story, and tries to help?
11: They mostly just find them, they either find them in book stores or ruined towns and cities (maybe I can put The Masquerade tale in here somewhere), a wide range of people, from scholars to plain history nerds, to books from during the time of the SMP itself to books written by seemingly no one. Ranbob finds some himself, mostly when exploring with the group. I think I misworded this! Dream is the one who compared Ranbobs journal to Ranboos memory book! Ranbob knows of Ranboos memory book but he himself doesn't see the connection. Ran feels all of the above. He is extremely ashamed and disappointed in himself for hurting his brother, he hugs him tightly and apologizes non-stop, promising to make it all up to him, and while he asks for forgiveness he also says he doesnt expect for his brother to forgive him. Once he finally sees Dream for real though he's the first one to blindly attack and try to kill em. Though he doesnt succeed. 
12: No one expect the brothers where outside in the rain when they fought. So no one knew of what was happening. Its only when Ran finally joined them, but alone, did they get scared and alarmed. And when Ran admits they got into a fight and Ranbob ran off, the fishermen immediately start yelling at Ran and run off to find Ranbob, screaming his name into the deafening thunder. Grievous follows them but Watson and Jackie hang back a bit, Jackie just looks at Ran with a heartbroken expression, tears in his eyes, and asks, with his voice shaking and laced with sadness, "Why can't you at least try to accept him, you dont have to like or forgive him, but why can't you just let him heal?" "Jackie..you dont know what's he done-" "I do know! And I'm willing to help him change and recover! You can't and your his brother! What kind of family member are you?" Ran tries to respond but Jackie just chokes and shakes his head at him, running off to follow the others. Watson then speaks up, simply saying "Mate, your doing more than hurting Ranbob at this point." Before running off to follow and join the others. Ran feels horrible, even before being confronted he so badly wanted to chase after Ranbob, but was to scared too and he constantly was trying to reassure himself that he did the right thing, but no matter what, he couldn't convince himself that was the truth. And after the confrontation, Ran is taking what was said to heart and also considering running away, leaving the group behind and sparing them of all the pain he believes he causes, believing that he's just as bad a family member as Ranbob was. But he doesnt, because he feels like he absolutely needs to talk to his brother and everyone else. 
2: Oh god. Poor Ranbob. He really went through it. It does make me wonder, did anyone notice something was up? His mentor? Parents? Friends? Speaking off, what was his relationship with them all? From what I know, he seemed to be under a lot of pressure, so how did that effect things, and how did Dream’s presence change that? And uh, gladiators reactions to reading the diary? Also, did they get caught reading it, or? And how did everyone in general react to the pictures? The fishermen may have taken the latter, but how did they feel about seeing Ranbob before Dream came into the picture?
3: I tell it like it is, glad to hear it’s made you laugh though. And uh, oh boy. On one hand, I definitely shouldn’t laugh at stabbing and possible starvation. One the other. Ran’s reaction. Ranbob being threatened with Benjamin. Is he often threatened with Benjamin? What exactly happens if Benjamin is told? Will Raq be causing future problems? Is Ran happy to be on the road again?
4: That sucks. Did the gladiators witness it first hand, or did the fishermen kind of realize what was happening and split off for a bit? Reactions to either seeing or hearing this happen?
5: Ranbob’s reaction to this? Heck, all of the fishermen’s reactions?
6: As he should. If he ever starts looking even slightly thin again, Benjamin needs to jump into immediate action! Also, give him a blanket and warm drink, please? Please, he needs it, they all do. 
7: So not too bad, that’s good. Charles was the one, huh? Interesting. Does Ranbob like having it back? And conflicting emotions, hmm? What would those emotions be? Does anyone ever notice the nickname makes him mad? 
8: So the gladiators consider that their big approval? Why’s that? Like obviously, they helped break it up, but was it something particular? Did they get between the two? Jump into the arena? What?
9: A warning of Mizu...there’s something awfully tragic about that. 
10: Sounds interesting! In what way would they be able to help? 
11: Scattered about, hm? So Ranbob knows about Ranboo’s memory book? Did Dream tell him, or did Mizu have a copy, or? And yay, Ranbob finally gets a hug! Most wonderful! Sad Ran doesn’t succeed in murder, but meh. Always next time, I suppose.
12: You...you were really going for my heart when you wrote this, weren’t you? Um, first of all, ouch. Second of all, also ouch. That’s all I’ve got for you right now. Just, ouch, Anon. Ouch.
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kingofthewilderwest · 3 years
Tagged by @writingstellar! Good to hear how life’s going and holy crap I was just thinking about how it’s coming up 10 years since we met.
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
name/nickname: Haddock. King. Against my will, every other variation of fish-like things you can think of. King Fishy, Fishy, Fishface, Fishyface, Fish, etc.
gender: enby
star sign: 🖕
height: 5′ 2″
time: 12:27 AM
birthday: October 19
favourite bands: Flatt & Scruggs and the Foggy Mountain Boys, The Dead South, Old Man Markley
favourite solo artists: uhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm... get back to me on that. Can... can Beethoven count? C’mon I fucking have Beethoven music TATTOOED ON ME, we gonna make Beethoven count.
song stuck in my head: a combination of like six Flatt & Scruggs songs and covers rn, most prominently Colors. I have no idea why. I don’t listen to their late 1960s stuff as often, but I woke up and that song came to me with tenacity and wouldn’t let go.
last movie: What was the last movie I watched in my Bad Movie Night group? Was it Leo the Lion????? Oh gosh. That nightmare is the last movie I saw??? Dudes holy shit that movie was a special kind of awful, it was a horrible experience and it’s scarred me forever and [spoilers] why did you make the elephant canonically fuck the emaciated lion?!?!?!
last show: Flatt & Scruggs TV Show. Shut up. I like them. A lot. Hyperfixation gonna hyperfixate. And they’re actually really wonderful and personable to watch, in addition to making great music.
when did you create this blog? summer 2014
what do I post: on this blog? Well, it used to be an analysis blog for HTTYD and more. Now... whatever, but usually fandom-related materials for my favorite shows... Gravity Falls, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc.
last thing i googled: middle finger. to get that middle finger emote up there.
do i get asks? absolutely. sorry that I no longer respond to everything as I once did. I no longer have the time and presence of mind to get to all asks, and it’s no longer a priority in my life or major past-time. but I read all of them and appreciate all of them and really do try to answer peeps when I’m on here and in the mood! Thanks for talking with me so much!
why i chose my url: As a How to Train Your Dragon blog, I thought it would be the COOLEST thing to pick Hiccup’s title. I was in excited shock it wasn’t taken.
average hours of sleep: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m sleeping a fuckton lately, like sometimes 10, but that’s not normal to me.
lucky number: 13, 19, 320.
Instruments: Yes. I have an entire sideblog dedicated to my banjo explorations and bluegrass/country music obsession, to rant and rave to like the 0.1 person who’ll see it. ;) Feel free to check it out... I try to make it accessible to like, anyone, even peeps with none music background left beef. Banjo is my latest instrument and I’m proud of how far I’ve come in less than a year and a half. Started on piano as a wee one, got good at it. Added flute and piccolo, got good at it, played semi-competitively at local/state events in high school. Added clarinet. Added viola and played that in college orchestra because it was the one thing I could get INTO orchestra on because they didn’t audition on it. Also own/play to varying degrees of skill or incompetence: pennywhistles, soprano recorder, khloy (Cambodian flute), khene (Southeast Asian pipe instrument), tro (Cambodian spiked fiddle), tro ou (Cambodian spiked fiddle), dizi (Chinese flute), shakuhachi, ukulele, guitar, fiddle, Irish flute, harmonica, didgeridoo, shit why do I feel like I’m forgetting some things. Uhhhhhh... in college I played some taiko, shamisen, and shinobue too? I dunno, just chuck a woodwind or a string instrument at me, and I’ll figure something out. Won’t necessarily be pleasant but there’ll be notes.
what i’m wearing: red pajamas. They have snowflakes on them. they are warm and comfy.
dream job: I know it’s hard work as hell, believe me, my fam’s been in it, but seriously? transitioning to agricultural work. I’m an old-fashioned ass at heart and, as much as my work has serious perks with a flexible schedule, I hate how much of my life is spent on a screen. I’m happiest working with my hands, and I’ve got a green thumb.
dream trip: Dammit, I have to pick ONE place??? fuck that shit, I want to go everywhere, I have bucket list countries in every continent. shit. uh. how about Norway because that’s the home of my ancestors.
last book i read: I’m currently reading three right now. the last one I finished is an obscure Country Music history picture book from the 1960s. Oh hey wow did the bluegrass hyperfixation appear again? WOW YOU BETCHA IT DID. Uff-dah.
favourite food: I’m going to just say a fucking cuisine rather than narrow it down to one dish. Thai food.
nationality: United States American.
favourite song: Foggy Mountain Breakdown. Yes. Flatt & Scruggs came up again. Get used to it. I have fucking had Flatt & Scruggs appear multiple times in my dreams. I have fucking had Flatt & Scruggs more in my dreams than some of my irl friends. 
top three fictional universes: Mass Effect, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gravity Falls
gonna gently tag (no pressure!):
Okay I am sleep loopy so I cannot think of names rn but I might reblog and tag later with peeps because I always like poking friends.
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 12
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 4629 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Monkey D. Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Usopp, Brook, Zoro, Nami, Franky, Smoker, Tashigi, Doflamingo Notes: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
The nickname Doflamingo uses for Law in this chapter is a nod to the story “Worth” by Doctor_Cyance.
Warning: This chapter contains the description of a panic attack.
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he's 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law finds a strange connection to Monkey D. Luffy, which offers a glimpse of something he's repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
After leaving the control room, Law followed the echoing cacophony of the fully collected Straw Hat crew through the halls of the lab. Smoker trailed behind him, tension on the acrid air surrounding him. The moment Law had realized what he’d let the vice admiral hear about his past, he’d debated whether to let Smoker return to the Marines with that information. But the feeling of Vergo’s heartbeat stopping in his hand was still fresh in his mind, and he didn’t particularly feel like ending yet another life today after everything that had happened.
If the other man tried to talk to him about it, though… Well, Law couldn’t make any promises then.
As he walked, Law considered his situation. With Vergo dead, the main source of the rumor of Law’s disloyalty was gone. Law had the dead man’s Den Den Mushi in his pocket, and even if he had recorded Law’s words, Law would simply destroy the recording. For a brief moment, Law considered ending his partnership with the Straw Hats since he’d taken care of his main target, but he dismissed the idea almost as soon as it crossed his mind. Law could pretend he’d never seen Vergo on Punk Hazard, but Doflamingo would hear of Vergo’s death eventually, and, considering the cause of death, there would be no mistaking who had killed him.
Not to mention, Law had obviously failed in the mission he’d been sent to complete—and he couldn’t imagine finishing it now. Not when he couldn’t shake the startled recognition that had struck him as he and Straw Hat had shaken hands that the pull in his chest had gone still, as though Law were where he was meant to be.
No, even with Vergo dead, Law was still just as stuck as he had been the moment Vergo had arrived on the island. He had no choice—either for himself or his nakama—but to continue on the path he was on.
Laughs and shouts bounced off the lab’s metal walls, and, as Law and his stewing shadow approached the source, Law recalled the blueprints he’d been provided; this must be the Biscuit Room, he thought as he stepped into the large, colorful space. He’d wondered at the name as he’d pored over the schematics on his way over, but now he understood. Smoker stepped up next to him and made a disapproving sound at the sight of what was clearly a space for children—children who had become science experiments for a mad clown.
Law narrowed his eyes, assessing the scene in front of him. It seemed the Straw Hats had taken care of their enemies with alacrity. Both Caesar and Monet were wrapped in what Law hoped were Seastone chains (he had warned them) and slumped against the wall. The cat burglar stood not far from them, hands on her hips and a small smile curving her lips as she watched the antics of her crewmates. Smoker’s second stood on the other side of the captives, clearly having taken it upon herself to guard them. G-5 soldiers milled about close to the swordswoman, refusing to fully engage with the pirates.
“Oh, Torao! You’re here!”
Law looked up to see Straw Hat across the room. He was perched atop the back of a couch next to Zoro, who appeared to be dozing. Long Nose sat across from them, his slingshot in hand. It looked like they’d been in the middle of a lively conversation before Law had caught the other captain’s attention. Nico Robin sat next to Long Nose, one leg crossed primly over the other and her hands clasped in her lap. She was smiling, as though enjoying whatever her nakama were discussing. The cyborg sat on the floor next to her. The skeleton, for his part, was wandering around the room, playing a jaunty tune on a violin. (At this point, Law didn’t have it in him to question where that had come from.)
That left the tanuki, Black Leg, and the samurai. Considering none of the children were present, Law had a feeling he knew what the little doctor was up to, anyway. Law idly wondered if he was having any luck treating the children before shoving the thought aside; he didn’t like thinking about his own history with looking to other doctors for help.
“Straw Hat-ya,” Law replied, stepping further into the room.
“What happened to that Verto guy?”
Law tightened his grip on Kikoku briefly. “Dead.”
Straw Hat simply nodded, but outraged noises erupted from the other side of the room. Law turned to look at the prisoners.
“What?” Caesar gasped loudly. “But he’s—”
“So, he was right,” Monet said, the quiet betrayal in her voice more painful than Law had expected it to be. “You were a traitor after all. I didn’t believe him when he told us.”
Though he hated the Family as a whole for what they had taken from him—and continued to take as they held his crew’s lives over his head—Law had spent years with people like Monet once he’d been brought to Dressrosa. And he didn’t hate them all as individuals. Monet was a lot like Law himself, having been rescued by the Family after an unspeakable trauma along with her sister. But, unlike Law, she hadn’t been freed from the corrosive influence of the Donquixote Pirates. She’d been fully indoctrinated and would never believe the truth of who Doflamingo truly was that Law had witnessed on Minion Island. Doffy had her undying loyalty.
Law’s jaw tightened. “He didn’t give me much choice.”
“I can’t believe you teamed up with these… idiots,” Caesar said, lips curling in disgust as he looked at the Straw Hats.
“Idiots?” the cyborg called. “That’s super rude.”                      
“These idiots kicked your butt,” Long Nose reminded him, aiming an empty sling shot in his direction. “So, what does that say about you?”
Caesar made some incomprehensible frustrated noises in response, but Monet simply looked at Law, her usually placid expression tinged with hurt. “Why, Corazon? After everything the Young Master’s given you?”
Law snorted, an ugly sound that caused Monet to recoil. He knew exactly where he stood with Doflamingo—the Warlord’s tool and plaything and the means to an end—and none of it was for Law’s sake.
It was never for anyone’s sake but his own.
Doflamingo liked to act like he was generous with his Family, but all he really knew how to do was take. He gave but took twofold in return—his gifts came with strings, literally and figuratively. The cost was unflinching allegiance to a madman, pieces of one’s soul irreparably damaged by every act of loyalty, every drop of blood spilled in the name of a man who believed himself a god. And the Family was happy to pay the price; Law once had felt the same before he’d been saved.
Doflamingo was also unflinching in taking from those who refused to pay fealty. He’d taken Cora-san all those years ago for saving Law. He’d taken Law’s and his friends’ freedom on a no-name island in the North Blue. He took the very existences of his enemies in Dressrosa, using Sugar’s abilities to erase them from memory and enslave them as toys.
It was fitting, Law had thought when he’d first learned of the scope of the operation in the kingdom; Doflamingo was a puppet master, literally pulling strings. He saw others as his toys to play with as he wished. Law was nothing more than another one of those toys, though a supposedly privileged one, sitting on the Heart Throne. But it was nothing more than a gilded cage. Law’s eventual purpose was still to die for Doflamingo’s immortality. After everything else he’d taken from Law, he also intended to take Law’s life. And he expected Law to give it willingly; anything else would break the illusion of Doflamingo’s complete control.
“He’s given me nothing,” Law replied coldly. Nothing that he hadn’t taken back countless times over as he whittled Law down into the shape he wanted as his Corazon, anyway.
Monet opened her mouth to reply, but she was cut off by a loud wail as the Straw Hats’ little doctor came out of a side room.
“Chopper, what’s wrong?” the cat burglar asked, hurrying to his side.
“I’ve tried everything I can think of,” he said, “but the drugs in their system are just too strong, and I don’t fully understand their interactions.”
“Of course, they’re strong,” Caesar sniffed. “I made them, and I’m a genius.”
“Shut up, clown,” Nami hissed before turning back to her crewmate. “So, what does that mean?”
“If I can’t get the drugs out of their system, they won’t get better,” the tanuki sniffed. “I can treat the symptoms, but I can’t cure them.”
“Let Torao take a look!”
Law jerked in surprise as rubbery limbs wound tightly around his shoulders and the too-loud voice rang in his ears. (His concussion complained with a painful pang in response, and Law winced.) He hadn’t even noticed Straw Hat moving from the couch. Law prodded at him with Kikoku’s hilt in a futile attempt to dislodge him, but Straw Hat just grinned at him.
The Straw Hats’ doctor eyed Law uncertainly. “I don’t know, Luffy…”
“He’s a good doctor,” Luffy said with a decisive nod. “He saved me.”
After several failed attempts to detach the other captain—the freaking limpet—Law sighed and satisfied himself with the biggest eyeroll he could manage.
“Do you think that’s a good idea, Luffy?” the cat burglar asked. Her suspicions remained, and Law could respect that. Someone on this crew needed to exercise some common sense.
“Torao can look at them,” Straw Hat said, unswayed.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Law demanded. Being talked about like he wasn’t present was one of his (admittedly many) pet peeves.
“Shishishi,” Straw Hat chuckled. “You’ll look at them, won’t you?”
In hindsight, as Law followed the tanuki to the room he’d been seeing the children in, he’d like to say he agreed because disagreeing with Straw Hat over it would be too much trouble, and, with his head injury, he didn’t have it in him to argue. But the truth was that there was something in the wide, trusting grin Straw Hat effortlessly threw in his direction and the responding warmth in his chest that made the agreement roll off his tongue before he could stop it.
He listened with half an ear as the tanuki explained what he’d already tried with the children and what he’d found. Though Law wasn’t privy to the exact goings-on in the lab, he had a sense of how ugly some of the projects Doflamingo had his fingers in were, so nothing he heard surprised him.
“L-look, Corazon,” the little doctor said once he finished his recitation, voice trembling slightly as he turned to face Law, hooves on his hips. “These kids have been through a lot. They’re scared and in pain and want to go home. D-don’t make it worse, okay? O-or I’ll kick your ass myself!”
Law had never seen anything less intimidating—and his best friend was a polar bear mink, which said something—but he still respected the sentiment. That protective instinct toward a patient was the attitude a true healer should have, one Law had seen in his parents as they fought for the people of Flevance while it was ravaged by plague. And, despite all the blood he’d spilled over the years, it was a feeling he could feel stirring deep, deep within himself, too.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Law replied. “You probably shouldn’t be here while I work, though.”
“What? Why?”
“My methods are… unorthodox,” Law settled on. Though the Ope Ope no Mi’s effects were bloodless and painless, that didn’t make them any less disturbing to most people who saw them.
The tanuki hemmed and hawed for several moments, and Law felt his impatience growing until he just opened a Room and approached the kids. The little doctor yelped and followed him.
“You’re that man from outside,” one of the kids said as Law approached, frowning at him.
“I am,” Law agreed.
“What are you going to do to us?” another child asked, arms crossed defensively.
Law felt his eye twitch at the assumption he was there to hurt them, but Law had attacked the people who were trying to help them escape. He wasn’t entirely sure what to say—he knew a thing or two about being a traumatized child, but that didn’t make him an expert on dealing with others.
“Corazon here is a doctor,” the tanuki said, coming up next to Law.
That piqued the interest of some of the children.
“A doctor?”
“Like you?
“What kind of name is Corazon, anyway?”
“Law.” Everyone turned to look at him in surprise. “That’s my name,” he clarified, startling even himself. “Corazon is a title, but…” But he didn’t work for the Donquixote Family anymore now that he’d sided with the Straw Hats, did he?
He glanced down to see the Straw Hat doctor looking at him curiously. “What?” he demanded, feeling suddenly uncomfortable, like he was being looked through rather than at. He couldn’t help but be reminded of Bepo when looking at the small creature, and Bepo had always known Law better than anyone—often better than Law himself.
“Nothing,” the little doctor squeaked before looking back at the kids. “Doctor Law here is going to look at you. I’ll be just outside if you need me!”
With that, he glanced back at Law once more then left the room, closing the door behind him. Law, curious at the tanuki’s sudden agreement to leave Law and the kids alone, turned back to the children. He took a breath and unsheathed Kikoku to perform a Scan.
Once Law was finished his work, he left the delighted children chattering to each other about what it was like having their body parts removed and opened the door. The Straw Hat’s doctor was sitting just outside, and he perked up at Law’s appearance.
“I was able to remove all traces of the drugs from their system,” Law said. “But most of them will be dealing with the effects of long-term exposure. With rehab, they should all be fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Law said, slightly annoyed at having his professional opinion questioned. Though he didn’t truly blame the tanuki; whatever Caesar had been experimenting on with these children, he’d given them some incredibly potent drug combinations that Law had never seen. Anyone without the power of Law’s fruit would have had a hard, if not impossible, time treating these children.
As Law had initially Scanned the children and seen the degenerative effects of the drugs they’d been exposed to, he’d been reminded of the charts he’d seen in his parents’ clinic of patients with Amber Lead Disease and the devastating effects on the body; he’d had to forcibly shake himself from the memory to continue working.
He started as the tanuki hurled himself at Law and wrapped his little arms around Law’s legs. The Straw Hats were far too affectionate for Law’s comfort.
“Thank you!” he said, looking up at Law with teary eyes. “I didn’t know what I was going to do for them!”
“It’s nothing,” Law said, lightly shaking his leg in an attempt to remove the other doctor. He was finding himself saying that a lot around the Straw Hats, he realized. He wasn’t sure he wanted to examine that any more closely.
The tanuki finally released Law’s leg and wiped his eyes with a hoof. “Luffy was right.” He gave Law a weak smile. “So, thank you for this. And for saving Luffy when I couldn’t. Law.”
Law opened his mouth to wave off the thanks again, but he shut it when he heard his name. Looking at the little creature, he felt his chest clench as he was reminded of Bepo when he’d called earlier. “I knew it, Captain. I knew you were still in there.”
He thought of the small feeling of satisfaction he got from healing Black Leg’s fracture, from knowing his hands could still heal after everything else they’d done.
Maybe Bepo was right, and the boy he’d sworn to follow no matter what thirteen years earlier was still in Law somewhere. Law had long thought that boy dead in the North Blue, but Bepo had always been the wisest of the Hearts.
“They’re your patients, Tony-ya,” Law said, recalling the doctor’s name from his—frankly ludicrous—wanted poster. “I was just helping out.”
Chopper’s face lit up at Law’s use of his name, but he tried to hide his pleasure. “That doesn’t make me happy, you bastard.”
Law’s lips twitched as he left Chopper to deal with the children now that they were no longer poisoned and headed back to the Biscuit Room.
When he entered, Straw Hat perked up immediately, as though he had a radar for Law’s presence. “Oi, Torao!”
“How are the children?” Nico Robin asked, eyes following her captain’s gaze.
“I removed the drugs from their systems,” Law said. “They should be fine with some long-term treatment.”
“What?” Caesar squeaked. “You shouldn’t be able to—”
Before Law could open a Room to shut the clown up, the cat burglar smacked him on the head. “Shut up, you slimy bastard. You’re lucky Torao here was able to help the kids. If he hadn’t been able to…” She trailed off, but the implication remained.
“Still not my name,” Law muttered.
“Still doesn’t matter,” the cat burglar replied in a singsong.
Law sighed and rubbed a hand over his face then looked back up at the other Straw Hats. “Now what?” He had no idea how long he’d been working on the children, but if his waning stamina was any indication, it had been a while. It must be getting late.
“The Marines called for backup,” Nico Robin said, “but the closest ship won’t arrive until tomorrow.”
“Captain Tashigi will be taking charge of the children,” the cat burglar added, a softness in her expression. “She’ll take good care of them.”
“And our next stop is Dressroba!” Straw Hat said.
“Dressrosa,” Law corrected automatically, stomach tightening at the thought.
“From the maps, Dressrosa seems to be fairly close,” Long Nose said, pointing to some maps spread out on a table between the sofas.
“It is,” Law agreed. “Maybe half a day.”
Half a day to figure out how to extricate Law and his nakama from Doflamingo’s strings.
It wasn’t enough time.
The cat burglar nodded thoughtfully as she came up next to the table and looked at the maps. She was their navigator, if Law remembered correctly. “It’s too late to set sail tonight,” she said. “We thought we’d leave in the morning.”
Law nodded curtly. “Fine.”
“So, you want to tell us what we’re walking into when we get there?” Zoro asked, arms crossed and eye narrowed.
Law opened his mouth to respond, but he was interrupted by the muted sound of ringing. Law reached into his coat pocket and found his Den Den Mushi waiting to be answered.
There was only one person that could be.
“Shit,” Law cursed.
He had no interest in letting the Straw Hats or Marines overhear this call, so he quickly formed a Room and Shambled into the first space that came to mind: the control room. He landed on the couch in place of a pillow he’d switched with.
He set Kikoku to his side and stared at the snail for a moment before answering.
“Corazon,” Doflamingo replied. Law tried to listen for anything off in his voice, any sense he knew Law had really betrayed him after all. “How is the mission going?”
Law hesitated only a moment as he calculated the best response to give. “It’s done.”
“And there were no… complications?”
Law knew he was imagining it, but he couldn’t help but feel like Vergo’s corpse was staring at him from across the room.
“No. The intruders were taken care of.”
“That’s good to hear. I’ve been trying to call Monet but haven’t received a response.”
“She was injured during the fight,” Law said, the lie falling from his lips without a second thought. “I treated her wounds, and she’s currently sleeping.”
Doffy hummed in response. “I see. And Caesar?”
“The clown is locked away in his lab,” Law replied, allowing his disdain for the scientist creep into his voice. Doffy wouldn’t be surprised by it. “I don’t know how Monet puts up with him.”
Doffy chuckled. “She does it for me.”
“Of course.”
“And when do you plan to return home?”
“I’ll set sail in the morning.”
“Excellent. I knew you were the right man for this mission. Until tomorrow, little bird.”
Law grimaced at the nickname as he hung up the call. The Birdcage haunted Law’s nightmares to this day, and he felt like nothing so much as a caged bird in Doflamingo’s service—and the man knew it. The nickname had become more regular since he’d started bringing Law into his bed, an act that had truly felt like clipping his wings.
And now the little broken bird was going to try to fly again.
It would never work.
Law could feel his heartrate picking up as his thoughts started to whirl.
Like he’d told Violet that morning—had that only been this morning? It felt like a lifetime ago—he was Doflamingo’s creature, possessed by the man inside and out.
He lifted a hand to his chest, only to find his entire arm shaking.
Doflamingo was a Warlord and a former Celestial Dragon.
Heat rose in his face.
Who was Law?
Bile rose in his throat.
Doflamingo was a dragon to Law’s bird.
He was going to throw up.
What was Law doing?
Law pushed himself to his feet and took a few unsteady steps forward and managed to round the couch, but his vision spun in front of him.
What was he thinking?
His feet tangled under him with his next step, and he crashed to the floor behind the couch.
He was going to get his nakama killed with this futile venture.
His breaths came in jagged pants, his tight chest struggling to inhale and exhale, and all he could hear was rushing in his ears.
Everything Law had done for the last nine years had been to keep his nakama safe, and now he was going to fail them completely.
Law’s entire body shook, and he curled in on himself.
And now he was going to get Luffy’s crew killed, too.
He screwed his eyes shut and put his hands over his ears as he struggled to breathe. The walls were closing in on him. He could feel the wood of the treasure chest beneath him and the treasure they’d shifted to fit Law into the chest at his back. The lid of the chest wouldn’t move since Cora-san had placed another chest atop it to disguise Law’s hiding place.
Law tried to summon a Room to escape, but his powers refused to cooperate, slipping through his fingers like sand.
Cora-san was going to die because he’d helped Law…
A cold sweat clung to his body.
The deafening cracks of gunshots, one after another, rang through Law’s ears and tears streamed down his face.
Law couldn’t make a sound because of Cora-san’s powers. He opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out except for ragged breaths.
He flinched hard as he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder.
Wait, a hand? Law was alone in the treasure chest.
The hand withdrew, and Law slowly opened his eyes. For a moment, all he could see was a blur in front of him—then red came into focus.
Doflamingo had worn red that night.
Law jolted backward until his back ran into something solid. He hissed through clenched teeth.
“—orao? Can you hear me?”
Law blinked slowly as a voice started to form words amidst the rushing in his ears. He felt the hand return to his shoulder, but he didn’t fight it off this time. Who—?
“Hey, Torao. It’s me. Can you hear me?”
It was Luffy.
Luffy hadn’t been on Minion Island.
Law wasn’t on Minion Island. He was on Punk Hazard.
Law wasn’t a sickly thirteen-year-old boy anymore. He was twenty-six and one of the most feared pirates in the New World.
Luffy squeezed Law’s shoulder when it was clear Law wasn’t going to freak out again.
Gradually, Law felt his heartrate slow, and his chest loosened, allowing him to take deeper breaths.
“Straw Hat-ya,” Law finally managed, voice rasping from his struggle to breathe. He pushed himself up off the floor, but his limbs felt like jelly, so he simply leaned against the back of the couch and pulled his knees up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around his knees.
Shame started to creep up the back of his neck as he realized he’d let Luffy see him having a panic attack—he hadn’t had one in years—only hours after making an alliance. He’d shown his allied captain how weak he truly was on the eve of taking on one of the most powerful men in the New World.
But Luffy simply smiled when Law acknowledged him and sat down next to Law, mirroring his position with his knees up to his chest. He rested his head on his knees and turned to look at Law.
Law resigned himself to questions about what had happened and was already considering how to reply, but Luffy surprised him.
“I used to get them after Ace died,” he said quietly. “Out in the forest alone when I trained with Rayleigh. I’d remember what happened and then I couldn’t breathe. I’d feel Ace dying in my arms and the fire in my chest all over again.” A soft smile returned. “But it got better when I saw my nakama again. They got easier to deal with when I wasn’t alone anymore.”
Looking at the other captain, Law realized that despite the grin that seemed permanently etched into Luffy’s face, he’d been through a lot in his short years. They had that in common. But where Law had retreated into himself to cope, Luffy turned outward. After coming to Dressrosa, Law had been too afraid to show any sign of weakness around the Donquixote Family, so he bottled everything up until it exploded. And the explosions tended to be violent.
“Doflamingo called,” Law said after a few silent moments by way of explanation.
“That Mingo’s a bad guy, huh?”                      
Law’s lips twitched tiredly at how simple Luffy made the situation. He rested his chin on the top of his knees. “Yes, he is.”
His eyes were getting heavy. Between the extended use of his fruit today and now the panic attack, Law supposed it was amazing he was even still awake. It was nothing new, though; working himself into unconsciousness was his preferred method of sleeping, despite the frequent protestations of his crew.
Law swallowed at the thought of his nakama back in Dressrosa.
“We’ll get him,” Luffy said confidently. “We’ll get Mingo, and we’ll save your nakama, Torao.”
Law grunted a response, and that seemed to be enough for Luffy.
They sat like that for a time, Luffy quieter than Law would have expected he could be. Despite the way Law’s thoughts had been a whirlwind before, they were quiet now. Gradually, Law’s eyes drifted closed, and he thought he might have felt an arm wrap around his shoulders before he went under completely.
Next chapter
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 26
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
“So, how are we getting inside?” Tori asked, sitting next to Fox in speeder. “Like, what’s the plan?”
Fox turned to her in a blank eye, his brows furrowed. “Do you ever pay attention, Tor? Like, are you always daydreaming whenever you’re being brief about something important?”
“You never even told us,” she crossed her arms as she tapped Dipper’s sleeves, catching the ARC Trooper’s attention. “Dip, please tell me what Commander Fox said about this stealth mission?”
Dipper lifted his shoulders, holding a datapad in his hands. “He only told us that Riyo and I were the ones who will sneak into the Chancellor’s penthouse and grab the files from there. You two were supposed to watch the speeder in case things go wrong.”
Pouting her lips, she focused her gaze towards the view of the city, which was much livelier than last night. There were people pacing up and down the streets, going about with their daily life, while the lights from skyscrapers and houses were lit. Tori couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
There were schoolchildren clad in uniforms rushing towards their classrooms while office workers had their blazers and blouses on, carrying their datapads and briefcases. This was like how it was 6 months ago, before the war came to the capital of the Republic, which the Empire tried to crumble with their iron fists.
As long as they were people fighting for the Republic, then it still exists to Tori, Fox, Riyo, and Dipper. Riyo saw the smiles on the citizen’s faces, which made her lips curled downwards. She enjoys seeing others happy, but somehow, she doesn’t share their sentiments.
Are they really content with their life? The former senator pondered, glancing at the little Rodian boy, who was enjoying his ice-cream underneath the sunny day, which reminded her of home.
Riyo misses the paddy fields on Pantora. Her father used to harvest a massive field of rice, and brought a sack of harvest for the entire family. It wasn’t much, but she enjoyed the rice that was grown just kilometres away from her village home. If her father was lucky, he would also bring some eels, which tasted juicy.
“So once Dipper and I got the files, does that mean we’re leaving Coruscant?” she asked Fox.
“Yes, dear, we’re bringing Senator Amidala with us after this,” Fox affirmed. “We can’t stay here for too long. It’s not safe for all of us here.”
“So, what do we do with the files? Padmé did suggested us to show them to the Imperial Senate.”
“I know she did, but the general’s order was to get the senator out of the planet and head back to base. It’s too risky to head into the Senate building. We don’t even know what’s waiting for us down there.”
“Foxy has a point,” Tori agreed. “This planet is under heavy surveillance. If we are caught, then it could compromise not only the location of our base but also the number of our army as well. We’ve lost so many soldiers in battle, and we can’t afford to lose anymore.”
Riyo frowned from their answers, making Fox sighed. “Look, I understand you want to help your friend, and I’m all for it, but we also need to think about us as well. I know it seems selfish, but we can’t always have it all.”
“I understand, dear,” she gave a weak smile. “Let’s hope our plans go smoothly. We don’t want anyone interfering with it.”
Dipper chirped. “Don’t worry about it. By the time the Imps realized it, we would already be long gone by now. I have a good feeling that we will successfully escape from Coruscant with ease.”
“Fingers crossed on that. I really don’t want to be interrogated by the Imperial secret police. From what I heard, no one made it out alive.”
“Speak of the devil, and he will come to you,” Tori scolded Riyo. “We don’t want any sort of trouble during this mission.”
It better not, Fox hoped, as he drove in mid-air, searching for Palpatine’s penthouse through his scope. He had been there many times before, and memorised every single room in his building, including the bathroom. He was in charge of security along with Thorn, which was important for him to know the building schematic. He never said his last goodbyes to Thorn, or spent their last moment together before the latter was gone.
On the other hand, he wasn’t particularly sad that Palpatine died, but if those files mean turning the tide of the war, then he has no other choice. I hope his misdeeds were recorded, so that everyone knows what a terrible man he was.
As Fox noticed the penthouse’s balcony from afar, he slowed down the speeder, driving away from the highway. “We’ll be arriving in 5 minutes,” he informed them. “Get into position.”
“Yes, Commander,” Dipper saluted, as he gave a wink at Riyo, who was clutching her hands together. “Don’t worry. I’ve done this kind of mission before. You’ll befine, Riyo. We believe in you.”
“May the Force be with all of us,” she prayed, as they arrived in front of the lobby, which was on the ground floor. With silence surrounding them, the former senator noticed plenty of overgrown weed between the bricks on the grounds.
No one was inside the apartments, except for the complete void inside. There were people here when the Chancellor was still alive. Did the Empire forced them out as well?
Fox and Tori glanced at them, giving them a nod. “Good luck, and be careful,” Tori said. “We don’t know what’s in there.”
“We will, commander,” Dipper acknowledged, as he gestured to Riyo to follow him inside the abandoned apartment.
As they stepped inside the lobby, both of them noticed the red carpet was torn, covered in fungus. The paint on the walls was peeled off, and the fluorescent lights were hanging on the ceiling, waiting to crash on the floor.
“It looks scary in here,” Riyo commented, glancing at the vacant receptionist counter. “What do you think happened here?”
Dipper observed many blast marks in the room's corner, clicking his tongue. “Whatever it is, I doubt the tenants here left voluntarily,” he replied as he turned towards the lift and pressed the button, much to her bewilderment.
“Are you sure this lift is working?”
Before he could answer, the lift door opened, with the background music playing and the golden lights working. “Well, looks like your question is answered, Ri. After you.”
“Thank you, kind sir,” she smiled and walked inside, pressing the button that leads all the way upstairs. “I’m surprised there’s still something working here. I wonder who switched on the power?”
Dipper felt uneasy as they arrived at the penthouse, which was well kept, despite no one living there for months. He felt the cooling air coming from the air-conditioning and the scent of nutmeg lingering, prompting him to draw out his blaster.
“Riyo, I don’t think we’re alone,” he warned her. “Stay closer to me.”
“Alright then,” Riyo bobbed her head, holding a blaster as well. “The files could be in his studies, but we have to be careful not to trigger the sensors.”
“That’s why I’m here,” he took out his Onderonian army knife, as he tiptoed towards the study room, where everything on the bookshelves were arranged in order.
Riyo remembered how the place was. She attended a party in the Chancellor’s penthouse, where many of her colleagues were there, along with close associates. There was champagne and wine, and she only had a sip of the sweet alcohol. She also had some cream puffs at the party, and offered them to Fox, who was in charge of security. He enjoyed the pastry, and Riyo would love to make them for him, when there’s a place to bake, of course.
“The sensors are on the top shelf. Maybe that’s where the files are.”
“Good eye, senator,” Dipper praised. “I’ll disable it for you.”
“Alright,” she took a deep breath, as she wore her rubber gloves, which won’t leave any trace of fingerprints. Riyo never done a stealth mission before, and she will not fail their team.
Stretching his arms, the ARC Trooper flipped the switch behind the small, black sensors, deactivating it. Using his screwdriver on the pocket knife, he slowly removed them from his shelf, tossing them aside. Riyo searched through every file from the bookshelves, starting from the letter ‘A’.
Audits for Coruscant, Audits for Alderaan, Banking Clan accounts, well, that’s a lot of files that start with the letter ‘B’. Bursary Market, Core World populations…
Dipper tapped his foot as Riyo was still searching through the files. He never thought it wouldn’t take long, but he was mistaken. He always thought anything involving paperwork was easy, but it was otherwise. Counting files from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ was quite a challenge for the both of them, and time is not on their sides. Now I understand why Commander Fox hated paperwork so much.
“The Death of the Young twins, Grand Army of the Republic Protocols,” Riyo muttered underneath her breath, wiping her sweat on her forehead. “Project Cyborg, Project Starfleet, wait, I think I found it.”
“You did?” his face lit up. “Can I see?”
“Yeah sure, the file was named The Assassination of Chancellor Palpatine,” she showed him. “It was pretty easy to find it, if you ask me.”
“Yeah, sure,” he groaned, his clammy hands still gripped on his pistol. “I still think this was too easy. I have a funny feeling something bad is going to happen to us soon.”
“We should head to the lift,” Riyo reminded, hiding the files underneath her blazer. “We can’t keep Fox and Tori waiting.”
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